A Fantasy Come True. (Really!)

Thanks, Aaron, for all your help and encouragement.

Here is my story, It happened about 10 years ago and is 
absolutely true to the best of my recollection. I hope you 
enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

It was the fall of 1988 and I found myself once again a 
patient of Framingham Union Hospital. I was there because of 
yet another in a persistent sting of bladder infections that 
had managed to escalate beyond my control. I had been hooked 
up to a bottle of potent antibiotic medication and an 
internal catheter to aid in the passage of medication 
through my body as easily as possible.

At the time, I remember being placed in the pediatric unit 
because of lack of bed space in the "Adult" ward. The nurses 
made a point of apologizing to me throughout most of the 
first day of my stay. This was not a problem for me however, 
deep down, I have always secretly considered myself a baby 
at heart. Actually, I felt quite at ease and indeed, glad to 
have been a patient of the pediatric unit. my bed was 
located at the far right side of the room at the end of a 
row. There was a large picture window to my right. And, a 
long shelf located just below the window spanning its entire 
length. The shelf served as a sort of catch all for the 
various medical supplies to be used by the patients who 
resided in that room. One thing I particularly remember is 
the large box of "Old Style" Pampers on the far end of that 
shelf near the foot of my bed.

One of my favorite memories of my stay in that room, was 
waking up from my drug induced haze, Fixing my gaze on that 
box of Pampers, and longing to be diapered by the next nurse 
to enter the room. Little did I realize at the time just how 
close I was going to come to having my dream come true! But, 
on with my story...

As a result of the various medications, pain killers and the 
like, I had been placed on to bring the bladder infection 
under control, My mind was immersed in a constant fog. I 
found myself sleeping most of the day and night. Once in a 
while, I would manage to wake up for short periods of time. 
If I was lucky, I could manage to hear what the nurses were 
saying. One time I heard one of the nurses near by talking 
to whom I can only assume to be the units head nurse. They 
happened to be discussing their concern for my well being. 
It was noted with some concern that I had been there a full 
four days already, and had not yet had a bowel movement. The 
decision was made to give me a dose of Milk of Magnesia just 
before my next meal was to be served. I chuckled for a 
moment because I knew something the nurses obviously did 

But first, a bit of back ground information on myself,...I 
was born with a birth defect known as Cerebral Palsy. 
Because of this, I am a paraplegic and use a wheel chair as 
my primary form of mobility. This, I have a pretty good idea 
the nurses already knew. But, what they did not know was 
that because I do not move around all day, other than to 
push my chair that is,... I do not get much lower body 
exercise. This translates to a bowel movement once every 
seven to ten days. Sometimes, with very little 
activity,(such as prolonged bed rest) it can take up to 
twelve days to achieve the desired effect. Also, because of 
the C.P. I lack both the ability to "Push" and luckily for 
me, I also lack the feeling that I am "Full". I had managed 
to "GO" the morning I was admitted, so, it would be at least 
another six or seven days before I even had that feeling. 
Now on with the story...

The nurses were confident that the Milk of Magnesia would 
take care of any problem that may develop. But still, they 
kept a watchful eye out for anything that may indicate 

I took the Milk of Magnesia, but was not hungry for the 
meal. This was fine since I promptly drifted off to sleep 
once again. Another full day passed with no results from the 
Milk of Magnesia. The next course of action was to use the 
tablet form of Sennacott for the next two days given with 
each meal at regular intervals.

Approximately six full days passed without having achieved 
the desired effect from the laxatives I had been given. 
However, I was now out of the woods concerning the urinary 
tract infection. In another day or so, my catheter would be 
removed, and my progress toward recovery would be complete. 
Except for the lack of a bowel movement that is.

At this point the nurses were ready to try almost anything 
to clear what was almost certainly a blockage. I remember a 
nurse came into my room and put a stethoscope just about 
where my large colon would be, and listened for any signs of 
movement. After a moment or two, she proclaimed that things 
were moving in there and it should not be too long now.

It was right around this time that I began to notice my head 
was clearing. I was no longer sleeping most of the day and 
night. And, my thinking was noticeably clearer as well. But, 
something else was happening too. Something quite 
unexpected! To this day, I do not have a clue about what was 
happening to me? Yes, I was feeling much better, And the 
infection was obviously beaten. But, there was something 
else,... I was beginning to feel "HORNY as HELL" to put it 

I felt as if I could successfully pounce on the very next 
nurse who was unlucky enough to come and see that my 
physical needs were taken care of. And, I did not care if 
the very next nurse was as homely as the rear end of a bull 
dog. To this day, I have NEVER even come close to being as 
"Horny" as I was those two or three days before I was 
released from the hospital.

When I think back to those days, two thoughts come to my 
mind immediately. First, at any available moment,...
When I could be reasonably sure that I would not be 
discovered, I would try to fondle myself even while the 
catheter was still in place. It was supremely frustrating to 
me to realize that I could do nothing to quell my Immense 
Sexual Desires as long as I still had the catheter inserted. 
Second, and foremost,... I nearly screamed with the desire 
to have a nurse take one of those thick white Pampers and 
very lovingly, and Carefully diaper me as well.

At this point however, I was still very weak from both the 
infection and the medications coursing through out my body. 
I felt that even though that box of Pampers was probably 
within my reach, There was NO WAY I was going to be able to 
summon my remaining energy enough to even grasp the box of 
Pampers. Even if I could manage to get to the box, what 
then? What could I have done with what I seriously 
considered to be the ultimate prize?,... Nothing! There had 
to be "something" I could do to ease my intense desire for 
sex and be diapered, But what?

Well, little did I know just how soon my prayers would be 
answered! The nurses were also noticing the fact that I was 
more alert and able to carry on an intelligent and coherent 
conversation. Later that same day a nurse was kind enough to 
come to my bedside and confide in me about the growing 
concern for my lack of a bowel movement. For a split second, 
I thought to tell her that I was some what out of the 
ordinary. And, it was quite "Normal" for me not to have a 
bowel movement in nearly a week. Yes, the thought was there 
momentarily. But, as I say my mind was rapidly returning, 
And with it came an idea!

I bit my lip, and fought back the urge to scream what was on 
my mind. With all the sincerity and seemingly inhuman 
ability to remain calm,... I slowly, and hesitatingly, 
mentioned that perhaps she should think about putting me 
into a diaper? And when the nurse asked, "why?" I simply 
said there had to be some sort of dam stopping me up. And, 
when it finally lets go,...
Well, with all the laxatives I have had in the last few 
days,... There may be no way for me to control the flow once 
it got going. And under the circumstances I would not be 
opposed to wearing a diaper. The nurse paused for what 
seemed to be an eternity. Then, she said that perhaps I was 
correct, And that she would have to check with the doctor to 
see if he approved first. I told the nurse that it would 
probably be best if she got permission as soon as possible? 
She agreed and left the room at a fast walk.

Now, it was my turn to lay there and hope against hope that 
my doctor would give his permission for me to be diapered. 
Within half an hour my prayers were answered. The nurse I 
had spoken with returned. But, to my surprise, she had not 
"a" single diaper. Instead she returned with a stack of ten 
or twelve of the Attends brand of disposable diapers. At the 
time, they were still very thick and the tapes were still 
white. And, the diapers had what used to be called "Comfort 
Cuffs". That was the name for the frilly lace at the pleated 
leg openings.

When I saw what she was carrying,... OH MY GOD! I nearly 
died and went to heaven! Just knowing that the whole stack 
was meant for ME was one of the most thrilling sexual 
fantasies I have ever had in my life!

As I lay there watching the nurse place the diapers on my 
night stand, I could not help but notice how wonderfully 
thick and white they were. And, as the bag was placed on the 
night stand with a "thump", my imagination began to run 

However, my imagination was not only met, but actually 
surpassed by my ever increasing "libido" or sex drive. Which 
by this time was reaching seemingly inhuman proportions. As 
the bag was torn open,... a wonderful aroma wafted through 
the air. The delicate scent of baby powder hung in the air 
for only a precious few seconds. But it was there just long 
enough to confirm to me that indeed I was about to be 
diapered. I laid there for what seemed to be an eternity 
waiting for the inevitable to happen...

I was in a state of supreme sexual arousal, and could swear 
I felt a cool breeze sweep over my body from head to toe. My 
body had become rigid with anticipation for the process that 
was about to take place. Every movement the nurse made from 
that point on seemed to be in slow motion.

Thankfully, the nurse decided to prepare the diaper and 
supplies before she would tend to me. I was sure that 
despite the medication I was on, my current state of sexual 
arousal would certainly be given away by what could only be 
termed as an enormous erection. At that point I feared my 
secret would be realized, and thus put the whole process in 
jeopardy. I began to pray that when the nurse did get to me, 
the medication would have done its work to the point that 
there would be NO noticeable effect in that area.

In slow motion the nurse removed the first diaper from the 
package. She laid it on the shelf coincidentally, right next 
to the box of Pampers I had spent so many hours longing for. 
Next, she retrieved a large bottle of Johnson and Johnson 
Baby Powder. I felt myself break out in a cold sweat,... Now 
she turned her attention toward me, And my heart began to 
pound in my chest!

The nurse reached for my covers (I froze) and slid them down 
past my feet. I felt the cool air of evaporation envelope my 
body as I lay there waiting. My Johnny was gathered from 
about my body and removed. At that point my breathing became 
a bit labored. Apparently my current state of arousal had 
not been given away. The nurse continued with the process. 
She turned her attention from me to fetch the diaper and 
supplies. I was utterly unable to remove my eyes from every 
move the nurse made. The noise of the hospital had been shut 
out. The entire room was completely silent except for the 
noises created by the process that was unfolding before my 
very eyes!

To my surprise,... the nurse was able to roll my seemingly 
limp body to the left with ease.
Now, I lay on my left side, and could hear the sound
of a disposable diaper being unfolded, and the unmistakable 
"Crinkle" that was associated with such a process. Next, I 
felt the diaper being placed by my back side, and the 
pressure needed to slip the diaper under a portion of my 
body. Now, she gently laid me back down onto the diaper 
which was perfectly placed and centered.

Now I lay there at what surely had to be the very peak of my 
sexual arousal. Or, so I thought anyway... I was busy now 
pondering the "NEW" and utterly wonderful feelings that had 
surrounded me. For a moment I forgot about the nurse and the 
process that had yet to be completed. I was busy thinking of 
the fluffy thickness of the disposable diaper that I was now 
"Almost" encased in.

Next, the nurse retrieved the baby powder, and applied a 
rather generous amount over my privates and onto the inside 
front of the diaper. Another waft of baby powder drifted 
past my nose. Finally, the diaper was grasped at both front 
corners and brought gently, but firmly up between my legs. 
All four tape tabs were also firmly applied. I lay there in 
utter silence. Just when I thought the process was over, the 
nurse surprised me. She took both of her index fingers and  
ran them along the inside edge of the diaper by my privates. 
This was done to pull the comfort cuffs out from the inside 
the diaper to prevent wetness from leaking onto the bedding.

Now, being finished with the task at hand, she got me a 
clean Johnny,... Covered me back up, and left the room 
without another word being said between us. I was left alone 
in the room, in THE MOST comfortable diaper that I had ever 
been in. Not to mention my heightened state of sexual 
arousal. I was certainly one happy camper. I immediately 
lost myself in my feelings, desires and sexual fantasies!

First, I was truly amazed at the thickness of the diaper I 
was now wearing proudly. It was so thick around my bottom 
that I remember not really being able to feel
the mattress below me. Also the "Crinkle" of the plastic 
alone,... And the sound it made was certainly enough to get 
me, "Excited". Not to mention the thickness of the diaper 
alone was enough to prevent me from pulling my legs 
together. That was another turn on. And the Comfort Cuffs 
Too! All in all a perfect disposable diaper by my standards.

And now, I simply HAD to do something about my extreme state 
of sexual arousal. It did not take me long to figure out 
just exactly what to do! I simply moved the Johnny enough to 
gently slide down past the outer plastic covering of the 
diaper, And proceeded to relieve my pent-up emotions.

Fifteen minutes later I drifted off into the most peaceful 
slumber I have ever experienced.

The End.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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