DJ's Diaper Diaries: Part Seven- A New Year

Chapter One

	"Mom, I'm Home!!" I yelled as I came through the door.
	"Welcome back stranger. How was your sleepover?"
	"It was unbelievable." I said as I began telling her 
what happened. Mom was chuckling by the time I finished my 
	"Why did you want me to come home early?"
	"We're having Cathy and Jim over for dinner tonight, 
and I needed you to get your room cleaned up and help with 
things around the house."
	"Oh. OK."
	The rest of the morning and afternoon went quickly and 
quietly with all the work mom had me and my brothers doing. 
During all this the house started to fill will the smell of 
mom making a batch of her pasta sauce. My mouth was watering 
just from the smell of it. After a long while I walked into 
the kitchen where mom was still getting things ready for 
	"Mom, I'm done with the dusting. If there's nothing 
else you want me to do, I'm going to take a nap till 
everyone gets here."
	"That's fine. As long as you're up there why don't you 
change your brothers and have them take a nap as well." I 
just nodded to this and thought how cool it was that mom 
didn't mind Donn, Paul, or I wearing diapers all day on the 
weekends. This made it better for me since my daytime 
accidents have been growing more frequent, and this way I 
didn't have to tell my parents about it, though I knew 
sooner or later they would either find out or have to be 
told. I found Donn and Paul already asleep when I walked 
into their room, so I just did a quick check to make sure 
they weren't to wet or leaking, and then headed to my room 
to do the same.
	I woke up several hours later to the sound of playing 
coming from my little brothers room. Realizing that Jim and 
Cathy must be here by now I did a quick diaper change and 
went down to greet them.
	"Well, look who decided to wake up and join us." I 
heard as I came downstairs.
	"Hi Uncle Jim." I yawned as I gave him a hug.
	"How's it going there DJ?"
	"Not bad."
	That's good to hear. Hey DJ, I think you forgot 
something though."
	"What's that?" I asked quizzically.
	"Your pants." Jim laughed.
	"I didn't forget them. I just didn't put any on. They 
just get in the way when I change, and it's not like none of 
you have seen me just wearing my diapers before."
	"He's got you there Jim." Dad laughed from where he was 
watching a football game. Jim started laughing at that, and 
we both sat done on the couch to watch the game also.
	Justin and Jacob came running down to greet me a few 
minutes later. It was quite comical with how they both 
seemed to stop short when they saw all I had on was a T-
shirt, and my diapers.
	"What's the matter? You guys never seen a kid in 
diapers before?" I joked.
	"Sorry, DJ, you just caught me short by not having any 
pants on over them." Justin stated as he came up to give me 
a hug.
	"I'm not worried about it." I replied while returning 
the hug. Jacob on the other hand I could tell would be 
running true to form, and he didn't surprise me at all when 
he started calling me a diaper boy.
	"Jacob, remember our little talk before we came over?" 
his dad warned.
	"Yeah Jacob" , I added, " you'll want to watch it or 
else we might have to do a repeat of Thanksgiving." While he 
calmed down a bit at what his dad said, my comment stopped 
him dead.
	"They told you about that?" he asked worriedly.
	"Yep, they told me Everything." I told him grinning.
	"I'm sorry about what I said. It's good to see you 
again." he said while giving me a big hug. Jacob went back 
up to play with his cousins soon after this. Everyone 
started laughing at this.
	"You know, DJ, I don't think I've ever seen him 
apologize so quickly in my life." Jim chuckled.
	"With any luck maybe that'll keep in line the rest of 
the evening." he added.
	"Well, DJ so nice of you to join us." Aunt Cathy said 
as I came into the kitchen.
	"Good to see you again to." I answered while giving her 
a hug.
	"How was your nap?" Mom asked
	"Just fine. I guess this weekend wore me out more than 
I thought."
	"I bet it did. How was your diaper when you got up?" I 
had gotten used to this question a long time ago, and just 
answered mom's question with a cocked eyebrow. As if to tell 
her what a lame question it was.
	"You're right, I don't know what I was thinking." she 
said on seeing my look. I just nodded, and got the drink I 
had come in for to begin with.
	"Would you mind going to get your brothers and cousins 
for dinner." Cathy asked on my way out.
	"Yeah, I do mind, but I'll do it anyway since you asked 
so nicely." I answered.
	I laughed a bit on leaving the kitchen when I heard my 
Aunt Cathy mumble something about teenagers.
	"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes you guys." I 
said sticking my head in to my little brothers room.
	"And, make sure you wash up before you come down also." 
I added, before heading into the bathroom to wash up myself.
	Dan came home from work just as I was coming back down 
	"And, where have you been all day?" I asked in a mock 
angry voice from behind him.
	"I was at work. What's your excuse?" Dan said as he 
turned around to face me.
	I just grinned at this and tried to tackle him, but 
failed miserably. Mom, and Cathy came in a few seconds later 
to the sound of my laughing.
	"All right you two, that's enough. You know how I feel 
about rough-housing inside." Mom told us through a grin.
	"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes Dan, why don't 
you go up and get changed first." She added a few seconds 
	"I swear it's spooky at how much you two are starting 
are starting to look alike." Cathy said from behind my mom.
	"Hi Cathy." Dan said a moment later while getting up to 
give her a hug.
	"How've you been doing?" he asked
	"Oh, not to bad. Just a bit tired at times with how 
your cousins run around at times." She replied.
	"You know you could always try the ball, and chains 
like I suggested." Dan said with a smile.
	"I may just have to do that." My aunt replied with a 
smile. Dan just chuckled at this and headed upstairs to 
	"So, DJ, how was the sleep over?" Dad asked halfway 
through dinner.
	"It was a blast." , I said and started giving them a 
rundown of what happened, " Even Dan made an impression on 
	"How so?" Dan asked when he heard his name mentioned.
	"You were training John's older sister Erin on Friday." 
I replied.
	"How could you tell she was talking about me?" He 
	"It was easy. Nobody else has a nickname of "Smurfy" 
where you work." I told him
	"Good point. So, what all did she say about me?" Dan 
asked warming to the conversation.
	"Nothing much, just that you seemed to be a bit 
overbearing at times, and a bit of a task master." I told 
	"And, how did you reply to this?"
	"I had to agree with her on it." I answered honestly. 
Dan just let the subject drop at this statement, but I could 
tell he wasn't at all pleased to hear what I said. After 
this the conversations headed back to the safer subjects of 
school and the up coming Christmas Holiday.
	The rest of the evening went quietly with the adults 
upstairs talking while the rest of us were in the basement 
playing games. Soon after everyone left, Donn, Paul, and I 
were sent up to go get ready for bed. Mom was waiting for me 
in my room after my shower.
	"Okay DJ, hop up her and spread `em." Mom laughed as I 
walked in to my room. I saw that she already had my changing 
pad and diapers laid out on the bed, so I just jumped up on 
them. True to form mom had me thickly and snugly diapered in 
just a matter of minutes. Before leaving the room she tossed 
me a pair of my blanket sleepers, and kissed me goodnight. 
Telling me that a bottle was in the warmer on the table by 
my bed if I wanted it. I just nodded to this climbed into 
the sleepers, and then into bed. After getting the bottle, I 
pulled my blankets up around me, and reached for my teddy 
bear. I fell a sleep a little while later.

Chapter Two

	I met up with John at lunch the next day to see how 
things turned out.
	"How did it go after I left yesterday?" I asked after 
setting my lunch tray down.
	"It didn't go too bad. My parents and I had a long talk 
about all this. They said that if I really wanted to wear 
them they'd get me some. Though, I'd have to help pay for 
them, and use them for their intended purpose when I did 
have them on." John told me with a hint of a smile on his 
	"So, does this mean we're still friends?"
	"Sure it does. In fact, I have to thank you for all 
this. If it hadn't been for you lending me one of yours, I 
wouldn't have been caught, and I'd still be sneaking my 
brothers. This way I don't have to hide them any more, and 
I'll have some that fit me."
	"So, what do you have planned for Christmas Break?" 
John asked.
	"My family and I will be heading out to California 
right after school on Wednesday to visit relatives. How 
about you?"
	"Some of my family are coming in from Ireland and 
England for the holidays."
	"Cool. I bet you can't wait for that one?"
	"I can't, Some of my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins I 
haven't seen in several years, so I'm really looking forward 
to this."
	"I can imagine the look on their faces when they see 
Josh again." I said with a laugh. John started laughing as 
well a moment later when the image of this hit him.
	"Mom, I'm home!" I called as I walked through the door.
	"How was school today DJ?" she asked as I came into the 
kitchen to grab a snack.
	"Not bad." I answered while filling her in on school. 
Just as I was finishing up Donn walked into the room, and I 
could tell from the bulge in his sweats he had a diaper on.
	"What's Donn padded up for already?" I asked thinking 
he might have had another one of his accidents.
	"He came home a little early today because he wasn't 
feeling well."
	"Oh, OK. Well he better be over it by mid-week, or 
there'll be trouble." I answered with mock seriousness as I 
started to leave the room. Mom just smiled at this.
	"Oh, DJ, as soon as you finish up with your homework I 
want you to start pulling all your clothes for the trip 
	Mom, I was planning on going over to John's for awhile, 
	"That's fine. That means you can just go the entire 
time in just a diaper then."
	"Uh, yeah. Where do you want me to put them?"
	"Just lay them out on the spare bed in your room." Mom 
answered with a smile.
	I was a bit surprised when mom came in a few hours 
later, and pulled out about a dozen of my cloth diapers, and 
set them next to the clothes I had set out earlier.
	"What are those for?"
	"For you to wear to bed on the trip what else." Mom 
told me with a smile.
	"No, I mean why are you packing those? I thought we'd 
just be using disposables the whole time."
	"Well, I got to thinking that since we would have 
access to a washing machine it would be easier to just have 
you guys wear cloth diapers while we were down there."
	"I guess that makes sense." I told her and went back to 
the video game I was playing.
	The rest of the evening was kind of hectic with all of 
us running around trying to get things ready for the trip 
that was coming up. Donn spent most of this time curled up 
on the couch sleeping. While I was a bit jealous about him 
being able to just sleep through this, I had to admit he did 
look cute, and was a lot less of a pain this way. I was so 
bushed myself at the end of the night I was asleep the 
second my head hit the pillow.
	The next two days was a big blur to me with all the 
things I was having to get done between school, and all the 
house work my mom was giving me. I was just glad to see that 
all my teachers were using Wednesday as a blow off day, and 
weren't giving out any homework to do. I was even more 
grateful to my gym teacher for not making us suit up for 
class because it would have been very hard to explain the 
GoodNite pants I was wearing instead of my normal underwear.
	Halfway through Sixth hour I was excused to go to the 
office because I was getting out early. I couldn't get out 
of there fast enough. I stopped just long enough to drop my 
back pack off at my locker since I didn't have any homework 
to deal with anyway. I had a feeling this was going to be a 
very exciting trip for some reason.
	Hey Kiddo, how's your day been going?" Dan asked when I 
walked into the office.
	"What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion because 
as of three days before Dan wasn't able to come with us due 
to work, and lack of funds.
	"It's so nice to see how happy you are to see me." Dan 
	"I am happy to see you, but I thought you weren't able 
to come with us." I answered as Dan signed me out, and we 
started for the front door.
	"Something came up that's allowing me to join you 
	"What's that?"
	"Sorry, can't tell you. They wanted it to be a 
	"Where's your car?" I asked looking around, but not 
seeing the beat-up Jeep Wrangler he normally drove.
	"I didn't bring it. Mom, and Dad dropped me off first, 
and went to pick Donn and Paul up." Before I could say 
another thing Dan nudged my shoulder, and added
	"Here they come now." When I looked to where he was 
pointing I saw a Black strech-limo pulling into the school's 
	"You want to tell me what's going on now?"
	"No." Dan added with a smile.
	"Thanks a lot." About this time the limo stopped in 
front of us, and the driver got out to get the door for us. 
I could see people looking through the windows of the 
classrooms that faced the parking lot, and knew I would be 
having a lot of people asking me questions when I got back.
	"Mom, you want to let me know what's going on here. 
Dan's not telling me a thing." I asked in a bit of a whining 
	"Sorry DJ, Sean, and Karen asked us to keep it a 
secret. You'll find out what's going on when we get to 
	"Florida? Last I heard they lived in California."
	"They moved last week. It's all part of the surprise."
	"I guess I should just relax and enjoy all this huh?" I 
asked rhetorically. My parents just laughed at this, and 
	"Mom, about how much longer till we get to the 
terminal?" I asked about 45 minutes later in a strained 
	"We should be there in about another 15 or 20 minutes. 
	"Because I have to take a leak, and I'm not sure how 
much longer I can hold it."
	"Why didn't you go before you left school?"
	"I did, but with all this "surprise" thing going on, it 
filled up again."
	"Are you wearing the GoodNites I handed you this 
	"Yeah, I still have those on."
	"Okay, then go ahead, and use that. I'll change you 
when we get to the terminal."
	With that I started to wet my GoodNites, and hoped that 
they wouldn't start leaking since I was wearing my good 
	"Donn, Paul, do either of you need to use the restroom, 
or be changed?" mom asked when we got into the terminal, and 
judging by the look on my brother's faces I knew what the 
answer would be. Mom just looked at them, and shook her 
	"Dan, you take DJ in the restroom with you and change 
him. I'll take Donn, and Paul in with me." Dan just nodded, 
and herded me into the men's room after taking the small bag 
mom offered.
	"OK, DJ, in here." Dan said opening the door to the 
handicap stall.
	"Because I can't very well change you out there" he 
replied pointing to the main area.
	"No, I mean why do you have to change me?" I whined.
	"Because we're a bit short on time, and it'll go faster 
this way. Now drop your pants before I do it for you."
	"All right." I told him as I dropped my pants, and 
revealed the nearly maxed out GoodNites I had on underneath 
them. Without saying a word, Dan reached over, and started 
ripping open the sides of them. After wiping me down with a 
baby wipe, Dan had me stand against the wall as he held a 
diaper up to it. After bringing the diaper up between my 
legs a little ways he opened a bottle of powder, and gave my 
crotch a liberal dusting of it. He then finished bringing 
the diaper up, and after snugly working it into my crotch he 
taped in closed. While I was pulling my pants up he turned 
around and used the toilet himself. Mom and my other 
brothers came out of the restroom a few minutes after Dan 
and I did, and judging from the look on Donn's face he had 
been less than cooperative during his changing.
	After thirty minutes of waiting our flight was called. 
I guess dad was in a bit of a screwy mood because when they 
called for the pre-boarding of people needing some extra 
time he had us go up to the gate. With both Dan and I having 
Palsy the Gate attendant didn't even think twice about 
allowing us on early. Donn, Paul, and I were all shocked to 
learn that we were flying First class, and not our normal 
Coach. I didn't even bother asking about the tickets since 
they would probably just say that it's a surprise.
	I woke up several hours later to the jarring thump of 
our plane landing in Miami. After we got off the plane the 
first thing I noticed was how wet I was.
	"Mom, may I have the bag please?" I asked, while Dan, 
and my Dad were off getting the suitcases.
	"Here you go DJ, and take Donn and Paul with you. I'm 
sure they need to be changed as well." Mom told me quietly, 
as she handed the bag to me. I thanked her, and motioned for 
my brothers to follow me.
	"You're not going to put us back in a diaper are you?" 
Donn asked as we entered the restroom.
	"I was planning to. Unless you guys just want to go 
around without one, and take a chance on having an 
accident." I told them.
	"That's okay with me." Donn answered, though Paul 
wasn't so keen on this idea.
	"Okay Donn, I'll leave one off you, but I will be 
telling mom about this." I told him as I started to pull off 
both their wet diapers.
	"Why do you have to tell mom? We can just keep this a 
secret." Donn said.
	"I'll tell you why we have to tell mom, I don't want 
her having my ass for dinner for not putting you in a diaper 
if you end up having an accident. Now make up your mind, do 
you want one or not?" I stated flatly Donn shook his head 
stubbornly at this.
	"Okay fine, but I don't want any complaints later on." 
With that I turned back to Paul and finished rediapering 
him. Then took care of my own change.
	"What took you so long?" Mom asked as we came up to 
where everyone was waiting.
	"Donn decided he didn't want to have another diaper put 
on, so I had to have a talk with him." I told her.
	"Is he wearing one now?" she asked as we headed for the 
car rental counter.
	"No. he said he didn't want one, so I didn't bother 
fighting him on it." I answered honestly. Mom just nodded to 
this, and leaned over to say something to Donn, though I 
didn't catch a word of it. Twenty-five minutes later we were 
on our way to Sean, and Karen's new place in one of 
Orlando's suburbs.
	About fifteen minutes before we got there I noticed 
Donn was fidgeting, and knew it was only a matter of time 
before he wet himself. Donn proved me right five minutes 
later, as he started to wet himself. I just looked at him 
with a "I told you so" look on my face as the front of his 
pants turned a darker color than they started with. With a 
shake of my head I leaned forward to tell my mom what 
	"Mom, Donn just wet his pants." I told her softly. Her 
head came around so fast I almost thought she gave herself 
whiplash. With the look she was giving him, I was glad I 
wasn't in his shoes, or in this case pants. I was surprised 
when Mom didn't say a word then, but knew that once we got 
to Sean, and Karen's place the fireworks would go off.
	Everyone was waiting for us when we pulled into the 
driveway a short while later. Mom, and Donn were the first 
ones out of the car, and after a very brief hello 
disappeared into the house. As my dad, and Dan were pulling 
the luggage out of the car Paul, and I ran up to Sean, 
Karen, and our cousins to give everyone hugs. I did notice 
that my Aunt, and Uncle did have a gleam in their eyes as 
the patted both Paul, and I on the butt. I knew for a fact 
that they knew we were in diapers, but they didn't say a 
word. Mom, and Donn came back outside a short time later. It 
was pretty obvious that Donn had gotten a spanking over his 
refusal to wear a diaper earlier. Jason, and Seamus started 
chuckling when they saw Donn's new attire. My brother was 
dressed in a short T-shirt, and what could only be a thick-
stack of cloth diapers. This did answer one thought I was 
having, as to whether Jason, and Seamus still wet the bed. I 
knew this because mom could have only gotten the diapers 
from them, since Karen had a constant habit of packing 
clothes away the moment they weren't needed, and if this had 
been the case mom wouldn't have been able to get Donn 
diapered so quickly. Besides, none of the cloth diapers we 
brought with us had even been unpacked yet.
	After all of our bags had been taken inside, and put 
away, we went down to sit by the pool in back. This is when 
I found out that Sean, and Karen had won the California 
Lottery, and were now very well off. Donn, Paul, and myself 
were in shock from hearing this. Everyone started laughing 
at the look on my brothers face, and this would be 
understandable since you could have knocked all three of us 
over with a feather. About 15 minutes after we sat down my 
Three-year-old cousin Amanda came down from having her nap. 
Her eyes lit up when she saw that we had gotten there, and 
after running over to us, she gave us each a big hug. It got 
even better once she saw how Donn was dressed with the 
typical curiosity of a toddler she looked up at her mom and 
	"Mommy, Unca D in dawpers?" At this everyone started 
laughing except of course for Donn who just sat there 
looking like he wanted to disappear.
	The rest of the evening went quietly, with all of us 
kids down in the basement playing either pool, or a board 
game. About an hour later Aunt Karen came down to tell us it 
was time to get ready for bed. I was kind of put out by this 
since I wasn't used to getting ready this early, but didn't 
say anything about it. Donn, and Paul on the other hand 
stayed true to form, and started complaining. I shut this 
down quickly, and helped my aunt herd them upstairs.
	I was really surprised when I saw Jason's, and Seamus's 
bathroom. The thing was huge. Along one wall was a three 
sink set-up, the opposite wall had a large linen closet, the 
toilet was in a stall next to the closet, and in the center 
of the room was a bathtub big enough for 5 kids easily. What 
really got me was the large changing table that was set in a 
small wall alcove along the back wall. This all but 
confirmed that my cousins still wore diapers to bed, and 
that their mom, and dad still handled the changing. Twenty 
minutes after sending us in to get a bath, Sean came in to 
help my brothers, and cousins get their diapers on. After 
getting everyone else diapered I was shocked to find that he 
planned on diapering me as well.
	"Do you really have to do this Uncle Sean? I think I 
can manage to put my own diapers on." I told him.
	"Sorry DJ, but your mom asked me to do this, besides 
you're OK with putting the Velcro closure diapers on, and I 
plan on using the kind you have to pin on. So, hop up here, 
and we can get you ready for bed." Sean answered while 
patting the changing table. Not seeing any other alternative 
I hopped up on to the table, and laid down. I was 
embarrassed by the fact at Thirteen my parents still didn't 
trust me to put on my own diapers. I was just glad that my 
uncle waited to diaper me after my brothers and cousins were 
	I woke up late the next morning due to all the 
traveling we had done yesterday. I found my parents, and 
older brother were already up by this time and were just 
sitting around the breakfast table talking.
	"Morning everybody." I yawned as I walked into the 
	"Morning honey, how'd you sleep last night?"
	"Oh, not to bad. Sleeping in a strange bed took a bit 
of getting used to." I answered as I sat down.
	"I'm sure you'll get used to it." Mom said with a 
laugh. About this time Jason wandered into the Dinning room 
as well. I was a bit surprised to see that he had his teddy 
bear with him. He went through the same questions I had. 
While mom and Aunt Karen were in getting breakfast ready for 
us I felt the need to pee, and instead of mentioning 
something to everyone I went ahead and let in go into my 
already soggy diapers. Judging from the look on Jason's face 
he had the same idea I did. Just as mom started bringing out 
the food Seamus, Donn, Paul, and Amanda came waddling in.
	"Just so you guys know, we are just planning on staying 
around the house today while we get caught up from the jet 
lag, and get everything unpacked." Dad said as we finished 
eating. We all just nodded to this, and headed upstairs to 
change. I was surprised to see my mom waiting in Jason's 
room for me. It took her only a few minutes to get Jason's 
diaper undone, and throw him a pair of swimming trunks to 
wear. As soon as he left she turned her attention to me. I 
had my own diapers pulled off in a matter of moments, and I 
started reaching for my own swim trunks. I was a bit 
startled when mom threw me a pair of GoodNites.
	"DJ, Would you like to tell me why I found these in 
your bags?" She asked as she sat down next to me. I just sat 
there for a moment not really sure of what to say.
	"I've been having some trouble controlling myself 
lately during the day when I get excited, and such. I 
brought those a long to wear just in case I did have an 
accident. I didn't want to embarrass anyone." I told her 
without making eye contact.
	"OK, I can understand that. Now would you like to tell 
me for how long this has been happening, and why you thought 
you couldn't tell me, or your father?"
	"I guess it's been going on for a couple of months now, 
and I was just to embarrassed by it to tell anyone."
	"OK, but the second we get home young man I'm making an 
appointment for you with the doctor." I just nodded at this, 
and finished getting my trunks on.
	My brothers and I spent the rest of the morning and 
early afternoon in the pool my cousins had in the back yard. 
A couple of hours later some of Jason's, and Seamus's 
friends came over and we soon found ourselves in a friendly 
game of Tag Ball. While I thought I was a bit old for such a 
thing I have to say that it was a lot of fun. Though, Dan 
did get a bit overly physical at times during the game. I 
was almost glad to hear Aunt Karen call us in for lunch. I 
was a bit put out after lunch when we were told that it was 
time for us to take a nap. One look from both my Uncle, and 
Dad stopped any arguments before they even started. After 
lunch all of us kids were sent upstairs to get ready for our 
naps. Since Aunt Karen had set out some of my normal 
diapers, I went ahead and diapered myself. I was already 
under the covers by the time Dan came in to help us get 
ready. I did get double checked to make sure both my diapers 
and plastic pants were on tight enough to prevent any leaks. 
I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later.
	I woke up a few hours later, and saw that the sun was 
beginning to set. Seamus came into the room just as I was 
sitting up.
	"DJ, Mom says it's time to get up now, and to go get a 
shower." I just nodded to this in the middle of a yawn, and 
headed off to the bathroom. Jason was just coming out of the 
bathroom with a towel around his waist. I just nodded to him 
as I stepped in behind him.
	As I started to pull off my pee soaked diaper, I 
noticed the extra diaper pail by the changing table, and 
knew this was where mine were to go. With this done, I 
started the shower and have to admit that it sure felt good.
	I was a bit surprised to find a suit laid out for me 
when I got back to my room.
	"What's this for?" I asked Jason.
	"We're going out to a play after dinner, and they 
wanted to make sure we all dressed nicely for it."
	"I can understand that, but this isn't my suit."
	"Sure it is, mom picked it up during our naps."
	"That's not what I meant. I mean this isn't the suit I 
wore down here."
	"It looks like it, how can you tell it's not." Jason 
said with a hint of a smile
	"Because to my knowledge, I've never owned an Armani 
suit." I told him. About this time my aunt came in to see if 
we were ready yet, and caught the end of what I was saying.
	"I know, just think of it as an early Christmas present 
from Sean, and I." Karen said.
	"Then I guess I owe you a thank you then don't I?" I 
said with a smile.
	"That would be nice." Karen replied, chuckling. With 
this I gave her a hug, and thanked her for the suit. After 
she left I dropped the towel I had on, and got dressed. When 
Jason, and I got downstairs a short while later I saw that 
everyone else got new suits as well. It was kind of funny 
seeing my younger brothers fidgeting in their suits since 
they didn't like dressing up in the first place. Having us 
all dressed up like this mom decided to have us all pose of 
a picture. After a few minutes of this Uncle Sean said our 
ride was here, and went out to climb into a limo even bigger 
than the one that picked me up at school.
	It was a good thing that Karen had left Amanda with a 
baby-sitter since we didn't get home from the play till 
almost 2A.M. I was a bit surprised to find that my GoodNites 
were still dry as I was getting undressed. Since I was so 
tired I didn't even bother going in to get one of my normal 
diapers on, and just went to bed wearing my GoodNites.

Chapter Three

	"Hey, DJ!!, get up Santa came last night." Paul said 
excitedly, while shaking me.
	"It better be later than it seems, or you're not going 
to live long enough to open any presents." I mumbled.
	"C'mon get up!!!" With a groan I woke up enough to look 
at the clock next to my bed.
	It read 5:30am.
	"Paul, I'm only going to say this once. Unless you want 
to get hurt, go back to your room, and don't bother me for 
another Five hours." With that said I turned my back to him, 
and went back to sleep. I woke up about Five hours later, 
and headed downstairs.
	"Morning DJ, Merry Christmas." Karen said as I walked 
into the kitchen.
	"Morning, Aunt Karen. Same too you." I said groggily, 
as I sat down at the counter, and accepted the glass of 
juice Karen handed me.
	"Looks like you could use a change of pants there 
kiddo." Karen laughed. I blushed a little when I looked 
down, and saw that the majority of my GoodNites were a deep 
yellow instead of white.
	"I think you're right." After finishing the juice I 
headed upstairs to grab a quick shower, and change. By the 
time I came back downstairs my cousins, and younger brothers 
were already up.
	"Morning Guys." I said coming into the family room 
where they were all watching cartoons. I sat down, and 
started watching them also. A short time later Amanda came 
toddling in with her blankie, and teddy bear. With out so 
much as a hell she climbed up into my lap, and started 
sucking her thumb. Over the next half hour all the adults 
came staggering down, and greeted us. While breakfast was 
being made we were allowed to open our stockings. After 
finding that each of us boys had received squirt guns a 
running water gun battle started much to the amusement of 
our parents.
	After breakfast was finished, and the dishes were 
cleared from the table we all headed downstairs for the 
serious present opening. The noise level got deafening as 
each new package was opened. all of us kids soon found 
ourselves surrounded by toys galore. It was obvious though, 
that the big presents from my mom and dad still had yet to 
be handed out.
	"Here you go guys." Dad said as he handed Donn, Paul, 
and myself a big box. With barely restrained excitement we 
all started ripping off the paper, and then the boxes 
	To say we were shocked by the boxes contents would be 
an understatement. Just as Donn, and Paul picked up the 
sleepers that were on top my dad popped a picture with the 
new camera he got. I started laughing at this because my 
brothers had each gotten a pair of footed blanket sleepers 
with Pooh Bear on the front, a stuffed Pooh Bear, and some 
printed diapers, and plastic pants. I had gotten the 
samething, only my sleepers had Tigger on them. I did get 
kind of embarrassed when I saw that the diapers I got had a 
big heart on the seat of them. While Donn, and Paul both 
looked like they were going to cry over this, I just started 
laughing at all this, and thanked my parents for them. The 
rest of the day we spent at home messing around with our new 
	The rest of the week went by too quickly, and we soon 
found ourselves heading back home. I was just glad that I 
was going to have a couple of days to readjust to the 
changes in both the Time zones, and weather conditions.