Intro - Danny is 12 years old, who is fading away from life from his 
mother and friends over his love of nappies. He has no brothers or 
sisters and no father who died in a plane accident before he was born 
leaving his mother Beryl to take care of him. His father's death was 
compensated for and now the family have been left with a substantial 
amount of money which his mother invested and became quite rich, so she 
could leave her job and get a house in the country, with a lot of 
privacy and not having to work again.

Desire of the Baby in Danny

Chapter 1 - Caught
	It was the fourth day of the summer holidays and Danny was sat at 
the computer, doing his homework his Mom set for him over the summer. 
Danny was home schooled and wanted to get all his homework done in the 
first week at most. Today he had one last piece of homework left to do. 
His next 5 weeks were free for him to do whatever he likes, and that 
was basically one thing.
	Danny was the average boy. He was 5�8� in height and still 
growing, just turned 12 years old and going through Puberty. He has 
started having erections looking at women on T.V. with low cut blouses 
or mini skirts, even men with muscularly chests. The thing which got 
his attention the most was nappies. He knew he wasn�t like other boys, 
he has lots of friends and likes to go out every now and again, yet he 
found himself distancing from them over the years when his love for 
nappies grew.
	Danny had no idea why he liked nappies or how long for that 
matter. This didn�t matter to Danny, all he knew was that he loved them 
more and more every time he fantasised about them. His mom often 
worried about him becoming sort of unsocial as she knew how much a 
children friend was important in life, to talk about changes in body 
	Once he was done on his homework assignment, he retired to his 
room. It was the late afternoon and he had the rest of the day to 
himself. His room is usually private and his Mom never really bothers 
him while he is in his room. He went to his computer and logged on. He 
opened his stash of files on the computer and looked through each 
picture starting to get turned on. He raced to the bathroom and got his 
much needed supplies, a towel, talcum powder for adults which he liked 
to call baby powder and safety pins he called nappy pins. He took the 
items to his room and undressed so he could redress in his special 
attire. Once he was dressed in his nappy, he sat at his computer again 
and he read a story at random. It was Baby Jamie series which he loved, 
but it wasn�t his favourite. Baby Ricky is the one he loved.
	This is when is mom walked. Her eyes widened and then looked to 
the floor and said she was sorry and walked back out, shocked of what 
she thought of her son wearing nappies. She went downstairs to have a 
cup of tea to calm her down and think about what happened.
	Meanwhile, upstairs Danny sat in his own state of shock of him 
being caught in nappies. His mom clearly saw them by the reaction she 
had. He sat on the bed and thought about what he had to say to his mom 
as he knew he had to, of course he had to. For the first time in his 
life, he hated nappies, but this was only for a short while until he 
realised that he shouldn�t be embarrassed about his fetish. Boy did he 
wish he had something called Dutch courage. He had no idea of what it 
was or how to get it but he knew it would be useful in this scenario.
	He walked to the door, hand on the door handle. He took in a few 
cleansing breaths, making him ready for the chat he is about to have 
with his mom. He hesitantly opened the door and walked down the stairs 
to the kitchen where his mom was sitting at the kitchen table, with 
both hands against her forehead, clearly still in a bit of shock and 
deep in thought. She didn�t notice Danny until he said �Mom, are you 
ok�. She looked up at him, with a few tears in her eyes and red rings 
around them. Clearly she had been crying. Danny instantly felt guilty. 
Not of his desire of nappies, but of not telling her beforehand.
	His mom sat in silence of what felt like hours but was in reality 
about 20 - 30 seconds.

�Danny, did I see what I thought I thought I saw� she finally said. 
Danny sighed and replied �I think so, please don�t be mad.�

His mom didn�t say anything for a while again. �Why?� Danny expected 
this question and already planned the answer.

�I don�t know, at first I didn�t want to believe it at all at first. My 
earliest memory was when I was about 6, already out of nappies and I 
saw and advert on TV (commercial for Americans) and I was intrigued. It 
just felt like I was supposed to be in them, even though I don�t 
believe in fate, but it just seemed to fit in my mind, like the missing 
piece of an incomplete part of my personality.�

�I see, I think� his mom answered.

�Please don�t think any less of me, mommy�. Danny said without 
realising what he was saying until say it. Did I really say Mommy

His mom looked at him, eyes wide. Danny didn�t like it much, was she 
angry, shocked. He didn�t like it much. Then she just smiled at being 
called Mommy, something she hasn�t heard in 8 years, since Danny was 4. 
�I�m not mad honey, disappointed yes, but not angry, I just wish you 
just told me sooner. I want to help, no matter what it is�.
	Danny hung his head in shame, she was right and he knew it.

�I will tell you everything mom, if you want me to� Danny said 
tearfully. He always felt sad everytime he saw his mom upset, 
especially with him.

His mom got up from the table and went to put her cup which was hot 
from tea 10 minutes earlier and put it in the sink. Then she took a 
piece of kitchen roll and handed it to Danny.

�Thanks mom, I don�t know where to start� taking the kitchen roll and 
started to wipe his tears. Now his mom felt guilty for it was her now 
she was making Danny cry.

�Danny its ok, just start where and when you feel like it. Preferably 
start from the beginning.�

�Ok mom�� Danny did all the talking, and went from the nappy adverts 
from his childhood until today when his mom caught him in the act. It 
took 20 minutes until Danny was satisfied with his answer and was quite 
certain of not leaving anything out. At least he thought he hasn�t left 
anything out. But he did. His mom just sat silently.

Chapter 2 - Where do we go next?

	His mom just smiled and so did Danny. It felt like the whole 
world had been lifted off his shoulders and now he was floating in mid 

�So, what will you do if you have the choice?� his mom said breaking 
the silence.

�What choice?� Danny said in a confused tone.

�If you had to choose if you can wear nappies, when and how often would 
you like to wear them?�

�I don�t know I would like to wear them full time really� Danny said, 
watching his mom for any signs of further disappointment. He didn�t see 
any. In fact, she looked quite content.

�I see. Well what if I told you that I am ok with it.� Danny looked up 
quickly and looked at his mom.


�Yes really�

�Thanks mom.�

�Under certain conditions.� His mom said sternly.

�What! This sounds like a punishment. Sorry mom� once again he started 
to cry.

�I�m not punishing you honey, you haven�t heard what I was going to say 
yet� Danny�s mom said. �First stop crying, and then listen.� Danny did 
just this. He sat at the table waiting for the conditions.

�Here are the conditions, we can discuss them after and negotiate but 
mainly, what I say will probably stand.�

Danny waited until she spoke again. I wanted and had to hear it, and 
deep down he was excited.

1.	Nappies will be worn at all times, even when friends come to 
visit. There will be no effort in trying to hide the nappies at all.
2.	When at home, you will wear only your nappies and a t-shirt.

There wasn�t much but this is what she wanted Danny to agree to. Danny 
felt disappointed, thinking a lot more was to come. 2 conditions, what 
kind of rules where they.

�Anything you don�t like in the conditions?� his mom questioned.

�Well yeah�, I was hoping for� he paused for a little while. �There 
would be more.�

�Why did you expect that, I thought this is what you wanted.� His mom 

�Don�t get me wrong but I do want this, it is just that I haven�t told 
you everything. There is something I forgot to tell you and please 
don�t be mad as this may be quite weird for you. I am what you call an 
AB/DL, which stands for Adult Baby/Diaper Lover. I am both of these. 
There are times I just like to sit in a nappy and just get on with my 
life, and there are times I fantasise about being treated like a baby. 
It�s like a big relief to come out of the early adult status of my life 
and just go back where everything is not a problem to me.�

�Ah, I see, so what do you suggest?�

Danny felt awkward asking the question that if his mom could at times 
baby him or change his nappies. His mom saw the discomfort in Danny�s 
face and she knew what he wanted to ask her. To help him, she decided 
to take the next step.

�Do you want me to take care of you as a baby all the time?�

Danny sighed in relief and said �Not all the time mom, just at times 
where I feel stressed for example.�

�I�m sorry, but now you have enlightened me to take one next step. Here 
are the new conditions: -

1.	You will be treated like a 1 year old baby from now on.
2.	We will take all your furniture and donate it to charity and 
redecorate your room into a nursery for what�s the word �. An Adult 

Danny Nodded.
	�3. We will not make an effort of making this new lifestyle a 
4. While you are at home you will only wear baby style clothing or just 
your 	 	 nappy and a t-shirt.

Is that ok with you. Danny shook his head.

�I don�t want to be a baby ALL the time, just when I feel I need to be 

�It�s your choice, you either have your nappies and be a baby or you 
will not have nappies and will be in serious trouble if you do what you 
did today again, or further action will be taken.�

Danny thought about it and it was a very easy decision. He now can have 
his nappies part of his life and that is what he wanted. Even though 
all his friends will probably find out, and he will have to use the 
nappies for the full intention, which he has never done before, he 
still wanted his nappies.

�Ok mom, thank you mom� and then Danny hugged his mom for not scolding 
him or punishing him. Why hadn�t he told his mom sooner?

Chapter 3 - Starting a new Life for the better.

	Danny�s mom got onto the internet straight away researching about 
her son�s attraction to nappies. She came across an Adult Baby 
Furniture website, quite local to the town they lived in. She decided 
to head straight there,

�Danny, I am just popping out for an hour or so, ok?�

�Yeah mom, ok�. Danny now was excited and daunted about what his mom 
was about to do.
	Danny�s mom headed to the Adult Baby Store call �Kinky Furniture� 
and specialised in the AB/DL trade. She parked her car outside the 
building in the car park and entered the building where she was met by 
a beautiful blonde woman who greeted her. She was dressed in a very 
tight latex suit covering her upper body and legs but her arms were 
exposed revealing a series of Celtic pattern tattoos.

�Hi, How may I help� the shop assistant asked.

�HI, I am interested in the AB/DL range�

�Ah, well if you like to follow me and I will help you to the best of 
my ability�

	She led Danny�s mom down to the far end of the shop where the 
adult baby stuff where on display. She walked past many different 
furniture pieces suited for other fetishes. She saw a supply of 
handcuffs and a stand up bed that goes across the wall so the prisoner 
can sleep comfortably while been secured over night. Danny�s mom smiled 
at all the products, thinking many thought, which all were quite 
explicit. Finally they reached the destination, which was like a new 
shop, totally different from the black walls in which they walked past 
to the now painted in pastel colours.

�Here we are, would you like any help in purchasing or are you just 

�Thank you but I think I know what I need� Danny�s mom said.

	She walked around noting mentally what she needed. So far she 
chosen a crib, a changing table, 20 cloth nappies, 12 nappy pins, 7 
plastic pants for the cloth nappies and disposable nappies with baby 
prints on the front (Barney in this case). She called over the 
assistant again and asked for some advice of if she forgot anything.

�Well, by the way you looked at the items, I think you are equipping 
for an Adult Baby so what have you chosen to buy and we will go from 

�I have chosen two cribs, one built and one portable, a changing table, 
cloth and disposable nappies, nappy pins and the plastic panties. I 
can�t think of anything else, and the items are not for an adult 
especially, just for a 12 year old boy� Danny�s mom informed.

�Ok, so we have a small adult baby dummy (pacifier in America), baby 
bottles, milk formula, clothes, toys and mobiles for the crib and one 
more piece of furniture important to babies, an highchair.�

�Wow, you certainly are specialised in this aren�t you. Ok Lets have a 
look at the clothes as I will definitely have the rest of the items.�

�Ok, follow me�

	The assistant directed her to the clothes and looked through them 
Danny�s mom was inspired and chose the babiest clothing on offer. In 
the end she chose a pair of Dungarees with snaps on the bottom all the 
way to the legs so changing will be easier. 3 sleep suits, a range of 
nappy vests (onesies in America) and more general clothing for outdoor 
use, mainly jeans and t-shirts. Danny�s Mom put all the items on the 
list and headed to pay for them. The bill came up to �1000 and now she 
knows she must use them for at least the summer holidays. That was a 
lot of money to spend just for a kid who liked nappies.
	There was also a delivery bill which was �35 but for an extra �5 
she could get them to her house that day, all she had to do was say the 

�6:00 will be fine� paid for the items and headed off home.

	As she was leaving the shops, something caught her eye on the 
drugs cabinet, in between the Viagra and sedatives. Some drugs that 
induced lactation. She also saw some suppositories and diuretics. 
Thinking she only bought the drugs for the lactation and felt that she 
didn�t need to force Danny into using the toilet in his nappies. He 
already wanted nappies so he can use them normally at his own will. She 
stopped at Boots on the way home to get nappy wipes, baby powder, nappy 
rash solution and nursing bras with nipple pads for any leaking which 
may happen.
	Danny was eating a micro waved pizza he got from the freezer when 
his mom came back. Danny�s mom thought he looked like he had calmed 
down and getting to grips of what was going to happen.
�Mom, Jason called and asked if I could sleepover tonight, is that ok�. 
Jason was Danny�s best friend and of course she said yes, it was the 
perfect opportunity to get him out of the house and get the room ready 
of what will be his new nursery.
	That night Danny left at 5:30pm to go to his friend�s sleepover. 
Danny�s mom got the room cleared and was ready to move everything into 
the room.

Chapter 4 - The New Nursery

	The nursery was completed by 7:00pm, and as the wall was already 
pastel blue, felt like it was a true nursery. She had an antique 
rocking chair she used when Danny was a real baby and got all his 
favourite stuffed toys for the attic he liked as a kid. She slept 
soundly comforted that she had her baby back again.

The Next Day

	Danny came home around noon with Jason and went into the kitchen 
where he saw his mom.

�Hi Danny and Jason, how are we, did you enjoy last night�

�It saw great� Jason said.

�Can Jason stay tonight mom?� Danny jumped in.

�Sorry baby, but we have to talk, tomorrow definitely. Can you please 
go home Jason, there is something important that�s come up and it can�t 
wait. Sorry�

�No problem, I will see you tomorrow Mrs. Dean� Jason happily to 

	As soon as Jason left the house, Danny�s mom asked if they 
remembered about what they talked about yesterday.

�Yes I do mom.� A sound of excitement was detected in his voice.

�Ok take this then follow me.� Danny took the dummy off his mom and 
looked at it star struck and put it in his mouth and followed his mom 
upstairs to his now new room. His mouth dropped and his dummy fell out. 
A nursery suited for an adult. Danny didn�t think it would come this 
far with all the furniture, only to be treated like one throughout the 

�Wow mom, you really meant this didn�t you. Are you sure you want to 
treat me like a baby.�

�Honey, I am glad I have got my baby again, I have missed it so much. 
You were so much happier when you were a baby.�

	Danny ran and hugged his mom. She picked him up in her arms and 
walked to the changing table. She gently placed him on and started top 
undress him ready to get him nappied in his cloth nappies for the first 
	Danny had his bottom wiped by his mom and saw some stains of what 
can only be called poop.

�Good thing we are going through this, it seems that you cannot do your 
toilet duties anyway� his mom said smiling.

	Danny blushed at this, embarrassed he didn�t do a through job at 
cleaning his self.

�Which nappy would you like, cloth or disposable� his mom asked.

�Disposable please, I haven�t tried that yet and the bath towels are 
much like cloth anyways.�

	His mom went to the disposable nappy package and opened it up to 
reveal a very babyish design nappy with Barney on the front. She 
brought it to the changing table and at that moment decided to get rid 
of the pubic hair that was starting to grow. She went to the bathroom 
to get a disposable razor and shaved off his stubble of pubic hair. At 
this moment, while his mom was fondling his little member, it began to 
grow stiff. Danny, clearly embarrassed was comforted by his 
understanding mother.

�That�s ok son. Don�t worry, it is perfectly natural.�

	Danny knew everything by the sex ed. class by his mom in home 
school so was even more embarrassed that it was getting stiff because 
he was turned on by his own mother putting a nappy on him.
	After that she proceeded to put some soothing lotion on his now 
hairless pubic area and then liberally sprinkled some baby powder and 
rubbed it in to all crevice of his nappy area. Then she opened up the 
nappy and lifted his bottom by grabbing both ankles and raised him 
enough to place the nappy under him. Then she taped the nappy snugly 
and checked for any leak which there weren�t any. Danny was surprised 
at how thick the nappy felt.

	After that Danny�s mom proceeded to undress him until he was only 
clad in a nappy. She got out the babyish t-shirts and a pair of jeans 
with snaps on the bottom down to the bottom of the legs. Once he was 
dressed she replaced the dummy in his mouth and told him to go down and 
play with the toys she had bought for him. Excited he ran down the 
stairs, with a degree of difficulty because of the new bulk in between 
his legs.
	Once downstairs, he looked upon his new toys, a lot of them in 
the style of Fisher Price and TONKA cars. Danny instantly loved them. 
Meanwhile his mom came down after placing all the disposable nappies on 
the shelves integrated with the changing table. She came down and went 
straight into the kitchen without catching Danny�s attention. His 
surprise isn�t over yet. She entered the kitchen and got out one of his 
many new baby bottles and filled it up with baby formulae. She shook it 
and popped it into the bottle warmer to warm up the milk. Once it was 
warmed up she checked it by shaking it on her wrist and was satisfied 
with it entered the lounge where Danny is playing.

�Danny� his mom said.

�Yeth Mommy.� Her heart warmed up as he looked at her, once again her 
baby and Danny noticed the bottle. He smiled through his dummy. She sat 
down on the couch and patted the chair next to her, instructing Danny 
to come on her lap. He did and laid across her while she held him close 
to her seemingly larger breast. The drugs were working and faster then 
she had expected, but they were not expressing just yet. At this rate 
it would be just a couple of days before she was ready.

	Danny suckled at his new baby bottle and liked the milk he was 
being fed. He has never had any baby formulae before but he figured 
that this must be it, considering it tasted a lot more different to 
normal milk you buy at the supermarkets nowadays. After his milk, 
Danny�s mom, still mot finished with the surprise led him to the 
kitchen and placed him in his new highchair ready to feed him. Danny 
now beyond speechless, sat silently in shock. Mom really did go to the 
full sha-bam he thought. She got a few pieces of fruit and vegetables 
and placed them on a blender, and blended the ingredients to make a 
baby fruit salad. She tipped the food into the saucer and placed a bib 
on Danny who now is ready to be fed.

	Half way through the dinner, Danny felt the urge to poop, and 
remembering the conditions he pooped his nappy while at the same time 
wetting. The poop moulding itself all over his bum and crotch felt 
heavenly. The stench wasn�t immediate and his mom didn�t smell it until 
she helped him finish his last bite.

�Smells like baby needs a change of nappy, doesn�t he� she said while 
speaking babyish and tickling Danny�s nose. Danny laughed at this. 
Danny was carried upstairs and placed on his changing table. She 
unsnapped the jeans which opened up full and untapped the nappy.

�P-hew, you must have dropped tear gas as my eyes are watering� she 
said playfully.

	She scooped most of the poop clinging to his bottom and removed 
the nappy. While wiping the last of the poop from his bum, she noticed 
Danny dropping off and now is half asleep. Danny had no sleep at all 
last night at Jason�s because he was playing computer games. He now 
felt the effects of it now, and felt like he could sleep for the full 
week. Danny�s mom smiled and undressed him ready for bed. She got all 
of his clothes off and now he was naked. She got 2 cloth nappies to 
prepare him for the night and pinned them on. She put on his plastic 
pants and then put a sleeper on him. She gently placed him in his crib 
and kissed him on his head and said goodnight while putting a fresh 
dummy in his mouth. She turned on the mobile and waited for him to drop 
into a deep sleep while singing a lullaby she used to sing to him when 
he really was a baby. Satisfied he was asleep, she turned on the 
nightlight, and the baby monitor and smiled closing the door of the new 
nursery. Both of the! ir lives have changed for the better.

Chapter 5 - Jason comes to stay

	Danny woke up at 8 the following morning, and he felt great. He 
felt warm, loved and comforted. He opened his eyes and realised he was 
still baby. It wasn�t a dream after all. YES!! He thought.

�What a sleep.� Sleep. Why did that mean something quite important to 
Danny? Jason. Jason is sleeping tonight and in the conditions there 
will be no effort to hide it from anyone. His mom came in the room 
after hearing him talking to himself.

�Morning Sunshine, have a good sleep? Are we excited by today?� his mom 
asked Danny.

�Actually, does Jason have to stay over?�

�Yes Honey, I have already rang his mummy last night and said that she 
is going away for a few days anyway so will be perfect.�

	Danny dreaded what his friend might say and if he would be his 
friend anymore.

�He will here in an hour, so we have enough time to bath you, change 
you and have our breakfast. Ok�

�One Hour!�

Danny waddled to the bath, with two very wet cloth nappies between his 
legs. For the first time in years, he has subconsciously wet his nappy 
in his sleep. He was starting to get in the role of baby faster than he 
anticipated. At least there was some good news. His mom unzipped the 
sleeper and took it off him. His mom realised that he has wet his nappy 
quite substantially She smiled at this and now convinced it is what he 
	She laid him down on a towel laid on the floor and took off his 
plastic pants and started to unpin his soaking nappies. As soon as this 
was done, she gave him a quick wipe and placed him in a bath already 
full of warm water and bubbles with a good selection of bath toys. She 
lathered him up in baby soap and washed his hair using baby shampoo. 
When the essential cleaning was done, she took the wet nappies and 
plastic pants into the nursery and placed them n the nappy bin ready to 
be washed. She came back in about 5 minutes, while Danny was playing 
with his toys in the bath. She had in her hand disposable nappy, nappy 
essentials (powder and wipes) and a t-shirt. She lifted him out of the 
bathtub and dried him. Again he got hard again, but he was less 
embarrassed this time. She then laid him down and nappied him and put 
on his t-shirt and took him back to the nursery where she put on a pair 
of baby blue socks to finish her new baby.
	Danny�s mom picked him up again and took him downstairs and 
placed him into his highchair. Breakfast was already done and a bowl of 
coco pops with warm milk was placed in front of him. She fed him quite 
quickly, getting all over the bib placed on him before the meal.
	It was nearly 9:00am and the door bell rang. Danny has just 
finished his breakfast and was now suckling his bottle. The moment of 
truth, he probably will have to live with at least 3 days of taunts 
from a non nappy wearer. Jason came into the house with his mother who 
already knew the situation of Danny. Jason however was stunned by the 
sight of Danny drinking from what looked to be a baby bottle in a 
highchair. Considering he was in a highchair, he was positive he is 
treated like a baby. Danny turned several shades of red as Jason just 
stared at his nappied state.
	Danny�s mom and Jason�s mom exchanged small talk while Danny and 
Jason sat on the couch silently. Jason kept on looking at the nappies 
but not at Danny. He seemed more interested in the nappies. Jason broke 
the silence.

�What happened man, you being punished?�

�No, I wanted to be like this, for a long time I have always liked 
nappies and lately has been coming on stronger, so I put on a towel as 
a nappy and my mom caught me. Don�t think I weird or anything, I am 
still the same Danny you know.�

�Wow, and your mom is ok with this? What does it feel like?�

Jason�s mom left and Danny�s mom closed the door but the boys didn�t 
hear it because they were engaged in the chat about the nappies. 
Danny�s Mom heard them speak and listened outside the lounge from where 
they were sitting.

�It feels great, I don�t have to worry about anything at all, 
everything is done for me and I feel a lot calmer and harmonic. What a 
relief and I think mommy enjoys it too.� Danny answered the question.

�Wow, wish my mom was as cool as yours. Are you wet yet?�

�No not yet, but I will wet it if you want�

�Cool, go on then�

	Danny concentrated because he didn�t need to pee but glad to 
oblige to Jason, after all, what were friends for. The wetness 
indicator turned from yellow the blue marking he was wet. Jason looked 
wide eyed at the nappy changing colour and saw the wet spot growing 
larger and larger. But something was wrong; his wet spot was higher 
than normal. His baby brother�s nappy always was lower. He then figured 
he has an erection and was turned on by wetting in front of his friend. 
In turn, he too got a hard on but did his best to conceal it.

	Danny�s mom took her time to enter the room and see the nappy on 
Danny and smiled.

�Let�s get you changed young man� in a babyish tone. It seemed Jason 
didn�t mind the baby status of Danny and thought he had a good friend 

	They arrived at the nursery and Jason again stopped in his tracks 
but somehow he expected it. This didn�t seem to faze him. He walked in 
and inspected the furniture in awe. He was fascinated; this room looked 
like his baby brother�s room but bigger, a lot bigger. Danny�s mom saw 
this and proceeded to change Danny�s nappy. Jason turned around and 
Danny�s mom was changing Danny�s nappy while looking at Jason. She just 
smiled and he blushed confirming her suspicions that he too wanted to 
be nappied. She turned away from him and took the dirty nappy away from 
the table and put it into a plastic bag and threw it away. Then she got 
the baby powder out and sprinkled it on Danny and rubbed it into the 
skin. He still had the erection Jason suspected he had from his 
unusually high wet spot. Jason in turn had his own erection of watching 
the nappy go on his best friend and the erection which the nappy will 
soon be covering. Danny knew his friend wanted a nappy on and planned 
to get in!
 one by the end of the day. Well, his plan may have worked until his 
mom butted in.

�You next Jason�

�What for�

�Which do you prefer, cloth or disposable like Danny�s� holding them up 
showing them to Jason. Danny was glad that his mom butted in.

�Erm� I don�t want to wear a nappy.�

�Yes you do, you can see it in your eyes,� Danny�s mom said still 
holding up both styles of nappies.

�Please Jason, it will make me feel better and I am pretty sure you 
will like them� Danny said through his dummy, smiling.

�Ok, where do you want me?�

�Jump on here and I will sort you out Jason.�

	Danny smiled as he watched his best friend getting nappied by his 
own mom. She started by taking off his trousers and then his shirt 
leaving him clad in a skinny pairs of white briefs (which looked like a 
tent because of his erection) and Jason blushed.

�Don�t worry -, I had one remember, Mommy don�t mind� Danny said to 
comfort Jason.

	Jason relaxed and Danny�s mom took off his underwear and socks 
leaving him fully naked. She then took some wipes and cleaned his nappy 
area ready for the nappy which was prepared to go onto him. She put the 
baby powder on him before putting the disposable nappy on him and then 
dressed him in some of Danny�s clothes identical to the ones he was 
wearing now making look like twins.

�What a pair we have now, I�m sure the weekend will be fun for all of 
us now� Danny�s mum claimed. Danny thought so too.

	The first thing the two new founded babies did was play 
downstairs with the new baby toys Danny�s mom got yesterday. They 
played for a couple of hours until Jason had an obstacle to jump.

�Danny, I need to pee�

�Don�t worry, use your nappy, it will soak it up. I have already wet 

�Really, well I�ve tried but I cant. I have never wet myself 
intentionally before.�

	Danny had an idea. He took Jason�s arm and led him to the 
bathroom and turned on the tap. The sound of running water made it 
easier for Jason to wet himself into the nappy. Then Danny�s mom came 
up and checked to see if either of them was using the toilet, which of 
course they weren�t. She asked what they were doing when she saw the 
wetness indicators have both turned blue.

�Look�s like the babies need a change don�t they.�

	She took them both to the nursery where she prepared for the two 
babies. She started with Jason and removed his nappy and cleaned him 
up. When she wiped his bottom, a streak of poop showed which wasn�t 
there on the last occasion.

�I think someone is peeping, don�t hold it in Jason, just poop when you 
feel the need to ok. Danny will help you there. Ok.�

�Ok Mrs. Dean� Jason replied.

�If you want, you can call me mommy for the weekend as you are my baby 
for the weekend.� �Ok mommy� Jason said happily.

	Soon his nappy was on snugly and the same process was done on 

That Evening, Jason smelt something while on the PS2 which was 
upstairs. Danny�s mom didn�t think taking all the big boy stuff away so 
let him keep his computers and game consoles. They had to have a break 
at times, but in nappies of course.

�What�s that smell?�

�I have messed my nappy, Jason.�

�Wow, so mommy really doesn�t mind then.�

�No, have you been yet.�

�No, I need to though.�

�Just do it, its great.�

	Jason squatted in front of Danny and pushed a firm log of poop 
into his nappy. Danny saw the load at the back of nappy and found 
himself becoming hard again. Jason who was also being turned on by the 
nappy messing turned to Danny and smiled. He smiled back. They both saw 
how hard each other was by the bulge of the nappy at the front of the 

�How do you feel?� Danny asked.

�I�m Messy and Hard. What about you?� Jason said relieved.


Danny�s mom then interrupted the moment and instantly smelt the poop so 
strong, that she knew instantly they have both pooped their nappies.

�Let�s get you changed and put to bed. It�s nearly 9:00pm�

	Danny switched off the game and began to walk to the nursery 
behind Jason, all the while looking at his heavily nappied butt. He was 
attracted to the beautiful butt shaking as he walked. Jason knew he was 
looking and like him looking at it.

Chapter 6 - Match made in heaven

	They were both changed and dressed for bed. They were both in the 
same crib and they both got two baby bottles filled with formulae. 
Since it was quite a humid night Danny�s mom decide they could sleep in 
just their nappies and a t-shirt. They both talked about how their 
nappies felt and how much they liked them Jason also decided to 
confront him on his little voyeurism on his nappies backside. Danny 
decided to spill the beans.

�I don�t know. It�s either the nappies or it�s you.�

�I feel the same. I�m just glad you do too.�

	Danny and Jason smiled at each other. Danny leaned over and 
opened his lips, inviting a kiss from Jason. Jason also did the same 
and brought his lips to his. There they were dressed as babies sharing 
the most intimate kiss that either one of them have ever had. They took 
off their t-shirt so the only thing on was their cloth nappies mommy 
had just put on them. Danny stroked Jason�s penis through his nappy. 
Jason took the next step and put his hand in his nappy to touch the 
skin of Danny�s uncut penis.
	Soon, both of the baby boys where naked after unpinning each 
others already wet nappies, which left them both looking at each others 
erect penises. They were soon both kissing again. Jason laid down and 
Danny put Jason�s penis into his mouth and started sucking, giving him 
a blow job. Jason grabbed his head and helped him on his rhythm to help 
them both enjoy it more. Danny could taste the pee which still clung to 
his body from his wet nappy. This got him really horny and then he had 
an idea. Danny got up and knelt on all fours inviting Jason to enter 
him. Jason did quite easily as the saliva lubricated his nice 6� penis. 
He followed through hard thrusts which Danny loved and Jason soon shot 
his load into his best friend�s anus. Danny obviously returned the 
favour and held each other when both were totally exhausted. Jason then 
had a brain wave.

�Why don�t we spend the night in each others nappies�

�Ok� Danny agreed.

	They swapped nappies and pinned them on each other, and soon went 
to sleep in each others arms sucking their bottles mommy left.

This story is not true in any way. This is totally through the pictures 
in my head of my own fantasy (one of many). This story may be 
distributed over the net but may never be changed.

Any comments please email me at

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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