“The Day I Met Timmy”
Baby Jake (babyjake@gmail.com)
Warning! The
story below features a few things that may not be suitable for very young
audiences, including sexual-oriented themes. Also, this story features themes
including diapers, and mainly regression. If this doesn’t interest you, then
don’t bother continuing on.
It was a beautiful autumn day that chanceful day.
There was a real soft breeze that carried leaves off of their trees, from yard
to yard, and under my feet – and a warm glow cast by the sun that warmed you up
perfectly from the chilly air that winter was just beginning to emit. I loved
the smell and sights of everything around me as I was walking around the
neighborhood for the first time ever, just trying to get a feel for everything.
You see, I had just moved into a new neighborhood,
and I knew no one at the time. I was, and still kinda’
am real shy around new people. I always keep to myself and always kinda’ wait for people to come to me and talk to me. I know
it’s dumb sometimes, but I can’t help it.
I was walking down the street, around my
neighborhood, just making examinations of everything. It was a real, real nice
place. Flat yards, plenty of space between houses, dead end
streets and plenty of woods around everywhere. It was a real quiet,
crimeless place.
And it was when I was on my way back to my house
that it happened. A young boy, my age, came up to me, and stuck his hand out.
“Hiya! I’m Timmy. You’re new
here, aren’t you?” he said with a very friendly voice.
I shyly replied “Hey, yeah I am. How’d you know?”
“I live down the street from you. I saw you going
into that house that was up for sale not too long ago with boxes” he said.
“Oh. Well… yeah. I’m new” I said, not knowing what
to say.
“That’s cool. How old are you?” he asked.
“13” I said. “Just turned it”
“Oh really? Me too!” he replied.
“I tell you what. If you’re not too busy, I can
show you around town. I’ve been living here all my life so I know the place real
well. You’ll like it here, real friendly place” he invited.
This was real weird, I know. I knew better than to
run off with random strangers, in a neighborhood I don’t know. But this was
just a boy my age… and something within me said I could trust him…
“Okay – sure. I’d like that” I replied happily.
And it was just like that. We began walking
“Okay… well… I might know this place but there
isn’t a WHOLE lot to know” he said.
“It’s kind of a small town. Not too much goes on
here but we’re all pretty nice people. Won’t find anybody trying to beat you up
for your shoes” he said smiling.
“That’s how my old town was. But not like this.
This place is real pretty” I complimented.
He and I walked for a little while… long enough
for us to have walked around the whole town. He was right though. It really
wasn’t very big. But that wasn’t important… what was, was that he and I talked
about movies, videogames, and all kinds of things on our way around town. It
was real evident that he was a real, real nice kid. Strangely though there was
just something about this kid Timmy that really made me like him… I felt like I
could definitely trust him. But he and I eventually, after I guess an hour or
so… eventually came back to where we had started from, at the bottom of my
street. We stopped in the middle of a T intersection, in the middle of the
road. No cars were coming, and I doubt any were going to come anytime soon.
“Well I tell you what” he said to me with a real
friendly smirk.
“What’s up?” I said.
“You should come in my house. We can hang out… I
like you. I think you’re a cool kid” he said to me.
I guess I smiled a bit, feeling real happy that I
had made a friend in my first few days in town! But whatever I did, he noticed
“I take that as a yeah?” he said.
I nodded. “Sure man that sounds fun” I said.
“Cool! Come with me, I live on this street” he
said. “Same as you, right?”
“Yup! I live in that house way
over there” I said, pointing to a distant redbrick house.
“I live like three doors down the street” he said.
“We’re practically neighbors!”
He and I walked up the dead-end street, and
eventually made it to his house. It was a real nice house… kind of similar to
mine but his was just kind of bigger. We walked through his real finely cut
yard, walked up onto his porch, and he invited me inside of his home.
“Mom I’m home!” he said, waving me inside.
We walked into his living-room, and there was his
mom, standing there conveniently. She was kind of tall, and kind of thin, but
really nice and polite looking. She too had dark brown hair like Timmy, and
green eyes.
“Hi Timmy! Who’s this?” she asked,
“This is the kid that moved in up the street” he
“Oh! Well hi, I’m Timmy’s mom. Welcome to the
neighborhood” she said, sticking her hand out, welcoming me graciously.
“Thanks!” I replied, shaking her hand.
We all stood around in the living room for a
short-while. I made a few compliments and jokes, just to give myself a nice
little impression.
“Well, you can make yourself at home here. Go
ahead and sit down on the couch for a moment, I have to talk to Timmy for just
a minute or two, okay?” she said to me, smiling at me, but then looking at
Timmy in the eyes… and it was at that moment, Timmy nodded his head up-and-down
quickly, as though he was saying “Yes”. The two had practically talked to each
other without saying a single word.
“Okie-dokie” I said,
walking over to the couch that was in their living room, sitting down, and
watching whatever was on the TV. I looked over and saw the two walking
upstairs. “C’mon” I heard Timmy’s mom gently say to him, as she put her arm on
his shoulder, kind of guiding him up the steps. Though…
I wondered what they were doing. “None of my business”, I thought…
“C’mon” my mom said to me gently, as I felt her
arm guiding me up the steps.
I smirked and sheepishly walked up the final few steps,
now in my hall on the second floor. The sun coming through the window at the
end of the hall agitated my eyes a lot, so I put my head down since I was
practically blind… but my mom’s guiding hand led me into a room on my left.
The lights were out in that room, but there was
some more sun coming through the windows around me that gave us just the right
amount of light… but you couldn’t see very much of anything in the room, only
the center of the room is where the light shined. It gave off kind of a light
blue aura…
I heard her shut the door behind me, and that’s
when I turned around and faced her. She walked up to me and kneeled down to my
height, and then undid my pants, and pulled them down to my ankles. After a brief moment…
“Lie down” she said with a smile, brushing my hair
gently. I obeyed.
I sat myself down, and then laid myself back so I
was now lying down.
“Did my cute little baby use his diapee?” she said in a cute babyish tone that kind of made
me blush. I giggled and nodded my head.
“Awww… well good thing Mommy is here to clean him
up!” she said.
She pulled up my shirt up to the upper-part of my
chest, which revealed all of my diaper for her to change. I smiled a little
bit, and then slipped my right thumb in my mouth and started sucking on it
“Widdle’ Baby Timmy wants
his binkie?” my mommy half-asked me. I nodded a no… I
was content with my thumb.
With a chuckle, I felt the tapes on the sides of
my diaper be undone, and the front of my diaper be pulled down to the floor,
making a cool breeze sway across my wet peepee.
“Boy oh boy Timmy! You made a mess!” she
said playfully. I kind of blushed embarrassingly.
My diaper sure was full!
“Little stinky baby” she teased as I heard the
baby wipe box open. Shortly after that I felt a cold baby wipe get pressed
against my peepee and all around my front diaper-area.
After Mommy had cleaned my wet peepee and front
away, I felt her pick up my legs and bend them towards my chest a bit, pushing
my bum outwards and completely exposing it up.
“Stay still” she said.
As I laid there with my knees in front of my face,
with my feet arched (I looked kind of like a backwards ‘Z’), I felt her take
another baby wipe and wipe my bum of the mess I had made in my diaper.
It took her a few wipes to do that… but the job
got done. I knew this when I smelt the soft scent of baby powder, and then felt
her apply it all over my bum, and then after pulling my legs down back to the
floor, my peepee and diaper-area.
At some point when my legs were up, which were
blocking my vision, I guess she had slipped a diaper under where my bum would
land. Because after she was done giving me baby powder, she pulled the front of
a diaper fold over my peepee and lower-stomach, and taped it together securely.
“There you go you little stinky baby!” she said as
she giggled and tickled me, making me giggle a bit loudly.
“Let me get your pants on so you can play with
your new friend!” she said.
I waited patiently there on the couch, wondering
what they could possibly be doing. I suddenly heard a giggle out of no where
though, from Timmy upstairs. I shrugged. But it wasn’t too much longer after
that, that I heard a door shut, and then saw Timmy walking down the steps.
“Sorry about that. Had to be done” he said.
“Don’t worry about it” I said to him.
He came over, and sat down next to me on the
couch. “What’s on TV?” he asked me.
“Nothing too amazing. Some kids’ shows” I said,
“OH really? Cool! Which ones?” he
said, really interested… which really threw me off.
“Huh? Uhhh… Bear in the
Big Blue House I think” I said, wondering why in the world Timmy was so excited
for a kids’ show!
“Man that show is awesome” he said, leaning
forward towards the TV.
I just kind of stared at him for a little bit with
a feeling of absolute shock and confusion. A 13 year old kid
getting excited for Bear in the Big Blue House?
“Oh well” I thought.
I just looked away from him and towards the TV,
and started watching it. It was kind of odd watching Timmy watch a kids’ show
though. I mean… there’s the silly intent on watching a kids’ show some people
do. But I mean… he was into it. He’d laugh, and play along once in a while. But
then again… there was something that kind of drew you in, I’d admit that. And I
guess the show WAS kind of amusing sometimes…
“You ever watch Winnie the Pooh?” he asked me.
“Hmmm… not since I was like 3 I think” I said.
“Oh? Well… it’s on next. Who was your favorite character?”
he asked me.
I thought for a moment. I didn’t really remember…
haven’t watched it in forever…
“I think… Rabbit” I said, smiling.
“Really? He can be a grouch
sometimes… I like Roo, myself” he said to me.
“Wow. This kid’s into it” I thought.
“That’s cool… you’re really into these shows,
huh?” I said.
He looked at me.
“Sure. Nothing wrong with letting your inner-child
out, hmm?” he said to me.
“I guess not, no” I said. He smiled a bit.
We watched another few seconds of TV.
“I dunno. I act like a little kid a lot” Timmy
I shrugged. I didn’t care what he liked to do. He
was just fine to me.
“What about you? You act like a little kid
sometimes?” he asked me.
I thought about it…
“Like how?” I asked.
“I dunno. In any way…
Liking to play with toys still, or watching kids’ shows” he listed.
“Nah… not really” I said. He chuckled a bit.
“I don’t know man. Sometimes I just get all caught
up in life. Whenever I get real stressed out I find ways to calm myself down. I
always wonder what it’d be like to be a real little kid again… just to relax
and be cared for… you know?” he said to me.
I nodded a yes.
“But being a teenager has its benefits” I said.
“Yeah, it does” he agreed.
“Sometimes I really do wonder how it’d be to live
as a baby again, and a teenager like I am now. Whenever I wanted… I could just
swap ages on demand. Live as either whenever I wanted” he explained to me.
I looked at him. He was really serious… and it
made sense. Somehow… deep down inside of me… I agreed.
That would be kind of cool.
“What about you? You’re moving. That has to be
stressful” Timmy said.
“Yeah, it really is” I agreed. And it really was.
“It’d be awesome, after you’ve accomplished your
goals, to just lay back and act like a baby or little kid and let the stress go
away, wouldn’t it?” he asked.
Somehow I felt like he was trying to get me to say
‘Yes’… and I obliged.
“Yeah… that would be kind of cool” I said.
He gave me a sly smile.
“Just sitting around in a diaper, drinking bottles
of milk, and having your Mommy put you in your crib and lie you down to sleep…
not really have to care about anything” he said.
I thought about it… somehow that DID sound kind of
“Hehe… sounds you think
about it a lot” I said, smiling.
“Ha-ha… you have no idea” he said, laughing.
“I guess that would be real cool” I said.
“You really think so?” he asked me. I nodded a
He giggled.
“Maybe we’ll try that some time” he said.
I laughed… the idea of me acting as I did when I
was a little kid was actually a really interesting one. Now that Timmy
mentioned it to me… I couldn’t really stop thinking about what it would be like
to be a baby again.
“Want to go up in my room?” he asked me.
“What for?” I asked.
“Dunno. Just to chill out. Maybe we can go on my
computer or something” he said.
I thought for a minute.
“That and I have something to show you” he said
real quickly.
“What?” I asked, unsure of what he had said.
“I want to show you something up in my room.
C’mon” he said, gently pushing me in the arm.
“Alright!” I said, laughing.
I wasn’t sure at all what he had in mind to show
me… but I went along with it. I didn’t want to say “No” to someone in their own
house, anyway. So I got up, and he did too. And then, we both walked up his
creaky wooden steps.
Instantly though, I got blinded by a window at the
end of the hall. We both winced and put our hands out in front of our eyes
because the sun was so incredibly bright. There were several doors on either
side of the hall.
“First one to your right” he said.
I walked over to the first door to the right, and
opened it up, and walked inside the dimly lit room.
“Sit wherever you want” he said, walking in after
He flicked on the light, which made a great
difference. I could actually see now. In front of me, there were two windows
and a bed. To my left was a dresser, and a closet door on the left wall, and to
my right was a computer desk. Nothing too out-of-the-ordinary… his room was
actually kind of simplistic and plain.
It was pretty clean… and didn’t come off to me as
the usual room of a 13 year old boy.
I made my way over to the bed, and just sat down.
He shut the door, and sat down in his computer desk, but faced me.
I waited patiently for him to reveal to me
whatever he wanted to show me but he continued to stare at me with a smirk.
“…going to show me that thing you wanted to show
me?” I said with a confused smile. He nodded a yes.
“Yes but first you have to promise me something”
he said to me sincerely. I got serious.
“Yeah, sure man. What?” I said.
He looked at me. “You can’t tell anyone about
anything I’m going to show you, okay?” he said to me.
“Oh man, don’t worry. I won’t say a thing” I
assured. Not like there was anyone to say anything to… I didn’t know anyone.
“Okay… and another thing” he said.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Don’t like… freak out if you’re not interested”
he said.
This kind of scared me. What in the world would I
freak out about?
“Yeah man, I promise” I said.
He gave me a suspicious look, but quickly gave in.
“Alright” he said.
“I’ll be right back” he said. I nodded
And with that, he left his room, and shut the door
behind him. Leaving me alone, wondering what I could possibly be in for. I was
completely clueless… but luckily I didn’t have to wait and wonder for very
long. In another minute or two, the door opened again, revealing Timmy… and he
had something under his shirt, holding it with one hand.
He shut the door behind him again, and sat back
down in his computer chair. He gave me a smug look.
“You ready?” he asked me.
“Yes!” I said with an excited tone. I couldn’t
really contain my excitement to see what he had.
And it was then that he pulled out something from
under his shirt. At first I didn’t recognize it… it just looked like a really
small, folded up sheet. But then it came to me. It was no sheet… it was a big
“Are those… diapers?!” I asked.
“Sure are” he said.
I was completely speechless!
“…w-why do you have adult diapers?” I nervously
He shrugged. “To be completely honest… I wear
them” he said.
I looked at him. For some reason I didn’t believe
him… “Really?” I asked.
He smirked and nodded, “Yup” he said.
“…are you… are you wearing one right now?” I
curiously asked. He gave me another positive nod.
I couldn’t believe it!
“No…” I kind of just said.
“Yup. Want to see?” he asked
I was still in shock. And I kind of didn’t believe
him… and as much as I wanted to say “Yes” to his question, I felt kind of weird
agreeing to look at my friend’s diaper. But I guess my blank stare answered for
“Look-ie” he said.
I looked down, and there it was. His pants were
down, and that’s how I saw it… his diaper. He pulled his shirt up, just to make
sure I could see it… and I definitely saw it. It was white, with tapes that
stretched around the side to the front, keeping it securely in place. And the
front rose as high as just above his belly button.
“What do you think?” he sarcastically asked.
I was speechless… and my eyes were glued to his
diaper. I guess he noticed that, like he noticed everything.
“Here, you can put this one on” he said, handing
it to me. I stared at it… and hesitantly took it in hand.
“What’s it like to wear it?” I asked him, starting
to chuckle.
“Warm and comfy” he giggled.
I looked back down at the fresh diaper now in my
hand. I was really nervous and hesitant… but really curious. Our talk about
being babies again before flashed in my head, and I still found that a fun
thought. But I was still really unsure…
I wanted to try it but something about being a big
kid, trying on a diaper made it on hard… but I tried my best. If Timmy could do
it I could. He was a big kid… and he didn’t even care that he wore diapers!
“Timmy… I have to ask… how come you wear these?” I
“Well… it’s kind of complex… I’ll explain it to
you later” he said to me.
“Maybe if you… put it on” he said, with a smirk.
Something told me there was more to this picture
than I was seeing.
“How do I put this thing on?” I asked.
“Well… it’s kind of a two person job if you want
it done right” he said with a sly smile. I knew what he meant.
“Let me put the diaper on you” he said. “It’s fun,
I promise!” he said.
I blushed shyly…
“I-I don’t know…” I said, stuttering nervously.
Having a boy put a diaper on me… THAT was weird!
“Just relax!” he said, now walking towards me.
It was a weird moment at that point. I wasn’t sure
how to feel… I was about to be diapered, by my friend, who’s a BOY! It was all
happening so fast… but before I could even react…
“Lie back” he instructed. I slowly did so, so that
I was now lying on his bed on my back… my heart was
pounding hard.
That’s when he undid my pants, and pulled them
down to my ankles, putting me in a very embarrassing position. But that was
nothing when after that; he pulled down my underwear, revealing my privates!
I watched him, trying hard not to show how
embarrassed I was.
“Wow!” I heard him say.
“W-What?” I asked sheepishly,
wishing he would hurry up and get the diaper on me.
“I’ve never seen another boy’s peepee before” he
said, starting to laugh.
I started blushing even more.
“Just hurry up and put the diaper on!” I told him.
He just laughed harder…
“I’m going even slower now!” he teased.
“C’mon!!!” I whined, pushing my body up from the
bed with my arms, towards him.
He started laughing EVEN HARDER! “Okay, okay,
okay!” he struggled to get out.
That’s when he got the diaper, and unfolded it.
Then, he did something that made me even more embarrassed… he lifted up my
legs, revealing my butt completely to him! He squished my legs toward my face,
so I was in a kind of ‘Z’ position.
I felt him slide the diaper underneath my butt,
and then he lifted my legs back down. After that, he pulled the front of the
diaper up from between my legs, onto my stiff penis and onto my lower stomach.
Finally, after that, he took the sides of my diaper, and secured them tightly
to the front with the tapes.
“There you go!” Timmy gleefully said. I sat up,
and for the first time in whoever knows, I was in a diaper.
It was a really weird feeling… it was warm, and
like wearing a pillow. It really did feel secure around me… and somehow, I
guess because it was over with… I wasn’t nervous anymore.
“You like your diapee?”
he said to me. I smiled and nodded a yes.
He chuckled.
“Take off your pants and underpants. No need for
those with a diaper on” he instructed. I thought about it… and he was right. No
need for those anymore… So I kicked them off at the foot of his bed. And there
I was… in just a diaper and a shirt (they were around my ankles originally).
”You too!” I
said, pointing at Timmy’s pants.
He looked at me and laughed. “Okie-dokie”
he said. That’s when he too took off his pants and underpants, leaving us both
in our diapers and shirts, alone in his room.
“Isn’t wearing a diaper cool?” he asked me. I nodded
an unsure yes…
He sat down next to me.
“So does your mom know you wear diapers?” I asked.
He looked at me and nodded a yes. “Yes she does.
She changes my diapers a lot” he said.
“Changes your diaper? You use them?” I asked.
“Yup. They are diapers, after
all. Makes it a lot easier to study or watch movies. Just sit there and go!” he
I was curious now…
“What else does your mom do for you?” I asked. He
looked at me and smiled…
“A lot. She doesn’t just change
my diapers. She bottle-feeds me and babies me a lot” he went on.
“You mean she treats you like a baby?” I asked,
AMAZED! He nodded.
“Yup!” he said happily. I was completely blown
“She’ll even change your diapers and baby YOU!” he
said, punching me in the shoulder playfully.
I looked over at him… still amazed! I couldn’t
believe it!
“See… she and I have this game we like to play. We
call it ‘Playing Baby’ – it’s where I act like a baby and my Mommy takes care
of me. When you play you’re not allowed to talk like a big kid… or do anything
like a big kid, for that matter. We do it a lot ‘cause
we think it’s fun” he explained to me.
“You and me can play in a couple of minutes, if
you want!” he offered.
“M-Maybe…” I said nervously.
This was all happening so fast… I wasn’t able to
catch up. I just got in a diaper with the help of my new best friend, who’s a
boy, and now we’re talking about acting like babies and even USING the diapers!
“Cool. I’ll tell my mom later” he said.
“What do you want to do until then?” he asked me.
I shrugged… I was looking down at the diaper I was
in… and started feeling it with my hand, making it crinkle… still kind of in
“Hmmm…” I heard him think out loud.
“We could go watch some more kid’s shows… or maybe
go…” I heard him saying.
After I heard him saying “or maybe go…” I started
zoning out in my thoughts. I started wondering about this diaper! It was so
WEIRD to be in a diaper! I kept crinkling it with my hand… I was rubbing the
front of my diaper just making it crinkle… when I noticed something. It
started… it started feeling good…
I could feel my penis through the diaper’s
padding, and as I was rubbing the front, I was also rubbing IT too. It felt
good… and I started feeling it getting stiff! I wasn’t thinking as I started
rubbing more…
“Whatcha’ doing?” I
heard Timmy saying, suddenly grabbing my hand. My heart skipped a beat!
I looked at him and he had this funny look on his
“N-Nothing” I stuttered.
That’s when he took my arm and hand away from my
diaper… and looked closely at my diaper.
He looked at me, and I looked at him. There was
some tension, and a lot of silence for a long time…
“…is your… is your…you
know… stiff?” I heard him quietly ask. My heart skipped again!
You could see it through my diaper! There was a
bulge in the front, and it was very obvious. I shyly covered it up fast! But
that made him laugh.
“Don’t be shy!” he said.
There was more of that silence…
“…I am too” he said.
I sheepishly looked over at his diaper’s front,
which he was openly showing me. There was a bulge there, too. I was still so
“Cool huh?” he said.
I just smiled and nodded.
Then there was silence… I strangely couldn’t get
my eyes off of Timmy’s diaper… or the bulge in front… And I don’t think Timmy
could stop looking at mine!
“Boys, come
down and get something to eat!” we heard from downstairs. It was obviously his
We looked at each other… and Timmy looked kind of
“I guess we should go downstairs, huh?” he kind of
nervously asked.
“Y-yeah” I said, short breathed.
There was a FIRE going on in me right now… I could
barely breathe! Everything felt real tingly… and I think Timmy felt the same
“C’mon” he said, standing up and backing toward
the door. I hesitantly followed.
He led me out of the room, and into the hallway,
down the steps and through the living room. We eventually got to the kitchen,
where his mom was waiting.
The whole way though… I was feeling this amazing
feeling. This… just downright overwhelming sensation.
I could barely breathe. My heart was throbbing really, really hard… and my stiffy felt real tingly. I had never felt this before! But
it was immense…
The slow-motion sequence that I was going through
as Timmy and I walked through the house together came to a screeching halt like
hitting a brick wall. I had completely forgotten something as we left the room,
and proceeded into the kitchen where his mom was.
My pants!
“Awww! Look at you in your
diaper!” I heard.
“W-What?” I asked, coming back to
my senses. I looked over and there was his mom, standing and looking at me! I
looked down, and to my surprise, I was just in a diaper and a shirt!
I panicked and embarrassingly blushed, and covered
my diaper with my hands as best as I could! I must’ve looked like a deer in the
head lights!
“Don’t hide your diapers, dear! There’s nothing
wrong about them!” she giggled, taking my hand from the front of my diaper.
“Come on, have a seat. I’ll get you something to
eat and drink” she offered.
I was so embarrassed… I felt the flames of
humiliation surging through my veins, rather than the flames of whatever I was
feeling only a few seconds ago. My heart was throbbing harder than ever, and I
think it was so much that it even made my stiffy run
away. It was like “OH NO!” and just ran away like that’s what’s up.
And that was definitely what was up.
But she guided me by the hand (like a little boy),
to a seat. Timmy was sitting there already, happily waiting for his meal. I sat
down, shaking with shock and terror.
“What can I get you two?” his mom asked.
Timmy giddily said.
His mom laughed. “What?” she curiously asked.
Timmy giggled… “Just an inside joke between me and
my friend in school” he said.
“I’ll just take a regular sandwich” he finished
with a smile like you’d see a little kid have.
“Okay Timmy, that’s fine. What about you?” she
asked, looking at me now.
I was still too in shock from this whole day so
far to even respond!
“T-The ssss-same” I
forced myself to say.
“Okay, I’ll get you both some milk, too” she said,
smiling so nicely at us... She turned around and walked around a corner in the
kitchen, where neither of us could see us (since it was an L shaped kitchen).
I was too busy trying to catch my breath,
realizing that here I was, sitting in a crinkling diaper in front of my friend,
and his MOM!
I looked over at Timmy, who did an innocent,
playful wave at me. This was just almost too much to take…
I wanted to say something… anything. But I
However… I was in for yet another
big startling shock to the system in only a minute. When his mom returned from
around that corner, she did bring us sandwiches and milk. But she didn’t bring
the milk in a glass, or even a cup. Instead… she handed us both a plate… and a
bottle of milk!
“Thanks Mommy!” Timmy said as she placed his plate
and bottle on the table.
He immediately took a bite of the sandwich, and
then started sucking from his bottle like a little kid.
“Welp, eat up” he said
to me.
I looked down at the sandwich… and hesitantly took
a bite of it. Yeah, I chewed it. I even swallowed it, too. Imagine that. Then I
looked over at the bottle… it was one of those 12oz ones. It had a blue ring,
and a clear silicon nipple… and also babyish Winnie-The-Pooh prints all over
it, with pictures of Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore all over it.
I looked over at Timmy. He was doing more than
just watching me at that moment… he was examining me… waiting for me to start
sucking on the bottle like him, like I knew he wanted. He just gave me another
evil smile... I smirked at him sheepishly real quick, and looked back at the
bottle, taking it in hand.
It was so cold from the refrigerated milk inside
of it… and I slowly… so, so hesitantly… put the silicon nipple against my
tongue, closing my lips around it. No liquid came out yet… so I tipped the
bottle up more. Still nothing. That’s when I began sucking the nipple gently.
That was the ticket because right there, I felt milk flowing into my mouth, almost as slowly as I had put the nipple into my
I just kept drinking from my bottle, filling my
mouth with milk and swallowing it, after that point. My heart was racing still.
Here I was, a 13 year old boy, in a diaper, drinking from a baby bottle. The
thought just kept rolling through my head over, and over. I felt like I had
become a toddler again!
And the big thing was that I was getting used to
drinking from the bottle already because in time, that bottle was completely
drained, and that sandwich? Yeah that was gone, too. We were both done eating.
“Such hungry boys!” his mom said to us as she took
our things away.
“If either of you need a change in a little bit,
be sure to tell me!” I heard her say.
That’s when my heart didn’t even skip, but just
plain stopped. At this point I was probably on the edge of cardiac arrest from
all the beat skipping and fast breathing. But either way, I just heard her say
“I’ll change your diaper!”
This was something I had never, ever thought of.
That’s also something I didn’t have any more time to think of.
“Okay, will do, Mommy” Timmy said.
That’s when he looked at me, and came over to me.
“C’mon. Let’s go in the living room and watch TV”
he said to me, leading the way into his living room.
He led me into his living room, and we sat down on
his couch. He turned on the TV, and leaned back…
I sat there, and cartoons began playing on the TV.
But I wasn’t paying any attention to that. I was listening to the crinkle of
diapers as we both shuffled around on his couch… and I couldn’t help but glance
over at Timmy’s diaper’s front. “Was it still bulged?” I wondered…
But when I looked… there wasn’t.
I just looked back up at the TV and did my best. I
was starting to adjust to the whole diaper thing… but I was still so excited
over it. Excited enough about me and a friend being in a diaper to have my stiffy come back…
And that’s how it was for the next, what seemed
like an hour. I guess it was, since two episodes had played on TV. I would keep
glancing over at his diaper, rubbing the front of mine quietly and gently so
not to draw attention again, all while looking for a bulge in his. But right
after the second episode, that’s when something crazy happened…
I glanced over once more at his diaper real fast
for the like hundredth time. And that was when I noticed something in the
flickering lights from the TV. His diaper… there was a small dark spot on it…
right where his bulge was before. The dark spot began growing, and growing! I
think he was wetting his diaper!!!
“Whoa!” I couldn’t help but saying.
He looked over at me, and saw that I was looking down
at his diaper… and then he started giggling. I looked at him, and looked back
down in amazement. I watched the dark spot cover the whole front of his diaper,
and then slowly stop.
“Baby Timmy wet his diapee!”
he said to me, smiling widely.
My mouth was wide open…
“Pretty cool, huh?” he asked me.
I smiled wide and nodded. That’s when he took his
hand and put it on the front of his own wet diaper and started squeezing it and
rubbing it gently.
“What’s it feel like?” I asked quietly.
He looked at me…
“…want to feel it?” he slowly, quietly asked me.
I looked up at him and he wasn’t kidding…
“Go on…” he softly said.
I cautiously took my shaky hand and put it on the
front of his diaper… and kind of squeezed it. It was so warm and squishy! I
squeezed it some more and felt the front of it… and that’s when suddenly, I
felt another disturbance in Timmy’s diaper… and that disturbance came in the
form of a bulge!!!
“…is that a stiffy?” I
whispered to him.
He started blushing and giggled again.
“I need a change” he said, sitting up slowly.
“Don’t want to get a diaper rash!” he said
“Okay…” I said, getting up too.
We both crinkled our diapers out of the living
room into the kitchen, and up to his mom. She was at the sink washing some
dishes… Timmy tugged on his mom’s shirt to get her attention.
“Yes Timmy?” she asked him.
“Mommy I need a change” I heard him whine like a
little kid.
“Is my baby wet?” she asked him, taking her attention
from the sink and to Timmy.
He nodded.
“Okay Timmy, just give me a second and I’ll get
you a nice, dry diaper” she said to him
“Okie-dokie” he said,
Then we crinkled our way back out of the kitchen
and into the living room, and sat back down on the couch.
“Mommy is going to change me soon!” I heard. Timmy
had an excited tone.
I nodded with a bit of excitement as well.
“So do you like your diapers?” he asked me.
“Sure do” I said, getting a lot more into them now
more than ever this whole day!
He giggled…
“Did you… did you like
drinking from that bottle?” he asked me.
I nodded.
“Cool!” he said, smiling wider.
“…do you feel like a baby?” he asked me.
I nodded again… that was definitely something I
was absolutely sure of.
“Do you… like it?” he asked me…
I shrugged and nodded. It was pretty fun so far!
“…want to see something REALLY cool then?” he
asked me.
“Is it another surprise?” I asked him back. He
“Okay – sure” I said, now even more curious than
ever… it would take A LOT to really surprise me by now though, after today’s
events so far!
He of
course stood up, and signaled me with his hand to get up and follow him. That’s
when he guided me through the living room and up the steps once more. But this
time, when we reached the hall upstairs, we weren’t blinded by sunlight. The
sun was beginning to set and was out of the window’s way. We could see
perfectly clearly now.
We stopped in between the two front doors. One to my right, which was Timmy’s bedroom. And one to my left…
“I think you’ll love this” he said to me. Then,
without any hesitation, he opened the door to my left.
But I couldn’t see anything yet. It was too dark.
But he guided me inside, into the blinding darkness. Even with windows on the
wall, it was still too dark because of it being dusk.
“You ready?” I heard him ask me.
“Sure am!” I responded, anxious as ever. I felt
like I did before Timmy showed me his diapers, if not more excited.
And with that, there was a click of the light
switch, and for a second I was blind from my eyes adjusting. Now… at first, I
didn’t see anything. The sudden bright light hurt my eyes. But once my eyes
adjusted… I could see perfectly what he wanted to show me.
I was in a room, of course… but this was not an
ordinary room. It was definitely Timmy’s room… as a matter of fact, seeing this
room and knowing Timmy made me understand why Timmy’s room across the hall was
so plain, boring, and dull. Because this room I was in now, definitely was not
in any way plain, boring, or dull.
On one wall, there was a huge crib. Its bars were
high and it took up the majority of the space along that wall. It was
definitely a big crib for a big baby… and Timmy was definitely a big baby. And
along another wall was a kiddy table, painted bright colors like you’d find in
a nursery. Beside it were bookshelves filled with what looked like all kinds of
babies’ and kids’ books. And on my sides, to my left and right on the wall
behind me, were more shelves. But these weren’t very high like the bookshelves.
Instead, these only rose a couple feet. Filling the shelves were diapers, baby
wipes, baby powder, baby bottles, and even what looked like baby CLOTHES!
There was a huge rug in the middle of the room,
since the floor was hardwood, but the rug wasn’t an ordinary adult rug. Guess
what. Surprise, surprise… it was one you’d find in a nursery. It was pretty
big, and had all kinds of cartoon characters on it.
Every time I looked at somewhere else, I’d see
something for a baby! I was in a full-blown big baby nursery!
“Pretty awesome, huh?” I heard Timmy say from
behind me, completely breaking my trance.
“This… this is…” I began to say.
“My nursery – for when I’m being a baby!” Timmy
finished for me.
“Timmy this is incredible!” I said, walking into
the middle of the nursery.
I was completely and utterly amazed at what was
around me. I couldn’t believe it. It was like I was in a dream…
“This is where my Mommy changes my diapers when
I’ve made a mess” he told me as I stared all around me.
“Is this where you and your mom went a few hours
ago, when I first came in?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yup” he said.
“So… basically… that big talk before us acting
like babies was just to test me?” I asked.
He did another nod.
“Yup. Just wanted to see if you were interested in
this before I showed you my diapers and stuff” he finally admitted to me.
And it was right at that moment that we heard the
door open from behind us. It was his mom.
“Found yah you little stinkers!” she said
“Now… Timmy – did you say you needed a diaper
change?” she kindly asked him. I looked over at him.
He nodded with an innocent look on his face.
“Okay well just lie down then” she said, walking
over to the diapers on the shelves.
Timmy obeyed and laid down onto the rug as his mom
got him a fresh diaper. I looked over at the kiddy table, and got a seat to
I watched his mom kneel down in front of Timmy,
and slowly un-tape his wet diaper. And this is when it happened again for me… I
got… I got that fire in me again. It was like I was in the bedroom with Timmy
and I with bulges in our diapers… or like when I watched him wet his diaper and
then I felt it… and then felt something else.
She un-taped his second tape, and then… pulled
down the front of his diaper. And for the first time ever, I saw another
person’s privates… And that’s what set me off even MORE!
Now I was blazing out of control by now. I could
feel my hard stiff penis pressing deep into the soft inside of my crinkly dry
diaper… I had never ever felt anything this intense before in my entire life!
I did my best to ignore the heat surging through
my body at that moment, and instead concentrated at just watching Timmy get his
diaper changed. He was now sucking on his thumb contently (which was actually
kind of cute) as his mom took a baby wipe and wiped off his wet penis and all
around there. Then, like Timmy did to me, she pulled his legs up and wiped off
his butt and made sure he was all dry afterwards as she powdered him all up.
After she had his new diaper tightly secured all
around him, Timmy sat up, still sucking his thumb. He looked over at me and did
another smile with his thumb still in his mouth. That’s when his mom patted him
on the head… and walked over to me.
“What about you, you need a change yet?” his mom
asked me.
“Nope” I responded.
“Okie-dokie…” she said,
smiling kindly.
“Now you babies play nice!” she said.
And with that, she patted Timmy on the head once
more… and slowly walked out of the nursery, leaving Timmy and I alone once
“Hiya” he said to me as
he slowly came over to me.
“H-Hey” I said.
“Nice and dry now!” he said, smiling to me,
showing his diaper off to me.
“You going to go pee soon?” he asked me.
I just looked at him… I hadn’t ever thought about
it. And even I wanted to… I couldn’t. Not with how hard I was, I have to admit.
“Maybe” I said, unsure myself.
He just looked at me with that menacing
expression… that evil smile and expression in his glassy eyes.
I never really thought about going pee in my
diaper at all during this whole time… I’m not sure if I was ready for that yet
or not. I wondered what it felt like though, to be in a really wet, warm,
squishy diaper. Timmy’s diaper felt so COOL! I wondered what that must’ve felt
like against his peepee…
“Man… how long have I been in this diaper…” I
And that’s when something hit me. How long have I
been here? In Timmy’s house… and my mom didn’t even know where I was! She might
be getting worried!
I jumped up.
“Timmy, what time is it?” I asked, walking over to
a window, noticing that it was starting to get dark. The sun was giving off
that awesome orange and yellow glow to everything like it always does in Autumn…
“Uhhh… like… 7” I heard
him say.
I turned around, and he pointed to a clock on the
wall, hanging above the door into the nursery. It too was pretty kid-friendly,
as always.
“Man I should go home! I told my mom I’d be back
in an hour when I left” I said. I couldn’t believe I had completely forgotten
about that. I left my house around
“Awww… does that mean I won’t get to see you pee
in your diaper today?” Timmy whined.
I shook my head.
“That stinks… you’re such a cute baby!” he said.
I stopped suddenly… was I just called “a cute
baby”? I felt like I was going to blush…
“…s-sorry Timmy, I definitely have to go” I said,
sitting on the floor, putting my hand on the tape of my diaper, about to tear
it off so I could go home.
But Timmy cut me off before I could even start…
“You know what” he said to me in a sincere tone.
“What?” I asked.
“You should
sleep over” he said to me, getting closer to me.
I hesitantly shook my head again… the thought
never occurred to me… but I wasn’t sure if it would work out.
“I dunno Timmy…” I stuttered to say.
“We can act like babies and stuff… all night” he
said, smiling.
I tried thinking about it… but I felt too rushed.
I didn’t want to leave, but I didn’t want my mom to be worrying about me like I
knew she would be. Watching Timmy be a baby was fun… and I thought that playing
with him with us both being babies would be real fun too.
“…you’re right. Okay… I’ll try calling my mom’s
phone” I said with uncertainty.
“The phone is downstairs then” he said, smirking
at me. He turned around, and started walking towards the door.
“Okay” I said, getting up from the floor, and
following behind him.
“I have to ask my Mom, too” I heard him say.
I didn’t really say anything. But I followed him
down the hall, down the steps, and even into his kitchen. I know he knew I was
there because I could hear the crinkle of my diaper the whole time.
“Mommy” he said to her.
“Yes Timmy?” she asked him.
“Can he sleep over?” he asked her timidly, hoping
she would say yes.
His mommy looked at me, and looked at. But she had
a very uncertain look on her face.
“I don’t know Timmy…” she said, with an uncertain
tone in her voice.
“Pweeeaaazzzeee!” he
But she still looked unsure.
“Please Mommy!” he pleaded once more, tugging on
her shirt a few times.
“Okay, okay… if he can get permission from his
mother, then its fine by me” she finally said.
“YES!” he said out loud.
That’s when he turned around, and looked at me…
“Go ask your mom if you can sleep over!” he said
to me, smiling excitedly.
I looked back at him… gave him a slow grin, and
said “Okay” – and then left the kitchen.
“The phone is on the table!” I heard him yell.
As I walked over to the phone, I started thinking
about how cool it would be if my mom let me sleep over Timmy’s. This baby thing
sure was fun… I had grown used to it by now, for the most part… his mom would
baby us, and Timmy and I could just play together.
It was so exciting… but I was still kind of
nervous about the whole peeing in my diaper thing… I wasn’t sure if I could do
it. And another thing I wasn’t sure about was that crazy feeling I got with
Timmy a few times… it was so intense… I had never felt that way before.
I picked up the phone on his table and put it to
my head after dialing my mom’s cell phone number, since we didn’t have a phone
yet. It rang for only a few seconds.
“Hello?” I heard.
“Hi mom!” I said.
“Hey!! Where are you?” I heard her say to me. She
didn’t seem mad but she did sound excited to hear I was okay.
“I met a kid my age mom. His name is Timmy and
I’ve been hanging out at his house. It’s on our street, just a few houses down”
I explained.
“Oh! Okay. Next time could you call me please?”
she asked.
“Hehe… I will mom,
sorry” I said sincerely.
“So when are you coming home?” she asked me.
“Well… mom… I wanted to ask you a question. Me and this kid are getting along really, really well. His
mom said it was okay if I slept over, and Timmy really wants me to. And I
really, really want to. We’re having such a fun time!” I explained.
I heard her chuckle…
“Oh… okay honey, we’ll see. I’ll have to talk to
his mom first, okay? Can you put her on the phone for me?” she asked.
Hang on” I said.
I slowly set the phone down on the table, and
walked out of the living room into the kitchen. Timmy and his Mommy were
waiting for me.
“Well?” Timmy asked me excitedly.
“She wants to talk to your mom” I said.
“Okay” his mom said. She got up from the table and
walked into the living room.
I sat down. I was really anxious to hear what my
mom would say, and I know Timmy was. He was bouncing up and down softly in his
chair, making his diaper crinkle loudly. I couldn’t hear what Timmy’s mom was
saying from in the kitchen, but I assumed it was just regular, not interesting
A few minutes went by that seemed to last forever.
But nonetheless, his mom came in, and she was holding the cordless phone.
“Here” she said to me, smiling.
I took it in hand…
“Hello?” I asked.
“Well… I spoke to his mom. She’s really nice! She
said it’s alright with her, and it’s fine with me. You
can sleep over if you want” she said.
“Okay!” I said happily.
“If you ever want to come
home, just feel free to walk down the street. Call me tomorrow and let
me know when you’re coming home, okay?” she said to me.
“Okay” I said.
“I love you” she said to me.
“I love you too” I said to her back.
We both hung up.
“Well…?!” Timmy said to me, very excited.
“She said yes!” I said to him.
“Awesome!” he said, jumping up!
“So what do you want to do first?” I asked him,
just as excitedly.
He thought for a moment…
“Well boys, I have to make dinner. So you two can
run around and do whatever you boys like to do” his mom said as she got some
things out of the fridge.
“What time is it?” he asked me.
I looked around… I didn’t have a watch, and I
didn’t know where a clock was in his house, except for the one in the nursery.
“I dunno…” I said.
Timmy looked around in the kitchen, and eventually
looked over at the microwave’s clock.
“What’s that mean?” I asked.
“Come with me!” he said, taking my wrist, and
suddenly pulling me.
I didn’t know where he was leading me, or why. But
our diapers crinkled as we went from the kitchen table, past his mommy, towards
another door.
Suddenly my heart stopped. This was no ordinary
door. This was his BACK door, leading outside!
“Whoa, wait!” I said, stopping myself, and in
doing so, stopping him, too.
“What’s wrong?” he asked me.
“We’re not going outside like this!” I insisted!
He just giggled.
“C’mon man, it’s just my backyard” he said.
“No, I don’t want anyone to see me in a diaper!” I
said, laughing.
“Awww… but it’s dark. The sun is setting, and we
have thick wood fences. No one will see us!” I heard Timmy say to me.
“I go outside in a diaper all the time. Even
dressed as a baby! No one’s ever seen me” Timmy finished.
Something about his begging me to go outside was
breaking through my mental barriers of common sense. But I still stood strong…
I didn’t want anyone to see me in a diaper!
“I don’t think so Timmy…” I said lowly.
He had a real disappointed face now… it actually
made me feel real crappy with myself. He looked back at me, and it was then, he
got real close to me.
“You can trust me…” he said.
I couldn’t really argue… I couldn’t even think
“Please?” he kind of begged.
I didn’t want to but I couldn’t let him down. I
wanted to do whatever I could to make this boy happy… even if that meant going
outside in a diaper.
“…fine” I stuttered to say. A smirk crept across
Timmy’s face.
“C’mon” he said, grabbing my wrist. I hopelessly
I followed Timmy like he was my mother or father,
and I was just a little baby boy crinkling his diaper along behind them with
their hand guiding my way. I was beginning to feel my penis get stiff again as
I daringly went outside. I started feeling hot again… like I had so many times
As I walked out into the brisk cold air, I wanted
nothing more than to ask Timmy if he was getting stiff like I was… and if he
was feeling this overwhelming heat coming from it!
I was so scared, and excited at the same time,
about going outside like this with Timmy. And before I knew it, there I was. I
was outside, on the back patio, on the edge of a large flat yard that
eventually went into the woods. His hand still held my wrist, guiding me
through the darkness.
Our diapers made loud crinkle noises that broke
the silence of a fall sunset. And as we walked off the patio, away from the house,
and onto the flat yard, the crinkle sounds went from our diapers to the sounds
of crunchy leaves under our feet. Just us two baby boys walking together into
the yard…
As I followed, I looked to my left. There was a
big, thick brown fence that blocked all view from the house next door. I looked
to the right… same thing. It was practically a wall, rather than a fence
really… he was right… it really was impossible to see us.
It got darker and darker the further away from the
house we got. The light from the windows faded away, and we were at least 40
feet from the house. It was just the dark blue light from the night sky. The
sun had practically set, and we were left to look at the bright stars that
seemed so big and clear here… and the dead trees silhouetted against the sky.
Suddenly we stopped. He stopped walking and so I
stopped following. He turned towards me, and looked into me.
“…I told you no one could see us” he whispered to
The sounds of crickets and locusts filled the
atmosphere then. It was a moment of pure Zen. So calm, and
peaceful… I didn’t reply… I was too taken by the moment.
“I want to ask you something” he said.
I nodded for him to continue.
“I don’t really know how to say it. It’s real,
real hard… and really weird” he continued.
I nodded again.
“But… I think you’re really cool” he said.
“Thanks… I think you’re cool too” I softly
He smiled…
“I mean… you’re the only person who I could ever
trust about this stuff” he said.
“…really?” I asked.
He nodded.
“No one else knows about this… I wanted to tell my
really good friend in school. You’ll meet him when you go to school with me” he
“Okay” I replied.
“…but I dunno… I never knew if he’d be cool about
all this” he continued.
I nodded…
“It’s… really weird for me you know. I’m not sure
what to think about it all… but… it’s still really fun” I admitted to him
“Yeah… sorry if I seem pushy at all. I’m just
really excited that I finally have a friend to be a baby with now” he said to
And right then, there, at that moment… felt truly
touched. It was… really nice…
“…I’m glad I met you today” I sheepishly said.
“Really?” he said back to me.
I nodded, and he smiled, and then, there was
“So… do you really like diapers?” he asked me. I
looked at him and smirked.
“I like wearing them, with you” I replied.
“Hehe” he giggled.
“Being a baby is fun with you” I admitted.
“Yeah… having a baby friend is like the best thing
in the world” Timmy said to me. Once again I felt truly admired and appreciated.
And it was also at that moment I felt something. A
small pressure in my lower stomach… the need to pee… and the time was right. I
turned away from Timmy, acting normal. I felt so nervous…
“Where you going?” I heard him ask as I
walked slowly towards the woods.
I had no intentions on going into the forest at
our feet. It looked to be a black void that would swallow us alive and we would
never been seen again, like The Blair Witch Project.
“Just… walking around” I said, walking idly in
random directions… just, away from Timmy.
I didn’t want to be near Timmy while I did it…
going to the bathroom was something I did in private, alone…
I felt the need to go growing… fast. It was
getting more intense. And I was getting a bit more nervous as I was trying to
work myself up to going pee in my diaper.
I stopped walking, and stood still. The tight
sensation I had as I held in my pee was really, really hard to stop. I looked
towards the woods, and tried clearing my head of wetting my diaper, and more,
thought about peeing in the woods.
I looked into the black abyss of the woods, and
tried clearing my mind… I tried simply letting go of my pee. But it didn’t
work. It simply didn’t come out!
This was different…
I tried pushing it out… but it only made me need to
pee more. As I was standing there at the foot of the scary
woods, trying to push my pee out with no success… I wasn’t even
realizing what I was doing… didn’t ever occur to me that I was a 13 year old at
that point. There was no feeling of morality or nervousness. It was just…
getting slightly frustrating after a little while though.
I had my mind on Timmy because I knew he was
wondering what I was doing, standing there with my back to him, looking into
“What… are you doing?” I heard him ask.
This instantly tensed me up even more. I turned
around, and scratched my head a bit.
“Uh… just… looking at… how dark these woods are” I
blurted out.
“Scary huh?” he asked, stepping closer. Just like
I didn’t want him to…
“Uh heh… well… no, not
really” I anxiously kind of said.
The feeling of needing to pee was really
intensifying now. I started really having to pee! And I didn’t want him to know
I was trying to pee… it would only tense me up more.
He shrugged at what I said though. “I always
thought it looked creepy when I was REALLY a little kid” Timmy said to me.
He was now standing next to me… and there was no
way I was succeeding now.
“Y-Yeah… I could see that…” I said. I really had
to go… and I was kind of trembling from both the need to go and the chilliness
of the air outside.
“…you okay?” Timmy asked me.
I looked at him and nodded “Uh-huh!” I said,
He gave me a strange, suspicious look… at the
shrugged. “Alright” he said.
“But… to be completely honest these woods still
kind of creep me out. Just kind of eerie” Timmy said.
It was really hard to respond but I decided to
force something out…
“Y-Yeah… you n-never know what’s out there. Y-You
could find some kind of book that has words in it that summons the undead that
possesses your friends if spoken out loud” I blurted out.
Timmy looked at me with the most incredible blank,
confused, speechless look I’ve ever seen.
“What… the heck… are you… WHAT?” Timmy said to me,
and started laughing. We both started laughing at that point.
“I dunno!” I said,
“Sounds like some kind of old movie or something”
Timmy said.
I shrugged but kept laughing. My stomach hurt
badly by now though… I really had to go!
It was just me and Timmy, cracking up in his
backyard. That’s when Timmy said another thing as we were laughing, that made
us both laugh harder. And then I said another funny thing. And we kept trading
stuff back and forth that made us both laugh, until eventually, we were both
rolling around in the grass, barely able to breathe because we were laughing so
And it was at that moment, as I was not breathing
and instead laughing very hard, I felt a small dribble of pee drool its way out
of my penis, and into the diaper. I instantly stopped laughing from the sudden
“What the…” I thought.
“How’d I do that?!” I thought to myself.
“What’s wrong?” Timmy asked me.
“Nothing” I said to him, smirking.
And then… I felt the burning from when start
peeing, and then suddenly stop. I knew it was time to go… so I kind of took in
a deep breath like I always do when I’m going to the bathroom. I held it in…
and then… I felt the pee start to come out!
I felt so excited… it was a pure adrenaline rush
as I felt small squirts of pee come out at first, but then a small steady
stream. It was so intense! I felt the really warm glow of my pee spread from my
penis, to my balls, and even between my legs.
It felt so good to pee, finally. But the sensation
of wetting my diaper felt so… weird… but in a good way. I couldn’t help but put
my hand on the front of my diaper and feel how hot the outside of my diaper was
now, and how bulky it was getting as I continued peeing in it.
When I finally felt the last few drops of pee
dribble out… I let the breath of air out, and started breathing. I was breathing
heavier now though… and I guess Timmy noticed.
“What’re you doing?” he asked me.
“You’re acting weird!” he said, laughing some
“Timmy, I peed!” I happily said.
“What!? Really!?” he said to me,
rushing over.
I let him put his hand on the front of my diaper.
“COOL!!” he shouted excitedly, squeezing the front
of my diaper (which made me kind of blush).
“You’re so squishy!” he said, giggling. We both
And that’s when I felt it happening again… as I
felt Timmy squeezing my peed-in diaper… I felt myself getting a stiffy again!
“…hey… what’s that I feel?” Timmy said, in a
different, quieter tone of voice, pushing his hand into my diaper. He was
definitely talking about my hardon, which made me
REALLY embarrassed!
“H-Hey!” I said, backing up a bit,
I was feeling waves of fire go through me now… so
Timmy giggled… “C’mon, don’t be shy. Looks like
you REALLY like you’re wet diaper!” Timmy teased. I felt so embarrassed…
“You know what it means though, that you peed in your
diapee” Timmy said as he slowly got up to his feet,
off of the grass.
“W-What?” I asked.
“Means you gotta’ get your diaper CHANGED soon!”
Timmy said, and then he started sprinting across the yard!
“Noooo!” I yelled, jumping up as
well, chasing after Timmy.
But he didn’t stop, and I didn’t stop. He sprinted
all the way across the yard and into his house… and I followed, just as fast.
But I couldn’t catch up to stop him.
I finally made it back into his house, into his kitchen.
“Mommy, mommy!” Timmy shouted to his
“Yes, yes, what is it Timmy?!” his mom asked,
coming in from the living room.
“SOMEBODY wet his diaper and needs a change!” he
said, pointing at ME!
She chuckled…
“Awww… do you need a
change?” she asked me, walking close to me.
I shyly, slowly walked backwards, bumping into the
shut screen door behind me.
“M-Me? No!” I insisted.
But she wouldn’t hear it. She walked up in front
of me, and took her finger, and slid it down the front of my diaper.
“Yes you do you little stinker, now come with me!”
she said to me, taking my wrist.
I knew there was no arguing with the
mommy-in-charge here. I was in for a diaper-changing and there was no other say
in the manner!
I obeyed, and followed behind her. Not like I had
any ability to go anywhere else with her holding my wrist, and pulling me out
of the kitchen. We walked into the living room, and I could hear the crinkling
of Timmy’s diaper following us.
“Lie down here, I’ll go get a fresh diaper for
you” she instructed me, letting go of my wrist when we walked by the couch.
I sat down… I was SO nervous and SO scared! And
that was when I saw Timmy walk in front of me with an evil smile.
“Little wet baby needs his diapee’
changed!” he teased as he stood there.
“Did you really have to get your mom to change my
diaper?” I asked him.
“Yep” he responded with a smug expression.
I just laid back, my heart throbbing, my mind
racing… there was nothing I could do but await the inevitable diaper change
that lay ahead of me. I didn’t want my diaper changed yet! I wanted to get used
to my wet diaper… it was so warm and squishy… it felt so COOL! And now that all has to end because Timmy told his mom on me…
Suddenly I heard the creaking of Timmy’s steps.
Glancing over, I saw Timmy’s mom walking down the steps… and she was holding a
fresh diaper in her hands, along with a container of baby wipes and even baby
powder… the same ones she used for Timmy. I was so
nervous as she slowly came over to me.
“Just stay still and you’ll be nice and dry in a
few moments!” she said happily to me.
She came up to me, and reached down, and pulled my
shirt up closer to my head, exposing my entire diaper and a bit of my chest.
After that she un-taped my diaper, and finally, pulled the front of my soaked
wet diaper down onto the couch, causing a cool breeze to move past my privates,
making me shiver a little. I blushed at having my privates exposed to his mom…
but she worked so fast that there wasn’t any time to feel embarrassed.
She bent down, and I heard the clicking of that
box of baby wipes. And just like I thought, when she came back up, she had a
baby wipe! She pressed it against my wet skin. Boy it was cold! I tried hard
not to wince as I felt the cold cloth move across my penis, and all across my
She then took another baby wipe, and moved it
across my balls, and between my legs. And suddenly, I felt her pick my legs up
over my head, exposing my whole butt! I felt really, really awkward being like
this… but I saw her do it to Timmy when he was getting his diaper changed in
the nursery, and he did it to me in that room when I was getting this diaper
I felt her wipe my butt with a baby wipe, and
then, after a couple of seconds, I felt a soft feeling on my exposed butt… and
then I felt her rubbing it around. I guess it was the baby powder. It felt so
cool… and smelt so sweet and nicely.
After a second of her rubbing the baby powder on
me, she put my legs back down, only now there was an unfolded, clean diaper
underneath my legs instead of a wet one. She put some powder all over the front
of my diapered area, and then pulled the front of the diaper on top of my
stomach, taping it tightly and securely.
“Okay little guy, you’re all nice and dry now!”
she said, smiling and patting me on the head.
She backed off a few steps, and clapped her hands
a few times, getting rid of the baby powder still on her hands.
“Dinner will be ready in about a half-hour” she
said to me and Timmy, smiling.
“And can you boys do me a favor? I have to get to
cooking, if you could put those diaper supplies back in the nursery it’d be
great” she said.
“Okay Mommy!” Timmy happily said.
And with that, she left the living room, and went
into the kitchen. I was left sitting there, in a fresh and clean diaper. It was
such a… nice feeling… to be in a clean diaper after a wet one. I think I was
really getting in the hang of this!
“C’mon, Mommy asked us to put this away” Timmy
said, pulling my arm.
I laughed “Okay, okay” I said.
He took the wipes and the powder, and we started
walking upstairs. This time, there was absolutely no sunlight coming through
the window since night had officially come, despite it still being fairly early
in the evening.
We turned left into the nursery, and I immediately
sat down on the chair I was at earlier. He walked to one of the cabinets I
mentioned before, and put the wipes and powder back.
“So how’s it feel to be
in a dry diaper, baby?” I heard Timmy say.
I really didn’t have an answer… I didn’t want to
be in a dry diaper yet, to be honest. I kind of liked the feeling of a wet
diaper… and I worked so hard to get it done and he had it taken away!
“Good I guess…” I said, halfheartedly.
“Awww… you didn’t want
your diapee’ changed, huh?” he said to me.
I shrugged. I didn’t want to admit it, but I
wasn’t into lying either.
“Here, maybe a bear will cheer you up” I heard.
I looked over and suddenly there was a huge
stuffed animal bear come flying at me! I barely had time to react before I got
crushed by this huge bear.
“AHH!” I shouted!
This thing was pretty big and hit me, but bounced
off. I looked at Timmy in shock, who only started
laughing. But then so did I… we both started laughing
again, like back in the yard.
“See! I told you, all you needed was a bear!” he
I looked over at where he was standing, and behind
him against the wall were arranged teddy bears and other cute-looking stuffed
We laughed for a second… he did cheer me up with
that, that’s for sure.
“Boy this thing is soft” I said as I felt the fur
on the teddy bear that was lying on the floor now.
“Yeah… I love stuffed animals” he said, coming
over to where I was.
“This is one of my favorite ones. I sleep with him
sometimes” he further explained.
It was, I have to admit,
a pretty cute bear.
“Tonight you can sleep with him if you want” Timmy
“Thanks Timmy!” I said.
I took the bear into my arms and off of the floor…
“Timmy… what else do you do when you’re a baby?” I
asked, curiously.
He grinned… “I dunno… it
just kind of happens. I drink my bottle and use my diapers for my mommy to
change. I always like sucking my thumb too” he said.
I nodded “Yeah… I saw you sucking your thumb when
your mom was changing your diaper” I said.
He smiled and blushed kinda.
“You try!” Timmy told me.
I looked over at him… he looked at me and nodded,
in that ‘go-on’ motion.
I felt so silly… but I did it anyway. I looked at
my thumb, and stuck it in my mouth, and started sucking on it for Timmy.
I hadn’t done it in so long, but it felt so…
normal for me to be doing it. I knew it wasn’t normal for me, a 13 year old
kid, to be sucking his thumb… but it felt like it was.
“Awww… you look so
cute!” Timmy said, making me blush a little.
I popped it out of my mouth and looked around.
“What else is there to do when you’re a baby?” I
“Hmmm… well… instead of sucking on your thumb you
could suck on a binky” he explained.
Do you have those?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, but I hardly use them” he
explained to me.
“Show me” I said back.
“Hehe, okay” Timmy
He got up, and led me to one of the drawers by the
door. He opened it, which revealed several little pacifiers… each had their own
colors. Some had rings, others didn’t. Some even had bigger nipples than
others… some nipples were REALLY big! Almost like made for adults!
“Wow these are kinda
cool!” I said.
He giggled.
“Here, have one. See if you like it” he said to
me, handing me one…
I took it in hand, and looked at it curiously… and
then popped it into my mouth! The nipple felt really weird in my mouth… it was
pretty cool though.
“Do you like it?” Timmy asked me after a short
I nodded a yes.
“Look… no hands!” I said, putting both of my hands
up. We both laughed…
And that’s kind of how the rest of that went… we
sat around in the nursery, and Timmy told me how to be a baby, and what
everything was. I never knew being a baby could be so complicated! We must’ve
been in there for an hour or something, because before we knew it, we were
being called down to the dinner table for dinner.
“What’s for supper mommy?” Timmy asked as he sat
down in the chair he sat in before, as she put down a pot of food in the middle
of the table.
I sat down in the chair across from Timmy like
earlier that night. His mom finished sitting down pots and plates for us, and
then, like I had expected… placed two bottles of milk down on the table, one in
front of Timmy, and one in front of me.
“We’re having spaghetti tonight” she pleasantly
said as she sat down beside both of us, on my left side of the table.
“Mmmmm!” Timmy said, and his mom
I took a mouthful of ice cold milk from my bottle
real fast…
“Thank you” I heard Timmy say as she put some of
the spaghetti onto his plate, along with some garlic bread.
“Thank you” I said to his mom as she did the same
for me.
I went to take a bite, but suddenly, I heard his
”Wait!” she said, scaring me a bit.
“W-What?” I asked sheepishly. I had
no idea what I had done wrong!
She walked out of where I could see, but suddenly
came back… with what looked like a bib in her hands!
I heard her walk behind me, and after that, I felt
the bib lie against my bare chest, and I felt her securely tie it behind me.
She stuck a finger between the bib and my neck, to make sure I wasn’t
suffocating… which was pretty smart. I felt like a real baby!
After that is when I saw her walk behind Timmy,
with another bib (that must’ve been hidden under the one she had put on me),
and put it on Timmy.
“Okay… now you two can eat!” she said, smiling.
I gently felt the soft fabric of the bib on my
chest, and tried looking down at what was printed on it, but I couldn’t.
Looking across at Timmy’s bib, I could see it was Bear in The Big Blue House.
There wasn’t much time between then and when we
were done eating. We talked a lot, and joked a lot, and all had a really good
time, and ate pretty fast. We all got really full, and before Timmy or I
realized it, we couldn’t eat anymore.
“Okay you two” his mom said to us as she untied
the once-clean bibs from our necks.
“Time to go to bed soon. I’ll let you stay up just
a little bit longer but it’s time to get in your pajamas” she said to us.
“Pajamas?” I thought.
“Okay Mommy” Timmy said as he stood up from the
chair, and put the dishes away.
I kind of wondered what Timmy and his mom had in
store for me now… I knew that pajamas in this house had to be something like a
I got up, put my plate into the sink, and then
Timmy and I walked behind his mom as she led us through the house, up the
steps, and into the nursery. We weren’t wearing any clothes already… just our
diapers, so there was no need for us to be taking anything off.
Timmy’s mom simply walked over to a drawer, and
pulled out two pairs of clothes… they were folded so I couldn’t see what they
looked like. All I knew was one was red, the other was blue. And then… she
unfolded them, and held one in each hand.
They were one-piece… like a full-body suit,
including feet! I had seen these before… on real babies all the time. I think
they were called footed sleepers, but I wasn’t sure.
“Who wants the red one?” his mom asked us.
I was kind of fond of the blue one, so I didn’t
say anything. Of course, Timmy did. He crinkled his diaper over to her as she
unzipped a zipper that when down from the collar, to the ankle of the left
He stepped his left foot into it, and then the
other leg, and then, his arms. That’s when his mom zipped up the zipper up to
his neck.
“There you go… Now you come here” he said to me
with a smirk.
I shyly stepped forward towards her as she held
the left foot out for me to step into, and I did.
“Now the other leg” she said to me, so I stepped
into it.
“Now your arms” she told me… so I of course put my
arms through.
Then she zipped it up to my neck.
“Awww… you two look
adorable!” she said to us as she looked at us both.
Our sleepers complimented each other… and I guess
that was the point. My sleeper was kind of dark blue with a red collar and red
cuffs. And his was the exact opposite, with a red body, blue collar, and blue
cuffs. All we needed was matching pacifiers and it would’ve been a picture
“Okay you two… play nice!” she said to us, looking
at me especially with a smile. I kind of blushed…
I must’ve looked pretty babyishly cute in this
sleeper. I know I felt like it. The sleeper itself was really nice though… it
was soft, and didn’t make me too hot. I felt my diaper area… you could feel the
bulk of my diaper through it… I really did feel like a big baby now!
Eventually she left us alone in the nursery… he
and I sat down in the middle of the floor, looking at each other. He did look
kind of tired, and I kind of felt it… it was kind of a good thing we were going
to bed so soon.
“…so what do you want to do?” Timmy asked me.
I shrugged… I wasn’t really sure at all. I didn’t
know what there was to do… so I couldn’t really make a choice.
“Want to color or something?” he asked me.
“You mean like… with crayons and stuff?” I asked.
“Sure” I replied.
“Okay, cool. Hand on” he told me, and then he
crawled across the floor over to where the shelves were. It only took him a moment
or two to return with a big box of crayons and two coloring books.
“Here, you get this one, and I’ll take this one”
he told me as he passed me a thin coloring book.
“Okay” I said back to him with a smile.
He put the big box of crayons between us, we both laid down on the soft rug in our snug sleepers, and we
started coloring.
My picture was a picture of Winnie The Pooh… some picture with Rabbit harvesting his vegetables
in his garden in the middle of Fall. I did my best to color it how I thought it
was supposed to be while I colored it.
But about ten minutes into my coloring, suddenly I
felt it. I felt my bladder… it was full… I had to pee again! I put my crayon
down and looked around… Timmy was looking down at his coloring book, lying on
his stomach with his left thumb in his mouth and his right hand coloring like a
little baby.
I started really having to pee… but I didn’t want
to let Timmy know I did… so I kept lying there on my tummy, and pretended like
I was coloring still. I tried remembering what had made me pee before, only a
small while ago in the backyard.
I tried pushing it out… but it wouldn’t come out.
I tried pushing it out harder… it still wouldn’t come out. I was kind of
breathing harder now as I tried pushing it out… and I started having to pee
really bad… but as I was trying to push it out hard for a third time… finally,
I felt a drop or two of pee come out and go into my diaper!
And a couple little dribbles of pee slowly but
surely turned into a stream… it was so warm as I laid there
against my diaper… I could feel a warm glow spread from my penis all the way
around my diaper area… it felt REALLY cool!
I smiled really happily as I felt my diaper get
really wet, and felt through the sleeper, rubbing my diaper very gently. My
diaper was not only wet, and warm, but also squishy too, just like before. My
wet diaper felt so nice…
And slowly, but definitely surely, as I laid there
trying to pretend like I was coloring in my coloring book (but was actually
feeling my wet diaper), as I was rubbing my wet diaper… I felt it happening
again… the flames came back.
As I was rubbing my diaper I slowly felt my penis
getting harder and bigger, and the intense and weird fire started shooting
through my body again. I kept rubbing my wet diaper, slowly, feeling my penis
through my diaper pretty much. And as I was doing that, after a moment or two…
it started feeling… really, really good.
I rubbed harder, feeling small waves of pleasure
shoot from my penis through my body. What was this? It felt so cool! But I
guess as I was doing it, and it started feeling better, and better, as I rubbed
harder and faster… it became noticeable.
doin’?” I heard, completely breaking me out of whatever I
was doing.
I looked over at him, feeling very energetic and
alert. My heart was throbbing faster than it has all day, and my penis felt so
“I… I… I don’t know!” I franticly said, feeling
kind of short breathed.
Timmy gave me an awkward stare for a moment or
two, and then crawled towards me slowly.
“You were rubbing your diapey…
did you go pee in it?” he curiously asked.
“N-No” I said, knowing that if I admitted that I
did, he’d probably tell his mom.
He didn’t take my answer seriously though… he
reached out and felt my sleeper where I was rubbing.
“I don’t know… feels awfully warm!” he teased. I
was so scared now that he was going to tell on me for peeing in my diaper. I
didn’t want to be changed!
But after a second or two, that’s when I felt him
rub REALLY hard against my penis, which made me shake!
“And you ARE TOO wet!!!” Timmy suddenly said,
“D-Don’t tell your mom!!!” I suddenly begged,
jumping forward.
My hands were trembling slightly… my whole body
was at that point. I didn’t want him to tell on me, and I had never felt this way
before… my penis was so ticklish… anytime anything touched it I shivered all
over my body!
He looked at me funnily, with a real weird look…
he was thinking about it.
“Well… I don’t know…” he said.
“PLEASSSSSSE!” I said to him.
He smiled.
“Well… okay… it can be our secret!” he said,
“But I won’t tell Mommy only if you do something
for ME” he said with an evilly playful smirk.
“W-What?” I asked.
“…if you don’t tell Mommy that I’m wet too…” he
I looked over at him…
“You are?” I asked.
He nodded… “Uh-huh!”
I looked down at where his diaper was, but you
couldn’t see anything through the sleeper at all.
“…can I see?” I asked, curiously.
“Sure” he said, smiling.
He unzipped his sleeper down to his thigh, and
then pulled it away from his diaper. And he wasn’t lying… his diaper was really
bulged out in the front, and kind of yellow.
“Cool!” I said, and he smiled.
“Let me see your diaper!” he told me.
“Okay!” I said, and then I unzipped my sleeper
like he did, and then showed off my diaper.
He stared at it for a second… and then put his
hand on it, and rubbed it real hard, making me shiver!
“Oh wow… someone’s really excited!” he teased some
more, making me blush.
I felt so weird at that moment… so shaky, so
ticklish… so excruciatingly hot. I wanted to tear myself out of my sleeper
because it was so hot in that room at that moment! And when Timmy started
rubbing my diaper it just added to it…
“Is your… you know…
stiff?” he asked me.
I nodded sheepishly… he just smirked. He looked
kind of nervous too though.
“Mine too…” he said.
I looked over… his wet diaper was bulging, just
like mine was. I looked up at him and he gave me a shy, quick smirk.
“…want to feel it again? Like before?” he asked. I
“S-Sure…” I said.
“Can I feel yours, too?” he asked me, and I
I reached over and started rubbing his diaper,
like he was rubbing mine… I wondered if I made him feel as good as he was
making me feel right now. He squeezed the front of my diaper and my stiffy and rubbed them, making me feel really, really good…
and I did the same for him. It looked like it was working for him like it was
for me though…
He and I both were breathing kind of hard, and
deep… and his body was kind of shaky like mine was after a little while.
“T-Timmy!” I said, short-breathed.
“Y-Yeah?!” he said to me.
“D-D-Does this feel really cool to y-you too?” I
struggled to say, and he gave me a frantic nod. His glassy eyes, and open mouth
taking in short breathes of air kind of spoke for him though.
“W-What is this?” I asked. He shook his head,
suggesting he didn’t know.
“Keep going!” he said, rubbing my diaper hard, and
using his other hand to support him up.
I started pushing my hand REALLY HARD against his peepee through his slippery wet diaper, and that’s when he
started moaning loudly!
“Ahhhhhhh! AHHHH STOP STOP!” he said, falling back suddenly. His whole body was
shaking, and he was really short breathed!
asked, leaping back.
He shook his head…
“I don’t know!!! Something weird happened! It
suddenly felt WAYY TOO good! It… it… I don’t know… felt like goose bumps going
all over the place… it felt TOO good!” he struggled to say.
I looked at him, looking back at me, breathing so
heavily… and then I looked down at my own diaper… I had no idea what we were
doing… but it felt SO good!
Suddenly though, we heard footsteps coming up the
stairs outside of the nursery!
“It’s my mom!” Timmy said, kind of in panic,
jumping up.
We zipped up our sleepers as fast as we could, and
pretty much leaped over to the coloring books, barely just in time to look
normal when the door to the nursery swung open, revealing his mom behind it,
holding two bottles of milk…
“How are my boys doing?” she asked as she cam walking in.
“Fine!” Timmy said, doing his
best to act normal.
I laid there motionless, scared for my life at
that point. I didn’t know if what we were just doing was bad or what… but…
something told me it was something his mom, or my mom, shouldn’t know.
She bought it all though… I don’t believe she
noticed a thing.
“Time for the babies to go night-night!” she
playfully said as she lowered the bars of the crib.
I looked at Timmy and Timmy looked at me. We had
been doing that thing for at least a half-hour… but it went by so fast, we
didn’t even realize.
“O-Okay Mommy” Timmy stuttered to say, slowly
picking himself up from the floor. I did the same.
“Do you boys need your diapers changed?” she
We were both silent… and looked at each other. A bad move on our part, because any intelligent human being
would’ve seen the look of guilt on our faces. Before we could say no,
she was giggling and telling us to lie down.
“Lie down” she said with a smile.
“B-But we don’t need our diapers changed” I spat
out, but it didn’t phase her in the slightest. She just looked at me and
pointed down at the floor. I didn’t bother trying to convince her because I
knew it was a hopeless battle.
I lied down next to Timmy, and we gave each other
an “Oops” look. Timmy’s mom walked out of my view, and came back holding two
teen-sized disposable diapers, a thing of baby powder, and a box of baby wipes.
She sat those things down in between us, and then went out of my view again,
but quickly returned, this time holding two baby bottles filled with milk.
She reached over to Timmy, and gave him one of the
bottles, which he immediately started guzzling down. And then she reached over
and handed me one, too, which I took in hand and began drinking from as well.
As I lay there, staring up at the ceiling,
drinking mindlessly from my bottle, I felt her unzip my sleeper down to my
ankle, and start taking my squishy, wet diaper off.
She undid the tapes holding my diaper together,
and pulled down the front, showing off my wet peepee
for all to see (although it was mostly soft by now). I then felt her take a
cold baby wipe, and wipe me clean. She pulled my legs apart, and checked to see
if I had pooped my diaper… but then pulled the wet diaper away, balled it up,
and tossed it on the floor (for now).
After that, I felt her put a fresh, clean, and dry
diaper underneath my butt, and tape it tightly and securely.
“There little guy, now you’re ready to go beddy-bye!” she said with a smile.
But then she grabbed my hand, and pulled me up
from the floor (I kept my bottle with me in the free hand the whole time
“C’mon” she said, as she led me by the hand over
to the crib.
Once I made it to the crib, the bars were already
lowered for me. I hopped in like I knew I should, and then Timmy’s mom turned
around and went on to change Timmy’s diaper.
I watched through the bars as the whole thing went
on. Timmy continued drinking milk from his bottle while she unzipped Timmy’s
zipper, and undid the tapes securing his diaper, like she did to me. And she
pulled down his front, and started wiping Timmy clean of his wet diaper. His peepee was soft now, too. She wiped it, and his whole “wet
area” for that matter.
After that though, she lifted both of Timmy’s legs
up over his head like she always did, and started wiping his butt. I think
Timmy actually pooped in his diaper!
She wiped his butt several times before finally
taking the used diaper out from under him, and replacing it with a new one. She
applied some baby powder, and then secured the new diaper around him nice and
“C’mon Timmy, time to go to bed!” she said as she
pulled him up from the floor and led him into the crib, like she did to me.
He crawled up inside of the crib next to me, and
was still drinking from his bottle. His mom raised the crib bars up high, so
high I don’t think I could successfully escape without breaking my neck.
I never really had paid attention until when she
raised the bars… about the crib, anyway. It wasn’t like a regular crib… it was
bigger! Timmy and I weren’t cramped together close at all… we had plenty of
room to be sleeping in there together like that. And the mattress we were on
was really soft, and so were the sheets… and yeah, the blankets and pillows
“Do you boys need anything before I go
downstairs?” she asked us.
I looked at Timmy and Timmy looked at me… I
couldn’t really think of anything… we had our bottles of milk and everything,
so I just shrugged. But Timmy had something in mind.
“Hey, he wanted to sleep with my teddy bear!” he
said, as he pointed over at the bear, still lying there from like two hours
“Oh okay!” she said.
She walked over and picked up the bear, and gently
placed it next to me.
“Timmy always sleeps with that bear at night…” she
told me while smiling. I just smirked back… after all this time, I still hadn’t
completely gotten used to being babied, so being tucked in like this was still…
kind of weird. But I liked it so far… I still just needed to get used to it,
that’s all.
“Okay boys, sweet dreams!” she said, turning off
the light in the nursery.
We returned the words, and before we knew it… it
was only me and Timmy in the nursery, once more…
I laid there, my head lying in my pillow, wrapped
up in the blanket with Timmy’s teddy bear lying next to me. I hadn’t felt this
snug since… well, since I was a baby. I could see Timmy, who was lying there
drinking from his bottle looking at me.
The nursery wasn’t completely dark despite the
light being off, the windows on the other side of the crib (on the wall) let in
a bit of a pale blue light from the streetlights outside.
“Hey” I whispered to him. He looked over and
popped the bottle out of his mouth.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“Did you… poop in your diaper?” I asked him.
He just kind of sunk deeply into his pillows and
blanket, like he was kind of embarrassed.
“Mayyybe” he said,
I had never even thought of it… though, I don’t
think I was quite prepared to do that yet.
“Would you some time?” he asked me.
I nodded my head. “No… not yet anyway…” I said.
He just nodded and said “Okay, I understand.”
“Messy diapers can take some getting used to” he
said. We both just laughed.
“…so… what happened?” I asked.
I had come right out with it… with the question I
wanted to ask him for the last few minutes… when Timmy moaned loudly and
“What happened with what?” he asked me.
“When we… erm… when we
were doing that thing with our diapers… rubbing each others’ diapers… and you
started yelling and stuff!” I said to him.
That’s when he realized what I was talking about.
“Ohhhh!” he said.
I smiled, and nodded, waiting for him to continue.
“I… I don’t know what that was. It was so… wow… I
can’t even describe it. It was so intense, it felt like my body was on fire,
but it felt REALLY good… too good… I couldn’t let you continue because it felt
too good” he told me.
I was fascinated… what was this?
“…Timmy…” I told him.
“Yeah?” he asked me.
“…do you think… do you think I could do that,
too?” I asked.
He looked at me…
“I erm… I don’t know…
maybe…” he said with a smile.
“Come here” he told me.
I started feeling my penis getting stiffer inside
of my diaper now, as I crawled towards Timmy. I sat gently next to him, and he
looked at me with a smirk.
He slowly unzipped my zipper on my sleeper, all
the way passed my thigh so that my entire diaper was exposed. He put his hand
on the front of my diaper, and started rubbing it gently.
I waited for the buzzes, the shivers, the
ticklishness… but it really didn’t come. The diaper wasn’t slick or wet enough.
“Timmy… my diaper isn’t wet… it doesn’t feel as
good” I told him.
He sheepishly backed off…
“Well… now what then?” he asked me.
I shrugged… I was completely clueless. I wanted to
feel what Timmy felt so bad!
“Well… let’s think here… what were you rubbing
when you were rubbing my diaper? My peepee,
right?” I asked.
He shrugged and nodded.
“So… I don’t know… maybe… if we took my diaper
off?” I suggested.
He looked down..
“You mean like… if I rubbed your peepee instead of the diaper?” he asked…
I shrugged and nodded.
“I… don’t know… but… maybe. If I do this for you,
you have to do it for me!” he scolded.
I just giggled and nodded.
“Okay, okay…” I said.
And I watched his hands slowly reach out for my
diaper, and remove the tapes… and slowly pull down my diaper, showing off my
“Wow…” Timmy said.
I looked down… my heart was pounding so hard… and
my penis was getting tingly again. It was standing on end, like it had been all
day. Timmy looked at it… and hesitantly grab on. I could feel his hand warm it
up instantly… it felt good already.
And he started pulling on it up and down, which…
actually, kind of did feel good!
“Whoa…” I said as he started pulling the shaft of
my penis up and down.
“What, what’s happening?” he asked me.
“It feels good… keep going” I told him.
He continued to pull gently on my penis… which
made it continue feeling good. And before I knew it, I was shaking and
shivering like I was before… it was REALLY good…
“S-Squeeze your hand
tighter Timmy!”
I insisted, and he obeyed.
His grip tightened around my penis, and he
continued to slowly yank on it, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth,
and it felt so incredibly good…
“Ahhh!” I moaned.
My legs were shaking back and forth.
“T-Timm-mmy… I th-think I m-might be cl-cl-cloosssee…” I struggled so hard to say as I felt his
hand stroking my penis so tightly and so slowly… I felt the fire coming… it
felt weird.
And then it happened. Out of no where, suddenly…
“AHH! AHHH! AHHHH-“ I started yelling, rocking back and forth as his hand
continued pulling on my penis.
I would’ve kept yelling if it weren’t for Timmy,
suddenly taking his free hand, and covering my mouth with it, which both held
me back, and kept me quiet.
The feeling was SO intense! I felt fire reach out
from my penis, all the way from my body. Just like Timmy described, I was
having goose-bumps all over. It felt… TOO GOOD! But Timmy didn’t stop like I
had. He kept rubbing my penis all the while this happened.
“WHOA!” I heard Timmy shout accidentally, but not
TOO loud.
As this feeling subsided, and I calmed down, I
relaxed… and I calmed down. My breathing was so heavy… my heart was pounding so
hard… I felt weak, and exhausted. Down-right tired, like I had ran 100 miles.
“Hey… look at what happened!!!” he told me.
I looked down, and it surprised us both at what
happened. It wasn’t just that my penis was soft now… but it was wet, too. And
it wasn’t pee.
“What is it?!” Timmy asked.
I looked down, and all over Timmy’s hand, my
penis, and even a bit on the blanket in front was a thick, white substance…
“Wow… I… I don’t know” I told him, as I looked at
“I’m not completely sure, Timmy… but… I think I
heard about it in Health Class…” I said to him, trying to catch my breath. I
think Timmy started to understand, too.
“Ohhh… do you think its that? So… it’s nothing bad?” he asked.
I just nodded.
I took my hand, and reached out, and slapped some
onto my hand. I figured if Timmy had some on his, I could too. I slipped it
between two fingers… it was really slippery, too.
Timmy looked around, and wiped his hand off using
my opened up diaper. I couldn’t blame him.
“Well… okay then… erm…
now it’s my turn!” Timmy told me.
I was snapped out of my zone, and was now back to Timmy.
“Do that to me! And remember… keep doing it ‘till
I do THAT” he said, pointing at the small bit on my hand and on the blanket.
I chuckled…
“Have it your way” I said.
After that though… I just simply reached over and
unzipped Timmy’s sleeper for him, down to his thigh like he had done for me. I
looked down at his diaper, and saw that he was really hard, too. So I didn’t
waste anytime, since I knew he was eager.
I took the tapes off of his diaper, and slowly
pulled the front down… and I reached out and grabbed his penis. It was such a
rush, to do that. I had never done that before… It had only been a few hours
since I had seen persons’ privates, too.
Holding it in my hand was really cool though… it
was warm, and soft (despite it being hard). And like Timmy had done to me, I
held it tightly, and started to pull on it.
And I yanked it, back and forth, back and forth,
back and forth, and was trying to do my best like he did his.
“Am I doing it right?” I asked, looking up.
His glassy eyes and heavier breathing answered for
So I kept at it, keeping a tight grip and doing it
“Uhhhh… uhhhhhh…” he squealed, kind of kicking his legs and
shuffling them back and forth.
“Does it feel good?” I teased. He nodded his head
many times, quickly.
I kept at it for another couple of minutes, when
“AHH! AHHHHHHH-“ he started to yell, but I made sure to have kept him
still, and kept his mouth shut. His eyes were latched shut and he was moving
back and forth, kind of slamming his body against the bars of the crib.
And as I continued pulling, I suddenly my hand get
really wet!
As I yanked on his penis, I felt my hand suddenly
get really warmed, and wet. I took this as a good sign, so I kept doing it. I
held my hand over Timmy’s mouth until he gained control… by that time, he
looked like he was feeling really, really tired now too.
“You did it too, Timmy!” I told him.
He looked down, and now, there was white stuff on
my hand, and some on the blanket.
But he didn’t say anything. He just kept breathing
heavily, catching his breath after what I had done to him.
We both relaxed, sitting
side-by-side… we were so incredibly exhausted. I wiped my hand off of the
inside of Timmy’s open diaper, and then put my diaper back on. Timmy did the
I crawled over to where I was lying before…
feeling so incredibly tired and exhausted, more than I
had ever felt.
I looked over at him…
“So… how was it?” I asked.
He just responded with a smirk, and a thumbs up.
“That… was amazing” Timmy finally said.
I smiled back.
We lied there for a little while. In time, our
breaths came back to us. We eventually returned to normal, but were still
pretty tired.
“I guess I’m going to go to bed now… I’m really
tired” Timmy said.
“Yeah… me too” I replied.
I laid there, my sleeper all fixed up like Timmy
and I had never done anything.
“Hey” I heard Timmy say.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“…I don’t think we should tell my mom about we just did” he said.
“I don’t think so either” I replied.
“Okay, cool” he said.
And I closed my eyes, ready to go to bed…
“…hey…” I heard Timmy say.
“…yeah?” I replied.
“…I don’t know how to say this… but… I really
think you’re one of the coolest kids that could’ve ever moved here” he said.
I felt a sinking sensation in my chest.
“W-What?” I asked, not sure if I
had heard him.
“Yeah… I mean, of all the kids that could’ve moved
here… you not only accept what me and my mom do, but you play with us too. And… I don’t know, you’re just a
really cool kid. And I’m glad we met” he sincerely told me, smiling.
I had never felt so touched in my entire life. For
the first time in a very long time, I really felt appreciated…
“Wow… thanks Timmy… I really appreciate that. And
I think that of all the kids I could’ve met, you really are all I could’ve
asked for” I said.
He nodded.
“Thanks” he said, smiling back.
And it was at that point, I realized something… it
all came into perspective at that very moment.
I realized how much this must actually mean to
Timmy. When I put it into perspective… this whole thing, the whole being babied
thing… it’s not an everyday thing. And I took it well… it must’ve really meant
a lot to him. He probably doesn’t have a friend who does this… I must be the
first and only one… and when I realized that, I got a warm, fuzzy feeling
I mean, I wouldn’t have ever imagined that the
first kid I’d meet here would be someone who wears diapers, and even gets
babied by his mom. I wouldn’t ever think that I’d be sleeping over his house,
being babied by his mom, wearing and peeing in diapers, and going to bed in a
crib. This must really be a big deal for him.
But that reminded me of something…
“Psst… hey Timmy” I
“Hmm” I heard him mumble. He was already
“…why exactly DO you wear diapers… and how did you
and your mom start this whole nursery and all this?” I asked him.
I heard him put his head up… and he rubbed his
eyes, and yawned…
And as he looked at me, and I looked at him, I
couldn’t help feeling a moment of suspense.
“I’ll explain it tomorrow whenever we’re more
awake… I’m way too tired” he said.
I nodded…
“Okay” I replied.
He smiled at me and I smiled at him, and we both laid back down.
“Goodnight” I heard him say.
“Goodnight” I said back.
And with that… we didn’t say another word for the
rest of the night. Before going to bed though… I reached over at the teddy bear
that was in the crib… and shut my eyes with it in my arms, and before I even
knew it, I was fast asleep…
And that’s how I met Timmy. That’s how my first
night over his house went. Timmy and I are now best friends, all thanks to
sheer and utter chance. If I hadn’t been walking that day, it wouldn’t have
happened this way. I don’t even want to think if he and I didn’t become
friends, what my life in my new town would be like.
Today, we still are diapered and babied. My mom
still doesn’t know about it, and I don’t think I’ll be telling her any time
soon. I don’t want to say exactly how long it’s been since that day took place…
but I can tell you that it hasn’t been a full year yet.
I don’t know if I’ll write about us again…
But I might…
“The Day I Met Timmy” (2006)
Baby Jake (babyjake@gmail.com)
Just as a
finishing note, this story was considered finished on October 3rd,
2006. This story is not based on real events, is not based on real characters,
and is completely fictional. Any similarities to other works or to real events
or characters are coincidental. Thanks for reading my story, and I hope you
enjoyed it.
– Baby Jake