| Change in the Winds
| Baby John
| BBFE678@yahoo.com
| Male
Current Age:
| 16
Posting Date:
| 11/29/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | | S- Babysitters | ●
| C- Teen (13-17) | ● | T- Masturbation |
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | ● | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections | ●
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting |
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents |
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | ● | Z- Punishment/Diaper
Discipline |
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- Baby paraphernalia | ● | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | | 4- Crying |
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking |
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation |
| P- Brothers (diapered) | | 7- Babying | ●
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | | 8- Regression | ●
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
Basic Introduction: Jamie, an average teenager of these times takes a dive into his
secret fantasy of reducing himself to the state of a toddler and dwells in his fantasy.
Jamie goes through these fantasies
with an older family friend that has been asked to watch over while his parents have
taken a 2nd honeymoon tour across the wonderful and romantic Europe. Jamie is in the
8th grade and is 14 years old while
his �babysitter� is Casey who is a college student that is on break from classes for
awhile. Casey is age 22. Jamie�s parents are very well off individuals his father being
a very well established investment
banker and his mother is a well known and nationally recognized surgeon. Needless to
say, money is no object in the family and Jamie can spend freely without his parents
realizing his purchases for the most part.
- Jamie Ross- Main Character, 14, Male
- Donald Ross- Father of Jamie, Investment Banker
- Tracy Ross- Mother of Jamie, Well Established and Recognized Surgeon
- Casey Groth- Family Friend of the Ross�s and babysitter for Jamie while his parents are off in Europe, 22, Male
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
8 (40%)
The wind started to flow through the window and it brought with it the
cool but humid summer wind over Jamie�s body as he lay in bed and
started to stir. Jamie started to wake from his deep, dreamless
sleeping state and realized that today was the last day that his
parents would be at his home for a whole month so that they could go on
a �romantic� 2nd honeymoon and to renew there marriage. Jamie found the
entire idea to be a ridiculous excuse to leave his ass at home and to
travel across an amazing area of the world. Regardless, it didn�t
matter. The truth was he was pretty stoked to get to chill at the house
with just Casey. He had known Casey his entire life and his parents
were Casey�s godparents so they had a role in Casey�s life as he was
growing up. Jamie burst out of his daydreaming when he heard his mom
call up through the intercom for him to hurry up and shower because
they were going to go out for lunch and discuss procedures and such for
when they are in Europe. Jamie responded to his mother �Yes, mom just
give me like 30 minutes to get showered and ready to roll and then I�ll
be down�. Jamie walked into his bathroom and turned on the shower and
hopped in after stripping of his clothes. Jamie took his quick shower
and dried off. He walked to his bedroom with his towel wrapped around
his waist and made his way to his dresser. He went into the first
drawer and grabbed out a pair of tighty whiteys, Jamie realized this
was a little childish of him to still wear these kinds of underwear but
there was something about the look, feel and security of them that he
couldn�t get himself to switch over to boxers. He proceeded to slide on
his underwear and continue to get fully dressed the rest of the way. He
made his way down the grand staircase that was down the hall from his
room, at the bottom of the stairs was both his mother and father
waiting for him so that they could make there way to lunch.
Donald- Well Hello there you? Didn�t think you were ever going to wake
up�..you do realize that you just slept until about 1pm?
Jamie responded with a quick �Yes, dad I do realize.�
Not wasting there time with little smalltalk, they made there way out
to there Lexus and got into the vehicle and went to a very nice place
to eat. There conversation over lunch was nothing special, the basic
�behave yourself � deal.
The Next Day...
Jamie was up, bright, and early to see his parents off to the airport
and so that he could do some internet browsing before Casey got to his
house. Jamie made his way to Deeker�s Diaper Page and started to read
his favorite stories about teen babies much like he had always wished
he could be. Jamie was halfway through a story about two diapered
brothers when he heard the door open and someone yell into the house:
Casey- JAMIE! Hey buddy, its Casey, I�m here!
As soon as Jamie heard this he darted from the office and the computer
and started burning rubber to go and see Casey. Jamie rounded the
corner and saw Casey standing there in his all six foot, skinny,
lengthy build. Jamie dashed towards Casey and gave him a running hug
and knocked Casey over onto the floor. Both were laying on the floor
giggling and then Casey pushed Jamie off him and stood up.
Casey- Well that was a strange but interesting way to welcome someone!
So Jamie buddy you have grown my friend and you look like quite the
cool dude.
Jamie- Thanks Casey! I�ve missed you a ton, its been a really long
Casey- Well, let me go throw my bags upstairs into the room ill be
staying in, while you go and change out of your PJ�s so that we can go
out for pizza! Sound good to You?
Jamie- Alright, that�s a sweet idea!
Jamie took off up the main stair case to his room and started to get
ready for the upcoming pizza he was about to gorge himself on. Casey
made his way down the hallway to master Bedroom that was next to the
office and threw his stuff into the bedroom and tucked into the office
to go check his Facebook before they went out for pizza. Casey jiggled
the mouse of the computer and the screen burst up while a wall of text
showed up. Casey curious to what it was scrolled up to the top of the
page and saw something about a Deeker�s Diaper page and Teen babies.
Casey started to browse the site and do some really quick research into
what this was until he heard Jamie making his way down the staircase.
Casey quickly made his way to the door and met Jamie there. He ushered
Jamie out the door and to the pizza place.
A hour and Half or so Later...
Jamie and Casey returned to the house, running in through the front
door, tickling each other and giggling.
Jamie- Well Casey that was really fun, can we go out for pizza everyday
that my parents are in Europe?
Casey- I don�t think so but we can go often, anyways bud I need to run
out the store and grab a few things for the week and stuff so you go
chill and play some video games.
Jamie- Alright, I�ll have my cell phone.
Casey took the car and made his way to a local CVS to do a little
shopping that he thought Jamie would really enjoy. He went straight to
the incontinence supplies and started to browse the various types of
adult diapers in the aisle and started to read the weight/size ratios
for the diapers. After about 15 minutes of browsing he decided on some
larger-sized Pampers and some CVS brand teen �disposable undergarments�
this was just the start he thought for this shopping. Casey started to
walk over the aisle that had all the baby items and decided to grab
some of the largest bottles and pacifiers they had. Starting to fill up
his arms, Casey went and grabbed a cart and put what he had into the
cart. After grabbing the cart, Casey returned to the baby aisle and
started to look at the various baby wipes, baby spoons, and foods. He
selected assorted things of each and piled them into the cart.
Realizing that if he only bought these items, Jamie would notice that
he hadn�t bought any food or anything so he went and grabbed a few food
items to mask his purchase in front of Jamie. Casey made his way
through the checkout and got a strange look from clerk but no questions
were asked. Making his way back to the car and packing things in, Casey
mind was racing with ideas for Jamie and how to introduce this to him
without him getting upset.
Later That Night�..
It was mid-afternoon closer to night, Casey and Jamie had been playing
X-box for a little while and snacking. Casey decided he wanted to talk
to Jamie about his idea of what he had found on the computer. Casey
made his way towards the TV and turned it off and then went and sat
back down next to Jamie and started to speak with him.
Casey- Hey Jamie, buddy just sit down there is something I need to talk
about with you. And you have to agree to hear me out before you go
about interrupting me when we talk about what I need to talk about with
Jamie- ummm, alright I guess, but am I in trouble or something?
Casey- Oh no, your not in trouble don�t worry about that. Honestly when
I got here this morning I went to check my Facebook and when I pulled
up the computer screen, I saw that you had been reading �diaper
stories� and I did some research on it.
The look on Jamie�s face turned to absolute horror and he started to
turn bright red in the face. Casey Noticing this kept talking anyways
figuring it would be best to comfort him at the end.
Casey- Don�t worry about it buddy, its really fine, in fact I thought
that the concept of you in a diaper acting like a baby for me was
actually a really cute idea. You were such a cute little kid and I
really miss that. So how would you feel if we played baby and daddy a
little bit? Just think about it first and we can talk about it.
Jamie- Casey, ummm, are you sure you really are okay with this? You
don�t think I�m a freak?
Casey- No, you�re my buddy, I would never think that about you.
Jamie- Alright then,�..well umm��.I kinda like the idea of playing
daddy and baby. That sounds like fun, but we don�t have any diaper or
Casey- Oh, yes we do, in fact, I have more then just diapers. I�ve got
an entire arsenal of things that I bought for this when I met to get
�food� at CVS.
Jamie- Really? That�s so cool. But do I have to act like a baby or can
I act kinda like a toddler?
Casey- What ever you want, buddy!
Jamie had a grin from ear to ear and you could tell was so excited to
finally get to play out his fantasy. So him and Casey came up with a
rule list for while they were playing.
1. Toddler Jamie has to act like a toddler, so that means talking
like one to.
2. Daddy is the only one that takes your diaper off you, and you
have to use your diaper, no bathroom.
3. You have to crawl everywhere.
Jamie of course agreed to the rules and was still just giddy. Casey
sent him up to his room to wait for him while he got everything ready
for them to play. Not shortly after Jamie had gotten to his room Casey
came in with his �arsenal� of baby things for Jamie.
Casey- First come to first, toddler Jamie needs to wear a diaper
because he isn�t potty trained and we don�t want a mess. So Jamie you
need to strip so that I can diaper you.
Jamie quickly began to strip until he got down to just his underwear
and he got really hesitant. Casey noticed that he was really hesitate
and giggled at Jamie.
Casey- Jamie don�t worry its nothing that you need to worry about, I
have one to. I�m your daddy, I�m gonna be changing your diaper, I�m
going to see your penis when I�m doing that anyways.
Jamie realizing this logic dropped his underwear and stood naked in
front of Casey waiting to be diapered. Casey motioned for Jamie to lay
down his back on the bed and Jamie followed what he was told. Casey
pulled out a diaper from the package that he had and lifted Jamie�s
legs just as if he was a toddler and slipped the diaper underneath his
butt. He then proceeded to put a large amount of baby oil onto Jamie�s
peepee area and followed it with powder. Jamie with these actions
started to �rise to the occasion� and got very embarrassed about it.
Casey- It�s alright�don�t worry about it baby boy, that�s bound to
Casey went right on with strapping the diaper on nice and tight to
Casey- Now how does that feel my baby boy?
Jamie- It�s�.amazing, this is like the best day of my life!
Casey- Well, it will get better tomorrow but right now, I didn�t
realize this but its getting late so you should probably hit the sack.
Jamie- But Casey come on, we just started playing!!!
Casey- Don�t worry bud, ill put you to sleep like a baby.
Casey grabbed a pacifier from his array of baby stuff and stuck it into
Jamie�s mouth and then pulled Jamie across his lap while he sat on the
bed. Casey started to play with Jamie�s hair and talk to him like he
was a baby, encouraging him to go to sleep. After about a half hour of
this, Jamie�s eyes started to flutter shut and he fell into a deep
What will happen between Jamie and Casey when Jamie awakens from his
first night as a baby again? What does Casey have in-store for him
To be Continued...
Author Notes: This is written by me, Baby John. I�m a 16-yearyold boy
from North Carolina and I am a TB. If you would like to talk to me
about my stories, either e-mail me or Message me at:
E-mail: BBFE678@yahoo.com
Yahoo Messenger: BBFE678
Thanks for reading and I promise to really improve it when I update the
rest of the story.
11/25/09 3:00am
Editing level:
| Low
Editing Notes:
- Only a few minor corrections made
- Added some apostrophes where needed