Title: Donny Goes to College
Name: Donny
Email: abdonny@gmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 57
Posting Date: 06/14/09, Updated 11/08/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babystters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt5- Spanking
O- Uncle6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: High school grad gets punished by his aunt for wetting the bed.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 10 (50%)

I graduated from high school. I am twenty years old. I graduated at the 
age of nineteen, starting kindergarten at the age of six because I was 
not potty trained until I was five and a half. I was a smart kid. I 
just was not interested in potty training playing was much more 
important to me. I spent just a week in kindergarten getting teased 
about wearing Pull-ups and using them like I did at home. The school 
told mom I was too much of a distraction and would not be allowed to 
come back until I was potty trained.

Mom sent me to a nursery school. That is what they called daycare where 
I come from. Since I was not potty trained I had to be in the baby 
class next to the three- and four-year-old class. The two classes 
shared rooms except where we ate and slept. My room had highchairs and 
cribs. The three-year-old class had cots short legged canvas bed in the 
US not a cot crib in the UK.

The three-year-old kids teased me constantly, singing �potty baby 
Donny�. They never stopped. They would not play with a diaper boy baby. 
The two-year-old diaper boys were being potty trained and they stopped 
playing with me. If I wanted to have fun I had to start using the potty 
so they would play with me. I was five, almost six-year-old in nursery 
school finally going to potty training with the two-year-olds.

Just before my sixth birthday I graduated potty training class at 
nursery school with a big party. I still had to be reminded all the 
time to go potty. I still had many accidents through school until I was 
in the fourth grade because of my small bladder. I wet the bed every 
night until I was sixteen. My dad was a salesman for a beer factory. my 
mom was the disciplinarian, very quick to use the paddle. My dad was 
just five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds. My mom was five 
feet six inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. her spanking hurt worst 
than my dad�s. Dad�s spanks barely made me cry but they still made me 
cry after about ten spanks. Mom�s spanks made me cry after just four 

School was okay with me. After I got to the seventh grade I had moved 
to a new town and they did not know about my potty training history. I 
learned everything they put in front of me. I made very few friends, 
usually younger kids because of my immaturity and the love of toys. I 
wanted to fit in better with my classmates when I was twelve years old. 
I tried to sneak out of the house to join some kids from my class, 
maybe make more friends. They were going to run the neighborhood and do 
some things, I don�t know what, since I have never been out with them. 
Mom caught me just as I opened the backdoor I was dressed in dark 
clothes like my friends told me to do.

Mom grabbed me asked me where I was going. I said, �Out with some 
friends.� She told me I knew the rules about doing things like that. I 
said I was big enough to take care of myself and I didn�t need those 
rules now that I was a big boy.

She told me to take off those dark clothes right now or else. I knew I 
was in trouble so removed my black shoes, black T-shirt and dark blue 
sweat pants. I was standing in the kitchen in just my underwear and 
black socks. Mom quickly pulled down my underwear put me over her knee 
and started to spank my bare bottom. I told her she can�t make me cry I 
was twelve years old I DON�T CRY I am a big boy. By the tenth spank 
tears came to my eyes by the twentieth I was crying like a three-year-
old. Thirty spanks mom stood me up in front of her pulled up my 
underwear and sent me to bed.

The next morning after breakfast dad had me stand in front of him 
telling me he heard what I was doing last night. He pulled down my 
pajamas and underwear all at the same time. Put me over his knee and 
gave me his spanking. I was still quite sore from mom�s spanking I 
started to cry after two spanks. Thirty spanks from my dad I could not 
control my cries. Dad told me to stand in the corner until I can stop 
crying. I waddled over to the corner with my pants still at my ankles. 
It took me ten minutes to get under control again still burning on my 
bottom. My parents told me if I ever break the rules again like that my 
punishment will be worse.

The rest of that day I could not sit down because off my bottom burned 
so much. I was glad it was Saturday and I had no school. If wanted to 
be off my feet I could lay on my stomach or side not on my burning 
bottom. It was Monday before I could sit down even then it was very 
tender. It was almost a week when I was pain free. I stayed in line 
from then on never thinking about doing anything that would cause my 
parents to spank me again.

I graduated in the upper ten percent of my class. I won a small 
scholarship from a college five hundred miles away from home in my 
aunt�s town. Aunt Betty agreed to room me only if I followed her rules: 
no drinking, smoking, or girls in her house. She was married to an 
over-the-road truck driver. My uncle Dave was huge man, almost seven 
feet tall and big. My aunt was an ex-woman�s Marine Drill Instructor. I 
would have to follow her rules just like I was one of her boys.

My uncle would not be around very much since he was an over-the-road 
truck driver. My uncle owned the small farm where my aunt lived. My 
uncle would be at home for only three or four days a month and four to 
five weeks in the spring and late fall for farm work. I remember him as 
being a giant of a man when I saw him two years ago. He was six feet 
eight inches and very strong looking. I am just five feet six inches 
and weighed 96 pounds.

My cousin�s were thirteen and fifteen years old so I figured it would 
be okay since most of the time I would be either studying or going to 
class. I figured they were just little kids that played a lot like I 
did. College would be starting in two and a half months that would give 
me plenty of time to get settled in and make College friends in town.

My aunt lived five miles outside of town that was where the problem 
came in I had no car. Plus my aunt would give me chores to do around 
the house to pay my way. They had horses and cattle to care for since I 
was a city kid I would have to learn how to work around the animals. I 
wanted to learn to ride a horse, too.

The first day I arrived to find my cousins were not just little kids 
Ronny was five feet nine inches tall and weight 160 pounds. Jimmy was 
my height except he weighed 120 pounds. I looked like their little 
brother standing beside them. It was late in the evening when I arrived 
so we did not get much time to get to know each other. I was shown to 
my room and told it was time for bed it was only 9:00 but I was so 
tired and slightly dehydrated from my journey. All I wanted was to go 
to sleep.

It was 6:30 in the morning my aunt woke me up telling me it was 
breakfast time. It was a good thing she woke me because I really needed 
to pee. I jumped out of bed went straight to the bathroom next to my 
bedroom to let out my full bladder. Being a former bedwetter, that was 
a close call. My potty visit took less than ten seconds. I let out all 
eight ounces, almost my max holding capability.

I washed my hands and went to the kitchen and sat in the seat I was 
shown. I started to eat large helpings of eat eggs, bacon, toast and 
juice. I always loved breakfast. Aunt Betty assigned me to do 
housecleaning, sweeping the floor, doing the dishes and the laundry for 
the first week. My cousins did outside work-- grass cutting, weeding 
the flower beds and window cleaning. They would be digging fence 
postholes for a new fence and feeding and caring for the animals. Aunt 
Betty told me next week I would be doing the outside with either Ronny 
or Jimmy; one of them would do the inside work while I go outside and 
help the other one. We would be trading off every week until each one 
had his turn at a job.

Aunt Betty told me every morning at breakfast I would be told what to 
clean. When it was done I was free to do what I wanted to do the rest 
of the day. Aunt Betty told me today I was to clean the upstairs 
windows, sweep the floors and pick up the laundry first.

I went upstairs to the far end of the hall to start my assignment. The 
air-conditioning was not on yet. My aunt wanted to save money. It was 
already getting hot up there. I opened the heavy door to see a nursery 
with a huge crib, highchair, changing table and stacks of cloth diapers 
and plastic pants. I was shocked. Who slept in this room, I wondered.

I walked over to the crib to see it better. Maybe I could tell who 
sleeps here. I looked at the tall railed sides. They were taller than 
me with the mattress at my waist. If I was inside it, standing the high 
railed side would be at my nose or chin. I didn�t want to think of 
being in there. The ceilings in my aunt�s house were extra high. There 
was plenty of distance from the top of the rail to the ceiling to climb 
over but it would be about an eight foot drop from the top of the rail 
to the floor.

I started looking at the other things in the room. I walked over to a 
large rocking horse that did look fun. I sort of wanted to try it. It 
was white with a real saddle, flat sides, big handles to hold to and a 
soft mane and tail. It looked like a big cutout of a horse with 
rockers. It was at least seven feet long and five feet tall. I was just 
about to climb on the horse when my aunt walked up behind me, scaring 
me. She told me this is the punishment room for bad boys in her house 
when they misbehave. I asked what she meant by that. She said, �If you 
do something against the rules you have an assigned amount of time you 
must spend in here and be treated just like a two-year-old.�

I asked Aunt Betty what rules would you have to break to get put in 
here. She said, �If you talk back to me or refuse to do what I tell you 
to do you will spend two days punishment in here. If you break the room 
rules while in this room you can have more time added to your stay. 
This room helps me keep bad boys in line.�

After Ronny and Jimmy spent their time in here being treated like a 
baby they were glad to be big boys again even if they have to do house 
work like a girl.

�They have only been in here a few times in the last three years. Now 
they are good boys. They always do what I tell them. They know what is 
good for them as long as the possibility of spending time in here again 

She said the last time she used it was over a year ago. She said she 
keeps it cleaned and ready for any bad boy that comes along. NO boys 
are allowed in it except if they are asked to come in or they are being 

�If you are caught in here you must want to be a baby so I well keep 
you in here for two days. You did not know the rule so it is time for 
you to leave.�

She told me to go clean the rest of the bedrooms. I left the spooky 
room smelling the air as I left. The room�s smell was a wonderful 
inviting smell of baby powder I always loved the smell of baby powder. 
It made me think back to when I was five years old at nursery school 
without a care in the world. I wanted to ride that horse but I did not 
want to be diapered by my aunt.

I went on to clean the rest of the house, taking out the trash, 
sweeping and doing the breakfast dishes. It was lunchtime. Ronny and 
Jimmy came in with sweat, dirt and grass stain on their clothes. We 
talked about doing some things after we finished our work but they said 
they were going to ride their bicycles to town. I asked if they had an 
extra bicycle for me to use they said yes, but it has a flat tire.

We finished eating. They went back outside to finish their work. I 
washed the dishes and took out the last of the trash. My aunt told me 
to clean the bathrooms and start the second load of laundry and put the 
first load in the dryer. By the time I finished all my assignments it 
was dinnertime. I did the dishes after we ate and Aunt Betty told me I 
was done for the day after I fold the clothes from the dryer. It was 
7:30. That gave me four and a half hours to do what I wanted since my 
bed time was midnight. I figured my bedtime would be the same as it was 
at home.

Ronny and Jimmy left for town on their bikes knowing they had to be 
back in just one hour. I went to my room and started to play my Wii. At 
8:30 I heard my cousin come in the backdoor and go to their own rooms. 
I watched as Ronny went to the bathroom across the hall to take a 
shower. When he exited he was dressed in light blue pajamas. Then Jimmy 
did the same thing. By 8:50 I saw my aunt go into each of their rooms 
turning out the lights and closing their doors. They were tucked in bed 
for the night at 9:00, just like little boys. I thought, boy, they�re 
kind of old to get tucked in bed this early in summer; only little 
babies go to bed this early. When I was that old mom said I was allowed 
to stay up until 11:00.

My aunt walked to my open door told me it was 9:00, time for bed. I had 
just finished a can of Coke a Cola playing Warcraft III. Aunt Betty 
told me it was my bed time. I told her my bed time at home is not until 
midnight. My aunt said, �NOT IN MY HOUSE!� She told me if I break the 
rules I would get punished. I remembered the punishment room I did not 
want to go there; that scared me. I jumped up turned off the game, 
moved quickly to take my shower and get ready for bed. I slept in just 
my underwear, not little boy pajamas like my cousins. I was not a 
little boy that needed pajamas. I was in my bed by 9:15 and fell asleep 
by 9:30, the earliest I have been in bed since I was nine in the fifth 

I woke up the early the next morning to a weird feeling, sort of cold 
and clammy. I remembered what that feeling was after a few seconds. I 
panicked when realized I had returned to bedwetting for the first time 
in three years. I was about to get up and try to hide my deed when my 
aunt walked into my room. It was 6:30. She was going to tell me it was 
time to wake up. I was frozen in bed, holding onto the sheet that was 
hiding my infantile act. Aunt Betty said, �We start the day early in 
the country so let�s get up.�

She was on her way out of my room when she turned around to look at me. 
Then my aunt got this puzzled look on her face then sniffed the air. 
The look on her face scared me as she walked over to my bed. She looked 
down at me with a frown on her face.

My aunt grabbed my sheet as I held it tight. She warned me to let go of 
the sheet. I slowly let go of the sheet. She said, �I smell a wet bed. 
Let�s see if I am right.� She slowly pulled the sheet down to my feet, 
revealing what I had done.

There I was, lying with a big yellow stain around my bottom about two 
inches past my body. My underwear was wet and yellow. I was a bedwetter 
until I was almost seventeen and then I stopped. I felt like a small 
toddler caught doing something he knew was wrong.

My aunt knew of my problem from my mom�s reports as I grew up. My aunt 
said looks like we have a problem here. I tried to explain it was just 
a wet bed, an accident, �I can clean it up.� My aunt said that was 
okay, she would fix the problem. �Toddlers don�t need to explain their 
accidents; they are just accidents, they happen.� I felt some relief 
when she told me it was okay, but the word �toddler� bothered me.

My aunt had me by my ear, quickly pulling me out of my wet bed as I 
tried to explain. I was led by my ear to the bathroom where my wet 
underwear was pulled off. Aunt Betty started the bathwater running. I 
tried to get out of the bathroom but my aunt had my wrist squeezing. I 
found myself bent over her knee getting a bare bottom spanking. The 
first spank just stung a little five seconds later the second spank hit 
then every five seconds another spank after the tenth it hurt real bad 
by the last of twenty spanks I was crying like a little toddler with 
tears just rolling down my face. I was a twenty-year-old crying like a 

I remembered the spankings my parents gave me when I was twelve. I knew 
then that she was a strong lady and she would be in charge. She told me 
she was a Marine DI for the woman�s Marines ten years ago. She knows 
how to handle trouble like this. I was in trouble because I could not 
get away with anything now I had to do what she wanted me to do.

Aunt Betty lifted me into the tub and told me to sit. I sat down with 
bubbles up to my chest. She started to wash my hair first, then the 
rest of my body. I was told to stand while she shaved all my private 
hair away, telling me this would make cleanups easier. I had no idea 
what she meant about cleanups. I was rinsed me off while the bathtub 
was drained. She dried me off with a fluffy towel while I looked at 
myself in the mirror. I looked like I did when I was ten years old, no 
hair down there; it felt so weird.

I was led naked to the room with the big crib. I panicked and stopped 
walking. My aunt just picked me up like I was nothing and carried me to 
the crib room. She put on the big changing table with a strap was 
placed across my chest holding me down. I tried to release the strap 
while my aunt was busy folding a cloth diaper getting it ready to be 
pinned on me. I was squirming trying to get away saying, �No, no way. I 
don�t want to.� I could do nothing but watch her fold the diaper. The 
strap across my chest had me down securely. I watched her fold a second 
diaper, this one a little larger. She put the smaller diaper inside the 
larger, one making a very thick pad.

My legs were easily lifted into the air with one hand and the two 
folded pads placed under my bottom. I could feel the thick cloth under 
me, bringing back memories of when I was five in nursery school. The 
front of the diaper was pulled slowly and snuggly up between my legs 
and pinned on both sides. The diaper was so big both sides touched each 
other at my bellybutton. The thickness was almost over whelming 
spreading my legs far apart. Then she pulled out the plastic pants 
puffed them out so I could get a good look at them. They were light 
blue. She put one leg hole over my left foot then the right foot. She 
pulled the plastic garment up to my thick diaper.

She easily lifted my legs to pull the pants all the way on cover my 
thick diapers. They were almost too big. The leg and waist openings had 
gaps and would not protect very much if I soaked my diaper. My aunt 
made sure to tuck every bit of diaper inside of the plastic pants. Each 
leg was checked and my waist. She told me I was very small and these 
plastic pants were for Jimmy she will have to get the child sized ones 
if she is going to keep me from leaking all over the place.

She released the strap on the table so she could pull a playsuit over 
my legs to cover my puffy plastic pants. The thick diapers and plastic 
pants ballooned out giving me the look of an oversized toddler with his 
knees spread apart. You could see my plastic pants sticking out around 
the bottom of the playsuit.

I was put in the highchair with the belt fastened. The tray was put in 
place. Then a big bib went around my neck. My aunt told me my 
punishment for bedwetting is two weeks in this room with baby status, 
not toddler status.

She told me only little babies wet the bed, and since I wet the bed I 
must be a little baby. She said if I am a good little baby it will be 
an easy two weeks. �All you have to do while you are in here is eat, 
sleep, and play and follow the rules. Everything thing else will be 
done for you since you are not potty trained. You proved that you are 
not potty trained when you wet your bed like a baby. We will have to 
potty train you again from the start.�

I tried to argue that I was potty trained it was just an accident. She 
told me the most important baby rule of this room is first: NO TALKING. 
Breaking the rules means more time to spend in there. I stopped talking 
when I heard that she told me to look at the list on the closed door 
for all the baby status rules. I have to follow the baby rules, not the 
toddler status rules:


1.No talking.
Violation of this is one day for every word.

2. No walking without being led by the hand.
Violation of this is one week more.

3. No TV or video games.
Violation of this is on month more.

4. Stay where you are put to play.
Violation of this is one month more.

5. Keep your baby clothes on.
Violation of this is one month more.

Use diapers only no potty use violation of this is 1 year more.

7.Do what I tell you to do.
Violation of this is 1 year more.


1. No TV or video games.

2. Keep your toddler clothes on only a big person can dress or undress 

3. Toddlers must be able to hold their pee until someone has time to 
take you there.

4. Toddler must be able to hold their poop until they are taken to the 

5. Potty accidents are not allowed you will be returned to diapers for 
the rest of the day.

6. Bed wetting toddlers must have three weeks of dry beds to get out of 
night diapers.

7. Toddlers sleep in their crib until you are dry for on year.

8. Bedwetting toddlers must wear daytime plastic training pants.

8. Toddlers must eat in a highchair until you are wearing regular big 
boy underwear.

9. Toddlers drink from only a baby bottle until you pass the toddler 
potty test.

10. If you cry or whimper or whine you need a pacifier pinned to your 
shirt sleeve.

11. Breaking any of these toddler rules is one more month of toddler 

Toddler Test

1. Toddlers must hold your bathroom needs until you are taken to the 

2. NO ACCIDENTS allowed.

3. Holding time is usually two and a half hours.

2. NO BED WETTING for three months.

3. Follow all request from big people �anyone potty trained�.

4. Loss of training pants for the rest of the day for the first 
accident, back to diapers.

5. Three accident days in a row means back to diapers no need for potty 

I started to whimper as a large pacifier went into my mouth, being held 
there until I started to suck it, giving me something to do. My aunt 
left me sitting in the highchair. She called Ronny to come in the room 
to see the new baby. He walked over to me with a smile on his face. He 
asked me what I did to get punished. I was too ashamed to tell him I 
wet my bed, plus I did not want to violate rule one as tears went 
rolling down my cheeks. He said he knows how it is. He had to spend 
three months in here last summer. Ronny told me it would be easier if I 
just did like she told me.

Aunt Betty came into the room saying, �See our new baby boy, Ronny? He 
is not potty trained. He wet his bed last night just like a little 
baby.� Ronny smiled and said, �Yes, mommy, little boys that wet the bed 
are just babies.�

Jimmy came to the doorway to see what was going on. He watched his mom 
feeding me my oatmeal sitting in the highchair. He was asked to come 
into the room to see the new baby. I ate as fast as Aunt Betty was 
feeding me trying to be neat about eating but some fell on to my bib 
and face and tray. I looked like a two tear old when I finished my 
breakfast oatmeal. I had oatmeal all over my face, bib and tray. My 
aunt took a picture of me telling me she was sending it to my mom 
telling her what a baby her little boy is still wetting his bed at his 

Ronny handed me the big baby bottle just like Aunt Betty him to do. She 
told me to drink it now or I will violate rule 7. I slowly started 
sucking within minutes I was happily sucking like a baby should. It 
took ten minutes to finish the 12 ounces but now I need to pee badly. I 
started to squirm. Aunt Betty said, �Looks like baby needs to go potty, 
he better learn to use his diaper or he will hurting all the time.� She 
was right, it was hurting I was holding as hard as I could I was not 
going to pee in my pants. I WAS A BIG BOY.

Aunt Betty picked me up out of the highchair and put me in the corner 
playpen with all kinds of toddler toys to occupy me. Everyone left the 
room with Aunt Betty telling me to remember rule number four; breaking 
that rule is one month more. I sat in the playpen looking at the rule 
list with the padded plastic mat under my tender bottom. I want to get 
out of the playpen, but most important is I need to pee. I was not 
interested in the infant toys. I wanted my freedom.

Then all the sudden a sharp pain hit me as a small squirt of pee went 
into my diaper. I stopped peeing still holding as hard as I could. I 
had been holding it for so long the pain was so bad I need to go. I did 
not want to release my pee so I kept holding it back. More pain hit me 
I decided to try to let go just a little. I had been holding back for 
so long it was hard to let go it hurt even to try.

Then all the sudden I was able to start peeing very slowly at first. 
All the sudden I start wetting myself with no control I could not stop 
it. No matter how hard I tried. All the years of being potty trained 
was gone reducing me to an infantile act of uncontrolled diaper 
wetting. The flood that followed lasted only about ten seconds. The 
thick diaper was now only damp in the front I barely even felt wet. The 
loose fitting plastic pants held this time.

Wetting the diaper was not as bad as I thought it would be the diaper 
felt sort of warm and good. I felt good about being freed of the pain 
of holding back. Wetting my diaper brought back memories of when I was 
five-years-old not being interested potty training.

I knew I was not going to climb out of the playpen and get more 
punishment so started to play with the wood blocks trucks and cars just 
to pass the time. I was playing like I was five years old again back in 
nursery school. I sucked my pacifier really getting into my play 
forgetting where I was and how old I was. I was having so much fun 
passing my time playing like a toddler should.

A short time went by with no clocks. I had no idea what time it was. I 
realized my next job would take me to the highest level of babyhood 
much more than wetting my diaper. Every since I can remember I have 
needed to poop soon after breakfast, about an hour or so. Sometimes I 
need to poop during breakfast making me get up from the table and run 
to the potty. It has been about an hour since everyone left me here to 
play so it is my potty time.

I need to poop real badly. More tears rolled down my face as I had to 
sit in the playpen needing to poop. I tried to stop the poop from 
slipping out I tried and tried but poop filled my already wet diaper 
followed by another flood of pee. I had to let it happen. I was not 
allowed to talk. How could I get Aunt Betty�s attention? If I hold my 
need to long it just hurts more with the same result, a wet diaper.

Filling my diaper with soft poop brought back more memories of when I 
was a five-year-old. The same feeling that I was getting away with 
something. It was my new job to use my diaper. I felt like I could do 
nothing to stop pooping my diaper. I was not allowed to get out of this 

I remember when I was five in nursery school doing the same thing. Now 
I was sitting in my new playpen thinking about getting out. The sides 
were only four feet tall then I remembered the spanking I received this 
morning, how badly it hurt. I remembered when I was five I tried to get 
out of that playpen at nursery school. I got caught and received a good 
spanking then so decided I did not want a repeat performance. Besides 
the rule for not staying where I am put is ONE YEAR MORE.

I need my diaper changed now but I was not allowed to talk. How could I 
get Aunt Betty to help me? Soon my diaper started to burn and hurt 
more. More time went by and my diaper burn so badly. I started to 
whimper sucking my pacifier soon could not stop whimpering like a baby. 
Every time I moved I could feel soft poop smash between my legs into my 
crotch. The poop felt sort of good smashing around but it stung, too. I 
did not want to talk and get more time in this room but what could I 

My wet, messy diaper started hurting and burning so badly I started to 
cry just like a little baby quietly at first then. All the sudden I was 
crying out of control as loudly as I could, screaming at the top of my 
lungs. My aunt came running in the room to see me sitting in the middle 
of the playpen tears rolling down my face with my arms held up like a 
toddler does when he needs his mommy. My diaper had leaked all over the 
plastic pad in the playpen. My aunt picked me up with ease, cradled my 
burning bottom. She said, �Looks like someone needs his messy diaper 
changed already.�

She said that I messed my first diaper in record time. My cousins took 
almost two days before they messed their first one. I found myself on 
the changing table getting a much-needed diaper change, sucking so hard 
on my pacifier. I felt so good getting the messy garment off. I felt as 
I was in heaven now. I was still crying and sucking my pacifier as my 
aunt cleaned my bottom. The baby wipes felt so cool and soothing then 
the diaper rash cream went on followed by baby powder. I even smelled 
good now and giggled as my fresh thick diaper was pinned on. My 
pacifier was put back into my mouth and I was now quietly sucking away 
at it feeling like I floating in a cloud as Aunt Betty put me in my 

Aunt Betty said it was lunch time now. I was placed into the waiting 
highchair strapped in with the tray in front of me. I was now in a 
dream world feeling so good from my diaper change. I was a happy little 
toddler as I was fed my three jars of baby food. I was so eager to 
please her now. I would do anything with my good-feeling diaper. My 
face and bib was just as messy as my breakfast one was. I drank my 
bottle while my aunt cleaned my face off and removed the bib.

I was told it was my naptime now. She carried me to the crib, put me 
into it, raised the side and said, �take your nap like a good little 
baby.� She turned out the lights on the windowless room, leaving a 
small night light illuminating the room. I could see the bars of the 
crib and the toys in the background but not much more. I sucked the 
bottle as I relaxed into dreamland, taking my first nap since I was a 
two-year-old. The room smelled so good and it was so quiet and dark.

Next thing I remember was my aunt changing my wet nap diaper I must 
have wet in my sleep again because I don�t remember being awake while I 
wet. I hope my aunt don�t find out I really did wet in my sleep or I 
might have to spend more time in the room. Aunt Betty finished changing 
my diaper, removed me from the crib to let me go play with anything I 
could find in the house if I was good.

I was free. I really did not want to leave the safety of this room but 
I was bored. I crawled around the house knowing I was not allowed to 
walk or talk. I started finding toddler toys in just about every room. 
Then I found an open door that led to the third floor. I crawled up the 
stairs to the third floor. It was one big room with two cribs two 
highchairs and two rocking horses just like the big one in the first 
nursery they were so big I would have trouble getting on them. There 
were two huge tricycles big enough for me, too. This was great. I could 
have fun in here. I crawled to a rocking horse and got on after I 
figured out how to climb onto it.

I rocked and rocked it was so much fun I felt ashamed I was wearing 
diapers sucking a pacifier riding a rocking horse. But it was as much 
fun as I have had in a long time after about an hour. I climbed down 
and started to ride one of the tricycles they to were fun, too. My aunt 
came up to see me riding the big tricycle smiling from ear to ear. She 
told me it was diaper check time. She stuck her finger in the top of my 
diaper and said just as I thought you need another changed.

I was picked up and had my diaper changed on the changing table in the 
corner of the big room. Then she put me into a thing that supported my 
crotch holding my feet off the floor. I had to go on my toe tips to 
touch the floor. I could not get the wheeled thing to move very fast. 
Then my aunt put toys on the tray in front of me and went back down 
stairs. She knew I was safe in the walker because the stairs were to 
narrow for the walked to fit. She knew I could not get out by myself, 
either. I soon found I could bounce in the walker that made my feel 
sort of funny and good.

I played with the toys for a short time when my need to poop came to 
me. I let it out, making me feel sort of weird in my crotch. I played 
and bounced more I was bouncing sort of fast feeling so good in my 
crotch when all the sudden I was exhilarated with a feeling I have 
never had it hurt at first then felt so good. The feeling only lasted a 
few seconds then it was gone.

I continued to play with the toys having so much fun then my diaper 
started to burn. I knew what to do now so I started to cry loudly to 
get my aunts attention. It worked like before she came running to 
comforting me. She carried me to the table strapped me down un-pinned 
my diaper pulled down the front revealing how much poop and pee I did. 
She saw some other stuff in with the poop and pee. Aunt Betty said I 
have been a bad boy doing a big boy thing. She said if I do it again 
she will spank me every day for a week. She told me there is to be no 
big boy playing with myself. I asked what she meant.

She told me I must have played with my pee pee to get this white stuff 
in my diaper. She said it feels good but it is against her rules. She 
said if I bounce in that walker with a messy diaper that will cause 
this problem and earn me a spanking. She asked me if I understand. I 
said yes. She then told me five talking words is how many days. I held 
up five fingers with tears rolling down my face.

My diaper was changed and I was told to follow her to the kitchen. I 
crawled to the kitchen wearing diapers and puffy plastic pants. Ronny 
and Jimmy just smiled as Aunt Betty put me in the highchair. This time 
Jimmy fed me my three jars of food while I watched everyone else eat 
pork chops fried potatoes and peas. Just as I finished my last spoonful 
I felt the need to fart so I let it happen. Instead of a fart a small 
amount of poop slipped out without warning. I did not want to but more 
poop followed. I must have look like I did something because my aunt 
asked me what I did.

Jimmy sniffed the air saying Donny made a poopy in his diaper everyone 
giggled even my aunt. I was so ashamed that I could not even stop it 
from happening. Aunt Betty said, �Donny will have to prove he was ready 
to potty train before he gets training pants now. Remember, Jimmy, how 
long it took you-- was it six or seven months?� Ronny said it took 
almost a year for Jimmy to get training pants and two more months to 
get fully trained.

Aunt Betty said, �Look who is talking, Ronny. You took one month longer 
than it did Jimmy. That�s why we have the upstairs in that nursery is 
for two bad boys at a time.� Ronny started one month before Jimmy in 
the downstairs nursery when Jimmy would not stop teasing Ronny he wound 
up getting the same treatment. Aunt Betty said, �Enough of this talk or 
all three of you will be in the nursery at the same time. There is 
still room for all of you!�

I wondered why my cousins did not tease me for wearing and using 
diapers like a baby does. They never even looked funny at me sucking a 
pacifier or bottle as if it were normal for a twenty-year-old man to do 
these things. Aunt Betty told Ronny to take me and change my messy 
diaper. I started to kick and cry, saying no, no, no. Aunt Betty just 
said, �That is three more days, Donny. You are already looking at a 
month additional, do you want more?� I stopped talking and continued to 
cry as Ronny led me to the single-crib nursery.

He spread a changing mat on the floor and had me lay on it. Off went my 
plastic pants as Jimmy carried in a pail of warm, soapy water. They 
unpinned my diaper Jimmy held my legs in the air while Ronny pulled the 
messy diaper away and started to clean my messy bottom. When he had me 
cleaned he put a clean thin diaper under my bottom and Jimmy let me 
down. They quickly pulled the thin padding up between my legs and 
pinned it in place and before I knew what was happening a new pair of 
nursery print plastic pants was pulled in place.

I was told to stand so Jimmy and Ronny could make sure all my diaper 
cloth was inside my plastic pants. Aunt Betty said, �Good job, boys. He 
is now your responsibility. Keep him fed and his diapers clean and dry. 
If you want you can even play with him, but remember the rules. If he 
breaks the rules you must tell me. If you don�t tell me you will be 
punished too.�

I knew I was in trouble. My cousins did not want the baby treatment, so 
if I broke the rules they would tell on me. That would assure me a 
longer stay in punishment. I just let them do what they wanted me to 
do. I did not want additional punishment. Soon they got tired of 
toddler play and left me alone. I crawled to the room I spent my first 
night here to see if I could find my big boy clothes. I could run away 
from this crazy place if I could get big boy clothes. I was able to get 
in the room because the door was already open.

I looked for my clothes but every drawer and the closet was empty. My 
aunt caught me looking in the room. She told me all the big boy clothes 
in the house have been locked up until I get out of diapers. There are 
plenty of toddler clothes and diapers for me to use if I want to go 
some place. She carried me to the nursery to dress me in toddler 
playsuit with Big Bird on the front. I looked like a real toddler 
except that I was five feet nine inches tall and weighed 95 pounds.

Aunt Betty said, �Let�s go to get an ice-cream,� carrying me to the 
car, sucking my pacifier like no tomorrow. I started to get upset, 
crying and kicking. Aunt Betty had me in a large toddler car seat in 
the middle of the back seat. She was strapping me in with Ronny and 
Jimmy helping. I was crying and sucking the pacifier. I did not want to 
go anywhere dressed like this.

We went into Wal-mart first so my aunt could buy diapers the fit me 
better until she could order new clothes and plastic pants from the 
Internet. I was riding in a big blue seat behind the grocery cart. My 
aunt read all the baby diaper bags then bought three bags of size 6 
Pamper Cruisers. They were real baby diapers I knew she was not going 
to use them on me they were for real babies. We checked out after she 
bought more baby supplies.

Fifteen minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot of the ice 
cream stand. She told me I was going to sit outside at the picnic table 
and wait on them to get my ice cream for me. I sat at the table sucking 
my pacifier as some little kids said look mommy a big baby. I was so 
upset I did not even know I was wetting my diaper. When Aunt Betty 
returned she put a bib around my neck and handed me my ice-cream cone. 
It was chocolate my favorite flavor. I ate it a quickly as I could but 
I still melted allover my face bib and the table around me. I looked 
like a real toddler, only bigger.

My bib was removed and I was carried back to my car seat and strapped 
in for a ride to Toys-R-Us. My aunt picked a cart with a large red seat 
behind the basket just like at Wal-Mart where she sat me down a 
fastened the belt. My face was still covered with chocolate ice cream. 
I could do nothing to stop her from embarrassing me more. We walked all 
around the store she bough some more toddler bath toys. On they way out 
my thin diaper started to leak. The cashier noticed, telling my aunt 
the baby is leaking. I just whimpered a little as my aunt told her she 
will change me in the car.

That is where she did my change, in the back seat of the car so anyone 
walking by could see me. She opened a bag of Pampers and had my change 
done in three minutes. I had no pants to hide my new diapers, just a T-
shirt. My pants were too wet. No one even looked as she carried me 
around wearing Pampers and a T-shirt. Then a lady with a little boy 
that looked to be ten or eleven walked up and asked my aunt why I was 
in diapers. My aunt told the lady this big baby wet his bed now he has 
to be potty trained again just like a baby. The lady told her boy, 
�See, if you don�t stop wetting your bed I will get diapers for you, 

I was sucking away at my pacifier trying to hide as much as I could in 
my aunt�s arms. The little boy just stared at me with fear in his eyes. 
His mommy said, �Let�s go get your night diapers right now.� I watched 
as tears came to his eyes and with a whimper, led away. I knew his fate 
would be as mine is now hopefully not as bad as my fulltime diapers 
maybe he will only wear night diapers. I hope his mommy goes easy on 

I was on my way back to my aunt�s house riding in the special car seat, 
feeling so good now that I found out no one cares about me being a 
diaper boy. What will happen when I start college this fall? Will they 
be as understanding there?

My uncle will be in town tomorrow morning and spend three nights and 
four days with us. My aunt told us it was time for bed. My cousin 
quickly ran to their rooms and took turns in the bathroom. Then it was 
my turn. My aunt removed my clothes and bathed me with baby bubble 
bath. She carried me to my nursery diapered me in triple thick diapers 
with extra puffy plastic pants. She told me the Pampers were for 
daytime use only. I needed extra protection at night. I was carried to 
the kitchen where my cousin drank their glasses of milk and had two 
cookies each. I had to drink a baby bottle of milk and two cookies.

The cookies were good homemade ones and the milk was good, too, even 
though I had to suck mine through a bottle nipple. When I finished my 
bottle my pacifier was offered to me and I quickly took it. Sucking my 
pacifier gave me comfort just like it did when I was five. It was 7:30. 
My aunt told me little babies need their sleep and it was my bedtime. 
Even though the sun was not down my nursery was as dark as midnight.

My aunt removed my pacifier and put the nipple of a bottle of warm milk 
into my mouth. It tasted so good, sort of different, almost sweet. Just 
as I finished my bottle I was sound asleep my aunt watching me every 
minute. My bottle was removed from my mouth and my pacifier offered. 
While I was sleeping I automatically started to suck it.

I woke up to my uncle picking me up out of my crib carrying me to the 
changing table. I looked down at the floor to see how far in the air I 
was. He was somehow bigger than I remembered. He was so strong with big 
hands but with a delicate touch. He said, �Looks like I see I have a 
new baby to care for now. Phew, Donny, you do need a diaper change, you 
stinky little boy? You really messed your diaper last night, didn�t 
you? Do you remember doing it?� I didn�t even remember wetting let 
alone messing I was not going to talk; I knew the rules.

My uncle was good. Within just three minutes he had me dressed in a 
fresh Pamper and playsuit. He carried me to the kitchen. His size made 
me feel like I was a real two-year-old. I forgot I was twenty years old 
as my uncle placed me into the highchair. The highchair was my place to 
eat now and I expected to be in one of the highchairs every time I ate. 
There was plenty of room for me. The tray was at the middle of my chest 
and the sides were many inches to wide for me. If it weren�t for the 
safety belt that came between my legs I could easily slip out under the 

My uncle never even teased or asked me about my diapers or my baby 
status. He said, �Aunt Betty told me you are a bedwetter. In this house 
if you wet the bed you are just a baby until you get potty trained. 
After your punishment you will be potty trained just like a baby. You 
will have to prove you are a toddler before you get training pants. 
Until then you are just a baby with only baby status. Aunt Betty tells 
me you have seven weeks three days left on your punishment, then we 
will see if you can be a toddler.�

My uncle explained, �Toddlers learn to use the potty, but you need to 
past the toddler test that is later. Just forget about passing that 
test; you are just a baby now.�

My uncle was so big and spoke with a deep voice that told me he meant 

�If you disobey Aunt Betty I will give you a spanking you will never 

I was so scared I never even though about calling the law. If I got 
caught I would be hurting so much.


It has been nine weeks of being treated like a baby not talking or 
walking with everything being done for me. It would be boring to talk 
about being fed getting hundreds of diaper changes sitting in the 
playpen doing nothing but being a baby. So I will jump the story to the 
first week in August after I lost all track of time.

I am so used to baby life. If I need to pee or poop I just let it 
happen. Why stop it? I am wearing a diaper; that is what my aunt wants 
me to do. I decided that when I started my punishment I would make my 
aunt, my uncle, and my cousin�s change so many of my diapers they will 
gladly let me out of punishment before it was really over. It was the 
second week of June when my punishment started. I started wetting every 
time I even felt a little need to go with my small bladder I was 
wetting every half hour.

I started to force poop out all the time. After three or four days of 
doing that it was so easy to poop all I had to do was relax my bottom a 
little and poop came out. I have made a few mistakes like standing once 
in my crib while I holding the bars that got me spanked and an extra 
day. I stood once in my playpen holding the top rail of the side. That 
earned me a spanking and a few more days added to my punishment.

When I was spanked they were slow spanks with twenty spanks each time. 
The slow spanks are a lot more painful than the quick ones my parents 
gave me when I was twelve. You know you are going to get a swat but she 
makes sure you are still stinging from the last one before she lets you 
enjoy the next sting.

Now that my punishment is over tomorrow I will be free. I was thinking 
to myself, sucking my bottle, lying in my crib tomorrow when I wake up. 
I get to talk and walk for the first time in almost two months. I can�t 
wait to tell everyone off but good. My aunt has just pinned my thick 
night diaper on me for bed. It is 8:00PM my bed for the last eight or 
nine weeks I have lost all track of time. It is a good thing my room 
has no windows because it is still very sunny and warm outside. I am so 
used to sleeping 11 to 14 hours a day with a nap involved.

All diapered for the night, my aunt lay me down in my crib where I 
eagerly start to suck my bottle. I was thinking about tomorrow. I am so 
excited I can�t go to sleep. I have learned a lot in the last few weeks 
on how to be a baby. I learned to do everything they want; that way, I 
will get no more punishment time. The good thing about being a baby is 
I get away with making all kinds of messes of a room or of myself. That 
is a baby�s job; to be messy like me. I am so good at messes.

Even though I was excited I was asleep just as my bottle went empty. My 
aunt returned sometime during the night and traded my bottle for my 
pacifier. She always does that for her little boys. My pacifier is my 
most important thing in my life except my diaper. From the start of my 
punishment it took just two days of using a pacifier. I was hooked. I 
needed it or I would feel so insecure and start crying.

The reason I started to use a pacifier at first is it kept me from 
talking and getting more punishment. I guess it was like getting hooked 
on cigarettes. I am hooked on the thing now it makes me feel so good 
when it is in my mouth, even when I am not sucking on it. I keep my 
pacifier in my mouth at all times unless I am eating. Even out in 
public except I don�t go out much but when I do I look like a mentally 
challenged kid about twelve years old. Aunt Betty even has a toddler 
style stroller I ride in wearing a bib sucking my pacifier. I like the 
stroller I can hide a little more from the adults but the kids see me 
because I am down at their level.

I am used to little three-, four- and five-year-old kids staring at me 
saying look at the big baby. It is always hot in Arizona so I am always 
dressed in a short jumper or T-shirts with diapers sticking out or just 
a diaper. My uncle�s ranch has a stream running through his land with a 
small dammed lake so water is not a problem. I have never seen the lake 
so I can�t wait for tomorrow. Being a toddler gives me swimming rights, 
too. I can�t wait to see the small lake they have told me about it, but 
being a baby I am not allowed to go there.

The other thing was for the last eight weeks everything I wanted I had 
to point or grunt or cry until they would give in and get it for me. It 
is hard for a baby to let big people to know what a baby wants. The 
first thing they always do is check my diaper or give me a bottle. I 
just want to say what I want. But the no-talking rule stops me cold.

There is so much I want to do when I get toddler status. I want to walk 
talk, swim, ride horses, so many other things, too. I think I will like 
riding horses since the big rocking horses I have been riding are so 
much fun. I dreamed about being a big boy again, learning to ride a 
real horse. In my dream I was out in the back riding my horse with my 
cousin when I messed and wet my pants. Riding in a saddle with messy 
wet pants is not very comfortable, so I began to cry uncontrollably so 
Ronny led me back to the house where my aunt took me off my horse and 
put me back in diapers. She told me I need baby punishment again maybe 
two years this time. I woke up immediately I realized it was just a bad 
dream except my diaper was messy and wet. I have become totally 
dependant on my diapers now. Eating just baby food makes it hard to 
control my potty needs.

My aunt opened the nursery door, saying, �Looks like someone is ready 
to try to be a toddler today.� I grinned from ear to ear, kicking my 
legs in the air like every morning for the past four weeks. My aunt 
held my pacifier in my mouth and told me my new toddler rules. My aunt 
told me I was allowed to use only one syllable words for the first two 
weeks. Potty training will start when I can stay clean and dry for at 
least TWO hours. When I can prove that I can stay clean and dry for two 
hours I will earn training pants. She told me, �Since those Pampers I 
have been using during the day are a very tight fit I think the Pull-
ups will work just fine when you earn them.�

I knew I was skinny at five feet seven and 90 pounds but to have real 
baby diapers fit me was doubly humiliating to me. I wanted the Pull-ups 
so badly I want to be a toddler, not a baby. I will show them I am a 
toddler I will be wearing real toddler training pants in no time. Pull-
ups are better than real baby diapers. My aunt carried me to the 
changing table removed my thick cloth night diaper cleaned off my 
nighttime mess. My Pamper was taped on my then my toddler style T-shirt 
was pulled over my head I was dressed for the day.

My aunt put me on the floor to let me crawl to the kitchen. I was 
forgetting I was allowed to walk now. I made it to the kitchen where 
Ronny lifted me into my highchair and Jimmy had my tray in place. That 
was the routine of the past eight weeks Aunt Betty put my oatmeal in 
front of me with a bib being tied around my neck by Ronny.

Aunt Betty told me to dig in and for the first time in eight weeks I 
was allowed to feed myself. In the past either Ronny or Jimmy would be 
feeding me I was not allowed to hold the spoon. I grabbed the spoon 
quickly I tried to be neat but for some reason it was hard to hit my 
mouth with the spoon. I looked like an eighteen month old feeding his 
self for the first time.

I did not know my aunt has been feeding me muscle relaxing medicine for 
the last eight weeks. I never realized I was getting sort of weak, not 
being allowed to do things for myself. After breakfast I was a mess 
food all over the place on me the tray floor and table.

My diaper did not fare any better. My morning load of poop and pee was 
already out. Aunt Betty told my cousins it was their turn to give me a 
bath before they go out to do their chores. Ronny and Jimmy were now so 
use to my messes it only took them fifteen minutes to get me all 
cleaned up. They dried me off from my bath then my aunt took over for 
them. She told them to go do their work outside.

My aunt told me it was time I learned to hold my pee a little longer 
than an hour. My aunt put me on the changing table to diaper me. I 
reached over to get my pacifier it was next to my head. My aunt looked 
down at me while she was putting a wetting alarm in my Pamper to let 
her know when I start wetting. I was sucking my pacifier listening to 
her explain my new rules. She told me I have to try to hold my pee 
longer than the hour I was so use too. I was not allowed to wear 
anything except my Pamper or other diapers she would pin or tape on me. 
She said my diapers would be changed as soon as my alarm went of if I 
wet before one hour I will get spanked five spanks worth.

I found myself on the floor crawling around like I have for the last 
two months. My aunt looked down at me and giggled saying, �Remember, 
you are allowed to walk and talk now.� I smiled as I tried to stand but 
fell back on my Pampered bottom. My aunt giggled and said, �Looks like 
Donny has to learn to walk again.� I tried again and again but fell 
every time. I decided to crawl it was a lot easier.

I crawled up stairs sucking my pacifier crying because I could not even 
stand up to play. I decided to just play with the toys. I was so used 
to playing with and try to walk later. I was playing with the toys 
having so much fun when my aunt came up to watch me for a short time. 
She picked me up and put me in that stupid walker. I hated it because I 
could not touch the floor but I found that is now lowered so my feet 
can touch the floor. She told me after a few days in the walker I 
should be walking on my own.

My alarm went off a few minutes later telling my aunt I was wetting. My 
aunt yelled out, �Stop peeing, Donny!�, scaring me to stop wetting. She 
took me to the changing mat removed my damp Pamper. My aunt placed me 
on the oversized potty chair with the seat belt fastened. The training 
potty looked like the old-fashioned wood ones you would see in the 
baby�s nursery with the little potty under it and a little lamb on the 
back rest. It even had a tray that was snapped in front of me for my 
toys so I can play while sit on my potty.

My aunt set a timer then left the room I sat there on the potty sucking 
my pacifier playing with a little cars I was handed. A few minutes 
later music started to play. After five minutes of music my aunt 
returned. My aunt told me I held my pee for one hour. I would have to 
try harder next time to get Pull-ups. I was diapered and returned to 
the walker and handed my bottle. I dropped my pacifier to the end of 
its string and started to take my bottle.

My aunt was right. After four days of toddling in the walker I was able 
to walk a little holding on to the walls or furniture like you see a 
real toddler doing. I still fell all the time not being a good walker 
yet. It was seven days before I was able to walk as good as most one-
year-olds. I was still wetting all the time forgetting to hold it and 
having music playing.

It is getting close to September. I need to get potty trained to go to 
college. Using little words to get my point across was hard but within 
another week I was allowed to talk at the level of a five-year-old.

Now my life is a lot easier I can feed myself sitting in my highchair 
with my bib on making just a small mess. I can walk almost as good as a 
five-year-old, still falling sometimes skinning my knees. I can�t seam 
to be in control of my pee and poop wetting and messing like a baby 
still. I wouldn�t even know I am wet unless I head music. The music 
tells on me every time I even little squirt of pee was enough.

Aunt Betty tells me she can�t figure out why I can�t hold my pee and 
poop like a real toddler can. So she called my mother to ask her if I 
was hard to potty train. She found out I was in diapers until I was 
almost six. Since she found out how late of a potty trainer I was when 
I was little she said I will only use the wetting alarm until nap time 
then I will be free to just be a baby no pressure to learn potty 

One week after getting toddler status I started to eat big-kid food, 
not baby food. Now I can hold my poop just a little better. My poop 
needs are starting to get under my control. I only mess my diaper once 
or twice a day instead of three or four times.

Ten days after getting toddler status eating big kid food I passed a 
mile marker. At the end of breakfast that day I told my aunt I need to 
poop. She quickly led me to the potty removed my wet diaper and put me 
on the potty chair. I sat down my belt fastened tray in place with my 
poop going into the potty for the first time in many weeks I felt so 
big. Then pee started to flow causing the music to play I was so happy 
I giggled as the music played kicking my legs sucking my pacifier. I 
was a big kid now.

My aunt said what a big boy I was. My butt was wiped a fresh diaper 
taped on I was so proud of myself. Time for play I ran to the tricycle 
and started to pedal I could get going fast enough to do a slide and 
spin. Then I started to build with the blocks and play with the cars 
and trucks. Music started to play from my diaper so I ran to the 
rocking horse. I knew he made a galloping sound when he rocked that 
would hide my diaper music.

I kept rocking and rocking a lot longer than I have ever rocked. Then 
the funny feeling started to come to my crotch I wanted to stop but it 
felt so good. I kept going and going rocking and rocking then the 
floating feeling hit me all at once. It felt so good for about twenty 
seconds like I was flying. Then I need to pee again so I let it out I 
was in heaven. My aunt walked into the room saying, �Looks like Donny 
needs his diaper changed.�

My aunt had me on the changing table changing my diaper, telling me I 
need to hold it longer to get Pull-ups. She opened my soaked diaper and 
saw what I had done she quickly cleaned up the mess. Then I was removed 
from the table I thought I was going to spend more time on the potty 
chair but she bent over her knee. The first spank came as a surprise it 
really stung. Ten seconds later the second spank caused me to cry out 
in pain. Ten seconds later the third spank hit causing me to cry tears 
running down my face. By the 30th spank I was crying like I was a two-
year-old, getting fifty hard spanks.

My aunt asked me if I knew what the spanking was for. I said yes it was 
the big boy thing I did in my diaper it will not happen again I just 

My aunt taped a new style diaper that has a lot more padding than the 
Pampers it fit without being stretched to its max. My aunt told me she 
got them from the internet they are made for pre teenagers or small 
adults. They had designs that look like little boys playing on the 
beach or riding bicycles. They were plastic back not the cloth feel of 
the Pampers. They crinkled loudly when I walked. You could hear the 
crinkle fifty feet away.

�It is time to let you go swimming now, Donny; let�s go out.� Wearing 
only my new style diaper crinkling with every step I was led to the 
lake behind a big building. I saw my cousins at the top of the building 
then they disappeared one by on. When we got to the back of the 
building I saw why they disappeared. It was a slide that ended in the 
lake. The building was forty feet tall and on a hillside. You had to 
climb up a ladder to the top of the building to go down this huge ride. 
To top it off it was on a hillside. From the top of the building to the 
lake was more than a hundred feet. From the building to the top of the 
hill was a 45 degree angle then from the top of the hill to the lake 
was 70 degree angle for sixty feet or more.

I wanted to try it so bad but my aunt told me I heed to do the hand 
walker bar from one end and back without letting go. The hand walker 
bars were forty feet long out in the lake. I started to do the hand 
walker bars I was almost back before I missed a bar and fell ten feet 
into the lake. It was fifteen feet deep so I had to swim twenty feet to 
the ladder to get out. My diaper was so boated when I got out everyone 
giggled. I did not care I wanted to try again.

The second time I tried I made it. My aunt said I was an excellent 
swimmer so I was allowed to do all the toys in the water. I told her I 
was a life guard back home.

I saw rope swings on the other end of the lake was rings that went 
across the lake they were about ten feet apart you had to swing from 
one to the other to get a cross the lake. There was a tippy cone to 
climb on in the middle of the lake. There was a platform out in the 
middle for resting or sun bathing. Boy, I am glad to be free of baby 

The first time I went down the slide was so much fun. The long first 
hill was fast with water flowing down to keep the slide cool and slick. 
But I lost my stomach going down the second hillside part it was twice 
as fast. I hit the water and skipped on my back across the lake like a 
skipping stone. My cousins had never seen that done before they always 
just splashed down with a cannon ball splash. I told them when they 
leave the end of the slide to lay back and it will happen.

My diaper was so bloated from the lake water I had trouble waddling to 
the ladder to climb back up and do it again. My cousin did not want my 
diaper dripping on their heads so I had to go up last.

My second time down the slide was a spectacular sight. When I left the 
top of the second hill I caught three feet of air. When I landed back 
on the slide my bloated diaper exploded with that while gel being air 
born. I hit the water my diaper ripped half off it was no more than a 
white loincloth. My cousins were laughing so hard they could hardly 
swim. I felt a little embarrassed but started too laugh, too. We had so 
much fun my first full free day at my aunts without being just a baby.

We had so much fun forgetting I was still just a toddler not fully 
potty trained.

Aunt Betty called us in to eat lunch. I walked in the house with my 
diaper hanging like a loincloth. My aunt took me to change my diaper I 
told her I needed to pee. She put me on my potty chair where I let my 
small amount of pee in the potty causing the music to play. I giggled 
and kicked my legs. My aunt diapered me and told me to go to the 
kitchen to eat lunch. She told me next time I go swimming she will put 
cloth diapers on me to prevent this from happening again.

Since I was now a toddler and some toddlers do not take naps I asked my 
aunt if I could skip my nap but she told me I needed to take one anyway 
at least for the next week or so. After I finished my lunch I walked to 
my nursery climb in to my crib a lay down. Aunt Betty put my bottle in 
my mouth and I was asleep in minutes.

Two hours later I ran outside wearing nothing but my freshly changed 
diaper ready to do some new things. Ronny was going to teach me how to 
ride a horse. He told me what to do to saddle my ride. I followed his 
instructions and had my horse saddled in ten minutes. I was now ready 
to get on and ride. My horse�s name was Buzz.

My cousin taught me the basic forward turn left and right. Then we did 
that for about a half hour around the corral. Now we were on our first 
real ride with in minutes we were a half mile from the house. We turn 
around and started back Ronny saying, �That is enough for today. We 
need to unsaddle our horses feed them. Then we have to brush them 

Just as the corral gate closed Ronny got a scared look on his face. He 
jumped off his horse tied him to the fence. He climbed the fence and 
took off running for the house. I climbed down off my horse and waited 
for Ronny to return. Fifteen minutes later Jimmy came out and helped me 
with the horses. I asked Jimmy what happened to Ronny. Jimmy said he 
didn�t know. His mom just told him to help me put my horse up and put 
Ronny�s away too.

We finished putting the horses away feeding them and brushing them 
takes time. I sort of like brushing my horse and he seems to like it, 

We walked into the house to hear Ronny getting slow spanked. He was 
crying out in so much pain. What did Ronny do? I asked Jimmy. Jimmy 
said he does not know. I said, �Whatever he did I sure hope I never do 

Jimmy and I talked about the swimming lake and the fun we had during 
the day. I was sitting in my highchair the only chair I was allowed to 
sit in except the potty chair. I could feel my diaper was wet but I did 
not want to interrupt my aunt. I ask Jimmy who built the lake. He said 
his dad built it. He is a structural engineer. He designs things like 
that all over the country. I asked, �I thought he was a truck driver.� 
Jimmy said, �he does so many things.�

We were interrupted with Ronny crawling into the kitchen wearing a 
thick cloth diaper and plastic pants sucking a pacifier. Aunt Betty 
said, �Look at the baby. He can�t keep his pants clean and put poop in 
them like a baby. So now Ronny will join his toddler cousin upstairs in 
the nursery. I am sure they will get along just great since Ronny is a 
baby and Donny is almost a big boy. Ronny has to follow the baby rules 
and Donny has to follow the toddler rules.�

Wait until his daddy sees him tomorrow morning when he comes home for 
two months.


I have been spending my nights sleeping in the nursery on the second 
floor of this huge house. It had no windows and was small. So when I 
was moved to the third floor nursery things were different it was huge 
and had windows. The first morning I woke up in the upstairs nursery I 
was startled by the sun shining through a window. There was a light 
odor of poop I smelled poopy. I knew I was wet. I am always wet in the 
morning but if I pooped my aunt would put me back to baby status. I 
would lose all my toddler rights like swimming and being free to walk 
and talk. I started to cry quietly, sucking on my pacifier, waiting on 
my aunt to find me wet and messy. Then I realized where I was and I was 
not alone. I looked through the bars of my crib into the other crib 
just four feet away. I saw what looked like Ronny curled up facing the 
wall. Then I remembered Ronny getting into trouble yesterday.

I checked to see how badly I had messed my diaper but could not detect 
the feel of poop in my diaper, only wet. I sighed in relief I was not 
the messy one; it was RONNY who messed. I did want to poop, though. I 
like the feel of warm poop in my diaper. Until I came to live here with 
my aunt I had forgotten why it took me longer to potty train. The only 
reason I gave up my diapers is the other kids in nursery school-- even 
the three-year-olds-- were teasing me.

I was two days from my sixth birthday when I gave up my daytime 
diapers. I could keep my nighttime diapers a family secret since I was 
very small. Mom got me some cloth toddler diapers and toddler plastic 
pants. I had to do my own diapering, diaper washing and keep them 
hidden from the few friends I had. I finally stopped wetting my bed at 
age seventeen because I learned to not drink anything four hours before 
bedtime. Now I am here at my aunt�s house and things have changed. She 
has a zero tolerance for bed wetting and potty accidents. Just one wet 
bed or wet pants are its back to diapers. I learned that the hard way.

Aunt Betty walked into the room to wake us up. She checked Ronny first 
sighing, �Phew! What a stinky baby!� She looked down on me in my crib 
and smiled saying, �Time to get you changed into some dry clothes, 
Donny; you�re only wet.� I only weighted 90 pounds and she has been 
lifting 100-pound bags of feed for the last sixteen years living with 
Uncle Dave.

My aunt picked me up like I was just another bag of feed, put me on the 
changing table and quickly changed my soaked diaper. She asked me if I 
was ready to try training pants. I thought about it and was just about 
to say yes.

My aunt said, �You waited too long� and brought out a diaper from the 
diaper stack and started to diaper me saying, �Maybe next time you can 
answer.� She taped a Pamper on me in seconds, she was quick. I told her 
I like the cloth diapers so much better than the Pampers. The Pampers 
fit like funny, looking like tight bikini underwear with baby prints on 
the front. She told me, �Maybe after breakfast.�

My T-shirt was very short so it did nothing to hide my Pamper. Anyone 
who looked at me could tell I was still a big toddler or baby. My aunt 
put me back in my crib and told me to wait for her to change Ronny�s 
diaper. She said, �He is quite a messy little baby this morning. When I 
am finished with him we will go down to the kitchen and eat breakfast.�

She told me to play quietly in my crib since my uncle was still asleep 
and not to wake him yet. I did not want to play. I wanted to watch her. 
I stood up in my crib holding to the top rail of my crib so I would not 
fall. Standing in a crib is not easy so I held the rail tightly. I was 
so intrigued by what was happening, staring at every move Aunt Betty 
made while I was sucking away at my pacifier. I watched my aunt get to 
work on Ronny.

My aunt woke Ronny up, lifted him to the floor then had him crawl to 
the changing table where she picked him up from the floor and strapped 
him down. When she removed his plastic pants the room filled with the 
smell of pee and poop. His plastic pants were dropped into the diaper 
pail on top of my wet diaper and plastic pants. When my aunt unpinned 
his thick cloth diaper the smell was so strong it almost made me gag. I 
would have thrown up if I was not so used to the smell of my own poop.

My aunt just said, �Phew!� as she wiped most of his mess off with the 
front of his wet diaper. She held his legs high in the air so she could 
wipe the rest of the mess with a washcloth. I could see brown poop 
being removed. With his legs high in the air she removed the messy 
diaper from the table, dropping it into a bucket of water. She finished 
his cleanup with baby wipes, legs still high holding his bottom off the 

She put a fresh cloth diaper under his bottom and lowered him onto it. 
She put lotion on his hairless private area. I realized she had freshly 
shaved his big boy hair away just like she does mine every other day. 
He looked just like me except he was quite a bit bigger there than I 
was. She powdered his area with a large amount of powder. She pulled 
his diaper tightly up between his legs and pinned it. I had trouble 
seeing his face but I could her him whimpering and sucking on his own 
pacifier. His clean plastic pants were pulled in place. She made sure 
all his diaper was tucked into his plastic pants before his baby T-
shirt was snapped at the crotch.

I had never watched some one get a diaper change before except my own. 
Diaper changing in the first-person context is quite a bit different 
than watching someone else getting changed. It was not quite the same 
but you know how it felt. Ronny was removed from the table and on the 
floor crawling to the door. He knew he was not allowed to walk. I felt 
like a toddler climbing over the top rail of my crib like my aunt told 
me to do. I waddled behind Ronny on our way to the kitchen in a baby 
toddler parade. Watching baby Ronny go down was funny. Crawling 
backwards is the only way to do it; I found that out myself. It looked 
like nursery school all over, just like I remember with plastic pants 
blooming everywhere.

My aunt put us in our highchairs and my bowl of oatmeal in front of me 
on my tray. Ronny�s bowl was in front of his mom out of his reach on 
the table. We had our bibs put on. Jimmy tied mine on while Aunt Betty 
tied Ronny�s in place. I was allowed to feed myself while I watched 
Ronny being fed his oatmeal. I knew what it was like being fed; you 
feel so helpless. He turned out to be as messy as I was when I started 
the baby treatment weeks ago. Now I am a neat big boy, dropping only 
one or two spoonfuls of oatmeal.

I was just about finished when I needed to pee, not being able to hold 
it for very long. I ended up wetting my Pamper. My uncle walked in the 
kitchen with a smile, looking at Jimmy eating his bacon and eggs, 
saying, �Looks like you are the only big kid here. I see we have a 
little baby in the family again; his name is Ronny.� I looked at Ronny; 
he wanted to cry. I knew this by the look on his face.

My uncle then saw me and said, �Donny, I hear are you being a good boy 
by not pooping your diaper for the last three days. Maybe you can be in 
training pants by the time I leave for the road again.� I giggled and 
kicked my legs, enjoying his compliment. I said, �Me big boy, not baby 
like Ronny.� Uncle Dave said, �We will see, Donny. You still have a lot 
to learn before you start college in two weeks; you might have to wear 
diapers to class, you know. The classes there are two hours long with 
on potty breaks.�

I had never thought of that but it was true. Diapers would be better 
that wet pants in class. The professors don�t like interruptions like 
someone getting up every hour to use the potty. At least the Pampers 
seemed to work. They would go on under my street clothes with very 
little bulge. I said they were so tight and felt like I had thick 
bikini underwear on. I told my uncle, �I know I could get away with 
wearing Pampers in class. But I would need to get a diaper change 
between classes? Where could I do that?� Then I thought, �Diapers in 
college. Wow, I would be very embarrassed if they found out I was still 
a baby.�

Uncle Dave told me to finish my bottle and he would change my wet 
diaper. I told him I really need to poop. I asked him if I could finish 
my bottle later. Uncle Dave said, �NO, you need to learn to hold it 
like a big boy.� I was trying to hold back so I started to suck as fast 
as I could. Before I knew it poop started its way into my diaper. I was 
trying to stop it but no matter how hard I tried poop slipped out. The 
more I sucked the more I pooped. I finished my bottle the same time 
poop stopped its journey into my diaper.

Uncle Dave carried me to the upstairs nursery where he put me on one of 
the rocking horses. He told me he has to get my bath ready since I 
pooped my diaper like a baby. He told me I need to learn to hold it 
better and not put poop in my diaper then I would not need a bath like 
a baby. I started to rock with my messy wet diaper getting slippery in 
my crotch. It felt so good slipping back and forth before I knew what 
was happening to me, my big boy feeling happened. The harder I rocked 
the better I felt I was soon rocking and floating at the same time 
forgetting what I was doing.

Uncle Dave picked me up of the horse in mid rock he held me over his 
head and carried me to the changing table. I felt like I was flying so 
high off the ground looking at the floor go by with my big boy feeling 
disappearing. My uncle was making an airplane noise as I was flying. I 
went flop on the padded changing table mat he had the strap across my 
chest in seconds. He worked quicker than my aunt he started removing my 
messy wet diaper with one hand and fastening the strap with the other. 
He opened my diaper and I saw his face change from a smile to a frown 
when he saw my big boy white stuff mixed in with the light brown poop. 
My uncle was not happy he looked mad.

I got a chill when he said looks like you need a spanking Donny you 
know aunties rules about that. I tried to tell him it was an accident I 
did not mean to do it I forgot. He told me since I can not control 
myself I need to be punished so I will try harder next time.

My uncle bathed me just like my aunt does hair first face and arms next 
then legs and lastly my bottom. I had to stand so he could shave me it 
was shaved day. Uncle Dave dried me off put lotion all over my body 
something my aunt only did to my diaper area. I smelled just like a 
real baby. You could smell me long before you could see me.

My uncle asked was I ready for my spanking for doing that big-boy 
trick. I was scared of him spanking, I did not answer him. He had me 
over his knee so quick before I could say no. When I faced the floor 
over his knee I started crying before he even let me have the first 
spank. It seemed like an hour before the first spank hit. It was only 
fifteen seconds before he gave me the first one of twenty.

Every time he came down with his hand and it hurt more I thought then 
fifteen seconds was an hour then the second one hit I could not control 
my pee my butt hurt so bad. I lost control of my pee and wet all over 
my uncle�s lap. At the end of my spanking he diapered me with a diaper 
what was twice as thick as thickest my aunt ever put on me. My butt 
hurt so bad I welcomed the extra thick padding.

How would my plastic pants go over these thick diapers my uncle pinned 
on me? Before I knew it my legs were high in the air as my plastic 
pants were pulled over my feet then my legs. Uncle Dave had me stand on 
the floor holding on to him while he pulled my plastic pants over my 
thick diaper. He checked every plastic pant opening for diaper material 
sticking out pushing it back inside the plastic covering. Uncle Dave 
told me for peeing on him I need thick diaper punishment.

When I had to let go of my uncle I found the thick diaper was so thick 
my knees were spread as fare apart as they would go. I could not walk 
or even crawl I was more helpless than I have ever been. I quickly fell 
to my bottom but my butt started to remind me I was freshly spanked. I 
rolled back to my stomach and cried until Uncle Dave picked me up and 
put me in my crib. I stood up holding onto the top rail of my crib 
crying sucking my pacifier. I want out so I tried to climb out like I 
did this morning but the thickness of my diaper stopped me cold.

I got tired of crying, holding onto the crib rail wanting out to play. 
I let go of the rail and quickly fell back on my bottom. It hurt so bad 
I rolled on to my stomach and cried until I was asleep. Two hours later 
not realizing I had wet myself two or three times I woke up sucking an 
empty bottle. Where the bottle came from I don�t know but it was empty 
so I grabbed my pacifier instead.

I started to cry because I was so scared of being wet I thought Uncle 
Dave would be punishing me for wetting in my sleep. Uncle Dave walked 
in and asked if I was ready to try to me a toddler again and get out of 
my baby clothes. I nodded yes. My uncle took my empty bottle and gave 
it to Jimmy to take to the kitchen. My uncle smiled as he changed my 
diaper in my crib. He said it was OK to wet in my sleep; toddlers do 
that all the time. My butt still hurt so I whimpered as he told me he 
was sorry he had to spank me but rules are rules.

My uncle taped a new Pamper, telling me toddlers that have accidents 
still need diapers until they can prove they can hold it like a big 
boy. Big boy toddlers can wear these Pampers because they can hide them 
under their street clothes to look like a big boy even though are just 
a baby underneath.

I smiled because I like Pampers out in public. I happily kick my legs 
in the air not thinking. I don�t want those cloth diapers and plastic 
in public. They are impossible to hide and everyone knows you are a 
baby if you are wearing them.

I really like Pampers in public even though they look like tight-
fitting baby underwear. The Pampers my aunt had been using on me are 
something I could hide. I smiled and giggled as my uncle quickly taped 
my new Pamper on. My uncle told me he bought me some new clothes to 
help me hide my potty problem while I go to class next month. I 
realized that my new Pamper my uncle was putting on me fit different. 
They were not tight or small they fit me just like the picture of the 
little baby on the size 6 Pamper bag, it says it fits 35+ pound 
toddlers. The bag he opened up had a teen boy on it said for boys 90+ 
pounds. The top of my new diaper was at my bellybutton in front and 
just above my waistline in the back. The center of the crotch sagged 
about three inches the felt very bulky but so comfortable.

My uncle told me he had them specially made to fit me like a diaper 
should. He had to have five thousand made or they would not make them. 
Wow, they were baggy at my bottom and tight at the waist and legs. I 
looked just like a real diapered two-year-old with Big Bird on the 
front of my diaper.

At first I liked them, and then I remembered I was twenty years old, 
not two. I sucked my pacifier as my uncle put a new T-shirt on me then 
my socks. He handed me my jeans and told me to put them on. I pulled my 
jeans up expecting them to get caught on my thick Pamper. But they went 
right on so I fastened them and zipped them up. My uncle put my new 
shoes on and tied them.

I walked over to the mirror so I could look at myself and see what a 
baby should look like. I looked in the mirror and saw a young college 
kid not a baby. You could not tell I was diapered as I turned to see if 
my diaper was detectable any where. I walked down to the kitchen to see 
Ronny finishing his breakfast. Boy what a messy eater baby Ronny is. 
Pew he stinks too my aunt said Ronny has the same potty problem Donny 
has at breakfast.

My aunt looked at me and asked why I am not wearing a diaper if you are 
breaking the rules its back to baby status lets check. I walked over to 
my aunt she grabbed the top of my jeans and stuck her finger in the 
waistband. She said I see you are trying your school diapers today. I 
said yep with a wide smile on my face saying I like these diapers Aunt 
Betty thank you so very much.

Now can you teach me how to change my own Pamper diaper? I know how to 
change the cloth diapers from when I use to wet the bed at home. If you 
teach me I can change myself when I change classes? I want to find out 
where I can do it to so I can do it in private. Aunt Betty said NO that 
my uncle will be doing that today.

My aunt said Ronny is still in baby punishment he can only come with us 
if he is wearing exposed diapers. We asked Ronny if he wanted to go to 
college but he shook his head no since he is not allowed to talk yet. 
Uncle Dave drove Jimmy and I went to the college for a visit and my 
orientation. I was already wet before we arrived but my new Pamper was 
holding up very well.

I sat through a two-hour meeting. They were telling me what was 
expected of me and where my classes were going to be. When I exited the 
meeting I was in need of a change. My wet Pamper was starting to sag, 
pulling the center of my jeans down slightly but that was the �in� 
style anyway. A mommy with a diapered toddler could tell I was not 
styling that I had a wet diaper on. There is a difference when you walk 
the wet diaper causes your crotch to bounce around, plus you walk with 
a slight waddle.

I did have a slight waddle as I walked to my uncle. He handed me a 
backpack and pointed to the men�s room. He followed me in and locked 
the door behind him. He told me to pull down my pants. I unfastened my 
jeans and let them fall down to my ankles. He told me to pull the tapes 
off my wet diaper. When I pulled off the last of the four tapes the 
diaper fell from my hands hitting my jeans with a flop. My uncle told 
me to pick up my wet diaper roll it up and throw it in the trash. I 
rolled the bloated Pamper that was now five times thicker than it was 
this morning.

My uncle told me to get the baby wipes out of my backpack and clean 
myself off so I will not smell like a wet baby. I cleaned my self off 
like he told me to. Uncle Dave said, �Now is the hard part, putting 
your own diaper on in here. You can�t lay down in here so lean against 
the wall with the back of your diaper held between the wall and your 

I leaned up against the diaper and wall my butt still hurting from my 
spanking. I winced so my uncle asked if I remember my spanking still. I 
nodded saying yes. He asked if I was ever going to do it again. I said 
NO I will never ever do it again.

I was leaning against the wall with the diaper in place like my uncle 
told me to do. He said now pull the front of your diaper up to your 
bellybutton. I looked at Cookies Monster as I taped my diaper in place 
on both sides the tapes were almost touching each other. Uncle Dave 
told me to pull my jeans up and I am done. I thought it took twenty 
minutes but it only took five or six minutes.

Jimmy asked Uncle Dave did Donny change his own diaper that was fast or 
did you have to do it for him daddy. Jimmy did not whisper the question 
so if there were anyone around they surely heard the question. Uncle 
Dave told Jimmy to be quiet about Donny�s diapers and that it is 
supposed to be a secret that Donny has a potty problem. Uncle Dave told 
Jimmy that little Donny did real good doing he own change. He said 
Donny�s new diapers are going to work very well and he used it all 
morning and still was not leaking.

I knew I could make it through class now without running to the potty 
every time I felt the needed to go pee. I could just let it go in my 
diaper like a toddler does; why hold it? It is just too painful to hold 
that long. After an hour it just comes out without warning anyway. No 
matter how hard I try to stop it I end up wetting my pants. First, it 
starts to really hurt just seconds before the pee starts to flow out of 
me diaper or no diaper, potty or no potty. I would like to have it in 
the potty but with only a few minutes warning wearing diapers are the 
best way to deal with it.

On the way back to the ranch we stopped off at McDonalds we ate inside 
I had a large Coke, Big Mac and fries. That was the first time I had 
food out since I got here. I had a second Coke for on the way home.

On the way from McDonalds to the ranch I wet my diaper without thinking 
it was just as normal thing for me to do. I walk in to the kitchen with 
my diaper sagging in my jeans. My aunt noticed immediately she grabbed 
my hand and led me to the changing table saying, �Little toddler Donny 
needs his diaper changed again.� I did not even feel wet; how did she 
know? I asked Aunt Betty why I can�t get training pants. I am a big boy 
not a baby. My aunt told me I was not potty trained enough. She told me 
I must have not been fully potty trained when I came here.

My aunt said I could not have been potty trained very well. She told me 
I was potty-convenient trained and I have never had to hold it for very 
long all my life.

I knew that since our family never went on very long trips or things. I 
never had to hold my pee past an hour. The potty was always close by so 
I could use it every time I felt the need. At school the classes were 
only forty minutes long. On field trip days I stayed at school while my 
class went. So I never ever really had to hold my bathroom needs more 
than an hour. That is my normal bladder�s capacity.

My aunt told me she could potty train me right this time if I really 
wanted to. This time maybe I will be a big boy for good not a barely 
trained toddler that still has issues with keeping his pants dry DAY 
and NIGHT. My aunt told me right now I am just a diapered toddler until 
I can prove I want to be potty trained.

I wanted to tell her I was potty trained but how could I prove it. I 
asked my aunt how I can prove I was ready. She told me to prove I was 
ready I would have to keep my diapers clean and dry for just two and a 
half hours every day for three weeks. She will take me to the potty 
every two and a half hours remove my diapers so I can use the potty. 
But if I am wet at potty time she will just change my diaper no need to 
use the potty since you already did.

I told her it hurts when I hold it very long so I let it go I can�t 
stop it. My aunt told me that after I wet my bed the second night she 
asked my mom if I had a doctor look in to my bedwetting when I was 

My mom said the doctor told her all Donny needs is to stretch his 
bladder capacity. The doctor told my mom Donny has the bladder the size 
of a four-year-old. The doctor said it might be a little painful for 
him but most three or four-year-olds can do it so he should be able to 
do it. I told my aunt that when I was sixteen-years-old I stopped 
wetting my bed. So I am a big boy now not a baby or a toddler, like she 
keep calling me.

My aunt asked me why I wet my bed the second night here?


�You have wet the bed every night since then.�

�You also wet as many diapers during the day as a one-year-old.�

�You do your poop in the potty most of the times but you still have 

�Accidents are only for babies and toddlers.�

�Let me ask. Do you want to go to college wearing diapers or regular 

The statements and questions were coming at me so quick I stuttered 
thinking of what wet pants in class would do to me.

My aunt said she was waiting on my answer.

I slowly answered, �d-d-diapers.�

She said, �then you need to be treated like a diaper boy should. That 
way I can potty train you like a good toddler when I think you are 
ready. You can�t cheat here like you obviously did with your mom�s 
potty training. She let you go to the potty at every little feeling so 
she would not have to clean up after you all the time. She made you 
change your own diapers but you still caused messes when you did your 
own cleanup. YOU WERE FIVE YEARS OLD, TOO. That�s way too old to be 
running to the potty every half hour! That�s what a little toddler 
does. YOU NEED TO HOLD IT. Or you could be in diapers the rest of your 
life. Three or four years of my potty training at my house will tell if 
you can be potty trained. That is as long as you are still in college.�

I did not want to hear this any more. It was too truthful so I changed 
the subject. I asked my aunt for a cloth diaper so I could go swimming 
and sliding. She told me only if Jimmy wanted to go no since one is 
allowed to go swimming alone. She called Jimmy to the nursery. Jimmy 
walked over to the changing table where I was naked from the waist 
down. He did not even seem to notice my condition. I asked him if he 
wanted to go swimming. He said OK and ran to get his swim suit while my 
aunt diapered me in a cloth diaper and heavy plastic pants. Ronny 
started to cry I never even seen him sitting in the playpen. He knew he 
was not allowed to go he was still a baby. My uncle said he was going 

My butt still hurt from my spanking earlier. The thickness of the cloth 
diaper eased the hurt but even with the thick diaper I remembered why I 
was spanked. My uncle was watching me get diapered and asked if I still 
feel the spanking. I nodded. He said, �Just remember, the next time you 
start playing big boy it might be even harder.� I could not imagine a 
spanking getting worst than that.

I followed my uncle and Jimmy out to the ladder where my uncle turned 
on the switch that pumped water to the slide. He said by the time we 
climb the ladder the slide would be cooled down from the 160-190-degree 
temperature it would be in the hot Arizona sun. By the time we went 
down it would be 80 or 90 degree the temperature of the water.

Uncle Dave asked me if I know the slide rules. I said, �Yes, Ronny told 
me to stay seated facing the slide, do not go down backwards. Wait 
until the person in front of you have cleared the end of the slide 
before you go down.� We watched Jimmy go first. Boy, it looked like he 
was in the air a long time from the top of the second hill before he 
hit the slide again. I watched my uncle take his turn. He went just a 
little further down the slide before he hit again.

I watched as he swam out of the way before I sat on the slide. Ouch! My 
butt still hurts! what would it feel like hitting the slide on the 
second hill? I decided to go down on my stomach, facing the slide, not 
breaking the rules; that would be okay. I quickly flipped on my stomach 
and pushed with my feet to get going. I was going twice as fast as all 
the times before I went down before. I left the top of the second hill 
with such speed when I looked down the end of slide was far below me. I 
was not going to come down on the slide I was air borne. Forty-five or 
fifty feet below me was the lake coming up fast. I have done dives from 
the thirty meter board back home. If I could keep flat and pointed it 
should not hurt too much.

I hit the water perfectly, barely even a splash. But when I hit my 
diaper and plastic pants were stripped from me. I was now going 
underwater naked. I popped up over 100 feet away from the end of the 
slide. The look on my uncle�s face was unmistakable he was concerned 
when I saw him first then mad when he realized I was OK. Jimmy was 
amazed. I swam back the shore where my uncle started to read me all the 
rules I had broken. He told me to go get my diaper and plastic pants 
since we were done swimming for the day.

When my aunt heard what I had done she said, �Looks like we have two 
babies now.� She grabbed my hand and led me to the upstairs nursery 
where Ronny was playing in his playpen. I was still naked from swimming 
so she flopped me on the changing table. I was whimpering as she 
reminded me of my baby rules of no talking or walking for two weeks. I 
grabbed a pacifier from beside my head. I felt the Pamper being pulled 
up between my legs and snuggly taped in place.

She put me in the other playpen on the other end of the long room 
saying, �We can�t have our babies whispering with each other.� She told 
me she has a baby monitor and camera on so she will know if her babies 
cheat. I was handed a large bottle then she checked Ronny�s diaper 
before she left.

I sucked my bottle, looking at Ronny he was sucking his bottle. We 
finished our bottles at the same time. He started to play with his 
baby-style Tonka trucks. I started building with the blocks. Soon I 
forgot where I was and started to have fun like I did the first time I 
had baby punishment. I was again back in my baby world but I had a 
playmate. I wanted to play with Ronny but how could we get together. I 
could see the camera over each playpen and crib my aunt is watching us 
and listening too. If we talked we would be punished, if we walked I 
would get punished, if we did anything but be a baby we would be 
punished and Ronny knew it too.

An hour later Aunt Betty came to the nursery, followed by Uncle Dave. 
She said it was dinnertime. �First, someone here needs a diaper change, 
phew!� I did not smell anything, what was she talking about? She walked 
over to my playpen to check me first. My aunt said, �It�s not this 
one.� She lifted me out of the playpen to put me in Uncle Dave�s arms.

Aunt Betty did a quick turn to the other playpen saying, �I know who it 
is now. Ronny�s got a surprise for his mommy, doesn�t he?� Ronny nodded 
with a big smile on his face giggling. I knew then he was like me. He 
like to mess his pants, too. This might be a fun four years. That is 
about how long it takes to potty train a baby, I think.

I have been confused about using diapers since I arrived here. My aunt 
put me back in diapers all because I wet my bed. To me, being a former 
bed wetter that�s no big deal. With my wet bed all the time a few years 
ago it did not bother me. The diaper thing did not bother me but having 
my aunt do it was strange but she is stronger and bigger than I am. 
Then I messed my diaper sitting in my highchair. That brought back 
memories of when I was five years old.

When I was five I did not want to potty train because I want to play, 
not take time to go pee or poop in a stupid potty that was so boring to 
me. Playing with my toys was my main objective, not being a big boy. 
But mom set me to that stupid nursery school where all the other kids 
would not play with me until I was potty trained. I wanted to play so 
bad but using the potty was boring. I was potty trained in about two 
weeks only because I would forget I was not diapered. Wet, messy 
diapers did not feel good or bad then they were just wet or messy 
diaper then.

Now I sort of like warm wet messy diapers especially poopy diapers on a 
rocking horse. But just a little not too much if my big-boy feeling 
happens I get spanked so hard. I decided to stop long before that 
happens. Pooping in my diaper, sitting in my highchair brings back more 
memories of when I was five years old. Even sucking a pacifier was 
second nature since mom refuse to replace the night time one I wore out 
when I was ten.

All of these things my aunt is doing to me is bringing back more 
memories. I am closer to being a two-year-old socially than a twenty-
year-old college kid. If I can get used to going to college wearing and 
using diapers my life will be better. I hope my aunt lets me wear big-
boy clothes to college next week. I would never be able to at rid of 
the baby stigma if everyone at college found out. I would be a baby the 
rest of my life I don�t know if that would be all that bad or not. If I 
could get a job and earn a living baby life is OK if there is some one 
to care for you. I wish I could find a girlfriend that understood big 
babies like me. I guess we will find out in the next four years. Right 
now my aunt tells me what I am allowed to do.


This weekend is going to be a long weekend for me in baby punishment it 
will give me time to try to sort my feelings out. Three days of baby 
punishment with my cousin in baby punishment with me. We are not 
allowed to talk so all we can do is play in our own playpen and look at 
each other and wonder what the other one was thinking. I was thinking 
about my future Ronny was probably thinking about me a young college 
man being turned into a baby. I kept sucking my pacifier thinking���.
My aunt left us alone in the nursery to play I was sitting in my 
playpen playing with my toys sucking my pacifier. My cousin was sitting 
in his playpen enjoying his toys sucking his pacifier like I was not 
even there. We have been playing together but alone in separate 
playpens for about two hours when Aunt Betty walked into the nursery 

Ronny�s diaper was checked first Aunt Betty grunted as she lifted Ronny 
to the changing table to change his wet diaper. I watched as my aunt 
went to work changing my cousin�s wet diaper. She pulled off his 
plastic pants dropped them into the open diaper pail then unpinned his 
diaper. She quickly pulled his diaper form under his bottom and dropped 
it into the pail with a loud flop. It sounded heavy as it hit the other 
wet diapers in the bottom of the pail. My cousin was giggling and 
kicking just like the babies I saw at nursery school when I was six. 
Babies always moved their legs and wiggled when they were getting their 
pants changed. They always kicked and giggled while lying on the 
changing table getting their diapers changed. They acted like they were 
having so much fun I don�t know why but they did.

Ronny�s bottom and crotch was wiped with two or three baby wipes before 
his legs were lifted high in the air so his fresh fluffy cloth diaper 
could be place under his reddened bottom. Aunt Betty applied baby 
lotion and baby powder then pinned the thick fluffy white material in 
place. She pulled out fresh pair plastic pants from under the changing 
table. She was quickly started pulling them on his legs without a 
problem. Then she pulled the puffy plastic pants over the thick fluffy 
white diaper they ballooned out in all directions like a well diapered 
toddler. She made sure all the cloth was inside of the puffy plastic 
pants before Ronny was returned to his Playpen. Except for Ronny�s size 
he looked just like a well diapered toddler.

Aunt Betty turned to face me and said NEXT. I found myself flying in 
the air on my way to the changing table. Aunt Betty strapped me on the 
table and quickly went to work on me changing my wet diaper just like 
she changed Ronny�s. I could not see what she was doing I felt her pull 
my plastic pants off my legs then unpin my wet diaper. I knew what she 
was going to do next from watching Ronny�s diaper change. I looked over 
to see Ronny he was watching me get changed just like I watched him. He 
had a blank stare on his face as he was sucking his pacifier. He was 
probably thinking the same thing that I was when I watched him get his 
diaper changed. I felt my aunt lift my legs high in the air to remove 
my unpinned diaper I heard the same loud flop as my diaper hit Ronny�s 
wet diaper in the bottom of the pail.

Aunt Betty cleaned me with baby wipes then put lotion and baby powder 
over my diaper area. My legs were in the air again with a fluffy cloth 
diaper being placed under my bottom. When my bottom was lowered onto 
the fluffy cloth I was in heaven again. Aunt Betty pulled the front of 
the diaper up snuggly then before she pinned it she added more baby 
powder. First she pulled the left corners together snuggly then pinned 
them. Then the right sides were pulled together making the whole diaper 
a snug fit on all sides. She was smiling and singing I was sucking my 
pacifier since if I talked I would get spanked. Then just like Ronny 
puffy plastic pants were put over my feet and pulled up my legs. Then 
the light blue plastic was surrounding my thick fluffy diaper puffing 
out just like Ronny�s. We looked like two-year-old twins.

I did feel helpless on the changing table getting changed while I was 
sucking a pacifier. I don�t know if I like it or not but I did need 
changed or the bad thing would happen to me diaper rash. I remember 
when I was thirteen or fourteen when I did not change my night diaper 
until 10:00 in the morning. The rash I got was so bad the doctor had to 
prescribe medicine for the rash burn I gave myself.

The doctor told me never ever sit in a wet diaper too long or it would 
happen again. Until I got healed up it burned every time I wet my 
diaper for the next three days. The burning would even wake me up it 
was bad. I was waking up crying in my sleep three or four times a night 
to the need of a diaper. The third night I slept until my alarm went 
off at 7:30 to my usual soaked diaper. Not like the previous two nights 
when just a little wetness burned my tender bottom waking me up from 
sleep. I never want diaper rash again baby oil and powder helps.

She added more baby powder to the inside of my plastic pants before 
lets me off the table. I smell like two-year-old not yet potty trained. 
I really did not care I felt so good getting my protective plastic 
pants pulled on over my thick cloth diaper that way everything around 
me would stay dry. I had no other clothes just these diapers and 
plastic pants, they felt so good.

I found myself back in my playpen looking at Ronny looking at me we 
were both sucking our pacifiers wearing nothing but diapers and plastic 
pants. I still felt like I belonged here in the playpen looking at 
another boy bigger than me but five years younger. He must be feeling 
the same way because he was smiling too.

We started to play in our playpen with our own toys within a few 
minutes we forgot about each other. We never even looked at the other 
one playing. We had our own toys to worry about in our own world in our 
own playpen. I forgot about Jimmy and going out side to the swimming 
lake my world was toys, playpens, cribs, highchairs and diaper changes. 
I was a baby now until my aunt let�s me grow up and be a big boy again.

I need to get potty trained to be a big boy and go to college in two 
days or I would be wearing diapers at college. Baby punishment is easy 
now that I am so use to wearing and using diapers like a baby. Now I 
don�t fight the need to go potty I just let it happen without thinking. 
I felt that I am wearing a diaper why not use it.

The weekend was over before I knew it; it was Monday I would have to be 
at my first class at 8:00AM. My aunt woke at 6:30 removed my wet cloth 
diaper and taped a new style disposable diaper that had the word BABY 
all over the front of it. I was almost as thick as my daytime cloth 
diaper. But it crinkled when I walked I would have trouble hiding it at 
college. I was given some jeans and a T-shirt then I looked in the 
mirror to see what looked like a well dressed college kid.

I walked to the kitchen where I automatically took my seat in the 
highchair. That is where I always eat my meals while Ronny eats his 
meal in his highchair. I asked him if he was going to school too. He 
just looked at me and jabbered. My aunt told me his is still in baby 
punishment he is not allowed to talk yet. I though about going to 
college wearing diapers under my clothes wishing I was still in baby 
punishment too.

When I finished my breakfast my aunt led me to the bathroom where she 
made sure I knew how to change my diaper in the bathroom like my uncle 
trained me. I wet myself never remembering when it happened. It took me 
just four minutes to change my own diaper with out lying down.

I was on my way to college with my uncle driving me making sure I was 
comfortable wearing my new baby style diapers. I told my uncle I keep 
wetting my pants without warring. So I need something or my pants would 
get wet and everyone would know I am still not potty trained very well. 
He asked if I had enough diapers in my backpack for the whole day I 
said I have four of them.

My uncle dropped me off at college where I walked to my first class 
English Literature. I walked in the crowded lecture hall took a seat in 
the back. The class started and I was given my assignments. We were 
allowed time to start to work on our paper. I spent about and hour 
writing and reading my assignment when we were dismissed for the next 

I stood up feeling my diaper sag I must have wet again but I don�t 
remember wetting wow just like a real baby. I went to the bathroom next 
to my Math class and changed my diaper. When Math class was over I 
needed changed again. Then it was lunch time I ate the lunch my aunt 
packed before biology the last class of the day. No one has even 
commented on the smells or noises coming from me. If the rest of the 
year is this way I can do it diapers and college can mix.

On the twenty minute drive back to my uncle�s ranch I felt the need to 
poop. I tried to hold it but you know how long a toddler can hold his 
potty needs. We were pulling into the long dirt road leading to the 
house when I lost my battle holding my poop. My aunt is going to be 
very mad now.

Aunt Betty led me to the changing table telling me my new potty rules 
and poop in diapers. The punishment for poop in my diaper is modified 
baby punishment until I am clean every day for a month. I am allowed to 
go to college and do my homework in the highchair. I am allowed to do 
NO BIG KID things like talking. I am allowed to walk and feed myself 
like a two-year-old but nothing more. Potty times here are every two 
and half hours you must hold it until taken to the potty by a big 

Until you are potty trained I will bath you every night keeping you 
shaved on your face and your other area too. If you wet the bed in my 
house sleep in a crib until you are dry for three month ask your 
cousins they might wet their pants or poop their pants but they don�t 
wet their bed. Now you know how you will be treated going to college. 
Here you are a baby at college you will be almost a big kid. You must 
prove you are ready for potty training by coming home with all the 
diapers you went to class with still clean and dry.

I am going to be in real trouble I can�t hold my pee more than an hour 
and classes are two hours long. Aunt Betty would change my diapers when 
I was at her house. When I come home from college the first thing I had 
to do was get a diaper check then get put me in the highchair so I 
could do my homework.

Two hours later it would be dinnertime. I had to stop doing homework to 
eat. I finished my meal so I could get changed again. I was always 
soaked. I would be returned to the highchair for one hour or more of 
homework. The highchair is perfect place to do homework with a laptop 
computer. My printer is under the chair protected by a splash guard 
just in case of leaks or spills. It quickly became routine. My diaper 
usage held at nine daytime diapers and one nighttime diaper.

Three months of college have gone by. My grades are at the top of the 
class. I come home do my work before one or two hours of playtime in 
the nursery. Even though I am not allowed to go outside to play with my 
cousins I have fun riding the large ride on toys and slide and swings 
my Uncle Dave has built in the upstairs nursery. With ten-foot-high 
ceilings, they are big enough for me to have fun on.

It is going to be Thanksgiving next week. My aunt told me my mom and 
dad are going to be here to visit for a week. My aunt has been 
reporting to them on my progress going to college and potty training, 
too. They know about where I sleep and eat. I wish I could get out of 
baby punishment for the week they would be here. I want to be a big boy 
but accidents happen to me all the time because of my small bladder. My 
aunt keeps telling me to hold it just like she would if I was a small 
toddler. I do try to hold my pee, I really do, but pee comes out no 
matter how hard I try.

Aunt Betty tells me I pee more than an eighteen-month-old baby. I told 
her I do not; a baby pees all the time. I said she would have to prove 
it to me somehow. She told me she could do that. She said, �This Monday 
is holiday week. College is out and your parents will not be here until 
Monday evening about bedtime. You can help out at the daycare down the 
road. I have made arraignments for you to work for the day.�

My aunt told me I can spend the day at the daycare helping with the 
toddlers changing their diapers. I asked if I would get to wear my 
college clothes. She said as long as I keep them clean and dry and 
don�t have any leaks.

I was quite nervous walking into the daycare where they had three 
classes. One class was for babies under the age of eighteen months. The 
other class was eighteen months old to potty trained. The big-kid class 
was for potty-trained to kindergarten. I was led to the eighteen-month-
old class. I saw thirteen little boys. Eight of them were wearing Pull-
ups training pants; five were wearing diapers.

Miss Kemp pointed me to Kevin. He was a two-year-old wearing diapers. 
He was one of the biggest kids there. She told me to change his messy 
diaper then to change Sammy; he just wet his diaper a few minutes ago. 
Boy, Kevin was a mess, but not half as messy as mine could get. Kevin 
weighed fifty pounds-- half my weight and half my height-- that�s why 
the baby diapers can fit me. After changing Kevin Sammy�s diaper was a 
snap. He was just a little damp but I still changed him.

Miss Kemp walked over to me said she thought I would be running for the 
door when I opened Kevin�s diaper. She was surprised when I finished it 
without even making a face. The from out of the blue Miss Kemp grabbed 
my waistband to put her finger into the front of my diaper. She told me 
my aunt told her to keep a check on my diaper but she could not believe 
a college boy was still wearing diapers.

�Well, you have just proved it to me you need a diaper change,� and 
told me to get change. I walk behind the room divider and pulled off my 
pants. I found I had a large wet spot on the seat of my pants where my 
diaper leaked through. That was Miss Kemp�s tip-off. I lay down on the 
heavy duty change table and pulled on the tapes causing that noise you 
hear changing a diaper. There were four tapes on my diaper, two on each 
side. I pull the soaked diaper from under me then wiped my hairless 
private area with a baby wipe. Then put one of the same size baby 
diapers I use on Kevin. I pulled the front up between my legs and taped 
each side. I hopped down from the table to get my pants to find them 
gone. My T-shirt was long and hid most of my diaper from adults but the 
little boys could see it all.

I called to Miss Kemp to the changing area she told me to get out from 
the changing area and change Pauly�s wet diaper. The divider that was 
hiding me was removed so all could see me. I looked like a thin ten or 
twelve-year-old in diapers. The other boys did not even look as Pauly 
walked over to me. I quickly put him on the table and changed his 
diaper so he could get back to his play. He asked me about my diaper. I 
told him I had an accident and they put me back in diapers. He just 
smiled as I worked at putting his clean dry diaper on.

I had to sit at a small table while I watched the boys play. It was 
only 10:00 in the morning and I had the whole day to watch the boys 
play without being allowed to join them. Then Teddy, one of the 
diapered boys, walked over to me and asked if he could go potty since 
he wants big boy pants. Miss Kemp told me to take him to the potty and 
remove his diaper for him. Teddy was only twenty months old. We went to 
the potty room where I remove his dry diaper so he could sit on the 
potty. I heard a long stream of pee go in the potty after what seemed 
like five minutes. He said, �all done� and got off the potty. Teddy did 
a poop and pee in the potty for the first time. Miss Kemp handed Teddy 
his Pull-up as a reward. Teddy had a big smile on his face as he pulled 
his own Pull-ups on. Miss Kemp told me that is how to be a big boy, see 
how easy it is Donny.

I walk back to my seat and sat down feeling wetness in my diaper I 
thought to myself. When did I wet my diaper? Then I remembered Teddy 
peeing in the potty and the sound had an effect on me, causing me to 
let pee out, too. I have got to practice more on holding my pee, I 
guess. Miss Kemp looked at me and said, �looks like you need a changed 
again, little boy.� I thought she was talking to Kevin or Pauly or 
someone else, NOT ME.

Miss Kemp took me by the hand. I was in trouble. Here I am, a twenty-
year-old in daycare wearing and using diapers like one of the students. 
I was on the table being changed by Miss Kemp like I was one of her 
students. She told me, �Go play and have fun, Donny; you are just a 
baby anyway.�

By the end of the day I was ready to admit to my aunt I was not yet 
ready to be potty trained to be a big boy. To have a twenty-month-old 
out hold me for the potty was embarrassing to me. I just wanted to give 
up. I needed to practice holding my potty needs and realizing the need 
to let my pee or poop out before it happens. Using diapers is so 
automatic to me I don�t even think before it happens. It just happens 
so fast. Before I know it I am wet or messy just like a two-year-old 
that has no interest in potty training. Play is what drives a toddler, 
not stopping to go use the stupid potty. I guess that I am like a 
toddler in that respect I would be running to the potty all the time if 
I wanted to be potty trained.

It was Monday of Thanksgiving week. Mom and dad were driving up the 
dirt road to the house. I was taking my nap in my crib in the 
downstairs nursery since Ronny is no longer in baby punishment, leaving 
me the only one in baby punishment.

I was sound asleep in my crib when they came in the house. Aunt Betty 
led them to peek in on me. I was sucking an empty bottle so mom traded 
my empty bottle with my pacifier. I quickly started to suck my pacifier 
in my sleep just like a baby would. Mom stroked my hair as I kept 
sleeping. She kissed my forehead and left the room. Aunt Betty said it 
would be another hour before naptime would be over. He had a long day 
at daycare.

After the hour was up I was awakened by my dad picking me up and 
carrying me to the changing table. I was still half asleep when my dad 
changed my wet diaper. I smiled at my dad when he pulled my plastic 
over my thick fluffy cloth diaper. I realized then my dad had just 
changed my wet diaper and started to whimper. Dad put my pacifier in my 
mouth and I automatically started to suck it without thinking.

Dad lifted me off the changing table onto the floor. He led me by the 
hand waddling sucking my pacifier out to meat my mom in the family 
room. Mom hugged me patting me on my puffy plastic pants. For some 
reason I felt so good and comfortable and warm. Mom said, �I see Aunt 
Betty is treating you like you need to be treated. I knew you were not 
that well potty trained by your school reports when you went to school. 
They kept reporting you used the potty far more often than a 
kindergarten kid does. But they kept passing you because you were so 
smart at reading and math.

�I always thought you would out grow potty problem but you never 
learned how to hold your potty needs. I guess I fail at potty training 
you. I guess fifteen months is too early to potty train a little boy. I 
just wanted to stop changing diapers every hour.�

I listened to her and kept sucking my pacifier not wanting to talk and 
get spanked by my uncle or aunt.

It was dinnertime, so mom put me in my highchair and put my bib on so I 
could start eating. Mom spoon fed me my meal like I was a two-year-old. 
I was in heaven, my real mommy feeding me. After my meal I was led to 
the couch where mom laid me in next to her where I could lay my head in 
her lap and suck my bottle. I felt like I was floating on a cloud as I 
sucked. My diaper warmed up in the front and back at the same time. I 
knew I was pooping and peeing simultaneously but it felt so good.

It felt like I was floating in the air. I felt so good then I felt my 
big boy thing happen like it just exploded without moving it just 
happened. I sucked hard on my bottle because I was so overwhelmed by my 
feelings. I got a little scared when my feeling let me down off the 
cloud I was floating on but kept sucking my bottle. My bottle was the 
only thing on my mind now and how good it was to be in my mom�s lap. 
Soon I was sound asleep with an empty bottle. I woke up a half hour 
later by mom changing my diaper in my crib. I thought I was in trouble 
if she saw my big boy white stuff. Mom just cleaned me up and put a 
fresh diaper on me without comment. Mom put me on my rocking horse so 
she could watch me have fun. I sucked my pacifier and play on my horse 
for fifteen minutes.

I climbed off and started to play with the trucks and cars scattered 
all over the floor. Soon I forgot mom was watching me and played just 
like a real toddler, noise-making and everything a toddler does. Even 
wetting my fresh diaper mom had just put on me not even a half hour 
ago. I could not help it I forgot again to hold it I was having so much 
fun playing is the most important thing now.

It was bath time now mom picked me up carried me to the changing table, 
removed my wet diaper and carried me to the bathroom. She sat me on the 
potty and ran the bath water hoping I would have an accident on the 
potty. I did nothing in the potty. I had already done it in my diaper. 
Mom put me in the warm water and started my bath. I was still sucking 
my pacifier. I was feeling so good as she washed my hair first. Then 
she washed each and every part of my body, paying close attention to my 
bottom and crotch. My big boy part was stiff but mom paid no attention 
to it. I was dried off and carried to the changing table where mom put 
baby lotion and powder on every part of my body before she put a new 
style diaper she brought from home.

My new diaper looked just like the diapers at daycare except they were 
three times thicker. New nursery print pajamas went over the new 
diapers and I was ready for bed. I looked like a two-year-old except 
taller. I felt like I did not have a care in the world because I was 
safe and secure with my mommy. Mom lifted me from the changing table to 
the floor where I stood uneasy at first because of the bulk in my 
crotch. I took my first step and almost fell then the next step. Soon I 
was being led waddling stumbling by the hand by my mom.

I entered the family room where my dad, aunt, uncle, Ronny and Jimmy 
was sitting watching The Mummy. Mom told me to say good night to 
everyone I was still sucking my pacifier and remembered if I talked I 
would get spanked. I let a little whimper out as mom turned causing me 
to fall. I slowly got back up and was led to my crib where mom tucked 
me in gave me my bottle and sang me a lullaby until I was sound asleep. 
My bottle was empty mom removed my empty bottle to replace it with my 

The next morning mom picked me up and handed me to dad, saying, �he is 
yours, phew!� I felt the mess sag low in my wet diaper. I don�t mess in 
my sleep very often but it happened last night. I was flying through 
the air again with my dad looking at me in the eyes saying, �When are 
you going to grow up and be a big boy?� I felt a little ashamed as he 
fastened the strap across my chest. Mom opened my messy diaper and 
started the clean-up. It took mom and dad ten minutes to get me cleaned 
up before putting a thinner daytime diaper on me. The new diaper looked 
like the night diaper but only one third as thick. Mom dressed me in a 
toddler-style playsuit with Big Bird on the front.

Then she put new Winnie the Pooh shoes and socks on me. Then dad lifted 
me off the changing table to the floor. The shoes had rounded bottoms, 
making it very hard to walk. I gave up trying to walk and decided to 
crawl instead. Mom and dad approved, saying, �babies need to use the 
potty, not diapers.� I crawled to the kitchen sucking my pacifier where 
dad picked me up to put me in the highchair. Dad fed me oatmeal causing 
me to need to poop after halfway through my meal. Without thinking, my 
poop was on its way into my diaper followed by a flood of pee. I did 
not even try to stop it because I was so happy to have my parents here.

It was also a habit I pick up since I came to live here; I could not 
stop it. When I eat breakfast poop always happens same time same place. 
Dad got a frown on his face when he smelled my deed saying, �Little 
Donny did a poopy, I smell him.� I finished my meal and was led to the 
nursery by my mom. I waddled and stumbled all the way with my new 
shoes, and my diaper was hanging low with the load bouncing inside my 

Mom unsnapped the snaps in the crotch on my playsuit and changed my 
diaper in just a few minutes. I was then allowed to go play in the 
nursery with my toys. Without a thought, I started to play again just 
like a toddler, forgetting I was a twenty-year-old college student. Mom 
smiled as she watched me have fun with all the toddler toys I had 
laying around the room. I got a look at dad. He looked sort of upset 
but he was smiling anyway. I just kept playing having fun my way.

An hour after breakfast mom did my diaper change then an hour before 
lunch dad did a diaper change. Dad even tickled my toes after he 
removed my stupid shoes before he removed my wet diaper. His tickling 
caused me to let more pee out. Dad was as good at changing my diaper as 
mom. When dad finished my diaper change he played with me building 
things with the blocks. We had fun until lunch. I was so happy I ran to 
my highchair barefooted and climbed in wiggling, waiting for someone to 
fasten the seat belt and put the tray in place.

Mom fastened my seatbelt dad put the tray in front of me. Mom removed 
my pacifier and started to feed me my soup. My aunt put a cut-up 
toasted cheese sandwich on my tray next to my soup. I started to pick 
up the sandwich. Mom told me to be careful, it may be hot. I ate one 
piece then mom fed me more soup. Mom let me eat a little more sandwich 
then spooned more soup to me. I finished my meal. My hands and face 
were cleaned off because of the mess I made of myself.

Mom said, �Donny, naptime after your diaper change.� I giggled as dad 
carried me to the nursery where mom changed my wet diaper, getting me 
ready for my nap. I have only seen a little of my aunt, uncle and 
cousins since mom and dad arrived. Where were they? Mom had me tucked 
into my crib with a warm bottle in my mouth. I looked through the bars 
to see Ronny peering in at me with a small smile on his face. I knew he 
wanted to join me. When he seen me spot him he ran away. Mom started to 
read me my favorite story, �The Little Engine That Could�. I don�t even 
remember the engine going up the hill because I fell asleep.

I woke up with my aunt changing my diaper in my crib. I wanted to ask 
her where mom was but my pacifier reminded me NOT TO TALK. My diaper 
had leaked and got my new playsuit wet so my aunt removed my playsuit. 
I thought she was going to let me be in just diapers like she always 
does around her house. Mom walked in to the room when my aunt had my 
diaper all fastened on. She had another playsuit. This one had a teddy 
bear with a pacifier in his mouth on the front. It had DONNY below the 
teddy bear it was cute for a toddler, NOT for a twenty-year-old.

I looked like it was made for a little baby, not a twenty-year-old. Mom 
had me wearing it in just a few minutes tell me she was going to take 
me to town to do some shopping. I wanted to talk but again the pacifier 
reminded me to say nothing. Dad carried me to their car they had a 
special car seat for a small teen strapped in the back seat. I was 
quickly fastened into it and we were on our way. I did not want the 
pacifier in my mouth so I let it fall out.

Dad parked the car in the public lot and went to the trunk to get 
something. Mom released me from the seat put my pacifier that was on 
it, string pinned to my playsuit. Dad picked me up and put me into a 
stroller and fastened the seatbelt. I looked like a ten-year-old boy 
that had a learning disability. I could not hide as mom and dad pushed 
me down the street in to the shops, looking at all the holiday things. 
I was soon wet you know a toddler�s bladder is not that big. I hope mom 
don�t change me around here.

We went into a restaurant to eat dinner. Mom was asked if she need a 
highchair. She asked if it would be big enough for her big kid. They 
assured her it would be. They brought out a highchair that looked like 
the one my aunt has for me. Mom picked me up to find me soaked. She 
asked where she could change my diaper loud enough for everyone nearby 
to hear. I was lead to the ladies room where mom changed my wet diaper.

Nobody was paying attention to me. They never even looked as I waddled 
to and from my diaper change. I felt so much more relaxed sitting in my 
highchair being fed my dinner off baby food while mom and dad ate 
stake. When mom put me in the stroller to leave she felt the wetness of 
my diaper saying YOU WET AGAIN. You can wait until we get to your aunts 

They fastened me into my car seat and we were on our way to my aunt�s. 
When dad turned the car down the dirt road to the house I felt what I 
thought was a fart wanting out. When I let it out I was surprised when 
a load of poop came out instead. Dad smelled it first saying, �I think 
someone in the back seat needs his pants changed,� and giggled. Mom 
giggled, too. I pouted because I did not want to poop again but it was 
just another one of my accidents. It is getting hard for me to tell 
when it is a fart or poop.

When we got in the house mom removed my diaper and cleaned my messy 
bottom before she bathed me for bedtime. When she finished my bath and 
shave she oiled and powdered me before she pinned a triple-thick cloth 
diaper on me with puffy nursery print plastic pants. She zipped up the 
back of my new blue footed sleeper with yellow duckies all over it. 
With the ballooned bulge around my diaper area I looked like a two-
year-old. I walked like a diapered toddler to the family room to say 
good night. I told my aunt and uncle good night. I said good night to 
my cousins. Jimmy just said good night. Ronny had a big grin, not like 
he was making fun of me, but an, �I want to do it, too� grin.

Mom again sang me to sleep. This time I was asleep before my bottle was 
empty. The next morning dad changed my wet diaper and carried me to my 
highchair. I was so relaxed being babied by my parents for two days in 
an accepting way. I was so happy. How could life get better? I had 
mommy and daddy taking care of me again. But in two days they will be 
gone again; that made me sort of uneasy.

I woke up again to mom changing my soaked night diaper. She had the 
snaps in the crotch of my sleepers open and my plastic pants were off. 
When she unpinned my diaper she told me I must have had drank a river 
last night because most of it ended up in my diaper. I giggled because 
it sounded so funny to me.

I had another fun day with my parents doing more toddler things until 
after my nap when my dressed me in thick training pants. Then I was 
surprised when mom led me to the back door I was going to go outside 
wearing just thick underwear. I started hearing people laughing from 
the swimming lake. I was going to go swimming now, I am happy.

Mom told me to have fun and follow the rules. I was going to have fun 
going down the slide the right way and never break Uncle Dave�s rules 
ever again. The rest of the day was spent going down the slide and 
climbing the hill and ladder. By dinnertime I could hardly walk. My 
legs were like rubber bands.

Mom told me it was time to go eat and led me to a blanket where she 
diapered me in one of my disposable diapers. I looked like a three-
year-old walking in the house waddling and stumbling because I was so 
tired. Dad put me in my highchair fastened my seat belt and put my tray 
in front of me. Mom started to feed me my baby food but before I 
finished the first jar of three I was sound asleep.

Mom gently removed me for my chair took me to the nursery and laid me 
on the changing table. Sound asleep I was dressed for bed in a Winnie 
the Pooh sleeper then put in my crib. Mom put the nipple of a warm 
bottle in my mouth, which I started to suck. I don�t remember anything 
after being put in the highchair.

The next morning was Thanksgiving. I was awake before mom came in to 
change me. I was standing in my crib holding the rail, calling for 
mommy. I said one word, �poop�. She asked me if I had to poop. I nodded 
my head yes. She said to hold it until I am on the potty then. She 
quickly removed my sleeper while I stood in my crib. She carried me to 
the little race car potty chair next to my crib. My soaked diaper was 
removed so I could sit on the race car potty chair. Mom fastened the 
seat belt and left the room. I felt poop leave my butt and heard it hit 
the potty bottom.

Mom came back a few minutes later. She asked me if I was done. I nodded 
yes. Mom wiped my bottom with a baby wipe and diapered me in a thin 
daytime disposable diaper. Dressed in nothing but my diaper, I ran to 
my highchair and climbed in waiting for the seat belt and tray. Mom 
told me I was allowed to be a big boy from now on to talk, walk, feed 
myself and even use the potty if I can hold it long enough to make it 
to the potty.

Thanksgiving was so fun, eating big-boy food and playing with all the 
toys and swimming again; what more could a person want? Right before 
bedtime the need to poop came to me so I ran to mom and told her, �me 
need to go poop.� I was quickly led to the potty next to my crib. Mom 
was pulling down my pants when poop started going into my diaper. I 
could not hold any longer. Mom said, �Sorry, honey, I was not fast 
enough for you, maybe next time.� Mom just laid me on the nursery room 
floor and changed me messy diaper. I felt like I was five years old 
again going through potty training and how hard it was for me. I guess 
I really have never been fully potty trained.

I need more practice, but not now, I am having so much fun.

I played with Ronny and Jimmy for the next four hours, needing two more 
diaper changes before bedtime. Mom sung me to sleep again with my warm 
bottle in my mouth. Life could not get better than this.

Mom woke me up, changed my diaper, telling me we are going Christmas 
shopping today. I feed myself my breakfast, holding my poop until mom 
carried me to my morning potty sit. I put my load of poop in the potty 
but my pee was already out in my diaper that is too hard to hold.

Mom dressed me in another new playsuit. This one had stuff from the 
movie Cars all over it. I was wearing a night diaper under the 
playsuit, causing that unmistakable diaper bulge. Mom did not forget my 
pacifier keeper, either; I need my binkie to relax. Dad put me in the 
car seat, strapping me in snugly. I felt so safe and secure sucking my 
pacifier. I fell asleep on the fifteen-minute ride to town.

I woke up riding in the stroller, going into a toy store. There was a 
saleslady helping mom pick out a stuffed animal. She told mom I look 
like a student she goes to college with who is a freshman. �I am a 
junior; this boy�s name is Donny. If he was not dressed in the toddler 
clothes wearing diapers he could pass for Donny�s twin.�

She said she has a little brother that has a potty problem and needs 
diapers all the time. He is sixteen she is twenty. She told mom that 
she has to diaper him all the time. She loves doing it, even the messy 
ones. She told mom her name is Lora and her brother�s name is Bobby. 
She said she just love treating Bobby like a toddler, changing his 
diapers all the time, feeding him and bathing him. She says she keeps 
his secret so no one knows in town he is a baby at home. He even 
chooses to sleep in a crib and eat in his highchair.

Mom told Lora that this is the same Donny from college. �He has a potty 
problem like your brother.� Lora smiled and said, �I would like to 
visit and maybe babysit Donny sometime. I can even tutor him if he is 
having problem at college.�

Mom gave Lora the address where I was staying. I was sound asleep while 
they talked and knew nothing of what they talked about. What will my 
future have in store for me? Time will tell.

I woke up back at my aunt�s place being carried into the house by dad. 
It was late in the evening and I had a long hard day being with my 
parents. Mom bathed me I played in the tub for about a half hour. Mom 
dried me off diapered me put my sleeper on and had me in my highchair. 
I had a sippy cup of milk and two cookies. Mom told me her and dad had 
to go back home and Uncle Dave had to go back to driving his big rig. 
That would leave me alone with my cousins and aunt I need to behave 
like a good boy.

I whimpered as mom put me in my crib knowing when I woke up they would 
be gone. It would be my aunt and cousin�s again alone here at the 
ranch. When I woke up my aunt was changing me getting me dressed me for 
class. My aunt dropped me of at college where I went to my morning 
class. After my morning class I had to go change my diaper before my 
afternoon class because I felt it sagging. I was on my way to the 
restroom that I always used for changing my diaper. It was a restroom 
for the disabled with a low counter to sit on. I could do a diaper 
change with very little problem. It was big enough for two people or 
one in a wheel chair it had a lock so I could have privacy.

Today Lora was standing in front of my restroom. She asked me if I 
needed help with my diaper change. I went white with fear. I stuttered 
trying to deny the fact that I was even wearing a diaper. She quickly 
grabbed the waist of my pants and had her finger in the front of my wet 
diaper. I was caught with no way to deny it.

I told her I could handle it my self and went in to the restroom and 
changed my diaper myself. As I did my diaper change I wondered how she 
knew I was wearing diapers. It took ten minutes to finish the job. I 
peeked out of the door to see if she was gone. She was sitting on the 
bench right outside of the door. I stepped out and tried to hide but 
how could I. I needed to get to class or I would be late. Then Lora 
walked over to me and said hi Donny my name is Lora I met you at the 
toy store yesterday you were asleep in you stroller with your mom 
pushing you around.

That is how she knows all about my problem from talking to my mother 
the other day in the toy store. She told me I was asleep in a stroller 
looking so cute sucking my pacifier. She told me that I am just like 
her sixteen-year-old baby brother. She told me how much she likes 
babying big baby boys like me. We walked to my next class and she 
talked about changing her brother�s diapers feeding him and playing 
with him. She wanted to be a good mommy to little boys like me. She 
told me she would like to play with me if I wanted to. She told me she 
knows where I live and could come over when class is over.

I was sort of scare and told her I would have to think about it. I 
never had a girl know that I was not very well potty trained before 
even back home. For the most part I just like to date girls at parties 
or dances. I never wanted to go where I would have to go sleep over 
where they would find out my bed wetting problem. I was scared of 
wetting my bed in front of them.

Lora knew I was diapered and she was very pretty even beautiful nice 
build long blond hair. She was about six inches taller than me. Her 
grip when she had me by the hand talking was strong. The more I thought 
about her the more I thought may be it would be OK to try to date her. 
She likes me so I guess it will be good to try her out.

The last class of the day put me out at 3:30 with Lora waiting on me. 
She grabbed my backpack with my diaper supplies in it. She led me to 
the restroom that I always do my diaper changes in. Before I knew it 
the door was closed I was lying on the bench with Lora unfastening my 
pants. I was too scared to move I watched as she went to work changing 
my soaked diaper. She was very good within three minutes I was in a dry 
diaper ready to go again. She told me changing my diaper was just like 
when she changes her little brother�s but her little brother is a lot 
bigger than me.

We left to room holding hands. I started to talk to her about me liking 
to play with toys and things made for kids a lot younger than me. She 
talked about loving men that like to be little boys most of the time. 
She only likes a man to be a man once or twice a month that is enough 
for her. That way she can have her fun and keep her man the way she 
likes him well diapered and happy. She told me she is rich her parents 
left her more money than she really needs to have a good life. Her 
brother Bobby is rich too when he is 21 so he will not be around her 
after that. She needs some one to baby and stay with her.

When we arrived at my aunt and uncle�s ranch my aunt showed Lora around 
the house. Lora was looking at all the baby things and toys I like to 
play with while I did my homework in my highchair. The play yard in 
back of the house had baby swings, sand box, and boy�s toys lying all 
over the place. By the time Lora returned I was just about done doing 
my assignments from college. I was in need a diaper change the last 
change was over two hours ago. I did not care I wanted to go play and 
have fun with the toys in the play yard.

Lora removed the tray and just before she released my seat belt she 
stuck her finger in the front of my disposable diaper. She said not so 
fast little Donny we need to take care of your wet diaper before you go 
play. Lora told my aunt Donny is just like her sixteen-year-old baby 
brother Bobby he always wants to play even with a wet or messy diaper. 
My aunt asked Lora if there is something wrong with her brother or 
what. Lora said he is normal except he is not very well potty trained 
and like Donny he likes his toys. He still needs diapers 100% of the 

My aunt asked Lora why does her brother still play with toys isn�t he a 
little old. Lora said before our parents died last year mom caught him 
playing in his room wearing a wet and messy diaper. He was playing with 
his old toddler toys. Mom asked him what he was doing he admitted he 
just likes to wear and use diapers. He said he likes to play with toys 

Mom talked to a child psychologist he told her it is better than 
drinking or drugs and as long as he is normal with everything else let 
him play. Just keep his play private so he will not be outcast so we 
let him play with his toys we buy him. We help him keep his secret but 
he has no real friends his age just a few real toddlers that can�t talk 
yet. He has plenty of toys to play with by his self alone in his 
private nursery. He would love this place maybe he could come for a 
visit. That way he could make some friends here he is a senior in high 
school and will graduate next summer.

Tomorrow is Saturday maybe he can come here and they can play together. 
I was listening while I was playing with my toys. I suddenly heard 
giggling then crying. Ronny had another one of his wet pants accidents. 
Jimmy was teasing him. My aunt had strict rules about teasing soon both 
Ronny and Jimmy was crying. Ronny because he knew he was back to 
diapers and toddler treatment. Jimmy was crying now because of the 
teasing he was doing to Ronny Aunt Betty told him he will join his 

Lora said looks like we will have a full nursery tomorrow. I will be 
here early to help you with the diaper changing and feeding you will 
need it. Four big diaper boys is a challenge for any one person. Lora 
said but I only see two cribs up here we need four for nap time. My 
aunt said she has two more cribs and highchairs out in the barn she 
will set them up this evening for now Jimmy will sleep in the down 
stairs nursery.

Jimmy heard where he would be sleeping that night while he was lying on 
the changing table he started to cry more. Aunt Betty put a pacifier 
into his mouth that quieted his crying. He was whimpering as his diaper 
was pinned tightly on and plastic pants were pulled up his legs sealing 
his fait. Ronny was last because he needed cleaned up before he was 
diapered. Jimmy waddled over to where I was playing and joined me. Soon 
Ronny did his waddle. We were playing just like three little boys with 
the toy trucks and cars.

Aunt Betty said to Lora the boys look so cute don�t they? Lora said 
they look just like three little toddlers playing with their toys not 
two teenagers and a young adult man. Bobby is going to love this place. 
I did not care what Lora and my aunt were talking about I now have 
playmates to play with.

Lora had to go home and babysit her brother for the night. My aunt had 
to feed us our dinner. Then she had to bathe and dress each of us for 
bed. Jimmy was put in his highchair next to Ronny�s highchair. Ronny 
was put in his highchair next to my highchair. Then I climbed into my 
highchair. I sat down to feel a squish I must have wet my diaper 
waiting to get seated. Aunt Betty must have seen my diaper while I was 
climbing into my highchair. Aunt Betty said looks like little Donny 
needs his diaper changed already. Everyone just giggled. My aunt said 
everyone seated here needs his diaper changed your all wet the giggling 
stopped as we looked at each other.

I watched my aunt feed my cousins since they were at the baby toddler 
level of the punishment I was at the big toddler level so I was aloud 
to feed myself. I was still a little messy at doing that because I had 
to eat the toddler food with my fingers. The soup and baby food peaches 
I ate with a spoon. I still had quite a few dribbles on my bib. After 
my meal I looked like the average messy two-year-old after he ate his 

Both of my cousins looked like they were only one year old. I watched 
Ronny stop his wiggling and moving around all the sudden. Aunt Betty 
said looks like Ronny is filling his diaper. Ronny�s face turned red 
with embarrassment he did not know he was being watched. Then I felt 
the need too so I followed Ronny�s lead I let my load go into my diaper 
followed by a flood it felt so good and warm, no one was watching me. 
Jimmy�s was turning red he was having to push hard to get his load out. 
Soon the room smelled like a real nursery with messy babies. It smelled 
of baby powder, baby oil, pee and poop lots of poop.

My aunt let Jimmy out of his highchair first she lead him to a waiting 
bath she had ready for him. Ronny and I had to play with a few toys she 
put on our trays. Fifteen minutes later it was Ronny�s turn to get lead 
to his bath then I was playing alone. Twenty minutes later it was my 
turn Aunt Betty carried me sucking my pacifier to my waiting bath.

We entered the large bathroom I have never been in before she had a 
changing table in the corner where she strapped me down to remove my 
messy diaper. The room smelled of baby powder and oil but soon started 
too smelled like poop. After she opened my diaper it smelled like a lot 
of poop. My aunt work quickly she had my messy diaper removed using the 
front of the diaper she wiped most of the poop off my bottom. I heard 
my diaper hit the other two diapers in the diaper pail with a squishy 
flop and the lid go shut with a snap.

Aunt Betty had my legs held high in the air like I was a toddler while 
she wiped the rest of the poop off my bottom. She took another few 
minutes to do the final wiping with baby wipes removing all signs of 
poop from my bottom. The room had only a slight smell of my mess now.

Aunt Betty lifted me in the tub and started washing my hair before I 
knew it. The room now smelled like baby soap. Aunt Betty washed my face 
first then my arms, legs, crotch, chest, back, and butt. I now smelled 
like a freshly bathed baby still wet with bath water from his bath. 
Aunt Betty dried me off with a big warm fluffy towel. I felt so nice 
and warm as she put me on the waiting changing table. I was all ready 
for my diaper. She put baby lotion and baby powder on my diaper area 
before she lifted my legs in the air again so she could put my diaper 
under my bottom. My bottom was carefully lowered on to my diaper she 
pulled the front of my diaper up to my bellybutton. I felt the left 
side get pulled tightly and snuggly in place as the tape was applied 
the right side. She used the triple thick disposable diaper my mom had 
left for me. I was smiling sucking my pacifier as my feet went into a 
thin cotton footed sleeper with such ease. My aunt held my feet that 
were in the sleeper in the air so she could finish pulling the rest of 
the sleeper under my bottom. She released the chest strap that had me 
secured to the table so she could put my left arm in its sleeve. Then 
she put my right arm in its sleeve finally she zipped it up in the 

I looked at my self in the mirror as my aunt carried me to bed like I 
was a big toddler. I looked at my self in the mirror on the way out of 
the bathroom the front of the sleeper had a big Teddy Bear and pacifier 
printed on it. I looked no older that two with the unmistakable diaper 
bulge that belongs to an un-potty trained toddler. No three-year-old 
would be caught in a sleeper with a Teddy Bear and pacifier on the 
front of it. My pacifier was still in my mouth it was so relaxing I was 
almost asleep before I was lying in my crib. Aunt Betty removed my 
pacifier and placed my bottle of warm milk in my mouth.

Without thinking I started sucking only by habit I really love my night 
bottle I just smiled and started sucking I was so warm and relaxed. I 
looked over into the other crib to see Ronny asleep with his empty 
bottle hanging out of his mouth. Aunt Betty removed his bottle then 
replaced it with his pacifier. While he was still asleep he started 
sucking the pacifier then I knew how my pacifier was always in my mouth 
in the morning.

I don�t remember anything until I was awakened by my aunt in the 
morning. Sure enough I was sucking my pacifier the next morning I knew 
it was my aunt that did it. This morning I still felt dry maybe I was 
learning how to stay dry finally. My aunt picked me up lifting my 
bottom squishing the wetness around slightly. I guess I am not as dry 
as I thought. As I walked to the kitchen I felt my diaper sag a little 
more than any other morning it was bouncing inside of my sleeper. I 
watched Jimmy walk his sleeper had a sagging diaper bounce too. Ahead 
of Jimmy was Ronny with the same sagging bouncing sleeper.

Lora was already here with Bobby. Bobby was dressed in a sagging 
sleeper too. He looked like he has been crying for a long time his eyes 
were so red. As soon as he seen us wearing our sleepers� just like he 
was he had a big smile on his face. Bobby watched us get put into our 
highchairs getting ready for breakfast. Bobby was put into the new 
highchair in the kitchen he was dressed in a light blue sleeper with a 
large diaper bulge just like mine. We were feed our breakfast my aunt 
feed Jimmy and Ronny. Lora feed me and Bobby. Bobby�s sleeper had a big 
pacifier on the front of it. We tried to talk but every time one of us 
opened our mouth a spoon was put in. I did not have time to think of 
holding my potty needs I just let it all happen. Then I smelled more 
poop than just mine every one must have made their poopies at the same 

Everyone in the room needed a diaper change the two brothers were first 
leaving Bobby and I alone we talked about what we would be playing with 
after our diaper change. I was going to ride the big spring horse he 
was going to peddle the car around the big room.

Aunt Betty came and picked up Bobby then Lora picked me up. Lora kissed 
me on the lips on the way to my change. The kiss made me feel great 
almost like I was flying. Lora put me on the changing table cleaned me 
up then kissed me more. I kissed her back too. We kissed and hugged 
each other for about twenty minutes. Then Lora taped my diaper in place 
and dressed me for play.

I ran up stairs to join my cousins and new friend that were already 
having fun giggling and playing just like a bunch of toddlers. I jumped 
on the horse and started to ride. After I was tired of riding the horse 
I jump down and started to play with the Hot Wheels and Thomas train 
with my friends. We were having so much fun playing when Lora came in 
the room to say diaper check time Jimmy was first to be changed he was 
wet then Bobby. Ronny needed his diaper changed too. Then it was my 
turn Lora Kissed me again with me kissing her back we started to liking 
to do that a lot.

I was back to playing after my diaper change my cousins Bobby and I 
went out in the back yard. Every one looked to be two years old with 
their diaper waddle and bulge. I found out that wearing a thick diaper 
has more than one advantage when I fell off the top of the slide and 
hit on my bottom. That would have hurt if I did not have such thick 
diapers. I wanted to go swimming but my aunt said. �NO�

It was lunchtime and after that nap time this first day with Lora is 
going fast Bobby is so fun to play with he likes the same thing I do. 
We share time on the horsey since we like him the best. Ronny and Jimmy 
don�t really like him that much since they have real horses I guess. We 
all like to build big high-ways with the building block for our toys 
cars and trucks. It has been a busy fun morning. Lora and Aunt Betty 
started carrying us one by one to the changing table.

Lora carried me last to the changing table in the nursery next to all 
the cribs. Everyone was already in their crib out of view of the 
changing table. Lora and I kissed more than ever before I was getting 
my big boy feeling doing that. Lora just ignored my big boy thing and 
diapered me before carrying me to the kitchen. I entered the kitchen 
seeing every one was in their highchair getting fed their lunch.

I climbed in to my chair and Lora put my bib on followed by my tray. My 
food was set in front of me and I started to eat the small pieces of 
hot dog and mac and cheese with my bare hands. It was messy but I was 
hungry by the end of my meal I had cheese all over my face, bib, hair, 
tray, and arms. Lora giggled as she cleaned me off saying I was as much 
a mess as her brother. I looked at him he was one messy boy.

Lora carried me to my crib first we kissed and hugged before she put me 
in my crib. Lora put my bottle in my mouth saying have a nice nap I 
sucked my bottle thinking only about Lora on my way to dreamland. Lora 
was now my girl friend when ever I wasn�t playing I was thinking about 
Lora. When I though too long about her I would get my big boy feeling.
After my nap Lora changed my diaper and we kissed and hugged more she 
told me she loved me so much she wished I was her husband so she could 
take good care of me just like she does her brother. But I could take 
care of her big girl feelings, too. My big boy feeling was so great 
when I heard him say that I told her I would marry her but I need to 
finish college first. She told me she was so rich I would not ever have 
to work all I would have to do is take care of her big girl feeling 
when she wanted me to.

She told me I could play all day and she would care for me just like 
she is doing now, diapering, feeding and keeping me safe from the 
outside world. I could be as much of a baby, toddler or big boy as I 
wanted to be. But I would have to stay in diapers for ever no 
underwear. I would have to have an operation that would make me have no 
control ever we would have to go out of the country to do that.

I was so I love I agreed to only if we got married first. Lora agreed 
to do that.

Within one month I quit college and we were married we went to France 
where I had my operation. It was so easy I barely felt any thing during 
my operation due to a local antithetic the doctor gave me. He told me I 
would feel the need to go poop or go pee but could not stop it now 
because of the muscle control that controlled that was now so weak. I 
would now just have spasms. Then I would me wet or messy just like an 
infant with no control.

That night Lora and I had the night of our life. I felt almost like a 
real man. Then I was reminded that I was just a toddler that wanted to 
be a man when Lora diapered me. The next day Lora treated me just like 
a toddler pushing me in a stroller around Paris. I Paris they have 
places to change babies diaper next to the restrooms. For the next four 
days of the honeymoon I was just a baby to her. No one even asked her 
why such a big boy was being pushed in a push chair as they call it. I 
saw many other big kids some my size being pushed too so I guess it is 
normal there.

When we got home I was her baby for about a month before I was aloud to 
sleep with her again and satisfy her big girl feeling. I played with my 
cousins at the lake and in my new playroom with all me new toys. I had 
what ever toy a little boy would want. I had special built toddler toys 
my size. Just like the crib and highchair I used they were sized so 
when I was put into them I could not get out until Lora let me out. The 
walker I hated because I could not have my freedom. I was her baby and 
she made sure I stayed playing and acting like her baby. Two months of 
playing I was having so much fun I forgot about wanting to be a big boy 
again. I was no more than a two-year-old.

But the next time I thought she would want me she discovered she was 
going to have a real baby, my baby. I made a baby; what am I going to 
do? Now I am a baby; how can a baby make a baby or raise a baby?

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<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
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I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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