Title: Dean's education
Author: Baby Bliss


	The day started much the same as any other. Brandon got out of 
bed and got dressed. He was proud of himself, because he didn't have to 
change his diaper. At eleven, he was of an age suited to being able to 
do this himself, although when he had messy "accidents" (which hardly 
happened at all anymore because he found the bulk at the back too 
distracting), he would ask his mom to help him out.
	When Brandon reached the kitchen, his mother gave him a warm 
smile. The smell of bacon permeated the air and Brandon gave a little 
whoop of joy, for he loved eating bacon.
	"Yay!" he said, provoking another smily look from his mother, who 
turned to him. "Were you wet this morning?" she asked. Brandon shook 
his head.
	"Good baby boy," said his mom.
	"Brandon," she said. "Sit down. I have some really exciting news 
for you." Brandon planted his diapered butt on the chair. "Your cousin 
is coming over to visit, Brandon. He will be staying over for three 
days while your aunt is on a business trip here." Another whoop of joy. 
Now that was news actually worthy of wetting oneself.
	"Dean will be staying over here for the weekend. He arrives on 
Friday afternoon." Dean was also eleven, about two months older than 
Brandon. Yet the two of them got along with each other like a house on 
fire. Brandon looked forward with delight to the weekend.


	Friday morning came and Brandon was excited. He hadn't seen Dean 
in a few years and it would be great to play with him again. Being 
school holidays, it wasn't much fun if all his friends were away, 
because he had nothing to do. But this was different. His best friend 
in the whole world was going to come and spend time with him.
	Dean arrived at nine o'clock that morning and Brandon immediately 
showed him to the bedroom. After Dean had unpacked, the two of them sat 
down and started to talk. The talk got playful and the two boys started 
wrestling each other. This was a favourite pastime of Brandon's, and he 
hadn't been able to share it with his cousin in quite a while. So he 
wished it would never end. But most things do, and so did this.
	It ended when Dean was lying on the floor, laughing. It was then 
that he spotted the packet of diapers under Brandon's bed.
	"Yours?" he asked. Brandon nodded his head, still playfully, 
before realising what his best friend was asking him about. A chill 
came over him and he looked away, slightly embarrassed. Dean sensed 
	"Don't worry. This actually looks cool. I know a few kids back 
home who wear these." He pulled the packet out from under the bed and 
looked at it.
	"Give that back!" shouted Brandon, scared that someone downstairs 
might come up and find it.
	"Give here!" He tried to grab the packet, but Dean held on, so 
much so that the two got into a wrestling match again. But Dean still 
did not let go. Dean ended up lying on his back hugging the packet. 
That was when Brandon stopped.
	"You know. You actually look so cute when you do that..."
	Dean tried to look up, but when he did, he found that he was 
looking at a picture of a diapered baby which was printed on the 
plastic wrapping around the packet of diapers that he was clinging onto 
for dear life.
	"You pushed me down."
	"I didn't mean to."
	"I am not cute."
	But Brandon knew far much better than that. He could see Dean 
trying to deny that strange feeling that some children get when they 
look at diapers. This was going to be a good weekend.
	The rest of the day passed uneventfully and it was really getting 
quite boring. The movie on television wasn't that much fun and the two 
boys decided to spend the rest of the evening upstairs in the bedroom. 
That was when Dean remembered the diapers.
	"Can I try one on?" he asked, which prompted an enthusiastic nod 
from Brandon. Partners in diapers, born to take over the world. What an 
awesome thought.
	Dean knew the drill from what he had seen at home when his mom 
changed his little sister. He bounced onto the bed and took his shirt 
off. Brandon looked at Dean. He couldn't explain why, not even to 
himself. Then Dean pulled down his trousers, and finally, his 
underpants. Brandon was still busy getting a diaper out of the packet.
	"Hey, hang on just a minute. Relax a while."
	Brandon finished readying the diaper before looking at Dean on 
the bed. Dean was lying on his back with his legs in the air. "Well, 
come on. I can't wait forever!" Brandon shrugged before positioning the 
diaper under Dean. He picked up the baby powder bottle and taped some 
onto the diaper. Dean closed his eyes. What an absolutely beautiful 
smell. When he opened his eyes again, he had become erect. Dean's legs 
came down and Brandon fastened the tapes.
	Brandon jumped up and ran to the mirror.
	"Wow," he said in amazement. "Cool!" he exclaimed in delight.
	"What now?"
	Dean didn't know. "What do you want to do? We could play 
computer. Or maybe board games."
	Brandon had an idea. "Why don't we go and sleep outside. We could 
pitch your tent or sleep in the treehouse."
	The treehouse! That was it. Never was there a better idea!
	When they reached the treehouse, the two boys were able to wear 
just their diapers. They ended up playing board games and card games 
until about midnight. Then Dean piped up. "Brandon, I need to go to the 
toilet quickly. I'll be back in a minute." Dean stood up and started 
walking to the steps, but he was quickly tackled by Brandon. "Dean," 
Brandon rasped. Dean looked fearful. Was Brandon angry with him for 
having to leave their game?
	"You asked for a diaper. Now use it!"
	"But! I didn't mean..."
	"Can't make me if I don t wanna!"
	"Tough!" said Brandon, pinning Dean to the wooden floor of the 
large treehouse. "I am not letting you go until you use the diaper."
	Dean was not used to this type of domination, but he figured that 
he had better comply sooner or later if he wanted to be freed. He knew. 
He would hold it and just give Brandon reassurance that he wouldn't 
climb out of the treehouse. But Brandon wasn't going to accept that.
	"No! I m going to hold you down until..."
	Dean had already begun to wet himself. Brandon could feel the 
warmth on his chest through the diaper. A chill ran through Brandon. A 
chill that he couldn't not explain. But a chill that he quite enjoyed. 
As Dean continued to gradually fill his diaper, Brandon pushed gently 
just below his cousin s belly button. "Shw...shw," he whispered, 
encouraging Dean to urinate.
	Dean relaxed and lay back. "OK. I've finished. Are you happy 
now? "
	Brandon's answer had Dean worried. A wry smile. A look of evil. A 
good sort of evil. A contradiction of terms. A contradiction of looks. 
Brandon put his hand on the wet bulk between Dean's legs and then moved 
his hand so that it covered the front of the diaper.
	"Good boy, Dean!" He took Dean's right hand in his and looked 
into his eyes. Then he positioned Dean's right hand on the front of his 
own diaper.
	Brandon had been holding it for quite a while. There was no way 
on earth that he was going to let Dean spoil it for him. Brandon gently 
let go of his bladder control. As his diaper yellowed and that 
beautiful, warm, sticky feeling started seeping down Brandon's left 
leg, Dean giggled.
	"It feels like my hand's getting wet, but yet it's not."
	When Brandon finished wetting himself, there was a silence that 
neither boy would forget.
	"What now?" asked Dean, totally wet and contented. "Do we 
	"Do you want to?" asked Brandon.
	"I think I have a better idea."
	Brandon asked Dean something, whispering in his ear. Dean shook 
his head slowly. Brandon smiled. "You are going to like this then." 
Knowing that Dean had never acted on an erection before, Brandon was 
going to make this memorable.
	He turned his friend over onto his back and looked at the front 
of the diaper. Dean was still erect. Good! Brandon positioned his hand 
inside of the diaper and felt the sticky pee all over it. He took 
Dean s peepee in his hand about three quarter s of the way to the top 
and pulled very slowly. Dean s body went rigid. Brandon stopped. "You 
OK?" A nod.
	Again. Same thing happened. Dean looked straight at Brandon. 
"Don't stop. That's nice."
	As Dean was brought to climax, his body tensed totally and his 
legs shot out. Then he suddenly realised that he was wearing a diaper. 
Brandon explained. "Yeah, that happens to me too sometimes. I don't 
want to wear anymore once I've cum."
	So the two boys changed each other. They vowed to keep quiet 
about that night, and every subsequent night spent in the tree-house, 
because they did not want their pastime discovered.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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