Title: Donny the Baby Boy 2
Name: I
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Posting Date: 08/30/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Continuation of Donny the Baby Boy. Donny had been caught wetting his bed and had been put back into diapers by his sister and his mum. Now he's a real baby acting like one. This story tells about his baby life.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 11 (55%)
Some years later:

I�m 10 years old now and still a baby. Mum put me back into diapers two 
years ago and I turned into a real baby. I hardly crawled, sucked my 
pacifier all the time because without it I would feel so insecure that 
I would start to cry if it fell out of my mouth. I used all the old 
baby things my by now 4-year-old brother Billy didn�t need anymore. I 
grew just a little bit in the past two years and my little brother is 
now as tall as I am and we are both about 44 inches tall, so all the 
baby things fit without any problems.

Summer time:

When summer came and holidays started my mother rented a beachside 
house where we would spend an entire month at the sea. My brother was 
very excited because he has never seen the sea before. I�ve already 
been there one time and I remembered how funny it was but I was sure 
that this time it wouldn�t be the same because I�ve turned into a baby.

The day we went to the beach I woke up in my crib with a very wet 
diaper sucking my pacifier. I tried to turn around to be able to crawl 
a little bit but the sleeper I wore kept my legs bent and my back tight 
and if I lay on my back I could just struggle like a newborn. I had to 
wait for someone to put me up to be able to crawl again.

My mum entered and took me out of the crib and carried me on her arms 
to the kitchen where I was placed in the high chair and strapped in. I 
had a bib around my neck while mum was feeding me and holding my 
bottle. I messed while eating the oatmeal and was changed on the 
changing table afterwards.

Meanwhile, my sister Judy had brought all our stuff to the car and we 
were ready to start our holidays. Mum strapped me into my baby car seat 
where I had to sit until someone strapped me out. Billy had my old car 
seat for older children. The drive lasted for many hours and while 
sitting in the car seat unable to move sucking my pacifier all the time 
I noticed that my diaper got warm and soggy. I didn�t even feel the pee 
coming out. After wetting my diaper I fell asleep and woke up some 
hours later with a messy diaper. The whole car smelled like a poopy 
diaper. My mother just said: �I think we have to change baby�s 
diapies!�, like it was normal for a ten year old to mess into diapers.

I was so used to that that I didn�t care as my mother left the highway, 
strapped me out and put me onto a bank where she cleaned up my messy 
butt and diapered me again. After she had strapped me into my car seat 
again she continued driving.

At the evening we reached the beach house. Mum got me out of the car 
and carried me into the house. I noticed that it was adjusted to babies 
because there was a huge playpen in the living room where mum put me 
into. Then she carried all the stuff into the house.

At six my mum took me out of the playpen, carried me into the kitchen 
where a highchair was like at home and fed me in it. Then she changed 
my messy diaper on the changing table and carried me to the nursery 
where she put me into my crib. She gave me a bottle, took out my 
pacifier and put the bottle into my mouth. I happily started to suck it 
while she was holding it for me because I was just a baby and couldn�t 
hold it myself. After finishing the baby bottle I immediately fell 
asleep and mom replaced the bottle with my pacifier and left me alone. 
It was only half past six and mum, Judy and Billy went to the beach 
because the sun was still shining a bit but as a baby I had to go to 
bed very early.

The next morning I woke up mum changing my wet and messy diaper like 
every morning. After cleaning my butt she put a fresh diaper on me and 
carried me to the kitchen where I was fed strapped into my highchair.

After breakfast we went to the beach. Mum put me into a thin romper 
that just covered my body and my diaper. Then she put me into the 
stroller and fastened the belts between my legs, around my waist and my 
shoulders. While my brother and my sister where walking my mum was 
pushing me to the beach. Our house was about two hundred meters from 
the beach. When we got there Judy lied down on her towel and put 
sunscreen all over her and my brother�s skin. My mother did the same 
but instead of putting sunscreen on my skin too she just opened the 
tiny umbrella that was on the stroller too, put the seat I was strapped 
in back and while my siblings and my mother where taking a sunbath I 
had to lie in my stroller sucking my pacifier. Soon I felt pee flushing 
into my diaper but I didn�t care because it was so natural for me.

After a while Judy and Billy went to the sea but my mother staid at the 
beach to watch me because you can�t let little diaper babies alone. She 
strapped me out of the stroller and undressed me. Then she put 
sunscreen all over my body except the butt where I was still wearing a 
thick and wet diaper while I was sucking my pacifier. Mum gave me a 
little shovel and I started digging in the sand only dressed in a 
diaper. It was a very crowded beach but no one cared about me because I 
just looked like a slow learning toddler. No one would think that I 
would be older than four.

While I sat in the sand digging I didn�t notice poop going into my 
diaper and I wet a little more. When Judy and Billy came back they 
already smelled what I had done and called mum. Mum put me on my back 
on a towel and opened my full diaper me still sucking my pacifier 
staring at all the people who looked at me because although they just 
thought I was three or four years old they probably have never seen a 
kid of my size with a that messy diaper before but I didn�t care. What 
could I do about it? Mum just cleaned my butt and put a fresh diaper on 
me like usual redressed me into my romper and strapped me into he 
stroller again where I was fed an oatmeal and given a bottle to drink 
mum holding it for me. Then she put the seat back again and I had to 
take a nap in my stroller.

I slept for three hours and when I woke up I was still lying strapped 
into the stroller sucking my pacifier mum pushing me back to our house. 
There she immediately put me into my playpen where I was allowed to 
play a little bit with my toddler toys. After playing mum put me into 
my highchair feeding me again.

It was already late and mum took me out where Judy and Billy where 
sitting at a table watching the sunset at the sea. Mum put me into a 
baby bouncer and strapped me in where I had to lie and couldn�t watch 
the sunset like my younger brother. After the sunset my family was 
sitting at the table for a long time playing some games while I lay in 
the baby bouncer and couldn�t do anything but sleep what I did.

The rest of our holidays at the beach weren�t fun at all for me. I was 
never allowed to go swimming like my younger brother Billy who was now 
my big brother. I was just the family�s baby pooping my diaper all the 
time and was always strapped into my stroller when we where at the 
beach. I�ve never had as boring holidays as this one before.

At daycare instead of school:

Autumn came and I was still a baby doing everything a good baby would 
do. I just turned eleven but I still pooped and peed my diaper every 
time I needed to. School started without me again like the last two 
years before and I had to go to daycare with my now five year old 
brother Billy. That would be his last year of daycare. Then he would go 
to school.

As Billy was a big boy he was sent to the preschooler class where he 
learned how to write and read. I was still in the un-potty-trained 
toddler class. My life there consisted in naps, pacifiers, cribs, 
playpens and of course diapers. This class was for toddlers ready for 
potty training but after one week in the toddler class they decided to 
put me back to the baby class because I hold the class� record of wet 
and messy diapers at the age of eleven.

In the baby class were only real babies between six and eighteen months 
old. The only things I did there were sleeping in a crib, sucking my 
pacifier all the time and being fed in a highchair. The older babies 
were allowed to crawl and play a bit in the playpen with toddler toys 
but as I peed so much and caused so much work for the caretakers they 
didn�t allow me to play with the other babies. The sleeper I wore 
didn�t even allow me to stand up or even crawl and to keep me out of 
troubles I had to wear belts which where tied to my arms and around my 
back make it impossible for me to stretch my arms and grab anything to 
play with. I could just lie in the crib waiting or sleeping until I 
messed my diaper. Then I would cry through my pacifier making them know 
that I needed a change. They only changed my messy diapers, not my wet 
ones because if they had changed me every time I peed I would have used 
too many diapers because I peed every half an hour and messed every two 
hours. I just couldn�t stop it. I didn�t even feel a need to pee or 
poop, it just came out and I didn�t feel it until it was in my diaper.


When winter came I was still in diapers. I didn�t even try to be a big 
boy again. I was so used to my baby status. Christmas holidays started 
and my mother got an invitation to a family meeting on Christmas Eve 
from my Aunt Holly. Holly had a two year old son who was still not 
potty trained same as me.

On Christmas Eve mum changed my diaper and carried me to our car 
strapping me into the car seat. After a forty minutes drive we arrived 
at Aunt Holly�s house. We got inside and everyone was so happy to see 
each other again. Almost the entire family was there. My grandparents, 
my uncles and aunts and cousins. Aunt Holly was very surprised when she 
saw me dressed in a playsuit and a diaper sucking a pacifier but after 
a short explanation of mum she agreed that I should be treated just 
like a baby and was put into the playpen to my little cousin who was 
playing with toddler toys. I couldn�t because of my sleeper and belts. 
I just lay in the playpen sucking my pacifier but when I heard my 
cousin giggling I wanted to play too and started to cry loudly. I spit 
out my pacifier and struggled a lot crying uncontrollably. Mum just 
took me on her arms, put my pacifier back into my mouth and held it 
until I quieted down and started to suck it. She told me that I wasn�t 
allowed to play with toddler toys because I wet so much and was just a 
baby, not even a toddler like my cousin.

Mum put me into the highchair next to my cousin and Holly and mum fed 
us the same oatmeal but my cousin was allowed to hold his own baby 

After dinner we where allowed to open our presents. I got a new 
pacifier, a sleeper and a rocking horse but I wasn�t allowed to try it 
because my mom told me that I had to go to bed and carried me upstairs 
and put me into my cousin�s crib. I had to sleep at eight o� clock on 
Christmas Eve while my two years old cousin was allowed to play in his 

The next morning I woke up on my cousin�s changing table mum changing 
my messy diaper. Holly was checking my cousin�s diaper on a changing 
mat on the floor and found him dry. She was so proud of her son that 
she gave him a pull up for the day. My mum just said what a baby I was 
and that I should admire my cousin for staying dry at the age of two. I 
was eleven and was as messy as a newborn with no control over my potty 

My life continued like this and I never managed staying dry. At the age 
of fifteen I was still in diapers acting like a baby. I couldn�t do 
anything about it. I�ve been a baby for more than my half life. I 
haven�t grown much due to my baby diet and still fit in all the baby 
things. But I didn�t mind. I liked my baby life. It was so natural for 
me that I didn�t want anything else. I loved my crib, needed my 
pacifier because without it I would feel so insecure I would start to 
cry. I haven�t walked or even crawled since four years now and wasn�t 
sure if I was able to do it. I totally stopped talking, why should I? 
If I needed anything I just would start to cry and would get it. I 
loved messy diapers because it felt so good wearing a wet and messy 
diaper. I hope my life will always be like this.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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