Title: The Diapered Boys of Avatar
Name: Brian
Email: spicygecko818@aol.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 17
Posting Date: 08/23/09, updated 02/14/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This story is fanfiction based off of Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. It begins during the episode called The Western Air Temple (Book 3: Episode52/61). It is an account of how the boys now living in the Western Air Temple come to have diapers in their lives.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 19 (95%)

This story is fanfiction based off of Nickelodeon�s Avatar: The Last
Airbender. It begins during the episode called The Western Air Temple
(Book 3: Episode52/61). It is an account of how the boys now living in
the Western Air Temple come to have diapers in their lives.

Disclaimer: I don�t own Avatar: The Last Airbender, or the characters 
and places associated with it, nor do I intend to make a profit off 
this story.

The Diapered Boys of Avatar


The Duke (age 8): native of the Earth Kingdom, one of Jet�s Freedom 
Aang (age 12): Avatar, born to the race of airbenders
Teo (age 13): resided in the Northern Air Temple with father
Sokka (age 15): native of the Southern Water Tribe
Zuko (age 16): Prince of the Fire Nation; heir to the throne
Haru (age 17): Earthbender
Katara (age 14): Sokka�s sister, waterbender
Toph (age 12): Earthbender, native of Gaoling

Chapter 1: Diapers and the Duke

Aang awoke in a cold sweat. He had just had another nightmare of 
himself confronting the Fire Lord in an apocalyptic final showdown; a 
dream that�d been recurring for him since they arrived at the Western 
Air Temple. While he didn�t want to admit it, Aang was secretly 
relieved once the eclipse had passed on the Day of Black Sun that he 
never had to face Ozai. But now, he was freaking out! The group had 
come together and had decided that Aang was to continue mastering the 
elements, and would face the Fire Lord before Sozin�s Comet arrived. He 
remembered what Guru Pathik had told him at the Eastern Air Temple; 
that he had to accept the fact that he was the Avatar in order to face 
the world�s troubles. But what he had told the Guru back then was still 
as true now as it was then; he never asked for this. And more over, he 
never wanted it.

He got up decided to take a walk around the temple to clear his mind. 
He stepped out of his room and into the cool, comforting night. He 
looked out over the pathway into the black abyss that the cliff-side 
temple overlooked and an intense feeling of emptiness briefly 
overwhelmed him. He wiped at his tearing eyes and made his way down to 
the bottom platform. The fountain that flowed into the gorge always 
soothed him and Aang figured it would be the perfect place to sort out 
his thoughts.

As he climbed down to the lowest level he thought he heard something 
moving in the fountain. His heart stopped for a moment. Was it the Fire 
Army? Had they discovered the groups hiding place? Or worse, perhaps it 
was Combustion Man, here to finish Aang off once and for all. Then he 
realized that if it were an enemy of the group�s, whoever it was 
wouldn�t be splashing around in a fountain. Still, he carefully made 
his way to the level�s landing and peered off toward the shadows. He 
saw a figure moving by the edge of the fountain and was confused for a 
moment; the figure looked no larger than a child. It wasn�t until Aang 
saw the pointed helmet that rested upon the figure�s head when he 
realize that in fact, it really was no more than a child.

It was the eight year old Duke, or rather, The Duke, and he appeared to 
be washing some clothing in the fountain. There were three things wrong 
with this picture to Aang. Firstly, dawn hadn�t even yet broken so it 
was quite an odd hour to be doing laundry. Secondly, it was agreed that 
Katara, being the only waterbender of the bunch besides Aang, would do 
the boy�s (and Toph�s) laundry if the rest agreed to go out scavenging 
for food. And thirdly, since when does any eight year old boy do his 
own laundry? Aang, being a naturally curious boy, decided the satiate 
that curiosity by going up to The Duke.

�Hi, The Duke. Watcha doing?�

If The Duke were an airbender, he would have jumped so high he�d have 
hit his head on the ceiling. Aang felt a little bad for nearly giving 
the kid a heart attack. Still, what was the reason behind his panic at 
the sight of Aang? He had stuffed whatever he was holding in the 
fountain behind his back.

�Oh, hey Aangy.� It always melted Aang�s heart to be called this nick-
name by the small child. �I was just ummm...washing some clothes that I 
forgot to give to Katara.�

Of course, Aang didn�t buy the poor excuse, but still, he smiled kindly 
at the boy. �I see,� Aang said. �Well, let me help you out.� And before 
The Duke could protest, Aang used waterbending to rip the cloths out of 
The Duke�s hand and then suspended the objects in the air. At first 
Aang was confused. They really did just look like articles of clothing. 
But then he looked a bit closer. It was white and looked thicker than 
normal clothing. In a moment, he recognized the tell-tale hourglass 
shape. They were cloth diapers. This intrigued and confused Aang even 
more. Why was The Duke carrying around diapers with him, similar to the 
ones Aang had worn as a baby?

Aang was broken from his transfixion with the white cloth by the sound 
of soft crying. The Duke was now sitting on the fountain�s edge and was 
quietly sobbing into his hands. Aang felt like his heart was being 
wrenched from his chest. He felt so bad that he had outed The Duke�s 
secret so insensitively. He sat down next to The Duke and wrapped an 
arm around the shaking boy�s shoulder.

�Shh shh shh,� Aang whispered soothingly. �It�s okay now. No need to 

�B-b-but now you know how much of a baby I am,� The Duke said, tears 
still rolling down his cheeks.

�You�re not a baby, Duke,� Aang said forgetting the clumsy article 
�the�. �I don�t care that you wear diapers, but if you don�t mind would 
you tell me why you need them?�

�Well, when the Freedom Fighters took me in, I was really young, and at 
the time, I was nearly fully potty-trained, except that I constantly 
wet the bed. Jet just put me in diapers at night, telling me how cute I 
was and I just never stopped.� The Duke started to calm down now as he 
told his story. Aang didn�t know why but he was fascinating with Duke�s 
diaper story and wanted to know more.

�So you�ve worn diapers your whole life?� Aang wondered if he was 
digging too much into the personal aspects of Duke�s secrets but he 
couldn�t help himself from knowing more about the diapers. Why did they 
interest him so much?

�Only at night,� The Duke answered defensively, crossing his arms. Then 
he muttered, �Better than Jet anyway.�

�Woah, wait a minute. Jet wore diapers too!?� Something stirred inside 
Aang at the thought of Jet wearing baby diapers. He had to hear more 
about this. �Did he wet the bed too?�

�Well, no. I don�t think so anyway. Just some days he would come into 
my tree house and put on some of my diapers. Well he told me they were 
mine although I know he got his own sizes and put them in with mine. 
Sometimes he would wear them the whole day under his cloths.� The Duke 
stared into space as if remembering better days.

Aang cleared his throat, rubbed the back of his neck and then asked, 
�And did he ever use those diapers for...well, you know.� He had to 
shift around his legs to cover up the bulge that was growing rapidly in 
his pants.

The Duke just shrugged and said, �I don�t know. The days that he wore 
diapers he would go up to Longshot�s tree house. I have no idea what 
the two of them did up there all day.� Aang could only imagine and 
those images made him painfully hard beneath the waistline. His fantasy 
was interrupted when he heard The Duke sniffling. He looked at the 
small child and saw tears running down his face. The feeling of arousal 
quickly vanished and he pulled The Duke into a tight hug.

�I�m sorry,� The Duke whimpered. �I just miss him so much.� Aang was 
confused at first and then remembered that Jet had died at Lake Laogai.

�You really cared about him, didn�t you?�

�He cared for me. He took care of me for years and kept my secret from 
the rest of the guys.� Aang privately thought Jet exacerbated The Dukes 
problem for his own enjoyment but kept his mouth shut. The Duke 
continued, �Well until he told P-P-Pipsqueak t-t-to take c-care of me.� 
He let out another loud sob and wrapped his arms around Aang�s waist, 
burying his face under Aang�s arm. Aang realized how hard it must be 
for an eight year old to be separated from all the people that cared 
about him. It reminded him of his own situation of loosing his whole 
race, the airbenders. All his friends and family lost to the Fire 
Nation. His heart went out to The Duke and it was there and then that 
he decided what he was going to do with this new surprising 

�Don�t worry Duke. I�ll keep your secret from the rest of the group.�

The Duke sniffled again and said, �Y-You will?�

�Of course I will,� Aang smiled at the boy and tickled his stomach 
causing The Duke to giggle cutely. �And I�ll take care of you too. Come 
on now. Let�s get you back to bed.�

Aang dried off the diapers and carried them up to The Duke�s room with 
Duke in tow. The Duke got into bed but he had an uncomfortable look on 
his face. Aang knew what was wrong. �Do you need to be changed now 

The Duke blushed and then said meekly, �My diaper is a bit damp. You 
kind of showed up before I got the chance to change it.�

�Well let�s fix that now.�

�There are changing supplies in that top draw over there.�

Aang walked over to The Duke�s dresser and took out extra pins, baby 
powder and lotion. He walked back to the waiting Duke, who resembled a 
boy much younger than eight right now. Aang pulled The Duke to the edge 
of the bed and carefully pulled off his shorts exposing the clear 
plastic pants which covered The Duke�s wet diaper. Aang undid the pins 
and lowered the diaper exposing The Duke�s two inch boner which pointed 
strait up toward his stomach. Aang felt that familiar stirring deep 
within him and smiled. �Looks like someone�s enjoying this.� The Duke 
just cooed as Aang removed the diaper, and applied the powder and cream 
to Duke�s diaper area. The Duke closed his eyes and sighed contently as 
Aang pinned up a fresh diaper and pulled up the Duke�s plastic pants.

Aang tucked The Duke into bed and, mingled with the warmness he felt 
from taking care of the young boy, Aang couldn�t help but to feel 
envious. He saw The Duke snuggling up to his pillow and knew that he 
was enjoying the feeling to the softness between his legs. The Duke 
could live this simple life and be happy as long as there was someone 
to take care of him. Aang�s life was anything but simple. He was the 
Avatar after all, and the whole world was counting on him. That was 
just the way things were.

�Good night Duke.�

�Guh nigh Aangy.�

Aang was about to leave. He blew out a candle by the door and looked 
back at the now sleeping Duke. Perhaps it was the trick of the moon 
light pouring in through the window, but it looked as if the boy had 
slipped his thumb into his mouth.
So there you have it. Next chapter will be a Teo-based chapter.

Chapter 2: Revelations of Teo

Things had been going better for Aang than they had for a long time. He 
loved taking care of The Duke and The Duke loved the extra attention. 
Each morning, Aang would sneak into the young boy�s room and change his 
diapers, which were always, to some extent, wet. Sometimes, if Aang was 
lucky, he�d come in and find The Duke asleep with his thumb in his 
mouth. On these mornings, when Aang finally got The Duke up, he would, 
at first, look sheepishly embarrassed, but then smile, reveling in his 
inadvertent infantile behavior.

Aang was quick to reinforce those babyish notions. He didn�t know why, 
but the idea of regressing this boy down to a baby excited him. He 
would begin the changing process by asking, �Did Dukey make pee pee in 
his diapee?� The boy would smile and nod. Then Aang would check the 
diaper to make sure he was telling the truth, although, of course, they 
both knew that he was, and then said, �Good boy,� as if wetting the bed 
was something to be rewarded.

While Aang loved how it felt to take care of the young boy, he couldn�t 
help but to be a bit jealous of Duke�s situation. After all, here was a 
kid who was on his way to not having a care in the world. Meanwhile, 
danger loomed imminently in Aang�s future. He wished he could just turn 
back the clock to a time when things were much simpler. Diapers, he 
thought. Doesn�t get much simpler than that. Aang was finding it harder 
and harder to talk himself into believing he had no interest in 
diapers. His thoughts were populated with diaper boy fantasies. He 
would picture the rest of the gang in diapers (minus the girls of 
course) and get hard-ons imagining them in babyish situations. He knew 
the thoughts weren�t right. He was on the cusp of entering puberty and 
a full four years older than The Duke. Having any sort of attraction to 
diapers just wouldn�t do. He was afraid to picture what his friend�s 
might think of his strange desire.

One morning, after the group had finished breakfast, Katara approached 
Aang. �Aang, I was using the water from the fountain the other day to 
heal a cut on my leg and I noticed that the water barely touched my 
skin before the cut was healed. It was so much more effortless than 

�Well, I�m not too positive about it,� started Aang. �But I think this 
fountain has a connection with the Spirit World, kind of like the water 
from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole.�

Katara looked thoughtful for a moment and then began to speak in a 
slow, hushed tone. �So...I could probably heal most any injury with 
this water. Even long-term afflictions.�

�Yeah. Might come in handy,� Aang said cheerfully.

But Katara suddenly looked excited. �Aang, don�t you see what this 
might mean? I could be able to heal Teo�s legs. He may walk again!�

�Katara, that would be amazing! Do you really think it�ll work?�
�Only one way to know for sure.�

They talked to Teo who realized he had nothing to lose except his 
handicap and they agreed to begin the healing the next morning. Katara 
cleared out the fountain area after breakfast and told the rest of the 
group to find something to do to keep them busy for the next few hours; 
she would need her full concentration for this job. Once the boys and 
Toph had left, she administered a sedative to Teo who soon fell asleep. 
She then inhaled deeply and began the long, slow work.

Aang paced back in forth in his chambers waiting to hear news from 
Katara. It had been nearly two hours since she had started the healing. 
She had warned about how consuming the process might be with 
revitalizing the nerves of the legs and such, but Aang�s stomach was 
still in knots. He wanted this to work so badly. For the past few weeks 
while staying in the Western Air Temple he�d grown pretty close to Teo, 
who was closest to his own age than the others. Teo always seemed to 
have the spirit of an airbender and it was easy for Aang to bond with 
the boy. Lately though, Aang thought he might be wanting more than just 
friendship from the 13-year-old. The notion scared him.

After what seemed like forever, Katara finally stepped into Aangs room. 
She looked completely worn out but had a tired smile on her face. �It�s 
done. He�s resting now.�

�Did it work?� An asked hopefully.

�I think so. He been asleep since I finished, but I felt the strength 
returning to his legs.�

�When can I see him?� he asked perhaps a bit too excitedly.

�An hour or two I think,� said Katara. �Then we�ll see if he can walk 

Two hours later, Katara returned to Aangs room to get the boy. She 
found it empty. Aang had snuck down to Teo�s room as soon as Katara had 
left him alone and had sat by his bedside for the last two hours, 
watching the slightly older boy sleep, hypnotized by the gentle rise 
and fall of his chest. Just when Aang was about to nod off himself, he 
saw Teo�s eyelids flicker.

�Hey buddy. How you feeling?�

Teo�s eyes were now fully open and he was beaming upward at Aang. When 
he spoke his voice was small but unwavering. �Hey Aang. Not bad. My 
legs feel like they have fire ants crawling all over them. It�s weird. 
It�s the first feeling I�ve had in them for as long as I can remember.�

�Can you move them?� Aang asked tentatively.

Teo looked down nervously. �I think so.� A moment passed with the two 
just looking at the blanket covering the leg.

�Well?� Aang asked awkwardly.

�I�m scared.�

�No need to be frightened, Teo. You can move them. I know you can.�

Teo looked back down and suddenly, there was a small kick from inside 
the blankets.

�It worked,� gasped Teo. �I can�t believe it. He started kicking around 
both legs simultaneously, laughing uproariously, tears streaming down 
his face. �I�m gonna try to walk now.�

�Are you sure about that? Maybe you should take it easy.�

�Aang, I never took a step in my life. I need to do this. Now�

�Fair enough,� said Aang. He got out of his seat and walked a quarter 
way across the room. �Try to make it over to me.�

Teo sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed. When his feet 
touched the ground, he gave a visible shiver. Slowly, he lifted himself 
to his feet. He was a bit unbalanced, and held on to the mattress to 
stable himself. �That�s it Teo. Nice and slow. You�re doing great.� 
Aang urged him forward. Hesitantly, Teo took his first step and moved 
forward about six inches. He smiled to himself. Aang secretly thought 
that this whole scene was adorable with Teo steadily wobbling toward 
him. Finally, he reached where Aang was standing and brought the 
smaller boy into a hug, nearly collapsing and bringing both boys to the 
ground. He was sobbing and Aang felt a few tears flow from his eyes as 
well. Then, something completely unexpected happened. Aang felt a pair 
of lips pressing into his. It only lasted a second, but it sent an 
electric shock through the Avatar. When he looked up, Teo stood there 
looking terribly embarrassed, blushing profusely.

�Hehe. Uhh, sorry Aang. I guess I�m just overexcited and got carried 
away a bit.�

�Umm, no problem. It was fine. Actually, it was � it was great,� Aang 
said sheepishly.

�Really? You liked it?� Aang just nodded. Teo was now beaming, and 
brought the boy into another, longer kiss. And that�s when Aang ran his 
hand down the back of Teo and felt it: the bulge.

Aang gently pulled himself out of the kiss and asked, �Um, Teo? What 
are you wearing under your pants?�

Teo blushed again for the second time in a minute. �Oh. Well you see. 
God, this is embarrassing. After the accident, my dad pretty much 
thought it would be useless to potty train me so I�ve kinda been 
wearing diapers my whole life. I should�ve told you before. You 
probably think I�m some sort of big baby.�

�No, not at all. You know, he�ll probably kill me for telling you this, 
but The Duke wears diapers too.�

�Well, he�s five years younger than me so that doesn�t really make me 
feel much better,� said Teo.

�Yeah. Plus he only wears them at night,� Aang said chuckling.

�Great. Thanks.�

�No, come on Teo. I don�t care that you wear diapers. I think it�s 
kinda cute.� Now it was Aang�s turn to blush a bit.

Teo smiled and pulled Aang back into a long hug. When they pulled away 
from the embrace, Aang asked, �Can I see what they look like on you?�

Teo took a step back and dropped his pants. Aang immediately went hard 
looking at the teenager in front of him with his white cloth diaper and 
plastic pants. Aang could just barely see the faint yellow tinge 
showing on the front of the diaper. �Looks like someone needs a 

�Oh yeah. Well, it�s just wet but I guess it wouldn�t hurt to get a 
clean one.�

�What do you mean �just wet�? Do you poop your diapers too?� Aang 
failed miserably at trying to cover up his excitement.

�Well yeah. Never been potty-trained, remember?�

�Right. Well do you want me to help you change?� Aang couldn�t believe 
how ballsy he was being.

�Umm, if you want to. My dad�s been doing it my whole life up until he 
got arrested. Since I�ve been with your group I�ve had to diaper 
myself, which doesn�t often work out too well.�

�Cool. From now on, I�ll change your diapers when you need it,� Aang 
said beaming.

�Ok, well, I guess you can start with this one. I keep my diapers in 
that top draw.�

Teo laid back down on his bed as Aang brought the diapers and changing 
supplies. He removed the plastic pants and unpinned and removed the 
diaper. Out popped Teo�s hard, five-inch dick, with Teo looking on 
slightly mortified. �Looks like someone�s enjoying this.� Teo just 
rolled his eyes and slumped his head backwards. Aang took some diaper 
rash cream into his hands and began rubbing it into the skin of Teo�s 
diaper region. What the hell, he thought, as he started messaging the 
teenager�s boner, much to the liking of the older boy; it didn�t take 
long before he shot off his load. Aang then sprinkled some powder and 
pinned up the fresh diaper. �Let me know any time you need another 
change,� said the young Avatar.

�Will do,� said Teo, slightly out of breath.

Later that night, Aang entered The Duke�s room for his nightly change 
into diapers. �Oh, wait a minute Aang. I need to use the bathroom 

�Duke, you�ll be wearing your bathroom in a minute. Can�t you just 

�No. I need to, um, go number two.�

Aang didn�t miss a beat. �So? You can use your diapers for that too. 
Teo does.�

�What!? Really?�

�Yes, he has to. He�s not potty-trained. So you see; it�s no big deal.�

�I guess so. You won�t mind cleaning it up?�

�Of course not. I�d love to see my little Duke with a poo poo in his 

�Well, as long as you don�t mind.�

Aang quickly diapered up the boy, who then stood up and squatted down, 
pushing out the contents of his bowels. Aang could hear it faintly 
sloshing into the seat of the diaper. When The Duke finished he had a 
dazed, content look on his face. �How does it feel?�

�Really good.� The Duke was in heaven.

�Want me to change you again now, or do you think you�ll be good �til 

�Oh no, I can wait �til morning.�

Aang chuckled a little. �All right. Sweet dreams.� The Duke plopped 
into his bed and another wave of contentment overtook him again. Aang 
smiled as he blew out the candle and the smell of the dirty diaper 
started to spread around the room.
Perhaps in the next chapter, we�ll finally get Aang into diapers just 
how he wants it. By the way, I�m strictly a fanfictionist, so if anyone 
has any request from a show, book or movie, feel free to email me.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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