

Day at Black Creek






Current Age:

Not given

Posting Date:


Story Contents:

A- Post-toddler (4-8)*


R- Sisters, other girls*

B- Pre-teen (9-12)*

S- Babysitters

C- Teen (13-17)

T- Masturbation

D- Adult (18+)


U- Sexual situations

E- Cloth diapers*

V- Gay

F- Disposable diapers


W- Erections

G- Pee

X- Bedwetting

H- Poop*

Y- Accidents


I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*

Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline


J- Multiple diapers*

1- Female Domination*


K- White diapers*

2- Enemas


L- Mother

3- Restraints


M- Father


4- Crying


N- Aunt


5- Spanking


O- Uncle


6- Humiliation


P- Brothers (diapered)


7- Babying

Q- Brothers (not diapered)


8- Regression




9- Baby paraphernalia


*Denotes Deekerian story elements





STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This story contains pre-teen and teen boys, including bedwetting, diaper-wearing, sexual experimentation, and gay situations. If this is either offensive to you, or illegal where you live, please STOP NOW, and do not read!              

Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]:

19 (95%)  Golden Diaper Pin Award



STANDARD DISCLAIMER:  This story contains pre-teen and teen boys, including bedwetting, diaper-wearing, sexual experimentation, and gay situations.  If this is either offensive to you, or illegal where you live, please STOP NOW, and do not read!


Prologue - August, 1963


                My Mom, Betty Jacobs, is divorced, but she doesn’t seem to mind.  She spends most of her time, with her two friends, Janet Carter, and Birdie Santos (also both divorced).  None of us kids really know where our Dad’s are, or just don’t have much contact with them.  But still, our Mother’s are fairly strict, and take really good care of us.  All three Mom’s treat all of us kids, like we were much younger than we are, at least the boys.  They actually approve of diaper-wearing, because they believe that these actions help us to keep out of trouble, and help us to bond.  All of our Mom’s have had discussions together, realizing they enjoy remembering us, being so much fun to take care of, as if we were still closer to toddler-age.  They love us very much, and believe being open-minded about sexual orientation, or a diaper-fetish, is a better than trying to “hide” who we really are.  They just want us to enjoy our youth, get good grades at school, use common sense in what we do, and be as happy as possible.


            My name is Marcus Jacobs, and I am 15.  I am average height, very slender, with brown hair and brown eyes.  My hair is thick down to my ears, and just above my eyes, and I have a semi-tan skin tone.  I am very young looking, and all the girls at school think I’m cute, but I’d rather have other boys think of me that way.  I have been incontinent as long as I can remember.  I have night wetting accidents, but only when I am asleep.  Oh yeah, I sometimes have them when I’m awake, but only if I am really nervous, or get too excited.


            My younger brother is Stanley, who is 12.  He is average height and weight, with short blonde hair and blue eyes.  Stanley is lighter complected than I am, and looks more handsome than cute.  He knows I’m gay, even though he isn’t.  He knows all about me, and accepts me as I am, as he is also pretty open-minded, just like our Mom.  Stanley never teases me about having to wear two cloth diapers, with plastic pants at night.  Sometimes, in the daytime, I will wear one cloth diaper, with plastic pants, but that’s just because I enjoy it, not that I need to.  (Note, as this is 1963, disposable diapers are not available yet).


            Mom’s best friend is Rita Carter, and she has four kids, Janet (age 14), Bobby (age 13), Alan (age 10), and Laura (age 8).  The oldest, Janet Carter, likes to be a little bossy, but she’s a really nice person, and enjoys both babysitting, and changing diapers.  The younger daughter, Laura Carter, is pretty much like her older sister, as she constantly tries to imitate Janet.  She also wants to be a babysitter and diaper-changer. 


            Even though Bobby Carter is straight, he’s always “horny”, and enjoys being pleasured by others.  Alan Carter is the youngest of us boys, and he is completely incontinent, both with wetting accidents, and pooping in his diapers.  He is gay, or at least he thinks he is, and totally looks up to my straight, younger brother, Stanley.


            Mom’s other friend is Birdie Santos, and she is Mexican-American.  She only has two boys, Wally (age 14), and Eddie (age 12).  Wally is gay, like both me, and little Alan Carter.  Wally, absolutely has no need for diapers, as he never has wetting or messing accidents.  It’s just that he has a fetish for wearing tight-fitting plastic pants, as if they were a pair of Speedo’s.  He  is also extremely sexually aggressive, whenever possible, and always looks for an excuse to “get-off”.


            Eddie is straight, like my brother Stanley, and they’re both 12-year-olds, and best friends too.  But in a way he’s like 10-year-old Alan Carter, as they both must wear 24/7.  But Eddie doesn’t have poop accidents, unless he can’t get his diaper off fast enough.  Poor little Alan, he looks up to both the older Stanley, and Eddie.  But they are both straight, and he is curious about sexual touching.


            In a way, all six of us boys are like best friends.  All of us either have accidents, wear diapers, or are not afraid to wear a diaper, and enjoy getting “boners”.  The two girls enjoy looking at the naked or aroused boys, changing diapers, and babysitting.  And the three Mom’s are accepting of all the children’s interests, knowing they sometimes need to experiment, and learn about life.  So, the following is the Story Cast:


Betty Jacobs (Mom, Divorced)

Marcus Jacobs (Son, Narrator, Openly Gay, Night Wetter, Enjoys Wearing) 15

Stanley Jacobs (Son, Straight, Doesn’t Wear) 12


Rita Carter (Mom, Divorced)

Janet Carter (Daughter, Babysitter) 14

Bobby Carter (Son, Straight, Always Horny, Willing To Experiment) 13

Alan Carter (Son, Claims To Be Gay, Must Wear 24/7) 10

Laura Carter (Daughter, Assistant Babysitter) 8


Birdie Santos (Mom, Abused By Husband, Divorced)

Wally Santos (Son, Openly Gay, Doesn’t Wet/Mess, Enjoys Tight Plastic Pants) 14

Eddie Santos (Son, Straight, Must Wear 24/7) 12


Marsha Stone (Sister, Other Side Of the Creek) 14

Billy Stone (Brother) 12

Judy Hamilton (Marsha’s Friend) 14


Chapter 1 - Going To the Picnic


            All three of our Mom’s were excited about the picnic.  They planned on getting many things accomplished today.  Having a nice time, the Mom’s playing pinochle, and us, swimming, getting a tan, and having as much fun as possible.  This was going to be an exciting day for me, and the other seven kids.


            I, Marcus Jacobs (15), and my younger brother Stanley Jacobs (12), are now in the dining room, watching our Mom, Betty Jacobs, in the kitchen, getting things ready for the picnic.  We will be going to Black Creek, and will be met at our house by Mom’s friends, Rita Carter and Birdie Santos, along with their children.  It’s only 9am, and they should be arriving at about 10am.  It’s already 80 degrees outside.


            I am only wearing my two white, cloth diapers, and my clear plastic pants.  I like the clear plastic pants the best, because I like my four, large, blue, diaper-pins to show.  My diapers are really wet and matted down, and looking slightly yellowish.  Stanley is prancing around in his white underpants, with the two blue bands around the waist.  He does have a small brown stain in the back of them, but he doesn’t have to wear diapers like me.


            Mom’s job is to make the sandwiches for the picnic.  She is making twenty-two of them, enough for all eleven of us to have two each.  So the kitchen table is completely filled with bread and all the makings.  She puts mayonnaise on all the bread slices, puts ham on them, folds all the slices together, and then wraps them all up in plastic wrap.  Then she makes up three large plates of sliced tomatoes, sliced dill pickles, two heads of lettuce, and wraps those too.  That’s a lot of work.


            After completing the sandwiches, Mom comes into the dining room, and tells Stanley and I to go upstairs, and take a shower in our upstairs bathroom.  While we run upstairs to shower together, Mom goes to her downstairs bathroom to take her shower, and then to her bedroom, to dressed for the picnic too.


            Now in the bathroom, Stanley takes his undies off, and gets in first.  While he is getting the shower water to the right temperature, I start to take my diapers off.  First, the plastic pants are wet, so I toss them into my large diaper pail, then I un-pin my four large plastic-headed safety-pins.  Lastly, I remove my two thick, cloth diapers, and toss them into my plastic diaper pail.  Finally, I hop into the shower with Stanley.  We wash each other’s backs, then we finish our shower, and wash our hair.  After we dry ourselves, we both run naked into our respective bedrooms.  Upstairs on the left side, is a guest bedroom, a hall closet, and then the bathroom.  On the right side is first my bedroom, and then Stanley’s.  We each have a double bed, a desk and chair, dresser, night-stand, and a two-sliding-door closet.


            I return from my closet with one cloth diaper, and another pair of clear plastic pants.  While waiting for my brother to help me with the diaper and safety-pins, I go to the closet and choose the rest of my picnic-day clothing.  After selecting a brown and white horizontal-striped tee-shirt, tan short summer shorts, and my brown leather sandals, I wait, sitting on the side of my bed.


            Stanley comes into the room wearing regular-length blue shorts, a tucked-in white tee-shirt, and his sandals.  I immediately lay down at the end of my bed, with the ends of my legs and ankles hanging off the end.  I then put my feet on the bed and raise up my hips and butt.  With the diaper folded, and under me, Stanley has me put my butt back down, on the diaper, and I spread my legs.  He then re-pins my diaper on with the two blue-headed safety-pins, two on each side of the diaper.  He then slaps me on the side of the leg, and goes downstairs while I finish getting dressed.


            After stepping into my plastic pants, I make sure all the diaper is tucked inside.  Next, I put on my summer shorts, tee-shirt, and sandals, I walk over to my door-length mirror to take a look at myself.  Just what I like!  My tee-shirt doesn’t quite reach my shorts, so if I bend over, an inch or two of my plastic pants will show.  Also, my tan shorts are short enough, that if I sit down, anyone can see my plastic pants showing between my legs.  Happy with the way I look, I put on my medical necklace and watch.  Lastly, I grab my plain-looking, already prepared diaper-bag, and go downstairs.


            When I get down there, I see that Rita Carter has already arrived with her kids.  I look over and see Bobby Carter (13), standing near the door.  He is taller, slender, with curly blonde hair, and a pinkish skin-tone.  His hair is longer on the top, and shorter on the sides.  I think he is really cute, but I’m aware of the fact that he’s straight.  Although, he’s hinted that he has a small urge to experiment, and I’ve seen him with an obvious “boner” under his shorts, or in his underwear before, we have never done anything.


            Then I see Alan Carter (10), standing with his hand on the side of Stanley’s waist.  He is a little on the short side, average build, with red hair, and freckles.  He is also pinkish, just like his older brother.  He claims to be gay, but most people think he’s too young, to really make up his mind.  He has to wear diapers full time, both day and night.  And on top of that, he is both pee-incontinent, and poop-incontinent 24/7.  He was always that way, and doesn’t seem to mind.  I sense that he has a “crush” on my brother Stanley.  All the Mom’s think it’s just idolization, but I think it’s a little more than that.  I think Alan would enjoy being changed by Stanley, especially since he’s seen Stanley change both me, and Eddie Santos before.  Anyway, he’s never pushed himself on Stanley.


            Finally, I see the two girls, Janet Carter (14), and Laura Carter (8).  Janet is really good-looking, average build, light-complected with long, blond, wavy hair.  She knows she’s attractive, and tends to flirt with boys a lot.  She’s also proud of her obvious breast development, and knows most boys like to “look“.  Little Laura likes to imitate her older sister.  She is red-headed like her brother Alan, but without the freckles.


            Just about the time Mom and Rita are discussing the trip, and the kids are all greeting each other, Birdie Santos is arriving outside.  She then gets out of her car with both of her boys.  I see them start to walk up our pathway.  They are a Mexican-American family.


            First, I see Wally Santos (14), who always seems to be grinning.  He is average in height, slightly thin, but has a more muscular build.  His black hair-style is very similar to my own.  He is also openly gay, and would do almost anything sexual with a good-looking guy.  His fetish is slightly different than most guys that are attracted to diapers.  He likes to wear really tight-fitting plastic pants, just like someone who enjoys wearing Speedo’s.  And under the surface, he is extremely “horny”!


            Lastly there’s Eddie Santos (12).   He is Stanley’s best friend, but Eddie is pretty shy.  Eddie is average in height, but is just a little chubby.  His hair is almost similar to his older brother’s.  He is also pee-incontinent 24/7, but not poop-incontinent like Alan Carter.  Eddie is straight, like my brother, but get’s really nervous around girls.  Everyone thinks he needs to build up his self-confidence.


            Now, all eleven of us were ready to “hit the road”.  Mom made all the ham sandwiches.  Rita brought pork and beans, potato salad, paper plates, plastic utinsels, and paper towels.  Birdie supplied two 24-bottle cases of 8 ounce Coca-Cola, and a ton of potato chips.  They decided to take Mom’s 1958 white/yellow Chevrolet Impala, and Rita’s light green 1956 Ford station wagon.  They left Birdie’s 1954 white Pontiac parked in front of our house.


            Birdie sat in the front seat with Mom, and Bobby, Wally and I, sat in the back seat.  In the station wagon, Janet and Laura sat in the front with their Mom, while Stanley, Eddie, and Alan sat in the back.  Of course, all the picnic supplies were in the back.  Now the temperature was about 85 degrees.  With all of us in tow, we headed out on the highway, on our way to Black Creek (this was just before the freeways).


            On the highway, Mom was in the lead, with Rita following in the station wagon.  With the windows rolled down, I was in the middle, with Bobby on my left, and Wally on my right.  We joked around and laughed a lot, and were really excited about going swimming at Black Creek.  Actually we weren’t really going to swim, as we knew we were really going to just play in the creek, and do a lot of splashing.  The trip would take just about one and a half hour.  Our only stop was between a small Mom & Pop grocery store, and a Shell gas station.  We all got a chance to go potty, at least those that weren’t trapped in diapers.  While Mom and Rita gassed up, Birdie went to purchase three or four bags of crushed ice.  As soon as us three older boys put the ice next to the coolers, we were all back on the highway.


            We finally arrived at Black Creek about 12:00 noon.  As we were winding down the gravel path to the creek, I was thinking about being there before.  This part of Black Creek was on private property, but open to the public.  Actually, this was a nudist area, fenced in, with many signs, giving people a proper warning.  There was also an attendant at the entrance gate, to make sure people weren’t shocked, once they got in.  Although the area wasn’t usually very populated, we almost always found a very quiet picnic spot, without hardly anyone else around.  We never went nudist, which was only an option anyway.


            Mom quickly found our favorite spot, which would be pretty secluded, with the creek on one end, and large trees on both sides.  We parked both vehicles in backwards, to get more privacy from the gravel road path.  Now we had easy access to the back of the station wagon.  It would now be easier to unload the food, and the station wagon would provide a more private diaper-changing bed.


            Before the Mom’s let us go play, we had to unload all the picnic supplies first.  All the food, and half of the soda pop, were emptied into large coolers, filled with the crushed ice.  When that was done, most of us kids ran down to the edge of the creek.  The water was fairly cold, but we knew we would get used to it.  Some of the kids splashed their hands in the water.  I noticed how nice a lot of the rounded flat-shaped rocks looked, and it would be easy on our feet, to enter the water.  Janet showed everyone where there were little minnows around the shallow rocks.  Eddie even found a small crawdad.  The other side of the creek had a small wooded path, and a lot of hanging tree branches, dipping over the edge of the creek.  The water was never deeper than about three feet, but what made it fun, was the small rapids, caused by some larger rocks in the middle of the creek.  We were really going to have a good time!


            Rita came to the edge of the creek, and asked Janet and Laura to help get the first picnic table set up, for lunch.  But we wouldn’t be actually eating until about 1:30pm.  The temperature now, was about 90 degrees.  Mom and Birdie told us boys to come to the back of the station wagon, to have diapers changed, and to get ready for swimming.  Before the girls helped their Mom to get the food table ready, they asked if they could change into their swim suits?  Rita told them to change in the backseat of Betty’s car, and off they went.


            Birdie and Rita were preparing to change Eddie’s and Alan’s diapers respectively, on the back of the station wagon bed, at the same time.  Mom would change me after that.  Bobby and Stanley had their backs to us, and were taking off their shorts, to remove their underwear, exposing their cute little butts, then putting their shorts back on, for swimming.  Just about the time the two Mom’s had Eddie and Alan cleaned up, and were starting to re-diaper their boys, Wally spoke up, with an idea he had.


            Wally told everyone that diapers in the water would inflate and sag in the creek.  He said that rather than get wet and have soggy diapers, or wet shorts, that we would have to wear home, that we should all go swimming nude.  He got a few chuckles, but most thought his idea was pretty lame, and didn’t take it seriously.  Wally then reminded us that it was a nudist area after all.  Rita then spoke up, and said that she didn’t want all of us naked in front of her girls.  Then everyone realized that both Janet and Laura had returned, and were standing off to the side of the station wagon, listening in on the conversation.  I noticed that Janet was wearing a sexy two-piece turquoise swim suit, and Janet was wearing a one-piece pink suit.  Janet told her Mom, that both she and Laura had seen all the boys, naked at one time or another, either accidentally or changing diapers.  At about this time, Wally came up with an even better idea, but not explaining it completely to the others, because it included his personal fantasy.


            Wally explained that all the boys should just wear plastic pants, that way no one would be completely nude.  Once again, the Mom’s thought the idea was silly.  But then I, along with both Eddie and Alan, agreed to do it.  After all, we wore diapers all the time, and we weren’t really that shy, as we were always changed by all the Mom’s and Rita’s daughters, also.  Bobby just stood there blushing, and then my brother, Stanley, said he would never agree to it.  Bobby took Stanley aside, and told him that he would do it, if Stanley would do it too.  Stanley still adamantly refused.  Wally overheard this, and then said “I DARE you guys to do it“!  Bobby, never one to refuse a reasonable dare, still blushing, agreed that he would do it!  Now it was Stanley’s turn to blush.  He looked around and stated that if everyone else did, he would too.


            Again Wally spoke up and stated, that anyway, Marcus and I were already diaper-shaved down there, for sanitary reasons.  I knew that Wally shaved his pubic area, because he sweated a lot in his tight plastic pants.  I also knew that he liked to masturbate himself, on the outside of his plastic pants, using his sweat as lubrication.  Wally then continued, stating that Stanley and Eddie barely had any pubic hair, and Alan had none at all.  Then Mom’s started to realize that the majority was now in favor of Wally’s idea, and that no one would have to wait for their shorts to dry before going home, and that finally, we silly boys could do whatever we wanted.  Rita then shook her head, and explained, boys will be boys.


            Then Birdie and Rita un-diapered Eddie and Alan.  Mom then explained to the other two Mom’s, that the boys might as well wear tighter plastic pants, so that less water could get inside, and be less bloated.  The two boys on the back of the wagon were re-dressed in plastic pants.  Alan was put in his milky-white Gerber pants, and Eddie was put in Alan’s blue and white, horizontal-striped pair.  Birdie then handed Stanley, Alan’s blue Gerber’s plastic pants.


            Now for the older boys.  Wally then provided Bobby with his choice of two pairs.  One was a yellow, semi-see-through pair of baby-print ones, which he avoided, and then was given the clear pair of plastic pants.  Wally was only “happy” to wear his tight baby-print ones.  Finally, I (Marcus) asked Wally if he had another pair for me to try, because I almost always wore clear ones, like Bobby was going to wear.  And I wanted all of us to look a little different, I was starting to enjoy this, and wanted all of us to be in a variety of plastic pants.  Wally quickly reached into his plastic pants bag, and retrieved a tight-fitted rose-colored pair, that was semi-see-through.  I snatched them from him, and was looking forward to wearing them.


            Now it was time for Wally, Bobby, Stanley, and me, to get into our new plastic swimming suits.  The four of us went to under a large tree, to get a little privacy.  We saw both Eddie and Alan, looking over towards us, as they were both ready to play in the water.  Rita had her girls go over to the edge of the creek, to give us four boys a little privacy, then Eddie and Alan followed the girls to the creek.


            As the four of us stood under the tree, we all striped down.  As Wally stepped out of his shorts and tight pink plastic pants he was wearing, and tossed them to the side.  I instantly noticed his super-thick, uncircumcised penis.  I already knew this about both him, and his younger brother.  His “thingy” was already half stiff, and he was having a hard time getting it inside his yellow baby-print plastic pants.  He noticed me looking, and just smiled at me.  I’m sure he was in heaven, knowing his total fantasy.  As I dropped my wet cloth diaper, and clear plastic pants, I stepped out of them.  As I was picked up my small rose-colored baby-pants, I looked over at Bobby for a second.  He was just tucking his thinner, but very long dick into his clear plastic pants.  I looked up higher at Bobby, and saw him really blushing.  I don’t know if he was enjoying his new swim suit, or maybe he noticed my average-length, average-thick penis, with my huge purplish-red cock-head.  It always seemed to “glisten”, whether it was wet or not.  I then saw my brother, staggering around, trying to figure out how the waist-band and leg-bands should be placed.  He looked uncomfortable, acting like he didn’t even know how to wear his new swimming trunks.  When the four us were about finished, we all kind of looked at each other, both up and down, then Wally and I giggled, and both Bobby and Stanley, looked a little embarrassed.  We left everything else where it lay on the grass, and started to head to the creek.  Wally had most of a “boner”, and mine was about half way.  Stanley and Bobby were both soft.  Almost to the creek now, Stanley was still trying to position his “thingy”.  I let him know that there was no correct way to let it hang.  Just leave it alone, and act natural.  I then remembered that his “stiffy” looked like a smaller version of my own.


            As Wally, Bobby, Stanley and I reached the edge of Black Creek, we met up with Eddie and Alan.  Just as the six of us boys were starting to wade in the water, Rita came up to meet us.  Her daughters were both wading in about one foot of the creek.  Rita called out to Janet and Laura to come back.  She needed the girls to help her with the food now.  Bobby was staring at Janet, in her wet two-piece turquoise bikini, as it was now semi-see-through, upon getting wet.  On the top, we could also see her well-formed boobs, and you could actually see most of her nipples.  I saw that Bobby was now half-way into his erection, he noticed me, and kind of turned away from me.  As Janet and Laura left the creek, Rita handed them a tube of sun-screen, and told them to put lots on.  The girls then headed up to the two picnic tables.  Rita then gave me two more tubes, and told the six of us to pair up, and make sure that we were really lubricated.  No sunburns for us, I guess.  Before Rita left us, she told me it was now 1:00pm, and that lunch would now be delayed until 2:00pm.  And that she, and Betty and Birdie were going to play pinochle.


            When us boys were alone again, we waded about to one foot deep in the creek.  I handed the other tube of sun-screen to Wally, and told everyone to divide into two groups of three, to help apply the lotion.  Wally was with Eddie and Alan, and I saw that they were putting it on themselves, only needing help from the others to apply to each other’s backs.


            I was grouped with Bobby and my brother, and we proceeded to share the lotion, and take care of ourselves.  Bobby still had his back to me.  Then when we got to our backs, Stanley came up to my back and applied the lotion, like he had many times before.  After he was done, I took the sun-screen and came of to the back of Bobby.  I applied it to him, just as Stanley did to me.  When Bobby took the lotion to take care of Stanley, he had to turn more towards me, to reach my brother’s back.  That’s when I got a real surprise!  Bobby’s penis was hard as a rock, and it was pushed towards his hip.  It had to be 7 and one-half inches, at least.  It was pushing completely to his left, even reaching to the far side of his clear plastic pants.  And in front, it looked like it was trying to break out of his new swim suit.  It wasn’t really that thick, it was just so long in length, that I couldn’t believe it.  Was he still thinking about Janet in her sexy bikini, or was he turned on by his new plastic pants?


            As we threw both tubes of sun-screen back to the edge of the creek bank, we started to wade to the deeper water, about two feet deep.  All of us were slowly getting use to the temperature of the water, and slowly going deeper, I noticed that Bobby was already sitting down, and had his hands kind of around his groin.  I’m sure he was still trying to hide his “boner”.  We finally waded out to the rapids, where it was three feet deep, and Bobby was still the only one to make sure his waist wasn’t above the water.  As we were enjoying the speed of the small rapids, and coming close to falling over, everyone started to splash each other.  About this time, Bobby finally rose up, and you could only occasionally see his “thingy” through his clear baby-pants.  It appeared to be going down now, and he was becoming much more playful, and much less shy.  It was Wally now, who was getting a “stiffy”, and he was splashing with one hand, and slightly fondling his erect member.  I knew he had a big one now, because you could see the head of his dick, completely out of his foreskin.


            My brother Stanley, and Eddie, were starting to pair off from us.  Stanley seemed less uncomfortable in his new swimming outfit, and he and Eddie were splashing around, and having some kind of conversation.  They were smiling now, and seemed to be having a good time.  I noticed that Alan, was also working his way toward Stanley and Eddie  Wally, Bobby and I were heading to the other side of Black Creek now, and as we got closer to the bank, the water got even deeper.  It looked like it would go no deeper than four feet, but we were having a difficult time, trying to find a spot where we could climb onto the bank.  It was Wally who finally found a place where we could escape the creek, but we could feel the moss, under our feet.  Wally got out first, wearing his yellow baby-print pants.  In the back you could see clear through to his butt crack.  I know that if he passed a fart, he would have had a big bubble attached to his crack.


            After we all escaped the creek, we started to shiver a bit, as we were now acclimated to the water, and the ever so slight breeze, made us feel chilly, at least until the water on us, started to evaporate.  Wally wanted to follow the dirt path, but I reminded him that lunch wasn’t too far away.  The three of us sat down on an old, dead log, and rested a bit.  We had a little small chat, and then decided we should get back.  Just as we were starting to get up, two girls came walking down the path towards us.  They looked about our ages (13-15), and appeared to be quite attractive.  Bobby turned around embarrassed, but Wally and I just stood there waiting for the girls to approach.  They looked surprised to see us, and the first girl, a shapely blond with long blonde hair, that curled up at the ends, spoke first.


            She asked us what we were doing here?  I told her we came from the other side of the creek.  She then laughed, and said that we must be from the “nudie” side.  I shook my head, yes.  She said I’m Marsha Stone, and this is my friend Judy Hamilton.  Her friend had nice, but shorter brunette hair.  I introduced them to myself (Marcus), and then my two friends, Wally and Bobby.  Wally actually bowed, and Bobby was still turned away from them, being shy again, and standing kind of sideways, with most of his back to them.  Here he was embarrassed again, hiding his front, when you could completely see his butt crack, through his clear bathing suit.  The girls were nicely dressed, in short pastel tops, that didn’t come all the way down to their blue-jeans.  They were also wearing fancy looking dress shoes, that had really short heels.


            Marsha, the more talkative one, asked our ages?  I told them I was 15, Wally was 14, and Bobby was 13.  They told us that they were both 14, and that they were looking for Marsha’s brother, Billy.  Did we see a boy in the woods?  I told them we hadn’t, and that we’ve only been here for about fifteen minutes, and that we had to get back to the other side of the creek, for lunch.


            Judy, then spoke for the first time, and asked what kind of swim trunks we were wearing?  “Is that the new style?  Are they popular?”  Marsha laughed, and told Judy, “haven’t you ever seen diaper baby-pants before“?  Judy asked Marsha, how she knows that?  Marsha laughed again, and pointed Wally’s pants out, saying “look closely at the pattern on them”.  Judy was looking at the pattern, about one foot in front of Wally’s dick, jumped back, and said, “Wow, you’re right Marsha“!  Marsha then wanted to know why we wearing them?  I was going to tell a silly lie, but Wally spoke up, and told them that we wearing them, because they were fun.  Leave it to good old Wally, way more open than me, and completely shameful for Bobby.


            Both girls then quieted down a bit, still confused with Wally’s reply.  I reminded everyone that we had to get back to our picnic site.  The girls just shook their heads a bit, and then Marsha reminded us that if we see her 12-year-old blonde headed brother, Billy Stone, to tell him to get back to the cabin right away.  We said we would, and they waved, and continued back up the trail.  When we were alone again, Bobby snapped, and told Wally, that if he ever embarrassed him again, like he did, he would dis-own him as a friend.  I agreed, and told Wally, that from now on, if he was going to be that outward again, don’t do it when you’re with us.  Wally told us he was sorry, and would obey our command.  He was believable, but couldn’t wipe the smirk off his face.


            Just about when we moving into the water again, just to our knees, Bobby told us someone else was in the woods.  We all froze, and looked up at the bank again.  We then saw a blonde boy walking from the other side of the path, in the direction that the two girls were using, to head back to their cabin.  The boy didn’t see us, and he was completely naked, except for a short green tee-shirt.  And he was happily stroking his pink pee-pee, as he was walking alone.  I spoke and surprised the boy, “are you Billy Stone, your sister was looking for you, and she says, you have to go back to the your cabin, now!”  He was standing right in front of us, with shock on his face, and his mouth open, with us standing in our wet plastic pants.  And his hand was still grasped around his nice-sized, but bent-to-the-left pee-pee.  He didn’t get soft, didn’t take his hand off it, and still stood surprised in front of us.  All he finally said was “who --- who, who”?  We said goodbye, and continued back into the creek.  Just as we got back to the rapids, I turned around, and saw his pink butt, as he jaunted back up the hill, to head home.


            We laughed all the way back, about how what a strange adventure that was.  Once again, Bobby reminded Wally, to cool it in the future.  Wally apologized to us again, and Bobby just nodded his head up and down.  When we finally reached our side of the creek, I noticed Bobby wasn’t hiding his front anymore.  I think that after that adventure, he couldn’t be that shy in front of us again.  Then Mom’s told us we were just in time, as we headed back to the picnic table.  While we were gone, Janet had joined Betty, Rita, and Birdie, to play four-handed pinochle with them.  Sarah had gone to play in the creek, with Stanley, Eddie, and Alan.  Now the whole group was back at the two picnic tables, just getting ready to eat.


            I noticed that all six of us boys, were still wearing our baby-pants swim suits.  No one seemed to be self-conscious anymore.  I guess it only takes time.  The four youngest, Janet, and the Mom’s already, had their paper plates filled.  And they were already drinking from their ice-cold Coca-Cola’s.  Birdie told us go over and help ourselves to lunch.  Wally, Bobby, and I got our plates and utinsels, and started to load up.  Wow, everything looked good, so we loaded up with a ham sandwich, baked beans, potato salad, and potato chips.  We three sat down at the food table, because the other picnic was already filled up by the eight people.  Then Birdie came over to us, and gave each of us a Coke.


Stay tuned for Chapter 2 - Coming Back From the Picnic


            If you have any questions, or comments, please feel free to email me.  If you’re going to be critical, please do so in a constructive way, but do be honest, okay?  If there is interest, I will include less plastic pants, and go more into diaper changing, and wetting/mess accidents for Chapter 2.

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Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
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