Title: Growing Pains
Name: Anonymous
Email: deepdiaper@yahoo.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 43
Posting Date: 07/19/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- Pee X- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas
L- Mother 3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Jeremy's emerging manhood is taken from him, yet he comes to realise that Oliver and Adrian might yet make a real "boy" of him yet.......gay content of classic regression tale.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 3 (15%)

Jeremy was so excited, this was his first time to live away from home. 
He was only eighteen and had moved south to take up a new job. How 
lucky he was, he thought, that he happened to meet those two nice 
gentlemen, Oliver and Adrian, who had offered him accommodation in 
their own house.

Jeremy had started work in the footwear store as a junior manager and 
he felt that life was beginning to happen for him what with his new 
found freedom � eighteen and living away from home.....the world was 
his oyster! True, his cherub face and small size, belied his real age. 
Still, if anybody asked him for proof of age he could show his passport 
or I.D. to prove the point.

And now here he was, in the taxi on the way to Oliver and Adrian�s 
house. As the car approached the address Jeremy�s mouth fell open...it 
was a palace! Huge and grand and in its own grounds. How could they 
afford this he thought? They were after all only tailors. Must be money 
in Tailoring Jeremy thought.

Both men, in their forties, met him at the door and made a fuss over 
him. They showed him round the lower floor and then round the huge back 
garden and around the out-houses. Jeremy was very impressed. Then they 
showed him his room...en suite! Imagine, he now had his own bathroom!

Adrian, the younger of the two men, showed Jeremy where everything was 
and how everything worked. Jeremy was in seventh heaven.

And then, the biggest surprise of all, Oliver explained that the two of 
them would be away all weekend and handed Jeremy the key to the front 
door. Make yourself at home he said. We have to leave immediately but 
will be back on Monday morning. It was now Friday afternoon.

Gosh, Jeremy thought, a whole weekend to myself in this grand house. He 
waved goodbye to Adrian and Oliver as they pulled out of the drive in 
their big posh car.

Once they were gone Jeremy rushed into the house and made himself at 
home, he lounged around, had something to eat in the kitchen and then 
had a shower. And then, the inevitable, Jeremy got bored. What would he 
do, no work till Monday as he had the weekend off. Jeremy decided to go 
into town that night, it was not far and he could easily walk it. Maybe 
he would meet some new friends.

Well, Jeremy did meet some new friends....or one to be precise. John 
was four years older than Jeremy, but very easy going and, Jeremy 
thought, handsome. They both got drunk together. Very very drunk. I 
must go home, John told Jeremy. But Jeremy insisted that he stay with 
him at his �new house� as he called it. And because John felt attracted 
to Jeremy he went with him.

When they got back and John was suitably impressed they both stripped 
off their clothes. Before they got into bed John produced some hash and 
proceeded to roll a joint. Jeremy felt very grown up, here he was, 
about to have sex and smoking drugs and in his own �pad�.

The night went quickly and both slept sound as logs. So sound in fact 
that neither heard the front door the next morning. Oliver opened the 
bedroom door only to see that Jeremy had helped himself to his drinks 
cabinet downstairs, and one of the brandy glasses was broken on the 
table beside the bed. Also, Oliver could quite clearly see the huge 
lump of hash on the tray by the bottle. There were cast off clothes 
everywhere on the floor in the room and there were two naked boys in 
the bed. It was not what Oliver had expected and he was furious. 
Furious that his own gesture of hospitality should be so desecrated. He 
let out a roar at the two boys sound asleep in the bed. �Get up!� and 
he yanked the duvet off them. Both boys awoke startled.

�You�, Oliver said to John, �get out of my house....NOW! John got out 
of the bed double quick and collected his clothes. He rushed out the 
room and down the stairs. Jeremy heard the door bang shut and he 
trembled as he looked up at the furious Oliver. � I am sorry Oliver, I 
thought that you would not be back till......�

Oliver cut in �....till Monday, which is why you have abused my 
hospitality! You have had sex, stolen my spirits and smoked illicit 
drugs on my premises. I will call the police and they will deal with 

Jeremy started blubbering, �Please Oliver, forgive me. I did not mean 
to....I will do anything for you, just give me one chance........�

�One chance huh!?�, Oliver looked down at Jeremy. At 6�3� he was 
considerably taller than Jeremy who was only 5�5�. And Oliver was well 
built, not like the skinny Jeremy.

�One chance....okay....on my terms boy!�

�Yes� Jeremy pleaded.

At that Oliver reached down and pulled Jeremy towards him. He then sat 
down on the bed and put the boy over his knees.

�Oh no, please Oliver...not that...�

�My name is not Oliver to you anymore...it is Sir...understand!?�

Then the hand came down on Jeremy�s naked backside, a hard swishing 
smack. And again and again. Oliver smacked Jeremy�s backside until it 
was red raw and Jeremy was crying with the pain. Smack smack smack, 
each one harder than the last one. Jeremy tried to wriggle away but it 
was useless, Oliver had him well and truly pinned down. And all the 
while he smacked Jeremy Oliver spoke to him � �So, you think you are a 
big man, just turned eighteen, new job and new pad. But you are not 
grown up at all Jeremy, which is why you broke the common rules of 
hospitality and took advantage of my absence. Only a child would behave 
like this. Do you hear me?�

�Yes Sir� Jeremy replied through his tears.

�You have behaved like a naughty little schoolboy and now I am going to 
treat you like one, I am going to get you to grow up with manners on 
you, you are going to go through the pain of growing up all over again. 
Do you understand?�

Jeremy just blubbered yes yes yes as the smack smack smack came 
walloping down on him.

Finally, Oliver let him go and as Jeremy stood up he realised that 
Adrian had been in the room looking all the while as he was getting 

Oliver turned to Adrian and spoke �take this boy to the bathroom and 
deal with him, I want all his body hair removed, every bit of it, 
everywhere from his neck down.

Jeremy was shivering and in terrible pain, he could hardly comprehend 
what had happened to him, all he knew was that he did not want the 
police involved and he was willing to take the punishment that Oliver 
was dishing out to him. Adrian grabbed Jeremy by one of his ears, like 
a headmaster would a little bad boy, and marched him to the bathroom.

Shivering and naked Jeremy was plastered in cream all over his body. He 
had little body hair to speak of anyway, but now he had nothing! With 
shock he saw the hair peel away from his scrotum and could feel Adrian 
scrape it away from him bum with his plastic gloves on. The fluff for 
hair that he had on his arms and legs was now gone. He was well and 
truly denuded. Hairless and shivering with pain in his butt where he 
had been well and truly spanked.

Adrian then made him sit in the bath and he washed him...or rather 
scrubbed him. Behind his ears, his neck, his bum and balls. Jeremy 
realised that he was not allowing him to wash himself but treating him 
like a little boy. But I am eighteen he thought!

Jeremy also realised that he could faintly recall the scent of the soap 
that Adrian was using on him, but could not quite remember what it was. 
Adrian also dried Jeremy down with a large bath towel.

�Now�, he said, � upstairs with you� and he took Jeremy by the hand and 
marched him up the stairs to a floor Jeremy had not been on before. He 
was led through an open door and as he entered he did a double take and 
hesitated. On the wall was a teddy bear pattern and the room was filled 
with distinctly kiddy things.

�Is this some kind of joke?� Jeremy asked.

But Oliver was in the room and strode up to Jeremy, taking him with his 
huge hand by the scruff of the neck .

Oliver sat on what appeared to be a low table and again put Jeremy over 
his knee. Jeremy tried wriggling but to no avail.

�When I tell you to speak you may do so, not before...and never ever 
hesitate when under instruction by myself or Adrian...


.....You will obey every command we give you and you will be a better 
little boy for it...


Jeremy let out a welp, the pain on his already red raw bum was killing 
him. �Yes sir� he whimpered.

�Good, and glad to see that Adrian has done such a wonderful job on 
your bum, nice and smooth and smackable! Now up you get up and lie down 
here on this table.

Jeremy stood up, relieved, perhaps Oliver would let him get dressed 

�Adrian�, Oliver said to his partner, �kindly nappy this boy before he 
wets himself�

Jeremy couldn�t believe his ears, did he really say �nappy�. But he 
said nothing, he knew what would happen if he did.

He lay on the �changing table� and Adrian came up to him with Oliver 
overlooking. Adrian had a large gleaming white disposable nappy in his 
hand, all folded out so that it looked enormous.

�Lift yourself� he was told and he did so. The nappy was slipped 
between his legs and then talcum powder was applied to his cock and 
balls. Adrian well and truly felt Jeremy up during this process and 
Jeremy, though blubbering away like a little boy, could feel himself 
getting slightly hard. Adrian then tucked Jeremy�s willy down and 
folded the disposable nappy on him. It was very snug, a perfect fit! 
Then Oliver came at him with a pair of plastic pants � thick plastic 
pants � which were terry lined inside � three times over! He slid them 
on to Jeremy�s legs and pulled them up over the nappy.

Jeremy couldn�t believe it, he could not put his legs together. The 
nappy and training pants were enormous!

�Right� Oliver said �I will leave you to him Adrian, dress him for 
bed....all day in bed for him today...such a naughty boy!�. He leaned 
over and pinched Jeremy�s cheek...�now you behave little Jeremy.....and 
be glad you have a nappy on...for if you do not and I can see your bum 
I will smack it until you beg me for your nappy...understand?�

Jeremy nodded and then Oliver left the room.

As soon as Oliver had left Adrian presented Jeremy with a giant 
pacifier and popped it in his mouth. Jeremy was crying all the time 
now...but silently... in acceptance.

Adrian then produced a �onesie� with built in thick mittens and 
bootees... it zipped up at the back. It was baby blue. Jeremy was put 
into it with relish by Adrian who cooed all the time. Next came the 
baby harness with special fasteners which restricted the movement of 
Jeremy�s arms. He could barely lift them. �Now�, Adrian said, you may 
crawl to your cot baby�. He helped Jeremy onto the floor and pointed 
him in the direction of the corner where his �cot� awaited him. It was 
a giant baby cot. Jeremy crawled over to it and climbed in...he was 
exhausted now.

Adrian came over and folded him into the cot, raised the sides of it 
and then went away. He returned with a baby bottle... a large one. He 
held Jeremy�s head up and fed him. Jeremy sucked and sucked, he was 
thirsty and tired.

�Good boy Jeremy�. He replaced the pacifier into Jeremy�s mouth and 
with that Adrian left the room.

Jeremy just stared at the ceiling....how had this happened to him. Here 
he was, spanked, shaved and nappied. Worse still he was being treated 
like a baby. What was to happen?

After some time Jeremy fell asleep...and into dream land. He dreamt 
that he was a big boy....................

Jeremy had no idea what time it was when he woke, but he did feel very 
comfortable and warm. Then he suddenly remembered the nappy. My God! It 
was soaking wet! Or was it? He was not sure. Maybe it was just sweat?

He heard footsteps and Oliver appeared in the room. �How is my little 
boy then? Is my little boy hungry, he had better be because Sir has a 
treat for him.� Oliver took the side of the cot down and picked Jeremy 
up in his arms and carried him next door where there was a huge 
highchair waiting for Jeremy. Panic welled up in Jeremy, but he did 
nothing as he knew what might happen him if he tried anything. Oliver 
strapped him into the chair and slid the tray across him. He produced a 
baby bib and tied around Jeremy�s neck. Then Adrian appeared with a 
bowl and plastic spoon.

�Open wide baby� and Jeremy opened wide.

The food was awful, just awful, like some kind of mushed up fruit and 
beans or something. But he ate it as it was spooned up to him. Every 
bit of it, and there was quite a bit of it. He was then bottle fed. 
After that the pacifier was once again placed in his mouth.

Both men stood back and looked at their young house guest, they were 
smiling and happy.

�Well, baby Jeremy, you will appreciate our efforts in time. Like most 
babies you have no idea of the efforts we adults make for you. But you 
will learn, you have plenty of time.�

Jeremy looked out at them, they kept calling him baby and as they did 
so Jeremy could feel himself wetting his nappy good and proper. It was 
warm and gushing. And Jeremy was getting hard. Very hard.

The two men left with Jeremy just gazing at them, still strapped into 
the chair.

For what seemed like hours Jeremy pondered his fate. Surely he had not 
been that bad? Or had he? And how long was his punishment to last?

Adrian appeared again, this time with another but different meal. 
Though it tasted just as bad as the last one. And again another bottle. 
Five minutes later Jeremy could feel his tummy rumble, but Adrian had 
left the room and he could plead to no one. For Jeremy knew what was 
about to happen...and then it did! His bowels opened with fury and he 
could feel the whole of his messy dinner flooding out into his nappy. 
What a mess! Jeremy could feel his face turning bright red from 
embarrassment . He had well and truly dumped!

After stinking for half an hour like that Oliver appeared, grinning.

�How is my little boy then? I hope you haven�t pooped now! You need 
Sir�s permission for that!�

Jeremy tried to look away.

�Hang on though, what is that smell baby? You have pooped! You are a 
naughty little baby. And now we will have to change you! You bad little 

He unstrapped Jeremy and carried him into the changing room next door. 
He undid the onesie at the crotch and took Jeremy�s legs out. Then he 
undid the nappy....what a pooh!

�Oh you are a stinking baby!�

Oliver cleaned the baby boy up, feeling him all the while. He creamed 
and talced the baby and rubbed him up and down and before long Jeremy 
had a raging hard on.

�Well well, my baby boy....still having naughty thoughts...we will have 
to spank those out of you�.

He turned Jeremy over and proceeded to spank him, hard as before. 
Jeremy did not know what to think... on the one hand he could feel the 
stinging pain... and on the other he felt suddenly turned on!

Finally, Oliver spoke to him...�my baby will never cum without my 
permission, and if I see you erect again you will have a sound 
beating...do you understand�

Jeremy nodded his head.

Adrian then entered and proceeded to nappy him again. Jeremy was put to 
bed and that was it till the next morning.


Both men entered the room and undressed him, took him to the shower and 
washed him. He was then nappied again, as before with the thick plastic 
pants pulled up high around his waist.

�Now�, said Oliver, � you will follow Adrian into the fitting room and 
then come down to my study where I have a guest to meet you�, and 
Oliver left and went down the stairs.

Jeremy followed Adrian into yet another room. Shock and horror greeted 
him. There laid out on the bed were his new suit of clothes.....school 
clothes to be precise.

�Let me dress you now � said Adrian. First the knee high socks and 
garters please, make sure they are not twisted or anything, we want to 
see them worn properly!

Jeremy did as told.

�Now, this is a special shirt, it has a detachable stiff collar and is 
highly starched. This will help you with posture Jeremy.�

Adrian fitted the shirt on him and then showed him his �tie�, a bright 
green school tie. �This matches your jacket Jeremy�. The tie was put on 
and Jeremy thought he was going to suffocate. The collar on the shirt 
was so tight and stiff and starched! He could feel the bulky nappy 
around him and the garters keeping his socks in place. Everything was 
clutching him!

Then his trousers were presented to him. Or rather shorts! Jeremy 
wanted to scream but he knew he must not. The shorts were very old 
fashioned and came high over his waist and nearly down to his knees. 
They were button flied and came with braces. Jeremy put them on and 
nearly exploded, now everything really was hugging him. The braces 
seemed to lock him into everything. Next came his school jumper � 
matching the stripe of the socks and tie and then the black highly 
polished shoes and finally his blazer, bright green.

So here he was, a nappied schoolboy! It could not get much worse.

Jeremy wanted to see himself in the mirror, but Adrian rushed him down 
the stairs and into Olivers� study.

But Oliver was not there, just a very old gent waiting beside a chair 
with a hair clippers in his hand. He smiled at Jeremy....�Sit�, he 

This time Jeremy really did panic, his hair was not overly long, but 
long enough for people to admire it...he had cultivated his style for 
two years now!

�Please, not this�...and then Oliver appeared in the room.....�Sit�, he 

Jeremy sat in the chair, tears welling up in him.

�And what will it be today little sir?� the old barber asked.

�Give him a short back and sides...with a side parting and plenty of 
brylcream. I want the back neckline at least two inches above his 

�Please Oliver�, Jeremy pleaded, �I will be a good boy...�

�I know you will be Jeremy, and you have just earned yourself a 
spanking, a hard one at that, I am Sir to you, and you do not, ever, 
question my authority again! Start barber!�

And so the shearing began. Jeremy watched as all the hair fell to the 
ground. He could feel the razor buzzing up high above his ears and he 
began to feel the air around his neck. God! He was getting the haircut 
of his life! For what seemed like ages the barber did his work and 
Jeremy felt little by little completely helpless. His whole body was 
trapped now and Oliver was finishing it all off with this humiliating 

The hair was then creamed and parted to the side with a rigid straight 

Oliver inspected the back hairline and ordered the barber to take it a 
little higher above the collar. Finally, it was finished and Jeremy was 
told to stand in front of the three men.

�My little Jeremy...what a good boy you are going to be!�

Jeremy caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror on the wall. He was 
dumbstruck. He no longer looked 18, not even 16 or 14...more like 
twelve! At 5�5� and cherub faced he was nappied and shaved and spanked, 
he was wearing this tight high collar and braces and grey school 
shorts. And the long socks and garters! What had they done to him?! His 
hair! It was like a tiny little boys haircut from the 50�s. In fact he 
looked like a schoolboy from the fifties!

�Now Jeremy�, Oliver said� you will come with me and we will collect 
your old clothes and take them to the garden where we will burn them. 
Say goodbye to the nice man who has cut your hair for you and thank 
him. You will see him every week from now on�

Jeremy nodded his thanks to the barber and could feel himself getting 
bright red...he was wetting himself!

Over the coming weeks Jeremy was to be introduced to The Eton suit, 
Little Lord Fauntleroy suit, a sailors suit for little boys and of 
course all manner of baby clothes. He had a very strict haircut every 
week and his emerging body hair taken from him every month. He was not 
allowed to use a toilet and like all little boys he was kept 24/7 in a 
disposable nappy and plastic pants. And then gradually it dawned on him 
that Adrian and Oliver really were looking after him and he had nothing 
to worry about. Jeremy began to feel secure, so long as he followed 
orders he would be safe. Also, he was getting so used to this nappy 

But oh how he longed to cum! The nappy changing became increasingly 
horny for him and the two men loved to play with him! Would he ever be 
allowed to feel the pleasure of his �growing pains�!?

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<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Sisters' comments:


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