Emergency Sleepover
(Sequel to “Camping
with Corey”)
It had been two weeks since my campout with Corey and Joey. I had only wet the bed once but continued to wear the Goodnites each night to bed. My brother and I were watching TV when the doorbell rang. I walked to see who it was and it was Joey and James. My mom was already there letting them in.
“Mike, Joey and James are going to be staying the weekend with us their parents have to go out of town.”
“Cool, come on in guys we are watching a movie in the den.”
“Great,” they put their bags down and came to watch the movie. As James walked by I could here the rustle of what sounded like a diaper, but he was wearing nylon pants so I could not really tell. I went back to ask my mom if I could get some cokes. As I walked down the hall I stopped and listened.
“They both have plenty of clothes in their bags. If you need anything call us” Joey’s mom explained.
“Ok, it won’t be any problem,” my mom answered, “the boys will be fine.”
I heard the door shut and continued around the corner and asked my mom if I could get cokes for everyone. “Yea sure, sweety, but if you do you have to wear a Goodnites tonight, because it is already late” I must have turned 4 shades of red and walked quickly away with an “ok” look on my face. “Mike, you are really doing good, don’t be upset about it, ok dear.”
“Ok mom, I won’t”
I got 4 cokes and cooked some popcorn and returned to watch the movie. About 8:30 my mom told us her and my dad were going across the street to play some cards.
“Ok mom, we will be fine.”
“I know, James and Nathan you guys go to bed at 10, and Mike and Joey, just don’t stay up all night!”
“We’ll be fine mom, have a good time.”
They left and we continued to watch the movie. I was sitting on the couch with Joey while the two little boys were laying on the floor.
The movie went off around 9:15. Nathan had not had a bath yet, so he headed to get one. “Hey Nathan can I take a bath with ya? We can play Battleship” James asked him.
“Can we, Mike? Please?” He looked so sad.
“Sure, James you can go on in, we will be there in a minute.” I took Nathan into his room to get his bed clothes, but as we were standing there I could tell he had to pee, so we turned to go to the bathroom.
“Uh oh, I peed a little, I gotta go, but now James will see I wet my pants!”
“Take off your clothes in here, then he won’t see your underwear.” He did really quick and as he was pulling down slightly wet underwear he was peeing a little. He ran to the bathroom and made it before any more leaked out. I got his wet clothes and put them in my room in the basket. I went in to find both boys in the bathtub enjoying playing with the boats and other toys we put in there. I bent down and picked up James’ clothes and found a pair of pants and underwear, but no diaper. I put his clothes in the dirty clothes pile in the washroom and went to my room to find Joey checking out his email on the internet.
“Joey, were are James’ night clothes I was going to take them to him.”
“Oh ok, he wears those blue umbro shorts and t-shirt to bed. His diapers are in the side pocket.”
“Cool, so he does wear one at night?”
“Oh yea, every night! Sometimes I change him when I go to bed he wets so much!” Joey said, but never looked away from the computer.
“Does he know that Nathan wears them?”
“No, I don’t think so, are you going to tell him?”
“Yea, though I would just assume they both knew and walk in with two diapers and both sets of night clothes.”
“Cool, do you need help?”
”No that is ok, I can get it.”
He continued to surf and was reading some stories on Deeker.com when I left. I got to the door and forgot Nathan’s stuff so I went back down the hall past my room and looked in. Joey had one had down his shorts and seemed to be having a good time. I smiled and walked on down to Nathan’s room, got his stuff, and returned to the bathroom.
“Ok, boys, time to get out.” Over much moaning they agreed.
I held up two diapers and said, “Who first?” They both looked shocked. Looked at me and then at each other. “Oh, I’m sorry I thought you both knew that both of you wet the bed and wore diapers at night?”
Once they got over the shock they seemed to take it in stride. I mean what could they do about it now? Nathan went first. He got out dried off and lay down. I put some powder on his penis and pulled the diaper up. He finished getting dressed and went to his room. James was next. He got out and dried off. He lay down with the towel over his penis, so I moved it exposing his slightly hard penis. I smiled and took the towel making sure it was dry. I took some powder and gently rubbed it into his balls and groin area. I fastened the diaper snuggly around his waist and helped him get dressed. It was about 9:50 so I told them 10 minutes, then bed time.
I walked back into my room. Joey saw me walk in and took his hand out of his pants. “Don’t stop on my account” I said and we both laughed. I walked up and sat down next to him. “what cha’ looking at?”
“This and that, trying to find some diaper pics and stories.”
We surfed around not finding anything good until about 5 after 10. I walked back down to Nathan’s room and got both boys in bed. I turned out the light to some giggling and laughing but they were for the most part quiet.
I got back to my room and was getting my stuff for a shower. I grabbed a clean pair of blue Hanes, pair of jean shorts, and my Dallas Cowboys t-shirt. “I’m taking a shower, I will be right back.”
“OK, I took one at home, I will change and we can surf some more when you get back.”
I went into the bathroom. I took off my shorts and underwear. Did my daily check for pubic hair, none yet, and took a shower.
I put on my clean clothes. Checked on the boys, and then returned to my room. Joey had changed, but I could not tell if he was wearing a Goodnites or not. I had to know. I sat down on the bed and watched James as he was still looking for some pics and stories. Joey got up and said he had surfed enough and wanted to know what we could do.
“I dunno” trying to come up with some way to find out what he was wearing.
“We could always wrestle.” He said as he jumped on top of me pinning me to the bed. I wiggled and squirmed and got out and then had him on his stomach. I started to tickle him and we were both laughing!
“I’m gonna pee my pants, Mike, I mean it.”
“Won’t be the first time, huh, Joey” we both laughed. I continued to tickle and wrestle around while we both laughed. We both were out of breath and rolled over on our backs on the bed. “That was fun!” I told him.
“Yea it was. But I think I need to pee.” He said it but did not move, I think his sides were still hurting.
I sat up and looked at his shorts. There at the bottom of his shorts was a little wetness about the size of ½ dollar. “Looks like you did a little already”
“Probably, I do that when I get tickled!” he said.
“Don’t you need to go?” I asked him.
“Yea,” he let a little pee out while I was watching and then laughed some more.
“Dude, you’re going to wet my bed.”
“Sorry, I will stop.” He got up and went into the bathroom. He came back still wearing his wet clothes. He had peed some more and it was really showing now. I walked over to him and felt his shorts.
“Looks to me someone needs a change.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Lay down.” I told him. I went over to his bag and pulled out some clean shorts and a shirt. I looked down in the bottom and found about 5 Goodnites. “Still wear these at night, too?”
“Yep, you too?”
“Yea, I will change next.” I took the Goodnites out and walked back over to Joey who was laying on the bed. I slowly pulled his wet shorts down revealing some rather wet Spider Man Underoos. I could tell he was starting to enjoy this because his penis was slowly growing. I pulled his underwear off and exposed his small-but hard-penis. I took a baby wipe and cleaned his balls and penis and then pulled the Goodnites up on him.
“Thanks, Mike, you’re the greatest”
“Thanks, you want to change me?”
“You’re not wet though, you don’t need to be.” I think he was saying this to get me to pee in my shorts.
“Oh, do I have to be wet to get changed?”
“Yea, you do.” He said with a smile.
“Ok,” I said and slowly let out a little pee. My jean shorts began to show my intentional accident, “There how is that?
“Good, now finish it,” he said as he tackled me and began to tickle me. He tickled me for almost 5 minutes. I was laughing and hurting so bad I had not realized I had let go of my pee and really soaked my pants and underwear!
“Boy, now Mike really needs a change!” He said as he was examining my shorts and the wetness.
“Oh man, that was not fair, funny, but not fair.” I said laying there wet and in pain.
He grabbed a Goodnites out of my dresser and came back over to me and took off my shorts revealing my soaked blue Hanes. “blue, huh?”
“Yea, got a problem with that?” I said as we both laughed.
“No problem, just checking them out.” He pulled them off showing my penis. I was too much in pain to be hard. He got a wipe and cleaned me up. He pulled the Goodnites up on me and we both got our shorts and put them on. I grabbed all the wet clothes, Joey’s, Nathan’s, James’, and mine and took and them and put them in the washer. It was near 11 PM so we went to check on the boys. Both were sound asleep. I checked Nathan’s diaper, still dry. James was wet, but not really bad.
We went back to my room and put on a movie and lay in bed to watch it. It was not long before I fell asleep.
Part 2
(warning: contains sexual content)
It was around 3 when I woke up with a major hard-on, so bad it was hurting. I thought I would check on the boys and then go to the bathroom to relieve my little hard on. I checked on Nathan and he was still dry, James, on the other hand, was about to soak through. I got out a new diaper and quietly led him to the bathroom. He was barely awake. He lay down on the floor and went right back to sleep. I pulled down his shorts to see a diaper about maxed to capacity. I took it off and put the new one under him. I grabbed a baby wipe and began to clean him up. As I did his penis began to grow. At full erection it was maybe 2”. I carefully cleaned him up and slowly began to jack him off. He moaned slightly but seemed to enjoy it. I continued until I was so hard and it was pressing against my own Goodnites that it hurt. I pulled the diaper up on him and got him back into bed. I went back and got into bed and rolled over on my stomach and began to stroke my penis with my hand. All of a sudden I felt Joey reach and roll me on my back.
“Here, let me do that,” he said. He pulled my Goodnites down to see my very hard erection. He began to stroke it up and down. I moaned with excitement and satisfaction. He then went down and began to lick and suck on it. I reached down and grabbed the back of his head to keep him going. I barely could stand it. It felt so incredibly good! He continued to suck me until I reached the most incredible climax ever. He looked up at me with a smile on his face. I sat up and kissed him on the cheek and then pushed him down. I went under the covers and began by slowly pulling down his shorts. His Goodnites were a little wet. I began to rub his penis through the wet Goodnites. He moaned approval. I gently tore the sides, pulled down the front and was face to face with his now fully erect penis. I slipped the Goodnites out and put it on the floor. I began by stroking him up and down. As I was stroking him I noticed I was still hard. I got down between his legs and spread them. I continued to stoke with one hand while I took one finger on the other hand and inserted into his butt hole.
He lifted up and moaned and giggled with sweet approval. I continued both for about 2 minutes. I then began to suck on his penis while I had one finger going in and out of his butt. I would suck his penis then put both his balls into my mouth and lick and suck on them. After a few minutes of that, I took my hard penis and positioned myself to put it in his butt. After some moving around and getting it figured out I slowly inserted my penis. I did not go in far because it was small, but Joey seemed to enjoy so I continued. He was in the dog position and had my hands wrapped around him jacking him off while I was still doing him from behind. He quickly reached climax and then relaxed.
“Oh Mike, that was incredible,” he said.
“Yea it was great.” We both lay there holding each other feeling the other one’s pulsating penis against our thighs. We both lay there until we went back to sleep. I woke back up about an hour later and realized we did not put a Goodnites back on. I gently got up and got one Goodnites and one diaper. I pulled my Goodnites up and went over to Joey. I thought the diaper might be easier to put on, and it was. He hardly woke up and slipped back into bed. I got up next to him and felt his plastic diaper, which barely fit, but was sure it would do the job.
Around 8 James and Nathan came in and wondered when we were getting up? “Soon” I told them, “go watch cartoons.”
They both turned and left. Nathan slipped back in and told me he was pretty wet. I reached over and felt and he was right. I told him to go get a pair of underwear and come back. He did and when I got up he saw I was wearing only a Goodnites and a wet one at that.
”You wet too” he said staring at my Goodnites.
“Yep, I guess so.” I reached down and pulled his diaper off and then pulled his underwear back on. He went out just wearing that and seemed content with that so I lay back down and tried to wake up. I reached down a squeezed my Goodnites and they were pretty wet. I got up and went into the bathroom with a clean pair of white briefs. I took off the wet Goodnites and washed my penis. I put on the clean underwear and went back in my room. Joey was still asleep. I went around and felt his diaper. It was not that wet, but I was glad I put one on him. I put on a pair of loose jean shorts and a t-shirt and went out to see what the boys were doing. Nathan was watching and laughing at the silly cartoons. But James looked worried and was sitting back against the couch.
“Come here, James.” I took him in the hallway. “What is wrong?”
“Um, nothing…” he said but hung his head.
“You can tell me, what is wrong…” then I could smell it. I slowly turned him around and looked into his diaper and saw a load of poop.
“James,” I turned him back around, “what is that?”
“I couldn’t help it!”
“Come on, let’s get you changed” I took him into the bathroom and began to get the water warm. Meanwhile I had him lay on the floor and began to get stuff together to clean him up. I pulled back his diaper and was welcomed to a large load of poop. It took some time to get him clean enough to get into the tub. I washed his butt, balls, and penis with special attention.
“Ok, get out and I will get you some clean clothes.” I went into Nathan’s room and found a couple pairs of training underwear. I went back in with them.
“What are those?” James asked me.
“Training pants for kids who crap in their pants”
“But, I don’t wear those, I wear big boys underwear.”
“You are lucky I don’t have you in a diaper today, you know better than to poop your diaper!” I told him.
“But I couldn’t help it.” He cried.
“It’s either these or a diaper, which will it be?”
“Those, I guess.” I pulled one up on him and he reached down and felt his new underwear and seemed like he kind of enjoyed it. I gave him his shorts and shirt. He got dressed and went back to the cartoons. I cleaned up the bathroom and returned to my room to find Joey laying there awake.
“What happened? Did he poop his diapers again?” he asked.
“Yea, how did you know?”
“He has been doing that lately, Mom makes him wear a diaper all day when he does that.”
I told him what I had did and he agreed. He got up and realized he was wearing a diaper. “What is this?”
“Looks to me like a wet diaper,” I smiled. He gave me a look so I told him what I had done. He just nodded and layed down.
“Well, you gonna change me, or what?” he asked.
“Ok, if you want me to.” I got out a clean pair of underwear, regular white ones, and took his diaper off and pulled his underwear up on him. He got up and we went to eat breakfast.
After we ate breakfast we all got ready and headed outside to play. We played in the woods most of the morning and then went back to house to play Nintendo. When we got back James went straight to the bathroom. He came out with tears in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I wet my underwear – I had to go so bad, I didn’t quite make it!” He said through tears.
Joey looked sorry for his brother who standing there in wet clothes, “Come on little guy, let’s get you changed.”
They both went into Nathan’s room. While Joey attended to James, me and Nathan fixed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. The boys came out about 15 minutes later. James was wearing those nylon pants and a t-shirt, and seemed to have calmed down quite a bit. We ate dinner and talked about what to do in the afternoon. Nathan and James wanted to play Nintendo, but me and Joey wanted to go back into the woods. My mom came in and said she would be there so we could go and the young boys could stay.
We quickly finished lunch and headed out into the woods. We walked out into the woods for some time when we heard some talking. We both got down on our knees and tried to figure out where it came from. We began to search like soldiers, looking for the enemy. We decided to separate and go in different directions and meet at the camp site.
We had been separated for about 5 minutes when I heard some footsteps. I hid behind a tree. My heart was racing. I was about to look around the tree to see who it was, when two people grabbed me. Before I could look to see who it was, a black cloth was put over my head. I started to scream, but they stuck a clothe in my mouth as well. My hands were tied and I was led through the woods for about 10 minutes. I was scared, who was doing this?
We entered some type of shack, it must be that old abandoned hunting cabin. They led me over and I was tied to a bed. Each hand and foot was tied to a post. I could see through the cloth a very bright light. They took off the head cover, but the light was so bright all I could see were black images walking around. I lay there scared. I felt one of them come over and try to give me a drink. I spit it out. They untied one foot and rolled me over and whipped me with a belt 5 times. I was crying it hurt so bad. They tried again and to give me a drink, I resisted. 5 more licks with the belt. I was really getting scared this time, I was crying. They tried again to give me a drink, they held my nose and I had no choice but to swallow it. It was like coke or something. They gave me three more licks and then retied my leg to the post. I was scared and hurting. I was so scared I began to wet myself. So now I was tied to a bed I had wet in. I seemed to pee for quite some time. The pee ran down my waist and I was soaked by the time I was finished. I lay ther soaked, scared, and hurting. I started to get very sleepy. I tried to stay awake – but could not…I slowly…fell…asleep…
Part 3
I don’t know how long I slept. When I woke up I was no longer tied to the bed, and no one seemed to be around. I slowly got up – still feeling a little dazed. As I stood up, I noticed I was only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of white briefs. Where were my other clothes? The bed was dry, what was going on? I looked out the windows in the old hunting cabin and saw no one. I began to look around to gain some clues about what was going on. I found a small trash bag in the corner. I opened it up and found all my wet clothes. They were soaked! There was no way for me to wear any of them. I looked some more. In a cabinet I found the rest of the package of underwear I was wearing. Two brand new pairs still in the package. When I turned around I looked at the bed, something strange. I remembered wetting the bed – but there are no signs of me wetting at all. I looked under the bed – nothing. Ok. Time to get out of here – just in case they come back, whoever they are. I grabbed the new underwear and my old clothes. I peaked outside and saw no one. Where was Joey? I was about to leave when I heard a moaning in the closet. I slowly walked back over. I tried to peak through the wood planks that made up the closet door, but it was dark. I pulled to door back slowly. There was Joey on the floor, wearing only a t-shirt and a diaper, apparently just waking up. He kinda fell out of the closet. I helped him up.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“I don’t know, Joey, but let’s get out of here!”
We both started to run out of the cabin. “Hang on,” he lifted his t-shirt and was wearing a diaper. “What is this? How did I get this on?”
“I dunno, I woke up in nothing but my underwear. We’ll get some clothes at my house.”
We both started to run. Careful to watch behind us. When we got up to my house we hid right in the tree line. “What now?” he asked, “We can’t just walk in your house wearing nothing but a pair of underwear and a diaper.
“Hang on,” I got the bag of clothes out. “I found this in the cabin. Yep. It has your wet clothes too. They are just too wet to wear.”
We watched for sometime. I had no idea what time it was, probably around 5 or 6. My mom came out and yelled back for the boys, “come on boys, let’s go pick up the pizza and movies.” They both came out and jumped into the car. They pulled away and drove down the street. We made a break for it. We ran till we got to the back door. It was unlocked. We went straight to my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of shorts while Joey took off his diaper and put on regular clothes.
“Who did that to us?” He asked.
“I dunno, let me check my email.” I was hoping not to find pictures. No luck – one email with pictures of me and Joey wearing diapers and wearing wet clothes. All the email said was. “Had fun?” As we looked through the picture I saw they made one mistake. In the background of one of the pictures was a boy we had seen at school, but did not know his name. We quickly got my yearbook out and began looking for him. We finally found him, Matthew, a 5th grader!
“What? A 5th grader did that to us?” Joey was mad.
“No, a 5th grader was watching, but he knows who did.” I looked in the phone book and found his number. I called his house and found out he was down at the swimming hole with some of his friends. “Come on, let’s go!” I said as we headed out the door.
We quietly got to the swimming hole and watch as 3 boys including Matthew were laughing and playing and having a good time. As one came out of the water we saw they were wearing no clothes. I had grabbed my dads digital camera and was taking a few pictures of their small dicks. We got around to their clothes and quietly walked off with them. We would walk about 10 steps and drop a sock or a shoe or something they could not use to cover themselves. We hid out in the woods for about 10 minutes when one of them realized their clothes were gone.
“What the hell happened to our clothes?” Billy, the oldest a ninth grader with an incredibly small penis for a boy 14 almost 15, I know I got pictures. J
“Oh, know – who did this!?” Matthew said.
“Come on – let’s go find them.” The third one said, we were not sure who that was, but looked to be about our age.
We led them through the woods right back to the hunting cabin. As they walked up on it. They had a look of total fear. “Oh no! They must be getting us back.” Matthew said.
“Let’s go home” Billy said.
“No way – I am naked – I am not running through the neighborhood like this! They will laugh at me forever! Let’s just go in and face them!”
As they walked in – I was sitting at the table with their clothes hidden out side!
“Well, well, we have a ‘small’ problem don’t we boys!” As I said it I looked at Billy’s small penis and he covered it up!
“Dammit give us our clothes back!”
“Now, now boys – just hold on!” I said as I motioned them to the bed.
“We can take him!” Matthew said to the two older boys.
“Yes, you probably can, but as we speak Joey is downloading pictures onto my computer that we took at the pond! I am sure you don’t want those put on the web do you?”
“You wouldn’t” Billy said as he stood up!
“Oh yes, I would, and Billy you better pray yours don’t go up – if the girls saw how tiny you are, watch out!” With that he sat down. “So here’s what we are going to do. Each one of you are going to receive an email from me with your picture on it. If the pictures of me and Joey are seen anywhere – yours will be posted on the internet and the address passed around school! Do we understand each other?”
“Yea,” they all said under their breathe!
“If I hear any rumors about those pictures – yours will be posted!”
“So do you want some clothes now?”
“Come on man”
“Ok, In that draw over there are three pairs of goodnights – Matthew I am sure YOU know what those are!” I had heard he was a bedwetter at school.
“He hung his head and mumbled yes.”
“What are those?” Billy asked.
“Tell him Matthew.”
“They are like underwear for kids who wet the bed.” He began to cry a little.
“No way, you wet the bed” Billy said as he scooted away.
“Hey, don’t make fun of him, Billy he is 10 and your almost 15 and your dicks are the same size! You don’t have much room to talk!”
“F**K you man!” He walked over to the draw – nothing in it!
“What – you said…”
“I just wanted to see how you would respond. Look under the bed.” Under the bed were three goodnights. “Put them on and sit down!”
They all quickly put on their goodnights. They fit Matthew and Dustin (found out his name) great. “Dustin you have been quiet, you got anything to say?”
“I’m sorry! We just wanted to play a joke on you guys.” He hung his head.
“I hope it was funny.” I told them as I began to walk out.
“Wait – how bout our clothes, you can’t leave us in a diaper.”
“Oh yea! I will stand at the door, when you have wet it – I will tell you wear your clothes are! And oh yes, they are in three different places!”
“No way – I am not wetting my diaper!” Billy said and sat down.
Dustin stood up, “I am ready to go home. Can I?”
“Are you wet already?”
“Yea, I wet it when I put it on – figured you make us do that.” I walked over and felt the front, “Yep good boy – you wet your diaper.” I told him where his clothes were and he ran out with his goodnight saggy from the pee.
“I’m next,” Matthew said as he peed his goodnights, “there all done.”
I felt his front and he left to retrieve his clothes.
“Well Billy, you are the only one left, looks like your buddies had no problem wetting themselves.”
“I am going to get you for this!”
“Oh yea?” I looked out the window to see Matthew and Dustin putting on their clothes right over their goodnights and then running into the woods toward their house.
“Ok Joey.” On that cue he came out of the closet with the digital camera in hand. We both grabbed Billy who was no match for the two of us. We tied him to the bed.
“Don’t want to pee?” I ripped the goodnights off him and pulled out a Depends diaper. The whole time Joey was taking pictures. I took an enema and squeezed into his butt. I took the diaper and placed it under him and then Joey took some baby oil and worked it into his groin area. He began to get a little erection.
“Look at little Billy, he likes it!” I took a few more pictures. We then closed the diaper. About 5 minutes later Billy was in a lot of pain.
“I gotta crap, man!” He said trying not to let it go.
“You got a diaper on – let it go!”
“My mom will kill me if I come home with another messy accident!” he said it before he realized what he had said.
“What is this? Billy still poops his pants?” I walked over to him. “You wanted to make fun of Matthew for wetting the bed, but you still poop your pants?”
“Yes, ok, I still do, and I have to wear diapers at night!” He was crying. All of a sudden he relaxed between sobs and had a horrified look on his face!
“Oh no, I did it.”
“Oh boy, did you! You stink Billy,” I looked down to see his diaper turning yellow in the front. “We have decided to leave you the same way you left Joey.” We tossed him a t-shirt and untied him. He grabbed the t-shirt and put it on.
Joey took one more picture and we walked out leaving Billy crying and standing in a soiled and wet diaper.
We got back to the house and put all the pictures on CD. We emailed each of the boys their pictures and got cleaned up.
Sunday afternoon Joey’s mom came and picked up the boys and thanked my mom for letting them stay the weekend.
We never heard any rumors or saw any pictures on the net – so our plan worked!
(Email me at diapermike13@yahoo.com)