Summary: When Danny's parents decide to take a long vacation and send him off to Scout camp for the whole summer, he gets into a conflict with the counselors and has an experience that will change his life forever. [This story kinda 'got away' from me at the end but the beginning is okay.] Danny At Scout Camp By It was bad enough when my parents made me go to Boy Scout Camp for a week last year, but when they broke the news to me that I'd be going for the whole summer this year I almost burst into tears. First, I'm not really "into" Boy Scouts but my folks think that it will build character so I don't have much choice. Secondly, maybe the other kids like to get chewed up by insects, and go on long hikes, and take cold showers outdoors, but I'll take the comfort of my bedroom and my Xbox, thank you. But you know parents and my arguments didn't buy me much. I even tried to bargain the whole summer at camp down to just a couple of weeks, but no luck there either � turns out my parents 25th wedding anniversary is this summer and they're taking a two month cruise to celebrate. So as I finished my sophomore year of high school, I sadly accepted the fact that it was Scout camp for me this summer. So anyway, I packed up my gear when it was time and my folks drove me up to the camp. When I had gone before I had been with the other guys in my Troop but my Troop wasn't going to stay but for two weeks so I was assigned to a tent with nine other boys who were staying the whole summer. It wasn't too bad, actually. There was a wooden platform about 20' by 30' and a big tent over it. There were five double deck bunks on the platform and room for out footlockers and some chairs. Outside was a big picnic table and benches. I was glad to see that they had improved the camp over the winter. Last summer the "facilities" consisted of outhouses out in the woods. As I remembered them they were pretty gross and smelly so I was glad to see that they had modernized them with running water and flush toilets. While we were being given a tour of the camp, I did notice that the latrine by the archery range, which was about a half mile from the main camp, had not been improved. By that time I had to take a leak so I went inside and it was just as bad, or worse than I had remembered. The latrine was about 5' deep and 10' or 12' wide. Running along the back wall was a bench with five holes in it and a toilet seat over each hole. You stepped up to a hole and either raised the seat and peed or sat on the seat to take a dump. After I was done I happened to look down into the holding pit beneath the bench and saw the layer of waste, maybe six feet or so below the hole. "Waste" doesn't give you an idea of how disgusting it looked � like shit and turds and toilet paper and pools of piss and who knows what else. Gross! Jesus! I had forgotten how much I hate Junior Counselors. The senior counselors are OK � like most of them are college students and I think they get paid, but the junior counselors (or "JCs") are kids about our age, some even younger than us, who have been coming to camp for a number of years and are in training to be senior counselors. The problem with most of the JCs is that they think they're really important when in fact most of them are real assholes. On the first day of camp one of them came up to me and yelled: "Scout, carry this gear up to my tent for me." "Fuck you, asshole!" I yelled back. Well, he got mad and shoved me, so I punched him in the gut and he fell down and at looked like he was going to cry. After that the JCs left me alone, or if they wanted to hassle me, there were at least two or three of them together. Even though they're modernized most of the outhouses with running water and flush toilets that only takes care of the smell part, not the convenience problem. The outhouses are located several hundred feet away from the tent areas � on trails that lead back into the woods. That was probably a good location when they were pretty smelly, and it's not all that bad during the daytime. But when you wake up in the middle of the night and have to take a leak, and you have to get out of your bunk with your flashlight and hike a hundred feet back into the woods to get to the outhouse, it's no fun. And if it's cold that night, or especially if it's raining, the hike is a lot worse. Now I'm fifteen years old but even I find myself looking into the darkness along the trail and wondering what might be lurking out there. For the younger kids it's even worse and most of them don't even make the hike � they just step outside their tent and take a leak. So you can always tell what tent areas were assigned to the younger campers - by the end of the summer they all smell like piss. Want to find the younger kids? Follow your nose! Last year wasn't so bad at camp because I was only there for two weeks but this year it was for ALL SUMMER and after the first couple of weeks I got pretty homesick. I missed my parents, I missed my house, I missed my friends. And since my folks were on the stupid cruise I couldn't even call home to talk to them. I think maybe that was why I wet my bunk. I remember having a dream about taking a bath in warm water and I awakened from the dream in the middle of the night to find myself nice and warm, but also very WET! I didn't remember doing it but I realized that I had WET THE BED (or, sleeping bag, actually)! I couldn't think of anything to do at that point so I lay in my wet sleeping bag for the rest of the night and morning found me very wet � and very cold � and very EMBARASSED!! I didn't say anything to the other guys in the tent, but rolled out of my sleeping bag, shucked off my wet underwear and put on dry clothes. When we went down to the mess hall for breakfast, I left my sleeping bag open so that it would dry out. I hoped that was the end of it but two nights later I did it again, and then again on the following night. I hadn't wet my bed since I couldn't remember when and now I had just done it three times in four nights. But after that I stayed dry at night for several days so I figured I was OK. Weird shit happens at Scout camp. This morning the JCs took a group of about 40 of us on an "orientation hike." It was more like a ten-mile forced march through a swamp and I think they did it for fun. When we got back to camp they told us to go to our bunks, pick up our soap and a towel and to meet at the showers. The showers, if you didn't know, are just a big fenced in area, about 30' by 30' with shower heads around the inside of the fence. Anyway, the JCs told us that we might have picked up some ticks in the swamp, or brushed up against poison ivy so we had to shower. So there we are, about forty naked boys packed into this shower area and getting all soaped up. "OK", one of the JCs yelled, "Now turn to your left and wash the back of the boy next to you. And while you're doing it, check it back and head for ticks." So now it's beginning to feel really weird as we're rubbing each others soapy bodies and looking for ticks. After a minute or so I felt something kind of poking me in the rear and I turned around and saw that the boy behind me had this erection that was poking me. He saw me looking at him and turned bright red and backed away from me a little. But then I looked around and saw that almost every guy in the shower had a hard-on and realized that I did, too. Weird. It was about a week after the last time that I wet the bed when I woke up with the now familiar cold and wet feeling and thought: "Aw crap, I did it again." The problem now was that even though I tried to dry my sleeping bag out during the day, it was beginning to get kinda smelly and I was afraid that someone would notice. And I was now peeing my sleeping bag almost every night. I tried not drinking liquids before I went to bed, and waking up in the middle of the night to sneak out into the woods and take a leak, but nothing seemed to help. By now my sleeping bag smelled pretty bad and there was this odor of urine that hung around our tent. But when the JCs inspected our tent that weekend guess what they found? Not only I but four of the other kids in the tent had been wetting their beds too. The JCs loved this. They made us take our sleeping bags to the laundry and wash them and then hang them out into the sun to dry so the whole camp could see. I was super embarrassed but at least I had some company. The JCs started referring to us as the "baby tent" and began poking fun at us all the time. I caught one of them out in the woods alone and got in a couple of good punches but it didn't stop their harassment. After a week or so of this, the camp director realized what was going on and ordered the JCs to leave us along. But on one condition � the bed wetters had to wear diapers at night to keep our beds dry! Aw man! I'm almost sixteen years old and I have to wear diapers at night? My problem was that the only option he gave me was to either wear diapers at night or get sent home. And since my folks weren't home the second choice was off the table. So I reluctantly agreed to put on diapers at night. So that afternoon I went over to the nurse's office and she weighed me and measured my waist and then selected a bag of diapers that would fit me properly. She had a pretty good stock of diapers so I guess she's seen kids with the same problem a lot at the camp. She asked me if she needed to show me how to put them on and I blushed and said that I thought I could figure it out by myself. No way was I going to let some strange woman put a diaper on me. So I got the bag of diapers back to my tent and hid it at the bottom of my footlocker. Even though I knew that three other boys in the tent would be wearing diapers that night (one of the bed wetters went home), I was still very embarrassed about what I was going to have to do at night, so when no one was looking I took one of the diapers and stuffed it into the bottom of my sleeping bag. As I was doing this I looked at it a little and it just looked like kind of a plain "industrial" diaper � no brand name on it, about an inch thick padding and a plastic outer layer with two adhesive strips on the sides to keep it closed. After taps that night, when I was laying in my sleeping bag, I waited till the other boys were asleep and then I reached down and unfolded the diaper to its hourglass shape. I squirmed around till I had it centered under me and then reached down, pulled the front flap up over my crotch, and fastened it with the adhesive strips. It felt really strange on my body � kind of like I had pulled on about ten pairs of Jockey briefs at the same time, but after awhile I got more used to its feel and drifted off to sleep. For the first time in a week or so I slept through the night. But when I awakened in the morning I found that I had peed in my diaper sometime during the night. It was very wet and soggy but at least it wasn't as cold as a wet sleeping bag, and my sleeping bag was dry for the first morning in several weeks. I reached down and pulled off the adhesive tapes, being careful not to make any noise, and then removed the diaper and pulled on a pair of clean and dry Jockey briefs that I had hidden in my sleeping bag the night before. As the other boys were getting out of their sleeping bags, I nonchalantly jumped out of mine as if nothing had happened, got dressed, and went to the mess hall for breakfast. As the weeks passed, I became more used to wearing a diaper to bed and became less self conscious about putting it on in the evening, and disposing of the wet diaper in the morning. Eventually I got to the point where I would stand by my bunk, strip off my clothes, reach into my footlocker and take out a diaper, and then put it on and adjust it before climbing into my sleeping bag. In the morning I'd climb out of my bunk and stand there for a second before removing the diaper, which was now sagging badly with its load of pee, and get dressed. The other three boys in the tent that were now "diapered" were doing the same thing. It's not like we were showing off or anything, just that we had come to accept wearing diapers to bed as part of the normal camp routine. Knowing that I wouldn't wake up to a wet and smelly sleeping bag made a big difference on my outlook toward the camp. I kinda got in to the swing of camp activities and ended up enjoying myself. As July turned into August, I realized that I wasn't looking forward to the end of camp any more. Well, it wasn't only that I was enjoying camp now, but I was wondering what would happen if my parents found out that their fifteen year old son had been wearing diapers or, worse, if I continued to wet the bed when I went home. I think it might have been because I was enjoying camp now, or it might have been because wearing the diapers gave me a feeling of security that I stopped wetting the bed every night. In fact, toward the end of August I had gone for several weeks without peeing in my diaper. I still wore them but I didn't really need them. And this is funny, but I kinda liked the way they felt on my body now. Whatever. It was during the last week of camp that a couple of the JCs, the ones that had been teasing and annoying us all along, decided that they'd play one last prank on us kids in the "baby tent." It was sometime after midnight when my bunkmates and I were awakened by the sound of someone moving around our tent. Then flashlights shone into our faces, blinding us, and we were ordered to get out of our bunks and stand in attention on the floor for a "diaper parade." I recognized the voice of one of the JCs and all the abuse we'd taken during the summer just kind of set me off. I was on a top bunk and I lashed out with my fist, catching him squarely on the nose. "Get out of here you fucking fags", I screamed at the top of my voice. There was a moment of shocked silence and then they dragged me roughly from my bunk and threw me to the floor of the cabin. The one I had hit was standing over me, blood dripping from his nose and a smashed lip, and he was getting ready to hit me with his flashlight when one of his buddies said, "Wait up! I know something much better for this wiseass kid." Leaving the rest of the kids alone they dragged me out through the woods. It was pretty dark and I couldn't figure out where they were taking me � it seemed like we kept going forever and forever. Finally they stopped by a large shed and the smell coming from it told me where they had brought me � to the latrine by the archery range. They dragged me inside and stripped off my diaper, I still hadn't figured out what they were going to do with me. But when they lifted up one of the seats and picked me up and held me over the hole I realized that they planned to drop me down into the holding pit beneath the latrine. I fought as hard as I could. I screamed. I bit one of them on the hand and kicked another in the crotch but they were too strong for me. As they dropped me into the holding pit I tried to catch the sides of the hole and stop my fall but the sides were too slippery and I splashed down into the muck and filth. "Enjoy yourself little poopie boy", they taunted me as they left. If I thought the latrine smelled bad from the outside, down in the holding pit it was ten times as bad � a mixture of ammonia and rotting shit smells and who knows what else. I coughed at the smell and my stomach revolted, forcing me to vomit up last night's supper. I was standing in muck, about the consistency of thick mud, that came up to an inch or so over my navel. I found that I could move around if I was careful and moved slowly, so I moved around the walls of the holding pit, searching for some way to escape, but there was no way out except for the holes that were more than five feet above my head. I was trapped. As the helplessness of my situation sunk in, I began to cry. After some time, it might have been an hour or so, I became used to the smell and stopped gagging. Then too, even though I was standing in a mixture of piss and crap and who knows what else, I was not all that uncomfortable. The mixture was fairly warm, probably from the decomposition of the crap, so that I wasn't cold. So I quieted down and waited to be rescued. I figured that my bunkmates would tell the head counselors what had happened and that they would soon find me. I waited, and waited, and waited and no one came. Eventually I realized that it must be morning as I could see a faint light coming down through the holes above my head. But now I had another problem, my legs were beginning to cramp from standing upright for so long and to relieve the pressure on my leg muscles, I let myself slowly sink down into the muck till I was kind of floating and only my head was above the surface. "Well", I thought to myself, "at least I don't have to worry about waking up with a wet diaper." The funny thing was that after awhile I just kind of relaxed and other than the smell, it didn't feel too bad. I was floating in the warm muck and as I moved a little I could feel it squishing around my body � especially my balls and cock. It began to feel pretty good down there if you know what I mean and I realized that I'd got this huge boner. Well I was never one to let a good boner go to waste so I reached down with my hand and began stroking myself and after several minutes I shot my load. I was finally found only by accident. It must have been around 10am or so when I heard noises and realized that the first archery class was coming to the range for the morning. I wanted to call out to them for help but I was so humiliated by what had been done to me that I couldn't. The decision was made for me when several of the scouts came into the latrine and began to use the facilities. One of them came to the hole under which I was standing and began to relieve himself, sending a warm stream of urine down onto my head and face. "No! Please stop! Help!", I cried, "I'm trapped down here. Please get help. Please. Please." There was a moment of silence and then pandemonium broke out above. "Holy shit. That sounds like Danny. He's trapped down in the pit. Get some help!" Within about fifteen minutes, the senior counselors had arrived, torn up several boards to make a larger opening into the pit, and lowered a ladder for me to climb out. As I emerged from the holding pit, with my body covered with reeking muck, I could see their disgust. They cleaned me up as best they could by sloshing me with water, wrapped me in blankets and took me back to camp when I could take a shower and clean off, and then took me into town to be checked over at the hospital. At the hospital everyone was very nice to me but they decided to keep me there for a day for observation. They weren't sure what chemicals, germs, fungi and viruses my body had been exposed to in the latrine's holding pit and wanted to make sure I didn't have any severe aftereffects of my ordeal. Actually, once I had gotten cleaned up, and some fresh clothes on and had a chance to catch up on some sleep in the hospital bed I didn't feel all that bad � just kind of tired and I had a slight rash all over my body. Wow, were my parents pissed! They had just gotten back from their cruise when they got the call from the camp director that there had been a "minor problem." Minor problem, yeah, my father tore that guy several new assholes and had his lawyer start filing lawsuits against everyone involved. Those asshole JCs are going to have a very unpleasant life for awhile. But my folks got my stuff packed up and took me home and, other than a little rash, I was none the worse for the ordeal. And since school was going to be starting in a couple of days I didn't have much time to loaf around and think about things. I guess the only problem that I still had, and I don't even know whether it was a result of the Scout camp thing, was that I've begun to wet the bed a little at night. Now I don't do it every night, maybe once or twice a week, and my Mom's been pretty cool about it and changing the bedclothes whenever I've had an "accident." But by late September I had begun to have dreams about what happened at Scout camp. I talked it over with one of the counselors at the school and he explained that the memories were unpleasant and that my mind's way of dealing them was to bring them back as dreams and after awhile the memories would be all sorted out and the dreams would stop. What I didn't tell the counselor was that along with the dreams, I was now wetting the bed almost every night. Mom ended up putting a rubber sheet on my bed and changed the bedding every morning. She suggested that I might want to begin wearing diapers at night till this period passed but I turned her down. I think my parents figured this was still an adjustment period that I was going through and the diapers would be temporary. The funny thing was that when she suggested that I might consider wearing diapers, my first thought was something like: "Yeah, it would feel kinda neat to be wearing diapers again", but then I just couldn't get over the idea of how ashamed I would feel, knowing that my parents knew that their son was wearing diapers to bed. By late October and almost two months since my ordeal at Scout camp, the memories still haunted me. The first month of school was OK. I was so relieved to be back among my friends at school and busy with studies and everything. Then, starting in October, in addition to the dreams I began to have occasional nightmares about the ordeal � maybe "night terrors" is more apt than nightmares as they were pretty intense. At first they might just happen every couple of weeks but by November they had become more frequent. Not every night but several times a week I'll awaken from a nightmare, screaming in terror as I relive being dropped into the latrine's pit. When this happens I also find that I've lost control of my bladder and bowels and have wet and soiled my bed. I think that my parents could have accepted even these episodes but I've also started having "flashbacks" during the day. Every other day or so, something will trigger a flashback. It could be as simple as walking past the boy's toilet at school and smelling the odor drifting out of the stalls and urinals, and for a split second I'll be back in the muck in the latrine pit. I'll again lose control of myself and wet and soil my pants. The first couple of times, my parents, and the school and my doctor thought the episodes would go away but they haven't and may be becoming more frequent. So they decided that I should wear diapers all the time now. I wasn't going to argue with them. Wearing diapers at the age of fifteen is pretty bad, but standing there in the hallway and having the other kids stare at you as they realize that a stream of piss is running down your leg and that you've just filled your shorts with crap is even worse. Mom got several bags of diapers at the drug store in what she thought would be the right size for my but I made her take them back and get a different style. The diapers I had used at Scout camp had been fairly "low rise" and didn't even come up to my navel. But the first ones that Mom bought had been high rise and came partway up my chest and were very difficult to hide under my clothing. Once she got the same style I had used at camp, it was easier to hide the fact that I was now wearing diapers again. I remember thinking when I put a diaper on again for the first time in over two months: "Gee, this feels pretty good again", and I got right back into the routine of putting on a diaper every night before I went to bed. In the morning I'll get out of bed, take off my soiled diaper, clean myself up, shower and put on a fresh diaper before getting dressed. If I have a little extra time before I have to leave for school, I can take extra time with the diapering process and have some fun � like applying a lot of Vaseline to my crotch area and playing with myself for awhile � then when I do put on my diaper, the Vaseline makes everything "down there" feel all slippery and squishy. Several times a day during school, as the need arises, I go to the nurse's office and remove and replace my soiled diaper with a fresh one. I've gotten to the point where using several WetWipes to clean off the mess, a little baby oil rubbed on the area, a few shakes of talcum powder, pull on the new diaper and I'm done in about a minute. Mom bought me some jeans that are cut much fuller in the waist and hips (I think they might even be girl's jeans) to accommodate the added bulk of my diapers. It's not a perfect solution but at least it gets me through the day. Because of the nightmares and flashbacks I've started going to a shrink � except that he calls himself a therapist and gets pissed when I call him a "shrink." Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon I go after school for about an hour. Frankly I think he gets pail a hell of a lot for doing very little. Like, we just sit there and he gets me to talk about my family, and school, and friends, and stuff. Occasionally we'll talk about Scout camp. I can't see what good this is doing me, but if it gets me out of diapers I'm all for it. You know, this guy makes so much money I should study whatever you have to study in college to become a shrink! A funny thing happened in English class today. Class had just started when I had a flashback for a second and I realized that I had pooped in my diaper as I felt a warm and sticky mass between my legs. Class had just begun and I didn't want to draw attention to myself by getting up to change my diaper so I just sat there and felt the warm stickiness spread to my front and squish around my balls and cock. After awhile it even began to feel sort of, well, pleasant. I was in the back row and so one could see me so I dropped my hand to the front of my jeans and rubbed my diaper gently through them. That felt even better so I rubbed it a little harder and that made it feel REALLY good as I felt this big erection through the diaper. I continued stroking my cock through the diaper and I soon shot my load into the diaper. Wow, I thought, that was kinda gross but it sure was fun to jerk off in English class! The body rash that I developed after getting out of the holding pit at Scout camp has pretty much gone away � except for my crotch. The Doc has been treating it with various antibiotics and chemicals, and it kind of comes and goes, it may get a little better, but never completely goes away. At its best, it's a slight rash that I'm aware of but which doesn't bother me. At its worst, my crotch area, dick and balls are very red and itchy and it is very uncomfortable to walk � especially with the pressure of my diaper on that area. But the Doc keeps trying new treatments and he tells me that it's just a stubborn infection or something and that eventually one of the treatments will clear it up. Come on Doc, I can't wait! After that time I jerked off into my diaper in English class, and I know this sounds really gross, but I'm not in a real rush to change my diaper after I've crapped in it. I like the feeling of the crap squishing around my balls. So whenever I've had an "accident" I'll sometimes wait an hour or so before I change my diaper. After I filled my diaper in the cafeteria during lunch today, I was just walking the halls, killing time before my next class and the feel of the full diaper was so great that I came and shot my load without even having to rub my cock through the diaper. The only thing that concerned me was the smell of a full diaper as I noticed several times that the other kids were looking at me and wrinkling their noses. But my Mom solved that by getting me some plastic panties that I can wear over my diapers. The panties keep in the smell and allow me to go longer between diaper changes. They do rustle a little as I walk along but I figure that's a small price to pay. She also got me diapers that go higher up on my body. Like, the ones that I had been wearing stopped below my navel. When I was changing my diapers right after a bowel movement they were OK. But when I started keeping the diapers on for some time after I pooped in them, or if I had a really big poop, or if I wanted to poop twice, sometimes the mess would start to leak out the top. So anyway, she got me some diapers that were heavier and came about half way up my chest. I found out that I could wear these diapers for over a day without any leakage � neat! Oh damn, that rash in my crotch was really painful this morning and my balls were all red and swollen. I know the Doc told me that scratching was going to make it worse but it was so painful that I had to do something. So before I put my diaper on this morning I opened the can of Vaseline and got a good handful, and then just reached down with both hands and grabbed my balls and gently massaged them. The funny thing was that after a couple minutes of this the irritation had gone away and they felt OK � they were still swollen but they didn't itch anymore. By that afternoon the itch had returned and was as bad as ever so when I got home from school, I took off my dirty diaper, cleaned myself off, and lay down on my bed and massaged my balls for five minutes or so to make them feel better before I put on a clean diaper. Now that I know that massaging my crotch makes the itching go away for a while, whenever I'm not in public I'll slip my hand down into my diaper and play with my cock and balls and gently massage them. Once when I was doing this I suddenly wet myself and it seemed weird to have my hand down in a dirty diaper but I figured that what the hell, as long as it got rid of the itch, and kept playing with myself. I don't think the shrink is working � or at least not the way I expected. It's nearly Christmas now and the nightmares and flashbacks are not as bad as they used to be. But what I've also noticed is that I'm slowly losing control over my bowels and bladder. It used to be that I only lost control during a nightmare or flashback. But now it just, like, you know, happens. I'll be sitting in class and all of a sudden I'll feel this warm wetness in my crotch and know that I've pissed myself. Or I'll be watching TV at home and all of a sudden I'll make this really wet farting noise and then there's this warm sticky stuff squishing around in my diaper and I know that I've had a bowel movement. Now since I'm wearing diapers I don't mess my clothes or anything. And if I concentrate really hard I can stop it from happening � some of the time. Even though playing with myself and massaging my balls makes them feel better, hell, it makes ME feel better, they're still pretty swollen. I was looking at them the other day and they appear to be about twice as big as I remember them being. So the next time I saw the Doc I asked him about it and he agreed that: "�.. there appears to have been some increase in the size of your testicles." But he said that he felt that was probably just a temporary reaction to a medication and I shouldn't worry about it. He did change one of my prescriptions. By the end of January, there was good news and bad news. The good news was that the nightmares and flashbacks had stopped. The bad news was that I no longer had any control whatsoever over my bladder and bowels. The shrink basically told me that I had a physical problem. But the Doc said that it had to be a mental problem. Thanks a lot for the help guys! But you know, it really doesn't bother me as much as I had thought that it would. I've gotten to like the feeling of wearing a diaper, especially a full one. So I really don't worry about the fact that I can't control myself anymore. I'm not changing myself as often either. Quite often on the weekends I won't change myself the whole time. Even with the plastic panties, I would still get some "leakage" when I went that long but my Mommy solved that problem by switching me to diapers that were much thicker in the crotch area in addition to going up high on my chest and they're more absorbent as well. All the extra padding between my legs makes it a little harder to walk but I can live with that. Actually, I needed the larger diapers for another reason, my balls are still swollen. Well, maybe swollen isn't the right word � they're larger. Each one is about the size of a large hen's egg and their added weight has stretched out the size of my sack (well, "scrotum" the Doc calls it). My balls used to kind of snuggle up against the base of my cock, but now they hang down about three inches or so below it. Anyway, with the diapers I had been using things were getting really tight and uncomfortable but with the larger diapers, everything feels OK. Quite often when I'm just hanging around the house and we're not expecting any company I'll just wear a diaper and my plastic panties. I figure why bother to go to the trouble of getting all dressed if I don't have to. Usually when I get home from school on Friday I'll take off my clothes and after that it's diapers and panties only till Monday morning. By the time that winter was beginning to turn into spring my balls had swelled to about the size of tennis balls, and they hung down in my sack almost halfway to my knees. Its funny how my dick hasn't gotten bigger but my balls have. When I take off my diaper and step into the shower in the morning, I can feel my balls swinging back and forth and slapping against my thighs. Even though the bigger diapers that my Mommie bought me hold everything in, the added size of my balls made my jeans very tight in the crotch so she had to get me a larger size and then take them in at the waist a little so they didn't look too baggy. If you look at me you can see a small bulge in my crotch now but it isn't too noticeable. Kinda brings a whole new meaning to the saying: "The kid's got balls." Yes I do, thank you kindly. Through the spring my balls continued to swell and by the time school let out in early June were considerably larger. I'd guess that each of my balls is about the size of a grapefruit and they hang down almost to my knees. The funny thing is that I don't mind this. It feels really neat to take off my diaper occasionally and walk around the house with my balls swinging back and forth between my legs and slapping against my lower thighs. One time I spread my legs a little and bent over and looked down at them swinging back and forth as I swayed my body back and forth a little. The breeze on them felt really neato. But I can't do that too often. Once I was walking through the living room naked and all of a sudden I had a bowel movement and dropped a load of steaming turds on the living room rug. Mommie was NOT pleased about that and immediately ordered me to put my diaper back on and clean up my mess. I've also noticed that when I jerk off now, more liquid comes out � like my larger balls are producing more. I used to get maybe a tablespoon or so of this white sticky liquid, now I'm getting maybe a cup or so and its really kewl to jerk off in my diaper and feel this warm sticky liquid squirt out into it. Mommie had to get me some jeans that fit differently. She found some that have this elastic section in the front so they can accommodate the added size of my crotch. There's a very noticeable bulge in my crotch area now but I can conceal it from the other kids by wearing baggy shirts and keeping them outside my pants so everything is covered up. It was funny when I was taking driver education the other day. I had trouble getting into the driver's seat because this big bulge in my pants wouldn't fit under the steering wheel. Luckily the steering wheel was adjustable and I could raise it up enough so that I could slide in underneath it. Mommie dragged me off to the Doc several days ago even though I didn't want to go. We went in to the examining room and the nurse told me to strip down to my underwear. I took off my shirt and I could see her staring at the big bulge in my crotch that had been hidden by the shirt. When I got down to my diapers, I asked her if I should take them off and she told me to just jump up on the examining table and unsnap the diapers and sit on them just in case I had an accident. As I unsnapped the diapers and folded the top down and she saw my big sack and balls, her jaw sort of dropped for a minute till she regained her composure. "The doctor will be here in a minute", she said as she hurried out of the room. When the Doc did come in, I could tell he was surprised as well by the change. He did a pretty thorough exam, did X- rays and took blood samples. He wanted to do a biopsy of my balls and I was kewl with that till I found out what a biopsy was and then I wasn't too sure. But he sprayed some cool liquid on my balls and when he inserted the needle to take a sample I hardly felt anything. After the exam was done, he basically said that he was stumped. Unless something funny showed up from the tests, he said that I had a normal teenage boy's set of equipment � just that parts of it were larger than usual. As for treatment, if the added tissue was a problem it could be surgically removed. Cut off my balls? No fucking way, and I told him that in colorful language. As summer vacation wore on I left the house less and less. With the increasing size of my balls the bulge in my crotch was getting too large to be hidden. Then too, because of all the added weight between my legs I was walking a little differently � kind of halfway between a walk and a waddle. As the new school year approached, my Mommie and Daddy decided that it would be better if I didn't return to school and arranged for a tutor to come in and home school me. By then I had given up wearing clothes and it was even tough to find diapers that would fit me. But Mommie solved the problem by getting some cotton sheets and cutting them up to make large diapers. My sack is almost as big as a basketball now, but instead of sagging down farther and farther as my balls have continued to enlarge, it has swelled out in front of my crotch. I had kinda hoped that my cock would get larger along with my balls but that hasn't happened � it's stayed the same size as best as I can tell. So I've got this large sack containing my balls springing from my crotch and my little dick is up at the top, partly covered up by the sack which swells out just beneath it. The other thing is that I can't really distinguish between my two balls when I play with myself these days � there's just a large soft mass in my sack. When I'm sitting down in a chair this big sack fills my lap and comes part way up my chest. When I rest my hands on it, it's like having a large soft pillow beneath them. The other night I was watching one of the late comedy shows on the TV and the guy was cracking jokes and came up with one that had something to do with dogs licking their balls. I thought it was a pretty funny joke so I laughed, and then I wondered what it would be like to lick your balls. "What the hell", I thought, "Why not give it a try?" so I opened the top of my diaper, leaned down a little and flicked the top of my sack with my tongue. It didn't feel half bad, in fact it felt pretty good, so I licked it some more. I was surprised to look up later on to find that I had been licking my balls for over a half hour. Now, the feeling when I lick them isn't as strong as when I play with them and massage them, but there's something that's just, well, "comforting" about the way it feels. I can't bend over far enough to completely lick around my balls but I can reach the top half pretty well. So quite often now when I'm a little bored or have nothing else to do, I'll spend some time licking my balls. The home schooling thing didn't work out. I don't know whether it was my appearance, or the smell of my dirty diaper, or whatever but the first tutor left after a week. Mommie and Daddy got a second tutor but one time she came into my room when I was sitting on the floor with my diaper off and licking my balls. She muttered something under her breath that sounded a little like: �.. filthy animal", and quit on the spot. I know that Mommie and Daddy are disappointed that I've decided to drop out of school and not get my diploma but studying things just seemed so pointless. I kinda hinted that I might change my mind later on and that got them off my back. So for the rest of the fall and early winter I just hung around the house. Walking was getting a little more difficult for my so I'd stay in my room and watch TV, or maybe go out to the living room occasionally and watch TV there. Now I don't know what caused my balls to swell up the way they have, but whatever it is seems to have affected my tongue too � it may have to do with the amount of time I'm spending licking my balls � but why haven't my hands changed because I use them to play with my balls all the time? Anyway. It seems like my tongue has gotten about twice as big as it used to be. When I stick it out as far as I can it extends almost six inches from my mouth, and it's twice as wide as it used to be. In fact, it won't fit back in my mouth anymore so usually two or three inches of it are hanging out of my mouth. The only real problem is that I'm constantly drooling and I have a very bad lisp which makes it difficult to understand me. But the good part about it is that when I lick my balls now it really feels a lot better � I'm kinda hoping that my tongue will get even bigger � it would be really neat to be able to lick the bottom of my balls! By the following spring, the growth of my balls had continued and the sack enclosing them was now about the size of a beachball as it rested in my lap. As it had swelled, it had covered up my cock � well I guess my dick was still there but inside the sack somewhere � with the only evidence being a hole near the top of my sack that the piss trickles from. I can still get myself off by playing with, stroking, licking and massaging my sack. And when I do come several pints of hot, white sticky fluid will gush from the hole that used to be my dick and splash on my face and chest. The best thing about it is that before the changes, when I'd jerk off and shoot my load it would only feel really good for a couple of seconds, but now it lasts for about a minute. In fact, except when I'm sleeping now I spend most of my time simply playing with myself. I know that my Mommie and my Daddy don't like me to do this, but tough shit, it's my body! My balls are so large now that there's little point in trying to cover them with a diaper. In fact the sack enclosing them fills my lap and comes up to my chin. When I'm watching TV I usually lean forward and rest my head on it � just like a warm soft pillow. I haven't been out of my room in months now as the weight and size of my balls make it impossible to walk. If I really needed to, I guess I could sit down on the floor and try to scoot backward but I've got pretty much everything that I need in my room. There's my TV and stereo, and there's a big chair next to my bed that I can slide into if I want to get out of bed. My parents pretty much leave me along these days and that's fine with me. One of them will bring me a big tray of food in the morning, enough to keep me going all day. Every week or two one of them will change the sheets on my bed but as you can guess, my room is pretty filthy and the smell is so bad that they keep the door closed all the time to keep the stench out of the rest of the house. Well, they call it a stench but I've gotten to like the smell � it reminds me of the smell in the pit beneath the latrine at Scout camp. And as I lie in the muck that covers my bed and play with myself and lick and drool on my balls, I fondly remember that first time I jerked myself off while in the latrine waiting to be saved!