Gary's Dark Days

	Gary: "Stop it, May!"
	May: "Gary Oak, drink your bottle!"
	Then Gary wet his diaper. May smiled and went to go get 'baby 
Gary's diapers. Gary saw that May had left the door unlocked, so he ran 
out the door to his neighbor and rival, Ash Ketchem. As he ran he 
thought of how he got to be in diapers. Gary had kept making fun of Ash 
for wetting the bed, until P. Oak, Garys grandpa, decided to teach Gary 
a lesson. So he put a lock on their bathroom door and only gave himself 
and May a key. He then put Gary in diapers and made May his 'mommy' to 
take care of him. Gary felt sorry for making fun of Ash now. just as he 
was about to ring Ash's doorbell, May saw him and dragged him back 
saying, "bad baby, Gary, now you need a bath."
	She ran some bath water and Gary noticed she had locked the 
bathroom door so he could not escape again. she dunked him in the water 
and washed him. after she dried him off, she laid him down on a 
changing pad and powdered and diapered him. She poured some orange 
juice in a baby bottle and fed it to him. Gary pretended to go to 
sleep. May laid him down in his crib, upstairs, in his room. Gary got 
up and saw that May had dressed him in a footed sleeper.
	'Man, May has gone too fucking far!' Gary thought. he grabbed his 
poke'balls, jumped out the window, and ran out of Pallet. He was going 
to Viridan, but then he remembered the people in the town. he was sure 
to be identified as a baby because he was in diapers and baby clothes. 
Then, Gary found his cheerleader squad, actually Karen, the head of his 
cheerleading squad. She stared at him for a minute until she recognized 
	"Hey, Gary! What's with the outfit?" she asked, nodding at his 
baby clothes. Gary sighed.
	"It's a long story, Karen. do you by any chance have any boy 
clothes you can loan me?" Karen shook her head no.
	"But I could pretend to be your mom. where ya, like, going?" Gary 
raised his hand and pointed at Viridan.
	She walked away, thinking Gary was following her. May saw Gary 
just then, so she grabbed him, ran back to Pallet, pulled his pants 
down, unfastened his diaper, and spanked his at least thirty times. 
then she picked up a broken and crying Gary and said, "well, it looks 
like somebody's cranky and needs a LONG nap."
	May changed Gary and fed him a bottle full of juice with a 
sleeping pill dissolved in it. May put Gary back in his crib and closed 
the door behind her. The next morning, Gary got up and opened the door. 
May was already up and dressed when he entered the living room.
	May: "Hi! how did you sleep?"
	Gary: "Why the hell did you drug me?!"
	Professor Oak slapping Gary: "Don't talk like that!"
	Gary: "Grandpa?"
	May: "Yeah, he came over this morning."
	P. Oak: "May, has my BABY grandson been giving you a hard time?"
	Gary thought, 'say no! please be nice for once!'
	May: "No, in fact, Gary said he would like to spend next weekend 
at Ash's house."
	Gary: "Yeah, grandpa, it'll be great!"
	P. Oak: "Ok, I'll be in my lab if you need me." He walks out the 
	May: "So, Gary, do you really want me to be you mom and diaper 
	Gary's face became thoughtful. "To tell you the truth, yes." May 
picked up a glass.
	"Then, do you want some tea? it's good!" Gary laughed.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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