Title: The Corvinus School for Boys
Name: NateSean
Email: ncrawford82@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 25
Posting Date: 12/07/08, Updated 03/01/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: It's been almost ten years since I wrote and contributed a story to Deeker's site. My last two attempts can be found in the discontinued stories section, but the two finished stories are still in the main contributed stories section, thankfully. And lo and behold, I was doing a search through the archives and found that quite a few people actually liked the vampire story.

For the longest time I've wanted to write a "sequel" to that story, where Marcus the Vampire takes Anthony to Australia or some other country and finds a "brother" for Anthony. But alas, that sequel never came around, which is probably a good thing because this story was heavily influenced by Anne Rice. I decided that if I were going to use vampires in a diaper story I want them to be my own vampires, in my own universe, with my own rules.

This particular story is set in a universe that I have been "building" for a couple of years now. For now I just want to introduce you to that world and see if you like this one as well as you liked The Baby Vampire.

As always, my e-mail is ncrawford82@hotmail.com.

			 The Corvinus School for Boys




Author's note: (Man, I don't shut up do I?) The first chapter or two of 
this story takes place in Manchester, England. But while this takes 
place in England, I'm an American writer and this will be written in 
American English.


 				 Chapter One

It was five, fifty-nine AM. Ryan didn't need to see the alarm clock to 
know it. Ever since he had come to Jillian Coulter's home the sun had 
risen at exactly six o'clock during the warmer months, when even the 
tiniest rays of light felt like hot knives across his cheeks and arms. 
Since then it was pure muscle memory that forced him to roll out of bed 
and hit the floor as if a wall of missiles were coming and his bed was 
the shield.

The curtains were a lot thicker now, of course. A normal person would 
have to open them to know it was even morning outside. But Ryan wasn't 
normal. Or that's what people told him anyway.

�Normal people don't wet the bed,� he said, getting up to survey the 

His pajama bottoms, the sheets and the mattress were completely soaked. 
He felt the irritation on his skin and knew that he had slept through 
it again just like he had done every night since his thirteenth 
birthday, when a terrible fever kept him in the hospital for weeks.

Ryan shuttered whenever he thought about that awful February. The awful 
heat, the pain that kept him up screaming so loudly that pedestrians 
outside the hospital could hear him. The doctors tried everything they 
could but it was nothing they had ever seen before. No painkiller would 
do the trick without risking an overdose, so they waited it out.

A tear slid down his cheek. The entire month he had lost all control of 
his bladder and bowels. The nurses couldn't stand his screams for long 
so they were in to clean him up and change his bedpan and then out as 
quickly as come.

No one tried to comfort him. There were no parents to sit by his side 
and tell him everything would be all right. Even his foster mother, 
Jillian couldn't stand to be near him in those awful days.

It was the loneliest he had ever been in his entire life.

�Oh dear, Ryan, not again,� Jillian said from behind him in that voice 
that fell somewhere between pity and far from mild annoyance.

He was so used to this routine by now that Ryan didn't even turn to 
acknowledge her. In fact he had heard her wake up a few moments after 
he hit the floor. Without even looking he could tell she was still in 
her beige nightdress, wearing the gray slippers with the butterfly 
pattern on the toes. Her hair was tied up in a ribbon like always.

Ryan just wanted to just cry right now, but he figured whatever liquids 
he'd have for crying were all in the bed now, or his pajamas. So he 
just went to the cupboard to get new linens.

�The Drynites aren't even working?� Jillian asked.

�No, Mam,� Ryan said. �It's like I just can't feel the signal. I mean 
it, I don't even dream of going to the loo and suddenly I wake up and 
I'm wet.�

Jillian helped him strip down the bed. She sighed when she saw the 
large yellow stain on the mattress. Ryan cringed at the sight and 
became nauseated as his powerful sense of smell overwhelmed him.

�Oh, Ryan,� she said. �This mattress is completely ruined.�

�I'm sorry.� Ryan dropped the linens and held his hands over his mouth.

�We really need to tackle this problem and I mean now.� Jillian saw him 
and frowned. �Oh, don't be so dramatic. Go on, get cleaned up.�

Ryan made a move to leave the room, but not before Jillian shoved the 
dirty sheets into his hand.

�And put these in the hamper. Come downstairs when you're finished up 

Ryan's stomach lurched as he hurried to the bathroom. He shoved the 
linens into the blue wicker hamper that was meant for his things. He 
then pulled off his pajamas, underwear and socks and shoved them down 
as far as they would go before closing the lid.

A second wave of nausea hit him and he spent the next half hour, naked 
from the waist down, on his knees and vomiting. After a few dry heaves 
Ryan was convinced that there was nothing left for his body to get rid 

It was so warm in this house. Only the shower set to its coldest 
temperature provided any real comfort. Ever since that fever Ryan would 
have gladly lived in Antarctica than have to face another summer in 
England again.

In fact after the fever subsided Ryan couldn't stand to even wear a 
coat. Winter in Manchester was a cold time. Even in the later months 
when spring was several days in it could get vicious. So when Ryan 
first went to school in five degree weather wearing nothing but his 
uniform, a thin sweat jacket, and a pair of boots it attracted some 

�What a fucking idiot,� one of the kids called out.

�God, you'd have to be dead to be out here like that.� A girl said. �Or 

�Well maybe his body fat keeps him warm!� Another boy shouted as he 
threw a snowball. �Hey Blubberbum, you like it cold?�

At that point Ryan felt like a persecuted Christian in the center of a 
stoning pit as ice chunks and snowballs flew at him. Only a shout from 
one of the groundskeepers stopped it.

The headmaster sent him home with a note to Jillian. Not only was he 
made to wear warmer clothing, but every day Ryan had to go straight to 
the headmaster and show him that he was properly dressed.

As if that wasn't humiliating enough, the control problems he suffered 
at the hospital seemed to follow him to school.

Maths with Ms. Beltier came after lunch and she wasn't famous for 
allowing students to use the bathroom during her class. Ryan had all 
ready been wearing absorbent pads beneath his briefs because of an 
impatient bladder that had all ready caused a few humiliating 
accidents. Some of his teachers were generally understanding and gave 
him the pass to leave. But Ms Beltier's feeling seemed to be that he 
could hold it simply because she wanted him to.

This time, Ryan knew the pad wouldn't stop what was coming. He hugged 
his stomach with one hand and began to sweat as he raised his hand. Ms. 
Beltier was at the front of the classroom drawing complex fractions on 
the board and she acted as though she didn't see him at all. 
Unfortunately a few of his classmates-most of whom were participants in 
the snowball attack weeks before-did see him, and were all ready making 
bets as to how long he'd last.

Finally Ryan couldn't stand it and he shot up from his desk and ran for 
the door. The smell reached his nose long before the poop began to fill 
his briefs.

�Oh, really!� Ms. Beltier shouted, waving her hand in front of her as 
he pushed the door open. He could hear the other students making their 
own comments and laughing.

He was in tears and sobbing as he entered the nurse's office. The poop 
had run down his leg and some of it fell in the halls and down the 
stairs as he ran. The nurse let him use the shower in the bathroom 
while she called the janitor and Jillian.

�I know you had the awful fever,� Jillian had lectured him on the way 
home that day. �But all you had to do was ask Ms. Beltier for the hall 
pass. Seriously Ryan, do I need to star putting you in diapers?�

�No, please don't!� Ryan cried. �I swear I was only sick. I didn't do 
it on purpose.�

Jillian sighed and shook her head. He wished he could tell what she was 
thinking but as far as he could tell, that was the one thing that 
really hadn't changed about him.

A knock at the door brought him back to the present. He was still in 
the shower, letting the cold water rush over his body as he cleaned 
himself up with the body wash and loofah sponge.

�Ryan,� Jillian said from the other side. �I just got a call from the 
headmaster. He wants to speak with you the moment you get to school, 

�Yes Jillian,� Ryan replied.

�So finish up there and come down for breakfast.�

Ryan wondered what the rush was. After numerous accidents at school and 
several more trips to the doctors that didn't seem to know what was 
wrong with him, it was pretty much decided that the only form of 
nourishment that didn't completely aggravate his intestinal tract was 
liquid protein and vitamin drinks. It didn't take a particularly 
dedicated amount of time to make and it took even less time to drink as 
it pretty much looked and tasted like what he'd just done in the toilet 
a second ago.

With that wonderful image in his head Ryan turned the shower off and 
dried up. He tried to brush his teeth as best as possible. But even 
that simple task was made difficult by two glaring facts.

The first were the two incredibly long sets of teeth that had grown in 
to replace the canines and molars that had fallen out when he was sick. 
Jillian couldn't afford the dental work to have them filed down and the 
insurance company considered it cosmetic surgery and refused to cover 
an operation to fix them. Ryan spent the better part of a month 
learning to talk and to eat without biting his tongue and his lip.

The second and probably the most inconvenient of the changes was that 
he couldn't see his reflection in the mirror. It wasn't that he didn't 
have a reflection. There were plenty of mirrors and reflective surfaces 
throughout the Manchester area that if he had gone by more than one of 
them without casting a reflection it was bound to draw attention. But 
whenever he looked into a mirror or a flat shiny surface the only thing 
he could see was a permanent blur.

So every morning he had to guess whether or not his teeth were 
sufficiently brushed or his hair neatly combed. The teeth weren't such 
a problem, as long as he didn't try to floss. But it was hard as hell 
to brush or comb without the mirror, so he was left with guessing 
whether or not he looked neat.

Ryan sighed. It's not like there was anything special to look at. He 
was still terribly pudgy even though he'd barely eaten anything solid 
since his birthday. His arms and legs were round and flabby and he was 
an inch shorter than most of his classmates. Even before the fever he 
was an easy target for bullies but now it was even worse.

No. That wasn't entirely true. There were some things that he didn't 

For example, he didn't need a light switch to see in doors. There were 
no windows in the bathroom and with the light off it was pitch black. 
But Ryan could see as clearly as if someone had turned on a black 

His hearing had improved and it was easier to listen to the teachers 
when they lectured. And if he could stand in the hallways long enough 
to concentrate without being bothered he could hear conversations going 
on two floors below him, in the rooms nearby, or outside as clearly and 
has loudly as if the were right next to him. For the longed time that 
handy little talent helped him to learn if bullies were planning to 
jump him in the toilets or on the way home. In fact it even made him an 
unofficial friend or two by tipping off a few other boys who were also 
targets of the bullies.

Unofficial. Yeah, right. No one would ever admit to being Ryan Greary's 
friend. But it was nice to have at least one person grateful to him for 
something other than morning entertainment.

That morning after the kids attacked him with the snow and ice balls, 
Ryan was covered in bruises and scrapes along the face and body. By the 
time he'd gotten home there wasn't even a scratch on him. Jillian 
didn't believe he was ever attacked and punished him both for getting 
sent home and for lying.

Okay, so the superhuman healing powers had their downside.

�I just didn't get hit as badly as I thought,� he reasoned with 

He returned to his bedroom and got dressed for school. It was almost 
eight o'clock and Jillian had pulled back the curtains so she could 
open the window. The air freshened up the room a bit but the sunlight 
filled room blinding him.

�God dammit!� He shouted, grabbing his eyes and dropping his towel.

�What's wrong?� Jillian came up the stairs drawn by his shouts.

She was coming up the stairs. Ryan was coherent enough to know he was 
naked and he jumped into his room and slammed the door shut. The sun 
touched his legs and waist burning him.

�You left the curtains open!� He screamed yanking them shut and sinking 
to his knees.

He rubbed his skin furiously trying to soothe the pain. Jillian tried 
to come in but he told her he was indecent.

�Well I needed to get the smell out of the room! Come on, you can stand 
a little sunlight.�

Ryan had to bite his lips to keep from screaming even more, which only 
caused his lower lip to bleed. After a few seconds his eyesight 
returned to him and he stood up and looked down at his legs. The skin 
from just below his private areas down to an inch below his kneecap 
were a ghastly shade of brown and he wondered just how much worse they 
would have been if he hadn't closed the curtains.

Jillian opened the door.

�You dropped the towel on my nice clean-Oh my God.�

Ryan covered his privates as a different kind of heat spread through 
his cheeks. Jillian could see the burn marks on his legs. Ryan began to 

�Oh dear, Ryan, I'm sorry.� She said sincerely before averting her 

�I told you.� He said, going to the cupboard. �Something is wrong with 
me. It didn't just end with the fever, Jillian, it's been getting worse 
every day.�

Jillian's heart raced as she went downstairs to give Ryan privacy. A 
floodgate of memories from the past year raced through her mind.

Ryan had always been a little strange. At first she chalked it up to 
the fact that his parents died when he was just a baby. Bedwetting was 
something she was use to after twelve years of being a foster mother, 
but even still Ryan was a cut different than the rest of the children. 
She took him in a few weeks after his twelfth birthday.

Ryan was slightly overweight, with short, sandy blond hair and 
beautiful blue eyes. At first everything seemed to be going smoothly. 
He went to school without a problem, did his coursework, and did all of 
his chores with very little prompting.

Then came the minor annoyances that Jillian overlooked at first. He 
couldn't stand brightly colored clothing. Everything had to be in dark 
shades, preferably gray. If it was too warm in the house or outside 
he'd get sick. He couldn't play any kind of sports for longer than a 
few minutes before he became exhausted or ill.

The children at his school and in the neighborhood grew impatient with 
him and stopped inviting him over at all.

Jillian ignored these things and just figured they'd go away with time. 
Ryan was a very sweet boy in spite of it all and he tried to please 
her. In fact, with no real family of his own and no place to send him 
after he left her, Jillian was seriously considering adopting him. For 
all of his faults she had grown attached to him and it the weeks before 
his birthday she was deeply saddened to see him fall ill.

At first it seemed like a mild fever. It increased with every hour and 
no matter what she tried to do there was nothing that could break it. 
Ryan was barely admitted into the hospital when he began complaining 
about pains all throughout his body.

For weeks they kept him under observation in a quarantined room and 
wouldn't tell her anything. Or rather, they told her things, but 
nothing that was actually helpful. Why were they taking such 
precautions? Why couldn't they let her see him, to comfort him?

She finally had to go through Karyn, Ryan's social worker to make them 
give her answers. After two days of phone tag and threats of massive 
lawsuits Karyn got a hold of a man named Dr. Kent Lang, a specialist 
working in London who knew about Ryan's condition.

�Ryan isn't like a lot of other boys,� he told her over the phone. 
�This is going to be a rough time for him, but I assure you the 
quarantine procedure is not because he's contagious. Unfortunately the 
hospital, the school he's going to and even you are unprepared for 
what's to come ahead.�

Jillian was getting just a little tired of all the vagueness.

�I'll have you know that I have been a foster mother for a very long 
time now. I've seen just about everything, including a couple things 
that might shock you. So now that I'm confident that there isn't going 
to be an outbreak of cholera, can you please tell me something I 
haven't been told ever since I got here.�

�I didn't mean to imply anything,� Dr. Lang said, softly. �How long has 
Ryan been suffering from these symptoms?�

�It started about three weeks ago.�

�All right, this is what I can tell you over the phone. What he's going 
through is a bit like puberty. It's a very long and painful process and 
the amount of time it takes varies from person to person. When the 
worse is over he will have special needs that you'll need to pay close 
attention to.�

Jillian listened carefully to what Lang told her. There was still a 
cloak of mystery surrounding it all. But Lang told her more in that 
twenty-minute phone conversation than the entire hospital staff told 
her in three weeks. He even sent an e-mail to the hospital for her 
which contained his contact information.

When Ryan was well enough to leave the hospital Jillian followed Lang's 
advice. She bought him the sunglasses, a set of thick curtains for his 
bedroom and enough sunblock to cover a heard of cows for a week. His 
skin would be twice as sensitive to UV exposure so they had to be extra 

Dr. Lang also said that his dietary needs would be very different. Of 
course he also told her to call him as soon as Ryan came home so he 
could go into more detail.

Jillian was plagued with guilt as she remembered the last six months. 
Ryan going to school on a cold day without a coat on, getting sick and 
messing himself in class, the sunlight bothering him and being unable 
keep anything in his stomach should have been a reminder to call Dr. 
Lang. But she was so behind her work at the office that she was afraid 
of losing her job. The house also suffered while she was running back 
and forth with the hospital. That coupled with the added stress of 
Ryan's antics made her increasingly impatient with him when she should 
have been focused on helping him.

She swore if she could just get a hold of Doctor Lang that she would 
try to be more understanding. But as luck would have it she couldn't 
find the copy of the e-mail anywhere in the house. She checked in the 
cabinets, the drawers and all of the bins she used for recycling.

Ryan still didn't come down from his room. Jillian couldn't blame him 
if he was upset or embarrassed. She just hoped she hadn't made anything 
worse by exposing his skin to the sunlight. The burn marks on his legs 
would be forever etched in her memory. What if that had been in his 

Jillian fought back the urge to cry. None of this had been his fault 
and she treated him like he could just stop it if he wanted to.

She was about to go upstairs and see if he was all right when the phone 
rang. The number on the Caller ID said it was from a cellphone. There 
was no name so she ignored it and went upstairs.

She found him in his room. He was wearing a clean pair of shorts and a 
t-shirt. With his back to her he stood at the window with his hands 
clutching edges of the curtains. She asked what he was doing.

�I can't stand it anymore.� He said, quietly. �I'm a freak Jillian and 
I shouldn't exist.�

Jillian crossed the room and pulled him away from the curtains. In her 
arms he was vulnerable and he cried.

�We're going to find out what's going on with you, Ryan.� She said. 
�You're not a freak and you're certainly as entitled to exist as any of 
us. I should have tried to help you and I didn't. I was wrong and for 
that I'm sorry.�

Ryan pulled away.

�But I'm so different from everyone. I mess myself like a little baby, 
I can't out without getting sunburned, I...there's no one else like 

�Now that's not true. There are plenty of people who have problems with 
bladder and bowel control and many of them are your age. And there are 
people who are sensitive to sunlight, it doesn't make you a freak.�

�But I got big teeth.�

Jillian sighed. The phone rang again.

�Let me call the school and tell them you won't be coming. I'm trying 
to get a hold of man who seems to know something about what you're 
going through and we're going to see him.�

�Really?� Ryan looked up at her with his eyes wide and pleading. 
�Aren't you going to miss work?�

�Now don't you worry about that. Just don't do anything foolish, I'll 
be right back up.�

Jillian went back downstairs as the phone continued to ring. It was the 
same cellphone number and whoever it was just wouldn't give up. She 
picked it up.

�Hello,� She said.

�Ms. Coulter?�

�Doctor Lang?� Jillian was surprised. �I was just about to call you. 
How did you get this number.�

�I'm very sorry to disturb you Ms. Coulter but I can't talk on the 
phone long.� Dr. Lang's voice sounded urgent. �I've just arrived in 
Manchester and I'm hoping to speak with both you and Ryan immediately.�

�Well, of course, as a matter of fact I wanted to see you, too.�

Jillian gave him the directions to her place and Dr. Lang assured her 
that he'd be there shortly.

Chapter Two

Ryan finished getting dressed. Every few seconds he'd stare at the 
curtains and think about yanking them open. But Jillian was trying to 
help him and he didn't want to hurt her by hurting himself on purpose. 
Thinking about her feelings and gave him a little more strength.

He went downstairs and mixed his protein drink. When he finished that 
Jillian told him that a man named Doctor Lang would be coming to have a 
look at him.

Except for Jillian's parents on holidays, they didn't get many 
visitors. Ryan didn't have any long term friends who wanted to come to 
his house and Jillian was an only child so she didn't have any sisters 
or brothers who came to visit. Karyn, his social worker stopped by to 
check on how things were going with Ryan but those visits were becoming 
fewer and far between. But no matter how rare it was, Ryan still tried 
to make a good impression on people.

Since he wasn't going to school today he swept the kitchen floor and 
vacuumed the carpet while Jillian took a shower and got dressed.

Like clockwork the protein drink had made it's way into Ryan's colon. 
Normally he'd be at school and on his way to the nurse for a scheduled 
bowel movement. Ryan wrapped up the cord and put the vacuum back in the 
closet. He was about to go the toilet in the downstairs bathroom when a 
strange smell overcame him.

It wasn't a terrible smell. Actually it was quite pleasant even if he 
couldn't identify it. But one thing was for certain, it was coming from 

Jillian came downstairs just as a knock came at the door.

�Ah yes, come in. Ryan, we have company.�

Ryan was standing in the bathroom doorway which was just inside the 
kitchen. He felt his urge building up but he didn't want to be rude. 
That and the strange smell was actually stronger now and he was curious 
to find out what it was.

There were two new faces standing in the living room. A tall Korean man 
with black hair cropped short. He was wearing a gray suit with a white 
button down shirt and a black tie with a silver spiral. Ryan assumed 
that this was Doctor Lang. But it was the boy standing beside him that 
caught his attention.

�Ah, you must be Ryan.� Doctor Lang said, offering his hand. �You can 
call me Kenneth.�

Ryan shook his hand and could tell by the grip that Doctor Lang worked 

�Ms. Coulter, Ryan, I'd like you to meet Brian.�

Brian looked like he was about sixteen. He was an inch taller than Ryan 
with short dark hair and brown eyes. He was lean and skinny but not 
terribly muscular. He wore black khakis and a gray, long sleeved shirt 
that was tucked in. When he shook Ryan's hand it was gentle and his 
smile was warm and inviting. The smell was from some kind of lotion he 
was wearing on his skin and with Ryan's eyesight he could tell it that 
he was covered in it.

�It's a pleasure meet you Ryan,� He said, turning to Ms. Coulter. �I'm 
sorry if this is unusual. But Doctor Lang decided that it would help if 
Ryan could meet someone like him.�

�Well, that's quite all right.� Jillian said, smiling somewhat 
nervously. �I must say though, Doctor Lang, I was a little surprised 
when you called me.�

Doctor Lang returned the smile and did his best to put her at ease.

�Ever since I got your call in February I've been getting in touch with 
some of my colleagues to try to help you out. Can we talk privately for 
a moment?�

�Of course. Uh, Ryan, why don't you take Brian into the kitchen.�

Ryan's need to poop was getting stronger by the second. But he didn't 
want to be rude, which was why he also tried to visit the loo before 
company arrived. Jillian led Doctor Lang into the living room while 
Ryan led Brian into the kitchen.

It was strange having another kid in the house. Ryan was a little bit 
nervous as Brian stood in the doorway, looking around casually.

�Can I get you anything?� He asked, trying to be polite.

�No thank you.� Brian answered. He gestured to the kitchen table. �May 
I sit down?�


Brian pulled out one of the chairs and took a seat. Ryan took the seat 
across from him.

�What did you mean when you said, someone like me?� He asked after a 
few seconds.

Brian was relieved that Ryan spoke first. He had spent the entire drive 
from the airport wondering how he was going to break the news to a boy 
who probably hadn't even imagined what he was. And it was even harder 
when someone like Ryan wound up in the human foster care system, with 
people like Jillian, who were completely unaware that the world as they 
knew it was not all that it seemed. Finally he and Kenneth decided that 
the best way was to start from the beginning and work their way up.

�This isn't going to be easy to accept.� He said �But the thing you 
have to understand is that you're not alone.�

�What do you mean?�

�Ryan, do you remember when you got sick on your thirteenth birthday.�

�Like it was still yesterday,� he answered. �But how did you know about 
that? Doctor Lang couldn't have told you, he-�

�I went through the exact same thing.� Brian interrupted. �It started 
with a fever. I was so hot that I had to strip every piece of clothing 
I had on and lay down in the river.�

Ryan couldn't have been more shocked if Brian slapped him. He described 
the fever exactly as he felt it himself that night. Brian went on.

�And then something beneath my skin started to tingle. It was like my 
bones were brushing up against my muscles yanking them as it went 

�It felt like red ants were eating me from inside out,� Ryan added.

�And then it got worse.�

�Yes! Yes, exactly. Did you have a hard time breathing too?�

�It felt like I was squeezed to death.�

�My eyes-� Ryan grabbed his eyes as if the pain had come back.

�Mine as well. I ended up soiling myself for three straight weeks.�

Ryan was amazed by that confession. Someone like Brian admitting to 
something like that made him feel like he wasn't so weird after all.

�Do you...sometimes wet yourself?� He asked.

�Not if I don't drink anything.� Brian said quickly. He didn't seem the 
least bit disgusted or put off by the question. �Actually, I only ever 
eat or drink if I absolutely can't avoid it. And if I know I'm going to 
wind up in a situation like that I always use a little protection.�

It was like someone took a giant weight off of Ryan's shoulders. For 
the first time in a long time he actually smiled. Brian smiled back and 
leaned forward to place his hand on his.

�You and I have a lot more in common than you think,� Brian said. �But 
here's the hardest part of it.�

�The hard part?� Ryan gaped. �Are you joking? You just told me 
something that I would never in a million years admit to anyone! And 
you want to know the hard part of that is? I don't have to admit it to 
anyone. Everyone knows it. Because I crapped my pants like a little 
baby in front of all my classmates and they give me shit for it.�

�I know.�

�Do you? Do you really know? I don't think you do.�

Brian closed his eyes as he remembered what happened the day the 
villagers found out that there was a demon living in the monastery 
nearby. Three hundred years later it still hurt as badly as if he were 
still pulling the injured Brother Thaddeus from the burning chapel.

�Do you remember your parents?� He asked, trying to get the 
conversation back on track.

�What, no. I was only a baby when they died. My social worker said so.�

�No one told you how they died? Or anything at all about them?�

Ryan was confused by the question.

�Why does it matter to you?�

�Because it's the easiest way to explain this to you. That sickness, 
that fever that you and I went through, it wasn't a sickness at all. It 
was the metamorphosis.�

�You mean like butterflies and frogs?�

�Exactly. Before the metamorphosis we are larvae. There's very little 
difference between us and any other human boy or girl, because 
basically that's what we came from. Some of us can tolerate light and 
others are very sensitive to it. We can eat, drink, run, sleep and do 
all of the things that other human beings can do. But we're not human.�

Ryan grinned until he saw that Bryan was dead serious.

�My father is five hundred years old.� He continued. �His father, my 
grandfather was born the son of a Greek slave in Macedonia. All of our 
mothers were human until they conceived us and we began draining their 
bodies. We're not immortal and we can't fly or change into wolves or 
bats anything like that. But we are...vampires.�

Ryan rolled his eyes.

�Good one.� He stood up and began to pace. �Real good one Brian. Is 
that you're real name? Are you sure it's not Dracula!�

Brian snorted.

�Actually Vlad von Teppes was never a vampire, but his daughter married 
the son of Alexander Corvinus who was a vampire.�

Ryan stopped and stared at Brian for a long time. Then he closed his 
eyes and listened in on the conversation going on in the living room.

�A vampire?� Jillian looked at Dr. Lang like he was insane. �A vampire. 
Brian...is a vampire. Was this really the best you could do?�

�I know how it sounds, but-�

�No. I don't think you do. Now will you please live before I call the 

Dr. Lang sighed. �Why do you think I'm here Ms. Coulter?�

Jillian stood up and turned like she was about to go to the kitchen. 
She stopped when she saw Brian standing near the staircase. Ryan was 
standing just a behind him, watching him. His eyes were different now. 
Before they were bright brown and now they were a strange greenish 
color that seemed to glow as he approached closely. He opened his mouth 
to reveal unusually long canines and molars. Jillian's heart pounded 
and she stepped back.

�I don't wish to frighten you,� he said, moving his lips so as not to 
bite himself. �But you have to understand that time is short. My name 
is Brian Gardener, my dad is Evan Gardener. You may have heard of him. 
He owns one of the largest wineries in England.�

Jillian calmed down when she realized that Brian wasn't threatening. 
She turned to Dr. Lang who stood slowly so as not to alarm her.

�It was you who called me,� he pointed out. �I have no reason to play 
elaborate pranks or to lie to you.�

�I don't know what to think,� Jillian said, honestly. She looked at 
Ryan, the boy who had lived with her for most of the year. �You weren't 
lying to me about the snowball fight were you? You really were hit. You 
just healed faster.�

�I've never lied to you about anything, Jillian.� Ryan said. �But I 
guess it makes sense. The sunlight and all. And I really don't like 

Brian smiled. He closed his eyes for a second and flexed some kind of 
muscle that the others couldn't see. When he opened them they were 
brown again and his teeth were the same length as Ryan's.

�Well we can blend in with humans.� He said. �We have been for 
thousands of years. In fact up until a couple hundred years ago there 
was no huge secret, we all knew each other whether we liked it or not.�

�But he was so...� Jillian was searching for the right word. Normal 
seemed offensive. Fortunately, Doctor Lang seemed to know what she was 
getting at.

�Vampires are born like you and I, but vampires can only have children 
if they...mate with a human partner. Just like Brian here, Ryan's 
father was most likely the vampire.�

�How do you it wasn't my mother?� Ryan asked.

�It's highly unlikely,� Brian answered. �My family has over five 
hundred people in it and in three hundred years I've only known my 
aunt. Matriarchs, female vampires, are very rare and the ones that 
exist are safely protected.�

Jillian rubbed the bridge of her nose. She gave herself credit. She had 
gone from being ready to throw these people out of her house to 
accepting that her life was now a part of a really strange horror novel 
in a matter of minutes without breaking a sweat.

�What happens now?� She asked.

�We need to take Ryan somewhere he'll be safe.� Dr. Lang said. �As long 
as he's with you, in this all human society, he's a danger to 
everything we've worked hard to protect.�

Ryan didn't know if he liked the sound of that. �Where will you take 

Brian placed a hand on Ryan's shoulder and looked into his eyes. It 
seemed to calm Ryan down as he spoke. �To the Island of Eros. It's part 
of a chain of islands that were once owned by the former Vampire King 
Aldrich Elswyer. Now my father is the king and it's a much safer place 
for every being that doesn't have a home in this world.�

Ryan looked to Jillian. She was as sad as he was at the idea of him 

�Would I get to see Jillian again?�

�Of course.� Brian said, looking to Jillian to reassure her as well. 
�In fact you'd be more than welcome to come with him if you like.�

Jillian shook her head.

�I have work here to do. Can't somebody come here to teach him? Maybe 
like a private tutor to train him while he stays in school and lives 

Doctor Lang shook his head.

�Ms. Coulter, you've seen the complications Ryan has been facing all 
ready. In vampire terms he is basically a toddler. And like a toddler 
he'll stumble and fall as he gets used to his new body. They are the 
kinds of stumbling that will draw unwanted attention.�

�And who are you that you know so much?� Jillian asked, frustrated. 
�Ryan's social worker referred me to you. If vampires are such a secret 
than it seems hardly secretive of her to just know that you would know 
what was happening to him. And why didn't you come to me sooner when 
Ryan was ill? You could have saved him a lot of humiliation and at 
least shared information that as his guardian might have been useful to 

Doctor Lang sighed as he pulled a billfold from the pocket of his 
shirt. It was as large as a wallet and looked like the kind the police 
carried to hold their badges. Sure enough when he opened it there was a 
badge but it didn't belong to a policeman. It was a shiny blue shield 
with a large white cross in the center.

Ryan could see words engraved in the �T� of the cross. Though he 
couldn't read what it said he recognized the language from the Latin 
books some of the older students at his school carried.

�I am Sir Doctor Kenneth Lang, Hospitalar knight.� Doctor Lang said as 
simply as if he had just told them he studied medicine at Cambridge. 
�We don't exactly advertise, but we are out there. We've been the 
secret allies of vampires and other creatures you may not know about 
for over a thousand years.

�As for my not being informed about Ryan's condition sooner, that 
wasn't entirely our fault. There are only a handful of us in the United 
Kingdom and it's a big island. Had Ryan's parents trusted us we would 
have known about him the moment he was born and he'd have been placed 
in the protective custody of one of his clan mates. Karyn, the social 
worker who made all those phone calls finally got in touch with one of 
the board members from Oxford Medical who happened to be a colleague of 
mine. He's not one of us, but he recognized the symptoms she described 
to him and he immediately told me.�

�It's very rare for a vampire, or in Ryan's case, a larvae to be raised 
up until the metamorphosis,� Brian explained. �My own mother passed 
away when I was just nine years old. My father was away on business so 
I was sent to a monastery while messengers tried to reach him.�

Jillian recognized the sadness in his voice at the mention of his 
mother and it made her heart ache for him.

�The messengers never reached him in time.� Brian looked at Ryan. �Like 
you I got sick and suffered through those awful pains alone. The monks 
cared for me as best they could. Brother Thaddeus never left my side, 
even when I screamed so loudly that I was sure it hurt his ears. 
Imagine my surprise when I learned he was deaf and that he was the only 
one who could stand to be near me then.�

�What did they think of you being a vampire?� Ryan asked. �Didn't they 
think you were from the devil or something?�

�No. Strangely enough,� Brian said. �I mean, they weren't Hospitalars 
so they didn't know technically what I was. But they were as 
knowledgeable as they were pious and they respected me as a part of 
God's Will. I devoted much of my life to the monks until the day the 
villagers discovered what I was and...well, I don't much like reliving 
that night.�

�Brian was lucky enough to find people who took care of him,� Doctor 
Lang said. �But the world is much different today than it was three 
hundred years ago. Ryan has been in the foster care system for his 
entire life. You asked me why I didn't get to you sooner, well it was 
because I had the monumental task of finding the paper trail that 
followed him. He's so ingrained in human society that it's taken us six 
months just to see if we would be able to move him to the Isle of Eros 
without stirring up attention.�

That made some sense to Jillian. Still, she didn't feel right about not 
being in the loop this whole time. When she thought of the last year 
and all of the times she could have been helping Ryan instead of 
punishing him for something he couldn't control it hurt. She looked at 
her boy standing there as confused as she was, trying to process all 
this new information. She remembered the sunburn on his legs and 
wondered what would have happened if he had been outside in the middle 
of a crowded shopping center? Even the strongest sunscreen wore off 
after awhile and on cloudy days the UV rays were twice as bad. And he 
couldn't live on protein drinks and vitamins forever. If he really was 
a vampire...

�Will he have to drink blood?�

�Yes.� Brian answered. �But I only drink the blood of animals. Most of 
us do now, ever since we discovered that human blood can stunt the 
aging process. It's why I only look sixteen when I should look closer 
to my forties.�

�You killed people?� Jillian asked. She couldn't imagine this kind and 
soft hearted person as a killer.

Brian seemed uneasy, but he answered the question.

�There was a time, or two, when it seemed like the will of God that I 
drink someone's blood. I don't mean that I punished them, I never took 
someone's blood in anger or vengeance. But I would come across a person 
sick or injured beyond help and I couldn't stand to see them suffer and 
I knew no other way to help them. In those days I justified it by 
saying that if I lived by drinking blood than drinking blood to end 
their suffering was doing what God wanted me to do.�

Jillian accepted that. Whatever his actions Brian's heart seemed to be 
in the right place. It made her feel a little better about trusting 
Ryan with people who understood morality on some level.

�What do you think?� She asked him finally.

Before Ryan could answer a strong smell came from outside. He 
instinctively sniffed the air. Brian also noticed something odd and he 
turned to the door.

�Were you expecting anyone?� He asked.

There was a knock. Jillian looked out the window and saw a man standing 
at the door. He was wearing a suit like Dr. Lang's only black and he 
glanced over his shoulder at another man standing beside a minivan 
parked at the curb.

�Hunters,� Brian mouthed to Dr. Lang.

�Is there a back door?� Doctor Lang asked.

�In the kitchen,� Jillian said. �What's going on?�

�Brian, get Ryan out of here.�

Brian urged Ryan to the kitchen.

�What's the matter?� Ryan asked.

Doctor Lang stood with his back to the door. There was another knock.

�Excuse me, is there a Missus Coulter here?� The man had an Irish 

�Jillian,� Doctor Lang said, keeping his voice low. �Answer the door 
but act normal.�

Jillian heard the back door open quietly open as the boys slipped out. 
Her heart was pounding so fast she didn't think she could pull normal. 
She gave Doctor Lang a flustered look as she opened the door.

�Ah, hello,� the man said. �Miss Coulter, I'm sorry to drop on in you 
so unexpectedly. My name is Doctor William Parker and I believe your 
child may be infected with a rare disease.�

Doctor Lang motioned for her to try to get rid of him.

�Doctor Parker,� Jillian said, trying to sound like nothing happened 
that day. �I don't know what you mean. My son has all ready seen a 
doctor and I was told nothing was wrong with him. Now if-�

�I'm sorry Miss Coulter, I'm afraid you misunderstand me.� William 
discreetly reached for a holstered gun just inside his jacket. �Your 
boy is a threat to everyone around him and I-�

Dr. Lang jumped in front of Jillian and landed a punch against 
William's nose.

�They're all ready here!� William shouted as he went to pull his gun 

While Dr. Lang grabbed his wrist and struck him the stomach with his 

Jillian was about to slam the door shut but the man standing beside the 
van took aim and fired. She hit the floor as a dart barely missed her 
shoulder and became lodged in the wall behind her. She thought she 
heard one the neighbors scream as she crawled into the kitchen to get 
to the phone and call the police.

Ryan had never run so much in his life. He stuck close to Brian as they 
ran down Chortle Street. He wasn't even sure they were running from 
anyone until a car squealed onto the road and headed straight for them.

�Who are they?� He shouted.

�Hunters,� Brian said, pulling Ryan in the direction of the 
underground. �Modern day vampire slayers. That social worker of yours 
must have tipped one of them off without knowing it. They love to get 
their hands on young ones and they'd more than love to get their hands 
on me. Hence the tranquilizers.�

The driver pulled along side them while a man in the passenger seat 
tried to aim a tranquilizer gun at the boys.

�Take out the dark haired one first.� They heard the driver say. 
�Blondie's too young to get far on his own.�

Brian stopped dead in his tracks and the car squealed to a stop a few 
feet a head.

�We can both hear just fine you'll notice!� He shouted as he lead Ryan 
across the street and through another neighbor's yard.

A group of girls were playing in the back yard and they screamed as the 
boys crashed through the shrubbery. They stopped in front of a large 
red fence that was too high to climb. Brian barely bent his knees as he 
leaped clear over the top. Ryan just stood there baffled. He turned 
around to see two men and a woman entering the yard as two women came 
out of their house to see what the commotion was. The little girls ran 

�Excuse me!� The larger woman with the curly red hair. �What do you 
think you're doing here?�

�I'm very sorry ma'am,� the female Hunter said, concealing her 
tranquilizer gun just as she entered the yard. �He slipped away from us 
as we were taking him back to the hospital.�

Ryan looked from the two women on the porch to the hunters. The men 
were hiding just out of sight with their weapons trained on him as he 
backed into the fence.

�Do you have some kind of ID?� The other woman asked.

The Hunter grinned and glanced briefly at the two women.

�Once we have him in custody I'll gladly show you my credentials. As 
you can see he's terribly ill and quite unstable and we don't want 
anyone to get hurt.� She made a gesture to her gun that only Ryan could 
see and grinned wickedly.

Ryan wasn't sure what these people would do to get to him.

�I'll come quietly!� He said. �Just don't hurt anyone.�

The Hunter nodded approvingly.

�Come with me now and we won't use the straight jacket.�

Ryan wished he could call Brian back, but he didn't want to get someone 
else killed because of he was stupid. He lowered his eyes and walked 
with the Hunter back towards the car that was waiting. He didn't look 
up until one of the men cursed.

There was another person standing by car. The driver's side door was 
open and the driver was sprawled face down on the road, bleeding. He 
wore black sunglasses and a flowing trench coat that swayed as he 
stepped closer, menacingly. He was easily five-feet tall and didn't 
look anywhere near as muscular as someone who could knock out a fully 
grown man with one punch.

�We could make this very public,� He said to the hunters.

�We'll kill the boy!� One of the men threatened. �We'll slice him open 
right here and expose his blood to the sunlight. He'll burn to death in 
front of all these witnesses and your kind will be exposed.�

The vampire snorted. Police sirens wailed in the distance.

�That would be my mum calling.� The vampire said. �Ryan, are you 

Ryan nodded.

�Smart boy.�

In a blur of movement the vampire ran from the car into the middle of 
the Hunters and threw Ryan over his shoulder. Before they could even 
turn around or react the vampire leaped clear over their heads and onto 
the roof of the car. The hunters all trained their weapons on him and 
fired as he bent his knees and jumped again, this time clear across the 
street and onto the roof of the house Ryan had run to in the first 

Three police cruisers surrounded the hunters and ordered them to put 
their hands on their heads as the vampire.

�Hang on!� The vampire whispered as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, 
clearing three entire streets before finally hitting the pavement 
behind the petrol station. Brian was hiding there and watching the 
streets for signs of trouble.

�Dammit, Brian,� the new vampire said. �Could you have cut it any 
closer? I'm surprised you weren't having tea with the woman before the 
hunters showed up.�

�Watch your language James.�

Ryan slid off James back and landed shakily on his feet. His heart was 
pounding so rapidly from the excitement that he barely registered the 
feeling of his bowels emptying into his shorts.

He stood there, his eyes clenched shut as he tried to stop filling his 
underpants. The smell was so powerful that Brian and James were visibly 
stunned to see that it was coming from him. Brian at least looked 
understanding whereas James had a look of disgust that was 
unmistakable. To top it off, Ryan's bladder gave out and a large wet 
spot formed as the pee ran down his leg and formed a puddle at his 

�Welcome to the weirdest day of my life,� he said when he was finished. 
�And the sad thing is, this is just the normal part.�

Chapter Three


Author's Note: The diapers are slow in coming right now, but I'm 
bringing them in at Chapter four, I promise. I've noticed that there 
are a number of writers here who prefer a good story and subtlty as 
opposed to what I read one writer call it: Diaper Porn. Also: Those of 
you who are actually from England probably notice a few botches in the 
terminology. Yes, I know that diapers are called nappies. I'm not 
familiar enough with Manchester to be really accurate about buildings 
and locations unless I have a reference to go by and I don't have a net 
connection at home. Fortunately I didn't feel Manchester was central 
enough to the story to be overly descriptive about it, so I appreciate 
your patience in not giving me the third degree over it. ;)

Also (dear god I talk too much) there are going to be shapeshifters and 
"werebeasts" in this story. But these characters will appear briefly 
and they will be either straight animals or straight humans during 
their scenes. There will be no werewolves or weretigers in diapers so 
fair warning to Furries: There's nothing for you here.


�I'm really sorry.�

Ryan looked at Brian sheepishly. The smell was awful and he had the 
unmistakable bulge weighing down his pants.

�It's okay,� Brian said. �James, give your jacket.�

James grimaced.

�Do you know how expensive it is to have this dry cleaned?� He asked. 
�No offense mate. This is why I gave up eating centuries ago.�

�James...� Brian pressed. Ryan could tell he was getting frustrated. 
�He doesn't know anything. He was raised by humans.�

James shrugged. His look went from disgust to something that could be 
considered mild sympathy. Or at the very least, nonchalance.

�Sorry mate. It's nothing to be ashamed of,� he glanced down at Ryan's 
pants. �But if you switch to the liquid diet you won't have that 

Ryan kept his gaze on Brian, who was clearly the more compassionate of 
the two. �Is Jillian okay?�

Brian looked to James for the answer.

�I got to them before I found him,� James said. �Doctor Lang is still 
sweet talking the police but at least he wasn't the one waving a gun 
around in the middle of a populated neighborhood. Jillian will be fine. 
The question is why did you leave the boy behind to almost get captured 
by hunters?�

Brian sighed and shook his head.

�I'm sorry Ryan. That was my fault and I...�

�It's okay.� Ryan said. He gave an angry look to James. �At least 
someone cares about me.�

James returned his look tit for tat.

�Boy, I bailed you out of that didn't I? If you had any idea what those 
hunters had planned for you you'd be kissing my clean pale ass in 
gratitude for risking my neck to rescue you.�

Ryan was hurt by James' remark but he didn't say anything.

�Can we go back so I can change?� He asked Brian.

�No.� Brian said, casting an annoyed glance at James. �I'm sorry Ryan, 
but if the Hunters know where you are it won't be safe for any of us. 
But you can't go across Manchester like that.�

Brian peeked around the corner of the Petrol station. He knew where the 
nearest entrance to the underground was located, but in Ryan's current 
condition they would be spotted long before they got there. If it were 
darker out they could use their speed and get all the way to the train 
station, but between both him and James Brian would be shocked if they 
didn't wind up on the six o'clock news tonight.

�What's in this petrol station?� James asked.

�It looks like a regular petrol station.�

�It's Jenny's,� Ryan offered. �Jillian fills her car up here and I 
always come here to get milk and snacks.�

�Is there a bathroom?� James asked.

�I think so but it's only for-�

�Wait here.�

James casually strolled to the front of the station and disappeared 
around the corner. A few minutes later he returned with a couple 
packages of moist wipes and some paper towels from a dispenser.

�You'd better not have stolen those.� Brian said gesturing to the 

James looked offended.

�You do remember who our dad is right? I have my own cash.�

Brian rolled his eyes and turned to Ryan.

�Lets get you cleaned up.�

�Right here?� Ryan asked, looking around nervously.

James, who looked as inconvenienced by this as he turned around and 
stood watch. Brian asked Ryan to turn around and lower his pants.

�No one will see us,� he promised. �Don't worry. I've helped people 
clean up worse.�

Ryan tried not to imagine what Brian's idea of �worse� was. This was 
the second time today someone had seen him naked, but at least Brian 
was a guy and another vampire to boot. He undid his pants and pulled 
them down halfway.

Brian used the paper towels to gently wipe the worse of the poop from 
Ryan's bottom and between his legs. He gave Ryan the wipes so he could 
wipe off his genitals.

Ryan felt strange as a light breeze touched his exposed skin combined 
with the gentle pressure from Brian's hands as the older vampire wiped 
his bottom with the moist wipes and again with the paper towels to dry 
him off. Brian tried to get some of the mess out of his underpants but 
couldn't clean them entirely.

�Is there someone back here?�

Ryan's heart stopped as he turned around and saw a woman standing near 
the corner. He didn't know her by name but he recognized her as one of 
the clerks in the store. And worse yet she could see him standing there 
with his pants down and his entire private areas exposed.

Before she could say anything James stepped between them and looked her 
straight in the eye.

�There's no one here.� He said in a soft, almost melodic voice. �Go 
back to work.�

The clerk looked up at Brian and Ryan. Ryan was sure she'd say 
something but instead she got a look that seemed to say, �Must have 
been my imagination� and walked away.

When James turned to face them he seemed a shade paler.

�Is he ready to move yet?�

Brian looked at Ryan's bottom. It was as clean as they were going to 
get it and at least the smell wasn't as strong.

�You're as ready as you're going to be.�

Ryan quickly pulled his pants up and followed them to the street. He 
saw the clerk standing beside the entrance smoking a cigarette and 

�Hi there Ryan,� She said cheerfully. It was like she hadn't just seen 
him five seconds ago.

�Uh...hi,� Ryan replied.

James said he'd meet them at the train station and disappeared down a 
back alley. Ryan wasn't particularly fond of James but he could tell he 
wasn't feeling right.

�What's wrong with him?�

�He needs blood,� Brian said.

�Did he hypnotize that girl?�

�Something like that.�

 Brian was scanning the streets every five seconds, as if he expected 
those hunters to show up any second. Ryan wanted to grill him for more 
information but it was clear that Brian's thoughts were on getting out 
of Manchester alive and unharmed.

Once or twice an adult would stop and ask what they were doing out of 
school. Brian usually ignored them or he came up with some excuse like 
they were visiting family on holiday. Ryan's pants were getting dryer 
but the smell of urine and feces only got stronger as the day wore on. 
He was also becoming sluggish and as they got closer to the Underground 
and it wasn't until he followed Brian into the dark and cool tunnels 
that he realized how much the heat was effecting him.

Brian paid for tickets and they went down to the platform to wait. 
Fortunately there were only a few commuters and none of them were 
interested in the boys. They were polite and quiet so no one bothered 

�I think my sunblock is wearing off.� Ryan said. �If I go back up I'll 

�We should be underground most of the time.� Brian was looking at the 
train map. �This train will take us right to the main station and we 
should be able the train to London from there.�

�What about Jillian?� Ryan asked. �I'm sorry Brian, I trust you. I just 
don't trust James.�

Brian snorted at that.

�Kenneth is watching her now,� he reminded him. �I trust Kenneth and I 
trust the Hospitalers. We'll get to King's Crossing and then we'll call 
his cellphone.�

Ryan looked around. One of the commuters caught a whiff of his pants 
and looked at him strangely.

�All of this is happening so fast.� He said softly so only Brian could 
hear. �This morning I was ready to die. I thought what was I to 
Jillian? What good was I to anyone? Now I find out I'm not even human 
and people I've never met before want to kill me. It's almost like God 
heard me and he agreed with me.�

�God doesn't write anyone off. He has a purpose for everyone even if we 
have to suffer before we find out what it is.�

�You really believe in God?�

Afraid he came off as offensive, Ryan was quick to assure him 

�I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I think it's a little ironic, you 
know. Vampires in movies always fear crosses and God and things like 
that. But I think you're a good person and if you believe in God then 
that's all right with me.�

Brian kept an eye out for the train as he answered.

�It was the monks who really shaped my beliefs. When I came out of the 
metamorphosis they told me stories of people in the Bible who lived to 
be thousands of years old, before the times of the Flood. Their theory 
was that we were the descendants of these long lived humans. It felt 
like there was a reason for all the suffering I had endured and that my 
coming to the monks was not an accident.

�Consider what you and I have in common. Do you really think it's a 
coincidence that we were both raised by humans the day we found out 
what we were? In three hundred years I have never met another like 
myself and suddenly I'm in London when Kenneth calls me to help him.�

Ryan thought about it. If someone asked him about it he'd say it was 
one really lucky coincidence, but then religion wasn't a big deal in 
many of the foster families he'd stayed with. Every so often someone 
went to church here, or said a prayer at dinner there, but it was more 
of a routine than a devotional practice.

�I never properly thanked you,� he said, finally. �When I messed 
myself, you and James both did more for me than anyone. Well, you did 
more than James, but he did save me and I'm thankful to you both.�


They could hear the screech of the wheels on the tracks several minutes 
before the human commuters would ever notice it. When it arrived the 
boys got on the very last car where they found one empty seat next to 
an elderly lady. Brian let Ryan sit down and stood as close to him as 

The train seemed to stop every second or so to drop off and pick up 
passengers. Each time Brian was aware of every single person in the car 
but he wasn't worried about hunters any more. At the moment he was more 
worried about someone recognizing Ryan. It was unlikely in a city of 
more than a million citizens and tourists that anyone who knew Ryan 
would be out and about but there were other dangers.

Kenneth wasn't exaggerating about the number of Hospitalar's in the UK. 
The Hospitalars were very careful about who they recruited and when. 
Even if someone knew about vampires and shape shifters and witches it 
didn't automatically qualify them as knights of the ancient order. The 
screenings were meticulous and if a potential knight so much as blinked 
the wrong way they were tossed out. This was for the order's safety as 
much as it was for the people they sought to protect.

Organizations dedicated to killing vampires and anything else that 
didn't appear fit to coexist with humanity were making it hard to find 
a home in such high profile places like Manchester. And ever since the 
terrorist attacks in 9/11 and the major close call back in 2006 air 
travel was becoming more and more complicated. Heathrow was the only 
airport a vampire could get through so long as they were carrying their 
special passports. And that was only the human threat.

Brian was the son of Evan Gardener, the first born son of Thomas 
Gardener and the recently appointed King of the Vampires. Gardener was 
once again in control of the Vampire Race and the laws that governed 
them after nearly two hundred years under the oppressive rule of 
Aldrich Elswyer.

When Thomas' youngest son Liam McDonally killed Aldrich in vengeance he 
not only killed the man who murdered his parents, he killed the ally 
and beloved puppet of the true rulers: Gardner clan's longtime rival 
and the third oldest and most influential clan, the Vassers.

Just being a Gardener made Brian a walking target. His three hundred 
years of experience coupled with his faith was what kept him alive. But 
Ryan had only been a mature vampire for less than six months. Without 
training and preparation Ryan was as vulnerable to another vampire as a 
three year-old to a group of football.

The train went above ground and sunlight filled the cabin. Brian's UV 
protection was all over his body and it would last until sunset. But 
Ryan was using store bought sunblock that only went up to SPF 65. With 
sweat and exposure to moisture it was beginning to wear off and Ryan 
was starting to feel uncomfortable. Brian used as much of his body as 
possible to keep Ryan covered. A few caring passengers made genuine 
inquiries as to Ryan's health but otherwise they weren't bothered.

Ryan's skin was starting to turn red and Brian was afraid he wouldn't 
make it much longer.

�Oh no,� Ryan moaned.

A puddle formed in Ryan's seat, soaking Brian's khakis as well as his 
own pants. Brian whispered words of comfort into his ear and wished 
that they had taken a cab instead. If the Hunters hadn't shown up they 
would have returned to London in Kenneth's car with the specially 
tinted windows.

Brian wished that his dad, or his uncles or aunt were here. In a moment 
of desperation he even wished James was here. As deceitful and ruthless 
as James was he was also a survivor who could find his way out of any 
situation...way was leaving behind anyone he considered unworthy of the 
risk. On second thought they were probably better off without James.

The trained entered the terminal and Brian whispered a prayer of thanks 
as darkness washed over Ryan like cold water.

Ryan let out a noticeable sigh of relief as they left the car. He cried 
silently as he thought of his pants which were even more soaked and 
foul smelling than before. As they moved further into the terminal he 
caught the snide stares of passengers. He heard both teasing and 
concern as Brian guided him to an empty bench and had him sit down.

�I need to get tickets,� Brian said. He pointed to the ticket counter 
that was just a few feet away. �I'm going to be right in that queue and 
I will be able to hear you as clearly as you can hear me. So if anyone 
approaches or you are afraid you can call me over, understand?�

Ryan nodded and placed his head in his hands.

The queue was at least twelve people long but it was the shortest line. 
Brian took a glance around the terminal but could not detect any real 
threat. Not that this comforted him. With thousands of conversations 
coming from all over the building and smells and sights assaulting his 
heightened senses this terminal was a vampire's nightmare. It was why 
they generally preferred solitude. Ryan looked so sick and weak that if 
the hunters showed up he wouldn't provide much resistance.

Brian got in the queue before it got any longer. The line seemed to 
move slower as each customer purchased their tickets. Every few seconds 
he'd glance back at Ryan who was still leaning forward like he was 
going to puke.

�Is that your little brother?� A woman behind him asked.

Brian looked up at the woman. She was a foot taller than him, possibly 
in her late twenties and dressed in casual clothes. She had a duffel 
bag over her shoulder and she didn't appear threatening. Still Brian 
was wary.

�Yeah,� he said. �We're going to visit our aunt's.�

�He doesn't look too well.�

�No. We think he might have caught something at school.�

The woman seemed concerned as they moved up an inch.

�Should he be traveling if he's ill?�

�Oh, well, our mum is taking the chance to do some business outside the 
city so we really don't have much of a choice.�

Brian looked back and saw a man approaching Ryan. The man was tall with 
short black hair cut in army fashion. He wore a long green coat over a 
black t-shirt and filthy blue jeans that had seen better days. He 
looked like any other beggar that frequented the terminal and Brian 
didn't think anything of it until he caught a whiff that made him very 

�It's just not my day.� He ducked beneath the queue divider and bolted 
for Ryan, ignoring the looks of other patrons and a security guard as 
he ran.

�Leave him alone!� He shouted.

The man looked up at Brian and bared his teeth in a very inhuman manner 
before grabbing Ryan and dragging him away.


Brian had to fight the urge to use his natural speed in this crowded 
placed. His blood raced and his adrenaline rushed as he ran at a human 
pace to catch up with the creature who was doing anything but blending 

A security guard caught up with Brian and grabbed his shoulder. Brian 
skidded to a stop and nearly took the guard down with him.

�Hold on there!� the guard shouted. �You can't go running in a terminal 
like that.

�He's taking my brother!� Brian shouted, sticking with the previous 
story. Maybe if he involved the human security the lykos wouldn't do 
something stupid to expose himself.

�Who is?�

Brian pointed in the direction the lykos was heading. He saw Ryan 
struggling and making an obvious enough commotion that two other 
security guards were approaching to investigate as the man took Ryan 
towards a door near the toilets.

�We've got a possible situation over by the toilets,� one of them said 
into the radio.

The security guard who had stopped Brian nodded. He took the radio from 
his belt.

�This is Burke. I have a report of a kidnapping from the victim's 

�10-4 Burke, Simmons and I are going to investigate.�

Brian looked directly into Burke's eyes and spoke softly and 

�Advise them to use caution.�

Burke was silent for a second as Brian's command took effect.

�Use caution,� he said into the radio.

�Roger, that.�

�I need to go after them.� Brian said in the same voice. �They might 
need me to identify him. You should come with me.�

Burke nodded. A trained security guard would never allow a minor to 
pursue a dangerous suspect. But then few security guards were trained 
to resist a vampire's voice. Burke followed close behind and the crowd 
cut a wide berth, allowing Brian to get to the staircase without a 

The stairs lead to a lower level of the terminal where another 
underground train led further into the city. The crowd was thicker down 
here but Brian kept his senses trained on the smell was unique to the 
lykos breed of Werebeast.

Ryan shouted out, kicked and struggled. People tried to stop the man 
but he pushed by them like they were nothing. His grip was as tight as 
a vice and he didn't seem to register pain as Ryan dug into his 
callused fingers with his finger nails

After six months Ryan was use to a lot of strong smells. Sweat, 
cigarette smoke, cologne and perfume and not too surprisingly, poop and 
pee. He could even take a walk through his neighborhood on some 
evenings and accurately guess at what a man sitting in his bedroom on 
the second floor of a house had eaten for breakfast that morning. And 
from the number of dog owners in this city Ryan was more than familiar 
with the differences between humans, dogs, and now vampires. This man 
wasn't a vampire. But the smell of dirty, sweaty human and wet dog came 
off him like a designer fragrance.

He kicked open a door that led into a dimly lit utility corridor.

�If you don't stop that I'll tear your head off,� he said without 
looking down or breaking his pace. He had a thick Liverpool accent and 
there was a kind of growl in his speech that sent chills up Ryan's 

Ryan stopped clawing but he didn't stop struggling.

�Let me go!� grimaced under the man's tightening grip.

�I don't take orders from leaches. Especially not leaches that aren't 
potty trained.�

Ryan saw red at that and he felt something beneath gums twitching. As 
he flexed his jaw and curled back his lip he felt a strange sensation 
in his teeth. It didn't hurt much and it actually felt as if his teeth 
were growing longer.

The remaining darkness in the tunnel disappeared like a movie fade-out 
effect and Ryan looked up at the man's throat. He could see the muscles 
working as he ground his teeth and flexed his jaw. He watched as man's 
nostrils flare like he was sniffing the air for prey. But what he could 
see wasn't nearly as impressive as what he could smell. It was the 
smell of blood!

Ryan looked at the man's waist and saw his belly exposed. He threw out 
his feet causing the man to stumble for a and lose his grip. Ryan 
grabbed his arm and swung himself over to the belly sinking his fangs 
into the fleshy bits.

The man let out an ear piercing howl that echoed in the tunnel and 
threw Ryan to the ground.

�You little fucker!� The man growled.

Ryan pushed himself up on his elbows and pushed himself backward with 
his feet as the man's scream melted into a monstrous growl. Even in the 
darkness he could see the man's eyes turn from an ordinary brown into 
inky-black. His belly melted into pure muscle as the nasty stomach 
wound went from spraying blood to healing in a matter of seconds. His 
skin took on a grayish color as fur erupted from his body. His chin 
melted and flattened against his nose and upper lip which were now 
longer, wider and more pronounced. His ears were pointed and his human 
head as now angular and covered in fur. His arms and legs expanded to 
five times their previous thickness as muscle erupted from beneath his 
clothing. His shirt and pants were done for but somehow modesty was not 
his priority anymore.

Ryan licked the blood from his face as he backed away from the creature 
that advanced on him, growling and snapping his jaw. His heart pounded 
as the few drops of blood slid down his throat.

He'd seen movies where vampires drank blood and became younger and 
healthier. But this monster's blood was actually making him feel even 
worse. There was a burning sensation in his stomach now and he couldn't 
move as it grew. As the wolf-monster advanced he swore he could hear it 
laughing in it's own gravelly way. The wolf raised a very large, human-
like paw with very inhuman claws like it was about to strike.

Ryan was certain he was dead now.

Something flew over him and kicked the wolf back. Ryan's vision got 
cloudy as he saw a familiar figure with a long black coat standing 
between him and the monster.

James had to admit it. In nine thousand years and across eight 
continents he had rarely been more impressed than when Ryan actually 
reached over and bit the Lykos. In fact it was on his list of shit that 
was even less likely than the discovery of Atlanits.

James had all ready smelled the lykos long before he reached the train 
terminal. Actually he smelled the lykos and the ketamine cocktail used 
by the so called Hunters long before they even got together to discuss 
their plans for trapping both the walking fetus and his surrogate 
little brother Brian.

Real smart Brian, he thought to himself. Leave the kid alone as he sets 
off the senses of every inhuman being in Manchester and see if he 
doesn't wind up on a milk carton later on.

Ignoring Brian, who was busy making friends with the security guards, 
James entered the terminal through one of the underground tunnels and 
found his way to the maintenance tunnel where he could smell the lykos 
several kilometers away.

This lykos had the smell of human all over him; not just from his own 
half human nature. But of the human Hunters who had been waiting for 
him at the other station. Had being the operative term. James wiped a 
stray drop of human blood from his chin. Twelve hunters and not a 
single one could land a shot in him.

Sorry, he thought. I haven't been around this long to go down so 

He saw the lykos dragging Ryan like he was a rag doll. Then he saw Ryan 
flexing his fangs and biting into the wolf.

 Sweet, he thought as he ran into action.

The lykos changed forms and was ready to kill the kid. James jumped 
over Ryan and landed a kick that sent the werewolf stumbling back. 
Before it could make another move James grabbed it's arm and snapped it 
in half. This lykos was even more of a fetus than Ryan! James swung 
around and grabbed the werewolf's head, slamming it into the concrete.

The wolf moaned as it sized James up with one free eye. James snorted 
and looked down at Ryan who was writhing on the floor in agony. Too bad 
werebeast blood was poisonous to most vampires.

Ryan vomited. Good. If his body could get rid of the blood than it 
wasn't too bad.

The wolf recovered briefly and struck out with its good arm. James spun 
around and grabbed his arm with one hand and his throat with the other, 
pinning him against the wall. He crushed the wolf's wrist beneath his 
arm with a strength that belied his young body.

�Bad boy.� He said with a growl.

 James extended his fangs and sank them deep into the wolf's throat. 
Werebeast blood was poisonous to most vampires. But among vampires 
James was far from the average.

Brian followed the smell of the lykos into a maintenance tunnel. Not 
wanting to put the humans in danger he had Burke lead the other 
security guards away from the tunnel and back to the main terminal. He 
followed the scent about half way down the tunnel when the smell of 
Lykos blood took over. Confused, he followed the train to an open door 
that led onto the train tracks.

Brian clutched his ears and dived back into the tunnel as a train 
rattled along the tracks, sounding louder than a shuttle launch and 
giving him a throbbing migraine.

He apologized to God but swore that once this was all over he was going 
to a quiet meadow somewhere in Ireland and staying there for the next 
two hundred years. He was a vampire, not a saint. When the train was 
gone he picked up the scent again. He also picked up two familiar 
smells. One was Ryan and the other was James.

He felt his blood growing weaker from influencing the security guard 
and Brian had to bolt down the tracks. He swore he could hear a train 
ahead of him as he saw the light from the next station.

Brian leaped onto the platform not really caring if anyone saw him. He 
was relieved to see that no one was in the station and that there were 
no cameras to record a sixteen year-old boy leaping from the tracks 
like Adam Sandler in Little Nicky.

�It's about time sweetie.�

Brian rose slowly, ready to fight. He relaxed some when he saw James 
slouching on the bench with his and his arms crossed casually, wearing 
his trademark shit eating grin. Beside him was Ryan guzzling pig's 
blood from an IV unit like a baby sucking on a bottle. There was 
something almost infantile in the action, but then Brian remembered his 
first time drinking blood from a cow's utter wasn't so different.

The stench of death was strong here, but it would have been faint to a 
human nose. There was no doubt that James had killed here but Brian was 
too tired and too grateful to be critical.

�What's our next move?� He asked.

James pulled four large shopping bags from behind the bench.

�Your next move is to take the fetus and get him cleaned up and dressed 
for the world.� He said. �Then my next move is to show you brats how 
they buy train tickets in the 21st century so you don't wind up calling 
attention to yourself in the middle of a crowded train station. Which 
by the way, is also heavily monitored by security cameras.�

Brian rubbed the bridge of his nose and counted to fifty. James was 
right as always. And a foreign part of him wondered as it always did, 
who would wind up paying the price on the day he was wrong.

Chapter Four

The blood was actually making him feel better. Two years ago Ryan never 
thought that he'd get use to the smell and taste of it. But here he was 
guzzling it from a tube connected to the pouch that James gave him.

It was like drinking water after being in the hot sun for weeks. It was 
refreshing as it flowed through his body and made him feel healthier 
and more energetic than he felt in years.

�Does it feel like this every time?� He asked when Brian and James were 
done talking.

�Mostly,� James said, surprisingly. �Your body is made to take 
nourishment from blood. You can eat human food but it's not going to 
have the same effect that it does for them.�

�But I drank protein and took vitamins,� Ryan said. �I was never hungry 
for blood before.�

�It's because you're still new to being a full vampire.� Brian 
explained. �The vitamins and the protein drinks would have kept you 
healthy to an extent but eventually you would have begun feeling the 
need for something different.�

�Just ask the Tantalus Clan,� James remarked, snidely. �They're well 
aware of the thirst by the end of their first ten years.�

That didn't make any sense to Ryan but he figured it would all come 
together eventually. He truly wasn't worried at the moment.

�Are you finished?� Brian asked, indicating the empty IV.

�It was delicious.�

James laughed.

�I think I'm going to like this kid. You should have seen him with that 
Lykos Brian. Just bit right in there.�

Brian looked through the shopping bags to see what James bought. He 
found new clothes all in Ryan's size, including a brand new pair of 
trainers and a few packages of socks. All of it was designer clothing 
that made Brian slightly irritated with James for going on a shopping 
trip while he was busy trying to get Ryan safely out of Manchester.

�What's this?� He asked, going into the one bag that looked like it 
came from grocery store.

�Nappies,� James answered, casting a meaningful glance at Ryan. �Youth 

Ryan was floored.

�Oh come on! I'm not going to keep messing myself all day. I haven't 
had anything to eat for three hours besides blood.�

�You've wet yourself twice today,� James said. �And it's a long ride 
from here to London, not to mention the plane ride to Eros. At least 
this way you won't drag more attention and put us in danger for trying 
to help you.�

Ryan got up and was about to storm off. Brain grabbed his arm.

�I can't believe I'm saying this. But James has a point,� Brian said. 
�But it's not like you'll be alone here. Remember what I told you? 
About wearing protection when I go to mingle with humans?�

�It's because you don't know how to refuse someone.� James muttered 
below his breath.

Brian fought the urge to turn around and smack the older vampire. 
Instead he grabbed the bags and led Ryan upstairs.

�Can this day get any worse?� Ryan groaned.

�You mean worse than being shot at or being dragged out of a busy 
terminal by a lykos?� Brian asked. �Yeah, believe it or not, it can get 
worse than that.�

The found the men's lavatory and went into the handicapped stall. There 
was a time when Ryan didn't even like using the bathroom if someone 
knew he was in there. But Brian had all ready seen him naked and 
cleaned poop from his clothes without complaining or even flaring a 
nostril. And Ryan, he remembered now, did indirectly pee on Brian when 
they were on the train and Brian held him while he was frail. In Ryan's 
mind that was a pretty good reason to trust someone.

�Do you really wear nappies?� Ryan asked. �Or were you just trying to 
make me feel better?�

�Well I don't wear these,� Brian said.

Brain undid his button and zipper and lowered his pants and boxers. 
Beneath the boxers Ryan could see a white cloth like article that 
looked like regular knickers, except there was a kind of strap around 
his waist.

�These are the underpants,� Brian explained. �They're mostly just for 
people with mild bladder control problems, but they tear along the side 
and I can take them off without removing all my clothes.�

�What if you need another one?� Ryan asked. He wanted to touch it to 
see what it felt like, but he didn't think Brian would be comfortable 
with that.

�I only drink if I can't avoid it,� Brian reminded him as he pulled his 
pants back up. �Otherwise I'm as dry as a desert. Blood is absorbed 
into the body so it doesn't become pee or poop.�

Without another word Brian helped Ryan get undressed. He had Ryan take 
off his shoes, socks, pants and underwear and he lifted the shirt clear 
over his head.

�Are you attached to these?� Brian asked.

Ryan shook his head and Brian tossed them in the corner. He felt a 
little strange being naked in a toilet stall at the train station. 
Especially when Brian used the wipes James bought to clean his penis, 
his testicles and between his bottom. He hoped he wouldn't get an 
erection. Brian was way nicer than James, but he was also a religious 
person. It might not bother him to clean someone up who had messed 
himself. But it would probably freak him out if he thought Ryan was 
enjoying this.

Brian pointed to the toilet.

�Do you want to try and do something now before we get you dressed?�

Ryan hadn't eaten anything all day and he didn't feel the urge to poop. 
He stood there and tried to pee but nothing came out. Brian shrugged 
and opened up the package of nappies.

�These aren't so bad,� he said as he unfolded one of the nappies. �Liam 
wears these.�

�Who's Liam?�

�My uncle.� Brian positioned the diaper beneath Ryan's crotch and had 
him sit down on the toilet lid. �Actually it's a funny story. Liam's 
just two years older than you.�

�Does he live on Eros?�

�He does now. You'll probably meet him when you get there.�

Brian taped the back of the nappy to the front, making sure it was nice 
and secure. They felt strange to Ryan, but he had to admit that this 
would be better than soaking the new clothes James bought him.

When he was fully dressed they stuffed his old clothes in one of the 
empty shopping bags and stuffed that into a trashcan. Brian placed the 
nappies and the sanitary wipes into one of the clothes bags to provide 
more privacy.

Ryan tried to look at himself in the mirror only to remember that he 
couldn't see his reflection.

�You know, the blood I could take or leave. But this is going to be a 
pain in the ass.�

�You get used to it.� Brian said. They left the lavatory and went back 
downstairs. �That's why you'll love the Isle of Eros. It's so much 
easier to be a vampire now than it was when I was a kid and when you 
see this place you will never want to leave it.�

They found James still sitting at the bench. He was leaning forward and 
fidgeting with a PSP. Ryan thought it was odd that James would be 
playing video games at a time like this.

�There will be two tickets waiting for you at the terminal,� he said 
without looking up. �Brain, you have two messages. Dad wants you to 
call him when Ryan is on the plane to Eros and Anthony wants you to 
visit him in New York.�

Ryan was surprised to see that James was actually on the Internet. He 
saw kids playing with PSP's at school and at one of his foster homes, 
but no one ever let him use theirs.

�How did you get into my e-mail?� Brian asked, annoyed.

�You keep using the same passwords every time you open an account.� 
James said as if there were nothing at all wrong with hacking someone's 
e-mail. �Truly Brian, there are other characters in the Bible besides 
the Twelve Apostles. Diversify. Oh, I also booked two flights out of 

�Two?� Ryan asked.

�You are going to Eros, little man. I've got affairs to take care of in 
the States.�

Brian felt the throb of his migraine get worse every time James spoke. 
What he wouldn't give for a brand of painkiller that actually worked on 

�What time's the train leave?�

�In about half an hour so I suggest we stop talking and get our asses 
over there.� James turned off the PSP and stuffed it into a pocket on 
the inside of his coat.

They caught the train back to the main station and got their tickets 
without incident. Ryan was sure he'd run into one of those hunters, or 
a werewolf, or weretiger, or were-whatever was out there. He was even 
more surprised that no one recognized him from before. It couldn't have 
been longer than an hour ago that he was dragged through the terminal 
by a werewolf.

James pulled a tube out of his pocket and handed it to Ryan.

�When you get to Heathrow you'll have about six hours to wait for your 
flight. I highly suggest you use this stuff.�

Ryan looked at the tube. The lettering was done in a red and black 
color scheme and read: VampEX, SPF 1000. For The Night Stalker who 
Happens to Have a Day Job!

�It's a thousand times more effective than the store brand you were 
using and stands up to water and sweat. You could walk through 
Chernobyl and not get a blister on your foot much less cancer, but I 
wouldn't recommend testing that theory.�

Ryan was surprised at how much James was helping him suddenly. Maybe he 
wasn't such a bad guy after all.

�Thank you. Thank you very much.�

Ryan started putting it on his neck, face and hands. It wasn't greasy 
or creamy and it felt like a blanket of silk covering his body.

�You'll need to cover your whole body.� Brian told him. �Especially 
when you're dealing with humans. You never know what part of your body 
will be exposed to the sunlight so it pays to be cautious.�

�Even...� Ryan finished the sentence with a downward glance.

Brian nodded, knowingly.

The train arrived at around six o'clock. They handed their tickets to 
the conductor and found seats in one of the passenger cars. Ryan 
couldn't believe it was only six PM. Spring was definitely here because 
the sun was still up. But it was getting cloudier and the train windows 
were also tinted so the light wasn't a problem.

Ryan wanted to ask a million more questions but with all of the humans 
around he didn't think it would be a good idea. James actually sat with 
them for the first hour of the trip and played games on his PSP. He and 
Brian made small talk while Brian looked out the window as the city 
melted into pasture and countryside. It was such a normal scene that if 
Ryan had just met them, he'd swear that James and Brian were just 
regular kids.

When he started getting antsy James let Ryan play his PSP while he went 
for a walk through the train. The only game James had was Star Wars 
Battlefront and trying to figure out how to play it got boring after 
awhile. He tried to figure out how to get on line, but none of the 
wireless connections would work without a password. Finally he just 
turned it off and placed it in his pants pocket for safe keeping until 
James got back.

�How old is James?� He asked, forgetting where they were.

Brian looked around to make sure no one was listening.

�Older,� he said, keeping his voice low. �Older than me.�

Ryan nodded. James had all ready said something like that but he was 
very vague. He knew Brian would probably have been a little more 
detailed if there was no one around, so he didn't press it. Instead he 
thought of how he could word his next question so it would show Brian 
he that he understood the need for secrecy.

�How...what...I've never been to New York before.�

Brian didn't say anything at first. He seemed exhausted as he tried to 
fight the urge to sleep.

�My uncle went to school in Massachusetts,� he said. �James and I would 
visit them often and I made some friends who were from there. They were 
like us in a way.�

It took Ryan a few seconds to decipher that. He felt like a character 
in some James Bond film and this conversation was a ruse to keep the 
good guys from finding the SPECTRE control center. The uncle was 
probably this Liam he mentioned earlier. Anthony must have been another 

�Is Anthony from New York?�

�He was born in Manhattan. He's about my age but a little younger.�

That could have meant anything. If Brian was really three hundred years 
old than Anthony could have been born the very next year or just a 
hundred years ago. Ryan decided to wait on the questions until they 
were less restricted.

He understood Jillian's frustration with Doctor Lang now. But he also 
knew that Doctor Lang was acting in the best interest of the vampires 
he helped to protect. Ryan met the good guys and the bad guys and he 
was glad to know he met the right people first.

James came back with two cans of Coke and handed one to Ryan in 
exchange for his PSP. As he handed the other one to Brian he whispered 
something that Ryan heard clearly.

�We're not alone. One of Tsulakis boys is running the dining cart.�

�That's strange,� Brian whispered back. �Why didn't we smell him when 
we came on board?�

�We weren't looking for him. It's cool. He's been working here for a 
while. I guess dad placed a few of them on the trains to keep trouble 
away from the airport.�

Brian nodded in approval.

�Clever thinking. Nice of him to tell us.�

�Whose Tsulakis?� Ryan asked, whispering the same way so only they 
could hear him.

�Drink your soda.� James said. �It wasn't cheap.�

Ryan frowned but he didn't say anything else. Brian didn't seem to want 
to say much either so he just let it drop. He finished the soda and 
dozed off.

He was back at school. No...it was someone entirely different. A boy 
dressed in black like James, with a similar trench coat. The face and 
the hair looked just like him but he was thinner and more agile. This 
was a different boy entirely and Ryan was watching him from a distance.

There were kids all throughout the court yard like always. The usual 
groups were huddled about shivering and chatting away about music, 
movies, and whatever else they talked about. Others kicked around a 
football or stood off by themselves playing their Gameboys or reading. 
It was just like any other school day right before class started only 
the sky was fading to darkness as the sun set.

�Hey look, it's the fat ass!� A boy shouted.

Ryan saw Ted Dutweiler, one of the boys who use to bully him 
constantly, standing with his friends near the cafeteria entrance. He 
was a year older than Ryan and captain of the rugby team.

�Did you mess your knickers again, baby fat ass?� Ted asked.

Suddenly Ryan was no longer looking at himself. He was looking directly 
at Ted and all of the other kids who started surrounding him.

�Leave me alone.� Ryan said. There was no fear or threat in his voice. 
It was just a cool and simple warning.

�Call the Animal Control, there's a beached whale in the school yard!� 
Ted shouted as he threw a heavy chunk of ice.

Before it could connect Ryan reached out and slammed the ice out of his 
way. He then bent his knees and jumped clear across the court yard 
landing right in front of Ted.

�What the fuck?!� Ted jumped back, startled.

Ryan grabbed Ted by the throat and lifted the heavy set boy clear off 
the ground. Ted tried to scream but his air passage was blocked and he 
struggled and fought but Ryan's grip wouldn't go loose. He felt his 
fangs extend and as the crowd of kids dissolved in the darkness he 
could see the fear in Ted's eyes as Ryan lowered his neck to his mouth. 
Ryan woke up with a shout before his fangs reached the neck.

James and Brian were asleep. They didn't seem to hear him, but a few 
passengers looked at him like he was crazy.

�Are you okay?� A rail attendant asked.

Ryan rubbed his eyes and yawned.

�I'm sorry.� He said. �Just a nightmare.�

The attendant smiled and took the two empty Coke cans before leaving. 
It was completely dark outside, except for a sliver of light in the 
horizon. Ryan wasn't sure how long he was asleep, but he felt a clammy 
sensation in his private area that let him know that the Coke had gone 
right through him. Wearing the nappy had been a good idea.

He wanted to wake up Brian but he decided against it. He deserved to 
sleep for a few hours. The bag with the other nappies was in the 
luggage compartment directly above them. Ryan didn't want to draw a lot 
of attention to himself by going into it for a fresh nappy. He stood up 
slowly, being careful not to brush James or Brian's knees as he moved 
and peeked into the compartment. He saw the plastic bag sticking out of 
the larger designer store bag and decided to take the whole thing with 

The toilet space was cramped. Ryan pulled a nappy out of the bag, 
making far more noise than he intended. He was sure someone could hear 
him out there. He knew for a fact that at least three other people 
could definitely hear him.

He put the large bag on a hook and left the nappy on the toilet lid. He 
pulled his pants and boxer shorts all the way down to his ankles and 
felt the brush of air on his skin that sent chills up his spine. He 
tore the tapes off his old nappy off without much trouble and carefully 
pulled it out from under his body. He could see a large yellow stain in 
the absorbent material as he rolled it up. He stuffed the old nappy in 
the trash bin beneath the sink and pushed it down as far as it would 

Ryan looked at the new nappy for a few seconds, trying to remember 
exactly how Brian did it. His memory was clearer and his mind wasn't 
quite as foggy since James gave him the blood, so in truth he knew how 
Brian did it. Apart of him just wished Brian could actually be here to 
help him, even though there was barely room for just one person. Ryan 
unfolded the nappy and placed it over the toilet seat. He then sat down 
and held the front end in place as he tried to figure the tapes out. 
Brian was so good at this.

Brian was so unlike anyone Ryan had met in his life. Ryan was toilet 
trained by the caretakers at the orphanage. And once he was completely 
dry he was on his own. If he wet his pants it was up to him to change 
them. Someone might lead him to the bathroom but they made him change 
his own clothes. One of his foster mothers actually spanked him for 
wetting the bed when he was ten.

He thought things would be different when he was adopted by Jillian. 
She was patient with him when he first started living there and then 
right after the metamorphosis it was like he was alone again. It wasn't 
until Brian cleaned him up this very afternoon that he felt what it was 
like to have someone else care for him.

Ryan stood up. He did his best with the tapes but the nappy still slid 
down. When he pulled his pants up it seemed to stay in place, but he 
hoped he wouldn't need it much.

After returning the bag to its place he saw that James and Brian were 
still asleep. He wondered if Brian was wet after drinking his soda. 
Ryan wondered what it would be like to change him. Brian would probably 
never go for it. He was too old for one and it would probably embarrass 
him, especially when James seemed to criticize his every move.

As if he could hear Ryan's thoughts, James stirred and changed his 
position in the seat. Ryan didn't think he could go back to sleep again 
so he decided to go to the dining car.

The dining car was about five cars back. Ryan had to hold the backs of 
the seats for balance as the train went over a bridge. Passengers were 
either sleeping or reading but no one took note of him. When he reached 
the dining car he was surprised to find that it was empty.

There were no lights on except for the light coming from the little 
foyer between the cars. As he journeyed into the darkened car Ryan 
looked out the windows at the beautiful landscape that stretched out 
beyond the tracks. There were no stars but he could see moonlight from 
beneath a blanket of clouds. His vision allowed him to see all of the 
bushes and trees and every tiny little rock that stuck out of the 

�Wicked,� he whispered.

�Beautiful, isn't it?�

Ryan jumped up. He didn't know who spoke until a man emerged from the 
galley. He was wearing a bartender's vest and a white shirt with tight 
black pants. He was tall with short, curly brown hair and his small, 
angelic face had the same pallor as Brian and James' but it was tanned 
enough that Ryan didn't think he could be from England. His eyes were a 
bright glowing green and Ryan knew that he must be the other vampire 
James spoke of.

�How do you come?� He asked in an accent Ryan couldn't identify.

�What do you mean?�

The man smiled warmly and walked slowly towards Ryan holding up his 
right hand with his palm facing out.

�When one of us encounters another in the middle of nowhere it's 
customary to ask how you come.� The older vampire took Ryan's hand 
gently and pressed it up against his. �It's a custom that dates back to 
ancient times when humans lived in city-states that were protected by 
large walls. We weren't known as vampires back then, but we knew each 
other by sight and by smell. They were frightening times for us and 
when we encountered each other we wanted to know that we'd be safe if 
we chose not to fight.

�So how do you come? In peace or in hatred?�

�Well, since I don't want to fight you, I guess in peace.�

The man nodded and let Ryan's hand go.

�Are you Tsulakis?� Ryan asked, watching the man curiously.

�Arikos Adrianus Tsulakis to be exact. But you can call me Arik.� Arik 
bowed then took a step back. �So, you must be the 'fetus' James 
referred to.�

�I'm not a fetus,� Ryan said, annoyed at James for talking behind his 
back. �Okay, I didn't know I was a vampire till this morning but I went 
through my...metamorphosis? Is that what it's called?�

Arik grinned.

�I meant no offense,� he said, sincerely. �Are you hungry?�

Arik led Ryan to the back of the car and had him sit down at the table 
next to the galley. He went into the galley and returned with two 
plates of baklava.

�I made this myself. My mother taught me the recipe long ago and I've 
never made it any differently.�

Ryan took the plate that was offered as Arik sat down across from him. 
He really wasn't hungry but Arik seemed like a nice guy and he didn't 
want to be rude. He had seen baklava in restaurants and bakeries but he 
never tried it before. He was surprised to find that it was actually 
very sweet and tasty.

�Told you didn't I?� Arik said, looking like he just won a million 
pounds. �It's been almost two hundred years and no one has ever turned 
a nose at my mother's baklava. You make her very happy.�

Ryan couldn't help but smile. He was glad to see that vampires like 
Brian weren't just flukes of nature.

�You're really two hundred years old?� He asked.

�I'll be three hundred and forty-seven three weeks from next Tuesday.� 
Arik said proudly. �I didn't drink human blood so I look as old as I'm 
supposed to be.�

�So we're not really immortal?�

�Haha, no, no. My papa is over two thousand years old but that's very 
rare. It's how I know James. He use to fight against my papa when they 
were mortal enemies.�

Arik pulled out a necklace from beneath his shirt. It was a cameo with 
the image of a naked man standing tall and wearing a long cape with a 
feathered helmet. He held a spear in one hand and a shield that rested 
at his side as his gaze fixed on some unseen battlefield.

�My papa was a great Spartan warrior,� he went on. �He killed many 
enemies and he was sought after by all the women. Some say it was he, 
not the King Leonidas who was descended from Heracles. James was a 
general from the Persian army.�

Ryan's eyes widened. Was James really that old? How many people did he 
have to kill to look as young as he did? He knew there was something 
odd about James, especially his strength. But he never guessed that 
James was around during a time he had only seen in movies.

�How long have you known James?� He asked. Ryan was hoping Arikos would 
be open to sharing information since there was no one around.

�Only a few years,� Arik answered before taking a bite of baklava. 
�After his father became King.�

�But if James is two thousand years old, that makes his father-�

Arikos belly laughed, surprising Ryan.

�Oh no, no, no. Evan is not really James' father. It's really a funny 
story. James is much, much, much older than Evan Gardener. He's older 
than Thomas even and I was told that Thomas was eight hundred the night 
he died. He's older than my Papa, that's all I know.�

Arikos shrugged. Ryan guessed the topic was over as Arik finished his 
baklava and brought the two empty plates into the galley. He offered 
Ryan a glass of orange juice, which Ryan accepted to be polite.

Ryan was still reeling from the information that Arik dropped on him. 
It made him want to go back and grill James for everything he knew. But 
then he remembered the werewolf back at the train station and how James 
killed it without breaking a sweat. And how was he able to drink 
werewolf blood and not flinch when it made Ryan puke his guts out?

There were so many unanswered questions. Today Ryan's biggest problem 
was just how much of a living hell the headmaster would make his life. 
Now he shared a train with a boy...no, a man who may have been alive 
for god knew how long.

Just what were the rules in this strange world that he was entering?

Chapter Five


Author's Note: I worked at an airport for a few months so I have a 
working knowledge of planes and the goings on in an airport. Although I 
never handled anything as big as what they have at Heathrow and frankly 
I hope to never have to clean one of those mutha-effers.


London was a very different place at night. Actually it was a very 
different place period since Ryan had never been there before.

Apparently Brian's dad, this vampire king, was born in London. In fact 
Evan Gardener was the man who betrayed Guy Fawkes in the early 1500's. 
It made Ryan wonder what kind of events he would be around to inspire.

It was about one thirty in the morning when they arrived at King's 
Cross Station. Before they left, Arikos gave Ryan a knapsack to put the 
rest of his nappies in and wished them all good luck.

Although it was almost summer and the air was very warm Ryan still felt 
a chill as they stepped out into the air. He rubbed his arms and looked 
around nervously.

�You okay?� Brian asked.

�I just can't believe everything that's happened so far,� Ryan 
admitted. �I've never been outside of Manchester before and now I'm 
going to be going to an island I've never heard of.�

Brian nodded in understanding. He remembered what it was like when his 
dad found him shortly after the destruction of the monastery. His first 
time leaving what he thought of as his home was daunting and 

�You get use to it,� he said, trying to reassure Ryan. �Of course, it 
was easier when all you had to do was get up and leave.�

James disappeared like before. He seemed to do that whenever he felt 
like it and Ryan couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or nervous. Ryan 
liked Brian and all but he couldn't escape the fact that every time 
Ryan was alone with him, he wound up getting kidnapped. First by 
hunters and then by a werewolf. James was the one to save him every 
single time. For all his faults at least James seemed to know how to 
navigate in his world as well as the human one.

This time Brian didn't let Ryan out of his sight for longer than it 
took to blink. He only relaxed during the cab ride to the airport but 
once they stopped he was on the alert. He sniffed the air frequently 
and eyed everyone so suspiciously that Ryan was certain that the cops 
would think he was planning to rob someone.

�What do you know about James?� Ryan asked after Brian paid the driver 
and handed. Before Brian could respond or become evasive Ryan added, 
�Arik all ready told me that he wasn't your real brother, even though 
he calls your dad his. He said that James was probably even older than 
his own dad and that his dad was two thousand years old. He said James 
was with the Persian army. So I know that much, but I want to know what 
you know.�

Brian let out a long sigh.

�Ryan, you have to understand something,� he said. �Vampires and humans 
are so very different. And I don't just mean we're a different species. 
Everything is different right down to the way we know each other. In 
the human world if you knew something about the kids in your school you 
probably wouldn't think twice about telling anyone who asked about it. 
The worse that might happen is someone might not like you for it. Maybe 
you get into a fist fight about it or someone starts spreading rumors 
about you to get back at you. But it doesn't kill you, does it?�

Ryan didn't know about that. It certainly didn't hurt the bullies who 
hurt him but he sure wished he could die those times. He just shrugged.

�The point is that when you know something about another vampire it's 
definitely not something you want to go broadcasting,� Brian explained. 
�What Arik told you about James doesn't seem like a huge deal to you. 
But when I learned the truth it was like having my heart torn out with 
a toothpick. And worse yet, in the vampire world, you can't just walk 
away from someone who has betrayed you. How do you walk away from 
someone who doesn't die? How do you hurt someone back when you have to 
live with what you've done? Some things you're better off not knowing. 
Where James is concerned, be grateful for what you do know and be 
happier for what you don't.�

Ryan sighed. Getting information from these two had been like pulling 
teeth all day. But he decided to respect Brian's feelings and hold off 
on the questions. Maybe on Eros there would be more vampires like Arik 
who wouldn't be so evasive.

Most of the airlines were closed for business. One or two 
representatives were still in the airport entering information into the 
computer and taking care of luggage that had just arrived. But aside 
from a cleaner or two the airport was as emptier and quieter than a 

�Why didn't we take a plane from Manchester?� Ryan asked as Brian led 
him down a corridor well away from the major airlines.

�It's not safe there yet,� Brian said, quietly. �We need a place where 
there are people who know about us. Many of the directors and security 
guards in Heathrow are Hospitalar knights who have been here for years. 
They know what to watch out for and we don't get stopped for things 
that humans might be stopped for. Right now there are only twelve 
airports in the world that are safe enough for us to travel from and 
Heathrow is the only one in the entire UK.�

Brian stopped before a set of double doors marked with large capital 
PERSECUTION. It said the same thing in every other language so that no 
one could make the mistake of going through these doors unless they 
were supposed to.

There was a flat keypad on the left of the doors and beneath it there 
was a flat metal plate with a small round hole where a key might go. 
Brian placed his finger on the hole and waited. There was a whirring 
sound as the keypad lit up bright yellow. The door unlocked 
automatically and Brian led Ryan down a smaller corridor.

At the end of the corridor there were two men in security uniform 
operating a gate. Like most security gates in the airport there was one 
line for passengers who were just arriving. But anyone boarding a 
flight had to go through a scanner. Ryan had never even been to an 
airport before but he recognized the setup from movies and television. 
They even had a conveyor belt that scanned luggage.

The tall black security guard with the shaved head stood up as they 

�Identification please.�

Brian held out his hand, which the guard took and gently placed flat on 
a flat red panel that was connected to a computer. The panel lit up 
like the keypad at the gate as an image of Brian appeared on the 
computer screen along with his profile information:

Name: Brian Gardener
Species: Vampire
Birthplace: Germany
Age: 345
Clan: Gardener
Status: Green

�Thank you, sir,� The guard said. �You may go through.�

Brian turned to Ryan.

�He's with me.� He said. �He doesn't have a profile yet.�

The guard looked annoyed as he turned to the man on the other side.

�Breslin, bring them to Orlock's office.�

Ryan placed his knapsack on the conveyor and stepped through the gate. 
Then Breslin took the boys through the main terminal and into a large 
waiting room.

The lighting was very dim but Ryan could see clearly. The waiting area 
was decorated in earthy tones. Gray carpeting, pale green walls and the 
chairs which were set against the far wall had soft pink cushions in 
the woodwork. A rack on the opposite wall held various magazines, 
including menus and catalogs for shops in the airport. Next to closed 
door there was a coffee table with a fresh pot of coffee brewing and a 
sign that invited people to help themselves.

Brian sat down in one of the chairs and seemed to doze off. Curious, 
Ryan dropped his knapsack in one of the chairs and went to look at the 
catalogs. If Ryan had been brought straight to the airport and hadn't 
had his encounters with the hunters, the werewolf, or Arikos, the first 
catalog he grabbed would have probably convinced him that something 
strange was going on.

It looked like a typical catalog that someone would get in the mail for 
Christmas. The first few pages just had clothes, coffee mugs and gifts 
that you could find in any store in Manchester or London. But then Ryan 
turned the page and it was all products geared towards Vampires and 
what the magazine referred to as Shape Shifter.

There was a large one-page add for the Vamp-EX sunblock and it showed 
the product in various containers and in different sizes. Vampires who 
lived among humans could order discreetly labeled packages for security 
purposes. Ryan was surprised to find out that Vamp-EX wasn't just a 
sunblock. There was a shampoo, a toothpaste, mouthwash, and body soap 
all of which could be applied in the shower for full UV protection. 
There were ads for specially designed UV sunglasses and contact lenses, 
long sleeved shirts, deodorants.

There was an ad for a large video screen that fit inside of a 
decorative frame. It showed a vampire getting dressed in front of a 
perfect image of himself.

Looks Like a Real Mirror!

Patented video screen technology gives the discerning vampire a perfect 
full-bodied image that reflects just like a mirror. Make everyday 
grooming a snap with Vis-soft.

The ads geared towards Werebeasts were even more interesting. It wasn't 
so much the products being advertised as the images of animals and 
people in the �before� and �after� shots.

�What would happen if humans got a hold of this?� Ryan asked.

Brian came over to see what Ryan was reading and shrugged.

�Nothing, really. I mean, all you have there is a big colorful book 
full of pictures and stories about shape shifters and vampires.�

�But we're real. These are real advertisements, aren't they?�

�You and I know that. Those two security guards, Dr. Lang and now your 
foster mum knows that. If you show this around your old school most of 
your classmates and instructors would think it was some kind of movie 

Ryan raised an eyebrow. He hadn't thought of that but it made sense. 
When he looked at the clothing ads for Werebeasts it didn't actually 
show the animals changing into humans.

The door to the office opened and a boy about Ryan's age walked out led 
by a man. The man was human but the boy was like Ryan, a vampire. The 
boy was skinny and short-Ryan guessed about three inches shorter than 
him-and he watched Ryan and Brian nervously as the man led him outside.

�Ah, Mr. Gardener.�

They turned to see a man standing in the doorway. He was definitely the 
oldest looking vampire Ryan had seen so far. About six feet tall with 
narrow shoulders, he had a full head of short salt-and-pepper colored 
hair. His eyes were a deep blue and his face was more chiseled than 
wrinkled. He wore a blue button down dress shirt and beige pleated 
pants that came down to his ankles and his shoes were polished loafers.

�Hello Mr. Orlock,� Brian said in greeting. �It's good to see you 

�And you, my young prince,� Orlock said, speaking in an accent that was 
like something out of an old Dracula film. �Still running errands for 
your father, I see.�

Brian smiled as he gestured to Ryan.

�Ryan here is a special case. He knows very little about the world he 
was born to but he has adapted well. He's curious, intelligent, 
compassionate and eager to embrace new ideas and experiences.�

Orlock turned to Ryan with a smile that reminded him of his old 
headmaster and made him twice as nervous.

�Well, Young Ryan, won't you step in to my office?�

Ryan looked to Brian who offered him an encouraging smile.

�Don't worry,� he said. �Orlock doesn't bite. But we do need to get our 
plane tickets so just be honest and do as he tells you.�

Ryan took a deep breath. He put the catalog back in it's place and 
followed Orlock into his office. Having seen his headmaster's office 
more than a time or two he was expecting the same dark and musty 
atmosphere with the large desk and the high-back chair that made the 
headmaster look more like a judge or a king than the head of a school. 
Maybe Orlock had the same taste in sickly red looking curtains that 
would complete the comparison. Fortunately the office was nothing like 
the headmaster's.

Actually it was more like a high tech laboratory than an office. The 
linoleum floor and painted walls were both done in shades of gray that 
were easy and soft on the eyes. There was a counter littered with 
microscopes, racks of vials filled with blood and testing equipment. 
Metal cabinets lined the wall in the far corner of the office. Orlock's 
desk took up the least amount of room in the office. It was small and 
gray with wheels that were locked in place. On the top was a flat 
screen monitor but there was no other clutter.

�Take a seat and roll up your sleeves please.� Orlock instructed, 
pointing to a large swivel chair in front of a desk.

Ryan did as he was told. Orlock pulled on a pair of white gloves and 
dabbed Ryan's arm with antiseptic. He thin took a syringe and gently 
pressed the needle into his arm.

�OW!� Ryan shouted.

�There, there,� Orlock said, soothingly. �I only need a small sample. 
It will be necessary to establish your identity.�

For a small sample the vial looked pretty full when Orlock removed the 
syringe! Ryan was certain he'd gotten all the blood in his arm.

Without wasting time Orlock labeled the vial and placed it in a rack 
along with several other vials. He took a small sample of it and placed 
drops on two different slides. He inserted one slide beneath the 
microscope and glanced through the eyepiece.

�I see you have just begun drinking blood,� he said.

�How can you tell?� Ryan asked. �Don't you need iodine to color the 

Orlock gave a light chuckle that made Ryan feel five years old.

�We are vampires. I can see the individual threads on your clothes and 
if I look up at the planes as they land I can clearly see the color of 
the hair of the pilots. A single drop of blood with the aid of the 
microscope is no challenge. The cells show some minor degradation which 
tells me you have gone a long time without blood. What are you, a 

�I don't know what that is.�

Orlock took the remaining blood sample and brought it over to the desk. 
He reached beneath the desk and pressed a button on some machine Ryan 
couldn't see before pulling out the sliding attachment that housed the 
keyboard and mouse and looking at the computer screen. His hands flew 
over the keyboard so fast that Ryan wasn't sure he was actually typing 

�We now have your genetic profile,� Orlock explained. �It does not 
match any persons on file right now. Who were your parents?�

�I don't know.� Ryan said, truthfully. �They died when I was just a 
baby. I've been in foster homes and orphanages ever since.�

�I see.� Orlock typed something else and moved the mouse. �So you do 
not even know your clan. That will be tricky.�

�Does my clan make a difference?� Ryan asked. He was still frustrated 
with all of the new information, but Orlock seemed like the kind of 
person he wanted to watch his attitude around. �I mean, is it like, 
social status or something?�

Orlock gave a look that said he didn't think it should be.

�Clans are really just large families,� he said. �There is nothing 
terribly special that makes a member of Gardener clan any different 
from a member of my clan, the Corvinus. Some of us are older, some of 
us have a slightly different culture or idea of where we came from. 
Knowing what clan your parents belonged to would make you feel less 
lonely and you might even find actual relatives among them.�

Ryan liked the sound of that. He hadn't considered the possibility that 
he might have living biological relatives somewhere.

�Well, Brian said it was likely that my dad was the vampire,� Ryan 
added, wondering if that would help. �Does that tell you anything?�

Orlock shook his head.

�Sadly, not much. Although it does tell me that your father never used 
air travel, or he would have been in our database by now. Unfortunately 
I don't have the time or resources to tell you more.�

Orlock asked more questions that were easier to answer; year and 
suspected place of birth, eye color, his weight and diseases. 
Apparently larvae were vulnerable to human diseases and if they were 
sick before the metamorphosis the sickness could mutate into something 
worse. Orlock explained how a larvae infected during the Black Plague 
created the Vrykolakis, a species of vampire that could convert human 
victims into zombie-like creatures.

�And you are ready to go.� Orlock said, finally. �Congratulations Ryan, 
you are now an official citizen of the Vampire race.�

Orlock turned the computer screen around so that Ryan could see his 
profile. The only thing missing was an image and his status bar was 
left blank.

�What goes here?� He asked.

Orlock turned the screen to see where he was pointing.

�That tells me and the other Ambassadors whether you are allowed to 
travel to Eros. Green means safe, Blue means neutral, and red means 
threat. If you want to go to Eros you better not be red.�

�What if there's no color there?�

Orlock chuckled.

�You are too young to be considered a threat Little One. Perhaps it is 
good that you do not know anything. Your thoughts won't be biased when 
you begin schooling.� Orlock moved the mouse and clicked on something 
before bidding Ryan farewell.

Brian gave him back the knapsack and they went to into the terminal. 
After the day they had Ryan had a hard time believing that vampires 
used this airport, even with the strange security precautions he'd seen 

There were three major airlines, each with their own gate. Two were 
located at the far back of the terminal while one was just a few feet 
from where Ryan stood. A few vendors were busy with their various carts 
dedicated to selling souvenirs and drinks. There was a small cafe, a 
news agent, a gift shop and a little arcade full of crane machines and 
old school games. People were sitting in the rows of padded black 
chairs, reading, listening to music, or just staring off into space. 
There was no blood being sold out of vending machines, nothing that 
would cause suspicion if an uninitiated human were to walk in by 
accident. It made Ryan wonder why they bothered with security in the 
first place when the place seemed so normal...unless your sense of 
smell told you otherwise.

The terminal was sparsely crowded. Ryan saw the boy from earlier 
standing next to a large window that overlooked the ramp. The human who 
was with him was leaning with his back to the window talking quietly as 
he watched the ground crew throwing luggage into the back of an 
embrear. A man and a woman were sitting in the seats watching a movie 
on the portable DVD player that the man had in his lap. Ryan guessed 
they were a couple since the woman's head was rested on his shoulder 
and he could tell they were Werebeasts from that odd combination of 
human and animal. They didn't smell like the werewolf and he wondered 
what kind of animal they turned into.

�Ryan! You made it.�

Ryan and Brian looked up to see Doctor Lang sitting at a table near one 
of the cafe's. Sitting across from him was Jillian who looked up and 
practically jumped out of her seat when she saw Ryan.

�Jillian!� Ryan dropped his knapsack as he ran into her arms.

Brian stood back and watched as they embraced. Seeing Ryan and Jillian 
hold each other made him think of the last time he saw his own mother 
and he had to look away. Giving them their privacy he went to Doctor 
Lang and shook his hand.

�It's good to see you safe,� he said, sincerely.

�You as well,� Dr. Lang replied.

�When did you get here?� Brian asked. �I didn't have a mobile on me and 
it wasn't safe to use a public phone.�

�James e-mailed me. Of course he e-mailed me using your account. You 
might want to change your password.�

Brian sighed. He heard Ryan telling Jillian about the adventures of the 
previous sixteen hours.

�I fought a real werewolf, Jillian!�

�Oh my.�

�It's okay. Brian's older brother came in and kicked the snot out of 
him. It was really cool. And then I met this vampire named Arikos, his 
dad is over two thousand years old!�

Brian gave Jillian credit. She handled all of this new information 
really well. It probably helped that Ryan seemed a lot happier and more 
enthusiastic about his new life than he was the previous morning. But 
he also sensed her sadness that he would soon be leaving her.

�We need to get our tickets,� he reminded Ryan.

Ryan was about to say something when his stomach began to rumble.

�Oh no,� He moaned and leaned slightly. A bit of diarrhea filled his 

Jillian looked concerned as the smell reached her nose.

�Did you have an accident, sweety?� She asked, though for the first 
time she didn't seem upset by it.

Ryan grinned sheepishly and nodded.

�We'll get you cleaned up in a second.� Brian said. �Lets get our 
tickets so we can be ready when the plane comes.�

Ryan was a little embarrassed to be walking around in a messy nappy. 
Especially when there were so many people who could smell him from 
across the terminal. Some of them gave him looks of disgust while 
others smiled sympathetically.

The airline representative at the counter twitched her nose a bit but 
remained professional. Ryan was surprised to see a female vampire 
knowing how rare they were supposed to be, but he didn't say anything. 
She pulled out a small electronic pad similar to the one Brian used to 
gain entry to the terminal, which was connected to the computer.

�Put the tip of your index finger here,� Brian told him.

Ryan did and he felt a slight prick on his finger.

�Ow!� He yanked it away and glared at Brian angrily. Brian only 

�Sorry, mate, that's the way do it,� he explained. �You get used to 

After the day he had Ryan wasn't sure he'd ever get used to any of 
this. The representative looked at her screen, typed something into the 
computer and printed out a boarding pass. She did the same for Brian 
and wished them a happy flight.

Jillian met them as they left the line. She was carrying Ryan's 
knapsack which he could see she had opened. He turned red.

�It's okay,� Jillian said, honestly. �I just wanted to see if you had 
any other clothes. Obviously we didn't have a lot of time to go 
shopping for school clothes and you'll be away for a rather long time.�

Brian sensed her sadness and he wanted to reassure her.

�I won't be with him but I still have family who lives on Eros,� he 
said. �Ryan doesn't have a clan of his own to watch out for him. So 
we'll lend him ours.�

�That's very sweet of you Brian,� Jillian said.

Brian shrugged. �I know what it's like to feel alone without your 

Without warning Jillian gave Brian a hug. It had been so long since a 
mother hugged him that Brain nearly cried. Sensing his discomfort she 
pulled away and turned to Ryan.

�Ryan,� she started. �Doctor Lang has told me so much about this Eros 
and the school you'll be going to. He assures me that it's the safest 
place for vampires who are just starting out.�

Tears were in her eyes. Ryan reached up to wipe them away even as his 
own were starting to fall.

�Are you still going to be my foster mother,� he asked.

Jillian smiled.

�Of course, dear. No matter what you are you are still the sweetest and 
brightest boy I have ever had in my home. And when you have your 
holidays off you'll still have your room in Manchester to come home 

Doctor Lang placed an arm on Jillian's shoulder.

�We can't be here much longer,� he said, softly.

Jillian stepped back and took a look at Ryan. Though he seemed sad at 
leaving her she could see that he was comfortable here. Brian helped 
out a good deal with that, she thought. After all he was in his own 
environment now, surrounded by his real people for the first time since 
he was born.

�I love you, Ryan.� She said one last time. �Good bye my little 

Chapter Six

Ryan watched as Dr. Lang and Jillian left the terminal. He felt sad and 
depressed though he understood why they couldn't stay. Dr. Lang was a 
Hospitalar but Jillian was just an ordinary office clerk. Aside from 
the security guards at the gate he didn't see or smell another human 
being in the whole terminal. He did smell one very glaring reminder of 
his predicament.

�I guess I better get changed,� he said to Brian.

�There's a lavatory over there.� Brian pointed to a restroom near the 

Ryan caught the tone in Brian's voice that said he wasn't going to help 
him this time. Although Ryan had managed to put this nappy on just 
fine, a part of him was hoping that Brian would help him this one last 
time. Oh well. He guessed he had to get use to doing it himself 

He went into the lavatory carrying the knapsack in one hand as he 
avoided a dirty look from a vampire who was having a seriously angry 
conversation with a werebeast.

It was a typical lavatory with four toilet stalls and three urinals all 
along the back wall. Three sinks were built into a flat marble counter 
fixture, which looked soft and appealing in the dim light. The only 
thing that seemed entirely unusual was the mirrors themselves. They 
were just like the video screens Ryan read about in the catalog earlier 
only there was one large screen that covered the wall. He couldn't see 
any cameras but the image was an exact reflection of the lavatory. Ryan 
could even see one thing he hadn't seen in six months...himself.

His face was paler but his dirty blond hair and green eyes were the 
same color. The gray sweatshirt and black jeans that Brian bought him 
did nothing to hide his flabbiness and it made him self-conscious about 
his weight for the first time since early yesterday but it didn't 
bother him as much as it use to. He was seeing himself for the first 
time in six months! Ryan touched his �reflection� and looked longingly 
into the screen as if it were the plated glass between him and a 
prisoner he hadn't seen in forever.

When he opened his mouth he saw his long teeth. He was surprised at how 
cool they looked and when he opened his mouth wide he imagined the 
looks of terror on the bullies at school. If only he had known he was a 
vampire then. Then who would mess themselves?

Ryan smiled at the thought.

�It's good to see you again,� He said before turning to go into one of 
the larger toilet stalls.

There was a changing table on the wall inside the stall and a large 
wastebasket next to it, with a note on the side that read: Please Tap 
Loose Soil into the Toilet.

Ryan pulled his pants down and removed the nappy as carefully as 
possible. The poop was sunk into the fabric and it wasn't hard to keep 
it from dripping out. He wrapped it up and threw it in the wastebasket, 
then he took a few of the wipes from his knapsack and cleaned off the 
rest of the poop on his bottom and around the skin. He couldn't tell if 
he was doing a good job or not and he thought about asking Brian to 
come in and check. He thought better of it, since Brian seemed 
determined that he do it himself. Ryan didn't want to irritate the 
first real friend he ever had.

Ryan took out another nappy and tried to tape it more securely than the 
first one. When it didn't slip he guessed he had it right and pulled 
his pants up.

Back in the terminal he was surprised to see James talking to Brian. 
James stopped and turned to give Ryan a once-over.

�Well, look whose all dressed up and ready to take on the world.� He 
said with a grin. �It's nice to see you didn't take any detours this 
time. Although meeting up with 'Count Orlock' is almost as bad as any 
werewolf kidnapping you.�

Brian shook his head in annoyance and walked over to Ryan.

�James and I have to take a separate plane to New York.� he said as he 
reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a billfold. �It's going to 
be boarding soon and you'll be on your own. Can you handle that?�

Ryan looked around the terminal nervously. Suddenly it felt like 
everyone was watching him and he wanted to run and hide. But Brian and 
James were both waiting for his answer and somehow it was important to 
him that they think he was strong enough to handle this new world on 
his own.

�I'll try not to run off with any strange werewolves.� he joked.

James smiled and nodded approvingly.

�Take this,� Brian handed him the billfold. �Put it in your pocket. 
There's about two hundred pounds in there and a card with a direct 
number to my dad. If you get lost or in any emergency, dial it from any 
phone and you'll get a secure line to his secretary. I doubt you'll 
need it but keep it just in case.�

James put an arm around Ryan's shoulder and pointed to the gate at the 
far end of the terminal.

�Do you see that?� He asked. Ryan nodded and he went on. �That's Gate 
A-3. You're flight will be with Knight Air 408. It's on your ticket and 
pending a freak hurricane it will be boarding in about four hours. So 
listen for your flight to be called. Do you understand?�

Ryan nodded.

�Attention, attention please,� a voice came over the intercom. �This is 
the boarding call for flight 316 to JFK in New York. Passengers bound 
for New York please report to Gate A-2 and present your boarding 

�That's us.� Brian said. He clapped Ryan on the shoulder. �It's been 
great knowing you Ryan.�

Ryan gave a sad smile. Brian had been the most caring person he had 
known his whole life and now he was leaving.

�I hope I can do this without you,� he said, honestly. �All though I 
guess the one good thing about you leaving is that I won't get captured 
by any more enemies.�

Brian and James both laughed at that. Brian shook his hand one last 
time and hugged him briefly. Ryan was surprised when even James shook 
his hand.

�Take care of yourself, Little Man,� James said with a wink. �Oh and 
this is going to be a long flight.�

James shoved the PSP into Ryan's pants pocket. Ryan couldn't have been 
more surprised if James had punched him.

�I'll want that back,� he said. �So keep an eye on it.�

�Thank you.� Ryan couldn't think of anything else to say. James had 
saved him twice so far and now he was saving his boredom. He had to 
admit, James was a pretty decent guy once you got past the fact that he 
could be an overbearing, uptight, condescending jerk.

And just as quickly as they came into his life Brian and James were in 
line at a gate that lead to an elevated bridge. There was a second 
boarding call before the bridge pulled away and the A-390 pulled away. 
Ryan got close to the window and watched as the plane taxied towards 
the runway.

�Were they your brothers?�

Ryan turned around and saw the boy from Orlock's office. The boy was 
alone now too. The human who was with him must have been escorted out 
of here around the same time Dr. Lang and Jillian were.

He was dressed in brown corduroy pants and wore blue t-shirt with a 
horizontal yellow stripe running along the belly beneath a dark red, 
hooded sweat jacket with the zipper done just at bottom. He had short 
brown hair that was neatly combed over his flat head and his face was 
covered in freckles. Ryan didn't know a vampire could have freckles but 
then he was no expert.

�Not quite,� he said. �James and Brian are brothers, well sort of. They 
helped me get here.�

�Oh.� The boy didn't say anything else until after they saw the jet 
take off. When he spoke again, Ryan recognized an American accent. He 
didn't know much about �That's going all the way to New York.�

�Brian said he has a friend there,� Ryan explained. �I guess they 
needed to see him.�

�So there are others in America. I never met another vampire from 
America except for my Dad.� The boy turned to Ryan. �My name is Devon, 
by the way. Devon Tree.�

Ryan introduced himself.

�How old are you?� Devon asked.

�Thirteen. My birthday was in February.�

Devon shuddered at the mention of the birthday.

�Mine was in April.�

Ryan felt an instant wave of sympathy for Devon.

�I was born in Kentucky. My mother and my older brother took me to the 
hospital the second I started getting sick,� Devon went on. �He said 
it's what Dad told him to do.�

�Was that your brother?� Ryan asked. �The human that was with you?�

Devon nodded.

�They took me to a special room where Dad helped to take care of me. I 
never felt that sick in my life and I thought I was going to die.�

Ryan knew the feeling.

�After I got better we had this huge party. My mom, my brother Charles, 
my dad and my aunts and uncles from mom's side. Dad told me he wasn't 
very old and that I was his first son. It was very strange.�

�That must have been nice,� Ryan said. �Your family I mean.�

Ryan told Devon his story and how he didn't even know he was a vampire 
until meeting Brian and James. Remembering what Brian told him about 
secrets and learning about others, he didn't tell Devon everything 
about James. Only that he had saved him from the Hunters and again from 
a werewolf. Devon's eyes went wide at that.

�You actually met a real werewolf!� He said loudly enough for others to 
hear him.

Ryan thought he heard one man growl at them.

�That is so sweet,� Devon said in a lower voice. �Dad told me about 
werewolves and were-tigers but I never actually met one. He said they 
don't like the Midwest much and that there weren't even that many 
vampires. I never met a single other vampire until Charlie brought me 

�You're lucky. I didn't even know vampires and werebeasts existed until 
I met Brian,� Ryan said. �Did you always know your dad was a vampire?�

�Nope. Mom said it was for my own good that I didn't know too soon, but 
there was always something strange about us, you know. He worked nights 
at a hotel doing the numbers and everything. That wasn't so strange, 
except that during summer vacation last year I realized that he never 
seemed to go to sleep. He'd take a nap on the couch once in a while or 
in the hammock on the porch with Mom, but it was like the guy never got 

�It wasn't just Dad either. Mom wasn't a vampire but she looked pale 
and sick all the time. She had to put on a ton of make-up just to 
convince the neighbors that she wasn't carrying something contagious. 
And we were always bulk buying tons of meat at the big warehouse store. 
One night I woke up to go to the bathroom and at the end of the hall, 
across from the bathroom I could see into the kitchen window at the 
bottom floor of the house. I thought I saw her at the window eating raw 
steak right from the package. I never asked her about it because I 
thought I was dreaming.�

Ryan didn't think his eyes could get any wider. This was definitely 
something James and Brian could have told him about. �Well did she 
explain it all to you after you became a vampire?�

�Yeah.� Devon looked out at the runway as another smaller plane took 
off. �She said that after she had me she couldn't have any more kids. 
It wasn't my fault and it wasn't Dad's. She knew what was going to 
happen to her when Dad explained it to her and she said she didn't 

�I guess when a woman gives birth to a vampire-baby it drains her body. 
She has to eat tons and tons of meat to stay alive otherwise she dies 
very quickly. Dad's been making sure to have plenty of meat in the 
house ever since. Actually it was the reason we lived in the 
countryside and not the city, so that if there was ever an emergency he 
could make a trip over to Kemp's farm to get blood and a little beef.�

�Did the farmers know what your dad was?� Ryan asked.

Devon shook his head furiously.

�No. Mom and Dad were both very careful not to tell anyone much. And 
they told me it was very important to keep our habits a private family 
matter, no matter how strange they might seem. Dad went to the farms at 
night for animal blood and during the daytime he'd do their accounting 
and taxes free of charge.

�The Kemp family was closest to our house and I played with their sons 
and daughter a few times while my Dad was over there. He'd always buy 
fresh beef, pork, eggs and milk from them and they gave him a great 
deal on it because he helped keep the banks from closing them down. No 
one ever knew he was a vampire.�

Devon's voice broke a few times as he spoke and Ryan could tell he was 
missing his family.

�I wish I was back there now,� he said, leaning against the glass. �But 
Mom and Dad both said that I need to spend time with other vampires for 
awhile. They said it would be good for me to learn about this part of 
my heritage.�

Ryan nodded.

�Doctor Lang said I was like a toddler.� He said. �He said I'd make 
mistakes and that it would draw attention.�

�That's kind of what Dad said too.� Devon leaned in and whispered so 
that only Brian could hear. �I even had to stop drinking for a while 
because I started...well...I don't want to say it, because I know 
you'll make fun of me.�

Ryan smiled, knowingly.

�It's okay,� he said. �Truly. I started wetting the bed, my pants, 

Devon let out a sigh of relief.

�Dad said it wasn't just me. He said it was because my body was 
different and that if I only drank blood it wouldn't happen.�

�James told me the same thing,� Ryan said. �Of course he was being a 
jerk about it. I'd messed myself after we got away from the hunters.�

�Wow.� Devon shook his head. �That must have been embarrassing.�

Ryan nodded but he didn't get more detailed. He was happy that he could 
be open with Devon, but he decided to take Brian's advice and not give 
away more information than he had to. They were both waiting for the 
same flight and there were still a few hours to wait, so they went to 
one of the Cafe's to sit down. Devon wanted to buy a coke but he only 
had American currency on him. Ryan had plenty of money so he bought one 
for both of them and they sat down at a table that was closest to Gate 

�What do you think Eros is going to be like?� Ryan asked, hoping 
Devon's dad had told him about it.

�I don't know.� Devon said, honestly. �Dad said this is the first time 
in a hundred years that it was safe to go back. Our clan wasn't 
welcomed there so he had never been to Eros.�

�What was wrong with your clan?�

Devon shrugged.

�Dad didn't tell me much about the clan. He just told me that my 
grandpa was very old and very rich and that he was on the side of the 
Gardeners. The Vasser clan was in control of Eros and they didn't like 
us.� Devon snickered. �I guess Gardener and Vasser is like Democrat and 
Republican or something.�

�Mister Orlock said that he was part of the Corvinus Clan,� Ryan said, 
thoughtfully. �Him and James both said something about a clan 
called...Tanti-something. Brian, the vampire who helped me out was with 
Gardener clan. His dad is the king on Eros.�

Devon was surprised. �So would that make him a prince then?�

Ryan shrugged. �Mister Orlock called him a prince, but I think he was 
just joking. I mean, if he were a prince why would his Dad let him come 
to Manchester to save me? London is the only safe airport in all of the 
United Kingdom. Brian could have been captured and held for ransom.�

�I don't think it's that easy to capture a vampire. The whole world 
would know about it, wouldn't they?�

Ryan remembered the Hunters and what James had said about them. If they 
were around for as long as the Hospitalars then it was safe to say that 
they could capture a vampire and keep the world pretty much in the 

When they were done with their sodas Ryan and Devon decided to take a 
walk around the terminal. They walked around the baggage carousel at 
the far end of the terminal and back to the main terminal, watching 
outside as luggage carts and ground grew ran across the tarmac the 
entire night. Ryan told him about some of the foster families he stayed 
with and about how people use to bully him in school. Devon put up with 
bullies too, but he always had his mother, father and older brother to 
come home to.

�I can't imagine what it's going to be like without them,� he said. 
�I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner. You'd like my parents.�

�Your brother seemed nice,� Ryan said, to be polite. Truthfully he was 
happier to hear more about his new friend's life than to revisit his 
sad times again. �How did-His name's Charlie right?-how did Charlie 
handle you and your dad being a vampire?�

Devon shrugged.

�He was in college when I was born. The man my Mom had him with was a 
real jerk and Charlie loves Dad. If it weren't for Dad Charlie could 
never have afforded college, Mom said. I think it bothered him when Mom 
started having to eat meat and looking sick and all but when she 
explained it to him he didn't seem to mind.

�I know Dad had to make him swear not to tell anyone about us. These 
people from some secret society offered him a job and they gave me a 
bunch of stuff so I could pass for human.�

�The Hopsitalars?� Ryan offered.

�Yeah, that's them. Charlie works for them now, or something. It's why 
he was able to bring me here. Dad said it was a good idea for me and 
Charlie to spend some time together so he stayed home with mom.�

Ryan wondered if they would offer Jillian a job too. Dr. Lang said they 
were understaffed and she was an experienced office worker.

A few hours later the sky started to brighten. An Embrear Jet landed 
and approached Gate A-3. The pilot killed the engines and ground crews 
and airline representatives went to work.

�Attention please. Flight 408 from Eros Island will be at Gate A-3 and 
will be departing for the return flight shortly.�

Passengers were led to through the gate. There were Vampires, 
Werebeasts, and a few pale and sickly looking women that Devon said 
were Ghouls.

�That's what happened to my mom,� he whispered so that only Ryan could 
hear. �I use to feel bad that I caused her be to like that. But they 
told me it wasn't my fault.�

The baggage carousel started moving and travelers went to grab their 
things. The second boarding announcement was made.

�I have to go the bathroom,� Devon announced, suddenly.

Ryan felt the need, too. �Well we can't go now. We'll miss our flight.�

Devon looked uncomfortable.

�Passengers going to Eros Island, please approach Gate A-3 and present 
your boarding passes to the flight attendant.�

A beautiful woman with olive skin and short black hair tied in a braid 
stood at the gate as passengers began to line up. She wore a gray 
blouse and a wrap around black skirt. The name badge that hung from a 
lanyard around her neck read, Ivy Kapolos. She was a Werebeast and when 
she took the pass from each passenger she smiled in a way that made 
Ryan think of a wild cat licking it's lips after a meal.

�I really have to go,� Devon said as they got in line.

�Maybe you can go on the plane.� Ryan offered. He knew it was the Coke 
working its way through their systems. He didn't expect to be able to 
hold it any longer but he was wearing a nappy. Devon probably wasn't 
expecting to drink anything and he probably didn't have any protection 
from the way he was fidgeting.

They handed their boarding passes to the flight attendant who seemed to 
sniff them as she read the tickets.

�Two little vampires on their first trip,� she said in a tone that fell 
somewhere between affectionate and creepy. Ryan even thought she might 
have purred as she said �first�. �Welcome aboard. Just walk right on 
out and you'll be taken to your seats.�

Devon was about to ask if there was time to use the bathroom but 
another representative ushered the boys out into the cool morning air 
and onto the Embrear. Their seats were both next to the window in the 

Ryan stuffed his knapsack into the overhead storage bin and locked it 
shut. He took the window seat since he knew he'd be all right and let 
Devon take the aisle seat. Devon made a last desperate attempt to use 
the bathroom in the rear of the galley but Ivy told him that he needed 
to sit down and buckle up.

�But I need to go,� He whined.

�There's no time.� Ivy said, sternly. �We're the last flight for the 
day and we need to take off before the human airlines open for business 
and we become grounded.�

�You can hang on,� Ryan encouraged him. �Come on, we'll be in the air 
in no time.�

Devon clearly wanted to protest. He sat down reluctantly as his eyes 
began to water.

�I really can't hold it, Ryan.�

Ryan felt sorry for his friend. He knew what Devon was going through 
right now and he wished there was time to at least get out one of his 
nappies for him to put on. He helped Devon buckle into the seat. Devon 
looked at the lavatory in despair as he held his crotch.

Ivy conducted the preflight safety lecture, which also included a 
warning to werebeasts about �shifting� mid flight. A few passengers 
raised their hand when she offered a pill that could help them hold 
onto their human forms during stressful moments.

All of this was drown out in Devon's mind as his bladder screamed at 
his brain to let it release.

The door shut and the plane taxied to the runway. Ryan took a deep 
breath as the plane started to speed up. Soon he could feel the ground 
disappearing beneath the wheels of the Embrear and pressure in the air 

Devon sobbed and Ryan looked down at his crotch as a wet spot spread 
out. Urine came out in drops around his crotch as it stained the seat 
beneath him. Someone in front of the cabin cursed as the smell became 
stronger for all of the smell sensitive creatures on board.

Ryan felt a wave of sympathy for Devon as heads turned their way. Some 
were disgusted, others cursed under their breath and made rude remarks 
and one vampire sitting adjacent to them offered a sympathetic smile.

�It's okay,� Ryan whispered to Devon. �You couldn't help it. I can't 

It was true. Almost on cue Ryan was flooding his own nappy.

Ryan knew what it was like to be humiliated. He had messed and wet 
himself in school, in public, and in front of Jillian more times than 
he could count. But even though Devon had a life that was marginally 
better than Ryan's ever was he wouldn't have wished this kind of 
humiliation on his worse enemy. He sure didn't wish it on his new 
Author's Note: I know even less about Kentucky than I do about 
Manchester or London. I think it's famous for a chicken recipe and 
bluegrass. Am I missing something? Probably not. So forgive me if I 
portray Devon, a native of the Kentucky area in a way that offends any 
of the Kentucky readers that come to this site.

Chapter Seven

The seatbelt sign clicked off and everyone began to undo their buckles 
and stretch. Devon just sat there looking down at the floor as tears 
went down his cheeks.

�I wish I had never left,� He whispered.

�It's all right, mate,� Ryan tried to assure him. �You couldn't help 

�Did someone forget to potty train the leech?� He heard someone two 
rows down whisper.

Ivy was at their side and didn't look too thrilled.

�Why don't you go into the head and clean up?� She suggested. �I will 
bring you something to sit on in the meantime.�

Ivy left and Devon didn't look up as he undid his seat belt. He got up 
slowly and was about to go into the lavatory when Ryan stopped him and 
stood up so he could whisper.

�I have nappies in my knapsack if you want to borrow one.�

�What's a nappy?� Devon asked, confused.

�Uh...I don't know the American word for it. I've been wearing them 
since last night and it's what's been keeping my clothes clean.�

Devon looked uncomfortable as he realizes what Ryan was suggesting.

�I'm not going to wear a diaper!� his whisper came out as a squeak. 
�I'm not a baby.�

�Well neither am I,� Ryan replied indignantly. �But it's better than 
wetting yourself again.�

�No,� Devon shook his head. �I don't mean anything against you. But I'm 
just not going to drink anything else today.�

Devon went into the head and surveyed the damage. His pants and boxer 
shorts were done for. The worst part was he didn't have any other 
clothes with him.

Everything moved so quickly for him. He hadn't been a vampire for more 
than a month but he was learning quickly. He wore the special sunblock 
as his Dad instructed and he was careful to put the contacts on each 
morning so that his teachers and classmates wouldn't notice his eyes 
glowing in the dark. At his rural Kentucky school it wasn't at all 
strange for a kid to leave school for lunch, so long as their parents 
made the special arrangements. He would visit Dad at the hotel where he 
worked or he would go home and his pint of blood would be waiting for 
him. Because he drank the blood regularly he got stronger and faster. 
His memory improved and his grades went up as he processed information 
faster and he even made honors this year.

Everything was going great until Devon's homeroom teacher became 
suspicious that he was cheating on his tests. That opened up a whole 
can of worms and the only way Devon could prove his innocence was by 
taking tests in separate rooms and doing his homework after school with 
a teacher to witness. If that had been the end of his problems things 
would have been perfect. He might even have gone on to middle school 
next year like he was supposed to.

But then a school nurse had to stick her nose into it when she noticed 
how pale he was getting. It was the gossip of the town that his mother 
was always pale and tired. Now they were concerned that Devon was 
carrying something too and the nurse insisted that he be tested.

Dad argued against it. He provided all of the necessary medical 
documents and showed them that Devon and his mother were not suffering 
from anything that could be passed on to someone else. He even went so 
far as to threaten legal action if the school pushed the matter any 
further. That seemed to quiet the school down but the nurse wasn't 

A group of men in a large black van started asking questions of the 
farmers near Devon's house. They asked how often Dad visited them and 
how much money he gave them for food and services. Most of the farmers 
owed his dad and they were quick to tell them where to shove it. But 
when the men came directly to his house, Dad really became paranoid.

Dad was taking more time off from work to patrol the land around the 
house. He began taking Devon out more often and showing him how to use 
his abilities to escape from danger, like jumping and running. He shut 
the Internet off and turned the land phones off and for a month the 
only phones they had were the cell phones that Dad bought for 

About three weeks ago Mom told Devon to have a suitcase full of clothes 
and essentials ready to go. Dad called Charlie and that night the whole 
family sat down around the dinner table. All of the curtains were shut 
and the doors were doubly locked with the automated security system on 
full alert.

�The Hunters know we are here,� he said. His voice was face heavy and 
full of sadness. �The summer is coming soon and Devon here will be 
preparing for his summer vacation.�

Dad looked at Devon and sighed.

�Devon, my son. You don't know how difficult it is for me to do this. 
Your mother and I talked it over for many nights and it's possible that 
she felt stronger about this than I did.�

�What are you talking about?� Devon asked, looking to Mom. �Mom, what's 
going on?�

�It's not safe for you, baby.� Mom said. Devon remembered how much 
sadness he heard in the lilt of her beautiful Southern accent and was 
sad that she couldn't cry like she wanted to. �Oh, baby we tried so 
hard to give you a normal life. But the world just doesn't seem big 
enough for people like you and your father.�

Dad gently brushed Mom's cheek with his hand as she took it in hers.

�I wish it were as simple as going to another town and starting over,� 
he said, looking to Devon. �When I was your age computers hadn't been 
invented yet and it was easy to invent a new identity and not be 
discovered. But the summer vacation gives us the opportunity to take 
you to a safer place without arousing the suspicion of the humans.�

Devon was smart enough to know what Dad was getting at but he clung to 
the hope that it wasn't as bad as he thought.

�Well that's fine.� He said, trying to show how grownup he was. �Where 
are we moving to then?�

Mom laid her head against Dad's shoulder.

�Eros Island.� He said. �That's where you're going at least. There's 
been some developments over there and according to Charlie and the 
intelligence gathered by the Hospitalars who are stationed there, Evan 
Gardener is now the king of the Vampires. He's been making reparations 
to the Werebeasts and trying like mad to undo all of the damage that 
Elswyr caused during his reign. There's never been a safer time to go 
there and you will be safe among our kind until you are able to blend 
more easily into human society.�

Devon's eyes began to water, but he tried to fight back the urge to 

�It's not your fault,� Mom said the way she had done a thousand times. 
�It's no one's fault. But I don't to give the Hunters a chance to 
capture you and subject you to their awful experiments.�

�We could go to the police!� Devon shouted.

�With what, Devon?� Charlie spoke up after a long silence. �The Hunters 
are respectable members of the scientific community and then some. They 
have the backing of many major governments and the only thing that 
keeps them paid enough to hunt you down is the same secrecy that 
protects us. If we went to the police you would have tell them what you 
are and then they'd probably hand us right over to the Hunters anyway. 
It'd be all out war.�

Charlie was right. He had been working with the Knights as an 
apprentice, working on their website and computer network to keep it 
safe from hacking. In a short amount of time he had come to know many 
vampires and knights and he worked overtime to keep Devon and Dad safe 
from being discovered.

�Well why can't you go with me?� Devon pressed. �You're both in danger 

�The Hunters will be watching us,� Mom explained. �It's why we couldn't 
use our landlines or the Internet in case they were tracing us.�

�We should have put a block on your phone lines as soon as teachers 
started asking questions,� Charlie said, reproachfully. �If you had 
called me sooner we could have stopped the Hunters from even setting 
foot here.�

Dad cast a stern glance at Charlie that said he didn't like being 
talked to like a small child. �I thought we could handle it. Our 
reputation in the community has always been clean and I didn't think to 
account for anyone who would become suspicious of Devon's 

�And you shouldn't have had to,� Mom added. �Devon proved he wasn't 
cheating on those tests and that should have been the end of it. If we 
were all human this whole situation would be settled by suing that 
buttinsky nurse who kept making calls behind our backs even when we 
showed them the documents proving that me and Devon weren't sick.�

Charlie rubbed his eyes with one hand and looked at Dad.

�So what's the plan?�

�We need to split up.� Dad said. �JFK and LAX are the only safe 
airports in the US.�

�But you can't lead the Hunters there.� Charlie reminded him.

�And we won't.� Dad looked from Charlie to Devon. �You will take Devon 
to Texas after your mother and I lead the Hunters away from here. We 
will lead them north to Lake Michigan. Your grandfather's private boat 
will take us to his home in Canada.�

Devon put his shoulders on the table and lowered his head into his 
hands as the beginnings of a headache began to form. Mom stood up and 
came around the table. She pulled Devon into her arms as he fought the 
urge to cry. He wasn't some macho kid. He knew there was nothing wrong 
with boys crying. He just didn't think it was fair to cry when she 

�I don't want to go to Eros,� he protested. �I want to go north with 
you. I want to see Grandpa and Great-Uncle Lindstrom and my cousins.�

�Oh but we have family in Eros too sweetheart,� Mom said, rubbing his 
shoulder. �The Aiegersons and the Thornvaulds just set up their 
metalworking shop there. Why you'll get to meet a whole other branch of 
our clan.�

Dad smiled as he came to Devon's other side and squatted beside him.

�Yes and the best part is,� Dad looked to Charlie and Mom with a 
conspiratorial grin. �Our clan is real strong friends with werewolves.�

Devon knew that tone of voice. It was the same tone that parents 
reserved when they were trying to convince small children that dentists 
weren't people to be afraid of. He also knew better than to argue when 
Dad resorted to that tone.

�How long before school lets out?� Charlie asked.

�Two weeks,� Mom answered. �I have passport information for one of his 
alternate identities. We were hoping he would have to use those so soon 

One thing led to another. Devon would be going to the seventh grade 
next year which meant a different school anyway. Mom just had to inform 
the school that they would be moving to Toronto and that she'd need a 
copy of his records sent to the school there. Charlie called up his 
contacts in the Toronto area while Dad gave his notice at the hotel and 
made the formal announcements to the neighbors. He even promised to 
come back in March to help them with their taxes like always.

The Kemps and all of the families that Dad helped over the years got 
together and threw a huge farewell party for Devon and his family, an 
event that drew the attention of several local newspapers. It was 
perfect. No one would ever suspect that Devon wouldn't be going to 
Canada with mom and dad and the Hunters, who were no doubt waiting to 
ambush the Tree family on a dark highway far from the sight of 
potential witnesses, would be lead on a wild goose chase.

After school was officially over for the summer two U-Haul vans left 
the Tree residence. One truck carried a few pieces of furniture and a 
bunch of empty boxes that would throw off any Hunters who might try to 
stop the truck while masquerading as state troopers. The second van was 
retrofitted with a cooler and a cot. There was plenty of meat for Mom 
and a few units of blood to hold Dad over until they reached Michigan. 
Two armed Hospitalar knights rode in each van, ready for a 

Charlie and Devon were waiting at a truck stop on the Kentucky/Missouri 
border for a signal that the vans had separated. Once it was clear they 
made the long drive to Houston and caught a plane to New York. 
Somewhere between Texas and New York the airline got sent Devon's 
luggage to the wrong airport and he had no clothes. As if that weren't 
bad enough the Hospitalars were concerned that that the special part of 
JFK that was reserved for vampires and Werebeasts would somehow be 
compromised if Devon's luggage fell into the hands of Hunters. So they 
had to make a whole other trip to England to throw people off of a 
trail that might not have even existed.

Devon used some moist towelettes to wipe the urine off of his crotch 
and genitals. There really wasn't anything else he could do. When he 
pulled his pants back up he felt the moisture touch his skin again and 

He washed his hands and stepped out of the lavatory. Ivy had placed a 
plastic bag over his seat and sprayed something that neutralized the 
odor of urine, which he quickly reintroduced to the unlucky passengers.

�Here,� Ryan handed Devon a can of the deodorizer that was on the 
chair. �She told me to hand this to you and to have you spray yourself 
with it.�

�Now would be wonderful,� a woman two seats down muttered.

Devon grimaced as he stepped back into the bathroom to spray his pants 
down but he admitted the smell was much nicer. When he returned to his 
seat the older vampire who sat in the seat just in front of the 
lavatory, a man who looked about twenty-five leaned over.

�Don't feel bad,� he whispered. �I had a dinner in Turkey a century 
back and had a really embarrassing accident in front of a Spanish 
diplomat. You look back on the moments and laugh.�

�I don't think I'll be laughing at this for a while,� Devon said, 

The man offered another sympathetic smile and returned to his reading.

�I messed myself during maths in April,� Ryan whispered. �I had to walk 
all the way to the nurse's office, which was two floors down.�

Devon shifted in his seat which made the plastic crinkle as he moved 
causing him to turn red. After awhile he drifted off to sleep. An hour 
later Ryan gently shook his shoulder to wake him. Ivy was pushing a 
small cart up the aisle and asking each passenger what they wanted for 

Ryan had never been on a plane before but Devon had flown from Texas to 
New York and finally to London. The Jet Blue flight from Houston to New 
York served breakfast and the Knight Air flight to London served blood. 
Devon wasn't �hungry� the first time, but he drank his fill of cow 
blood on the way to London.

Ryan lifted up out of his seat and tried to get a better look at what 
Ivy had given two men sitting near the emergency exit.

�What's that?� He wondered out loud.

Devon leaned into the aisle to get a better look. He was aware of the 
crinkling sound in both Ryan's pants and beneath him as they moved and 
he righted himself to keep from making more noise.

�Raw meat,� he guessed. �For...them.�

Ryan sat back as Ivy got closer.

�Blood or steak,� she asked the man in front of them.

�Steak.� The man said with a light growl.

Ivy pulled out a large piece of raw steak wrapped in aluminum foil. The 
man quickly unwrapped it and began devouring it. The vampire to the 
right of them requested blood and Ivy pulled out a clear plastic 
container about the size of a twenty-ounce bottle. The man pulled a 
plastic cover off the top and a plastic straw-like device popped out.

�Are you boys hungry?� Ivy asked, giving Ryan and Devon a look that 
said she didn't appreciate one second of the time she spent with them.

Ryan nodded and Devon muttered a yes. Ivy gave them their blood and was 
about to return to the front of the plane when the vampire grabbed her 
arm. He glanced once at the boys and looked up at Ivy who looked like 
she was ready to rip his arm of.

�Excuse me,� he said calmly. �I couldn't help but notice how 
uncomfortable you have made these boys. They've done nothing to deserve 
such attitude.�

Ryan and Devon exchanged nervous glances as a few passengers leaned out 
of their seats to get a better look. They could hear a few growls from 
throughout the cabin. Ivy seemed like she was ready to rip his arm off. 
Fortunately she seemed to keep her cool. 

�And just who are you?� she asked.

�Arwin Vasser,� the man replied with a full grin that revealed his 

The passengers stopped growling and returned to their meal without 
another glance backwards.

Ryan noticed Devon's eyes widen. What impressed him the most was how 
quickly Ivy went from a snarling and vicious werebeast to a stammering 
kitten with just the grin on Arwin's face.

�Forgive me, sir,� Ivy said quickly. She turned to the boys with a 
smile that was almost twice as disturbing as her scowl. �If there's 
anything I can do for you boys just let me know. Pillow, blanket, 
anything at all.�

Devon looked from Arwin to Ryan and back at Ivy again. He seemed at a 
loss for words.

�We're fine,� Ryan said.

Ivy made a hasty retreat to the front of the plane. Ryan turned his 
attention to Arwin. He had no personal bias towards the Vasser clan.

�Thank you.�

�Anytime,� Arwin said. He saw Devon's look and smiled. �Let me guess. 
You're a...Gardener?�

�N-no.� Devon straightened up and tried too look dignified but failed 
as the plastic crinkled beneath him. �My grandfather is Rothgar 

Arwin nodded in recognition.

�Yes, I know the Lindstrom family very well. They have an ongoing 
partnership with the Meghaims, the Gardeners, and yes, my very own 
Vasser clan. A pleasure to meet a member of the Nordic clan.� Arwin 
held up his hand. �I come in peace, my friend.�

Devon seemed puzzled by the gesture. Ryan grinned, happy for once that 
he knew something about vampire culture that someone else didn't.

�I come in peace, too,� he said. �And I don't know what clan I am. I 
was raised by humans and I didn't know I was a vampire until two days 

Arwin pulled his hand back and regarded Ryan curiously.

�That's rather unusual.�

�That's what Brian said. He said he never met anyone like him.�

Arwin nodded as another name seemed to ring a bell.

�Brian...that would be Brian Gardener, wouldn't it? Wonderful man. Do 
you know he still carries a piece of stone from the monastery where he 
grew up?�

Ryan didn't know that but it wouldn't surprise him. Arwin held up his 
hand to Devon again.

�As I said young one, I have no animosity towards Gardener clan or 
anyone else's clan. I am perfectly content to run my airline and see 
that every passenger receives top notch service.�

Nervousness faded from Devon's face, replaced by curiosity.

�You own the entire airline?� He asked.

�Since 1937.� Arwin answered proudly. �So how do you come?�

Ryan nudged Devon's shoulder. Devon shrugged and held out his hand.

�In peace.�

�Excellent.� Arwin held up his vial of blood. �To a new friendship?�

Ryan and Devon returned the gesture and the vampires drank their blood. 
For the first time since meeting Arikos on the train, Ryan felt the 
world becoming a much friendlier place despite the darkness.

Chapter Eight

Ryan and Devon had fallen asleep as the plane passed over water. Ivy 
was in a much nicer mood, knowing full well that her boss was watching 
her every move and she had brought them pillows and blankets.

Before he fell asleep, Devon told Arwin about his missing luggage. 
Arwin silently cursed the frailty of human airlines and promised that 
no one had ever lost luggage with Knight Air. Devon found it funny that 
a man whose clan was supposed to be as greedy and awful as his 
grandparents told him would be so concerned with something as simple as 
his luggage. Maybe Vasser clan wasn't so bad after all, he thought as 
he drifted off to sleep. Certainly another vampire was better than the 
humans who forced him to leave his family.

Turbulence shook the plane jolting Ryan and Devon from their deep 

The captain's voice came over the intercom shortly after the seatbelt 
sign flashed on. �We'll be experiencing some rough spots for the next 
thirty minutes. Please straighten your seats and fasten your seat 

Ryan sat up and felt that his nappy was wetter than before, which it 
difficult to move as it squished against his skin. He wanted to get up 
and change it but the turbulence made it impossible to stand.

Devon buckled his seatbelt and gripped the armrest tightly. His heart 
pounded with each tremor and he felt an uncomfortable sensation in his 
stomach. Once the turbulence stopped he stood up and staggered into the 

Ryan heard retching and had to tune it out to keep from getting nauseas 
himself. When Devon returned to his seat he was looking paler than 
usual. Ivy was at his side immediately with a can of ginger ale and a 
packet of crackers. Devon seemed glad to see her leave them and 
starting sipping the soda slowly.

�Are you feeling any better?� Ryan asked.

Devon placed the can on the tray table and leaned back against the 
pillow. �Nothing even came up except for some spit. I haven't 'eaten' 
anything since last week.�

Ryan wanted to change his nappy but he couldn't stand the smell coming 
from the lavatory. It felt moist and clammy in his private area and 
although the absorbent material was doing a good job of pulling the pee 
from his skin his weight combined with the occasional motion of the 
plane was causing it to squish around. He didn't know how much more pee 
it could take before it began staining his new clothes.

Another hour later a woman went into the bathroom about the same time 
the ginger ale made its way through Devon. He squirmed a little but 
thought he could hold it for just a little while.

�What do those feel like?� He asked gesturing to Ryan's crotch. 
�Diapers I mean. Or. You call them nappies right?�

Ryan nodded. �They feel okay if you put them on the right way. Brian 
helped me with the first one but he made me do it myself the second 
time. Brian said his uncle wears them so I guess he's had experience.�

�I kind of wish I was wearing one now,� Devon admitted. He cast an 
annoying glance at the locked lavatory door. �Man, women take too 

Ryan smiled. He opened the window shade a crack to see if the sunlight 
was still very strong. They were somewhere over the ocean now and he 
could see waves deep beneath the clouds and the glistening brightness 
of the late afternoon sun was blinding. Before he closed the shade he 
was sure he could see a boat on the water. Ryan wanted to look at it 
and see if he could make out details but Devon began squirming in his 
seat, causing the plastic bag beneath him to crinkle.

He couldn't help but watching as Devon held his crotch in desperation. 
There was something about the action that made Ryan remember his 
feelings at the train station when Brian helped him clean up and put on 
that first nappy. It was the idea of someone else touching a part of 
him that no one else had ever touched. Seeing someone else hold 
themselves and knowing what they were about to do sent a chill up 
Ryan's spine and he had to look away in case Devon caught him looking.

Fortunately the woman came out of the bathroom and Devon was able to 
make it this time. It was just in time because as he returned to his 
seat the captain came on the intercom.

�We will be making our final approach in to Los Eros International 
Airport in about half an hour. The sun will be setting very shortly and 
the temperature is now a pleasant sixty degrees.�

The captain droned and gave some last minute instructions. When he was 
finished Arwin shifted in his seat and told the boys to look out the 

Ryan opened the shade and winced at the sliver of sunlight that lanced 
across the ocean. Devon leaned over him and the boys could see a ring 
of islands that seemed very close together from their point of view. 
There were two very large islands on opposite sides of the ring and 
they appeared at opposite ends of the ring, almost like they were 
opposite directions on a compass.

�That is Los Eros.� Arwin said, as though he were giving a guided tour. 
�Los Eros is actually the entire ring of islands. They were discovered 
and founded by King Elswyer in 1804. Do you see the two largest 

Devon and Ryan nodded.

�The one on the east is Elysia and that's where Los Eros International 
is located. The one opposite Elysia is Moreau, rightly named after a 
novel written by HG Wells. King Gardener gave that island to the 
Werebeasts and it houses their council.�

Arwin's remark drew a number of low growls from a few passengers. Devon 
even thought he heard one coming from the galley where Ivy was busy 
wiping down the sink.

�What are those smaller islands?� He asked, hoping Arwin wasn't trying 
to make a scene.

�The one in the extreme north is called Tartarus,� Arwin answered. 
�It's a maximum security prison for our kind. We try to maintain some 
kind of civilized judicial system and Tartarus is where survival 
oriented criminals are sent to serve their time. Those who resist or 
threaten to expose the entire race are put to death.

�The small cluster of islands in the south are called Moirae, after the 
Greek fates. Like the Gardeners, Elswyer's clan drew it's origins back 
to ancient Greece. Being of Roman origin, this naturally aggravated my 
family to no end. Personally I've always enjoyed the Greek names for 
our old gods though I never dared to tell my father this.�

The captain instructed all passengers to put their seat belts on and 
straight for the landing. The plane circled the islands several times 
and they grew bigger as it got closer to the ground. Their descent 
seemed to be in perfect sync with the setting of the sun and as 
darkness swallowed the bright blue of the ocean the islands came alive 
with light.

Buildings and streets lit up like the Fifth of November. As the plane 
began to circle Elysia they could see a few large buildings on the 
outermost edge of the island. Further into the island they could make 
out a large concrete structure that resembled a football stadium.

The pilot guided the plane into the island. It hit more turbulence and 
the plane wobbled left and right as it made the final approach. Ryan 
and Devon clutched their armrests.

Ryan didn't know if it was fear or just the sudden jerking motions of 
the plane but he ended up soaking his nappy even more. If what Brian 
said was true then his body should have completely absorbed the blood. 
Where was all of this pee coming from?

Devon's stomach lurched again and he placed his hand over his mouth. He 
tried to reach for a motion sickness bag but the speed of the plane's 
descent and the seatbelt made it impossible to move more than a few 

As the wheels touched concrete Devon threw up on his shirt and pants. 
He wasn't even sure what he was coughing up as it got caught in his 
throat. Ryan rubbed his back and wished James had given him a few extra 
pairs of clothes so Devon would at least have something to wear when 
they got off the plane. All he had in his knapsack were boxers, socks 
and nappies. And with all of the sneers and remarks the werebeasts and 
vampires were making Ryan could only imagine what would happen now that 
they were in a land full of hypersensitive beings.

Arwin remained behind while the other passengers deplaned. Ivy had 
brought more ginger ale and Ryan only stood up to grab his knapsack 
from the overhead compartment while Devon sat there.

�This day can not get any worse,� Devon muttered over and over again. 
He leaned forward, resting his head on the back of the seat in front of 
him and keeping his eyes on the carpet. �Just put a stake in my heart 

�Now, now. It could always be worse.�

Ryan looked up at Arwin, grateful to the older vampire for his kindness 
and support. He wished he had known humans who were at least half as 

�This is your first year as a vampire. You have a thousand years to 
find something about this whole situation funny.�

�I'd rather just forget it all together.�

Devon slowly ventured a glance over the head of the seat. Ivy and the 
co-pilot were the only people remaining. The co-pilot had the same 
olive skin as Ivy and a darker shade of hair. He glanced Devon's way 
for a second and returned his attention to Ivy.

�Come on,� Ryan said, placing a friendly hand on Devon's shoulder. �We 
should get you some clean clothes.�

�Someone from the Corvinus school should be waiting at the gate for 
you.� Arwin pointed out.

Ryan led the way and Arwin placed a protective arm around Devon as they 
exited the plane. A pair of cleaners who were waiting for them seemed 
ready to flash an annoyed glance at the boys, but refrained when they 
saw their boss.

�Good evening, Mr. Vasser,� one of them said with a toothy grin that 
reminded Devon of the men from the Enzyte commercials.

Ryan wasn't sure what he had been expecting this whole time. As he 
stepped out of the gate and into the terminal it was like stepping onto 
a completely different planet.

There were advertisements just like the ones Ryan found in the catalog 
at Heathrow, only these were all over the place. The ones for airlines 
and other travel services were in huge brightly lit fixtures.

Knight Air: Getting you there swiftly and safely.

One ad was for a charter flight company called Noah's Ark. It was a 
streaming video of a man stretching out in the cabin of a jet. As he 
lay down on the carpeted floor he changed from human form into a large, 
lumbering polar bear. The writing in the ad went from French, to 
Spanish, to English and to several other languages inviting werebeasts 
to enjoy the freedom and comfort of a flight where they could change 
forms without being harassed.

Ryan remembered how testy and annoyed the werebeasts on the plane were 
and he wondered if they would have been happier if they could have 
returned to their animal forms.

Similarly there were several warnings to shape shifters that they 
needed to remain in human form while at the airport or they would be 
tranquilized and held in a secure facility.

Los Eros was a busy airport at night. Vampires ran across the floor at 
speeds that would make an Olympic runner jealous. Security guards 
screened outbound passengers with the same blood testing devices that 
Heathrow used.

Ryan and Devon were just arriving so they didn't need to go through 
additional security. Arwin led them right through the gate and into the 
lobby of the airport.

The lobby itself was impressive. There were windows from the wall to 
the ceiling and they could see a beautiful garden of tall palm trees 
and tropical flowers over a stretch of grass that ran parallel to the 
busy carport. There were staircases and escalators leading up to an 
observation deck where people could watch the ocean front, the city 
lights, or even the stars that were surprisingly visible this close to 
the airport.

Booths for sixteen different airlines, each of which had it's own line 
of vampires, shape shifters, ghouls, and even a few humans.

�I didn't think humans were allowed here.� Ryan looked to Arwin.

�Well how would your family visit you?� Arwin asked. �There are humans 
among us, there always have been. Some are Hospitalars like the men who 
helped you boys find your way here. And there are some who have lived 
their whole lives and only want to help us. But all are as closely 
monitored as any citizen of this island to insure that we are never 
exposed to those who would hurt us.�

Ryan wondered what Jillian would think of this place. Any human who 
didn't know what to expect would be overwhelmed.

�You'd best get your hands off my clan mate, Vasser.�

Ryan turned to see three vampires, two men and a woman, standing a few 
feet from the entrance. The men were huge! About seven feet tall, he'd 
guess. Both had long blond hair and broad shouldered, with thick 
rippling arms. The one that spoke had a thick Norwegian accent. He had 
a neatly trimmed beard and mustache and his eyes were bright blue.

�I meant no harm, Heimdal.� Arwin took his arm from Devon but stood his 
ground. �The boy had a rough flight. I merely wished to see that he 
made it safely to you.�

�It's much appreciated,� the woman said with the same accent.

The woman was a foot shorter than the men. She wore a simple white sun 
dress that did nothing to hide the well developed curves of her body. 
Her long blond hair fell below her shoulders and her creamy skin had a 
strange ashen tone that seemed to add an earthy touch to her otherwise 
angelic features. Ryan had to look away for fear that he'd be caught 

�And how are you, Freya?� Arwin asked with the same calm and confident 
demeanor. He never took a step back or showed fear at the towering 
giants that stood before him. The one called Heimdal folded his arms 
over his chest and gave Arwin a look that said he was about a second 
from pounding him int mulch.

Freya smiled.

�Business is going nicely ever since we were invited back to the 
island. Loyalty is like any other long term investment. You just need 
to be patient.�

�I would have it no other way, you know that.�

Devon's stomach began acting up again and placed a hand cautiously over 
his mouth. The second male vampire shoved Arwin out of the way and 
knelt beside Devon. Arwin extended his fangs and his eyes glowed bright 

�The stench of this Vasser is making the boy sick.�

�Enough!� Freya shouted.

Ryan's heart pounded as they drew the attention of several passengers 
and a few of the airline reps. A group of security officers appeared 
out of nowhere and surrounded them. One of the officers gently pulled 
Ryan out of harm's way while the Devon's clan mate kept a protective 
arm around him.

�What's going on here?� One of the officers asked calmly.

Hiemdal took another menacing step towards Arwin. Arwin righted himself 
and smiled cockily as he gestured to the man holding Devon.

�This Nordic assaulted me. I wish to press charges.�

Hiemdal clenched his fists as he turned to face the security guards.

�This Vasser-� he said, grimacing as though the word Vasser tasted like 
scum on his tongue. �Had his hands on the boy. I could make a wonderful 
case before the King-�

�Silence.� Freya said, firmly.

With her hands on her hips Freya stepped between Heimdal and Arwin, 
giving Heimdal a look that promised hell to anyone stupid enough to 
defy her. Ryan wasn't sure how strong Heimdal was but with those arms 
he was sure the man could bring down a fully grown rhinoceros without 
breaking a sweat. He took a big step back and turned his attention to 
Devon, probably more to save face in front of witnesses.

�Were you with Devon this whole time?�

Ryan jumped a little as he realized Freya was speaking to him. As she 
looked at him with eyes that were both soft and penetrating he could 
see what would make a big guy like Heimdal turn and take notice. Her 
voice had experience and authority combined with a softness that made 
Ryan feel like he was being interrogated by a strict nun who had just 
caught him stealing cookies from the kitchen. Even Arwin, who was cool 
and confident before the two large Nordic vampires seemed as timid as a 
school boy as Freya looked at Ryan, awaiting his answer.

�Yes ma'am.� Ryan said, respectfully.

�And did Arwin Vasser make any move to harm you or my great-grandson?�

Ryan shook his head.

Heimdal fixed him with a sidelong glance.

�How do we know he's not a Vasser? He could be the whelp's son.�

�I'm not a Vasser!� Ryan spoke up. �I don't think so anyway. And that's 
not my father. All I know is he's been nothing but decent to us the 
whole flight. Devon had a...� Ryan paused he saw Devon who was ready to 
pass out from sickness and the excitement. �Devon was sick on the plane 
and the shape shifters gave us a hard time about it. Mr. Vasser told 
her off and he's been keeping an eye on both of us ever since. He 
doesn't hate any clan, he said so himself.�

�It's true.� Devon croaked. He rubbed his forehead with one hand while 
clutching his stomach with the other.

The vampire who shoved Arwin picked Devon up and rose to his feet in 
one fluid move. Devon seemed so stunned by the motion that Ryan half 
expected him to throw up again. Instead the vampire looked into his 
eyes and whispered something in his native language. Devon must have 
understood it because a second later he fell asleep against the man's 

Freya turned to the security guards.

�What we have here is a misunderstanding,� she said. �I will admonish 
my children later for starting an incident in the airport.�

Freya looked over her shoulder at Arwin.

�Thank you for caring for my great-grandson. I trust we don't have to 
go any further than this.�

Arwin looked from her to the security guards and gave half-hearted 

�Of course.�

The security guards were visibly annoyed. The man in charge gave them 
all a warning and advised them to leave as soon as possible to avoid 
any further confrontations.

Freya turned to Arwin and offered an apologetic smile.

�Grimauld attacked you without provocation. As you know in our culture 
it is customary to offer werguild. Compensation.�

�I assume this offer is as long lived as we are?�

�As long as I am the grand matriarch of the Nordic Clan it is 
guaranteed. Name a price and I will see that is paid.�

Arwin looked at Grimauld with a sneer.

�Although the idea of having the Nordic Clan forever on my leash is as 
addictive as any substance...there is one thing I suppose I would ask 
of you.� Arwin's sneer melted into that same cocky grin from earlier. 
�Grimauld, Heimdal, there was some damage done to the seat of one of my 
planes by your young clan mate. I pride myself on providing reliable 
service to all my customers. And it would certainly save my employees 
the time and effort if someone were to volunteer to clean up after 
their young ones.�

Ryan looked incredulously at Arwin. Grimauld had no right to push Arwin 
but he couldn't believe he would stoop so low as to use Devon's 
accident to get back at them. Devon would be humiliated if he could 
hear any of this.

Freya took it in stride and nodded.

�Allow us to bring Devon safely home and the boys will be here in a few 
hours to clean up.�

Arwin smiled.

�I'll let the cleaning crew know to expect them.�

With a wiggle of his fingers Arwin winked at Ryan and turned to leave. 
Ryan felt like he had been slapped in the face.

�What a jerk,� he said when the vampire was far out of earshot. He 
grabbed Freya's shoulder to get her attention. �Please Miss, Devon 
couldn't help it. It was my fault the first time, I bought him the 
Coke. He's had a terrible time of this whole flight even worse than I 
had before I found out I was a vampire.�

Freya seemed startled at first at Ryan's touch. Her face softened into 
an angelic smile as Ryan defended Devon.

�I wish I could have been more helpful.� Ryan looked from Freya, to 
Heimdal and Grimauld. �I'm very sorry for all of this.�

�You don't apologize for...him,� Heimdal spat the word. �I must 
apologize for thinking you were a member of that filthy clan.�

�I said that's enough.� Freya's smile returned when she looked at Ryan.

�I'm glad Devon met you, young one. He has gone through much and I am 
glad that he found a friend. What is your name little one?�

�R-Ryan Greary, ma'am.�

�Well, Ryan, I am impressed. You defended Arwin and my great-grandson 
without hesitation. You are truthful and fair and I must tell you that 
it is no small feat to impress me.�

Ryan's heart slowed down as Freya's kind words touched him. Arwin had 
used kind words as well but after what he witnessed, he realized that 
the whole act was just a salesman being polite with his customers. Ryan 
met many people like him and he kicked himself for thinking Arwin was 
any different. There was something about the way Freya spoke that made 
him feel like her compliments were genuine.

�Thank you, ma'am.� He looked to Grimauld, who was still holding Devon 
while he slept soundly. What did it feel like to be carried in those 
strong, safe arms. �You're not going to punish him are you?�

�Of course not.� Freya answered. �Why would we punish him for something 
he has no control over? His body is young now as is yours. Punishment 
would not help him learn to control it better.�

�It certainly wouldn't.�

Everyone turned as a newcomer approached them. It was a tall black 
dressed in professional attire and carrying a large cardboard sign at 
his side. He smiled as he stopped and held out his hand to Ryan.

�I am Walter Craig. It is a pleasure to meet you, Ryan Greary.�

Ryan shook his hand and looked at Walter oddly.

�How did you know my name?�

Walter chuckled and tapped his ear.

�I was waiting for you by the entrance when I heard you answer the 
grand matriarch's question.� As an afterthought Walter turned and bowed 
to Freya who merely laughed and waved her hand dismissively.

�And this must be...Devon Tree,� Walter said, looking at the boy in 
Grimauld's arms. He sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. �Well I'll 
have to meet him tomorrow then.�

�Have all of the new students arrived?�

Ryan was surprised to hear Heimdal speak up again. He still looked 
angry over the impending hours of slavery that awaited him and Grimauld 
but he spoke casually.

Walter nodded.

�We have quite a large class this year,� he said. �Almost five hundred 

�That doesn't seem very large.� Grimauld said, surprising Ryan again.

�It's much larger than when Elswyer was in control,� Freya pointed out. 
�I wonder if the Bathory School will have any new students this year.�

�Not as many, my lady. We're hesitant to send out too many more scouts, 
for fear that one of them may be captured and forced to reveal our 

�There is still much tension between the clans as well.� Freya cast a 
reproachful glance to her sons before continuing. �Still, it's sad. 
There are many members of the Council of the Grand Matriarch who wish 
to step down from their positions. They are centuries old and no longer 
wish to lead, but we can't allow a seat to go empty without someone to 
replace them as the head of their clan.�

Freya sighed and shook her head.

�Oh well. Give my fondest wishes to Alexander will you?�

Walter nodded.

�And we will have Devon ready and rested for tomorrow evening's 
orientation.� Freya turned to her boys. �Lets get home quickly so that 
you can return here clean up the mess you both started.�

Heimdal opened his mouth but closed it quickly when Freya held up a 
fist in warning. Ryan held back a grin as she led them out of the 


Author's note: I am so incredibly sorry for how long it took to get 
these chapters out. It's been a busy couple of weeks but, here they 
are! Oh, hardcore vampire fans may recognize the names of Alexander and 
Michael Corvinus.

To allay any suspicion let me just say that yes, these characters are 
heavily inspired by the characters of the same name from the film 
Underworld: Evolution. However there was an historical account of a 
family called Corvinus and they are tied to the historical Dracula. So 
while I use the names and physical descriptions of the Underworld 
characters I am attempting to make these characters as much my own as 
possible. Hey, they're minor characters, no fuss no muss. Make sense?


Chapter Nine

Walter took Ryan to a van parked in a designated waiting area just 
outside the overhang of the airport.

The air was sweet with the fragrance of salt water, flowers and even 
blood. He could hear the sounds of luggage carts and planes moving 
about on the tarmac. People ran into one another's arms, shouting for 
joy as families and friends reunited and sharing stories of long 
layovers and excruciating travel times.

Ryan watched a man and his wife lead their children from a taxi into 
the airport. The boys ran ahead and the mother admonished them not to 
�horse around�. The man paid the driver as an airport attendant 
graciously loaded their bags onto a cart. It looked like they were 
going on a skiing trip somewhere. All but the wife were vampires, she 
was a ghoul of course. But here they were as normal as a family in 
Manchester, or London, or any family in any part of the world. He 
imagined Devon's family must have been like that before they were 
forced to leave their home in Kentucky.

�Hop in.�

Walter opened the passenger door to the van and Ryan climbed in. As he 
climbed in he saw the symbol of a sword resting over a shield on the 
side windows.

�What's that mean?� He asked once Walter was in the driver's seat.

�That's the crest of Alexander Corvinus,� Walter answered. �He is the 
founder of the Corvinus School for Boys.�

As Walter drove Ryan tried to take in some of the sites of his new 
home. The road from the airport to the interior of Elysia ran through a 
vast field of palm trees, tall grass and towering rock formations. 
There were guard rails, signs and billboard ads, just like any major 
highway but Ryan didn't see a single street light.

Not that it mattered. The van's headlights weren't even on and he could 
see in the dark as clearly as if it were day. Walter must have been 
much older than he was so obviously he was used to driving in the total 

As Walter maneuvered through the evening traffic Ryan began to see 
houses and barns dotting the fields. Several of these �blood farms� had 
the same kinds of animals that other farms had: cows, pigs, sheep, etc. 
He could see a few of the farms alive with activity as farmhands loaded 
crates of what Ryan guessed was blood onto the back of a lorry. In one 
of the fields he saw a man watching over sheep. A second later the man 
shifted into a wolf and ran to the side of the heard to keep a stray 
from running off. 

Ryan shook his head in disbelief. He never thought of a werewolf as a 
shepherd but in this world it just worked.

He saw many wolves changing into human form and back on many of the 
farms and he could tell the vampires a part from the werebeasts by 
their pale skin and glowing eyes. They appeared to working together 
just fine. He even thought he saw a fox or two on the last farm.

�How many werebeasts are there?� He wondered.

�There are many breeds,� Walter answered as he pulled into the exit. 
�Lykos, Vulpines and Tigarians are more commonly known in human 
mythology. But there are also polar, black and grizzly bears, jackals 
and wolverines. Among the cats there are lions, panthers, leopards, 
snow leopards, cheetahs and one ocelot. All of those breeds each have a 
seat in the council on Moreau Island. Then there are the more elusive 
breeds of werebeast that remain isolated or among the human 
populations, namely the sharks and crocodiles. You're not likely to 
meet them anytime soon but it's good to know of their existence.�

Ryan never imagined there were that many! What was next? Any minute now 
Father Christmas was going to fly low over the city with the Were-
Easter Bunny who was going to drop eggs on the city. Golden eggs. Yes. 
If weresharks existed then golden eggs better exist somewhere down the 

The farmlands disappeared behind them and soon they were passed a few 
factories, housing complexes and shopping centers.

The next road Walter turned onto led to a rotary that went around the 
circumference of the arena Ryan had seen from the plane. On the ground 
it loomed over the city, dark and oppressive. A combination of moon and 
artificial lighting illuminated the row of arches that sat along the 
top of the arena, like a crown atop the head of a giant slumbering 

�Is that where King Gardener lives?� He asked, remembering the name 
that he'd been hearing all weekend.

Walter looked where Ryan pointed and shook his head.

�That is the biggest mistake is in our history,� he said, bitterly. �It 
remains only to remind us of the terrible, terrible path our race took 
when Elswyer ruled. You will visit it very soon along with your 

A familiar sense of annoyance crept out of hiding as Ryan tried to hide 
his disappointment. He'd thought the game of �Give vague responses and 
withhold information from Ryan� was over when he got off the plane. At 
least with Devon he had one more person who knew as much as he did and 
he wouldn't feel so bad. What kind of school would this be if people 
kept dodging his questions? If Walter wasn't going to answer questions 
then he didn't want to be a bother. Ryan went back to looking out the 

Walter took the third exit off of the rotary and soon they were out of 
the commercial district. There were only a few cars and a lorry on the 
road now. Elysia was certainly bigger than it looked from the air. From 
the airport to the stretch of road they were now on Ryan would have 
guessed it to be twice the size of Manchester and London combined.

Ryan was impressed with the range of cars he saw tonight. Some were 
sleek, expensive designs with logos for companies he'd never seen 
before. Occasionally he would see a mini-cooper or a Honda but they 
were in the minority here.

They were in the residential district now. He could tell by the houses 
and the stretch of sidewalk that ran along side the road. The houses 
ranged in design from old Victorian to modern and contemporary styles. 
Almost all of them were painted in dark shades with spacious yards and 
beautiful gardens full of night blooms.

Small children played in the yard of one of the houses. Ryan thought it 
was odd that children should be outside so late until he remembered 
that vampires here were probably mostly nocturnal. This would be 
morning for everyone here. With no need to keep up pretenses in a human 
city vampires could raise their children without keeping about what 
they were or who their families were.

Ryan placed his hand on the window as the houses went by. A group of 
women sitting at a bench in one yard were playing some card game and 
having a good time. They munched on what looked like liver or steak.

How cool was it to just live out in the open? To not be afraid of 
people who wanted to hurt you for what you were? Ryan stared longingly 
as boys played baseball in a field. In another part of the playground a 
girl and a few boys were playing with a jump rope. The rope went around 
about six times before the vampires came back down.

�Stupid buggers!� Walter cursed and hit the breaks.

Ryan looked ahead and saw as a boy about his age ran to the edge of the 
curb and leaped across the road, barely missing the van before hitting 
the pavement on the other side. He was chasing another boy who was 
waving a cap around tauntingly before he turned and jumped onto the 
roof of another house and ran over that. A vampire stepped onto his 
porch with a look that promised murder to whomever was causing such a 
racket and he began shouting in a language that Ryan was sure he didn't 
want to understand.

�Never get that stupid,� Walter grumbled. �Or I'll come and kill you 

Ryan didn't know if he was serious or not so he just smiled and nodded.

An hour or so later they turned onto road that lead to a large stone 
wall. The wall was lined with a series of guard towers, each decorated 
with the circular emblem of a dragon wielding a sword.

They approached a set of steel doors that were electronically sealed. 
Walter stepped out of the van and went to a panel where he gave a drop 
of blood. He also had to look into a retinal scanner and give his name 
to a voice print analyzer.

�There's a lot more security here,� he explained to Ryan as he climbed 
back in. �No one gets on to the campus unless they're supposed to be 
here. Not even the King.�

�I would think the King could go anywhere he wanted,� Ryan said.

The doors slid open and Walter drove on through.

�Well of course he visits often but he goes through the same channels 
everyone does. That was his own decree in the event that he was ever 
compromised. The safety of his people is important to him.�

The campus was several acres wide and the wall went as far as Ryan 
could see.

�Has this wall always been here?�

�For over two hundred years,� Walter answered proudly. �It was built by 
my father and his family. The Orlocks installed the security systems in 
the late 90's with the help of the Hospitalars who also work at this 
school. And that-�, Walter pointed to the end of the drive, - �Is the 
Corvinus School for Boys.�

The Corvinus School was a huge fortress surrounded by a smaller wall. 
Like outer wall it was a combination of two hundred year-old stone and 
modern technology. There were four towers at each corner of the 
building and one main tower. The main tower was topped by a bell tower 
and a stained glass window with the same dragon emblem glistened in the 
moonlight just above the doors.

Ryan was dropped off at the front gate so that Walter could return the 
van to the garage. He stood there with his backpack slung over his 
shoulders as he looked up at the fortress.

Standing there by himself as his eyes went from the bell tower to the 
dragon emblem and finally to the mahogany double-doors, Ryan felt a 
strange chill go up his spine. This was really it. This would be his 
new school for...well...for a long time.

He looked around him. At the grass is it waved in the wind and at the 
wall that surrounded the campus. When he took a deep breath he smelled 
seawater, moist earth, living things and blood. The smells of Elysia.

There was a brief screech as the door opened up. Ryan turned to see a 
tall brown-haired main with a trimmed beard and wearing a business suit 
leaning out into the open.

�Ah, another student. Come in, come in.�

Ryan took one last look around him and followed the man inside. Once 
inside the man introduced himself.

�I am Marcus Corvinus, Son of Alexander Corvinus the headmaster of the 
Corvinus School for Boys. How do you come?�

�In peace,� Ryan said, holding out his hand. He was getting pretty good 
at this. �I'm Ryan Greary. I don't who my father or my mother is but 
the human woman who has took care of me this year is Jillian Coulter 
and Brian Gardener said I could borrow his clan. I don't know what that 
really is either.�

Marcus smiled and nodded. He led Ryan through the courtyard which was 
as busy as his old school had been.

Vampires from every nationality milled about the grounds. Some were in 
groups and others stood by themselves. A group of boys were tossing 
around what looked like an American football as they darted in between 
crowds at supernatural speeds eliciting a number of loud curses and 

Marcus caught the ball is it sailed his way and tossed it at another of 
the boys.

�If anything breaks in this courtyard it's a week of scrubbing the 
stables,� he warned one of the group.

�Yes sir.�

Marcus looked down at Ryan and smiled.

�You're going to like it here, Mr. Greary. We're not so different from 
the humans you were raised with. We play games, we waste time, we learn 
to get along.�

Ryan stayed close to Marcus as they made their way to a staircase. One 
of the football players leaped to the top of the staircase just as the 
ball soared their way. It sailed past the boy and bounced off of the 
wall falling back into the crowd with the speed of a ricochet bullet.

�What the fuck!� Someone shouted.

Ryan looked down to see a heavyset vampire rubbing his head as he 
looked up. When he saw the smaller vampire at the top of the stairs he 
growled and jumped. The second boy jumped the ground just as Marcus 
leaped from his position and intercepted the walking behemoth.

Three more adults appeared from the shadows and urged the crowd to go 
about their business while Marcus restrained the boy. Ryan went to the 
stop of the stairs and looked down at the crowd, uncertain of what he 
should do.

�Ridiculous isn't it?�

Ryan jumped as the voice startled him. When he turned around he was 
surprised to see a man that was a much older, gray-haired looking copy 
of Marcus. With a tailor-made button down black coat and denim pants 
the man had a very commanding presence.

�Do you need any assistance?� He called down to Marcus.

Many of the kids looked up and scattered at the site of the man 
standing beside Ryan. The football players were being detained by the 
other adults as Marcus brought the angrier one under control.

�I think we're all set here, father,� Marcus replied.

Ryan's heart skipped a beat as he realized this was Alexander Corvinus, 
the headmaster and the leader of the Corvinus clan. Having poor luck 
with headmasters, Ryan wished he could be anywhere but right beside a 
man who reminded him of a darker, sterner Albus Dumbledore. (And this 
was no Hogwarts.

Fortunately Corvinus barely noticed him as he looked at the boy who had 
been hit. He was still rubbing his head furiously.

�What a truly unpleasant place to be hit, Gareth,� Corvinus said, 
getting Gareth's attention. �I trust your ego has not been hurt as 

Gareth appeared to be fighting back a very caustic remark-an award 
winning act of intelligence from Ryan's point of view.

�I'm sorry for the way I reacted, sir,� he said, with a grimace.

�Apology accepted.� Corvinus turned his attention to other boys who 
couldn't seem to decide who they were more afraid of: the borderline 
psychotic vampire with Marcus being the only obvious thin between them, 
or Corvinus. �And what of you four? Do you not feel some responsibility 
for this matter?�

One boy spoke up.

�W-w-we're sorry, sir.� He said. �We got carried away, sir.�

�I can see that. But your apology should really be to Gareth, should it 

Gareth turned around to face the boys as they stammered to come up with 
a convincing apology. Ryan could have sworn he saw Gareth licking his 

�I'm sorry, Gareth.� The boy who jumped into the staircase in the first 
place spoke up. �It was my fault for not catching the ball. We 
shouldn't have playing so carelessly and we're sorry you got hurt 
because of us.�

The others nodded furiously.

The corners of Corvinus' mouth turned ever so slightly upwards as he 
nodded his approval.

�A well worded apology. Gareth, do you accept?�

Gareth looked like he'd rather tear their throats out and wear them for 
garter belts. But that didn't seem to be one of his options so he 
silently nodded.

�Perhaps you boys can take your game out to the fields where such 
manner of play should be restricted,� Corvinus suggested. �There is 
plenty of time to enjoy the evening.�

The boys quickly agreed and gathered up their ball before leaving.

One of the aids led Gareth out of the courtyard as Marcus jumped back 
up to the top of the stairs.

�I should have told them that myself.�

�Next time.� Corvinus took a step back to look at Ryan. �And who do we 
have here?�

Ryan straightened up. Even thought he other vampires weren't wearing 
any distinguishable uniform he still felt under dressed. He was feeling 
less than dignified under with the soaking nappy between his legs. 
Though he'd been able to ignore it for the last few hours and no one 
seemed to notice he was even wearing it, this man's scrutinizing gaze 
made it seem all the more obvious.

�This is Ryan Greary,� Marcus said. �He does not know his clan but he 
informs us that Brian has offered him the support of Gardener Clan.�

Corvinus smiled. A look that made him even more intimidating if that 
was possible.

�Well you could certainly do worse.� He said. �Welcome home, young 
Greary. Right his way please.�

Ryan followed Marcus and Corvinus into the halls of the fortress. High 
windows overlooked the court yard. The stone floors were covered in an 
elegant red carpet and the walls were decorated with tapestries that 
featured the Dragon emblem and a number of other emblems.

�Are these-� Ryan stopped himself.

The older vampires stopped and turned to him. Corvinus' gaze remained 
stoic and calculating, making Ryan feel like he had breached an 
unspoken vow of silence. Marcus simply smiled.

�Do not be afraid to ask questions.� He said, softly.

�Forgive me, sir.� Ryan looked to the tapestries. �I was just wondering 
if these symbols meant something. I recognize that one from outside. Is 
that the Corvinus Clan?�

Corvinus nodded.

�The Dragon represents my first wife, Elena Von Teppes,� he explained. 
�Her family was a sacred order of Christianity known as the Order of 
the Dracul. You would know her father, perhaps, as Count Vladimir 

Marcus cleared his throat and did a perfect Bela Lugosi imitation. �The 
children of the night what music they make.�

Corvinus didn't seem to find it very amusing but he said nothing. They 
resumed their walk down the hall as Marcus pointed to a tapestry with 
the symbol of an olive tree, which he identified as Gardener's symbol.

�Thomas Gardener was born a slave in Greece during the Dark Ages,� 
Marcus explained. �He grew up tending to the orchards and gardens of 
his masters, hence the surname and the name he chose for his clan.�

They brought Ryan into Corvinus' office, which looked more like a 
museum than a headmaster's workspace. Cases filled with artifacts and 
ancient tests filled the room. Several oil paintings of Alexander and 
his family in different time periods from the medieval times right down 
to the late 1930's hung on one wall. Another wall held swords, shields, 
flintlocks, and pistols from representing every century of combat. 
Degrees and scrolls decorated the wall behind his desk.

Marcus went to a file cabinet while Corvinus sat down at his desk and 
invited Ryan to sit in the seat in front of it.

The chair was very comfortable but his nappy squished as he applied 
more weight to it. He shifted uncomfortably but tried to keep from 

�We have your file from your visit to the Heathrow,� Corvinus 
explained. �Of course there is much more information we would like to 
get from you but as you do not know anything about your family we are 
at a loss.�

Ryan fought the urge to shrug. He didn't want to do or say anything to 
start him off on the wrong foot with this man. He waited quietly as 
Marcus came out with a manila folder that had his name on it.

�Ryan Greary,� Marcus said the name out loud. �It's strange but that 
name doesn't sound familiar.�

Ryan decided to risk an opinion.

�Well...I was thinking about this on the flight. The doctor that found 
me, the Hospitalar, I think he was? Well, he said that my father must 
not have trusted them, which is why they didn't know about me until my 
metamorphosis. He might not have given me his family name but that 
might be my mother's name.�

�Sound reasoning.� Marcus said. �Well, fortunately none of this 
information is relevant right now. Is that your only bag?�

Ryan looked down at the knapsack and looked up sheepishly.

�I'm afraid so. But I have money to buy more clothes.�

�Marcus, why don't you take Ryan here to the warehouse and when he gets 
settled in Liam can bring him into the city.�

�Excellent idea, father.�

�Warehouse?� Ryan asked standing up.

Marcus led bid his father good evening and led him out of the office.

�Yes, it appears that your friend Brian has called in some favors. Liam 
McDonnely is a student here but he lives off campus at an old 
warehouse. He's the youngest brother of King Gardener and a very 
influential member of vampire society.� Marcus smiled and stopped 
himself before he went further. �I won't bore you with the details. 
You'll hear it all eventually. Anyhow, you will be staying with him. 
It's very generous of him to open up his home to you and if you got 
along well with Brian, then well, you'll get along quite well with Liam 
I think.�

Ryan didn't really know what to say. He had hoped that there would be 
enough surprises for one lifetime but apparently they were only just 

Author's Note: Whew. Took me long enough didn't it?
I decided to end this story on a fairly soft note so I can use chapter 
eleven to really explore Elysia and set up the final conflict of the 

This is the last leg of Ryan's story and I will see it to the finish. 
I'm currently working on another vampire story that will also involve 
diapers and will be set in a few years before this story.


Chapter Ten

Marcus gave Ryan a large blue shopping bag filled with packages and 
folders before taking him to what would be his new home for the next 
few years. He explained that there would be over five hundred students 
in his class and that they would include vampires from every clan and 

�We've never had a class this large,� Marcus explained when they were 
on the highway again. �My father along with the other families of the 
Corvinus Clan founded the school to give younger vampires the chance to 
develop and grow in safety. Unfortunately only vampires loyal to 
Elswyer were allowed citizenship in Los Eros and so the classes were 
usually only forty or fifty large, depending on how many larvae became 

�To be truthful I'm glad that Liam has decided to take you under his 
wing. Only the vampires who have been here longer than a few years have 
their own rooms and even some of them are being implored to take in new 
students like yourself.�

�Can't some of them live with their families?� Ryan asked.

Marcus passed a lorry and turned onto an exit that led into a valley.

�The older vampires usually live with their families or as is the case 
with Liam, on their own entirely depending on their circumstances. But 
very few of these students have family that live on Los Eros and most 
of the families who are here live in the city or along the coastal 
settlements where the business is. The Corvinus School was deliberately 
built away from the busiest parts of the island so as to keep the 
children safe from invaders. The first years are very tumultuous for 
your young bodies and it's easier for us to keep track of your progress 
if you remain on the campus until you are able to blend into human 
society. Liam's home isn't far from the school and though he's just a 
year or so older than you his abilities and maturity are advanced 
enough that he can watch over you as effectively as us, if not more 

Ryan found it strange that a boarding school would leave a student in 
the care of another student who wasn't even that much older than he 
was. For that matter he found it strange that a teenager could own live 
on his own or own his own place.

What has been even remotely close to normal all weekend? A voice that 
sounded remarkably like an internalized version of James asked.

A black sign with large white letters read, �Welcome to Lugosi. Founded 
1964, Pop. 240�.

There wasn't much in Lugosi except for a few large office buildings and 
shipping yards. It was a let down after the brightness and glamour of 
Elysia City, but then there probably wasn't a lot of room on the island 
for much else.

They pulled into a driveway that belonged to a large red brick 
building. It was connected to a warehouse that stretched on for several 
feet and had six separate loading docks.

�Does Liam live here?� Ryan asked as they got out of the car.

Marcus nodded.

�He owns the whole building. It used to be a weapons factory and during 
the redistribution of Elswyer's wealth and estate Liam took it as 

�Compensation for what?�

�You'll have to ask him that.�

They went in through an entrance at the front of the main building. A 
hand-carved sign made of stone hung above the metal doors: �Liam 
McDonnely: Art Gallery. Lapidary, Painting and crafts. Call to make an 

Inside there was a long corridor and a staircase to the right of the 
entrance. Marcus led Ryan down the corridor. Paintings lined the 
plaster walls. People, animals, landscapes, big, small, some were 
framed. Others just hung from a wire in the back.

The corridor opened up into larger room that Liam reserved for the rest 
of his art gallery. There were more paintings sitting on easels or 
hanging on the walls. But there were also several display cases filled 
with beautiful stone carvings and jewelry. Most of the pieces were done 
by Liam but a few cases contained work from other artists with a price 
list taped to the glass and a holder of business cards containing the 
artist's contact information.

Ryan wasn't much of an art lover but if a kid almost as old as he was 
did all of this it really was impressive.

�Mr. McDonnely?� Marcus called. He looked around. �He must be in the 
back somewhere. Liam's been busy with some of his commissioned pieces 
and along with his other responsibilities it has him rather tied up.�

Ryan was about to ask what those responsibilities were but caught 
himself. He had a good idea by now what questions weren't going to get 
answered and this was one of them.

He followed Marcus out of the gallery into the warehouse. Ryan gaped at 
the size of it. The building looked big from the outside but he had no 
idea there was so much space inside!

The floor was mostly concrete with several impressions from where 
equipment used to make weapons must have gone at one time. Now it was 
just straight floor. Aside from the columns and empty power outlets you 
would never know a factory had been here.

A small living area was set up in one corner of the warehouse. There 
was a drab old couch, a few chairs, a coffee table and a TV sitting on 
top of a chest of drawers. Behind the living area was a doorway into a 
kitchen, where Marcus led Ryan. There they found a note resting on the 
bistro style breakfast table with a key on top of it.

�Welcome home, Ryan!� it was written in neat cursive. �I'm very sorry I 
didn't get back before you arrived. I needed some fresh air and my 
cousin and his lot were in the area so I left the gallery doors opened 
knowing someone from the school would probably bring you here.

�The key is to the main gallery. Please lock up if you decide to leave 
for whatever reason. Your room is on the top floor across the hall from 
mine and I've made your bed. I hope you like it.

�See you soon,

Liam MacDonnely

�PS: If it was one of the Corvinus Clan that brought you please tell 
them that I have William's order ready and waiting in the shop and will 
bring it to him shortly.�

�Oh good,� Marcus said after reading the note. �William's going to be 
less of an annoyance now. I must remember to pay Liam double what he 

Marcus grinned at Ryan as if he were supposed to understand what that 
meant. Ryan just smiled to be polite and then looked around.

�Well, you'll be fine here until tomorrow evening.�

Marcus took the shopping bag from Ryan's hand and rummaged inside it 
before pulling out a key chain with the Corvinus Clan symbol and 
attaching the house key. He handed it to Ryan and shook his hand.

�It was a pleasure to meet you, Ryan. Have a pleasant evening.�

Marcus left before Ryan could say anything else. The warehouse seemed 
bigger and emptier now that he was alone.

He couldn't wait any longer. He needed to shed this wet nappy and clean 
his skin which was growing clammier by the second. Ryan carried his 
bags upstairs and found the bathroom.

There was an old fashioned tub with a shower curtain hanging from a 
round metal fixture and a fairly modern flexible shower head connected 
to the faucet with a thin white hose. The toilet sat between the tub 
and a white pedestal sink and a wardrobe sat against the far wall. Ryan 
went in and closed the door behind him, in case Liam returned while he 
was changing.

Ryan dropped his knapsack and started to undress. He kicked his shoes 
and socks off and took his pants off as quickly as he could. The nappy 
was sagging between his legs and he realized that he didn't make it 
tight enough when it slid down with his boxers.

He stepped out of the nappy and pulled it free of his clothes, tearing 
the tapes apart so he could roll it up. There was a wastebasket beneath 
the pedestal sink but he was nervous about leaving the nappy in there. 
It might smell after a while and he didn't want to be a bad guest.

Ryan thought back to when Brian helped him into his first nappy. Liam 
was the uncle Brian mentioned. Didn't he say Liam also wore nappies 
sometimes? Where would he put them?

Ryan turned to the wardrobe. The doors were painted over with a 
beautiful nighttime landscape. Inside he found three shelves full of 
soaps, shampoo, rolls of toilet paper, and extra towels. Beneath the 
third shelf was a robin's egg blue wastebasket with a lid and a paper 
sack full of small plastic shopping bags. As he suspected the 
wastebasket had a few of these shopping bags, tied tightly and filled 
with what he believed were used nappies.

He placed the nappy inside one of the shopping bags and tied it tightly 
before putting it in the wastebasket. Then he took a towel from the 
third shelf and closed the wardrobe.

He turned the water on and stepped into the tub when the temperature 
was to his liking. Since the metamorphosis Ryan was more comfortable 
with the cold, but it was easier to wash his hair in slightly warmer 
water so he learned to find the right balance long ago.

Ryan found bodywash and shampoo in the shower caddy and a black loofah 
sponge dangling from a hook on the side. He thought it would be rude to 
use Liam's sponge so he squeezed the body wash into his hand and rubbed 
it over his skin, his private areas, between his bottom and his private 
areas. Combined with the warm water his skin felt soothing and 
refreshed. He used a little bit of shampoo and then rinsed off his 
entire body before turning off the water.

Sensing that no one was in the house yet he wrapped the towel around 
his waist and carried his clothes and back pack to his bedroom at the 
end of the corridor. Once inside he dropped the towel and pulled a 
fresh nappy out of the package and set it on the bed. He dried himself 
off and sat down on the nappy. The bed was soft and he could hear the 
crinkle of a plastic sheet as he sat.

Brian must have told Liam about me, Ryan thought. Oh well.

He pulled the nappy on and made sure the tapes were really tight before 
standing up again. Since he had no other clothes he had to wear the 
same pants and shirt but he was glad that James had bought him a few 
extra pairs of socks and boxers. When he was dressed he took a look 
around the room.

A window overlooked the loading bays and the driveway as it stretched 
out and around the warehouse. The room itself was pretty big for a 
bedroom and Ryan guessed that it was once an office space.

The cupboard was tiny but there was another wardrobe in the corner. 
This one had a painting that depicted the skyline of New York. Ryan 
recognized the World Trade Center from pictures he had seen in the news 
and in his geography teacher's classroom. Liam took great care to 
depict the twin towers and like the paintings downstairs it was 
impressive work.

Ryan put his boxers and socks in the wardrobe and placed the package of 
nappies on the bottom. Then, having nothing better to do he went back 
to the kitchen downstairs and went through the shopping bag.

There were a few sample products of Vamp-Ex. It came in regular 
sunscreen, toothpaste, mouthwash shampoo and bodywash. According to the 
instructions all Ryan had to do was use it like he would any other 
brand and each product was designed to provide constant UV protection.

�For Vampires With a Day Job.� He read.

There were a few books. How to Survive in the Human World, 1,001 Ways 
for a Vampire to Make a Living and not Spill a Drop of Blood, Lists To 
Test your Memory, and a course book for the Corvinus School for Boys 
2008-2009. Like most schools there was a list of school supplies and a 
handbook that went along with the course book. Ryan flipped through it.

There were the usual supplies. Pencils, pens, notebooks, a ruler and a 
compass. Some of those were all ready in the welcome bag, each sporting 
the Corvinus Clan logo.

The handbook was the most interesting book as it contained a list of 
rules that read something like the Ten Commandments:

There will be no drinking of human or Vampire blood. Human and Vampire 
blood stunts the aging process and the King has decreed that no vampire 
having the appearance of a youth or �minor� may knowingly consume that 
which prevents their growth.

There will be no fighting. In the walls of Corvinus School, all 
vampires are safe and equal and must be treated as such.

There will be no contact with the human world or with persons not 
identified as safe by the Hospitalar Knights. You are responsible for 
providing the contact information of family members in the required 
forms provided in your handbook and you will be allowed to communicate 
through written correspondence once these contacts have met with the 
criteria of the our human allies, the Hospitalars.

If you possess any form of electronic communication, or any devices 
allowing access to the Internet they will be confiscated until you have 
passed a security assessment test as provided the Orlock family.

Ryan reached into his pocket. He still had the PSP that James loaned 
him. Although he never figured out how to access the Internet with it 
he wondered if he should turn it over to the school when he went back 
for the orientation. James said he wanted it back. He must have known 
he'd meet Liam and if Liam was the King's brother, he must have the 
required security clearance. Ryan decided to keep it on him until Liam 
could take care of it.

He pulled out an envelope marked with a the symbol of a snake wrapped 
around a cross. Inside was a form letter attached to another piece of 

Greetings Young One,

On behalf of the Meghaim Clan, it is my pleasure to congratulate you as 
you take these new steps into the world.

In addition to the changes your body is undergoing you must also face 
the challenge of an ever changing human world. So long as there have 
been people there has always been the matter of how to live among them.

For two thousand years the Meghaim Clan and it's subsidiary families 
have worked to allow Vampire and human society to exist as one. We even 
extend our hand to our brothers and sisters of the various werebeast 
clans near and far.

In these times when those such as ourselves must remain discreet on the 
outside, it's good to know you can turn to band name products such as 
Vamp-EX, VisSoft, and QuickDri. Now we have gone step further into 
helping you adapt to the modern world.

Enclosed in this envelope is one share of stock from the Meghaim 
Corporation valued at six hundred American dollars.

Good luck and God Bless.

 Your friend,

Aaron Moses Meghaim

Ryan's eyes widened as he looked at the stock. He never had anything 
that was worth so much before. This Meghaim Clan didn't seem like a bad 
clan to belong to if they could afford to give out a free stock like 

He put all of the books and the papers back in the bag and brought them 
back up to his room and placed them in the wardrobe. When he came back 
downstairs he thought he heard voices coming from outside.

Curious, he checked to make sure he had his house key and went out onto 
the porch, locking the door behind him.

Across the driveway there was a patch of grass where a bunch of guys 
were sitting at a picnic table beneath a tree.

One of them, a curly blond-haired boy who looked to be about Ryan's 
age, was leaning back against the tree with one foot on the bench and 
the other on the grass. He was wearing a long black coat similar to the 
one James wore.

When he looked towards the gallery and saw Ryan he smiled and signaled 
him over.

Ryan was nervous as he made his way over. Around human kids he had 
learned long ago to be cautious when anyone in a group appeared 
friendly. Mostly they were just luring you away from the safety of the 
grownups and other times they were trying to get you to do something 
wrong just to get you in trouble for it.

He'd seen vampires who were genuinely kind to him and he'd seen one who 
appeared nice only to turn around and be a complete jerk to his first 
real friend here. The blond-haired boy seemed to detect his caution and 
he got up to meet him.

�Hi there,� he said, speaking with a thick Irish accent. �You must be 
Ryan. I'm Liam.�

Ryan smiled nervously as he took Liam's outstretched hand. His grip was 
firm but gentle and his eyes were warm and friendly like Brian's.

�Nice to meet you,� he said.

Liam took a step back and gestured to the house.

�So what do you think? Do you like your room and everything.�

�It's perfect. There's so much space in the entire building, you could 
have your own school here.�

Liam laughed.

�Yeah, it comes in handy. Let me introduce you to my mates.�

Liam turned to other three boys. Ryan took a deep a breath and the 
familiar smell made him take step back. These were all werebeasts! 
Sensing fear the boys looked up and glared at him.

�It's okay!� Liam stepped between Ryan and the beasts. �Guys, he's new 
to this, just like I was. Come on Kiev, you remember how it was.�

The one called Kiev was a foot taller than Liam, with pale white skin 
and jet-black hair. He stood to his full height and came to stand 
beside Liam as he sized Ryan up. He wore a flannel button-down shirt 
that hung from his broad shoulders.

His size and his well built frame were intimidating at first but after 
giving Ryan an intense once over his expression softened and he placed 
a gentle hand on Ryan's shoulder and clapping the other one around 

�Good to meet you, Ryan,� he said. He sounded Swedish. �Don't be 
afraid. A wolf only kills to feed and to defend its own. I would sooner 
harm myself than a guest of one of the people I love and respect.�

�Don't hump his leg, Wolfboy.� A heavy-set Russian boy called over.

Kiev turned to flip him off and Ryan got a good look at the boy's right 
eye. A long, thin vertical scar went neatly through the eye, which was 
charred and black. It was if someone took a hot needle and only stopped 
to make sure the eye was damaged beyond repair.

Ryan involuntarily winced. When the boy noticed him staring he expected 
him to shout and tell him not to look at it. He would have understood, 
too. Instead the boy just nodded as if he knew what Ryan was thinking.

�Be careful, little vampire. Werewolves like to mark their territory. 
If he likes you he might pee on you.�

�Shouldn't you be preventing a forest fire, Smokey?� Kiev shot back.

�Children,� the last one spoke. �Don't make me separate you.�

The last of the group stood up from the picnic table and stretched. He 
was the oldest of the group, probably sixteen or seventeen, with dark 
brown skin and a round shaved head. He wore a long gray coat, a tight 
black t-shirt and black slacks. When he looked at Ryan his smile was 
small but commanding.

�I am known as Balky by many. You know Kiev and the Bear is Iorek. You 
never need to fear us. We are as close to Liam as family and we all owe 
each other our lives a thousand times over.�

Liam cleared his throat.

�I think Ryan has had enough drama for one lifetime,� he said. �What do 
you think, Ryan? We should take you into the city and get you set up 
with school supplies and the like.�

Ryan looked from Liam to the werebeasts. The night was still young and 
he did need more clothes. He still had the money Brian gave him so at 
least no one would be just tagging along and looking at things.

�I guess it'd be nice to really see the city.�

* * *

Apparently Los Eros had a very comprehensive transportation system. 
They went to a bus station at the center of Lugosi, where Liam bought 
Ryan a bus pass.

The bus took a more scenic route than the one Ryan had first seen. This 
time they went around the south rim of the island that overlooked the 
ocean. In the distance he could see the tip of one of the smaller 
island he had seen from the air.

Ryan had a window seat and Liam sat next to him. Balky and Kiev sat up 
front chatting quietly while Iorek snoozed.

�That's the one of the Moirae, right?�

Liam looked wear Ryan was pointing.

�That's right. Sentinels are sent there to train.�

Ryan's ears perked up at the word sentinel. It sounded like something 
important and he wondered if he could actually find out what it was 
tonight. And strangely enough he didn't even have to ask.

�We're a special kind of vampire,� Liam went on. �Sentinels are only 
born once each generation and the theory is that they are originally 
born to protect Matriarchs.�

�You're a...sentinel?�

Liam nodded.

�Basically we are like the natural clones of the original Grand-
Matriarch. Only most of us are blokes. Weird, huh?�

Ryan snorted. �I'm not really sure what's weird anymore.�

�I hear that.�

�How long have you been a vampire?�

�Two years,� Liam answered. �I had my metamorphosis in Massachusetts 
and before that I was just like you. I didn't know anything about 
vampires or what I was. But I was lucky because my uncle raised me from 
the day my parents were killed.�

�That's awful,� Ryan said. �I'm sorry about that.�

�Thanks mate. I'm sorry to hear about yours as well.�

Ryan sighed.

�I guess Brian told you everything about me.�

Liam nodded.

�You and I have so much in common,� he said, trying to reassure Ryan. 
�I know it can be frustrating asking questions and not getting answers 
to them.�

�Yes, exactly!� Ryan covered his mouth and looked around, happy that no 
one seemed to be bothered by his outburst. In a lower voice he said, 
�Sorry, it's just that's all I've been getting all day.�

�A lot of vague answers and cryptic bullshit, right?�

�God, yes. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't putting up with this my 
whole life. Oh Ryan, we can't tell you what happened to your mum and 
dad, these things just happen. Ryan, it's not the right time to know 
that. Ask me when you're older and can understand it better. For the 
love of god it's even worse being a vampire.�

Liam listened as Ryan got it off his chest. He more than anyone knew 
the frustration Ryan was going through right now. Never being able to 
trust anyone, not knowing who you could turn to without being made to 
feel like you've exposed yourself for your ignorance. Life before the 
metamorphosis was a cakewalk in comparison.

�Welcome to the club.� Liam said, as the bright lights of Elysia 
flooded the bus. �Now let�s go shopping.�

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