Summary: Very young college kid gets regressed to a baby by his aunt.

                                 THE COLLEGE BABY

	When I graduated from high school at the age of 14 I wanted to be 
a civil engineer and design bridges and towers but the only college 
that I could get into was one 1000 miles away. That made it real 
expensive for me to live because of my age and if it weren’t for my 
aunt living in that town I could not afford it. I could live with her 
and go to college making it less costly to me. My aunt was very rich we 
met a couple of times when I was younger she had daughter that was ten 
years older than I was.
	My aunt liked me because she sent me fine gifts on Christmas when 
I was younger. After my toy age she sent 200-dollar gift cards. What I 
remember of her is that she was tall for a woman but that is from a 
kid’s point of view. My cousin was big too as I remember but she was 
ten years older than me. Mom told me that they live in a very large old 
house and I would have the upstairs all to myself.
	Mom told me that I would go to my aunt’s house next month so that 
I could get adjusted to my new surroundings before I went to college in 
September. I could not wait to get there. I wanted to check out the 
girls and get to know the town. The girls in my small hometown new and 
like me they all wanted to go out with me. I was the biggest little 
playboy of the whole town I knew it.
	I knew that I could strut my stuff and swoon the girls it was so 
easy it was natural for me. The next few weeks I spent packing and 
getting ready for the trip to my aunt’s house. As I went through my old 
clothes in the bottom of my dresser I found a pair of my bed wetter 
pants. I used real toddler size bed wetter pants when I wet my bed 
every night I was twelve then. I am taller and heavier I thought they 
would not even come close to fitting me so I tossed them in the trash 
thinking I was glad I dried up. I was so glad I no longer needed night 
diapers they made me look like a baby not an adult. I only stopped 
wetting my bed because mom limited how much I drank before bedtime but 
I did not make the connection.
	I packed my stuff for two weeks I had all of my things I would 
need clothes, books, and my computer. As I packed I found even more bed 
wetting supplies toddler size 5 Pampers plastic pants and an old 
plastic sheet. I forgot how much a bed wetter I was just two years ago. 
My bedwetting days were gone forever and I would never need my diapers 
again only babies need diapers.
	Mom and dad took me to the bus station to send me off to my 
aunt’s, mom cried as the bus pulled away. It took nineteen hours for me 
to get to the town where my aunt’s house was. I had read most of the 
way there stopping and eating three times. It was 9:00PM when I arrived 
at my aunt’s town she was waiting on me with her daughter and her 
daughter’s son he was only about two-years-old.
	I thought great a crying baby in the house that I would be 
studying and sleeping in. I would not be able to study or sleep with a 
baby always crying. The smell of messy diapers and wet clothes would be 
bad, what have I gotten into. My aunt was just as big as I remember 
standing at five feet ten she was over two feet taller than me standing 
almost four feet tall. She must weigh 150 pounds more than me. My 
cousin was just as big and very good looking for some one ten years 
older than me. The baby was cute and quiet for a baby I sort of like 
him if he stayed quiet.
	We ate lunch at McDonald’s I had two Big Macs, fries, and a large 
Coke. When we arrived at the house just three blocks from down town I 
was surprised to see a three and a half storey house it was bigger than 
I thought it might be.
	As I walked in I saw the ceilings were a lot tall than a regular 
house my aunt told me they were ten feet tall the way they used to 
build houses. My aunt carried my big bags I carried my small bag up two 
flights of steps to my new room. My cousin took care of her son’s 
diaper change. I walked into the upstairs room to see there was only 
one wall that was in the center of the room open on both sides of the 
room. The room at the top of the stairs was a playroom about 25 feet by 
30 feet.
	I walked into the next same sized room to see a captain’s bed, 
chest high dresser, small sink, desk for my computer and a closet. 
There was plenty of room to stretch out and relax. There was a small 
room in the corner I thought it was the toilet but found only a very 
large bathtub.
	As I unpacked my bags that were brought up I put my clothes away 
in the dresser and closet. I set my alarm clock to 9:00AM on the wall 
shelf next to the bed. Then I started to hook up my computer. It was 
10:30PM when I finished.
	My aunt came up to my room just in time to see me turn on my 
computer and get on the net. I was done and moved in my aunt told me 
time for my bedtime bath. I told her I can take a shower I am a big boy 
but she was stern and said I need a bath. I walked down stairs pouting 
like a little kid all the way to the bathroom on the second floor. I 
needed to pee for the third time sense starting to unpack. My aunt had 
my bath already for me before I got in the bathroom. Before I got in 
the bathtub I peed in the toilet then got in the bathtub. It was so 
relaxing there was a few baby toys sitting next to the tub so I played 
with them forgetting what I was doing until my and told me it was time 
for me to go to bed.
	I finished my bath dried off and peed in the toilet again so I 
could go the night without an interruption I had a robe to put on over 
my boxer shorts leaving my dirty ones in a pile like my aunt wanted me 
to. I walk up to my room passing the nursery to see my cousin changing 
the baby’s diaper again. I thought boy that baby uses a lot of diapers.
	I found a large glass of milk and cookies on my night stand. 
While I explored my room more I found a wide screened TV behind a panel 
so I turned on the TV and ate the cookies and drank the milk. She had 
cable with everything I could not believe it I was in heaven everything 
I ever wanted. I fell asleep dressed in my robe and boxers on the bed 
watching Men in Black to be woke up by an alarm. The movie was just 
about over I tried to turn off my stupid alarm but then I realized it 
was not my alarm but the one across the room. I got up realizing I was 
soaked I had wet myself I had not done that in a long time. My aunt 
came into my room because the alarm was buzzing I reached the alarm to 
turn it off.
	I tried to turn off the alarm to get some silence it was so loud 
I could not talk. I turned the only knob on it but it got louder I 
could not turn it off my aunt had the key to turn it off. My aunt told 
me she has rules in her house if you wet yourself like a baby you get 
punished with diapers and baby treatment. I told her it would not 
happen again that it was and accident I was tired and in a new room. 
She said see that it don’t or else you will get the full baby treatment 
even if you think you are too big or too old.
	It was 2:00AM she helped me get my wet bed clothes changed then 
helped me remove my wet robe and boxers. My aunt washed my bottom in 
the small sink in my room. I was too embarrassed to have her see me 
naked but I was too scared to protest. As I put on a dry pair of boxers 
I saw the alarm pad that would signal her of another accident it was on 
top of a plastic sheet covering the mattress. My aunt put a soaker pad 
and clean dry sheet covering the alarm pad and plastic sheet.
	I was quite shaken about the incident I was worried about what I 
would do if I had another accident. When my aunt left the room I 
unplugged the wire to the pad to stop the alarm from sounding. I went 
to bed knowing I could hide another accident in this big room with so 
many bedclothes in the closet. I have not wet the bed twice in the same 
night sense I was 10 so I knew I was safe. I lay down on my bed I could 
now hear the rustle of the plastic sheet it reminded me of when I was 
younger at home.
	In the morning my aunt was waking me up telling me it was time 
for my bath. I realized I had wet the bed again I pleaded with my aunt 
asking for another chance I tried to escape her grip none of witch was 
successful she was dragging like a toddler to his bath. She smacked my 
wet bottom with every step that I resisted her after about ten smacks I 
was willing to do what she wanted me to do. In the bathroom she had a 
hot bath all ready for me again. This time she pulled off my wet boxer 
shorts the only thing I would wear at night no stupid pajamas for me I 
am a man.
	My aunt told me to get in the tub. I refused telling her she 
could not make me do it. That was a big mistake she had me over her 
knee giving me a bare bottom spanking after twenty hard smacks I was 
crying and kicking like a three-year-old. She told me to get in the tub 
I quickly obeyed her not wanting another spanking I sat my sore bottom 
down in the hot water with tears rolling down my face.
	She started out by washing my hair with baby shampoo then washing 
behind my ears, my face, arms and everywhere else she missed nothing. 
She told me to get out so she could dry me off she dried me off and 
told me to sit on the potty for five minutes. I told her she had to 
leave the room. Before I finished my sentence she had my hand in a 
pressure grip some how I was in her control I sat on the toilet. The 
toilet was taller than most my feet could not touch the floor and 
dangled as I sat on the toilet.
	My aunt turned a timer to tell her when my five minutes was up. I 
tried hard to pee in the potty like a good boy for my aunt but could 
not because I was so shy. It was a long five minutes of my aunt 
standing beside me while I was sitting on the potty swinging my feet 
back and forth wanting to pee or poop. She was waiting for me to 
perform just like I was a three-year-old. I did nothing in the potty 
after five minutes the timer went off.
	My aunt held open what look to be so sort of underwear she told 
me to step in. My aunt pulled them up I realized they were not regular 
underwear. She saw the look on my face so she told me they were seven-
layer thick toddler sized training pants just in case I have another 
accident. I said I just wet the bed not my pants I am not a baby. She 
told me she doesn’t want to here my excuses. She said. Anyone still 
wetting the bed twice in a night needed to be potty-trained better to 
get big boy pants. If I wet my bed like a toddler I must be a toddler 
and toddlers wear these.
	Then my aunt proceeded to put a bright blue tee shirt that 
snapped at the bottom she told me that would help hide my special 
underwear. I had to step in a pair of red corduroy over-alls with snaps 
on the straps in the back that was well out of my reach. She put Bright 
blue socks and yellow Big Bird shoes on me. There was a mirror wall so 
I could see myself at each step of my dressing by my aunt. When she 
finished I look like an over sized diapered two-year-old as she led me 
to the kitchen.
	When we entered the kitchen I could smell something good it was 
ham, eggs, and home fries. My cousin was cooking and getting everything 
ready while her son Billy was in a highchair waiting for his bottle. I 
sat down and my aunt put a bib around my neck before they gave me my 
fork and spoon. I ate two eggs, a large piece of ham, and two helpings 
of potatoes. While I was eating my aunt told me we were going to the 
college bookstore to get my books after breakfast. I told her not 
dressed like I am now I will not go. My aunt told me that I will do as 
she tells me, or get spanked again.
	After we finished breakfast I my aunt led me to the potty-chair 
in the nursery where my aunt unfastened my over-alls unsnapped my tee 
shirt pull down my thick underpants. My aunt lifted onto the over sized 
potty-chair, put a safety belt to hold me on that fastened in the back 
out of my reach. She told me I had five minutes and turned the timer 
and left the room. I tried to go again but I was still too shy to go on 
this potty. My aunt returned after the timer went off and redressed me.
	I was led to the van and was on my way to the bookstore. My 
cousin had her son in a car seat next to me he was just as happy to 
have someone with him in the back of the van. Then I smelled something 
bad coming from him he had pooped his diaper. I told them the baby has 
poop in his pants I smell it. They said that’s what baby’s do they poop 
and pee where ever they are they can’t help it. The baby’s name is 
Billy so call him by his name from now on.
	When we arrived at the bookstore we had to wait on my cousin to 
change Billy’s messy diaper it took only three or four minutes. As we 
walk to the store’s door I told my aunt I needed to use the bathroom. 
She told me I should have used it at home fifteen minutes ago. I said I 
didn’t have to go then. She said. Just fifteen minutes ago you were on 
the potty-chair and not go, now you need to go you are supposed to be a 
big boy. Big boys go when they have a toilet around or hold it until we 
have a toilet for you to use. I said. OK. She said that the bookstore 
had no public restrooms that I had to hold it like a big boy.
	When I got in the store I asked where the restrooms were. The 
saleslady said they had no public restrooms. The saleslady said how 
cute I looked that I looked just like my little brother. My aunt 
whispered to me I told you had to hold it until we got home. I need 
five books it took about twenty minutes to find all of them. As I was 
standing in the checkout line the need to pee and poop was getting too 
hard to stop. My aunt gripping my hand so I could not runaway to find a 
bathroom so I had to hold it.
	I paid for my books and walked out the door I was so relieved I 
had made it without messing my pants. In a few minutes I would be back 
at my aunt’s house where I could sit on the potty-chair and be a go boy 
for my aunt.
	We were on our way home but as I reached the van a cramp hit me 
hard and quick as a large load of poop went into my thick training 
pants. I I was so surprised by my accident because it just came out so 
fast. The load of poop was followed by a flash flood of pee. I have 
been holding all morning now I was soaking all my clothes from the 
waist down. Tears came to my eyes as my aunt said look the little boy 
had an accident. My cousin said we knew the little baby could not be 
trusted that is why we have a change of clothes in the back of the van.
	My cousin put her Billy in his car seat then helped my aunt 
remove my wet shoes and socks, over-alls and wet tee shirt. That left 
me wearing my wet and messy training pants. They lay me down on a large 
changing mat in the back of the van. They worked fast as they cleaned 
my messy bottom they had a lot of practice from Billy. I was so ashamed 
to have these women clean poop off my bottom I just closed my eyes 
while they worked.
	Then my aunt had me by the ankles lifting my bottom in the air 
then I knew how strong she was. When she lowered my bottom I felt 
something get pulled up between my legs I knew what it was and tried to 
squirm away but with a quick smack on my bare bottom I stopped 
squirming letting them put the very thick cloth diaper on me. The 
diaper was twice as thick as the training pants were. After my aunt 
pinned the diaper on my cousin pulled on my plastic pants over the 
diaper. The plastic pants crinkled as they were pulled on making feel 
like a baby. The new tee shirt had Pooh Bear on it I closed my eyes 
again as they snapped the bottom of the tee shirt. I started to cry 
hard so they put a large pacifier in my mouth and told me to keep it 
there or get spanked. As I sucked my pacifier they dressed me in 
clothes that look just like little Billy’s clothes.
	They put me in a large care seat and fastened me in next to Billy 
he just got a happy look on his face as he looked at me sucking my 
pacifier just like he was. I wanted to hit my aunt and get away but 
dressed like I was where would I run? If I resisted I would get bare 
bottom spanked and that was too painful so I sat there and sucked my 
pacifier. When we stopped at McDonald’s to eat lunch I had to waddle 
with my thick diaper between my legs crinkling with every step sucking 
my pacifier tears rolling down my cheeks. I knew I looked like an over 
grown toddler.
	I need to pee again I tried to talk with the pacifier in my mouth 
but my aunt said she did not want to hear a word come from my mouth. I 
was so upset I just wet my diaper as I walked beside her. I ate my 
Happy Meal and drank my large Coke I wet again I was mad and wanted to 
make trouble for her by making her have to work. After wetting my 
diaper the second time I did not even feel that the diaper was wet all. 
All my pee was soaked up by the thick diaper I still felt dry.
	I waddled again to the van where I was again in my car seat 
sucking my pacifier on the way to the mall. I asked why we were going 
to the mall. My aunt said. That she needs to get me some pajamas. When 
we got to the mall I had a big shock when they pulled out of the back 
of the van a two-seat stroller the front seat was big with a front bar 
hinged to allow some one to sit down and close the front bar. My aunt 
told me to sit down in it. I hesitated then she smacked me on my 
diapered butt and I complied with her command. I heard a loud click as 
the bar was closed. Billy was riding behind me as we were on our way 
around the mall I was sucking on my pacifier and laying back to hide I 
did not want anyone to see me I did not care to see what was going on. 
I soon fell asleep I must have wet again in while I was riding around 
the mall because my diaper was leaking when I got out of the stroller. 
My aunt and cousin were loading up the clothes they bought when they 
saw my leaky condition.
	My aunt said my leak was not that bad I could wait until we got 
home. When arrived home the van was unloaded before Billy and I were 
released from our seats. I could not reach the release to my seat so I 
had to wait just like Billy. I knew I was in trouble again poop was 
going into my diaper with me trying to stop it without success. When my 
aunt led me to the bathroom I thought she was just going to clean me up 
and change me again.
	Then she had me stand in the bathtub while she removed all my 
clothes when she got to my plastic pants I looked down they were 
nursery print blue with rocking horses and cowboy hats. My aunt put 
them in the diaper pail next to the tub. Then she removed my wet and 
messy diaper as tears ran down my face, she put the messy diaper in a 
soaking pail. She had a shower wand rinsing off the poop and pee all 
over my bottom. When she finished the rinse down she put baby shampoo 
on my head and started to shower me telling me I was a stinky baby.
	Then she put more soap on my privets telling I need cleaned there 
to prevent diaper rash. She baby soaped the rest of my body then rinsed 
me down that is when I saw what little privet hair I had was gone I now 
looked like a little kid down there. I was mad and started to yell what 
did you do to me? I tried to hit her again she caught the punch with 
her hand telling me she was an ex-Marine that taught marshal-arts and 
self- defense. I realized I need to get away some how maybe tonight 
when everyone is asleep.
	She dried me off and walked me down the hall to a room I have not 
been in before. When I walked in I saw a large crib, changing table, 
and dresser that my cousin was loading up with my new clothes. My aunt 
lifted me onto the changing table surprising me at how strong she was. 
Again she put a thick cloth diaper on me with bright yellow plastic 
pants followed by nursery print footed-sleepers that zipped up the 
	She carried me to the twin sized crib and plopped me down into it 
then pulled up the side telling me it was the baby’s naptime. Everyone 
left turning out the light and closing the door being a windowless room 
it got dark except for the small nightlight on the other side of the 
room. I stood up to climbed out of this stupid crib. I side was high so 
I had to work hard to climb over the side rail in the dark. My padded 
feet hit the floor and I tried to get the zipper undone but could not 
un zip it I was stuck in the sleeper until they came back to let me 
out. I found my pacifier on a string fastened to the sleeper I was 
wearing. I knew that for some reason when I was sucking it in the 
stroller earlier today it relaxed me.
	My aunt caught me just as I found the crib side. She grabbed me 
unzipped my sleeper put it to my ankles pulled my plastic pants down 
unpinned one side of my diaper and bent my over her lap. With my bare 
bottom high in the air I was looking at the floor. Then a burning smack 
of my aunt’s hand hitting my bottom causing me to start crying 
instantly without control like a baby she gave me twenty smacks from 
her bare hand. She redressed me and put me back in my crib sucking my 
pacifier for real comfort now. She told me if I ever went somewhere 
without her okay I would get spanked again.
	Two hours later my aunt came in the room checking my diaper again 
I had wet in my sleep again she told me I need to be dry when I sleep 
before she could start to be potty trained. It looks like that will not 
happen for a very long time the way I always wet when I sleep. My aunt 
said that if I was not potty trained like a big boy. I will be treated 
just like the baby I act like. I cried that it was her fault I had the 
accident in the stores and in the van. It was her fault I wet my bed 
too. She told me she gave me a chance to use the potty twice before we 
left to go shopping. I said I am potty trained if she would let me 
prove it I would show her.
	She said in three weeks she would give me a toddler’s potty 
training test if I passed I would get my chance to be potty trained. If 
I still wet the bed like a baby I need to sleep like a baby in a crib. 
However, if I get daytime potty trained I could wear thin plastic 
training pants during the day until I was dry at night. I agreed to 
cooperate with her demands knowing I could pass any baby potty training 
test she had I was a big boy not a baby.
	She handed me a potty training book to read the pre requisite 
list to begin being potty trained. Toddlers were ready to be potty 
trained when their diapers were dry for two hours. They were ready to 
potty train Billy he has not wet the bed in six months and been dry for 
almost three hours or longer. The only test that scared me was the one 
that said two hours between diaper wettings that was my big problem. I 
knew I had a very small bladder and needed the potty more often than 
most people.
	My aunt kept me under her control for the next few days I could 
not even leave the room without her watching me. I was dressed, fed and 
treat just like Billy who I found out was almost three-years-old. My 
aunt told me if I behaved like a good boy she would let me share the 
nursery with Billy and have more freedom. Billy started calling me the 
baby because I wore baby clothes. I did the same things he did every 
one called him baby, he only knew a few words.
	Being called baby by a baby made me mad and upset all I could do 
was cry if I talked back to Billy or made him cry I would get spanked 
hard and cry for real. I kept my pacifier in my mouth to stay out of 
trouble that amused Billy for me a big boy needing a pacifier just like 
him. As long as I sucked the pacifier had played with Billy I stayed 
out of trouble.
	The fourth day of her baby treatment I woke up from my nap wet 
for the second time in many years. My aunt has been telling me I would 
sleep in the same room as Billy if I was a good boy. I guess I was good 
because when I woke up she told me from now on I would share Billy’s 
nursery. The rest of the day my aunt and cousin moved my baby things 
into the nursery. While they were busy I was able to sneak up to the 
room I spent my first night where all my adult stuff was.
	I found the room to be empty no bed, dresser, or clothes just 
toys toddler toys and over sized big ride on toys tricycles, spring 
horses, pedal cars, and all kinds of toddler boy toys. There was one 
big toy big enough for me and one small one for Billy. I was looking 
for my adult clothes. I could find no trace of anything I brought from 
home. When I turned around my cousin was standing behind me holding 
Billy. I see you found the playroom so let see if you can play with 
Billy for a while.
	I tried to act adult but dressed in a baby style play clothes 
wearing a wet diaper sucking a pacifier made it impossible. She put 
Billy down to play with me. Billy ran to his horse jumped on and 
started to ride giggling bouncing up and down back and forth. My cousin 
told me to get on mine and ride with him. I said no I am not a baby. My 
cousin was stronger than my aunt but I did not know that until she 
walked over to me grabbed me and put me over her knee and spanked me so 
hard it hurt even though I had a thick diaper on. Twenty-five spanks 
later she put me down and told me again get on my horse. I waddled over 
to my big spring horse where I had a lot of trouble climbing on because 
it was too big for me.
	I realized as I sat on the saddle I must have pooped my diaper 
during my spanking because poop smashed all over inside my diaper all 
up my back and up in my crotch. With every move on my horse poop 
smashed making me feel more like a baby but sense I was not aloud to 
disobey I rode my horse just like Billy. Twenty minutes later when he 
got off his horse he started to play with some blocks. My cousin told 
me to get off the horse and play with Billy.
	I had forgot about my messy diaper when I got off my horse and 
started to play with Billy but a few minutes later Billy said baby has 
poopy me smell it. I was shocked at what he said without ever stopping 
his play I thought he was a little baby and don’t know anything. My 
cousin asked me to walk over to her and turn around for her to check my 
diaper. She told me I was a messy baby she led to the changing pad on 
the floor in the corner of the room. My cousin changed my wet and messy 
diaper in just three minutes telling me to go play.
	I waddled to where Billy was playing I smelled poop knowing it 
was not me I smelled like a freshly powdered baby with a clean diaper 
on. I told my cousin baby Billy is poopy too. My cousin told Billy to 
stand up and turn around so she could check him the same as she did me. 
She changed his diaper and sent him back to play with me.
	My cousin left us to play alone knowing I had no choice but to 
play with Billy with nowhere to go wearing toddler clothes. I soon 
forgot what I was doing I was playing with Billy having so much fun 
playing with all with toddler toys. We played for hours I was soaked by 
the time my aunt came to get us but Billy was dry. Billy watched my 
aunt change my soaked diaper on the mat. My aunt did not put pants on 
me to cover my nursery print plastic pants and thick cloth diapers. My 
pants had big wet spots on them as she held them. I waddled down the 
two flights of steps passing the now useless bathroom with tears in my 
eyes knowing I had no choice in the matter.
	We arrived in the kitchen where my cousin had my highchair 
waiting for me. My aunt lifted me in my new highchair while my cousin 
put the tray in place. My aunt tied my bib on and I was fed just like a 
baby while Billy fed himself his food Billy seamed to like it giggling 
and smiling. I have been eating baby food for the last three days this 
made it hard to control my poop. I pouted with every spoonful knowing I 
would be messing my diaper in minutes I could no longer stop it when I 
ate I messed. No matter how much I squeezed my but cheeks poop found 
its way into my diaper.
	I thought I was just like Billy now except now I was wetting four 
times more diapers and pooping after my meal. I thought that was the 
same as Billy. Billy only pooped in the morning now not every time he 
ate a meal like me, I pooped every time I ate. When I was wet or messy 
I tried to hide it but how could I. I could not change my own diaper 
with the diapers under some one else’s control. I was just like Billy 
in most ways except now someone would feed me, change me, bathe me, and 
keep me out of trouble. I could not even get up and walk to another 
room without supervision. Billy was aloud to fed himself and go room to 
room without someone following he started to tell when he need a change 
unlike me trying to hide my wet or messy diaper.
	After three weeks of baby treatment my aunt woke me one morning. 
She told me it was time for her two baby boys to start potty training. 
Billy will start first sense she don’t want to have two babies in potty 
training at the same time. Billy doesn’t wet the bed like I do or mess 
his diaper all the time so he might be easier to train. My aunt told me 
three days after Billy starts I get my turn to start if I watch Billy I 
might learn how to do it right. My cousin picked Billy up out of his 
crib removed his dry night diaper dressed in nothing but thin training 
pants. She led him to his new potty-chair next to his crib pulled down 
his new training pants and sat him on his new potty. She fastened the 
little belt to strap him down and gave him a toy to play with.
	While I was getting my wet and messy diaper changed in my crib 
Billy just sat there, I thought. When my diaper change was over I was 
told to stand by my crib wearing nothing but my cloth diaper and 
plastic pants waiting on my aunt to dress me. I stood by my crib 
looking at Billy on his potty with a big grin on his face. I was 
wishing I was doing what he was doing I would show him how to do it 
right babies don’t know how to do it. Then I saw my cousin release 
Billy wipe his butt stand him up and told him to pull his pants up he 
pull up his training pants like a big boy. Then I saw in his potty that 
he peed and pooped like a big boy he was rewarded with a small piece of 
candy. Billy was dressed like an older toddler no diaper bulge while 
all I had was my diaper and plastic pants.
	At breakfast Billy was sat in his new booster seat next to my 
cousin I still had my highchair next to my aunt. I asked why Billy gets 
a chair and I get a baby chair my aunt told me Billy is a big boy not 
wetting his bed in more than three months and stayed dry at night for 
the last three months. Billy was now aloud to feed himself big people 
food and drinking from a training cup. I was still being fed baby food 
and drinking from a baby bottle.
	I was almost finished eating my oatmeal and was drinking my 
bottle when I felt poop go into my diaper followed by a flood of pee. I 
barely felt the need then it happened. It was so quick less than a 
minute my accident was over. I thought now why should I hold it I am in 
a highchair wearing a diaper with no way to get to use the potty or get 
the diaper off. In three days I will be out of these stupid diapers and 
have my adult clothes back my life will return to being and adult not a 
helpless baby.
	The first day of training Billy I played up stairs my cousin 
would come up every two hours take Billy to the potty in the corner of 
the playroom next to the changing mat. Billy’s first accident he wet 
his training pants just after we started to play my cousin spanked his 
bare bottom and strapped him on his potty for ten minutes. Billy had 
new pants when he returned to play. Then my cousin said she smells poop 
and looked at me she did not even check my diaper. I wanted to hide but 
I was caught with a messy diaper I wanted training pants so bad I would 
do anything to get out of my diapers. Billy was playing while my cousin 
changed my wet/messy diaper on the changing mat next to the potty 
	Sense his spanking Billy has been clean and dry. My cousin would 
take him to his potty chair every two hours or longer, he had a potty 
chair in every room. My diaper was changed every time Billy was on the 
potty-chair. Billy always watched while I got my diaper changed and 
giggled when I was finished.
	Every evening Billy and I would take a bath in the large bathtub 
my aunt had. My aunt told me sense I had no privet hair and my privets 
were so very small it did not make sense to waste a nice bubble bath. 
We would play in the tub while my aunt would wash us Billy would be 
done first and my cousin would dry him and let him put his own under 
pants and two-piece pajamas on. This time I watched him get thin 
underwear under his two-piece pajamas not training pants.
	When my aunt led me to the nursery I saw Billy had a captain bed 
with no side rails at all. The same captain bed I slept in on my first 
night his bed did not have the rustle it had when I slept in it. I was 
being diapered on the changing table and dressed for bed after my 
diapers and plastic pants were on my sleeper’s were put on. I asked my 
aunt. When can I get a big bed and pajamas like Billy? She said only 
when I stop my bed-wetting until then I will sleep in my crib only 
babies wet the bed and babies sleep in a crib.
	When she finished zipping my footed sleeper she plopped me in my 
crib like I was a toddler then pulled up the side. I lay my head down 
while she tucked me in putting my bottle in my mouth. I started to suck 
without thinking it was natural thing for me to do now.
	The more I tried not to wet my bed the wetter my diaper was in 
the morning. The more I tried not to poop or pee my pants the more it 
happened. I woke up early in the morning to Billy sitting on his potty 
pooping and peeing like a big boy with out anyone telling him to do it. 
I wanted to show my aunt that I was a big boy too. When my aunt caught 
Billy on his potty she gave him such a big hug and kissed him.
	She watched him dress in big boy clothes no toddler clothes for 
him any more him he was no longer a baby that need potty training. In 
three short days he was potty independent using the potty without being 
reminded. My aunt said it is now it’s my turn for potty training.
	I will show them how to do it right I am a big boy too. My aunt 
removed my wet night diaper and asked me if I was ready for potty 
training. I said. I don’t need to be trained I know how to use the 
potty I am not a baby.
	My aunt picked me up and put me on my new potty-chair just like 
Billy’s except twice the size making it oversize even for me. She 
fastened the strap holding me on and handed me a toy to keep me 
occupied I felt like a real toddler with his mommy potty training him 
for the first time in his life. For five minutes my aunt she stood next 
to me waiting for something to happen my feet were off the floor 
swinging back and forth waiting to pee or poop but nothing happened. I 
tried to poop or pee but failed in my attempt. I was dressed in thick 
training pants just like the ones I wore on my first day here. Then the 
big boy clothes with Big Bird on my yellow tee shirt and Cookie Monster 
on my red pants. They were big boy pants only in that they had no open 
crotch for diaper changes like my other pants were. They were just like 
Billy’s big boy pants.
	I waddled into the kitchen and was aloud to sit at the table just 
like Billy next to him. As I sat down my aunt fastened a seat belt 
holding me down just like Billy. I started to eat my oatmeal just like 
Billy then the need to poop hit me fast before I could tell my aunt in 
needed to poop, poop was in my training pants. I did not know what to 
do what would happen to me now pee was pouring into my thick training 
pants I could not stop it. I new from Billy’s accident I was going to 
get a spanking.
	Billy said. Me smell poop. My Aunt and cousin looked at me as 
tears started down my cheeks. I said. I could not stop it, it was an 
accident. My aunt told my cousin looks like he is not ready for 
training we need to wait a few more months. After breakfast I was 
returned to diapers and my potty chair disappeared I was so glad I was 
not spanked the bare bottom spankings hurt. I saw that Billy’s potty 
was gone so I thought he was going to be wearing diapers just like me.
	Billy and I were playing up in the playroom when he got up went 
down the stairs to the potty as I followed him I got caught. My cousin 
pulled down my wet diaper and spanked me thirty times and said babies 
must stay in the playroom until they are potty trained. My cousin 
carried me up to the changing mat in the playroom. With Billy’s help my 
diaper was changed. Billy said. Baby has wet diaper. I felt so helpless 
having a baby referring to me as a baby.
	At lunch I was back in my highchair being fed by my aunt watching 
Billy feeding himself with a spoon dribbling down his chin on to his 
bib. At lease he was feeding himself not being fed like me. He had big 
boy food I had baby food again. After the second jar my diaper was full 
of poop and pee again just like every time I eat. My aunt said I will 
have to learn to wear diaper in public because in two months I go to 
college. In college classes can be two hours long without breaks not 
like high school where you can potty every hour.
	She told me she would come by the college in her van to change my 
diapered butt to try to keep me from diaper rash. Today I would still 
need to learn to wear diapers in public. We would start by going to the 
park to play with the toddlers wearing very thick diaper and plastic 
pants. Everyone that sees you will know you are wearing diapers. Even 
most of the toddlers will know what you are wearing. Now, it is naptime 
for you too after I change your diaper. Billy helped my aunt change my 
messy wet diaper so we could take our nap me in my crib Billy in his 
big boy bed.
	Two hours later my cousin woke me by changing my wet diaper 
telling me it is time to go out and play. Billy was returning from the 
bathroom next to the nursery saying me go poo-poo in the potty. My 
cousin hugged Billy saying good big boy. They were right the diapers 
they pinned onto me were so thick I could barely walk. The tee shirt 
that snapped over my plastic pants at the crotch puffed out so it 
looked liked I had a balloon for underpants. She led me down to the 
stroller where Billy was waiting in the back. I was lifted in and the 
seat belt and front bar was snapped. I tried to get out I was not going 
to the park wearing only a tee shirt to hide my diaper. As hard as I 
tried I could not do anything to prevent it. I was on my way out the 
door I started to cry for real as my pacifier was put into my mouth I 
started to suck just to calm down.
	We strolled across the campus where I saw many pretty girls I 
wanted so bad to be out of this stroller and dressed in adult clothes 
so I could talk to them. Some of them stopped us. The girls would 
always say what cute kids. They would ask why is the big one wearing 
diapers and sucking a pacifier. My aunt would say he keeps wetting his 
pants and bed so he needs diapers all the time. Everyone agreed that 
was best for a boy that can’t keep his pants dry to wear diapers.
	Then a beautiful girl walk over to us and handed my aunt a card 
telling her she was a professional baby sitter and if she ever needed a 
baby sitter to call her. She said she has had big babies as old as 
thirteen that needed diapers. It would be no problem taking care of a 
baby his size, what is he ten or eleven-years-old. My aunt just smiled 
saying nothing but I will keep you in mind if I need someone.
	I felt helpless as I felt pee flooding my damp diaper making the 
thick cloth just a little damper. We finely arrived at the play area 
where there were about fifty kids’ ages two to five most were big kids 
no diapers. I was taken out and told I better play or get a bare bottom 
spanking in front of everyone. I waddled to a swing but a five-year-old 
beat me there so I waddled to the slide and climbed up not knowing 
everyone could see my diapered butt up there until I was up there.
	When I slide down all the big kids started to tease me so I 
sucked my pacifier harder and just played on the other toys crying. 
Soon the big kids got tired of teasing me and I was accepted as just 
another kid that just wanted to play. I started to enjoy playing after 
an hour and had fun until my aunt changed my soaked diaper on a blanket 
next to a picnic table. However, no one even looked while she put a 
clean dry diaper on me. I was sent to play wearing exposed diapers and 
plastic pants. I did not care I was having so much fun I forgot I was 
diapered in public.
	Every day for the next five weeks I could not wait to go to the 
playground to play with my friends I was almost an equal to most of 
them except my potty problem. I did not care it was playtime I learn to 
do things I never could do before like do a pull-up, swing from one 
ring to another. In high school I failed gym class because I was so 
much of a weakling now I am learning how to be strong.
	Now it is time for my college life to begin diapers and all with 
my aunts help maybe I will learn to be a big boy like Billy. I am 
smarter but my social standing is that of a small toddler my feelings 
are easy to hurt and I cry too easy. My aunt told me Billy is my boss 
at home and play I must do what he wants me to do except when I am 
studding my college work in my study room. Billy would tell everyone 
when I was wet and help change my diaper witch was every hour or less. 
I can’t seam to hold my pee more than an hour my bladder is too small.
	Two weeks before college started my aunt and cousin wanted to see 
a movie so they called the baby sitter’s number. I had just finished 
dinner in when the sitter arrived. I was sitting in my highchair in a 
wet and messy diaper needing a change. The sitter said she could handle 
it and told my aunt and cousin to go to the movie.
	The sitter said her name was Marry. Marry unfastened Billy so he 
could go potty then she wiped my messy face clean and removed my messy 
bib. She was just as strong as my aunt picking me up and carried me to 
the bathtub where she removed my clothes just like my aunt saving my 
diaper for last. She carefully removed the messy garment putting it in 
with my other messy diapers. Marry rinsed my bottom clean of poop 
cleaning the tub, too. She ran a warm, soapy bath for me and Billy when 
she finished rinsing the tub.
	Billy and I played in the tub just like we always do while Marry 
washed us clean. Marry dried Billy first handing him his underwear when 
she finished. He pulled the regular underwear up and watched me get 
dried off. When Marry finished drying me she carried me to the nursery 
and strapped me on the changing table. She handed Billy his two-piece 
pajamas that he started to put on before she had a chance to tell him 
to do it.
	Marry started to diaper me for the night she put baby oil, baby 
lotion and baby powder. She said I smell so sweet that she would love 
to kiss me all over. That made me giggle through my pacifier at the 
thought of her kissing me I would like that so much. She folded two 
thick night diapers to be pinned on me. That was something my aunt 
never did. The diaper was so thick that my puffy plastic pants did not 
have to puff out the diapers held them out. Marry put my footed 
sleepers with the mittens over my hands. Marry sent me to play until 
bedtime I could not walk very well so I crawled to the playroom where 
Billy was having fun on his horse.
	I tried to get on my horse but failed so I was content to play 
with the trucks and cars in the playroom while Billy rode his horse. I 
whimpered as I tried to play with the trucks and cars with the thick 
mittens covering my hands made it so hard, I wanting to ride my horse. 
About a half hour later Billy joined me so we could start having fun 
until Marry picked me up saying baby’s bedtime. I asked. Why Billy is 
not coming, too? Marry said my aunt said Billy can stay up another hour 
sense he is a big boy.
	Marry plopped me in my crib not closing the top big mistake I 
thought. I was given my bottle and Marry left the room. I jumped up and 
tried to climb out of the crib but with such thick diapers and mittens 
on I could not even begin to lift my leg high enough to start my climb. 
I fell back to my crib mattress and started to suck my bottle. I did 
not even hear Billy come to bed that night.
	The next morning my aunt asked us how we liked Marry. Billy said 
she let me be the big boy and go to bed way after the baby. He said. 
The baby was sleeping when he went to bed and Marry even changed his 
wet diaper and he did not wake up. Billy said he needed the potty last 
night and peed in the potty chair like a big boy. My aunt said, “My! We 
do have a big boy here!” She turned to me and said, “Why can’t you use 
the potty like a big boy and not wet your diaper like a baby?” I just 
whimpered while being carried to eat in my highchair. I had trouble 
walking down the stairs because of the thick diaper that Marry pinned 
on me that’s why my aunt was carrying me. I could not even tell if I 
was wet or not. Even after I was seated in my highchair I could not 
tell if I was wet, dry or messy. My aunt said, “What a thick diaper you 
have on! Maybe this is the right way to treat a big baby like you.”
	I was told College would start in two weeks so my aunt was going 
to start taking me around the college wearing my college diapers under 
regular clothes. No one could tell I was diapered as long as I did not 
pee too much or poop. My aunt would change my diaper in the back of her 
van while everyone was walking about. The van had blacked out windows 
so no one could see in.
	For the next two weeks I was taken all around the campus to the 
little kid parks to play wearing my toddler clothes and get my diaper 
changed on a blanket in the open air for all to see. After my public 
diapering I gave up and let it happen. I found out that no one even 
cared about a little boy getting his diaper changed it was normal to 
	I found out that do to my size and dress I looked like a very 
large toddler that needs his diaper and could pass for a real baby. My 
first few weeks of college went great. After every class my aunt would 
change me and send me to the next class or if I had no class I went to 
play in the park dressed like a big toddler. I had two lives now a baby 
life and a college life. After three months of my two lives my aunt, 
cousin, Billy and Marry were the only ones that knew about my baby 
life. Billy was in advanced preschool learning how to change diapers of 
the younger preschool kids and doing first grade school work.
	He was the best kid in his class the teacher asked if he had a 
baby brother. My aunt said, “Sort of. We have a big baby that lives 
with us.” Billy’s teacher told my aunt that Billy is a good diaper 
changer and could be trusted to do a good job.
	My aunt told me Billy was now in charge of most of my wet diaper 
changing, bathing and dressing with her help until he is good enough to 
do it alone. Within a few months my college grades came in I was 
failing badly my college career was over and was told not to come back 
until I was more mature.
	Finding out I failed out of college my mom and aunt made the 
decision to keep me as dependant as they could. I had no place to go no 
clothes to wear except toddler clothes and diapers. I was as dependant 
as a real toddler the size of a kindergarten or first grader. Where 
could I go what could I do my bladder was so small I was always wetting 
my diaper because I was always drinking a bottle. I was wetting every 
40 minutes or so without thinking of trying to stop why should I try I 
was wearing diapers. Poop just happened at anytime poop would be in my 
diaper from nowhere I would feel the need to poop and before I could 
react I had a poop filled diaper.
	The more I tried to resist the baby treatment the more of a baby 
I was becoming I had almost no control over my pee or poop feeding 
myself was difficult because I had to sit in a highchair with my food 
was so close to me on the tray that I made a mess of my bib and tray. 
My face stayed clean if I could feed myself I was not a total baby. If 
some fed me what big boy status I had was gone I became just another 
	After being treated like a baby over the 9 months I have been 
turned me into a real baby I no longer wanted to chase girls or do big 
boy things. The biggest big boy thing I would do was ride my tricycle 
or spring horse. Toys were my favorite thing no games just toys and 
playing in the sand or water. Billy has long ago stopped using 
pacifiers and bottles not me I loved to suck my pacifier it relaxed me 
so much I would forget I was almost an adult. I was just a fifteen-
year-old baby
	Bottle taking was my only way I could drink so I had to drink 8 
bottles plus every day at. I had a bottle with every meal a bottle at 
nap and bedtime. This caused me to wet 12 to 18 times a day but my 
diapers were changed only when they were needed. My diaper usage was 
about the same as a fifteen-month-old boy. My aunt started to send me 
to daycare with Billy so I might learn to be a big boy sense I failed 
so badly maybe the other babies could teach me how to be a big boy 
again. Billy went to preschool I had to go to the nursery school with 
the real babies.
	My privets were small except I did have a very small ball sack so 
my aunt told them it was a birth defect they excepted it I was treated 
just like I was two years old not potty trained. They asked when I 
would start my potty training. She said when they think I am ready but 
not until I can stay dry for at least an hour. They said the minimum is 
two dry hours for potty trainees to start potty training. She told them 
I had a long way to go for that he wet sometimes two times an hour.
	I have gone from a college student failure to a potty training 
failure to a nursery school failure. Now I am just a baby no way to 
escape my new life Billy likes to play with me sometimes but he is 
getting to sophisticated in his play for me to participate in. He says 
babies are not aloud to do it when I try to play with him and he 
doesn’t want me to play. Billy’s friends like to play with me for a few 
minutes but when they find out how much a baby I am they loose 
	My aunt started to use Pamper size 6 on me when she found they 
fit me perfectly. Now she did not have all the laundry to do with Billy 
potty trained and me using pampers. I used 12 too 15 Pampers a day. My 
aunt was rich and bought them by the case 1500 diapers in a case. She 
bought 2 cases we had diapers all over she said when they are gone she 
will try to potty train me again. She said she had a two-year supply 
most two-year-olds learn to hold their pee so I need to practice 
holding my pee. Just like a baby I need to learn to hold my pee or I 
would be a permanent baby.
	Sense I started to wear Pampers Billy has learned to change all 
my diapers just like my aunt and cousin even the messy ones. He always 
gave me a toy and pacifier while he worked that relaxed me to allow him 
to do the job.
I had no way to get potty trained until I learn to be a big boy. I am 
happy to have someone to take care of me like my aunt, cousin, and 
Billy they like to keep me a clean-diapered baby. I stopped all 
resistance to my baby treatment and became just another baby. I turned 
18 last month I have grown to be about 4 feet 10 inches tall I weighed 
80 pounds. My aunt had all my baby clothes custom made. I had all new 
baby furniture even a stroller and car seat. I am still just another 
baby even going to nursery school sense I am such a good baby.

I have a good baby life with good baby sitters.

Baby Donny Forever

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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