Title: The Diapered Freshman
Name: David
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Posting Date: 06/28/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas
L- Mother 3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A freshman is sent to a boarder school and gets bullied
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 11 (55%)
Hi, my name is David. So much has happened to me this year. But before 
we get there I�ll tell you my first chapter of the biggest and 
unexpected change of my life!-I was literally CHANGED. One day my 
parents decided to send me to a boarder school because I kept sneaking 
out at night and getting in trouble. I never got along with my parents 
in the first place. Other kids my age probably are told to respect 
their parents because they�re the reason they�re alive. I swear, my 
parents are gonna be the death of me.

�David, you came home with a cop. This is the last straw. You can�t 
live with us anymore.� My mother yelled. I smirked. My dad told me to 
go to my room and pack everything.

I arrived at the school as the new freshman kid. Everyone stared at me 
and whispered about me. I�m four feet and two inches tall. In other 
words I�m small for my age. This is going to be a rough year. My 
parents checked me in, wrote the papers, and left me. A pregnant 
secretary led me to my dorm. I looked around my new room at the dorm. 
It was big. Then again I�m small.

Away from my parents at last I�m free! What could go wrong now? 
Unfortunately by the time I unfinished packing I made it just in time 
for my first period. First freshman year during gym class at my new 
school and I�m already being bullied for being small and being the new 
kid at the boarder school. I survived Gym class-At least that part of 
the period. I came back to the locker room and two big kids pick me up 
and lay me down on a bench. They have toy handcuffs that they put on my 
hands under the bench so I couldn�t escape. Then they took off my 
sneakers, socks and gym shorts leaving me only in a T-shirt and boxers. 
I saw one kid pull out baby wipes, baby powder, baby lotion, Vaseline 
and thick crinkly plastic pants. My eyes widened. When there�s plastic 
pants that means��Its time for the wittle baby to have his diapy 
changed!� The bully said babyishly as he pulled out a bulky cloth 
diaper about 2 and a half inches of amply padded thickness with baby 
animal prints on the top front of the diaper.

I struggled. Everyone laughed. I felt like crying but held back my 
tears. He shoved a pacifier into my mouth and tied a string around my 
head to prevent me from spitting it out.

�Just to make sure you don�t cheat your way out of this�� The bully 
pulled out scissors and cut up my boxers and pushed the scraps aside. 
He unfolded the diaper. I struggled and wriggled my legs violently.

�I don�t want to wear a diaper! I�m a big boy I don�t need a diaper!� I 
cried. My voice was muffled by the pacifier and sounded really babyish.

�Please don�t make me wear those!� I begged. The bully ignored my pleas 
and grabbed my ankles and lifted my butt up in the air then quickly 
slid the diaper underneath. He began to wipe me up.

�Does that feel good? Is Baby happy?� He teased as he wiped my butt and 
privates. I whimpered. He started smearing the Vaseline all over my 
diaper area and applied the baby lotion. I got an erection. My face was 
bright red.

�Naughty boy! Babies don�t get those!� He said as he ejaculated me. I 

�Ooh!� All the other boys said. He didn�t bother cleaning me. He just 
cleaned his hand and sprinkled the baby powder and rubbed it on me and 
lowered my butt back down on the diaper. I squeezed my legs together 
refusing to be diapered. The bully easily pried them apart and spread 
my legs wide. I continued to struggle in vain. It was inevitable. The 
handcuffs worked too well. The bully pulled the diaper far up between 
my legs and fastened it tightly at my waist with 5 safety pins on each 
side. I was officially diapered in front of all my gym mates. I kicked. 
The bully struck me hard in the hamstring rapidly. I screamed but the 
pacifier muffled my cries. Everyone laughed as the bully proceeded to 
put me in the plastic pants. He made the diaper bulky yet snug. It was 
humiliating. I couldn�t squeeze my legs together due to the bulky 
diaper I now wore. How would I walk? I was in tears now. The Bully 
spanked my thickly diapered butt. It crinkled loudly.

�To make sure you can�t remove this�� The bully pinned 5 more pins on 
each side of my waist and hips, and 8 pins in the front of my diaper, 
then 14 pins on the back. The back of my diaper rose to my mid back and 
the front covered my belly button. The bully uncuffed my hands. He 
picked me up and held me like a baby by cupping one hand under my 
diaper and the other behind my head.

�You hit me and I�ll snap your small plump baby fingers 1 by 1.�

I didn�t dare to hit him. I continued to cry. He squeezed my diaper. I 

�So you feel comfy in your nice thick baby diapers? Eh freshman?�

I shook my head no. He sat down and bounced me on his knee.

�Stop it!� I cried and tried to push him away but he just grabbed my 
arms and pulled them down to my side and continued to bounce his knee 
between my amply diapered crotch.

�It feels weird!� I sobbed.

�Then this will feel weirder!� He said as he laid me on my back and 
began to rub the front of my diaper viciously-masturbating me through 
my diaper. I moaned. The bully laughed evily and rubbed harder.

�Please don�t do this to me!� I pleaded.

�Too late Baby Freshman!� He masturbated through my diaper until the 
bell rang to transition to our next class. He got up and sat me on the 
floor. I watched him throw my pants out in the hallway and leave with 
the other guys.

I sat there and bawled. I wanted to go home. I removed my paci, got up 
and cracked open the door to peek out. My pants were by an open locker. 
No one was out. Everyone was in class. I seized this moment to retrieve 
my shorts. I struggled to pull them over my thick diaper but I managed. 
My shorts barely fit now. It was obvious that I was wearing a diaper. I 
couldn�t believe how thick these diapers were! I looked down at my 
schedual that I was given-MATH CLASS. Then the bully came out of 
nowhere and shoved me in the locker and closed it shut. I cried for 
help. 18 minutes a janitor opened the locker. I waddled to my next 
class. I entered the room and told the teacher I was late because I was 
new. He accepted it. I took my seat in the middle of the classroom. My 
diaper crinkled conspicuously. My face was bright red with 
embarrassment. I could hear kids whisper that I was wearing a diaper. I 
pulled my shirt down low. The rest of the school day was like this. I 
made it back to my dorm only to find the bully was my roommate!

�Hey there Diaper freshman!�

�My name is David!� I said sternly.

�Here are the rules of the room: I rule this half of the room and Brad 
owns the other.� The bully said.

�What about me?� I asked timidly. The other roommate walked in. He was 
on the football team. I looked back at him. Another 6-foot-tall kid. I 
hate it here. I didn�t bother asking about my rights. I walked over to 
my dresser to find sweatpants since at least those would fit over my 
diaper. When I opened my drawers all I found were Cloth and disposable 
diapers replacing my boxers. Baby socks and pins were placed neatly 
beside the diapers. I opened the other drawers frantically. More baby 
clothes. I fell to my knees in tears. Brad picked me up and carried me 
over to my bed-it now had plastic bed sheets. I goggled up at him teary 

�I can�t go around the school wearing just baby clothes!� I sobbed. The 
other bully-Alex pulled out other clothes from a closet. T-shirts 
colored Blue, red, green and white striped shirt, and light blue. Then 
he tossed me Kakhi shorts. I gratefully put them on. They fit better. 
Brad came from behind me and pulled my diaper above the shorts.

The diaper frills still showed at the top of the shorts.

�Thank you for the pants.� I mumbled shyly.

�Another rule: You can�t use big boy words in the dorm. You will talk 
like a baby.� He declared. I backed away in fear. Brad then undressed 
me leaving down to my diaper. He found a Barney T-shirt and blue baby 

�Only in school will you wear normal clothes. At here you will wear 
those clothes in your drawers or just diapers. Not the normal clothes 
in the closet. At night you will be diapered 3x thicker than school, 
you will carry a diaper bag, When you mess your diaper you will go to 
the nurse to get changed. Don�t worry the whole school knows about you. 
The teachers won�t let you use the bathroom. You will use your diaper. 
Understood?� I hesitantly nodded.

�B�bb�but�� I began.

�Disobey and you will be punished.� Alex nodded to Brad who placed me 
over his knee and began spanking me hard. The diapers cushioned the 
impact but Brad still made it hurt. I was in pain and crying. I curled 
up on my bed and bawled. I haven�t used the bathroom since I was 
diapered. I had to go now. I got up. Alex and Brad glared at me. I sat 
back down. Cramps built up.

�I need to�� I began to speak. Alex stomped over to me.

�What are the rules?!� He shouted.

�Poo poo! Me poo!� I babbled. Alex picked me up off the floor and shook 
me in front of him. My stomach growled. I almost went right there.

�Do you have to go potty?� He asked. I nodded.

�Pee too.� I babbled. Alex smirked and pinned me to the floor. Brad 
began tickling me.

�Stop! No! Please don�t! I really need to go!� I begged. Brad shoved a 
pacifier in my mouth and continued to tickle me. I couldn�t hold it in 
any longer. I let the pee and poop fill my diaper. After I was finished 
messing myself Brad stood me on my feet and began massaging my diaper 
smearing the mess inside everywhere. Brad laid me on my tummy and 
rubbed me up and down on the floor. My diaper squished and crinkled. He 
turned me on my back and massaged the front of my diaper. I squealed 
and moaned.

�I could do this all day!� Brad grinned. When it was time for dinner 
Brad grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dining room. Since I was 
small they couldn�t find bigger chair so Alex requested that I�d get a 
baby chair. One of the Staff that worked at the dorm helped me into the 
baby chair. I blushed. The staff noticed I had a dirty diaper so he 
carried me back to my room. He pulled out a mat under my bed-I didn�t 
remember seeing it there. He placed the mat on top of the dresser and 
laid me on it. He cleaned me up and put me into fresh diapers. Just as 
Alex had said I was diapered 3x this time for the night. The man set me 
on the floor. I wobbled to find balance. I fell on my butt to the floor 
with a plop.

�I can�t even stand.� I thought. I looked up at the man. He and picked 
me up and carried me back to the Babychair. I ate and then we were sent 
back to our rooms. I started to dress into my new PJs-a romper footed 

�Nope babies don�t know how to dress themselves.� Brad said. I tried to 
run but I could only waddle so fast. I fell but continued to crawl 
under the bed.

�Come out or else you�ll be punished.� Brad threatened. I hesitated to 
crawl out from under the bed. Brad pulled me out and set me on my feet. 
I obviously fell on my butt.

�Do you wanna be punished?� I shook my head no. I was at their mercy. 
Brad undressed me and chose a white small T-shirt with babyish prints 
over it. It didn�t even cover my diapers.

�There you go. Off to bed.� There I was in a T-shirt and puffy diapers.

�Me wan pats.� I gibberished.

�Oh so its pats.� Brad layed me across his lap and patted my diaper. I 

�No I want pants not pats!� I said shyly.

�Is baby trying to speak big boy words? He�ll be punished.� I remained 
silent as Brad pushed me to the floor and forced me to crawl to bed. My 
diaper and Plastic sheets crinkled at every movement. I ended up crying 
myself to sleep. I woke up next morning on the changing table to Alex 
changing me into a fresh diaper. From the stress last night I messed 
myself. I noticed that Alex had shaved every hair on my body except my 
head hair-which was now bleached blonde-I barely had any body hair 
before but it was my only sign of puberty. Now it was gone. Alex patted 
my fresh diaper. He placed me on the floor.

�What did you do to me?!� �Baby is trying to talk again. We�ll punish 
you later.� I looked in the tall mirror in the closet. I only saw a 
confused toddler staring back. Alex helped me into overalls.

�Surprise! With these you won�t be able to sneak off your cute baby 
diapers.� He smiled. I frowned. I waddled to school. The overalls 
covered my diaper but the diaper bulged through. Everyone knew me now 
as the baby of the school. When we had health the class was given the 
classic assignment to care for a baby. Everyone pointed and laughed at 
me. The teacher even chuckled but told them to stop. Brad asked if he 
could take care of me throughout the whole class. By the end of the 
class with frustration the teacher finally gave in. Brad grinned 
evilly. I held back the tears. 2nd period Gym class. I was put in 8 
extra thick nighttime diapers and was masturbated for the whole period. 
3rd period computer class I found out people put pictures of me on the 
internet. 4th period I had art class and drew pictures of my favorite 
video games. Other people drew mean baby pictures of me. At lunch 
someone snuck laxatives in my food and drink when I was busy getting 
napkins. I then farted like I had never farted before. But it wasn�t a 
fart. Everyone in the cafeteria looked my way and laughed. That was the 
last straw. I let the tears come to my eyes. I grabbed my diaper bag 
and waddled to the nurse. She told me that I my diaper leaked because 
it wasn�t thick enough. I gulped and sobbed as she picked me up onto 
the changing table where she diapered me extra snug with diaper boost 
pads. The next 2 periods were humiliating. After school I was stripped 
of my big boy clothes and put in a sesame street T-shirt and new triple 
diapers-now thicker thanks to the nurse. I didn�t mean for it to leak. 
To get around I either crawled or was carried. I got a letter from my 
parents. They heard from the nurse that I mess myself and need to wear 
diapers. They sent a package of more cloth diapers, plastic pants with 
locks on them, baby pins, Huggies, pull-ups, Pampers, etc. They sent 
another box of cookies and snacks. Alex sewn in restraints to strap me 
down to my bed. Alex picked me up and carried me over to his bed and 
laid me in his arms. He removed my pacifier and shoved a baby bottle 
full of laxatives and dissolved pooping pills. It tasted terrible. I 
knew what it was. I refused to swallow.

�Drink it!� He ordered. I choked and gagged.

�I don�t wanna poop!� I spa t. Alex shoved the baby bottle farther into 
my mouth.

�Swallow and it will soon be over.� He yelled. I cried and obeyed. I 
knew that I would be pooping like crazy not too long from now. After I 
was finished with the first bottle he force fed me 2 more bottles of 
pure laxatives. After Alex Shoved 2 pills up my butt followed by an 
enema hose. He waited 3 min. till removed the hose, diapered me extra, 
extra thick-I�d need it-and strapped me to my bed and pulled over a 
chair to watch me humiliate myself. He pulled out a cell phone to 
record this event. Cramps rose but I fought it the best I could. The 
longest 4 minutes of my life passed and I felt like passing out now. I 
tugged at the restraints desperately. I couldn�t even budge. Alex grew 
impatient of me not messing my diaper so he got up and tickled me. I 
continued to resist. Alex hit me in the kidneys. Poop came flooding 
into my diaper. About over a hour of involuntary pooping passed as I 
lay there in shame and without dignity. I really had to pee so I let 
loose. Alex patted my dirty diaper and got up to play video games with 
Brad. I was strapped to my bed in a dirty wet, poopy diaper all the way 
till we were called for dinner. Brad unstrapped me and forced me to 
crawl to dinner. I had a diaper rash now. I eventually made it to the 
highchair and a staff helped me up. I was I couldn�t reach to table so 
they fed the soup to me. I had to wear a bib since they spilt a lot. 
After dinner an adult carried me into the kitchen and set me on a 

�I�m very disappointed in you. If you keep messing yourself you will be 
punished.� He scolded.

�I don�t mean to mess myself. It happens involuntarily.� I mumbled 

�I�ll make sure your roommates keep a close eye on you.� The man said. 
I nodded knowing I couldn�t win. The man carried me upstairs and 
changed me back into 3 thick diapers for the night.

�Remember what I said.� He said. Once he left Brad and Alex tickle 
tortured me till I cried. I peed myself. Then they strapped me into 
bed, gave me a pacifier and told me to sleep..

�You�re gonna need that pacifier.� Brad taunted and tied the string 
looped through the pacifier tightly around my head. I knew now that I 
will have a severe diaper rash. In the morning I didn�t want to move. 
Alex unstrapped me and began spanking me hard. The rash burned.

�Ow!� I screamed. Thank God the paci muffled my loud cries. He spanked 
me for 15 minutes, changed me and we were off to school. I didn�t move 
much that day. The pain was too much. Gym class was the worst. The 
usual happened. Lunch I was given laxatives, changed by the nurse and 
went on with the day. Today I was changed 5 separate times at school. 
I�ve lost my bladder control. Soon I might lose bowl functions too. 
After school Brad experimented with his health class assignment-care 
for a baby. Brad put me 12 disposable diapers with extra diaper 
absorbency pads, 3 pull-ups, 5 Adult diapers. They put masking tape 
around the top to prevent me from removing it then sewed me in several 
nappies then thick crinkly plastic pants that had locks on them. I 
couldn�t waddle, stand, or even crawl! It was a Friday so I was told 
I�d stay in these for the whole weekend no changes. They let me watch 
T.V.-Mostly Noggin, Barney, and Teletubbies. Since Brad knew I couldn�t 
transport myself he carried me into the hallway, secured my pacifier.

�Now cry.� He ordered. I didn�t know what he was up to so I didn�t 
obey. Brad kicked me hard and slammed the door and locked it. I just 
sat there and bawled. A new employee found me, picked me up and carried 
me through the house asking if anyone left a toddler behind-he thought 
I was 3 years old. He couldn�t understand why I was in so many diapers 

�Where are your parents?� He asked. I didn�t want to talk without 

�Are you hungry? Do you need a change?� I only blubbered and babbled 
gibberish-I couldn�t talk properly due to my stress and embarrassment. 
He patted me on the back to calm me down while he carried me. I was 
taken to the main office of the boarder school and the man reported me 
as a missing child . The man set me on the floor. I fell on my butt. I 
tried to stand but fell again. The pregnant secretary looked at me.

�I�ll take it from here sir.� She said to the rookie.

�David is that you?� She asked. I nodded and sucked on my paci shyly.

�Don�t be embarrassed you look cute being a small boy in big diapers 
sucking on a pacifier. You kinda look like a cute little toddler.� She 
said to me. I blushed.

�You honestly are adorable.� She complimented. I just sat still in 

�Can you stand?� I shook my head no.

�Can you crawl?� I shook my head again and began to cry. I lifted my 
hands for her to pick me up. The pregnant lady picked me up and held me 
as a baby-how else would she carry me back to my room? �I m�mm.miss�my 
mmm�mom�� I hyperventilated. I meant it.

�Don�t cry David. Everything is gonna be alright.� She soothed and 
cradled me gently.

�You�re diapered pretty snugly aren�t you?� She patted my butt. I cried 
on her shoulder.

�Don�t cry your safe now.� She comforted and gently bounced me in her 
arms and paced the room. I calmed and surprisingly fell asleep in her 
arms. The stress exhausted me.

�Several months and I�ll be doing this every night.� She thought-
referring to being a mom of a newborn. The lady carried me back to my 
room-which was now unlocked. Brad and Alex greeted me kindly as the 
lady went over to the drawer, dressed me in an onsie and gently laid me 
down into bed, pulled over the blankets and tucked me in-The restraints 
were hidden under the bed sheet.

�Shh�don�t wake him. He just fell asleep.� She whispered just like a 
mother would say about a baby who just fell asleep. Once the lady left 
Brad picked me up and shook me. I started to cry for my mamma. I missed 
being nurtured. Alex removed the bedsheet and prepared the straps. They 
stripped me back down to my diapers and laid me down and told me to be 
quiet. I could see Alex retrieve a baby bottle. I knew what was he was 
going to do. It was useless to fight but I refused to swallow the 
laxatives. Formula got all over my face.

�I warned you no t to disobey!� Alex growled. Brad began to massage my 

�Now you will be punished.� He grinned. I gripped the mattress and took 
the punishment. Being masturbated in diapers by a roommate is 
embarrassing. I moaned and came. Brad continued to rub my thick diapers 
against me pretty much for the rest of the night. Brad and Alex 
switched off every hour. Alex gave me a rattle to grip. It felt so 
weird. I cried all night. Whenever I got close to falling asleep Brad 
would spank me-making my diaper squish and smear the pee and poop 
inside. I�d wake up and he�d continue masturbating me. I gasped. My 
penis was humiliated. While they did this they took the opportunity to 
force feed me laxatives. In the morning I was so weak and vunerable as 
an infant. Alex came up to me.

�So today is a new day are you gonna behave?� I nodded weakly. Alex 
reminded me I was to stay in all of my diapers till Monday. We went 
down to breakfast. The whole dorm laughed at my huge diapers. The Staff 
punished me for messing myself by grounding me to my room the whole 
weekend. The whole day Brad and Alex dressed me up in baby clothes and 
took pictures of me. They fed me laxatives and video recorded me. Then 
they forced me to waddle from Brad to Alex-Who was filming me. I cried 
a few times. Alex stood me up and told me to waddle to Brad on the 
other side of the room. I took 1 baby step and fell. Alex took my hands 
and pulled me to my feet and held me up as I waddled to Brad. I was 
still drained and weak from what they did to me last night so they 
filmed me taking a nap in nothing but my diapers. At least that was my 
moment of rest. Then I was masturbated till lunch-5.5 hours! The diaper 
rash made it worse. I didn�t talk that whole day.

Sunday they did the same to me only twice as bad. Come Monday morning I 
was changed into a fresh diaper-2.5 inches thick and then added extra 
diaper absorbency pads-but not as much as the weekend. All of the big 
boy shirts were dirty so I wore a baby shirt. Homeroom my pants ripped 
revealing my cute diaper. Everyone already knew I wore diapers but they 
laughed still. I blushed. I had to walk to the dorm without any pants 
and showing how big-small-of a baby I am. The door was locked and they 
couldn�t find the keys so they sent me back to school. By now I had 
already lost both bladder and bowl control. I�ve had 6 diaper changes 
in 1 school day. This meant that now it was required of me to wear 
diapers. Back at the dorm Brad and Alex admired the work they had done 
with my regression from a normal freshman to a baby freshman. I curled 
up on my bed and blubbered. Now I�ll never escape being babied. They 
won�t bother potty training me. If they did Alex and Brad would cheat 
and regress me down to the level of an infant�AGAIN. I can barely talk 
anymore. I need speech therapy because my voice sounds babyish. I 
haven�t grown or slept much due to the humiliating torture Brad and 
Alex do to me. At least I help the secretary constantly. She practices 
being a mother to me. When her own baby is born I think she�ll do fine. 
Hey at least most of the girls now at the school say I�m cute and want 
to hold me.

There�s actually a few girls I wouldn�t mind if they changed my 
diapers! I allow a few pretty girls to pat my diaper and feed me. Brad 
and Alex get annoyed that I get attention for being such an adorable 
little toddler. The guys saw the girls treating me kindly so Brad and 
Alex strapped me down to my bed till dinner and gave me 7 full baby 
bottles of liquid laxatives with 8 dissolved laxative pills all mixed 
in the same baby bottle to suck on, 3 pooping pills up my butt and was 
given an enema Till I finished drinking my bottles.

�I hate you!� I screamed between sucks on the baby bottle.

�This will teach you to mess with our girls!� Alex shouted. I started 
to whimper in fear.

�What if my diaper leaks?!� I sobbed. Alex gave me something to drink 
to help me pee.

�Shut up and suck on your bottle!� Alex screamed. I sadly obeyed.

�Don�t worry. You�re gonna be diapered like you were last weekend. It 
won�t leak. If it strangely does leak you�re lying on plastic sheets 
and we ain�t gonna change you. Have fun pooping and peeing yourself.� 
Alex laughed and removed the enema hose while Brad diapered me the same 
as last weekend. Brad smacked my diapers. This will probably be the 
most I�ve ever pooped in my entire young life. I obviously tugged at 
the restraints in every direction with discomfort. I didn�t want to do 
this but it would happen. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself. So 
now I lie here strapped to my bed back in my overdone bulky diapers 
messing myself like never before thinking back to how this all started 
as punishment for getting in trouble with my parents. Honestly life 
here is sort of better in a strange way. Life at home was boring. 
Nothing big ever happened. I always wished some big change of living 
would happen. Well as the people say: Be careful what you wish for it 
just might happen�in a strange way.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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