Title: Donny's Life
Name: Donny
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 56
Posting Date: 11/15/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A young Donny gets his just punishment from his mom for bedwetting and other potty accidents.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 6 (30%)

When I was eight years old mom had a daycare she ran in a house next 
door to our house. She took care of boys in two separate areas. One 
area was for eighteen months to two years old; the other area was for 
boys� two years old to five years old. The younger boys had the whole 
downstairs; the older boys had the upstairs. The downstairs had a 
sleeping room with many mats and two cribs. The cribs were for boys who 
did not want to take their naps or would not stay down for the two 
hours of nap time. The upstairs had a sleeping room with just mats for 

It was summertime and school was out. I had no other place to go. I had 
to be around so mom put me to work to help mom with the boys, teaching 
them how to do things. Mrs. Gram took care of the younger boys while 
mom took care of the older boys. I was small for an eight-year-old, 
about the same size as the four- and five-year-old in the older kids� 
room. On the first day I got into a disagreement and fight with one of 
the five-year-olds. He wanted the same toy I picked up every time I 
picked a toy to play with. I tried to pull it away from him and he 
knocked me down.

Mom told me to go downstairs and help Mrs. Gram. Mom led me down to 
tell Mrs. Gram what happened. She agreed to keep an eye on me. Mom 
locked the gate on her way upstairs. Mrs. Gram led me to the playroom 
where I saw six boys. Two wore only diapers three wore what looked like 
underwear but it turned out to be the new Pull-ups. The last boy was 
dressed almost like me. His name was Tommy he was three and potty 

Tommy and I played nicely and quietly together while one of the 
diapered boys played in the playpen sucking a pacifier. I asked Tommy, 
�Why is that kid playing in the playpen sucking a pacifier? He looks 
big enough to play with us.�

Tommy said he was not sharing the toys and he cries a lot, too. �If you 
don�t share you get punished with playpen time. If you cry you have to 
use a pacifier.�

I asked him if he had to go in there. He said yes, just yesterday he 
had to when he grabbed a toy. I asked him if it was bad in there. He 
said, �Not really, but it is lonely and not fun. All you have is baby 

Everyone in the downstairs play area was playing so nicely and the toys 
were good, too, almost the same as in the upstairs. There were no 
bullies here. We played until Mrs. Gram took us outside. I had the best 
time playing outside I have had in a very long time. I like playing 
with this group. It is much more fun than the upstairs; no one here 
bullies you around here. The swings and slide were bigger than at 
school and sandbox had great toys. What more could a boy have toys and 
freedom to play with what he wanted to?

Lunchtime came and Mrs. Gram called us in to eat. Everyone had to have 
their pants checked and changed before they were sat in a highchair, 
even me. I did not mind. I sort of like having my food brought to me. I 
did not have to reach for my food everything was within my reach. The 
only thing I did not care for was drinking from a sippy cup. After I 
ate lunch and drank two cups of juice Mrs. Gram told me I had to take a 
nap, the same as everyone else. I cried for mom to let me out of taking 
a nap. Mom agreed with Mrs. Gram. I need to show everyone in the group 
needs a nap, even me.

I grabbed a mat and stomped over to a place beside the door. I told her 
I would not sleep but I would lay down and wait until is was time to 
get up. The lights went out and the room got dark and quiet. I got 
bored and closed my eyes. Within a few minutes I was sound asleep. I 
did not realize how tired I really was. The next thing I knew I hear 
giggling. I woke up to see Tommy and all the boys wearing their dry 
Pull-ups pointing at me. Tommy was giggling the loudest and pointing at 
my wet pants. At first I did not know what they were pointing at until 
realized I was wet. I had wet in my sleep just like I do every night at 
home but I have not wet during a nap since the last nap I took when I 
was four.

Mrs. Gram grabbed my hand and led me stumbling to the changing table, 
saying something about me needing to be trained again. Mrs. Gram 
removed my pants and underwear with one motion so quickly I had not 
time to say no. Mrs. Gram was so used to having to do this over the 
years with all the little boys she has trained she wiped the pee off my 
bottom as everyone watched. I was lifted onto the table where I was 
then oiled and powdered. My head was spinning and things were going too 
fast. Then she pulled a pair of Pull-ups up my legs and onto my bottom. 
They felt much different than my underwear, much thicker. I was wearing 
training pants just like the three other boys being potty trained. 
Tommy said, �Donny needs potty trained. Now he is wearing little boy 
pants.� Mrs. Gram said, �Yes, Donny needs to show me five days dry 
before he gets his big boy pants back. That is the rule here.�

I cried. Why would have to be dry for a week to get my big boy pants 
back? I am a big boy. I am eight years old. Mrs. Gram said she doesn�t 
care how old I am; I would have to prove I was a big boy now.

I went to the corner of the room and started to whimper and cry. I 
wanted mom to come to let me go home and change out of these baby 
training pants.  I tried to go upstairs to get mom but I could not get 
past the toddler gate to go upstairs. Then I tried to get out of the 
house to go next door to my room where I could get so big boy clothes. 
The door had a latch that was all the way at the top of the door way 
out of my reach. I just cried and cried rattling the gate. After an 
hour of me whimpering and crying, Mrs. Gram put a pacifier in my mouth. 
I spit it out quickly. I did not want the baby thing in my mouth. I 
told her I was not going to suck that stupid thing. I was then over 
Mrs. Gram�s Knee getting spanked while she was telling me she would 
spank me every time for spiting my pacifier out. I needed to learn to 
keep my pacifier in my mouth and stay quiet; if I don�t I will get 
spanked. Mrs. Gram kept spanking me until I said I will do what she 
tells me to do. I was crying so hard because my bottom was burning so 
bad. I had to hold my pacifier in my mouth until I was able to start 
sucking and stop crying. Mom came downstairs to see what all the crying 
was for. I thought I was going to be safe from the rules. I was, after 
all, a big boy, not one of these babies.

Mrs. Gram told mom what I had done. Mom explained to me that there were 
rules that no matter how old I was I had to follow the rules. Mom put 
the pacifier in my mouth and I slowly started to suck it as she hugged 
me. I whimpered for about ten minutes. Then she put me down and told me 
to go play and be good. I walked over to where Tommy was playing. My 
Pull-ups were so thick and I had no idea these training pants were so 
thick. Now I know why the other boys wearing them waddled when they had 
to walk.

I sat down to feel the real bulk of the Pull-up. I did not want to talk 
about it and just started to play with the toys. I was playing for 
about an hour when the need to pee came to me. I did not want to talk 
to Mrs. Gram I was mad at her so I held it. Then I really need to pee I 
stood up and started to walk over to Mrs. Gram but Mrs. Gram called 
potty time.

Everyone wearing training pants ran to a line in front of the potty. I 
just sat there watching everyone get their turn on the potty. I was 
still holding it barely. When everyone was done I figured I was free go 
to the potty by myself without help. I stood up to walk over to the 
potty just in time for pee to start flowing. I could not stop it. I 
just moved a little quicker as the pee flowed. Mrs. Gram walked over to 
me and told me to stop so she could check me before I sit on the potty. 
I felt my Pull-up sag with the flood that I had just put in it. Mrs. 
Gram put her finger in the front of my Pull-up, shook her head then led 
me to the changing table again. I figured I would just get a dry pair 
of Pull-ups. I never even gave it a thought. After all, it was an 
accident and accidents do happen. Mrs. Gram put me on the table and 
tore the sides of the Pull-up open and wiped me off and powdered my 
crotch. Then she held my legs high in the air and put a Pamper size 5 
under my bottom. Before I knew what was happening she let my bottom 
down on to the Pamper and the diaper was taped securely in place. I was 
now one of three diaper boys in the downstairs.

Tommy giggled as I walked over to play with him. He did not even say 
anything about me being diapered. We played for another hour when he 
got up and use the potty and returned to playing. He told me big boys 
are allowed to go potty by them selves with out help. Everyone had a 
sippy cup of juice at three o�clock. By four o�clock I needed to pee 
again just in time for Mr. Gram to call potty time. Everyone lined up. 
The first boys in line were the ones wearing Pull-ups, then the ones 
wearing diapers. Boys wearing regular underpants had no potty time; 
they were big boys.

I was the last one in line doing my pee-pee dance trying to hold it. 
When the first diaper boy was checked his diaper was removed, and after 
he peed in the potty Mrs. Gram put Pull-ups on him. The second boy was 
wet, so he got a diaper change. Now the boy in front of me was having 
his diaper checked when I started to flood my diaper. I could not hold 
it any longer. The boy in front of me must have a wet diaper because 
Mrs. Gram pointed him to the changing table. When she returned she 
checked my diaper. I was sucking on my pacifier with tears in my eyes. 
Mrs. Gram checked me and pointed me to the table.

Mrs. Gram changed my wet diaper and returned me to my play. I played 
with the other diaper boys because we were the only ones left wearing 
diapers and I felt like they would not make fun of me. I could not wait 
to get home so I could get out of these diapers and put on my big boy 
pants again. It was getting close to the time everyone would be 
leaving, just an hour more of wearing these baby clothes.

Mom asked Mrs. Gram to watch the boys while she took care of something 
at home. Mom left and I watched all the boys get picked up by their 
parents. Mom always does this to start dinner cooking. She returned 
forty minutes later. She returned much later than usual, just as the 
last boy was leaving. I did not realize she had been gone for almost an 
hour. Mom said good-bye to Mrs. Gram and locked up the daycare for the 
night. I ran across the side yards to my house wearing nothing but a 
wet size 5 Pamper. I entered my room ripped off my wet Pamper. I WANTED 
MY BIG-BOY UNDERWEAR. I opened my underwear drawer. There was nothing 
but Pampers and Pull-ups in it. I ran naked all around my room looking 
for my underwear; all my clothes were gone.

Mom walked in my room, picked up my wet Pamper and dropped it in the 
diaper pail I did not see. Mom told me to lie down on my bed. I stood 
still in the center of the room, not moving, and started to whimper. I 
forgot all about my pacifier in my mouth. When I went to talk it fell 
out and on to the floor. Mom said to get onto my bed NOW. I lay down on 
my bed where mom powdered me and had a fresh Pamper taped on just like 
Mrs. Gram did. Mom said I needed to learn to hold my pee a little 
longer to be a big boy.

I started crying so mom put a fresh pacifier in my mouth. I quickly 
started to suck it, making me feel much better. I just lay there on my 
bed thinking how I could get my big-boy pants back. I started to look 
everywhere in the house. Mom watched me looking. She knew what I was up 
to but did not say a word.

Dinner was called soon after dad came home. I was hiding from him 
because I did not want him to see me in diapers. Dad found me hiding 
behind the couch. He picked me up without saying a word about me 
wearing diapers. Dad carried me to the kitchen and sat me in a 
highchair. Mom fastened the seat belt and placed the tray in front of 
me. I knew better than to complain in front of dad so I sad there 
sucking my pacifier.

Mom tied a bib around my neck and put my meal all cut into small pieces 
with no fork or spoon. I had a sippy cup to drink from. I removed my 
pacifier and sat it on the tray and started to eat. I dropped a few 
pieces of food on my bib and had gravy on my face. I looked like a real 
two-year-old, not an eight-year-old. Mom washed my face and checked my 
diaper to find I had wet it again. I told her I tried to hold it; I 
really did try. Mom told me it only counts when I do hold it since I 
still wet so much it looked like I did need diapers, no training pants 
until I can hold it until potty time.

Mom told me potty times are every two and a half hours, not before. I 
asked if I could change my own diaper, I am a big boy. She told me only 
if I tell her before I do the change and she watches. She wants to make 
sure I do it right. I was so glad. I feel like a little baby when 
someone else changes my diaper. Plus, I could sneak into the bathroom 
and go potty without her knowing. But I soon found out that all the 
bathrooms were locked. I was forced to use my diapers when I need to 

Bedtime came quickly. Mom called me to bed in the nursery that she had 
set up for when she babysat boys overnight. I was wearing only a wet 
diaper that she removed. Then she sat me on the potty chair and 
fastened the seat belt and left the room. I had to sit there for 
fifteen minutes with nothing to do except suck my pacifier.

When mom returned she found the potty unused. I was then put on the 
changing table and diapered in an overnight thick Pamper. It was much 
thicker than the daytime Pamper. She put me in a sleeper that zipped up 
the back. I have not worn a sleeper since I was six and that sleeper 
zipped up the front. This sleeper had bunnies and duckies with baby 
bottles and pacifiers all over it. I looked like a real baby and felt 
like one, too. Mom told me to go kiss daddy good night. I did a very 
slowly waddle to the living room where dad was watching TV. Dad just 
smiled and I shuffled in with the diaper crinkling. Dad said, �All 
ready for bed, I see.� I nodded as he hugged and kissed me like he has 
not done in years. I felt so much better after he hugged me. Then I 
waddled to my room but mom took me by the hand and led me to the 

Mom told me until I stop bed wetting I will be sleeping in the crib. I 
asked mom, �How could I stop bed wetting? I can�t get out so I can go 
to the potty.�

Mom said, �You need to learn to hold it like a big boy. Most big boys 
never wake up in the middle of the night and they are able to hold it. 
If you wake up and need to pee and it is after two o�clock you can call 
me. I will come and take you to the potty, but you need to hold it 
until then.�

There was a clock next to the crib that could be seen in the dark. She 
said if I woke up with a wet diaper she would change me if I want to be 
changed like a baby. Mom said if I don�t want my diaper changed then go 
back to sleep and wait until morning.

Mom put a bottle in my mouth and without thinking I started sucking it 
while I looked up at my mom. Mom turned out the lights and said, �Sleep 
tight.� She left me to go to sleep in the crib in the dark nursery. I 
was a big boy, so I was going to show mom she could not make me sleep 
in a baby bed. I stood up and started to climb out. I found the sleeper 
legs were sewn together to the knees. I could not lift my legs up to 
climb so I felt for a way to get the side down. There was a bumper pad 
all the way around so I could not reach out very far. I kept feeling 
something hanging on a string from the sleeper but it was so dark I 
could not see it. Then I caught it in my hand to find that it was just 
a pacifier. I was tired I wanted to sleep so I lay down right on the 
bottle so I put it in my mouth only because I was a little thirsty. I 
really did not need it; I was not a baby.

I started to suck away at the bottle thinking when morning came I could 
see and get out of mom�s jail. The bottle was so good tasting and 
relaxing before I knew it just as the bottle went empty I was asleep. I 
woke up the next morning with my diaper soaked sucking a pacifier. It 
was like magic the bottle change into a pacifier. I looked all over for 
the bottle but it was gone so I knew that mom had been here sometime 
last night. I stood up in the crib to find the side was at my forehead. 
I tried to climb out again but could not get my feet and legs up to the 
top of the rail.

I looked over at the clock. It said five-thirty and it was just 
starting to get light outside. The sun was coming through the window. 
Mom walked in the room, saying, �I see my baby boy is awake.� I cried 
back at mom, �I AM A BIG BOY NOT A BABY!�

Mom said, �Well, I need to change my big boy�s diaper; I see it�s a 
little wet.�

I asked mom how she could tell my diaper is wet if she can�t see it. 
Mom said, �Dry diapers don�t sag low in your sleeper like that one is. 
Now let�s get you out of that soaked diaper.�

I felt the low sagging wet diaper after mom told me. I felt like a real 
toddler must feel as mom unzipped my sleeper while I stood in the crib 
and pulled it off me. Then mom lifted me out of the crib to carry me to 
the changing table.

I have watched many diaper changes since mom started baby sitting other 
boys. I often wondered what it was like to be on the table being 
changed. I did not want to wear a diaper to see what it was like. 
Diapers are for babies and I am eight years old. I just wanted to play 
at doing it. I was a big boy and big boys don�t wear diapers. But here 
I was being carried to the changing table with a wet diaper I was now 
going to see what it is like.

Mom strapped me to the table just like she did for the other boys then 
she removed my bloated diaper. Mom said I really did a number on that 
diaper she has not ever see a diaper with that much pee in it. I did 
not feel proud of my deed. Mom told me tonight after I am in my crib 
sleeping for three hours she would changed my diaper before she goes to 
bed. That way the morning diaper would not be so bloated. I told mom if 
I had my old room and clothes back she would not have to diaper me; 
that would be good, too.

Mom said, �No, that did not work before. You have wet your bed since 
you were a baby you need to get potty trained first. Then you can go 
back to your big boy room. Mom finished wiping me off with baby wipes. 
Then picked me off the table and seated me on the little potty and 
fasten the seat belt that fastened at the back out of reach of little 
hands. Mom told me to go potty like a good boy I will fix breakfast.

I did not have to go potty but I tried to pee any way I was able to let 
a small squirt of pee out but that was all. Mom came back to release me 
fifteen minutes later. I was back on the changing table getting 
diapered in a daytime regular Pamper. I was led by the hand to the 
kitchen and again I found myself seated in the highchair with the seat 
belt fastened. Dad had gone to work already so he was not there to see 
me wearing just diapers. I felt so much better that no one except mom 
had seen me wearing just diapers.

Mom put a bib on me and started to feed me oatmeal. I tried to grab the 
spoon but mom was good. She had a firm grip on the spoon. After I ate 
three spoons full of oatmeal the need to poop came to me quickly. Then 
after a couple of drinks of milk from my sippy cup I told mom I need to 
poop. Mom told me to hold it until after I finish my breakfast.

Mom asked me why I didn�t use the potty just a few minutes ago when I 
was sitting on it. I told her I did not need to go then. She told me I 
would have to learn to use the potty when I am sitting on it and that 
big boys take advantage of their potty times.

By the time I was half way through eating my oatmeal I was holding back 
so hard but no matter how hard I tried to hold my poop it was coming 
out into my diaper in small spasms. By the time mom finished feeding me 
I had a small load of poop in my diaper. Mom sniffed the air and said, 
�Smells like someone needs their pants changed, but they have to finish 
their milk first.� I sucked on the sippy cup as hard and fast as I 
could because I still need to poop much more and I did not want to do 
it in my pants. I was finished in just two minutes. Mom slowly wiped my 
mess face and hands off and removed the messy bib.

The tray was removed and belt released. I climbed down and grabbed 
mom�s hand trying to get her to move faster, leading her. Where do I 
go, the bathroom, my room or the nursery? I just want to get my messy 
diaper off and sit on a potty, even the baby potty. I was wiggling and 
dancing around so much, pulling in all directions; mom had to laugh. 
Then all the sudden I lost my battle holding my poop, and with one last 
motion my full load went into my diaper, followed by a flood of pee. I 
continued my dancing and started to cry. Mom just put a pacifier in my 
mouth, picked me off the floor and carried me to the bathroom. She had 
to unlock the door.

Mom started the bath water running before she spread a mat out on the 
floor. I know what to do from watching so many diaper changes of boys 
she babysat for. I just never figured I would ever be doing it. I 
waddled over feeling my messy diaper against my bottom. I lied down on 
the mat smashing poop up between my legs and into the front of my 
diaper. I held my legs in the air, spread apart for mom. Mom untaped 
the diaper letting the smell out big time, revealing what a mess I had 
made. Mom just started to work quickly, and within just a few minutes I 
felt the mess go away. Mom was good at diaper changes with so much 
practice at the daycare. Mom held my legs in the air while she finished 
wiping the poop off my bottom and crotch then. Mom put my messy diaper 
in the diaper pail and snapped the lid shut.

The room smelled still but the poop smell was going away and baby soap 
smell was taking over. Mom lifted me into the warm bath water she 
started bathing me by washing my hair first then my face and arms. It 
made me feel better; I smelled good, too. All my worries went away as I 
was bathed.

Mom told me I had just graduated to baby status by pooping in my diaper 
like a baby. She told me until I get properly potty trained. I asked 
what she meant by that. She told me the bathroom is strictly off limits 
to me; only boys that can hold their potty needs and are being potty 
trained are allowed to be in the bathroom without taking a bath. Taking 
bath is the only time I would see the inside of a bathroom.

Mom dried me off and carried me to the nursery, telling me my clothes 
are going to be baby style with many snaps, and of course, diapers. She 
told me I was now the baby of the daycare so until I learn to hold my 
potty needs like a big boy. She told me I will be the new baby of the 

Mom told me I have to follow the rules when I stop bedwetting, stop ALL 
pants wetting-- not even a little damp spot. Most important is never 
poop in your pants. Pooping in your pants gets you two weeks in diapers 
and a month in training pants after that week. She told me the potty 
rules were I have to hold my potty needs for at least two and a half 
hours. Mom told me all the potty rules that I had to follow. She told 
me I need be clean and dry for one month with no accidents. She told me 
I have to be dry at night, too, to get daytime big boy pants like 
Tommy. She told me my name will be added to the potty training board in 
the day care so everyone will know how I was doing.

�It will be at the bottom until you can earn your way to the top. The 
better you do the higher your name will be. Tommy�s name is at the top 
now; he is the big boy of the downstairs room. We need you to get 
dressed and go to open up.�

Mom held up two play shirts one had a pacifier on the front. The other 
one had a teddy bear on it; both looked very baby like. I did not 
decide or want to look at them. Mom said, �This one is fine.� She held 
up the pacifier one. I wanted to cry and hide but she had the pacifier 
one over my head, pulling it down to my waist. Then she snapped the 
three snaps at the back waist where they were out of my reach. The play 
shirt did not cover my diaper very well. You could see the Pamper at 
the legs openings. Mom snapped a pacifier ribbon onto the sleeve, put 
my pacifier into my mouth before I could say NO. I felt my diaper bulge 
out and the bulk between my legs when mom stood me onto the floor. I 
was being led by the hand waddling out the door. I was so upset I just 
followed behind mom holding my hand in a firm grip I could not get free 
of her grip when she clamped down on my hand. I could not get away and 
where could I go dressed in this thing if I could get into the playroom 
I could hide. As soon as the door was opened I ran to the playroom and 
sat in the corner trying to hide behind the toys.

I knew I was in trouble because when the two diapered boys walked in 
the room with their mom�s they were wearing Pull-ups, not diapers like 
me. I was now the only diaper boy left. I looked at the potty training 
board. My name had a picture of a wet and poopy diaper on it. The other 
boys� names had a picture of Pull-ups on it.

I played with the other boys without them even saying a word about me 
wearing diapers. it was just a normal thing here, I guess. Two and a 
half hours after everyone was there Mrs. Gram called potty time. I was 
already wet and I knew one of the other boys had wet too so I was not 
alone. We all lined up in front of the potty. I was second in line Mrs. 
Gram put her finger in the leg opening of my diaper and told me to go 
stand by the table. I watched all the boys take their turn at the potty 
until Teddy was walking over to stand by me. I looked at his Pull-up; 
it was sagging low.

Mrs. Picked unsnapped my shirt snaps, pulled my shirt tail up to my 
chest, put me on the table and within two minutes had me all wiped off 
and wet diaper replaced with a fresh clean one. She stood me on the 
floor and snapped my shirt again. Then it was Teddy�s turn. Mrs. Gram 
ripped the sides of Teddy�s Pull-up, open removed his bloated garment 
and dropped it on top of my wet diaper in the diaper pail. She lifted 
him onto the table, wiped him off powdered him and put a diaper on him 
just like mine. She had a shirt just like mine pulled it over his head 
and snapped it closed. Teddy now looked just like me. Mrs. Gram said, 
�Babies should look alike so we know who is a baby and who is not.�

There is no way for me to get away I am stuck in this baby place. I am 
a very small eight-year-old with no clothes except the ones mom lets me 
have. It is not that I have all the toys I want to play with. No one 
teases me about wearing diapers. Maybe this will not be that bad; all I 
have to do is play, play, and play. The only thing I don�t like is 
eating in the highchair and sleeping and taking a nap in the crib. But 
I don�t have to stop to go potty every hour like before I started to 
wear diapers again. I have no worries now.

Editing level: High
Editing Notes:
  • Downstairs and "upstairs" as nouns are written as a single word. Various other compound words (e.g. "my self") corrected where needed.
  • Various miscellaneous punctuation and spelling corrections made.
  • Periods inserted in several places where new sentence should start.
  • Confusion over where speech begins and ends and who was talking to whom. I inserted quotation marks and made my best guesses.
  • sense -> "since" (5 occurrences).
  • aloud -> "allowed" (2 occurrences).
  • Example of confusion between direct and indirect quotes:
    As originally written: Mom said I need to learn to hold it like a big boy...If you wake up and need to pee..."
    The paragraph starts out as if to indicate that what the mother is saying not a direct quote (no quotation marks were used anywhere), but then goes on to indicate that the mom was, in fact, speaking to her son. The way this part should read is: Mom said, "You need to learn to hold it like a big boy..."          

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I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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