Title: Craig's Diaper Story
Name: Craig
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 11
Posting Date: 06/21/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: How I was put back in diapers.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 12 (60%)
Hi, my name is Craig. This diaper story took place when I was seven 
years old and still in kindergarten. Now I�m in fourth grade and eleven 
years old. I still wear diapers today.

The day before I started kindergarten I was having fun playing with my 
friends in my back yard. While I was playing I had an accident in my 
pants both pee and poop. Mommy said, �Don�t worry about it. Just go and 
clean up; it is just the first-day nervousness.�

The next day was the very first day of kindergarten. I had lots of fun 
made lots of new friends. I had lots of fun until I was dropped off at 
home which is my bus stop. All the kids on my bus knew what happened 
and they all started laughing and calling me names. I was so 
embarrassed that I was in tears. Again mommy said, �Don�t worry about 
it. Just go and clean up and put some clean, fresh clothes on.�

The second day came. I was out in the driveway waiting for my bus. When 
I got on the bus and took my seat everybody on the bus started to laugh 
and call me names. When I got to school nobody wanted to play with me 
and when I went up to somebody and asked if we can go and play. They 
just ignored me and ran away. The teacher called us in to our classroom 
everybody did not want to sit next to me I was so embarrassed that I 
was in tears. The teacher came up to me and asked me what is wrong. I 
told her that everybody is calling me names and they don�t want to play 
with me or sit next to me.

She said to me, �You can just sit there with your head down on your 
desk for a little while. Alright class, just what is going on here? 
What did you all do to him?�

The whole class said nothing all at once.

�Then why all of you calling him names are don�t want to play with him 
or sit next to him? He had an accident in his pants. That is no excuse 
to not be his friend.�

Then Luke, one of the kids in my class, moved his seat closer to me and 
said, �I�m sorry for calling you names and laughing at you and not 
playing with you. Can we be friend again?�

The rest of the day Luke and I had fun playing and laughing. Luke would 
not even play with anybody until they said they were sorry. Luke and I 
sat next to each other on the bus and I had another accident in my 
pants. Luke wanted to say something but he kept all of his comments to 
him because he didn�t want to hurt my feelings any more than what they 
were. When I got home mommy said to me, �You had another accident, 
didn�t you?�

I told her, �Yes, mommy, I had another accident; please don�t spank 

�Honey I�m not going to spank you. Just go clean up and put clean fresh 
clothes on.�

After I cleaned up I went back out to the living room and mommy said, 
�I�m going to make a doctor�s appointment; you had just too many 

�What is the doctor going to do, mommy?�

�He is going to check you out and see what is making you have all these 

Three days later I went to see the doctor. When I was in the waiting 
room I had an accident right there in the waiting room. Mommy came 
prepared in case I had an accident. Mommy took me in the wash room and 
helped me clean up she had some baby wipes and clean fresh clothes for 
me. She put my dirty shorts in one plastic bag and my underpants full 
of pee and poop in about four plastic bags.

Then we went back to the waiting room and just then they called me in 
the doctor�s rooms. I was so nervous now that I was crying. Mommy said, 
�You don�t have to cry; it�s going to alright. The doctor is just going 
to check you out and see what is why you are having all of these 

The doctor came in and did all of the things he needed to do to help me 
out. The doctor said to me and mommy, �Your son has poopitus and he 
will lose all control of everything in time. He will be able to pee and 
poop like a normal kid but when he needs to go he has to go right now 
so I suggest you put him in diapers again.�

We left the doctor�s office. Nothing was said in the car on the way 
home but me crying. I did secretly want to wear them again but I didn�t 
want mommy to know. I did want mommy to think, �Why me? Why do I have 
to wear diapers to school?�

The next day came I was out in the driveway waiting for the school bus. 
I found Luke on the bus he was saving the seat next to him so I could 
sit next to him. He asked me where I was yesterday.

�I went to the doctor to see why I was having all of these accidents.� 
I didn�t want to tell him that I have to wear diapers again. Luke and I 
played together on the monkey bars having lots of fun. When I was 
playing on the monkey bars I was being careful so my sweater or my 
shirt would not ride up so no one, including Luke, would see the 

Friday came and Luke asked me if I can come to his house and spend the 
night. I was hesitant to say yes because I didn�t want him to know I�m 
wearing diapers again.

�Let me go home and ask mommy if it is okay.�

I was dropped off at home I asked mommy if I could go to Luke�s house 
to spend the night. Mommy said, �What about you and your diapers? You 
don�t want him to find out, do you?�

�No, I don�t want him to find out that I wear diapers but he is my best 
friend. He is my only friend I have.�

�Well, I don�t know if you should spend the night with him. I don�t 
want him to find out you wear diapers, either, and you possibly losing 
your best friend. He can come over and play here tomorrow.�

�Oh, okay I will go call him.�

�Luke, I can�t spend the night but you can came and play tomorrow. Can 
you come to my house and play? I have a sand box a jungle gym.�

�Sounds like fun! Let me go ask mommy... Mommy is okay with that. When 
will you like me to come over?�

�About 10:30am.�

�Okay, I will see you then.�

I had lots of fun over there. Luke asked me if I can spend the night 
next weekend.

�I don�t know if I can, let me ask mommy and I will get back to you on 

I came home and right away I asked mommy if I can spend night at Luke�s 
house next Friday.

�I don�t know. You don�t want him to know about you wearing diapers 
again, do you?�

�No, I don�t, but he is going to find out sometime. And he is going to 
start wondering why I can�t spend the night.�

�Well, I just don�t know... (she paused for a moment) I�ll tell you 
what, I will talk to his mommy then maybe you can spend the night.�

Monday morning came I was in the driveway waiting for the bus. The bus 
came and I got on and located Luke and sat next to him.

�What did your mommy say?�

�She said maybe she wants to talk to your mommy first.�

�Why does she want to talk to my mommy first?�

�I have no idea why. She probably wants to get to know your mommy 
before she lets me sleep over.�

We got to school. It was rainy and cold outside so we had to go into 
the building to our classrooms right away and couldn�t have our morning 
recess outside so we had are morning recess in our classrooms. I was so 
nervous because that�s when I have to poop sometimes and they all will 
find out that I wear diapers. Even Luke will find out and I don�t want 
to lose my best and only friend.

�Relax, Craig, I can see that you are nervous.�

�I�m not nervous.�

�Yes, you are nervous, what are you so nervous for anyways?�

�You can tell me; we�re best friends. Please tell me; I promise that I 
won�t tell anybody. I will find one way or another.�

�Okay, I will tell you, but promise me you will not tell anybody?�

�I promise.�

�You�re not going to laugh, either.�

�I�m won�t laugh, either.�

�I don�t know if I want to tell you. Please tell me, Craig, please tell 

�Okay, I will tell you. I uh, I have to wear diapers...�

(There was a moment of silence between Luke and me).

He just looked at me and he just laughed and laughed. I looked at him 
and said, �You promised me you wouldn�t laugh at me!� and I ran off and 
started crying.

20 minutes later Luke came up to me and I said to him, �Why did you 
laugh at me? you promised me you wouldn�t laugh at me!�

�Craig, I�m sorry, I shouldn�t have laughed at you. I know what you are 
going through. I still wear diapers myself. I even know what you feel 
like. Is this going to ruin are friendship?�

�Well, uh, you hurt my feelings.�

�I�m sorry, I�m sorry, please forgive me! I�m sorry, can we be friends 

�Well, okay, we are friends again. That�s why I didn�t spend the night 
with you last Friday because I didn�t want you to find out that I wear 
diapers and that�s the reason why my mommy wants to talk to your 

Friday came mommy said to me, �Cou can go and spend the night over at 

�Thank you, mommy.�

�You better go pack up. I�ll help you pack.�

�Mommy, I want to bring some of my toys.�

�Okay, you can do that. We are all going out for supper with Luke his 
mommy and daddy.�

�Okay, that will be great, that will be fun, too. Do you know where we 
are going?�

�Yes, we are going to McDonalds so you kids can have fun in the play 
land and we can talk.�

My mommy and daddy went back home and I went to Luke�s house. We got to 
Luke�s house and we all had popcorn and watched a movie. When the movie 
was over Luke and I took our baths together. After I was done with my 
bath Luke�s mommy helped me with putting my diaper on and we had a few 
minutes left play a little. Luke�s mommy said, �Okay, boys, time to go 
to bed. Luke, since Craig is our guest how about we let him pick the 
bedtime story?�

�Okay, mommy I�ll show him were my bedtime stories are.�

�Okay, Craig we have Cat in the hat, The engine that could, The ginger 
bread man and Green eggs and blue ham. I want the ginger bread man.

�Okay, The Gingerbread Man it is.�

After his mommy read us a bedtime story. She gave each of us a hug said 
�good night�, shut the lights off and shut the door a little.

Luke asked me how and why I wear diapers. I explained as best as 
possible to him:

�It started out as when I did go to the bathroom I just couldn�t clean 
myself very well. When I thought I as good and clean I had poop stains 
in my underpants. Then I started to have accidents in my underpants I 
tried running to the bathroom so I wouldn�t have an accident in my 
underpants but that wasn�t good enough I still had accidents in my 
underpants. Mommy took me to the doctor�s and he said that I had 
poopitus and he said, �your son needs back to wearing diapers again. We 
don�t have any medicine for it and I�m not sure if we ever going to get 
medicine for this kind of problem.� That�s how I started wearing 
diapers again.�

�That�s just too bad, Craig. Well... I have to tell you something. 
Mommy thinks I have the same problem, too, and I wear diapers, too.�

�Why don�t you have to wear diapers to school?�

�I don�t have to because my problem is not that bad. Do you know if 
anyone else wears diapers to school?�

�You�re the only one that I know that wears diapers to school. No one 
else in our class or in any other kindergarten class or first grade.� 

�I�m the only one?�

�Yes, I�m afraid so.�

�Well Craig it is past 11:00 O�clock we better get to sleep.�

The next morning was a Saturday morning. We had big plans but first we 
ate pancakes and sausage. After we had our breakfast Luke and I went to 
go play and wait until the rest of the family was done with their 
breakfast. After breakfast we all went to the zoo. It was 4:00 o�clock 
in the afternoon. We left the zoo and went to a McDonalds. We got back 
to Luke�s house and Luke�s mommy called my mommy to see if I can spend 
the night again.

�Yes, he can spend night.�

�How�s he doing? Is he being good?�

�Yes, he is being good. He and Luke are playing in the back yard. Right 
now they are on the jungle gym. You will have to bring him some more 
diapers. I could take care of his clothes as soon as I get him ready 
for bed I can put them in washer.�

�Okay, I�ll be by in a few minutes with some more diapers for him.�

�Mommy! Mommy! Can I spend the night with Luke again?�

�Yes, you can. I have to tell you that Luke�s mommy called to ask if 
you can spend the night again but tomorrow you will have to come home. 
I just came to bring you more diapers.�

�What about another change of clothes?�

�Luke�s mommy is going to put what clothes you have on in the washer.�

9:00 o�clock came Luke�s mommy told us, �It is time for you boys to 
take a bath and get ready for bed. Craig, I will put your clothes in 
the washer while you are in the bath.�

After we had our bath we both hopped in bed. We were allowed to talk 
for a little bit.

Sunday morning we had waffles. After breakfast Luke�s mommy helped me 
back up so Luke and me can have some time to play before I went home. 
Luke�s mommy called my mommy and said, �I will drop him off. I would 
like to take him to Burger King to have lunch and play in the play 
land. How about we all go to Burger King for lunch?�


�Okay, boys, let�s go have lunch and then you can play in the play land 
for a little while before I take you home.�

We had our lunch then Luke and me went to the play land. Luke and me 
did a lot more talking then playing.

�I know how you feel being the only one in school wearing diapers. I 
will ask mommy if I can start wearing my disposable diapers to school 
so you won�t be the only one.�

�Thanks, Luke. I didn�t want to go to school tomorrow.�

I got home I told mommy and daddy that we had a great time. I told what 
we all did.

�Sounds like you and Luke had a good time.�

�Luke even told me that he is going to ask his mommy if he can start 
wearing his disposable diapers to school so I won�t be the only one 
wearing diapers.�

Mommy and daddy said, �That�s nice.�

Today Luke and I are in fourth grade and I�m still in diapers and Luke 
promised me he was going to ask his mommy if he could start wearing his 
disposable diapers to school. Luke is still wearing his diapers today 
just like he promised me that very first day.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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