Breastfeeding Cousin Alex

Summary: My Younger cousin Alex comes to stay with me while his parents 
are away and I regress him to my baby and I become his mommy. I 
breastfeed him a lot.


My younger cousin Alex comes to stay with me because his parents are 
leaving on a business trip and don’t trust him to stay home alone. He 
is fifteen years old, small for his age, and absolutely adorable. I am 
a 25-year-old woman and live alone in a house a few hours away from 
him. We start the story with Alex arriving at my door...


I am in the process of straightening up the house for about the 
hundredth time, when I finally hear the anticipated knock on the door. 
I smooth out my black blouse and check my hair as I run to the door. I 
take a deep breath in and open the door. There in front of me is my 
younger cousin Alexander. He prefers to go by Alex, though. I feel so 
excited, I just grin and reach out and grab him, pulling him into an 
enormous bear hug. He drops his luggage to either side and returns the 
big hug. Finally, I am able to talk.

“How was your trip here?”

“Oh, it was fine, but I am glad to be here finally.”

“When do you have to have to return home?”

“In about two weeks.”

After a little bit of catching up in my doorway, I offer to show him to 
his room so he can get settled. I ask him to follow me upstairs. As we 
ascend the stairway, I can feel the heat from his eyes on my ass. I say 
nothing, but I do smile quietly. I show him into the room and tell him 
he can put his clothes in the closet and dresser if he wishes. He tells 
me what a great house this is and begins unpacking.

“I am going to go downstairs and start making some dinner. I am making 
homemade chicken and dumplings with mashed potatoes and gravy. Is that 
all right or do you want something else?”

“That sounds wonderful, I am absolutely starved!”

“All right, well, when you finish unpacking, feel free to make yourself 
at home. I will call you when dinner is ready.”

“Thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walk downstairs and begin making dinner in the kitchen. I am so 
euphoric that I am dancing around the kitchen as I cook. I am strangely 
turned on by his small, boyish stature. At fifteen, I expected him to 
be a bit bigger and maybe have some facial hair growing, but instead he 
is small, frail, and baby-faced. I have always had a fetish for 
infantilism, so the thought of him being so childlike is absolutely a 
turn-on. I begin making a plan in my head as to how I am going to get 
my way with him. I know it is wrong, but I can’t help myself. Besides, 
I already know he thinks I am sexy by the way he stared at my ass up 
the stairs.

About an hour later, dinner is ready. I go in search of Alex and find 
him on the couch watching some television. I tell him dinner is ready 
to come to the table and eat. He jumps up with such enthusiasm, I 
wonder if he hasn’t eaten for days. I serve him up a plate of hot food 
and a glass of cold milk. I serve myself up and sit adjacently to him. 
We begin eating, but Alex is so hungry, most of the food is dribbling 
down his chin and on his shirt. I start my plan of action. I reach over 
with my napkin and say, “Here sweetie, let me get that for you.”

Alex blushes and turns red.

“Thank you, I will try to be more careful eating.”

I go back to eating and within thirty seconds, Alex has made a mess all 
down the front of him again.

“Let me get that, Alex. Better slow down or I might have to spoon-feed 
you so you don’t make such a mess.”

I watch him turn ten shades of red.

“Thank you again. I will try to be more careful.”

He takes cautious bites. He looks like a toddler trying to keep a 
spoonful of peas from falling all over the floor. I smile and continue 
eating. I know that I have made him uncomfortable, but I try to make it 
seem as though it is nothing. Before I can finish my thoughts, Alex 
shoves a heaping spoonful of mashed potatoes and gravy into his mouth, 
but only manages to get about a third of it in his mouth. I set down my 
spoon and pick up my napkin and clean him up again. This time, I say 
nothing. I take his spoon out of his hand and get a mound of potatoes. 
I hold my napkin under his chin and place the end of the spoon on his 
lips. When he opens his mouth, I slide in the spoon and feed him the 

“See, honey, that is how you do it.”

Alex seems so embarrassed, but he tries to hide it with a meager laugh 
and a thank you. I know that he is mortified, so I decide to distract 
him. I fake an itch above my left breast. I reach into my blouse and 
“scratch.” This causes two buttons to come undone. I pretend not to 
notice though and go about my dinner. I see out of the corner of my 
eye, his eyes stare at my chest. I, again, pretend not to notice. He is 
sort of wriggling in his seat now. His one free hand is in his lap 
pressing down. I know that he has an erection and is trying to hide it.

We finally finish dinner. It seems to take all night because Alex took 
tiny, slow bites the rest of dinner. I remove our plates from the table 
and ask him if he would like some dessert. His eyes light up as he 
says, “Yes, please!”

I get down two bowls from the cabinet. One bowl is notably smaller then 
the other. I act like I don’t notice. I reach into the refrigerator and 
pull out some chocolate pudding that I had made earlier. I fill both 
bowls liberally. I go into the drawer and pull out two spoons. One 
spoon is regular size, but the other is an old baby spoon. I put the 
baby spoon in his small bowl of pudding. As I return to the table, I 
lean down to hand him his bowl, thus, giving him a clear view of my 
cleavage. I smile, but say nothing. As we eat our pudding, I moan with 
pleasure at the taste. I can see he is intrigued, but also confused by 
the smaller bowl and spoon. I don’t want him to ask me about it, so I 
distract him again. I once again “fake” an itch, but this time I rub my 
nipple to make it hard. As I pull my hand out of my blouse, you can 
clearly see my nipple pressing hard on the fabric. I know I have his 
attention now, so I adjust myself in my seat making my breasts jiggle 
and bounce. Alex is really wriggling in his seat now.

“Are you okay, Alex?”

“’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Because you look like you are about to pee your pants or 

“No, I’m fine.”

Alex thinks a little more on the question and decides to tell me he 
does need to pee. I can see he has a raging hard on, but I ignore it. 
He tells me he forgot where the bathroom is at. I stand up and tell him 
I will show him. I grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom as though 
he was only two years old. I know it embarrassed him, but he didn’t say 
anything. As I was shutting the door, I asked if he needed help, 
knowing very well he would say no.

“No thank you...I got it. How old do you think I am?”

Instead of answering his question, I leaned down to tell him I would be 
in the kitchen. As I leaned down, my cleavage and hard nipple strained 
on the fabric, appearing as though they would rip through. Alex quickly 
turned away from me to hide his throbbing dick in his pants. I shut the 
bathroom door softly and walked loudly toward the kitchen so he would 
think I had left. Then I tip toed back to the bathroom door to listen. 
All I could hear was his hand pumping furiously on his hard on. This 
got me so aroused and excited. I knew for sure my plan was working, so 
I decided to kick it up a notch. I reached up the back of my shirt and 
unhooked my bra. I pulled the bra off through my sleeve and tossed it 
in the hall closet. Now, my DD’s were jiggling all over and rubbing on 
the fabric making my nipples hard. I heard Alex finish himself off into 
my toilet with a loud sigh. I tip toed quickly to the kitchen and sat 
down as though I didn’t know anything. When he returned and sat down, I 
made sure to make my tits jiggle to get his attention. His eyes bulged 
out of his head for a second, and then he remembered who he was looking 
at, so he looked away and continued eating. I wanted him to look at me, 
so I moaned loudly and stuck the whole spoon in my mouth, slowly 
pulling it out, and licking it all the way down. That did the trick. 
Alex instantly is aroused and tries to look away.

We finish up eating our pudding, and I stand up to do the dishes. Being 
the sweet little cousin, Alex offers to help. I tell him I will wash if 
he will rinse. As I scrubbed the dishes, I scrubbed hard to make my 
tits bounce around. I can see Alex pressing his body into the sink 
hard. It makes me wonder if he has another big erection. As we continue 
washing, I “accidentally” get water all down the front of my shirt. The 
wet shirt clings to my naked breasts accentuating my nipples. As the 
water cools down, it makes my nipples harder.

“Oops, what a klutz I am. I better toss this shirt in the laundry 
before it gets water stains. Give me your shirt and I will toss it in 

Alex removes his shirt and hands it to me. I begin unbuttoning my 
blouse as I walk away. When I reach the laundry I take off my blouse 
and toss it in with yours. I cover my breasts with one arm and run up 
the stairs. As I run up, I shout to you that I am going to go and take 
a bath.

“If you need anything you will have to come to the bathroom and talk 
loud because I will have headphones on and a washcloth over my eyes. 

“Okay,” Alex gulped hard.

Knowing Alex would be peeking in, I left the bathroom door wide open. 
My shower curtain is clear, so I know he could see everything. I filled 
the bathtub and slid in. I put on headphones, but I didn’t listen to 
any music. I wanted to fool Alex into thinking I couldn’t hear him. 
Then I put a washcloth over my eyes, but left enough of a gap for me to 
see him out of the corner of my eye. About five minutes into my bath, I 
heard Alex walking down the hall toward the bathroom. I looked out the 
corner of my eye, and sure enough, Alex was standing in the doorway. He 
looked so cute standing there with only a pair of jeans on. The tops of 
his underwear showed over his jeans, and I pictured it being a diaper 
instead. That made me horny all over again and caused my nipples to 
become erect. I could see Alex put his hand inside his jeans. The 
outside of his jeans rippled as he rubbed himself. Since I was still 
pretending he wasn’t there, I began “washing” my breasts. I rubbed my 
hands all over them making them glisten with the wetness. Then, I 
pushed my hand under the water and into my shaven pussy. I “washed” my 
pussy and breasts at the same time. I watched Alex as he nearly lost it 
in his jeans. Just as he started moaning, I decided I was going to get 
out of the bath. I sat up and took off the washcloth. I looked over 
just in time to see Alex running around the corner of the doorway.

I got dressed in a tight fitting spaghetti strapped shirt and a pair of 
short shorts. I didn’t put on any bra or underwear. I walked down the 
steps pulling my hair into a ponytail. I found Alex on the couch 
watching TV. I sat down on the couch next to him and turned and faced 
him. I sat with one leg up knowing that it would show part of my pussy.

“Alex...tell me a secret, and I will tell you one of mine.”

He looked confused by the question, but I guess curiosity got him.

“I am still a virgin, but kids at school think I’m not, but I let them 
think that.”

I nod in approval and suck in a deep breath before telling my secret.

“I have been taking vitamins that cause my breasts to lactate. I do it 
because I think it is sexy, and it fits into a fantasy of mine.”

I look away blushing with embarrassment. It had sounded better in my 
head, but once I said it, I knew there was no taking it back. I looked 
at Alex and he just had his mouth hanging open in shock. I begin to 
apologize for even saying anything, but he stops me mid-sentence.

“I think it is sexy.”

Now I was the one in shock. This was going to be easier then I thought!

“Tell me another secret, Alex.”

“Ever since I’ve arrived, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about 
how gorgeous your body is, and that I know it's wrong but I just can't 
help it.”

“Alex, I think you are really cute, too! I have been thinking about you 
since the moment you knocked on my door.”

“Well, now that the secrets are out, what do you want to do, Alex? Do 
you want to play a game? Do you want to touch me?”

“I want to touch you and feel you all over. You can do what you want 
with me, I just want to feel you close to me.”

“I think we should play a game to break the ice.”

He looks up and to the left as he ponders this idea. After a few 
moments of silence, he agrees to a game. I ask him what he wants to 
play, and he tells me it is up to me. I decide to play “house”, of 

“I will be the mommy and you can be my baby, okay?”

“Can’t I be the daddy? Why do I have to be the baby?”

I know I have to make my response good, or he may catch onto what I am 
doing. After a moment of thinking, I give him a sexy smile.

“Because a daddy doesn’t get to suck on mommy’s tits.”

That shut him up! He agreed rather happily to be the baby now. I told 
him that I was going to head upstairs and change into something that 
was more like a mommy, and that I would bring down some clothes and 
things for him to look more like a baby. I left him sitting on the 
couch and I bounded up the steps. I ran into my room and dressed in a 
nursing bra with a button up white blouse and a skirt. I made sure not 
to put on any underwear. Then I went into my closet and pulled out an 
adult diaper that I had stashed in there. Then I went to my dresser and 
pulled out a bottle with an adult baby nipple on it and a Nuk 4++ 
pacifier. I grabbed a t-shirt that was a few sizes too small and a pair 
of white socks. I ran down stairs and went to the living room. I knelt 
down on the floor and told him to stand up and strip for “mommy” so 
that I could dress him. He objects when he sees what I am going to 
dress him in, so I say,

“If you are a good baby, then I will let you suck on my tits like a 
real baby until you fall asleep tonight.” As I said this, I lifted my 
shirt and showed him one of my breasts.

He slowly stood up off the couch and began to undress. When he got down 
to just his boxer shorts, he stopped.

“All the way, or you don’t get your reward.”

At that, he took off his boxers and stood there covering his pee pee. I 
reached up and pulled his hands away and told him to lie down on the 
floor. I unfolded the diaper and lifted his butt gently. I slid the 
diaper under him and got it properly arranged. I was just about to pull 
it up between his legs when I remembered I forgot the baby powder. I 
told him to lay still I would be right back. I ran to the bathroom and 
retrieved the baby powder from under the sink and quickly returned. 
When I arrived in the living room, I saw him touching the diaper and 
getting an erection. I didn’t say anything and continued diapering him. 
I put a liberal amount of powder over his groin and gently rubbed it 
in. This made the room smell like baby powder, and seemed to have an 
arousing effect on Alex. As I looked at his little dick, I noticed it 
was a lot smaller then I expected. It was only half the size it should 

“Your toddler size pee pee is going to fit perfectly in this diaper.”

“Is it really that small?” Alex asked with embarrassment.

“Yes, but that is how I like my boys.”

I spread his legs and pulled the diaper up between them. I fastened the 
diaper snugly around his tummy and then leaned down to give him a kiss. 
This made baby Alex smile up at me. I sat him up and put the t-shirt on 
him. It fit tightly, but made him look absolutely adorable. Then I 
lifted one foot at a time and put the little white socks on him. I lift 
him onto my lap with little effort and snuggle you into my chest.

“It is time to set the ground rules baby:

Rule #1: You can no longer talk to me like a big boy, you can only talk 
to me like a toddler.

Rule #2: You have to potty in your diaper, and I will change you.

Rule #3: I will spoon-feed you or give you a bottle, so you cannot have 
big boy food.

Rule #4: You can only breast feed when you earn it.”

“What!? How long are we going to play this?”

“That depends on how good you are and how much you like it. Now, be a 
good boy and tell mama if you’re hungry.”

Alex nods his head. He is obeying now, probably so he can have his 
reward. I stand up cradling Alex in my arms. His legs are wrapped 
around me, and his head is on my shoulder. I set him down on the couch 
and tell him to sit here while I go make him a bottle. I lean down and 
pick up the bottle and the pacifier off the floor. I walk over to the 
couch and press the nipple of the pacifier to Alex’s lips. He 
obediently opens his mouth and takes the big nipple in. He reflexively 
begins to suck it. I walk into the kitchen and make him a bottle of 
warm milk. I add some regressive drugs to help him maintain his babyish 
behaviors. I also add some alcohol to get rid of his inhibitions and go 
with the flow.

As I return, I see him lying on the couch suckling the pacifier. The 
sight really turns me on, but I hide my arousal and sit next to you on 
the couch. I pull you across my lap and support your head with my arm. 
Then I remove the pacifier from your mouth and replace it with the big 
nipple of the bottle. I am pleased when you don’t hesitate and begin 
suckling down the bottle without a fight. I stroke my hand through his 
hair and whisper things in his ear to make him feel more like a baby. 
As the bottle is sucked dry, I remove the bottle from his mouth and set 
it on the floor. I am shocked when Alex actually begins to cry. I 
quickly shove the pacifier back into his mouth. He calms down. I lift 
him up and place him on my shoulder and begin patting his back for a 
burp. After a moment or two, a muffled burp escapes through his 
pacifier filled mouth.

I stand up carrying Alex and go into the kitchen. I sit him down in a 
chair with phone books and use a belt to strap him in. I tell him this 
is his high chair. I tie a hand towel around his neck to make a bib. I 
reach up and get another small bowl out of the cabinet and fill it with 
sweet applesauce. I rinse off his baby spoon from earlier and place it 
in the applesauce. Alex grins when he sees what he is about to get to 
eat. I pull up a chair and begin spooning in the applesauce. I make 
sure to make a mess around his mouth so he will feel like a baby. Once 
the applesauce is all gone, I stand up to go put the dishes in the sink 
and run some water knowing it will make Alex need to pee. I turn around 
and wipe off his face with the “bib” and remove it. I see Alex start to 
wiggle in his seat and I know he needs to pee. He begins to cry, so I 
unbuckle him and pick him up. I give him his pacifier again and rock 
him from side to side in my arms. His head is on my left shoulder with 
his arms and legs wrapped around me. As he begins to calm again, I can 
feel the warmth of his pee spreading over the front of diaper. I tell 
him that I have to finish the dishes and then I will give him a bath. 
As I set him down on the floor, he crawls away into the living room. I 
know he will soon be finding out that it feels really good to be in a 
wet diaper. I continue to wash the dishes humming softly to myself.

I walk into the living room to get my baby for a bath, but what I saw 
was so cute. I saw him laying on his stomach with a pillow under his 
diaper rubbing furiously. His pacifier was bobbing methodically as he 

“Uh uh uh...babies are not allowed to do that, mommy does that for 
them. I will do that for you later, but right now, it is bath time.”

I pick him up off the floor and set him on my hip. I can feel his hard 
pee pee pressing into my side as I carry him up the stairs to the 
bathroom. I start his bath water adding some bubbles to make it fun. I 
pull the socks off his feet, and the shirt off his body. Then I untape 
the diaper and let it fall to the floor. His hard, shiny pee pee sticks 
out in front of him. I lift him into the bath and sit him down. I 
lather up my hands with soap and begin washing him tenderly. I start 
with his chest and back, then to his face and hands. I wet his hair and 
wash it with baby shampoo...then rinse it. I tell him to stand up so 
that mommy can wash his pee pee. He stands up and faces me and I tell 
him to spread his legs. He slightly spreads his legs and I begin gently 
washing his pee pee and butt crack with my hands. This causes him to 
let out a muffled sigh from behind his pacifier. I know he is close and 
I stop. He seems frustrated and he should be. I rinse him off and wrap 
him in a beach towel. The beach towel wraps around him almost twice 
making him look tiny. I carry him to my bed and lay him on his back. I 
go to the closet and retrieve another diaper and set it on the bed next 
to him. I go to the bathroom and get some baby powder and oil. I return 
to the bed and unfold the diaper placing it under his butt. He flops 
his legs to the sides and I apply baby oil to his pee pee and start 
rubbing it in. I rub it just enough to make him really hard. Then I add 
some baby powder and pull the diaper up and fasten it around his belly. 
I tell him what a good baby he has been and how he is going to get his 
reward. I put him back in his small t-shirt and white sock. I climb 
onto the bed and rest my back against the headboard.

“Come here baby. Mommy has a special treat for her good baby boy.”

Alex turned over onto his tummy and crawled along the bed to his mommy. 
His little pee pee rubbed along the inside of his diaper causing him to 
become even more aroused. It was beginning to hurt he was so hard. I 
pat my lap and told him to lay on my lap. Alex did and snuggled close. 
I took out his pacifier and set it on my bedside table. I unbuttoned my 
blouse and exposed my left breast. The nipple was puffy and engorged 
with milk. I guided Alex’s mouth to my nipple and told him to suck on 
mommy’s titty. He latched on and began suckling. Every now and then, he 
would flick his tongue on the tip to make me moan out loud. It seemed 
to make him happy to hear the sound. It turned me on to the point of no 
hiding. I reached down and grabbed the front of his diaper and began 
rubbing his pee pee. I sucked harder and moaned into my breast. I 
rubbed slow and steady until he came to a convulsive orgasm. His eyes 
rolled back in his head and he sucked hard flicking his tongue over and 
over on my nipple. I moaned back and looked down at his face. I broke 
the suction of his nursing and put my breast away. I sat him up and 

“Do you want the other one?”

He nodded and reached for it with his mouth and hands.

“You have to make mommy feel good down there first.”

I lifted my skirt exposing my bald, glistening cunt to his eyes. I told 
him to go down there and lick and suck on mommy until I told him to 
stop. He positioned himself down there and I spread my legs wide to 
give him access. I spread my lips with my fingers to give him easy 
access. As his tongue touched my clit...I thought I was going to cum 
right then and there. The ecstasy grew more with each stroke of his 
tongue. It didn’t take long for it all to cum to another wickedly 
strong orgasm. As he sucked my clit for all it was worth...I screamed 
out in pleasure. He drank and licked my juices as I shuddered to a 

As a reward, I pulled out my right breast and told him to nurse on me 
until he fell asleep. He curled up on my lap and nursed in contentment. 
As his sucking slowed, I patted his diapered butt and hummed a song. 
Before I knew it, my little baby was sound asleep, nipple still in 
mouth. I released the suction and laid him on the bed and covered him 
with a blanket.

Chapter 2

The next morning, I awoke to the gentle movements of Alex. He was still 
sound asleep next to me with his thumb in his mouth. He looked ever so 
peaceful as he slept. I stood up softly and slowly out of bed. I 
covered my now swollen breasts. They were heavy with milk, and tender 
to the very touch. I walked into the bathroom and did my morning ritual 
of peeing and brushing my teeth. After I dried my mouth off, I threw my 
hair up in a quick ponytail. It looked sloppy, but I didn’t care. As I 
wandered back into the room, I saw Alex was now lying on his back and 
had kicked the covers off. Alex’s right leg was out straight, but his 
left leg was bent and flopped to the side. His eyes were still shut and 
his mouth was slightly open where his thumb had been. I quietly walked 
to the bedside, and I could see his musty-yellow colored diaper. I now 
could begin to smell the faint, yet distinct smell of urine. I smiled 
and walked over to the package of diapers. I grabbed two diapers, baby 
wipes, baby oil, and some baby powder. I set them on the bed as I 
softly knelt at the foot of the bed. I reached for the tabs on his 
diaper and tried to undo them without waking him. I managed to get the 
first tab off, but when the second one was halfway off, it caused him 
to wake.

“Shhhhh….it’s okay baby. Shh... go back to sleep” I said.

His eyes fluttered and closed once more. I pulled down the front of his 
diaper, revealing his morning wood, and a very wet diaper. I smiled in 
approval of the sight. I gently lifted his legs to pull the diaper out 
from under his bum, but it was stuck. It seemed he was sweaty and the 
fabric did not want to let go. I pulled a little harder and it tugged 
free. I heard Alex suck in a deep breath of air.


“I’m here baby…it’s okay. I’m just changing your diaper sweetie. You 
can go back to sleep.”

“Mama, I hungy.”

“Okay, baby…let mama finish changing your diaper and then I will feed 
you, okay?”

“Okay Mama”

I rolled up his soggy and diaper and set it on the floor next to the 
bed. I pulled out two sheets of baby wipes from the box and warmed them 
between my hands so it would not be such a shock to his hard pee pee. 
When I was ready to wipe the urine from his groin, I looked down to see 
his right hand was squeezing and pulling at his pee pee.

“What are you doing baby? That is dirty; you are not supposed to play 
with yourself unless mama says it is okay.”

“I have to go pee pee mama…”

“Oh!! Well, why don’t I help you go potty?”

I picked up the naked baby Alex and carried him to the potty. I stood 
him in front of the toilet and I lifted the toilet lid. I moved him 
close to the potty and I stood behind him.

“Let me show you how to do this baby... but you can ONLY do this when 
mama is here to help you. Okay?”

“Okay, mama”

I held his little dick in my hand and told him to go ahead and pee. I 
aimed his dick down toward the toilet. He grunted a few times and bent 
his knees and spread them slightly.

“I can’t do it, mama.”

“Do you want me to just go get your dirty diaper from last night and 
let you go pee pee in that?”

He nodded his head enthusiastically and grinned from ear to ear. I 
smiled back and walked back to the room and picked up his diaper off 
the floor. I unrolled it as I walked back to the bathroom. By the time 
I got to the bathroom, Alex was holding his dick for dear life and 
dancing around. I held the diaper up to his crotch with my left hand 
and refastened the tapes with my right. Once it was on snuggly, Alex 
looked down at his diaper, placed his hands over the front and started 
to pee. I noticed, as he peed, he began grabbing and rubbing the front 
of his diaper. I could see he was starting to get a little woody. I 
picked him up before he could finish himself and cuddled him close to 
my body. He laid his head on my shoulder and wrapped his legs around my 
waist. I put my right arm under his bum and my left around his back and 
carried him to the room. I set him on his back on the bed. I unfastened 
the tapes again and peeled the now super soaked diaper down. As I did, 
his little woody sprang up and seemed to look at me through the one-
eyed tip. I pulled the diaper out from under his bum and re-rolled it 
and tossed it on the floor. I warmed the baby wipes in my hands again. 
Once they were warm enough, I peeled them apart and began wiping his 
groin. I started with the crease along his hips and worked my way down 
to his butt cheeks. Then, I wiped across his lower abdomen and circled 
the base of his pee pee down to his balls. I gently wiped them down and 
watched as his dick throbbed. I took the other baby wipe and softly 
wiped his shaft and head making him squirm a little. I heard a faint 
moan and saw he was sucking his thumb and had his eyes closed.

“Does baby like it when mama plays with his little pee pee?”

“Mmhmm…Baby like it a lot.”

Once I was satisfied that he was clean, I squirted a dime-size amount 
of baby oil in my hand and began stroking his dick and balls in my now 
slippery hand. He moaned loudly this time. I even circled the ring of 
his bum hole, making him moan louder and reach down to touch his dick. 
I stop right before he is about to cum. He sucks hard on his thumb in 
frustration. I unfold the new diaper and place it under his bum and 
sprinkle a liberal amount of powder all over his crotch. I pull the 
diaper up between his legs and fasten it snuggly around his waist. I 
can still visibly see his hard on poking up through the diaper. Then I 
grab the other diaper and do the same over the other one. It is very 
thick and causes his legs to remain slightly spread. I lean down and 
blow a raspberry on his tummy making him erupt in a giggle. He squirms 
and tries to push my face away from his tummy, but I manage to blow 
some more before he pushes me away. As he stops giggling he looks up at 
me in such a way, I know he loves his mommy.

“Let’s go feed you some breakfast.”

I pick him up and perch him on my hip. We walk down the hall, down the 
stairs, and to the kitchen. I set him on his high chair and buckle him 
in. Then I go to the pantry and pull out a jar of baby food, bananas, 
and the powdered baby cereal. I set them down on the counter and 
retrieve a baby bowl from the cupboard. I take two steps to my left and 
open the drawer with my baby spoons. I pull out a green baby spoon and 
set it in the bowl. I take all of this to the table to prepare. First, 
I pour a liberal amount of dried baby cereal in the bowl. Then I reach 
for the banana baby food and open the lid until I hear the “pop” sound. 
I start to get up to go to the refrigerator to get the milk to mix with 
the baby cereal, but I get an idea to make my baby want to eat all of 
his food, and fast! I stand up and maneuver my right breast out of my 
clothing. The nipple is red and swollen with milk. It urges to be 
sucked on. I lean down and squeeze my breast over the bowl. I make a 
couple of streams of milk come shooting out and onto the dry cereal. I 
squeeze a few more times until I think I have enough to make a nice 
consistency for the cereal. Then I stand up and put my tit back in the 
clothing and sit down to stir the cereal. As I am mixing the cereal, I 
look up to see baby Alex sitting there watching me with his mouth hung 
open and his eyes wide.

“You can have some of mommy’s milk after you finish ALL of your 

I picked up the spoon and dipped it in the banana food and then in the 
breast milk cereal. I brought toward his mouth and he nearly ate the 
food and the spoon. I knew he wanted to eat fast, so I gave him big 
bites and quickly. After he finished, I wiped off his face and put the 
dishes in the sink. I filled them with water so they would be easier to 
wash later. When I dried my hands, my breasts rubbed together inside my 
shirt and I felt just how full they were and how much they hurt. They 
needed to be nursed.

“Come on baby boy, it is time to nurse you.”

His eyes lit up and he bounced in his seat with anticipation. I 
unbuckled him and set him on the ground. I walked toward the living 
room and sat down on the couch. Alex climbed up next to me in just his 
double diapers and waited for me to lay him across my lap.

“Which one, baby?”

“Dat one.”

He pointed to my left breast as he said this. I lifted him under his 
arms and laid him across my lap accordingly. I placed a pillow under 
his head to put him at the right height. He instinctively turned his 
head toward my body as I began to lift my breast out. I held my breast 
with my hand and pulled his head in toward the nipple with my other 
hand. I helped him get situated so that he could get a good latch. As 
his lips touched my tender nipple, I thought I would cream my panties 
right there. He sucked greedily at my nipple. As I watched him nurse on 
my tit, I became more and more turned on. I found myself rubbing and 
pinching my right nipple. I squeezed out a little milk to lubricate my 
nipple and I continued rubbing and pulling it, imitating him nursing on 
me. As I got more turned on, I began closing my eyes and throwing my 
head back.

“Yes baby, suck mama’s tit! Suck it just like that!”

With that encouragement, baby Alex sucked harder and flicked his tongue 
on the tip of my nipple a few times. This threw me over and I let out a 
loud moan and came in my underwear. I breathed heavily making more milk 
spurt out of my tit into his hungry mouth. I was coming down from my 
orgasm as he sucked the last of the milk out of my left tit.

“Okay baby, let’s switch you over to the other one.”

He reluctantly let his mouth release my nipple. My nipple was elongated 
and red from his hard sucking, but it felt real good. I lifted him and 
arranged him on the other side like he had been on the left side. I 
helped him latch on and he began to nurse like it was the first thing 
he had had all day. I savored the moment and put my deflated breast 
back in my shirt as he sucked the remaining milk out of my other tit. 
When he had finished off that breast I put it away and sat him up on my 
lap. I patted his back for a moment or two, and he released a loud 
burp. We both chuckled and cuddled.

“Do you want mama to make you feel good baby?”

“Yes, mama.”

“If I make you feel good, will you make me feel good later?

“Oh yes, mama.”

“Okay then.”

I laid him on the couch beside me and began rubbing the front of his 
diaper in long strokes. He began to moan and spread his legs. I undid 
both diapers and took his dick in my hand and stroked it up and down. I 
could feel the pulse running in the veins that popped out on both 
sides. The head of his dick turned to a dark purple. He began to moan 
louder and louder. I watched as his balls contracted releasing a few 
long ropes of cum onto his tummy, my face, and my hand. As I let go of 
his throbbing member, I could see it pulsate as it began to become 
flaccid. I said nothing wiped the cum off his belly and my face with a 
tissue and then I re-taped his diapers in place. I left him lying on 
the couch and stood up to go to the kitchen to do the dishes from 
earlier and wash my hands. While I washed the dishes, I realized that 
during this last breast feed, I had tried to make it seem like I had 
two babies nursing on me! I began to think that maybe I should find me 
another baby boy. That way I could have two nursing on me, two with 
dirty diapers, two in the bath tub, and two to feed. Not to 
mention…Alex would have a playmate! This sounded like a brilliant plan. 
I ran to the living room to tell Alex my idea.

“Hey ba…”

He was sound asleep on the couch. I must have tuckered the poor baby. I 
ran up the stairs and got his pacifier from the bedside table. I took 
it to the kitchen and washed it off to make sure there was no germs or 
dust on it. I don’t want Alex sick. Then I took it to the living room 
and placed it to his lips. His infantile reactions told him to open and 
suck. That is exactly what he did. I looked down at him watching his 
pacifier rock in his mouth. I leaned down and kissed him on his 
forehead and then went upstairs to get a shower.

After the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my room. I 
flopped down on my bed and began daydreaming of the day I could have 
two babies. I must have slipped off into sleep because I awoke to my 
legs spread and the most amazing feeling between my legs. When I looked 
down, I saw that Alex had crawled up on the bed and was licking my 
pussy . He licked from my pussy hole to my clit and back down again. I 
moaned loudly and gripped the sides of my pillow. I could feel him 
thrust his tongue into my pussy and fuck me with his tongue. I rocked 
my hips and moaned more.

“Oh yes, baby. Mama likes it when you lick her pussy like that. You are 
a good baby boy. Make mama cum. Make mama cum and I will give you a 

With that, Alex licked faster and in circles around my clit. I breathed 
heavily as the tingles started in my stomach and shot down to the tips 
of my toes. The orgasm engulfed me and I screamed out in pleasure. As I 
began to come down from my high, I heard Alex undo his diapers and then 
felt him stick his toddler-like dick in my pussy. I could barely feel 
it in me because it was so small, but because it was naughty for him to 
do this, it felt great. He fucked me the best he could until he came in 
my pussy and collapsed on my stomach from sheer exhaustion. He looked 
up at me with those eyes.

“Did I make mama feel good?”

“Oh yes baby, you did.”

He smiled proudly and pulled his tiny dick out of me. He lay back on 
the bed and waited for me to fasten his diaper up for him. Which I did. 
I pulled the towel off of my body and used it to wipe my crotch off. It 
was covered in a mixture of my juices and his cum. The smell was 
intoxicating. A promise was a promise though, and I had promised to 
give him a surprise if he made me cum. I sat him up and told him to 
listen to me. I explained to him that I thought it was time for him to 
get a new brother. He looked at me in a shock.

“I dun wanna share mama”

He started to cry. I knew in time he would love having a new brother. I 
just had to find one. That was my mission for tomorrow. I was going to 
find a new baby boy to take care of tomorrow.

Chapter 3

Note: In the last part of the story, I had mentioned about getting 
another brother; however, readers and Alex neither one liked the idea. 
I was going to make it a nice twist and turn, but it would take too 
long and I fear I would lose too many of you. With that, please forget 
all about the mention of another baby boy from your memories. Thank 
you! Please enjoy this part about Alex getting smaller and wearing 
Pampers size 4.


The day started out like any other. I awoke first and did my morning 
rituals as Alex continued to sleep. I would change his diaper and make 
him giggle by blowing raspberries on his tummy. I would lift him and 
prop in on my hip and head downstairs to breakfast. I had a little bit 
of a surprise for Alex today, though. I served up a bowl of baby cereal 
mixed with pureed squash. As I turned my back to Alex, who was perched 
in his high chair waiting desperately for breakfast, I pulled a little 
bag of iridescent crystals. I had been saving them for the perfect 
time. They are tiny crystals from an Indian grave site. They are said 
to have magical powers. The powers work depending on how the person 
feels. If the person feels like a baby, they turn into a baby and vice 
versa. I had waited until I was sure Alex felt like a young child or 
toddler. I wanted him to be more the size and fit into the size of a 
young child or toddler. I took a generous pinch of the crystals and 
sprinkled it over his food. I mixed it in and watched as colors swirled 
for a minute second. I sealed the bag and placed the rest in my pocket. 
I took the bowl of food and his baby spoon and sat before him. I 
scooped a heaping spoonful and brought it to my baby’s lips. He opened 
his mouth without hesitation and took his first bite. As he tongued the 
food toward the back of his mouth and swallowed, I watched as his body 
seemed to shrink. He didn’t shrink drastically, just an inch or two. 
This continued for the remainder of his food. By the end, he was the 
size of a four-year-old. I smiled in utter bliss because that is the 
size I wanted him. Alex had not seemed to notice, so I did not mention.

After breakfast, I picked him up out of his chair and carried him to 
the sink to wash off his face and hands. He giggled in delight as the 
water ran over his, now much smaller, hands. Then I dried him off, and 
set him down on the ground. That is when it hit him! He looked up at me 
in shock. He sputtered out a few words and began to cry.

“Hush now baby, you are okay.”

This didn’t seem to calm him much so I picked him back up and cradled 
him in my arms. I rocked from side to side humming a quiet lullaby. 
This still didn’t seem to help, so I walked calmly over to the couch 
and laid him across my lap. I raised my t-shirt up to my chin and 
lowered my bra to below my breast. I tilted Alex’s head toward my left 
nipple and pressed it to his gaping mouth. He cried for a few more 
seconds before realizing there was tit in his mouth. He began to suckle 
and calm. His eyes were heavy and his nose was all runny. I used the 
bottom of my t-shirt to wipe his nose clean. When he had nursed for 
about 15 minutes on that side, I flipped him over to the right side. He 
nursed again for about 15 minutes. When that side had emptied I pulled 
him off, and covered myself back up. I sat him up on my lap and he let 
out a humongous belch. He looked at me longing eyes as though he was 
about to start crying again. I cuddled him close and patted his back to 
soothe him. He turned his face deep into my chest and rubbed it back 
and forth. I tried explaining to him what had happened, but he didn’t 
want to hear it.

We trudged up the stairs to the bathroom where I drew him a wonderful, 
warm bath. I removed his soggy diaper and lifted him into the tub. He 
seemed to have almost forgotten the whole affair from this morning and 
looked happy again. I spoke to him as though he were a baby.

“Does my little Alex like his bath?”

“I wuv it, mommy.”

“Good, my baby is happy.”

He told me he was sorry for getting so mad this morning, and that he 
really does like being smaller. He said that now the pacifier will fit 
in his mouth. That made me laugh and I was relieved. I washed Alex, 
starting with his toes and then to his hair. I stood him up to wash his 
pee pee, but when he stood up, I saw he had a woody. I told him that I 
would take care of that later. I washed it gingerly, knowing it was so 
sensitive, and continued to wash his arse. He giggled when I reached 
his arsehole and I noticed he was peeing as I was cleaning. He thought 
it was funny and started playing with the pee coming out. I told him 
that now I would have to wash it all over again. He seemed to know this 
and was looking forward to it. I lathered my hand up again and began to 
delicately rub and pull his tiny member. It was rather hard to do 
because it was so small. His legs seemed to weaken and want to buckle, 
so I stopped because I didn’t want him getting hurt. I pulled the plug 
on the tub to release the water and wrapped Alex in a big towel. I 
vigorously dried him and his hair. Once he was clean and dry, I took 
his hand and walked him to the room. I laid him on the floor and 
brought over all the materials I needed to diaper and clothe him. I 
placed the diaper under his butt, but it was way too big. I had 
forgotten to get smaller diapers before I shrunk him.

“What shall we do baby? The diapers won’t fit you.”

“I dun know, mama.”

I told him we would just have to put him in a blanket and go to the 
store to buy him some smaller diapers and clothes. He looked at me with 
almost embarrassment, but there was no other choice. I got a blanket 
and wrapped him up tight. I drove us to the store and carried him in. I 
got a few looks, but I think people thought he was ill for the most 
part. I placed him in a basket and we walked to the diapers and I got 
him a Pampers size 4. I got 2 packages because I know he likes to be in 
double diapers. Then we wondered through the toddler clothes and I 
found him some overalls, t-shirts, and some footed sleepers all in size 
4T. We went to the check out and bought the stuff. Alex seemed so 
excited to get home and try on all the baby clothes and especially the 
new diapers. I drove a little faster then normal because I, too, wanted 
to see him dressed up like a real baby boy.

When we had returned home, I hurriedly got Alex out of the car and 
carried in our purchases. We made it to the living room floor and Alex 
laid down without me asking. I opened the package of pampers and showed 
him the animal designs on the front. He grinned and lifted his butt for 
me to put the diaper underneath. I opened the diaper and placed it 
under him and he set his butt into them, you could see his happiness 
with the way they felt. I oiled him up and powdered him, then pulled 
the front of the diaper up over his very aroused pee pee. I fastened 
the tapes and took a moment to admire how cute he was. I did the same 
with another diaper over his first to make him look cuter and to make 
him waddle. Then I put him in a red t-shirt and his new pair of 
overalls. I helped him to his feet and was absolutely turned on by the 
way he looked. His hair was tousled and his body was small. His double 
diaper could clearly be seen bulging beneath his overalls. He looked 
down and admired his appearance. He asked me for a bottle to suck on 
while he watched some cartoons. I figured he had been a really good boy 
and deserved it. I went to the kitchen and pulled out a Playtex nurser 
because it has the largest nipple and feels like he is nursing on me, 
and filled it to the brim with milk. I placed it in the microwave for 
25 seconds and got it to be a nice temperature. I popped the nipple 
through the lid and screwed it on tight. I clasped the nipple between 
my fingers and shook the bottle to mix it. I carried the bottle into 
the living room and found that Alex was in the middle of an orgasm on 
the arm of the couch where he was rocking forward and back through his 
diaper. I was astonished with his creativity to get himself off, but I 
was mad that he didn’t wait for me. I didn’t say anything, and just 
handed him his bottle and flipped on the TV. I went upstairs because I 
needed some relief from my own swollen clit. I rubbed myself mad and 
pinched my nipples so hard that milk came out. I imagined Alex was 
sucking on them and licking them. I erupted in my own orgasm and 
returned down to the living room. I saw Alex sound asleep on the couch 
with half a bottle full of milk in his hand and a nipple hanging 
loosely in his mouth. I turned off the TV and carefully took the 
bottle. I covered him with the blanket he had been wrapped in and I 
stuck a pacifier in his mouth. He sucked rhythmically for a few moments 
before he fell into a deep sleep. I put the remaining bottle in the 
refrigerator. I knew Alex was tired from the morning’s fit, so I let 
him sleep until dinner time. I awoke him and asked what he wanted for 

“I want my baba and den I want mama.”

I chuckled at how he had said that, but I got him his bottle and let 
him finish it. Then I lifted him onto my lap and let him nurse on both 
sides until they were depleted of milk. I carried him upstairs to the 
bed and laid him down and handed him his pacifier. I told him to try to 
go back to sleep while I went and got a shower.

Chapter 4

In this part of breastfeeding Alex, he goes to daycare for the first 
time and manages to get in trouble twice in one day. He has a new 
adventure coming, so you have to read to find out.


I finished my shower and dried off. I put my nursing night gown on 
because I knew in the morning what my little Alex would want. The gown 
was a soft blue and very gossamer. I wore only the nightgown and no 
underwear or bra. I quietly crept to the bedside and pulled back the 
covers for me to climb in. I gently lay next to Alex and covered 
myself. I was facing my baby and I watched as he gently sucked on his 
pacifier and dreamed. I quickly dozed off, too.

The following morning I awoke to find Alex sitting on the side of the 
bed in only a diaper, and the diaper was undone. I carefully leaned 
forward to observe him. He had his diaper down in front and he was 
playing with his pee-pee like it was a toy. He was kind of flicking it 
forward and back and then tugging on it. I sat up and prepared myself 
to be stern.

“What do you think you are doing, little boy?!”

“What? Nothing, mama,”

“Don’t you dare lie to me! You are playing with your pee pee and I saw 

Alex began to cry and I saw his hard pee-pee had gone soft rather 
quickly. I stood up and grabbed him by his arm and walked him over to 
the corner and told him to sit in the corner and think about what he 
had done for four minutes. He cried softly but obeyed. His diaper had 
fallen to the ground next to the bed so I picked it up and threw it 
away. While I waited for four minutes to be up, I got out a new diaper 
and some wipes. His little back heaved with sobs and I watched as he 
rubbed his eyes and nose. He seemed to glance down at his pee pee and 
sob harder. The four minutes were up so I told him to get up and come 
over to me. He got up and walked with his head hung low, sobs still 
seeping from his mouth and tears dripping from his chin. I knelt on the 
floor so I was eye level with him.

“Have you thought about what you did?”

He nodded.

“Are you sorry?”

He nodded again.

“Tell mama that you are sorry.”

“I so sowwy mama”

“Are you going to touch yourself like that again without my 

“No mama I pwomise.”

“Okay give me a hug.”

He fell into my arms and sobbed into my shirt. I hugged him and 
smoothed my hand along his bare back. I lifted him into my arms as I 
stood up and I told him it was okay that I wasn’t mad anymore. As he 
began to settle I told him we were going to have a big day, so we 
needed to get started. I laid him on the bed and put a puffy diaper on 
him and I dressed him in his overalls he had had on the night before. I 
combed his hair and took him downstairs for breakfast. I sat him on my 
knee and fed him small cut up pieces of an omelet I had made. He ate it 
hurriedly, and then had a bottle. I told him we had to talk before we 
went anywhere. I picked him up, bottle and all, and took him to the 
couch. I laid him in my lap while he drank his bottle and told him to 
listen carefully. He nodded.

“When we go out in public, you cannot ask me to nurse you because it is 
rude. If you are hungry and want to nurse, I want you to say, ‘mama I 
want num-nums’. If you say that, I will know what you want and I will 
find a way to get it to you as soon as possible. Okay?”

“Yes, mama.”

“Also, you cannot tell anyone that you still suck on your mama’s tits 
because they will make fun of you and then I won’t be able to do it 
anymore. Understand?”

“Yes mama. I dun wan tat…I wuv sucking on you. I won tell I pwomise.”

“Okay baby, then are you ready to start the day?”

He shook his head no.

“Why not?”

“Cuz I want num-nums first!”

I laughed, and told him he was a good boy for remembering what to call 
it and that he deserved it. I nursed him again until I was, once more, 
depleted of milk. I sat him up and burped him and then told him we 
needed to pack him a baby bag so we could go out. I ran upstairs and 
got dressed in a red button up blouse and a black skirt. The skirt 
stopped at mid-thigh and was my favorite one. I put on some high heels 
and did my hair. Then I grabbed a bag and put six diapers, baby wipes, 
baby powder, a pacifier and a bottle full of milk in it. I loaded Alex 
into the car and then myself. I told him I had to go and get a job, so 
I was going to put him in daycare. He cried and said he didn’t want me 
to go, but I explained that I had to, if he wanted me to be his mommy.

We drove up to a daycare called “Lots of Tots” and I parked the car. I 
helped Alex out of the car and carried him and his bag into the 
building. As we walked in, we were greeted by a hefty woman with a warm 
smile. I fibbed to her and said that Alex was still in diapers because 
he has a genetic disorder that prevents him from controlling his 
bladder and bowels. I also told her that he had to drink from a bottle 
because he would choke otherwise. I felt bad for lying, but I didn’t 
want to raise suspicion. I saw Alex was beginning to panic, so I 
reached in the bag and pulled out his pacifier and stuck it in his 
mouth. The lady saw and didn’t say anything, so I didn’t offer an 
explanation. She led us to a room titled “T4” on the door. She opened 
it up, and there was about 10 other little four year olds. I led Alex 
in and the teacher came over to greet me. Her name was Mrs. Andrews. 
The lady from the front excused herself and left us with Mrs. Andrews. 
She looked to be about 35 and had brown hair and brown eyes. She knelt 
down in front of Alex.

“And who is this cute little boy?”

“This is Alex. It is his first time at a daycare and his first time to 
leave me, so he is really scared.”

“Oh, I think we will have a lot of fun today. How about you come over 
here Alex and meet your class while I talk to your mommy.”

I told Mrs. Andrews the same lie I had told the front desk lady. She 
believed every word, too.

“What is the pacifier for?”

Oh, great. I had to think of a lie quick about the pacifier. I stumbled 
over my words before I managed to get the lie out.

“He has it for his speech impediment. The speech therapist has him use 
it, so he remembers to keep his tongue down.”

She bought it! She said she had heard of that in the UK but not in 
America. I was just glad she bought it. I handed her his bag and told 
her there were six diapers and a bottle in there. She told me not to 
worry and that she would see me in a few hours. I left the daycare 
feeling incomplete. I missed my baby already.

After hours of job searching, I finally had landed one. I was to become 
a secretary at a law firm doing data entry. I drove up to the daycare 
at 5:30pm, and the parking lot was swamped with cars of other mothers 
picking up there babies. I ran inside and found the classroom had three 
mothers in there getting there children. One woman approached me.

“You must be Alex’s mother. He is so darling.”

“Yes I am. Thank you so much for the compliment.”

“He is so cute, I am even thinking about letting my baby back in 
diapers and having bottles and such. I don’t why I even stopped.”

I suddenly felt so proud.

“It is wonderful, and if you need any advice or help, just let me know. 
I am practically an expert after Alex.”

She put out her hand for a handshake and introduced her self as Ellen, 
the mother of Charlie. I complimented how cute her child was, too. Just 
as we were discussing her coming over to my house on the weekend to 
discuss things, Alex came bolting over to me and wrapped his arms 
around my legs. I leaned down and gave him a hug. I continued making 
plans and ignored Alex’s tugs on my shirt.

“I want num-nums, mama.”

As he said that, he lifted my shirt exposing my nursing bra to Ellen 
and Charlie. I was so embarrassed I excused myself to the bathroom. I 
tugged Alex along with me and pulled him into the stall with me. I 
verbally reprimanded him and told him more punishment would be coming 
when we got home. I returned to the room to apologize to Ellen. She 
wouldn’t hear any of it, she said that she was wondering if I still 
breastfed Alex. I told her that I would be glad to share all my secrets 
with her, but that I had to get Alex home and fed. She chuckled and 
patted Alex on the head. She told him that he must be the happiest 
little boy in the room. I said thank you to Mrs. Anderson and heard 
about what he had done that day. I really didn’t care because my 
breasts were swollen and aching and just needed to be nursed. I quickly 
left the daycare and drove home.

The way home was very quiet because Alex knew he was in trouble for 
what he had done. I knew he was dreading getting home, but I needed to 
be nursed and I needed to talk to him. I figured I would do both. I 
carried him and the bag in and dropped the bag on the kitchen counter. 
I carried Alex upstairs to my bed and we lay down together with Alex on 
top of me. I told him I was going to talk to him while he nursed. I 
opened up my blouse and undid the hook on the nursing bra and exposed 
my very swollen and tender right nipple to him. He latched on and 
started sucking vigorously. It hurt me, but it hurt in a good way. As 
he nursed, I told him what he had done wrong and why I was so mad. 
Then, I told him I wasn’t mad anymore because I may have found him a 
playmate and me a friend. He smiled with my nipple in his mouth and 
breast milk poured out and dribbled on my breast. He nursed me until he 
was full. I sat up and fastened my bra and my shirt. I told him I had 
gotten a job and that I had to start it in the morning, so we had to go 
to bed early. I gave him a bath and made sure his little pee pee got 
pleasured. I diapered him in a double diaper and put him to bed with a 
pacifier. After he had gone to sleep, I went downstairs and made me 
some hot soup and a cup of hot tea. After I finished eating, I sat at 
the table sipping my tea thinking about what Ellen had said. I started 
getting excited for the weekend to get here. It was only Wednesday, so 
I had a few days. I decided to write her a letter that I could give her 
tomorrow to read. I wrote about what I do with Alex and how much he 
enjoys it. I told her all the pluses to having a nursing, bottle 
drinking, diaper peeing boy. I knew it would get her pulse racing, and 
that is exactly what I wanted.
Chapter 5

In the morning, I was anxious to take Alex to daycare. I could hardly 
wait to give Ellen the letter I had written. I ran through the house 
packing my lunch, getting dressed, and getting Alex dressed. He was 
still pretty much asleep, so I dressed him and laid him on the couch to 
doze while I finished doing stuff. At about a quarter to six, I grabbed 
Alex off the couch, the diaper bag, and my purse. We rushed to the car 
in the garage. I buckled Alex into his car seat and handed him a 
bottle. I opened the garage, and away we went.

It seemed like it took forever to reach the daycare. I drove a little 
fast, but not fast enough to get a ticket. Finally, I reached the 
parking lot and parked on the side of the building. I picked Alex up 
out of the back and carried him and his diaper bag in. He was still so 
sleepy that he just put his head on my shoulder and continued to drink 
his bottle. I walked into the building and gave a smile to the front 
desk lady and continued back to his class. As I walked in, Ellen was 
just leaving. She saw Alex drinking a bottle and being carried, and I 
could visibly see her nipples become erect through her blouse. I knew 
she wanted the same from Charlie. I greeted her with a big smile and 
told her I had something for her. I set Alex down on the ground and put 
his diaper bag in his cubby hole. Then I reached in my back pocket and 
pulled out the letter I had written the night before. She looked really 
surprised, yet excited, to get a letter from me. I winked at her and 
told her that the details about what I do are in the letter. She held 
the letter to her big chest.

“Oh Thank you!!! I have been dreamt all night about it. Do you think I 
could come over tonight after work instead of waiting until the 

“Oh I wish you would! I was so anxious to share with you, I had to 
write the letter. How about you read the letter on your lunch break, 
and then call me and let me know when you will be coming over. I will 
let you know what to bring with you.”

With that she smiled and gave me a hug. She told me she had to run so 
that she could get to work early, so that she could get off early. She 
told me to expect a phone call around 1:30pm. We exchanged numbers. I 
told her I was looking forward to it. Just as she was walking out, she 
turned to tell Charlie good bye, and saw that he was drinking from 
Alex’s bottle. Alex was passed out cold on the floor.

“This may be easier then you thought” I said.

I walked over to the teacher and told her if Charlie wanted a bottle or 
pacifier that he could have one of Alex’s. She looked confused and 
glanced at Ellen. Ellen nodded in approval and walked out the door.

At work, I kept glancing at the clock like a crazed lunatic. I just 
couldn’t wait for Ellen to call. I kept my phone with me even when I 
went pee because I didn’t want to miss her call. I wanted to know her 
thoughts on what I had written and when she would be over tonight. I 
got more and more restless as 1:30 approached. At the stroke of 
1:30...I waited for the phone to ring, but it didn’t. In fact, it 
didn’t ring until 1:42. I answered as calmly as possible. Ellen sounded 
absolutely beyond herself. In fact, if I didn’t know she was at work, I 
would say she just got finished having sex. She told me that she told a 
fib to her boss, so she could get off early. She said that she would be 
off work at about four and would go to the store to get whatever I told 
her, then she would pick up Charlie and be at my house by five. She 
asked if that was alright. I told her that was fine that I would be off 
close to four as well. I gave her the list of things.

“Be sure to bring Pampers size 6, bottles, pacifiers, and babyish 
clothes. Also, buy some baby powder, baby oil, and baby bath; you will 
need those at home.”

She told me that she was so excited and would see me in a few hours.

I arrived at the daycare to pick up Alex at 4:13pm. I listened to how 
he was and what they did that day. Then, I rushed out to head home. 
Alex seemed to be in a good mood too. He told me about Charlie drinking 
from his bottles today. I told him that was good and Charlie would be 
coming over tonight for dinner. Alex squealed with delight. When we 
arrived home, Alex told me he wanted num-nums. I told him he needed to 
wait until Charlie was here because I wanted him to show Charlie how to 
do it. He seemed proud that he got to show someone what he could do. I 
went upstairs and got changed into my nursing bra and shirt. I pulled 
my hair up into a quick ponytail. I changed Alex out of his school 
clothes and into just a t-shirt and his diaper. His diaper was yellowed 
with pee, but I wanted to wait to change him until Ellen could watch. 
At 4:55, I saw a car pull into my driveway and I knew it was Ellen. I 
quickly reminded Alex to be on his best behavior. I opened the door and 
welcomed them into my home. Charlie ran inside and immediately hugged 
Alex, then they ran into the living room to play. I helped Ellen carry 
in the goods to the living room. We set the bags down on the carpet and 
gave each other a hug. I looked her straight in the eye.

“Let’s get started shall we?”

“Yes, lets!”

I told her to begin with calling Charlie over in the biggest baby talk 
she could muster.

“Come to mama, Charlie Warlie.”

I was so proud of her eagerness to participate. Charlie came running 
over and stood looking up at his mama. I told her to do exactly as I 
do. I called over Alex and told him to lie down on the floor so I could 
change his diaper. He obediently sat on his butt and then lay back. He 
left his knees bent, put his left hand above his head, and sucked on 
his right thumb. I looked over at Ellen to follow my lead. She asked 
Charlie to lie down so that mama could change him. He too, did as he 
was told. She looked at me in a slight state of shock. I gave her a 

“Take off his pants and underwear.”

She easily pulled down his elastic banded pants. As she went for his 
little batman underwear, he looked panicked and grabbed them so she 
couldn’t pull them down. She looked at me for guidance.

“He is the baby, you are the mama…tell him what is gonna happen, and 
that is that!!”

With that, she grabbed his hands and smacked each one telling him that 
he will listen to her or he will be punished. He cried but let her take 
them off. He had his little hands in fists and covered his eyes as he 
cried. I took off Alex’s diaper and rolled it up. I wiped him off with 
the baby wipe and got out a diaper. I told her to get herself a diaper. 
She opened the package and pulled one out. I told her to put it under 
his butt. She watched me then did it to Charlie.

“Now, take the baby powder and sprinkle it all over, and then rub it 

I showed her, then handed my baby powder to Ellen. She did the same to 
Charlie. Charlie got a little erection. She giggled and looked at me.

“It is up to you whether you want it to go down on its own, or you take 
care of it.”

She looked puzzled.

“I will show you later.”

I pulled the front of Alex’s diaper up and fastened it snuggly. Ellen 
followed suit. Charlie had seemingly forgotten what he was crying about 
and felt his diaper with both hands. He seemed to really like it. I 
told her to snuggle him now and praise him for liking his new diaper. 
She did.

Alex interrupted my thoughts of what to show Ellen next.

“Mama, I want num-nums pwease!!”

I told Ellen that Alex wanted to be breastfed and asked her if she 
wanted to try with Charlie. She said that she wanted to see Charlie’s 
reaction first. I told her that was fine and that I didn’t mind him 
watching. I sat down on the couch with Alex. Alex laid across my lap so 
that he was ready to nurse on my left tit. I opened the flap on my 
nursing shirt. Then I opened the flap on my bra exposing my very full 
breast. My nipple was not erect, so I told Alex he had to lick it to 
make it hard. He did as he was told, and I was hornier then ever. My 
nipple was not only erect now, but my clit was quickly swelling too. I 
held my tit in my right hand and lifted Alex’s head with my left and 
guided the nipple into his mouth. He made a good latch and began to 
suckle. I let out a gasp of both pain and pleasure. I cuddled Alex 
close as he nursed. I looked up at Ellen and she seemed just as turned 
on. Charlie seemed intrigued and watched closely.

“Charlie, would you like to do that on your mama?”

He nodded yes. Ellen looked delighted. She sat next to me on the couch 
and lifted her shirt and undid her bra in the back. She lifted her 
right tit out of her bra and helped guide it into his mouth. After a 
few tries, he finally latched on correctly. Ellen looked as though 
someone had just thrust a vibrator on her clit. I asked her what she 

“I think I will need a shower.”

She blushed and looked back down at her Charlie. She kept repeating how 
good this was. She asked Charlie if he wanted to do this more often and 
he smiled with her nipple in his mouth. She was not lactating, but I 
told her that I could make that so.

After we finished nursing our babies, we set them at the table and I 
showed Ellen how I spoon feed Alex. She tried the same with Charlie, 
but he didn’t want any part of it. I told her to put him in time out, 
and then when he gets out, give him a bottle instead. Tell him that 
since he acted like a baby, he will be treated like one. Not 
surprisingly, he sucked the bottle down. Shortly after finishing the 
bottle, Charlie tugged on Ellen’s sleeve and said he had to go potty. 
She calmly told him to go potty in his diaper. He began to cry and told 
her no. I reminded her that she is the mama. She sat him in time out 
and told him he could get up after he wet his diaper. We sat waiting 
for about 10 minutes. When Charlie finally appeared, his diaper was 
full of pee and he looked elated. I announced it was bath time for the 
babies. We carried them upstairs on our hips. I told her we would 
undress them in my room. We put them on the bed and took off their 
remaining clothing and diapers. Then we carried them to the tub. As we 
walked, their naked pee-pees rubbed on our shirts and became hard 
again. I started the bath water and added a few bubbles and toys. We 
set them in the tub and I showed Ellen how I wash Alex. I told her this 
is where she can get rid of his little hard on. I showed her how to 
stand him up and rub him with a soapy hand to get him off. The boys 
were facing each other as we did this. They were both giggling at the 
sensation and at each other. Then, as if on queue, they both had a dry 
orgasm together. We finished their bath and got them dressed in clean 
diapers and some footed pajamas. They looked so cute. I turned on some 
cartoons in the living room and handed Alex his pacifier. Charlie 
looked longingly at Alex’s pacifier. I told Ellen this is the time to 
give Charlie his. He took it and they laid together sucking their 
pacifiers and watching TV until they fell asleep. Ellen said she had to 
go home, but would continue this. She said she would come over every 
weekend for them to “play” together.

I helped her carry her stuff to the car and then handed her my special 
crystals. I explained to her how to use them and how to make her 
lactate. She thanked me and gave me a hug. She scooped Charlie off the 
ground and carried him to the car. I waved good bye and locked up the 
house. I picked up Alex and carried him to bed with me. I covered him 
up and then I got undressed and vigorously rubbed my clit until I 
erupted in an orgasm. I fell asleep fast.

The End

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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