Title: Diapered World of Aaron
Name: Hanku
Email: diaperedhanku@yahoo.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 16
Posting Date: 04/12/09, updated 04/19/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Having just turned fourteen Aaron finds his time at the orphanage is quickly coming to a close, family after family have rejected him all because he is a little different. Soon he would be forced to leave and start a life on his own, he couldn't help but wonder if that would be better...for him...and everyone else.              
Used to be titled: Aaron's Diaper Adventures


1st This story will contain content about diapers...but I really don't 
think that will be a problem here...

2nd My spelling and grammar is horrible so if that annoys you don't 
complain because that annoys me :).

Many will notice that my story was discontinued because I had stopped 
updating, school has been really hard and difficult lately so I haven't 
had time to write...But with the request of a few people I've decided 
to start up this story again, I'm revising it quite a bit so a few 
things will be different but I should be updating every week now!

Prologue- A New Beginning

In a large orphanage just off Mackenzie Street in Abbotsford, B.C it 
was nearing that time again, time to spend another of his quickly 
shortening days with a family that just might adopt him. The chances in 
his opinion were very slim it wasn't as if any other family has liked 
him before, but the agency continued to put him through it...every few 
weeks another family would come for him. A new family, new clothing, 
new parents, new siblings, a new beginning...until they decided he 
wasn't the one for them and he was sent back to wait once more.

Every family that had taken him and decided the exact same thing, he 
wasn't the one for them it was amazing how fast most of the families 
decided that. It wasn't because he misbehaved...oh no he was very 
polite and calm when with other people, no it was because of something 
he had no control over whatsoever. He was considered a freak just 
because he could move faster than anyone else even cars and was 
stronger than anyone else as well, once families knew they rejected him 
as fast as they could.

But it wasn't like he could change who he was on the inside, to be 
someone else just to be accepted that didn't work for him he wanted to 
be loved for what was on the inside not the outside. Sighing he shook 
his head, he was just a child of fourteen years, all he wanted was to 
be loved was that too much to ask? Standing to his feet he walked 
towards the bathroom opening the door and shutting and locking it 
behind him, walking up to the sink he looked into the mirror.

Examining himself in the mirror the fourteen-year-old Aaron smiled he 
had always found his unnatural blue hair very cool, and because of that 
he had never cut it preferring to leave it long, eventually it had 
grown to long and he had placed it in a ponytail that held his hair 
hanging behind his head. Looking into his bright red eyes Aaron 
examined his clothing, today he was wearing Long black t-shirt that was 
fitted to his body showing off his slightly muscular chest, a pair of 
black jeans and a pair of black combat style boots.

He also wore a silver belt that didn't hold his jeans up he just 
thought it looked cool, smiling Aaron turned around and wandered out of 
the bathroom towards the gaming area. The other kids spotted him 
approaching and bolted for other parts of the orphanage, resisting the 
urge to sigh Aaron grabbed his favorite puzzle game and left the gaming 
area for one of the more convenient tables. Setting up the holders and 
stuff Aaron pulled out the first game card and read the word written on 


Aaron stared and the card for a few seconds mixing the letters around 
in his head like usual until he came up with the answer, it was of 
course 'Planet' sighing Aaron flipped the card over and smiled he was 
right. Aaron put the card back in the holder and frowned this was 
getting so easy, he had always been good at solving things like the 
answers just worked themselves out for him but this was getting so 
boring he would need to find a new game to play instead.

�Aaron! Your new family is here!� shouts the voice of one of the 
caretakers from across the room.

�Yes, ma'am, I'm already packed,� says Aaron already standing beside 
her his bag flung over his shoulder.

The caretaker smiles and pats Aaron on the shoulder before turning and 
heading for the entrance, she was already used to Aaron's ability to 
cross rooms without anyone noticing it was one of things that made him 
unique. She hopped this family would work out for him, opening a door 
they walked into the main room where Aaron was greeted with the sight 
of the orphanage headmistress who smiles and points to the door, 
nodding Aaron wanders outside.


Wandering outside Aaron looks around for where he is supposed to go, 
looking down the sidewalks and across the rode until he finally catches 
sight of a car directly across the street. Smiling Aaron walks down the 
steps and across the street, to where the car was sitting in most 
likely neutral from the small amount of noise it was making.

Wandering over to beside the car Aaron sees two people sitting in it, a 
kind looking lady sitting in the front seat calmly and a young boy 
bouncing up and down in his seat in the back. The lady motions for him 
to open the back door and get in, with a nod Aaron opens the doors and 
climbs slowly into the car, shutting the door Aaron pulls on his 
seatbelt and is than immediately greeted by the hyper bouncing voice of 
one young boy who straightaway starts asking questions.

�HiHiHi! I'm Joshua, whats your name?�

�How old are you?�

�What's your favorite color?�

�What's your least favorite color?�

�Can we be friends?� questions the newly named Joshua rapidly.

�Honey, maybe you should wait until we get home so we can all talk at 
the same time,� says the lady in the front politely.

�Yes, mommy...� mutters Joshua looking down slightly.

At the wish of his mother Joshua tried to sit still and Aaron was 
easily able to notice how difficult it seemed to be for him, every few 
seconds Joshua would adjust himself and look down at his pants as if 
looking for something. Aaron also noticed that every time Joshua moved 
he heard a faint crinkle, but no matter what he did he seemed to be 
unable to place where it was coming from. After about half an hour the 
car pulled to a stop in front of a large house at the edge of the 
street, looking around Aaron noticed a few apartment buildings around 
them and a small corner store across the street.

The house itself was huge and covered in a beautiful stone on the 
bottom half and a plain bright white on the top, it looked to be at 
least two floors and if Aaron had to guess the door would enter right 
by the stairs that would lead up or downstairs. Aaron turned around 
just in time to see the lady pull her hand out of the waistband of 
Joshua's baggy pants and shack her head with a slight smile, Aaron 
wondered what that had been about but decided to ignore it in favor of 
examining the two people now bickering back and forth to each other.

Joshua looked to be if Aaron had to guess between seven or eight and 
about 4' 1� he himself was 5' 5�, Joshua's hair was a light dirty blond 
and about medium length, it was also spiked upwards with some type of 
gel unless that was natural but Aaron doubted it. Joshua was wearing a 
plain light blue t-shirt and a pair of baggy gray jeans along with a 
pair of blue and white runners, smiling Aaron turned his sight to the 
lady who must be Joshua's mother.

She looked to be somewhere between twenty five or twenty nine and about 
5' 3� her long blond hair was laying straight down her back in long 
waves, her dark blue eyes also reflected beautifully off her long dark 
blue dress and high hell shoes. With a smile the lady walks past Aaron 
towards the door, pulling a key from her purse she quickly unlocks the 
door and wanders inside, Joshua following immediately after her and 
Aaron following slowly a few seconds later, closing the door behind 

He was greeted with exactly what he had thought he would be, a small 
entranceway with two sets of stairs one leading up and another leading 
down, both walls were covered in a beautiful stone and a large light 
hung from the ceiling above. The lady and Joshua both removed their 
shoes and put them at the side, Aaron quickly unbuckled his boots and 
did the same. Smiling the lady walked upstairs with Joshua following 
her once more, Aaron stayed silently at the bottom before taking a deep 
breath and walking upstairs.

Aaron stops at the top of the stairs and looks around, directly in 
front of him was a tiny hallway leading towards what looked to be the 
kitchen and to his right was the living room. Down the hallway to his 
left were four doors that were all currently closed, Aaron turned and 
wandered into the living room as he continued to look around. On the 
wall nearest the entrance was a large plasma TV directly across the 
room from it was one long couch, a love seat and a single huge chair.

�Tom, My husband won't be home for a little why don't you let Joshua 
show you around,� says the Lady walking into the room Joshua trailing 
behind her.

�Sure, thank you very much...� Aaron trails off not knowing what to 
call her.

�How rude of me, my name is Ellie, Syler Ellie,� says Ellie holding out 
her hand.

�It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Aaron, I don't have a last 
name,� says Aaron with a smile shacking Ellie's hand.

�Come on Aaron! I'll show you around!� exclaims Joshua grabbing onto 
Aaron's arm.

Aaron immediately restrains himself from twisting and knocking Joshua 
away from him, he had suffered through many experiences because of his 
inhuman abilities and had been forced to protect himself often. But 
Joshua was not an enemy neither was Ellie or the father, yet 
anyways...smiling Aaron let himself be led down the hallway by Joshua.


Aaron sat down on the couch with a smile Joshua had showed him every 
room in the house except for one, the first room on the left in the 
hallway upstairs he had told him it was a room his parents told him not 
to go in without them. The last room on the left was Joshua's, the 
first room on the right was the bathroom and the last room on the right 
was Ellie and the father�s room. Downstairs there was a bathroom, a 
weight room and a guest bedroom along with the laundry room, Joshua 
told him he would be staying in the basement.

Leaning back Aaron shut his eyes and let his mind wander, after a few 
seconds Aaron opened his eyes and excused himself standing to his feet 
he wandered down the hallway to the bathroom the door was closed Ellie 
was in it. Sighing Aaron wandered back into the living room and told 
Joshua he was going downstairs to the bathroom, Joshua frowned for some 
reason and than nodded. As Aaron walked down the stairs he caught sight 
of a flash of white and could of sworn he heard a crinkle as Joshua 
adjusted himself in his seat...


Aaron flushed the toilet and stood up yawning suddenly he heard the 
dinging of the alarm as the door was opened and closed, shacking his 
head Aaron wandered back into the weight room to look at the machines 
again. Than he heard a crash and a piercing scream filled the house, 
spinning on the spot Aaron bolted out of the weight room and up the 


Joshua's View

Joshua sat on the couch and watched as Aaron wandered downstairs 
shifting to relieve the weight he was putting on his newly messed 
diaper, looking down the hall Joshua waited for his mommy to leave the 
bathroom he really needed a change and if they could do it before Aaron 
came back upstairs he could avoid any awkward questions. Joshua jumped 
out of his seat as the bathroom door opened and ran down the hallway 
stopping in front of Ellie, who looked down and titled her head in 
question at him.

�My diaper is messy, and Aaron is downstairs in the bathroom,� explains 
Joshua quietly.

�Okay, let�s change you quick then,� says Ellie smiling and walking 
across the hall and opening the door Joshua had told Aaron was 

Joshua walked into his nursery after his mommy and looked around his 
second room, he had been so happy when his mommy and daddy had built 
him a nursery for when he wanted to be treated younger. Joshua walked 
over to the changing table on the back wall and let his mommy lift him 
onto the table, than Joshua started to look around the room as his 
mommy got started with the changing.

Joshua examined the large baby blue crib beside him as his mommy pulled 
down his pants, revealing his yellow-stained and messy diaper, smiling 
at his baby bottle and rattle wallpaper Joshua ignored the feeling of 
his mommy un-taping the tabs on his dirty disposable diaper. He had 
always worn cloth diapers when at home and disposable when going out, 
looking at his toy box and they toys all around it Joshua let out a 
small gasps as a cold baby wipe touched his skin.

A few minutes later Joshua's mommy pulled his dirty diaper out from 
under him and dropped it in the diaper pail beside the changing table, 
than she walked across the room to the large cupboard and opened it. 
Joshua looked past his mommy and into the cupboard, that was were all 
his baby stuff was stored, his pacifiers, bottles, disposable and cloth 
diapers, plastic pants and swim diapers. He was lucky for the reason 
that when he wore disposable he could wear any type he wanted because 
he was still so small for his age, Joshua smiled at his mommy when she 
turned around a large bundle of stuff in her hands.

�You sure that Aaron won't notice my cloth diapers, mommy?� questions 
Joshua frowning he didn't want Aaron to know yet.

�I'm sure honey,� says Ellie, grinning as she puts the small pile of 
cloth diapers, pins and plastic pants down beside Joshua.

Joshua lies back on the table as his mommy lifts his legs up and places 
three of his thinner cloth diapers under him, than gently oils his butt 
before powdering him and rubbing it gently in. Joshua smiles as his 
mommy pulls the cloth diapers snuggly up between his legs and pins them 
on, Joshua jumps off the table and pulls the pure white underwear-like 
plastic pants on making sure his diaper was fully sealed and hidden.

Grabbing his pants Joshua pulls them on and follows his mommy out of 
the room, as they walk down the hallway Joshua now waddling a tiny 
unnoticeable bit they both notice a ripping sound. Suddenly the front 
door flies upon its hinges being ripped off, Joshua gasps as a masked 
man runs into the house and points a long gun at his mommy.

�Heh, stay quite or die,� says the masked man.

�Don't hurt my mommy,� says Joshua taking a step forward only for the 
masked man to kick him in the chest and knock him against the wall 

Ellie lets out a loud scream and the masked man growls and raises his 
gun, his finger preparing to pull back the trigger and fire...
Chapter 1- A New Beginning (Part 2)

Ellie's eyes widen in horror as she stares at the gun pointed straight 
at her, she starts to move to get out of the masked mans view only to 
hear the sound of a trigger being pulled. Ellie squeezes her eyes shut 
as she hears the bang of the bullet being fired and waits for the pain 
to hit her, suddenly she feels something shove into her and she falls 
to the ground her eyes opening in shock. Her mouth drops open as she 
takes in the scene in front of her, standing above her dropped to one 
knee was Aaron clutching his shoulder blood running between his 

�You will harm no one...well I am here,� says Aaron his voice suddenly 
ice cold.

The masked man laughs and raises his gun to fire another shot, Ellie 
screams for Aaron to move and he does just that his entire body seeming 
to blur and disappear only to reappear instantly in front of the masked 
man. Aaron's hand comes up knocking the gun from the man�s hand and his 
knee follows it quickly slamming into the mans chest who coughs up a 
bunch of blood from the force behind Aaron's knee, putting his foot 
down Aaron pivots and slams the side of his other leg into the mans 
head. Ellie's eyes widen as she hears a sickening crack as the man�s 
body lifts into the air and slams into the wall of the entrance, Aaron 
puts his foot down again panting slightly.

Ellie moves to help only to see Aaron blur again and disappear, looking 
around she finds him kneeling on the ground beside Joshua breathing 
heavily, it was only than she noticed that Joshua's eyes were closed 
and he was bleeding from the mouth and head...he also wasn't breathing.

�Oh my god Joshua!� shouts Ellie.

�His ribs are cracked but that's all I can tell, but being unconscious 
and unable to breathe after hitting your head is bad...he needs the 
hospital,� says Aaron looking up at Ellie.

�I'll call the ambulance,� says Ellie turning to run to the phone.

�Don't bother, they aren't fast enough...I'll meet you at the 
hospital,� says Aaron lifting Joshua into his arms carefully.

�What are you talking about?� questions Ellie only for her eyes to 
widen as Aaron blurs and disappears...


A few minutes later a massive explosion of wind appears in the entrance 
of the emergency ward, windows explode outwards and papers fly into the 
air. Aaron steps out of the wind and towards the nurse sitting at the 
secretary desk, �Get Dr. Mackenzie to room 120 tell him Aaron is here,� 
says Aaron before disappearing in a blur again.

Aaron reappears in front of a large door with the number 120 blazed in 
the metal plate on the door, kicking the door off its hinges Aaron runs 
into the room lying Joshua down on the bed. Aaron then rips open 
Joshua's shirt and runs to the side of the large room grabbing the 
defib machine and beginning to charge it at the lowest charge, grabbing 
the two paddles he puts some gel on them and begins to rub them 

Suddenly, a tall man with short white hair runs into the room spots 
Aaron than spots Joshua and immediately moves into action, ripping the 
paddles from Aaron's hands he rubs them a few times and begins to use 
them on Joshua...For the next thirty minutes Aaron and the tall man 
work effortlessly together to help Joshua until he slowly starts to 
breath again and he seems to fall peacefully asleep.

�Aaron, it's been a few weeks...whose the kid?� questions the tall man.

�Joshua, he's the son of the new family I'm staying with, some robber 
attacked and Joshua got hurt, I took care of the robber,� says Aaron 
his voice cold.

�You've been through a lot for a kid your age Aaron, but don't forget 
you are only a child,� says the tall man.

�I know Jacen...but how do we know I'm even human,� says Aaron sighing.

�We can start with the fact your bleeding and look like your about to 
faint,� says Jacen.

�Oh that...I got shot protecting Ellie, the mom,� says Aaron before his 
eyes roll into the back of his head and he falls to the ground, 


�He was so strong Edward, he batted the robber around like he was 


�He got shot protecting you,�


�Joshua needs a change,�


�He should make a full recover...they both should,�


�No human could move as fast as him,�


Aaron awoke to find himself in a large hospital bed, shacking his head 
Aaron looked around and examined all the monitors around him, he would 
be okay all his vitals were fine. Opening his hospital gown Aaron 
examined his chest and was happy to find the gunshot wound was gone and 
he had healed over completely except for another small scar, he also 
noticed that like normal for him in a hospital he was wearing a thick 
plain white disposable diaper.

Sighing Aaron lifted himself up in the bed, and pushed the nurse 
calling button on the panel beside him, a few seconds later Jacen 
Mackenzie and a few nurses walked into the room. Aaron smiled and waved 
at Jacen who smiled back and dismissed all the nurses before walking up 
beside Aaron's bed, Jacen grinned at Aaron and pulled a small glass 
container out of his pocket.

�Here's the bullet, what is this...your fifth one?� questions Jacen.

�I can't help that I keep getting attacked, at least I heal good,� 
jokes Aaron with a grin.

�Yah, better than anyone I know, anyways thought I'd let you know 
Joshua and his family are in room 56 they were moved so you could have 
your normal room,� explains Jacen.

�How's the kid?� questions Aaron.

�He's made a full recovery but he injured his leg pretty good, he's 
going to have difficulty walking normally for a while,� says Jacen 

�Normal routine?� questions Aaron.

�Yah, just don't go into the staff room this time,� answers Jacen 
laughing as he walked out of the room.

Aaron chuckled quietly to himself as he swung his legs off the side of 
the bed, wrapping his hospital gown tightly around himself he climbed 
out of bed and out the door into the hallway. Turning he immediately 
proceeded to the elevator he wanted to check on Joshua and Ellie, the 
elevator arrived with a loud ding and Aaron walked in the door closing 
after him. Pushing the button for floor three Aaron stood silently by 
himself in the elevator as it slowly descended down the floors, the 
elevator arrived on floor three with another loud ding and the door 
slid open.

Aaron walked out of the elevator and turned to look down the three 
hallways around him, it only took him a few seconds to figure out which 
way to go and once he did he started walking down the hallway towards 
room 56. Arriving in front of the door Aaron raises his hand and 
knocked lightly, he heard some noises from inside and than the door 
opened and a large man stood in the doorway perhaps 5' 11�. He had 
medium black hair that was currently spiked in all directions, and his 
bright green eyes glittered in the dim lighting of the hallway.

�Is this Joshua's room?� questions Aaron.

�Yes, who are you?� questions the tall man looking down at Aaron his 
eyes seeming to pierce deep into him.

�Aaron, I'm staying with his family for the...� Ellie suddenly burst 
out of the room interrupting Aaron and pushing past the tall man before 
wrapping Aaron in a hard hug.

�Thank you! The doctor told me if you hadn't gotten Joshua here so fast 
he cold have suffered severe mental damage from lack of oxygen,� 
whispers Ellie quietly as she lets go of Aaron.

�So he's okay?� questions Aaron.

�Yes, thanks to you, but wait...are you okay?� questions Ellie.

�Yes, why wouldn't I be?� questions Aaron.

�You got shot Aaron, when you pushed me out of the way I saw the 
wound!� exclaims Ellie.

�I'm fine the doctor took care of it, so is it okay if I go talk to 
Joshua?� questions Aaron.

�Yes, of course go right in,� says Ellie moving aside as Aaron walks 
past her into the room.

Ellie watches Aaron as he moves into the room as if nothing had ever 
happened not limping or clutching his shoulder, how in the world could 
someone recover so fast from a bullet wound. Ellie turned towards her 
husband Edward and asked him what he thought, Edward stayed silent for 
several moments before he answered with a phrase Ellie heard from him 
quite often.

�His privacy should be respected, no one should be forced to reveal 
things they do not wish to.�

With those words Edward turned and wandered into the room behind the 
mysterious youth that was Aaron, Ellie shaking her head followed 
quickly after him...


Aaron walked into the room past Ellie and wandered over to beside 
Joshua's bed and sat down in the chair nearest the monitors, leaning 
back he waited for a few minutes for the fake sleeping Joshua to notice 
he wasn't his parents. After about three minutes Joshua opened his eye 
a tiny bit and when he saw his parents were outside the room he let out 
a happy sigh and sat up in the bed, Joshua turned to look at his 
monitors and his eyes widened at seeing Aaron sitting in the chair 
beside him.

�Yo,� says Aaron waving his hand.

�Aaron, your okay!� exclaims Joshua.

�Of course, how are you doing?� questions Aaron.

�I'm fine, mom says that you got me here so fast that nothing had time 
to affect me,� says Joshua with a grin.

Nodding Aaron rest backwards in the chair and winces as his hospital 
gown falls open, Joshua stares in surprise and horror at Aaron's almost 
naked body as his hospital gown falls open. Aaron's entire body was 
covered in scars and cuts and he was wearing a diaper of all things, 
Joshua was exited for a moment but than remembered that all hospital 
people coming out of surgery had to wear a diaper well in the hospital, 
Aaron probably hated wearing it.

Aaron quickly shut his hospital gown hoping that Joshua had been unable 
to see anything to bad, shacking his head Aaron adjust in his seat to 
make sure his gown doesn't open again. Aaron looks towards the door as 
Ellie and the tall man walk into the room, Aaron nods and smiles at the 
two of them. Ellie smiles back and sits in a chair on the other side of 
the bed, the tall man sits down beside her.

�This isn't exactly how I wanted to do this, but why don't we all 
introduce ourselves,� suggest Ellie.

�ME FIRST! My name is Syler Joshua and I'm eight-years-old, I like my 
mom and dad and enjoy playing video games, I like skating and swimming 
and I dislike bullies and people who are mean for no reason,� says 
Joshua introducing himself.

�My name is Syler Ellie and you don't really need to know how old I am, 
I like my husband Edward and my son Joshua, I also like skating but I 
dislike swimming, I enjoy reading and writing,� says Ellie with a large 

�My name is Syler Edward and you don't need to know my age either, I 
like my wife Ellie and my son Joshua, I like swimming and not skating, 
I enjoy archery and baseball,� says the newly named Edward nodding at 

�My name is Aaron and I am fourteen-years-old, I enjoy skating, 
swimming and hockey, I like reading and writing and puzzle solving, I 
dislike bullies as well and I've already finished school because of all 
my spar time,� says Aaron with a grin.

For the next three hours the three family members and one guest sit 
together and talk about life in general, getting to know each other and 
trying to bond a little. Aaron is also told the plans for the week he 
is staying, they would be going swimming one day skating another and 
going to the PNE on another day. He also found out that he would be 
accompanying Joshua to school as a sort of personal helper, with all 
his spare time at the orphanage Aaron had already finished learning up 
to grade 12 level work and wouldn't need to go to school until he 
decided to go to collage.

Two more hours later and the family was let out of the hospital, there 
was a long drive home and then everyone went to bed...it had been a 
long day...


The Next Morning

Aaron climbed out of his bed in the basement of the Syler household, 
taking a few breaths Aaron pulls of his nightshirt and tosses it into 
the laundry hamper beside the bed. Than Aaron wanders down the hallway 
into the bathroom ripping off the heavily soaked diaper from the 
hospital Aaron drops it into the garbage can, he had been to lazy to 
take the diaper off last night so he had just left it on and when he 
needed to go in the middle of the night he had just wet the diaper.

Grabbing a cloth Aaron dampened it and wiped himself clean before 
walking back down the hallway to the bedroom, grabbing a pair of 
underwear Aaron quickly got dressed. A dark red t-shirt, black jeans, 
silver belt and black socks were his clothing choices for today, 
yawning Aaron walks down the hallway again and into the weight room he 
hadn't asked permission but he was sure Edward and Ellie wouldn't mind.

Taking a few breaths and stretching Aaron sat down on the nearest 
machine and began to work out...


Edward splashed some more water on his face to wake himself up, after 
drying his face he wandered out into the hallway and opened the last 
door on the left, Joshua's big boy bedroom for when someone who didn't 
know about his diapers was over. Edward glanced into the room to check 
on Joshua, seeing his was sleeping fine Edward shut the door and 
wandered down the hallway towards the living room. Passing the stairs 
Edward stopped at the sound of something coming from downstairs, it 
only too him a minute to identify it as the machines in the weight 

Afraid that Aaron would hurt himself Edward ran down the stairs, 
through the hallway and into the weight room the sight that he saw 
surprised him greatly. Aaron was on one of the machines lifting the max 
amount of weight the machine could take and he didn't look strained at 
all Edward stepped calmly forward and Aaron snapped his eyes open to 
look at him, with smile a grin Aaron stopped lifting the bar and let it 
slide back into the machine.

�Good Morning Sir, how are you?� questions Aaron.

�Perfectly fine Aaron, do you do this workout every morning?� questions 

�Yes sir,� answers Aaron with a nod.

�An impressive workout indeed,� says Edward before turning around and 
leaving the room to head upstairs...


Aaron stared after the departing Edward with a grin on his face, Edward 
hadn't mentioned anything about his ability to lift the total amount of 
weight like he didn't care at all. Standing to his feet Aaron wiped his 
forehead with a cloth and headed upstairs to the sounds of breakfast 
cooking, by the smell it must be some type of bacon and eggs.

Aaron climbed the stairs and stopped at the top at the end of the 
hallway a sleep Joshua was rubbing his eyes sleepily, Aaron blinked a 
few times to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was. There was 
no doubting it Joshua was standing in the hallway in a dark blue footed 
sleeper, with a small grin Aaron turned and wandered into the living 
room it wasn't any of his business what Joshua wanted to wear when he 
slept and Sleepers were supposed to be very comfortable.

Aaron watched form the couch in the living room as Edward left the 
kitchen and wandered down the hallway, to his surprise he took Joshua 
by the hand and led him into the room that Joshua had told him not to 
go into. Shacking his head Aaron heard a crash in the kitchen and flung 
to his feet, he than heard a shout of �It's okay I just dropped 
something!� come from Ellie within the kitchen and decided to go help 


Edward walked into the nursery with behind Joshua and immediately made 
his way over to the large cupboard on the right side of the room, 
pulling it open and looking through it Edward watched out of the corner 
of his eye as Joshua skillfully removed his footed sleeper and climbed 
up onto the changing table. Grabbing some baby powder and wipes Edward 
started to reach for a few cloth diapers only to stop, they were going 
to PlayLand today as it was the last day of the small break Joshua had 
from school that meant disposable diapers.

�What brand of disposable do you want today Joshua, we only have 
Pampers or Huggies left,� says Edward without turning his head.

�Huggies,� says Joshua as he lies stomach up on the changing table.

Edward grabs the half empty bag of Huggies diapers and walks over to 
the changing table, putting all the supplies down Edward reaches 
forward and removes Joshua's plastic pants. Dropping them in the diaper 
hamper Edward reaches forward again and unpins the diaper pins holding 
Joshua's thick stack of cloth nighttime diapers in place, pulling them 
out from under Joshua Edward drops them too into the diaper hamper.

Edward pulls a few wipes out of the container and begins to thoroughly 
clean Joshua, once finished he disposes of the wipes and unfolds a new 
thick Huggies diaper. Joshua looks a little scared that the diaper 
would be so thick, he really didn't want Aaron to notice but knew that 
he would need the thickness so he didn't need to be changed so often at 
PlayLand. Joshua lifted himself as Edward slipped the new diaper under 
him, grabbing the powder Edward quickly powdered Joshua's diaper area 
and rubbed it in.

Tapping the diaper snuggly Edward helped Joshua off of the table and 
onto the floor, where he immediately ran to the closet and pulled out a 
pair of baggy blue shorts and a red t-shirt. Smiling Edward followed 
the freshly diapered Joshua out of the room, hopefully this would be 
the beginning of a better day...

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13 14 15 16 17 18-20
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I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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