| Finding a Summer Job
| Donny
| abdonny@gmail.com
| Male
Current Age:
| 56
Posting Date:
| 07/26/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | ● | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | | S- Babysitters | ●
| C- Teen (13-17) | ● | T- Masturbation |
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | ● | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections |
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting | ●
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | ● | Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline | ●
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- Baby paraphernalia | ● | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | ● | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | | 4- Crying | ●
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking | ●
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation | ●
| P- Brothers (diapered) | ● | 7- Babying | ●
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | ● | 8- Regression | ●
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
Young Teenage Boy Finds His Perfect Job
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
9 (45%)
Finding a Summer Job
It was summer time school was out I was in need of a summer job. I went
to the local grocery store the told me I was too small to work there
and I need to be taller. I was only four feet tall so I was small and
little for a thirteen year old. To make things worse, I am skinny, too,
and I weigh only 45 pounds.
I went to a place that had a sign saying �grass cutters needed�. I have
been cutting grass for three years so I applied for the job. Again I
was told I was too small to work there. Every place I went to said,
�come back next year when you grow up.�
I was riding my bicycle back home when I saw a sign: help wanted apply
within. It was the daycare two blocks from home, the same daycare I
went to two years ago. My three-year-old brother still goes there. I
wondered what kind of job that would be.
I parked my bike walked into the office where Miss White met me saying,
�Hi Donny, I remember you. You were such a good kid when you came here;
why don�t you stay with us any more?� I told here I was thirteen, too
old to come here and stay. I asked, �the sign out front says you need
help, what kind of help do you need?�
She told me it is just for four or five hours a day and only pays six
dollars an hour. She told me she has two positions, one to help with
the 6, 7, and 8 year old kids. She told me I was just a little small
for that class. She told me I would be just right for the toddler
class, the 2 and 3-year-old boy potty class. �This year we have a large
class of 11 boys all needing potty training all at the same time. Your
brother is one of them, too.�
She asked me if I remember the trouble I had learning to use the potty.
I said I remember the stupid rules about not having accidents. She
said, �Yes, we have the same stupid potty rules, but they seem to work
well for most kids.� She pulled open a drawer and opened a folder with
my name on it. She said, �Wow you were five years old before you
graduated out of the potty training class.�
I hung my head. I remembered I could not hold my pee very long and kept
having wetting accidents. She said since I was so experienced at the
potty class I should know all the rules since they have not changed.
�I will hire you. When can you start?� I said, �Today, is that okay?
She said it was okay.
Mrs. White said she will show me the class and introduce me to Miss
Wolf. I followed Mrs. White to the class. I have not forgotten where it
was. I spent quite a bit of time going there and nothing has changed. I
looked at the walls. Everything is like it was when I was in this class
as a student. On my walk behind Mrs. White we walked by the big kid
class. Big kid class is for potty trained kids to age 5. Even the
smells and noises on the way brought back memories of when I went
there. It was like I never left I felt like I was one of the kids going
to this class. Mrs. White opened the door and I followed her in.
Mrs. White introduced me to Miss Wolf I shook her hand and said,
�pleased to meet you, Miss Wolf.� I looked around the room, nothing has
changed. Half the boys were wearing nothing but diapers; the other half
had summer shorts and T-shirts. My brother was still dressed like a
toddler, no diapers for him. I was proud of him for not being a diaper
Bobby left the other kids playing in the play area. He ran to me and
said, �Hi Donny, are you going be in my class, too, so we can play?� I
said, �I am here to work, not play.� He said. �Oh.� He ran back to his
play with four other little boys.
Miss Wolf said, �Time to get to work, Donny.� it was potty time so we
called the boys not wearing diapers to the potty line. She started to
try to explain the process. I told her I went to this class when I was
little and I remembered what to do. I called out, �potty time!� All the
boys lined up at the bathroom door. The first one in line was wearing
diapers. I checked his diaper and I told him only big boys in this line
pointing to the changing table where Miss Wolf was standing waiting on
the ones I checked.
The next one had wet his training pants, so I pointed him in the
direction of the table. The next little one I checked was clean and dry
so I let him in the potty room. I had four more boys wearing training
pants. The next boy was a four-year-old. He was almost as tall as me. I
pulled the back of his pants out to check because I smelled something
like poop. Yep, he had poop, so I called out to Miss Wolf, �We have a
poopy one here!�
The next one was my brother. He said he was dry but I had to check.
Sure enough, he was clean and dry, so he was allowed to enter the potty
room. The next boy was also clean and dry so we have four boys out of
11 still wearing training pants, not diapers. The potty lesson was
over. Miss Wolf told me to go help teach them how to play with things.
I walked to the play area and started to play with the toddlers. I
could do so many more things than they could; I felt like a giant. Then
all the sudden I needed to pee so I went to their potty room and peed
in their little potty. As I stood in front of the small potty I felt
like a huge giant. It brought back more memories about not being able
to hold it until the two hour potty times. Today I made it so I am a
big boy and mommy will be proud of me.
Then reality hit me. I was not back in this potty training class; I was
helping to teach it. I left the room and Miss Wolf told me I was not
allowed to use the potty here because this one was for the toddlers
only. Miss Wolf told me the potty for me is up at the office entrance.
I said, �okay.� I went back the show the boys how to throw a Nerf
An hour later would be potty time followed by lunchtime but I needed to
pee again. I got up and ran to the right potty this time. When I
returned Miss Wolf told me to help with the highchairs. We moved out
seven highchairs for seven diapered boys. One of the rules is if you
are wearing diapers you eat in a highchair. The four big boys took a
seat at the little table with four little chairs. All seven diapered
boys climbed into their highchairs as Miss Wolf and I snapped the trays
in place.
Everyone had their food put in front of them and they started to eat.
Miss Wolf told me to take a seat at the little table to eat my meal
since I was small enough to sit there.
When I finished my food I smelled something at the table and it was not
food. Someone pooped their pants. I just hoped it was not my brother.
Miss Wolf called potty time. As each kid was released from their
highchair they either ran to the table line or the potty line. My
brother was the only kid in the potty line.
I did a quick check and allowed him to go in the potty room. Miss Wolf
said I need to help change some of these diapers on the mat next to the
table. I was told to change Mikie�s diaper, he is not a squirmy one.
Mike lay down on the mat where I undid his tapes, opening a real mess.
I though I was going to gag until I died. I use three wipes then a damp
cloth that Miss Wolf handed me. Then I had to wipe once more with a
baby wipe followed by baby powder. I lifted his legs, putting his
diaper under his bottom and letting him down on it.
I pulled his diaper up between his legs and fastened it snuggly in
place. Mike giggled as he stood up and gave me a hug. The next kid was
Jimmy. His diaper was just as messy as Mike�s was, but his change took
less than half the time. I was getting good at diaper changing and the
poop smell was not that bad after you get used to it. Miss Wolf said
she did not think I would be able to do the job. I really surprised
her. Now it is naptime after all the kids get in their cribs or laying
on their mats it would be time for me to leave for the day that is five
hours. I can pick up my $30.00 when I leave. If I like the job I could
back tomorrow and maybe I could work longer.
Wow! $30.00, I was rich! That was the easiest money I ever made I will
come back for that easy money. I went to the store to buy a game I have
been saving for all I needed was ten dollars more now I have twenty
dollars extra. On the way home I need to pee but had no place to stop
to go. I just pedaled faster just as I made it to the driveway. Mom was
in the driveway from work with Bobby, my brother. I had started to pee
my pants two blocks from home and now had a large wet spot on the front
of my pants that I could not hide.
Mom told me to stop right where I was. So I stopped to wait for mom to
say why she wanted me to stop. I did not want Bobby to see my wet pants
but she was getting Bobby out of his car seat. She put Bobby on the
ground where he saw the wet spot on my pants. Bobby said in his little
boy voice, �Donny went pee pee in his pants!� Mom said, �Yes, I see.
Let�s get in the house so we can get him changed.� I told mom I can
change myself I am a big boy not a baby. Bobby said he was the only big
boy in class to day ask Donny he was there.
Mom said, �What do you mean, Donny was in your class?� I said, �Mom, I
am working at the daycare. I am helping in Bobby�s class. I get six
dollars an hour.�
�Well, you know the potty rules then, don�t you?� I said, �Yes.�
What happens if you wet your pants? I did not want to say because it
meant going back to wearing diapers. Bobby said, �He has to wear
diapers, mommy. That is the rules.� Mom said, �Yes, he has to wear
diapers for the rest of the day.�
Mom took my bag that had my game in it and said you are not allowed to
play games wearing diapers. Mom had me had leading me into Bobby�s
room. She was so quick before I know what was happening she had removed
my clothes and had me over her knee spanking me. I was crying hard as
she diapered me and sent on my way.
Bobby giggled and pointed saying Donny a baby me a big boy. I felt so
ashamed my baby brother calling me a baby. I went to my room but mom
had already been there to get my underwear.
Mom told me tomorrow morning I would have to wear Pull-ups that have a
number in my hand writing. �If that number is gone when I get home you
will have to wear diapers until I think I can trust you.�
The next morning mom took Bobby to daycare leaving me with the numbered
Pull-up to wear and one set of clothes. I looked for other clothes to
wear but she must have taken them with her. I had to wear the one set
of clothes or go naked. I reluctantly slipped on one of Bobby�s Pull-
ups. They fit just fine not at all tight with the summer shorts pulled
over them no one could tell I was wearing them.
Work did not start until 10:00AM I had two hours until then so I played
with some Knex until then. I arrived at the daycare and went to the
potty class to start helping. When I walk in Miss Wolf said, �Bobby
said you had an accident yesterday and your mom put you back in Pull-
ups.� I hung my head and said, �Yes, but I could not hold it on the way
from the store.� Miss Wolf said, �There is no excuses for potty
accidents. Either you are potty trained or you are not; that is the
�If you are wearing Pull-ups in this room you are not allowed to wear
shorts to hide them; you know the rules. NOW TAKE OFF THOSE SHORTS!�
Without thinking I removed my shorts, letting the whole class see my
Pull-ups. No one even giggled or pointed but I did feel ashamed as I
walked to the play area. I stated to play with the boys without a word
about my Pull-ups. It was normal to see a boy wearing them, I guess.
At 11:00 Miss Wolf told me it was potty time for the boys to get them
in line. I told her I needed to pee, too. She told me I was working to
hold it. I was the big boy, prove it now. I will have to wait until I
was done with my job. I crossed my legs and danced as I took my place
at the potty room door. I had to check each boy�s diaper or Pull-up.
This was the second diaper check of the day. I was not here when they
had the first one it was too early in the morning. I was told if the
boy had a clean dry diaper this time he would be handed a Pull-up to
wear when he exited the room. If he had a dry Pull-up he got a button
on his shirt if he has five buttons he get a number button. Number 1
for his first day number 2 for the second day if he has a number 2 and
four other buttons he gets big boy underwear.
My brother was the last one to be checked everyone was clean and dry so
far no diapers needing changed. My brother has been clean and dry for
the required time this is his third he has a number 2 and four buttons
on his shirt so gets big boy underwear and shorts to wear when he
exits. Three more days and he would go to big boy class. All this
checking diapers and Pull-ups took a lot of time now I need to pee real
I need to pee real badly now I have just a few minutes before I have an
accident. I went running to the bathroom up by the office I did not
want to have an accident in my Pull-up. I tried to open the door Mrs.
White said if I am wearing Pull-ups I need to use the potty training
room potty.
I ran as fast as I could back to the potty class pee already leaking
into my Pull-up. I ran to the potty door it would not open Miss Wolf
said lets check you first Donny you know the rules. My Pull-up was wet
now and I could not hide it my wetting indicator picture was gone. Miss
Wolf put her finger into the top of my Pull-up knowing what she would
find saying lets get you into your diaper now. Rules are rules no
matter how old you are and you just broke the rules. I started to cry I
had no place to run no pants to wear no place to hide.
Miss Wolf had me on the changing table putting me in diapers for the
first time in eight years. I was told to go play until lunchtime. I was
playing with the little boys when I smelled poop coming from more than
one boy. We were having so much fun on the slide and swings and the
sandbox. I forgot I was the only one in class now dressed in diapers. I
knew I would be joined soon by at least two more that had messed their
pants. Then I saw my brother had a brown patch on his bottom. He was
one of the messy ones soon to be back in diapers too.
Miss Wolf said pants check time everyone line up over at the table. I
changed four wet and messy little boys and two boys that just wet their
pants. Miss Wolf changed five wet messy boys then checked my diaper
finding it just a little damp needing changed too. I was on the table
with everyone watching me get changed just like they did.
It was lunchtime Miss Wolf told me to help get the highchairs out I
counted twelve chairs. I asked Miss Wolf. �Why do we have twelve
chairs?� She told me if I am wearing diapers I am not allowed to eat at
a table, that is the rules. I found myself sitting in a highchair with
my food in front of me with a sippy cup. I was eating my food neatly
when I felt the need to poop. I told Miss Wolf about my need. She just
told me to hold it. I was a big boy not a little baby. I tried to hold
it but the more I held back the more I needed to go. Just about the
time I was finished eating a small amount of poop slipped out into my
diaper followed by a full flood of pee.
Everyone�s diaper was checked before they were taken to their crib it
was 1:00 naptime. I was the last one to get his diaper checked. No one
except me needed his diaper changed everyone was dry. I found myself in
my own crib with everyone else in their own crib wondering how I was
going to get home wearing just diapers Miss Wolf has my pants.
At 3:00PM Miss Wolf changed my wet diaper handed me my shorts and told
me to go pick-up my pay. I went to the front desk Miss. White said well
you earned $48.00 but with four diaper changes at $5.00 a change you
get $28.00 to take home. I went straight home to wait on mom. I was
afraid of what she was going to do when she found me wearing diapers
instead of my numbered Pull-ups.
When mom got home I tried to change the subject telling her how much
money I had earned. I told her I did earn more money but had an
accident and got put back into diapers. If had not used so many diapers
I could have even more.
I told mom I love my job because I have fun playing with toys and no
one makes fun of me. Bobby and I can play together even he has some
trouble with the potty rules there. I can show him and the other
toddlers how to do so mush. Mom said yes but you will have trouble
showing them how to use the potty wearing diapers. I hung my head
knowing she was right. She said maybe they can help you get potty
trained better. You know what I mean Bobby knows more about holding his
needs than you do. I knew she was talking about my bed wetting. My
brother did not know I was still wetting my bed at night we had
separate rooms.
Since you are back to wearing diapers fulltime you need to trade
bedrooms with Bobby. I said Bobby got put back in diapers today he is a
baby too. Mom said yes but he has already got his Pull-ups back. He
proved he can be a big boy he went pee three times in the potty. All he
needs is three days without an accident and he gets his big boy pants
back. You on the other hand are still a baby you still have to prove
you are ready to be potty trained. You need to hold your potty need
until someone can take you to the potty remove your baby diaper before
you pee in the potty. NOT PEE IN YOUR DIAPER. Right now you are more of
a baby than Bobby is so you will have to use all his baby things.
I told mom that is not fare I am older than Bobby I am the big boy. Mom
said prove it you know the potty rules for potty training hold your pee
until you are taken to the potty by a big person. If you can not hold
your pee you need to be wearing those diapers. Mom was pointing at my
wet diaper telling me to get in the nursery so I can be changed. I
stomped off to the nursery where I started to pull off my diaper.
Mom walked into the nursery saying STOP right there! I had one tape was
loose the other one still on. Mom lifted onto the changing table so she
can finish changing my diaper. Mom quickly removed my wet diaper
powdered me and had a new diaper snuggly taped in place.
NOW what am I going to do I am back to wearing diapers fulltime. Will
they let me work a daycare still wearing diapers fulltime? Will I be
back in potty training class for real no underwear for me? Will the
other kids be wearing diapers with me? I hope they let me wear Pull-ups
so I can prove I am a big boy. I told mom I want Pull-ups like Bobby to
prove I am a big boy. She told me I have to earn them like Bobby did we
can�t just give a baby big boy pants he will just wet them.
All the pleading in the world did not get mom to give in to my request
I was stuck as the house baby now. When dinnertime came I was the one
in the highchair with the tray in front of me. Since all I was wearing
was a T-shirt and diaper everyone could see the condition of my diaper
at all times. I had to pee half-way through my dinner so I told mom she
said hold it or use my diaper. I tried to hold my pee and was doing a
good job at it. I was clean a dry until it mom released me from the
highchair. I walk to the bathroom as pee started to squirt in short
squirts with every step until I stopped at the bathroom door where the
dam broke. My diaper was soaked when mom did her finger test.
I was lead back to the nursery where mom changed me on the changing
table like it was just a normal thing to do. I was quiet during the
change with tears rolling down my cheeks mom gave me a hug saying maybe
next time I can make it. I felt better as mom lifted me to the floor. I
asked her for my pants to hide my diapers. Mom said if I want to be
potty trained I am not allowed to wear pants to hide my diapers. If I
wanted to give up potty training and just stay in diapers and be a baby
I can give you pants. I said I want pants I don�t care. Mom pulled on a
pair of toddler style short over-alls.
I looked like an over grown toddler diaper bulge and all. Mom told me
not to come and want the potty now I was a baby and babies don�t want
the potty they use their diapers. Tomorrow when you go to work they
will see if you can change you own diapers so you can keep more of your
I went outside to play with Bobby and Jimmy both boys wearing just
Pull-ups and a short T-shirt. They were playing in the sand when I
waddled up to play too. We were having fun playing when a sudden need
to poop came to me. I said to myself mom put me in these stupid diapers
so I will make her work. I let the large load of poop go into my
waiting diaper.
I kept playing like nothing happened but I could smell my deed so I
knew Bobby and Jimmy could smell it too. They did not even say anything
they just played too. I kept play for another hour went my need to pee
came so I let it out too. I got up and went down the slide causing my
mess to squish up my back and between my legs. The feeling was so great
I did it again and again. Then I got on the big spring horse and
started to ride the feeling was so cool I never felt like this in my
Mom came out to catch me wearing a mess oozing out of my short over-
alls. Mom was mad she grabbed me by the arm and walked me over to the
garden hose. Mom removed my messy clothes and hosed me off with that
cold water. I was squalling as the cold water hit my body and she kept
squirting and squirting. When she had me clean she hosed my clothes
off. I was quickly led by the arm to the bathroom. Mom dropped off my
clothes off in the laundry room. Bobby and Jimmy followed they watched
mom use soap and the shower wand to finish cleaning me off.
Mom picked me up and carried me to the changing table where she had me
strapped down snuggly. I don�t ever remember being strapped down here.
Mom pulled out some strange looking white cloth. She started folding
the cloth then she lifted me by the legs and put the cloth under my
bottom. She pulled part of the thick cloth between my legs and used a
pin with a duck head on it and pinned the other side of the cloth in
front of me then she took the other side and did the same thing. I knew
then it was a diaper but not a normal diaper this one was so thick my
legs bowed out.
Then mom pulled out a pair of nursery print and fluffed them out before
she put them over my feet then up my legs. She released the strap that
was holding me on the table and had me stand on the floor in front of
Bobby and Jimmy. She tucked all the diaper material that was sticking
out of my puffy plastic pants inside of them to prevent leaks. Mom then
pulled a strange looking T-shirt over my head. It was extra long with
snaps at the bottom then I realized it was a baby style T-shirt. The
she went along my crotch and snapped six snaps of the special T-shirt.
She told me to step into the red corduroy pants she had held open. I
stepped into them so she could pull them all the way on. The front of
the short pants had a bib front that went over my shoulders and snapped
in the back at my waist. I could not release the snaps someone would
have to do that for me.
I was dressed like a big baby I even had a pacifier keeper snapped to
my shoulder straps. When I walked I had to waddled big time because of
the bulk between my legs. I could not run, climb, or ride a ride on toy
very well. To look at me except for my size you would think I was a
Mom told me to go play with Bobby until bed time. Jimmy has to go home
now so you will have to play with Bobby. I heard Jimmy tell Bobby in
his little boy voice. Me glad me a big boy not a baby like Donny. Bobby
said ya babies do poop in theirs pants that�s yucky. Jimmy said ya
yucky poop babies do yucky poop. They giggled as they walked away
leaving me standing next to the changing table.
Bobby and Jimmy don�t know how good poop feels to me so warm and soft
oooy gooooy. I can�t wait to poop my pants again it feels so neat to
me. Hope I can do it again tomorrow when I come home from work, I don�t
really want to do it at work I would feel so ashamed if I did it there.
I don�t want the toddlers at work to know what a baby I want to be,
except for Jimmy, he already knows.
Bobby and I played until bedtime. When mom called us in to get ready
for bed at 7:00 I tried to tell her I was too old to go to bed this
early. She asked me what I was wearing for underwear. I hung my and
Bobby said he wearing diapers mommy. Mom said that is right so if you
are wearing diapers you must be a baby and baby�s bedtime in this house
is 7:30.
I did not want to go to bed at 7:30 but mom was undressing me while the
bathtub was filling with water. When she had me undressed to my plastic
pants Bobby was getting in the tub to wait on me. I was quit immature
for a thirteen year old I had no private hair yet and was small there
too. Mom pulled down my plastic pants and the room full with the smell
of pee.
Bobby said. Boy Donny pees a lot doesn�t he. Mom just said ya babies
do that a lot. Mom removed the pins holding my diaper on letting the
wet cloth fall to my feet. Mom just picked it up and put it in the new
diaper pail. Mom told me to get in the tub with Bobby.
I was sitting in the tub with mom washing both Bobby and myself. Bobby
and I have never been this close naked before. Bobby pointed at my
small private saying Donny got a pee pee just like mine. Mom said all
boys have them girls don�t have them. Bobby said can I see yours mommy.
Mom giggled and said little boys a not allowed to see girls private
area that is very wrong. Bobby was a good boy and wanted to please mom
so he stopped asking questions. I was thirteen I wanted to see big
girls but I to knew better I knew that only if the girl says OK.
After our bath mom handed Bobby real underwear saying Bobby is potty
trained at night so he gets real underwear no more night diaper for
Bobby. Bobby put on his own pajamas while mom dried me off. I was
carried to the changing table and thickly diapered for the night. Bobby
watched me get diapered and dressed to bed. I was carried to the crib
and put in for the night. I quickly stood up at the rail trying to
climb out but the thick diaper between my legs caused me to fall back
if I raised my leg to climb out. I was helplessly stuck in the crib
with only one way out, Mommy.
Bobby followed mom to his new room leaving me lying in his old crib. I
was there only five minutes when mom returned with a bottle of warm
milk saying I almost forgot baby needs his bottle. She held it to my
mouth for a few seconds telling me to take it like a good boy. I
started to suck on the nipple. I tasted so good so I continued sucking
I was soon asleep with an empty bottle on my mouth still sucking every
now and then in my sleep.
When I woke up the next morning my bottle was gone and I had a pacifier
in my mouth with Bobby watching me. Mom walk in the room saying to
Bobby don�t wake the baby he needs his sleep. I slowly tried to stand
up but fell back down. Mom picked me up saying diaper change time.
My pajamas were removed my thick cloth night diaper was changed with a
thinner daytime disposable size 6 Pamper Cruiser. They made me waddle
less but if you know what to look for you could tell I was diapered.
With my clothes on I looked like a tall three year old. I was ready for
work after I eat breakfast.
I was again in my highchair eating my breakfast with Bobby eating in
his booster seat. I drank from a sippy cup Bobby drank from a glass I
was neat not spilling anything on my bib or the tray. Bobby spilled on
the table and his bib he is still just three-years-old. Since I was the
diaper boy I had to use the baby things.
When Bobby and I got to the daycare I started working again changing
one of the toddlers that had a wet messy diaper. He was the oldest
toddler at four and he really made a mess. I took me ten minutes to get
him clean and in dressed in his Pull-ups. There were only three of the
eleven boy wearing diapers like me everyone else was wearing Pull-ups
or real underwear.
With every boy earning his Pull-ups my job gets easier just three boys
still needing diapered. Four diapered boys if you count me but I can do
my own diaper changes now with no help from a grown-up and I get
charged for the diaper I use. Each diaper I change of my own cost me
$3.00 I find being back in diaper has its advantages no need to run to
the potty every hour or so and if feels so good to me for some reason.
When I wet and the Pamper swells up it make me get tingly inside. But
when I mess it get me warm and tingly almost like I am floating.
I have found a perfect summer job for me. Being a big baby has its
advantages no need to run to the potty. When it is time to eat people
bring you your food. I get to play with toys with no one making fun of
you. Bobby has left the class with six of his friends leaving five of
the original boy plus two new kids. Seven boys still wearing diapers
and needing baby treatment one older kid is almost five he is just like
me I guess.
I am still wearing diapers too Johnny is going to be five next week. I
asked. Him if he likes diapers? He said. NO. I asked him why he wets
all the time. He said he can�t hold it that long. I knew what he meant
I am the same way I can hold it only one hour. Potty training rules are
a bitch I know. I hope I can return to this job next year too.