The Genius

When I was three years old, I sat on my mother’s lap, and read stories to her! My mother bought me lots of books, I read every one of them, and understood most of them! My mother wanted me to be very logical. There was no Santa Claus, teddy bears or fairy tales, she didn’t think those things were logical. While other kids were still in diapers, I was reading Shakespeare, and doing long division in my head! While they were getting hugs and kisses, I was appearing on television talk shows, and getting looks of amazement! While they were learning to play, I was alone, and hard at work studying! I never played with other children, they all seemed stupid to me! When I was four, my mother took me to a psychologist to have me tested. Doc said that he couldn’t tell my intelligence, because I made a perfect score on every one of the tests! He was amazed, like everybody else, and said that I was obviously a genius, particularly in math. After that he would often come to the house and talk to my mother about what I was studying, and to test what I had learned, or that’s why I thought he came by so often. When I was five, he recommended "home schooling" for me, because they didn’t teach algebra in kindergarten! Doc said he wanted to study me, and write a book about me. My mother said that was great, but I said I wanted 60 percent of the profits from the book! Doc wasn’t stupid, so we settled for 50 percent, but it didn’t make any difference. He married my mother before the book was published!

I didn’t exactly have "home schooling," Doc was from Princeton, so we moved to New Jersey, and I worked with various professors, at the college. They gave me all kinds of tests, and insisted I keep a diary of my thoughts and ideas. With all of the tests and things, I felt more like one of the animals in the lab than a human being! It’s a little hard to say when I entered college as a "student," but I had been a student all my life! I didn’t know how to do anything except study, study, study! When I was fifteen, they gave me a Ph.D. for my birthday! I was the darling of the faculty, they loved to have me show off what I could do. I could read anything, so long as it was in English, French, German, Italian, Latin, Greek, Chinese, or some related language, but what I really liked to do was work out advanced formulas in physics, and math!

LIFE WAS GREAT! I was working at the University, studying advanced physics, and happy at home. Of course I wasn’t treated like the other students, I was a genius, and treated like one. Everybody was amazed at me, and respected me for my academic achievement. I was accepted by the faculty almost as an equal, in spite of my age.. Everything was perfect, or so I thought at the time, but I didn’t really have any friends

Suddenly, my world fell apart! We were coming back from New York, where I had given a talk on Einstein.. It was a dark, rainy night in February, when we hit some ice on the highway! The car spun around and rolled over! Doc and my mother were both killed instantly, but I was strapped safely in the back seat, and wasn’t even hurt!

I never cried over the loss of my parents. Crying wasn’t logical, and I thought myself to be very logical. I didn’t want to have any human emotions, all I cared about was my mathematical equations, and now I was free to work on them as much as I wanted to. Human emotions could get in the way of logical thinking, and I was working very hard, at that time. I worked both night and day! I would work in till I was exhausted, and when I couldn’t stay awake any longer, I’d set the alarm clock for one hour, lay my head down on the desk and sleep! When I woke up, I wouldn’t be really rested, but I could go back to work, and that’s all I cared about! I seldom stopped for meals, I was living on coffee, doughnuts, and some pills I got in the chemistry lab!

No matter how smart you were , in the state of New Jersey, you still had to have a guardian if you were only fifteen years old , so I asked the court appoint Bill and Anne to be my guardians. I knew Bill and Anne. They had done a lot of work around our house, when my mother was alive, and I liked both of them. I remember one time they were putting up new drapes in my study, and when I came in and sat down at my computer my pants split right up the back. I didn’t care much about clothes at that time, and they were all too tight, mother was more concerned about what I thought than how I looked, and I was growing like a weed. Mary insisted that I let her repair the pants while Bill and I talked about my computer desk. Bill made me a new computer desk, and after that they always seemed to be around, the house doing something. Mary would check my clothes while Bill was fixing something and talking to me, or sharing his lunch with me. Sometimes Mary would cook a special meal for me, or bring me cookies and things. She always called him Daddy, and he always called her Mommy, although they didn’t have any children that I knew about. (I really didn’t care, anyway) I figured they wouldn’t mind taking care of me. She was the seamstress and he was a carpenter at college, so I thought they can use the money, too. I had a big house that Doc left me, and all the insurance money, so they both moved in with me. Anne did the cooking and housework, while Bill drove the car for me.. I thought I had everything very logically under control. LIFE WAS GREAT.

One night, in March, when Bill was driving me home, I started to cry! (I had never cried before) I wasn’t just crying for my dead parents, I was sobbing uncontrollably! I was having an nervous breakdown! I was totally exhausted, physically, mentally, and emotionally! My body just couldn’t take it anymore! I cried so hard I couldn’t breathe! Then, I started to hyperventilate! By the time we got home I was so weak, I couldn’t get out of the car! When Bill picked me up, and started to carry me into the house I asked "What are you doing to me?" Bill said that I had been working too hard, and he was going to put me to bed like a baby! "I’M NOT A BABY! NEVER WAS ONE!" I screamed!.

Suddenly it hit me! It was true! I had never been a baby! I was always different! I was a freak! People didn’t believe I was real! All they wanted to do was study me! They only cared about how much I had learned! They wanted me to do mental tricks for their amusement! Sometimes I felt like a trained dog! They didn’t care how I felt, or what I liked, or didn’t like! I didn’t want to be a freak! I didn’t want to be strange! I didn’t want to be different! I wanted people to like ME because I was ME, not because I was smart, or good at mathematics! I wanted hugs and kisses! I wanted someone to love, who’d love me back! I kept wondering, "How do you make someone love you?" I needed a plan!

Bill carried me upstairs to my bedroom where Anne helped me get undressed, and put me to bed. Bill said that I was upset, and I needed a good stiff drink to settle in my nerves. I had never tasted alcohol before, and that drink hit me like a ton of bricks! I was asleep in minutes!

I don’t remember much about the next four days. I would sort of wake up, cry, and go back to sleep again. On the fifth day, I finally did wake-up completely, and found that I was very weak. I was lying on my bed, wearing a short T. shirt, and a diaper with plastic panties! I was sucking on a baby’s pacifier, and Anne was standing by the bed holding a baby bottle! She removed the pacifier, put the bottle in my mouth and said "Now, my nice little boy, take your bottle, while Mommy changes your diaper." I was amazed, I couldn’t understand what had happened, but I liked the idea of being her little boy, and having a mommy!

Anne explained that while I was asleep I kept wetting myself, so they put me in diapers. I kept trying to suck my thumb, so they gave me a pacifier, and used a baby bottle to feed me. By the time Anne finished changing my diaper I had finished the bottle, so she replaced it with the pacifier, kissed me goodnight, and told me to go back to sleep. Nobody had ever kissed me goodnight before, but I liked the idea! I decided that Anne had opened the door by calling me her little boy, and calling herself Mommy, and I wasn’t going to let her shut it again! Now I had the plan and I needed, I was going to be her little boy, and I was going to be treated like a baby! All mommies and daddies love little boys and babies, so maybe I could get them to love me, too!

The next time I woke up Bill was there and wanted to know if I needed my diaper changed, or anything. He seemed nervous, and I knew he didn’t want to change my diaper, but I made him do it anyway. "Yes, Daddy, I’m wet, and need my diaper changed." I said in a very small voice. Just as he took off my wet diaper, I started to piss! It went straight up in the air, and I pissed right in his face! He sat on the bed, pulled me across his lap, and hit me on my bare bottom! "You may act like baby, but there’s some things you don’t do, and pissing in my face, is one of them!" He shouted as he spanked me. Maybe it was because I was a genius, I understood his point of view, perfectly, but I got what I wanted! I started to cry. Not the serious crying I had done before, but little baby tears, that surprised even me! "Please don’t spank me anymore, Daddy! I’ll be a good little boy! I love you! I want you and Mommy to love me, and care for me," I cried. He stopped spanking me and hugged me, and kissed me! "Of course we love you, and will care for you. You’re one of our family now! Your our little boy!" He said. I thought my little plan was working very nicely. He had said he loved me, and that I was one of his family! Now they had both said that I was there little boy, and I was getting the hugs and kisses, that I wanted, and needed! When he had finished changing me, and was leaving the room, I said, again in a small little voice, "Daddy, do you think I could have a teddy bear, of my very own?" He looked at me, rather surprised, but he didn’t say anything, he just left the room.

The next time I woke up I found a teddy bear laying next to me! Mommy was there, and asked if I wanted her to help me to the bathroom, or to use a bedpan. "No Mommy, I’d rather use my diaper, but I’m hungry, do you think you could feed me a little?" I asked, again, using my little boy voice. She tied a bib on me, set me on her lap, and fed me some baby food! I never asked why she had the baby food and bib ready, or why she had a little spoon to feed me with. I just hugged my teddy bear, and enjoyed every minute of it! My plan was working!

That’s how and Anne and Bill became my" Mommy" and "Daddy". I never used their first names again. To me they were always "Mommy" and "Daddy". I loved them and they loved me back! In was wonderful, my plan had worked to perfection! I WAS THEIR LITTLE BOY!!!

A few days later Mommy and Daddy got me out of bed. I didn’t really need any help walking, by that time, but I didn’t tell them that, so Mommy took one hand and Daddy took the other.. They walked me across the hall to what had been a spare bedroom. When they opened the door, I was amazed and delighted! They had fixed up a nursery for me! There was a big crib, a playpen, a changing table, a high chair, and even an oversized cradle that Daddy had made! It was wonderful, there were nursery rhymes, and stuffed animals everywhere! Mommy set me on the changing table, and dressed me in a romper, she had made, that had little snaps in the crotch, like a baby, then she put me in the playpen, so I could play with all the stuffed animals and toys! I was so happy, I didn’t even want to think about mathematics and physics! All I wanted to think about was Mickey Mouse, and teddy bears!

When she put me down for my nap, I just hugged my teddy bear, sucked on my pacifier, and went happily to sleep. I was Mommy and Daddy’s little boy, and I loved it! From then on, I wore diapers all the time, even when I started working again at the college! I’d wear them under my regular clothes, and nobody seemed to notice, I was still the "boy wonder" and a member of the faculty, but there was nobody to change my diaper, when I needed it. I just had to change my diaper myself. That was very un-baby-like, and I didn’t like to do it, but I had to.

I got a federal grant to do some research, but I had a problem. I needed someone to work with me and edit the book I was writing. Mommy said that she knew a girl she thought could do the job. She said that she had made some dresses for Mary, and Daddy had done some work at her apartment in town. When she said that Mary was a math/English student at the college, I decided to hire her, sight unseen.

When I met her I was amazed Mary was not only smart,(not a genius, but smart) she was beautiful! I had never thought much about girls, but I couldn’t stop thinking about this one! She was eighteen, and wonderful! We got along great in the office, were I did my work, but at home I kept wondering what she was doing. When I was eating dinner I would wonder what Mary was having for dinner. When I was watching television I would wonder what Mary was watching. When I was playing in the nursery I would wonder what Mary was doing, and who she was doing it with! At night I even dreamed about her, but I certainly wasn’t going to let Mary know that!. I always tried to show her how logical I was.

About a month after Mary started working with me, I told Mommy about my dreams. I was afraid that I was developing human emotions, that might interfere with my work. Mommy said not to worry about it, she’d take care of it. I thought that was silly. What we she going to do, tell the good fairy not to send me anymore wet dreams? I didn’t think that was very logical.

That afternoon Mary said she had something she wanted to show me in her office. When I came in to her office, she closed the door, locked it, and KISSED ME!! I had never been kissed like that before! She put her tongue in my mouth! I couldn’t breathe, I didn’t care, it was WONDERFUL, and I didn’t want to stop! She push me into a chair, set on my lap, and kept on kissing me! I kissed her back, and we went on kissing and making love for a long time. When I finally settled down, and got my senses back, I asked Mary what she wanted to show me. She pulled the sheet off a table in the corner. It was a changing table, and there were stacks of diapers and plastic panties on it! I was so shocked and scared I started to cry "YOU KNOW ABOUT MY DIAPERS" I cried. "Of course I know about your diapers. Mommy told me all about them when you were sick." She said. "MOMMY TOLD YOU!" I screamed! I couldn’t believe that Mommy would do that to me! "Of course she told me, my mother has told me everything about you since the day you moved into town! To I think I fell in love with you before I even met you, Mommy wrote so much about you, when I was living with my Aunt Susan. She and Daddy were worried about you. Mommy said they used to make up all sorts of excuses to come to your house and check on you. They were afraid you weren’t eating properly, or being taking care of, and nobody was looking after your clothes." Mary said. I was amazed and confused "Mommy is your mother?" I asked, I couldn’t believe it. "Where have you been? Why haven’t I met you before?" I asked ."I’ve been living with my Aunt Susan and attending Yale, but when you asked Mommy and Daddy to be your guardians mother wrote to me and told me to transfer to Princeton and get an apartment in town for a few months," Mary said. I was amazed and confused, and then suddenly I realized that I wasn’t the only one who had been busy making plans.

Things changed after that. It was wonderful. Mary would tell me when to eat, and what to eat, when to work, and when to stop, what to wear, and how to wear it. She organized all my files, and took care of everything, she even changed my diapers! Life was great. All I had to worry about was my equations, somebody else would take care of all the other things in my life! The only problem was, I wanted a playmate. I loved playing with my stuffed animals and toys in the nursery, but I wanted a playmate somebody who was a big baby like me.

It was my birthday, and Mommy and Daddy were going to have a birthday party for me! I was very excited, I had never had a birthday party before. My mother didn’t think they were logical. We decided that I would be three years old, and have a big cake with three candles on it! It was a busy time at home. Mommy and Mary were doing interesting things in the kitchen, and Daddy was busy in his workshop in the basement, and in the backyard, but I wasn’t allowed to look. When the great day finally arrived mommy dressed me in my best little boy clothes. I wore a pair of bright red short pants, with an elastic waistband, but no pockets or fly. My diaper made them bulge so much, I looked like Mickey Mouse! I wore a white shirt, with Peter Penn collar trimmed in red and a pair of little red sneakers, that were held on with little Velcro strips, instead of laces! I really looked like a cute little boy, and I felt like one, too.

WHAT A BIRTHDAY PARTY! We played pin the tail on the donkey, and Mary fed me ice cream, and let me the cake with my fingers! They each gave me for swats on the bottom. One for each year, and one to grow on. IT WAS FUN! After my nap time, Daddy took us out in the backyard and I got another surprise. Daddy had made a playground out of it, with a fountain in the middle! There was a big white fence all around it, and Humpty Dumpty sat on top of it, while pictures of Snow White, and the seven dwarfs marched down one side, Goldylocks, and the three bears waited on the other side! IT WAS FANTASTIC! There was a big sand box, with little squirrels and rabbits painted on the side! There was a big slide that looked like an elephant, you climbed up his back, and slid down his trunk! The seesaw had a big clown in the middle, and his head nodded when he was tilted back and forth! The swing set looked like it was made out of candy, and the play house looked like it was made out of gingerbread! IT WAS A THEME PARK FOR BIG BABIES!

I stood there in amazement for a few minutes, and then ran from place the place, I wanted to try out all the toys at once! I splashed in the fountain, swung on the swings, used the slide, and the seesaw,(Mary helped me with that) I ran in and out of the playhouse and all around the yard! When I finally settled down, Daddy said "look what I’ve found"! He had a gold egg in his hand! He gave me a little basket, and we had an Easter egg hunt, even though it wasn’t Easter! WHAT A PARTY!

Mary suggested we take pictures of everything and put them on the Internet. After that I had lots of playmates! Big babies came from far and wide to play with me in my backyard, and place orders! Daddy now worked full-time in his workshop making fracture and toys for big babies, while Mommy was kept busy in her sewing room making clothes for them! Life was wonderful.

Of course Mary and I got married, in fact we were married twice! We were married once by a minister, in a college Chapel, witnessed by the faculty, and a crowd of students, and once in the backyard by teddy bear,(some teddy bears can do that) witnessed by Mommy and Daddy and a crowd of stuffed animals!

I was very loved young man. Daddy loved me, and gave me the discipline I needed, and I loved him and gave him the respect he wanted. Mommy loved me, with feeling and devotion, and I loved her the way every boy should love his mommy. Mary loved me with passion and sex, and I loved her back the same way. Life was great. I didn’t think it could get any better, but I’ve said that before, and been wrong! Mary told me this morning that we are going to have to set up another nursery. She’s expecting a LITTLE BABY!!!

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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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