Title: En Media Res
Name: Messiah91
Email: UGA_Guy@msn.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: not given
Posting Date: 08/31/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8) R- Sisters, other girls 
B- Pre-teen (9-12) S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapersV- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- PoopY- Accidents
I- Exposed diapersZ- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers 1- Female Domination 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
Summary: A young man awakes confused to find himself in a dark room, alone, and diapered. What's happening to him...and why?                  
The dazed jock looks around�his lips parted sensuously as his eyes try 
and catch up with what his body his feeling. It�s dark, and he�s 
surrounded on all sides; what is this place?


Light seeps in, or out�regardless, he can begin to make out the 
beginnings of where he ends, and everything else starts. It�s 
a...a...crib. He�s shocked for a moment, but it�s a soft-core 
revelation, his mind still too muddled to do much processing.

A noise on the ceiling up above: a fan, spinning in moderate motion, 
stirring the air�as it moves across his body, he realizes he is cold. 
The stud, his mind still stuffed full of mental cotton wool, operating 
on low gear, gazes around, wondering how, if as he remembers it last�
when he still had clothes on�he still is as he was, how is he cold? He 
was covered...is he no longer?

The young man�s eyes meet the skin below his neck. He isn�t covered. 
Well, not much anyway. It all seems to be happening slowly, surreally, 
to someone not him: someone not in their prime of vigorous life, in 
peak condition, at the top of the social chain that is high school. 
He�s a teenage god�this much he can muster from within the depths of 
remembrance in his brain�and yet here he is, splayed about in a large 
crib, in a dark room, chilled for some minutes now because he is 
wearing nothing but an oversized diaper.

More and more, he was regaining his sight, and this is what he sees: 
the rippled physique of a young white male�a firm tan lay nicely over 
the ribbons of tight abdominal muscle�guided by a perfect happy trail 
down towards his waist. Once, before, before this, that waist had been 
traditionally the threshold of his underwear; his normal underwear. For 
the first seventeen-and-a-half years of his life, the lean, handsome 
teenager had worn stark white briefs on his person, and nothing else.

For one, he lived with his father, solely (his mother having perished 
in his infancy, in some undisclosed disaster), and his father had grown 
up much like his son would�and still showed it. The elder man was but 
in his mid-30s, and his body was slow to age. He was ex-Navy, after the 
regulatory stint of high school athletics and women and booze. And he 
wore the products of the pantheon of Hanes and Fruit of the Loom and 
Jockey religiously�he never spoke of when the ritual or affection had 
begun, probably it was instilled in him in his time in the Academy by 
barking drill-instructors, but ever since the younger boy could 
remember, his father had always, always, always worn white briefs. And 
each morning, as the father woke the son and prepared for the day, he 
would walk around only in these briefs. The son learned quickly, ritual 
setting in, permanent and eternal. He grew to be an athlete, popular 
and well-liked. And as boxers swept the high school locker rooms, 
seeing in the middle of all these baggy plaid fabrics the most 
startling young athlete of them all�in white briefs, proudly stitched 
in a gray waistband, �Hanes�? It was unthinkable, but so it was.

Mostly, for another, though, the studly teenager just wore what he wore 
because he liked them, and that was enough.

Now though, he was without anything he would have chosen�he was alone, 
in a strange place, in a diaper and a crib. Gripped with fear suddenly, 
he opens his mouth to struggle through another thought.


All he can do is gurgle. Frustrated, he tries to move his arms and 
legs; they only flounder in response. Surely it would be a sight 
indeed, for any true devotee of the school of People-Watching, to see 
this young man, strapping and impossibly handsome, rocked by spasms of 
frustration and confusion�his muscles and skin already covering over 
with a fine sheen of sweat: his desire made manifest.

Darkness creeps in, his sight begins to slip. In another second�s 
elapse, something springs from the back of his mind, begins to eat away 
at him, from the inside-out...

Several things happen at once: his body jerks again, this time not of 
his own accord; his mental faculties�already labored, seem to break 
down entirely, the workers staffing the factories off on strike or 
something; and then, this wide-eyed and drooling American stud is 
seized by the need to use the bathroom...to use his diaper. He intakes 
sharply, mustering whatever strength he imagines he possesses to stop 
this vile act, but it is too late.

Warm urine pours from within the front of his diaper, and as it is a 
thirsty garment, it drinks. Suddenly made fluffier, visually, by the 
act, more and more piss pours from the young man, and more and more 
does the diaper soak it up, growing bigger. In not thirty seconds time, 
he is sprawled out now in a large, warm, squishy mess. And then he 
poops. And as his waste enraptures his lower body, the culminating 
effect of this new distress becomes too much. Darkness creeps in 

Gazing up at where the fan should have been�still, in all likelihood, 
was�the jock, dazed and lost once more, regains a flash of sight. His 
father enters his view, and gazes down at his son within his massive 

�You are perfect. Just perfect�the most wonderful, cute, sweet, and 
adorable baby boy is what you are. Or,� his daddy laughs for a split-
instant, �will be.�

The boy�Andrew�cannot process through this new development. He no 
longer possesses the ability. He is being reduced: his dad�s plans, 
long and slow in their planning and execution, bearing ripe fruition.

As his son had returned from school the previous afternoon, he had had 
the customary snack�from his father, as always. Except, now, it was 
laced with a new intention. And as this cocktail of poison and change 
slid down the young man�s throat, he grew sleepy, and before he could 
yet connect anything of what was unraveling before and within him, the 
hunk had slumped unconscious on the table.

And then his bladder let go, as the father�s drugs took effect. The ex-
naval officer slung his little boy over his shoulders, and carried him 
back to his room...or rather, old room, since this new incarnation 
featured only the barest hint of a similar layout. Now it had a crib 
and all accompanying baby supplies, instead of the ol� television and 
trophies and chair.

Laying him gently on the changing table, the man cooed at his on as he 
stripped him of, first, his hoodie and shirt, and then his pants 
(stained now by the boy�s urine). Finally, he grabs the elastic of the 
briefs�previously white Jockeys, now yellowed�and strips it off in one 
clean measure. In another, the boy is ensconced in an adult diaper, 
save for this adult diaper is covered in babyish designs.

With a final loving embrace, he carries the boy to the crib, lays him 
gently there within, and initiates the final step: an injection into 
the hunk�s forearm, sealing his fate by psychotropic concoctions.

Now, all is at an end: within the brain of the seventeen year-old, 
everything fades, tattered and lost to the whirlwind stirred up 
suddenly inside�he sees it all, recognizes nothing, and then...gone.

His first touchdown in middle school as a linebacker; his first sleep-
over with his best friend, Josh; the first time, as a freshman on the 
varsity football team, he stripped down to his tighty-whities in the 
locker room before practice and, by sheer force of personality, was not 
hazed for it; the first time he asked a girl out; his first girlfriend; 
his first love; his first success in life, real and true; everything he 
learned. Whoosh�gone.

His eyes alight on his father for another moment as they dim forever. 
His lips part sensuously again as he finally realizes what it is his 
body has known ever since he woke up: he�s in ecstasy, heaven. Nuzzling 
down into the sopping wet cotton of the diaper, allowing the expansive 
fabric-y comfort of the crib to enrapture him, and waving goodbye to 
everything he was, he smiles...even as he still cannot understand what 
has happened to him.

The diaper chafes against his cock and balls, rubbing slowly and 
ecstatically against his body; he turns onto his stomach and begins to 
masturbate against the mattress, slowly at first and then with greater 
urgency until, with a climactic�almost primordial�heave, strings of 
sticky cum shoot out into the mess around his middle, held together in 
his diaper. Sighing, and unaware that he does so, he begins again to 
dry hump himself into oblivion; the sensual is overtaking the mental in 
the boy's mind�eradicating any hope of defense against the quick 
erosion of his mature synapses.

He was a fine, upstanding young man�a hunk for any teenage girl, a 
sensitive and smart upcoming adult for any admiring teacher or parent, 
and a modest jock who still wore Fruit of the Loom briefs underneath 
his uniform on Friday nights. He was, but he is no longer.

�You are perfect,� his dad says once more, smiling fully down at him. 
To that statement, what can the permanently infantilized neo-baby boy 
reply? There�s nothing to say: he is a product of his environment�a 
blonde-haired, blue-eyed male with a pair of six-pack abs, great muscle 
tone, and a killer smile who can do no more now than dimly writhe about 
in his soiled, soft diaper.

His eyes absorb no light�he sees only barely�because there�s no light 
in them. He giggles for no reason, and a bit of drool begins to drop 
from his mouth. Now, as he drifts off, is the damage done: indeed is he 
perfect. A perfect baby boy�ignorance is bliss indeed.


Reviews, comments, collaborative story ideas--

Send to: UGA_Guy@msn.com

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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