A bedwetter who has his diaper experience while being awake.
I was a usual bedwetter and my parents got tired of washing sheets. So
one day I got tired of waking up soaked, so my parents came up to my
room holding a bag. They told me that they wanted me to wear Goodnites
so I wouldn't wake up in a wet bed and this would save washing sheets.
I calmly agreed to wear them because I was getting annoyed of the
bedwetting, too.
So for about a month I wore Goodnites to bed, and every morning I would
wake up to the feeling of a soaking diaper. One morning I woke up and
realized that my Goodnite was still dry. I decided to stay in the
diaper and went down for breakfast. I made myself a bowl of Trix and
sat down to watch T.V. When I entered our living room I saw a sticky
note that said:
"Josh, me and dad are going to be out of town and we'll be gone for the
day. Be back tomorrow evening!"
I had the entire house to myself so I just watched T.V. all day. Around
lunchtime I had built up an urge to pee. I kept thinking of using the
diaper, but when ever I tried to go, I kept holding back and eventually
went to the bathroom and used the toilet. The rest of the day continued
as it started, me in a Goodnite watching T.V. until around 7 when I
zapped a pizza.
After I ate I watched T.V. until around 8 when I felt myself getting
tired. I slowly dragged my feet up the stairs and into my room. I lay
down and looked up at my ceiling, but after awhile I felt the call of
nature and got out of bed to go. I stopped and looked down at my still
dry Goodnite. I looked back at the toilet and decided which way to go.
I lay back down on my bed placing my hands on my diaper. I closed my
eyes and tried to relax. I didn't feel myself pee, so I just kept
trying to think of nice things. As I thought of my crush I felt
something warm. I quickly threw over my covers to see a yellow spot
appear on my Goodnite. I soon became aroused by the warm feeling of pee
in the Goodnite that I had almost forgotten that I had to go poop as
well. This time I just rolled over on my stomach and started to push. I
strained hard but my rectum wouldn't let my poop out. I stopped and
reset my body. I laid my chest on my bed, but this time I swung my legs
over my bed so were sticking out. I had the position of someone who was
praying. I took a breath and began to push. This time it was easier and
I started to feel the tip of the mass stick out of my diaper. I put my
hands on the seat of my diaper and felt as I won the battle with my
First a fart came, but it was follow by a warm rush of poo. I felt the
hot mess expand and fill the back seat of my diaper. I continued to
push until I could feel the mush start to spread to the front of my
Goodnite. I looked back at my diaper to see my work, and saw the huge
brown stain that covered the entire back side of my Goodnite. I smiled
and walked to the bathroom to get a better look at my creation, but I
hadn't noticed my underwear on the floor and slipped. I landed with a
definite squish and the feel of poop being spread everywhere. I looked
back at my butt and realized that a change would most definitely be
I changed into a fresh Goodnite and continued to wear them until my
parents returned home. That night I was preparing to drop a load, when
I heard my parents� key unlocking the door. I panicked and ran up the
stairs, but right when I reached the top I slipped and slammed into the
stairs. The force of the collision allowed my poop to burst right out.
I began to slide back down the stairs feet-first, clawing at anything
to try and get away all the while the seat of my diaper was expanding
from my poop. With every stair I bounced down the mess in my diaper was
being spread out everywhere. Right as my parents got to the bottom of
the stairs they saw me at the bottom of the stairs accompanied by the
sound of a diaper being filled.
At that moment my parents decided to diaper me 24/7 and I soon had no
control of my bowels. Even to this day(age 15) I wear Goodnites and I
poop in them.