By: Slang
Note: Hello. I am
Slang and this is Farsight. Though this in no way involves events that I have
been involved in, the following words are certainly those of a story that is
mine. This is not a generic fable of an unfortunate child forced back into
infancy or the tellings of a young boy who wishes to experience the younger
days of his life again. Such stories are so overly done these days and I find
the repetition to be rather tiresome. Thus, I recently set out to write of something,
well, interesting. The story is by no means short, as it chronicles the tales
of several, and if you have no intentions of going through with the entire
thing, it is suggested that you grab hold of your mouse and click the 'back'
button immediately. I have grown rather fond of this tale and all of those who
create do so for both themselves and others. As such, I would appreciate and
questions, comments, quandaries, queries or any general feedback. I am
available at my convenience (which always seems to be the convenience of
others) at G-SLANG@hotmail.com. I have
nothing but gratitude to those of you who will read this story, and though I
would love to get to know you all, there is simply no time or space for that.
So henceforth, you (the reader), shall be referred to as Michael Berg by me
(the author), who you may refer to as Slang (though I suppose under such
circumstances that Bernhard would also be appropriate).
along as briskly as we may (as it would be terrible manners for me to keep you
waiting longer than necessary), I would be more than pleased to share some of
the history and other information of the following work with you, Michael Berg.
The original plot came to my thinking very near the day of Saint Valentine this
past year. I had long planned to pen a fable of more exceptional lengths than
ordinary, but the idea was lacked until that time. You see Michael Berg, it is
my intention to use this writing to inspire others to perhaps try to create a
more original tale. I have been inspired by other stories at least thirteen
times, and it is wonderful to feel such a way. If that is not your customs,
Michael Berg, than maybe the following work will help you come to some
revelation the likes of which only you, Michael Berg, could comprehend. This
story was written with only good intentions in my mind, and I would like to
defend myself from any offense by saying that it would cause me great pain to
upset you all, Michael Berg, as you are investing your well-deserved free time
to give this tale a chance. It is with a deep wish of mine that you do enjoy.
Michael Berg, we progress to the topic of the actual story itself. There are
many characters in the show, each deserving to have their own background.
Therefore, in each chapter, exerts of their past lives will be revealed in
sections of writing. The only identification of a change between 'real time'
and these, for lack of a better word, 'flashbacks', will be the print changing
from regular to italic (see here for example). I do hope that an
intelligent person such as yourselves, Michael Berg, will not be confused of
confuddled or any other cons. The story is told through the point-of-views of
so many, as any given individual's eyes can really only see so much. The taking
of the place is revealed but the year is not. It would be in your benefit to
know only that the year is around summer two-thousand-and-four. I believe that
this is all that you, Michael Berg, will require before entering the world of Farsight.
Until again, whenever if ever again may be'nt, I wish you luck in all your
doings (which I do sincerely hope will include examining this work). Live well
Michael Berg.
Even in madness, I know you still
Paint me on a canvas so I become
What you could never be
1: I Dare You
anything 'the last day' is usually depressing thing, especially when that day
marked the end of summer vacation. At least, that's what Jake Austin thought
when he awoke. The sun shone through his bedroom window onto his face, acting
as nature's own alarm clock, which Jake preferred as it had allowed him to
sleep until 11:30am, or so the actual clock on his wall read. Jake got up from
his bed, perhaps a little too quickly an ensuing head rush let him know, and
headed to the bathroom. Stumbling across the hallway, his mind kept wandering
off between thoughts of school and what he would later on in the day. Entering
the bathroom, he quickly relieved himself and proceeded to shower. He decided to
make it a long one, if only to enjoy the freedom of having the ability to do
Fifteen or
so minutes later he was done and standing in front of the mirror, examining his
12-year-old body. His short died-blond hair needed no combing. His fairly
skinny build showed some muscle definition, if only due to lack of fat. He
studied himself, checking to see if puberty had taken its course yet, and was
saddened to find he was not yet maturing. He stared up into his own blue-gray
eyes. He had always been proud of his eyes, for they appeared cold and
careless, which Jake believed made him look tough. Finishing drying off, he got
dressed and headed out of the bathroom and downstairs.
arriving in the kitchen, Jake noticed a note. It was from Nicole, saying that
she had been called into work and that she wouldn't be back until 5:00pm.
Realizing that he would have to make his own meal, Jake set out to find a box
of Kraft Dinner. He really didn't mind cooking for himself, Nicole had never
been anything near a chef, though she was an excellent parent figure. Jake
zoned out as he took a trip down memory lane. Nicole had raised him since he
was very young, ever since his mom had died in a car crash. He had never really
known his mother, and Nicole didn't enjoy talking about the subject, but then
again, neither did he. Mentioning it was probably the only thing that could
send the ordinarily quiet and calm kid over the edge. Nevertheless, he was
content with his current caregiver and the two of them were very close.
Jake was
brought back to reality by a beeping oven. He finished making his brunch and
situated himself in front of the T.V. to eat it. As he ate he flipped through
the channels, he came across one of his favourite shows, The Price is Right. He
watched it absentmindedly, as his mind kept drifting back to the thought of
school returning, which was not helped by the all-too-frequent commercials for
back-to-school sales. Finishing his meal, he cleaned what dishes he had and
decided to go out and find something to do.
Jake headed
out the front door into an incredibly bright sun. He let out an uncontrollable
sneeze and decided to move along. He looked around and enjoyed the beautiful
weather. He lived in a private semi-neighborhood known as Sunrise Place which
was really just a large cull-de-sac reserved for families consisting of women
and children. He and Nicole had lived there together in the small house now
behind him for all the time they had been together. He headed up the street to
where Josh lived. Josh was his cousin, or at least he was Nicole's nephew.
Nicole's sister also lived in Sunrise Place, where she had raised Josh after
his abusive father was sent to prison. Despite Josh being two years older than
himself, Jake had always been quite close to him and they hung out just as
normal friends would. Jake arrived at the door of the house and walked in as he
always did. The fact that they were almost relatives had nothing to do with
this, for everyone in the subdivision treated one-another like family. Jake strolled
into the kitchen to find Claire, Nicole's sister, cooking something that
smelled excellent.
Jake,” she said in a jovial voice when he entered the room.
“Hey,” he
replied, “What are you making? It smells terrific!”
“Oh it's
just a cake,” she answered before adding “and no it's not for you.”
The look on
Jake's face must have given him away, for it had been one of desire. He then
said “I wouldn't dream of taking your hard work away and eating it. I would be
no better than some kind of animal, and speaking of which, where's yours?”
laughed and said “I'm afraid he and AJ have gone biking, and I don't expect
that they'll be home for quite some time. But you're welcome to keep me
“I think
I'll pass” sighed Jake.
“If you'd
like, I could send him over when he gets home,” added Claire.
Jake smiled
and said “Sounds good. I'll see ya later” and he took off. He began his way
back down the street and his mind began to wander. Josh and AJ (another boy who
lived in Sunrise Place and was Josh's age) hadn't been around much all summer.
After they had come back from camp in July, they were almost never around. Jake
wondered whether or not to be suspicious of what Josh was doing in his spare
Jake got
home and decided to watch some more T.V., despite not much being on. He was
getting bored and could think of nobody else to hang out with. His two best
friends, Robbie and Tyler, were busy, as
It was
Christmas time and the Austen's were heading to a family reunion in
It was a
fairly long drive from home and Claire was stressed out by the pressure of
packing. She and Josh were already late in picking up Nicole and Jake, and the
fact that Josh wasn't co-operating was not helping.
“I don't
want to Mom!” cried the eight-year-old Josh. Tears were streaming down his red
face and he was trembling.
“I don't
care whether you want to or not Josh! You are going to put on that diaper!” She
was on the brink of screaming, which was not consoling to Josh.
pleaded, “But I promise I won't have an accident.” His tears continued to flow.
that's the point, you can't control it! It's a long drive and we aren't
stopping until we get there! So you are going to put one on in case you do!
Besides, what if you don't and you wet your pants!” Claire's voice was steadily
getting louder and more frustrated.
what if Jake finds out?” cried Josh, who was now talking through sobs, “He'll
think I'm a little baby!”
that is exactly what you're acting like!” Claire nearly shouted, “Now, do I
have to put it on or can you be a big boy and do it yourself?”
“But I
cut him off, “Now Josh!”
Daniel Austin get that diaper on this instant!” Screamed Claire.
knowing that there was no winning this argument, Josh took the pull-up from his
mom and sulked towards the bathroom, crying the whole time. He entered the
bathroom and stripped off his pants and underwear. He slipped the diaper up his
legs and stared at himself in the mirror. He cried even more at how babyish he
looked. The pull-up seemed so prominent. It wasn't extremely thick, but it had
Toy Story prints on it and the fact it was so loud did not make him feel any
better. He pulled his pants back up, leaving a semi-obvious bulge. He walked
back out to the living room. His mom was waiting and she pulled back his pants
to make sure it was indeed on. She nodded in approval and they headed out to
the car and drove down the street to were Nicole and Jake stood waiting. They
got in the car and drove away. Josh was comforted by the fact that neither of
them knew what he was wearing.
Jake was
suddenly awakened by the sound off his front door swinging open.
“Wake up,
sleeping ugly!” yelled the familiar voice of Josh.
Jake was
still a little groggy and couldn't think of a quick comeback so he just said
“Shut up.”
“Oh you are
the master of insults this afternoon.” commented the arriving AJ, “You'll need
to smarten up for school tomorrow.”
“What do
you mean this afternoon?” asked Jake, who decided to ignore the continuing
“It's three
o'clock man,” said Josh, “And we're going downtown for some ice cream. Now we
were thinking about asking you to come, but I don't think your poor brain could
take it.”
“Ice cream
sounds good.” said Jake, whom was now standing up and stretching.
“Well then
get your skateboard and let's get out of here,” said AJ.
So they
took off out of
They sat
there for a minute, admiring the view before AJ said “let's race.”
Jake and Josh asked simultaneously.
“Come on,
let's race down the hill,” he continued, his excitement was apparent “Come on,
I dare you.”
The three
boys were all self-proclaimed daredevils, and the gauntlet had been thrown
down. “Alright,” said Josh, “but loser buys ice cream.”
agreed Jake, who was not concerned that he only had a skateboard. He knew he
could beat them.
“On the
count of three,” said AJ, “1, 2, 3!” And they were off, speeding down faster
and faster. Jake was getting a sick adrenaline rush as the passing buildings
became more and more blurry. He was going extremely fast and was soon just
behind AJ. They were nearing the bottom of the hill. Jake shot him a cocky look
just before realizing a car had pulled up across their path. Jake had to bail
to the side and was very lucky he landed on grass. The others barely stopped in
time, leaving large skid marks on the road. Jake, who was now sporting a cut up
elbow was just getting up to yell at the driver when he realized who's car it
was. He stopped abruptly as the driver stepped out of the car.
“What the f*** are you f***in' idiots
doing!” the driver shouted.
They all
knew better than to give a comeback so Jake just looked at the ground and said
“Sorry Tyson.”
Tyson was
the 19-year-old brother of Jake's friend Robbie, and he was huge. He was ripped
and stood at 6'5” at least. He also had a really long braided goatee which he
had been growing since he could, which was about the age of 12.
“Sorry? You
f***in' idiots could've f***in' killed yourselves,” Tyson continued.
AJ quickly
added “Well parking your car there didn't help us out much.”
Tyson shot
AJ such a nasty look it almost put a hole in him. If anyone else had said this,
they'd most likely be in the ICU within the hour, but Tyson had always liked
us. “I oughta crack everyone of your skulls, but by the looks of things you'll
do it yourself sooner than later.”
His tone
was calming, so Jake knew that they were off the hook. Tyson continued, “What
are you guys up to anyway?”
“We're just
heading downtown for some ice cream” said Josh.
looked concerned at this and said “Well be careful down there, there's a bunch
of thugs hangin' around and I don't want none of you guys getting' beat up.”
“That's a
little hypocritical,” AJ commented, “as you were just threatening to kill us.”
“Just be
careful alright,” Tyson said as he stepped back into his car, “and if you need
anything just come by the pool hall (where he worked).” Tyson shut the door,
but rolled down the window and added “Oh, by the way, watch your mouth...” and
he said AJ's real name, which he hated, and he drove off.
muttered AJ under his breath.
They took
off again, taking the main roads to avoid any confrontation with the gangs.
Surely enough as they rode down the sidewalk, they came across many shady
individuals who looked like nothing more than trouble. Eventually, they arrived
at the ice cream store. Josh and AJ locked up their bikes but Jake brought his
skateboard in with him so it wouldn't be stolen. They walked in and each
ordered what they wanted.
AJ was
first in line and when he arrived at the cashier he said “You gonna get this Josh?”
Josh gave him a look which implied that implied he could go directly to a much
warmer climate.
alright,” said AJ, “I just thought you'd pay since you were in last place when
we stopped.”
“I just
like to be the underdog, ya know?” said Jake “The guy that comes form behind
and beats you all by a mile. The press really digs that kind of stuff.”
Jake added
“I could beat you with my eyes closed.”
laughed AJ, “'cause you'd be dreaming!”
“Hmm Hmm,”
the cashier cleared her throat and she had an impatient look on her face.
ended up paying for their own.
decided to eat their ice cream inside so they wouldn't be bothered by anyone.
They were enjoying themselves and were just starting to discuss why chocolate
is so much better than vanilla and who the idiot was that came up with the
pistachio flavour when a loud ringing came from Josh's jacket.
“Oh shit,”
cursed Josh. He pulled a cell phone from his pocket and began to talk.
“Since when
do you have a cell phone?” Jake asked, but Josh merely held up his wands and
walked away, talking quietly the whole time.
“Since when
does he have a cell phone?” Jake repeated the question to AJ.
“It's for
work,” replied AJ, who was looking a little shocked himself about the
“He has a
job?” Jake asked wide-eyed. He hadn't heard a word of this before.
“We do,
yes,” continued AJ, before adding “well, it's like a job, but I can't really
say much about it.”
Jake went
on “and why's that?” Curiosity was consuming him. He felt as though he was
learning less and less with every answer he got.
AJ smiled
and leaned across the table, “Because then,” he said in a sinister voice, “I'd
have to kill you.”
“You are so
very funny,” Jake said sarcastically, “but really-
He was cut
off by a returning Josh. “We have to go now,” he said to AJ.
asked Jake, turning from one to the other, “can I come?”
AJ nodded
and said “It must be important, and in answer to your question, sorry but no.”
continued “But I
man, this is something kind of private.” Josh said, and Jake could tell that
there would be no changing his mind.
Jake complied in a disappointed voice.
dude,” said AJ sincerely, “we'll hang out tomorrow, O.K.?”
said Jake, trying to hide the sadness he was feeling. The other two left but
Jake just sat there. Josh and AJ had always included him in their doings, so
why would hey leave him in the dark for something as important as being
employed. It must be part of growing up, thought Jake as he got began to walk
outside. Looking around, he saw gang members and thugs scattered everywhere,
looking dangerous and hateful, and Jake knew he had never felt so alone in his
entire life.
Josh was
pouting when they arrived at the house his mom was not helping hi attitude.
come get your bag now, it's the third time I've asked you.” Claire was still
upset about their confrontation that morning.
simply walked around and grabbed his bag. His head was down and his lower lip
was sticking out. He was no happy camper.
on,” said the overly excited Jake, “let's go see grandma!” Jake grabbed his arm
and dragged him along.
go!” shouted Josh as he pulled his arm back. Jake looked a little confused,
apparently unable to comprehend how he could not be so ecstatic. So he decided
to go along alone, running up the stairs to the front door. He knocked as hard
as he could until the door was opened by an elderly woman.
hello there!” said Jake and Josh's grandmother, “And how are you Jacob?”
shouted Jake as he hugged her, but quickly moved on to his grandfather, who was
further back inside.
how's my other favourite grandson?” She said looking at Josh.
polite,” Claire whispered from behind him.
replied Josh and he put on a fake smile and hugged her.
“My, my,
you are getting big aren't you?” She asked. Josh nodded and moved on.
As it
was late, there was little time for talking with the other family members, so
after a quick drink, Jake and Josh decided to head to bed. As the two headed
downstairs to where the rest of the kids were asleep, Josh stopped and said “I
have to see my mom.”
said the still hyperactive Jake.
walked into his mom's bedroom where she was unpacking. She looked up at him and
stared for a moment, wondering why he was there before coming to a quick
“Oh my
gosh, I'm so sorry honey,” she said rushed over to him to help him take off his
pants. Soon revealed was the wet diaper which he had been wearing for the
better part of the day. She quickly took it off and put it in a garbage pale.
Sounding as though she really felt bad, she went on “I'm so sorry I forgot
Josh,” she paused and examined him, “and it looks like you might have a little
diaper rash. We'll have to get cream for that. I think grandma will have some.”
looked up and saw tears trickling from his eyes. She hugged him for a long
while. After some time she stood up and said “I'll be right back”. Josh just
sat there, half naked, still sobbing quietly. When she came back she had some
cream with her.
Josh, you'll have to wear a real diaper tonight because we didn't bring
pull-ups and you're little cousins happen to have some here. I'll also have to
put it on you because you won't be able to do it by yourself. Is that alright?”
Josh merely nodded, and he was still crying.
She laid
him down on his back and lifted up his legs. She slid the diaper under him but
before strapping it on she covered his entire private area with cream for his
rash. She then flipped the diaper up and taped the straps. It was very babyish
and it had Barney prints on it.
Claire said “I think you'll need two, just in case.”
the diaper, though just barely big enough, would most likely not hold all an
eight-year-old had to offer. She repeated the process of diapering. With two
diapers on now, Josh felt very much like a baby and he continued to cry. The
double-diaper seemed huge. Claire hugged him and told him to go to bed. He
slipped his boxers on over the diapers, leaving a large bulge. He cried even
will find out,” he sobbed.
then asked “why don't you sleep up here with me?”
nodded and he and Claire laid down in bed and soon were both asleep, the long
day taking it's toll on them. Josh was comforted by the fact that his problem
was private. But he was mistaken, as Jake sat outside the bedroom door. He was
shocked at what he had just heard while waiting for Josh. His older cousin
needed to wear diapers to bed!
Jake stood
there looking up and down the street, wondering what to do. He couldn't call
Nicole to come pick him up and there was no way he was walking home alone.
After all, Tyson had said not to. That was it! Jake thought. He would head over
to the Pool Hall. It was only a few blocks away, but he would have to take some
back streets, which did not excite him. But seeing no other option, he got on
his skateboard and rolled off.
His heart
was pumping at 100 miles per hour. As he rode down the sidewalk as fast as he
possibly could, he saw all sorts of people staring at him. H was feeling
terribly nervous and he accelerated. The turn off to the Pool Hall was coming
up quickly. He was almost there. Jake turned around a corner and off the main
street he was on and immediately saw the last thing on earth he wanted to see.
A group of five guys standing against the side of a building, all wearing blue,
the colour of the most dangerous local gang. His skateboard came to a
screeching halt and he stared at them in fear. His heart pumped even faster
when they stared back, and it almost came out of his chest as they began to
come towards him. Jake could see his destination at the far end of the street.
The thugs came closer and closer. Jake was beginning to sweat and he had no
idea how he was going to get past them. Suddenly, his eyes fell upon narrow
alleyway between two nearby buildings. Without knowing where it would take him,
Jake picked up his skateboard and ran down the alley as fast as he could. He
could hear the guys chasing him so he sped up. Now Jake was never really
athletic, but he managed to reach near-Olympic speeds that day as he ran for
health if not life. He heart was pounding and he had never been so scared in
his life. The alley turned right so Jake changed his direction and continued
sprinting. His heart lifted at the sight of the back of the building he knew
was the Pool Hall. He jumped over a fallen garbage can ran faster still. He was
almost there. 20 feet. 15 feet. He saw the back door. 10 feet. He knew he'd be
safe soon. But then the sudden impact of one of the gang members pouncing on
him brought him to the ground. Jake fell hard and he could feel his skateboard
break under him. He knew he was going to get hurt now. He almost began to cry,
but he didn't. He wanted to look strong.
“What were
you running from gringo?” asked an arriving thug.
“Just let
me go please.” Jake pleaded “I got no problem with you guys.” They just laughed
and the guy who tackled him picked him up and held him still. Jake struggled
but he was helpless against them.
“If you got
no problem with us then why were you running?” the one guy asked again.
“Maybe he's
from the
“Is that
it?” the apparent leader and questioner asked, “are you one of those
“I, I'm
from the Hills,” Jake stammered. He was terrified and his heart was trying to
get in as many beats in as it could in case this was the end.
“Well,” the
leader continued, “what is a rich bitch like you doing downtown. Trying to act
tough maybe? Well lets see how tough you are.”
what was coming Jake screamed for help but was silenced by a punch to the face.
Jake fell to the ground and the thugs were on top of him, kick and punching him
as hard as they could. Jake just took it, knowing there was no way he could
fight back. And then it was over as soon as it had begun. Tyson and a few other
guys came running out of the Pool Hall wielding pool queues and other such
weapons. They chased off the gang and managed to get a few good hits in as
well. When they were all gone Tyson came over to Jake, helped him up and took
him inside.
When they
got in Jake was taken to the back room and laid down on a couch. Tyson but an
small bag of ice over his eye. Jake was crying quietly and he could tell he
would have a black eye tomorrow. His lip was bleeding and his wrist was really
sore. After getting him as comfortable as possible, Tyson began to question
“Where the
f*** are the other two?” he asked in a half-scared-half-angry voice.
responded trough tears “They left me at the ice cream place because they got
called into work. I decided to come hear because you said to but then I saw
those guys and they chased me down and they broke my skateboard and they beat
me up and-
“Whoa whoa
whoa slow down buddy,” said Tyson. Jake was silenced and he continued, “Where
the hell do they work?” Jake shrugged and Tyson went on, “And they just left
you there alone?”
Jake said. He was still shaken up.
f***in' idiots!” Tyson yelled as he punched a nearby wall. “What the hell were
they thinking? I told you guys to stick together and they f***in' leave you
realizing that he was not helping Jake's condition, he calmed down and said
“Look, you're going to be alright for the most part, but I think your wrist
might be broken and you're a little cut up. I'm gonna call Nicole and she's
gonna come pick you up and take you to the hospital, alright?”
Jake nodded
and looked up at Tyson. He had just chased of a group of dangerous gang members
and he looked as though nothing had happened. Jake knew that he had never been
in a gang but he also knew that Tyson could start and finish any fight he
wanted to. Most people wouldn't risk their lives to help some kid, but Tyson
was different. Jake knew he didn't like to admit it, but he was.
said Jake.
looked back at him and said “Yeah sure. Whatever,” and then he left the room.
As Jake sat
there nursing his wrist he thought about where Josh and AJ might work. He was
considering possibilities such as a fast food restaurant or convenient store,
but if that where so why would they make it a big secret? Jake thought about
things they would want to keep private and nothing came to mind. The more he
wondered the more confused he became. What could be so important that they had
to leave him alone downtown? Jake wasn't really mad at them but for doing so,
but he was still curious. Jake then realized how much trouble they would be in
when their parents found out. He wondered if Josh and AJ would be mad at him
for rating them out. They might never speak to him again. Why would they? After
all, they were already leaving him out of their current affairs. Jake began to
feel worse and worse, and he was sore allover.
Just then
Tyson came back in. “How you doin'?” he asked.
“Not so
bad, considering what happened.” replied Jake.
“I talked
to Nicole, she'll be right here.” Tyson went on, “I told her that you came down
here to play some pool and you got attacked. I didn't want to get those other
two into too much trouble, though they might deserve it.” he added in a bit of
an angrier tone.
said Jake, “I was just thinking about that.”
well, I'm still gonna talk to them about it.” Tyson said and it was clear the
'talking' would be more of a yelling.
“Don't go
too hard on them,” Jake said quickly,“ I know they didn't mean for this to
looked at him like he was crazy before saying “You're a good kid, and they are
too, but they need to learn some damn responsibility.”
Jake didn't
continue to argue, so he changed the subject. He and Tyson talked about cars
for awhile and then Nicole showed up. To say she was freaked out was and
understatement. When she saw Jake she couldn't stop hugging him, but after
thanking Tyson for the seventh time they left for the hospital.
“Are you
gonna be alright, kiddo?” Nicole asked as they drove toward the hospital.
“I'm not
sure, but isn't that why we're going?” Jake asked in a drowsy sort of voice.
The pain was terrible and it was kind of making him feel dizzy. Nicole let out
a small laugh but Jake could tell that she might be feeling worse than he was.
Her freckled face was very pale and her long brown hair was in a mess.
“So these
guys just attacked you?” Nicole questioned for what seemed like the hundredth
Jake replied, “I decided to skateboard downtown to play some pool 'cause I was
bored and they jumped me.” Jake hated lying to her, but he thought it was for
the best.
“Well you
know better than to go downtown alone.” Nicole lectured him.
“I sure do
now,” Jake said flatly.
Nicole gave
him a stern look. “That's not funny Jake. You could've gotten hurt a lot worse.
You're pretty lucky you only-
Jake yelled as she was about to miss the turn off to the hospital. She quickly
spun the car around and drove right down the exit. The whole thing looked quite
amazing, considering it was in the middle of a busy street.
“That was
sweet!” said Jake excitedly.
“Let's just
go.” Nicole said as they parked and got out.
Jake hadn't
been to the hospital in some time though is hadn't changed. It still felt like
a dreary, morbid place. They checked in and Jake was quickly taken to get an
x-ray. The nurse doing this was a bitter old lady who almost seemed sad to tell
Jake that it wasn't a very bad break and he would only need a cast for about 4
weeks. He was excited to get a cast, as he had never had one before. The entire
process of this was long and quite uneventful, until they returned to the
Austin?” a voice questioned from behind them. Jake and Nicole wheeled around
simultaneously to see two police officers standing right before them.
“May I help
you?” Nicole asked curtly.
“No,” the
same officer replied, “but Jake here might be able to. After you informed the
nurse here about what happened, she did the right thing and called us. We would
just like to ask Jake about his attackers.”
“Oh, sure.”
said Jake. For a second he thought this might be about Nicole's car stunt
outside so he was caught a little off guard. One of the officers took out a
notebook and was ready to write the information down. Jake started, “Um, well
they were all wearing their blue gang colours. I didn't really see all of them,
there were five, but the one guy holding me was pretty big, and his head was
shaved. There was also a fat guy and the guy that hit me was kinda short.” The
cops exchanged looks and Jake new his description wasn't very helpful.
nationality were these men?” asked the officer with the pen.
“I dunno,”
said Jake “they were mostly white, I guess. One guy might have been Hispanic,
but I'm not sure.”
The other
officer then asked “were there any distinguishing features on any of the
“I don't
think so, but then again I didn't check. I was a little preoccupied.” Jake was
getting annoyed. How the heck was he supposed to know? He didn't stop to check
what his attackers looked like.
else?” asked one officer in a less patient tone.
“I don't
think so.” said Jake.
“Thank you
for your time.” said the officer with the pen. “We'll keep you updated.”
problem,” said Jake and they left.
handled that well,” Nicole said from behind him.
He didn't
even have time to respond. As soon as he opened his mouth somebody ran up to
him and semi-tackled him. Jake stumbled but did not go down. He looked to see
who it was and found his friend Robbie holding onto him. He could tell because he
was shorter and nobody else wore there hair in a ponytail and shaved the sides
of their heads.
resist dirt bag!” said Robbie “You're under arrest!”
“It's nice
to see you too,” Jake said as he pushed Robbie off of him, “You sound
terrible.” It was true, his voice was raspy and unclear.
“I know,
it's my stupid tonsils, or lack thereof. I feel fine though and I get to go
home tonight.” Robbie stated and then asked “what's with the cops and the
Jake had
been ready for the question and quickly replied “I got attacked downtown by
some thugs and they beat me up. Your brother saved me though, and the cops just
wanted to know what they looked like.”
stared at him wide-eyed. “You got attacked by a gang? That is so awesome!”
“Oh yeah,
it was fantastic,” Jake said sarcastically. The two continued to talk for
several minutes while Nicole signed some papers at the front desk.
“We gotta
go,” said Nicole a while later and she added “It's good to see you're doing
better Robbie.”
he replied, “I'll see you tonight.”
began to walk off and Jake whispered to Robbie “I'll tell you the rest later.
Come to the tire park at 8:00.”
more?” Robbie asked, “That's awesome!”
couldn't believe what he had just heard. He lay in bed thinking about it for
what seemed like hours. Josh, his older and tougher cousin, had to wear diapers
to bed. That was so weird. He knew that lots of kids had problems with wetting
the bed, but he would have never expected that Josh did. It was unbelievable.
He then thought that maybe this was only temporary, that Josh was just sick or
something. Jake temporarily convinced this to himself and he finally managed to
drift off to sleep.
woke up early the next morning. Claire was still asleep beside him. He could
feel that his diapers were wet. He reached down his boxers and felt that surely
enough the first one had soaked right through with pee and the second was quite
full. He felt bad that he had wet again. This seemed to happen three or four
times a week ever since his dad had gone away. Claire had been tolerant for the
first two weeks or so but she later decided to put him in pull-ups, which is
devastating news for any 5-year-old. Now, three years later, he wet the bed
uncontrollably. He seldom had accidents during the day, but for road trips and
other such things he had been forced to wear his pull-ups. He had been to the
doctor and to a psychiatrist but they all said it was simply part of growing up
for some kids. Claire had tried alarms and waking him up in the middle of the
night but noting else seemed to work. So Josh wore pull-ups, which he was still
small enough for. Josh thought they were just diapers that a kid could put on
by himself, and he had once asked about wearing Goodnites. Claire was not keen
on the idea, stating that they were more expensive and that they were thinner
and would leak. Josh had seen commercials for them and thought they would be
less embarrassing, but Claire had her mind set. Josh was to wear pull-ups until
he could go a month without an accident, which didn't seem likely to happen any
time soon.
hated laying in bed awake, especially when covered in cold urine, so he got up,
took off his boxers and began to strip the diapers off. Seeing them at his feet
and knowing he had to use them just like an infant didn't make him feel any
better. He began to scratch his rash, which he refused to acknowledge as diaper
rash as he considered that to sound infantile.
movements awoke Claire and she got up slowly. Seeing Josh standing there, she
asked “You had an accident last night?” Josh nodded. “Would you like me to put
some creme on it?” Josh nodded again.
It was
embarrassing to have his mom rubbing creme around his privates, but if it made
the itching go away, he didn't care. She was soon finished and he got dressed
and headed to the kitchen. Claire went back to sleep. The hall was quiet and
Josh wondered just how early it was. When he entered the kitchen he saw his
grandpa sitting there drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper.
early riser, eh?” His grandpa asked.
said Josh and he took a chair across the table from him. “What time is it?” He
wondered aloud.
about 7:30,” he answered. “Everyone else is asleep still, but I've already been
to the store and back.”
Josh exclaimed.
grandpa continued, “Yeah, I always get up early. I had to with work and when I
retired I thought I would sleep in all day. But here I am, awake since 6:00. I
guess old habits never die.”
Josh was
about to comment when Jake entered the room. He looked shocked to see it's
current occupants.
“Two of
ya!” grandpa laughed, “And why are you up at this hour Jake?”
kept staring at Josh as he took a seat and said “I couldn't sleep much.” His
voice and appearance showed that this was true, as he looked very tired.
felt uncomfortable with Jake staring at him and they sat in silence for what
seemed like ages. The silence was broken when their grandpa decided to make
them breakfast.
“What do
you wanna do today?” Josh asked Jake. His only response was a shrug. Josh was
curious as to why Jake was acting so weird.
however couldn't get over the fact that his cousin who wet the bed was now so
normal. He felt bad for thinking it but he believed that Josh would be acting
differently, at least, more babyish. But here his older cousin sat, acting the
same as always. Jake wondered why he found this so strange and it began to
bother him. He was brought back to reality when his grandpa began to speak.
“I think
you kids are going into town to do some last-minute Christmas shopping with
Claire and Nicole.” He said from behind the counter.
said Josh, but Jake didn't say anything.
that day they did go into town. They looked around in all the local shops which
both kids found very boring. Eventually this became apparent to the other two.
kids are bored Claire,” said Nicole in a hushed voice, “Why don't I take them
to get a snack while you get the other stuff?”
good,” Claire answered. “So we'll meet back at the car at four.” Nicole took
the boys and began to walk down the street with them.
my mom going?” Josh asked.
“Oh just
to get some Christmas things,” Nicole replied.
shouted Jake “She's going to get presents.”
sorry Jake,” Nicole said sadly “you don't get any presents this year.”
Jake yelled in a fury.
looked at him blandly and said “It was a joke, Jake.”
“I knew
that!” Jake shouted, as if volume would convince them.
not.” said Josh.
too!” Jake replied more angrily.
it.” Nicole said firmly, “You're both acting like little babies. Now settle
down and let's find something to eat.” This comment silenced both kids, Josh
because of the apparent truth of the statement, and Jake because he knew full
well what that truth was.
stopping at Mcdonalds to get some supper, Jake and Nicole returned home. Nicole
had wanted Jake to stay home and get some rest, citing that he had had a long
day and school started tomorrow, but Jake insisted on meeting Robbie. In the
end she let in and let him go.
“Be home by
quarter-to-nine!” She yelled from the kitchen as he walked out the door.
he called back, and he set off for the tire park.
The tire
park was a small playground on the edge of a local park. It was located close
to between downtown and the Hills. It was usually a safe place to be until
sundown, when the gangs occasionally came there to fight. It was also the
hangout place for Jake and his friends. It was pretty much just a field with
nine or ten massive tires standing in random positions in the center of it. It
was actually pretty cool. When Jake arrived he found Robbie already sitting on
the tallest tire.
late!” exclaimed Robbie.
just early,” Jake replied, “and besides, you live closer.” Robbie actually
lived on another on of 'the hills' which was reserved for more wealthy people.
Robbie's parents were both doctors and they were well off, but Robbie would be
just as happy if things were different. He didn't care about money, his only
interests were wrestling and skateboarding.
Robbie continued, “Tell me the about the rest of your little mishap today.”
Jake was
getting pretty tired of retelling the events which he probably would have
proffered to forget about, but he had said he would tell Robbie and he did. He
recounted the whole story, of how Josh and AJ had mysterious jobs and that it
had been so important to them that they go back. He explained in as much detail
as possible how he had been chased down and that Tyson had saved him.
never saved my life,” said Robbie after Jake had finished.
actually doesn't seem like the hero type,” Jake admitted before adding “but I'm
sure lucky he came.”
“If I see
him, I'll give him your regards” he said. Tyson didn't live with Robbie. He had
his own apartment with some girl downtown.
the subject, Jake said “So, how 'bout school tomorrow?”
“It sucks,”
Robbie said drearily, “At least we're not the youngest anymore. Grade seven
should be sweet. Though we gotta put up with Mr. Jameson again this year.” Mr.
Jameson had been their vice-principal the previous year and he didn't enjoy
their daredevil attitude.
“Maybe he
lightened up a bit over the summer.” Jake suggested.
“I doubt
it,” Robbie shook his head, “I think some people are just born mean.” Jake
laughed a little and they began reminiscing all the crazy stunts they had
pulled the previous year, which included trying to back flip while jumping from
a swing and riding there bikes through the gym. The latter had gotten both
suspended for a week, but it had been sweet. Freaking out the teacher while the
class cheered on was always a good time. The sun began to slip down the horizon
and Jake and Robbie noticed two people approaching from the street.
“Who is
that?” Jake asked.
looked closer and said “I dunno. Think we should go?”
“No, wait,
I think it's Josh and AJ.” Jake said, though he had to strain his eyes to tell.
Surely enough, it was those exact two walking towards them.
“Hey,” Josh
said once they arrived.
“Hey,” said
Jake, unable to read either of the newcomers emotions.
“How's your
wrist?” AJ asked quietly.
“Oh, it's
fine I guess.” Jake replied slightly confused. “How did you know about it?”
“We just,
uh, talked to Tyson,” Josh replied. His eyes were staring at a fixed spot on
the ground. “He told us everything. How you got beat up 'cause we left but you
covered for us anyway. That was cool. Thanks.”
It's no big.” Jake shrugged but inside he was immensely happy. He had expected
the other two to be mad at him.
“Ya, it
is,” Josh said “You got hurt pretty bad and it could've been worse. We never
should have left you there.”
“I'm sure
whatever you were doing was important,” said Jake. He wasn't trying to be
bitter, he sincerely believed that whatever their job was it was a big deal to
them, and he told them that.
“Still,” AJ
said, “Are we cool?”
course!” Jake replied, smiling. An awkward moments then occurred. Josh went to
give Jake their signature handshake (which they had adopted from 'The School of
Rock'), but this was made impossible due to Jake's cast. They all laughed and
began talking about how good summer had been.
After a
while, a car pulled up and Tyson came out. He walked over to the group and
looked around. “You're all idiots. Do you know what time it is? It's f***ing
9:30. Mom sent me to get you,” he said in reference to Robbie, “and I damn well
know you should be home.” he said as he stared a Jake.
“Nicole is
gonna kill me.” Jake groaned, “I better go.”
“Yeah, we
should go too.” said AJ. Jake noticed that neither Josh or AJ was looking at
Tyson and he knew that he must have given them a hard time before.
They said
their goodbyes and headed home. The walk home was much slower since it was all
uphill, and soon Jake began to get cold.
“Take my
jacket,” offered Josh as he handed it to him.
Jake said as he shivered.
they got back to
Jake and Josh soon arrived back at the vehicle. They were still eating the
goodies they had bought from a chocolate shop and there spirits were high. Claire
had been waiting for them. They drove back to their grandparent's house and
Nicole and Claire begun to unload to back of the car. Jake was told not to look
as there were presents. Jake got excited at hearing this. He couldn't see what
was in the bag now, but he planned to check later.
eating that night, Josh and Jake went downstairs to play video games with their
older cousins. They didn't do very well but they were having a great time. He
felt like he and Josh were a team again. Jake soon came to realize that just
because Josh wet the bed and wore pull-ups didn't mean he was a baby. He was
just an ordinary kid who had a slight problem. Jake still considered Josh not
only his favourite cousin but his best friend as well.
on, when they were getting ready for bed, Josh got called upstairs.
come get ready for bed!” Claire's voice rang from upstairs.
“I, um,
my Mom wants me,” said Josh nervously.
said Jake. He knew full well that Josh was going to get diapered but he didn't
care anymore.
Josh ran
upstairs and Jake decided to go brush his teeth. As he stood in the bathroom, something caught his eye. He opened the door slightly
and he saw Claire going into a closet. Jake then noticed that the presents were
in there. Jake tried to sneak a look at what his presents might be but the
first thing he saw shocked him more than anything he thought he would find.
There, half-sticking out of one of the bags was a huge pack of Huggies boys
pull-ups. Jake then knew that Josh would in diapers for a long time.
Jake walked
inside to find Nicole sleeping on the couch. He woke here up and she wasn't
angry, she just told him to go to bed. When he got to his room Jake realized he
was still wearing Josh's jacket. As he took it off, though, some stuff fell out
of the pocket. He leaned over and picked them up. They were pictures. Jake
turned them over and was shocked to see what he did. There, in front of his
eyes was Josh, as he looked now, wearing a huge, puffy white diaper. It was
giant. Jake was dumbfounded even more when the look on Josh's face showed