Title: | Diapered Friends | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Ben | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | Not shown | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gender: | Male | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Age: | 14 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posting Date: | 02/21/10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Story Contents: |
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Summary: |
This story is about a boy and his friend who are diapered by their mothers.
WARNING: THIS STORY HAS SOME INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: | 20 (100%) |
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring its familiar, yet annoying, BEEP BEEP BEEP. I reached over to slam my fist onto the snooze button when I felt a weird feeling, cold, wet� oh crap! My diaper leaked! I jumped out of bed and striped off my sleep pants, plastic pants, and multiple layers of cloth, that failed as my diaper, and shoved it all in my closet on top of the other soiled items. I then jumped in the shower and got dressed. As I was walking down the hall buttoning the last button on my shirt I heard my little brother, Colin bawling. I walked in to see what was wrong and he was standing in the middle of his room, his footed pajamas soaked around the crotch. �I�m guessing you get your bed. Right, Colin?� I said in a big-brother kind of way. In between sobs he muttered �Yeah, I...I...I�m so...so...sorry.� �Its cool little bro. Il help you clean up.� Colin just nodded and started to take off his pajamas. I took his Spiderman bedding, brought it into the laundry room, and put it in the washing machine. As I was walking back to Colin�s room I yelled to my mom �Mom, Colin wet his bed, but I�m helping Colin clean it up.� My mom gave a short thank you and continued to do her morning routine. After helping Colin clean up the rest of his accident I started eating my breakfast when I remembered that Taylor had invited to his house for a sleep over. I asked my mom if I could go over �Sure honey just go pack and make sure you have your cell phone on.� �Ok mom I will.� I walked into my room to pack my things when my phone rang. I took out my cell and checked the caller. It was Taylor so I answered it still using my other hand to pack. �Hey man. What�s up?� �Just wanted to make sure you didn�t forget about the sleep over.� �No, I�m packing right now.� �Ok and don�t worry about the bedwetting I�ve got a surprise for you.� With that he hung up I finished my packing and loaded my bag into my mom�s car still wondering what Taylors surprise might be. LATER THAT DAY �Hey man.� Taylor said as I loaded my back pack with my gym clothes into my back pack so I can wash them over the week end. �Hey man. I�m almost ready.� That�s when I heard the voice that I just makes my blood boil. �Hey Taylor you want to fight or get your body guard Ben do it for you.� I turned just in time to see Jaime punch Taylor in the cheek. �Hey asshole! You wanna pick a fight pick it with me!� I yelled with rage. �No I think I�m going to pick on this little wimp.� He replied with a smirk on his face still with a bandage covering his nose from yesterday. �You put him down or I swear to god I�m going to kill you.� �Fine,� he said as he threw Taylor down onto the ground. �But this isn�t finished.� I went over to Taylor and asked in the nicest voice I could manage with how pissed I was �Are you ok Taylor?� �Yeah I�m fin�� he managed to mutter as he passed out. �Oh man.� I said as I put Taylor�s bag onto my back. I then got Taylor up so he was on my side his arm around my shoulder. When I got to Taylor�s mom�s car she was out helping me lift Taylor into the car. �What happened?� She said, the worry in her voice bringing a tear to my eye. �School bully but it�s going to be settled later.� I said but Taylor�s mom, Michelle, didn�t hear me for she was far too busy helping her son. When we got to Taylor�s house I brought Taylor into his room and put him on his bed. As I was going to get Taylor�s bag and mine from the car. �Ben?� I stood up straight from surprise. �Yeah man?� �What happened� �Jaime punched you in the face, knocked you out.� �I feel like I got hit by a train. How did I get to my room?� �Your mom and I took your from school to here.� �Thanks man you�re always there for me.� With that he fell asleep. I walked out of Taylor�s room and into the kitchen where his mom was getting out some pain medication for Taylor. �He is sleeping. He woke up long enough to ask me what happened.� �Ok what are you going to be doing until he wakes up?� �Il just do a little of my home work and read a little.� LATER THAT EVENING �What�s going on.� I suddenly heard. I put my book down on Taylor�s desk and went over to him. �Man you need to rest.� As he sat up I handed him some Tylenol that had been on his nightstand for the last couple hours. He took them from my hand and took the glass of water next to wear the pills were laying. �Thanks Ben. You wanna go watch some TV or something.� �Sure man.� LATER THAT NIGHT �Ok Ben I think it�s time for me to give you your surprise.� �Ok.� I said excitedly. Taylor went into his room and came out wearing his pajamas and holding what looked like a diaper. �What�s this I said as he handed me the diaper. �It�s a Goodnite.� He said. �Go try it on.� Taylor suggested. �Ok.� I got off the couch and went into Taylor�s room. I got out my pajamas I packed for the night, a pair of red sleep pants and a red tee shirt. I pulled off my jeans and took off my shirt leaving me in just my white Hanes briefs and a pair of white athletic socks. I then pulled my briefs down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I then pulled up my Goodnite and put on the rest of my pajamas. �So how they feel?� Taylor asked as I walked into the living room. �They fit well.� I responded. I sat down on the couch and we watched TV for another hour or so before Taylor�s mom told us to go to bed. We both replied with a disappointed �Ok.� When we got into Taylor�s room Taylor took his sweat pants off leaving him in just his Goodnite and a tee shirt. I decided to do the same and we both went to sleep. I had a dream I thought I had quit having years ago, the dream about when the man come to our house and told me and told my mom and me that my dad was dead. My dad was a Special Forces officer who had died in battle. I had only known my dad until I was 9 but I still learned a lot from him. I woke up with a feeling that was different then what I had ever felt. I had wet my Goodnite. I told Taylor about this and he said that he thought it would be better than a cold wet bed. I agreed with this fully. It was noon by the time Taylor and I woke up so my mom came soon. As we were riding home my mom asked me a question that I hoped I would never hear, �Did you wet the bed?� I realized I was caught so I just admitted it. �Well honey I�m going to have to make you wear diapers at night until you stop. Colin will be diapered at night as well. �Ok mom.� She then added something that horrified me �You will also be wearing diapers to school for not telling me.� �But mom!� I protested but she was not was going to make me wear a diaper to school. MONDAY MORNING �Bye mom.� I said sadly as her car drove away. I walked into school hoping no one would notice the Goodnite under my jeans. Taylor greeted me as usual and I filled him in on my punishment. LATER THAT DAY I zipped up my backpack as Taylor walked up to me. �Hey man.� �Hey.� I replied in a sad tone, the same tone I had all day because I was sad about wearing the Goodnite. �At least no one noticed.� �Yeah.� I replied. We were crossing the football field on our way to the school�s entrance to walk to my house when I heard the voice that always pisses me off. �Hey diaper boy.� Jaime yelled to me from a couple yards away. �What did you call me?� I replied so pissed off I thought I was going to punch him right then. �You heard me.� After that Taylor, the one with the most common sense, got between the two of us and said to Jaime �Jaime just leave Ben alone. Ok?� Jaime then did something I never expected he pulled out a black 9mm pistol; I know this because my dad showed me how to shoot one. I then got between Taylor and Jaime �This is between you and me leave Taylor out of this.� �I don�t think I wi...� but before he had finished I used the move my dad had taught me to disarm someone, I grabbed his wrist and moved it away from Taylor and I, then I turned his arm around and pushed my hand as hard as I could against his elbow making a snapping sound breaking his arm. He fell to the ground bawling his eyes out. �Whoa." Taylor said as I stood straight again. But I felt a sharp pain in my chest, I looked down at my chest and there was a growing red stain appearing. I fell to my knees as I said in a shocked voice �He shot me.� I then fell on my back and everything started getting fuzzy all I saw was Taylor leaning over me in shock and then run to get help. My vision got darker , then everything went black. TO BE CONTINUED