Summary: A trip into an abandoned mine has unintended consequences for two Navajo youth. Danny & Eric By Eric and I have been close friends for as long as I can remember. It's probably because we have so much in common. To start out with, we're both 14 years old, and we're both full-blooded Navajo Indians, and we both live on the Navajo tribal lands in northern Arizona – near the town of Kayenta. And in addition to that, we're both members of the Fog Clan so that makes us even closer. The other thing that we have in common is screwed up parents. Both our dads drink a lot – and mine especially, when he's been drinking, he's a mean drunk. So I think that mom drinks to forget about dad – or whatever. So whenever mom and dad have been hitting the bottle, which is usually, I spend the night at a relative's or friend's house. Now the funny thing is that even though my parents have their problems, they're still proud of our Navajo heritage. Most of the other boys my age have more modern style haircuts but my folks insisted that I not get my hair cut – ever. The result is that I've got long black hair that hangs down my back almost to my waist. Actually, I've been secretly trimming it back a little at a time to keep it from getting even longer. And usually I'll wear it rolled up in a knob wrapped with string on the back of my head to make it less noticeable. Eric does the same thing. So you'd think that with all their insistence on Navajo tradition, that my parents would have named me something like "running deer", or something, but no, my full name is Danny Chee. And Eric, that's a better name for a Viking than for a Navajo. Could be that our parents were drunk when they chose those names – go figure. There's not a lot of jobs in Navajo territory unless you happen to be doing something for the tourists. A lot of the women weave blankets and some of the men make jewelry and pottery to sell to the belacanis (white folks). Actually, a lot of them buy stuff that's made in China and pass it off as made by a Native American but that's the belacani's problem. Near where I live there's a trading post that sells Navajo crafts to the tourists, and that also offers trail rides on horseback. So that's what Eric and I have been doing for the past couple of years – taking care of the horses. Actually it's not a bad job – doesn't pay all that much but it gives us a little spending money – and an excuse to keep out of our folks' way when they're juiced up. The horses are kept in a corral in a canyon a couple of miles from the trading post that has a spring to provide water. So every morning Eric and I will swing by the trading post to see how many horses are needed, then hike over to the canyon and bring back the required number of horses. Most of the rides are early in the day before it gets too hot so by early afternoon the rides are usually over and we'll take the horses back to the corral and feed and water them for the night. The best part of the job is that after we've got the horses cared for, the owner of the trading post has given us permission to take one of the horses out for a ride. So Eric and I will jump on a horse and go exploring. Maybe I should mention that Eric is a little on the crazy side – well, maybe "fearless" is a better word than crazy. It seems like there's nothing that Eric is scared of, and he'll try anything. The upshot is that he usually mounts the horse first and I have to climb up behind him and hold on to him as he gets the horse trotting over the rough ground. When the tourists ride the horses we fix them up with saddles but Eric and I have been riding for so long that we usually ride bareback, or just throw a blanket up on the horse and use that as a saddle. Back in the 50's there used to be a pretty active uranium mining industry in the nearby hills and there are a lot of caves left over from the mining days. Eric and I have been exploring them and we'll usually find some old mining gear that we can bring back to the trading post and sell to the tourists. The old carbide lanterns that some of the miners wore on their heads are pretty popular and we can usually get five dollars apiece for those. So by the time we've got the horses back to the corral, and fed and watered for the day, and have taken off on horseback to explore for a couple of hours, it's getting to be late in the afternoon and time to get our horse back to the corral, and hike over to the trading post with whatever we've scrounged up from the mines that we'd explored that afternoon. Even though not all of the tourists like to ride horses, there's one thing that all of them like to do – take pictures. So Eric and I worked out a deal with the guy who runs the trading post. When we bring the horses over to the trading post in the morning, we'll have let our hair down and we'll be riding bareback and wearing just sandals and breechcloths. As we ride up the tourists will start whispering things like: "….. they look just like real Indians …..", and "….. aren't they so cute …..", and shit like that. And they'll want to take our picture, or stand by us and have their picture taken with us, and Eric and I are glad to oblige – for a price. Usually we can talk each of the tourists out of a couple of dollars for allowing them to take our picture, and even though we have to split it 50-50 with the trading post, that's a couple of more dollars to stuff into our jeans at the end of the day. But business had been pretty slow for the last couple of weeks. Oh sure, there were the tourists, but it seemed like we'd run into a string of really cheap ones that would snap our picture without asking and then refuse to pay us anything. And we hadn't been having much luck to scrounging stuff from the mines – a couple of broken up shovels was all that we'd turned up in the past week. So even though we knew that it wasn't too safe to go deep into the mines, Eric and I had started to go deeper and deeper in search of items that we could take back to the trading post and sell. Even though it's a desert outside the mines, once you get farther back into a mine, it's not unusual to find water trickling down the walls and even pools of water on the floor. It was in one of those mines that there was enough moisture that it had turned the dirt floor of the mine into a layer of mud, maybe a half foot deep. It wasn't too pleasant walking though that stuff as it was pretty slippery and we had to be careful not to slip. We were still wearing our sandals and breechcloths from earlier in the day so when we got to the muddy section, we had taken our sandals off and were just walking barefoot through the mud, feeling carefully for and spots that might trip us up. Plus, the stuff felt really slimy and had this smell of something rotten. But we'd already found one lantern near the beginning of the muddy section and were hoping to find more so we kept walking through the slimy mess. After about five minutes of slopping through the mud and muck, Eric turned to me and said: "Poopie pants." "Ahhh, you're full of shit", I replied, "That was kid stuff years ago." In fact, till Eric said "poopie pants" I'd even forgotten the kid game we had played many years before. I don't even remember how the game had gotten started but for a number of years, Eric and I had occasionally played this game where, when one of us said "poopie pants" to the other, that one had to stop and pick up whatever was nearby and put it in his underwear and walk around for awhile pretending that he had just pooped in his underwear. Like now it seems really stupid, but I guess when you're five years old you have a different sense of humor. Anyway, Eric kept looking at me and said "poopie pants" again. Well, I couldn't turn down the dare without appearing chicken, but I figured that two could play the game so I stared back at him and said "poopie pants on you." So Eric and I just stood there for a couple of minutes and looked at each other. We both wished that we hadn't gotten into this dare-doubledare situation but neither of us could back down. I think I mentioned that we were still wearing our breechcloths from that morning's picture taking session so I slowly bent down, grabbed a handful of the muck on the floor and stuffed it into my breechcloth. That broke the ice and Eric did the same. We each stuffed several more handfuls of the stuff into our breechcloths, wiped our hands as clean as we could on the outside of our breechcloths and then resumed walking down the tunnel, looking for mining equipment. Actually, it turned out to be a not bad afternoon as we found one more carbide head lantern, an old kerosene lantern and some old metal pans. But it had been so long since Eric and I had played "poopie pants" on each other that I had forgotten how strange it felt to be walking along with all that slimy mess covering my balls and dick, and filling my crotch and squishing around between my legs as I walked along. It was almost three hours before we finished exploring that particular mine, hiked back to the entrance, got on our horse and rode a couple of miles to a small stream where we could wash off. By then I was beginning to feel this itchy, irritated feeling in my crotch and it was with relief that I stripped off my breechcloth, waded out into the stream and washed myself off with the cold water. My dick and balls were sort of red and irritated and sensitive to the touch at first but I finally just sat down in the stream and let the cold water flow over me and after fifteen minutes or so began to feel pretty much normal. Eric and I tried to wash off our breechcloths but no matter how long we worked at it, we couldn't get the smell or the slimy feel out of the material so we just rode back to the corral naked, and then changed into our jeans and shirts. The next morning when I was getting dressed I noticed that my dick and balls were still sort of red – like they were covered with a rash – but they didn't hurt or itch or anything so I just ignored it, figuring the rash would go away shortly. But over the next week, the rash didn't go away and my dick and balls seemed a little swollen or puffy. Again, I figured that it was just a reaction to the irritation of the mud from the cave and tried to ignore it – after all, it didn't hurt or itch or anything. By the time several more weeks had passed, I couldn't pretend that nothing was happening, however. The redness and rash had gone away but my dick and balls had swollen to about twice their original size. It wasn't like they were hard or anything – they were just sort of soft and puffy – but larger. Before this happened, my dick was about the size of my thumb – maybe an inch in thickness and a little less than three inches long. But now it was almost two inches thick and about five inches long. And my balls were about twice their original size. At first I figured that this was just temporary and that the swelling would eventually go away – but it didn't. Even though my dick was bigger, it wasn't hard or anything, just sort of soft and flexible so I could fit it into my underwear and breechcloth OK. If you looked carefully you could see that I had a slightly larger than usual bulge in my crotch, especially when I was wearing my breechcloth, but it wasn't too noticeable. Now I don't think that any guy ever has perfectly clean underwear by the end of the day - there's usually just a tiny little staining from when you take a piss and a drop or two of pee leaks out into your underwear afterward, but I noticed that my underwear now was really stained pretty yellow by the end of the day – even though I was careful to take a piss whenever I felt the need – it was almost like a little pee was leaking out into my underwear even though I wasn't aware of it. Of course the Navajo lands in northern Arizona are mostly desert and the temperature gets pretty high during the day – it's not unusual to have a temperature of 110F during the hottest part of the day. But it doesn't feel too bad because the humidity is really low. You just have to remember to drink a lot of water to replace what your body is sweating away to keep cool. So even though a little pee might have been leaking into my underwear, the low humidity meant that it dried right away so I never had a wet spot on my jeans or breechcloth to show what was happening. The problem was that over the next couple of weeks, the swelling in my crotch didn't go away, and more and more pee was leaking into my underwear. Finally it got to the point that even though I was trying to take a piss every hour or so, most of the pee was going into my underwear. And even though it dried right away in the low humidity, after a couple of days my jeans would start to get pretty smelly. My mom had only been doing laundry about once a week, less often if she was drunk, and after wearing the same jeans for a week, I was beginning to smell pretty bad – I'd notice people wrinkling their noses and looking around for the source of the odor when I walked past them. I tried stuffing some Kleenex down into my underwear to soak up the pee but that didn't work too well. First, it kept shifting around in my underwear and if I put in enough to catch all the pee it made the bulge in my crotch more noticeable. It was the following week that Eric and I were finishing up at the corral when he came over to me and asked: "Uh, Danny, uh have you noticed anything different lately?" "Different?" I asked, "like with the horses, or what?" "Uh, no", he replied, "like anything different down there?", and he looked down at the crotch of his jeans. Now that he had mentioned it, I looked at his jeans and he did seem to have a slightly larger bulge in the crotch than he had before. I wondered whether he had the same swelling problem that I did. "Like, uh, something got a little bigger?" I asked. "Uh, yeah. Well, maybe more than a little bigger", he said. So we just stood there for a minute and I finally said: "So, you want to show me yours if I show you mine?" He just started at me for a second and then he reached down, unbuckled his belt and let his jeans slide down to the ground. I saw the large bulge in his yellow-stained underwear and then he reached down and pulled his underwear down. Jesus! His dick was even bigger and more swollen than mine was. It must have been six inches long and over two inches thick. As he held it in his hand I could see several drops of yellow liquid seep from its end and drop to the sand below. Eric blushed a bright red as he saw me staring at his large member so I quickly stripped off my jeans and underwear to show him my similar problem. "I don't know what happened", he said, "but it got all big and I can't stop peeing in my pants." "Uh, yeah, welcome to the club", I replied. After we realized that we both had the same problem, it was easier for us to talk. I found out that Eric had been sneaking out every night to wash his jeans and underwear in a nearby stream to keep the odor down but he was afraid that eventually somebody would catch him. And I was afraid that the smell from my pee-soaked jeans and underwear would eventually tip someone off as to my problem. So we didn't solve our problems that afternoon, but at least we felt better in knowing that neither of us was suffering alone. It must have been about two days after that that when I met Eric at the trading post before we hiked over to get the horses at the corral that he seemed to be walking a little differently. I guess he noticed that I was looking at him strangely as he whispered: "Wait till we get to the corral." Once at the corral, he said: "I think I've solved the problem", and proceeded to lower his jeans. I didn't see any underwear but instead he was wearing this thick cotton thing in place of his Jockey briefs. "I made this out of part of an old cotton blanket that my mother was getting ready to throw away", he confided in me and I realized that he had fashioned a sort of diaper from the cotton blanket. It didn't fit too well, and the added bulk between his legs had given him that funny walk, but it did seem as though it was catching and absorbing all the pee that leaked into it. At first it seemed funny to see Eric standing there in a diaper and I kind of snickered a little and he blushed. "So, wise ass, you got a better idea?" he challenged me. And I had to admit that I didn't. So when we went to the corral the next morning, Eric brought along the rest of the old cotton blanket, hidden in his backpack, and we fashioned three more diapers out of it – a second for Eric and two for me. He had brought along some safety pins and it took me awhile to get the knack of getting the diaper on, and adjusted and pinned properly. The first time I did it I felt really embarrassed but once it was on, and I had my jeans back on over it, I could kind of pretend that it wasn't there – even though it's added bulk did take a bit of getting used to. Both because of the added size of my "equipment" and the bulk of the diaper, I ended up wearing a size larger in my jeans. Luckily one of my older brothers had outgrown a couple of pairs of his jeans and I could grab one of those to wear. For the next week Eric and I kind of settled into a routine of putting on a diaper at the corral al the beginning of the day and wearing it till the next morning. Then we'd put on a fresh and dry diaper and take the dirty one, wash it out in the horse trough, and hang it up to dry for the following day. It took a few extra minutes but at least we didn't have to be afraid that folks would notice that we were peeing ourselves during the day. Of course, when we wear wearing our breechcloths for the tourists' cameras, we couldn't wear the diapers but we were only wearing the breechcloths for about six hours every day and we'd wash them in the horse trough when we took them off at the end of the day. The horses didn't seem to mind what we were doing in their drinking trough. But then I've never thought that horses were really as smart as some folks think they are. Now before my dick got all swollen, I was jerking off several times a week. And I was still doing that – but things were now working a little differently. Before, I'd stroke my dick and it would get bigger and hard, and then after a little more stroking I'd come and this liquid would squirt out. But now, no matter how much I play with it, it doesn't get bigger or hard – just remains sort of soft and puffy. It still feels just as good, though – even though when I come the liquid just kind of dribbles out the end. As long as it feels as good, and I can jerk off as often as before, I guess that's all that counts. While it's true that all white men look alike – at least if you're an Indian, there was one of the tourists that I remembered seeing several times before. He never rode the horses but would hang around the trading post for a couple of hours in the morning, maybe once a week or so, and buy a few souvenirs and take a few photographs. Finally, after a couple of months, he came up to me and Eric one morning and asked if he could take a couple of pictures of us. "Sure", I responded, "you want us on a horse, or you want someone to take your picture standing by us?" Well, it turned out that he didn't want either. He just wanted to take a series of pictures of us. Some of just me, some of just Eric, and some of the both of us together. And he wanted us to stand by the horses, by a nearby cactus, or by other things, and he wanted us to pose like we were doing something like saddling a horse or unpacking our backpacks, or just stuff like that. I asked him if he wanted us to put our jeans and shorts on but he wanted us in our breechcloths. It all seemed a little weird but we figured that what the hell, he was paying us. I think that Eric's really proud of the size of his dick and balls. Usually when we're alone with the horses at the corral he won't wear any clothes – just walk around naked – with his big dick just dangling between his legs. And I've noticed that whenever he doesn't need both hands for whatever he's doing, that one of his hands will usually be down in his crotch, fondling himself. Plus, when he's wearing his breechcloth he'll arrange his "equipment" so that the bulge in his crotch is pretty noticeable. Oh, it's not really gross or anything, but you can see that he's got a nice package down there. We were talking the other day as we were returning the horses to the corral and Eric turned to me and asked: "Danny, you ever wonder what it would be like to have your dick even bigger?" "Oh yeah, that would be great to have a bigger dick – if you're an elephant", I replied. As I've been changing my diaper the past week or so, I've noticed a little brown staining at the back. I guess that I haven't been wiping myself as carefully as I should and I'll have to do a better job in the future. But at least my diaper catches everything. Pickings of mining antiques to sell at the trading post have been pretty few and far between the last couple of weeks. Eric's been after me to go back to that mine where we found several old lanterns several months ago – the one with the muddy section. There was something creepy about that mine that I didn't like so I'd been turning him down, but finally yesterday I broke down and agreed. So after we'd stabled the horses in the afternoon, we headed back to the mine. Remembering how messy it had been before and how hard it was to clean the slimy mud off of out breechcloths, we just stripped at the entrance to the mine and made our way into it's depths, naked and carrying only our flashlights. We'd found a lunch pail and several old knives before we got to the muddy section and I was all for turning back and calling it quits but Eric insisted that we continue. We were only about thirty feet into the muddy section when I heard this splat noise behind me, followed by Eric's cursing, and turned around to see that he had slipped and gone face down in the muck. Boy was he pissed – but it served him right – he was the one who had insisted that we continue into the mine. Anyway, he struggled to his feet and then promptly slipped again and went down on his back this time. The second time he made it upright without falling and we spent another hour or so exploring the depths of the mine – Eric looking like some prehistoric mud man – covered as he was. We found a couple of more items that we could sell so I guess the trip was pretty successful. We stopped at a stream on the way back to the corral so that Eric could wash off – he was still in a bad mood so I didn't dare kid him about how he looked. I noticed that he was kind of absent-mindedly scratching his crotch but didn't think anything of it at the time. Actually, it was pretty lucky that we'd found some items to sell as the trading post was going to close for two weeks in a couple of days and that meant no tourists, no photos, no trail rides – and no money coming in! But at least Eric and I each had about fifteen bucks to tide us over the two weeks. The first couple of days that the trading post was closed Eric and I just kind of hung around – we still had to care for the horses in the corral and exercise them. But since we didn't have much else to do that gave us a chance to spend a lot of time on horseback, which was fun. After the first week, I kind of lost track of Eric and didn't see him the second week. It kind of annoyed me because that meant that I had to do all the work of taking care of the horses. It really wasn't that hard – but he was supposed to share the load. Actually, there were a couple of times when I was just as glad that Eric wasn't around. Several times I had been riding a horse and had an "accident." Now I don't mean that I fell of the horse or anything, but I'd be riding along and all of a sudden I'd feel this warm and sticky stuff begin to fill my diaper and I'd realize that I'd just crapped myself. I couldn't figure out why it happened. It wasn't like I'd felt that I had to take a crap or anything, but all of a sudden it just started to come out in my diaper. Since I was by myself, I could dismount, clean the worst part of it out of my diaper, and then wash myself off and put on a clean diaper when I got back to the corral. The worst part about crapping myself, was that I had no warning when "it" was going to happen. One especially messy time was when I was wearing my breechcloth and riding bareback. A mile or so from the corral I felt the warm and sticky feeling and knew that I'd lost control again. But the breechcloth couldn't contain the mess and it was soon smeared all over the back of the horse where I was sitting, and down on the horse's sides, and all over my legs. Boy, did that take me a long time to clean the both of us up back at the corral. After that, I quit wearing a breechcloth on my rides. Well, the trading post reopened yesterday after the two-week shutdown. I'd showed up around eight in the morning as usual and had expected to see Eric there – he often arrived a little earlier than I did. But he wasn't there and after waiting for almost an hour for him to show up, I went ahead and brought the horses back to the trading post by myself. Eric never did show up that day but there weren't that many tourists so I could take care of things by myself without any problem. Later in the day, after I'd finished up with the horses, I figured that I'd swing by Eric's place on my way home to see what was up with him. Actually, "place" doesn't give you a good idea of where Eric lives. His folks have this old beat up trailer out in the desert, with a swamp cooler on the top to keep it comfortable, and some 55 gallon drums outside to hold drinking water – not exactly a palace! They've also got a Hogan nearby although it's pretty beat up and I don't think they use it very often. So anyway, when I got there I went up to the trailer's door and knocked a couple of times and Eric's mother eventually opened the door. She was sloshed as usual and weaving back and forth on her feet a little. She wasn't too coherent but her story seemed to be that she hadn't seen Eric for a couple of days – more or less. Given her condition, I'm not sure that she would have noticed him even if he had been there. So I was heading back to my place but when I walked past their Hogan, I thought I heard a slight rustling sound from inside. Now for those of you who don't know what a Navajo Hogan is like, it's a circular one- story building, maybe twenty feet in diameter, made of logs and covered with earth. There's a small hole in the roof to let smoke out, and a single door facing the sunrise in the east. Originally my people lived in them but now we use them mainly for various ceremonies. Ordinarily I wouldn't have checked out the noise I thought I'd heard but I was kind of bored and killing time so I figured why not. As it was late in the afternoon, what little light there was in the Hogan came through the small hole in the roof, or reflected in through the open door from the desert outside – it was pretty dark inside. I entered carefully, watching for any sign that the noise came from some animal, but after a minute or so when my eyes became accustomed to the darkness, I saw a figure sitting slumped against the far wall. "Eric?" I asked. There was a moment of silence and then "Yeah", he responded. His voice sounded a little funny like he might have been crying or something. "What's up? Is something wrong?" I asked. This time he was quiet for several minutes and I was beginning to get worried when he hesitantly said: "It got bigger." "Bigger? What got bigger?" I was really confused now. "Down here", he said as he motioned toward his waist. I had no idea what he was talking about and just stood there silently for a minute. Finally Eric said: "Look", and stood up and reached down to his crotch with both hands, picking up and stretching a large object out in front of him. It must have taken me about a half minute before I realized what he was holding in front of him – it was his dick! Holy Shit! The thing was huge! It must have been like four inches in thickness and about a foot long! My jaw dropped and I just stared at the monstrous object that Eric was supporting with his hands. After a minute or so he began to cry. "Like, what happened?" I gasped. Between sobs, Eric said that he didn't know what had caused it but about a week ago his dick got really itchy and started to swell up. It had reached its present size a couple of days ago and since then he had been hiding in the Hogan, afraid or ashamed to let anyone see him. "Can you imagine me walking around in front of the other members of my clan?" he asked. I could imagine how embarrassed he felt for as he walked around the interior of the Hogan, his huge cock dangled almost to his knees, and swung back and forth and slapped against his legs as he walked. As I looked at him, it didn't seem as though his balls had increased much in size, it was only his cock that had grown. But it didn't look the same as I had remembered when it was smaller, it looked softer and when Eric cradled it in his hands it looked more like a big tube of flesh than a hard cock. As he absently mindedly stroked it as he walked along, he suddenly paused and stroked it harder, finally letting out a gasp of pleasure as some white liquid dribbled from its end. "I see some things haven't changed", I said, and that broke the ice as he laughed. "So, how are we going to get you out of this Hogan without letting everyone know what happened?" I mused. Suddenly I remembered that one of my older brothers had been into skateboarding for awhile – until he realized that there aren't a lot of places to skateboard in the desert! But anyway, he'd talked my parents into buying some skater clothes for him – you know, the big baggy shorts – I think they were called No Fear Boardshorts. Anyway, he hadn't worn them for almost a year and I ran to our place, rummaged around till I found them, and then ran back to where Eric was waiting for me in the Hogan. He put the shorts on and adjusted the drawstring at the waist till they fit the way he wanted them to. They hung down to about halfway between his knees and ankles and were so full cut and baggy that they really covered "things" up pretty well. As Eric walked around the Hogan, getting the feel of the shorts, if you looked really carefully you could notice that there was something swinging back and forth under the shorts as he walked along, but the casual observer wouldn't notice anything. "You know, this just might work", he commented. The next morning at the trading post, Eric took some ribbing from our friends over how he had turned into a Skater Boy Navajo overnight, but no one suspected the real reason for his change in clothing. A couple of the tourists were kind of miffed that they couldn't take pictures of "….. authentic Indians in their breechcloths ……" but there was no way that Eric could hide his huge cock in a breechcloth and I certainly can't wear one because I don't know when my bowels are going to "let go" these days. After he got over the shock of what had happened to him, and realized that even with its increased size he could still hide his cock from prying eyes by wearing the baggy skater shorts, it looked to me as though Eric was actually pretty happy with the change. When we were off by ourselves I noticed that whenever he had one or two hands free that he'd be caressing or stroking his dick. I asked him about it once and he said that it just felt good when he played with it, plus he really liked to feel its weight hanging from his crotch and the feel of it dangling between his legs and swinging back and forth as he walked. Once I got up the courage to ask him what it felt like when he held it in his hands and he walked over to me and said: "feel for yourself." I was kind of embarrassed to be touching him but I reached down between his legs, grasped it with both hands and lifted it up. It felt heavy – like maybe ten pounds or so, and warm and soft in my hands. Eric groaned a little in pleasure as he felt my hands upon his shaft and all of a sudden this struck me as too much like giving him a hand job so I quickly released it. It must have been about a week after that when Eric came up to me as I was cleaning the poop out of my diaper at the corral. "Have an accident?" he asked. "Uhh, not really, I'm just having trouble controlling myself lately", I replied. "That's a bummer. Must be pretty gross to crap in your diaper like that", he said. I didn't tell him, but in fact after the first couple of times, it didn't bother me all that much and lately I hadn't even been trying to control myself. If the truth be told, I had gotten to like the feeling of the warm and sticky poop gushing into my diaper and the way it felt when it squished around to my front and got on my balls and dick. Since I was still only changing my diaper once a day, and doing all my "business" into it, I usually had at least one or two loads of poop in it by the end of the day. That tourist at the trading post that had wanted to take all the pictures of Eric and me months ago came up to us again this afternoon and asked if he could take more photos. Eric and I kind of looked at each other and shrugged "why not" – a little extra money is always welcome. So the guy spent about a half hour taking various shots of us and then slipped each of us a twenty dollar bill. At one point the guy was shooting pictures of Eric as Eric leaned back on a bale of hay. I was standing slightly behind the guy and as I looked at Eric, I could see that the end of his monster cock was clearly visible inside the right leg of his shorts where they had ridden up on his body a little. I quickly gestured to Eric and without drawing attention to what he was doing, he just shifted his position a bit and in the process smoothed his shorts down so that his cock was fully covered up again. I don't think the guy taking the photographs even noticed!
It's been several weeks now since Eric's, well, "growth" and he seems pretty happy with what happened to his body. Whenever we're off by ourselves, he'll always be playing with his cock. There are times when he should be helping me with the horses and he's off somewhere stroking his cock and jerking off. "Hey, quit playing with that thing and get over here and help me!" I had to yell at him a couple of times. He would come over but he'd have this pissed off look on his face and I could tell that he'd rather be doing something else. When we go bareback horse riding, he usually doesn't wear any clothes, just sandals to protect his feet, and he'll have his big dick just flopping back and forth as the horse trots along. And even when he isn't holding it in his hands he finds ways to play with it. We were repairing a couple of weak sections in the fencing at the corral this afternoon and I noticed that Eric was over by one of the fence posts, straddling it with his legs and rubbing his cock up against the fence post. Jesus, talk about being single minded! But seeing how obsessed Eric is with his dick, I've kind of been wondering what it would be like to have an organ that big. I just can't imagine the feeling of having that ten pound tube of flesh hanging from my crotch and filling my shorts. I even had a dream about it a couple of nights ago – except in the dream my dick was so huge that it dragged on the ground as I walked along. When I woke up after the dream I found that I'd shot my wad into my diaper. You know, I've been thinking about what happened to me and Eric the first time, and then what happened to Eric a second time, and I've been wondering if it had anything to do with the mud in that cave that we were exploring. That's the only thing that I can think of. Like, the first time after we played poopie pants with the mud both of our dicks got a little bigger. And then later on, after that time when Eric slipped in the mud and got all covered, his cock grew as large as it is now within a week or so. Hmmm, could be. OK. I decided. I'm going to the cave again and see what happens. Yesterday as we were finishing up, I told Eric that he'd have to care for the horses alone today as I had some errands to take care of. I got to the corral early this morning, got one of the horses and rode up to the mine. Took me a little while to find it again as I had only been there twice before but I located it. Tying the horse outside, I went into the mine. Remembering how messy the mud was, I stripped off my clothes and sandals and hiked down into the lower section of the mine where the water had collected and formed the mud. Wow! It smelled even worse this time than I had remembered. I stood by the edge of the muddy section for a couple of minutes, asking myself if I really wanted to go through with the experiment, but then I figured that I'd come this far so I might as well continue. I gingerly walked out into the muddy section till I found a spot that was about eight inches deep. I slowly sat down in the mud and let it flow back over my legs and lower body, completely covering my crotch, balls and dick. It didn't feel as cold as I had thought it would and it had kind of a greasy feel to it. As I was sitting there I thought: "You know, if anyone came into the mine and found me like this I'd look pretty stupid", but of course there wasn't another soul within miles of me. After several more minutes I figured that just sitting there was kind of boring, and I didn't know how long it took for things to start to happen – if in fact anything at all would happen. So I reached down into the muck and grabbed my balls and cock and gradually began to play with them. The greasy mud lubricated my hands and the feel of them sliding over my dick soon had me fully aroused and it wasn't much longer before I came. After that I just put my hands behind me, leaned back a little, and just sat there enjoying the feel of the greasy mud against my body. But all good things must come to an end and I eventually had to get to my feet, make my way back to the mine entrance, mount the horse and ride back to the corral - stopping at a stream to wash the remaining mud off myself and the horse. "Gee", I was thinking, "If the mud really does something to people, what would it do to a horse?" I got a mental picture of a horse with a huge penis dragging on the ground behind him and laughed out loud. Anyway, by the time I got back to the corral, it was just beginning to get dark and Eric had done his work and gone home for the day. I realized that I'd stayed in the cave much longer that I had planned to. But at the same time I was kind of disappointed as I looked down at my dick: not a bit bigger, no rash, no swelling, no nothing. "So much for that experiment", I thought as I walked home. When I woke up the next morning, I lay in bed for a few minutes just enjoying the relaxing feel you get when you awaken from a good night's sleep. Then, as I remembered what I had done the previous day I quickly reached down into my diaper and felt around in my crotch. Did "things" feel a little bigger? I threw off the blanket, opened up my diaper and looked down at myself – nope, no change. "Ahhh well", I thought, "At least I know that whatever happened to us has nothing to do with the mud. "So, what were all of your important errands yesterday?", Eric asked when I met him at the trading post later that morning. "Oh, nothing special, just something that I had to do. Kind of a waste of time, actually", I replied. I guess it was a little over a week later when I was changing my diaper one evening that it seemed like my dick might be just a little bigger? "Nah, just my imagination", I thought. But by the next morning I could see that it was a little larger. It wasn't huge like Eric's or anything, but it was a little larger and my diaper and jeans felt just a little tighter in the crotch. By the end of that day I could tell that I was definitely larger and as I was walking home, I had to unsnap my jeans and unzip the fly to eliminate the painful tightness as my swelling penis strained against the fabric of my diaper and jeans. Before I went to bed that night I located another pair of my older brother's Boardshorts and put them by my bed – just in case. The next morning as I gradually awakened, I felt something different in my bed – like there was a roll of bedding between my legs or something. I rolled over and felt this unaccustomed weight pulling at my crotch and my diaper felt painfully tight. Suddenly jolted awake, I opened my diaper to and gazed in awe at the sight of the huge dick nestled between my legs. WOW! I was almost as big as Eric. I refastened my diaper, straining its cotton fabric to contain my large genitals, pulled on the baggy shorts and ran to the trading post. "Guess we got two Skater Boy Navajos this morning", someone called out as I entered - I just smiled a little. I noticed Eric looking at me a little strangely but I didn't say anything till we got to the corral, whereupon I dropped my shorts and diaper, and just stood there with my large dick revealed in all its glory. "What? How?" Eric just stammered. "It's the cave, stupid. The mud has something to do with it. I don't know how it works, but you can see the results", I said as I picked up my large member with both hands and held it out in front of me. "I'm almost as big as you are", I continued. Turns out that there weren't any tourists for trail rides that day so other than caring for the horses, we had the day off so we just relaxed, went riding, took a swim in the stream and just generally admired the size of each other's body – well we didn't admire the whole body, just the "interesting" parts of it. If I was surprised when I had awakened yesterday morning to find out how much my dick had enlarged during the night, I was surprised again this morning to find out that the enlargement had continued, although at a slower rate. I don't know whether it was because I had spent longer in the mud than Eric had the second time, or whether the mud affected different folks to a greater or lesser degree, but I was certainly larger than Eric now. I didn't take the time to measure myself but I looked to be about fifteen inches long and almost five inches in thickness. When I stood up, the tip of my huge penis now hung several inches below my knees, and I had to be careful when walking, as when its weight swung back and forth, it tended to throw me off balance a little. But a little practice solved that problem and I found that I could walk normally with a little care. Even with the baggy shorts on, the bottom of the shorts only fell below the tip of my penis by several inches, and when I sat down, if I wasn't careful, you could see the end of my dick poking out the bottom of my shorts. I loosened the drawstring in the waist of my shorts and let them ride lower on my hips. That brought the bottom of my shorts down almost to my ankles and covered me up pretty well. The only problem that I still had was that I was now so big that I couldn't fit myself into my diaper. "Oh hell", I thought, I'll just take my chances and hope I don't have a problem", and left my diaper off that morning. The look on Danny's face when he saw me walk into the trading post with my shorts down around my ankles, and then later at the corral when I stripped my shorts off and showed him how big I had become was so funny. His jaw dropped, he got this look of amazement on his face, and he just gasped! "So, who's the biggest one in the neighborhood now?" I asked. He didn't have an answer. Things were pretty good for about a week, and then disaster struck. I'd been pretty lucky in not wearing a diaper. I had had a number of bowel movements but they were always at times or locations where either Eric or no one else was present so I could clean myself off without anyone being the wiser. But yesterday afternoon at the trading post when we were getting ready to take the horses back to the corral, I felt something warm running down my legs and getting into my shorts, and realized that I was pooping. Oh crap! I was shitting myself right in front of everyone. And to make it worse the weight of the poop in my shorts dragged them down off my hips and all of a sudden I was standing there with my shorts down on the floor around my ankles, poop running down my legs, and my huge cock exposed for the world to see. I just stood there in shock for several seconds as the tourists and other Indians at the trading post stared at me. Then I snapped out of it, pulled up my shorts, and bolted from the trading post. I was too embarrassed and humiliated to go home so I spent the night huddled in an abandoned trailer that Eric and I had found out in an arroyo several miles from the trading post. It was near noon on the following day when I heard someone moving outside the trailer and then a voice called: "Danny, you there?" It was Eric. "Yeah, come on in", I called back. "You OK? That was a tough thing to happen yesterday", he said as he came in, and I began to feel a little better till he continued: "Word of what happened has spread all over the place. And one of your 'friends' at the trading post snapped a picture of you with his cellphone and he's been e-mailing it all over the place." Oh CRAP! So everyone now not only knew that I had shit myself yesterday, they also had a picture of me naked with my equipment exposed? There was no way I was going to live this one down. I told Eric that I just wanted to get away from here for awhile. He asked me what my plans were and I told him that I didn't have any plans but just wanted to get away from where folks knew me. I'd figure out what my plans were later on. He surprised me by saying that he'd come along with me – "….. after all, that's what friends are for, isn't it?" So he went back to his place and threw some clothes, and water and a little food into his backpack and in the late afternoon we started hiking down the dusty road leading away from the trading post. Even though it gets pretty hot during the day, it cools down rapidly after dark. By about ten that night we had put about fifteen miles between us and the trading post. The night sky was cloudless and we hiked along under millions of stars. But it was beginning to get pretty cold and we were wondering what we should do for the night. We were in a pretty barren stretch of the countryside and there wasn't any shelter that we could see. By the time it was getting close to midnight, we were both pretty cold and tired and were wondering whether taking off like that was the smartest thing that we'd ever done. It was shortly after that when we saw headlights approaching from behind us and then hear the sound of a motor. A minute or so later a pickup truck shot past us, then pulled over to the side of the road a quarter mile or so ahead of us, and then backed up to us. The passenger's side window rolled down and a guy stuck his head out of the window. He looked familiar but at first I couldn't remember where I had seen him and then I recognized him as the guy who had taken all the pictures of us at the trading post. "Kinda late and cold to be hiking around out here isn't it?" he asked. "Uh yeah", I just stammered, not know what else to say. "Well, I don't know how far you're headed but you can ride along with me for a ways if you want, at least till the next town", he offered. Eric and I looked at each other for a minute or so. We weren't too wild about accepting a ride from a stranger, but we also weren't too wild about freezing our asses off in the desert in the middle of the night. "OK", Eric said and we got in the truck – Eric in the seat in the jumpseat in the back of the crew cab and me in the passenger's seat. I think we were both pretty tired, the heater made the truck's cab warm and comfortable, and we were soon both fast asleep. It must have been midmorning when I began to wake up. At first I couldn't remember what had happened or why I was in a truck but then it all came back to me. The driver saw me stirring, looked over at me and said: "You must have been tired, we're covered almost four hundred miles and we'll be at my place up in the Wasatch Mountains outside of Ogden, Utah in another hour or so." As he was talking, I saw his eyes drift down toward my waist and as I looked down, I realized that as I had moved in my sleep, my shorts had ridden up on my body, and the lower eight inches of my enormous cock was exposed where it lay draped over my left leg. I blushed and scrambled to cover myself up as the driver continued: "That's OK. You think I didn't notice how well endowed you guys were when I was taking the pictures? My name's Len, by the way." Well I was getting kind of freaked out by that time. Like it was less than a day ago when Eric and I just planned on putting some distance between us and Kayenta, Arizona – and now here we were with a guy we didn't know, four hundred miles from home, and he was going to take us to his cabin up in the mountains. I think he must have seen the look of worry on my face for he remarked: "Of course, you don't have to come up to my cabin if you don't want. I just thought you guys might want to hang out there for a couple of days and relax a little. I heard what happened to you back at the trading post. But I can drop you off anywhere that you'd like between here and my place – by the side of the road, at a police station, wherever." "Uh, if we come, can we leave whenever we want?" I asked. "Yeah, sure. I can give you a ride back into town whenever you want. And I've got a phone if you want to make any calls", he answered. I kind of squirmed around in my seat and looked back at Eric and he was giving me this "I don't know what the fuck to do" look so I turned back to Len and said: "OK, we'll come along." During the last hour or so of the ride, Len told us a little more about himself – turns out that he teaches math at a local community college, had just gone through a divorce, and had been driving around the southwest in his truck for the past month or so getting his act together. Turns out that his place in the woods wasn't all that bad either. He's got a cabin on a small lake and there's a small bunkhouse next to the cabin that Eric and I can use. Even though it was only early afternoon when we got there, Eric and I just headed off to the bunkhouse, crawled into a bunk, fell asleep and slept till the following morning. Other than awakening to find ourselves in pee soaked bunks in the morning, we felt pretty good and heard Len moving around in the cabin so we hiked over and found that he'd prepared a huge breakfast – eggs, sausage and bacon, pancakes, rolls and toast, fresh fruit – you name it and he had it on the table. At home, Eric and I were usually pretty light eaters but we hadn't had anything to eat for over a day and we really chowed down. After we finished stuffing ourselves, we walked down to the small lake, lay down on the dock in the sun and took a short nap. If Len had any neighbors on the lake, we couldn't see any evidence of them – no other houses, docks or boats. So after napping in the sun for awhile we just stripped off our clothes and went skinny dipping in the lake. Sure a lot different than bathing in one of the small streams back home – and a LOT colder too! After we'd been swimming for about an hour, the sun was overhead and Len was calling us to come back up for lunch – another huge feast! Eric and I had been through a lot in the last couple of days and we took the next couple of weeks and just relaxed. Didn't do much but sleep, eat, nap, and hang out down by the lake – either swimming or just lying in the sun. Since it was just the two of us and Len, and he already know what we looked like, Eric and I didn't wear clothes most of the time, except in the evening when it got chilly we'd pull on a sweatshirt or a sweater. Actually, not wearing clothes and hanging out down by the lake had another benefit – it was easier to keep ourselves cleaned off! The humidity was a lot higher, and it wasn't as warm up in the mountains, so when our dicks dribbled pee it didn't dry up and I was still having the problem that I couldn't control my bowels. So it was a heck of a lot easier just to roll off the dock into the lake every so often and wash ourselves off. Every couple of days we'd have to haul the blankets out of the bunkhouse, rinse them off in the lake, and hang them up to dry but that wasn't too time-consuming. When we'd first agreed to go to Len's cabin I had been pretty nervous. That is, you hear all these stories about weirdoes and stuff, but Len was pretty cool. He left Eric and I alone for the most part and spent a lot of his time out hiking mountain trails, or running into town on errands, or in the cabin working on some class notes for one of the classes he taught. There were a couple of times that I caught him staring at Eric and me as we played around on the dock, but who wouldn't stare at a couple of teenage boys with dicks that hung down to their knees? And one of the nest things about Len was that he liked to cook. My folks had never been much for cooking – supper was usually something warmed up out of a can. But Len fixed three large meals every day, and snacks in the afternoon and evening – we'd never had it so good! So one day just sort of turned into the next day, and on and on like that as Eric and I just sort of drifted along and the days turned into weeks and then the weeks into months. Now we both had darker skin to begin with because of our Navajo heritage and after spending several months out in the sun by the lake, we had both tanned to a rich dark mahogany color. Well, and there was one other change as well. Like I said, Eric and I never were big eaters at home, and we had been really active so both of us were pretty slim. But with the limited activity over the past couple of months, and the great meals that Len had been fixing, both of us had packed on some weight. There wasn't a set of scales at the cabin but I guessed that each of us had gained about fifty pounds. Now we weren't obese or anything, but we had both really filled out, our faces were rounder, we'd developed small second chins and had the beginnings of chubby bellies in place of our formerly flat stomachs. We were down on the dock the other day and Eric was sitting on the edge, holding his dick in his hands and swishing it idly back and forth in the water when he said: "so, you're sure that it's the mud in that old mine that made us bigger?" "I guess, why?" I asked. He was quiet for several minutes and then he said: "Oh I dunno, but you ever wonder what it would be like to be even bigger?" "Jesus Eric", I responded, "Like your cock is a foot long and mine hangs down below my knees. How much fucking larger could we get?" "Oh, just wondering", he said, and then fell silent. It must have been about a week later when we were eating supper and Eric looked at Len and asked: "Len, you ever wish your dick weren't so small?" Len's face got red and he looked like he was going to choke on the last mouthful of food that he'd taken. After he got himself under control he looked back at Eric and asked: "For Christ's sake Eric, don't you guys have enough between your legs for a small army?" Eric blushed red, and just mumbled something about "….. there's this cave we could show you …..", and fell silent. After Len dumped on Eric at the supper table several weeks ago, Eric hadn't brought up the subject of the cave again, but I could tell that he wasn't happy. It must have been about a week or so later that I was down on the dock sprawled out on my stomach and reading a book. Eric had gone up to the cabin for a snack, his third of the afternoon, and when he returned I saw that he'd brought two bags of cookies with him. After he sat down heavily on the dock he began to stuff the cookies into his mouth, several at a time. "You know", I said, "You ought to cut down on that shit. You're getting pretty fat." Eric looked at me over his double chin, heaved himself to his feet and stood there. He now had these two fat tits that hung down on his chest, and his belly had developed into a large roll of fat that sagged down over his crotch and jiggled as he walked along. "Well, you're a fine fucking friend", he said and lumbered up the path to the bunkhouse. As I watched his fat ass retreat up the path, it looked like he'd developed a sort of waddle. Eric didn't show up for supper that night and Len and I started talking about him. We kind of agreed that Eric's overeating was because he wasn't happy. And to admit it, I wasn't all that happy either. Sure, Len and the cottage had been a great place to escape to for awhile. But face it, Eric and I are Navajo Indians and had lived in the desert all our lives. Living in the mountains just wasn't our thing. We wanted to go home. Len agreed that we needed to return to our tribal lands, so we went out to the bunkhouse and asked Eric to come over to the cabin for a talk. As he lowered his bulk gently into one of the chairs, Len and I told him what we'd been talking about, and asked him if he'd like to go home – his face immediately brightened way up. So for a couple of hours we kicked around what we should do. Neither Eric nor I wanted to go back and live with our folks, or wanted to have anything to do with the trading post – there was too much bad history there. But it wasn't clear how two fifteen-year-old Indian boys could live by ourselves on the tribal lands. What Len suggested, and Eric and I agreed with, was that we pack our gear in his truck in a couple of days, head back to Kayenta, and just spend a week or so looking around and seeing what it might be possible for us to do. Then we could make a decision as to whether to stay somewhere on the tribal lands or return to the cottage. The only thing that Eric insisted on was that one of our first stops be at the mine – but that's another story……….