The following story is a complete work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is completely unintentional and I will also be so incredibly jealous.



Close Encounters

A Short Story by Danny




-< PART TWO >-


~ Seventeenth Encounter ~


Nearly a year has past since I recorded my previous close encounters with older boys who wear and use diapers. Quite a lot has happened since the day that Sean and I unexpectedly met in the parking lot of the drugstore up the just a few blocks from my house. So much has happened over the past year that I thought it was about time that I started recording what’s been going on since that day.

I should begin with the few days leading up to the weekend that Sean and I had planned to meet at the park near both of our houses. I had been at home, laying around, watching TV and playing video games while I waited for my rash to clear up. My new best friend Mark had come over to our house every day to keep me company and to help take my mind off the constant itching. When Friday finally rolled around mom suggested that I ask Mark to spend the night. It took a little sweet talking to get his parents too agree; Mark’s parents thought that he’d been spending too much time at our house as it was but once I told them that it was my mom’s idea, they gave us the green light.

We decided to have a movie night where we would watch two or three movies back to back. We have done this before and to be fair we both pick at least one of the movies but since I had been feeling so crummy all week Mark let me choose all the movies this time. Mark tried to hide it but I knew he was thrilled when I chose all three of the Indiana Jones Movies. Mom tossed a couple bags of popcorn into the microwave while Mark queued up the first movie and I unrolled our sleeping bags on the living-room floor.

By the middle of the second film everyone else had given up and gone to bed leaving Mark and I alone. Mark took a look around the room, saw that everyone was gone and exclaimed, “It’s about time!”

“For what?” I asked but he didn’t reply.

He unzipped his sleeping bag, pulled off his shirt and pants to reveal that he wasn’t wearing a GoodNite as he’d done for so long now. Instead of his usual GoodNite he was wearing a real, honest to goodness disposable diaper. It was white, with white tapes and it looked to be a slightly too big for his scrawny physique.

“What the heck is that?” the words were out of my mouth before I knew it.

“What’s what?” he was playing dumb except his goofy grin gave him away.

“Don’t even play dumb with me! What the bleep is that!” I was pointing right at the diaper and I really said bleep, it was something I had picked up from him and was I saw that it irks my parents it stuck.

He stretched himself out on top of his sleeping bag causing his diaper to crinkle and he smirked, “I’ve gotten to big for GoodNites, they leak too much now.”

“How long have you been wearing those?” I asked.

“What?” he teased.

I grunted with frustration and shook a fist at him, “If you start that again the headline in tomorrows paper is going to read, Teen boy found dead wearing diaper!”

Mark chuckled, “I can’t believe you haven’t noticed before now. I’ve been wearing these for over a week now.”

My jaw fell on the floor as I said, “How long?” and it came out so high-pitched that I sounded like Mickey Mouse after being kicked in the balls several times.

“It has been driving me nuts not to tell you.” Mark confessed.

“You’re lying!” I was still dumbfounded, “Two weeks?”

I slapped myself for being so blind, “Are you for real?”

“Remember that day you came over to see the new poster I had on my wall?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, I still agree with you mom, it is gross,” I said.

“Whatever man!” he said brushing away my comment, “Anyway, I was sure you saw the package in the bottom of my closet.” His evil grin spread wider across his face, “I purposefully left the closet door about half open, because I new it would turn you on when you saw.”

“WHAT?” my voice cracked when I said it.

Mark took his pillow by the corner, swung it through the air and swatted me over the head.

I didn’t even try to block the pillow. I was too shocked, too amazed and frankly, too turned on to care.

“Shut up and watch the rest of the movie,” he snickered.

I tried to do just that but I couldn’t stop looking at Mark lying on his purple sleeping bag wearing nothing but a big white diaper and his dingy white tube socks.

When the credits started rolling across the screen Mark looked at me with that look he gives me whenever he catches me looking at the diaper commercials on TV or lingering on the diaper ads in magazines a bit too long.

“What?” I said when he didn’t say anything.

I was lying on my side, propped up on one elbow and had my pillow tucked between my knees. I had on a yellow and white hockey jersey with my blue sweatpants because both were extra soft against my skin and didn’t make me itch.

“You want to touch it don’t you?” he asked mischievously.

“Uh, no!” I lied.

Mark made a disbelieving murmur and accused me of lying like a dog.

“Am not!” I argued with my eyes still pasted to his diapered butt.

“Then why are you sporting a tent pole in your sweatpants?” he asked and managed to embarrass me enough that I finally was able to overt my eyes.

I rolled onto my stomach and whimpered when my dick was forced down.

Ouchie, bet that hurt!” Mark cackled.

I buried my face in my pillow and hissed, “Shut-up and go put the other tape in the VCR.”

Mark made it a point to squat in front of the TV as he rewound the second movie and got the third movie ready to put in once the other was done. The plastic crinkled loudly as he squatted only a foot from my face and the smell of baby powder was extremely prevalent. Buy the time he was putting in the third movie my head was swimming and I couldn’t see anything but his pure white diaper.

As he stood up he purposefully did it in a way that his diapered butt came within inches of my face and that’s when it happened.

“Oh-oh-oh man!” I moaned and ended with a small whimper.

Mark turned around and looked at me with mild disgust, “Did you just do what I think you just did?” he asked.

“Uh,” was all I was able to say.

“Oh man, you just did what I think you did!” he answered for me.

My face dropped to the floor, “Kill me now!” I moaned again.

I started to get up while Mark was lying down again, “Where you going?” he asked sarcastically.

“If you must know, to change my pants and get some more anti-itch cream!” I answered just as sarcastically.

“Maybe you should get in my backpack and grab yourself one of these.” He continued talking as I walked away from him, “Sure would cut down on the laundry.”

I went to my bedroom to change into a different pair of sweatpants but when I flicked on the light switch the first thing I saw was his blue and gold backpack lying on my bed. I swallowed hard, went to my bedside and pulled open the top of his pack. Sure enough Mark had brought more then just the one diaper, which he was currently wearing. Actually, it looked like he’d got in the habit of carrying several with him because I found four more diapers and they were still inside the original package. I pulled them out and read the outside of the plastic packaging. It said, Tena® Super Briefs and they were size medium. It also said, Maximum absorbency for nighttime or extended protection and in the upper left corner was a yellow oval with the words, With InstaDri Skin-Caring System™. I put my nose into the package and inhaled deeply. The scent was heavenly and enough to get me aroused again.

“Oh shit that itches!” I complained to myself, “oh I got to stop, think about grandma naked; grandma naked, grandma naked...”

It wasn’t working but thankfully I heard a noise out in the hallway and feared being caught so I quickly stuffed the diapers back into his backpack and then pushed my door closed but made sure that it didn’t latch because I new if it did, it might make enough noise to wake one or more of my family.

I applied the anti-itch cream to my legs, butt cheeks and stomach; taking extra care when applying it to my nuts and penis because I didn’t want to run the risk of disturbing the beast again. With a quick change of pants I made my way back to the living room and somehow made it through the third Indiana Jones movie, which has always been my favorite of the three Indy films. However, to be honest, I didn’t get to see very much of it. Mark kept shifting positions and causing his diaper to crinkle, which as I’m sure you guessed, would send my mind and emotions reeling. Once the movie ended Mark climbed back into his sleeping bag and was sound asleep within minutes. It took me over an hour to fall asleep and when I did I started to dream. My dream was about Mark and Sean and some girl I have never met, I think. We were chasing after some kind of animal but that wasn’t the weird part of my dream. The weirdest part was that all three of us guys, Sean, Mark and me were outside wearing nothing but a diaper as we ran after that animal. The girl in my dream wasn’t wearing a diaper; she was wearing a pair of orange bibbed overalls and bright pink sandals. She was running after us shouting that we had to catch it and get a diaper on it to before it went on the carpet. I don’t know why she was worried about the carpet because we, the animal included were already outside. Boy, I sure do love when I have dreams like that; I wish I had those sorts of dreams more often.


~ Eighteenth Encounter ~


The following day, which was Saturday, I had met up with Sean at the park as we had planned. My rash hadn’t totally cleared up yet but I was well enough that I was able to talk my mom into letting me go outside for a while.

When I arrived at the park Sean was already there; he confessed that he’d been there since first light. He was flying a remote controlled blimp and when he saw me coming he let loose the controls to wave and nearly sent the thing floating into a tree.

We hung out at the park for over an hour and never once did the subject of diapers or wetting come up; although I was thinking about them the entire time. Much to my anguish and despite my best efforts I couldn’t figure out if he was wearing anything more then underwear under his pants.

When all of the battery packs for the blimp were drained Sean asked if I would like to come to his house. I tried not to seem to eager so I looked at my watch and acted like I was checking the time before I agreed.

Sean handed me a red plastic tank with a futuristic looking brass valve at the top and a sticker on the side that read, HELIUM. It was heavier than it looked and I guessed it had to be heavy to keep from floating away when full of helium. I also cared the remote control while he lugged the blimp; it wasn’t until we reached his house and he let the blimp go and I saw that it didn’t weigh anything at all. Now if Mark had pulled something like that on me I would have pounced on him, pinned him to the floor and tickled him until he cried uncle, or until he wet himself, whichever came second.

I must have appeared to be mildly disgusted because Sean said to me, “Hey you are bigger than me and besides I carried that thing all the way to the park when it was still full!”

“Still full?” I smiled and continued, “But it wouldn’t have weighted hardly anything when full of helium!”

Sean smiled, shrugged his shoulders and laughed, “What can I say?”

I laughed as I said, “Uhuh, I see how you are now!” and let it pass with no further comment but I made a mental note not to fall for something like that again.

“Want to see my room?” he asked, “I have my own TV and computer.”

“Wow, you lucky dog!” I commented.

Sean laughed more than I thought he should just then but he explained why, “I have a dog named Lucky.”

“No way!” I said in disbelief.

“Yes way!” He assured, “He’s outback; I’ll show you.”

There was a door inside the garage that led into the house, just the same as at my home. Sean stopped halfway into the house. I hadn’t been paying attention and walked right into the back of him.

“Watch it!” he laughed.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean...” I started to say.

Sook,” he said blending the hits words into one. I think he meant to say “It’s ok”.

“Need to kick off your shoes;” He said, “not allow shoes on the carpet.” For a brief instant my brain flashed back to my dream last night and I giggled to myself.

Beside the door that led from the garage to the inside of the house was a tall, narrow set of metal wire shelves with several pairs of assorted shoes. Sean and I added our shoes to the collection and then went into the house.

His house was spotless and sparsely decorated. I could tell right off the bat that at least one or maybe even both of his parents were neat freaks. He lead me through the dinning room, which looked as through it had never been used before. Without opening the sliding glass door Sean pulled back the white shear fabric curtain and tapped on the glass with his knuckle.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw his dog. Big doesn’t come close. “I’m sorry, that is not a dog! That is a fat horse!”

Not missing a beat Sean replied, “Would you believe he’s just a puppy?”

“No!” I answered.

“Good, ‘cause he’s older than me!” Sean laughed.

I asked the dumbest question, “Is he allowed in the house?”

Sean laughed again, “Yeah, but then my dad would use my head for batting practice.”

“What kind of dog is that?” I asked.

“Good old American mutt,” Sean said with an odd sense of pride.

I chuckled, “Must have some horse, or buffalo or maybe both in him.”

“Is there a reason you named him Lucky?” I asked.

Sean closed the curtains again and was careful to make sure each pleat was perfect, “I didn’t name him that; he was my real dad’s dog before I was born.”

It suddenly dawned on me how quite it was inside the house, “Is anyone else home?”

“Nope, mom’s working again this weekend and my step-dad is in Detroit for a convention.”

I wasn’t really interested but to keep the conversation going I asked him, “What kind of convention?”

Sean was leading me further into the house as he answered, “Don’t know; something to do with work I think.”

Just as expected the living room furnishings were sparse and totally dust free.

Sometimes things get said that in retrospect would have been better if they never were said and my next comment was one of those times, “How does your mom keep this place so clean?”

“She doesn’t, my step-dad does.” And I knew instantly by the tone of his voice that I’d just stepped on a landmine. I didn’t pursue it any further but the mood in the air had become noticeably strained.

He led me down an L-shaped hallway to a closed door with a red stop sign on the outside. It was smaller than a real stop sign and below the word STOP it read...







I received the second shock for the day when he opened the door and said, “And this is my room!”

When I saw his room I could hear my mother’s voice in my head as if she was standing right behind me. “Would you look at this mess? This is the worst looking pigsty I have ever seen! How someone could live in this filth is beyond me?

Whhhhooooaaaa!” I gasped.

As thought it were not completely obvious Sean turned and looked at me, “What?”

“Look at your room?” I exclaimed.

“What’s wrong with it?” he asked.

I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Your mom and dad don’t mind your room being so messy?”

“I like it like this,” He said climbing over his bed to the other side of the room.

“My mother would slaughter me if my room ever got this bad.” I commented and then the smell hit me. It was as through someone had taken the hose of a vacuum, held it against my face, flipped the switch to ON and sucked the air right out of me. The space reeked of stale urine exactly what you would expect from the room of a bed-wetter. So why was I caught off guard? I coughed, gagged and threw-up a little in the back of my throat. I had to turn away to catch my breath and I was back down the hallways before I could breath again.

“Come in, I want to show you something.” Sean called out.

He must not have seen me nearly blow chunks,” I thought to myself.

I turned and started back toward his room but when I caught a second whiff of the ammonia laced air I stopped moving and breathing.

There was a clatter from inside his room, “What did I do with that?” and something crashed, “Nope not there!”

Several things were going through my mind at the same time. Even though he is younger then me I want so much to be friends with Sean and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but I didn’t think I could go into his room without puking. I turned my back to his room, took a deep breath, held it and went into his bedroom.

The first thing I noticed was the large, yellow and brown pee stain on his sheet less mattress. The second thing I noticed was the pile of used GoodNites that nearly buried an odd looking green pail. With a closer look I saw that on the outside of the pail in raised letters were two words, Diaper Genie.

Sean was nowhere in site but I could hear him, “Where is it?” his voice came from under the bed, “I know it’s here somewhere!” he continued mumbling as random objects would be flung from under the bed and land on a pile somewhere else in the room.

With a triumphant cry he announced, “Ah-ha! Found the little bugger!  Eeeew, it has spider boogers all over it!”

When something touched my foot I leapt up and squealed, “Yikes! What was that?”

“It’s just me!” Sean laughed and I looked down to see his head and a single arm sticking out from under the bed.

“Man, you scared the crap out of me!” I shot back without thinking and expended what little oxygen my lungs still contained.

“Take my hand and pull me out!” Sean said.

I did the best I could to breath as little as possible while reaching down to try to extract him from under his bed.

“What happened to your shirt?” I asked when I saw that he was now naked from the waist up. Without his shirt he looked even younger. His chest and arms were completely undeveloped and void of any outward signs of puberty. And then I saw it sticking out of the waistband of his pants, he was wearing a GoodNite! It was unmistakable and if there had been any untainted oxygen in the room I probably would have started hyperventilating on the spot.

“Got caught on something under there so I slipped out of it.” He said plopping down on his bed.

A stuffed bear had been resting on the other side of the mattress but when Sean plopped down the bear went sailing into the ammonia laced air and then disappeared into the pile of clothes and toys that littered the floor.

I was breathing very shallowly through my mouth but was feeling like I needed to get out of there fast and get some fresh air. In the end I couldn’t take it anymore and asked, “Mind if I open the window?”

“You hot?” he asked, “Then just take off your shirt.”

That put a kink into my feeble attempt to get some fresh air without hurting his feelings but then I said, “I better not, my rash isn’t totally gone yet.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot!” he said while fumbling with some little mechanical device. “Sure go ahead but it might stink a bit, Lucky poops mountains out there.”

I nearly said something back but I decided I’d risk it and stepped over several scattered items to get to the window.

He was right, the air coming in the window didn’t smell like roses but it was a far cry better than the stench inside. With semi-fresh air spilling in I was able to think clearly again.

Whatcha got there?” I asked while making my way over to where he sat on the bed.

“It’s a robot I invented.” He answered and laid it on the edge of the nightstand and pressed a blue button on top of it.

The robot sprang to life, BEEP, CLICK, BEEP, CLICK, BEEP, CLICK. “Ah man, I never can get it to walk right.” He groaned.

“What’s it supposed to do?” I asked stepping over a Tonka truck to get a closer look.

“That clicking sound is the gears skipping,” he said.

“Well it’s still pretty cool.” I said honestly.

“Yeah real cool, but thanks anyway. Oh well I will figure it out one day.” Sean swept up the little robot and tossed it over his shoulder before adding, “Hey want to play a board game? I have loads of them!” He sprang from the bed and leapt past me nearly knocking me into the pile of used GoodNites.

He pulled open his closet door, which was a chore given all the crap that was piled in front of it and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sitting on a shelf about four feet above the floor was three unopened packages of GoodNites and one partially full package along with a large white tub with a blue lid and large blue lettering ‘DIAPER BUTTER’.

Sean also had his back to me and I could see the GoodNite he was wearing was sticking up about an inch or more from the back of his pants. If there had been any doubts before, when I saw the small red rectangle tag with the small red stars I was absolutely curtain that he was wearing a GoodNite.

He must wet during the daytime too just like Mark!” I thought to myself.

“You ok?” Sean asked holding out a stack of board games.

“Uh, huh?” I answered.

“You look like you just seen Nearly Headless Nick!” Sean commented and the reference to one of my favorite Harry Potter characters was enough to snap me out of it.

“What?” Oh sorry... Uh, hey you like Harry Potter too?” I asked trying to make believe I hadn’t just been standing there gawking at his anti-bedwetting supplies.

He dropped the board games at my feet, “Are you kidding? I have read every one of the books and I even have the English versions too. Come on I will show you!” and before I had a chance to respond he grabbed my hand and lead me out of his room.

I still can’t believe the condition of his room; even after he lead me to their den and showed me his collection of hardback Harry Potter books I could still smell the pee. It had permeated my nostrils, my clothes and much to my person disbelief; I was more than a little aroused.

“See I even have the special school books, look!” he pulled the two books, “Quidditch Through The Ages is so cool but I like Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them soooooo muuuch beeeeettttterrrrr.” He said drawing out his words to show his enthusiasm.

“Wow I didn’t know they had the school books in hard cover.” I said.

“Want to see the one I made for school?” he asked with even more excitement, “Wait right here!”

I was glad when he told me to wait in the den, when he’d started moving for the door I was momentarily concerned that he was going to make me go back to his room again.

I was pleasantly shocked when he returned with the coolest looking book I’d ever seen, “Sean! This looks exactly like the Monster Book of Monsters from the movie!”

“I know, my mom helped me make it!” he said with pride.

“No I mean it Sean! This is great!” I said turning the book carefully to examine every detail.

“Thanks! Hey would you like to have it?” he asked.

Stunned would be a good word to describe my state of mind at that moment.

“Oh wow, no way Sean! I couldn’t even think of taking something like this. It must have taken you and your mom ages to make it.”

“Really, I want you to have it!” he said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

I tried several times to make him understand that I couldn’t take it but in the end he made me take it. “Ok, but only on one condition... It is still yours, I am just going to keep it at my house for you.”

From that moment on the two of us were the best of friends. We spent the rest of the day together playing board games but thankfully not in his room. Sean had let me use the phone to call home twice during the day to check in. Later that day he and I were in his room, strange as it might seem I was getting use to the smell, we were watching videos on his computer that he had downloaded from the internet. His mother came home around six in the evening and neither one of us knew it had gotten so late.

At first she didn’t seem to like the idea that Sean had a friend my age but she soon warmed up to me. She invited to stay for supper; we had home made pork chops, baked potatoes and roasted corn on the cob. As if that wasn’t enough to eat, after supper the two of us had Coconut Cream pie while his mom put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. After we had woofed down the pie Sean had left me alone in the kitchen with his mother for a few minute. I suspected he had gone to change into a dry GoodNite; well that is what I imagined he was doing.

Sean’s mom told me that since they moved here Sean was having a hard time making new friends and she also said that she hoping that Sean and I would become good friends. Little did she know that it would take an act of God to keep me away from Sean and his wetting problem?

The following day I introduced Sean and Mark and in time their parents met each other. Though I never slept over at Sean’s house, he has slept at mine many, many times and on several occasions the three of us have spent the night together either at Marks home or my own.


 ~ Nineteenth Encounter ~


My next encounter happened at a new restaurant that opened outside of town. The restaurant is called The Flying Tiger Griller and it is absolutely enormous. They turned an old airplane hanger into an aerospace themed family steakhouse with the dinning booths made from sections of old planes. In the back is a large banquet room that is made up so that you feel like you are sitting inside a futuristic space shuttle and eating your dinner in outer space.

So here is how it happened... My brother had turned 21-years-old that day and our parents wanted to do something special for him. My whole family pilled into the car as well as my brothers’ girlfriend and my two best friends Sean and Mark and we drove out to The Flying Tiger Griller to celebrate my brothers’ birthday. We were packed into the car like sardines, and to fit everyone in we had to pile a few of us on top of each other. In the back seat my brothers girlfriend was sitting on his lap, Sean was sitting on my lap and Mark was squished in the middle of us. Of course mom and dad sat up front with my sister in-between them and by the time we arrived in the parking lot of The Flying Tiger Griller my legs were numb having gone to sleep under Sean’s weight.

Mark and Sean were just as excited as I was to get inside to see all the model airplanes, rocket ships and other aero space memorabilia but they stood by the car waiting for my legs to awaken while the rest of my family and my brothers’ girlfriend went to get in line to enter.

Even though the place had only been open for about a week everyone for miles around knew about its opening and the place was always packed. Thankfully today the line to get in didn’t look to be very long.

“On the way back I’m sitting on you!” I teased Sean.

Sean laughed, “No you can sit on Mark and I’ll sit on both of you.”

I was sitting inside the car with my legs hanging out the door while Sean leaned on the open door and Mark stood gawking at the inviting entrance to the restaurant. Mark turned excitedly and bumped the car door which barely touched my leg but that was enough to ignite the pins and needles within my legs.

“Whoa yeah! They’re waking up now!” I groaned.

Mark bent down and started to rub my calves, “Come on we’re missing everything!”

“PLEASE, OH YOU’RE KILLING ME, STOOOOP!” I cried out half laughing and half dieing inside.

It only took a minute or two before I was ready to go in. Of course Sean and Mark took full advantage of teasing me but I got in a few zingers of my own too. Dad had given me the keys with the remote for the door locks. I pushed the door closed, pressed the button and the doors clicked and then the three of us turned from the car only to stop dead in our tracks.

I’m not sure who saw the guys first, maybe we all saw them at the same time but none of us could believe our eyes. No less then ten guys were climbing out of a School bus and not a one of them were wearing clothes save for a cloth diaper, bib, baby-booties, a blue bonnet and the whole lot of them were sucking on pacifiers. They all looked to be about my brother’s age, maybe a little younger. Some of the guys were nicely tanned while others were pale-shinned and the second to the last guy off the bus looked like he hadn’t missed very many meals; he was the funniest looking of them all... I mean if you could pick out just one.

They all looked beat-red with embarrassment and completely miserable. Each of the overgrown babies had a different number painted onto their chests and backs and each was holding three helium filled balloons on strings. The balloons also had numbers on them that matched the number on the baby that was holding its string. I did a quick scan and saw that the highest number was twelve.

“Wow, there are twelve of them!” I commented.

Then from around the front of the bus came several other guys dressed in full football gear, helmets and all; There were too many of them to count but it looked like there were more of them than there were of the babies. The footballers began shouting at the babies, “COME ON YOU CRYBABIES! LET’S GET THOSE DIAPERED BUTTS MOVING! MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!”

“I think it’s some sort of initiation?” Mark observed making it sound as though he was just thinking out loud.

The line of people waiting to get in to eat exploded with laughter, cheers and clapping as they saw the oversized babies running toward them.

Mark fell on the pavement laughing. Sean was staring open mouthed at the spectacle. I think I was drooling but none of us saw until it was too late that one of the babies had broken away from the bunch and ran right toward the three of us. When I finally did see him running at us I stumbled backward and fell on my butt.

Sean didn’t move, not an inch, so he was the first of us to get a balloon. Yep, those babies were taking the balloons, tying the string to people’s wrists and chanting the same thing to each receiver.

“I am a North Middleton Freshman! Please accept this gift on behalf of the North Middleton Bulldogs. BULLDOGS RULE! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!”

The baby that had given the three of us his balloons was the first back to his bus and I am sure he was overjoyed to have spotted the three of us standing so close. Mark couldn’t stop rolling on the ground and laughing through the event. The poor baby had a heck of a time getting that balloon tied to Mark’s wrist but he finally managed it and took off as quickly as he’d come.

Once the three of us found mom and dad in the line the rest of the day went normally except for the topic of conversation at everyone’s tables seemed to be about the twelve oversized babies.


~ Twentieth Encounter ~


I’m not sure I can call this next one a true encounter. It happened about a month after my brother’s birthday. I was riding on the back of my brothers motorcycle, which is something that scared the ever-loving-life out of me because he drives it like he has a death-wish and more so when I am on it. I had my arms rapped around my brother in a bear hug fashion with my fingers locked together and my right ear planted firmly between his shoulder blades. We live in one of the few states that wearing a helmet is optional and normally out parents insist that we wear helmets but on this particular day my brother had picked me up at the library and didn’t have his spare helmet with him. This was another part of the reason I was hunkered down and tightly cling to my brother. With the wind whipping through my hair and past my ears it was zapping away all of my body heat.

We had pulled up to a red light and he was revving the engine when a black pickup truck pulled up next to us. At first I didn’t pay too much attention to the truck until the light turned green and it started to pull slightly ahead of us. I saw that there was a grown woman and a boy of maybe five or six sitting in the bed of the truck. The woman had very long hair and the wind was whipping it around so much that I couldn’t see her face. The little boy was standing up, leaning partially into the cab of the truck through the small back window. Then I noticed that the boy was not wearing pants. He had on a long sleeved green and blue wide horizontally stripped shirt and what I can only guess might have been yellow plastic pants. I only got a quick glimpse and I suppose that it is entirely possible that the boy was wearing some sort of Speedo but it wasn’t really swimming season so I have my doubts about that.


~ Twenty-Firsts Encounter ~


During the weeks that followed I spent most of my time hanging around with Mark and Sean. Aside from seeing Sean in his GoodNites on the occasional sleepover and seeing Mark in those Tena® diapers pretty much all the time, I didn’t have any other encounters. Having the two of them around to placate my diaper lusts should have been enough but it wasn’t and I was starting to think that I wouldn’t ever see another older boy in diapers, GoodNites or wet pants again. But then I had three encounters in as many days and all were with the same little beast of a boy.

The first of the three encounters occurred when I was outside picking up sticks and twigs that a storm the previous night had blow out of our trees. The boy was maybe seven or eight years old and was riding his bike up and down the sidewalk from one end of the block to the other. He went past twice before stopping to ask what I was doing.

I’d never seen the boy around the neighborhood and after talking with him I learned his name. Right hand to God, his name was Damien and he said that he was staying with his grandparents for two-weeks while his mom and dad were on an Alaskan cruse; I later learned that it wasn’t the trueth as to why he was staying with his grandparents. Though I didn’t ask him, I assumed he was part Mexican; at least he looked like he might be with his olive brown skin, dark eyes and jet black hair. He was also missing his two front teeth so when he talked he lisped. At first I thought this was cute but it was just another one of his little ways of disguising his true wicked side.

He flipped the kickstand down on his bike and dismounted, “Want some help?”

“Sure,” I said surprised and grateful to have the help.

“Did you see the tree over on the next street?” Damien asked as he bent over and picked up a stick.

“No. What happened?” I asked.

“It fell over last night right in the middle of the street!” Damien said enthusiastically.

I bent down to pick up a small twig as I asked, “No way, did it crush any cars or houses or anything?”

I was maybe two feet from Damien when I caught a whiff of stale pee. Instantly I looked up at Damien’s butt, which he had up in the air while he bent to pick up more sticks. It didn’t look like he was wearing a diaper; actually by the way his pants curved into his butt-crack I was fairly sure that he wasn’t wearing anything more than underwear.

When we were done picking up the sticks and twigs from the yard we walked them around to the back of the house and deposited them behind the garage. Dad likes to use them as kindling in the fireplace in the winter but he doesn’t like them just tossed back there. Instead he makes me tie them together with a bit of string that is kept on a nail on the back fence. However, as luck had it, the spool of string had run out and though I had told dad twice that it was gone, he’d not replaced it yet.

“Man, dad’s still not got more string.” I complained.

“Wow, that’s a lot of wood!” Damien commented when he saw the stack of wood just beyond the bundles of kindling.

“Maybe there’s some in the garage.” I said and dropped my arm load on the ground. Damien did the same before following me back around the garage.

Inside the garage Damien saw my brothers’ motorcycle and got excited. He wanted to get on it but I told him that my brother would kill us if he found out. It took some looking before I located more string, it wasn’t the same sort of string but I didn’t really care. I was about to leave the garage when I seen that Damien had climbed onto my brothers’ motorcycle despite warning him not too.

I raced over and snatched him off the bike. He fussed and punched me in the face before I finally let him go. You little... on second thought I better not say what I called him; you know, just in case! Anyway, when I let him go, I figured he would run out of the garage and I’d never see him again but that’s not what he did. Instead he kicked me in both of my shins, punched me right in the beanbag, did an end run around me and tried to get back on the motorcycle.

My cheek was stinging where he had punched me, my balls and my shins were screaming and I decided that I’d had enough of him at this point. I reached out, took hold of his shirt and with a firm yank pulled him backwards into me. He spun around, tried to kick me but I was expecting it and moved quicker. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have done it but the kid made me mad. I caught hold of one of his arms, scooped him into the air with his head behind me and his backside was right in front of me. I gave his bare butt a firm swat and received a splash of pee in my face.

My first thought was, “Oh how gross!” and my second though was “Oh my god this kid wet his pants!” and my third thought was, “When?”

I looked over at my brothers’ motorcycle and sure enough the suede leather seat was wet.

“You little monster!” I growled and despite his squirming, flailing and yelling he couldn’t get away. I gave him seven more really hard swats and dropped him with no gentleness at all. He ran from the garage crying and screaming while I rubbed my aching hand.

I looked at the seat of my brothers’ motorcycle and sighed, “He’s going to kill me!”

While I was tying the twigs and sticks together I had time to think about Damien and I began to worry that Damien was probably arriving home right then and telling his grandparents what I’d done to him. I fully expected to be getting a visit from them very soon. However, the rest of the day passed without any sign of Damien or his grandparents.


~ Twenty-Second Encounter ~


Later in the afternoon it started to rain again, not hard like the previous night but it was coming down steady enough that my brother couldn’t ride his motorcycle. I couldn’t have been more relived to see that rain!

I hardly slept at all that night; between thinking about Damien and his wet pants and worrying about what my brother was going to say if the seat was stained the next morning.

Before my brother or anyone else was up I got out of bed, dressed and went out to the garage to check that the leather had dried overnight. Much to my relief it was dry and stain free however it failed the nose test.

“I just have to pray that my brother doesn’t decide to sit on his face!” I joked with myself.

After breakfast I was out on the front porch oiling up my glove to put away for the winter and that is when I saw that same little brat, Damien, riding past the house on his bike. On his third pass he stuck his tongue out at me and flipped me off. When he saw me stand up he peddled his bike like crazy and sped away only to return about an hour later.

I was inside the house walking from the bathroom to the kitchen when I spotted him through the front window. He was across the street peeing on our neighbor’s flowers. I nearly fell over laughing when I seen our neighbor come running out of her house carrying a bucket of water. Damien didn’t see her coming until it was too late. She doused him with the full bucket of water sending him face first into the flowerbed. I wanted to run outside and cheer but better sense prevailed this one time. Instead, I watched through the window as Damien jumped up soaking wet, covered in mud and dirt. What made it even funnier was the fact that I knew that it wasn’t just dirt and mud, our neighbor was religious about applying manure to their flowerbeds twice ever year; once in spring and once in the fall. They had just applied a fresh coating of manure less than a month ago. I watched Damien spit out a mouthful of the cow processed fertilizer and wipe at his tongue. Inside I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to crack a rib.

Then something even funnier happened. Damien must be He didn’t say nothing or even look at the lady; he just took off running as through he was being chased.

It was later that night, just a little while before dinner that mom came looking for me. When I first saw her face I got nervous and wondered why she looked so upset. I did a quick mental inventory to be sure I had all of my chores done before I asked, “What?”

“You’re sister was supposed to baby-sit tonight.” mom looked at my radio clock, “She’s supposed to be there in five minute but she’s not even home from the mall yet.”

“Uh, ok?” I said not really sure why mom was telling me all this. I should have known that she was setting me up.

“Well, I wanted to see if you might want earn a little spending cash,” Mom asked cautiously.

I sighed, “Who’s little brats do I have to go watch and how much does it pay?”

Mom went into selling mode, “It’s Gladys’s daughters little boy and he isn’t a brat. Gladys said he is a very well behaved boy and it will only be for a couple of hours.”

I finally agreed, “Oh alright but my sister’s going to owe me big-time!” and little did I know that I had just set myself up for another close encounter.

I was still dressed and only had to put on my shoes before I was ready to go. Since Gladys and her husband just live around the corner I didn’t bother getting my bike out of the shed. When I rang the doorbell Gladys’s husband Bill who used to coach my little league team opened the door. Bill is one of those really likable older guys but acts as if he’s still in his twenties and thirties. Even though he’s married to Gladys, he still flirts with every lady he runs across. I always have liked Bill and Gladys until I saw who they were wanting me to watch for them.

“Damien?” I said when I seen the little beast.

Bill smiled, slapped me on the back and said, “So the two of you have already met?!”

Damien looked horror struck. He was standing beside his grandmother, Gladys trying to look cute and innocent but I knew better; boy did I ever! Gladys came over and just like always she grabbed my cheeks, pinched them and said, “Oh you are such a handsome, handsome, handsome boy!” My cheeks always ache for several minutes after she’s done pinching them.

“Can’t tell you how please we are that you could sit with young Damien here.” Bill said slapping me on the back again and I wondered to myself if there was an old Damien, probably his father.

“Is your sister ok?” Gladys asked with concern.

“Oh yes, just fine.” I wasn’t sure what mom had told them about my sister so I didn’t say anything more.

I was shown where the emergency numbers were kept, given instructions for Damien’s bedtime and slapped on the back once more as Bill said, “Don’t burn the house down! No wild parties and don’t drink the blue water in the toilets!” He let loose a belly giggling laugh as he pulled the door closed.

The instant I heard the door latch I spun around and gave Damien the meanest, deadliest stare down I could muster up. I got quite a bit of please seeing him standing there looking worried and concerned. When I moved my left foot only slightly his entire body convulsed. I felt like laughing the way those evil scientists did in those old-time movies, “Muhahahahaaaa!”

Quick as a whip I thrust my right hand toward him. He jumped, threw his arms up to shield himself and made a sound much like a weasel being crushed by stampeding elephants. “Tell you what... Let’s forget about before and start all over again.”

Damien crinkled up his nose and tilted his head to one side like a confused little puppy.

“Come on, let’s shake and be friends,” I said.

Apprehensively Damien reached up and took my hand but only briefly. He wasn’t totally sure he wanted to trust me yet but I knew I had to earn his trust or I’d never be able to find out more about his wetting problem.

Before Bill and Gladys had left, Gladys had said that there was Sausage Ravioli’s for Damien’s supper and if I was hungry I could have the leftover meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy in the refrigerator.

I should be ashamed of myself for taking advantage of every opportunity to cause Damien to jump in alarm but then it was the least the little monster deserved. I clapped my hands together loudly and asked; “Ready to eat?” and that boy jumped a good foot in the air.

He didn’t speak, only nodded his head once but never once took his eyes off of me and I also noticed that he was purposefully keeping his backside pointed away from me. The memory of spanking him made my hand tingle again and it dawned on me that he was scared that I was going to spank him again. Little did he know that he was the first and only person I had ever spanked; I mean not playing around. If there was any spanking going on around me, it was usually dad, mom or the school principle doing it to me!

When Damien didn’t budge I smiled wider, pointed toward the kitchen and said, “So you going to go eat or should we just stand here all night?”

He still didn’t move so I stepped around him and went into the kitchen without him. I wasn’t surprised when I seen him peaking around the end of the wall into the kitchen.

“BOO!” I said and stomped on the floor.

Damien’s arms flailed as he leapt into the air again but this time I gave him a good scare. I could see it in his eyes that he was fighting back the tears.

I knelt down in front of him, “Hey, I’m sorry Damien, I was only playing.”

A word to the wise... NEVER, and I mean never-never-never, let your guard down around a little beast like Damien! That little twerp smacked me across the face and tore off running upstairs. He hit me so hard that by the time I got my eyeballs shoved back into my head he was gone, barricaded in one of the upstairs rooms.

“I’m going to kill him!” I said to myself as I put the can of Sausage Ravioli into the can opener. “I’m going to squeeze his little head like a pimple and use his pants wetting little wiener for a pencil topper!”

While the Sausage Ravioli were heating on the stove I went to the downstairs bathroom and checked my face. Aside for a slight redness where his hand had made contact, there were no other visible signs.

I figured I better check on the little monster to be sure he hadn’t tied the bed sheets together and climbed out one of the upstairs windows. I slowly crept up the stairs and observed that all of the doors were open, and at the far end of the hallway the bathroom door was partially closed. I could see that the bathroom light was on and someone was inside.

I continued to the top of the steps and stopped to listen; I could hear Damien in the bathroom and it sounded like he might be on the toilet.

With cat-like stealth I eased closer to the bathroom door and peeked through the crack between the hinge side of the door and the doorjamb. Damien was sitting on the toilet but still had his pants on. His face was buried in his hands and he was sobbing intensely. He was also talking to himself while he wept but it was hard to make out just what he was saying. However, I did pick up on this much, “He’s going to kill me! He’s going to come up here and kill me until I am dead, dead, dead!” Damien shook his head as he howled, “I wish grandma and grandpa would come back right now!”

I didn’t know what to say or what to do but opportunely my nose detected the aroma of the Sausage Ravioli that I’d left heating on the stove. I slipped back downstairs without Damien having even the slightest inkling that I’d been spying on him.

After removing the Sausage Ravioli’s from the hot burner I went back to the foot of the steps and called up using the sweetest and nicest voice I could, “Damien buddy, I have your Sausage Ravioli’s ready. Come on down, you don’t want to let them get cold. There’s nothing worse in this world than cold Sausage Ravioli’s... well except for maybe warm ice cream.”

He didn’t come down, at least not right away and I honestly hadn’t expected him to either. I had lowered the stove to the lowest setting and left his supper hot so that if he did come down it would be ready for him. He didn’t make an appearance until after I’d taken out the leftovers from the refrigerator and had heated them in their microwave; that’s when I heard Damien on the steps.

I kept my back to the kitchen doorway and listened. The little bugger still managed to startle me. I didn’t hear him come up behind me, I mean right behind me. He sniffled and I jumped, hit my head on the range hood and spun around.

Rubbing my head and gritting my teeth I said, “Oh man that hurt!”

Damien had backed up against the cupboards frozen with fear. I actually felt bad for the beast for a second, “Listen, I’m not mad at you; I promise. I figure that I deserved it for scaring you before and I am sorry for that ok?”

Damien seemed to melt a little and still rubbing my head with one hand I asked him, “So, are you hungry?”

He nodded twice.

“One plate of Sausage Ravioli ala Chef Boyardee coming up!” I said in a bad Italian accent.

Without saying a word Damien backed out of the kitchen and into the dinning room which was on the other side of the peninsula that divided the two rooms. I watched as he backed all the way to the far side of the table, pulled out one of the chairs and sat himself down.

He didn’t say anything until about half way through our dinner. I’d made it a point to sit right beside him when I brought my plate over. At first I think it unsettled him but once he started eating he settled back down again.

I had taken a swig of my 7UP when Damien said something so softly that I had to have him repeat it so that I could hear him, “Please don’t kill me.”

That nearly caused me to choke on my beverage. Before I could respond I coughed, burped and cleared my throat. “Do you really think I am going to kill you?”

Damien nodded his head as though he was trying to drive his chin through his chest.

I watched him for a minute. I could tell that he was working up to asking another question and I gave him the time he needed to muster up his courage.

When he finally did ask he blurted out the words so fast that it came out like this, “Are go-ank me?”

I chuckled mildly, “Want to run that one by me again?”

Damien seemed to be aggravated with himself. Before he tried to speak again he took a deep breath and blew it out as if he was blowing out the candles on a cake. He was so tense that his shoulders were all the way up around his ears and his eyebrows were nearly touching.

Much slower he asked, “Are you going to spank me?”

I tried to lighten the mood with a little joke, “Only if you want me to.”

He looked alarmed and shook his head hard enough to scramble his brains and twist his head right off his narrow shoulders. It made him dizzy and he swooned in his chair for a moment or two. For a second I thought he was going to fall out of his chair but he recovered by grabbing hold of the table to steady himself.

“Be careful little man!” I said.

Boy did his eyes light up when I called him that. I mean he perked right up and even managed to smile. We finished our dinner and Damien disappeared while I washed up our dinner plates. When I finished I went to wipe off the dining table and push in the chairs. That’s when I saw the puddle on the hardwood floor beneath the chair where Damien had been sitting. The seat cushion was absolutely soaked with pee and the thought ran through my head that if Damien had my sister as a baby-sitter tonight he would be in for it! But tonight he has me and I am slightly reluctant to admit that I was more than a little pleased to see the mess.

It only took me a minute to locate a mop and get the floor cleaned up; the seat cushion was a different story altogether. I had located several towels from the basement laundry room; they were lying on the floor so I presumption that they had not been washed yet. I dabbed at the cushion until I couldn’t get anymore wetness to appear on the towels, then I pored two cups of water on the cushion and started dabbing it dry again. I did this two more times to be absolutely sure that there was no urine left in the cushion and that it was as dry as I could make it before I felt that the task was done.

After dropping the towels into the washer and starting it I went looking for my little pants wetting buddy however, I couldn’t find him right away. I’d searched the entire first and second floor and was starting to worry that he might have gone outside when I heard a crash in the basement.

“Now what did he do?” I said aloud and then raced down the basement steps.

At first I couldn’t find him downstairs either but then I caught a whiff of the kid and followed my nose. The basement was only partially finished off as living space and when I went around what I saw was the furnace room I found a large area that was totally unfinished. It was filled with boxes, old Christmas and Halloween decoration and some unused furniture. On the floor in the middle of this area were the remains of what looked like a blue ceramic table lamp.

I sniffed the air and cleared my throat.

“I didn’t do it!” Damien cried out from some unseen location.

“Well, was it an accident then?” I asked.

“I didn’t do it!” he cried again.

“Can you help me clean it up?” I asked.

“No, you will spank me!” he said softer.

“I said I wouldn’t and I won’t.” I reassured.

For his age, the little devil in boyish form was smart. He said, “Then Grandma will when you tell on me.”

“No I won’t!” I said as cheery as I could but I was slowly getting tired of this boy.

“Liar!” he called out.

And before I could say something else he said, “And you will tell on me for...” his voice trailed off without finishing his thought.

I guessed that he was going to say for wetting his pants at the dinner table so I finished for him. “For getting your grandparents nice chair wet and wetting on the floor too?”

Damien was silent except for his panicked breathing.

I cleaned up the chair and floor for you; they won’t know that anything ever happened. And I am washing the towels too so they won’t be able to smell the pee in those either.

He still didn’t make a sound.

Not sure what else I could say to reassure him I went to where I had found the mop and took out a broom and dustpan to clean up the shards of glass.

Damien must have thought I had gone back upstairs because he’d come out of hiding and was rooting around inside a box. He was nearly upside down inside of the box with both feet off the concrete floor. His body was sort of teetering on the edge of the box. I stopped and watched for a couple of seconds before the devil got into me too. It only took a slight tap on his shoe with the broom to send him toppling into the box.

Aaaaahhhhh! HELP! HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!” Damien bellowed loud enough for someone on the moon to hear him.

His legs and feet were kicking about wildly but he was truly stuck upside down in the box, unable to free himself. I took several steps back out of that part of the basement and did my best to fake as though I was calling from upstairs.

“Damien where are you?” I said.

Damien screamed harder and louder for me to come to his rescue so I did but at first I left him to panic a bit more. When he was good and horse from screaming then and only then did I make myself known.

“Oh there you are!” I said as thought I’d only just found him. “I heard you calling for help but it sounded like you were upstairs. I looked all over, even under all of the beds.”

“Please, please get me out! Please!” Damien cried.

“Stop kicking and hold still.” I instructed.

Damien stopped thrashing about but still pleaded, “Please, please, help me!”

I took hold of either side of his waist and lifted him from the box. I suppose a nice person would have flipped him over and set him down on his feet but I didn’t. Instead I lowered him headfirst to the floor and held onto him tightly.

“Let me go!” he cried, “Please don’t spank me again!”

“I said I wouldn’t spank you but I didn’t say anything about not putting you down.”

Holding him upside down I made him walk on his hands over to where I’d left the broom and dustpan. I knew that my shirt was getting wet by holding onto him like I was but I didn’t really care. I had formulated a plan and I was committed to making Damien clean up his mess. I made Damien pick up the dust pan and then carried him back over to the where he’d broken the lamp. One by one Damien picked up every single piece of shattered ceramic and placed it on the dustpan.

“Is that all of it?” I asked.

“Please let me down now!” was his reply.

I didn’t let him down; instead I twirled him in my arms so that he was upside right and facing me. I could see that he had been crying and his face was nearly as red as ketchup.

I don’t think he knew what to do or say, or maybe he was dizzy from having been upside down for so long. Shocked isn’t strong enough of a word for how I felt when he leaned forward, rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me.

Remember what I said before about not letting your guard down around Damien? I allowed myself to actually believe that Damien was hugging on me but he was just grabbing on so that I didn’t drop him when he kicked me right in the main bean machine.

Ooooooh!” I screeched and fell to my knees; tears began to fill my eyes as I crumpled into a ball holding myself.

I have no idea where the little fiend went to and I had no plans on going to look for him again. He beat me this time and all I wanted to do was get out of the house, go home and lick my wounds... so to speak.

Damien stayed in hiding the rest of the evening and didn’t show himself until Bill and Gladys returned. As a matter of fact, aside from going to the basement one more time to put the towels in the dryer, I did nothing but sit in the living room and wait for their return. When they walked in and asked how things went I lied and said that Damien had been a little angel and had been playing quietly in his room most of the evening. Damien came into my line of sight and I fired daggers at the monstrous dwarf while Bill paid me for the evening. I was thanked profusely as I was leaving and Gladys gave me a piece of Strawberry Shortcake that they had brought home for me.

When I got home I went straight to the bathroom, stripped off all of my clothes, tossed them into the hamper and lowered my aching balls into a tube of cool, pain releasing water. I swore to myself that tomorrow, if I was able to walk, I would find my sister and punch her dead in the face. After all, it was her fault that I ended up having to go over and watch Satan’s little bastard child. As destiny would have it, the next day would present me with an opportunity for some payback for both my sister and that horrid, rotten, beastly spawn from the deepest, darkest parts of Hell that even Steven King wouldn’t dare to write about. At least that is how it all would start, but the end results would be more then I could have ever imagined or expected.


~ Twenty-Third Encounter ~


Last night I laid in the cool bathtub for over an hour soaking my throbbing balls and cursing the day the parents that had the audacity to give birth to a child like Damien. What made it worse was the fact that they hadn’t smothered him in his crib as a baby when they could have done so and no one would have been the wiser.

I know I should feel guilty for thinking such a horrible thing as murdering a baby but at the time I was angry, sore and tired. When I woke up the next morning I didn’t feel so bad and even gave the kid some slack. I mean he isn’t the way he is all on his own; since I know that Bill and Gladys are good people I must assume that Damien takes after one or maybe both of his parents. Or maybe something they did or didn’t do while raising him made him so... well made him the way he is now.

One thing that I hadn’t given any thought to last night was what Damien might tell his grandparents. I know the little brat is fairly smart so I wouldn’t put it past him to conjure up some outlandish tale to get me into trouble. That started to worry me more and more as the day went on. Thankfully, Damien either hadn’t thought about doing such a thing or he had his own reason for not doing it, either way, I was glad he hadn’t.

It was around 1:30 p.m. when the doorbell rang and mom called me from my room. “Max you’ve got a visitor!” she sang out.

Thinking it was Sean or Mark, I quickly jumped into a pair of pants, I’d been sitting on my bed in my underwear and t-shirt reading a car magazine when she called for me. I was disappointed to find that it wasn’t Sean or Mark that came to see me, it was the devil... I mean Damien.

I was surprise and speechless for all of about three seconds, “What are you doing here?” I asked rather abruptly.

“Max, be nice!” mom verbally chastised me as she was leaving the room.

“Sorry mom!” I said pushing Damien back out the door, stepping out with him and closed the door behind me.

Listen you little...” I caught myself before I cussed, “I should beat the crap out of you right here and now! You’re nothing but an evil little brat. Someday you’re going to pull some of your crap on the wrong person and they are going to stomp you into the ground.” Yeah, I was being mean but just seeing that little kid brought out the worst in me.

Damien stood motionless looking down at the ground and didn’t speak; heck he didn’t do anything but stand there. I was fully on my guard, he wasn’t going to get another chance to hit me, kick me or do anything else to me. If he so much as breathed on me I don’t think I could have, or even would have restrained myself any longer.

“What do you want you little worm?!” I growled with frustration.

My right hand twitched, it wanted to wrap around his throat and squeeze until his head popped off. It was taking all my willpower not to smack him around, even just a little bit.

“I don’t have anyone to play with,” Damien sniveled.

“That’s because you smell like pee!” Oh my god, did I really just say that?

Still staring down at his feet, Damien sniffled and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his jacket. He left a streak of glistening snot on his sleeve.

“I’m sorry for hitting and kicking you,” he said softly.

“No you’re not! You’ve a brat and you will always be a brat! Now go away, don’t ever come around here again or I might just decided to hurt you for the fun of it!” I said and then went back inside, leaving Damien alone.

About twenty minutes later my mom came into my bedroom, “That little boy is still outside, is he waiting for you?”

“He’s not a little boy, he’s Bill and Gladys’s grandson and he’s evil.” I said without looking up from the book I was reading.

“Max,” mom said in that tone mom’s use to make you feel bad or guilty about something.

I lowered my book, “Want proof? Get a glass of water, bless it and toss it on him. I bet you two weeks allowance that he’ll burst into flames!”

Mom changed her tone slightly, “He’s just a little boy and he looks lonely. Why don’t you go out and toss the ball with him or something.”

“I’m telling you mom that kid isn’t right in the head! I don’t want anything to do with him and if he needs someone to baby sit him again don’t come looking for me because I won’t go.”

I could tell I had crossed the line with my mom but I think I got my point across, at least I thought I did until she said, “That’s too bad you feel that way, because your sister wants to go to a concert tonight and she was supposed to sit for Bill and Gladys Killian all night. She was willing to give up the $50 that they were going to pay her too.”

Mom tried to look innocent as she said, “Maybe I should just invite him to stay over here and keep the money for myself.”

“MOM! That’s not fair!” I whined, “I’m the one that would end up having to watch him and put up with him.”

“So you’re saying that since you’ll be spending the evening with him anyway, that you want the money too?” mom said coyly.

“Fine! I’ll go, but if I come home possessed by daemons don’t blame me!”

Mom walked away knowing she’d just talked me into it, “Ok, I’ll call and let them know you’re coming then.”

I stood up from my desk chair, walked over to my bed and fell face first onto my mattress. “Someone up there really hates me!” I said to myself.

And then an idea jumped into my head. It was the most awful, most outrageously horrible idea I had ever formulated... “I’ll do it!” I announced with a Grinch-like grin.

I learned from mom that Bill and Gladys were going to a square dancing competition in the next state over and wouldn’t be home until after 10:00 a.m. the following morning. I was expected to watch Damien from 4:00 p.m. until his grandparents returned the following morning. That meant I’d be alone with Damien for eighteen hours. I rubbed my hands together and basked in my own brilliance, “Oh this is going to be too good!”

$37.78 was the sum total of my entire life savings, including the money I’d more than earned last night from baby-sitting. To exact my plan, I was going to have to spend that money and I didn’t have very much time to do it.

I had talked to Mark earlier that morning and told him all about Damien and the evening I’d had to endure with him. Mark laughed and teased me about being beat-up and bested by a kid that was a third my size.

When I decided to go through with my idea I first called Mark and told him what I had planned. At first Mark sounded apprehensive but soon enough he jumped on-board. I thought about calling Sean too but given his age I figured it was probably better to keep him out of it. I asked Mark if I could have a couple of his diapers, which he was happy to let me have. I got my backpack from my room, pocketed my money, got my bike out of the garage and rode over to Marks.

Mark gave me four of his diapers and said that if there were any of them left afterward that I should take them home and use them myself. I think secretly, he really wants to get me into a diaper like him.

The two of us road up to the corner drug store with me peddling and Mark on my handlebars.

“Mark you need to go on a diet! You’re wearing me out!” I moaned as I tried to peddle up the hill.

Though I recognized the line Mark stole from Monsters Inc. it was still funny, “Less talking and more peddling marshmallow boy!” he said.

He then said, “I’ll peddle on the way back!”

“Oh sure! It’s almost all downhill going back!” I complained.

Mark laughed, “Hey it’s your crazy idea! I’m just along for the ride. Now peddle!”

At the drug store Mark stayed outside and guarded my bike so that it wouldn’t be stolen while I was inside getting the supplies I would need. I went straight to the diaper isle and looked at all the different kinds of diapers. I finally decided to buy the smallest quantity package of Pampers size-6 because they looked to be the biggest and most absorbent of all the diapers and I also had to make sure that I had enough money to get the other supplies. I also picked out a container of baby-wipes, a container each of baby scented baby powder and Vaseline.

I had to go to the next isle over to find the baby bottles and pacifiers which I had intended to get one of each but they had the neatest gadget, it was an adaptor that you screw onto a soda or water bottle and then you are able to attach any normal baby bottle nipple to it. It came two to a package for $1.99 so I got that instead. The pacifier that I selected was green and shaped like Kermit the Frogs head.

The last item I needed to pick up was something that I knew about but wasn’t sure what it was called. When I was about 8-years-old, on a bet from my brother I had swallowed twenty five marbles. The doctor had told my mom to give me this medicine that she got at this drug store and put it into a can of Root Beer. Whatever that stuff was, within about fifteen minutes I was pooping rivers of crap and marbles. That stuff flushed out my entire body and I know that more stuff came out of me than I’d ever in my life put into me.

However, it didn’t take very long for me to realize that I wasn’t going to be able to find it on my own. I needed help; but how do I ask someone at the store for something like that. And then I had the idea of telling them that my mom had given me a list of things to buy and that I’d lost the list on the way over.

I found a nice lady that worked at the at the drugstore and told her my story. She bought into it with no hesitation at all.

“I think I know what she wants,” the lady said and led me to a mind staggeringly large selection of laxatives and stool softeners. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of drugs to help you poop.

“Oh here it is,” the lady said picking up a small plastic bottle from the bottom shelf.

I recognized the shape of the bottle instantly. The label read, “Kondremul Lubricant Laxative”.

“Yeah that’s what mom called it.” I lied.

On the way to the checkout counter, I grabbed two, two-liter bottles of caffeine free chocolate soda. I paid for the items and still had three dollars and some change left over so I bought three candy-bars; one for me, one for Mark and one to give to Damien later.


I arrived at Bill and Gladys’s home right on time. “Glad to see you Max!” Bill said slapping me on the back and ushering me into their house. Damien was no where to be seen and Bill said that Gladys was upstairs putting on her face.

“Putting on her face?” I asked as I slipped off my backpack and put it in the front closet with my jacket, “I knew you two were too good to be true. You’re both aliens from some distant planet aren’t you?” I joked.

Bill’s face was blank and serious. He rolled his eyes back so that only the whites were showing, pointed at me and said, “Brains... must eat brains!”

I laughed and said, “Hey, you can ask my dad, there aren’t any brains in my head!”

Right then Gladys came down the steps and sounding totally serious she said, “Honey, you know that eating brains gives you gas.” And then walked up to me, pinched both of my cheeks and gave me a kiss on the forehead. She then licked her lips and said to Bill, “Besides he’s not ripe yet.”

“Ha-Ha! You guys are too funny! And I suppose your going to tell me that Damien’s an alien too.” I laughed.

Bill was getting into the coat closet to get his and Gladys jackets as he said, “Nope, just a snack, uh, I mean a human like you.”

“Alright, that’s enough.” Gladys told him and then proceeded to give me a rundown of everything I would need to know about including how to contact them incase of an emergency.

As they were leaving, and just as he’d done the previous evening, Bill said, “Don’t burn the house down! No wild parties and don’t drink the blue water in the toilets!”

“No promises!” I said as I closed and locked the front door.

This time I peeked through the front curtain and watched until they were gone. I also waited a good half-hour before doing anything just in case they came back to get something they had forgot.

Unlike the previous night, Gladys had already prepared dinner for the two of us and had it waiting in the oven to keep it hot. It was a pot-roast with carrots, potatoes and the longest green beans I’ve ever seen.

Before going to try and make up with Damien, I mean I would have to earn his trust if I was going to exact my revenge, I got the table set, and filled both of our glasses with some of the chocolate soda I’d brought with me except in Damien’s drink I also added half of the bottle of Kondremul.

At first I was just going to call him down but I figured that after the way I had talked to him earlier in the day, it wouldn’t have surprised me at all if he totally ignored me. So instead I climbed the steps and found which room he was in.

“Hi Damien,” I said trying to be friendly.

He was lying on the bed on his belly playing with a videogame with a set of headphones on so he had not heard me coming. I was all the way in the room and standing next to the bed before he even knew I was around. He screamed, flew off the bed. His headphones were yanked off his head and he crashed backward into a dresser against the far wall. His head hit the dresser fairly hard and he began to cry as he held the back of his head.

I raced to his side and tried to see if he was bleeding but he kept trying to pull away from me. I tried to keep my voice calm so not to upset him anymore than I had already done. I also tried to make a joke to get him to stop crying, “Hold still, and let me see if you’re leaking brains.”

Ow-Ow-Ow!” he cried out.

He already had a slight bump forming and within about ten minutes it had become a nasty little goose egg. He was still crying pretty hard when I picked him up and carried him downstairs to put some ice on his head. I sat him on the kitchen counter while I got the ice, put it into a Zip-Lock baggie and then rapped it with one of the kitchen towels.

“Here, hold this on your head and it will help.” I instructed.

“How come you are here and not that other girl?” Damien asked through his diminishing tears.

I told him why and then told him how sorry I was that I had startled him so badly upstairs. The ice seemed to be doing the trick because he had stopped crying and I was even able to make him laugh about it.

“Boy you got me good!” he said.

“Yeah you jumped a mile!” I agreed.

“No I jumped ten miles!” he laughed.

I then asked him, “Did you even know that your grandma and grandpa shouted goodbye to you?”

“I didn’t even know they were gone!” he said and winced when he moved his head too fast.

“Still hurt?” I asked.

Instead of answering he asked his own question, “Are you still way super mad at me?”

I smiled and gave him a little tickle, “Nah, I am not still way super mad at you no more.”

Whacking his head was a bad way to break the ice between us but it seemed to do the trick and maybe for a fraction of a second I had second thoughts about going through with my plans but then I remembered how manipulative Damien could be. Inside I knew that it wouldn’t be long before he’d try something again.

As the two of us sat at the table eating our dinner it took all of my restraint to keep from laughing every time he picked up his chocolate soda and took a drink. The two of us were actually getting along well, laughing and talking while we ate. Damien had drunk nearly all of his chocolate soda already so I got up and refilled his glass. I figured that while he was willing to drink extra fluids now, it would just help all the more later and he seemed to enjoy the fact that I was letting him have all the chocolate soda he wanted. By the time we were done eating he had drink three full glasses including the first that contained the Kondremul.

When he offered to help me carry our dished to the kitchen and then offered to wipe off the table for me I was suspicious but let him help me. The two of us washed the dishes together, well actually I washed them, he just stood beside me telling me all about the video game he was playing before. I had just put the last plate away when I heard a gurgle come from Damien’s stomach.

Damien laughed, “My tummy says it is full!”

“I would say so; I heard it all the way over here,” I said knowingly.

“You have room for some desert?” I asked.

His eyes lit up and he asked, “What?”

“If you want it now, I brought you a surprise for desert.” I said.

He started to bounce up and down on his tip-toes, “YOU BROUGHT ME A SURPRISE!!!! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?” He squealed so loud I thought my ears might bleed.

While I had been getting the table ready for us to eat I had retrieved the candy bar from my backpack and put it in the refrigerator to keep it from melting. I opened up the door, took it back out and handed it to him.

He was so excited and asked, “How did you know that Baby-Ruth is my favorite!”

“Well, I didn’t really. I guess I got lucky.” I answered.

For a heart stopping moment I thought he was about to punch me or something but he was just reaching out to hug me.

He started to walk back around to the table and I asked, “Where are you going?”

“To eat it,” he said pointing toward the dinning room table.

“You don’t have to eat it at the table. You can take it into the living room and watch some TV if you want.” I said and I think that surprised him.

“I can?” he said and ran toward the living room. “Yaaahooooo!” he said skidding to a stop and plopping down in front of the TV.

“Can we watch Simpson’s?” he asked.

“Uh, I don’t think they are on right now,” I said.

“No on the tape!” he said pointing to the VCR.

I realized that they must have some of the older episodes recorded, “Oh, do you know where it is?”

Damien had ripped open his candy bar and taken a bite of it. “Ith in ga cloffet.” He said pointing to the closet in the hall.

I opened the door and saw a surprising number of video tapes with movies, TV shows and several other titles hand written on the labels. Damien squeezed past me, grabbed one of the VCR tapes and raced back to the TV.

“Do you know how to do it?” I asked.

He turned and gave me a look as if to say, “How stupid do I look to you?”

He pushed in the tape and pressed the play button before plopping down on the floor again to finish his candy bar. Damien began to watch the Simpson’s while I sat on the couch and watched him. It was kind of nice watching the Simpson’s on video tape because all of the commercials had been edited out and about halfway through the first episode I noticed that Damien was beginning to squirm a little.

Without commercials the first episode only lasted about fifteen minutes and when it was over Damien turned to me and whimpered, “My tummy don’t feel good.”

He leaned forward to try to stand up and that’s when it happened. I heard a sort of bubbling and then a loud juicy farting sound. Damien froze in place, half standing and half kneeling. I knew instantly that the first part of my plan had been a success. I didn’t do or say anything; I just watched his chocolate covered face to see what he would do.

For several seconds he didn’t do anything and then I saw his bottom lip quivering and his face turned a deep shade of pink.

I finally said something, “Sounds like you might have some gas.”

When he still didn’t move I added, “Do you need to go potty?”

I saw tears begin to run down his face and knew for sure that I had him right where I wanted him.

“Little man?” I remembered how he’d responded when I had called him that yesterday and I used it now to insure his continued trust, “Did you have an accident?”

I stood up, when over to him and could smell the foul contents of his pants. I hadn’t figured on the smell, it was bad, really bad and it made me feel as thought I might start gagging. Using a trick my dad had taught me a long time ago, I pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth as forcefully as I could and the noxious feelings seemed to ease a bit. I then knelt down before Damien and said, “It’s ok little man, come on I’ll help you get cleaned up.”

When I reached out and touched him he lost it and began to cry the way he had when he had hit his head. Secretly I was reeling with excitement and pleasure at making this boy suffer for the way he was to me the past couple of days. Damien let go another loud juicy fart as I picked him up in my arms to carry him to the upstairs bathroom and I knew more had escaped into his pants again then just gas.

Damien was so embarrassed, so humiliated that he was sobbing uncontrollably and clinging to my neck with surprising strength. When the two of us reached the bathroom I lowered him into the tub and had to pull on his arms to get him to release his vise like hold on my neck. He wouldn’t look at me; his chin was buried in his chest which was heaving with each mournful gasp.

The mess in his pants was bad. It wasn’t runny like I thought it would be but it was still bad. And I found it peculiar that it wasn’t brown but was a kind of bright green. I hadn’t given any thought to how to clean him up after making such a big mess of himself; so I was relieved to see that they had one of those hand held shower things. It made it so much easier to spray the poop off his rear end and to rinse out the tub when he was clean.

Never once did he speak or look up as I washed him from head to toe. I was sure he would protest when I pressed the soapy rag between his butt cheeks but he didn’t. He wouldn’t even step out of the tube on his own, I had to pick him up, set him on the floor and dry him with a towel. He even stood there, softly weeping while I rinsed his soiled paints and underwear in the tub and then cleaned out the tub.

Wrapped in the towel I carried him to the bedroom I had found him in earlier, sat him on the bed and scrounged around for a fresh pair of underwear and some pajamas for him. For the most part he had stopped crying but he had been completely humiliated and had retreated into himself. I tried to get him to look at me or to talk but he wouldn’t do either.

I had to dress him and had just combed his hair for him when he bolted from the room only to stop in the middle of the hallway. This time when he began to cry he was quite vocal about it, “NOOOOOOooooooooo!”

He had soiled himself for the second time just as I knew he would. When my mom had given me that stuff I had pooped and pooped and pooped and when I thought I couldn’t poop anymore I pooped again.

I wasn’t upset at all at having to start washing him all over again; I knew that before his grandparents returned tomorrow he was going to be sick of having baths.

I raced to his side and hugged him close to me, “It’s ok little man, it’s ok! Don’t cry it will be ok.”

He was crying so hard that his entire body trembled in my arms. “Please make it stop!” he pleaded but I had no intention of doing anything but make it worse for him.

I was just as thorough when washing him and rinsing his pajamas as I had been the first time. When I had him dried off and before leaving the bathroom I asked him, “Do you think you need to sit on the potty for a minute?”

He wouldn’t look up but he did shake his head no.

“Are you sure?” I asked again.

He nodded this time and I had to hide my grin as I scooped him up and carried him to his room once more. This time however I had only got his underwear on his when he pooped in them.

“Oh Damien again?” I said in fake disgust.

It wasn’t so bad this time, he must have been nearly empty and it didn’t take as long to clean him up. To drive home the idea that I didn’t want him to mess in anymore of his cloths I told him he had to sit on the toilet until I got back from putting his cloths in the washer. Oh yeah, and something odd that I will note for you, remember those towels I had put in the washer the previous night? Well they were still in there so I put those in the drier and tossed his clothes in the washer.

When I got back upstairs Damien was still sitting on the toilet. He wasn’t crying anymore and he looked like he might have recovered just a little from the humiliation of having pooped his paints three times in a row.

You doing ok little man?” I asked.

He nodded and actually looked up at me for the first time. His eyes were red and swollen from having been crying so much and so hard. I helped him blow his nose and then had him stand up so that I could help him wipe but he had not pooped anymore.

“You didn’t have to go anymore?” I asked patting him on his bottom.

He shook his head again and I took him back to his room yet again. I went to his dresser and saw that there was only one more pair of underwear left and so I said, “Hey little man, this is the last pair of underwear so if you think you need to go again you will have to run to the bathroom ok?”

He spoke for the first time, “Ok” and he sounded tired and defeated.

As I was pulling his underwear up I said, “I am sorry you are not feeling very well.”

He threw his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

I finally had him dressed in a clean pair of pajamas again and asked if he wanted me to carry him back downstairs but he shook his head and walked down on his own.

He started to go toward the couch but I said, “Uh, maybe you shouldn’t sit on the furniture, I mean just in case it happens again.”

He dropped his head and sat down on the floor in front of the TV.

“Would you like something to drink, maybe some more chocolate soda will help settle your belly?” I asked.

“Yes please,” he answers and I was surprised by his politeness. It was the first time I had ever heard him use the magic ‘P’ word as my mom used to refer to it.

I went to the kitchen and was taking out a glass when Damien came running into the kitchen, flew past me and into the half-bath that was off of the kitchen.

“Are you ok Damien?” I asked.

I heard the answer for myself and knew he had managed to make it to the toilet this time. I looked into the little half-bath and he was sitting on the toilet and looked totally pleased with himself for making it this time.

“Close one huh?” I said with a reassuring smile.

“Yeah!” he said.

I left him to finish and went to prepare his drink. I put the rest of the bottle of Kondremul into it and dropped the empty bottle into the trashcan before he had come back out of the bathroom.

“I am so proud of you for making it to the potty that time!” I said as I handing him the drink. He drank the whole glass in one long gulp.

“Wow you must have been thirsty!” I said.

He went, “Aaahhh!” as he finished it.

He hadn’t realized that while he was guzzling the drink he had dripped onto his pajama shirt.

We both saw it at the same time, “Sorry” he said meekly.

I smiled, maybe next time I should find you something with a lid so that you won’t spill.

“Can I have some more?” he asked.

“Ok but why don’t you go watch some more of the Simpson’s and I’ll see if I can’t come up with something so that you won’t spill anymore.

Originally in the store I had thought about just putting the baby bottle adapter onto one of the two-liter jugs but now it didn’t seem like such a good idea. I opened the refrigerator and much to my glee I found a bottle of Aquafina water. I had a problem though, how to get the bottle adapter and baby-bottle nipples from my backpack without Damien seeing.

I peaked around the wall and saw that Damien wasn’t in the living room. I went down the hall and he wasn’t anywhere in site. I decided to call out for him and he called back from upstairs.

“I’m getting something!” he said.

“OK, I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” I shouted up to him and quickly retrieved my backpack from the front coat closet.

So that he wouldn’t see it if he came into the kitchen I stuffed it into the cupboard under the sink. I then emptied the water bottle, filled it with more chocolate soda and took it out to Damien. He was just coming back downstairs carrying a Sponge Bob pillow and matching throw-blanket.

“Here you go little man,” I said handing him the bottle and then asked, “you feeling better now?”

He looked at the water bottle filled with chocolate soda and looked at the baby bottle nipple I had put on it.

“I ain’t no baby!” he said in protest.

“Yeah but this way you won’t spill it on yourself again and there is no chance that it will get spilled on the carpet if you have to run to the bathroom again.”

He turned it upside down and shook it once, nothing came out. He turned it right-side up again, poked at the nipple with his finger a couple of times and then put it in his mouth. He took it right back out again, looked at it for another second and then put it in and began to suck.

He pulled it out of his mouth and said, “Nothing is coming out.”

“Well silly, you have to hold it up like this,” I said pushing it back into his mouth and holding the bottom of the bottle up in the air. “Now suck on it.”

He did and his eyes glimmered telling me that it was working.

He pulled the bottle back out and announced, “I’m hungry again.”

I figured the Kondremul must have flushed the pot-roast through his system too or something like that so I asked him what he wanted. “Oh ok, would you like more of what we had for supper?”

He wrinkled up his nose and smiled, “Can I please have some peanut butter on toast?”

“Um, yeah sure if you think that won’t upset your tummy.” I said.

Damien poked at his stomach and sang, “Peanut butter on toast will be yummy in my tummy!”

I made it up as quickly as I could. I knew it wouldn’t be long before the second dose of Kondremul began to work its magic and I wanted to be there when it did.

“You want to eat it in there?” I asked.

“I can have it in here?” he asked obviously knowing that his grandparents wouldn’t have agreed.

I carried the toast in to him on a paper towel but I tied a kitchen towel around his neck and laid anther over his lap. He gobbled it down in record time and began to drink form his bottle of chocolate soda. I noticed that he had his bottle over half-gone already and asked, “More chocolate soda?” With a big peanut butter grin he held out the bottle.

When I returned Damien had once again vanished.

“You-hoo, Damien where are youuuu?” I sang out and when he didn’t respond I went looking for him.

It didn’t take long to find him. I reached the midway point of the steps and heard him crying again. He was standing in the middle of the upstairs hallways with his back to me. There was no missing the fact that the back of his pajamas were turning brown and the mess had made its way down his legs. There were several spots of poop on the carpet and Damien was expressing his grief with tears and self hating murmurs.

I took the opportunity to begin faze two of my plan, “Damien? Not again! That was your last pair of underwear!”

Damien ran to the bathroom and I followed after him. He had his face hidden in the corner of the wall beside the towel bar.

“I tried to get up to go but it came out to fast!” he cried.

“Well I think maybe we need to do something different to deal with this problem.” I said.

He turned and I saw that once again his face was tear-streaked and he looked so desperate for affectionate reassuring.

I took a gamble and said, “I think I am going to call your grandma and grandpa.” And Damien reacted exactly the way I hoped he would.

He rushed forward, wrapped his arms around me and pleaded, “Please don’t call, please, please, please!” he had gone completely hysterical at even the idea that I might tell someone else that he was pooping his pants.

I reassured him that I wouldn’t call them and that I would think of something. This time after I had sprayed the poop off of him I had him sit down in the tub to soak while I went to clean up the mess he had left in the hallway. I also found three spots on the steps and one in the living room so by the time I returned he was nicely pruned and had settled down a lot.

“Ok little man,” I began, “I called a lady.”

Damien’s face became horror filled so I had to reassure him by saying, “Relax, she isn’t going to tell anyone! I promise.”

I then continued to say, “She has a son that has a problem kind of like you are having and she brought us over something to help until your tummy is feeling better.”

“Medicine?” He asked.

“No, not medicine but you won’t have to worry about messing in your clothes anymore.

Something in the water caught my eye and I saw a jet of yellow streaming from between Damien’s legs and then become lost in the bathwater.

“Did you just pee?” I asked.

He flushed pink again and quickly shut off the stream.

“Damien! You shouldn’t pee in your bath water! Now you are sitting in pee water!” I said sternly.

He got all upset and said, “Please don’t be mad. I am sorry!”

“Come on; let’s get you out of that tub and into something that will help you a lot more then just those bad underwear.”

I had done three things while I had left him soaking, I had cleaned up the spots he’d left on the carpet between the living room and the upstairs hallway but I had also put his recent pair of soiled underwear and pajamas into the washer, taken the towels out of the dryer and moved the first load of his clothes from the washer to the dryer before tossing in his most recent messed clothing. The last thing I did was take the diaper supplies from my backpack and put them on the bed in his room.

So when I carried him in he saw all of the diapers and diapering products instantly and his entire body went ridged with fright as I had expected him too. I had also expected him to protest, scream, fight against the idea but I guess I had misjudged just how broken his spirit was after having messed his pants four times in such a short amount of time.

I laid his stiff body down at the foot of the bed between the oversized Tena® diapers, wipes, cream and powder on his left and the new package of Papers on his right side. His feet were hanging over the end of the bed and he was staring directly into my eyes with an almost hypnotic sort of stare.

After spreading opening his towel, effectively leaving him lying on his bed fully nude and exposed, I then reached for the diaper cream and started to apply it to his diaper area. When the cool cream came into contact with his skin he sucked in his breath.

“Cold?” I asked to which he surprised me with a nod of his head.

I realized quickly that I couldn’t apply the cream to his backside without getting it on the bedspread so I opened the baby wipes and used one to clean my hands before I tried to open the package of papers.

Damien watched me work with undying interest; his eyes followed my hands from the wipes to the diapers and then watched as I fumbled to try and figure out how best to get the diaper under him. He surprised me once again when without any instruction he put his feet up on the edge of the bed and lifted his bottom into the air. I was able to position the Pamper under him and asked him to lower himself down for me.

When I reached for the cream again he raised up again so that I could get it applied adequately to his bottom. I applied a generous amount of the cream to two of my fingers and slid my fingers between his butt cheeks and he sucked in his breath again.

“Sorry,” I said but continued to work the cream into his crack and then my middle finger touched his boy hole. His body convulsed and I found it amusing so I did it again. When he responded to the second touch something in me told me to keep doing it. Damien began to arch his back and was breathing heavy. A little voice inside my head told me to push my finger into his boy hole but that thought disturbed me and I withdrew my hand.

I had to use a second baby-wipe to clean my hand so that I could get him powdered and taped into the diaper. I was applying the powder when his bottom opened up once again and sprayed a liquidy-brown water all over the diaper, bedspread and worst of all, ME!

My first reaction was one of disgust but then I saw the look on Damien’s face and started to giggle. My giggles quickly turned into laughter which eased his fears and got him to giggle too.

“Well I guess we both need to get washed up this time!” I said.

Using the bedspread this time, I wrapped him up in it and carried him, the towel and the now unusable diaper to the tub. I was reaching for the faucet when he said, “No you got to get in too!”

I looked at him queerly and said, “I can’t take a bath with you, I’m too big for that!”

“My dad does!” was his comeback.

Three or four seconds of thought was all I needed to make up my mind and to begin stripping off my clothes. Damien had gone all quiet and was watching me keenly again. When my pants came down he began to breathe heavily once more. It wasn’t until I was removing the bedspread, towel and diaper from the tub that I saw that he was sexually aroused. I didn’t mean too but I couldn’t help but to stare at his tiny little penis standing straight out from his body with his little bean bag shrunken tightly beneath it.

I was suddenly nervous and very apprehensive about all that I had been doing to Damien. Panic was racing through my mind and I just wanted to run out of the bathroom so that is just what I did. I quickly gathered up my clothing and crarried them, the bedspread and the towel down to the basement where I dropped them on the floor.

I was leaning against the washer trying to get my head cleared up when from behind me I heard someone on the steps. I turned and saw Damien frowning and looking down at me.

“Max?” he said and I could tell that having run off the way I did had upset him.

That voice in my head began talking to me again, telling me that everything had been going better then I could have ever hoped for it to and that now was not the time to chicken out.

Damien spoke my name again only this time he said it slower and he sounded as if he was going to start crying again, “Maaaax?”

When I didn’t respond he asked, “Are you sick now too Max?”

I couldn’t believe this kid; for two days he had made me believe he was Satan’s spawn but today, from the moment he showed up at my house wanting me to come out and play he was being... well being a normal, lonely little kid.

“Max, are you mad at me ‘cause I pooped on you?” he asked and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. I don’t know why I laughed because it wasn’t even funny.

With a deep sigh I pushed off from the washer and headed up the steps and followed Damien all the way to the upstairs bathroom where the two of us took a bath together.

We played around in the tub using our hands to make water spots and Damien showed me how to blow soap bubbles using just our hands. Actually that was pretty clever. But then Damien quickly jumped out of the tub, splashing water everywhere and sat down on the toilet. I actually felt bad when he groaned and his bottom exploded again.

While he finished I got out of the tub and dried myself off. He was about to get off the toilet when he exploded again and looked as though he might start to cry.

“Max?” he said softly.

“Uh-huh?” I answered.

“I’m sorry I pooped on you before.” He said and laughed.

I tried not to but I laughed too.

“Hey, lets get you back in the tub, get your bottom washed and then we’ll get you ready to go back downstairs to watch some more Simpson’s.”

This time I didn’t waste any time at all getting a diaper taped onto him and when I was finished I had to help him stand up. He went over to the bedroom door, pushed it closed and looked at himself in the full length mirror.

“Wow!” was his only remark.

“You ready to go downstairs now?” I asked.

He looked at me standing before him wearing only my smile. “We aren’t wearing any clothes!” he said with a peculiar grin.

I looked down at myself and said, “Well, I didn’t bring a change of clothes and it’s probably better if you don’t put on another pair of pajamas incase you need to have that diaper changed.”

“Hey I got an idea! You can wear my grandpa’s robe!” he said and threw open the door.

“Wait, Damien!” I called but it was too late, he was across the hall and in his grandparents’ bedroom already.

I had only made it to the door of his room when he reemerged holding a red crushed velvet robe.

“Here you go!” he said handing it to me.

I pulled it on and it hung on me like some sort of royal Jedi robes and it even had a big hood on it. I pulled it up over my head and tied the belt around my waist.

“Wow, you look like you should be in a Harry Potter movie!” Damien said with a chuckle.

“Think I could play Voldemort in this?” I asked and then pointed a finger at him, “Kill the spare! Kill the spare!”

Damien went kind of pale, “No, don’t be him. I don’t like him.”

“Oh sorry, who should I be then?” I asked.

“Um, you can be...” he thought out loud, “Um, oh I know! You can be Professor Quarrel!” and started to laugh so hard that he snorted.

“Quarrel? No way, he was a wimp! I want to be someone cool.” I said.

“Um, how about Professor McGonigal?” he said and now I knew he was just messing with me.

“I’ll give you Professor McGonigal!” I said and chased him all the way down the stairs and into the dinning room with Damien laughing all the way.

“McGonigal, McGonigal!” he chanted from the other side of the table where I couldn’t get at him.

“If I catch you I am going to tickle you until you beg for me to stop and even then I won’t...” I didn’t get to finish because I could tell by the look on Damien’s face that he’d pooped again, only this time inside the diaper.

Damien looked down at the floor as though he expected to see a mess at his feet. He then looked up at me, then down at his diaper and back up to me before he said, “Hey, it worked!”

“Of course it worked, that’s what they are for!” I said with a laugh.

“Then can I go watch Simpson’s now?” he asked trying to make me forget that he had just been teasing me.

“No, I still have to tickle you!” I said very matter-of-factly.

Noooooooo! Don’t tickle me, Max!” Damien was half laughing and half whining.

“Take it back then!” I said.

“How?” he asked.

“Just say that you take it back.” I replied.

He smiled, giggled and then said, “Oh, ok then I take it back. Now can I go watch the Simpson’s?”

“I guess so!” I said.

He took a step but stopped.

“What? Are you pooping again?” I asked.

Damien blushed. “Nooo!” he said as though it was the dumbest question I could have asked him. “Promise you won’t tickle me?”

“Ok, I promise!” I said.

Damien came around the table but was keeping his eye on me. He obviously still thought I was going to reach out and grab him but then he shouted, “McGonigal!” and ran to the living room.

“You House Elf you!” I shouted and chased after him.

I had him pinned to the floor and was tickling his ribs. He was kicking and squealing for me to stop, “You promised! You promised!”

“That was before you said it again!” I said.

“Uncle!” he cried out.

“That isn’t going to stop me!” I laughed.

“Uncle, Unnnccle, UNNNNCCCLLEEE!!!” he screamed so loud I thought my ears might bleed.

“All you have to do is take it back and I will stop!” I told him.

“I take it back, I take it back!” he squealed and threw his head around on the floor.

When I finally let him up he sat up on the floor and rubbed the back of his head, “You made me hurt my head again!”

“I didn’t do anything that you didn’t deserve!” I said with an evil grin.

“Kiss it and make it better!” he said with a grin!

Eeeww! No way, you smell like poopy!” I teased.

“That’s ‘cause you made me poop when you were tickling me!” he said with his bottom lip sticking out like he was pouting.

Ahhh! Did I make the little man go poo-poo?” I teased wondering how he would take it.

Damien launched himself at me and for a second I thought he was going to attack but instead he wrapped his arms around my neck and said, “Take me upstairs for another bath!”

“Why should I?” I said wrapping my arms around him and squeezing tighter then a hug but not as tight as a bear hug.

Ooooh! You are squishing me!” he moaned.

I loosened my grip and he took in a lung full of air.

“Better?” I asked.

“Uh-huh!” he said laying his head down on my shoulder and pressing his body against mine.

“You know what?” I asked patting his diapered bottom.

He lifted his head and turned his face toward mine, “What?”

“You stink!” I said with a grin.

Damien smiled bigger then I ever seen him smile and then quick as a rabbit puckered up and kissed my left cheek.

Eeeeww, what did you do that for?” I asked.

“Because!” he said with that same big smile.

I wiped at my cheek and complained, “Yeah but now I have Damien germs all over my face!”

Damien puckered his lips and began to kiss me repeatedly.

Eeeww, stop, gross, eeeww I have Damien germs!” I teased.

And then he kissed me right on the mouth.

“Hey, not on the mouth!” I said and wiped my lips with the back of my hand but as soon as I did he kissed my lips again only this time he had take a hold of the back of my head and was pressing his lips so hard against mine that it kind of hurt.

“Damien!” I said and pushed him away, “Boys don’t kiss other boys like that!”

“Yes huh!” Damien protested.

“No they don’t!” I insisted.

“I seen on South Park!” he said and tried to kiss me again but I held him at arms length.

Suddenly I saw the same evil look in his eyes that I’d seen yesterday and knew that he was reverting back to Damien the evil child.

“You know something? I like you a lot, I mean I like when you are nice and we play like we just were and I know you want to kiss like on South Park but that is just a TV show, it’s not real. Real boys like you shouldn’t kiss other real boys like me or like anyone.”

I was so relieved to see that evil look fade from his eyes and a small smile take its place.

“Can I kiss you on the cheek?” he asked.

I thought for a moment before saying, “Ok, but only on the cheek.”

Damien pulled closer to me and kissed my cheek and then hugged my neck tightly.

“I love you Max!” he said so softly that I wondered if he meant for me to hear it at all.

I allowed myself to enjoy his hug for a minute or two before saying, “All right little man, lets get you upstairs, cleaned up again and into a fresh diaper and then we’ll come down and watch some more Simpson’s.”

Since he was wearing the diaper I didn’t have to give him another bath; I was able to clean him up using the baby wipes. I had him in a fresh diaper and we were back downstairs within a few short minutes.

“Can I sit with you?” Max asked.

“Yeah, I think the diapers are doing the trick, so sure, let’s curl up on the couch!” I said.

“Can I have some more to drink? I’m thirsty.” He said.

“Sure you can, there is a full bottle right there by the TV.” I said.

“Oh,” he replied as he bent over to pick it up.

We were nearing the end of another episode of the Simpson’s when I happen to look down at Damien and saw that the front of his diaper looked as though he had wet in it.

I must have dozed off during the next episode because Damien was shaking my arm and saying, “Max, Max I need you to come upstairs and help me again.”

I opened my eyes and saw the earnestness in his eyes.

“You need changed again?” I asked while yawning.

“I pooped three times!” he said and I realized I must have been asleep longer then I thought.

“Ok, you go on up and I will be right there.” I said.

Damien took off like a shot and I was about to get up when I saw that the robe I was wearing was untied and completely open. It hadn’t been like that when I had drifted off to sleep and I’m sure I wouldn’t have opened it while I was sleeping.

“Max come on I need you nooooooooowwww!” Damien called from upstairs.

I decided to dismiss it and stood up so that I could pull the robe closed and re-tied the belt around myself before heading up the steps again to change Damien’s diaper. However as I passed the TV I happened to glance down at the VCR and saw that it was several minutes after 9:00 p.m. and I knew that I’d really been out of it for a while.

I found Damien standing in the bathtub waiting for me to come wash him.

“You think you need another bath do ya?” I asked still not totally awake.

Damien smiled and nodded at the same time, “Yeah-yeah!”

When I undid the first tape on his diaper the contents began to leak out and trickle down his leg.

“Wow, I guess you did need changed.” I said.

The contents were a sort of dirty watery muck that didn’t smell nearly as bad as before. I recon that Damien’s insides were cleaner then they have ever been in his life. Instead of opening the second tape I slid the diaper down his leg and had him step out of it. Had we waited much longer, I think the diaper might have started leaking.

“I’m thirsty,” Damien said as I was rinsing the soap off his belly.

I grinned and held the sprayer so that it was shooting right in his face. At first he tried to block it with his hands but then he started to lap at the jets of water with his tongue much the way a dog does.

“You’re silly!” I said and finished rinsing the rest of his body.

“Ok out of the tub,” I said but he held up his arms as if to tell me that he wanted me to pick him up and I obliged him.

While I was drying him off, I was sitting on the toilet lid and had him standing in front of me. He started to shiver and I asked, “You feeling cold?”

He shook his head.

“What then?” I asked.

“I got to pee!” he whispered as if it were some great secret.

I stood up and raised the toilet lid but he shook his head. “Not like that!” he continued to whisper.

It didn’t take long to realize what he meant. I lightly knocked my hand against the side of my head and said, “Oh, you want to go in your diapers?”

He was now holding his penis and had his knees squeezed closely together.

I couldn’t have been more pleased that he was taking to the diapers so willingly and I asked him, “Can you hold it for a minute or two?”

Though he indicated that he could, the look on his face and his body language said differently. He ran to the bedroom and quickly assumed the diapering position on his bed.

“Since you already need to wet, and seeing how it is bedtime, I am going to use the other diapers so that you can wear it longer.” I said.

His simple response was to lift his bottom off the bed so that I could get the diaper under him. I worked quickly, getting it into place and allowing him to lower his butt. Taking hold of the front of the diaper I pulled it all the way up and it covered his nipples. His face was concentrated with pain so I held the diaper in place and said, “Ok, you can pee and then I will finish.

I watched the front of the diaper and soon saw a small wet spot appear beneath the plastic that continued to grow and spread all across the front.

“Done?” I asked to which he shook his head no.

Wow, he was peeing a long time and I realized that he must have needed to pee since before the bath. That must have been the reason that he was trying to get me to come upstairs faster.

I could tell from the look of relief on his face that he was done but I still asked him again, “You done this time?”

His eyes were closed and he had a serine expression as he nodded.

I finished taping the diaper into place, it was really big on him and I folded the front and back in about three inches at the top so that the diaper would fit under his arms. The front two tabs rapped all the way around his back and overlapped. I pulled the left side of the back all the way around and the two tapes were then fastened to the backside of his ribs. I did the same for the other side and said, “There you go, that should keep you going for quite a while.”

Try as he might, Damien couldn’t set up on his own and needed me to pull him up. I suppose that I could have just helped him to his feet but instead I went ahead and lifted him into my arms, carried him to the door and pushed it closed before lowering him to the floor before the mirror.

His eyes were wide open as he surveyed the refection of the diapered boy that was staring back at him. With his hands he explored the outer diaper covering and then tried to move his legs closer together but he couldn’t. There was too much diaper padding between his legs so he was forced to stand very much the way Sumo wrestlers do. Several times he made a sound that was reminiscent of a dove cooing. As I stood behind him watching his mirrored twin I could see that he seemed to be lost in diapered bliss, snickering at his own reflection in a giddy fashion.

“How about we get you a bedtime snack before I tuck you in for the night?” I asked and Damien tried to turn around but quickly lost his footing, stumbled and fell backward onto his diapered rump.

We both laughed, “I think maybe I should carry you,” I said and bent down to lift him up.

He was more then willing to let me pick him up too because he held out his arms for me. I lifted him to my chest and he instinctively hugged my neck tightly while resting his head lovingly against my shoulder.

When we were back downstairs he didn’t want me to put him down so I carried him over to his bottle, picked it up and handed it to him. He began to suck down the contents with machine like force and by the time I had carried him to the kitchen and sat him down on the counter-top it was nearly drained.

He held it in the air and with his tongue he made a sputtering rocket ship sound as he pretended that the empty bottle was crashing into my hand.

“What would you like for a bedtime snack?” I asked.

His expression changed and I couldn’t tell for sure if he was just thinking really hard or if he was pooping again.

I swear I could see the light bulb go on over his head just before he shouted, “Pancakes!”

“Pancakes?” I said with surprise, “We don’t have Pancakes for a bedtime snack; besides all that syrup will keep you awake for hours and hours and hours.” I tickled under his chin and made him laugh.

I looked in a couple of the cupboards trying to find something suitable but it was Damien that spotted them first.

“Bagel Minis!” he shouted and caused me to nearly jump out of my skin. He laughed knowing that he startled me.

“That’s a good snack,” I said thinking aloud.

The Bagel Minis were cinnamon-spice flavored and were about an inch and a half round. I opened the back and pulled out four that were stuck together so that when the two halves were pulled apart they were the perfect size for putting into the popup toaster.

As an extra treat for my little buddy, while the bagels were toasting I rinsed out his bottle and filled it with milk with just a teaspoon of sugar in it. I then popped it into the microwave for about 20 seconds.

His eyes twinkled when he tasted it and he made a satisfying, “Aaaah!” afterwards.

I was glad when he quickly tired after eating two of the Bagel Mini’s and polishing off his warm milk. He insisted that I carry him up to bed and tuck him in but when I started to leave he protested.

“Can you sleep with me?” he asked so sweetly.

I laid down beside him and rubbed his tummy through the large diaper until he was sound asleep. I then got up to go tidy up the house and make sure all the dirty clothes were washed, dried and put away again.

Before too long I too was worn-out and desperate for sleep. I climbed the steps and not wanting to disappoint Damien when he awoke the following morning, I crept into his room, pulled off the robe and climbed into bed with him.

The following morning I was the first to awake, actually I had only slept about four hours. Damien had been having a dream and kicked me in his sleep. Since I was awake I climbed out of bed, went for a quick pee before returning to the room.

Damien was lying on his back, one arm was propped behind his head and his legs were spread open due to the ample diaper material that was wrapped between them.

I was surprised when I checked his diaper and saw just how wet it was. It felt mushy to the touch and appeared to of doubled in thickness overnight. Before I changed him I stood and basked in the wonderful sight of him lying there sleeping wrapped in such a huge diaper.

Boy when I opened up that diaper I was sure surprised to find that not only had he peed more during the night, he also had pooped more. I couldn’t believe that after all the poop that had come out of him the night before, that there could have been more inside of his small bowels.

Damien slept right through the diaper change. I was sure he would wake up when I lifted his legs into the air so that I could clean his bottom and slide a fresh diaper under him but he didn’t even so much as twitch. He didn’t even stir when I pressed a finger wrapped with one of the wipes into his poop-shoot to make sure he was totally clean.

Instead of putting him back into one of the Tena® diapers I thought it would be amusing to see his reaction when he woke up and saw that he was now wearing a different diaper so I used one of the Pampers.

Damien woke up about an hour later. I was down in the basement getting my clothes from the dryer when I heard him call for me.

“Max where are you?” he sounded scared.

Wearing only my socks and underwear I raced up the steps and found him standing in the hallway between the kitchen and the living room. The second he saw me he ran toward me and threw his arms around my waist. I pulled him off and knelt down before him. He’d been crying and his cheeks were tear-streaked.

“What’s the matter little man?” I asked.

“I couldn’t find you!” he blubbered and fell on my neck whimpering.

I tried to comfort him by saying, “I’m sorry little man, its ok, I’m right here.”

I looked down at the pamper I had placed on him and was surprised to see that it was hanging low on him due to having been peed in. When I cupped my hand under the sagging pouch I could feel that he’d wet but that it could probably hold another wetting. On the other hand, I really enjoyed changing him.

“Looks like someone needs changed again.” I said melodiously and wiped his tears away.

He put his arms out, “Carry me?”

Nothing could have pleased me more then the way he’d taken to diapers so willingly. However, I knew that we only had a few more hours of diaper play left to us before Bill and Gladys would be home.

The rest of that morning the two of us were inseparable. No matter where in the house I went, Damien was right there beside me. Even when we sat down to eat breakfast he wasn’t satisfied with sitting beside me, he wanted to sit on my lap.

Gone was the evil child I’d met just a few short days ago, replaced with a diaper loving sweet angel boy that only wanted to be near me and to be showered with love.

When the time drew near for his Grandparents to return I took him to his room and told him that I’d have to put his underwear back on him. His words to me made my heart skip a beat.

“Can we do them again next time I come visit grandpa and grandma?” he asked.

“Only on one condition,” I said, “You can’t ever tell them what we did.”

He agreed and the two of us made sure that there were no signs left anywhere that would give us away. We even thought to sneak and throw all of the dirty diapers away in the neighbor’s trash. Bill and Gladys never did find out about what we had done while they were gone and Damien never discovered that the reason he had such explosive diarrhea that night was because of something I’d given him.

About two and a half weeks after Damien had gone back home I got an envelope in the mail. The outside of the envelope had been addressed to me in blue crayon and the return address told me it was from Damien. I opened it and inside was a crayon picture of Damien and me. Of course it didn’t look anything like either of us, I only knew it was us because he’d wrote our names under each face.


~ Twenty-Fourth Encounter ~


I still don’t know why I agreed to go to the movies with my two best friends. I hadn’t been feeling well for a couple of days and that morning I woke up with a bad case of diarrhea. I don’t mean the kind of diarrhea where you feel a little discomfort and feel as though you really need to go. I mean I had the explosive kind that comes out whenever and wherever it wants. Every time my backside exploded I smiled to myself and chuckled. You, Mark and I know why I was so tickled by this but mom and dad had no idea; I believe that my parents both thought that I was delusional with fever.

Mom had given me some Imodium after breakfast; god I hate that stuff too. It makes my insides feel as though someone is carving my guts out with an old rusty spoon! It was sometime after lunch and after another dose of Imodium that I was finally able to escape the bathroom but the bout with the chocolate squirts had left me tired, weak and dehydrated.

When Mark called to ask me to go to the movies I told him I didn’t feel well and that I was sure my parents wouldn’t let me go. That didn’t stop him from begging me to go until I finally surrendered. He and Sean were absolutely dieing to see the newest Harry potter movie and neither wanted to see it without me. Yeah, I was dieing to see it too but I knew I wouldn’t enjoy it with my guts tied in knots but Mark convinced me that it beat lying around feeling like soggy cookies. I’m not sure what soggy cookies feel like but I got his point.

Sean, Mark and I joined up with another friend of Sean’s; his name was Geo and the four of us were dropped off by Geo’s older sister. I can’t remember her name but she was a total bow-wow and treated Geo like he was a mangy stray mutt. Despite having a hell-hound for a sister, for the most part Geo was an ok guy except he tried too hard to be likeable and thus came across as mildly annoying. Mark couldn’t stand Geo and told me so when he and I went into the bathroom in the middle of the movie.

Mark hadn’t needed to use the bathroom but came with me because he knew I wasn’t feeling too well. Actually, he came because when I stood up I was dizzy and nearly toppled forward onto three little kids that were sitting in the row in front of us.

“You ok?” Mark asked when we were out in the hallway.

“Yeah, just need a pee. That Coke went right through me!”

“Well if you had taken my advice...” Mark started.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I mocked and as we stepped into the bathroom I added, “I think that one of us, in diapers, is enough.”

Mark elbowed me in the gut, not too hard but given my tenderness it was enough to cause me a little discomfort. “Serves you right; next time maybe you can say it a little louder.” he said.

I quickly saw that all of the stall doors were ajar and no one was standing at the urinals so I played it up to try and make him feel bad; it worked.

“Oh that wasn’t even funny!” I moaned loudly and wrapped my arms around my abdomen.

Mark practically flipped out, “Oh Max are you ok? I didn’t mean... I forgot about your stomach!”

I stood upright and smiled, “Fooled ya!”

“Man,” Mark lightly punched my arm, “you BLEEPING BLEEP! Don’t do that to me!”

I really get a kick out of the way Mark censors his own words. I laughed as I entered one of the stalls and started to pull down my pants. I figured while I was in there I should sit down just in case I needed to go more. I doubted that I would, I mean that Imodium is good stuff but I really don’t want any more of the screaming doodies. On the other hand, I didn’t want to miss anymore of the movie then we already were so I tried to bare-down a little.

Mark was over by the sinks, I knew this because I could hear him playing with the automatic faucets and for some reason he felt the need to carry on a conversation with me despite the echoing and the fact that anyone walking past the bathroom door could hear us.

“That Geo guy is weird.” Mark said bluntly.

“I don’t think so,” I said in return as I started to pee.

You pooping yet?” Mark asked.

I groaned, “Don’t be crude!”

“He gets on my nerves.” Mark added.

“Who does?” I asked.

“Sean’s friend Geo!” Mark huffed, “Are you even paying attention?”

“Uh, I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I happen to be a little busy over here.” I answered and to drive home my point I put my hands to my mouth and faked a really loud farting sound. I was disappointed that Mark didn’t comment on it; he must have thought I was really breaking wind.

“Yeah well I still think he’s weird.” Mark said after several seconds of silence.

“You have a lot of room to talk.” I shot back.

Mark went on the defense when he asked, “What do you mean?”

“Never mind!” I said and then added, “Uh, I think I am going to be a few minute, you might want to go back to the movie without me.”

When he didn’t answer I started to wonder if he actually left me alone or if he was sulking after that last verbal slap.

I called out, “You there?”

To my horror someone else answered, “Yeah, who is that in there?”

The voice sounded like it came from someone fairly young and sounded somewhat panicked but with the echo effect caused by the tiled walls and floor it was difficult to be sure.

I felt my face glowing red hot with embarrassment and thought to myself that I would just sit quietly in my stall until I was sure whoever it was had left again. But then I heard someone coming closer.

“Who’s in there?” the voice asked.

“Occupied,” I called out.

An eyeball peered through the crack between the door and the wall of the stall. “Are you almost done?” the boy asked.

“You know there is more than one toilet in this building!” I said fretfully.

I thought I heard him leave, maybe it was just wishful thinking, but then the door to the stall beside me closed and latched. I sat perfectly still and didn’t make so much as a peep or allow the smallest of farts to escape. Whoever was in the next stall was being very quiet too. His feet were not shuffling about and I never heard the sound of his pants being unzipped.

Minute by minute silently passed until finally I heard the barely audible sound of a zipper opening. The stalls in the theater are the kind that are up from the floor about a foot or more so when he did drop his pants I saw them scrunch up around his brightly polished black shoe, which was the only one I could see from my vantage point. A second later I heard the unmistakable sound of a tape being pulled open from a diaper.

My heart began pounding at racing speed and little beads of sweat sprouted on my forehead. Then the stench drifted over to my stall. It was bad; so bad that I had to pull the collar of my sweatshirt up over my nose and mouth to breath. It smelled of boiled cabbage and decaying flesh mingled with a hint of rotten eggs. I swear to you that I could actually see the stink seeping underneath the partition between our two stalls like some kind of noxious bio-hazardous brown and green mist.

I could hardly hear over the beating of my heart but I think my heart stopped when I heard the crinkling of plastic.

Then from the stall next to me came, “Plop, KURPLOP, plop,” in succession followed by a flush.

I heard more rustling of plastic and then it got very quiet again. We could hear the movie thundering through the bathroom walls but neither of us made any sounds. It seemed like such a long time before I heard a whimper from the next stall. I listened more intently and realized whoever it was over there, was crying now.

“Uh, you ok over there?” I called out before I even knew I’d thought the words.

My neighbor was quite for a few seconds and then in a barely audible voice came, “Mister, can you find my mommy for me?”

“Huh?” I said without thinking again, “I mean, yeah sure. Uh, are you ok?”

“Please, can you just get my mommy?” the boy sounded younger then I had guessed him to be, “She’s in the Harry Potter movie.”

“What’s her name?” I asked.

The boy got quiet again and then said, “I-I-I don’t know,” and began to cry louder.

“It’s ok, don’t cry. I will find her for you. Do you know where she was sitting and what she looks like?

“She has brown hair and she is sitting sort a by the front.” He answered between sobs.

I stood up, pulled my pants up and said, “Don’t worry I’ll try and find her. Uh, what’s your name so I can ask if you are her son?”

“Eben Orric,” he said.

“Oh good, well then I can just ask for Mrs. Orric and that should be your mom right?” I said.

With a sniffle Eben answered back, “Ok”.

I walked into the theater during a particularly dark scene in the movie. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I stood looking at the backs of everyone’s heads and noticed that there were literally dozens of women with dark hair in the front section. Not knowing what else to do, I went down the back row and whispered, “Mrs. Orric?”

I was nearly to the other side of the theater when a girl, maybe twelve or thirteen years old turned around, looked at me, then tapped the lady in front of her on the shoulder and whispered, “Someone wants you.”

The lady twisted in her seat and I saw that she was a black lady but her hair didn’t seem like the sort of hair a black woman would have. I beckoned her to come, which she did.

I met her beside the far wall and asked, “Are you Mrs. Orric?

“Yes,” she answered and I can remember thinking how beautiful her face was. Even in the darkened theater I could see that she had perfect mocha skin that was framed by straightened brown hair that shimmered as the lights from screen reflected back toward us. She had the deepest, most calming green eyes I have ever seen and she smelled like honeysuckles in bloom.

I tried to force my thoughts to come back under control, “And do you have a son named?” I hesitated as I tried to remember the boys name but the wonderful fragrance of her perfume seemed to be calling every active brain cell into olfactory service.

“Eben?” she said for me.

“Yeah-yeah, that’s what he said; Eben, he needs you in the boys restroom,” I said as softly as I could.

I don’t know why I followed her out of the movie and back to the bathroom; maybe I just wanted to see Eben for myself.

“He’s in that one,” I said pointing the way to the boys’ room.

Eben’s mom hesitate at the door to the bathroom and I asked, “Want me to make sure, no one else is in there first?”

“Could you please?” she said sounding so sweet.

I walked in and saw that only one stall appeared to be occupied. “Eben, you still in here?”

“Yes did you find my mommy?” he whimpered.

“Yeah, hang on, I just had to check that the coast was clear.” I said and quickly retrieved his mother from the hallway.

“Eben sweetie, what’s the matter?” she asked using that same sweet sounding tone she’d used on me in the hallway.

Eben lost it and began to cry openly. His mother glanced my way and I got the hint, “Uh, I will just go guard the door.”

“Oh thank you! You are a dear!” she gushed.

When I heard the stall door opening I wanted to stop and look back but I didn’t. However, even from the hallway I could hear Eben with no trouble at all.

“Mommy I pooped again and it went all inside my pants and got on my shirt!”

Mrs. Orric could only be heard making hushed sounds to consol Eben and I imaged that she was helping to get him cleaned up.

“But mommy what if someone sees?” Eben could be heard expressing his fears.

A thought jumped into my head and before I had a chance to reason it out I stepped back into the bathroom and said, “If you need, I think my friend might have an extra diaper. It will probably be way big but...” I didn’t have to finish.

For the first time I got a clear view of Eben; well from the chest up. Anyway, he didn’t have as dark a complexion as his mother but other than that, the resemblance was uncanny. Eben looked to be maybe seven years of age with the same color hair as his mother and those same wonderful eyes. However, Eben’s eyes were also red, glassy and swollen from having been crying.

“Oh that would be wonderful.” Mrs. Orric said with a heavy sigh of relief. I took off quick as a whip to find Mark.

I knew that Mark never went anywhere without at least one, and usually more than one, extra change of diapers.

“What’s going on?” Sean asked.

“Never mind!” I told him and cupped my hands around Marks ear so that I could whisper the situation to him.

Mark mouthed the words, “Really?” and I nodded my head. He shoved his backpack into my arms and I slipped out of the theater for the third time.

Inside Marks bag was everything one would need for such an emergency, wipes, cream, powder, plastic zip-log baggies for the soiled diaper and most importantly, fresh diapers.

When I returned to the bathroom I found Eben outside of the stall bent over and his mother was whipping his poop-smeared butt. Even covered in poop his butt looked beautiful but the stink that filled the bathroom could have taken down a whole herd of rhinos.

“Here,” I gasped trying to catch my breath.

I opened Marks backpack, pulled out the wipes and handed them to Mrs. Orric. When she saw the thin white plastic container with the words Huggies on the cover she exclaimed, “Oh thank you!”

I also pulled out and arranged on the floor beside them the cream, powder and one of Marks big Tena® diapers.

Eben was still whimpering and sniffling but for the most part he had quieted down a lot. Then I noticed the condition of his pants and shirt. I imagine that his mom could have rinsed the bulk of the mess in the toilet and then finished cleaning them in the bathroom sink but who wants to run around in soaking wet clothes? I know I wouldn’t!

“Hey, if you want, I have on another shirt under my sweatshirt. Eben can wear my sweatshirt home.” I offered.

Mrs. Orric objected to this idea but once I reassured her that it was perfectly ok she agreed but only after promising that she would return it.

I pulled off my sweatshirt and folded it neatly before sitting it aside. While she continued to wipe his bottom clean I picked up his soiled diaper and put it into one of the zip-lock baggies. By the time she finished getting him totally cleaned up I had also put his pants and his shirt into separate baggies.

It’s kind of weird how some people don’t mind accepting the help of a perfect stranger like me while others seem to get all bent out of shape if you do so much as hold the door open for them. I mean there I was, just some unknown teenager kneeling next to Mrs. Orric and watching as she finished cleaning Eben’s sack. Eben was just wiping at his eyes and paying me no attention at all.

When Mrs. Orric first held the Tena® diaper up in front of Eben his eyes grow huge and his bottom lip began to quiver again. While he was still standing with feet apart she threaded the diaper between his knees and pulled it up tight. I’d never seen anyone diaper someone while the one being diapered was standing. It was pretty cool the way she did it and when done the waistband of the diaper was under Eben’s armpits. It was almost comical to see Eben standing there like that but I didn’t let on that I thought so.

While Mrs. Orric started to gather the items back up and put them into Marks backpack I helped Eben put on my sweatshirt.

His head was still inside the shirt when he asked, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Max,” I answered.

Eben’s head popped out of the collar of my sweatshirt and he exclaimed, “Mommy, he has the same name as me!”

That confused the heck out of me, “Huh? I thought your name was Eben?”

“It is! I am Eben Maximillian Orric Jr.” he said proudly.

“Wow! That’s a cool name.” I took hold of Eben’s hand, which was trapped within the sleeve of the sweatshirt, and shook it properly, “Pleasure to meet you Mr. Eban Maximillian Orric Jr. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Maxwell L. Riddle.” I said and began to roll the sleeves up so that Evan was able to have his hands free.

Eben smiled and let out a giggle, “I like you Max!”

“I like you too Eben,” I said with a smile.

“You are the sweetest little boy,” Mrs. Orric said to me and to be honest I took offence at her referring to me as a little boy but I let it go.

I found a piece of paper and a pin in Mark’s backpack, wrote my phone number on it for Mrs. Orric. I was going to give her my home address too so that she could bring back my shirt but she didn’t want me to.

“It’s not a smart thing to give your address to a stranger, not even if you think they are nice.” She lectured me.

As I stood up Eban asked, “What’s the L stand for?”

I looked down, “If I tell you, do you promise not to laugh?”

Eban crossed his heart with his finger and using a pretend key he locked his lips closed. Leaning down I cupped my fingers around his small ear and whispered my middle name.

Instantly he giggled but quickly covered his mouth and said, “Oops! Sorry!”

“That’s ok, just don’t go telling anyone!” I said wagging my finger at him in a humorously stern manner.

As the three of us left the bathroom I was several feet behind Eben and got a great view of him waddling out with my sweatshirt hanging down to the midpoint of his naked caves. He seemed perfectly happy now that he was cleaned up and didn’t seem to care that he was wearing a sweatshirt and diaper, both of which were several sizes too big for him. We stepped out of the bathroom and I swung Marks backpack over one shoulder intent on going in to see the end of the movie. I had expected that Eben and his mom would be leaving and sure enough Mrs. Orric turned left to head toward the exit but Eben had turned right to go back in to the movie too.

He was not happy about missing the last half of the movie but then Mrs. Orric had an idea. “Max, since you were such a wonderful gentleman. Would you let me and Eben treats you to this movie again next weekend?” she asked.

Eben was dancing on the tips of polished black shoes as he pleaded with me. “Say yes! Oh please say yes! Please, please, please!”

“Uh, yeah sure. Wow, that sounds great! But you have to at least let me buy the popcorn.

“Oh my dear boy, of course not. I won’t hear of it. The movie, popcorn and soda’s are on me!” and to show her resolution in the matter she added, “and further more, afterward we will be having an ice cream.”

“Oh but I’ll have to get permission.” I said.

“You see there, you are such a good little boy!” Mrs. Orric said and with her one free hand she grabbed the back of my head. I thought she was just going to give me a hug but instead she planted a really wet kiss right on my cheek. I didn’t know until after the movie that she left some lipstick behind. Boy did Sean, Geo and Mark tease me about that.

I had walked Eben and his mom to the door and after saying goodbye I started to walk over to the arcade but this man in a gold sports coat stopped me. I thought he was going to give me a hard time for being a teenager and loitering in the lobby but that isn’t want he did at all. The guy turned out to be a lot younger then he looked; as a matter of fact he was still in high school.

“Do you know who that lady was?” he asked.

I was caught off guard, “Uh, you mean Mrs. Orric?”

“You don’t have any idea do you?” he said with a knowing smile.

I didn’t get it and shrugged.

“She’s married to the Mayor! They are loaded!” he said.

For some reason that latter part didn’t register right away, “What do you mean? Like she’s drunk?” I asked.

“No man! They are loaded as in they have more money then God!” and the way he said it made me feel like in his own way he was saying I was dumb.

“So!” I said, shrugged my shoulders and walked into the arcade.

After the movie ended I was standing next to the popcorn station waiting on the guys to come out and that same guy in the Gold sports coat gave me a wink from the other side of the counter.

Luckily, I spotted the guys coming out right then and made my way over to them.

“What happened to you?” Geo asked.

Sean echoed, “Yeah, what happened to you?”

“Were you feeling sick again?” Geo asked.

“Nothing like that, I was just helping out a friend.” I said and tried to let it go at that, but Geo wouldn’t let it drop.

“But you missed the best movie ever! Harry was...” he nearly spoiled the ending for me but Mark jabbed him, pretty hard in the side and said, “Shut up! Maybe he wants to see it again another time!”

“Yeah but...” Geo tried again and I was glad to see Sean take a stand this time.

Sean had been about two steps ahead of Geo; he spun around and jabbed Geo in the chest with a rigid finger, “You had better shut-it or so help me I’ll tell your dad on you!”

Geo didn’t say another word until after we’d arrived home except to grunt at his sister when she’d come to pick us up and had asked why he was so quiet. Sean turned in the front seat and looked angrily at Geo; Geo must have still been upset too because he fired his own heated look toward Sean.

Amazingly enough, as we were filing out of the car Geo grabbed my arm and apologies for almost spoiling the movie for me. I told him it was cool even though if he had told me the end I probably would have had to pound on his head with a brick or a big rock.

Oh, and incase you are wondering; yes, I met up with Eben and his mom the following Saturday. Sad to say, I had such a good time that I completely forgot to look to see if I could tell if Eben was wearing a diaper again or not.


~ Twenty-Fifth Encounter ~


My most recent close encounter happened only three days ago on the most magical day of the year. Yep, that’s right, I mean Christmas! It took place at Providence University Hospital.

It all started because my older brother had to be admitted to the hospital due to severe stomach pain. As it turned out, he had appendicitis and had to have his appendix removed on Christmas Eve.

You might think that it would suck to have to spend Christmas at the hospital and I suppose it could for some but for my brother and my family, it was almost like being at home. The only notable difference was the catheter tube that emerged from under my brothers blanket and drained into a large clear plastic bag.

Early Christmas morning Dad and I had taken all of the presents out from under the Christmas tree, piled them into the trunk of the car and along with the rest of the family we took them to the hospital so that our whole family could be together on Christmas morning.

We had just finished opening all of our presents, my brother was taking a catnap and dad was having a hard time staying awake too. Being the good son that I am, (yeah right) I was volunteered to go get my dad a cup of coffee. I made it down to the basement and found the coffee vending machine with no trouble at all but I got soooooo lost on the way back. I had got back in the elevator but being the brainless twit that I am, I forgot which floor my brother’s room was located. Now I had a one in five chance of getting it right and I was reasonably sure that he was on the fourth floor so that’s the button I pressed; I was wrong.

Well the fourth floor looks a whole lot like the third floor where my brother’s room really was. I found myself wandering around the fourth floor trying to find his room but all I was seeing were a bunch of little kids in bed, some sleeping and some not; I would guess they all ranged in age from six to twelve years old. I finally saw a sign that I recognized, it said Nurses Station with a big black arrow pointing down the hallway.

I was walking down the hallway when much to my surprise and momentary disbelief; I came face-to-face with the big jolly guy in his red suit, black boots and white fluffy beard. He was coming out of one room heading for another. Following closely behind him was not one, but two little elves; one dressed all in green and the other dressed all in gold. I must be honest that I had to take a second and third look at them before I realized that they were just two young girls made-up to resemble elves but boy they were all decked out with pointy ears, tights and tinkling bells on their shoes.

Now if this were not a telling of my close encounters with diaper wearing boys I would probably stop here. I mean how many of us can say that we have had a close encounter with Santa and two of his little toy makers? But the surprises didn’t end with my run-in with Father Christmas.

OK, so I am about to turn sixteen and I’m probably too old to get all giddy at Christmas time but I still do and running into the big guy put me right over the top. I suddenly felt like I was six years old again; my heart raced, my eyes bulged, butterflies were flapping around in my stomach and my mouth wouldn’t work right.

“Merry Christmas young man!” Santa Claus said.

Boy, he went all out! Even his breath smelled like peppermints.

“Hi Santa!” I said a tad too loud.

He smiled, put a finger to his lips and shushed me.

“Oops, sorry!” I giggled putting both of my hands over my mouth.

His eyes fell to the cup of coffee I was supposed to be taking to my dad but without hesitation I handed it to him. He took a big gulp and sighed with relief.

“It’s not Hot-Coco, but it sure does the trick!” he said.

The two little elves were smiling at Santa and looked eager to get on with the spreading of Christmas joy.

Once in a while I actually say something that doesn’t sound stupid and this time I came up with something that was kind of funny. “Sorry I don’t have any cookies to go with it.” I said.

He laughed just like in all the TV Christmas shows, with his belly shaking and all.

Right then a sweet little boy of eight or maybe nine came out of the room across from the room that Santa and his elves had just come out from only seconds before. I then noticed that he had no fingers and his hands and arms were badly scared. He had a plain red ball cap on his head and he wasn’t wearing the normal hospital gown either. He had on a New York Mets baseball jersey that was several sizes too large for him and hung down nearly to his ankles. His jersey was hanging open in the front allowed anyone and everyone to see that the only other thing he was wearing was a green diaper that was obviously in need of changing.

When his eyes beheld Santa his mouth fell open and curved into the biggest, sweetest and most innocent grin.

Santa lowered himself to one knee, looked at the boy and said, “You must be Willey Mallard.”

The boy gasped with surprise and I must admit I was impressed myself.

Santa reached into his coat and pulled out a scroll. He opened it, ran his white gloved finger down the parchment and said, “Yes, here you are on my list, you’re one of my good little boys aren’t you!”

Willey legs were trembling with pent-up excitement as he nodded.

“Well, I believe I have something in here just for you!” Santa said reaching into his big red sack.

I expected him to pull out a toy but instead he pulled out a New York Mets Baseball cap.

Little Willey started to cry, not sad tears but tears of joy.

Santa asked him, “Would you like me to put it on you?”

Willey nodded again and Santa pulled off the red cap and replaced it with the new Mets cap. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone as happy in my entire life as Willey was at that moment. Willey managed to squeak out, “Thank you Santa!” before he turned and ran back to his room leaving me with a view of his diapered bottom wiggling beneath his jersey.

I didn’t now until after Willey had run back into his room that I’d been crying myself. Santa stood up, cleared his throat and said, “Merry Christmas Max!”

I smiled and said, “Merry Christmas to you to Santa!”


Incase you’re wondering... Yes, I found my way back to my brother’s room. At first dad was a little bothered that I had taken so long only to return without the coffee but when I shared with them what I had just witnessed he didn’t seem to care too much about me giving away his coffee. It was then that my brother asked me, “So how did that guy playing Santa know your name?”

“I... I don’t know!” I stammered trying to remember if I had at any point said who I was.