Summary: A bully gets turned into a good baby.


	My name is Donny I am nine-years-old going to daycare class 
TODDLER 1 for diapered toddlers. All my class mates are less than 2 and 
a half-years-old. I lost all my big boy rights last month when I was 
bullying all the other kids in my old daycare class Pre-Teen 1 ages 6 
to 9. I am small for my age but I was still a bully. Nobody told me 
what to do. I did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. I took 
toys from others. I pushed them around I was not a scared of anything 
or any one.
	For a small nine-year-old I would even fight eleven-year-olds in 
the older kid’s class and they were scared of me. I started to tease 
seven-year-old Sam because he had a pants-wetting problem, wetting his 
pants about once a week. I teased Jimmy because he liked to play with 
baby toys and he was six-years-old. I had to prove to every one I was 
older and smarter and bigger than they were. The caretakers would tell 
me to stop or they would punish me. That did not scare me. They could 
not punish me that much; I would not let them. One day I held Sam so he 
could not run to the potty just to see if he would wet his pants and 
get put into baby training pants. The daycare had strict rules about 
wetting your pants.
	When the caretakers found out what I had done they put me in a 
time-out chair that I had to stay in because the seatbelt release was 
in back of the chair and I could not reach it. I did not mind that 
punishment because it was just sitting there for an hour for my first 
time-out punishment. I got to see Sam wear training pants just like a 
baby for the next three days. After I was released I got a chance to 
cause Sam to wet his training pants and see him put into baby diapers 
and sent to the toddler class because that was the rule of the daycare.
	The next day we were going to go on a field trip. Since I was 
small when we went on a field trip I had to ride in a car seat. I hated 
doing that. I was a big boy, not a baby. During our mid-morning snack 
before we left for the zoo they made sure the other kids had little to 
drink and I had extra to drink. Every one was told to go potty except 
me I was a big boy and did not need to be told to go potty. We were all 
loaded into the van where all the small kids were strapped into their 
child seats. I was the last to get strapped in and the only seat left 
was the baby style one that had the release behind the set so I had to 
wait for some one to get out.
	We were halfway to the zoo when I told them I need to use the 
potty. I was told I was a big boy and I needed to hold like a big boy. 
I tried to hold it but when we were just about there pee started to 
seep its way into my pants. By the time the van was parked I had very 
wet pants on. I could not hide my wets pants and every one said what a 
baby I was. I kicked and cried as they released me. Then they grabbed 
me pulled my pants off replaced them with my new baby training pants. I 
ripped them off then they spanked my bare bottom for a long time. I was 
in pain as they put another pair of training pants on me these were 
very thick all-in-one cloth with a plastic pants outside. I could not 
tear these off like the disposable ones. They strapped me in a stroller 
leaving me with no choice but to wear the training pants. At lease I am 
riding in the stroller and it is hard for people to see my baby 
clothes. Within and hour I told them I needed to use the potty. We were 
in the fish place and the potty was a long ways away. I could not hold 
it any longer and wet my training pants just like Sam did yesterday 
They diapered me in the diaper-changing room next to the potty place. I 
could not stop them because no matter how much I struggled they were 
	Once back in the stroller I decided if they put me in diaper I 
would use the diaper as much as I could so they would run out of the 
and get my underpants back. It was a warm day and if I caused them more 
trouble they would stop this treatment. I told them I was thirsty so 
they handed me a bottle of Cool-Aid that I could not remove the nipple, 
so I had to drink it by sucking it.
	I wet four more diapers so they changed me each time. No matter 
what I did they had an answer that I did not like. On they way back to 
the daycare I decide to poop. That would make them give my pants back. 
But when we got back to the daycare I was led to the baby room where 
they changed my diaper on the changing table and put a shirt that had 
short legs and zipped up the back. They put me down and told me to go 
play with the other babies. I told them I was not a baby and I would 
not wear these baby clothes. I tried to get the clothes off but after 
about an hour later I got tired and started to play.
	By the time mom came to pick me up I was wet again. I knew mom 
would not want to keep me in diapers. I was wrong and soon found out 
when I got home and found my baby furniture was brought down from the 
attic and all my big-boy things were gone. Mom changed my diaper on my 
old changing table as I started to cry and whimper. I told mom I would 
run away if I did not get my clothes back. Mom told me if I wanted to 
run away to go now. She dressed me in a Pooh Bear T-shirt and snap 
crotched cover-all. My thick diaper puffed out so every one that saw me 
would know that I was wearing diapers.
	I started to cry and mom put my pacifier in my mouth and told me 
to keep it there for fifteen minutes for crying like a baby. I spit it 
out so she put me over her knee and started to spank me and it hurt 
really badly, because the spankings earlier in the day made my bottom 
so sore even through thick diapers it hurt. Within five spanks I was 
crying hard saying, “okay, I want my binkie!” She spanked me five more 
times. She put my pacifier in my mouth and I started so suck it just 
like a baby as I whimpered.
	Mom carried me to the kitchen put me in my highchair then slid 
the tray in place. She tied a bib around my neck. As I sat there I 
sucked my pacifier as she fixed my food. A half hour later she pulled 
my pacifier from my mouth and tried to feed me baby food but I would 
not open my mouth until she asked me if I wanted another spanking. I 
opened my mouth and started to eat baby food as she spoon-fed me. 
Sometimes she would put another spoonful to my mouth to fast and the 
food would fall on my chin and bib. When she finished feeding me she 
handed me my bottle and asked if I wanted her to hold it or if I could 
hold it my self. I grabbed it and started to suck it eagerly.
	As I drank my bottle I felt the need to pee so I peed so she 
would have to change me, I though the more diapers I use the quicker I 
could get my big boy stuff back. After my diaper change mom put me in 
my playpen with my old baby toys. As a baby I would climb out of my 
playpen so mom and dad stacked two playpens on top of each other making 
it impossible for me to climb out of. The top one was hinged to the 
bottom one and had a latch that could only be released from the 
outside. I had to stay in the playpen until mom let me out so I played 
with my baby toys sucking my pacifier.
	Bedtime came at 8:00PM. Mom took me out of my playpen changed my 
wet diaper and dressed me in a cotton footed sleeper that zipped up the 
back. She put me in my crib and put a bedtime bottle to my lips and I 
began to suck. I tried to think of a way out of my situation but fell 
asleep just at the bottle went dry. The next morning I woke up with mom 
changing my wet diaper she only had to unsnap my crotch snaps and 
changed my diaper. When she lifted me out of my crib I realized I was 
sucking my pacifier. I was carried in to the kitchen and again was fed 
in my highchair. This time I needed to poop half way through my 
breakfast I thought this would get my pants back. It was so easy to 
poop this time it went into my diaper without even trying to push it 
out. The poop was followed by a flood of pee.
	After my breakfast mom carried me to my playpen handed me my 
bottle and told me to finish this and she would change my diaper. As I 
sucked my bottle mom left the room, I tried to take the nipple off but 
could not so I drank my bottle dry. Just as I finished mom came to 
change my diaper. She picked me up carried me to the bathroom. I though 
good she is going to let me sit on the potty. But she lay me down on a 
mat removed my sleeper, plastic pants, and diapers. She wiped my bottom 
clean of poop then she put me in the bathtub and started to bathe me 
like a baby. I started to cry and in went my pacifier I started to suck 
on it and quieted down. After my bath I was dressed in thick cloth 
diapers and plastic pants followed by a T-shirt that snapped in the 
crotch and snap crotch over-alls.
	Mom carried me to the car and I was on my way to daycare before I 
could object to my new clothing. When I arrived at daycare I was taken 
to the toddler 1 room with toddler not potty trained. Dressed the way I 
was I did not want to leave the room and was happy to stay playing with 
the other toddlers. They did not even say a word about my diapers they 
thought I was one of them. The caretakers removed my cover-alls and t-
shirt leaving me dressed in just diapers and plastic pants just like 
all the others.
	I wanted to hide but there was no place to hide so I crawled 
instead of walking that way I could not be seen from outside the room. 
I felt the need to pee so I peed and continued to play just like 
nothing happened. Ten minutes later the caretakers started to check 
diapers. Only one other kid out of thirteen had wet his diaper. I 
watched as his diaper was changed on the changing table in the back of 
the room. They checked my diaper last and I was carried back to the 
table and my diaper was changed in just three minutes. But I looked out 
the window next to the table and saw Sam watching me get my diaper 
changed. I started to cry and in went my pacifier and I started to suck 
it. I have been seen now I don’t want to ever go back to my old daycare 
class and be teased.
	I was taken out to the toddlers’ play yard where all my old 
classmates saw me wearing just diapers and plastic pants just like all 
the other toddlers. They all laughed and pointed as the caretakers ran 
them off. I would never go back to that class I will use my diapers 
like a baby forever. I turned in to a good baby and did what ever they 
wanted me to do. Except use the potty I want to stay in diapers. They 
told me I was the best baby they ever had as I played nice with the 
others. Teaching them their ABC’s and 1,2,3’s. Instead of being a bully 
I have turned into a caring helpful little diaper boy. I even helped 
potty train my classmates but I did not want to go back to my old class 
so I used my diapers like a baby so I could stay in my toddler class. 
Even though I had to use all the other baby things crib, highchair, 
bottles, pacifiers, strollers, and toys I did not want to go back to my 
old class. I am now a baby forever.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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