DJ's Diaper Diaries: Part Four- The Camp

Chapter One

	I had gotten up early enough for Paul, Donn, and myself 
to get cleaned up and dressed before one of the camp 
counselors came to get us for breakfast. Just about the time 
we finished getting dressed and making the beds someone 
knocked on the door to the cabin.
	"Come!" I called. A Hispanic looking gentleman wearing 
khaki shorts and a light blue pull-over with the camp logo 
on the left breast came in.
	"I'm Domingo Hernandez, but everyone just calls me 
Ding. I'm one of the senior camp counselors." he told us.
	"You're the Morrison brothers right?" He asked as he 
looked down at his clip board.
	"Yes sir." we answered.
	"I'm DJ" I told him extending my hand.
	"This is Donn, and he's Paul." I said pointing to each 
of them who took his hand in turn.
	"Well, I thought I'd come by and shake you guys loose 
for mess call, but seeing that your already up and squared 
away. I guess I'll run you on a tour of the place. That 
sound OK?" he asked.
	"Yes sir, sounds just fine." I told him.
	"You can knock the "sir" stuff off DJ. I work for a 
living OK?" he said. I guess there was something with how he 
acted that prompted my next question as we headed out the 
	"Navy?" I asked. He just smiled at this.
	"Yep, I retired two years ago. As a Senior Chief." he 
said proudly.
	"Blackshoe?" I asked. Wondering if he might have been a 
fleet sailor.
	"Hell No!" he laughed.
	"I was with the "Teams" out of Little Creek." he added 
still chuckling. I looked behind me and saw that Donn and 
Paul didn't understand a word of the last part of our 
	"What Ding here means is that he was a SEAL stationed 
at the Naval base in Little Creek, Virginia." I explained. 
This they seemed to understand. I turned back towards Ding 
and saw that he was smiling broadly.
	"That's not bad. I was wondering how much of that you'd 
pick up on. You ready for the tour now?" he asked.
	"Lead on Senior Chief." I told him.
	As we walked around the camp Ding explained where each 
building was and what the camp rules were. He also stressed 
that if we were caught breaking any of the rules there would 
be serious repercussions up to and including being sent 
home. We finished the tour about 45 minutes later in front 
of the Mess hall.
	"Okay, If there aren't any questions I'll let you guys 
go in and get something to eat." he told us. We didn't have 
any more questions. He left us to go in and grab some 
breakfast, telling us to meet him back at our cabin in 45 
minutes so he could take us to our cabins.
	Donn and Paul would be in the area for Eight through 
Ten-year-olds while I was going to be in the area for Eleven 
through Fourteen-year-olds. I ate a light breakfast since I 
was still nervous about being here, though the fresh pine 
scented air had apparently kicked both Paul's and Donn's 
appetite into overdrive.
	"Come on you two it's time to get back to the cabin." I 
told them about thirty minutes later. We showed up to the 
cabin just as Ding was dropping Jimmy off at his in a golf 
	"I see you're early good. Let's go grab your stuff and 
I'll show you to your cabins." Ding said as we walked up to 
the cabin door. We headed off a few moments later. It turned 
out I was in the cabin nearest the lake which didn't bother 
me one bit.
	I was a bit surprised by how the cabin looked. I was 
thinking that it would look like a normal camp style log 
cabin. You know the type with a raised wooden floor, bare 
walls, screens covering the windows, a beat up old cot to 
sleep on, and the only thing to put your clothes in is a 
foot locker. Instead what I found was a nicely done cabin 
the floor was still the raised style, but it was varnished 
over, and dust free. While the walls were painted in a soft 
blue color. Along two of the walls were two beds each, next 
to each of the beds was a brightly colored wall locker with 
enough space for all your clothes. I was a bit shocked to 
see that on closer inspection the beds looked a lot like 
toddler beds only slightly larger.
	"Each of the bunks are assigned, so you just need to 
find the locker with your name on it and the bunk to the 
right of it will be yours. You'll find the restroom through 
the door on the right. The door to the left leads to the 
cabin counselors room. Your cabin counselor will explain 
their rules for the cabin when they get here." Ding 
explained to me.
	"Do you have any questions?" he asked.
	"Yeah, where's everybody else?" I asked him
	"Well you and your brothers showed up early. The rest 
of the staff and campers aren't do in till later this 
morning. If that's everything? I need to get your brothers 
over to their cabin" Ding answered. I followed him out of 
the cabin to tell Donn and Paul bye, and that I would see 
them around the camp and such.

Chapter Two

	After they left I went back into the cabin to find my 
bed and get my things put away. Since my bags got packed 
while I was in for my check-up I had no idea of what my mom 
	"Oh, this is just great!" I thought when I opened the 
big duffel bag, and saw that no diapers had been packed, 
only about a dozen and a half pairs of plastic pants in 
varying styles and colors. I was even more surprised when I 
finished unpacking and found that mom had packed my teddy 
bear in the bottom of my bag. When I picked him up I saw a 
note tied around his neck.
	 Dear DJ,
	I figured that you might get scared at night with this 
being your first time at camp, so I thought you might like a 
bit of company. Even if you leave him in your bag I felt 
that just knowing that Kilroy was near by would help you. I 
hope you have lots of fun this summer, and make lots of new 
friends. I'll see you in a couple of months. All my love,

	p.s. Don't worry about the diapers it's been taken care 

	After reading the note I placed Kilroy back into the 
bag and placed it under my bed after closing it. Since I 
didn't have anything else to do I stretched out on the bed, 
and felt what could be only be a plastic sheet on it.
	"Oh well, I might as well get used to it." I sighed to 
myself, as I picked up my book and started to read.
	About an hour later somebody slammed the door shut and 
	"What the hell do you think you're doing in that bunk 
so early!!!"
	"What the hell!!" I yelled. I was so engrossed in the 
book I never heard anybody approach the cabin. I could hear 
several people laughing in the background.
	"I figured it had to be you DJ. You're the only person 
I know that can get so tied up in a book that you could set 
a bomb off next to them and would never hear it." The kid 
behind me laughed.
	"Yeah, well at least I know how to read. You damned 
near scared the piss out of me you son of a bitch." I said 
turning around.
	"Why the hell didn't you tell me this was the camp you 
always came to?" I asked Mark.
	"What, and miss the look on your face when you found 
out." Mark answered, still chuckling.
	"Besides, wait till you find out who's bunking with 
us." he added. The third person came into the cabin about 
this time.
	"Hey Mark, what was with all the shouting in here? You 
want to bring Ding or Jimmy down on us for cussing." he 
	"Say hello to our cabin mate." Mark told him smiling. 
We both looked at each other for a few seconds no really 
believing what our eyes were telling us.
	"You too?!" I laughed seeing how red David was turning.
	"Yeah, well you see.." David hemmed nervously.
	"This ought to be one very interesting summer." I 
stated. I then turned back to Mark.
	"You were in on this the entire time weren't you?" I 
laughed while wagging my finger at him.
	"Guilty as charged." Mark laughed
	"You mean, you knew DJ was going to be here, and you 
didn't tell me?" David interrupted.
	"What and miss the look on your faces when you saw each 
other." Mark said while dragging his bag over to his bunk. 
We chatted about nothing while David and Mark got their bags 
	"How long have you been coming here David?" I asked
	"About Five years." he said slightly embarrassed.
	"So, that's why you wouldn't accept any of my sleepover 
invites huh?" I told him in a mock angry voice. He was about 
to say something when he noticed the smile on my face.
	"Sounds familiar doesn't it DJ." Mark commented from 
one bunk over.
	"Yeah it does, doesn't it." I chuckled.
	"I'll be right back. I have to go use the John." I 
announced walking towards the bathroom. I just couldn't 
understand why Mark and David were chuckling about it. I 
found out just when I turned the corner into the bathroom. 
Instead of toilet stalls, all I saw was a big changing 
table, similar to the one at Mark's house.
	"What The Hell!!" I exclaimed. From the main room I 
heard Mark and David break out into gut wrenching laughter.
	"Okay, you guys want to tell me what's going on here, 
and no more crap either!" I said storming back into the main 
	"Well DJ, you know when I told you that some of the 
kids at the camp I went to wore diapers all the time?" He 
asked between bursts of giggling.
	"Yeah, what about it?" I asked still a bit peeved.
	"I sort of stretched it a little bit." he answered 
	"How much is a "little bit"?" I asked suspiciously.
	"Well, I should have said that all the campers wore 
them all the time." He said before breaking down in full 
laughter again.
	"I should have known." I chuckled starting to find the 
humor of the situation.
	"Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?" I said
	"No, that's about it." He said smiling with tears still 
running down his face.
	"Well, there is one thing.." David started to say.
	"Nah, forget it it's nothing." he added with a wink at 
	"Don't give me that. What is it?" I told him, having 
caught the look he gave Mark.
	"You think I should tell him with the mood he's in?" 
David asked Mark.
	"We better not. You never know how these hot-headed 
Irishmen will react." Mark told him with a barely contained 
	"You better tell me now, or you'll see just how hot-
headed I can get." I told them seriously.
	"We better tell him, so he doesn't pop a vein on us or 
something." Mark chuckled.
	"I guess your right we better tell him." David smirked.
	"Will you both cut the clowning, and just tell me what 
it is." I said with a loud sigh of indignation.
	"Well the other thing is, that depending on what age 
group you're in is how you get treated." David told me 
	"Huh?" I asked in confusion.
	"What David is trying to say is that the kids in the 8-
10y/o section gets treated like babies, and the kids in the 
11-14y/o section get treated like toddlers." Mark told me.
	"You mean that for the next two months I'll be treated 
like a toddler?" I said in shock.
	"For the most part, yeah." Mark said. Mark and David 
looked at me funny when I fell over Mark's bunk laughing 
	"What's so funny?" they asked
	"We get treated like toddlers right?" I questioned 
them. They just nodded in agreement.
	"Think of the look on my brothers faces when they find 
out how they're going to be treated." I told them before 
losing control again. They joined me a few seconds later 
after figuring out what I had just told them. About this 
time the P.A. system started announcing that lunch would be 
served in 15 minutes.
	"Come on, lets go get some grub." I said heading for 
the door. We stopped in by a thicket of bushes so I could 
relieve my almost overflowing bladder.

Chapter Three

	We got back to the cabin about Forty-five minutes 
later. As we came up the steps I saw some one laying on my 
bunk playing the Gameboy I had snuck into my bags before 
leaving home for St. Louis. I quietly entered the cabin 
after motioning for Mark and David to be quiet themselves.
	"May I ask what the hell you're doing?" I said 
pleasantly from the door. The kid jumped about a foot in the 
air when he heard my voice.
	"I'm Brad. I'll be bunking with you this summer." he 
stated nervously while holding his hand out, and sitting up.
	"That's nice, but you still haven't answered my 
question." I told him while shaking his hand.
	"Well..uh.. the cabin was empty when I came in and I 
was just looking for something to do." Brad said even more 
shakily as he saw the looks on our faces.
	"So, to pass the time you decided to go through my 
things. Is that it?" I asked in a soft voice while sitting 
down next to him.
	"Uh.. yeah, something like that. You're not mad are 
you?" he asked in a choking voice.
	"Nah, why should I be mad at you?" I told him in a 
perfectly calm voice. Brad relaxed visibly at my telling him 
this. While all this was going on Mark had gone over and sat 
by the door to keep Brad from getting out since he knew from 
experience that the softer and more pleasant my voice got 
the more pissed I was.
	"May I have my game back now?" I continued. As soon as 
Brad started to hand my game back I grabbed his wrist and 
pulled him over my knees, and started to spank the tar out 
of him
	"Maybe this.. SPANK SPANK.. will teach you.. SPANK 
SPANK SPANK ..not to get into other peoples things. SPANK 
SPANK SPANK.. without their permission." I told him finally 
letting my anger show. Our counselor and Ding showed up 
about the time I finished giving Brad another six swats.
	 "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!!!" Ding shouted coming into 
the cabin. As he said this something in me snapped and I 
jumped to attention without even thinking causing Brad to 
dumped on the floor in a sobbing heap.
	"He.. sob..ssp-spanked..sob..m-m-me." Brad whimpered 
from the floor pointing up at me.
	"Is this true Mr. Morrison?" Ding asked angrily.
	"Yeah Ding, it is." I told him.
Understood!?" he yelled back at me.
	"YES SENIOR CHIEF!!!" I answered back.
	"Now then, will you explain to me why you felt the need 
to spank your cabin mate?"
	"Aye sir, When Mark, David and myself returned from 
lunch, we found Mr.." I paused realizing that I didn't even 
know Brad's last name.
	"Hauk" Ding supplied.
	"Thank you sir. We found Mr. Hauk laying on my bunk 
playing a game that I had brought with me, but had placed in 
my locker. He had admitted taking it after looking through 
my locker. I felt that an attitude adjustment was needed. 
Sir." I answered.
	"Is this true?" both Ding and our counselor asked 
looking at Mark and David.
	"Yes sir, it is." they answered in unison.
	"Do you have anything to add, Mr. Hauk?" Ding added.
	"No sir." Brad told him.
	"Have you learned your lesson about why you shouldn't 
look through other peoples things without their permission?" 
our counselor asked.
	"Yes sir." Brad added.
	"Okay, I'll over look this little mishap this time, but 
next time Mr. Morrison you will inform a counselor or 
administrator first and let them handle it. Am I clear on 
this?" Ding added in a tone that said there had better not 
be a next time.
	"Yes, Senior Chief!" all of us answered him. With that 
he walked out of cabin. It could have been my imagination, 
but I swear I heard him laughing as he walked back up the 
	 "Well that was exciting wasn't it." our counselor 
	"By the way, I'm Joshua Wright, your cabin counselor." 
he stated. Looking at him closely for the first time I saw a 
tall kid about six foot maybe a little over, with a swimmers 
build and about 120 to 125 pounds , with a light tanned 
complexion, blue eyes, with a head of closely cropped 
brownish blond hair.
	"Aren't you a little young to be a camp counselor?" I 
	"No, I'm not." he said.
	"Why don't we go over the cabin rules so we don't have 
any more incidents like the one we just had. Okay?" he 
added. Josh then motioned to a table in the far corner of 
the cabin.
	"The first two rules of the cabin are that we won't get 
into other campers gear unless we are told we can, and that 
we won't hit other campers. We've already seen what happens 
when we do. If you have any problems like that you will 
inform somebody in authority, and let them handle it. You 
will be in the cabin no later than 8p.m. and ready for bed 
no later than 9p.m. except on nights when we have special 
programs scheduled, and I'll let you know when those are and 
what the new bed time set up is. You will all stay in bed 
till I come and get you up. Meals will be taken as a cabin. 
I expect all of you to be back here within Five minutes 
after Twenty minute call sounds. I will then take you to the 
chow hall and bring you back afterwards where you will be 
expected to a Ninety minute nap. This will also happen for 
Dinner. If it happens to be raining you will have to stay 
indoors. Games and other activities will be supplied. Any 
body breaking these rules once will be confined to their 
cabin for the day. If they continued to be broken you will 
be sent over to the 8 to 10-year-old section for the 
remaining time you're here. Providing you don't get sent 
home because of the infraction. Are there any questions?" 
Josh asked us. None of had any questions. Though Brad did 
make the comment that it seemed like we were going to be 
treated like toddlers all summer. The rest of us, Josh 
included, started chuckling at this since it became apparent 
that Brad hadn't been told about the camp.

Chapter Four

	The rest of the afternoon went quietly Josh had us fill 
out questionnaires about what activities we wanted to 
participate in. While we were filling the forms out Brad 
went up to Josh and asked to speak with him in private I can 
only guess what Brad wanted to talk about, but judging from 
the half hid smile Josh had on it could have only been about 
his little problem and how it would be delt with.
	A couple of hours later we heard the P.A. system 
announce that dinner would be served in Fifteen minutes.
	"Okay you guys line up at the door and get ready to go 
up to the chow hall, but before we go let me check your 
hands." Josh told us.
	"Your hands are okay Brad. David, Mark, and DJ please 
follow me to the bathroom. Brad you can wait here." Josh 
said a few minutes later.
	"Okay you guys get your hands washed. Mark do you or 
David need to be changed yet?" he asked as the door closed 
behind us. They both stated that their diapers were okay.
	"Josh?" I asked
	"Yeah DJ?" he asked turning around
	"I need to be changed I'm soaked." I told him.
	"Okay, hop up on the changing table and we'll get you 
taken care of."
	"When did you get diapered? You weren't wearing one 
when I came in earlier." he asked.
	"I came in and put one on while you were out side 
talking with Brad." I answered.
	"That's okay this time, but in the future I want you to 
come and get me when you need to have a diaper put on. 
	He had me changed in no time and we were soon on our 
way to dinner.
	"So, DJ what do you think of coming to camp so far? I 
noticed your file said this is your first time away at 
camp." Josh asked after we got settled at our table.
	"It seems OK so far. I think I'll end up having fun." I 
told him between mouthfuls of food.
	"Well, I'll definitely do what I can to make it more 
pleasurable for you. What about you Brad, how do you like it 
here so far?"
	"It's okay, I guess. I still don't know why my parents 
decided to send me here instead of to my Aunt and Uncle's 
farm like they normally do." he stated glumly.
	"I'm sure you'll have fun as the summer progresses." 
Josh said.
	"What about you Josh? What made you decide to become a 
counselor here?" I asked
	"I used to come here as a camper myself. My uncle asked 
if I wanted to become a Junior Counselor here two years ago, 
and I've worked my way up to where I am now." he told us.
	The rest of dinner progressed quietly with everyone 
saying what they hoped to get out of their experience here.
	"Okay everyone, Its time to head back to the cabin for 
quiet time." Josh said about ten minutes later.
	"You can leave your plates on the table the tables will 
be cleared for you."
	We soon found ourselves walking back to our cabin. I 
noticed that Brad was walking behind us and seemed to be 
dragging his feet, while Mark, David, and I were playing our 
normal game of grab ass.
	"Boy, It sure looks like you two need your dydees 
changed." I laughed softly after seeing how Mark's and 
David's shorts were drooping.
	"I know. It feels like mine weighs about Five pounds." 
David laughed in return.
	"Same here." Mark chuckled.
	I noticed that Brad had disappeared as we were going by 
a clump of bushes.
	"Looks like we lost somebody." I chuckled to Josh, 
Mark, and David while pointing behind me.
	"I know. He ducked into the bushed about five yards 
back." Josh said with an amused voice.
	"I figured he was going to sooner or later since he 
hasn't gone to the restroom since I picked him up this 
morning." he added.
	"You mean, you know him?" I asked confused.
	"Sure, his mom and mine are friends. I baby-sit him a 
lot when his parents go out of town. In fact I was the one 
that suggested they send him to camp this summer instead of 
to his Uncle's farm. I can't wait to see the look on his 
face when it's time to get you guys ready for bed tonight." 
he told us with a rueful smile.
	"Why's that?" David asked.
	"Because he doesn't normally wear diapers to bed, and 
he hasn't figured it out yet that this is a camp for Teen 
	"Oh god, this ought to get good." I said laughing as we 
came up to the entrance to our cabin. Brad showed up a few 
moments later with a very relieved look on his face.
	"Okay, does anyone need to use the bathroom before 
quiet time begins?" we were asked as we entered the cabin. 
Brad and I said that we were both okay and didn't need to 
use it. While Mark and David both stated they did.
	"Okay DJ you and Brad climb into bed. Mark you and 
David follow me please." Josh instructed.
	"Hey DJ? Why Did Josh have to take Mark and David into 
the bathroom?" Brad asked after we had climbed into bed.
	"Because it's the rules." I replied reaching for my 
book. David came out a few minutes.
	"Feeling better?" I asked as he walked by.
	"Yeah, I thought I was going to burst there for a 
second." he laughed. I just smiled at this and laughed a 
little as I caught the faint smell of baby powder. Mark and 
Josh came out a few minutes later.
	"Okay, It's 6:30pm now for the next 90 minutes I expect 
you all to stay in your beds and be quiet. If I have to come 
out here and tell anyone of you to be quiet the whole group 
will be confined to the cabin for the rest of the night, and 
none of us will go to the bon fire they have planned 
tonight. Is that understood?" Josh asked us. We all just 
nodded in agreement With that Josh turned and headed into 
his room.
	"Why are we being treated like toddlers for?" Brad 
asked a few minutes later.
	"Because it's the rules. Now be quiet! I don't know 
about you but the rest of us would like to go to the bon 
fire this evening." David told him.
	"I still think it's stupid that they're doing this." 
Brad complained.
	"I don't care, now shut up will you!" I told him in a 
harsh whisper as not to bring Josh out of his room.
	I must have dozed off while reading because the next 
thing I knew Josh was shaking me gently telling me it was 
time to get up. After doing the same with David, and Mark 
Josh told all of us to go get our showers and that he would 
be in a few minutes to get us ready for bed.
	"What do you mean get us ready for bed !? It's only 
Eight O'clock!" Brad exclaimed
	"Brad, This is the way we do it here. Now get into the 
bathroom and get your shower!" Josh told him in a low voice.
	"No. I'll just get my shower in the morning like I do 
at home." Brad continued.
	Seeing that the rest of us had stopped to see what was 
going on josh turned to us.
	"Well, what are you guys waiting for!? Get in there and 
get your showers!" he told us sternly. Mark, David, and I 
practically fell over each other heading for the showers.
	"You stay in that bed and don't move! I'll be back in a 
moment." I heard Josh say right before the door to the cabin 
opened and closed.
	Josh was back by the time we had finished our showers 
and was waiting to get us diapered for the night.
	"I've arranged for you guys to go to the bon fire with 
cabin 6 next door. I expect you all to be on your best 
behavior. Now go get your PJ's on and get over to cabin 6." 
he told us as he finished diapering me. I got a chuckle as 
we walked to the bon fire because most of the boys I saw 
were wearing footed sleepers.
	We were lead back to our cabin just a little after 
11:30pm. Josh was waiting for us when we got there and had 
us all head to the restroom for a diaper change. I barely 
remember it since I was so sleepy. I was surprised to find a 
half emptied bottle of juice next to my head in the morning. 
What shocked me even more was to realize that I had Kilroy 
snuggled in my arms.
	"Did you have a good sleep DJ?" David smiled as he came 
into the room after having gotten changed
	"Yeah, I slept like a baby." I told him still half 
asleep and not catching the pun of what I had just told him.
	"I'll bet!" he laughed.
	"Cute teddy bear by the way." he added still laughing. 
I just stuck my tongue out at him by way of response and 
headed for my own highly needed diaper change. Mark was just 
finishing up when I came in.
	"Morning DJ." he told me from the changing table.
	"Morrrnnniinnngg." I yawned still trying to wake up.
	"You're all done there sport." Josh told him as he 
unfastened the safety strap and gave his thigh a playful 
	"Okay, DJ. Just hop up on here and I'll get that wet 
dydee of yours changed." Josh smiled as he patted the now 
vacant table. Since I was still trying to wake Josh had to 
help me get up on the table as he helped boost me up his 
night shirt rode up. I was more that a bit surprised to see 
that he was wearing a diaper also.
	"I've always worn them. I fell out of a friends tree 
house when I was Six and injured my bladder." he told me 
when he saw the puzzled look on my face.
	"Looks like you're getting a rash there DJ." Josh told 
me as he pulled the diaper from between my legs.
	"Well, I know just what to do for that." he added, and 
with that he started to clean me crotch with a warmed diaper 
wipe. After smearing a generous amount of Desitin on my rash 
and covering that with heavy sprinkling of baby powder he 
pulled out a Molicare diaper and placed it under my raised 
	"Do I really have to wear one those?" I asked.
	"Yes you do. These will keep you drier than the others 
will and that is what we want." He told me
	"Now go get dressed and get Brad up if he isn't already 
awake." Josh added as he finished taping my diaper up, and 
helping me off the table. Mark and David stated chuckling 
when they saw the purple diaper I had on when I came back 
into the main room.
	" Yeah yeah, I know just don't start okay." I told them 
still a bit sore that I had to wear it.
	"Don't worry about it DJ, Dave and I have both had 
rashes while we were in the past." Mark told me.
	"How do you know I have a rash?" I replied.
	"Because they only use the thick diapers if you have a 
diaper rash." he answered.
	"Hey Brad, it's time to get up." I said shaking him 
	"UUGGHH, go away I'm trying to sleep." came his 
	"C'mon, Josh said it's time to get up." I told him 
while shaking him harder.
	"Go Away!" he mumbled back with that he turned back 
over and started snoring again.
	With that I walked back into the bathroom and told Josh 
what was going on.
	"You go ahead and get dressed. I'll be out in a moment 
and take care of it." he told me. I just nodded and went out 
to get dressed. Brad had gotten up while I was gone, but was 
still in bed covered up.
	"What are you wearing a diaper for?" he asked 
commenting on my purple padded posterior.
	"Everyone here wears them." I replied simply
	"Not me, I don't have to wear diapers during the day 
like a baby." he said snidely.
	"Wanna bet?" Josh said coming out of the bathroom.
	"Like DJ said everyone here wears them." he added.
	"Not me! I don't need no stinking diapers." Brad told 
us all.
	"Really? then you won't mind getting out of bed then." 
Josh told him with a smile.
	"I'll get up when I'm ready." Brad told him, but 
turning red in the process
	"Brad, let's cut the crap okay? Everyone in this cabin 
knows that you wet the bed and wore a diaper last night 
because of it." Josh told him testily walking over to his 
	"Now you can either get out of that bed willingly, or I 
drag you out of it. Which will it be." he added.
	"All Right! I'll get up, but they" motioning to Dave, 
Mark, and I " better not laugh about it." Brad announced.
	"Why would we laugh? We all wore diapers to bed 
ourselves." Dave told him
	"Oh." with that Brad stood up and all of us noticed 
that his pajamas as well as half the bed was soaked.
	"I thought you said you had a diaper on last night?" I 
	"I did. It just leaked a little." Brad answered.
	"A little!" I laughed.
	"You said you wouldn't laugh." Brad said starting to 
	"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at what you 
said." I told him as I finished getting dressed.
	"Brad go take off that diaper and get a quick shower. 
I'll take care of the bed." Josh said, cutting of any 
further arguments before they could start.
	Brad came out of the bathroom just as Josh finished 
changing the sheets on his bed.
	"What do you think you're doing?" Josh asked as Brad 
started to pull a pair of swim trunks on.
	"I'm getting dressed for breakfast. Why?" Brad asked in 
a confused voice.
	"Because I haven't gotten a diaper put on you yet, 
that's why." Josh stated in a tired voice.
	"I thought you were joking about that." Brad whined.
	"Oh Jesus, You never read that camp information packet 
I gave you did you." Josh asked shaking his head as he did.
	"Nah, I just figured it was just a bunch of stupid 
rules that would get explained to us anyway." Brad answered.
	"That's just great! Have any of you bothered to read 
the camp packet that was sent to you?" Josh asked all of us. 
Mark and David said they just skimmed it to see if there had 
been any changes since last summer.
	"What about you DJ?" I was asked.
	"I never even saw a camp packet, but Mark has explained 
to me the basics of what's going to happen." I told him.
	"Okay, I better explain it in full to you all then, as 
soon as I get Brad here diapered and dressed. Go sit at the 
table, and wait for me to return." he told us. With that he 
pulled Brad's trunks off him and lead him stark naked in to 
the bathroom. We could hear his crying and complaining out 
by the front door where the table was located. Brad and Josh 
returned a couple of minutes later, and instead of letting 
Brad get dressed he just sat him down at the table in 
nothing but his diaper.
	"You guys better listen to me good because I'm only 
going through this once. Understand?" Josh told us 
pointedly. We all just nodded. Josh then spent a good hour 
going over what the camp was, the rules of it, and answering 
our questions about them.
	Just as he finished breakfast was announced. We headed 
off right after Brad got dressed.

Chapter Five

	"You guys have one hour to write letters home before 
activities start. Do any of you need to be changed first?" 
Josh asked as we entered the cabin from breakfast. We all 
answered "No" though Brad was a bit embarrassed by the 
question. Without wasting any time I sat down at the table 
and started writing.
	Dear Mom,
	I just wanted to let you know that we all reached camp 
safely, and I am enjoying myself so far. I would have 
preferred if you and dad had told me what kind of camp this 
was. It would have made for a lot fewer surprises on my 
part. I was really shocked to find out that Mark and David 
are two of my cabin mates. I can only assume this was yours 
and Sherri's idea because it's so warped.
	The other kid that shares the cabin with us is a kid 
named Brad. Judging from how he's taking everything I can 
tell he was never fully informed of what was going to be 
	I guess you told the camp were to find Kilroy because I 
woke up with him in my arms this morning. When I know for a 
fact that I didn't have him out when I went to bed last 
	After dinner last night we had a big bon fire, were we 
all told a little bit about ourselves. Told ghost stories( I 
think the scariest ones were the ones told by one of the 
counselors. He pulled five tours in `Nam.) and listened to 
old folk songs.
	I have Canoeing and Archery planed for activities 
	I hope this letter finds You, Dad, and Dan in good 
health. I'll see you in a couple months.


	"Time for you guys to get to your activities." Josh 
announced what seemed like 15 minutes later.
	"I'll see you back here in two hours to take you to 
lunch." he called as we bolted through the door.
	I was the first one back about two hours later. Josh 
herded me into get my diaper changed as soon as I came 
through the door because I was dripping all over the floor.
	"How did you manage to get this diaper so wet?" he 
asked as he pulled my soaked shorts off.
	"I found out just how easy it is to capsize a canoe." I 
told him with a sheepish grin. He just laughed I soon found 
myself in a dry diaper. Everyone else came in just as I 
walked back in to the main part of the cabin.
	"How was everyone's morning?" I asked. They all just 
grinned at me in response.
	"Josh is all ready in the bathroom if any of you need 
to be changed." I told them, and to my surprise Brad was the 
first to head that way.
	"I want you all to just wear a T-shirt to lunch with 
how warm it is" Josh told us as he and Mark came out of the 
	"But.." Brad started to complain. I just nodded and 
pulled off the shorts I had on.
	"Brad if you say on more word I'll have Ding come down 
here and take you to the other side. Understand?" Josh 
warned. Brad just nodded and pulled off the shorts he was 
putting on. As we walked to lunch, I noticed that a lot of 
the other counselors had the same idea as ours because 
almost all the campers I saw were just wearing T-shirts.
	After lunch Josh informed us that we would have to take 
short nap and when we woke up we would head down to the lake 
for some swimming. When we got back to the cabin I just 
climbed into bed since I was still dry. I fell asleep 
quickly, holding Kilroy, due to all the energy I had 
expended earlier.
	After our naps we all had our soaked diapers removed 
and we were handed Speedo like swim diapers to wear under 
our regular trunks
	"I'll race you guys down to the lake!" I yelled as we 
all bolted out of the cabin.
	"Don't you get to far ahead of me you guys!" Josh 
laughed as we ran down towards the lake. Dave, Mark, and I 
started a major water fight between us and a dozen other 
guys as we hit the water. A little while later I noticed 
that Brad was still up on the beach.
	"Hey Mark!?" I yelled to be heard over the yelling of 
everyone else.
	"What!?" he yelled back just before Dave came up behind 
him and forced him underwater.
	I waded over to him as Dave let him back up.
	"Let's go see if Brad wants to join us." I told him as 
I pointed out that Brad was sitting up on the beach alone.
	"Sounds fine with me." Mark said. Dave nodded as well. 
we were standing by Brad a few minutes later.
	"Hey Brad you want to join us?" I asked
	"No, That's okay. I'll just sit up here and watch you?" 
he said softly
	"C'mon. You'll have more fun in the water with us." 
Mark and Dave chimed in.
	"It's okay, I'll just stay up here." Brad said again.
	"You can't swim can you?" I asked softly. He just shook 
his head and started to cry softly.
	"Hey it's okay. That's nothing to be ashamed of . I 
didn't learn how to swim till I came here for the first time 
either." Mark told him seriously.
	"The water doesn't go past mid-chest anyway." Dave 
piped in.
	"Tell you what, if you come into the water with us 
today we'll talk to Ding at dinner tonight and if there's 
still enough slots left open in the swim classes, and all 
four of us will join. How does that sound?" I asked.
	"You really mean that?" he asked figuring that we were 
trying to play a joke on him. We all nodded that we weren't 
kidding him.. This got him off the beach and in the water, 
and for the first time I saw that he was having fun.
	True to what we told him, all four of us went up and 
talked to Ding about getting us all into the Beginning swim 
class even though he knew that I was in the Intermediate 
class and both Dave and Mark were in the Advanced class. By 
the end of the summer Brad and I had both joined the 
Advanced class.
	The rest of the summer went quickly I had made lots of 
new friends and skills. After about a week of seeing me 
sleep with my teddy bear everyone else had brought out 
theirs as well. Josh did get a bit upset with Brad each 
morning to find that he had maxed out the night diaper till 
Dave jokingly suggested that one of the Huggies, that the 
younger kids wore, be placed into Brad's diaper as a soaker 
pad. Though Brad had complained when Josh first tried it we 
all had to admit that it worked. He didn't get the bed wet 
again due to a leaky diaper.