| Good Boy Nathan
| Hunter
| hunter6888@ymail.com
| Male
Current Age:
| 36
Posting Date:
| 03/14/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | ● | S- Babysitters |
| C- Teen (13-17) | ● | T- Masturbation | ●
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections | ●
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting | ●
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | | Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline |
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- White diapers* | | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | ● | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | | 4- Crying |
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking |
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation |
| P- Brothers (diapered) | | 7- Babying |
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | | 8- Regression |
| | | 9- Baby paraphernalia |
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
Nathan, a 12-year-old who wets the bed, learns that diapers are not just for night-time
after all.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
4 (20%)
Chapter 1
Twelve-year-old Nathan woke to the bleeping of his alarm clock. He
reached over and pushed the snooze button, gradually becoming aware of
the light seeping around the edge of his bedroom drapes. He was also
becoming aware of something else � he needed to pee. Nathan reached
down and felt his diaper and smiled. He was dry for the third morning
in a row. His mom had promised him an iPhone if he stopped wetting the
bed, and he was pretty sure the prize was within his grasp. As he
removed his hand, Nathan realized just how badly he needed to empty his
bladder. He pushed back the covers, swung his legs over the side of the
bed and quickly headed for the bathroom. The door was closed and Nathan
felt a sickening feeling as he tried the handle. It was locked. A
second later he heard the shower running which could only mean one
thing � Jake, his 14-year-old brother was in there. Nathan knew what
Jake did in the shower, and knew how long it took. He crossed his legs
and banged on the door.
�Jake, hurry up, I need to use the bathroom!�
�Yea right,� came the sarcastic reply. He banged on the door again but
Jake didn�t answer. Nathan turned back to his room, anger and sadness
welling inside him. He knew he wasn�t going to be able to wait until
Jake finished his shower activities; his dry record was going be ruined
and with it his chance of an iPhone. Nathan sat on the edge of his bed
and pressed his legs together. He�d been wetting his bed since he was
eight, but he�d never had an accident when he was awake before, at
least not since he was a little kid. He pressed his hand between his
legs and pushed it against his penis. The pressure was unbearable, and
after only a few second Nathan knew it was too late. He pulled his hand
away and opened his legs slightly. He could feel his penis swelling
slightly � and then it happened. Nathan gasped as he felt the first
rush of warm pee flowing into his diaper. The warm wetness spread over
his penis and across his crotch, then crept down under his bum. Nathan
opened his legs a little further. It was a strange sensation, sitting
there on his bed relieving himself in his diaper. Strange, but not
unpleasant. In fact, Nathan admitted to himself while he was still
peeing, it felt kind of good. No, it didn�t � it felt wonderful.
Nathan heard his mum�s bedroom door open and quickly hopped into bed
and pulled the covers over himself. He blinked sleepily as his mom
entered his room.
�Good morning, Sweetheart,� she said.
�Hi Mom� he replied, trying not to blush thanks to the erection that
had presented itself in his diaper, safely hidden from his moms gaze
under the covers.
�Are you wet?� Nathan nodded. His mom sighed �Never mind Sweetie,� she
said �it�ll happen.� His mom tuned and went out, leaving the door open.
Jake appeared in the doorway.
�Did you wet your bed again?� he asked grinning. Nathan nodded and Jake
laughed �Sure you did� he said, and disappeared. Nathan hated his older
brother sometimes. They were so different really � for a start Jake was
tall and skinny with blonde hair and blue eyes, while Nathan was
stockier and had brown hair and brown eyes. Jake could never resist
bugging his brother, especially about him wearing diapers to bed. When
the bugging started the only thing Nathan had in return was that
despite being nearly two years younger, his penis was actually bigger
than Jake�s, a good half an inch longer and quite a bit thicker, and he
knew how much his brother hated that simple fact.
Nathan reached down and squeezed his wet diaper. The warmth and wetness
against his penis was thrilling. He knew about masturbation, and knew
how much his brother enjoyed it, but Nathan had never tried it before,
having never felt the urge. But now, feeling the warmth on his
erection, he couldn�t resist sliding his hand down the front of his
diaper. He held the tip of his wet penis between his thumb and
forefinger and gently pulled down his foreskin. The tip of his knob
touched his wet diaper and Nathan felt a shiver of excitement. Keeping
his eyes on the still-open door he began gently stroking himself in his
nappy. It was the most solid erection he�d ever had, and stroking it
was both strange and wonderful. Nathan felt a little dizzy as the
tingling around his penis and testicles increased. He felt a strange
tightness, then another feeling as if he going to pee again. He caught
his breath as the first spasm hit and held it as a little spurt of
watery cum shot into his diaper. After two dry spasms he pushed his
head deep into the pillow and lay staring at the ceiling, breathing
�Wow� he thought, �Wow.�
Chapter 2
Nathan could hardly wait for the bell to go at the end of school. Jake
was staying on for soccer practice and his mom would still be at work,
so he would have a couple of hours alone after he walked home. It had
been two days since Nathan had wet his diaper sitting on his bed, and
in that time a strange thing had happened � every time he needed to pee
he found himself wishing he was wearing a diaper and could just do it,
without all the hassle of having to go the washroom every time. The
first day he had woken wet, and this morning he was still peeing in his
bed when he woke up, so he knew the iPhone was out of reach anyway, at
least for now. And the strange thing was, he didn�t care. He had
discovered a new pleasure, one that gave him far more satisfaction than
a stupid iPhone could. Nathan wriggled in his seat. He had deliberately
avoided going to the washroom at lunch, and hope he hadn�t mistimed
things; a wet-pants accident at school was not much fun in Grade 7,
especially when you were wearing jeans as Nathan was.
Finally the bell rang. As Nathan got up he realised he was going to
have to hurry home if his plan was to work � the pressure was already
building up in his bladder. He needed to get home and put a diaper on
quickly. He raced to his locker and grabbed his jacket, stuffed his
books in his backpack and headed for the door.
�Nathan!� He turned, and his heart sank. It was Mr. Rumbolt, the
Principal. �Can I see you for a moment please?� Nathan liked Mr.
Rumbolt. He was young for a school Principal, about 30 years old with
friendly, smiling eyes. Normally Nathan wouldn�t mind spending some
time with him after school � but not today.
�Um... I kind of need to go� he said, painfully aware of the double-
�It won�t take long� Mr. Rumbolt replied, �in my office now, please.�
Nathan considered telling the Principal he needed the washroom, but
that would spoil his plan, so he took a deep breath and followed him
down the hallway.
Mr. Rumbolt was waiting at the door to his office. He closed it as
Nathan entered, and made his way to the chair behind his desk. Nathan
glanced around the small windowless room, then followed and stood with
his legs together, trying not to fidget as the Principal opened a
folder on his desk.
�It�s about your course selection for next year� Mr. Rumbolt said, and
started asking him questions about his choices. But Nathan wasn�t
really listening; he was concentrating too hard on not having an
accident in his pants. With rising panic Nathan realized that he
probably only had a few minutes to make it to the washroom before the
unthinkable happed.
�Nathan?� said Mr. Rumboldt �I asked you a question.�
�Oh, sorry, I....� Nathan swallowed the rest of what he was about to
say in sheer horror as he felt a spurt of pee flow into his underpants,
�I....� he said again, desperately pressing his legs together as a slow
stream flowed from his penis. After a couple of seconds that felt like
an eternity he managed to stop the flow, and stared at the Principal,
his face hot and no doubt beet red. Mr. Rumbolt frowned and Nathan saw
him glance down. Nathan knew there was a wet patch on the front of his
jeans � he could feel it � not to mention the trickle that had made its
way down the inside of his right leg. Mr. Rumbolt looked up, smiling.
He cleared his throat.
�Nathan...� he said �do you...er ... need the washroom?� Nathan nodded.
Mr. Rumbolt�s smile widened. �I�ll let you go in a minute� he said, but
I�d like to say something first�
�Okay,� Nathan said, his panic having subsided thanks to the temporary
release of pressure in his bladder. The Principal cleared his throat
�You know� he said, still smiling up at Nathan �a lot of kids your age
sometimes wet their pants�. Nathan could feel himself blushing again as
Mr. Rumbolt continued: �have you ever considered wearing protection to
�Protection?� Nathan asked. Mr. Rumbolt nodded .
�I mean, Nathan, I think you should consider wearing a diaper to
school�. Nathan felt a constriction in his throat. He was embarrassed
and excited at the same time. �You wouldn�t be the only one� Mr.
Rumbolt went on, �I can�t tell you their names of course, but I can
tell you there are several other boys in your grade who wear them, not
to mention a few grade eight and nine boys, too. It�s not difficult to
hide them. I can help you if you�re interested.�
�I...� Nathan stammered.
�Give it some thought� Mr. Rumbolt said. The only thing I ask is that
you keep this conversation private and not repeat it to anyone, anyone
at all, okay? If you�re interested come and see me before class
tomorrow, okay?� Nathan nodded. �Good boy� said Mr. Rumbolt. �Oh,� he
added �one more thing � do you have any track pants? Not wool ones,
nylon ones?�
�Yes� Nathan replied.
�Good� said Mr. Rumbolt, �wear them tomorrow if you plan on coming to
see me, okay?� Nathan nodded. �And a long T-shirt or sweatshirt� the
Principal added. �Now run along before those pants get any wetter,
okay?� Still speechless, Nathan nodded and headed for the door. He
paused outside the washrooms, but decided he didn�t need to go so badly
now, so he carried on out of the door and headed for home.
As he walked home, Nathan went over the conversation with Mr. Rumbolt.
It was hard to believe that the school Principal was telling him it was
okay to wear a diaper to school. It was probably wrong of Mr. Rumbolt
to suggest it, but Nathan didn�t care � the idea of being in a diaper
in class was so exciting to him, he already knew he was going to go and
see Mr. Rumbolt before class the next morning. He stopped in his tracks
as he remembered the rest of what had been said. Were there really
other boys in school, in all three grades, who wore diapers? Nathan
couldn�t help wondering who they were. It was a small school and he
knew most of the kids there, but he had no idea some of them were in
diapers. Mr. Rumbolt was right, it really must be easy to hide.
Halfway to the house Nathan could feel the pressure building in his
bladder again. He really hadn�t wet that much, and his jeans were
almost dry again already, so it wasn�t surprising he still needed to
pee. But if he hurried he�d still make it home in time to put one of
his Goodnites on and wet it, and then have plenty of time to masturbate
afterwards before Jake got home. Then another thought hit Nathan � what
if his Mom noticed an extra diaper was missing? He was pretty sure she
didn�t count them, but she knew how many were in a pack, and probably
remembered when she last bought them. She might well notice that an
extra one was missing. Nathan frowned to himself. Maybe this wasn�t
such a good idea after all.
He was still considering what to do as he reached the back door. As
soon as he stopped walking the pressure in his bladder became almost
unbearable. He crossed his legs and unzipped the side pocket of his
backpack. As he reached in for his key, Nathan uncrossed his legs. He
knew what he was doing, and knew what was about to happen, but it was
as if he couldn�t help it, as if he wasn�t really in control at all.
Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion: as his hand slid
slowly into his backpack he felt his penis filling up; as his hand
closed around the key he felt the gentle constant flow into his
underpants; as he withdrew the key he felt the hot wetness spreading
down his legs and into his shoes, and heard the splashing on the
concrete floor of the car-port. He pulled the key out and stood,
completely relaxed and at ease, calmly and deliberately going to the
washroom in his pants. It was, Nathan decided, the most wonderful
feeling ever.
When the flow had subsided and the last couple of spurts were done,
Nathan realised he had another problem � how to hide his wet pants. He
quickly opened the door and went into the laundry room, and squelched
his was over to the washing machine. He was in luck. His mom had placed
laundry in the machine but hadn�t run it yet. Nathan pulled out the dry
clothes, then stripped off his wet pants, underwear and socks. He
shoved them into the washer, then put the dry clothes back on top.
Chances were his mom would run the machine without checking what was
underneath the laundry already there. That job done, Nathan let his
hand fall to his wet, erect penis. It was incredibly sensitive to his
touch, each gentle stroke bringing him closer to an orgasm. He felt the
tightness in his groin, the wonderful tingling that signalled his
climax. He looked down and watched, holding his breath as he ejaculated
in three short spurts onto the laundry room floor.
Chapter 3
For the first time since kindergarten, Nathan couldn�t wait for school.
He had woken up wet again, but he didn�t care. To heck with the iPhone
anyway. He stood outside the bathroom door in his wet nappy, enjoying
his morning erection as he listened to the rhythmic slapping of Jake
enjoying his in the shower. Eventually the shower stopped running, and
a couple of seconds Jake opened the door.
�Hey wet boy� he said, and went to his room, grinning.
After his shower Nathan dressed. He wore boxers, and the black nylon
trackies Mr. Rumbolt had suggested, and picked out his longest t-shirt.
His shoes were still damp from the night before, and smelled slightly
of pee, but he put them on anyway. Breakfast seemed to take an age, and
by 7:50 he couldn�t wait any longer.
�Um... I have to go to school early� he said to his mom and brother
�to..I�ve got some homework I need to finish�. Jake shot him a
questioning glance, then smirked and looked away. Nathan could feel
himself blushing, but his mom didn�t seem to notice, and he was able to
slip off the breakfast-bar stool and out the door without any questions
being asked.
Nathan knocked gingerly on the door to the Principal�s office.
�Just a second� called Mr. Rumbolt. �Wait in the outside office
please�. Nathan took a seat next to the secretary�s desk, glad that she
wasn�t in yet to question his presence. A minute later the Principal�s
door opened. Mr. Rumbolt held it ajar as a small and sheepish-looking
boy appeared. Nathan recognised him immediately � it was Corey, one of
the boys in his grade.
�Hi� Nathan said. Corey mumbled a reply without looking at Nathan. His
face was bright red. �Well,� though Nathan to himself �that�s one of
them.� To his surprise he felt his penis stiffen slightly at the
knowledge that Corey was wearing a diaper. He stood up and entered the
office past the smiling Principal.
�You didn�t see Corey here, and he didn�t see you okay?� Nathan nodded.
�Good boy� said Mr. Rumbolt, settling himself behind his desk and
raising his hands in front of his chest with his fingertips together.
�So Nathan� he said, �what did you decide, do you want to wear a diaper
today?� Nathan couldn�t help smiling slightly as he nodded his reply.
Mr. Rumbolt grinned. �Good for you� he said �it�s by the far the best
thing really. If I had my way every boy....� he trailed off and
appeared to shake himself out of some kind of trance. �Right then� he
said and opened a drawer to his desk. The Principal pulled out a neatly
folded diaper. Nathan could see it was bigger than a Goodnight, and had
no pattern. �These are pull-ups� Mr. Rumboldt said �you�ll need to take
your pants off�. Nathan could feel himself being watched as he kicked
off his shoes, pulled down his jeans and stepped out of them. Mr.
Rumboldt cleared his throat; �and your boxers Nathan� he said quietly.
Nathan hesitated, feeling his face flushing again. He knew it was wrong
to expose himself to an adult, but the reward was definitely worth it.
Besides, he was quite proud of himself in that department. He�d
developed a habit of checking out other boys at the urinals, and knew
he was bigger �down there� than the other boys his age, not to mention
some of the older ones, including Jake. Nathan took a deep breath,
hooked his thumbs under the waist-band of his boxers and pulled them
down. He could see Mr. Rumbolt looking at his penis. The Principal
looked up, smiling, and held the diaper out to him. Nathan opened it
and stepped into it. As he pulled it up he felt the cosseting warmth of
the diaper. It was larger than his Goodnites, with more padding and a
soft cotton outer layer. He stepped into his boxers and pulled them up,
followed by his trackies, then adjusted his T-shirt.
�Turn around� Mr. Rumboldt said. Nathan did a slow 360. The Principal
nodded. �Good� he said. �Now, I�ve signed you off P.E., you can report
to the library for now during that block. Come and see me at lunch.
You�ll get your own supply in a few days but for now I want you to
report to me when you need a diaper change okay?�
�Okay� Nathan replied. �Thanks� he added with a smile. Mr. Rumbolt
smiled back �My pleasure Nathan he said�.
By the last class before lunch, Nathan needed to pee. He wasn�t
desperate yet, but he knew he wasn�t going to make it till lunchtime.
He slid into a desk at the back of the classroom, hoping no-one was
watching him. He had been so nervous at first, enjoying the warm
softness of the diaper he was wearing while at the same time terrified
that the other kids or even the teachers would somehow know his secret.
But as the morning had gone on he had begun to realize that nobody had,
or was going to notice anything different about him. As the bell went
the door opened and, to Nathan�s surprise Mr. Rumbolt walked in. He
addressed the class from the front:
�Miss Carlson has been called away� he said, �so I will be supervising
this class. I�d like you to catch up on your reading please, so books
out and let�s get started�. Nathan took out the novel they were reading
and tried to concentrate on the page, but every time he looked up he
could see Mr. Rumbolt watching him. He shifted in his seat. He didn�t
want to leave it too long to wet himself � that would be too obvious �
but now that he was approaching the inevitable he could feel his
nervousness increasing. Mr. Rumbolt was walking between the desks,
checking on the students as they read. As he passed Nathan he dropped a
folded piece of paper in his lap. Nathan waited a few moments, then
surreptitiously opened the paper under his desk and read the
Principal�s note. �It�s okay� it read just do it�.
Nathan crumpled up the note and went back to reading his book. He
leaned forward slightly at his desk and gradually opened his legs. His
heart was beating fast. He didn�t have look up to know Mr. Rumbolt was
watching him. He forced himself to relax. For several seconds nothing
else happed. Then slowly and gently, Nathan began peeing in his diaper.
He could hear his own breathing as he relaxed further, allowing the
gentle stream to increase slightly. The hot wetness was unbelievable.
He could feel it around his penis and over his balls, then gradually
soaking down under his bum as he sat there wetting himself in a
classroom full of kids. As he finished Nathan felt an erection
starting, but he didn�t dare adjust himself in case someone noticed.
Mr. Rumbolt made another pass and dropped another note in his lap.
�Good boy� it said.
Chapter 4
At lunchtime Nathan stood next to the Principal�s desk and pulled down
his trackies and boxers, stepping out of them together. His wet diaper
felt soft and heavy between his legs. Mr. Rumbolt leaned opened a desk
drawer and pulled out a tube of baby-wipes. He yanked one from the top
of the tube and held it out to Nathan. Blushing, Nathan pushed down his
diaper and let it fall with a wet thud to the floor. He smelled of pee,
but he didn�t mind, it was a damp musty smell, but he liked it. He took
the baby wipe as Mr. Rumbolt leaned back in his chair to watch. As he
began wiping himself, Nathan could feel an erection starting.
�Make sure you pull your foreskin back and wipe there too� said the
Principal. Nathan did as he was told, and the effect on his already
swelling penis was noticeable; by the time he pulled his hand away it
was sticking up at nearly forty-five degrees. Mr. Rumbolt smiled. �I
take it you enjoyed wetting your diaper Nathan?� he said.
�Yeah� Nathan replied.
�Better have another one then� came the reply. When Nathan had pulled
on the fresh diaper and put his boxers and trackies back on, Mr.
Rumbolt cleared his throat as he always did when he had something
important to say. �Now,� he said �if you wet again before the end of
school, come and see me after class. If not...� He frowned
thoughtfully. �What time does your mother get home?�
�About five I guess� Nathan said, realising with rising excitement what
Mr. Rumbolt was suggesting. Then his heart fell �but my brother will be
there�. Mr. Rumbolt smiled.
�Don�t you worry about that, Nathan� he said. �I tell you what, if
you�re dry at the end of school you can wear your diaper home. But you
have to change out of it before your mother gets home, do you
understand?� Nathan nodded. �And,� the teacher continued �you have to
hide it properly. Put it in a shopping bag, tie it up and bury it at
the bottom of the garbage can, you got that?� Nathan gave another nod.
�If your mother finds it, deny everything.�
By the end of school Nathan needed to pee again. He stood at his
locker, wondering if he should just do it and go and see Mr. Rumbolt,
but instead he decided to walk home. Just being in a diaper, wet or
not, felt so good that he didn�t want it to be over just yet. As he
passed the school office he glanced through the glass wall. Mr. Rumbolt
was holding open the door to his office while a tall skinny blonde-
haired boy walked in. Nathan smiled. That was why the Principal had
said not to worry about Jake being home: he was finding an excuse to
keep Jake at school.
All the way home Nathan was thinking about how good it was going to
feel when he got home and relived himself in his nappy. Half way home
he stopped to cross the street and peed for a few seconds before
forcing himself to stop. Just that little bit of warmth and wetness
felt amazing, and Nathan could feel another erection starting as we
walked home in his wet diaper. As he turned the corner to his street he
stopped in his tracks � his mom�s car was in the driveway. A moment of
panic gave way to calmer consideration.
�She won�t know� he told himself. �Nobody at school knew. Except Mr.
Rumbolt of course. She�ll never be able to tell�. He steeled himself,
though his heart was beating much faster than usual as he let himself
in through the back door and made his way up to the kitchen. His mom
was sitting at the breakfast bar reading a magazine. Nathan stood the
other side of the island. �Hi Mom� he said �how come you�re home?�
�I have a meeting downtown in few minutes� she said �I just came home
for a break first. How was school?�
�It was okay,� Nathan replied, though what he was thinking was: �It was
awesome! I got to wear a diaper and pee myself in class and change in
front of the Principal!�
�Where�s your brother?� asked him mom.
�He...um... he had to stay late� was the best Nathan could come up
�What classes did you have?� his mom asked. As he reeled off the list
of classes, Nathan felt a sudden urge to pee. It wasn�t desperation so
much as desire � he realised with a shock that he really wanted to wet
himself in front of his mother.
�How was your day?� he asked, knowing his mom could never resist
telling him about her day at the office. Nathan pretended to be
listening as he relaxed. It was the biggest and best thrill yet,
standing a few feet from his mother, going to the washroom in his pants
without her suspecting a thing. As he finished wetting himself, and as
his erection started growing again, his mother sighed, closed the
magazine and stood up.
�I�d better be going� she said, and bent to kiss him on the cheek.
Nathan stood where he was, his heart pounding, his diaper warm and wet
between his legs. �Oh, while I�m out please can you put your clean
laundry away. It�s down in the laundry room.� She headed for the
stairs. �Oh, and put Jake�s away too please� she said over her
shoulder. Nathan realised he�d been holding his breath, finally
releasing it as he heard the door slam behind his mother.
Nathan knew he should be going to change � and he needed to masturbate
� but the wet diaper felt so good he decided to stay in it, just for a
little while. He would have to take it off soon anyway; as usual at
this time of day he was beginning to feel a slight urge to do a �number
two� and he�d have to use the bathroom for that. He headed downstairs
to the laundry room and collected his and Jake�s clean and folded
clothes in one big pile. Upstairs he plopped the pile down on his bed
and separated Jake�s clothes from his own, then headed into his
brother�s room. He opened the closet and picked up Jake�s t-shirts from
the pile on the bed. Jake kept his t�s on a shelf in his closet, and it
was very nearly full. As Nathan tried clumsily cramming in the clean
shirts the whole pile toppled forward onto the floor. He swore, and
bent to pick up the fallen clothes. As he stood up to put them back he
stopped and stared in amazement. At the back of the shelf, behind where
the pile of t-shirts had been, were six neatly folded disposable
diapers, identical to the one Nathan himself was wearing. Nathan
understood immediately why they were there � Jake was one of the kids
Mr Rumbolt had told him about, one of the grade nines who wore diapers
to school. As Nathan stood and stared in shock at his discovery he felt
something start to happen in his diaper. He didn�t try and stop it.