Title: Christmas Carol in Diapers
Name: Fixies
Email: fixies@live.nl
Gender: Male
Current Age: 48
Posting Date: 12/21/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A Chrismas story about a man with two youg sons who wets the bed after their mother died. The man is visited by three ghosts at Chrismas Eve...                  


It was Christmas Eve. A cold wind blew over the land, snow was in the 
air... everywhere happy people were preparing for the big day. Every 

No, somewhere in the country there was a man with his two sons. They 
weren�t happy, all three where kneeling by a small stone in the 
graveyard. Their mother was lying there, she died exactly a year ago. 
She was killed by a drunken driver on Christmas Eve.

The driver was never found, leaving the poor children and their father 
alone on the world.

Small tears from the two boys landed on the stone, making small icy 
islands on it. After a while the three men stood up and walked away 
from the grave, all where cold to the bone, but they seem not to feel 
the intense cold in their bodies. The youngest boy said goodbye to his 
mother and in tears they left the graveyard.

At home after a nice warm shower the boys where put in bed. With a 
small kiss the kids went to the place where everything is possible...

The father walked in the living room and sat next to the warm 
fireplace. There was no Christmas decoration in the house. The lights 
were out in the small room. The man took a bottle of brandy and started 
drinking. The fire made a spooky atmosphere and there he saw her. She 
stood in a nice white dress but looked very sad. Her arm stretched with 
one finger pointing at him. �You�re not real! You�re just in my mind! 
You�re nothing more then an illusion made by the brandy and the 
fireplace.� he sad with a slight tremble in his voice.

�I�m not real? Did you live for 15 years with someone who was not real? 
Am I nothing more then an alcoholic illusion? Are you sure, Marley?� 
Her voice was soft and sounded like a sad song. Marley looked at the 
image of his late wife, she was a little transparent, he could see the 
fireplace through her body.

�You�re dead, we�ve been to the graveyard where we buried you! You�re 
dead as a doornail!�

Marley had tears running from his face when he told his wife she was 

�Oh yes, I am dead! But I�m sent back to you to help you. You�re making 
me very angry the way you raise our children!� The last words came out 
in a very mad and hard tone.

Marley got scared. His dead wife was punishing him for not raising his 
children in the right way.

�It�s easy for you to say, you don�t have to raise them all by 
yourself! And what am I doing wrong? They�re healthy, they�re getting 
good grades at school, so what do you want more from me?�

�I want my children to be happy!�

�Why did you die then, you made them unhappy, not me!�

�You know you�re wrong!� The ghost said, very mad now.

�But because I love you and my children I will help you. I will send 
you three spirits, all will come this night to you. The first one will 
arrive at one o�clock sharp. Don�t miss him, he is the spirit of the 
past year. He is very powerful and can�t stand people who are late! 
Then one hour later the second ghost come, he is the one who brings you 
to the near future and will give you a great shock. And the last spirit 
will show up at three o�clock, he will show you times long gone by! He 
will be very educative, you know.

I have to go now my dear, don�t forget: I love you.�

Slowly the image of the woman faded away, leaving the poor Marley alone 
in the room. He whispered: �I love you, too, my dear...�

Although the fire was burning nicely Marley was cold. He felt like he 
was back in the graveyard. Quickly, he took another glass of brandy and 
felt the warm glow of the liquor in his body. As the brandy warmed up 
his body and mind he was more convinced that the ghost was just an 
illusion. A product of the lights and shadows of the fire in 
combination with the alcohol.

First verse: the spirit of last year.

After some time he went upstairs to his room. First he walked in by his 
sons. They where sleeping soundly. They looked kind of sad. �It�s 
because they miss their mom on this special day�, Marley thought and 
went to bed.

Slowly the time rolled by. And while Marley was asleep the clock struck 
one. As if stung by a bee, Marley sat straight up in his bed, clutching 
the blanket up to his neck. Sweat was pouring over his back and he felt 
very cold at the same time. There was a knock on the door, and before 
Marley could say a word the door opened. A strange boy, not older then 
ten years of age entered the room. It was as if he was walking in a 

A smile was on his face. He was wearing a white suit with white shoes.

Marley looked surprised. �Are you the spirit my wife told me about? Are 
you the spirit of last year?�

The spirit just nodded. He sat down on the bed, like his sons did when 
they had a bad dream. Marley had to restrain himself, not to stroke the 
back of the boy, like he did so often with his own sons... �I will 
bring back the last year for you. You will see what happened, but you 
can�t be noticed by the people you see. Do not try to contact them, 
it�s of no use!�

Then the boy laid his hand on the shoulder of Marley and it looked as 
if the room was filled with a strange fog. Slowly the fog disappeared 
and Marley was back in his house, but subtle changes could be seen. 
Marley heard crying from the living room. Thinking that his sons got 
out of bed, he ran down the stairs, into the room. An officer stood in 
the middle of the room. Marley was hugging his crying sons, both a year 
younger as they where when he put them in their beds this night. Tears 
were rolling on the floor.

After the officer went away Marley took the boys to bed. The kids cried 
themselves asleep that night. Their father was sitting by the fire site 
with a large whiskey.

The next morning Marley heart a loud cry from the boys� bedroom. While 
turning to the place where his wife normally slept he asked, half 
sleeping: �Darling can you...� before ending his sentence he knew she 
could not go to his boys. He knew she would never be able to go to his 
boys anymore! He stood up and walked in the boys� room. Two young boys 
where standing by their beds in soaking wet pyjamas. A strong smell of 
pee hit his nose. Disappointed that his sons did such a childish thing 
he sent them to the shower without comforting them. He stripped the 
beds, and looked at the big wet spots on the mattresses. The boys 
entered their room, freshly washed, hairs still wet, a towel around 
their waists. They looked at their father and saw the disappointment in 
his eyes. �What has come over you two? You�re 7 and 9 years old, far 
too old to do this! Look what you�ve done to your beds, I hope this 
will be dry when you go to bed tonight.� While saying this he cleaned 
the beds and put the mattresses before the radiator of the central 
heating in the room of the boys.

The boys stood silenced as the watched their father cleaning up their 
mess. A tear formed in the eyes of the poor boys. Without a word they 
dressed themselves and went downstairs. Nobody was looking for the 
presents under the Christmas tree...

Marley looked to what was happening in his house just one year ago. The 
small boy at his site asked him: �Do you know what you did wrong that 

�Oh yea, I put the Mattress to close to the radiator, There was a big 
burning spot on it that evening.�

�WHAT?� the ghost yelled, �Is the only thing you can think of a ruined 
mattress? Didn�t you look at the faces of your children? Are you as 
blind as can be? Do you not feel anything? Come.�

The hand of the small boy laid down on the shoulder of Marley. The 
strange fog arrived again and when it disappeared they stood in a 
classroom. The teacher, a beautiful young lady listening to the name of 
miss Jones, had wrote on the blackboard: 2 + 4 = __. �Who can give the 
answer of this sum?� She asked and looked around her class with a nice 
smile. A few kids raised their hands. �OK, Brian you can come to the 
board and write the answer down!�

Marley saw his youngest son stand up and walk to the front of the 
class. With his childish handwriting he wrote the answer on the board. 
While writing the class started laughing. Brian stood in shock in front 
of the class. Small drops of urine felt from his pants on the floor, 
making a little puddle where he stood.

The nice teacher looked mad at her class and said, with a soft, but 
stern voice:

�I will give everyone of you some extra sums to make, just for laughing 
at Brian, who just had a little accident.�

The class was immediately silent, one boy dared to laugh a little 
longer, he yelled:

�But the baby wet his pants.�

Now with a little red flush on her face the teacher asked, a little 
mad: �And just before Christmas break, when I remember well, who had a 
little accident during lunch break?�

The boy went pale and shut his big mouth.

Brian was send to the nurse, who called his dad to take the poor boy 

Marley sat in the family car next to his son, the spirit sat in the 
booster chair of Mickey, the oldest son of Marley. There was nothing 
said during the trip home. Brian just sobbed a little. At home he was 
send to the shower and dressed himself in the clean clothes his father 
laid out for him.

When Brian came down freshly washed and in dry clothes, Marley asked 
his son to sit down.

�I�m very, very disappointed in you, Brian. How could you pee your 
pants as a one year old? You haven�t done that for over 4 years! What 
an embarrassment for me to be called from an important meeting just 
because my 7 year old son has wet his pants in front of his class.�

Brian let his head hang down, big wet tears dripped down on his pants.

�It was an accident, honest, dad, I didn�t want to do it. The whole 
class laughed at me, it was embarrassing for me too!�

�Oh Brian What must we do with you? You�re acting like a baby!�

That night Brian and his brother laid whispering in their beds.

�Oh I hated it when I wetted my pants in class. I wish that dad new 
that. I hated it when he yelled at me this afternoon. Oh and why do we 
still wet the bed every night sins mom died?�

Mickey came out of his bed and tried to comfort his younger brother, 
while his father was enjoying his third whiskey of that evening...

The spirit turned to Marley and asked: �Where were you when your sons 
needed you? Why was you so mad about the little accident your son had 
in school? Why did Mickey comforted Brian and not you?�

�My boy acted like a two-year-old, he has to grow up! He has to stop 
that silly wetting and there is just one way to help him. I have to do 
it this way, or he will never change!�

The spirit shook his head and laid his hand on the shoulder of Marley. 
The strange fog came up out of nowhere and the travelled to another 
time in the year.

Marley saw a big touring car and waved to Mickey. He was going to a 
school camp. Al the boys waved happily to their parents except for 
Mickey. With a little tear in his eyes he sat alone in the bus. Without 
friends, without any pleasure he went to camp...

That evening the boys were send to bed. Some boys where called to take 
their medicine.

Mickey lay in his sleeping bag, afraid to fall asleep, knowing he will 
be wet in the morning... Unfortunately for the little boy he was very 
tired and felt asleep soon. In the middle of the night he felt a man 
was shaking him carefully. Not knowing where he was Mickey said: �Dad?�

�No, Mickey it�s me, mister Wilkinson, your on school camp, remember?� 
Sure Mickey now remembered where he was and what he�d done. His 
sleeping bag was very wet, and so where his pyjama. He started to cry.

�Hush hush, you�re waking your classmates when you cry so loud. Go take 
a shower, I will meet you there.�

Without a word Mickey went in to the shower, took off his wet clothes 
and washed. When he was ready mister Wilkinson stood there with a towel 
and dried him up.

�Are you wetting often?� he asked softly.

�Since mom died, every night, before that I never did such a babyish 

�Hey, bedwetting is not babyish, there are more boys at this camp who 
have this little problem. So don�t worry, I will help you!�

When he was ready the teacher handed him a strange garment. Mickey 
looked at it and touched it. It felt weird.

�It�s a DryNites, specially made for kids like you! Come on, put them 

Mickey put the special nappy on and immediately after that his dry 
pyjama. He looked in the mirror and could not see anything of the 
special underpants he was wearing. But he felt the extra thickness 
between his legs, he liked the feeling, like he was hugged and taken 
care of.

The rest of the camp he went to the teacher before going to bed to take 
his �medicine�. Nobody ever noticed he wet the bed. In the middle of 
the night the teacher gave him clean DryNites pants because he was a 
heavy wetter...

The camp was over and the Mickey was welcomed home by his father. He 
checked the sleeping bag of his son and said: �I knew it, I knew you 
stop wetting when you are with other children. The proof is here, you 
can sleep dry!�

Mickey started to cry, �I wasn�t dry at camp, our teacher gave me 
DryNites pants so my pyjamas and bed staid dry while I was asleep. I 
was wet the first night and the rest of the nights I had those special 
pants on!�

�My sons don�t wear nappies! They�re big and strong, they do not need 

That night in bed Mickey was asked by Brian how it was to wear those 
special pants.

Mickey explained how nice and comfortable they where. How he was woken 
up in the middle of the night, just to get a dry nappy on, so it would 
not leak. He also was told that the special pants make him sleep 
better. He rested better and had more fun then ever.

�Can�t we get dad to buy us such pants, so we can wear them at night 
and don�t have to worry about wetting the bed?� Brian asked his big 

�Didn�t you hear what dad said this afternoon? It�s more likely that 
mom comes back then that dad gives us those pants!� The boys started 
softly to cry.

The next day, when Marley delivered his sons at school, he was asked 
inside to have a conference with mister Wilkinson.

�At the camp I�ve noticed that your son is a heavy sleep wetter. He was 
wet every night and told me he was wetting ever since your wife died. 
May I suggest you visit a doctor for this. It will help Mickey a lot, 
maybe the doctor can cure the bedwetting. By the way, I was informed by 
Miss Jones that Brian had several wetting accidents the last few 
months. Maybe he can be helped, too! Can I suggest DryNites pants for 
the boy�s Mickey used them during camp and they worked great on him.�

�Dear mister Wilkinson, I�m the father of my two sons. We�re going 
through a very difficult time for us. My sons are wetting to get a 
little more attention. The attention they miss since their mother died. 
I have to bring them up strong, so I�m not giving any help or comfort 
when they wet their beds or pants. They have to deal with this problem 
just by there selves nobody can help them, or they grow up like 
sissies. And the nappies you suggest are for losers. Kids wearing those 
will never get dry!�

After that been said Marley stood up and walked out of the school, 
leaving the flabbergasted teacher alone.

�So, what have we learned from this, Marley? Did you take the hand the 
teacher offered you? Did you go to the doctor? Did you help your sons 
with their little problem? Well?�

Marley looked a little sad. At that point he saw what he had done, but 
instead of telling the spirit that he said:

�You know what can happen to kids who wear nappies too long? I 
certainly know it I don�t want my boys to grow up like freaks. Oh no, 
that would not happen to them as long as I live!�

�Okay, when that�s the way you�re thinking I can�t help you or your 
sons anymore!

I will leave it to my cousin but don�t think he is as easygoing as I 

He masters the future, he shows you dark times. You won�t like it, I 
know, but it�s for your own good.

In the strange fog Marley travelled back to his bedroom. He was lying 
in his bed, under his blanket and looked around. The strange dream 
haunting in his head, but was it a dream?

Second verse: The spirit of the future

It took a while before Marley felt asleep again. But the state of rest 
didn�t take too long. Before he knew it the clock struck two. The room 
was filled with light, no fog this time. A boy, not older then eight 
years pulled Marley�s arm and took him to the future. It was a small 
boy, but with wisdom in his eyes and in the way he talked.

Marley took off the blanket and stepped with his bare feet on the 
floor. The light in the room became very bright and dimmed again. 
Marley looked around. He heard a small fight downstairs. So he walked 
to the noise. He saw his two sons standing there, both had grown quite 
a lot. And there he was too, Marley could see that his hair had some 
gray trims.

�I told you, I�m not feeling well, so I don�t want to go to that cold 
ugly graveyard.

�You can say hello from me to that stupid stone. Mom is gone and won�t 
see or hear you.�

Mickey stood there, with a bright red flush on his face. Puberty had 
hit him hard; pimples had changed his face into a moon landscape.

�Okay, when you won�t go with us, you can go to your room and stay 
there for the rest of the holydays.� Marley left the house, only with 
his youngest son, on their way to visit their mother�s grave.

Mickey went to his room, with tears running down his cheeks. How he 
wished he was with his dad and brother at the grave. Oh, how he wished 
his mother was still alive.

He sat down at his desk, took a piece of paper and his pen. With 
trembling hands he started to write. A tear fell on the paper smearing 
a word a little, but the sad boy seemed not to notice. After finishing 
his letter he kissed the picture of his mother and left the room.

At the graveyard things weren�t going as well, either. Brian cried the 
whole way, sobbing he asked his father why he was so hard on them. 
Marley looked much older then his age, he walked slow and didn�t answer 
his son. Brian noticed the little tear on his fathers face and stopped 
talking. The rest of the way was walked in silence. They placed some 
fresh flowers on the stone and staid there a couple of minutes in 
silent thoughts.

�Bye mom, Mickey says hello too, but he is a little ill and stayed at 
home.� Brian whispered so his father could not hear it.

At home everything was quiet. No light was burning, there was, as 
always during Christmas, no decoration, not even a tree. So the house 
was dark. Marley switched on the light and looked around. The shock was 
great. Tears started to fall on the ground. Just a few inches above the 
last step two bare feet dangled. Mickey had put a heavy rope around his 
neck and was hanging in just his pyjama�s. His pants were very wet, on 
the last step was a small puddle. The boy had left a small letter on 
the stairs for his devastated family.

The letter said:

Dear father,

I know you hate me for wetting the bed at my age, well I can only say, 
I hate it too!

It�s no fun to wake up in a wet cold bed every night. I don�t like it 
that I can�t invite friends to my room, because of the smell and the 
rubber sheet on my bed.

Oh and how I hate your disappointed face every morning when you find us 
wet in our beds.

I wish mom was here to comfort us, but she is dead and will not come 
back. And you do not even try to comfort me or Brian when we�re wet.

Despite all, I do love you.

Dear Brian,

I love you very much, I hope you can find the strength to go on, and I 
do hope you will be dry soon. Believe me, I don�t blame you for what I 
had to do today. I will look after you with mom.

Good bye, and forgive me


Marley read the small letter a thousand times. Many tears joined the 
tears from Mickey.

A few days later they laid Mickey to rest beside his mother. Brian 
cried his eyes out, Marley was strong, and he said a brief farewell to 
his son:

O Mickey, I remember when I held you in my arms for the first time. You 
were a very beautiful baby. And now, after such a short time we have to 
say goodbye to you. I hope you find the rest you wanted so desperately. 
You always will be in our minds as the caring and loving son and 
brother you always have been. We now say goodbye to you, please tell 
mom I love you both...

After the ceremony the left the graveyard and went home. The funeral 
was only for the family, and because nobody knew anything to comfort 
the mourning father and brother, they left them alone with their grief.

That night Marley took much more brandy the he should have done. But 
even all the alcohol in the world was not enough to ease his pain. How 
could his eldest son take his own life?

Why didn�t he saw his son was unhappy? Why didn�t he help him in the 
hard years after his mother died? After every thought he took another 
glass of brandy. The poor father was very drunk when he went up to his 
room, where he felt asleep in a haunted sleep.

His wife and son were blaming him for everything.

Marley had followed the scene and had tears in his eyes. He looked at 
the young spirit and asked: �Oh dear spirit, are you showing me the one 
and only future? Or are these shadows to be changed? Oh please tell me, 
do I have to lose my dear son? Please tell me if I can alter this 
terrible situation. What sense does it make when the future is 

The spirit looked at Marley, but did not say a word. He pulled his arm 
again and they were changing places again. This time he was in his 
house again. Marley saw his shadow of the future reading a letter. 
Again the man was crying. The letter told him:

Dear Dad,

I�m sorry that I�ve to inform you I will leave the house at once. I 
can�t stand your grief and sorrow anymore. I miss mom and Mickey, too, 
but life goes on. Your suffocating me with your grief. I will leave the 
country as soon as possible. I�ve found a very sweet girl, she knows 
about my wetting and doesn�t mind. She is even willing to buy some 
diapers for me, so the wetting will be no trouble at all!

I hope you can lay off the booze and find a new goal in your life.

Do not try to follow me, it will be useless. I�m travelling under a 
false identity.

I wish you all the best, and I do love you.

Your son,


The letter was not very personal. It looked like it was written by a 
clerk instead of a son who is running away with his sweetheart.

Marley went to the only friend he had left in the whole world. The 
bottle of liquor...

Again Marley was pulled away from this moment of grief by the young, 
silent spirit.

The next place the spirit took Marley was the graveyard. On a cold day 
a caretaker and his assistance stood by a grave. Nobody else was 
present. After putting the last dirt over the grave he looked for a 
moment at their work. �I was told that the Marley guy here was a good 
father when his wife was still living, but when she died in a terrible 
car crash it went downhill with him. And now he is lying here with his 
wife and eldest son. He died by a delirium, after his youngest son ran 
away he was not a single day sober anymore. It took the alcohol just a 
few months to kill him, the poor fellow.�

Marley couldn�t look at the grave, where his body was resting with his 
wife and son.

He went to the spirit and asked again: �Spirit, please tell me, can I 
change the future, can I keep these terrible things from happening?�

The spirit stood there in absolute silence. He pulled the arm of Marley 
just one time more and the father lay back in his bed.

Looking around him he saw no ghost. Silently he went to the room of his 
two boys.

They were lying in their beds sleeping. Some wet sheets where found 
near the bed of the two boys, unknowing of the ordeals their father was 
dealing with.

Verse 3: The spirit of the past

When Marley went back to his room he heard the church bells chime three 
times. He entered his room, and on the edge of the bed sat a man, about 
his age. He was dressed in a nice white suit. In his right hand he held 
a white cane. He smiled and said with a warm voice:

�Come with me Marley, I�ve a lot to show you.�

A simple tap with the cane brought Marley many, many years back.

He was lying in his small bed. He was not older then five. He was 
crying. Within a heartbeat the door opened and his mom came in the 
room. Taking the small boy out his wet bed.

With a soft, warm voice she said: �Come, come, Marley, it�s no 
problem.� She took the small boy to the bathtub, undressed him and gave 
him a nice warm bath. After that she dried him and gave the naked boy a 
big hug.

The next night mom went with the young Marley to his room. On the bed 
was a thick nappy and plastic pants. The young boy looked at his mom 
and smiled! He took of his clothes and lay down on the thick nappy. In 
no time his mother had the nappy and plastic pants on the boy, who 
smiled and hugged his mother.

�Look how happy you where when you was put back in nappies,� the spirit 

�Yes I was not very happy when mom took away my night protection. But 
that evening she was responsible for turning me into the freak I was 
for the rest of my childhood.�

�Okay, let�s see another picture of you in your childhood.�

The cane was raised and came softly on Marley�s shoulder. Our duo 
landed a few years later. The young Marley, now about seven years of 
age, was playing with another boy. The plastic pants of Marley was 
protruding above the shorts he was wearing. The two boys played with 
their toy cars none of them aware of the infantile garment Marley was 
wearing. Suddenly Marley�s mother entered the room. She held a dry 
nappy in her hands. She tapped on the shoulder of her son. With a broad 
smile Marley stood up and walked to his bed. A changing mat was placed 
on top of the blankets. In no time Marley unbuckled his pants and stood 
there with his plastic pants plainly in view of his friend Harley. The 
other boy did not blink his eyes by the sight of the boy in his very 
wet nappy. The nappy was changed in no time and the buttons on the 
plastic pants were closed with loud clicks. The pants rustled a little, 
Marley (as well the young as the older version) loved the soft sound of 
the plastic pants. While the younger Marley was putting on his shorts, 
the spirit looked at his companion.

�Where do you see a freak? I don�t see a freak here. Your friend seems 
not to care what you are wearing. And you two are playing as totally 
normal seven years olds.�

�You don�t understand. It�s not normal for a seven-year-old to wet his 
pants, just for the fun of it. I didn�t need those pants during the 
day, but I had them on almost all the time!�

�But neither your friends, or your parents cared. As long as you were 
happy they supported you all the way... Do you remember when telling 
your class you had to wear nappies again? Let�s go there�

A small tap with the cane was enough to bring them to a classroom. The 
teacher asked the class to be quiet, because Marley had something to 

The older Marley saw how his younger version stood up and walked, a 
little shaky to the teacher. The class was completely silent when the 
young boy started to talk.

�Every one of you know I have problems with keeping my pants dry. I 
hate it when that happens. Now together with my parents I�ve decided 
that I�m going to wear nappies all the time. Not because I like them, 
but because I have to. I hope you will understand this and will help 

You could here a pin drop in the class after Marley had spoken. The old 
Marley whispered to the spirit than he didn�t told the whole truth 
there, he could do without nappies during the day, the �accidents� were 
staged, so every one would understand why he was going back in diapers.

�Yes and it was the plan of your father, when I recall it well, wasn�t 

The old Marley blushed.

�But did anybody ever bully you because you were wearing nappies?�

Marley shook his head and listened what happened next.

Martin, one of the class bullies, raised his hand and asked: �Can we 
see your nappy?� The young Marley smiled and said: �After you show the 
class your underpants I�ll show mine.� The class laughed.

The old Marley felt the cane of the spirit again on his shoulder and 
again they went to another place and time.

Marley was back in his old bedroom, now about 14 years old. It was dark 
outside. The boy stood there in just his nappy and plastic pants. He 
admired himself in the mirror and let his hand go over the soft plastic 
of his pants. It was obvious that he liked what he saw and felt. He 
laid down on his belly and started stroking his pants faster. His body 
showed the signs of pleasure. A few minutes of this exercise was enough 
to bring the boy to the peak. With a happy face the boy turned to the 
spirit and his him, who he could not see.

�Was this the reason you thought you were a freak in those days?� The 
white man asked Marley.

�Exactly! You hit the hammer on the nail! I don�t want my boys to fall 
in love with their nappies, that�s unnatural!�

�Why is it unnatural? Many healthy kids of that age are experimenting 
with their bodies and they are using all kinds of objects to help them. 
Come, let�s go to our last visit in your past, before we go home.�

This time Marley was 17 years old and was busy taking all his nappies 
and plastic pants out of his closet. He put them in a garbage sack. 
Every proof of his juvenile past was thrown away. Marley noticed how 
the boy was hesitating when he closed the bag, should he take one nappy 
and plastic pants out, just for old time sake? But no, he had to throw 
them all away.

The spirit took Marley downstairs where his mother was talking to an 
attractive young lady.

�So you two love each other?� Mother asked.

�Oh yes, with all my heart and soul. We are planning to get married 
when we�ve finished our school, in just two years time!�

�Well, then there is one thing, Cindy, that you have to know about 
Marley. The boy had in the past a problem with bedwetting, nothing 
serious, he got over it some years ago. We put him back in nappies when 
he was five years old. From that time on he developed a liking for his 
protective clothing and started wearing them during the day, too. We 
let him, because he was so happy in his nappies. When he met you he 
stopped wearing them, I think he is now throwing away the evidence of 
his past in nappies but I also think he still likes them.�

Cindy seemed not to care. She was in love with the boy, and such small 
thing from the past could not change her mind.

The old Marley looked in silence to his mother and wife to be. �She 
knew?� He whispered.

�Oh yes, lots of people knew the real reason of your nappy wearing. 
There is just one question I want to ask you: Where is the freak you�re 
talking about?�

Marley could not answer, his eyes where full of tears. What had he done 
to his two boys, could he save them from a very sad future?

Without he noticed he landed in his bed and was alone. The spirit had 

Quietly Marley left his house and went to a 24-hour store, owned by his 
old school friend, Harley.

Harley knew about Marley�s love for nappies. He listened to the supply 
his old schoolmate wanted.

After taken his order he asked, with a devilish grin on his face: �Is 
that all, nothing forgotten?�

Marley knew what he meant and a unmistakable blush came on his face. 
�No I�m over that now.� Marley thought after saying so: �I think.�

Harley smiled understanding and said: �I�ll bring this all to your 
house in about two hours.�

Marley went to the wood, near the village and cut a nice, small 
Christmas tree.

At home he decorated the tree with the things he found on the attic. He 
was just finished when his friend arrived with the special gifts, all 
nicely wrapped in Christmas Paper.

Harley had labelled the presents with the names of the children.

After placing all the parcels under the tree Marley went to bed for a 
short sleep. In less then an hour his two children entered his room, 
screaming: �Santa has come and bought us a tree and presents! Marley 
smiled about the enthusiasm of his sons, who were dancing in there wet 
pyjamas around his bed. �Come dad, let�s go down and open our 

In no time they were downstairs and the boys were opening their 
presents. Flabbergasted, they looked at their gifts. Dad had always 
said that diapers were fore babies and losers, and now they�re they 
were, dozens of diapers, plastic pants and all the other stuff they 
needed. At first Marley thought that they weren�t happy with their new 
undergarments but he was wrong! The two boys ran to their father and 
hugged him.

�Can you put our nappies on now, can we wear them all day? Please dad, 

Marley could do nothing else than diaper his sons, who were truly happy 
for the first time since their mother died.

Then Mickey said: �Dad, aren�t you opening your present?�

It was just then that Marley noticed there was one present left, with 
his name on it. Trembling he opened the package. It couldn�t be true, 
could it? Thinking of the only things there could be in the package 
made Marley got exited. It was true there were thick cloth nappies and 
plastic pants in the present. They were way too big for the two boys 
the only one in the room that could fit in them was Marley...

The boys were stunned and so was Marley. He took his kids on his lap, 
the rustling of the plastic pants brought back happy memory�s of the 
past. He hugged his sons and told them the story of his past.

And he told them what had happened the last night.

Mickey and Brian looked at their dad after he had revealed his hidden 

�Well,� Mickey broke the silence after Marley had finished his story.

�Well what?�

�Well, when are you going to put your nappies on? You want them don�t 
you?� Again his eldest son was right.

Marley left the room. He put on the nappy en the plastic pants and came 
down. Three happy boys were enjoying Christmas.

By the way, Mickey never committed suicide and Brian left the house 
after finishing University. Marley and his boys are still in close 
contact and they�re still enjoying their nappies.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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