Diapers, Sunshine, and the Great State of Alabama


Chapter 13B – Looking back, looking forward, and maybe just looking around (continued)



Uncle Steve and Aunt Sarah both raised their eyebrows questioningly at the three of us. Rob and Rick were both dressed in their toddler best, with me wearing normal tan cargo shorts and one of Rob’s juvenile type t-shirts. Aunt Sarah dipped a finger into Rob’s waistband and then Ricks. When she pulled the side of my cargo’s out and looked down, she just quirked an eyebrow and said nothing.


Kevin and Matt got to the farmhouse first; Mrs. Rosetick dropped them off about four in the afternoon. Rob, Kevin and I had gone outside to shoot some baskets while Rick and Matt had gone around to the backyard and were tossing horseshoes. A long extended cab pickup truck, which I recognized as belong to BB’s dad turned into the drive way and let the beanpole-thin BB, and the much more substantial Glen out. BB’s dad rolled down the window to wave to us and reminded his son to stay out of trouble. BB took his and Glen’s things and put them just inside the backdoor of the farmhouse as his dad backed out of the driveway and pulled away.


The five of us played HORSE for a while, but we got bored quick with Glen being horsed very early each game. Therefore, we put the basketball down and headed to the backyard. We found that Rick and Matt were still playing horseshoes and we announced that we wanted to play too. The pits were new; the dirt at each stake was still fresh and moist from where Uncle Steve and Rick had dug the pits earlier today.


We played horseshoes for nearly an hour, the time passing quickly and although I had excellent aim, horseshoes was never a game I would excel at, and I knew it. Outside of a few lucky shots, most of mine, I threw to long and when everything was said and done, I was maybe next to last in score. Nevertheless, the game was still fun and Rob surprised us all with his throwing ability. He was good (not good enough to outdo Glen or BB) but I think everyone was impressed all the same.


Uncle Steve came outside as our game was winding down and he even tossed for a few minutes with us. He sucked, I mean sucked real bad, and I think it was more than his adult ego could take, ‘cause he declined to play any further. “You boys go on and play. I’ve got to get the grill started for dinner.”


A little while later when we were all seated around the picnic table talking, Aunt Sarah opened the backdoor and called out from the door way “Rob, Todd, come here a minute, please.”


We both trotted to the backdoor. “Wash your hands, and each of you grab a plate and take it to the grill for me please.” Aunt Sarah said pointing to the two big platters, one covered in hot dogs and the other in hamburger patties.


“Both hands please, don’t drop dinner!” She said sweetly.


Back outside I handed my plate to Uncle Steve and Rob set his down on the little shelf beside the grill. No one at the table was paying us much attention so I decided now was as good a time as any to begin enacting my plan from earlier. I paused long enough to question myself one last time, was I ready to go through with my plans from earlier? I told myself that I must be crazy for thinking about this, let alone actually doing it! But I figured, what the hell?


“Here goes nothing!” I thought as I just stood there, let go, and peed my pants. It was an entirely different sensation than peeing in a diaper. You see, earlier I had pulled on a pair of Rob’s cotton training pants. My plan was to wet them just a little infrequently until they got my pants damp, at which point I was certain someone would notice a small wet spot and I would get changed into a diaper. However, the best-laid plans, fate, Murphy’s Law, or whatever you choose to call it, had a different plan for me. Sticking to the plan, I tried to only pee a little, but after starting, I couldn’t stop! I kept trying to clench up, to stem the flow but the pee just kept coming!


I looked down helplessly at my front as I felt the training pants become over saturated and pee start to trickle down my legs. The front of my tan shorts darkening all around the crotch as the cotton training pants wicked the moisture out to my shorts. I just stood there dumbfounded; this was not according to plan and I felt a twinge of panic.


Rick noticed before anyone else and his brief eye contact with me registered his surprise. Apparently Rick’s little gasp of shock was enough to direct everyone’s attention my way. Everyone just stood there staring at my wet pants. Kevin blushed a bit while looking at me; I imagine he was remembering his own incidents like this. This was of course my desired result all along, but boy did I screw up the magnitude! I had wanted to dampen my pants just slightly, not flood them!


Uncle Steve was the first to move, “Oh Jeeze, Todd, you’re a mess!” He said setting down the BBQ implements. “At least this happened outside, your Aunt would be upset if you wet on her furniture or carpet.”


I know this was what I wanted, but boy did the embarrassment sting when it was in the here and now. It’s one thing to think up this plan; it was another thing all together to have to stand there with all my friends’ eyes staring at my wet shorts with pee running down my legs.


“Let’s get you inside and clean you up!” Uncle Steve said pulling down my soaked cargo shorts right there on the spot and folding them up so the wet part was on the inside. I stood there wearing Rob’s training pants, which were soaked and clinging to me. The training pants had red piping around the waist, leg openings and in the same pattern as the fly on briefs, sort of like Pull-Ups do.


“Let’s go get you cleaned up and into some dry pants,” he said as I noticed my t-shirt had begun to get a wet spot on it from where it touched the top of the training pants. When I didn’t move right away he tugged on my hand and led me into the house.


Aunt Sarah was still in the kitchen and she looked at me as if she fully expected this turn of events since she’d seen my training pants earlier “Accident huh?” she said knowingly.


“Yes ma’am. I didn’t mean to wet them as much as I did.” I said hanging my head.


“I’ve got him. You go cook!” She told her husband taking my wet shorts from him.


She took me upstairs and to the bathroom where she had me drop the training pants in the bathtub. “You need to rinse those out when I am done changing you.” She told me.


In Rob’s room, she put out the changing mat and had me take off my shirt, socks and shoes so that I was completely naked as I lay down on the mat. She wiped me down real good, grabbed a fresh diaper from the bag that I’d placed out in the open earlier and she slid it under me. She stopped and thinking for a moment she said, “Stay put!”


Aunt Sarah disappeared from the room for a minute and came back with a new bag of Moliform Liners.


As she opened the bag of diaper stuffers, she said, “That was gutsy. I don’t think Rob or Rick, either one; have ever wet their pants like that in front of their friends.” She took out a pad from the bag and put it in the diaper.


After she was done putting me in the diaper, I started to get up but Aunt Sarah pushed me back down on the mat. “I’ll get you some clothes out!” She said.


I watched as she got another t-shirts from Rob’s closet along with my shortalls. Aunt Sarah bunched the t-shirt up around its neck opening and it took me second to realize what she was expecting. I sat up and raised my arms up so that she could pull the shirt over my head and arms as if I couldn’t dress myself.


“Okay young man, stand up for me.” Aunt Sarah said holding out a pair of plastic pants for me to step into, which I did. I hadn’t seen these pants before, I assume they were Rob’s, as they were covered in little puppy dogs and red fire hydrants. Once she worked the pants over my diaper Aunt Sarah held out my shortalls and after I had my legs through, she affixed the shoulder straps-one at a time.


She sent me off to go rinse out my training pants before I half-waddled my way back downstairs very much aware of the thickness bundled between my legs. With every step I took closer to the backdoor my erection became more noticeable... at least to me though I seriously doubted if anyone could notice much except for the puffiness of my ample diapers beneath my shortalls.


Back outside Uncle Steve was standing over the grill and my friends were still sitting at the picnic table talking amongst themselves. Rob and Rick both made eye contact and grinned at me as a gesture of support. I blushed anyways.


“All fixed up there, champ?” Uncle Steve asked as I got to the table.


“Yes sir,” I said softly becoming more embarrassed by the second.


“Glad that happened here at your Aunt’s where someone could help you take care of it!” Glen said helpfully.


“Shut up Glen! Can’t you see Todd’s embarrassed enough by all this attention?” BB said punching his friend in the arm.


“Oww! I was just trying to help!” Glen said rubbing his arm.


Kevin spoke up, “Well I don’t have any room to talk. It hasn’t been that many years since I had trouble keeping MY pants dry.”


“That so?” Uncle Steve said turning to face Kevin


Kevin faltered for only a second before saying, “Yes Sir. Used to happen to me all the time.”


“We’ll don’t worry we can take care of any accidents that happen here.” He smiled while waving and pointing the BBQ tongs at Rick and Rob, “We have to with these two around!”


“Daaad,” Both said, no-it was more like they whined, in unison and I thought I might have seen a hint of blush in Rick’s cheeks.


It wasn’t too much longer before we had dinner and the five of us older boys ate outside at the picnic table on paper plates, while Matt and Rick ate inside with the grownups. The conversation was light and lively, mainly revolving around summer activities. Kevin talked about Scout Camp for him and Matt, while trying to talk me into coming back to Scouts and also trying to interest Rob in joining up as well. Glen and his folks were going to the Ozark Mountains for vacation, and if it were like prior years BB would go along in tow. BB’s parents usually traveled some during the racing season and on certain trips, BB would usually go along too. I broke the news to everyone about going to camp as a councilor, although I left off the part about it being a Diaper Camp.


“God I’d love to have $500 bucks!” BB said with obvious envy.


Once Matt and Rick returned outside we began tossing around a Frisbee for a bit. It had been ages since I had thrown a Frisbee and I had forgotten how much fun they could be. We kind of got lost in time while playing Frisbee football and I don’t think anyone had paid attention to the progress of time and all of a sudden dusk was upon us.


The sky although still light over the tree line, had begun to darken over the house, the sound of crickets became more noticeable and the pops of the fluorescent bug zapper grew more frequent until finally at the back door, Aunt Sarah called us in.


We crowded into the kitchen after ditching our shoes at the backdoor; the air conditioning hit us like a wall of welcoming cold. Aunt Sarah handed out cans of soda to us as we filed through the door. Still feeling wired after playing outside all evening, instead of sitting, we all just leaned on the counters while drinking out sodas. BB started fidgeting as he leaned against the sink; he was shirtless from earlier in the evening when he got too hot. He looked almost skeletal standing there, and had I not personally witnessed him eat two burgers and a hot dog; I would have sworn he must be starving himself to near death. I could make out each rib starting just above his waistband of his boxers, which stood a good inch above the waist of his shorts. I guess the cool air was a bit much for him, because, after setting his soda down on the counter, BB made a dash outside to grab his T-shirt from the picnic table.


Aunt Sarah, without trying to be too discreet stuck a finger in Rob’s, Rick’s, and my own pants. “That’s odd.” She commented to herself, but with enough volume so everyone could hear her. “Well it smells like someone has wet their pants.”


Uncle Steve came in from the backdoor in time to see Aunt Sarah checking our pants. “There’s your culprit dear.” Uncle Steve said pointing to Kevin, “Used to have accidents? Is that what you said?”


“Yes Sir.” Kevin said looking at his feet and sounding six all over again.


Aunt Sarah rushed over to the boy, “Well, don’t worry about a thing. We have accidents around this house all the time. Let’s get you cleaned up and into some dry pants. Did your mother pack any diapers for you?”


“No ma’am!” Kevin eeked at the mention of his mother. I couldn’t tell whether he was enjoying himself or not, his whole manner brought back too many bad memories for me to accurately tell. I had to take it on faith that he wet his pants on purpose and that this was what he wanted.


“Well, no matter, you can wear one of Robbie’s. I’m sure he would be happy to share.” Aunt Sarah said with a playful ruffle of Rob’s hair.


Rob just stood there mouth agape.


“Thank you.” Kevin said to Aunt Sarah as he followed her upstairs.


We settled in around the table during Kevin’s absence, all of us kind of waiting for his return. If Glen and BB thought any of this was unusual neither one commented, they acted like this was 100% normal.


I was dying to know what was happening upstairs and finally my curiosity got the better of me. I announced to the table that I was going to go get the deck of playing cards, which we had left in the playroom floor.


I tried walking up the stairs as quietly as I could, trying to strain to listen to the activity in Rob’s room. I couldn’t hear much, just some muffled conversation. I was extremely nervous standing there at Rob’s door, so I went on into the playroom and grabbed the deck of cards. I made one last stop at Rob’s door. Nothing. Damn, I turned to leave but the sudden opening of the bedroom door startled me and the cards went flying.


“I wa-I wa-cards-coming-get-cards!” I stammered guiltily.


“Shh Todd! I know what you were doing, now come here. It’s not nice to eavesdrop, but I imagine you were well intentioned, weren’t you?” Aunt Sarah asked.


“Y-yes ma’am, I suppose so,” I said regaining my composure.


As I walked into the room I saw that Kevin was wearing only a diaper, obviously stuffed like mine.


Aunt Sarah then told me, “I was explaining to Kevin that his parents need never know about his Diaper wearing here unless I am asked flat out or he decides to tell them.”


“Yeah, like he was going to spill the beans to his folks!” I thought dryly to myself.


“But in order for them to not ask me any such questions, all diapers, Pull-Ups and plastic pants need to stay here, and not go home like they did with Matt!” She said the last part sharply.


“I understand, perhaps better than my little brother. But like I said, dad isn’t like that anymore, not like he was when I was little. Matt hardly got spanked and that was more for hiding things than it was for what he hid. But still I don’t need that kind of trouble, and neither does Matt!” Kevin said sounding very adult, which defiantly was funny considering he was lying there on the changing mat with his butt diapered.


“I thought so; I just felt it needed to be clear.” Aunt Sarah said looking down at the boy before turning back to me and asking, “Todd, why don’t you help me pick out some clothes for Kevin to wear?”


I got my pair of fire truck pants out for Kevin-knowing he was fond of them, then stepped into Rob’s closet and looked in the TB section of clothes and pulled out a pair of snap-crotch denim shorts and the last of the juvenile t-shirts, which I handed to Aunt Sarah.


“Very nice, but I don’t think this shirt will fit Kevin, I think he might need a normal shirt.” She said as she pulled a narrow striped polo shirt from Rob’s closet and hung the other one back up. Despite being normal in cut, the shirt still looked like a little kid’s shirt all the same.


Aunt Sarah dressed Kevin, much the way she had me earlier and then with a pat on the butt for each of us, sent us back downstairs with the other boys. “Don’t forget the cards Todd!” Aunt Sarah said pointing to the deck on the floor by the door.


As I picked up the cards I couldn’t help feel a small pang of guilt that Kevin had to defend his dad to Aunt Sarah, asshole that he was. I still felt like a heel for telling Aunt Sarah and Uncle Steve in the first place. All the same though, Kevin was smiling as we walked down stairs.


“Pretty spiffy!” I said looking at his puffed out shorts, which crinkled in harmony with my own.


“Yeah, your Aunt is so cool! But I can’t believe I am doing this, I mean, I’ve always wanted to and all, it’s just that I never thought I would ever get too!” Kevin said stopping on the stairs to look at me.


“I know what you mean. You worried about Glen and BB?” I asked.


Kev smiled kind of sheepishly, “Nah. They didn’t seem upset, surprised or anything about your change of clothes! If they have a problem with it... oh well!” he shrugged his shoulders, “Least I got my best friend back, who I KNOW doesn’t care and I have a place to wear diapers.” He said with extra emphasis in all the right places.


We walked back into the kitchen where everyone was still sitting at the table waiting for us to return, and if anyone was surprised by Kevin coming back downstairs wearing a diaper and TB clothes they didn’t say anything. On the one hand, I was so very glad that Glen and BB seemed okay with everything, but I was also dying to know what they thought of all this, too.


“Gimmie those would you please, Todd?” Glen asked holding his hand out for the deck of cards.


Matt and Rick had slipped off to the family room with my Aunt and Uncle, watching movies I imagine. That left the five us to sit around the kitchen table and play cards. All that was missing from making this the typical poker night we’d all seen in movies and on TV was beer and cigarettes, and outside of dipping in secret, none of us had used tobacco and I don’t imagine we would get away with drinking beer so flagrantly. So contentedly, we settled for munching on potatoes chips and drinking more Cokes. Rob had returned after having gone upstairs to fetch his loose change and pennies, which we divided amongst ourselves into small piles. We spent the next hour and a half or so playing poker, and thankfully, Glen had a better head for the rules than we ourselves had earlier in the day.


I was not the first to lose all my change, that honor was all BB’s, but soon after BB’s bad fortune (and worse bluffing) I found myself almost out of funds too. Kevin likewise, was also sparsely banked. Rob was doing better than Kevin and I, but not by much. It was Glen who had amassed the proverbial fat stacks of cash, or piles of pennies as the case may be.


Glen shuffled the cards through once, his working of the cards, obviously well practiced. He dealt out five cards and each of us, minus BB, anteed up. I was down to about fifteen cents and knew I had to do something or I would be only watching like BB.


“I got one in!” Rob said pushing a penny into the pot; he’d been betting equally conservative all night. Of course his reasonable betting is probably what kept him in a better position than Kevin and I as we tended to err on the side of big wagers.


Kevin glanced at his cards, crunched on a couple of chips and pushed three pennies in to the pot in the middle of the table, “I got your one and a couple more!” he said, which prompted Rob to move a couple more pennies into the pot.


I fanned my cards out and studied them; I could draw for an outside straight and that might just keep me in the game a while longer. What’s that they say about being ‘In for a penny, In for a pound’? “I’m in for three and call.” I tried to say with confidence as I tossed my pennies onto the pile.


Glen studied his cards and chuckled “Fine, Fine. I’m in for three; I think I can afford it.” He was gloating. Least wise I’m pretty sure that’s what it was. His pennies were not piled but instead were stacked neatly in front of him in parallel rows.


Rob and Kevin both took two cards. I pulled one and missed my straight, instead I ending up with a lousy pair. While I was sulking over my luck or lack of luck, Glen took three cards.


Rob threw his cards down on the table and announced, “I’m out!”


Kevin took another look at his cards before throwing five cents in the middle and sat there grinning like a mad man. I knew he was bluffing, he had to be!


“Not for me!” I said putting my crappy pair back down on the table and leaning back in my chair to watch the rest of the hand play out.


“Oh come now Kevin, do you really think you can bluff me out of those lovely pennies in the center of the table?” Glen waved his hand over his pile of copper coins to entice Kevin, “I think not. In fact, I will see your five cents and raise you five more, which incidentally will leave you with, hmmm, about two cents.” Glen gloated as he said it since he knew he could afford to loose the hand.


“Okay, I’ll see your raise and put in my last two cents. And I call!.” Kevin said resolutely, not even looking at the cards in his hand.


“Fine, Fine. Two more in.” Glenn said in a mock surrendering tone, “Now what do you have?” Glen asked as he tossed the money in.


Kevin, with a totally straight face simply laid out his cards and said, “Three of a kind!”


Glen cackled “Oh Kevin, you bet the farm on three eights? Well let’s see here. I have nothing.” Glen looked very sad.


“HA!” Kevin exclaimed as he reached for the pile of pennies.


Glen smacked the back of Kevin’s hand away from the money. “Did I say nothing? Why how careless of me. I meant to say I have an itsy, bitsy little flush. Oh my bad! Nothing, Flush, I get them confused all the time.”


“Damn it, I’m broke now!” Kevin swore, “I was sure I was going to win that one!” Kevin said before looking at me and Rob, “Lend me some cash to play with – I want to stay in the game.”


“No can do – I don’t have it myself!” I explained, “You can see I won’t last another round if I lose.”


“You could always wager your clothes there, Kev?” BB said balefully.


Glen shook his head back and forth and sighed, “Oh no! I never signed up for strip poker! Be reasonable, we can’t change the stakes mid-game!”


“Calm down, it was just a suggestion.” BB said acting wounded.


“Besides, what would I do with all that plastic underwear?” Glen said letting his gaze fall on all three of us.


“HEY!” Kevin exclaimed!


Glen’s voice took on an edge of sarcasm, “Besides, you guys are too easy! It would be like taking candy from a… a... well… never mind, poor choice of words.”


Rob looked momentarily confused, like he didn’t know weather Glen was being seriously mean or not. He didn’t relax until Kevin, BB and I all started laughing. Glen was only sarcastic under certain circumstances, like when he called BB ‘William’ – it was good-natured despite being seemingly caustic. Glen wouldn’t have cracked a joke about our diapers if he weren’t completely comfortable with us in them. That answered my previous question about Glen’s attitude, and where Glen went, like Mary’s little lamb, BB was sure to go.


“Yea well, underwear styles aside, you only won because you’re lucky.” Kevin said sourly.


“HA! Luck or skill I’m the one with all the money!” Glen laughed.


“You boys are getting whipped I see,” Uncle Steve said as he walked into the kitchen. “Glen must be a real card shark.”


“That’s what we were just discussing,” Rob told his dad.


“We’re just about to put in another movie if you boys want to join us?” Uncle Steve asked the table as he opened the fridge and rummaged around.


“What movie?” Rob asked.


“Some movie, ‘Rundown’ I think it was? Isn’t that what you have been pestering us to get since the rental place doesn’t seem to have it.” Uncle Steve asked.


“Dad Thanks!” Rob said with excitement.


We made our way to the den where we all managed to find places to sit on the floor, as the sofa was occupied by Uncle Steve and Aunt Sarah. The movie was better than I had expected, but it was hard not to like any movie with Christopher Walken and the Rock. As soon as the credits started Uncle Steve flipped back to normal TV and put on the Discovery Channel.


“Okay Rick, Matt. You two need to get your teeth brushed and ready for bed, it’s after ten.” Uncle Steve told the two youngest.


“We can stay up though, right?” Rick asked.


“Yes, you can stay up afterward, now scoot!” he said motioning the two boys out of the room.


Aunt Sarah gave Uncle Steve a peck on the cheek as she got up from the sofa and left the room.


“Why don’t you three also get your stuff taken care of? You can use our bathroom,” Uncle Steve pointed at Kevin, Rob and myself. “And you two can go when Rick and Matt are done.” He finished indicating Glen and BB.


Rob didn’t complain at all about having to get ready, and so I didn’t either. Kevin followed us upstairs where he ducked into Rob’s room to get his toothbrush while Rob and I went to his bathroom to grab our own. Ricks bedroom door was open and Aunt Sarah was in there laying out the changing mat and other diaper supplies. Rick and Matt were both standing at the sink, naked to the waist with toothpaste on their mouths as they brushed.


Aunt Sarah met us in the hallway as we left the bathroom causing a little traffic jam when Kevin came out of Rob’s room.


“’Scuse me,” she said as Kevin ducked out of the doorway to let her enter into Rob’s room.


“You boys go brush your teeth and NO horsing around, okay? I don’t want to have to clean my bathroom when you’re done in there.” She told us in passing.


We brushed our teeth without ‘horsing around’, in fact we did so with an almost somber feel, and even though conversation was difficult with a toothbrush in your mouth I was certain that Kevin and Rob were both lost in their thoughts anyways. I wondered what was going through Rob’s head? Was he happy to have another diaper friend? I guess it must be odd for him too, considering that they don’t know each other well, and something like diapers are rather intimate. I bet Rob was just dying to ask Kevin some questions.


We finished and left the bathroom to return our toothbrushes to the Rob’s bathroom, the three of us walked in a natural lockstep. Rob and I put our toothbrushes in the little porcelain hanger on the bathroom wall and Kevin put his in a freestanding glass on the vanity. I smiled when I saw that the plastic pants from earlier were still hanging in the tub along with my training pants.


We passed Aunt Sarah in the hall again prompting her to mutter something about having a whole heard of boys in her house. “Bathroom’s free!” She called down the stairs before going into Rick’s room.


“Let’s get you two ready for bed.” I could hear her say through the open door.


We filed into Rob’s room to make space in the hall when Glen, BB and Uncle Steve came up the stairs. Uncle Steve split off from the two boys to joining us in Rob’s room.


“It’s all work-work-work around here!” He said sounding exasperated.


The changing pad was still laid out on the futon from earlier. Uncle Steve reached down into the bag of diapers and handed them out saying, “One for you, one for you, and one for you!”


“All right Robbie. Let’s go, I want to get this done so I can watch the rest of the 10 o’clock news.” He said as he pulled off his sons’ top.


“Other parents get a break from diapering. But no sir, not me!” He said pulling Rob’s shorts down exposing his diaper and plastic pants.


Rob stepped out of his jeans and laid down on the futon where Uncle Steve pulled Rob’s vinyl pants completely off and set them aside. Kevin stood there watching the whole thing with a slack jaw, his own diaper clutched in one hand while his other hand absentmindedly rubbed the top of his waist line feeling his plastic pants through his shirt.


Uncle Steve untapped Rob’s diaper and grabbed for the block shaped tub of wipes. “Out of wipes?” he said after popping the top. “Todd, run across the hall and see if your Aunt is done with the wipes?”


This had to be a setup; I’m certain that was an almost full container of wipes earlier. I certainly wasn’t going to argue though.


I crossed the hall where BB and Glen were busy brushing their teeth; only a bit of BB was visible with Glen standing at the door. I imagine they could hear every word coming from both bedrooms.


Aunt Sarah had both boys standing in only their diapers while she was at Rick’s dresser picking out overpants for them.


“Do you need something Todd?” She asked as if she had eyes in the back of her head.


“Umm we’re out of wipes. Can I use these?” I said picking up the opened box on Rob’s Bed.


“No silly, why don’t you just grab a new tub from the beneath the boy’s bathroom sink?” She said with a slight smile crossing her lips.


I should have known. As soon as I got to the door, “Oh Todd, Grab the Big Kid’s wipes, that’s the brand the Robby likes – the unscented are for Rickey.”


Glen and BB neither one were getting much tooth brushing done, they both stood there transfixed and obviously enjoying the conversation. I went to reach for the sink expecting them to clear the way, but neither budged when I tried to squeeze in.


“Let me in for a sec?” I asked which seemed to snap Glen out of his daze enough to move aside. I still wasn’t left with a lot of room, which forced me to set my diaper, which I was still carrying with me, down on the counter while I squatted down to get the wipes.


I grabbed my diaper again and along with the new tub of wipes I left the bathroom without another word spoken. When I got back, I handed the tub to Uncle Steve who peeled off the cellophane and popped the top. He then went to work cleaning Rob up, and with his usual efficiency got Rob diapered again in no time.


“Okay Kevin – lets go big fella.” Uncle Steve said as he undid Kevin’s shorts letting them fall down so that Kevin could step out of them. Kevin stood there a second in just a diaper and his polo shit and I found myself hoping that when I do the same that I look half as cute.


I guess I got lost in trying to figure out if I was a cute diaper boy or not. I mean, I think Rob is real cute and all and I know we look very similar, so I hope I look like he does. But even in the pictures last night it was hard to tell objectively if I was cute or not.


“Todd, you want to come here and let me change your diaper please?” Uncle Steve asked.


“Oh sorry, I was woolgathering.” I said sheepishly finding Rob and Kevin standing around somewhat self-consciously both only clad in diapers and baby pants.


“I see that.” Uncle Steve said letting the shoulder straps of my short-alls down.


After removing my shirt, he had me lie down just as the others had. He pulled off my puppy dog plastic pants and untapped my diaper.


“Goodness Todd, even with the diaper doublers you’ve managed to soak the whole thing through and through.” Uncle Steve commented as he wiped my groin.


I heard some commotion in the hallway, “You boys finished in there? If so could you excuse me for a few minutes, I need to get in there and rinse these pants out before they begin to smell.” Aunt Sarah said, no doubt with a pair of Ricks overpants in one hand.


Glen and BB, left with no other place to go, came and stood in Rob’s doorway and along with Rob and Kevin watched Uncle Steven change me.


Uncle Steve pushed a new diaper up under me, along with a new stuffer, and then taped the whole thing around my hips and waist. He pulled up the puppy dog pants enough to where I could stand up at which point he pulled them over my diaper.


Uncle Steve got a pile of clothes off the dresser and handed a set to Rob and Myself. I pulled on the PJ Shorts, which were thin enough that you could see the print on my plastic pants through them, and nothing was going to hide the bulge of my diaper.


“Did your Mom pack PJ’s for you Kevin?” without waiting for a reply Uncle Steve added, “Rob has another pair if you need some!”


“Thank you.” Kevin said taking the offered PJ’s and putting them on.


Seeing BB and Glen at the bedroom door, “I’ll be out of you boy’s way as soon as I put this stuff up…” Uncle Steve said indicating the diaper supplies. “Unless I need to keep it out?”


“No Sir!” Glen answered quickly followed a moment later by BB.


“Okay then. You boys can stay up as late as you like, but try not to stay up ALL night and don’t make too much noise.” Uncle Steve told us as he tidied the diaper area up and put a set of folded up sheets and a pillow on the futon.


I was okay with things up until the point when Uncle Steve left the room, and then suddenly I was all nervous. My earlier ‘accident’ was partially just that, an accident – granted I was a little over enthusiastic, but it wasn’t flagrant. But now, with no adults around and amongst my peers, I guess I almost felt like I was flaunting my diapers, which was okay as far as Rob and Kevin were concerned, but I didn’t want to alienate BB and Glen either. This whole thing has got to be awkward for them with five out of seven of us in diapers tonight.


I guess Rob read my mind or somehow understood my discomfort ‘cause he let his breath out in a big humph, “Sorry y'all, my dad likes to have his fun like that sometimes – it’s weird I know.”


“Bah – your daddy wasn’t the only one having fun, unless the wood you three are sporting is because of Glen’s man boobs.” BB said dryly.


“Now, leave me out of this!” Glen said looking down at himself in a somewhat self-conscious manner.


“Whatever, let’s go get the cards and play some more poker.” Kevin said and not waiting for a reply, he bounded out of the room and down the stairs to retrieve the deck of cards. Rob followed him to the hall, which was now dark until a swath of light cut into the shadows indicating he had turned on the bright overhead lights in the playroom.


I started for the door, when BB’s hand caught my shoulder. “Todd, you keep looking like you expect us to freak or something. Neither of us care okay? You know that whole ‘he who is without?’ Well lets just say I’m sure as hell not gonna go throwing any stones okay?”


“William, I’m sure Todd knows that already. Quit being such a drama queen and let’s go so I can take everyone’s money again.” Glen said pushing us out the door.



Later that night when the alarm clock crept closer to 2 AM, the room filled with the quiet sounds of my friends sleeping, I lay there awake reflecting on the events of the last couple of weeks. Everything pivots on one moment doesn’t it? One day you know the world and your place in it, then along comes an unplanned business trip for your mom, and your world turns upside down.


So even if everything was familiar, everything had also changed and thus, I found myself reflecting on the people close to me in my life.


BB’s comments about stones from earlier left me curious. There was something implied there, and I tried to puzzle it out but I had no idea. What was he trying to tell me? He has some weird fetish too? I smiled at the thought of BB in a cocktail dress with a blond wig, nah that couldn’t be it. It was something, but I guess I will find out when he’s good and ready to tell.


Rob, my cousin, my brother, and my mentor in diapers. He was first to go out on a limb, to assume the mantle of bed wetter when our relationship was still tenuous, and not because he thought I would be into the fetish – but rather let me know that my wetting problem was really okay and to help me with my problem. That I turned out to have similar feelings, must have been a big bonus for him, but that was never his intention.


Kevin? What to say there? I spent two years blaming him for something he didn’t do and yet he was willing to wipe the slate clean. I guess I know how Rob must feel about me being a TB, to use Kevin’s own words “In all my life I never expected to meet another TB in all of Alabama, much less one in my own town who just so happens to be my best friend!” I know diaper people are rare, and I am fortunate to have so many in my life, I mean what are the chances? My brother, my cousin, my best friend AND his brother? That seems astronomical at best, as if I hit the lottery or something, and if all the rest of my life is bad luck I will have no cause to complain.


Mom, who just rolled with all of this, keeping her composure even though everything had to be a big shock to her too. There she was, with a relatively new job, and her sister up and moves back to her hometown and back into her life? Then her teenage son wants to run around in diapers? All of this of course while juggling a new boyfriend after so many years of being single. Yet, none of it seemed to faze her.


Two weeks ago, I didn’t even like to think about my bedwetting problem. Heck, I lacked the courage to EVEN ADMIT that I had one. I’m still not happy about my problem, but I am happy about my diapers. Weird huh? However, when all is said and done I am relieved; relieved to have learned that my friends really are my friends. I am humbled to learn that my ‘enemies’ are too. And most of all, I am lucky because I learned what some people go their entire lives without learning. I’ve learned that I am my own worst enemy, that if I can get out of my own way, well I might just do okay.


So is there a theme to my life right now? Thinking of all these relationships and the people in my life, I guess it all comes down to forgiveness doesn’t it? Mom forgiving Aunt Sarah, Kevin forgiving me, and yes, me forgiving myself. It looks like it’s going to be a good summer after all.



End Part I - More to come in Part 2:


**Your feedback is vital, won’t you please drop me a line and let me know what you think. I am reachable at dprtodd@eml.cc . **