The Further Adventures of Dave Duncan

By: (Z)Syko (G)Spice


If there is ever an obstacle, obstruction, challenge, 
or difficulty in life, chances are Dave Duncan has been 
through it. From having a secret shattered to fighting his 
worst enemy head to head to outrunning a bear and falling in 
a ravine, he's seen it all. Now a sophomore in high school, 
a lot has changed. Watch as Dave, his friends, and his 
girlfriend Stephanie find interesting solutions to life's 
challenges in the sequel to Healing Duncan.


The following is purely fiction. It contains mention of 
suicide, infantilism, depression, violence, and slight 
sexual content. If this offends you, then do not read.

Many of the chapter titles are either quotes from
movies or song lyrics (or titles). Several other quotes are
mixed into the story itself, so keep a watchful eye. Several
times you might here a demon being mentioned...this is my
trademark character and he makes an appearance in almost
everything I write. Now, a little about me. I'm a 14 year
old aspiring writer from New Jersey. If you would like to
see something else that I wrote, please e-mail me
( Thanks and enjoy!
Chapter 1: I Know What You Did Last Summer
	Rays of sun splashed through the window hitting my face 
like Scott Stevens' style body check. I opened my eyes and 
woke up. I had to poop, so I let a mess into my diapers. 
Sucking on my pacifier, and hugging my teddy bear, I waited 
for my mom to take me out of the crib. Not at all normal for 
a teenager, but that's me.
	My mom entered my room, and as usual said good morning, 
and stuck her hand down the back of my sleeper so she could 
check my diaper. She unlocked the crib and helped me out of 
it, and proceeded to carry me downstairs. I was given a 
breakfast of cereal and a bottle, both fed to me from my 
highchair. I said good morning to my dad after the pacifier 
was removed from my mouth.
	Next, I gazed at the newspaper. Bill Clinton looked to 
be in a lot of trouble again, and the USA Basketball team 
looked to lose without their NBA stars. Mom put the pacifier 
back in, and set me down in my playpen so she could talk to 
dad for awhile. When my dad left for work, she carried me 
back upstairs to change me.
	After setting me down on the changing table in my 
nursery, she strapped me down and unsnapped my sleeper 
throwing it in the hamper. Then, she motioned for me to lift 
my butt up, and slid off my plastic pants. Next, she 
unpinned my dirty diapers and tossed them into the pail. She 
grabbed a baby wipe and a can of Johnson and Johnson baby 
powder and wiped and powdered me. A clean Attends diaper was 
set down under me, and my mom motioned for me to moved my 
butt down. I did and she sealed the tapes and gave me a pat 
on the butt. She removed the pacifier, and asked the daily 
question, "baby or adult today, David?"
	I figured, what the hell, and answered, "baby." The 
pacifier was inserted back into my mouth and strapped behind 
my head. I was put into a short T-shirt and a pair of short-
alls, with Mickey Mouse sneakers. Next came the kneepads. 
These put me in a position where my only method of transport 
was crawling. Finally, I was lifted off the changing table 
and carried back downstairs to my playpen. My mom put on 
Nickelodeon so I could watch Rugrats. Typical day so far.
	A bit later, I was let out of the playpen, and my 
diaper was checked. It was dry, and my mom left me to crawl 
around the house. It was about 11:00, and as usual, 
Stephanie called. She said she'd be over hear in a little 
bit. That made me happy.
	She arrived and we hugged. My mom left the tow of us 
alone more or less, and its a good thing too. Steph took the 
pacifier out of my mouth, and we talked for a bit. It was 
now time for lunch. Stephanie picked me up and put me in my 
highchair in the kitchen, putting a bib on me and strapping 
me in place. We split a frozen pizza, and she gave me a 
bottle to drink. I wet my diaper as I ate and drank.
	After lunch, I asked her what she wanted to do. She 
suggested Scrabble (we have a rather bizarre set of rules 
that makes the game more interesting), and I agreed to it. 
Stephanie beat e by about a 3 point margin. While we were 
playing, I pooped in my diaper again.
	Stephanie reached her hand down my shortalls to check 
me. We then walked upstairs to my nursery where she changed 
my diaper. I was left in just the diaper, and told it was 
time for my nap. "I'd rather spend my time being with you 
then dreaming about you," I told her.
	"Nice try Dave," she said. "Now got to sleep." She put 
the pacifier back in, and set me down in my crib. I woke up 
about a half hour later. "Have a nice nap?" she asked.
	"Yeah, sure," I said after she removed the pacifier and 
unlocked the crib We then turned on the computer and signed 
on to AOL. I had some mail to read: messages from a teen 
baby newsgroup, a few dumb chain letters from Fred, some 
solicitations to delete, and a regular e-mail from Jared. As 
I was reading Jared's e-mail, he sent me an instant message.
	WoodyX27: Hi Dave, Hi Steph
	DunkDave: Sup?
	Stephanie then typed:
	DunkDave: How did u know i wuz here?
	WoodyX27: cuz im phsycic
	I stuck my middle finger up ton the computer screen.
	DunkDave: Aright, wut am i doin right now?
	Stephanie laughed.
	WoodyX27: aright, u got me there. listen up, Fred's at 
it again.
	DunkDave: what this time?
	WoodyX27: I don't know, but he sez it will get a lot of 
money. Me, him, and Brian are meeting tomorrow. You going to 
be there?
	I looked to Stephanie. "Go ahead, just don't get 
yourself killed," she said.
	"You sound like my mom," I said.
	"Scary thought," she said laughing.
	DunkDave: sure.
	WoodyX27: aight, bye.
	DunkDave: bye.
	I then signed off and shut down. It was mid-afternoon, 
so we decided to watch a movie. We managed to agree on the 
Breakfast Club, one which we've seen many times but is still 
enjoyable. At about 4:30, Stephanie said that she had to go 
home. She kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye and left. 
I crawled around the house in just my diaper, listening to 
it crinkle along the way.
	Later, my mom called me into the kitchen for dinner. I 
was placed in my highchair and fed. Dad then arrived home, 
and he and mom ate. He said he won free movie tickets at 
work, and gave them to me. I thanked him, and planned on 
using them.
	After dinner, mom put my waterproof nylon swim pants on 
me so I could go take a shower. After I showered, my wet 
diaper was changed, and the pacifier was inserted into my 
mouth. I was again put in the playpen, and left to watch the 
Simpsons from there. Later, I was changed into my cloth 
night diapers. My mom decided it was a bit hot, so she 
omitted the sleeper. I was now given my adult time, which I 
spent watching Friends and Dawson's Creek.
	At bedtime, I said goodnight to my parents, was given a 
bottle then the pacifier, and set down and locked inside my 
crib. If it's hard to believe that I actually did this, it 
might be perhaps harder to believe that I spent a whole 
summer like this!

Chapter 2: The Sting

	For as long as I could remember, I have pretty much 
been friends with the same kids. There was Jared Woods, by 
best friend, one of the nicest people in the world, always 
went with the flow. Brian Malloy was smart and always 
prepared. And Fred Sharpe, was well Fred. He was a risk-
taker, and a leader, but he fooled around a lot and 
sometimes got himself into a lot of trouble. This was one of 
those times.
	After I had been changed the next day, Jared came over. 
"Hey, whadup?" I called to him.
"Hey Dave," he replied.
"Want something to drink?"
"Sure, why not."
I got him a Coke, and we talked for a bit. "So, what's this 
newest plan of Fred's?"
"He didn't say much...but he said it involved a bet against 
the Sugar Hill Boys."
"Is he insane?"
The Sugar Hill Boys were a reckless college fraternity known 
for going completely off the wall.
"Maybe so. But get this. Remember the move you pulled 
against the bear?"
"Of course I do."
"Fred wants you to do it against Dimon Shevins."
Dimon Shevins was our town top linebacker in college 
Before I declined, I asked the stakes.
"If we win, we are honorary frat members without going 
through initiation. If not, then we go through initiation 
without becoming frat members."
"Look, I did that stunt out of luck to save your guys hides, 
not as a performance. So no way."
Jared nodded and we walked to the park to meet Fred and 
Brian. "Well?" asked Fred.
"No way."
"Well, thanks a lot, looks like I'll have to do this 
"This I gotta watch," Jared and I said simultaneously.
"Yo, you ready kid," called one of the Boys.
"Sure," Fred answered nervously.
He walked slowly onto the basketball court where Dimon was 
waiting. Fred was handed a ball. On the whistle, Fred would 
try to make it past the refrigeratoresque Dimon. We all sat 
their attentively watching. The whistle blew, and Fred 
panicked. He just froze. Dimon was running right into him, 
so Fred finally made a move: he jumped into mid air, and 
landed on his ass. We sat their laughing, yet feeling sorry 
at the same time.
Dimon started his victory parade, then helped Fred up. "Ya 
a'ight, kid?"
"Sure," Fred said. His face was red.
I expected Fred to be very angry at me, but instead he 
"Guess I finally got caught," he said meekly.
"Do you know what they are going to do to you?" asked Brian.
"I don't know. Should I be worried?"
"I think so," Jared said. "They've been known to do stuff 
like giving steel wool massages, making you mud wrestle a 
bulldog, or worse."
"Ouch," I said.
"Well, time to face it," said Fred.
We watched as Fred approached the gang to learn his fate.
"What do I have to do?"
"You'll see. Just cooperate, and you'll do fine. If not, we 
can wreck you for life, kid." I was pretty sure they meant 
that. "First thing were going to do, is tie you up. Just as 
a precaution. Then, were taking you to the frat house. Your 
friends can come too, but they better not interfere."
They ran tape around Fred's eyes, mouth, wrists, and ankles, 
picked him up, and put him in a van, and proceeded to drive 
away. "C'mon, let's go," I said.
"I don't know," Brian said. "Looks dangerous."
"I'll call Steph. Anything happens, she'll find s a way out 
of this."
I went to a pay phone and left a message on her answering 
machine. The three of us then went home, got our bikes, and 
drove to Fairview College. As soon as we got to the top of 
Sugar Hill, we saw the frathouse. There was a mean looking 
guy at the door wearing a grim reaper's costume. He laughed 
at us, and let us in. We were to wait while Fred was given 
his punishment in another room.
We didn't hear anything for awhile, then a series of muffled 
screams. What the hell were they doing to him? "You're not 
killin' him, are you?"
"Course not, he just likes to whine," said the grim reaper. 
This was true of Fred. "You guys are going to love this."
I was ready to be shocked and indeed, I was. Fred was 
marched out of the room wearing only several layers of very 
thick diapers, a pair of plastic pants, a short T-shirt that 
read: I'm a big baby, give me a hug, and sandals. There was 
also a pacifier strapped into his mouth that kept him from 
talking to us.
"Listen up," said Mr. Reaper. "We're giving him some time to 
recuperate from the initial shock. He's yours to hang with 
until 1:00. Then, we want him back like this."
"What for?"
"So we can parade him around town," said another kid.
"Don't give away the plans, asshole," said reaper.
"1:00, or else."
With those closing words, we were all but thrown out. "Now 
what?" asked Brian.
It was up to me to find a solution now, so I gave Steph 
another call. She said she'd be right over. Fred sat there 
looking really scorned.
Eventually, a blue station wagon pulled up. Jared stood in 
front of Fred so nobody could see him like this. Stephanie 
got out of the wagon, and I gave her more information.
"I don't believe this!" she said, trying not to laugh. "They 
can't do that."
"Yes they can," said Jared.
"Wait, I have an idea," I said. Little did I know that my 
idea would cause a town-wide frenzy.

Chapter 3: Operation Delta Force

	We all piled into Stephanie's cousin's station wagon, 
and figured out what to do next. First, we took the pacifier 
out of Fred's mouth.
	"Those fuckin' college dickhead pricks," he shouted.
	"Well, hate to tell you this, but if you don't do what 
they say, your ass is dead man," Jared reasoned.
	"Not necessarily." I said with a grin.
	"Why Dave, you got a plan?" asked Brian.
	"I do, but I need everybody to cooperate."
	"This don't sound too good" said Brian.
	"It seems dumb at first, but if you just play it out 
right, it will work."
	"The suspense is killin' me, what is your plan?" asked 
	"Here goes," I began explaining. "At 1:00, the Sugar 
Hill Boys are planning to parade you around town like this 
to humiliate you and show their power. Now, if anybody saw a 
teenage kid dressed like a baby, they'd laugh their ass off. 
If anybody saw two teenage kids dressed like babies, they'd 
think, "big baby has a friend." However, if they saw 4, 5, 
or even 6 kids dressed like babies, then they would probably 
think its a group thing or a new fad and leave you alone."
	"You can't be serious," said Brian.
	"Sure I am. Strength in numbers."
	"Well, I'll do it," said Fred.
	"You don't have a choice. Wut about the rest of us. I 
don't know about you guys, but I'll do it."
	"Fine, then me too."
	Brian contemplated the matter, and grumbled a response 
of, "fine."
	"Now how are we going to work this?" I asked.
	"Leave that to me," said Steph. "I think I can get 
Katie and Ellis to join this. I'll just tell them its like 
	"What about you?" I asked.
	"'Fraid not, love. There has to be a normal person to 
defend you people from harassment. That would be me."
	"Oh, you have excuses for everything."
	"We'll see," she said.
	"Now, where are we going to..."
	"I got you covered there, kid," said Steph's cousin 
Don. "I just had a brand new store built that stocks 
clothing for babies and kids. We might have some stuff there 
that suits you."
	"No problem. I was doing all kinds of wild stuff a year 
ago during my senior year in college, and now I kinda miss 
	We drove onto the highway, and headed west for several 
miles until we hit a vacant shopping center. "Here it is," 
said Don. "Obviously not open yet."
	Don unlocked the door to the building, and we followed 
him in. Inside were the most baby supplies I had ever seen 
before. Everything from cribs to full wardrobes to crib 
mobiles, not to mention tons of diapers in all different 
	"Hey Dave" Steph whispered into my ear. "Now might be a 
good time to tell them..."
	"We'll see." I said, knowing what she was asking.
	Don led us to a large empty room and told us to wait 
while she and Steph talked some stuff over.
	"Hey Fred," asked Jared. "what's it like wearing that?"
	Fred laughed and answered, "Not too bad. Diapers fit a 
little snug, but they are pretty comfortable actually. Not 
something I'd want to have in my wardrobe though."
	"Hey guys, remember that time a few years ago when we 
found that porno magazine with the picture in it.... Well, I 
got curious and checked it up on the net...there are 
actually some people who find acting like a baby a turn on."
	"Man, you mean I could snag some girls like this. 
Albeit sickos, but still. I should wear this every day 
then," Fred said joking. Jared gave me a long stare. He was 
one of the only ones who knew.
	"Can I tell you guys a secret?" I asked.
	"This won't be the first time I've worn diapers."
	"Unless you were potty trained from the time you were 
born, then that doesn't surprise me," said Fred.
	"No, I mean after I was a baby."
	"Please explain."
	"I wear diapers sometimes for fun."
	Fred and Brian looked a little shocked and confused. 
"You seriously like wearing these?" Fred asked.
	"Sure. Didn't you just say they were comfortable?"
	"Yeah but..."
	"He's got you there Fred," said Brian.
	"Yeah, but its something I never would have figured. 
Hey, if that's what you like, go for it."
	"That's what I told him when he told me," said Jared.
	"You Knew about this?" asked Brian.
	"Yeah. We are like in the Mafia, only 
I wouldn't order a hit on him and he wouldn't do that to me, 
no matter what."
	"Well, I also have something to confess," said Brian. 
"I used to wet the bed, so when I was 7 my parents sent me 
to this camp for bedwetters, and we had to wear diapers 
there. Well it worked, and it stopped. There, said and done, 
lets forget about it."
	"All right, my turn," said Fred. "I can't believe I'm 
telling you guys this. I potty trained pretty I 
was in diapers all the time till I was 4. I was still 
wearing pull-ups until the first grade. And I wore Goodnites 
to bed until I was ten. I got laughed at a bit, but hey it 
made me as funny as I am today so I don't give a fuck."
	"Your expecting em to say something?" asked Jared. 
"We'll sorry, but I don't have anything like that to share. 
I must admit, the though of wearing diapers did cross my 
mind a few times, but I wasn't ever really sure if I wanted 
	"Well, here's your chance." I told him.
	Stephanie then entered the room. "All right, we can do 
this the easy way or the hard way..."
	"Steph, I told them."
	"OK, good. Now everybody strip naked."
	"Mind giving us some privacy?" Brian asked.
	"How about we do this one at a time. Dave is already 
wearing a diaper, so all he needs is the proper attire."
	I followed Stephanie out of the room where she put a 
Mickey the Mouse T-shirt and sandals on me. She also checked 
my diaper, and finding it dry, let me go. Brian was next, he 
didn't seem enthusiastic but cooperated fully. He chose 
cloth diapers and a vinyl diaper cover with a Barney T-
shirt. Jared was next and he looked a little worried.
	"Dave, I'm havin' a lot of second thoughts."
	"Relax man, it's not like a sex change operation or 
anything All that going to happen is you are going to have 
some powder sprinkled on your ass, have a diaper and a shirt 
put on you. You even get to chose what you want to wear."
	"All right."
	Jared reentered the room a bit later wearing an Attends 
diaper with sandals and a tanktop with a picture of a baby 
on it. Fred giggled.
	"What are you laughing at?"
	"You look pretty buff for somebody who's supposed to be 
dressed like a two year old." He had a point.
	Stephanie announced that she had to tend to her sister 
and her friend and that she would be right back. I could 
hear a bit off noise as Katie and Ellis joined our parade. 
Katie, being the little girl with the big mouth that she is 
announced, "Elliss has to wear diapers because he keeps 
going in his pants. I'm just doing this to help you guys out 
and because my sister said so."
	"I do not!" said Ellis.
	"Do to."
	I decided to go out there and end the argument. "Hey 
Katie, how would you like to see you sister wearing 
	"Cool," she replied.
	"Excuse me, Dave, I never agreed to that."
	"Oh, c'mon. I did my part by telling my friends, the 
least you could do is join the party and do this for me."
	"Your right. But at least let me do this by myself. In 
	"That would be cheating" I said. I told Katie and Ellis 
to go talk to Jared about our plan. I then picked up 
Stephanie and put her on the changing table. "We can do this 
the easy way or the hard way." She punched me in the 
shoulder. "What was that for?"
	"I'm sorry, Dave, I still have nightmares about when my 
foster father used to do this to me."
	"Well, relax, I ain't him," I said strapping her down. 
"What kind of diaper you want?"
	"Ill take one of the ones I sewed myself for you. I had 
some extra time, so I sewed a lot for Don to sell here. Also 
get me that yellow pair of plastic pants with the ducks. 
	"No problem," I said. I pulled down her jeans, then her 
panties, taking a moment to admire her beautiful body. Then, 
I powdered and diapered her. I helped her out of her shirt.
	"Could you please stop staring."
	"I'm sorry, it's just that your beautiful."
	She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll take that short 
yellow party dress, handsome"
	"Aight." I put that on her and helped her down. "We 
	Everybody laughed when they saw Steph like that. "Knock 
it off assholes, were all in this together," I yelled to my 
	Don re-entered, and stopped. "Looks like you kids are 
ready to make quit a scene."
	"You make it sound like a bad thing," said Steph.
	"No way, not me. I was marching in a gay rights 
festival, anything that's at all different I'm fine with."
	"Your gay?" I asked.
	"No, but my college roommate was, so I did it as a 
favor to him. If I didn't have so much to do, I'd join you. 
Hell, this would make a great ad for the store. Bye the way, 
you got a call from somebody calling himself the reaper."
	"Thanx," I said, picking up the phone.
	"Showtime. Make sure that him, and the rest of you are 
at the corner of Main Street and Brook in 5 minutes." Time 
to start the 1st Annual Baby Parade.

Chapter 4: The Stand

	Each of us packed a diaper bag, and were given some 
last minute advice. We piled back into Don's wagon, and he 
gave us a ride to Brook Street. Stephanie unloaded a 
stroller from the wagon. "For who ever is the most tired of 
walking," she explained. We thanked Don and began our walk 
to the corner of main.
	Trouble came along the way. Matt Sabrien and Steve 
Tyler, the local thugs got one look at us and started 
cracking up. I had history with this kid, but we had a clean 
record now. Matt then asked, "What's going on?"
	"Fred here lost a bet to the Sugar Hill Boys..."
	"Those bastards. They won't let me in. Let me guess, 
they made you dress like this."
	"No, just Fred. But were starting a parade. A 
demonstration against them."
	Matt laughed again. "I told you this before Dave, but 
you got some serious balls doin' stuff like this. Hey, I 
heard some girls actually go for guys who do this shit. Good 
luck, gotta bounce. And all be watchin'."
	"Bye bye KKK," said Steve.
	"What does that mean," asked Jared.
	"Kindergarten Kickass Kult," Steve said walking away.
	We got too Main Street where the Boys were writing. 
"What the fuck is going on here?" said one of them.
	"We decided to join Fred. We're friends, so we stick by 
	"Your loss, losers." Fred was re-gagged with a 
pacifier. A leash was attached to a hook on his plastic 
pants. "Now who will be lucky enough to hold this?"
	"I will," said a girl of about 19.
	"Yo, Gena, this ain't a good time or place to be."
	"I'm your sister, Marty. Don't forget that. And I'm 
sorry if the fact that I think this kid looks cute in 
diapers interferes with your little hyped up cult over 
	Everyone was silent, until finally Marty nodded. The 
last thing he needed was his 17 � year old brilliant sister 
going against him. "Just play by the rules."
	Gena took the leash, and with Fred leading in front, we 
walked up Main Street. "So, what is this?" asked Gena.
	"We're teaching the Boys a lesson. It will be kind of 
like a demonstration."
	"Cool. I've always wanted to get back at my brother's 
little cult. He took pictures of me naked and showed them to 
everybody at that stupid fraternity. I wanted to kill him." 
Fred smiled upon hearing this. "Hey, how about we draw some 
	"Good idea," said Stephanie.
	With Gena yelling, "Sugar Hill Boys are loser who are 
jealous of us right now!", we continued marching down main. 
I was getting a bit nervous. Stephanie could see that, so 
she put the pacifier in my mouth. At first, I thought this 
would backfire. Then, something surprising happened. Matt 
and about 20 kids marched along the sidewalk next to us, 
	"Figured y'all needed some help," he said, suddenly 
eyeing Gena. "And with such hot marchers, why not." Gena 
smiled, then took a pacifier out of one of the diaper bags 
and shoved it in his mouth. He shrugged and left it there, 
just enjoying the show.
	Pretty soon, more and more of a crowd developed. 
Finally, a police officer approached us. "What the hell is 
going on here?"
	"It's a parade."
	"What kind of parade?"
	"The kind that will get the Sugar Hill Boys in a lot of 
	"Then by all means, continue."
	A new section emerged in the crowds. There were several 
older kids wearing diapers and baby clothes.
	"Just like Halloween," Katie said. "Only there's no 
	"You got a point, little girl," Matt shouted from the 
audience. "We need to turn it up! Hang on, I'll be back." I 
had no idea what he was up to or why.
	We were running out of momentum, until Matt Sabrien 
would yet again prove to be helpful. He returned wearing no 
shirt (it was pretty damn hot, I don't blame him), and 
carrying a boombox, bags of chips and cans of soda. He 
walked into the park, set stuff down on picnic tables, and 
said, "Aight, let's get jiggy wit it."
	"Hold it," said Dina (Matt's current girl). "Where you 
get all this shit?"
	"Your house, baby. That a problem?"
	"Hell yes, I was saving this."
	"I did you a favor. Now you won't have to ever bitch 
about food going to waste."
	"That does it, come with me. If you don't I can tell 
everybody a couple of things you wouldn't want them 
	Matt had a worried look on his face, something I'd 
never seen in him before. "Aight, I'll be back."
	The local news even got in on it. They approached us 
and started asking questions, which Gena answered. "What 
exactly is going on here?"
	"It's a parade which gives people a chance to be a baby 
for a day. It symbolizes freedom."
	"I see. How did this start."
	"It was originally a demonstration against the Sugar 
Hill Boys."
	"Does this bother you at all, Miss..."
	"Gina Damasco, and no not really. If people want to try 
a new fun way to dress up. It's almost like Halloween.
	"Interesting. Who's idea was this?"
	"My Dave's," Stephanie said pointing to me.
	"Thank you for your time."
	As much as the public was into this, there were also a 
number of people shouting stuff like, "freaks!" and "grow 
up, why don't ya." They were perfectly right, too.
	A sight soon caught my attention. A truck was unloading 
things at the far end of the park. A certain sign caught my 
eyes, it read: Welcome to the 1st Annual Baby Parade, 
brought to you by Kid Planet and Baby Universe. "Don is a 
natural when it comes to getting attention," Steph said.
	After a bit of unloading, Don himself stepped up to the 
movable podium and said, "Hi, welcome all. My name's Don 
Keegan, owner of Kid Planet and baby Universe. I welcome you 
all to the 1st Annual Baby Parade. Feel free to have fun 
learning about what it is like to be or take care of a baby. 
And remember, please stop by Baby Universe for its grand 
opening next week. Thank you."
	Most of the crowds began to separate, watching the 
demonstrations that Don had set up. So, what began as a 
stand against a fraternity had turned into a town-wide 
frenzy and a marketing exploit. "Anybody have any child care 
questions?" asked Don. This guy really knew how to get stuff 
	"How do you feed a baby without making a mess?" asked 
one lady.
	Stephanie motioned to her cousin that we would 
demonstrate. We would? This was a little bit more then I had 
hoped for. Relax, the people here think I'm a professional 
at this, and am doing it only as a demonstration. They won't 
	Stephanie picked me up and placed me into the highchair 
that was setup. She made sure that I was properly strapped 
in, and the tray was in position. Next, she tied a bib 
around my neck and removed the pacifier. Next, she produced 
a bowl of cereal and some baby silverware, positioning my 
hands on a spoon and her hands on mine, she guided the spoon 
slowly to my mouth. People clapped at the demonstration. 
Little did they know I was very much used to this.
	"How do you change a diaper?" a guy in his early 20's 
(probably a single father) asked.
	"Sorry, can't demonstrate that.." That was a relief. 
"However, in the event that anybody here does need to be 
changed, there are stalls with changing tables in them over 
to the right."
	Stephanie dragged me over there and changed me. A voice 
from the next stall called, "hey, can you help me out."
	Over in the next stall, Gina was attempting to change 
	"Never done this before?" Steph asked.
	"Not in a long time. Never mind, I'm startin' to 
remember. Thanks anyway."
	Gina took the pacifier out of Fred's mouth, and slid 
down the plastic pants. "I forgot to ask you your name, 
kid," she said.
	"It's Fred."
	"Sorry if I look down there, but its better then 
sitting in your own piss, right?"
	"Yeah. Hey, the view from here is pretty good." Fred 
replied staring into Gena's bra. I was expecting him to get 
smacked. Instead, he got the reply of "cute."
	There was a bit of commotion in a corner of the park.
	"Come back here, it's only to show you not to be 
touchin' my stuff."
	"Keep the fuck away from me bitch. And don't you ever 
threaten me again or...."
	"What you gonna do, your all talk."
	"Hey, I know all about you too."
	"Fair enough. So then why you hiding?"
	I looked to see the mighty Matt Sabrien engaged in an 
argument with his girlfriend. He spotted me and stared at me 
as if to say, "This is all your fault Duncan and I'm going 
to get your ass back for this."
	Instead, his words were a bit different. "So you think 
I'm hiding?" he said, a fiery glow in his eye. "Yo, 
everybody listen up. I'm standing here wearing a diaper cuz 
my girlfriend will start spillin' out my private life if I 
don't. Well fuck that, I won't give her the chance. You want 
to know stuff, you stupid fucks out there laughin' your 
asses off at me, well I'll tell ya. I got arrested 7 times. 
I'm prejudice against fat people. There, you happy? See, I'm 
man enough to say it, what about you, bitch."
	 Dina looked really scared now. And actually, so did I. 
This was the Matt Sabrien I knew from middle school, a 
ruthless individual with a high sense of pride and 
competitiveness. "Aright, fine. You won." She said, trying 
to hide her fear. "But what you gonna say when the Sugar 
Hill Boys get here?"
	"Fuck them."
	"No fuck you."
	The argument continued until Matt whispered something 
into Dina's ear, and the two of them disappeared into a 
stall. They better not be trying to get intimate in public, 
i thought. Intimate and Matt Sabrien in the same sentence. 
What was I thinking. Then again, how well do I really know 
this kid.
	I was about to find out. Down the street came about 20 
young men dressed in costumed attire. It was the Sugar Hill 
Boys. Many people gave them a number of boos, but then a 
police officer stepped in, "it is a public park, we can't 
kick them out...yet."
	"Thank you Detective Doughnut," said one of them 
mocking the cop. "Exactly what the hell is going on here?" 
Don explained the situation to them. "People, you've been 
lied to. Here's what really happened. That Fred kid lost a 
bet, and that is why he's dressed up like that. I don't know 
why the rest of you sickos joined him, but this has nothing 
to do with the fact that he lost a bet, and he has to pay by 
public humiliation."
	"Marty, get lost and leave him alone," said Gena. 
"Nobody wants to hear you speak."
	"So now your defending him. Do I sense a new boyfriend 
for you?" Part of the crowd began to laugh. It seemed like 
the whole situation could explode at any minute. "Look at 
yourselves, people. Unless you got a serious medical 
condition, you are actin like retards." He had a point, and 
for one moment, I felt like deleting my entire summer and 
starting it over again.
	"Y'all better shut you mouth, boy," called Dimon. "Now 
check dis up. Maybe if I Anita know, I'd agree wit you. But 
last season, when you paid that Traylor kid to floor me 
during the game, I almost snapped my damn spine. Had to wear 
diapers for 2 weeks while I was recovering and you sons of 
bitches were laughing. So, do them 2 weeks make me a 
retard?" Now everybody was listening. "Y'all play to much, 
and I ain't takin' it no more"
	"Too bad, man, you could have been a member."
	"You said that last time I did something for you. 
Sides, I don't want your sorry ass club. I don't got time 
for high school jokes when I'm tryin' to impress NFL scouts. 
So cya." Now there was cheering.
	"Aren't there any real men out there?" asked Marty. 
"Hey Sabrein, what do you think of these losers?" This was 
an interesting situation. Matt had enough power and quick 
witt to destroy us all in one moment. Or he could stand up 
and send the Boys running back to their frathouse.
	"What do I think?" he said slowly walking toward the 
group. "I think you should shut the fuck up and go home, 
bitch. You stupid club's been playin' me out too long. You 
been usin' me to get new candidates for membership, givin' 
me the lie that I might get in one day. Yeah, I knew about 
that. I also know your pissed off cuz sum high school kids 
wrecked your little game. So what do you do, you try to help 
your cause by callin' up sum witnesses, but they Anita on 
your side. So, now who would be actin like babies?"
	"C'mon, lets go. Enough wastin' our time here," said 
Marty as they left.
	Dina gave Matt a big kiss, and he said, "no problem, I 
was waitin' to say that. But I couldn't have done it without 
Dave Duncan." So I was hero for a day. Looks like my plan 
paid off.

Chapter 5: Vacation!

	Following that little escapade, I had to do a lot of 
explaining to my parents;. Ultimately, I think they were 
proud of me. One day after dinner, my dad approached me and 
said, "Dave, it's time to plan vacation." At last. I had 
been waiting a whole year for this.
	"Where we looking this year, Dad?" I asked.
	"New York, the Jersey Shore, then maybe north to the 
New Hampshire White Mountains." This sounded really good. 
Another chance to leave Massachusetts. Every year, what we 
did is, we picked an area, then each of us picked out 
several activities of our own interest. This way, everybody 
always found something they wanted to do. "Well, you have 
first pick, son."
	I, of course, knew what I must ask my dad. When Jared 
first mentioned it, I was pessimistic. But now, I knew I had 
a legitimate chance. "New York...I, um, want to try to enter 
the basketball tournament."
	"Dave, that's an awful big thing.."
	"I know, but if I advance a round, we get to stay in 
New York free until I eventually lose or advance to the 
	"We'll see."
	Anyway, we went on picking events until I was 
interrupted with a phone call. It was Steph. We exchanged 
news. She too would be going to the jersey shore, however 
only for a weekend. Katie, however, had the fortune of going 
with her friend to Virginia. An idea then hit me. I asked 
Stephanie if she wanted to go with me to NY/NJ/NH. She 
seemed pretty excited, and after getting permission from her 
parents, the deal was set on her side.
	Now for the hard part. "Dad, can I bring somebody on 
this vacation?"
	"You let Jared go in the past, but he's going to Europe 
this year...."
	"And you'd be lonely?" asked my mom.
	"Not really, I'd still see him at the Jersey shore like 
every year. But I was thinking of bring Stephanie."
	"Sure, I don't see why not. You can use some experience 
traveling as a couple. I remember when your mother and I..."
	"That's enough, dear."
	I called Stephanie to tell her the good news. My 
parents did stuff like reservations and budgeting while I 
informed my friends. The good part is, we'd all meet up at 
the jersey shore about the same date. People poured out of 
this area like blood form a wound in summertime, and most of 
them went Jersey.
	Days past by pretty quickly until it was time for us to 
get ready to leave. The day before hand was designated as 
packing day, so we got to that. "David, I have to ask you a 
serious question." Said my mom. I knew what it was. "Are you 
about ready to give up being a baby."
	I had thought this over. "No, not yet. When school 
starts, maybe."
	"That's fine. I only ask because its a bit of a hassle 
for vacation."
	"Don't worry, you'll have Stephanie to help."
	"That's right. I am glad you have finally found 
	"Me too."
	I packed all my regular clothes and other stuff I was 
taking away into a tote bag. My mom packed my diapers and 
baby stuff separately. I was sent to bed extra early that 
night, as we would be leaving early tomorrow.
	The next morning, my mom woke me up extra early. I was 
changed and fed as usual. In the car, I was put into my car 
seat. We then drove by Stephanie's house and picked her up.
	"Get enough sleep, Dave?" she asked.
	"I hope so, I have to navigate." The route we were 
taking purposely involved a lot of time driving and going 
almost in circles for the point of `taking in scenery' as my 
dad put it. Our first stop was New Hampshire. One of the 
many advantages about my choice of lifestyle was I didn't 
have to worry about holding it in for rest stops. If I had 
to go, I just went in my diaper and forgot about it. 
Stephanie looked almost annoyed at that convenience.
	I helped lead us into southern New Hampshire. We were 
making good time thus far. However, my breakfast caught up 
to me and I pooped my diaper. Now I would have to wait for a 
rest stop after all. "Let's see if you wet it also," 
Stephanie said checking me. It was soaked thoroughly, and 
looked like it could leak. That being the case, Stephanie 
pulled down my shorts, and rested a towel under me. I felt 
pretty damn uncomfortable.
We finally found a rest stop, and I headed for the nearest 
stall in the men's bathroom, almost not caring that I had no 
shorts on. A thought then hit me that stopped me dead in my 
tracks. How the hell am I going to do this? Changing myself 
at this point would be rather difficult, and I sure as hell 
am not going into the lady's room so Steph can change me. 
"C'mon Dave." Or am I? "It's OK, nobody's here."
My diaper bag in hand, she led me into a stall in the lady's 
room. There was a changing table there, but it was way to 
small for me to possibly fit. Since nobody was around, she 
led me back out of the stall, and changed my sodden diaper 
on the floor. "Here's your shorts, wait for me outside," she 
said. I put them on, and waited for her.
I was a bit hungry, so I fished some change out of my pocket 
and bought myself a candy bar. "Want some?" I offered Steph.
"Sure. Thanks." The two of us rejoined my parents, and we 
were back on the road. A bit more driving (some of it up the 
twisty Kankamungas Highway that led into the mountains), and 
we were finally there.
We checked in to the Millhouse Inn, a nice resort in the 
middle of nowhere, right inside the town of Lincoln-
Woodstock. After we got to our room, we had to go back for 
the luggage. "You two rest here, we'll get the luggage," my 
dad said to Steph and mom. Once we were settled in, I asked 
my girlfriend if she liked this so far.
"Definitely," she said. "I mean, on all my vacations, all we 
do is boring stuff that only appeals to one person while 
everyone else complains but me because I'm supposed to be 
the neutral one." That was quite a mouthful.
"All right," my dad announced. "first we'll stop for lunch, 
then we'll decided what we are inclined towards doing." This 
place had a mall built right into it, and the mall had three 
restaurants. After lunch, we got to work.
"What's in this area?" Steph asked me.
"Lot's of stuff, nothing real exciting or touristy, but for 
"David, watch your manners," my mom warned.
"Sorry. Anyway, they have this nature walk type thing called 
the Flume..."
"Sounds interesting."
"A roadside attraction called Old Man of the Mountain."
"The tallest mountain east of the Mississippi, Mt. 
"And the town of North Conway, consisting entirely of outlet 
"Shopping? Yay, I'm there." So far, even if it was just the 
fact that I would be spending the vacation with the person I 
love (not that I don't love my parents), this was turning 
out to be great.
"If we're going to be walking, I think I could use some 
"Good idea," said my mom.
We found the weight room, and got to work. For some reason, 
every time I lifted, I thought of Matt Sabrien, last year, 
laughing at me when I could barely bench 90 pounds and he 
could easily do 120. Stephanie could tell I was getting 
frustrated. "Don't worry Dave, you can still lift more then 
me, if that makes you feel any better." It didn't.
After a little bit, we rode to the flume. It proved to be 
interesting, containing a natural bridge, some words carved 
in rock by George Washington, and best of all...caves, a 
nice contrast to the hot weather outside. Our next stop was 
the mountain.
I got a bit nervous looking at it, so Stephanie slipped a 
pacifier into my mouth. We drove slowly up the twisted road 
to the top. I wet my diaper when I stepped outside. First of 
all, it was cold, maybe 50 degrees. Second, it was 
unbelievable how high up we were. "This deserves a photo," 
my mom said. I was not one for pictures, but I agreed. I 
doubt any of my friends would have the guts to even walk 
around someplace this high.
When we got back to the motel, Stephanie changed my diaper 
and gave me a bath. We were going out for Chinese, then to 
the pool for a swim, then we were going to see Armageddon. 
After eating a lot of low mein, I tended to the infamous 
fortune cookie. I was shocked to find out what it read: you 
have had luck to overcome hardship, now it is time for the 
second phase, and be warned, evil takes all forms. Even 
weirder, Stephanie got the exact same things. We decided to 
forget about that twist of fate.
On our way back, we spotted a video arcade. My parents, 
knowing me all too well, supplied me with quarters, and I 
walked in. I offered Stephanie some of the quarters, but she 
declined, saying she had little interest in these things. I 
found Mortal Kombat 4, and nearly shuddered when I 
remembered the last time I played it. After a couple of 
rounds, I was defeated, and we returned to the motel.
I was changed into my swim diaper, and had flip flops put on 
my feet. I could feel an oncoming surge of humiliation. I 
prayed nobody in the pool would notice me. The sight of 
Stephanie in a bathing suit soon cleared that thought from 
my mind and replaced it with another one. "It's been awhile 
since I had the opportunity to swim," she said.
"Well, here's your chance."
The pool was far from vacant, when we got there. The water 
was a bit cool for a heated pool, but hey, I wasn't about to 
complain. I climbed in, and watched a bunch of college aged 
guys play a specialized version of volleyball. One of them 
almost hit me in the head. When he turned to apologize, he 
instantly noticed the diapers, and turned away from me so he 
could laugh to himself. Soon other people were pointing at 
me and giggling. One guy even went as far as to say, "no 
babies in the pool." That's just great.
"Hey Dave," Steph said. "Race you to the other end."
I wasn't a great swimmer, but I had been ready to hit the 
water for quite some time. I soon found out that even 
without a lot of practice, Stephanie could severely out-swim 
me. "That's OK, I used to work as a lifeguard part-time 
until some stupid kids faked drowning just to get me to give 
them mouth to mouth." We waited for my parents to finish 
soaking in the hot tub before heading back to the room. I 
was changed again, and we went across the parking lot to the 
movie theater.
Armageddon lived up to the hype, it was a very well-made 
movie. Of course, I had a couple of distractions while 
watching. One was Stephanie, who I couldn't take my eyes off 
of half the time. The other was my flooded diaper, which I 
feared would leak. We returned to the room where my dad had 
ordered a crib to be sent up. I was pretty worn out from a 
day of excitement, so I was happy when I was re-diapered put 
into my sleeper, and sent to bed.
I awoke the next morning having slept well. I was changed, 
and we headed downstairs for breakfast. Half the day was 
ours to spend shopping, the other half we would spend 
getting to New York City. I got myself some new clothes, and 
then waited with my father for Stephanie and my mom to 
finish. My dad pointed out women always take longer. After 
another half hour, we were set.
Time for New York, and a shot at the big game.

Chapter 6: Space Jam

	"Have you ever been to New York?" I asked my 
	"Once a long time ago, but I don't really remember it."
	"This is my fourth time here."
	"You aright?"
	"No, I think I'm going to be sick."
	We pulled over and found a rest stop. Stephanie re-
joined us with the diagnosis of car sickness. "This is 
weird, its never happened before. Then again, I usually have 
to here the sound of my sister arguing or my parents 
arguing, so maybe the sound of the road noise is finally 
starting to get to me?"
	"Looks that way."
	"Hey Dave?"
	"Yeah dear?"
	"Can I borrow one of your diapers, like in case I 
suddenly just can't hold it anymore."
	She disappeared to put it on, then returned. We were 
back on our way. "You all right, Stephanie?"
	"Fine now, Mrs. Duncan. Just a bit of car sickness."
	"You can call me Mary. And if there's anything we can 
do, let us know."
	"That's really nice of you, but I'm fine now. I 
borrowed one of Dave's diapers jut in case."
	"Good idea."
	After awhile, we stopped for lunch. We got strange 
looks when I was given my bottle, right there in the 
restaurant. Stephanie made another run at the bathroom. I 
felt sorry for her, I hope she's OK. She returned saying she 
was, and we continued. After an hour, she said she was 
starting to not feel well again. I suggested putting on some 
music. It worked for awhile. "Don't feel embarrassed." My 
mom said. "If you have to go, go. Your no less of a person."
	"Jim Lincoln, my foster father would disagree with you 
there, Mary, but thanks."
	"Well, he's not here right now darling, and he won't 
bother you again."
	We stopped at a Burger King for a late lunch, and I was 
changed in the bathroom. A few people looked at me weird, 
but nobody said anything. The remainder of the car ride was 
long and slow, and I fell asleep. I was woken up by my 
girlfriend when we reached New York. After a tiring day, we 
checked into the hotel. It was now late in the night, and I 
wasn't really hungry, so I was given a bottle and sent to 
sleep. Tomorrow, I would resume being an adult.
	I got up early the next morning, showered and changed. 
I wore my Antoine Walker jersey, shorts, and of course a 
diaper. Since it was vacation, I didn't think my mom would 
mind. Indeed she didn't, but she reminded me to be well 
behaved. After breakfast that day, we went to sign me up for 
the tournament. There were a lot of kids there, all from 
different age groups and ethnicity's. I got in line, and 
waited until I was given an application. I filled it out, 
and let my dad take care of the rest. We would have to check 
back tomorrow to find out if I made it or not.
	The rest of the day was spent sight-seeing. I saw the 
top of the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building 
as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History. We 
stopped at Central Park, and walked around. There was a game 
of street basketball in progress, so I watched inner city 
kids storm the court. One of them asked me to play. "No 
thanks," I said.
	"Go for it, Dave," urged Steph.
	"OK, sure." I said.
	"I'm Tony Tarino," said the kid. "This here's Waydell 
Stewart, Cesar Motez, and Kiko Spikes. We're all from the 
City. Those kids over there are Thomas Roosevelt, Manny 
Gonzalez, and Bob Abrigal. They're foreigners here for the 
tournament, and your on their team. You any good kid?"
	"I'm Dave Duncan, and not really, but I'll play anyway 
and get better."
	"Good attitude," Tony said laughing.
	The ball was checked and soon I found myself in a tidal 
wave of activity. There was yelling and shouting, shoving 
and pushing, and a whole lot of running and shooting. I 
barely touched the ball 2 seconds. Then, Thomas, the kid who 
looked more like Bill Gates then a basketball player got a 
break, and passed it to Bob, who gave it to me. I found 
myself in a tough spot. I couldn't press forward anymore, 
but I had to shoot. So unleashed my jumper, and watched it 
go in. Final score 20-20. Stephanie gave me a big hug, and 
we all applauded each other.
	"Hey Tony, who's that wise-ass kid?" said a big kid 
with a mustache.
	"Dave Duncan, he's got skills."
	"We'll see about that."
	"That's my cousin Benny, he's got a temper, " Tony 
explained. "Yo, if your lookin' for a place to eat, check 
out my family's restaurant about a block form here. It's 
Italian, and it's good."
	I conferred with my parents, and we worked out an 
agreement. Steph and I would eat with our new-found friends 
while my parents would "take in the city." Tony was quite 
right when he said that his family's restaurant was Italian 
and good. I had some of the best pasta and fresh-baked 
breadsticks in existence there. After the meal, we started 
talking about the tournament. During the conversation, I 
cold feel tension building in my bowels, and knew that I had 
to use my diaper. I tried my bets not to move and said as 
little as possible. Finally, it was time to meet my parents 
back at the motel. As I got up, I released a large load. 
Nobody noticed (at least if they did, they didn't say 
anything), but Benito gave me an odd stare. I was so glad to 
get out of there.
	I felt awkward walking up and down the streets of New 
York City in a poop-filled diaper with only my girlfriend at 
my side, so I remained as quiet as I could be.
	"Anything wrong?" Steph asked me.
	"I need to be changed," I said quietly. I felt very 
self-conscious saying such a thing in public, even though 
there was nobody I knew. I only prayed nobody noticed. We 
walked back to the motel and found my parents waiting. Once 
in the room, Stephanie set out my supplies and changed my 
diaper. It really stunk, and I was glad to get it off me.
	"Tony seems pretty cool," Steph said.
	"Yeah, and he's really good too."
	"Too bad you'll have to be playing against him."
	A sharp realization just hit me: the tournament was 
grouped by state, so I would indeed be playing against Tony. 
I tried to overlook that thought and went to sleep.
	The next morning when I returned to where the sing-up 
was held, all hell broke loose. Apparently, the formation 
was changed at the last minute: we would get to choose 
teams! At first I thought this would be a golden opportunity 
to play with Tony, but then again, he already is friends 
with kids much better then me. When I saw that Tony was 
already with a group of 5 kids, I god discouraged. Suddenly, 
he called out, "Hey Dave!"
	"Come here, we need a 6th."
	I more then gladly complied. We now had a dynamite 
squad of Tony, Benny, Thomas, Bob, Kiko, and myself. We 
agreed to practice later that day. I was overjoyed!
	Later that day, I started to get ready to practice at 
the court where I first met my comrades. I took a shower, 
and then made a decision. This tournament could influence my 
future, so why cling to my past? Why remain a baby? I felt 
now was time to grow up, even if it's only for now. I 
rummaged through luggage until if found a cup and a pair off 
boxers. It felt very weird to be wearing normal underwear 
after such a long period of time.
	I originally didn't feel like telling anybody about my 
decision, but my mom noticed right away. "I feel that this 
is something I have to do to move forward," I explained. 
"It's my future, mom."
	"Okay, dear, and I'm not doing anything to get in your 
way. Just remember that wearing diapers for so long might 
have had an effect on you."
	This thought nearly caused me to change my mind, but I 
shrugged it off and finished getting ready.
	Stephanie gave me a kiss on the cheek. "For good luck," 
she said. I was ready.
	I was the last to arrive at the court. Benny harassed 
me about my tardiness, and we started getting to work. 
Passing drills, shooting drills, and dribbling drills. There 
was a lot of argument and confusion which distracted me 
during the practice. So much that I nearly ignored my 
bladder. I quickly found a bathroom and relived myself. I 
was determined to let nothing get me down. Not my teammates, 
and not my body.
	The second half of practice went a lot better, there 
was more communication and more effort. Everything looked 
positive until we got company. Manny, Waydell, Caesar, and 3 
kids who introduced themselves as Claudio, Rashad, and Joe 
entered the court.
	"Yo, we got court," said Benny.
	"Not no more you don't," said Waydell.
	"Yeah, bounce, SA," said Caesar.
	"I'll kick your fuckin' ..."
	"Don't do something stupid," said Thomas.
	"Hey, how about we play for court?" I asked.
	"Good idea," said Bob. It was agreed, and everybody 
supported it accept for Benny.
	"If we lose cuz of you, I'll kick your ass."
	The next 15 minutes were pure turmoil. The game went 
back and forth until they decided then that they would win. 
They shoved and jammed their way to easy points, adding 
taunts along the way. Everybody was bitter towards everybody 
else on our team, and as a result, we never got it back 
together. Finally, I was called in to sub for Bob at 
shooting forward. Benny and Tony got us some quick points, 
but they landed a few 3's to catch up. Finally, Manny 
dropped the ball, literally.
	I picked it up, and chaos struck. My teammates were 
greedily calling for a pass. My opponents were closing in on 
me. I was trapped. "Up and off," I shouted, recalling 
something from practice. I set myself to launch the ball off 
the backboard when all of the sudden, Waydell knocked into 
me, sending me flying right to the floor. He brushed by me 
for an easy FG.
	"What the fuck was that?" asked Benny, in his usual 
	"Man, I thought I could trust you," Tony said. This 
really hurt, and almost brought me to tears.
	"I...I..," I mumbled looking for words. None came, but 
instead a hot bush of urine filled my underwear and soaked 
the front of my pants.
	"Look at your shorts," said Kiko. I was so upset at 
that point that I just stormed out of there.
	My parents were a little disappointed in the way I 
handled the situation, and gave me a cold stare. At least 
Stephanie was there for me. "It's OK," she said. "That stuff 
happens." I decided to go to bed early that night, and only 
prayed that I could get back on track.
	I woke up feeling a bit relieved. There was a 
tournament today, and I was going to play whether people 
liked it or not. I took a shower, but this time decided to 
wear a diaper.
	"It's a good thing too," said my mom. "Because we 
wouldn't have you not wear one." She powdered me heavily, 
then took not one, but two diapers and put them on me. Next, 
she took a roll of masking tape and ran it one full length 
around the diapers. Finally, she gagged me with a pacifier 
and bound my hands and wrists and tucked me into bed. "This 
isn't a punishment, this is helping you. Now get some rest." 
I had little choice, and indeed doze off.
	When I woke up, I looked at the time and nearly 
panicked. Stephanie came and untied me. She changed my 
soaked diapers, then took what must have been 4 or 5 diapers 
and put them all on me. She taped these very thoroughly and 
tightly. "Why so many?" I asked.
	"Well, you can't wear a cup with a diaper on, and 
that's one place I would definitely not want to see you 
hurt." At first, I could barely walk with these diapers, 
they kept dragging me down. Finally, Stephanie produced a 
pair of plastic pants, and put those on me. Next, she put a 
regular undershirt on me, then an onesie. I wasn't able to 
fit into my shorts, but my dad, always prepared, had gotten 
me a bigger pair. Next, I pulled on the basketball jersey 
provided with the registration fee. My dad intentionally got 
it very large and very long. I felt very safe and secure, 
and comfortable like this. I was also thankful that the 
place where the tournament was going to be held was air 
	"You gonna cheer-lead for me?" I asked Steph.
	"Well, I'm not the cheer-leading type," she said. "But 
for you, sure. By the way, I', borrowing one of your diapers 
again, I don't want to miss a second of seeing you play. And 
finally, no matter what, I still love you."
	"I love you too." I gave her a kiss this time, then 
stood up. I felt tall, confident, and eager to play. And the 
best part: my ass didn't bulge out the way I expected it 
too. From any normal angle, it just looked like I added a 
few pounds to me otherwise thin body.
	I got there and found my whole team waiting for me. We 
all apologized and settled our differences, and got ready to 
play. There would be 3 games, with 30 minute break between 
each. Our first opponents I didn't recognize. I started on 
the bench, and watched from there, calling out words of 
inspiration and advice as the game progressed. We were up 
55-37 at the half. I was coming on and off the bench, and 
took over full-time for Bob the second half.
	"That's OK," he said. "You doing a better job then me 
anyway." We went on to trounce the team 115-97. I had 15 
points, and my diapers were dry except for perspiration.
	I took to the bench and sipped some Gatorade. Stephanie 
yelled out some words of confidence, and we hit the court. I 
was in full time at small forward, with Bob filling in once 
or twice for Kiko. This team was a bit harder, but they lost 
their edge quick. 112-80 final, I notched 23.
	As it turned out, the final game was against our rivals 
from yesterday. I was told respectfully to sit the bench for 
this one, and watched the blood feud carry on. It was head-
for-head early on. Benny caught fire, and got a couple of 
points and a couple of warnings form the ref. Late in the 
half, I was still on the bench, and we were up by two. It 
came down to a minute left when Waydell got an elbow in at 
Benny behind the ref.'s back. This was bad for several 
	Since the ref. didn't see it, nothing was called. Being 
it late in the half, no subs could be made, so Benny acted 
OK to keep on going. They tied it up though, and put us in a 
bad situation. "We're fucked!" said Benny.
	"Yeah," seconded Thomas.
	"Wait a minute," said Bob. "Put in Dave at center."
	"What?" Benny exclaimed. "The kid's a shrimp!"
	"No offense, but he's right," said Tony.
	"No, he looks bigger then yesterday, somehow," said 
	"Son of a bitch, your right," said Tony.
	"Aright. Duncan, win this one," Benny said. Time to do 
or die.
	We took the court, and I waited for the ball to be 
dropped. I peed into my diaper out of anxiety, and looked at 
the grimacing face of my opponent. I won the drop, and was 
quick on the pass. We racked up 2, but they put our D to 
work. It was pretty rough for both sides early one, and we 
got a bit dirty. Every time we tried to take a lead, they 
cut it back down. Finally, the inevitable happened, and they 
tied it off of a disputed call.
	We took the bench. Tony asked me for some kind of 
strategy, and I poured out my mind to him. He approved, and 
we took a few moments to breathe. I emptied the remainder of 
my bladder into my thick diapers, and took the court again.
	This time, we out-witted them. Even Kiko and Bob, who 
were generally quiet, played them out royally. It was my 
turn to add to the insult when Waydell trucked me from 
behind. I went flying to the ground, and landed right on my 
ass. Without diapers, it would have hurt. It literally 
scared the shit out of me, and caused me to soil my diapers 
as well as wet them. Waydell was promptly tossed by the 
ref., and a pressure situation ensued.
	I had very little time to take my free throws. Not to 
mention, I was a bit distorted from the hit. I took a deep 
breathe and waited. I saw Stephanie looking on from the 
stands. She gave me a smile, and that was all I needed. I 
hit both free-throws with precision accuracy, my trademark, 
and we won!
	We instantly took the bench and got crazy, pouring 
water over each other, wrestling each other to the ground.
	"Yo, Dave," Tony said. "First, you gain bulk over 1 
day, then you get right back up after that hit. You gotta 
tell us how, man."
	"I can't."
	"Aright, tell just me."
	I waited until after the rest of the team walked out 
and explained. "Don't laugh at this."
	"I have some bladder control problems, so I wear 
diapers. They are good padding, and they make me look 
bigger, too."
	Tony tried his best not to laugh, but finally gave in. 
"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. A 15 year old 
kid wearing diapers! But that's OK, it's cool"
	"Thanks for understanding."
	Stephanie came down form the stands and hugged me. My 
parents both told me they were proud. I felt pretty good.
	As we were walking back, the smell of my dirty diaper 
filled the air. There was nothing I could do about it. When 
we got back to the motel room, Stephanie slid her hand down 
the first diaper and felt around. It was a bit wet. She 
didn't feel like changing this one, so she left it to my 
mom. My mom set me down on the changing pad, and with some 
scissors, cut away the tape. She untaped each diaper 
individually, and finally took all of them off. Next, she 
wiped my messy but thoroughly, and suggested I take a 
shower. I did so, and was powdered and put into a single 
	That night, Stephanie and I celebrated with Tony over 
dinner. So far, I had work, I had play, and now the only 
part missing form my vacation was "chill time." What better 
place for it then the Jersey shore?

Chapter 7: Beach Boys

	"You ever been to the beach?" I asked Stephanie.
	"Once," she said. "When I was really young."
	"Is going there going to bring back any bad memories?"
	"No, I'm actually looking forward to it. It might 
replace bad memories with good ones."
	We got to the beach by mid-afternoon. As every year, we 
shared a beach house with Jared and his family. What I 
didn't know was that this year, Fred and Brian and their 
families were also staying in the area. It was quite a 
surprise when I was walking down the boardwalk, and heard," 
Hey Dave!"
	"What are you guys doing here?"
	"I didn't tell you cuz I thought you'd freak," Jared 
said with a smile.
	"This is great!" I said.
	"Not really," Brian said. "You aren't going to believe 
who else is here."
	Before I could think about it, I was grabbed from 
behind. A large quantity of sand was dumped into my diaper. 
I was then given a kick on the butt that sent me flying 
forward into the sand. "Duncan, what a surprise." Matt 
Sabrien gave his greeting e in a less then formal way.
	"Sorry about that, I was just playing with you," he 
said. I noticed his usual friends, as well as some menacing-
looking kids I didn't know were with him. "Anyway, meet me 
down by the Rock at midnight, I'm having a phat party 
there." He walked away and left us wondering.
	"Anything Matt Sabrien's up to can't be good," Brian 
	"True," Jared and I agreed.
	"Hey, a party's a party," Fred said. "I'm going."
	There was no stopping Fred once he had his mind set. I 
decided to join Stephanie in getting a tan. I mentioned the 
party to her. "Doesn't sound to good," she said. We walked 
back to the house, and she changed my diaper. I was given a 
bottle and told to take a nap.
	Later that day, my parents confronted me. "We've been 
talking with Jared's parents, and we don't want either of 
you going to that party. It could be dangerous."
	"OK," I said. However, I had an ulterior motive. Why 
were my parents taking this much caution? Did they know 
something that I didn't? I brought this up with Jared and 
Stephanie, and we agreed to check it out from a distance.
	That night, we crept out and walked up a hill, giving 
us a view from above. At the rock, many people were 
gathered. Some were smoking, some had surf boards. Music was 
blaring loudly form a boombox, and I could see Fred standing 
there looking confused. Matt was in the middle of it all, 
and yelled for everybody to shut up. "Suicide Summer, here 
we go!" he yelled.
	Suicide Summer? I watched as he grabbed a surfboard and 
jumped from the rock into the water, doing a 360 along the 
way. "Try and beat me!" I watched with terror as several 
people followed him. I hoped Fred had the common sense not 
to try. Then again, this was Fred. I watched as he nervously 
stepped forward and grabbed the surfboard. He mounted it, 
and plunged into the water. I was surprised, but he was 
actually safe! So it seemed.
	Suddenly, Fred started crying for help. I could make 
out a figure right behind him in the water.
	"Shark!" someone called.
	Matt spit out his beer, and shouted, "Fuck no, dumbass. 
It's a dead body!" He pulled Fred out of the water, and they 
ran away. I was about to join them when the "dead" body got 
up and ran away.
	"What the fuck was that?" Jared asked.
	"I don't know, but I'm scared," said Steph.
	I was to, and I began sweating and wetting my diaper. 
Finally, Jared and I mustered up enough courage to go down 
and investigate. We saw a gold watch lying in the sand.
	"My stepfather owned a watch like that," Stephanie said 
with fear.
	"Let's get out of here!" I suggested. We retreated to 
the house, and sneaked in. Our parents assumed that we had 
no part of it, and told us to watch out. There was turmoil 
all across the beach. Finally, Brian came forth and told the 
police everything they needed to know. Now they were looking 
for Matt Sabrien, who was nowhere to be found, to question 
him about a supposed corpse, who was also nowhere to be 
found. I decided to just shut up about this, maybe talk 
about it tomorrow.
	After the chaos settled, Stephanie changed my diaper 
and put me in my sleeper. We slept close to each other. I 
sucked on my pacifier to gain a non-existent sense of 
safety. Suddenly, I heard a loud knock on my window. I 
slowly got up to investigate when the knock didn't go away. 
Matt Sabrien appeared, drenched with rain and looking 
scared. He temporarily ignored my attire, and said with 
desperation in his voice, "Look, whatever happens, you did 
not see me there. I could go to jail for this!"
	"Aright, I won't tell unless I have to," I replied. He 
ran off quickly, presumably looking for some place to hide. 
I didn't get much sleep that night.
	The next morning, I woke up and found each of my 
friends. The four of us, plus Stephanie made a pact to keep 
this secret as long as possible. Then we awaited the wrath 
of our parents. Mine gave me a lecture, as did Jared's and 
Brian's. Fred's shouted at him, and decided to give him a 
punishment. They stopped by our house to borrow some 
diapers, presumably to be used on Fred.
	I cursed the gods of parental communication, as after a 
bit of discussion and deliberation, we all had to spend time 
more or less grounded. This time, it wasn't really because 
one of us did anything wrong, it was a safety measure to 
prevent us form doing so.
	After I had heard this, I frowned in disgust. My mom 
checked my diaper, and to my surprise, I had wet it. She was 
right, wearing diapers for this long had indeed effected my 
bladder. She removed the wet diaper, cleaned me up, and put 
several diapers and taped them thoroughly as before. Over 
this, she put some plastic pants. She tied a bib around my 
neck (part of the punishment), and put the pacifier in my 
mouth. In this condition, I felt very exposed. I was then 
told to walk down the adjoining walkway to Fred's house.
	When I got there, Fred was sitting on the floor wearing 
nothing but a diaper, which was thoroughly taped to him. 
Brian and Jared were also there, dressed normally. I took 
off my pacifier and looked bleakly at the floor. "This 
majorly sucks!" said Fred in discontentment.
	"Agreed," the three of us nodded in unison.
	"Well, not for you Dave. Your probably enjoying this!" 
Fred yelled at me.
	"Come on, give me a break. Don't get pissed at em for 
being who I am."
	"Well, I am pissed!," he continued. "And...wait a 
minute, I have an idea."
	"Not another one!" Brian said disapprovingly.
	"Let's have a wrestling match. Me and you, Dave."
	"OK, but why?"
	"Look at what we're wearing!"
	"I don't think the garments worn by the Japanese 
athletes are diapers, but they do bear close resemblance. 
Aright, I'm game." We cleared an area in the room to which 
we were confined, and took stance. Jared and Brian would be 
our judges, and Fred and I would be the combatants. I gave 
Fred a nod, and we went at it.
	He lunged at my mid-section, and knocked me backwards. 
He started punching me (not too hard) on the chest. I picked 
him up, and bare hugged him. I jumped to the ground, pinning 
him. He smacked me in the face and got back up. I used my 
legs to trip him. While he was down, I mounted a chair and 
jumped off of it. He caught me with an elbow to the ribs 
that seriously hurt!
	I put aside the pain and started throwing hooks to his 
head. He grabbed my leg, and spun me around. I came crashing 
to the floor, but rolled away before he elbow dropped me. He 
pulled me up by my bib, and put me in a position to pile-
drive me. Brian and Jared were cheering him on. Using all 
his strength, he picked me up. Before he could drop me back 
down, I head butted him in the crotch.
	A look of anguish came over his face, and we both 
dropped to the floor. "I'm glad I'm wearing a diaper, or 
that really would have hurt!" Fred said. We both got up, 
only this time Fred was scared. He tried to run away, but I 
grabbed him by his diaper, and slammed his ass to the floor. 
Once again, he was thankful for the extra padding on him.
	I figured it was time to end this so I re-mounted the 
chair and leapt. I came crashing down right on top of Fred, 
only he was able to roll em off. Using all his strength, he 
was able to get himself standing. He stood over me like he 
was about to attempt a bonsai drop, a very painful move 
indeed. He froze for a moment, then paused before 
announcing, "Bonsai!"
	Fred landed right on my chest. The impact didn't really 
hurt that much, but the smell did. It had occurred to me 
that Fred had pooped in his diaper right before he performed 
the move. I closed my mouth and rolled forward, pushing him 
down. I grabbed his leg, and locked it around mine. Finally, 
I turned his body over and leg dropped him with my free leg. 
He cursed aloud in pain, the let me pin him for the 3 count.
	"You were lucky," he said with a smile.
	"You bastard, I can't believe you did that!"
	"Had to, man."
	Speaking of which, I released a stream of urine into my 
own diaper, and enjoyed the feeling for a moment. Just then, 
Stephanie walked in. "I thought you guys might be bored or 
something. That, and I'm still kind of scared about last 
	"Don't worry," I said soothingly. "It's over."
	"So, what's going on here anyway."
	"We all got pissed at each other and decided to wrestle 
it out."
	"You couldn't find a more peaceful solution."
	"I guess fighting's just a thing that men can 
appreciate, right guys?"
	They caught my drift, and nodded accordingly. Stephanie 
laughed, then said, "We'll see about that. I'll take on all 
of you."
	Now I regretted doing that. I didn't want my girl 
friend getting hurt in anyway, so I asked her to let me 
help. "Fine, me and Dave versus all of you."
	Fred started laughing uncontrollably, until I kicked 
him and he shut up. "Your not going to like the rules," he 
	"What are they?," Steph asked.
	"This is strip wrestling. That means everybody here 
strips to either underwear or in me and Dave's case, 
diapers. That's the only rule."
	"But I'm a girl, you cant expect em to wrestle 3 guys 
in just me underwear."
	I decided to add my 2 cents at this time. "You wanted 
the challenge, here it is. Oh yeah, and if anybody tries to 
do anything on her, I'll kick their ass for real. Handle 
this maturely. Understood?"
	Everybody nodded and Stephanie, and Jared all stripped 
to just underwear, while Brian remained clothed as the ref. 
I had to kick Fred repeatedly to keep his mind out of the 
gutter around my girlfriend. Fred and I took the ring, while 
our teammates waited at the corner of the ring. We began 
resuming our brawl from before with renewed vigor and 
	Fred decided to win this one by any mean possible. He 
spit in my eyes, kicked me repeatedly in several painful and 
delicate areas, and dragged me by my hair over to the 
corner. Next, he gagged me with, held me down flat on my 
stomach the bib and tagged Jared. Jared mounted the chair, 
and leapt off. He landed right on my stomach. Next, he began 
applying the ultra-painful Boston Crab. I would have given 
up had not Stephanie yelled at Brian to do his job. Brian 
accordingly ordered Jared to back off. I took the bib out of 
my mouth, and at her assistance, tagged Stephanie.
	She whispered to Jared that she wanted a shot at Fred, 
and he complied. Once in the ring, Fed taunted and teased my 
girlfriend. It was Stephanie's peaceful good nature that 
made it hard for her to fight back. Eventually, Fred made an 
error by walking right up to her. She sneaked him in the 
face and proceeded to deliver knee-blows to the abdomen. 
Next, she locked him in her legs, and began to give him a 
spanking. This was hilarious, as for awhile Fred could do 
nothing. He finally kicked out and tagged in Jared. At this 
point, Brian declared Royal Rumble, and we all started going 
ballistic on each other. In the end, it was declared a draw.
	"You OK?" I asked Steph.
	"Yeah fine. Thanks for saving me back there."
	"Thanks for not letting Fred cheat his way to victory."
	"Feel like hanging around any longer?" I asked.
	"No thanks, but I'll be back later. By the way, is your 
diaper dry?"
	I knew telling the truth would cause me to depart form 
my friends, so I lied and said no. After Stephanie left, I 
pooped in it, and wet it so more. In a way, I felt fortunate 
yet unfortunate under the same breath. After awhile, it got 
uncomfortable. I then remembered that I was restricted to 
stay here, and there was nothing I could do about it.
	Fred's parents emerged a little later. "How are you 
boys doing?" she asked.
	We all nodded OK. Fred's father, a big, tall guy looked 
over us and nodded with contempt. Finally, he approached 
Fred and said.
	"Looks like there's no reason to bring out the belt on 
you, Freddie. But you might want to go to your mother about 
changing that diaper of yours." Fred turned bright red at 
this, and quietly approached his mother about it. I sat down 
and watched TV with Brian and Jared while Fred had his 
diaper changed in the other room. Finally, I mustered up 
enough courage to ask Fred's mother is she could change me.
	She agreed and led me into the bedroom. I took position 
on the bed while she cut away the tape then wiped me clean. 
I was powdered, then a fresh diaper was put on me and taped 
up. I returned to my friends to see Fred making his way 
toward the door.
	"I thought I told you were grounded," his mom said.
	"The whole reason I went to the party in the first 
place is because you wouldn't let me do anything! I'm not a 
kid anymore, so stop treating me like it."
	"If your not a kid, then why must you complain about 
every little thing. In other words, why must you act like 
	Fred just grumbled something and walked outside in 
utter defiance. "This is no different from when you were 4," 
Fred's moms aid grabbing him. He had enough sense not to hit 
her, even though he definitely could have. Right in front of 
us, she un-taped his diaper and gave him a thorough 
spanking. Next, she re-fastened the diaper with several 
layers of masking tape. She then put a laxative in a baby 
bottle and forced it into his mouth. The bottle was replaced 
by a pacifier, and he was carried while kicking and 
attempting to yell into the bedroom and tucked in. "Sorry 
about that," she apologized.
	I remembered several similar scenarios when Fred was 4. 
He always had a very quick temper. He also had a minor 
learning disability that caused him to act on rash 
decisions. It also delayed his potty training, so that he 
still wore diapers full time at age 3 �, and to bed at 4. 
And what does he do about these problems? He develops a 
sense of humor as a defensive weapon and takes risks instead 
of applying himself seriously. Unbelievable, but he was 
after all my friend and a general good person.
	After awhile, I heard a bit of a panic outside. 
Finally, Stephanie came over and notified us of what was 
going on. I in turn approached Fred, who had woken up form 
his mandatory nap and said, "Matt Sabrien has been 
	For the next few days, the whole incident healed 
itself. I never heard what happened to Matt, but I enjoyed 
my time at the beach nonetheless. Maybe even more so, as 
Matt was a troublemaker. Stephanie had the best time that 
she could ever recall, and our relationship drew closer. At 
last, it was time to go home, so I said goodbye to my 
friends and we returned to Massachusetts with the knowledge 
that whatever happened, this would be one unforgettable 
summer. For me anyway.

Chapter 8: I Don't Want to Grow Up, I'm A Toys-R-Us Kid

	I felt like the whole summer was a whole big roller 
coaster, and I was now, reluctantly getting off. When I got 
home from vacation, it was nearly September, and nearly time 
for school. My parents were the first to alert me of this 
	"David, dear, you know it's almost time for school?" my 
mom asked.
	"You know some changes will have to be made."
	This scared me. Would I have to give up my diapers? 
Then again, what if I kept them and everyone found out? 
Either way, I was doomed. Luckily, my parents were way ahead 
of me on this one.
	"I know what your probably thinking, and don't worry, 
we have an idea."
	I listened to my parents spill out their idea, and I 
liked it. Starting the first day of school, I would no 
longer be treated like a baby, but a toddler instead. I 
would still wear diapers and baby clothes at home, but I 
would wear training pants and normal clothes to school. I 
wouldn't sleep in a crib anymore or suck on a pacifier. I 
wouldn't drink form a bottle, but from a sippy cup instead. 
It seemed like giving up a lot to me, but I knew deep down 
inside that it would be for the best.
	There was one stipulation though. If at any point I got 
into trouble, it would be back to being a baby for a long 
time. Of course, my parents said I could still be a baby on 
weekends if that was what I wanted. All and all, I wound up 
agreeing to this.
	As much as I was going through, Stephanie was going 
through twice as much.
	"I'm kind of scared about highs school," she said. "One 
false move anywhere could ruin you for 4 years!"
	"Relax, it's not that bad," I said. "Besides, you still 
have me."
	"True," she said. "And your better then anything in the 
world at getting my self confidence up."
	It was two days before school started, and it was my 
last day being a baby. I relished it from beginning to end. 
From diaper change to diaper change, and from bottle to 
bottle. To me it was heaven.
	The day before school was my `practice' day as a 
toddler. I was woken up around 7:00. My mom took off my 
diaper and told me to take a shower. Afterwards, I was given 
my training pants to put on. They were cotton, and from a 
distance resembled normal underwear. I put them on, and 
found them to be very comfortable. Not as thick as a diaper, 
yet still comforting.
	I finished getting dressed and walked downstairs for 
breakfast. My mom gave me some cereal and some juice in a 
sippy cup. I drank and ate then brushed my teeth. I noticed 
that my teeth were nearly crooked, probably from drinking 
form a bottle for so long!
	After awhile I could feel myself having to pee. It was 
almost as if the minute I was out of a diaper, I remembered 
how to control my bladder. I didn't notice fast enough, 
however, and ended up wetting my training pants. I was all 
of the sudden somewhat embarrassed by this, and didn't say 
	My mom came by alter and asked me if I hod gone potty 
yet. I told her no, and then she asked me if I had an 
accident. I nodded. She just grinned, then took off my 
training pants. Then she told me to go to the bathroom and 
wait for her.
	As I expected, there was a potty seat in the bathroom. 
My mom told me to sit on it and see if I could go. It was 
somewhat miserable, but after sitting for 5 minutes, I was 
able to clean out my system.
	My mom then handed me another pair of training pants 
and I put them on. I then looked over my summer reading 
assignment. I wanted to make sure I did a good job in case I 
had a really strict teacher this year.
	Following this was lunch, which was for me a bowl of 
Campbell's soup and a cup of milk. I was pretty full after 
lunch and knew I would have to go soon. I stood near the 
bathroom, as I didn't really want to have another accident. 
My body gave me little notice, but it was time enough to get 
into the bathroom and out again. My mom was pleased with 
this improvement.
	A little later, I got a phone call. It was Jared, and 
he wanted to know if I could come over. I asked my mom, and 
she said OK. I told Jared this, and was about to hang up the 
phone when my mom asked to speak to Jared's mom. They've 
been good friends for the same time Jared and I have, so 
this was by now customary.
	I picked up a few things that I wanted to show my 
friend and walked right on over there. Jared was sitting on 
the steps waiting for me.
	"Hi," I said.
	"Last day of summer. I can't believe it."
	"Me neither."
	I was interrupted when a beautiful college-age girl 
emerged form the house. Now who could this be, I thought. 
Could be Jared's sister who I haven't seen in a few years 
since she is in college. But if that's the case, she's 
really changed.
	"God Dave, you look like you just saw the Devil or 
something." Now I knew it was her.
	"Nice to see you."
	"I forgot to tell you, she got back yesterday," said 
	"How's college?" I asked her.
	"It's OK, up and down mostly." This seemed almost 
amazing. Carla Woods, since I met her had been conceited, 
arrogant, and boisterous. This seemed like a totally 
different person. Then again, I'm a totally different 
person! "You guys want some lemonade?"
	"Yeah," said Jared.
	"Make that 2."
	She retreated back into the house to get it. "Your 
sister's really changed a lot," I said.
	"Yeah, I know," he replied. "Maybe it's because of the 
	He suddenly turned red. "I wasn't supposed to tell 
anybody because it was a private sort of thing, but Carla 
got pregnant when she was in college, two years ago 
actually. My parents were initially pissed about it, but 
then they realized it changed her. Made her responsible and 
mature. So it's for the best, I guess."
	I was still in shock when Carla came back out. "Here 
you go."
	"Thanks," I said. Jared said nothing. Perhaps he still 
didn't forgive her for the sibling rivalry they had way back 
	"So, you doing sports in clubs next year?" I asked 
	"Yeah, Key Club and maybe Track."
	"Sounds great. I might try FLBA and maybe basketball."
	"You'd be crazy not to, Dave."
	"You mean that? Thanks."
	"Dave, can I ask you a question?"
	"What are you going to do about...well, you wearing 
	I turned slightly red at this, and in a low voice 
replied, "I'm working on that. Working on stopping that."
	"You know, I never understood why you were like that, 
but you know it never really bothered me. It's not worth 
arguing over, but I'm glad your working on stopping that."
	"Even if it's only for school, so am I. I even have 
training pants on right now."
	"I just wish I could get Tina up to that point," said a 
voice from behind. I jumped about 2 feet into the air when 
Carla said that. Then I turned red again and was almost 
about to cry. "Relax, I was told about that by your mom form 
my mom."
	"Why would she tell you?"
	"Because she wanted me to help train you, that's all."
	"Look, for somebody who's been in diapers for a few 
months, your doing pretty good. However, school's tomorrow, 
and unless you want everyone to see a big wet spot on the 
front of your pants, I suggest you let me help."
	"You know about this, Jared?" I asked.
	"No. But I did hear them talking, and I had a feeling 
it wasn't going to be good. That's what I was going to tell 
	"At any right, come with me, kid," Carla said, taking 
my hand. She led me inside the house, and Jared followed at 
a distance. Once inside, I caught glimpse of Jared's mother, 
who said hi, and Carla's daughter, who waved. "Off with the 
pants," she said.
	I looked at her, and after observing the severity of 
her expression, took my pants off, exposing my white 
training pants. My pants were immediately confiscated. 
"Drink up," she said, handing me a glass. Must contain some 
kind of laxative, I thought.
	"Now here's the rules," she said. "One: you will be 
checked every half hour. If you've used the training pants, 
we'll deal with you. If not, then it's 5 minutes in the 
bathroom until you do something. No rewards, no punishment 
beyond that. Got it? Good."
	I nodded, relieved. Some of the fiction that I gathered 
on the net showed a lot of cases where parents or siblings 
would totally flip at something like this. Jared, who had 
been pretending to ignore this asked me to follow him up to 
his room. I did and we played computer games for a little 
while. Jared looked pretty depressed himself.
	"Anything wrong?" I asked.
	"What is it?"
	"A couple of things. Thing's that I don't understand. 
Why I've yet to have a girlfriend is one, why my best friend 
wears diapers...excuse me, training pants is another."
	"I can help you with both," I said.
	"Well, I was this depressed when summer began. Even 
more then this. I tried to kill myself. I was lonely, and I 
felt like such an outcast. Then I decided to stop worrying 
about what others thought, and paid a little attention do 
being me, and making others like me. And that's pretty much 
what led Steph to like me."
	"Thanks," he said. "That sounds believable."
	"As for the part involving me and diapers, it's hard to 
explain. I could give you a psychological crap, but instead 
an example might work better."
	"Example? You mean your not the only one who likes 
	"Nope. There are a lot of us diaper lovers out there, 
but it's not the kind of thing we talk about. Take this guy 
Deeker, for example. I found his website, it's pretty cool. 
Anyway, he's pretty normal, he likes a lot of the same music 
we do, he's got a job in computers. And guess what, he likes 
diapers. He also writes a lot of good stories."
	"Like fantasies. Like everybody has, only his are about 
	"Now I'm starting to understand."
	"Good. I knew you would, that's why we're friends."
	At this time, Carla and Tina came in. Tina asked us how 
we were doing then began to inspect my training pants. As 
she was doing this, I began to pee. She got me over to the 
toilet, and I finished going in there. My training pants, 
however were soaked.
	To my surprise, Carla wasn't angry. "That's OK, you'll 
do better next time," she said reassuringly. "To do that, I 
have just the remedy." She left me naked in there for a 
minute, then returned with a stack of cloth diapers.
	"This might surprise you," she said. "But my roommate 
was also into this kind of thing. Her and her boyfriend." 
She proceeded to wipe, powder, and diaper me. The diapers 
were very thick, and the plastic pants crinkled as I walked. 
"Now, these won't get taken off until they leak or it's time 
for you to go home. Unless, you have to go and are able to 
hold it until I take these off and you get to the toilet. 
But at any rate, no accident. Understand?"
	"Yes," I said.
	"You wear diaper too," said Tina. "Me wear diaper." She 
lifted up her short skirt to show me her pink Pampers. I 
went back to playing with Jared.
	"I guess your sister hasn't changed," I said.
	"That's what I was trying to tell you before. She's 
grown up, but she's not a new person. Anyway, how about we 
play basketball?"
	"I can't go out there like this."
	"My mom is all but throwing us out there. Besides, it's 
in the backyard, nobody will see."
	I agreed to this and waddled downstairs. As soon as I 
got outside, I could feel myself wetting the diapers. As 
Jared and I played, I wet them some more, and also pooped in 
them. They were at full capacity, and about to leak.
	Carla came out and said, "Not very good here, Dave. But 
since their leaking, I'll have to change you. Scratch that, 
we'll have to change you."
	"Me and Tina. Come on."
	She grabbed my hand and brought me inside. She told me 
to lay down on the floor while she got the supplies. "You 
make poopy in your diaper," Tina said. "Me diaper dry." A 2 
year old insulting me?
	Carla slid off my plastic pants, and unpinned and 
removed the diapers. "You turn, Tina," she said. "Tina can 
almost change her own diapers. Another month and she'll be 
out of them. I wonder if you'll be, Dave."
	Tina wiped me up and sprinkled powder about my private 
area. I was then pinned into an even thicker set of diapers 
and marched back outside. Jared and I picked up our game of 
basketball, unaware that Matt Sabrien and crew were at the 
moment riding by the house. Luckily for me, Jared's house 
had a tall wooden fence around it. Still, did he see through 
the slats?
	After the game, I felt pretty tired. I also had to pee, 
but this time I saw it coming. I told Carla, and she took 
off my diapers. She took her sweet time doing it, but I 
still made it there. "What took you so long? "I asked her.
	"I think you look cute like that. Plus, it made me 
realize I'm rushing Tina out of diapers too fast. My 
roommate's boyfriend was trained early and that's what lead 
to him turning AB. Don't take any of this personally, Dave."
	"I won't."
	Jared and I talked for the rest of the time. I had to 
get up several times and have my diapers taken off of me, 
but each time I got to the toilet. As I was walking back 
outside, I noticed Tina with a sad look in her face. "What's 
wrong?" I asked her.
	"I peed in my diaper and mommy will be mad at me."
	"That's OK. Hey, I'm over twice your age, and I'm still 
in diapers."
	"But I don't want to wear diapers!"
	"Well, an accident here or there is OK. Your Mommy 
loves you and she'll understand."
	"Thank you."
	I watch her tell Carla that she needed to be changed, 
and I watched Carla lovingly change her, a smile across her 
face. This almost made me regret giving up diapers 24/7, but 
then again, the chilling thought that Matt saw still haunted 

Chapter 9: School Ties

	The next day, I awoke as usual with wet diapers pinned 
tightly against my body. However, I woke up in a bed instead 
of a crib.
	"First day of school today, come on," my mom said 
nudging me.
	"OK," I said.
	I waddled my way downstairs and into the kitchen where 
my mom fixed em a bowl of cereal and a cup of juice. I 
further peed into my already wet diapers, and savored the 
warm, wet feeling for as long as I could. Then my mom and I 
walked back to my room. Not the nursery, but for once, my 
	She laid me down and stripped off the wet diapers. Then 
she left em to finish dressing myself. I decided it might be 
a good idea to take a shower, and took one. I then slipped 
on my training pants. Over this, I put a pair of boxer 
shorts (with a fairly dark print). I also put on a long T-
shirt and some short. My butt bulged a little bit, as did my 
crotch, but other then that, I looked normal.
	I packed away my summer assignments into my backpack. 
In a large zippered compartment, I kept an extra pair of 
training pants and some wipes if need be. My mom notified 
the school administration that I was partially incontinent, 
and they said they understood and knew how I was to be dealt 
	Finally, it was time to leave, and I said goodbye to my 
mom. I then walked out to my corner to wait for the bus. 
Waiting with me were Jared, Fred, and Brian. Fred was plenty 
talkative, but also seemed a little irritated about 
something. When I asked him, he replied, "Nothing. Let's 
just say my parents are coming down on my case about this 
	The bus finally came, and we got in. I saw all the 
usual people, a large, talkative bunch, in addition to a few 
new faces. Thankfully, I did not see Matt Sabrien. The bus 
arrived, and I stepped out and walked with my friends to the 
school. Some of Matt's friends were there and said a few 
things to me. I ignored them mostly, and reported to 
	I had the same homeroom as last year, and they wouldn't 
shut up. I kept pretty quiet for the most part, and spent my 
time talking to a kid named Justin. He was a really good 
artist, but kind of shy, much like I was.
	I then passed from class to class collecting 
information. I had a few friends in some of my classes, but 
for the most part, I was on my own. I had tried to look for 
Stephanie, but I never found her.
	Lunch finally came, and I sat down to eat with Jared. 
Fred and Brian joined me, as did Justin, and Fred's friend 
Robbie. I finally spotted Stephanie, and she ran up and 
hugged me.
	"Well, how do you like high school?" I asked.
	"It's like being in the middle of a crowd of prima 
donnas who think they won the world, but it's also like 
getting the opportunity to finally earn for yourself."
	"Is that good or bad?"
	"I don't know, Dave, I'm just tired and confused."
	I introduced everybody at the table to one another, and 
took out my lunch: a sandwich, a juicebox, and a bag of 
crackers. It didn't offend me at all that my mom packed me 
this. As I ate, I saw Fred and Robbie exchanging remarks 
with Matt's friends a table over.
	"How many of us are together?" Brian asked. "I have 
Algebra 2/Trig with Dave and US History 2 with Jared."
	"I have gym with Fred and Robbie, and English with 
	"Hey Dave," asked Jared. "You took Computers 2 this 
year right?"
	"Yeah, I have it next period."
	"Me too."
	I didn't even notice a kid walk right up to me and make 
fun of my lunch. He didn't say his name either, just walked 
up and left. I would later learn this to be Adrian Pascual, 
not really a common thug or bully, but a kid so dangerous it 
made Matt look about as offensive as Barney the Dinosaur. My 
first encounter with him caused me to wet my training pants 
a little.
	As the lunch period was drawing to a close, Stephanie 
patted my butt to remind me to go to the bathroom. I got up, 
through out my garbage, and went to the bathroom. There were 
a few kids in there probably up to no good, drugs or 
something. I was about to head for the nearest urinal and 
leave, but then I remembered what I had on. Instead, I found 
stall. Once inside, I unzipped my shorts and pulled them 
down. I then stood in front of the toilet and waited a 
minute before a stream of urine came rushing out. Then I 
pulled up my training pants, which were still for the most 
part dry, and walked to the sink to wash my hands.
	"Hey," said a voice.
	It was that kid from lunch. I turned around to see his 
menacing face staring at me. "I'm Adrian. I'm sorry about 
lunch, I was just fooling around. Your Dave, right?" I 
nodded. "Is there any toilet paper in that stall?" he asked.
	This question threw me completely off balance. I 
honestly didn't look, so I said that I didn't know.
	"You don't know? Well, never mind." I left him to look 
for toilet paper to be sued in the defacing of somebody's 
property without a doubt.
	The next class I walked into right before the bell. It 
was Computers 2, and both Jared and Justin were in the 
class. The teacher seemed like a nice guy, and the class 
looked really interesting. However, I was having a tough 
time sitting there. I had to go again, and I didn't know if 
I could make it throughout the day. I didn't feel like going 
to the bathroom, I was still afraid that doers of no good 
lurked about. So I sat there and squirmed until the bell 
finally rang and school was over.
	I went to my locker and got a few things, and was about 
to rush out of there when my friends approached me. So did 
Stephanie. We all walked together, and talked about many 
things, about classes and teachers, etc. Then we got onto an 
odd topic. It was why Matt wasn't in school, and what this 
kid Adrian was up to. Some of the things we conjectured 
scared me.
	This conversation ceased when we got to the bus. 
Throughout the trip home, we said nothing. When Stephanie 
reached her stop, she gave me a quick kiss goodbye, and 
stepped out feeling very glad to be home. Fred, on the other 
hand, was very reluctant to get home. All this seamed 
strange to me.
	I had bigger things to worry about. I couldn't hold it 
much longer. As I walked up my front steps and opened the 
door, I was sure I was going to make it. My mom greeted me 
and asked me how my day was. I answered fine in a shaky 
voice, and there and then starting peeing my pants. I got to 
the toilet in time to finish, and also had a BM there.
	"That's OK," she said. "Your getting better."
	I found the school contract which my parents had to 
sign every year, and turned it over to my mom. I then went 
upstairs and put on a dry pair of training pants. I decided 
to stay in just training pants to make it easier for me. I 
covered a few books, then grabbed some supplies that I'd 
need for school.
	I sat and watched TV until dinner. My mom came and 
checked me several times, first asking me, then looking for 
herself. My dad came home from work, and I re-capped my day 
for him. We then sat down and ate. I went the rest of the 
day without an accident. In fact, I was doing so well, I 
just wore the training pants to bed instead of diapers. I 
was beginning to feel proud that I was at last moving on. 
Perhaps I had outgrown these babyish desires after all. Yet 
a part of me still wished I was wearing diapers, and 
sleeping in a crib. I wasn't sure how I felt. There were 
going to be changes this year, that was for certain.

Chapter 10: High School High

	The second day of school passed much the same as the 
first. Fred still seemed more elusive then normal, there was 
still no sign of Matt, Adrian grew more scary, and me, 
Jared, Brian and Justin rolled right along. The third day 
and those following were similar. I had to be extra careful 
when changing for gym or somebody might see what I was 
wearing. Luckily, Justin would alert me if he saw some bad 
kids around. He knew about me, but he said nothing. I wonder 
if it's because he's a nice guy, or there's something more?
	I noticed that Friday that Fred and Robbie weren't on 
the bus. I knew they were hiding, but I needed to know from 
what. I had a pretty good idea where. After I got home, I 
used the bathroom (I was getting accidents in 3 
days, and I haven't wet the bed in 2 nights), then I set 
down my stuff, and asked my mom if I could go out. She 
approved, and I headed for the woods.
	Fred and Robbie were standing there. There were cuts 
and bruises about them, and their clothing was torn. There 
were tears in Fred's eyes.
	"What happened?" I asked.
	Fred spun around shocked, and finally said, "Dave, what 
are you doing here?"
	"I was worried about you. Well?"
	"Adrian happened," said Robbie. "Him and his friends, 
the same kids that used to hang with Matt."
	"Why would Adrian do that? He's a trouble maker, but 
he's not particularly hostile."
	", I'll explain later," said Fred.
	Robbie nodded, then looked at his watch. "Time to get 
home and face getting yelled at. Or worse."
	After he left, Fred began explaining. "After what 
happened over the summer, my parents made all kinds of 
threats and came down really hard on me. I was sick of it, 
so I decided to get away from them...find some new people. 
Older kids to be friends with, more free-willed. No offense 
to you or the other guys, Dave, but I had to get out. Robbie 
	"I understand."
	"So then I saw Adrian and he was the kind of person I 
wanted to be fiends with. At least I thought. He didn't 
bother me at first, but then he asked me to prove that I was 
for real by throwing rocks at car windows. And I knew that 
that was just wrong, not even funny. So I said no."
	"And this is what happened afterwards?"
	"What do you think your parents will do about this?"
	"I don't know. They'll yell at me for awhile, then 
they'll probably hit me a few times. Not enough times to do 
any damage. Then who knows what. They've threatened 
everything from grounding em for eternity to treating me 
like a baby like your parents treat you. If I had a choice 
between the two, I'd take the second."
	"Your parents ought to talk to mine, acting like that 
doesn't help."
	"I guess your right. If I'm not dead, I'll call you."
	I smiled, then walked home. I had an accident on my way 
home, my first in awhile. I wet and messed at the same time. 
It was something I actually missed, yet still wouldn't feel 
right going back to. My mom was understanding, luckily, and 
helped to get me cleaned up.

Chapter 11: What Are Friends For?

	That Saturday proved to change my life profoundly 
forever. It gave me a look at what some people are really 
like, and it also helped me to again find happiness. The day 
began like any other, but ended like something straight from 
a dream.
	I was pretty bored, so I decided to get some homework 
done. Hell, maybe I'd even finish the big research paper and 
get it out of the way early. But that would require a 
partner. I decided I'd call Justin and see if he'd work with 
me, then I'd call Stephanie, then Fred.
	"Hello, is Justin there?" I asked.
	"Right here," he replied. "Who is this?"
	"It's Dave."
	"Hey Dave. What's up?"
	"I'm pretty bored aren't you?"
	"Why don't we work together on that research paper. Get 
it done early, and we can laugh at everybody else when they 
do it the day before the deadline."
	"Sounds good."
	"Can I come over your house?"
	"Umm.OK." I noticed he seemed slightly afraid by the 
proposal, but some shy people are like that. I thought 
nothing of it, and we agreed that I'd be over around 11:30.
	I hung up and called Stephanie.
	"Hey Steph."
	"Hey Dave. How you doing?"
	"Bore beyond belief. I'm going to go chill with Justin 
and get started on a research paper."
	"Ever studious, aren't you?" If somebody else said 
that, I might take it as an insult. They might be calling me 
a nerd or something. But coming from Stephanie, it had a 
whole different connotation. She was complimenting my 
intelligence and work ethic.
	"Yeah, I guess I am. How's your life?"
	"Honestly, I'm really confused. Give me some time to 
sort a few things out and maybe I'll see you tomorrow."
	"Sound's good, bye." Another reminder to me that for 
that reason alone, I was the luckiest guy on Earth.
	I walked downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen. 
"Good news, David," she said. "You seem to be over this 
problem of yours, so If you want, we can go shopping next 
week. Get you some new clothes. Would you like that?"
	"Definitely." I was also less then enthusiastic when I 
said this. A part of me still wanted to be a baby, but at 
least now I knew it couldn't happen. "I'm going over to 
Justin's to work on the research report."
	"Good for you."
	I found Justin Tan's house easily enough and rang the 
doorbell. Justin answered and invited me in. I had never 
seen him so pale. Yet he tried to act somewhat relaxed. 
"Hey," he said. "Come on in." I entered and saw his family 
assembled in the living room. I learned that he had both 
parents, a 3 year old sister named Tara, an 8 year old 
brother named James, and an 18 year old brother who was in 
	We walked up to his room, and I was impressed with how 
neat he kept it My room, in comparison, was a wreck, and 
even that was better then Fred's. Justin also had a huge 
Little League trophy, which I greatly admired. "Nice," I 
	"Thanks," he replied. "It took long enough to win it. 
I've been playing since I was 5. Want to get to work?"
	We spent the next hour or so going through books and 
the Internet looking for material on the life of Ernest 
Hemingway. We were able to find quiet a bit, and since the 
project was nearly done, we decided to take a break. "Want 
something to eat?" asked Justin.
	"OK, what do you have?" I asked.
	"Hopefully, something that tastes decent," he replied. 
We walked downstairs to the kitchen. When we reached the 
bottom of the stairs, I could see Tara playing in the den. 
She looked awfully content, sitting on the carpeted floor, 
playing with toys, wearing a comfortable looking diaper. 
Suddenly, I felt envious, but I didn't want to be staring at 
Justin's sister. It just didn't look right, so I sat down 
and grabbed a handful of pretzels.
	"These are good, thanks," I said.
	"Welcome." We went back to Justin's room, and chilled. 
We talked about the stuff we liked and hated. Justin was 
initially reluctant to talk about himself, so I started with 
some of my interests (I made sure diapers was excluded) and 
he gradually opened up. We had a lot in common, as it turned 
out, including having the bad reputation of being both 
reserved and intelligent. Oh well, unlucky us, it will get 
us into college.
	I wasn't one to eavesdrop, but I could definitely here 
parts of conversations from all over Justin's house. Call it 
good hearing or poor sound insulation, but at any rate it 
was a bit eerie. It increased my Oliver Stone-like suspicion 
that Justin was hiding something. I listened more, and 
eventually found out what.
	"Mommy, I go pee," I heard Tara say from downstairs.
	"Just a minute, honey," said Mrs. Tan. "James! Justin!"
	"My mother has us help with the diaper-changing," 
Justin explained very quickly. Something about that answer 
seemed extremely awkward, but I didn't want to pry. Turns 
out I didn't have to. "Look, Dave, can I tell you a secret?"
	"Aright, you swear not to tell."
	"Of course."
	"Well actually, I'll show you." He pulled down his 
pants to reveal nothing other then a diaper.
	"Your not going to laugh, are you?"
	"No, I think that's pretty cool. I um.. used to wear 
them myself actually."
	"We all did when we were 2."
	"No, I mean after that?"
 	"Really? Well, I have to wear them. I have a problem 
with my bladder."
	"I just liked to wear them."
	"I thought I could trust you because, well I overheard 
you talking about them."
	"You can trust me."
	"Good. Now, excuse me I have to go get changed."	
	I followed at a distance and watched him enter Tara's 
room. Mrs. Tan had finished diapering her daughter, and was 
starting to work on her son. James was lying down on the 
floor on a changing pad. His pants were off, and he was 
wearing a stack of several sodden diapers and a pair of 
plastic pants. Mrs. Tan slid off his plastic pants and 
unpinned his diapers and put them in a pail. She wiped him 
up, and sprinkled him with baby powder. Next, she took about 
4 or so thick, fluffy cloth diapers and slid them under him. 
She pinned them together and pulled up a new pair of plastic 
pants. She didn't put his pants back on him.
	"Your turn Justin," said Mrs. Tan.
	"I told Dave, mom."
	"How did he react?"
	"He took it pretty well. He used to wear them himself."
	"Oh? Well, hop down here." I decided to turn away while 
she changed Justin. It was just too awkward to see a guy my 
own age naked form the waste down. Instead, I thought of a 
more radical proposal.
	"Mrs. Tan?" I asked.
	"Could you...umm.. diaper me too?"
	"I don't think that's' such a good idea. What would 
your mom say?"
	"She'd let me."
	"Well, if your sure, come here."
	I let her wrap me in thick, thirsty diapers, and I felt 
like a baby again. Justin and I were now just in our 
diapers, and walked around the house like that.
	"Do you like wearing them?" I asked.
	"Not really. They feel pretty good, but I just know I 
shouldn't have to wear them. Why do you like to wear them?"
	"They feel good, but I like them more because they make 
me feel like a baby."
	"I never thought about it that way."
	"You don't think I'm weird, do you?"
	"Not really. Want to play Playstation? I have Crash 
Bandicoot 3."
	We took turns blazing through the levels of Sony's best 
game. We came pretty close to beating it, and that was good 
considering I was a first timer. I had to pee, and decided 
to go in my diapers. Pretty soon, that familiar warm wet 
feeling surrounded me. It brought back pleasant memories, 
and for a split second I was in another world.
	I returned to Earth and realized the time. My mom would 
expect me home soon, which meant that I would have to get 
these diapers off. Mrs. Tan changed me, and I thanked her. I 
said goodbye to Justin and headed for home.
	Mom asked me how the project went, and I told her. I 
obviously didn't tell her about the other stuff I did there. 
I asked myself a question: do I want diapers again? It 
wasn't an easy question, and wasn't one I was prepared to 
answer right away. I decided to sleep on it.
	I had a very eerie dream that night. I was in some sort 
of hospital type environment and had just woken up from a 
deep coma. I was handcuffed to a bed, and had a gag in my 
mouth. There were tubes running all over me, and I was 
wearing diapers. Then a guy in a black coat walked in 
carrying a big knife.
	I woke up instantly, saw the time and fell back asleep. 
This led to a more pleasant dream. I was in a crib this 
time, wearing diapers and a footed sleeper. I was clutching 
a stuffed animal and staying toward the ceiling. A hand 
seemed to reach down and give me a thumbs up. This time, I 
didn't wake up until morning.
	As I was pondering the diaper issue, I got a call from 
	"Hey your not dead," I said cheerfully.
	"It's worse then death."
	"What did they do to you? Remember, if it's too bad, 
then I'll call the police and get your parents arrested."
	"No, I'm afraid it's legal."
	"So? Did they ground you? Hit you? Make you clean 
	"Remember what they did to me for the shore incident?" 
The image of Fred and I kicking each others' asses while 
wearing diapers began to come back to me.
	"Well, they made it permanent. They turned me into a 
fucking baby!"
	I was completely blown away by this. "Your kidding."
	"I wish I was. Somehow I think they got the idea from 
	"Look, I had nothing to do with this."
	"Well, I was long as I have to suffer hell 
over here, want to suffer it with me?" I now pictured Fred 
and I hanging out in full baby attire. It was a nice 
thought, but not something I could easily do.
	"I can't."
	"Why not?"
	"I hope your able to get out of it somehow."
	"It's for a month."
	"Ouch! Well, gotta call Steph, cya."
	I hung up feeling a bit disillusioned. Poor Fred. He 
was always the go-to guy for insane yet funs things to do. 
Now all he can do is sit around his house wearing and using 
diapers. Yet I envied him.
	I called Stephanie, and she was indeed home. "Hi Dave."
	"Can I ask your advice on something?"
	"Sure, if you can help me out with something."
	"OK, go ahead."
	"I want to be a baby again."
	"Well, I discovered 2 of my friends wear diapers, and 
right now there isn't much reason not to, I mean with kids 
like Matt out of the way."
	"So, go ahead."
	"My parents will kill me."
	"They won't."
	"I don't know, it's a big risk."
	"Well take a chance. I love you either way."
	"Thanks. Now that can I help you with?"
	"My stepsister is suffering from 'I'm no longer the 
center of attention' syndrome."
	"And it took her 17 years?"
	"Well, I don't want to hurt her, but how do I get her 
to face the facts?"
	"Hmmm. Try not doing anything out of the ordinary. 
She'll just see that she has her place in life, and so does 
everyone else."
	"Very insightful."
	"So, you want to do something today?"
	"I'd like to, but I can't. It's time that I sum up this 
whole diaper dilemma."
	"Good luck."
	I hung up and sat in my room thinking the situation 
over. In the end, I came up with a very simple plan. I would 
sneak into my "nursery" and steal some diapers. I would then 
wear them to bed, and sneak them back. If I'm caught, I'm 
caught. If not then good. Either way, I was ready to accept 
my fate as a baby.
	II walked to the nursery and grabbed found the diapers 
where they always had been. I picked up a few and a pair of 
plastic pants and walked to my room. I then wedged the items 
under my mattress and walked downstairs. The doorbell rang, 
and I answered it. It was Jared.
	"Wanna play basketball?" he asked.
	"OK." I told my mom I'd be gone for a little bit, then 
grabbed my Spalding collector's edition Jordan basketball 
and left with Jared for the park. "You hear what happened to 
Fred?" I asked.
	"No, what?" Jared replied. It then occurred to me, if 
Fred didn't tell Jared it was probably a secret.
	"He got into that fight Friday and beat up Adrian."
	"Yeah, I know. He's going to get in so much trouble 
	"Yeah. 1-on-1, let's go."
	I snapped into basketball playing mode, and gave Jared 
a good challenge. He wound up beating me by 2 points. "Cya 
tomorrow," I said, forgetting that we had school off the 
next day. I walked home feeling pretty good. I had 
completely forgotten about diapers.
	My memory was refreshed when I got inside. A paralyzing 
fear of paranoia swept over me. What if my mom found out? 
She'd want to kill me, and she'd be right to do so. What am 
I going to do?
	"David!" my mom called. "Get over here now!" My 15th 
birthday was in a week. I was now bigger and stronger then 
my mother, but I still had an ingrained sense of fear and 
respect for her. I plodded slowly into her room. "You should 
have said something!" she said, holding up the diaper that I 
had taken.
	"I knew you'd flip out, and I don't blame you. I've 
been having mixed feelings lately, please understand."
	"That I understand. It's part of adolescence, and while 
I'm a bit disappointed that you'd want to go back through 
this, I'm not particularly angry with you. In fact, it's 
better that you express yourself now then regretting it 
later. As for mixed feelings, let me help clear them for 
you: you are wearing diapers, full time, no excuses. All the 
other baby stuff follows."
	"Wow, thanks," I said. The fear disappeared, then 
resurface. It sounded like my parents might use this to 
punish me. There was no way I could back out though.
	"Up to the nursery," my mom commanded. I obeyed and re-
entered the room. It had a fresh baby powder smell. It was 
good to be back, I thought. My mom told em to take all my 
clothes off and get on the changing table. I did and waited 
for her to diaper me. I wasn't getting off so easy however.
	My mom told me to got take a bath, and requested I use 
bubble bath. It was humiliating, but it left me smelling 
pretty good. She took a razor and shaved the excess hair off 
of my crotch. I was pretty upset by this, there went my 
manhood. Next, she wiped and powdered me, a feeling I had 
missed. She then took around 6 thick cloth diapers and slid 
them under me. She expertly pinned them together, then slide 
the plastic pants on. These plastic pants had a lock and a 
key, so I couldn't take them off.
	I wasn't done yet. My mom decided to give me a haircut 
that made me look even younger with my dad's electric razor. 
Next, she dressed me in babyish shortalls with a snap 
crotch, put some shoes on me and took me down from the 
changing table.
	"Fred is getting the exact same treatment right now," 
she said.
	"Yeah, I know. He told me, and he didn't sound too 
	"What Fred's parents decide to do is their business. 
Your getting this because you seem to need it, Fred's 
getting it as a punishment. Do I have to go over any of the 
rules with you?" asked my mom.
	"No, I remember them all."
	"There are some new ones," she said with a slightly 
evil smile. She walked by the door tom my room, and told me 
to look at it. I noticed it was locked. I was being shutout 
of my teenage life! "Also, you'll be wearing only cloth 
diapers form now on so you can't take them off. I've 
arranged for you to be changed by the school nurse. Finally, 
expect a lot less freedom in your life, young man."
	I didn't mind these changes that much. They hurt, but 
not as much as being without diapers. However, if my parents 
stepped between me and Stephanie, that would be the end of 
	"Time for a bottle," said my mom. We walked downstairs, 
and she put me in my highchair in the kitchen. She gave me a 
pretty big bottle full of formula, and made sure I drank the 
whole thing. I had a feeling it was probably laced with a 
laxative, but before I could ask, a pacifier was shoved into 
my mouth. "Oh, and if you want to go over to Fred's house, 
that fine with us. I know he called before. His parents said 
you could even sleep over."
	I was overjoyed by this. Finally, not only id I have to 
keep on hiding form my friends, but I could now share and 
enjoy the same things with them as well. Then again, I 
doubted Fred was enjoying this anyway near as much as I was. 
Nonetheless, we were still friends. My mom packed a few 
things for me, and drove me over there around 3:00.
	I was a bit nervous about it at first. If Fred was 
going to be punished, does that punishment include friends 
of Fred? I decided to find out and enjoy it either way. My 
mother engaged in conversation with Fred's mother, so I 
decided to go find Fred.
	"He's in his room," said his 12 year old sister Sarah. 
"Or should I say 'nursery.' You two are such babies!"
	I was tempted to tell her to kiss my ass, but I knew 
that wouldn't be such a good idea. She'd just got tell her 
mother and mine and get me in a lot of trouble. I ignored 
the comment for the time being; knowing Sarah was a typical 
bratty little sister that every family has, and that it 
wasn't so much her doing but more her natural role in the 
scheme of things.
	Fred's room had been stripped of all it's charm. There 
used to be a pile of magazines on the floor, a stereo with 
some really big speakers, and a box containing $1200 worth 
in baseball cards. Now it was all gone. In it's place was a 
crib and a changing table. Fred sat on the floor. He was 
wearing thicker diapers then I was, and there was some kind 
of juvenile design on his plastic pants. He also had on a 
shirt that had the words 'I don't want to grow up, I'm a 
Toys-r-us kid' (it could have been a lot worse), and his 
expression was one of loss and aggravation. The king sits in 
the remains of his fallen kingdom, wondering what he could 
have done to prevent its ruin.
	"Hey Fred," I said as happily as I could.
	"Hi," he said. His voice was a little hoarse, maybe he 
had been crying. There was a moment of silence before the 
truth finally surfaced. "You know something, I don't see how 
the hell you could possibly enjoy this Dave. This fuckin 
sucks!" It probably did from his perspective. "But I have a 
	"What's your plan?"
	"I am going to give my parents hell for doing this. My 
sister too. You remember how bad I was when I was like 4?"
	"I was worse before that." I was beginning to see 
Fred's plan take shape in my mind, and all I could see it 
resulting in was further punishment. There's Fred for you.
	"It's not all bad, Fred," I said. "Think of it as an 
excuse to be lazy."
	"Yeah, your right about that. I don't have to get up at 
	"So, are your parent's letting you do anything at all?"
	"Let's see: I can watch Disney movies and play with 
blocks, but that's about it."
	"Disney movies, aye?"
	"What about them?"
	"I heard in The Little Mermaid if you watch it real 
slow, it looks like the priest at the end of the movie is 
getting an erection."
	"Your kidding."
	At that point, Sarah walked in. "Do either of you 
babies need your dydees changed?" she said with an arrogant 
	"No, now bounce."
	"Don't take that tone or I'll give you a spanking."
	"You would be dead my know if you didn't have mom on 
your side!"
	"We'll see about that. I have to check your diapers 
anyway, so don't move." I watched as Fred gathered all of 
his minuscule control over his temper and sat still. Sarah 
pulled back on the elastic waistband of his plastic pants, 
and reached her hand in and started feeling around. I hope 
she wouldn't do that with me. "OK, your dry. Let's check on 
little Davey here."
	I told her I didn't need changing, but she checked me 
anyway. I was tempted to got tell Stephanie to kick her ass 
for trying to feel me out down there, but then again I 
remembered that she's 12 and that's natural. At 12 I was 
beginning to notice girls: the way they looked, the way they 
acted, and the way they moved. So I let it go for now.
	Fred and I pretty much sat there and talked about 
school for awhile. He then told me he was about to use his 
diapers, and released a big foul smelling load into them. I 
later did the same. Sarah came in to check on us later, and 
was thrilled when she had the opportunity to change us.
	She made Fred get on the changing table, where she 
unlocked his plastic pants, and unpinned his diapers. She 
wiped him and powdered him, and made fun of the hard-on he 
was getting. She then put a fresh set of diapers on him and 
attended to me. This time, I gave her a stare. The stare 
meant: I'm a nice guy, but fuck with me and die. She was 
able to interpret it pretty good, and finished diapering me 
with no problem. It was still awkward to say the least.
	It was then time for dinner, and Fred and I were fed 
baby food one at a time from a high chair. It tasted 
repulsive, and I almost spit it out. Fred blatantly refused 
to eat it, and thus went without dinner. Both us were given 
bottles, however, and told to drink them. The warm formula 
tasted a bit weird, but I got used to it. "Think about 
sucking it from a girls' tits," I told Fred. With that 
vision in his head, he finished the whole thing.
	After dinner, we sneaked away to watch the Simpsons. 
Just as we were about to found out who shot mister Burns, 
Sarah barged into the room and said, "that's not suitable 
for babies like you. Leave the room so mature people like me 
can watch."
	"We were here first," I said defensively.
	"Yeah, chew on that," added Fred.
	"I don't care, I'm in charge, and your just a diaper-
wearing loser."
	"Watch your mouth, you flat-chested pubescent bitch!" 
Fred yelled. Sarah got really mad and took a swing at him, 
but Fred, even though encumbered somewhat by his diapers, 
was able to catch the punch and swing back. He then hit her 
a few more times, and pulled her over his knee. "Who's gonna 
spank who now!" He gave her a couple of good swats in the 
ass, and she was red and crying. I watched as she stormed 
off to go complain to her mother and get Fred and even more 
	Mrs. Sharpe came into the room and she was furious. 
"What is going on in here!" Fred and Sarah each gave their 
story at the same time, accusing each other of complete 
villainy. Mrs. Sharpe finally told them both to shut-up, and 
asked me for my version. I told the truth and nothing more. 
Mrs. Sharpe then told her daughter to go to her room. She 
then put Fred over her knee, unlocked his diapers, and 
spanked him till he was red.
	She then scolded me for not straightening things out, 
but did no more then criticize. I was a bit angered, all I 
did was watch the whole thing; I didn't have any part of it, 
and that was the way it should be. Mrs. Sharpe called Sarah 
down from her room, and told her children to apologize to 
each other and to me for "causing a scene" (like I hadn't 
witnessed similar stuff at Fred's house years ago). Sarah 
gave one of here innocent fake apologies, while sticking her 
tongue out, and Fred grunted out his apology. Mrs. Sharpe 
made them do I for real.
	"But mom, he's supposed to get punished," said Sarah.
	"Still, what you did is wrong. And if you don't 
apologize, I'll punish you the same." Sarah quickly blurted 
out an honest apology, as did Fred. At the close of this 
debacle it was about 8:00, and a time, "when all babies 
should get ready for beddie-bye." I resented this, but 
humbly complied. Fred and I had our diapers changed by Mrs. 
Sharpe and were put into footed sleepers. We were then 
forced to sleep in the same crib (not a pleasant experience 
at all), which was locked at the top, and told to go to 
sleep It had its ups and downs, but life as a baby was OK.
	 I woke up the next morning and momentarily forgot what 
happened yesterday. One look around, and I remembered. "Hey 
Fred, you up?" I asked.
	"Yeah. I can't wait to get out of these wet diapers, 
they itch like hell."
	"Yeah, I know."
	"Dave, I think I know why you like them now."
	"Why's that?"
	"They're a major turn on."
	Just then, Mrs. Sharpe came in to change us. She also 
dressed us for the day. We were fed a breakfast of dry 
cereal and a bottle of juice, and left in the care of Sarah 
while she went to work.
	"Now, no trouble out of either of you babies or your 
really going to get it!" Sarah threatened. We were aloud to 
watch TV, albeit Nickelodeon, and pretty much just stayed 
out of Sarah's way. Fred said he swore she was gossiping 
with her ugly-bitch little friends about this and that he'd 
kill her later. I didn't care one way or another. To me, 
this was great.
	I was in need of a change though, so I went and told 
Sarah. "Wait till later," she replied. I didn't know when 
later was, but if I got a rash form this, I was going to 
kill her as well. Fred also needed changing and made a 
similar threat. I decided to tell Fred about Justin.
	"You kidding," he said. "He wears diapers too?"
	"Yeah, he's got medical problems."
	"Maybe that's why he's so shy."
	"You know, I'm sorry I said this was your fault. It's 
not really. It's more Tommy's"
	"Tommy Morrow. You have to meet him someday, he's worse 
then I am. A lot worse!" The thought of somebody being more 
of a behavioral problem then Fred made me cringe.
	Sarah gave Fred and I lunch, and then made us take a 
nap. Neither of us were tired, so I kept one eyes opened and 
pretended to be asleep. What I saw shocked me. Sarah was 
standing there talking to herself. "Boys," she said. "I hate 
them. Except for Will, he's kind of cute. I hate all boys 
but Will. They're all babies. I hope every sister around the 
world gets to have their brother in diapers, that's the way 
it should be."
	I was about ready to get up and tear the sexist tongue 
form her throat, but I decided to watch. It got a lot 
better. Sarah continued her monologue. "Oh well, with Fred 
out of the way, I get all the praise. He's just a baby, and 
he has to listen to me. I can do almost whatever I want. 
This is the way it was meant to be." Sarah held up a clean 
diaper. "Why would anyone want to wear one of these anyway? 
It's so gross, peeing all over yourself like an infant." I 
could feel the blood pumping through my veins, hot like 
	Sarah then pulled one of the stupidest things I'd ever 
see anybody do. She put the diaper on herself, and started 
walking around saying, "Hey look, I'm Fred. Come look what a 
bad baby I am!"
	"Hey Fred, you see this," I whispered.
	"Every minute," he answered. "She is so dead."
	"I'd hold it against her for later. Think of it as a 
card up your sleeve."
	"Gotcha." After the shameless mockery of the male race, 
and her brother in particular, Sarah went about her 
business. I was immersed in thought. The whole point behind 
diapers is to avoid all this hate and prejudice, to be a kid 
again. If I had somebody saying that to my face all the 
time, then it wouldn't be worth it. I passed it off as an 
isolated incident.
	The rest of the day at Fred's past pretty quickly. We 
made a huge fort out of blocks and began simulating World 
War 3. It was pretty fun. I left at about 5:00. When I got 
home, I realized that all hell would break loose tomorrow. 
At least I wouldn't have to face it alone though. United we 
stand, united we fall, right?

Chapter 12: Crime and Punishment, and the Truth at Last

	I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. I had a 
fairly pleasant dream, and I got plenty of sleep. This 
experience soon turned to a nightmare for me. The first 
thing I noticed was that I was locked inside of a crib. I 
also noticed I was wearing some heavily soaked diapers, 
which surprisingly, weren't leaking into my footed sleeper. 
To top it all off, I had to go to school.
	My mom entered my room and unlocked the crib. "Did baby 
have a good night's sleep?" I said nothing. "You know, we're 
going to have to move your bedtime back. From 10:00 to 9:00 
for now." There went an hour of quality TV. "Let's get you 
ready for school."
	I walked downstairs slowly and uneasily. The diapers 
seemed to throw off my balance a little bit. I hopped into 
my highchair without having to be told. Normally, I wasn't a 
big aficionado of coffee, but I could sure sue some now. A 
sudden wave of exhaustion swept over me, and I really 
dreaded school. Much to my protests, I didn't get any coffee 
though. I was given a bottle of juice and some cereal and 
told to finish it or I'd get a spanking. The options for me 
were minimal.
	After breakfast, I had to poop and let it out in my 
diaper. My mom had me lie down on my changing table, where 
she strapped me down, unlocked the plastic pants, and 
unpinned the diapers. She wiped me up, and then told me to 
take a shower. The cold water woke me up but did nothing to 
help my spirits. I dried myself off and returned to my room 
(I'd given up calling it the nursery, from now until who 
knows when, it was my room) where my mom resumed diapering 
me. She powdered me amply, then took a thick stack of cloth 
diapers and slid them under me. These were pinned tightly, 
then the plastic pants were slid up over them and locked 
into place. Over these went a stupid looking pair of 
corduroy pants and a red sweatshirt, while lacking in Disney 
characters, still seemed explicitly juvenile. I was dressed 
for the day.
	I combed my hair, bushed my teeth, washed my face, and 
got a good look at myself in the mirror. Damn, I look awful. 
Like an oversized 2 year old. The diapers stuck out 
noticeably. At least if I was allowed to wear some of my 
regular jeans, they were loose enough to cover it up some. I 
wondered how Fred was doing?
	After my mom packed a few things into my backpack, I 
was set to leave for school. I walked out to the bus stop, 
my diapers crinkling along the way. I already had a cover 
story, albeit a thin one, laid out: Fred and I were riding 
bikes, slipped and fell on our asses. We were wearing 
several pairs of underwear to ease the swelling pain. It 
sounded pretty retarded, but it would have to work. On the 
bus, I sat with my friends but said nothing. Fred tried to 
keep up some kind of charade by telling some very lame 
jokes, but Jared and Brian saw through it. We gave them the 
truth, and they promised to stick by us, even though I 
doubted their resolve if Adrian found out about this.
	Seeing Stephanie was able to raise my confidence a 
little, but our time together ins school was very brief. I 
wished for once that I wasn't so smart and could have stayed 
back to have been with her.
	The first few periods were OK. Gym proved to be an 
unholy nightmare. Fred and I changed into gym clothes when 
nobody else was around, being very cautious. It wound up 
taking for ever, and Coach Smevlik yelled at us. Running on 
the track was also no pleasure, as the diapers slowed me 
down a great deal, and seeing as how I wasn't blazing fast 
to begin with, and severely increased my time. Robbie was 
fortunate that he was still to battered from Friday to run, 
and thus had an excuse and a note signed by his parents.
	Back in the locker room, it took us a long time to 
change. I think one or two people might have been getting a 
tad suspicious, but it was probably paranoia. The next 
period for me was English, where we discussed boring 
literary devices. Virtually everybody was doing there one 
thing, and that included me. I talked with Justin and told 
him about my weekend.
	"That sounds pretty bad," he said.
	"It is."
	"But get this: my little sister might be out of diapers 
before me."
	"That just sucks, but don't worry about it."
	I soon felt myself having to pee badly. Ironically, a 
girl raised her hand and asked to use the bathroom. I knew 
she was only going in there to smoke. I also knew that using 
the bathroom wasn't a thing to take for granted. 
Nonetheless, she was aloud to go, but I was stuck in my 
diapers. I wet them, and felt the many layers of fabric soak 
up the moisture. It wasn't at all uncomfortable, and lunch 
was up next anyway.
	I told Justin to save me a seat, while I went down to 
the nurse to get changed. I saw Robbie there being given 
permission to take some pain killers (he was really mauled), 
and he waved to me. I waved back, and nervously approached 
the nurses desk.
	"Hello, what can I do for you?" replied Nurse Tavers.
	"My name's David Duncan, and I." I drew a blank, that's 
what I did. Fortunately, the nurse sensed it wasn't 
something I was comfortable saying, and pulled my medical 
records from the computer.
	"Your mom called last night," she said. "She also sent 
me this." The nurse held up a copy of the key to my plastic 
pants. "This way," she said, pointing to the bathroom. 
Inside the bathroom was a table, where she set me down. I 
was feeling a bit uncomfortable, but there wasn't a thing I 
could do. I was unpinned, wiped, powdered, and re-diapered 
rather quickly. I thanked the nurse and went to lunch.
	At lunch, I became very self conscious. Even though I 
was in the company of friends, I was drinking out of a 
toddler cup, not to mention I was wearing diapers. At least, 
I wasn't completely alone, and could trust Justin and Fred 
not to bring up the topic of diapers. Nothing could prepare 
me for what happened after lunch, however.
	During Computers, I felt the need to release a bowel 
movement, and knew better then to do it in class. I tried 
the standard procedure of attempting to cross my legs, but 
such was difficult with the thickness between my legs. After 
sitting cross-legged and looking at the clock, people began 
to look at me strangely. Fortunately, nobody said anything, 
and I was relieved of embarrassment for the time being.
	As soon as the bell rang, I got up and all but ran out 
into the hallway. I wanted to get home (or at least onto the 
bus) rather quickly. However, I didn't escape so 
fortunately. I saw Adrian and his friends waiting for me in 
front of my locker. People instantly began cracking on me 
non-stop, calling me a cocksucking diaper wearing baby. One 
kid even kicked me in my padded butt. This got me angry 
enough to want to fight back, but I knew such would be 
suicidal. These kids used to beat kids up at the whim of 
Matt Sabrien, and now served in the same capacity under 
	Adrian merely stood there, laughing in that high 
scratchy voice of his.
	"Something funny?" I finally asked him.
	"No, of course not. That's a real problem you have 
there, especially if kids find out THAT YOU WEAR DIPAERS 
LIKE A BABY! I'm surprised that freshman bitch still wants 
to go out with you."
	I could take no more, and threw the kid against a wall.
	"You say one word about Stephanie, and I'll kill you I 
swear." His smile, which had temporarily vanished, now re-
	"Your right, my bad," he said nonchalantly. "That was 
out of bounds. However, I want to get the point across. Your 
a pretty bright kid, Dave. Your also well liked. You've got 
friends, albeit queer losers like Fred and Robbie, you have 
them. Well, you could lose your friends if I were to tell 
	"What the hell do you want?"
	"Simple. I won't say anything, and I shall see to it 
that none of my associates do either if you will do a few 
favors for me."
	"What kind of favors?"
	"Nothing illegal, if that's what your worried about. 
Just a few things to make sure that Adrian Pascual is the 
undisputed king of this here school. Now I know you might 
hate me right now, but I'm just here to make sure that 
nothing goes wrong. Not for me, and if you do this, not for 
you either."
	"I'll think about it."
	"You have till next Monday. And make sure you get your 
didees changed."
	I ran out of there 2 steps away form breaking into 
tears. I was being blackmailed, threatened, and humiliated. 
My diapers were now soiled, and I wanted nothing more then 
to get home. I had missed the bus, so I had to wait a few 
minutes for the late bus. Fortunately, there were only 2 
other people taking the late bus, and neither of them seemed 
to notice my diapers (though they probably noticed the 
smell). It was not a good way to return to school. When I 
got home, my mom had little pity for me. She changed me and 
told em that these things happen, and the teasing would 
eventually go away. I felt like playing basketball, in the 
hope that it would cheer me up. My mom deliberated about 
letting em out there, but finally agreed. I grabbed my 
basketball and headed for the park.
	Stephanie, Fred, Jared, and Brian were all waiting for 
me there. "What's going on?" I asked.
	"We were wondering where you were," Stephanie 
	"It was that asshole Adrian, wasn't it?" asked Fred. I 
nodded. "He kept on bugging me about the diapers all day. I 
felt like sneaking him, but my arm's still sore, thanks to 
	"There has to be some way to get back at him," Brian 
	"A plan of some sort."
	"Fuck plans, I know how," said Fred.
	"How's that?" I asked anxiously.
	"We go ask Tommy Morrow. He knows Adrian, I think."
	"Who is this kid?" asked Jared.
	"I don't know," I said. "But I hope he can help."
	"He will," said Fred. "Me and you will see him 
	Everyone left except for Stephanie. I was almost too 
embarrassed to look her in the eye. "You know, your not 
going to be wearing diapers all your life," she said.
	"Thank God," I replied. "I like to wear them, just not 
all the time. I can't go on living like a baby for ever."
	"I don't think anybody, not even your parents expect 
you too."
	"But they keep treating me like a baby."
	"Just learn to enjoy it for a little bit more, then 
they'll realize your mature enough to move on. Your already 
more mature then most guys I know, your just a little 
confused about life right now."
	"I see you decided to opt for the psychology course 
this year."
	"Yup. But I really mean all that about you, its not 
just a bunch of terms."
	"Thanks. Your pretty good at diagnosing people."
	"You really think so?"
	"Yup. I'd better be getting home. Maybe we'll see each 
other Sunday, or if not, in school at least."
	Self confidence restored, I returned home. My diapers 
were dry, so I was set in my playpen while dinner was 
cooking. I had to go while sitting there, and wet my diapers 
while playing with blocks. So much time away from Stephanie 
had its effect on my hormones, so I began to pay more and 
more attention to the feelings I got while in diapers. I got 
hard every time I wet myself, and this time, I decided to 
satisfy it by rubbing the front of my diaper. I kept on 
rubbing and rubbing and rubbing until at last I ejaculated 
and became limp. It felt really good, but I would have 
completely freaked had anybody known I jerked off while 
wearing diapers.
	I was very doubtful that my mom would let me meet 
Fred's friend Tommy, but one call from Fred's mom changed 
that. The more I heard about this kid, the more curious I 
was to meet him. I finally got my chance on Saturday. Fred's 
mom gave me and Fred a ride to his house (which was in a 
pretty seedy area of Boston), and I felt pretty nervous. 
Tommy's mother opened the door and introduced herself. She 
was trying to be nice, but she looked somewhat nerve-racked 
in her appearance. Nonetheless, she was courteous to point 
us in the direction of Tommy's room. Inside, handcuffed to a 
bed was the most ornery looking 16 year old that I had ever 
	"Sup, Fred?" he asked. "See you brought a friend."
	"Yup. This is Dave."
	"Hi," I said nervously.
	"You wondering why I'm handcuffed like this?"
	"Punishment. It was either this or jail, and given the 
choices, this ain't that bad. Just got to put up with my 
mother and my sister. Bitches can't stop me, I'll be back 
doing my usual shit in less then a month."
	"If you think this is bad, look at what me and Dave 
have to go through," Fred said, showing the top of his 
diaper to Tommy.
	"Fuck you, I'm wearing one right now too," replied 
	"It ain't that thick, but it still sucks. So, what can 
I do to help out my hommies?"
	"We got a problem with a kid named Adrian," siad Fred.
	"Adrian Pascual?"
	"Yeah, you know him?"
	"Hells yeah, I know the cocksucker. I've been meaning 
to fuckin' kill his ass for some time now, but it looks like 
it will have to wait. Let me tell you a story about Adrian."
	"Sure," I said. I was eager to learn the origins of 
this kid. "All right, check this up," began Tommy. "It's 
summer, right. So me and my friends been pretty much free to 
do whatever the fuck we want. It was good times. We were 
smokin' weed, hooking up with mad sluts, and all that. And 
we didn't get in that much trouble either."
	The more I heard about this kid, the more and more I 
was sure he was purely no good. I let him continue his 
story, however. "Anyway, it's like near the end of summer, 
so we want to do something really fun. So we decide to rob a 
store. Not going to hurt anybody, just steal stuff. I get my 
posse up, and I also get two kids and their friends who want 
in on it. One was Matt Sabrien, and the other was Adrian. 
Matt was an OK guy, but Adrian pissed me the fuck off. He 
wasn't ought, and he would just sit their and say nothing, 
looking at us like he was all better. He was smart though, 
and we needed his help. Anyway, the day of the robbery 
comes. We all get on our ski masks, gloves, and grab 
weapons. Everyone was armed, except for Adrian. He was going 
to get us in there, so he didn't disguise himself. Well, it 
was going fine until we ran into another gang that was 
trying to rob the same fuckin' store! Adrian ran out of 
there and told us that we either bounce, or fight. We opted 
for fight, and we nailed those bastards. Eventually, the 
police came. Everyone got busted except for Adrian, who ran 
out of there like the chicken-shit he is."
	"So, what happened to everyone?"
	"Well, we were given a choice between jail, or some 
type of `alternative sentencing.' I thought that both were 
bullshit, and I'd just go to jail. My mom begged me to go 
for alternative sentencing, so I finally agreed. I figured 
it'd be so fuckin' easy, I might enjoy it. you know, like 
community service or something. Instead, I got sent to a 
fuckin' prison camp. I was only there for a little bit 
before I was released into the custody of my mom. She was 
pretty pissed at me, but I was a lot more pissed at her. Do 
you know what it's like for the government to force you to 
be taken care of fore your parents? Anyway, I started just 
acting like an asshole around here at first, doing whatever 
I wanted. Then one day, I nearly fuckin' killed myself. I 
had been walking with a bad leg since the fight, and I just 
flew down a set of stairs. When I woke up, I was handcuffed 
to this bed, and I was wearing a diaper. I decided just to 
do what I was told for awhile, and that's how it's been for 
the past few days."
	While Fred was still absorbed by the magnitude of the 
story, I broke free form thought to ask a question. 
"Whatever happened to Matt?"
	"He stayed at the prison camp. He's getting released 
pretty soon. It'll be good to see that bitch again. Me and 
him have unfinished business with Adrian."
	I was now completely perplexed. Tom Morrow was a 
criminal, so was Matt. Adrian wasn't a criminal but was no 
good nonetheless. Who do I trust? I shouldn't even be here 
talking to this guy, he could decide that I'm on Adrian's 
side all of the sudden and break me in half.
	"Wondering what your doing here?" asked Tommy. "Think 
of it as a way of scaring you straight. If you fuck up and 
get in trouble, you'll wind up like me." He laughed for a 
moment before becoming dead serious again.
	"You going back in business after this?" asked Fred.
	"Hell yeah," replied Tommy. "Opportunities like that, I 
don't sit on my ass and wait for somebody else to take 
	"What business?" I asked.
	"Blackmailing and beating kids up. I'm the head of the 
teen Mafia. I'll fuck anybody over if the price is right."
	"Looks like Adrian is after your job," I said.
	"Is he?" Tommy said smiling. "Tell him Tom Morrow is 
coming to get him back." There was an odd silence before Tom 
broke it by asking if anybody had a cigarette. Fred and I 
both said no, as neither of us smoked.
	"You going to do be smoking and drinking and causing 
chaos when you get out of here?" I finally asked.
	"Hell yeah. Any reason why I shouldn't?"
	"That's what got you here in the first place."
	"Don't fuckin' tell me what I'm going to be doing. Your 
sounding like my mother."
	"Sorry, I just wanted to know.."
	"I could give you more of my life story, but then I'd 
be doing it for your entertainment. So suck it. You want to 
know more about me, go ask my sister."
	I decided to take him up on his offer, and confronted 
his 13 year old sister Julie and asked him if Tom was really 
the hellspawn he seemed to be.
	"He got it from our dad, I think," she explained. "he 
used to get real drunk and come home and give us all hell."
	"Sorry to hear."
	"It's OK," she replied. "he left us when I was like 
really young, so I don't remember. Tommy does though. He 
remembered all the beatings he got. I guess he just became 
angry at everything, including himself, and decided to take 
it out on the world by doing all kinds of stuff. He tried to 
become the man of the house after dad left, and I guess he 
wanted to be as worse. He does so much to seem like he's 
really tough, but on the inside, he's really more like a 
baby. I mean, he can handle himself in most situations, but 
sometimes, after stuff doesn't go his way for a long time, 
he'll break don't. I saw him crying a few times."
	"I think all people are like that on the inside, it's 
just harder to find in some."
	"He'd laugh if I told him this, but despite all the 
stuff he's done, I love him."
	"Do you think there's anything I could learn from him?"
	"Yeah, if there the right things. Just be careful how 
you approach him, OK. He doesn't like questions."
	"Yeah, I saw that."
	"By the way, you look pretty cute in those diapers. 
Fred too." I blushed at this, and replied "thanks."
	A bit more confident, I reproached Tom. "So, how do we 
nail Adrian?" he asked. "I mean besides trying to scare him 
by telling him your coming for him."
	"Spy on the little faggot. Follow him around, some of 
the stuff he does away from his big tough friends is pretty 
fuckin' funny."
	"Good idea," said Fred.
	"Of course it is," replied Tom. "I thought of it."
	"What about him blackmailing me?" I asked.
	"Call his bluff. I'm willing to bet he won't tell. Or 
if you think he's going to, tell everyone first to really 
fuck him over. Make it seem like you wear diapers for a 
medical reason. It'll make him look twice as bad."
	"Thanks," I replied.
	"Way to learn from the man," said Fred.
	"Can I ask you another question?" I asked tom. I no 
longer feared his response.
	"Yeah, what?"
	"Do you like wearing diapers?" For a minute I thought 
he would try to strangle me with his non-cuffed hand, but he 
suddenly answered. "yeah, actually I do. Gives me an excuse 
not to worry about drug deals, hookin people up with stuff, 
and keeping the world from falling apart. You tell anyone I 
said that.."
	"Don't worry, we won't," Fred and I replied 
	"Well, you got everything you need on Adrian?" asked 
	"Yup, thanks a lot," I said.
	"Cya, Tom," said Fred.
	We left having accomplished our objective of finding a 
way to bring down Adrian. Fred was content enough with that, 
I but I learned something far greater: there is good inside 
of everyone, and nothing is what it appears.

Chapter 13: Revenge and Redemption

	I spent Sunday trying to think of a way to put Tom's 
plan into action. There were two factors I desperately 
needed for it to work. One factor was me being able to beat 
Adrian at his own game of intimidation. The other factor was 
that Matt's friends would take my side. Both looked 
doubtful, but I had to risk it. My birthday was next Sunday, 
and if this worked, it would serve as a very nice gift to 
me...and the rest of the world for that matter.
	Monday proved to be very nerve-racking for me and Fred. 
We were both on the lookout for Adrian, and were lucky to 
have avoided him all day. A confrontation after school, 
however, was inevitable. He was there all right, and a 
conglomeration of various thugs (his 'posse') was behind 
him. Like defenders of a dying nation, we stood ready to 
face the enemy.
	"Well, if it isn't my good diaper-wearing friends 
Frederick and David? How you doing? Been pissing yourself 
	We remained silent.
	"Well, enough small talk, down to business. Are you 
ready to do me a few favors?"
	"You can take your favors," said Fred. "And shove them 
up your fucking ass!"
	"I expected as much from you, fag. What about you, 
Dave? You smarter then this retard?"
	I said nothing.
	"Well, are you going to help me, and yourself, out or 
	I shook my head.
	"You know your dead. I'll tell everyone."
	"They already know," I said coolly. 
	"Say what?"
	"I already told everybody that I wear diapers. Only 
they think I wear them for medical reasons. It wouldn't look 
very good if you made fun of that, would it Adrian?"
	It was hard to keep myself from laughing. I watched 
Adrian look at me as if I had just announced that he had the 
winning numbers for the lottery. His eyes were wide and his 
jaw all but fell to the floor. It was quite a sight while it 
lasted. Eventually, he stopped gaping, and collected his 
	"Well, I must say, I'm impressed," he said. "Way to 
slip out of the situation." He was complimenting me. I knew 
I had my chance to turn it around and I took it.
	"Well, thanks, but it's really not as good as what you 
were able to pull off with the armed robbery."
	"Say what?"
	"Yeah. You and Tom and Matt and all of their friends, a 
few of which are probably here right now."
	"Yeah, I remember."
	"So Adrian," asked Bob Taylor, a friend of Matt's in 
league with Adrian. "What's he talking about? You got caught 
and did some time like the rest of us, right. All because 
somebody ratted on us!"
	"Any idea who that somebody could be?" I asked with a 
smile on my face.
	"Holy shit," said Kevin Womack, another friend of 
Matt's. "It was him, wasn't it!"
	I now saw past the serpent-like qualities of Adrian, 
and realized he was just a dumb, cocky kid who was about to 
get beaten the fuck up unless I did something.
	"I have to stop this," I told Fred.
	"Because I'll have no part in murder."
	I witnessed Bob and Kevin beginning to re-tell the 
story to the rest of their cohorts, and they were instantly 
riled up against Adrian. Adrian could do nothing to reason 
with them, and they were about to tear him apart until I 
	"Wait!" I yelled. "We could just kill him now, but then 
he'd probably get his parents to sue all of us."
	"You got a better idea, kid?"
	"Yeah. I talked with Tom. He said Matt would be back in 
a few days, and he and Matt would want to settle this 
themselves. He also told me that until they were here, I 
could decide this."
	"You expect us to listen to you?"
	Pulling off my best impersonation of Tom Morrow, I 
answered, "Hell yes, motherfucker."
	"Aright," said Kevin. "we'll finish this Saturday."
	The group dispersed, and nobody was left except for me, 
Fred and Adrian. Adrian's complexion had turned ghastly 
pale, and he was nearly crying.
	"That was totally awesome," said Fred. "I would have 
just let him beat him up, but when Matt and tom get here, it 
will be twice as good. By the way, nice bluff about you 
being in charge."
	"Thanks," I said.
	Fred then turned to Adrian, who now looked no more 
harmless then an infant. "You are so dead. How does it 
	"Pretty lousy. I deserve this though. What I've been 
doing has been wrong, but I'd never really gotten into any 
trouble for it until now. Dave, I'd like to thank you for 
saving my life and I'd like to offer you a deal."
	"Bullshit," said Fred. "You couldn't convince my 
grandma to do something unless she wanted it more then you."
	"He's right," I said. "You can't exactly offer me 
	"Then I ask of you this favor: make sure I live through 
Saturday. I don't care what you do, just let me live and I 
won't ever forget it."
	An inspiration had struck me just then, and I replied 
that I would indeed see to it that Adrian escaped death and 
major injury. He would, however pay a price of a different 
kind. Fred and I headed home, both of us feeling triumphant.
	"Your really good at that negotiating/intimidating 
stuff that Adrian does," he said.
	"Why don't you blackmail people? I know we can make a 
lot of money and get away with it."
	"Fred, if I started doing that and I enjoyed it, I'd 
forget completely what it means like to be threatened, and 
to have limits. Then I'd turn into Adrian."
	"So, what are you going to do with Adrian," he asked.
	"It's a surprise," I answered. "Just call Tom and tell 
him to be at the park on Saturday."
	"Aright," he answered. "This is going to be so cool."
	For the rest of the week, there was actually peace in 
school. Adrian was to scared to bother anybody, and his 
would-be tormentors were to pre-occupied thinking about 
Saturday. A shy kid like me could actually walk the hallways 
without fear. The only thing that maligned the situation was 
knowing that Matt would be back soon, and probably take back 
his rightful position. I was hoping I hadn't replaced one 
tyrant with another.
	Despite having most of my privileges revoked, I still 
squeezed in some time after school to do as I pleased. I 
spent a few days a week with Stephanie, and we almost always 
had a good time together. I also spent some time hanging out 
with Jared, Brian and Fred. Finally, my remaining time I 
spent on the Internet, reaching out to others who enjoyed 
diapers as much as I did. I found many of people to talk 
about the subject with were just an e-mail away.
	During Friday afternoon, my friends and I congregated 
at the park. Each one of us had a major piece of news to 
share with the rest of the group, so we took turns spreading 
it around. Fred went first.
	"I'm finally getting out of diapers today," he said.
	"How did you shorten the punishment?" I asked.
	"Well, my parents were getting pretty sick of taking 
care of me so much and it was costing them a lot, so they 
agreed to let me off with the warning that if I ever acted 
up again, it would be back to diapers."
	"What about Sarah?"
	"She was enjoying bossing me around so much that she 
was going to do something then blame it one me. However, I 
listened to her talking to one of her friends on the phone, 
and I was able to find out what she was going to do, as well 
as something else she didn't want me to know. So I 
blackmailed her into not telling. I was tempted to make her 
wear diapers for a month and see how she liked it, but I 
thought that might be going a bit to far."
	"You talk to Tom?"
	"Yeah, he said he'd be there."
	Brian went next with his bit of news. "I got my PSAT 
scores back, and they were really high."
	"How high?"
	"That means if I do as good or better when I take the 
SAT's, I could be headed to some place like Harvard or 
Princeton. At least that's where my parents want me to go."
	"But you don't?"
	"Not really. I'm no rich man's son, and I'm no genius."
	"Then don't go. Besides, if you did that good, then a 
lot of places will be offering you scholarships."
	Jared was next with his piece of news. "Carla's 
	"Good for her."
	"But bad for me. Makes me feel like I'm going to die 
completely alone. No wife, no kids, no dogs, no cats, not 
even a damn Chia pet to look after!"
	"Jared, you know you an uncle? You have family."
	"Yeah, but I'm probably rarely going to ever get a 
chance to see Tina."
	"So, get a dog or something."
	"Remember Woody?"
	"Oh yeah, sorry to bring that up again." Woody used to 
be Jared's golden retriever and 2nd best friend (next to em 
of course) before he was hit by a car. Jared's hated animals 
since. "OK, so ask a girl out."
	"I can count the number of attractive single girls on 
one hand, and they probably won't stay single for long."
	"Well, I wasn't going to tell you this because I 
thought you'd get pissed, but there's this girl I've been 
talking to online, and I sent her a picture of you, and she 
said you looked really good."
	"You sent my picture to somebody who you don't even 
know? How do you know she isn't a stalker or something?"
	"Because we exchanged phone numbers and she called me 
	"Aright, do you know what she looks like?"
	"In a word: hot."
	"And where does she live? Like Alaska or something?"
	"15 minutes from here."
	"And she's real."
	"Face it Jared, you just don't want to face the fact 
that your not the anti-Christ of dating. Your letting 1 or 2 
bad experiences kill you."
	"You're right. So, what's this girls name?"
	"Cool. Tell her I'd like to hook up some time."
	"Will do."
	"So, now that you've sat through listening to our 
pathetic lives, what's up with you?"
	"Birthday party at my house on Sunday. Everybody is 
going to be able to be there?"
	There was a unanimous yes. Later, I realized that my 
knack for helping people exceeded my knack for intimidating 
them. That one afternoon played a key role in helping me 
determine my destiny, but that's another story.
	Fred, Tom and I were the first people at the park on 
Saturday. Bob and Kevin showed up next, then Anisha, and so 
on until there was enough of a youthful criminal element to 
take out a small country. There was still no sign of Adrian, 
or Matt for that matter.
	"I am going to fuck that bitch up," Tom threatened.
	"No you're not. You'll get revenge, just follow my 
lead, OK."
	"You telling `em what to do again?"
	"Give me a break, it's my birthday tomorrow. Besides, I 
got us here, right?"
	"Aright, I got my confidence in you, Dave."
	At last, the smallish figure of Adrian could be seen 
running into the park entrance. Running? From what? All of 
his enemies were right here, except for one. I saw Matt 
enter through the opposite end of the park. There was 
definitely something different about him. He lacked his 
previous flair and style, but he still looked big and mean. 
Was it possible that he had actually changed while in that 
	"Hey Matt, whadup dog," greeted Tom.
	"We were watchin' your back, Matt," said Kevin.
	"So, ready to get bloody with this?" asked Bob.
	"Yo, my boy Dave got something figured out," Tom said.
	"Don't listen to him," said Kevin.
	Matt looked at his friends, then at Adrian, then at me, 
and finally spoke. "I'll leave this up to you, Dave." 
Despite the fact it put more pressure on me, I was glad to 
have found Mat Sabrien to be on my side for once. Now was 
the fun part.
	 "Well, if your not going to kill me, do something," 
Adrian taunted. Apparently, he had reverted to his prior 
condition. "It's getting pretty boring just standing here."
	"Aright, I will," I said in an equally snide tone. 
"Since your so bored, I'll go entertain you and everyone 
else with a story. Once upon a time there was a kid named 
Adrian. Adrian wasn't very strong, but he was smart. 
Adrian's parents divorced and he got very little attention 
from his mother. He felt left out. All he wanted was to feel 
special. And because he wasn't very strong or big, nobody 
really noticed him.
	So Adrian put that brain of his to work, and he began 
to think crazy things. He began to think that he could do 
anything. And at first, he could. He became an expert at 
stealing things, and was even more proficient in lying his 
little mouth off. And because he was so smart, he never got 
in trouble. This pissed a lot of people off, but a lot more 
people noticed Adrian as well. He was getting what he 
wanted: attention.
	And Adrian just kept on going and going, doing more and 
more crazy things. He feared that if he stopped, people 
might open their eyes and realize he wasn't tough at all. 
Then everyone would hate him for having tricked them. Well, 
Adrian has now realized he's not invincible, and now people 
know he's not. In fact, they've always known, but now they 
know for sure. So to bad for poor Adrian. He is, for all 
intensive purposes, screwed."
	"That's a nice story you tell, Dave," he answered 
sarcastically. "You ought to get it published."
	"But you admit, it's true."
	"I'm not admitting anything."
	"But your not denying it."
	"I can't take it anymore!"
	"Why? Because people aren't ready to kill you? Because 
you've lost your reason to fuck with them? See everybody, 
this is a lot better then torturing him any other way."
	My delivery was flawless except for one thing: I 
underestimated my ability as an actor. My objective was to 
get him to take back his pride, but I intimidated him to the 
point where it enraged him. He started cursing at me, then 
with the last of his strength punched me right in the face.
	"No tough enough? Take that, you diaper-wearing baby. 
Fuck you!"
	Matt and Tom instantly grabbed him and threw him to the 
ground. They were going to kill him when the second part of 
my plan fell into place.
	"Adrian, when are you going to grow up and realize that 
you don't have to be tough all the time," said Gena Damasco.
	"What are you doing here?" asked Fred.
	"Adrian lives next door to me," answered the pretty 
young college student. "I used to baby-sit for him, so I 
have an idea of how obnoxious he can get. Word got around 
that Matt was back, and I wanted to make sure nobody got 
hurt, that's all."
	"Nobody will," I said. "But, I can use your help."
	"How so?"
	"Would you mind hanging out with Adrian for a week?"
	"No, I don't mind."
	"What?" asked Adrian bewildered. "What the fuck?"
	"Why don't you go home before you get yourself killed? 
Come on, I'll walk with you." I watched as the two of them 
headed for home."
	"Yo, Dave what the fuck is this?" asked Tom.
	"Think of it this way: if he's hanging out with her, he 
can't bother us."
	"That I don't care about. I want to make the bastard 
	"He'll pay, don't worry."
	"How?" asked Fred, confused.
	"Well, think of it this way. You get the opportunity to 
hang out with a beautiful young college girl you've had a 
crush on for years, what do you do?'
	"She single?"
	"Mack it out."
	"Too bad for Adrian, he won't get a chance to make a 
	"Why? You gonna cut his balls off or something?"
	"No. Let's just say for the rest of the week he'll be 
wearing a chastity belt. He made fun of me wearing diapers, 
so now he'll get to spend some time in them. Too bad he 
won't get to sleep with a college girl. But think of it this 
way. Maybe he'll learn something from it."
	The crowd was silent. Matt was the first one to speak. 
"Duncan, you never cease to amaze me. Just when I think your 
some soft-ass consciences nerd, you come up with something 
brilliant like that. I mean, that's really good, denying him 
	"Matt, can I ask you something?"
	"Did you learn anything while you were in that camp?"
	"Yeah, I did. It didn't break me down and shit, but it 
got me thinking that in a few years, I'm going to be free to 
do whatever the fuck I want. And that is going to be 
absolutely nothing if I'm dead or in jail. I ain't never 
stealing anything again."
	"True dat," added Tom.
	"It's good to be back," said Matt. "Hey Dave, I owe you 
something for this. Whatever you want, I'll hook you up."
	"Two things," I said. "First, make sure you and your 
friends graduate this place alive."
	"Why? What do you care?"
	"Because I might hire you for a job in whatever giant 
corporation I am able to own, and you are no good to me 
	"Aright. Maybe I'll just buy the company first, 
	"Two. About the diapers. They are my business. I'm not 
queer, I'm not a baby. I just like wearing them. I won't be 
wearing them for the rest of my life. So just leave it alone 
and don't give me a hard time about it."
	"Welcome back."
	"Thanks, and peace out, bro."
	Matt went to catch up on old times with his friends, 
while Tom, Fred, and I went to check up on Adrian.
	"That was really something you just pulled," said Tom.
	"Thanks," I replied.
	"No, really. You got good people skills. Now I'm 
wondering why your so shy if you got skills like that?"
	"I guess I'm just scared. I mean, if I gave advice to 
people all the time and I ended up telling them to do 
something that would totally ruin their lives, then I'd 
never be able to live with myself. So I just keep my mouth 
	"Everyone makes mistakes," said Tom. "Just live with 
	"I know," I said. "I've made enough and I'm starting to 
learn from them. Some people take longer I guess. Some 
people can solve all of their own problems and others need 
help." That was when a realization hit me. I saw myself a 
decade or so from that point sitting in an office. The sign 
on my door read Dr. David Duncan, Psychiatrist. It takes 
most people until their freshman year of college to know for 
sure what they want to do in life, I knew my sophomore year 
in high school.
	The three of us walked to Gena's house. She was at 
home, and thankfully her brother was not.
	"Where's Adrian?" I asked.
	"Probably at home getting yelled at," said Gena. "I'd 
be willing to spend time with him, but he has got to calm 
down. I mean, sometimes he's yelling and cursing everything 
in sight, but most of the time, he just sits there like he's 
king of the world with this weird smile on his face like he 
is going to kill me in my sleep or something. He's not a bad 
person, but God, he needs to calm down."
	"You know he has a crush on you?" I asked her.
	"I know, but how did you get him to admit that?"
	"I didn't,. I just saw the way he looked at you, and I 
	"OK, so?"
	"Well, your sure you'd be comfortable hanging out with 
him then?"
	"I don't know. I never thought of it like that. But I 
don't think he would try anything with me. Would he?"
	"I don't know," I answered. "But I do know something 
that would keep him in line." Fred and I explained the 
details of diaper punishment, and the effect it had on 
people. Gena agreed to try it on Adrian when he came over 
	"I definitely gotta see this," Tom said with a smile. I 
handed Gena a bag containing diapers and a few other baby 
items, and she put them under her bed. The three of us 
decided to stand in a closet and hide while this took place.
	Within 5 minutes, Adrian walked in. Despite probably 
being yelled at and abused by his own mother, he still had 
that contemptuous look upon his face. From the way he was 
walking, he also looked like he'd taken about 3 beers. I had 
to admire his determination to keep up his facade of 
invulnerability, even though just about everybody in the 
world could see through it by now.
	"Come on in," said Gena.
	"Sorry about before," he said with little affection. 
"Temporary lapse of judgment. Forgive me?"
	"I've decided that I'm not going to try anything to get 
those guys back," he said. "If anything, they need help. I 
mean, with all the drinking and the smoking, they'll 
probably only live until 21." That statement marked him as 
about the biggest hypocrite I had ever come to known.
	"Nice to know you care," Gena said. She knew he was up 
to one of his mental games, and she decided to play 
along...for now.
	"Plus, then there's that kid Duncan," he said. "I 
didn't mean to punch him at all. He's a good kid. Smart and 
caring, but he definitely has problems. I mean, what kind of 
person wears diapers past the age of 3. Unless it's a 
medical thing, but I think I just wears them because he 
likes to."
	I felt like storming out of the closet at that point, 
but I restrained myself and watched as the game continued.
	"So," he said. "How's college? Find any guys you like 
	"No, a lot of college guys think that their still in 
high school. They're mostly jerks."
	"That's too bad," he said. "I know you deserve better 
than that."
	"I'd really like somebody who's idea of fun isn't 
partying all the time. Somebody with a brain."
	"You know, I got around 1350 on PSATS."
	"Congratulations. That's pretty good."
	"If you think so."
	It was incredibly funny watching Adrian try to win over 
a girl he knew he had no chance with. It would have been sad 
had he actually been in love, but I truly believed that the 
heart of Adrian Pascual was stone cold and icy.
	"Adrian, come here for a second," she said.
	He moved closer to her. "Do you like me?"
	"Yes I do," he answered honestly. "There's nothing not 
to like about you."
	"You mean that honestly?"
	"If I asked you to do something for me, would you?"
	"Yes." He didn't even ask what. He didn't analyze, he 
didn't think. I had underestimated him. He was perfectly 
human, and he had a soft side.
	"Would you wear diapers for a week?"
	"I know that sounds crazy, but listen. Most guys I know 
would say no because it insulted their masculine pride. If 
you say yes, it will prove to me that your more mature then 
they are. Honestly, I wouldn't mind going out with a kid who 
is a few years younger than me if he was older and wiser at 
	"Your saying if I wear diapers, you'd go out with me?"
	"Maybe. But I'll guarantee you we can be friends."
	"OK, I'll do it."
	While in that closet, I thought about, of all things, 
the movie "There's Something About Mary." Looking past the 
animal abuse and the lies and the sick humor involved, it 
was a love story. About a guy with no chance who would do 
anything to get his girl. He winds up getting attacked by a 
dog, getting a fishhook caught in his mouth, getting accused 
of murder, double crossed by friends, and finally winds up 
surrendering to Brett Favre. In the end, however, he won. He 
got his girl. While wearing diapers is a lot less painful 
then what Ben Stiller went through, it does prove that some 
people will do anything when there in love. And I was 
convinced without a shadow of a doubt that Adrian Pascaul 
was in love with Gena Damasco.
	I watched as Gena had him lay down on the floor and 
removed his clothes. She pulled out a disposable diaper, and 
put it on him. He stood up and she gave him a kiss on the 
forehead. I can imagine any number of pre-adolescent boys 
wanting to vomit at the scene, but I thought it was nice 
thing. Now realizing that we had no rightful place, we 
waited until they left the room and sneaked out of the 
closet and went home.
	At home, I was changed and put down for a nap. Before I 
fell asleep, I took time to think about how my life had 
changed in the past year. I went from suicidal to happy with 
the way I am, and from there on made sure everybody was 
happy with themselves as well. I knew I could heal people's 
emotional wounds as long as I myself was healed, and that 
was something to look forward to when I turned 15.

Chapter 14: Happy Birthday

	The next day was Sunday, my birthday. I liked to draw 
to much attention to the fact that it was my birthday, as 
people often gave me gifts which I felt I didn't deserve (or 
worse, birthday punches). However, today I was willing to 
accept the gifts and stand up to the punches.
	My parents knew that I was inviting people over, and 
they approved. They warned me that my friends were going to 
have to witness me in my baby clothes and so forth, but I 
didn't care, and neither did my friends. That's what friends 
are for. Not caring how weird you are.
	I took a shower that morning, and was diapered as 
usual. My mom put me in a pair of overalls and a striped 
shirt. She also presented me with a card from her and dad, 
and wished me happy birthday. I read the card, set it aside, 
and took out the check that was in it. It wasn't for a lot 
of money, but then again it wasn't really my birthday gift.  
This whole baby treatment was.
	I went online and checked my mail. I had some posts to 
a diaper news group, as well as e-mail from Megan and 
Austin, two kids who lived near me and wore diapers. I had 
told them that they were welcome to come down here, and they 
both said that they would. This made me happy, but I bet 
Jared would be even happier, so I e-mailed him about it. I 
knew he wouldn't have a problem with Megan liking diapers, 
although he might be a bit surprised. Lastly, there was mail 
from Adrian and Tom and Matt, each one thanking me for 
resolving the situation between them.
	My friends began showing up at around 1:00. Stephanie 
was the first one there. She gave me a kiss and a "happy 
birthday" as well. Jared showed up next, and he seemed a bit 
more nervous then usual. I assured him that he would no 
fine. Fred arrived next, sans diapers for which I wasn't 
thrilled but I bet he was. And lastly from that group, Brian 
the king of punctuality arrived at exactly 1:00 sharp.
	Austin and Megan each arrived at about the same time. 
They recognized me from my picture and wished me happy 
birthday. Megan then noticed Jared and the two of them began 
talking. In the meantime, Fred was up to his old tricks 
again and proposed we all go down to the park and play 
football. I wasn't really fond of the sport, but it seemed 
to be a good idea, so I agreed to it.
	We divided up into two teams. Fred, Brian and Jared 
went up against me, Megan, Stephanie and Austin. Fred then 
insulted me further my adding that he could beat us without 
another player. I decided that if I was going to lose, I'd 
lose fair and began to think of a solution. Fortunately, 
Justin happened to be in the park that day making sketches 
of trees. I asked him if he wanted to play, and he agreed. 
The teams were equal and we commenced playing.
	We played odds and evens for possession, and Fred's 
team won. No less then 2 downs later, they had scored. It 
was now our ball, and I was faced with the responsibility of 
having to play quarterback. I figured out a way to get the 
ball to a receiver without getting run over by incoming 
rushers. It depended entirely on timing, but it worked. 
Austin was able to run the to the end zone for a touchdown, 
but not after facing a barrage of tackles that sent him to 
the ground flat on his amply-diapered ass. Still, he dove in 
there and tied it up.
	On the first down, Jared threw a short pass to Justin. 
It seemed as if he could run pretty fast. However, the kid 
was as thin as a twig and didn't know anything about 
football and how to evade the defense. So he took the ball 
and ran, and when we were closing in on him, he panicked and 
threw it. That play decided the fate of the game.
	I started to move back to catch it, but Fred got in my 
way and started to throw me face first to the ground. Then 
Stephanie came over and told him to stop it. Meanwhile, 
Brian was re-assuring Justin that worse things had happened, 
and Austin came over to my location to see if I was OK. 
Nobody was looking when Megan picked up the ball and began 
to run to the end zone.
	Eventually, Fred noticed, but he was to far away to do 
anything. So he yelled for Jared. Naturally, Jared wasn't 
about to tackle a girl, especially one that he liked. On the 
other hand, he didn't want Fred cracking on him for weeks at 
a time. So he ended up lying down right in front of the end 
	"If you want the touchdown," he shouted to Megan. "Your 
going to have to step on me first."
	"We'll see about.." she began. She jumped into the air 
and over Jared, ended up tripping over his arm and flying to 
the ground. "Ouch!"
	"You OK?" asked Jared.
	"Yeah, but that scared the piss out of me. Literally. I 
thought I was going to crack my skull open." Jared helped 
her up and we all headed back to my house. Since nobody 
(besides Megan or Jared, and they wouldn't say) actually saw 
if the ball itself went past the line, it was recorded in 
each of our minds as a draw.
	Back at home, my mom served us all some cake. It was 
Devil's Food, my favorite. After cake, we watched 
Armageddon. It turned out to be a very good movie, but it 
was long. During the duration of it, I ended up wetting my 
diaper some more and towards the end I pooped in it as well.
	Following the movie, I went up to my room to be 
changed. Stephanie changed me while my mom changed Austin, 
who had wet his diaper as well. My mom accepted the fact 
that there were plenty of people in the world who enjoyed 
wearing diapers, and while it was by no means normal, if 
people enjoyed it then there was nothing wrong with it.
	Megan then approached me and asked me if I could change 
	"Why don't you ask Jared?" I asked her.
	"Because he might get the wrong idea or something. I 
like him, but I wouldn't want him to confuse an invitation 
to change my diapers as an invitation towards anything 
	"OK," I replied and changed her wet diaper. According 
to demographics, a greater percentage of teen babies and 
diaper lovers tend to be male. However, regardless of sex, 
everyone one of us enjoys diapers and that's what counts. If 
things worked out, I realized that Jared would be a pretty 
lucky guy.
	At last, it came time for me to receive presents from 
everybody. From Jared, I received a new basketball and 
tickets to a Celtics game. Fred gave me a small card that 
ENTERPRISES OF TOM MORROW. I smiled, and put the card in a 
safe place. Brian gave me a computer game, and Austin and 
Megan gave me a gift certificate to a place that sells AB 
products. Last, and definitely not least, Stephanie gave me 
a T-shirt with a poem on it (it began I am....and ended on 
the back with I am). The poem seemed to symbolize me, and it 
was the best gift I got.
	At the end of the day, after everyone left, I got one 
final gift from my parents. They gave me a copy of the key 
to my plastic pants. Now one might think, what's the point? 
I'm already diaper-dependent and I love diapers, so why 
would I want a device that would enable me to take them off 
if I so wanted. Because the key symbolized freedom and 
owning it gave me a sense of responsibility. I was at this 
age very much adult. Except in spirit. My spirit shall 
forever be young.

Chapter 15: Real World Blues

	Slowly and slowly that year passed, and slowly and 
slowly I began to grow. Sure, many things happened. I made 
more friends and less enemies. My relationship with 
Stephanie got even deeper. I saw changes in my friends' 
lives and my own, and I finished the 10th grade with a high 
GPA. However, all these things were insignificant. An 
understanding came to me, one which hits most people when 
they are a little older, say in their last year of high 
school. However, it hit me at this time, and unlike most 
people, it didn't bother me.
	What I realized was this. Despite all that I can claim 
to be, I am just a kid. All of the challenges I had overcome 
were made by kids. I was living in a kid's world, and I 
dealt with kids. So what if I succeeded. There was the real 
world out there, and I had to face it.
	This realization pointed to the fact that I had to take 
hold of life and start to become and adult. I was ready, as 
I exhibited many adult characteristics, but I was not an 
adult. The first thing I needed to do was get a job. Not so 
much as for money as for having a sense of pride in earning 
my own dollars.
	Though I wanted a job, I was not yet prepared to give 
up my diapers. They were very much a part of my life now. 
Some say the held me back, but I say they kept me on track. 
They did pose one problem though. Who would want to hire a 
15 year old kid who wears diapers? Nobody, right. Well, 
	I talked to Stephanie about the possibility of getting 
a job, and she was a lot of help.
	"Well, where do you want to work?"
	"Anywhere. Preferably at doing something that I'm good 
	"Listen, Dave. Your good at helping people with their 
problems. But you don't have a degree and you can't make 
money doing that. Ditto playing basketball. And I can't make 
money helping people either, and it pisses me off. However, 
I think I found a place where we can both get a job."
	"Where's that?'
	"My cousin Don's store."
	"He'd hire me."
	As I recalled, Don's store just opened not too long 
ago. It was built on the highway and occupied a pretty big 
plot of land. It was actually several stores in one. One 
store sold baby clothing, supplies, and furniture. Another 
sold kid's clothing and furniture. There was also a day care 
center, and I heard an adoption center was thinking of 
moving in there. Finally, and very few people knew about 
this, it catered to the adult baby population. When 
Stephanie said 'work' I was quiet confused by what she 
	"Well, you could be a stock boy or a cashier, but I 
know something that your probably better at."
	"What's that?"
	"You get to be the store's mascot."
	"You get to appear in ads and TV, and you come down to 
the store and help advertise stuff. After awhile, you get to 
train a replacement and move on to any other position you 
	"That sounds great. Where will you be working?"
	"Day care department. I love kids."
	"I can see that. When do we start?"
	"Whenever. Want to head down there now?"
	My mom gave us a ride to the store. It was closed that 
day, and Don was the only one there. "Glad you could make 
it," he said. "You ready for this?"
	"OK, good because I need to get an ad for a sale out by 
	"What do you want me to do?" He explained, and I agreed 
to do it. I stripped down to just my diaper and sat on the 
floor. There was a pacifier in my mouth. I genuinely looked 
like an oversized baby. Don took a picture and was 
	"That one picture just got you and me both some money," 
he said. "We're open again tomorrow, are you going to be 
ready for that?"
	"Some people might laugh at you and give you a hard 
	"I can handle it."
	"OK. Steph, ready to start baby-sitting some tikes?"
	"I recommended this place to some friends," I added. 
Don knew that I was referring to fellow diaper lovers, and 
any business was good business.
	"That's great."
	The next day, my first official day of work, I got up 
nice and early. I asked my mom to diaper me extra thick, and 
she did. I locked my plastic pants, and put the key in my 
sock. I also wore a blue T-shirt and carried a rattle. As 
utterly embarrassing my attire was, I got paid to wear it, 
and that's what mattered.
	My mom gave me a ride to the store. I grabbed a stack 
of flyers and stood by the door as was my assignment. As 
people walked by, I handed them a flyer. People looked at me 
weirdly, but they figured I was doing it for the money and 
nobody gave me any problems about it.
	The trouble started a few weed-smoking college students 
walking by caught a glimpse of me and stopped.
	"Sup, diaper dude?" asked one.
	"Welcome to Baby Universe," I said.
	"Yo, how much you get paid to wear that?" asked 
	"About $5.00 an hour."
	"Shit, they'd have to pay me like $50 to wear a 
freakin' diaper."
	"I bet he likes to wear them."
	I said nothing.
	"Better change, your didees wet."
	They left, but I looked down and to my horror my diaper 
was indeed wet and on the verge of leaking. I had to stand 
there for another 15 minutes before I was done for the day. 
I walked over to child care and found Stephanie at work.
	"How goes it?" I asked.
	"This is a lot of fun," she said. "What about you?"
	"Wish I could say the same, but I can't."
	She looked at me and noticed that my diaper was soaking 
wet. I had also pooped in it and it was beginning to sag. 
"Better get you changed," she said.
	"I didn't bring any fresh diapers, I didn't expect it 
to take this long."
	"Well, luckily this is the right place to be. Lie down 
on the changing table and don't move."
	I did as I was told and lied down. A bunch of toddlers 
looked at me weirdly then were convinced I was one of them 
and went about their business. Stephanie returned with a 
package of adult sized disposables. "Guess what, you've got 
the job of quality testing these," Don jested. "Keep up the 
good work."
	Stephanie unlocked my plastic pants and unpinned my 
diapers. "Wow, you really loaded this one," she commented. 
She wiped me up, powdered me, and slid the fresh diaper 
under me and taped it up. "There, enough work, now go play." 
She pointed in the direction of the playpen. I protested, 
but she put a pacifier in my mouth, and gave me a pat on the 
butt, so I got moving. I sat in the playpen and played with 
blocks and such with the other toddlers. It was nice to not 
have worry about competition and being made fun of.
	I took a short nap and woke up with a wet diaper. These 
diapers really absorbed a lot. Stephanie walked over and 
checked me. "I'll let you go some more before changing you," 
she said. "In the meantime, I'll take a break."
	We sat down and watched the sleeping babies. I knew 
what it was like to be one of them, and I felt sorry for 
them as they were about to face the dangers of the world. 
And they would no longer have their diapers to hide behind, 
they would be potty trained. Life was cruel.
	After emptying what seemed like a gallon into my diaper 
and pooping in it twice, it was finally ready to be taken 
off. They were the most absorbent disposables I had ever 
seen. Stephanie changed me into another one, and then I 
grabbed my dirty diapers and we headed home.
	Both of my parents encouraged me, and were glad I had a 
job. I kept it through most of the summer, and when those 
college kids saw how much money I was making, they teased me 
no more. Eventually, I trained a replacement (Ellis), and 
took full control of the AB department. I handled orders for 
myself, Ellis, Justin, Austin, Megan, and a few other kids 
that I knew. On occasion, I also got diapers for Fred's 
mother and for Adrian and Tom. I proved to be a good 
businessman and sold a lot of merchandise. And I had fun 
doing it too.

Chapter 16: Storm of the Century

	My summer wasn't all fun and games, but in comparison 
to the previous year in which I nearly killed myself, it was 
a blast. There was one crisis that did occur however, and 
all though I thought I couldn't handle it, I prevailed and I 
turned out to be a hero.
	One day in early August, my friends and I entreated 
ourselves to a movie. I wasn't an outgoing person, but I did 
get out enough to prevent me form going mad. The movie we 
saw, "Saving Private Ryan", was by far very compelling and 
graphic...and real. I was able to drink a large Coke and not 
have to get up, and thus I saw all 3 hours of action. My 
diapers were quite wet at the end of it, so we walked home.
	As we passed the park, I noticed a beat-up black pickup 
truck. It had out-of-state plates and looked out of place, 
but I didn't give it a serious thought. It began to rain, so 
we walked faster.
	"I heard there was going to be a storm," said Brian.
	"Good," said Fred, who for some reason liked to walk in 
the rain. It was his way of challenging nature.
	"Man, I'm getting soaked," said Jared angrily.
	"Dave's already soaked," said Stephanie. I smiled and 
kept walking. I walked to Stephanie's house and gave her a 
kiss good bye. She smiled at me, then said, "Life's peachy, 
but I have a bad feeling somebody might come here and try to 
reclaim their peace."
	These were references to the band Korn. Neither 
Stephanie nor I favored them, but Fred worshipped them and 
would sing their songs at odd times. Jared began to call him 
Fred Durst (lead singer of a similar band, Limp Bizkit), and 
he took to the nickname well. While what Stephanie said was 
funny, I feared that she was right: life was a bit too 
perfect right now and we were just waiting for something bad 
to happen.
	I hurried home through the rain with nothing to lose. I 
was already wet and getting wetter wouldn't hurt me much. My 
mom admonished me for having gotten myself this drenched, 
but remedied it by taking off my wet clothes and leaving me 
in my wet diapers. I pooped in them, and I was changed.
	My dad came home from work late. "Some storm out 
there," he commented. I looked out the window and observed a 
hefty downpour as well as thunder and lightning. The loud 
and sudden thunderclaps caused me to pee in my diaper. 
Fortunately, I was within the safety of my crib and drifted 
off to sleep, undisturbed by the storm.
	"Dave, honey, wake up," my mom said gently.
	I groggily awoke and saw my mom standing by my crib. 
She rarely ever woke me up during the summer and instead let 
me sleep most of the time. It was only 7:30 in the morning 
and my diaper was wet and messy. I wasn't in a good mood.
	"I have some bad news," she said. "Stephanie and Katie 
have been abducted by their foster."
	I almost swallowed my pacifier when I said this. From 
what Stephanie had told me, Jim Lincoln was an abusive and 
cruel person. She told me how he was wanted on charges of 
chill abuse and how even though she is now in the middle of 
a semi-happy existence and has a family, she still has 
nightmares of him. And now he has her!
	I began to cry at this, and my mom comforted me. She 
fed me breakfast and changed me and assured em that things 
would be OK. I was less then assured and knew that something 
had to be done. I knew of only one person that could help. I 
called Tom Morrow.
	"Yo, whadup?"
	"This is Dave Duncan."
	"Dave my man, what can I do for you, kid?"
	"You read the paper?"
	"No but I heard. Sorry about your girlfriend."
	"I need you to help me find her."
	"Chill, I don't think I can."
	"Do you know of a drunk looking guy who owns a black 
pickup truck?"
	"Yeah. I saw it going up the highway towards 
McCullough's farm. Why? You think that's the guy."
	"I'm pretty damn sure."
	"Aright, how about we go find out."
	"Tom, that's...." Crazy? Maybe, but sitting down here 
wasn't doing much. "That's a good idea."
	"All right. I'll meet you at the park."
	I called Matt Sabrien, and he offered his help as well. 
So did Adrian Pascual, as well as all of my friends. Lastly, 
I called Stephanie's house. It was like they finally woke 
up. Both of her foster parents were very concerned, as was 
Sarah. I told them that I would make sure that everything 
turned out all right, and while they took that for wishful 
thinking, I meant that.
	I walked to the park and met with my search and rescue 
	"Aright, who is this fucker?" asked Matt.
	I gave him a brief history, and he nodded in agreement. 
"Any guy who beats his kids," said Tom. "Ought to be fuckin' 
	"Here's my plan," I said. "We go up to the farmland, 
and look around for the black pickup. Then we walk up and 
see what's going on. This guy is most likely drunk, and 
dangerous so we can't go barging in there and making 
threats. If anything goes wrong, call the cops."
	"Cool, I'll drive," said Tom. He was the only licensed 
driver, but Matt was about a month away from his permit, and 
decided to risk getting in trouble by driving as well. We 
piled into the two vehicles and were about to take off when 
Ellis asked if he could come.
	"It's going to be dangerous," I warned.
	"I know," he said. "But I don't want to see him hurt 
	"All right," I said. "Since your small, you can spy on 
him and he won't notice you."
	"All right, let's go," said Matt. Heavy metal and rap 
music blaring, we took off at high speeds in the direction 
of McCullough's farm and the surrounding area. We found the 
general area and began to search for the vehicle.
	Tom took out a pair of binoculars (which, according to 
him doubled as night vision goggles, I won't tell you what 
he actually used them for) and began to look around. "Word 
up, there it is."
	Parked near a lake was a black pickup truck. A bit 
further back was an old shack. "Slice and dice, cut and 
gut," said Matt, brandishing his switchblade.
	"That's not such a good idea," said Adrian.
	"Do you got a better one?"
	"Yeah, like Dave said, we spy on them. Me, Dave and 
Ellis will go because we're all pretty small and he won't 
notice us. The rest of you stay here. If anything goes down, 
we'll let you know."
	"Aright, Adrian, I got your back."
	The three of us began to crawl through the hayfield in 
the direction of the shack, while everyone else returned to 
the cars. About mid-way across the enormous hay field, Ellis 
came forward with a problem. "I have to poop," he said.
	"Are you wearing a diaper?" asked Adrian.
	"Yeah," he said shamefully.
	"Then go in your diaper."
	"But then it will smell bad."
	"This is a farm, plenty of things smell bad," I said. 
He stopped and went in his diaper and we continued our trek. 
We stayed low to the ground and all though it took forever, 
we got there.
	"OK, I'll look in the window," said Adrian. "Dave, you 
climb on the roof, and Ellis, you'll go report back to the 
others when I find out what's going on."
	"Why the roof?"
	"In case something goes wrong, you can fall through and 
land on top of the bad guy."
	"That only works in movies."
	"We'll see."
	Between Fred and Adrian and Tom, my friends' insane 
plans would be the death of me. I decided not to argue and 
climbed onto the roof. Adrian peered into the window, and 
the two of us listened.
	"You've both been very bad girls while I was gone!" 
yelled the man. "And daddy spanks bad girls."
	"Your not my father and you never were, you drunk!" 
yelled Stephanie.
	He slapped her across the face. "Now, get over here!" 
He pulled each one of them over his knee and began to swat 
away mercilessly. "Now, take off your clothes so daddy can 
see how much you've grown."
	"Fuck you, you filthy pig!" Stephanie rarely used words 
these harsh, but Mother Theresa would have cursed at this 
guy. Slap!
	"Go get back up," Adrian whispered to Ellis. He's got a 
	Ellis began to creep back across the hayfield. A 
shotgun?! I continued to listen.
	"You didn't think you could get away from me, did you? 
It took me awhile to find you, but I did. Now, as I recall, 
we were in the middle of something when I left. Oh yeah, now 
I remember."
	I couldn't allow this to go any further, regardless of 
the risk, so I signaled to Adrian to do something. He picked 
up a rock and hurled it threw the window. It struck the guy 
in the chin, and caused him to bleed. It didn't hurt enough 
him though, only enraged him more. he reached threw the 
glass and grabbed Adrian and flung him inside. "You lousy 
fuckin' kid!"
	I tried several times to jump on the wood plank roof in 
an effort to cause it to collapse, but I had no such luck. 
All I had was a small opening, about the size of...a 
basketball net! "Alley oop!" I shouted to Adrian. He was in 
too much pain to throw the rock hard enough to hurt the guy, 
so he threw it up threw the opening to me, and I slam dunked 
it right on Jim Lincoln's head. Blood ran down his face and 
he fell to the ground.
	"Nice shot," said Adrian. I took a bow, then the roof 
caved in. I landed right on my diapered butt, and both peed 
and pooped myself at once. What a rush! Adrian helped me to 
my feet, and I hugged Stephanie as we waited for the back-up 
to arrive.
	"You okay?" I asked her.
	She composed herself and said, "Yeah, I'm okay. Are 
you? That was some fall."
	"Yeah, but I'm covered," I said referring to my 
	Tom, Matt and the rest showed up. "What did I miss?" 
asked Fred.
	Adrian told him, and he nearly fainted. "wow!"
	"Aright, what do we do with this drunk pissant?" asked 
	"I say we cut him the fuck up," said Tom.
	"Yeah, nobody would know."
	"No, I have a better idea," I said.
	"What is it?" asked Brian.
	"How about we give him some payback?"
	"Yeah!" said Steph.
	We tied him up and pulled down his pants and took turns 
paddling his ass until he finally came to. "I'll kill every 
one of you little..."
	"No talking!" I said, and shoved an extra pacifier into 
his mouth. He looked at me astonished, and we hit him some 
	"Now for the fun part," said Steph. I had been carrying 
an extra change of diapers, and she pinned them tightly 
about her ex foster father, making sure he couldn't remove 
them. Next, we took a hose and shoved it up his ass and 
turned it on. It was a very crude and effective enema. He 
helplessly flooded his diaper, and after it was at maximum 
capacity, we took out the hose. We grabbed his clothing and 
threw it in the lake, leaving him in just his diapers. Now 
it was time to call the cops.
	We were all long gone by the time the cops got there. 
When they did arrived, they probably laughed themselves 
silly. Jim had absolutely no explanation to offer them, and 
was unable to say anything in defense, so he finally got 
thrown into jail. I heard his cell mate was a big queer and 
kept Jim diapered up. He never bothered Stephanie again.
	That night, all of us had a camp-out in the park with 
our parent's consent. I invited a few friends and we all 
	"Duncan, what the hell is it with you man?" asked Matt. 
"You really are one of a kind. I mean, I might have it all 
now, but 10 years I'll probably be nowhere. And you'll be on 
the top, and still wearing your diapers."
	"It's all about finding what makes you happy, "I said. 
"And diapers make me happy. Thus, I do good."
	"Well, I don't know what makes me happy," said Tom. 
"But what we did before certainly did. I never saw anybody 
do anything that cruel. Where did you get the idea, Dave?"
	"From a story," I said. Austin knew what kind of story 
I was talking about. Diaper punishment never failed. We ate 
and drank and partied for awhile, then got some sleep. About 
half of us were diapered. One could pass by the park and see 
a bunch of kids camping out and think what the hell is this. 
or one could pass by here and think I want to be a part of 
that. I learned a lesson: happiness is on the inside.


	Well, this pretty much concluded my "adventures." I 
continued to wear diapers, but the unbelievable amount of 
stuff I had to deal with because of it dropped off to zero. 
People accepted it and they accepted me. I wore diapers for 
the rest of high school and throughout college.
	I grew up to be a child psychologist. I specified in 
helping to treat bedwetting children and helping depressed 
teens reach their infant side. I also regressed bad boys and 
girls upon a parent's request. All and all, I was the 
foremost specialist in the field of children and diapers. My 
great success was attributed to the fact that I still wore 
them myself.
	I have two boys and one girl. I did not forcibly keep 
any of them as babies, all though my younger son eventually 
took a liking to diapers on his own. It was something we 
shared, and we were both taken care of by his mother and my 
wife, Dr. Stephanie Chilla. She had become a pediatrician, 
and we were both co-workers as well as family.
	I should further mention that I have had a few 
interesting cases over the years. People have denounced me 
as being completely nuts, and others have praised my work, 
but for all the wrong reasons. None of this affected me the 
least, and I kept on helping people and making money on the 
side. Eventually, the world was so impressed that somebody 
who wore diapers like a baby could be so successful, so 
somebody did a biography on me. They asked me for an 
inspirational quote, and I poured them full of insight:

Friends come and go. The world changes through both good and 
bad. I stand through it all and I wear diapers because they 
make me happy and keep me at peace. And it is that inner 
peace and happiness that lies within each and every one of 
us that counts."

	Very hopeful words from somebody who almost committed 

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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