Title: Chris, Brandon and Jake: Revelations at the Sleepover
Name: Chris
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 13
Posting Date: 11/01/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: 11-year-old's Chris, Brandon and Jake decide to have a sleepover at Chris's for a weekend when secrets are revealed...                
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 7 (35%)
Hi my name is Chris. I'm an average 11 year old boy. I have many 
secrets but none as deep as my interest in diapers.

My interest started when I was four. I came out of diapers when I was 
three. I can still remember to this very day when I came out of 
diapers. I was devastated.

Although I still wore diapers at night they just didn't cut it, so when 
I was seven I worked up the guts to ask my mom if I could wear them in 
the day. she said yes and I now wear them all the time for number one 
and two.

My family won the lottery when I was ten and life changed for me. A 
lot. For one we had a huge house built on a stretch of land just 
outside of Colorado. The back garden was half the size of a baseball 
stadium and the house was the size of a large hotel. I mean very large. 
It had three floors, not including the basement. My room was huge and I 
had a lot of stuff so it was just as well.
Chapter one: a new school.
Today was my first day of school. I new it would be hard adjusting to 
everything and I was kind of regretting it.

"Chris wake up" I heard a voice through the door say. "give me ten 
minutes" I replied.
I stretched and then got out of bed. I took off my night diaper and 
cleaned up my mess. I put the diaper in the bin as went to take a 

I dried off and climbed onto my bed pulling a disposable diaper under 
my but. I strapped it up and pulled my pants up. I got into my school 
clothes and went downstairs.

"c'mon breakfast's ready" my mum said as she pulled out a chair for me. 
I had my toast and drank my orange juice. "the schoolbus is here quick 
run before you miss it" my mum said as I ran out of the kitchen with my 
backpack and headed out the door. "have a nice day" my mum added as I 
ran for the bus.

School started great. I was told to wait at reception for the nurse to 
give me my green card to allow me to leave the classroom if I need a 
change or to access the school building at break or lunch. The nurse 
arrived two minutes after I did. She explained my diaper changing 
schedule which was break, lunch and after school and gave me my green 

I arrived at my classroom just as the bell went and took my seat. As 
did everyone else in the class.

The teacher introduced herself as Miss Remnant. She was nice but 
strict. Class went on until ten thirty before break. I went to get 
changed. I was changed in just over two minutes giving me 13 minutes of 
break left.

I was just coming out of the building when I noticed five people 
ganging up on two people in my class. I went to the teacher who was 
already involved in another situation so I quickly ran over to stop the 
boys. "HELP!" I heard come from one of the two people in my class. I 
quickly pulled the boys away from my classmates but now they were 
ganging up on me. They started hitting and kicking me. I was blocking 
most of the hits and kicks but it was when one of the boys punched me 
in the nose and it started bleeding that I got mad. I kicked the boy in 
the stomach and pushed the other boys out of my face. This time they 
backed off after what I did.

The boys were sent to the headmaster's office and I and the other boy 
went to the nurse.

It turned out that I had a bleeding nose, and the other boy had wet his 
pants. I must have kicked him a bit lower than I thought. He was put 
into a diaper and sent to the head masters office. I was given a 
tissue. I went to the headmaster�s office as well.

"Okay, what happened then?" the headmaster asked me.

"I saw two of my classmates being ganged up on and I went to the 
teacher. She said that she was already dealing with one problem so I 
decided to run back to help out my classmates. I pulled off the people 
who ganged up on them and then they started hitting me. I got a 
bleeding nose from one of the punches and then I kicked the boy in the 
stomach. I obviously hit him a bit lower than I thought causing him to 
wet his pants."

The boys chuckled at this.

"The other boys backed off from me knowing that the same thing would 
happen to them if they continued," I said.

"I see. Okay, do any of you boys deny anything he just said?" the 
headmaster asked. All of them shook their heads.

"Okay, Chris you can go back to class as you were doing what you did in 
defense," the headmaster told me.

I got an injury note to give to my parents explaining what happened.

I went back to class and told my teacher why I was late and she was 
okay with it. I sat at my table when I got a thank-you from the two 
boys I helped out at break.

"You�re welcome. Allow me to introduce myself; my name's Chris," I 

"I'm Brandon and my friend here's Jake," Brandon said.

"Nice to meet you. We will have to talk at lunch we're about to start 
our lesson."

The rest of class went well and the lunch bell went in no time.

"I'll catch up with you in two minutes. I have to take care of 
something," I told Brandon and Jake.

"Okay," Jake replied. I went to get my diaper change and got back to my 
friends who were eating their lunch at the benches.

"Hey," I said to both of them.

"Hey," they both replied as I opened my lunch box.

"Me and Brandon were planning on asking you if we could all meet up 
after school at your place."

"That would be cool," I replied.

"What's your house like?" Brandon asked me.

"I can't even begin to tell you. I have a back garden the size of a 
baseball stadium and a three-floored five bedroom house!" I answered.

"Holy sh*t" I heard Brandon say under his voice.

"I know. My family won the lottery last year which was why we moved to 
Colorado," I said.

"If anything, I would have suggested a sleepover at my place. I mean 
the weekend coming up at the end of this week. I'm sure we could plan 
two nights at mine," I suggested.

"That would be awesome. We could plan it out after school today and ask 
our parents," Brandon replied.

"I have a pretty cool ride that I'm allowed to use as it's classed as a 
moped because it's so small. So getting a lift wouldn't be a problem. 
I'd need to give it a run, though, because I haven't used it in over 
half a year due to my moving house," I said.

"Okay," they said.

The rest of the school day passed on quickly. I had my diaper change 
after school and went home.
Chapter Two: After-School Meet-Up

I decided to get my car out of the garage and give it a nice long drive 
while picking up Jake and Brandon.

I went into the garage and pulled off the cover of my car.

"It's been a long time," I said to myself as I grabbed the keys off the 
shelf. I started the engine and revved it up loudly. I opened that 
garage door and floored it out of the driveway. I decided to pick up 
Brandon first and then Jake.

I rang the doorbell at Brandon's. His mom answered.

"Hello, is Brandon there please?" I asked.

"Yep, I'll call him down-- BRANDON, YOUR FRIEND�S HERE!" she shouted up 
the stairs. Brandon came down the stairs and said to his mom that he's 
going out.

He left his house and walked out of his front yard.

"Oh my God. When you said nice ride, I couldn't imagine this!" he said 
in awe.

"Hop in," I said.

He and I got in the car and drove down to Jake's. He must have seen us 
coming because he was out the door when we got there.

"Wow. Nice ride," he said.

"You ain't' seen nothing' yet," I replied.

We got back to my house and drove into my garage.

"Mom, I'm home!" I said as I entered the house.

"Good!" she shouted through to us. We ran upstairs and talked.

"Nice house. Nice car and nice room. Is really all I can say," Jake 

"I told you the car was the tip of the iceberg," I replied.

"I asked my mom about the sleepover and she said yes," Brandon said.

"Me, too," Jake added.

"Cool, Mine too," I replied.

Do you want to play something on the Wii?" I asked.

"Okay," they both replied. We played a multiplier wrestling, each 
fighting one another. Of course not at the same time. The winner played 
me, who was Jake. I thrashed him and then I thrashed Brandon, which was 
probably an unfair fight because I had been practicing at the game 
since I got it.

I drove them both home at five o'clock and then changed my diaper, 
which was in well need for a change because it had been two hours since 
my last.
Chapter Three: The Sleepover

The next week passed by quickly and it was the end of that last day of 
school. We were on our bus ride home and we all headed for my place.

My mom decided to go get Brandon's and Jake's bags while we were in 
school so there was no need for a trip to their houses.

We came to my place and put the bags upstairs. I got the foldable beds 
out of the cupboards and opened them out.

We went downstairs and played wrestling. This time I let them practice. 
The got better and in the end I got beaten by both Jake and Brandon. I 
shouldn't have let them practice.

We picked out a movie to watch. Something I hadn't seen yet was �Gone 
in Sixty Seconds�. It was great. It ended at ten twenty, though, and it 
was time for bed. I went to the bathroom and put on my night diaper 
without them realizing.

I went back into my bedroom to see Jake changing. I noticed he was 
putting on a pair of Goodnites.

"Oh my god," I said in shock. Brandon walked through the door and froze 
just like me. Jake started sobbing.

�Don't worry Jake I have something to confess. I... Wear diapers too," 
I said as I pulled my pants down.

�I'm okay with it. I don't think you two are weird or anything. My 
cousin wears them all the time. Why do you wear them" Brandon asked.

�Because I like them," I answered.

�I wet the bed," Jake said.

�What are they like?" Brandon asked.

�Well, they�re soft. And they feel good when I use them," I answered.

�So you want to try it?" I asked.

�Well.. Um... uh...maybe," Brandon replied with red cheeks.

�I have to admit. I kinda like them, too. Can I try out your bigger 
ones?" Jake asked.

�Yes," I said excitedly.

�Do you know how to diaper yourself?" I asked.

�No" they both said.

�Here, let me show you."

I pulled out a diaper.

"What you do is simply put the back part under your butt, pull the 
front over your crotch area and over the waist, then you pull open the 
tabs and strap them over the front. Okay?" I asked.

�Yup, we'll give it a shot," they said.

�Brandon, you first, go into the bathroom so you can have some privacy 
from me and Jake," I said as I gave him a diaper. He went into the 
bathroom and came out two minutes later.

�Is this right?" he asked.

"Yup. All right, Jake, you next," I said, giving him a diaper. He went 
in and got changed and came out.

�This right?" he asked.

�Yes, as well. How do you feel?" I asked.

�Awesome," Brandon said.

�Better than my old ones for sure," Jake said.

We read a book in bed for half an hour.

�I need a poop," Jake said.

"Well, why are you wearing a diaper then? Go in it," I said.

�Okay," he said. He lay on his front on his bed and started grunting. 
He unloaded a huge sloppy mess into the diaper.

"That felt good," he said.

�Why don't you sit on something hard and squish it around it feels even 
better!" I suggested.

"Okay," he said while sitting down on my chair.

�Ahh, that feels good," he said.

�I need a poop as well but I'm gonna hold it in," Brandon said.

"Me, too. Hey why don't we have a contest? Whoever can hold it the 
longest," I said.

�Okay," he replied.

Ten minutes later...

"I really need to go," I said in agony.

�Me, too," Brandon said. Brandon started moaning.

�I can't hold it. I'm gonna poop," he said in agony.

"I really need to go now," I said.

"Here it comes, I'm pooping," he moaned. I heard the poop coming out 
and into his diaper.

�I win," I said, beginning to poop.

�Ahh, that feels good. That's a lot of poop!" I said.

"Okay, who wants to change?" I asked.

�Me, it�s starting to itch," Brandon said.

�Me, too," Jake said.

�Okay, me first," I said, entering the bathroom. I cleaned up my poop 
and put the diaper into a bag and into the bin.

I went out. Brandon went in and got changed and then Jake did.

"That was fun," Brandon said.

�Do you think I should ask my mom if I could wear them?" Jake asked.

�I did when I was seven and it turned out well," I replied.

"They're really good. I wish I could wear them all the time," Jake 

�Me, too," Brandon added.

�You could wear them for the rest of the sleepover" I suggested.

�That would be great" Brandon said.

�Yeah" Jake added.

We fell asleep in just our diapers. I woke up in the morning seeing 
both Jake and Brandon still curled up asleep in their diapers. I 
lightly laughed at the way they looked in their diapers.

I changed myself and got a shower. When I had finished, I saw Jake 
waking up.

�Mornin�, lazy bones," I said sarcastically.

�Uuuuh" Jake moaned.

�Wake up, it's time for breakfast!" I shouted. The moment I said it 
they flung up like springs.

�Mornin� Chris" Brandon said in a tired tone.

�All right I'm up, I'm up," Jake said as I picked up my cymbals and 
slammed them together.

�I think my diaper leaked," Brandon said in an embarrassed tone.

�It�s okay. It has a plastic sheet," I told him.

�Who will clean them?" he said.

�The housemaid, Jenny, will. Hang on a sec, I'll call her," I said. I 
walked over to the intercom thing and pressed the button that said 
"Jenny" and picked up the phone. She answered and said hello.

�I need a change of sheets for my foldable bed," I replied.

�Okay I'll be down later to do that," she said as she put down the 

Jake and Brandon got ready for the day and joined me for breakfast.

�I was wondering if we could wear a diaper. I don't know where they are 
though," Jake asked quietly.

�Don�t worry, my parents already know that you wear them, you don't 
have to keep your voice down. They're upstairs in my drawers. Second 
from the top" I told him.

�Thanks" they said as they ran up to get changed. I had my coffee and 
toast and went to the TV.

Brandon and Jake joined me after finishing their breakfast that was 
left for them. We watched the Simpson�s for the rest of the morning and 
then went to check out the back yard, which was more of a field than a 

"Hey I have a go-karting track right at the back of the property. Its a 
big one and I have enough go karts for all of us. And they're not the 
kind that you'd find at the fair. They're fast, very fast. You wanna 
try em out?" I said.

�How could we say no? I've driven once before in my life. With the slow 
ones. And that was cool. Yours is gonna be even cooler," Brandon said.

We walked all the way there and opened the garage.

�Oh, my, God," Jake said in awe.

�I know. And that's just the body. Take a look at the engines. They're 
proper V6 ones," I said.

�Nice," he said.

�Hey, can we have a race?" Brandon asked.

�Yeah, but you have to do a lap on your own first. I want to see how 
well you can do," I said.

�Okay," Brandon replied.

Jake went first. He stayed on the tarmac and got a decent time. Brandon 
was the same but he found the nitro booster and went through a barrier 
which was fine because most people do that when they find the button. 
The barrier was put back up and we started the race. I disabled the 
nitro boost for all of us so we couldn't cheat. Not to mention the fact 
that the stuff's expensive. It was a three lap race. Jake won but he 
had a tire blow-out on the last corner of the race.

We had tuna wraps for lunch. It was tasty and we enjoyed it. During 
lunch, Brandon asked to use the toilet. I answered with 'you have a 
diaper, go in it silly' he wet first and then started to grunt and let 
the bombs drop.

�Oh Brandon I thought you meant pee not poop," I said.

�Sorry," Brandon replied in embarrassment.

"Alright boys it's time for bed" my mom said. Brandon and Jake were 
about to put there diapers on but I stopped them and said "hey I'm 
gonna wear cloth diapers tonight I'd like to see if you can handle big 
and thick."

�Cool, okay," Jake replied I showed them how to do it and said "it�s 
like disposables but you pin instead of strap and put a pair of plastic 
pants on over them". They had no trouble putting them on but afterwards 
they had trouble walking.

�Man, these things could hold the Atlantic ocean!" Jake joked.

�Yeah," Brandon chuckled.

�These are cool diapers" Jake said.
I was glad to see Jake and Brandon enjoying diapers so much.

We fell asleep relatively early that night after the long day we had.

In the morning I woke up to the smell of extreme poop. I saw Jake had 
held in poop from the day before and did it all during his sleep. He 
was standing there loading his diaper even more.

�My diaper's full completely," Jake said. He sat down and smudged it 
all around.

�I need a change" he said.

�Damn. It�s just as well you didn't have disposable on. It would have 
gone everywhere" I said.

He and I changed into disposables and went down to breakfast. We 
decided not to wake Brandon until later. We went on the computers for 
the morning. We played Garry�s mod. A game where you can do anything 
and everything you want and no levels! We created a LAN party so we 
could multi-play. We had a war with each other once Jake got the hang 
of it. We fired cannons, rockets, guns, air strikes and lasers at each 
other for over an hour until Brandon woke up and came down.

�Hey, you guys," Brandon said in a sleepy tone.

�Hey, should I 'finish off' the war?" I asked Jake.

�Okay" he replied. I fired the nuke in the game and destroyed 
everything in the map and charpled me and Brandon.

�Wow I didn't know you could do that!" Jake said.

�It was classified information to your government!" I chuckled back.
"Damn you!" he replied.

�Okay what just happened?" Brandon asked.

�We had a war in a game" I answered.

�Ah who's pooped?" Jake said.

�Sorry," Brandon replied in an embarrassed tone. He sat down on the 
chair beside us. Just as he did though, poop went everywhere.

�Oh no," Brandon said.

�What... Oh damn. How much did you poop?" I asked.

�A lot."

�Let�s go upstairs and tell Jenny," I said.

After everything was sorted and Brandon was changed we went on the 

�Hey Brandon, Jake come over her I have some things to show you," I 
asked. I showed them my USB stick which contained the diaper stories 
that I had. Half of them were from the Internet and the other half I 
had written.

�Wow, cool! There are stories of diapers on the internet?" Jake said.

"Wow, can I have some?" Brandon asked.

"Me, too!" Brandon added.

�Yeh. I have like ten USB sticks, so you can have one each," I replied.

�Yeeehaaa!" Brandon shouted in excitement.

After the morning my mom suggested we all went bowling together. We 
agreed and got everything packed up in the SUV. We went to town and 
while we were waiting for a row to become available we went to the 
arcade. We went on this electric chair machine which you sit in and 
hold onto the bars and the chair and the bars vibrate intensely. I 
chose the medium option and it was really bad. Brandon chose the medium 
option and nearly rattled to death. Jake went for the highest. He sat 
in the chair for two minutes and near the end it got really intense. He 
pooped in his diaper it was so bad and then let go of the bars which 
stopped the vibrations.

He, Brandon my mom and I ran to the toilets. We went into the disabled 
ones which were bigger and had a changing table that was big. We looked 
the other way as Brandon was changing.

�Mom I need to poo. Can I go in my diaper now?" I asked.

�Yes, you can," she replied. I got in a position and started pooping my 
diaper. I unloaded a big load about 4 logs and then sat on the closed 
toilet seat to make it feel good. After that, I got changed and we all 
went to bowl. My mother won as she was really good at bowling.

We went home and Brandon and Jake packed their stuff, as they were 
leaving for their homes.

"Bye," I said to both of them as they went out of the door.

�See ya," Brandon replied.

�It�s been great," Jake added.

The adventures continue in: Chris, Brandon and Jake: Diaper boys No 
Matter What. Coming soon...

Editing level: Moderate
Editing Notes:
  • Some editing needed. Corrected some capitalization, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Added paragraph breaks to offset quoted speech.
  • Replaced occurences of "ok" with "okay".
  • Several proper names needed to be capitalized.
  • Word "charpled" undefined, correct word not discernible.              

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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