By: Slang of Euphoric
Author’s Note: Hello again Michael
Berg. If you are still reading this story than I commend you for your patience
with it’s length and the amount of time between updates. Thank you for sticking
with it. If you, Michael Berg, have any questions, comments or suggestions
about what you would like more or less of in Farsight then I implore you to
e-mail me at g-slang@hotmail.com. I enjoy and value your
opinions more than you know, Michael Berg. Anyway, this chapter is like a
continuation of the previous one and they go hand and hand. On a side note I
apologize for the sloppiness of the previous chapter’s format. There are some
references to Euphoric Rush’s Enigmatic
Consciousness and I would recommend that you read that first if have not
already. That is all that needs saying, so until whatever then befalls us, live
well Michael Berg.
I wish I could be the
The one who won’t care
at all
Confided in me was your
I know it’s hurting you,
but it’s killing me
-M. Shadows
Chapter 5: Unholy
Josh paced frantically
across the small office. The empty chair in front of him was in no way desirable,
he was uneasy. He had been waiting for almost an hour. This had gotten way out
of hand. First Jake had found out and now his mom was suspicious. She thought
that he had joined a gang. He almost laughed at the prospect of that; lower
middle-class white kid becomes a thug. If she found out what this really was,
well, he didn’t know what she’d think. His mom would probably be pissed, or
freaked out. Josh thought he might end up at a shrink’s. AJ’s mom was most
likely worried too. It was out of control, but Josh was going to change that.
became still as the door behind swung open allowing a much needed draft into
the stuffy room. A single man entered, looking somewhat exhausted, as though he
had been in a rush. The entering man quickly reformed himself to become more
presentable. He then walked around Josh to the other side of the desk that was
situated in the middle of the office and took a seat in the chair on his side.
Across the desk were scattered pictures and papers none of which had any immediate
relevance to either party. Upon taking his seat he considered Josh with
expecting eyes.
down.” He beckoned Josh into the chair that was in front of him.
think I’ll stand, Louis.” Josh replied, only barely hiding the animosity in his
that something was on the other’s mind, Louis again stood up, walked to a small
fridge in the corner and retracted a bottle of vodka from it. He raised it up
as an offering to Josh, who declined. He took a swig for himself and again
observed Josh.
“Relax, man. What the
hell’s wrong with you?” Louis laughed at Josh’s anxiousness.
“My mom,” Josh started
slowly, “She knows something’s up. She doesn’t know what, but she’s wondering.
She’s convinced I’ve been shanghaied into some gang.”
He was interrupted by
Louis’ laughing; apparently he found it funny too.
“I’ve gotta cut back,
Lou, or someone’s gonna find out what I’m doing here.” Josh continued.
“What do ya mean
‘someone’? Anyone else wondering what you’re up to?” Louis asked after he took
another drink.
“Yeah,” Josh replied
hotly, “my friends all wanna know what I’m doin’ and my cousin is suspicious as
hell. It’s not like all this money I’m getting just fell from the sky.”
“Well, what do you want
me to do?” Louis asked as he too became increasingly upset.
“I told you Lou; just
give me some time off.” Josh said, exasperated.
“You know I can’t do
that.” Louis responded defensively, “Besides, you’re everyone’s ‘favourite’.
You’ve got like five times the hits of everybody else.”
“I don’t care about
that.” Josh said as though he had been insulted by the fact that Louis had
thought such a thing would matter to him.
“Well I do. A hit equals
money, simple math tells us that means more hits means more money. That’s the
same money that keeps you employed.” Louis was getting frustrated.
Josh began pacing again,
deep in thought. Louis watched him, apparently in the same state of mind.
“What if I could find
somebody else?” Josh asked after a few minutes. “Just to take like one of my
shifts. I could still come in once a week and they could come in to do my other
one. Just for awhile.”
“Got anyone in mind?”
Louis asked.
“Yeah, I think I know a
guy.” Josh lied. He was just excited that Louis seemed to be into the idea.
“I’ll tell you what,”
Louis said after considering it. “You bring in this ‘guy’ of yours in and if
he’s any good then you got yourself a deal.”
Josh was just about to
thank him when there was a loud knock on the door.
“What?” Louis called.
A bearded young man in a
cowboy hat walked into the room hastily.
“What’s up buddy?” He
asked nodding at Josh.
“Not much Shawn.” Josh
replied as he got up to leave. He had a feeling their meeting was over.
As he exited the room,
he could here the two begin to speak behind him.
“There’s something you
need to see.” Shawn told Louis quietly.
“Dude, I don’t care
right now. I got to get back to the place, some guy wants to talk about some
new, uh, stuff. So just deal with it.”
“Fuck that.” Shawn said
angrily. “I think this is something you’ll want to see.”
“Well, what do you want
anyway?” Louis asked.
Shawn stared at him and said “Only your
thoughts on what to do with this kid we found outside.”
Dustin lay in is bed wide awake. It was reaching wake up
time, but that mattered little to him. He hadn’t slept at all except for when
his runaway thoughts had become short dreams. His mind had been overwhelmed by
this new… love, or perhaps desire. Dustin was not yet sure of what to call his
‘whatever’ for diapers. All he knew was that he was really enjoying the one he
had on him. It was a deeper than some bizarre fetish. It just felt right, the
regression back to his childhood. He wanted to go back, he wanted to a baby
again. All night thoughts of this had consumed his mind. If only he could
reverse time, but that was impossible. Dustin’s only solace was this diaper. He
couldn’t explain why it had brought up this want inside of him, but it did and
he would not deny his desires.
A lack of a clock or watch left knowing the time to one’s
speculation. The sun was up, but that meant nothing as it usually rose at about
six a.m. and the wake up siren was at eight-thirty, so it was somewhen between
then. Dustin guessed about half past seven, but the time passed slowly against
the waves of confusion in his cranium. His thoughts were then abruptly interrupted
by the waking Quinn. His early rise was probably a result of his farm life, or
so Dustin reasoned. He watched from his top bunk as Quinn sat up and yawned.
There was suddenly a look of shock on the other boy’s face, which passed
quickly as if he was accustomed to whatever phenomenon had swept over him.
Quinn scanned the room and Dustin feigned sleep. He was certain that his being
awake would provoke conversation between the two of them and he didn’t want
that presently. After Quinn looked to have confirmed that everybody else was
asleep, he stood up. Dustin saw that like himself Quinn had removed his shirt
to cope with the treacherous heat during the night. He arose from his bed and
stood in the middle of the room clad only in a diaper. Dustin observed this
through half closed eyes in shock. Quinn’s diaper was absolutely soaked. The
thick white diaper had swelled an extra one-half of its size with urine, the
scent of which became more imminent in the room now that the diaper was not
concealed by his blanket. Quinn waddled across the room with more difficulty
now that his diaper was full. He opened the window in an attempt to waft out
the smell. Returning to his bed, Quinn opened his suitcase and pulled out a
small plastic bag. He stripped off his drenched diaper which squelched with
this action and placed in the bag. Wrapping a towel around his nude self and
tying the bag, Quinn left the cabin, seemingly for the shower as he had also
collected a toiletry bag.
How strange was it that Quinn had used the diaper? He asked
himself. Maybe he needed the diapers too. Though what he had just witnessed had
shocked him, Dustin was much more surprised at what happened next. He developed
an erection. He was somewhat appalled. Had he just found Quinn attractive? He
didn’t think so, but there was something about seeing the other boy in a fat
wet diaper that was simply fantastic to him. He wanted so badly to wet his own.
The thought had previously occurred to him during the night, but he dismissed
it. If the other boys discovered that he had wet his diaper, well he wasn’t
sure what they would do. How he longed to use the protective underwear that was
wrapped tightly around his groin. He had already reached one stage of his
journey back to his childhood; that would be the next. Dustin wanted to reach
that destination more than anything. It all seemed unreal, but he knew what he
desired. He had questioned whether or not this was just a phase, but it didn’t
feel like it. It felt like it was a deep part of him that had just been
unearthed. Dustin slowly began to nod off again, the hours he had been deprived
of sleep had begun to catch up with him.
As soon as his eyes had shut, they had been torn apart by
the trumpeting call of the camp siren. It was wake up time. The first alarm
signified a wake up call while a following ring which would go off in a
half-an-hour would mean breakfast. Dustin bolted up at the alarm, shaking his
drowsiness off easily. He saw that the others did so, some with more difficulty
than others. Josh was most notable, looking wide awake but quite skeptical to
actually get out of bed. Carson climbed out from his lower bunk, still in his
diaper, which was dry. He quickly dispatched of it and threw on some shorts.
“Well,” he announced while grabbing his towel, “I’m off too
the shower.”
At most camps, the boys would not be concerned about
showering, but as they were the oldest ones there and they wanted impress the
few girls that were there, the shower was the most flattering form of
attraction they could accomplish. AJ yawned to announce his arrival into
“I’m awake.” He declared.
“Hey.” Dustin greeted him.
“Where is everybody?” He asked after observing the
half-empty cabin.
“Both off to shower.” Dustin answered as he swung his legs
so they could hang off the side of the bunk, a position that left him exposed
to the world in only his diaper. He was not embarrassed; he wanted AJ and Josh
to see. The idea excited him. AJ watched Dustin with interested eyes, though
the latter was unaware.
“What’s the matter?” AJ asked Josh as his gaze fell upon the
forlorn face of his friend. “You feeling’ alright?”
“I, uh…” Josh struggled.
“What, did you wet your diaper?” Dustin questioned jokingly.
Josh looked across to the pair with a painful stare. His
eyes gave away the feeling of a kid who had lost something combined with a sad
“I didn’t mean too.” Josh admitted quietly.
Both AJ and Dustin were shocked. AJ and Josh had often
discussed how cool it would be to be incontinent. To have to rely on diapers;
it would be incredible. But now as AJ stared at his friend’s devastated face,
he knew only a strong sense of pity. Dustin, on the other hand, had become
wildly aroused. Again he had experienced another using a diaper. He wanted to
join in, to experience the sensation of wetting himself, but he couldn’t. Not
“Hey man,” AJ said, “Don’t worry about it. It’s probably
just your head thing, you’ll get over it. That’s what you had ‘em for anyways.”
“It wasn’t me that was supposed to have them.” Josh
corrected him.
“Still…” AJ trailed off unable to argue the point.
So the diapers had been for Quinn, Dustin concluded. It
didn’t actually matter, Josh had used the thing.
“Nobody’s going to find out.” Dustin comforted him. “We’re
not telling nobody, and it’s not like Quinn or
“Thanks guys.” Josh said wiping a developing tear from his
“Come on,” AJ said, “We should get ready for breakfast.”
Josh entered the small
sitting area after exiting Louis’s office. He was surprised to find that AJ was
standing against the far wall, waiting.
“Hey.” Josh greeted as
he sat down on a near sofa exhaustedly.
“Dude, we gotta go.” AJ
said impatiently.
“What are you talking
about?” Josh asked.
“You mom sent Jake to go
find you. I decided to give him a hand. We’ve been looking for like the past
hour man. She’s worried and Jake’s pissed.”
“Damn it!” Josh cursed
loudly as he stood up and pulled his hand through his hair in a state of
anxiety. “You didn’t bring him here, did you?”
“Who, Jake?” AJ asked.
“Nah he’s still at the beach waitin’ for me, or us I should say.”
“How long has he been
there?” Josh asked as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I don’t know, about ten
or fifteen minutes.” AJ responded. Josh nodded and AJ continued, “Why’d you
come down here anyway?”
“I had to get away from
my place. Me and my mom had this big fight. She thinks I joined a gang.” Josh
paused so AJ could laugh. Freaking peanut gallery he thought. “I also wanted to
get some time off, ya know? I was thinkin’ that maybe I could get somebody else
to do half of my shifts. “
“You mean Lou was
thinking.” AJ guessed correctly.
“Pretty much.” He
sighed, “Ya know anybody interested?”
“How about Jake?” AJ
Now it was Josh’s turn
to laugh. Jake had spent the last week virtually hating Josh about this whole
damn secret job. He imagined how that conversation would go and chuckled to
himself. He was certain that would never happen. It’s funny how wrong some
people can be.
A short while earlier
yet not directly pertaining to the actual series of ‘flashbacks’…
Jake was carried into a
small storage room that was really more of a glorified closet. His two captors
discarded him onto the cold cement floor and walked back toward the door. Jake
got up to follow them but the bearded one pushed him back down onto the ground
“Now if you stay put and
keep quiet things won’t have to get nasty.” He said looking directly into
Jake’s glaring eyes. The latter did not move as they left him alone.
Jake could not here
anything through the thick door that separated him from freedom. He didn’t
struggle to escape nor did he scream; he knew it would be useless. He had seen
that this was the only occupied building around when he had arrived there a
short time before. This contributed to the helpless feeling that had enveloped
his heart. Jake was terrified. He didn’t have a clue what this place was or why
he was dragged down into the smelly basement of a crappy old building. Jake’s
only hope was that either Josh or AJ would find out he was there and save him.
But maybe they would be too pissed off he thought. What if they got angry
because he had followed them to their ‘secret hideout’, so to speak. Jake began
to shake as he hoped against hope that he would make it out of there soon.
After a short wait the
door was opened. The bearded guy walked in followed by another slightly older
man. The second looked to be in his early twenties. The bearded guy stood at
the door while the other came and sat down on the ground next to Jake as though
they were old friends.
“Do you know what Bedlam
is?” He asked abruptly.
“W-What?” Jake
“Do you know what Bedlam
is? Not the actual definition or concept, either. Are you aware of the deeper
meaning of what I’m talking to you about?”
Jake shook his head from
side to side, he didn’t want to speak.
“You checked him right?”
The man beside Jake asked the other.
“Thoroughly.” The
bearded guy replied flatly.
The questioner didn’t
look convinced. Turning back to Jake he asked “How is it that you ended up with
the cast and the cuts on your face?” He asked almost caringly.
“I… I got jumped by some
gang down by the pool hall.” Jake answered slowly.
“I heard about something
like that actually.” the bearded man commented.
“Good news for you
then.” He said to Jake, “I’m Louis; this here’s my brother Shawn.” He finished
nodding at the bearded one. He extended his hand which Jake shook reluctantly,
not sure what to think.
“I’m Jake.” He said
“Well Jake,” Louis
continued, “It’s good to meet you, even if it is under such, uh, unfortunate
Jake was silent. There
was something about this Louis guy that made him instantly likeable; the kind
of guy you want to be around. Despite his current condition, Jake found himself
almost trusting this new stranger.
“Jake, I’m not going to
lie to you; it seems to me that you and I have a dilemma.” He proceeded as he
looked down at Jake, “You’ve stumbled across something that you probably
shouldn’t have. That can’t be changed. Now I could just take you out to the
dock and shoot you in the head.” He paused as he saw Jake begin to panic.
“Relax, it was a joke, but we are going to have to solve this most precarious
“I won’t tell nobody.”
Jake insisted nervously.
“Tell anybody what
Jake?” Louis asked, “What exactly did you see here tonight?”
“Not much.” Jake stated
this more like a question, hoping that it would be the answer that his
interrogator wanted.
“Alright then,” Louis
proceeded “Why were you here tonight?”
“I was looking for my
cousin.” Jake responded simply.
“And why would your
cousin be here?” Louis wondered aloud.
“I dunno,” Jake
shrugged, “You’re the one he was talking to.”
A look of understanding
spread across Louis’ features.
“Ohhhhh,” Louis said as
he began to realize “You’re Josh’s cousin. Or rather, Josh is your cousin. It
doesn’t matter either way but it is interesting nonetheless.”
“Does that mean you’ll
let me go?” Jake questioned him hopefully.
“I don’t see why we
would keep you locked in here so yeah, I guess we could let you out.” Louis
said as he stood up. “Shawn could you go deal with the guy at our place? I’ve
got some more pressing matters.”
“Whatever.” Shawn
apparently agreed and went on his way.
He helped Jake to his
feet and the three of them left. They entered into a short hallway that opened
up into a much larger square room which was full of sofas. There was a single
door on each of the three walls that compromised the rest of the room. Josh and
AJ were standing in the middle of the room deep in a conversation. They were
oblivious to their arrival until the other of Jake’s original abductors came in
through the door on the left.
“What, we letting the
captive free already? I didn’t even get to torture him yet.” He said as he
flung himself onto one of the couches.
“Jake?” Josh asked
nobody in particular but more in a state of shock.
“In the flesh.” Jake
“What are you doing
here?” AJ and Josh asked simultaneously.
“You know him?” The boy
on the couch asked the pair,
“Well, as fun as ‘twenty
questions’ is I would like to speak to you Josh… privately.” Louis added as he
directed the flabbergasted Josh into his office which was behind the door on
the right.
“So what are you doing
hear?” AJ asked once again.
“I figured I’d come find
you since you were taking so damn long.” Jake responded smartly.
“You shouldn’t have come
here.” AJ told him.
“Why not?” the other boy
asked, “Don’t you like our happy little family?” He got up and shook Jake’s
good hand, “I’m Zack.”
“Jake,” he replied “I’m
Josh’s cousin.”
“I’ve seen you before.”
Zack reconciled as he and Jake sat down.
“On the first day of
school,” Jake said, “Remember? I almost hit you and your friends with my bike
and one of you guys yelled at me and then chased a bird around. Your friend
gave me his skateboard.”
“Oh, right.” Zack
nodded, “Well, sorry about the whole ‘drag you into the cellar’ thing.
Necessary precautions considering…”
“Quiet.” AJ commanded.
“What’s wrong mom?” Zack
asked AJ with some underlying hostility in his voice, “Do we not trust poor Jake
“No offense Jake,” AJ
said as he turned to him, “But the less you know the better. Trust me.”
Louis came back into the
room right then.
“Jake, why don’t you go
talk to Josh for a bit. I think you two have got some stuff to work out.” He
“I agree.” Jake said as
he walked into the office.
“Shows what you know,’
Zack mocked AJ.
Jake’s heart was just
about to erupt through his chest. The collogue of emotions he had experienced
over the past day had taken a tremendous toll on his well being. He figured
that he had lost about a year off of his life just from the stress. But he was
excited at the same time as he entered the diminutive office. Jake was finally
going to get the answers he wanted.
The last day of camp had come so shortly that is it was
almost as though it had not been a week in the wilderness at all, but rather a
few short days. While the others wear out around camp bidding farewells, Dustin
remained in the cabin, citing that he needed to finish his packing while
everyone else had already completed this task. The full suitcases of his cabin
mates lay on their respective beds. For the most part it had been a lie, but
the truth was he planned to pack a little something ‘extra’. A half-empty
package of youth diapers was situated on the unused councilor’s bed. This was
the third pack that the boys had gone through, having each worn one to bed each
night. The diapers had been resupplied by the nurse at their awkward request
for more. With the exception of Quinn and Josh nobody had used them. Everyone
in the cabin was aware of both their night time problems and this had lead to
no confrontation. Things had, however, become a bit more awkward for Quinn when
Josh regained control of himself part way through the week, but it had still
been no issue. Dustin grabbed the entire package of diapers and crammed it into
his overflowing pack with some difficulty.
Like a sickness the desire for diapers had consumed him that
week. All his thoughts revolved around them. He wished that he could regress back
to his early childhood. Dustin absolutely adored the firm squeeze of the
absorbent padding around his privates. The feeling of freedom he got of not
needing to rush to the bathroom but being able to go right there at any time
was amazing for him. Dustin craved the diapers when we was without them, and
when he did have one secured around his waist he was blissful. He knew that he
couldn’t bear to be separated from them after camp so he had decided to take
them home. Dustin was certain that the others wouldn’t notice, except perhaps
Josh had appeared to have been aware of Dustin’s infantile
attachment. He hadn’t come right out and said it, but the look in his eye when
he regarded him was all to knowing. It was because of this that Dustin should
have been able to for see the following confrontation he would experience.
As Dustin struggled with the zipper of his suitcase he heard
the door open behind him as Josh walked in.
“Oh, uh, hey Josh.” Dustin greeted him nervously as he
fumbled with his luggage.
Josh sat on his bunk and stared from the empty councilor’s
bed to Dustin.
“You really like ‘em, huh?” He asked.
“No, I was just, um… what?” Dustin responded in a state of
“Come on man, don’t play dumb.” Josh went on, “We both know
what’s in there.” He nodded at Dustin’s suitcase.
Dustin was quiet. He had nothing to say. It wasn’t like he
could just come out and admit his love of diapers.
“It’s called a DL,” Josh said, “Or maybe a TB for you.
That’s diaper lover and teen baby, respectively. You were pretty easy to figure
out; you were always so interested in the diapers and you kept staring at Quinn
and me when we woke up wet.”
“How do you…” Dustin began, “What are you talking about?
Like, how do you know all this?”
“Well,” Josh replied, “Maybe because I like diapers, too.”
“Really?” Dustin inquired.
He was astounded. He had led himself to believe that he was
probably the only kid in the world who liked diapers, and here was his newest
friend admitting he had the same passion. Dustin wondered how many other kids
shared their secret.
“Well, me and AJ both to tell ya the truth. We both used to
wet the bed and we each wore diapers, well, goodnites for him, to bed every
night. Then we found out about each other and we agreed that it was nothing to
be ashamed of and we could have some fun with it too. AJ was kinda into it
first, he got me to use them when I was awake. I liked it. I don’t know why but
I did, and I still do. We just sort of explored it, ya know? There’s some cool
websites you can check out and stuff.”
“Wow,” Dustin exclaimed, “You’re serious?”
“Totally.” Josh answered.
The two continued to discuss diapers until they had to
leave. Josh said that if he ever had the chance he’d give Dustin a call, seeing
that they were only half a city apart. Josh later told AJ about Dustin. AJ
claimed to have known all along. Josh didn’t argue. He was happy to leave camp
with a new friend, while Dustin was leaving camp with a whole new perspective
of life.
Jake and Josh sat
opposite each other, the desk a barricade between them. The tension was
brutally evident which only magnified the stress level of both. The awkwardness
of the conversation they would soon have was nearly embarrassing for both boys.
They didn’t speak for some time; the proverbial breath before the plunge. Jake
had gone into the room excited to end all this discomfort, but he now found
himself engulfed by it. He began to subconsciously question whether or not he
could handle whatever seemingly unholy confessions Josh would belay on to him.
Jake fought against the tides of unease that battered him, just struggling to
commence with the conversation.
“So…” he finally managed
to croak out.
“So what?” Josh asked.
“Can I ask you
something?” Jake wondered aloud.
“Please do.” Josh
requested shortly.
“So you uh, like to wear
diapers, right?” Jake asked.
He already knew the
answer, but he wanted everything out in the clear.
“Yep,” Josh replied
quite simply, as though it were nothing. “But you already knew that didn’t
“If you knew that I
knew,” Jake questioned, “Why didn’t you say anything.”
“I dunno,” his cousin
answered distantly as he appeared to zone out. “I figured maybe it would all
just disappear. I don’t think I actually believed that, but I wanted to and I
guess that was enough to convince myself that you would just forget.”
“And yet here we are.”
Jake interjected.
“Right.” Josh agreed.
“I’m sorry we left you out of this, but I was pretty sure that you wouldn’t get
“I don’t.” Jake
“I never expected you
too.” Said Josh “I can’t conceive how you could possibly understand. It’s
something I like that's probably just out there to you. I just want you to
appreciate that I like it, well not even appreciate it. Maybe just accept it,
because I sure as hell can’t change it.”
“Fair enough,” Jake complied,
“But you gotta cut down on whatever it is you’re doing because you know damn
well that it’s screwin’ with your life.”
“I know; it’s just…”
Josh sighed and then trailed off.
Jake looked around the
room with consideration and asked, “So, what is this place anyway?”
“This is work.” Josh
“What is work?” Jake
asked a little frustrated by the response.
“WhatHidesInside.com,” Josh annunciated slowly. “We’re an offshoot
of Bedlam.”
“That Louis guy
mentioned that, um, Bedlam thing.” Jake remembered, “What’s that?”
“Oh it’s a lot of
things,” Josh began in a tone that indicated his dislike for the topic, “It’s
an anarchistic, nihilistic radical group who believes in the removal of all
boundaries in life and the true expressions of ‘freedom’ and hedonism. It’s
also seriously screwed up and a waste of time. Don’t repeat any of that, by the
“If you don’t like it,
why don’t ya quite?” Jake asked.
“Because, only Lou is
affiliated, and I guess Shawn is a little bit too.” Josh continued, “We’re just
exercising our right of expression via the internet.”
“How so?” Jake
“By posting pictures of
our diapered selves on the site.” Josh admitted forwardly. “Again, I don’t
expect that you can accept that, but I enjoy it. I know its weird, and I’m not doing
it so some pedophile can go whack off at night either. I’m doing it because I
want to.”
“I’m fine with that.”
Jake said after some consideration, “I’m not gonna freakin’ disown ya because
of what you like to do.”
“That’s good of you,”
Josh said, “Because if you hated me for it I’d be interested to see how you
would treat AJ and Robbie.”
“What?” Jake asked in a
state of shock.
“AJ and Robbie both do
this too.” Josh proceeded cautiously.
“I knew about AJ, but
Robbie too?” Jake asked quietly.
“Um, yeah man.” Josh
said scratching the back of his head, “I guess he’s had to wear ‘em at night or
something and I found out and, well, now he’s here. I’m not sure he likes it
like we do, but he comes anyways; probably for the money.”
“How much money?” Jake
asked still dazed by all of the information he was getting hammered into his
“Well. We get a hundred
bucks for each shoot, and there’s about one or two each week.” Josh replied, “I
think that they make way more off the pictures getting downloaded but they use
a lot for the rent of this place and to help fund Bedlam. A hundred bucks is
great anyway.”
“For sure.” Jake
concurred and then asked “How’d you, uh, find out about this place?”
“An old friend.” Josh
A short silence ensued
in which both boys considered the other and what they had just discussed.
“That about all you
wanna know?” Josh asked his younger cousin.
“I guess so.” Jake
“So are we cool now?”
Josh questioned hopefully.
“Definitely,” Jake
replied, “Thanks for telling me all that.”
“After how we treated
you, you deserved some answers.” Josh said.
“Yeah, well don’t worry
about that…” Jake trailed off.
“One more thing,” Josh
warned him, “Lou actually sent you in here so I could convince you to pose for
the site. I need a replacement to cover some of my shifts, and he suggested I
get you to. I’m not asking you to, so when he asks you to, don’t.”
Jake paused for a bit.
His mind was entering a whole new frame of thought. What if he tried it, the
diaper thing? All of is friends were doing it, so why shouldn’t he give it a
try? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He had never considered wearing diapers, but
he didn’t want to be narrow-minded about the matter. The depths of his
consciousness rebelled against him, reminding him that he had been disgusted
and appalled by the same thoughts earlier that day. Jake ignored his gut
instinct. The drive for acceptance into a new world can be a powerful one.
“Maybe I’ll give it a
try.” Jake said suggestively.
“What?” Josh asked,
quite surprised.
“I think I wanna do it.”
Jake repeated. “I mean, I can’t bash it if I don’t try it, right?”
“You don’t have to man,
really.” Josh insisted.
“Maybe I do.” Jake said
as he walked out of the office.
Jake emerged into the
opposite room with Josh following suite. The other three looked up as he did
“So,” Louis began, “Are
you in?”
“Sure.” Jake replied.
“How’s Tuesday sound?”
Louis asked.
“What?” Jake questioned.
“For your first shoot,”
Louis clarified “How does Tuesday sound?”
“Oh, um, fine I guess.”
Jake shrugged.
“Great.” said Louis.
“Now would you kindly all exit the premises so I can lock up and get out of
Jake, Josh, AJ and Zack
all left shortly afterward. Zack’s house was in the opposite direction so they
soon parted ways. The remaining three made their way back home slowly, though
they kept a mutual silence. Jake had thought that partaking in the whole diaper
thing would bring Josh and him together, but his cousin hardly said another
word to him that night.
Another year had passed and the Josh and AJ once again found
themselves at
The boys reluctantly entered the cabin and tossed their
luggage on their respective bunks, which were both on the bottom. They found
that the councilor’s bed was occupied this year; another dream shattered. The
door was suddenly flung open. Josh and AJ stared at the supposed intruder as he
came in, finding a face that was only vaguely familiar gazing back.
“Last year when I did that you two almost died.” The new
boys said.
“Dustin?” AJ asked in surprise.
“Always will be.” Dustin answered.
The once small and annoying boy had grown into a young man.
He had increased to about 5’11’’ and looked his age now at fourteen. His
previously spiked hair now grew straight and a fair ways down his neck. He
still wore glasses, though they too had evolved into a more intelligent looking
set of specs.
“Hardly recognized ya.” Josh admitted. “Ya look a bit
“Still the same kid at heart.” He laughed as he placed his
pack on the remaining bed.
“So, how’s life?” AJ questioned him as he unpacked some of
“Good enough.” Dustin responded, “Still in
“Same deal man.” Josh answered.
“Do you guys, uh, still like to, um, ya know… where
diapers.” He whispered this as though it were a matter of national security.
Josh and AJ exchanged glances. “Yep,” Josh replied, “Why do
you ask?”
“I can’t say much,” Dustin continued, “But when we get back
to Hammer Bay I’ll show you guys something that you’re never gonna believe, if
you’re interested.”
Hints of the old excitable Dustin were imminent in his
voice. This was obviously something pretty huge.
“What do ya mean by that?” Josh questioned him.
“Well, you’ll have to wait to see.” Dustin admitted. “It’ll
make it more special or something.”
“Can you give us clue?” AJ asked curiously.
“Well I guess so.” Dustin agreed. “Have you guys ever heard
of a group called Bedlam?”