Don’t Make Me Wear a Diaper
Summary: a boy has to wear diapers again.
It was like any other day and Todd was having fun just playing in the
woods by there house. Now Todd is 9 and has fun with his friend Ben.
They like to build forts in the woods and play war games. On this
Saturday they were playing war games and Todd was hiding behind a big
tree. He was wondering where Ben was when he felt the urge to pee. He
thought about standing up and peeing in the bushes but Ben would find
him then. He waited and waited and suddenly Ben jumped around the
corner of the tree and scared him. Todd was caught so much by surprise
that he felt something warm going down his leg. When he noticed he was
wetting his pants he started to cry. Ben now also seen it and said,
“Dude, you’re wetting your pants.”
Todd ran home and tried to go up to his room. When he got to the stairs
his mom was coming down the stairs. She asked, “What is wrong?” By now
Todd was crying really hard and said, “I wet my pants.” His mom said,
“Well, go change and you are grounded for the rest of the day.”
Todd went and changed and went and watched TV. He was watching TV when
his mom came in and said, “Time for supper.” They were eating supper
and Todd asked to go to the bathroom. They said, “Okay, but hurry
Just as Todd got to the bathroom he started to pee without control. He
started crying and walked back to the table with his legs apart and
said, “Mom, I don’t know what happened. I just started to pee.”
His mom took him to the bathroom, took off his wet jeans and underwear
and put him in the shower. Todd's mom said, “I am going to go to the
store. I will be back in a little while.”
Todd got out of the shower, got dressed and went to watch TV. He was
watching TV when is mom got home and came in the house with two bags of
stuff. his mom told him that she has heard of other kids his age having
problems and he would have to try some things for a while until it
passed. His mom pulled out a bag of Pampers size 6 and said, “You will
wear these to bed and Goodnites size XL boxers to school.”
Todd started to cry again and said, “maybe the Goodnites but no way am
I wearing the Pampers.” His mom told him to go get his pjs. Todd went
upstairs, got his pjs and went downstairs again. She said, “Take off
your jeans.” He did and she said, “”Lie down” as she took out a
Pampers. Todd said, “No way!” but before he could say anything else she
grabbed his arm, spanked him hard and had him on the floor. She took
off his underwear and put on a Pampers. Todd was crying and slowly
stopped thinking inside that the diaper felt kind of good. He went to
bed and woke up in the morning and had forgotten he had a diaper on. He
rolled over and heard the crinkle of the diaper. He suddenly remembered
and felt that it was wet.
His mom suddenly came in and asked, “How was the night?” She pulled
back his sheet, seeing the wet diaper. His mom said, “Glad we don’t
have a wet bed” and took the diaper off and sent him to the shower.
When he got out she handed him a Goodnite and said, “Today is Sunday,
so you can get use to the Goodnites.”
Todd put it on, thinking it felt like underwear. Todd went out to play
and Ben found him. Ben said, “Hey, lets go play in the woods.” Todd
said, “okay.”
They were building a new fort when Todd felt like he had to pee. He
thought of going in the woods but Ben might see his Goodnite. He
decided to pee a little in the Goodnite. It worked well, holding
everything and felt kind of good. After another hour he felt like he
had to pee again so he just let it go again. However, this time he went
too much and it started to leak. Ben did not see and Todd just said, “I
have to get home.”
He got home and was planning on going to his room and changing the
Goodnite and jeans. It worked well until he went downstairs. His mom
said, “Why did you change your jeans?” Todd said, “I got them dirty in
the woods.” It seemed to please her and Todd started to watch TV. Todd
did not know but him mom went up to his room and found the wet spot on
his jeans. She came down, not happy.
Did you wet your Goodnite?”
“Yes,” Todd admitted and she said was it was an accident. Todd could
not lie and said, “I did not want to run home, so I just peed in it”.
Right when he said that he knew that might be a problem. His mom went
to her bedroom and came back to the living room about 5 minutes later.
She had a bag with here and said, “Lie down so I can put a diaper on
you.” Todd said, “I have a Goodnite on” and she said, “Yes, those are
for big boys and you are not acting like a big boy.”
Todd started to cry and knew he had better listen or he was going to
get spanked. He lay down and she took off his jeans and Goodnite. She
took out a cloth diaper with Velcro and rubber pants, putting it on
him. Todd said, “No way!” as he said that she put a bottle in his
mouth. Todd started to suck and was getting sleepy from the warm milk.
Todd fell asleep and woke up two hours later with his thumb in his
mouth. He felt his rubber pants and he was really wet. His mom said, “I
think we have a baby in the house again.”
Part 2
Todd woke up and his cloth diaper was very wet. He started to cry and
his mom came and changed him into a Pampers diaper. Todd started to
settle down because it felt better and his mom put a paci in his mouth
which he was sucking on. His mom called the school and said that he was
dropping out of there and she was going to home school him now.
Todd woke up on Monday in a wet pampers that was flooded. He went to
the bathroom and took it off and was taking a shower. He got out and
put underwear on and got ready for school. He went downstairs for
breakfast and was eating Trix cereal when his mom came in and asked if
he wet last night. He said yes and she told him that he was going to be
home schooled now. Todd did not know what to say but was not happy. He
was eating more and asked why? His mom said that if he was going to
have to wear diapers then he can not go to school.
Todd said, “I don’t have to wear diapers all the time, just at night.”
His mom started to look under the table to see if Todd had on
underwear. She did not see a diaper and did not think she would. His
mom said, “We will start school stuff about 9 am so you can go watch TV
until then.”
Todd said okay and went into watch TV, he was watching the Naked
Brothers Band on TV, thinking that Nate and his brother probably wear
diapers for some reason. At the moment he felt a warm flow going down
his jeans.
“Oh man, my mom is going to be so mad,” he thought as he made a puddle
on the carpet in the living room. Todd tried to get up and go to his
room to change his pants when his mom walked in. She had seen the wet
spot on his jeans and was not happy. She took out an Attends small
diaper she had in the kitchen and spanked Todd hard. She took off his
wet jeans and underwear and put on the Attend. She said, “I guess I
made the right choice with school.” She put the diaper on tight and
Todd was crying until she put the nipple to the baby bottle in his
mouth. He started to suck and liked it.
Now it was class time for the little baby home-schooler. They sat at
the table and Todd was doing some homework in a math book. His mom
asked him if he had to go to the big boys’ room and Todd said no. Todd
was doing a hard math question when he started to shutter. All at once
he knew he was wetting his diaper without know it and he had to poop.
“Oh no,” he thought, as the poop just started to come out and he was
now dirty. Wow, it started to stink. His mom came back in and smelled
the mess.
“I think we’d better go change you,” she said. Todd agreed and they
went to his room. She got out another Attend and put it on tight and
Todd went down to finish his homework.
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