Title: Boys’ Potty Habits
Name: Stan
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 60
Posting Date: 12/27/09, Updated 03/28/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This story involves preteen boys and their potty habits…or lack of them, really. They prefer to wait and wait before using the potty. This behavior leads to the expected consequence of them wetting their pants. Sometimes they wet just a bit, other times they flood themselves. And then there are their sisters who like to encourage such ‘babyish’ behavior in an attempt to get their mom’s to put them back into diapers. Who or what will prevail?
  • Brother – Adam 13
  • Sister – Gail 15
  • Mom – Barbara
  • Dad --
  • Friend – Danny 12
  • Friend’s sister – Debbie 15
  • Friend’s mom – Linda
  • Friend’s dad –
  • 2nd friend – Paul 9
  • 2nd friend’s brother– Mark 7
  • 2nd friend’s mom – Elizabeth
  • 2nd friend’s dad –
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 13 (65%)
Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 1 – Talking

As Barbara sorts through and prepares the usual dirty clothes for 
washing that her family generates weekly, she again notices Adam’s 
underwear and their telltale urine stains. She sees that the stains are 
becoming more frequent and getting larger. And then there are those 
‘skid marks’ at the bottom of his briefs. “What is that boy doing? Why 
can’t he use the potty like everyone else? Why does he prefer to wet 
his pants? Why can’t he wipe himself? Boys’ and their potty habits are 
just something else,” she thinks to herself.

In the Family room Gail and Adam watch TV. Adam lies on the carpeted 
floor on his stomach while Gail sits on the couch; hers legs crossed 
exposing her crotch to her. Adam has one of his hands underneath 
himself; a fact that Gail notices. “Gosh Adam is playing with himself 
again; I can’t believe that he does it all the time and when others can 
see him. He’s so weird,” she thinks to herself.

Adam on the other hand finds this behavior totally normal and pays 
little attention to where he is and with whom. He forgets what his mom 
has told him for forever… “Stop touching yourself in public. Do you 
have to go potty?” As boys do, he likes the feeling of his hand on his 
penis, or on his pants that cover it. Feeling good is something Adam 
likes and his penis is a great source of these feelings. He also likes 
the feel of a full bladder. Having the need to pee and then not doing 
so also makes Adam feel good. He knows not why, but just that it does. 
So he behaves this way more and more. And with such behavior comes 
those telltale urine stains in his underwear. You see, Adam eventually 
begins leaking pee-pee into his briefs due to the pressure on his 
bladder. These dribbles of urine excite the boy even more than does a 
full bladder. But, he gets scared by the possibility of having an 
accident and really wetting his pants.

As his hand is inside his pants and on his briefs over his penis, Adam 
contemplates his options: wet his pants and see what happens, get up 
and go to the toilet or continue his ‘holding it’ and delay having to 
do one of his first two options. He decides on option three and 
continues watching TV.

As the two teens watch TV Gail notices Adam squirming more and more on 
the carpet. “He’s really holding his pee in this time. Doesn’t he know 
what’s going to happen? Is that what he really wants to do…to wet his 
pants? Why doesn’t he go to the toilet? What a brother I have!” Gail 
thinks to herself. She cannot stop thinking of her brother and his 
childish behavior. She feels the need to say something; to see if he is 
even aware of his actions. Gail finally breaks the silence saying, “Why 
don’t you just do it and get it over with Adam?”

Adam after a few seconds of processing the question from his sister 
turns and looks at her. “What are you talking about Gail; do what?” 
replies Adam.

“Pee your pants, that’s what. You sure look as if that’s what you want 
to do,” says Gail rather quietly.

“Oh you’re so weird,” replies Adam.

“No Adam. YOU’RE the weird one, playing with yourself and squirming 
around all over the floor holding your pee. Just get it over with, pee 
your pants!” says Gail. She really wishes her brother was not so weird 
but then again her friend Debbie has a younger brother who behaves in a 
manner similar to Adam. “Maybe it’s all boys; maybe they just don’t 
want to grow up,” she thinks.

Adam now sits up and as he does so he brings his hand that was under 
him, to his nose and sniffs it. Gail notices this behavior too and 
says, “So you like to smell yourself too huh? Smell good?”

Adam just shakes his head and gets up. Gail has gotten him out of 
whatever mood he was in as he rubbed himself and held his pee. He looks 
at her as he walks away saying nothing.

“Gosh! How does she know these things?” Adam thinks as he walks into 
the bathroom and closes the door. “Well finally!” Gail says out loud. 
“He’s going to use the toilet.”

Just then her cell phone rings…it is Debbie. “Perfect timing,” Gail 

“Hi Debbie, what’s up?” says Gail.

“Oh, just hanging out; having to watch my little brother as my parents 
are out for a while,” says Debbie.

“Oh how boring is that?” says Gail. “Brothers are so weird.”

“Yeah they are. Danny acts like a toddler most of the time and he 
thinks it’s funny,” replies Debbie.

“Tell me about it. Adam acts like that too; so much attention to what’s 
inside his pants and no worries that others can see what he’s doing,” 
says Gail.

“I know what you’re saying. Just the other day when we were at the 
mall, Danny, me and my mom, Danny actually wet his pants. He didn’t 
flood them but you could see the definite wet mark on his pants. He 
thought it was funny and wasn’t embarrassed at all! My mom was not 
happy,” says Debbie.

“What did she do to him?” asks Gail.

“She made him wear his wet pants ‘till they dried and threatened to get 
him diapers if he does it again,” replies Debbie.

“And what did Danny say to that?” asks Gail.

“He wasn’t bothered by it; he sort of shrugged it off as another one of 
mom’s threats that she never carries out.”

“Wow, that would be something…Adam in diapers!” says Gail who projects 
the same consequence to her brother. “Well in diapers, they both could 
pee themselves whenever they chose.”

“And we’d get stuck changing themf Gail,” says Debbie.

“Oh yeah, that would be gross,” replies Gail. “But Adam is always 
holding himself and he waits to the last second before he uses the 
toilet. You should see his underwear, they have stains, big ones too,” 
says Debbie.

“So do Danny’s. He also never wipes his bottom. He laughs and says that 
that is what his underwear is for.”

“Sounds like my brother too,” says Debbie.

Both girls continue their chat about their brother’s potty habits and 
become more convinced that they are weird and have no potty habits at 
all. They contemplate the use of diapers on them and wonder if it would 
ever happen.

Back in the bathroom, Adam looks down at his crotch after he locks the 
door. He needs to pee and would like to do some in his pants, he 
thinks. “But what would happen? What would mom do? Why do I want to 
…wet my pants?” Adam holds himself as his body signals that it’s time 
to pee. He then unfastens his jeans and they fall to his feet. He now 
looks at his briefs, with the outline of his semi-erect penis behind 
them. He really wants to do this…to wet them. His body wants to release 
its contents and does so. A glistening ball of pee appears on his 
underwear from the tip of his penis as he watches. Then another squirt 
of pee enlarges the wetness on his underwear. “Oh yes! This feels and 
looks so good!” says Adam. “I want this; I want to…wet my pants!” The 
flow of urine stops as Adam’s penis tingles with what has just 
happened. He has wet his pants; there is a definite wet mark on his 
briefs. “What do I do now?” he thinks. His breathing rate increases as 
does his excited state. “I’m such a baby, I just wet my pants!” thinks 
Adam. “What will mom do if I wet them more? Will I get in trouble? And 
then there’s Gail; what will she say? She knows that this is what I 
really want to do! Oh gosh, I am so confused! Why can’t I…wet my pants? 
It feels so good,” thinks Adam as he stares at the outline of his penis 
under his wet underwear; underwear that he has just wet with his pee- 

Adam then hears someone walking close by and quickly pulls down his 
briefs and sits down on the toilet. His bladder immediately lets loose 
and he begins peeing. “Darn it!” He says. “I don’t want to use the 
toilet! I want to wet my pants!” However, he’s too concerned with the 
consequences and just sits there peeing into the toilet till his 
bladder is empty. “Oh well, I did get my underwear a bit wet; that’s 
something. Now I better dry them a little or they’ll show through my 
jeans,” thinks Adam. He then takes some toilet paper and absorbs pee 
moisture from his briefs. He does this several times to get the 
dampness from them. He then pulls his pants up, flushes the toilet and 
leaves the bathroom. He walks back to the Family room to watch TV; this 
time though he sits at the opposite end of the couch from Gail.

Gail looks at him as he sits, checking out his pants to see if he wet 
them. “Darn it,” she thinks. “No pee-pee in his pants; I have to 
somehow encourage him to do it; to wet his pants, but how?”

She then says, “Feel better Bro? Are you sorry you couldn’t pee your 
pants…like you want to?”

Adam looks at her thinking of his nice freshly pee-wet briefs and 
replies, “What are you talking about Gail? So I hold my pee in a bit 
long. What’s the big deal?”

“It’s just soooo weird, that’s all. You’ll end up with wet pants one of 
these days playing that game,” says Gail.

“Well, that’s my problem; they are my pants, you know,” says Adam.

Gail is surprised by her brother’s response and thinks, “He didn’t deny 
that he could wet his pants. Maybe he really does want to do it.” She 
then says, “Well yeah, you’re right about. They are your pants. But 
wouldn’t you be embarrassed by them wet?”

“Of course I would be embarrassed. Do you see them wet now Gail? And 
besides, I’d have to deal with your teasing me and then there’s mom and 
dad; I don’t think they would understand me that way.”

Gail is more intrigued by what her brother is saying. “He seems to have 
thought about the consequences of wetting his pants; and he doesn’t 
even say those words. He doesn’t say, ‘wet my pants’ or even ‘wet 
pants’. I bet he’s really thinking of them, a lot! I think I can work 
on him to do just that, she thinks. “Well yeah, mom and dad wouldn’t 
understand and neither would I. And as for teasing you, maybe I 
wouldn’t? You never know till it happens,” she replies.

Adam doesn’t mind the talk they are having; after all, it is on one of 
his favorite subjects. He just doesn’t know what would happen if he did 
wet his pants; and the consequences are also unknown. And for his 
sister, he can’t trust her. “Well, don’t hold your breath sis, I don’t 
want to get into any trouble or give you any ammunition to use against 
me. And besides, only little kids wet their pants.”

“Wow,” thinks Gail, “he finally said the words, ‘wet their pants’; 
maybe there’s hope.”

“Oh Adam, I wouldn’t tease you that much. It would be funny though to 
see you that way; standing in the backyard like a little kid looking 
down at his pants, pants that you just went pee-pee in. I would just 
say, “Did you just have an accident in your pants Adam?” That’s all.” 
She wants to plant ideas in his head; ideas of where he might do it…wet 
his pants.

“Don’t hold your breath sis,” replies Adam.

“Oh I won’t bro. I am not the one holding their pee and I can be 
patient, very patient,” says Gail.

Adam looks at her and then turns his attention to the TV. He doesn’t 
have anything more to say about this subject. He wants to enjoy the 
feeling of his damp underwear and contemplate whether or not he’ll do 
more; sometime later or someday later. Gail senses that the 
conversation is over. She does have one more thought to plant with 
Adam. She says, “Well you could always wet your bed and mom and dad 
might understand that accident better than one during the day.”

Adam gives her a quick glance and goes back to the TV. She however 
thinks more about it and how to get her brother comfortable with doing 
it…wetting his pants. Then she further thinks, “Diapers are the next 
best thing for my little brother.”

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 2 – Talking with Her Teens

The days pass and there are no wets pants from Adam. He has thought of 
them often, but has yet to take that step. He thinks about what his 
sister said, “You could always wet your bed,” and that has given him 
some hope as a possibility. He spends time with Danny, Debbie’s younger 
brother who tells Adam that he wet his pants a little at the mall with 
his mom recently. Adam and he discuss the episode and they both confess 
that doing it…wetting their pants intrigues them. Danny further tells 
Adam that his mom has threatened him with diapers if he does it again. 
She has said that several times but has not done so. Danny just laughs 
off the possibility even though he knows that he will do it again, and 
wet his pants. The feeling of doing it excites him and he tells this to 
Adam. Adam is a bit jealous of Danny because he actually did it and got 
away with it too. He so much wants to experience that same feeling.

“Do you ever…wet your bed Danny?” asks Adam.

“Oh, yeah, about once a week or so. My mom and dad don’t get nearly as 
upset when that happens as when I have a daytime accident. Those ones 
really get their attention,” replies Danny.

“What about having you wear diapers to bed? Have they talked about that 
with you?” asks Adam.

“Not with me. I don’t do it that often and when I do, I really am 
asleep and it’s not on purpose. They seem to understand and think that 
I will outgrow it,” says Danny.

“Wow that’s so cool Danny, being able to wet your bed and not get in 
trouble,” says Adam.

“But I don’t get the same feeling since I am asleep as when it’s during 
the day and I have an accident. Those ones really are amazing; I get so 
scared and excited at the same time. I really don’t plan them but as 
you know, holding your pee does feel good too. And sometimes, I hold it 
too long and start tinkling a bit in my pants. Then, I just hope I can 
hold it and that mom won’t spank me or Debbie won’t tease me too much. 
If she ever just ticked me a little when this happens, I’d probably 
flood my pants and she’d laugh her butt off at me,” confides Danny.

“Well I wonder what diapers would be like,” says Adam. “I have thought 
about them at times and wonder how they feel and when you pee in them, 
how that feels too. As with you Danny holding in my pee feels so good 
and the possibility of having an accident in them excites me too. 
Diapers would surely keep our pants dry,” says Adam.

“I guess, as long as they get changed in time,” replies Danny.

The two boys hang out more, playing computer games and enjoying their 
companionship. They both however think about peeing and wet pants and 
diapers and parents and sisters and… They over-load themselves 
eventually and just play their computer games.

Adam’s mom continues with her usually parenting and housework; 
discovering that Adam continues to have poor potty habits. His 
underwear she washes is really a mess compared to Gail’s. She wonders 
if Adam will ever get it right and keep his underwear anywhere close to 
being without stains.

One afternoon Gail is helping her mom around the house and they end up 
in the laundry room doing the family wash. Gail is sorting the clothes 
and comes across; you guessed it, Adam’s briefs.

“Mom can you believe what Adam does in his underwear? And he wears them 
this way too. How gross; boy’s are so weird,” Gail says as she holds up 
a pair of Adam’s briefs for her mom to see.

She takes them, examines them and looks at Gail saying, “Yes honey 
boys’ do have different potty habits than girls. I wouldn’t say Adam is 
weird, just not into good hygiene. As you know I am always on him about 
this and it doesn’t change a thing. I just hope that by the time he 
gets married, he’s doing a much better job in this department. I don’t 
see any chance for improvement from him in the near future.”

Gail looks at her mom and says seriously, “Mom, do you think that Adam 
likes his underwear dirty and stained, like he wants to do more in 

“I am not sure. Do you think he does?” asks her mom.

“Well I know he likes holding his pee in all the time and is always 
running to the toilet at the last minute to pee. I think he might want 
to…wet his pants,” says Gail.

“Really. And why do you say that?”

“Well we’ve had some talks about this and Adam doesn’t deny anything; 
he says that they are his pants and his problem, not mine. He just 
seems to me that that is what he’d like to do but doesn’t want to get 
into trouble with you and Dad,” replies Gail.

“Well that is interesting Gail. I am glad you told me this. Maybe I 
need to talk with your brother more and find out about his feelings 
about all of this. I am not sure what I would do if he did actually wet 
his pants. I never really thought he would take it that far, or that he 
might want to take it that for. Boys are something else Gail. At least 
he’s a good kid and doesn’t get into any trouble. Having wet pants 
doesn’t seem that big a deal compared to other things teens get 
themselves into.”

“But wetting his pants mom; I just don’t know what I would do!” says 

“Well don’t worry yourself too much over this. If Adam really wants to 
do this I am sure he will and then we’ll deal with our reactions then,” 
replies her mom.

“One more thought mom,” says Gail.


“Would you and dad put Adam back in…diapers; if he wet his pants?”

“Now there’s a thought Gail. From where are you coming up these ideas 
girl?” replies her mom.

“Oh I don’t know. Well, yes I do. Debbie’s brother Danny has wet his 
pants and his bed too; and their mom is telling Danny that if he does 
it again, then she’ll put him in diapers. I was wondering if you would 
do that too, to Adam.”

“I see. Well I am not sure. It would depend on why Adam was doing what 
he’s doing first and second, would they help him. I wouldn’t use 
diapers as any type of punishment, but for their intended use,” replies 
her mom.

“Well from what I see mom,” says Gail as she picks up a pair of Adam’s 
stained briefs and holds them out in front of her. “Adam acts as if he 
needs diapers; just look at these!”

“That’s a good point honey. You may have something here. Adam sure does 
leave a fair amount in his underwear and as you pointed out, it doesn’t 
seem to bother him at all. Every pair here has stains in them.”

“That’s right mom. I think diapers wouldn’t bother Adam at all; he’d 
probably enjoy them because his pants would be dry.”

“Well you already have your brother in diapers and he hasn’t even wet 
himself or his bed yet. “Do you want him in diapers? Are you willing to 
change him?” asks her mom.

This quiets Gail for a minute. She looks at her mom and then back at 
the pair of Adam’s stained underwear still in her hands, and then back 
to her mom. She says, “I…am not sure…maybe.”

“Why?” asks her mom.

“Well…he sure would be different from others and sort of special.”

“And is that a good thing, wearing diapers at thirteen?”

“Well if that’s what he wants …then yes, it is a good thing,” replies 

“I see. Well this conversation has been very enlightening for me. I 
have thought a bit about Adam and diapers, because of his dirty 
underwear but never gave the idea much credence. But with your talk and 
insight into him and that maybe he wants diapers; I will give it some 
serious thought. I need to find out how he feels about all of this, his 
dirty underwear, his holding in of his urine, his touching of himself 
all the time. Then we will see what will happen. We may be going off in 
the totally wrong direction with him and diapers,” says her mom.

Gail sighs and says, “Not with this mom!” As she holds up the pair of 
Adam’s stained briefs.

They both laugh and then mom says, “We’ll see honey; let me be the 
parent and talk with Adam and your dad about all of this. Okay?”

“Okay mom,” replies Gail.

Over the next few days Barbara talks with her husband about Adam and 
her talk with Gail; and discusses what she learned from Gail. They both 
realize that there may be something more with Adam and his poor potty 
habits. Neither of them understands why he behaves in such a juvenile 
manner but decide to observe him more, give him more attention and see 
if they can come up with some reasons. Barbara also decides to check 
things out on the internet and to talk with Danny’s mom to find out her 
thoughts on this childish behavior their boys’ exhibit. Hopefully they 
get some answers to their questions.

Meanwhile Adam, oblivious to all the behind-the-scenes activity going 
on, on his behalf doesn’t change a thing. He still tinkles into his 
underpants, doesn’t wipe his bottom sufficiently and continues with his 
attention to his penis. Barbara observes all of this behavior. She 
realizes that she needs to talk with Adam without causing any friction 
or creating any more distance between them. She does realize that Adam 
does in fact likes to dirty his underpants; and that maybe he really 
does want to do more in them too. She also decides that if that is what 
he wants then he’s either going to have to come out and ask to wear 
diapers or behave in such a manner that clearly shows he needs to be in 

On late morning Barbara walks into Adam’s bedroom with an armful of his 
clean clothes. Adam is playing computer games and turns to her as she 
says, “Hi Honey, I have your clean clothes here.” She walks over to his 
dresser and places them on top.

Adam says, “Thanks mom; I’ll put them away when I finish here.”

“Thanks honey that would be nice. Can I talk with you for minute?”

“Ugh, okay; let me pause this game,” replies Adam. His mom, now seated 
on his bed pats it indicating that she wants Adam to come and sit next 
to her. He smiles and does so.

“What’s up mom?” asks Adam looking at her with interest. Barbara 
notices this and says to herself, “This is good; he wants some time 
with me. Maybe we’ll have a good talk after all.”

“Well Honey, when I wash your clothes I notice that you still have 
tinkle and bottom stains in all of your underpants. I know that you 
know we have talked about this many times, but the stains still show up 
in them. I was just wondering if you could explain to me why because I 
don’t understand. Maybe there’s a good reason and I just need to know 
it, that’s all,” says his mom as she gently rubs his back.

Adam looks at her and blushes a bit. “Well…I just am in a hurry when 
going to the toilet…and I want to get out quickly.”

“I see; and having stains in your pants is okay with you?” she asks.

“Well…yeah, I don’t mind them. I know that you want them to go away 
but…they are…okay with me,” Adam says.

“So you feel okay with dirty underpants and wearing them that way?” she 

Adam, still having eye contact with her looks down after hearing this 
question. His mom strokes his back and says, “I guess I am trying to 
find out your feelings about this; that’s all. Everyone has feelings 
honey and its best if they learn how to deal with them.”

Adam looks up at his mom who smiles at him. He replies, “Well…I guess I 
feel okay with them this way. I sometimes don’t understand why I feel 
this way… but I do and I just don’t mind my underpants with stains.”

“Well that’s good to hear,” his mom replies.

“It is?” says a surprised Adam.

“Yes Honey; I can see that you consciously think about this and that 
you have definite feelings that you are working through. I want you to 
know that I am here to help you with them and answer any questions you 
may have or discuss anything that’s on your mind. Your dad and I love 
you very much and want you to be happy and to understand yourself. It’s 
part of growing up you know.”

“Wow mom, that’s good to know,” says Adam. Barbara can sense that he is 
getting more comfortable, but doesn’t want to push him on their first 
good talk over his stained briefs.

“I am glad you feel that way Honey. And anytime you want to talk about 
your feelings, about anything, I am all ears. And I won’t be nagging 
you anymore about your dirty underwear. I know that you prefer them 
with stains, something that I still don’t understand but will allow you 
to work through. Hopefully we can talk more about your feelings and 
then I will understand you; okay?”

Hearing his mom’s words puts a big smile on Adam’s face. He says with 
an excited voice, “Really mom? I can keep my underwear the way I like 
them and I won’t get in trouble?”

“Yes honey, they are your underpants, you wear them and if you like 
them with pee-pee and poopy stains in them it’s okay and you will not 
be in trouble. When you find out why I’d like to be the first to know. 
No, make that the second one to know; you’ll be the first. And one more 
thing; try and be aware of others around you when you feel the need to 
touch or hold yourself.” She looks down at Adam’s crotch as she says 
this last bit of parenting.

“Oh wow, thanks mom. I feel much better after this talk. But what about 
when I hold myself?” replies Adam.

“That’s good to know Honey. And about holding and touching yourself 
honey; if you feel the need to do this then go to your room where you 
are alone and not noticeable. Behaving this way in public is not 
acceptable behavior. And…just remember I will talk with you anytime, 
about anything, okay?”

“Okay mom, it’s a deal,” replies Adam as he moves forward and gives his 
mom a hug. Barbara responds and holds her son firmly as she rubs his 
back. She quietly says, “It’s okay honey. Everything will work its way 
out.” After a few minutes of hugging Adam backs away, looks up and 
smiles at his mom.

“I sure hope so mom,” replies Adam.

“Trust me son, it will,” she replies. Then she stands up and walks 
toward his bedroom door. As she gets to it she turns and smiles to Adam 
and says, “Now get back to that game and beat those villains!” She 
turns and leaves Adam to himself, his feelings and his computer game. 
Adam returns to the game feeling much better, even though he doesn’t 
know why; but he does feel good with himself.

Barbara plays their conversation over and over in her mind. She didn’t 
find out too much from Adam but is sure that she got her message across 
to him. He was happy and excited with their talk and that is a good 
first step she thinks. She’s not sure what she expected to hear from 
her son but is pleased with how their talk went. “Now I’ll just have to 
wait and see what Adam does. Will he wet his pants now? Will he wet his 
bed?” she thinks to herself. Then she says aloud, “Speaking of wet beds 
I wonder if I should buy a mattress protector for Adam’s?”

“Now Barbara, you’re getting ahead of yourself,” she thinks. “But I 
don’t want Adam to stain his mattress too,” she further says aloud. She 
then smiles to herself and walks to the kitchen.

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 3 – Finally Doing It

Over the next few days Adam behaves in much the same manner as before; 
that is tinkling in his underpants, not wiping his bottom enough after 
going poop, and holding/touching himself while watching TV. However, he 
thinks more and more about the story Danny had told him, about wetting 
his pants while out shopping with his mom. Adam has many questions 
about this story which are; what did it feel like? What if I did that 
too; would mom get mad at me; would I get in trouble? Would Gail find 
out and tease me? He also had thoughts about the talk his mom had with 
him and remembers that she said, “It’s okay honey. Everything will work 
its way out.” He really isn’t sure what she meant by that statement. He 
is sure of one thing though – he wants to wet his pants!

The next day at school Adam feels the need to pee several times and 
does the usual visit to the boys’ toilets and empties his bladder into 
the urinal. He thinks as he watches himself urinate, “Gosh look at all 
that warm, smelly, yellow pee going to waste. I wish it was going into 
my pants. Why do I want to do this? They’ll laugh at me and tease me if 
I did it.” During his last class Adam again feels the urge to urinate. 
He has had his hand at or near his crotch most of this class. He rubs 
himself and thinks, “Why not just do a little? I can do that! I won’t 
pee enough for it to show; but I just have to wet my pants. It’s now or 
never!” Adam tries to relax and let his bladder release some pee. He 
feels really nervous though, but he’s determined to do it in his pants 
this time and not go to the toilets after class. He’s not successful. 
His bladder does not release anything. His penis though begins to grow.

After a few minutes Adam gives up his quest to pee his pants and goes 
back to listening to the teacher. And after about 5 minutes, his 
bladder gives him the signal that it wants to empty itself. This time 
Adam does not hold back and lets it go. He’s rewarded, or his underwear 
is rewarded with his warm wet urine into them. After a brief release, 
Adam stops the flow and looks down at his crotch. There to his 
amazement is a small wet spot. “Oh my gosh! I did it! I really did it! 
I wet my pants!” He looks around and sees that only he is aware of this 
little fact and tries to relax and look normal. All the while though, 
he’s thinking to himself, “Gosh that felt so good. Oh wow, I really did 
it! Oh yes! I like this very much!”

Class and school are finally over for the day. Adam and his classmates 
gather their books and things and leave the classroom. They have the 
rest of the day to themselves. Adam walks out of school very confident 
in himself and very pleased too. He finally did it, in school yet; he 
wet his pants! As he walks home he realizes that he wants to pee 
more…in his pants too. He wants more of that same feeling he felt when 
he released his pee into them. “How can I do this?” he thinks. “I 
really want to but it’s so naughty though; what will happen to me?” He 
looks down at himself several times as he walks, trying to see his 
mark. It is rather hard to see as it at the very base of his crotch. 
However, his bladder then lets him know that it can help him out 
because it wants to release more pee. Adam feels the need to pee. He 
gets excited with this feeling and says to himself, “Just do it; Just 
do a little bit more. It’s okay; pee your pants! You know that’s what 
you really want.”

Adam talks himself into it; his bladder lets go of more pee. Adam feels 
it working its way down his penis and into his briefs. He’s elated with 
this feeling and just savors it. His bladder does the rest and Adam 
finds himself peeing, and thoroughly engrossed with the feeling. After 
a few seconds of a steady pee stream Adam decides to stop the flow. He 
has watched his crotch the entire time and sees the wet mark appear and 
grow. He wants to pee more, as it feels so good but having a huge wet 
mark on his pants stops him. He looks down and says, “Oh yes, this is 
soooo good! I really did it this time. I really wet my pants!” He walks 
on more and feels so good with his wet pants. He feels the wetness on 
his crotch and his bottom as the pee cools. He walks home very happy 
with himself and his wet pants. He plans on doing more in them, once 
he’s in his room.

Barbara is home doing work there and notices her son walk up the 
driveway. She also notices his wet pants too. “Oh my gosh! He’s done 
it’ he’s wet his pants!” She calms herself down and decides not to say 
anything to Adam about this fact. He appears happy she notices and 
maybe he’ll tell her, she thinks.

Adam walks into the house through the back door. When he enters the 
kitchen Barbara sees that he has placed his books in front of his 
crotch to hide their wet condition. She thinks, “Well it appears that 
Adam wants this to stay private…for awhile. I can deal with that.”

“Hi mom,” says Adam rather cheerfully.

“Hi son,” replies his mom. “How was school today?”

“It was good mom, real good,” says Adam.

“Oh that’s good to hear. What are your plans now?” she asks.

“Oh I feel like hanging out in my room. I’ve got homework to do before 
dinner,” replies Adam.

“Okay, that sounds good. Here, take some water,” she says as she takes 
a bottle of water from the refrigerator and hands it to him. “You must 
be thirsty after your walk home.”

Adam takes the bottle and gives his mom a hug. She returns one of her 
own to Adam. “Thanks mom,” replies Adam as he leaves the kitchen. 
Barbara looks at her son’s bottom but doesn’t see any wetness there. 
She replies, “You’re welcome son, study hard and have a good time. See 
you in awhile.”

Barbara sits down at the breakfast table and thinks about what has just 
transpired, especially the fact that her son, in wet pants, is so happy 
as if nothing is out of the ordinary. She is amazed that he’s so 
confident with himself even though he’s wearing wet pants; pants that 
he has most certainly peed in. “Maybe he really does want to do more in 
them,” she thinks. “He definitely did so today, that’s for sure.”

In his room Adam places his books on his desk and turns to look at 
himself in his mirror, specifically the crotch of his pants. He gently 
rubs the area as he looks at their wetness. He brings one hand to his 
nose and sniffs it. He smells his pee on his fingers. “Gosh this is 
exciting. I really did it! And it smells and feels soooo good! I wet my 
pants! I wet my pants!” He then decides that he needs a towel on which 
to sit. He opens his bedroom door and looks out toward the bathroom and 
says “Good, the coast is clear.” He runs into the bathroom, retrieves 
two towels and hurries back to his room, closing the door behind him. 
He tosses one towel onto his bed and places the other on his chair. He 
sits down, opens his books and begins to do his homework. This does not 
stop him from rubbing his wet crotch and smelling his fingers and the 
scent of his pee from them. He studies for some time. His bladder is at 
peace during this time.

Adam’s bladder now gives him the signal that it wants to release pee. 
Feeling this, he places his hand at his crotch and says, “Okay, you 
need to pee; then just do it.” His bladder responds accordingly and 
again, Adam feels his pee move through and out of his penis…into his 
pants. This time though he doesn’t do anything but urinate. He sits 
there, looks at himself and begins to wet his pants. He pees and pees, 
as if he were at the toilet. The evidence of this spreads out onto and 
over his pants. He feels the warm pee on his fingers and stares at the 
growing wetness he’s creating. The scent of his warm pee reaches his 
nose and he sniffs it in several times. He’s thoroughly engrossed in 
his naughty behavior. His bladder has emptied itself and Adam feels the 
pee stream trickle down to nothing. He says, “Oh wow! That is just the 
best! I just love peeing my pants. It’s so naughty, but it feels soooo 
good!” He admires himself, has another drink of water and returns to 
his homework. All is well with this pee-pants boy…for now.

As dinner time approaches and completing his homework, Adam decides to 
change out of his wet pants. He does so and hangs them in his closet 
along with his underpants. He checks them both out thoroughly and 
smells them too. He likes what he’s done and plans on doing more of 
this. When and where he’s not sure; but he’s definitely going to wet 
his pants again.

At the dinner table mom and dad ask Gail and Adam about their day at 
school and discuss what’s new with their lives. Never once does Adam 
allude to or talk about his new-found pleasure. Barbara thinks to 
herself, “What are you expecting Barbara? Do you think that your son is 
going to cheerfully admit to wetting his pants and expect total and 
complete acceptance from his family? It is rather different behavior, 
you know. Just relax and things will work themselves out; be patient.” 
After dinner Adam offers to help with the dishes as does Gail. This 
behavior is rather different too thinks Barbara. “Those two usually 
hate doing dishes.”

Barbara decides to check out the internet and to call Danny’s mom to 
talk more about this wet pants subject with her. She wants to see if 
she can find anything more out, without being too obvious of her 
intentions. Why do boys wet their pants?

Adam goes to bed and has one more check of his stained and smelly wet 
pants. He’s so pleased with his achievement today; finally doing 
it…wetting his pants! He sleeps soundly and dreams of more wettings.

In the morning Adam awakens and feels well rested and cheerful. He 
dresses himself for school, brushes his teeth, pees into the toilet and 
goes to the kitchen for breakfast. Before leaving his room, he hides 
his smelly wet towel, pants and briefs behind some other clothes so 
they are not open to view from anyone opening his closet. He sniffs 
again and checks out the very large stain on his briefs. He likes what 
he sees and smells.

After Adam and Gail leave for school and her husband for work, Barbara 
goes to Adam’s room.

“I must find out what Adam did with his pants,” she says. She looks 
under his bed, under his mattress and finds nothing. She checks out his 
dresser and finds a towel in the bottom drawer. She smells it and finds 
it clean. She then goes to the closet and begins to search. It is not 
long before she finds them…pants, underwear and a towel. She brings 
them out to his bed, sits down and begins to examine them. She finds 
them smelling of pee and with a definite pee-stain on the briefs. “Well 
this certainly proves what Adam did. He wet his pants and sat on a 
towel to do more while doing his homework. My son likes to wet his 
pants. What am I going to do? Are diapers in Adam’s future? Will he do 
this some more? I must find out more about this behavior. What I can’t 
understand or believe is how happy, calm and confident he was when he 
arrived home from school yesterday. He really is okay with this 
behavior. Am I?” Barbara returns the articles to Adam’s closet and 
leaves his room as she found it.

At school this day Adam finds Danny during break and they talk. Adam 
wants to share with Danny his excitement from yesterday but there isn’t 
time. They agree to meet after school and walk home together. Adam 
relives yesterday’s adventure over and over in his mind during the day, 
especially when he feels the need and urge to pee. He would like to 
replicate his behavior from yesterday buts decides against it. “There 
will be plenty of opportunities,” he thinks.

Barbara called Danny’s mom, Linda and the two decide to meet later in 
the day for an ‘afternoon out’. Barbara hopes to find some answers to 
her questions about Adam as his behavior. She checks out the internet 
in the morning and discovers numerous sites that deal with boys and 
teens in wet pants and diapers. Most of the sites deal with selling 
absorbent pants and diapers for those boys and girls that need 
protection for embarrassing accidents. Barbara thinks to herself 
reading these sites, “Embarrassing accidents! Adam is not embarrassed 
at the least; he’s happy with his accident!” She is quite surprised at 
the number of sites and products available on this subject; there are 
cloth diapers, disposable diapers, disposable underwear, pads, plastic 
pants, pacifiers, bibs, clothing and more. Everything one would need to 
wear diapers. “Well, it appears that Adam is not the only teen 
interested in this behavior,” she thinks and this makes her feel better 
about him.

At a local coffee shop Linda and Barbara meet. They order some coffees 
and some deserts. Their discussion goes over raising kids, household 
activities, the current economy, upcoming events and the like. Barbara 
finally broaches the subject foremost on her mind…Adam wetting his 

“I understand from my daughter Gail, through your daughter Debbie that 
Danny has episodes of accidents, accidents in his pants. I was just 
wondering how you deal with them,” says Barbara.

“Well not very good I must admit. I do not understand him at all when 
it comes to his potty habits,” replies Linda.

“Well I have the same problem with Adam. But the reason I ask you this 
rather private family matter is that yesterday Adam came home from 
school with a small wet mark on his pants. I didn’t question him about 
it and hoped that he might bring up the subject,” says Barbara.

“And of course he said nothing all night, right?” says Linda.

“How did you guess? Anyway, while doing his homework he proceeded to 
further wet himself. This morning I found a towel, his underwear and 
pants hidden in his closet. The thing that really surprised me was his 
attitude. He was happy, calm and confident with himself. I just don’t 
know what to do,” says Barbara.

“Wow that is amazing. I must check Danny’s room more closely. I don’t 
understand why boys feel the need to behave this way…wetting their 
pants. I just do not understand,” says Linda.

“Has Danny been doing this long?” asks Barbara.

“Well Danny is a bedwetter; at least I do believe that his does this 
when asleep. He’s bed wet for several years now, but only occasionally, 
say once a week or so. He’s never wet his bed consecutively so we only 
have a mattress protector on his bed. I have considered putting him in 
GoodNites, but have not done so. I guess I hope that he’ll out grow 
this habit and soon. He has an occasional daytime accident and it those 
really get me going, if you know what I mean,” says Linda.

“Well I can understand your frustration; they do know when they should 
use the toilet, but they choose not to and then the eventual happens,” 
says Barbara.

“That’s it precisely; they choose the inevitable ‘wet pants’ and I 
don’t know why,” says Linda.

“Gail said that you told Danny that you would put him in diapers if he 
has another accident. How is that working?” asks Barbara.

“Well to be honest, not good at all. I really do not want my 12-year 
old in diapers so I have yet to push the issue. I guess I am hoping he 
just won’t do it again. Kind of silly huh?” says Linda.

“Well I understand your reluctance. Having a teenage or near-teen in 
diapers would be rather tough to explain,” says Barbara.

“Well, it is their choice you know and their behavior that pushes the 
issue. I just don’t understand boys’ and their potty habits. I guess if 
I say I’ll put him in diapers then I should follow through with them. I 
sometimes think that that is what he really wants anyway. Can you 
believe that?” asks Linda.

“Well yes I can. I think that maybe this is where Adam wants to go too. 
I checked the internet this morning and found so many sites on boys and 
teens in diapers. I was totally surprised,” says Barbara.

“Wow, really that many?” asks Linda.

“Yes. At least I felt that Adam isn’t the only boy acting in this 
manner. That is why I called you and to see how you are dealing with 
this unusual behavior,” says Barbara.

“Well not good; I don’t have any answers, except to diaper Danny. And 
if that’s what he wants I am really confused,” says Linda.

“Me too. Me too, I don’t know what I am going to do. I just feel that 
Adam will do this again; he was so happy yesterday in his wet pants. 
He’ll do it again, I’m sure,” says Barbara.

“Yes I agree with you there; I expect Danny in wet pants almost daily. 
What are we going to do?” asks Linda.

“Good question. I am going to do more reading on those sites I 
mentioned and maybe get some insight there; because I don’t know what 
else to do. Adam has terrible potty habits too and shows no signs of 
improving them. Why do boys behave this way?” asks Barbara.

“Well if we had that answer, we’d be rich, right,” says Linda. I might 
check those sites myself; I need some guidance here too.

“Yes we both do. I love Adam and Gail dearly and just do not understand 
boys,” says Barbara.

“Well we are together on those points. I love my children, too. I guess 
we’re going to end up with teenage boys in diapers in the near future 
unless something drastically changes and they both develop proper potty 
habits,” says Linda.

“Yeah, and the economy recovers next month,” says Barbara. Both moms 
laugh at this comment.

“Well, I sure won’t be the only changing his diapers. Debbie will be 
doing it too; she teases him so much about his accidents and his 
bedwetting. I try to get her to stop it. Maybe having her brother in 
diapers may change that. Then again it might be more ammunition for 
her,” says Linda.

“I agree with having your daughter help with the diaper changes. Gail 
will help with that too. Boy won’t they just love that; having a 
brother, a ‘baby’ brother no yet in diapers,” says Barbara. This brings 
another laugh from both moms.

“I do appreciate this talk we’ve having,” says Linda. “It has been a 
real eye-opener for me. Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. I 
hope we are wrong about our boys’ wanting diapers, but only time will 

“Should we just come out and ask them?” asks Barbara.

“Well, that would be too easy for them don’t you think? Maybe would 
should let have more accidents and get concerned over their behavior 
and let them worry over what they are doing; make a game out of it sort 
of. They’d be floored if they knew we are considering this anyway. The 
deck would be stacked in our favor, though,” says Linda.

“Yes, it would and we could make it rather humorous too. We would just 
say, “Oh my honey, your pants are wet. I think we need to go to the 
doctor’s office for a physical!” says Barbara. This comment really gets 
the moms laughing.

“And we both know how much our sons’ like doctor visits; and we’d be 
telling the doctor all about their daily accidents and that we just 
don’t know what has happened!” says Linda.

“Yes indeed, that would be hilarious; getting them all embarrassed at 
the doctors discussing their poor potty habits and wet pants in front 
of the doctor and nurse. I wouldn’t even check to make sure Adam was 
wearing clean underpants. I’d make sure they had been worn and used all 
day. I bet he wouldn’t change them on his own. Boys don’t think that 
far ahead,” says Barbara.

“That’s for sure. I am glad we can laugh over this situation. I never 
thought I could, but it can be funny,” says Linda.

“Well we shouldn’t beat ourselves up over this. I can’t see how we’ve 
done anything wrong that caused this behavior. It’s something about 
boys’ in general or our two just happen to be boys that want to be ‘a 
baby’ again. I don’t know that we have much of an option if they 
continue to wet their pants,” says Barbara.

“Yes I agree with you there. I can’t believe it but the more we talk 
the more I am sure that this is the direction Danny is heading. I do 
believe he’ll be a diaper boy...soon too. Oh joy!” says Linda.

“Well, forewarned is forearmed, as they say. We should just sit back, 
relax and watch the show as it develops. I was thinking of getting a 
mattress protector for Adam’s bed even though he does not wet the bed; 
but just to protect the mattress. He may think that wetting his bed 
could get us to diaper him. I wonder what he’d say once he realized his 
bed had a plastic sheet on it. That would be funny too,” says Barbara.

“Yes it would and I don’t think it’s a bad idea either. There’s no need 
for a stained mattress when we are pretty sure that our boys’ are going 
to continue with their wetting behavior. It is a reasonable precaution 
to take,” says Linda.

“Well that’s it, I am buying one today, right after our visit,” says 
Barbara. And it’s going on his bed today!” Both moms laugh over this 

“As for buying the diapers, I am going to check those sites you 
mentioned and see what they have to offer and for some ideas,” says 

“I agree with you there. You just will not believe what is available 
out there; for teens wearing diapers. We shouldn’t make it too easy for 
them, should we?” asks Barbara.

“Absolutely not; they are causing us such anxiety over their poor potty 
habits; it’s time to turn the tables a little…in our favor,” says 

“Yeah, that stacked deck you mentioned earlier,” says Barbara.

“Absolutely right on that one,” says Linda.

“Well thank you again for this time. I feel much better now about Adam 
and what I am going to do with him. This should be fun. I want to stay 
in touch and let you know how things progress or actually regress with 
him,” says Barbara.

“Oh yes; and I will keep you abreast of Danny’s activities too. I feel 
better too about Danny. This is something that he really has an 
attachment too and I think he feels just fine with wet pants,” says 

“Yes as does Adam. We just seem to have two teens that want to be 
babies again. What’s a mom to do? Diapers are our best friend with what 
I’ve seen so far,” says Barbara.

“Yes they are. I’ll call you later. Good luck getting that mattress 
protector for Adam,” says Linda.

“Oh thank you and I’ll talk with you later. Take care,” says Barbara. 
The moms go their separate ways, each with plans for their teenage son; 
plans that will surely surprise them and eventually please them.

After school that day, Adam and Danny meet and begin their walk home. 
Adam has been excited at the thought of letting Danny know what he did 
yesterday at school, and seeing Danny’s reaction. Adam is not the least 
bit embarrassed or nervous about telling Danny that he wet his pants. 
In fact, he’s rather proud of this fact. He hopes Danny is, too.

“Hi Danny,” says Adam as Danny walks up to him in front of their 
school. They begin walking home.

“Hi Adam,” replies Danny. “Have a good day today?”

“Yeah it was okay, I guess. I had a better day yesterday,” says Adam.

“Yeah, what happened yesterday?” asks Danny.

Adam looks at Danny and then turns around to see if anyone is nearby 
them. The coast is clear; the two boys are far enough away from others 
who might hear what Adam is about to tell Danny. Adam looks back at 
Danny and says, “Well yesterday during my last class, I did it, I wet 
my pants!”

Danny stops walking and looks at Adam saying, “You did! Oh wow, I bet 
it felt good.”

“It sure did, just as you said it would,” replies Adam.

“How big was it? Did it show a lot?” asks Danny.

“Well no, thank goodness but my pants were wet and I was just so 
excited at finally doing it. I kept my books in front of me as I walked 
out of school though,” says Adam.

“Oh that’s great news Adam. I am glad you finally went through with 
your wishes and…wet your pants. It’s such fun,” says Danny.

“Oh yeah it is!” replies Adam. “And as I walked home, I peed them some 
more. The wet mark was now on the inside of my pants. I could feel the 
wetness on them as I walked. It felt just great,” continues Adam.

“Oh wow Adam, that’s great! What happened when you got home?” asks 

“Nothing; I had my books again in front of me when I went into my house 
and my mom was in the kitchen. We said ‘hi’ to one another and then I 
went to my room,” says Adam.

“So you don’t think your mom saw your wet pants?” asks Danny.

“I don’t think so; and if she did, she didn’t say anything to me about 
them,” replies Adam.

“Well that’s cool. So what happened later?” asked Danny.

“Well I got a couple of towels from the bathroom and I sat on one to do 
my homework. A while later I needed to go again and this time I just 
relaxed and peed my pants. I was sitting at my desk, peeing my pants. 
It was just soooo cool Danny. I really liked it!” says an excited Adam.

“Oh wow Adam, that’s perfect!” says Danny.

“And before dinner, I changed out of my wet pants and hid then in my 
closet. I checked them out this morning and my underwear looks really 
cool…all stained yellow you know,” says Adam.

“Yeah I bet they were,” says Danny.

“And they smelled good too,” says Adam.

“Oh yeah, I think so too. I really like my pee smell in my bed in the 
morning when I wet it and my underpants too,” says Danny. “I haven’t 
saved any of my wet underpants. I just put them with the other dirty 
clothes. Maybe I’ll save a pair too.”

“Yeah and then we can wear them, all pee stained and smelly. That would 
be exciting,” says Adam.

“Yeah it would. The next time I pee my bed, that’s what I’ll do, save 
them to wear again. This is going to be such fun,” says Danny.

After a little pause in their conversation Danny says, “So Adam, when 
are you going to pee your pants again?”

Adam looks at Danny and replies, “I am not sure Danny. What about you?”

“Same with me; I am not sure, either. I just wish my mom wouldn’t get 
so mad at me when I do it. There are my pants, I don’t see what the big 
deal is,” replies Danny.

“Other than boys our age usually pee in the toilet…not in their pants. 
I guess that’s why she gets so mad at you,” says Adam.

“Yeah, but I wish I could do it more,” says Danny with a little sadness 
in his voice. The two decide to see if they can get together this 
weekend and talk more about their favorite subject…peeing their pants. 
Danny goes off to his house while Adam goes to his. Both boys feel the 
need to pee along the way and wish they had the courage to let go then 
and there and get home with peed-in-pants. However, neither does.

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 4 – Making Plans

Unbeknownst to both boys, Gail and Debbie see their brothers walking 
home together. “I bet I know what they are talking about,” says Gail to 
Debbie as they walk along.

“Yeah and what is that?” asks Debbie.

“Their ‘babyish’ actions and their dirty underpants; just what brothers 
do,” replies Gail.

“Oh yeah, of course; what else would they talk about,” says Debbie.

“I must find a way for Adam to get put back into diapers. He’s such a 
baby anyway; always holding himself you know,” says Gail.

“Yeah, just like Danny. They both need to wear diapers. I wish my mom 
would do what she says and put them on Danny,” says Debbie.

“Well our mission Debbie is to get them both to wet their pants… a lot, 
and then get our moms’ to diaper them. I think mine would, with some 
help from me,” smiles Gail.

“Like helping change him?” says Debbie with a laugh.

“Well I guess so if it gets Adam in diapers. I could really tease and 
‘baby’ him then,” says Gail.

“Well let’s work on this and share our progress. I don’t think it will 
be too difficult. Danny behaves as if he wants to wet his pants anyway. 
I need to help him do it!” says Debbie.

“YES! We can do this, Debbie,” says an excited Gail. Both girls walk 
together a bit further and then go off to their own homes; both 
thinking of ways to get their brothers to be babies and wet their 

Well Adam and Danny now have both their sisters and moms thinking about 
them and their dirty underpants …and whether or not diapers are in 
their future.

Back at home, Adam finds his mom in the kitchen reading something. He 
says hi to her and puts his books down.

“Hi honey,” says Barbara. “How was school today?”

“It was okay, I guess; nothing out of the ordinary,” replies Adam.

“Well ordinary is not too bad. Have a seat and get yourself some water 
from the refrigerator. You must be thirsty,” says Barbara as she puts 
her reading material away. She checks out his pants and sees them dry; 
“Well no peed-in-pants today; interesting,” she thinks to herself. Adam 
does as she says and joins her at the breakfast table.

“So what’s new with you Adam?” asks Barbara.

“Oh, not much mom. Danny and I walked home together and talked about 
getting together this weekend.”

“And what are your plans then,” asks Barbara.

“Oh just hang out; maybe go to the park or something,” replies Adam. He 
thinks to himself about his talk with Danny and how he told him about 
his pants-wetting incident, but is not going to mention this to his 
mom. She wouldn’t understand, at all.

“Well that could fun for you two. Danny is a good boy, as you are too; 
and I think he likes being with you,” says Barbara.

“Yeah, I like being with Danny too; he’s a fun guy,” replies Adam.

“If you need anything, let me know, okay?” says Barbara.

“Yeah mom I will. Right now I am fine, thanks,” says Adam.

“So what’s new with Danny?” asks Barbara.

Adam is curious with all of his mom’s questions. “She’s not usually 
this talkative with me. I wonder what’s up?” he thinks. “He’s just 
doing school stuff, like me. He didn’t say too much else,” replies 

“Well school stuff is good, but you two should do stuff together; like 
a hobby or something. And I don’t mean computer games. You do enough of 
that by yourself. It’s fun doing things together; you learn new things 
that way,” says Barbara.

“Yeah that’s sounds good mom. I’ll talk with Danny and see if we can do 
more things together. Right now though I have homework to do. I’ll see 
you later,” says Adam.

“Okay honey, I’ll be here. And don’t forget your water,” says Barbara. 
Just then the back door opens and Gail walks in. She walks up to her 
mom and brother and joins them at the table.

“Hi honey; how was school today?” asks Barbara.

“It was good mom. I did well on a test and I don’t have too much 
homework,” replies Gail.

“How are you, little bother?” asks Gail as she smiles and looks at 

Adam looks at her and says, “Fine sister, just fine. Thanks for 

“Well I am just interested in you and with what you’re doing, that’s 
all,” says Gail.

“Now you two should get along; I don’t need any snickering between you. 
Anyway Adam, Gail is a good source for you. Just be nice and to each 
other and things will be fine between you,” says Barbara.

“Okay mom, I will,” says Adam as he gets up and goes off to his room.

“So what’s with Adam?” asks Gail to her mom.

“Oh he’s okay, just doing homework,” says Barbara.

“I saw him and Danny walking home together today. I wonder what they 
were talking about,” says Gail.

“Well Adam said that they are thinking of doing something together this 
weekend. I think it’s a good idea too. They should hang out more and 
become better friends,” says Barbara.

“Yeah and in diapers too,” thinks Gail. “Yeah that would be good. 
Debbie and I are close friends. Adam and Danny could become that way 
too. I agree with you mom,” says Gail.

“Well thank you Gail. I appreciate your opinion,” says Barbara.

Gail then gets up and goes to her room. Barbara thinks about her 
children and has an idea that she wants to share with Linda. She gets 
the phone and calls her.

“Hi Linda, this is Barbara. How’s your afternoon going?” she says.

“Oh just fine. My two just got home and are doing their homework,” says 

“Same here. Adam told me that he and Danny were talking, walking home 
today and are thinking of spending time together this weekend. I think 
it’s a good idea too,” says Barbara.

“Yes I agree. Danny told me the same thing. And I have an idea that 
will help them,” says Linda.

“Oh really?” says Barbara with a little giggle in her voice.

“Yes; I think Adam should spend Friday and maybe Saturday night here, 
like an extended sleepover; and Debbie can spend time at your house 
with Gail. This way, the boys’ would be away from their teasing and 
more apt to relax and let go, if you know what I mean,” replies Linda.

“Oh yes Linda, that is a good idea,” says Barbara with a laugh.

“And…I’ll make sure that Danny wears GoodNites to bed so that he won’t 
wet it and Adam,” says Linda with a giggle in her voice.

“And what about Adam?” asks Barbara.

“Well I’ll suggest to Danny that he get Adam to wear one too so they 
can be the same; and then Adam won’t make fun of Danny. I think it will 
work and that both boys will gladly accept the offer. Of course they’ll 
whine a bit to dampen their excitement so that I’ll think they really 
don’t need or want to wear the diaper pants. But we know better, 
right?” says Linda.

“Oh Linda, this sounds perfect. What a great idea. They can spend time 
together in diaper pants and maybe feel confident enough to use them, 
again and again,” says Barbara.

“And I will sort of let them know that if they want to wear them more, 
like…all day, then they may. That should get then curious, don’t you 
think?” says Linda.

“Well as we talked, I do feel that Adam wants to…wet himself more, and 
this will give him the opportunity. I think it will work,” says 

“And if they don’t want to wear them during the day then maybe we are 
wrong in our thoughts on this issue. But definitely they will wear them 
to bed. That way, the sheets will stay dry,” says Linda.

“Well since it is Thursday today, I’ll suggest to Adam at dinner that 
he spend Friday night at your house. That way, he’ll be thinking about 
it this evening and hopefully with Danny tomorrow at school,” says 

“Yes, that will work. I could make the same suggestion here,” replies 

“And then I’ll suggest to Gail that she and Debbie spend the evening 
here,” says Barbara.

“Oh yes, this is going to work out so well. I really think it will,” 
replies Linda.

“I agree with you Linda. I am glad we talked and that we have a plan,” 
says Barbara.

“Absolutely; what are mom’s for anyway?” says Linda.

“Well, I’ll call you tomorrow morning and we can see how things are 
going,” says Barbara.

“Very good; you have a nice evening. Bye for now,” says Linda.

“Same to you; bye,” says Barbara. After they hang up both moms snicker 
and laugh at their plan for their children, especially their boys…who 
seem to like acting as toddlers by wetting their pants.

When Danny got home and into his room he couldn’t stop thinking about 
Adam wetting his pants yesterday at school. He really wants to do the 
same thing and finds himself staring at his crotch. “I want to do it 
too,” he says quietly. “I’ll just do a little to make it show. It will 
be okay; I can do this, I want to do this.” Danny’s mind is made up and 
he relaxes himself, still staring at his crotch. He then quietly says, 
“I have to go pee-pee; there isn’t a toilet; oh my, I might …wet my 
pants; oh wow, what will happen?” He watches his crotch and tries to 
urinate. He pushes it as if he’s standing at the toilet. His body 
finally responds as he feels pee going into his penis and then into his 
pants. The feeling excites him and then he sees a small wet mark 
appear. The pee is tricking at first but with his pressure to pee on 
his bladder, the stream picks up speed and volume and Danny’s desire is 
happening; he begins to urinate…into his pants. Danny feels very good 
and likes what he’s seeing. He doesn’t want to stop. The release of 
pressure on his bladder feels good; peeing his pants feels good. He 
watches as his warm pee spreads out onto his pants and down towards his 
knees. He thinks that he should stop; that he’s peed enough, but it all 
feels soooo good to him that he doesn’t. He stands there and wets his 
pants really well. After about 30 seconds of wetting, he stops the flow 
and stares at his pants; his thoroughly peed-in-pants. “Oh yes! I did 
it, I wet my pants! Oh this is so good,” he says under his breath.

Adam, back in his bedroom sits at his desk doing homework. He too is 
also thinking of yesterday and his pants-wetting adventure. “I could 
pee now,” he thinks to himself. “I know I have to go, but what will 
happen?” This mind game he’s playing begins to frustrate him. He so 
much wants to wet himself but is afraid to do so; with his sister and 
mom at home. He decides to forget it and goes back to his homework. His 
bladder goes along with this plan, for awhile.

After about 30 minutes of concentrating on his homework, Adam’s bladder 
gives him the signal to go pee. This time Adam knows he can’t wait too 
much longer before his bladder makes the decision. He looks at his 
crotch and says. “I know I must go soon. I don’t want to waste you. I 
want you in my pants. I must do something…now!” He looks around his 
room for a minute and then his eyes stop at his closet. “Yes, that’s 
it!’ He gets up; goes to his closet and finds his now-dry pants, 
underwear and towel from yesterday. He puts them on his bed and 
immediately begins to get undressed, from his waist down. First he 
removes his shoes, then his pants and finally his briefs. He looks at 
his partially erect penis and says, “Hold on. One more minute and you 
can go.”

He then takes his stained briefs, gives them a few good sniffs and puts 
them on followed by his pants. He zips them up. Takes a deep breath and 
says, “Okay, you can now do it. You can wet your pants…just like you 
want to.” Adam puts the towel on his chair. Before he can sit down 
though, his bladder starts to release its contents. At first it is only 
a trickle of pee but as Adam stares down at his crotch, the flow rate 
begins to build, quickly and before he knows it, a wet mark appears at 
his crotch. He watches as it grows and glistens with his urine. “Yes! I 
am doing it! I am wetting my pants! Oh yes!” he says quietly.

For the next 30 seconds Adam watches his crotch as he wets himself. He 
loves this feeling and everything about what he’s doing. He then goes, 
still peeing, and sits on the towel. He watches as he continues to wet 
his pants. The wetness covers the front of his pant and the inseam down 
past his knees. He thinks about stopping the flow but doesn’t. What 
he’s doing feels soooo good to him that he just sits there and empties 
his bladder. As the flow finally slows and then stops Adam sniffs the 
air and is rewarded with the scent of his fresh urine. He then says, 
“Oh gosh this is so good. I feel so good doing this and everything. I 
love to wet my pants!” He breathes deep and rapidly as he stares down 
at his wet crotch. He likes everything he sees, feels and smells.

As dinner time approaches, Adam changes back into his dry underpants 
and pants. He puts his wet articles back in their hiding place in his 
closet. He does not wipe himself as he likes the feels and scent of 
wearing his pee. He also doesn’t think anybody will smell him either. 
Adam then goes and joins his family. He finds his dad watching TV and 
his mom in the kitchen. Gail is nowhere to be seen.

He sits down on the floor to watch TV with his dad. As he does so, his 
dad says, “How you doing son? Everything okay with you?”

Adam looks up at his dad and replies, I’m fine dad. Everything is cool 
at school too. I have all my homework done too.”

“That’s good to hear son. I am glad everything is fine with you too. 
It’s good to see my son happy and studying. It’s all good son, it’s all 
good,” replies his dad.

“Time for dinner guys. Adam will you go and tell Gail dinner is ready. 
And I mean go…not yell, okay?” says Barbara.

“Okay mom,” says Adam as he gets up and does as asked. His dad goes 
into the kitchen to see if his help is needed.

Gail and Adam appear and sit down at the table, joining their parents. 
The family begins to enjoy a nice dinner together.

Barbara starts talking and says, “Adam told me earlier that he and 
Danny are thinking of spending time together this weekend. I told him 
that that sounds like a great idea; getting out of the house and 
exploring things.”

“Sounds good to me too,” says their dad.

“Adam dear, what about if you spend the night at Danny’s house 
tomorrow? You could go there from school, if you like that is,” says 

“Yeah, I guess that would work. I’d have to talk with him first and see 
if it was okay,” replies Adam.

“Of course honey,” says Barbara.

“And you Gail could have Debbie spend the night here. That way you 
could have a good time with her without having Adam around. How does 
that sound?” asks Barbara.

“Yeah mom, that sounds good; we could watch a movie or just hang out. 
Yeah, that’s a great idea,” replies Gail. “I’ll call her after dinner.”

“Sounds as if the kids have a nice weekend planned. That’s good,” says 
their dad.

Dinner continues and the family chats about other things. Barbara is 
pleased that her children like her idea of a split sleepover and hopes 
the Linda has the same results with her two.

As dinner finishes, Adam begins to help with the dishes. This surprises 
his parents but they say nothing. Gail goes off to call Debbie about 
tomorrow night. In the kitchen, Adam goes about cleaning the dishes as 
his mom puts away the leftovers. She gives him a hug as he stands at 
the sink and says, “It’s very nice and thoughtful of you to help clean 
up after dinner. I appreciate it very much.”

‘It’s okay; I just feel like helping out; that’s all,” replies Adam.

“Well I appreciate it Adam, I really do; thanks,” says Barbara. She 
then leaves the kitchen and goes to the family Room. She sees her 
husband there. She then goes towards the back of the house, into Adam’s 
room. Once inside it, she sniffs the air quickly. “Yes, I do believe he 
did it,” she thinks. She then looks behind her to see that no one is 
coming. With the coast clear, she goes over to Adam’s closet and opens 
it. The smell of pee hits as she does so. She then quickly looks and 
finds his wet articles; she feels and sniffs them. She leaves his 
closet and his room. “Well that boy is definitely going to enjoy his 
weekend with Danny. He’s wet his pants again,” she thinks. “I have the 
mattress protector that I bought today. But I don’t think I’ll put it 
on. Adam might get suspicious and besides he’s already wet himself 
today. He might not need to do it again. And if he does…oh well, I’ll 
have a job cleaning his mattress, that’s all,” she further thinks. By 
now she is back in the Family Room and joins her husband there. Adam is 
still in the kitchen. “All is well,” Barbara thinks.

Over at Danny and Debbie’s house things are developing there too; but a 
bit different than with Adam’s family. You see Linda does not give 
Danny as much leeway as Barbara does with Adam. She watches over Danny 
a bit closer. And as luck would have it, or bad luck if you’re Danny, 
he’s found out…wearing pee-in-pants… in his room, by his mom. She, 
surprising to Danny, doesn’t get upset with him. “Oh Honey, are you 
alright?” she asks.

“Yeah…I…had a little…accident,” says Danny nervously.

“I can see that, but it doesn’t look too little to me. Anyway, did you 
know that you had to go, I mean you could tell that your bladder was 
kind of full?” she asks.

“Yeah, I knew and just thought I could…”

Linda gives her son a hug interrupting him and says, “Well that’s good, 
at least your body is working fine. I would be worried though if you 
didn’t know that you had to pee and it just came out…causing you to…wet 
your pants. I better get you those diapers though, that way you won’t 
have any more accidents. Dinner is almost ready. Why don’t you change 
out from your wet pants and join us when you’re done, okay?”

“Ahh, okay mom. I’ll be there in just a few minutes,” replies a 
confused Danny.

Linda leaves her son and goes back to getting the family dinner on the 
table. She thinks to herself as she does this, “Well that went well. I 
found Danny as I expected and delivered my message to him about 
diapers. I’ll bring him the GoodNites that I bought today, when he gets 
ready for bed. I bet he’s wondering why I didn’t get angry with him 
though. He’ll get over it; besides it fun when you can surprise your 
children; usually it’s the other way around.”

Danny is in fact wondering just that as he thinks to himself, “Gosh mom 
didn’t get mad at me or anything. She did say she’d get me the diapers, 
but she didn’t say when. What’s going on I wonder? She knows that I wet 
my pants, on purpose and I didn’t get in trouble. Wait till Adam hears 
about this; he won’t believe it either.”

At dinner with Linda, Danny, Debbie and their dad, everything goes as 
planned. Linda brings up the idea of a split sleepover tomorrow night 
with Adam coming here and Debbie going to Gail’s house. Their dad 
chimes in and says, “Gosh kids, your weekend is all planned with your 
friends too, what could be better?”

“Yeah dad, I’ll call Gail after dinner and see if it’s okay with her,” 
says an excited Debbie.

Danny sits there staring at his dinner plate. He then looks up to his 
dad and mom and says, “I don’t know if he can, and besides…”

Linda purposely interrupts Danny as she doesn’t want any excuses from 
him and says, “Oh Honey, it will be just fine, don’t worry about 
anything. You two have so much in common and you need to be around good 
kids, like Adam. You can have such fun, the two of you exploring new 
things and places. You’ll be fine Honey, you will.”

“I don’t know,” says Danny. He’s always been afraid to have a friend 
sleepover, because of his occasional bedwetting episodes; but he 
doesn’t want that topic brought up right now, during dinner with his 
sister and dad listening. Plus, there’s his wet pants that mom just 
caught him in! He’ll talk to his mom about it after dinner he decides. 
“Well maybe it would be okay. Can we talk about after dinner?” asks 
Danny to his mom.

“Well I suppose so Honey but I don’t know what we will talk about,” 
says Linda. She knows what’s bothering her son…his bedwetting. “Besides 
Adam likes you and I’ll bet he’d love to have a sleepover here with 
you.” Then she says, “And besides, you wet your bed just the other 
night, and you usually only do it once a week. I doubt that you’ll wet 
it again tomorrow night; and besides, you’ll be wearing protection.”

“Wow mom! Really, protection for Danny; as in diapers?” says and 
excited Debbie having her interest in the conversation pick up when she 
heard the word, ‘protection’ from her mom.

“Relax, Debbie; this is an issue with Danny. I’ll get to your question 
later,” replies Linda.

This floors Danny as this is precisely the subject he didn’t want 
brought up. He doesn’t even key into the comment about ‘him wearing 
protection’. He replies in a whiny tone, “Gosh mom! Do you always have 
to bring that up?”

“Hey son,” says his dad with a stern tone in his voice. “That’s no way 
to talk to your mother. She’s only looking after you and your 
wellbeing. Nothing she just said is wrong. She’s trying to help you out 
and have you spend time with your friends. You need to apologize to 
her, right now. Do you understand me?”

Danny looks up from his plate to his dad and says, “Yes Dad, I 

He then turns to his mom and says, “I am sorry mom, for whining to you. 
I know that you want what is best for me. I apologize for what I said. 
But I still would like to talk with you after dinner.”

“Apology accepted Honey; and yes we can talk after dinner,” says Linda. 
She feels very good with how everything got brought up , that she 
wanted and that their dad chimed in as only dad’s can to straighten out 
Danny’s attitude. She’s knows it is scary to him right now but all that 
will change shortly.

“Thanks mom, I appreciate this,” says Danny.

 They continue their dinner, chatting more about school and such and 
not about the sleepover or Danny’s bedwetting.

After Danny’s family finishes dinner, their parents do the dishes. 
Danny goes to sit in the Family Room and contemplate what to say to his 
mom. Debbie goes off to call and talk with Gail. But, as she she’s her 
brother sitting and looking forlorn, she walks up to him and quietly 
says, “It’s okay Danny; we both know that this is what you really want. 
Just relax; be a baby and pee your pants. Mom’s going to get you 
diapers now anyway for your bedwetting. Now you can wet your pants too 
and I’ll bet she’ll have you wearing diapers all the time. Won’t that 
be fun?”

Danny looks up at his sister and just stares. He doesn’t know what to 
say. He knows that his mom knows that that is precisely what he did 
earlier before dinner; he wet his pants. Debbie doesn’t know this, he 
thinks; but what she said surprises him. She’s not dumping on him or 
teasing him. He’s more confused than ever. He finally says quietly, 
“Yeah well, we’ll see. Things sure are strange around here lately. “

“Oh, it’s okay brother, you’ll be fine, just pee your pants. See you 
later,” says a cheerful Debbie as she goes off to call Gail. Boy does 
she have some news to tell her!

Linda and their Dad chat quietly in the kitchen as they clean up the 
dinner dishes. Linda has so much to tell him: of her meeting earlier 
with Adam’s mom; of what she learned from her about Danny; his wet 
pants incident before dinner and her plans. Their Dad finds all this 
very intriguing and even laughs at hearing what plans that Linda has in 

“Well Honey, what you’re doing is perfect. Everything depends upon 
Danny and what he does. And from what you’ve told me about what he did 
in his room after school today, I think you’re on the right track. If 
he wants to behave like a toddler, then we’ll treat him as one. And he 
will be courteous and polite to you at all times,” says their Dad.

Linda gives him a big hug and kiss. Holding him firmly she quietly 
says, “I love you and thanks for your support; I do think we’re doing 
the right thing. Danny just doesn’t know everything. Oh, and by the 
way, were you this difficult as a boy with your mom?”

He looks down at her and says, “Much more so,” and then smiles.

Linda swats his behind and says, “Boys’, you’re all the same.”

After awhile, Linda decides that she’s given Danny enough time to think 
about what has transpired before and during dinner. She goes into the 
Family Room and sits down next to her son.

She gently rubs his back and head of hair. She then says, “Well honey 
aren’t you excited having Adam spend the night tomorrow; and without 
Debbie here to bother you two?”

Danny looks at his mom with a puppy-dog expression, as if to say, “I am 
so confused; why am I not in trouble…for wetting my pants? Why is 
everyone but me so happy?”

Linda senses her son’s confusion and decides to ignore it and talk 
about the sleepover. “I can get you two some movies to watch and some 
pizza for dinner. We can even go out for ice cream too. It’s going to 
such fun having you and Adam here playing and having fun together.”

Danny looks at her and replies, “But mom…you know that I…have accidents 
some time in bed.”

“Yes I know Honey and that’s why you’ll be wearing a GoodNite to bed. 
If you do wet yourself then, it won’t get the bed or Adam wet too. It 
will be just fine honey,” says Linda with a smile on her face. She is 
really enjoying this talk with her son.

“But mom! Adam will know then…that I wet my bed!” says a disturbed 

“Oh it will be okay, Honey. Maybe Adam bed wets too? Have you two ever 
talked about it?”

Now Danny is really getting scared. His mom is not responding to him as 
she has in the past, he thinks. He knows well and true that Adam and he 
have talked and shared stories of their wetting adventures. But he 
can’t tell his mom this, he thinks. “Ugh, well not really mom; we don’t 
talk about those things,” says Danny.

“Well then you’ll just have to explain it to him. He’ll understand, if 
he’s a true friend to you. And besides, you could always offer a 
GoodNite to Adam to wear. Then you’ll both be the same and have a great 
time together,” says Linda.

“Mom, you think so?” says a surprised Danny.

“Yes I think so Honey. You and Adam spend a lot of time together; I 
think this sleepover here is just what you both need. Anyway, it will 
help you to deal with your bedwetting too. You know, sharing this with 
someone. Maybe you’ll find out things about each other too.”

Danny looks at his mom, puzzled. He still has his pants-wetting issue 
on his mind too that needs some answers. “But mom, what about…before 
dinner…and my…you know,” says Danny with a struggle.

Linda smiles to herself as their conversation is going just fine. She 
wanted Danny to bring up his little accident before dinner when he 
deliberately wet his pants and now he has opened the door for her. “I 
am not sure of what you are talking, Honey,” says his mom.

Danny really feels confused now. He is sure his mom knows what he’s 
talking about; he hasn’t forgotten the experience in the least and his 
mom would usually bring it up to him several times in the past when 
he’s had a daytime accident in his pants. Why now is she saying this, 
he thinks?

“Well my accident earlier in my room…before dinner,” says Danny.

“Oh yes, when you couldn’t get to the toilet in time and you wet your 
pants. What about it Honey?’ says Linda.

“Well, I ugh…yeah…couldn’t get to the toilet…” says Danny.

His mom sort of interjects her thoughts now to Danny, “And you said 
that you couldn’t hold it any longer; it was hurting you so you had to 
go…in your pants. Isn’t that right?”

“Well yeah, I guess that’s what happened,” replies Danny.

“What do you mean, you guess? Aren’t you sure what you did? You said 
that you knew that you had to go pee-pee,” says Linda.

Danny’s head is now spinning more. His mom is reacting totally 
different than she ever has and she’s not angry or upset at all with 
him, he thinks.

“Well yeah, I’m sure what I did,” says Danny.

“Oh that’s good,” says his mom.

“It is?” says a confused Danny.

“Well yes Honey. I wouldn’t want you having an accident in your pants 
and you not knowing it was happening. If that were the case, you might 
have a medical condition that would require a doctor’s visit. But you 
told me that you knew you had to go, right?”

“Yes, that’s right mom, I knew I had to pee,” says Danny.

“And you said that you just couldn’t hold it any longer, right?” says 
Linda who is really enjoying having Danny on the ropes, so to speak, 
about his wetting behavior.

“Yes, that’s right too mom, I couldn’t hold it any longer,” says Danny.

“And then you had to …use your pants as a toilet and wet them, right?”

“Ugh, yeah…that’s what I did,” says Danny.

“So now that we have that all sorted out, what is it you want to say 
about wetting your pants Honey?”

Danny is now really shocked at the easy-go -attitude from his mom. This 
reaction has him totally confused. “Well I just thought that I might 
be…in trouble…sort of because of it. That’s all,” says Danny.

“Well Honey you are not in trouble for wetting your pants. Would you 
like to be? Would you prefer I get all mad at you and yell and punish 

Danny is again surprised at his mom’s response. “Oh no, mom! I don’t 
want you yelling at me or anything. I guess I am just surprised at you 
and that you’re not mad at me.”

Linda gives her son a hug and while holding him says, “Well, I can 
change how I act too you know. Boys like you just have a time of it 
getting to the toilet for their bathroom needs. And boys like you 
usually end up peeing their pants. That’s why I got you the GoodNites 
Honey. Maybe they’ll help you out. It all depends on you Honey.” She 
then releases her hold on Danny and leans back smiling at her confused 

“Ugh thanks mom. I am glad that you’re not mad at me,” says Danny.

“Me too Honey, me too,” says his mom.

“And it all depends on me?” asks Danny.

“Yes Honey, what you do is up to you. Your dad and I will treat you 
accordingly. Now Danny, would you like to try on a GoodNite now?” asks 
his mom with a big smile on her face.

Danny is still confused. He feels good about his talk with his mom. 
However, her last comment has him questioning, what’s going on here? 
“Ugh. Yeah, I guess,” replies Danny.

“Well I am certainly not going to push you Honey. If you ‘only guess’ 
then maybe we should wait till bedtime.”

Danny realizes that he’s about to miss out on something that he really 
wants, but he doesn’t know how to tell his mom without being too 
obvious, hence his casual response. “Ugh, no, I mean yes, let’s try one 
now,” replies Danny with a big smile on his face too.

“Okay Honey, let’s just do that,” says his mom. She then takes his 
hand, stands up and walks him to his bedroom. Danny follows behind her; 
his heart rate increasing with about every step. “I am going to get to 
wear a diaper!” says Danny to himself. His mom can feel his pulse rate 
from her hand and thinks to herself, “Yep, this boy definitely wants to 
wear diapers. We’ll start off with the GoodNites, but I bet within a 
week, he’ll have more wet pants accidents than a nursery school. Such a 
boy; such potty habits he has too.”

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 5 – Executing Plans

The next morning, both Adam and Danny wake up in the respective 
households, and look forward to seeing the other at school. They both 
have different stories to tell, but along the same line, their potty 
habits and wetting their pants. This is in addition to discussing the 
upcoming sleepover at Danny’s house.

Adam is awoken by his mom who comes in his room and walks up to her 
son’s bed.

“Good morning Honey,” she says smiling down at her son. He slowly stirs 
and then opens his eyes. He gives them a morning rub to clear the 

“Ahh, good morning mom,” replies Adam.

“Did you sleep well last night?” asks his mom.

“Ahh, yeah, I did. I feel rested,” says Adam as he stretches his arms 
out and his legs too under his covers.

“Well that’s good to hear Honey. You have a big day today and your 
sleepover at Danny’s house tonight. Isn’t that going to fun?”

Adam smiles at his mom’s enthusiasm for him and Danny and their 
sleepover. She usually isn’t that interested in his life but all of a 
sudden she’s taking an active part. Adam likes this attention he’s 
getting from her. “Yes mom, I am looking forward to it. I hope Danny is 
too,” replies Adam.

“Well I am sure he is. Now get yourself up and dressed for school. I’ll 
have your breakfast ready for you when you’re ready. And don’t forget 
to pack some clothes for this weekend. That way you can go straight to 
Danny’s house after school. I have to go see Gail and see that she’s up 
too. I love you Honey. See you soon,” says his mom as she gives Adam a 
morning hug and kiss on his forehead. She leaves his room and goes to 
check on Gail.

As Adam lays in bed stretching again, his hand finds its way to his 
underpants where it rubs the top of them and his penis beneath. He 
feels the need for his morning pee. “Gosh this feels good. I really 
like it when I have to go. I wish I could...just go now, or whenever I 
feel like it,” he thinks. He then starts to get out of bed and says, 
“But if I did that…then I’d be wearing wet pants all the time. That 
wouldn’t work. Oh well, I‘ll have to use the toilet…this time.” He goes 
to the bathroom where he pees into the toilet and then washes his face 
and brushes his teeth. He returns to his bed room to get dressed.

Barbara is back in the kitchen preparing breakfast for her family after 
greeting both her children this fine morning. She is excited today over 
her and Linda’s plan for a split sleepover for their teens. She’s been 
thinking of it most of the time since they hatched the plan. How Adam 
and Danny deal with what is coming their way has intrigued her the 
most. She believes that Gail and Debbie will be fine doing usual girl- 
type things here tonight. Linda will be dealing with the boys…boys with 
such potty habits too.

As Gail finishes getting ready for school, she walks toward the 
kitchen. As she passes her brother’s room, she knocks on the door and 
then opens it and sticks her head in. “Hey bro,” she says quietly, “I 
won’t say anything or be upset today when you wet your pants. I 
understand that you just have this need; it’s okay. See you in the 
kitchen.” She closes the door and proceeds to the kitchen. While she 
walks with a lively step, Gail thinks, “Yes, that little comment will 
hopefully get him to do just that today; to wet his pants. I know that 
he wants to and then mom will think more about getting diapers for him. 
I am so glad that Debbie and I chatted about our baby brothers; this is 
going to be fun.”

Adam is quite surprised by his sister’s comment. “Why is she so pleased 
and accepting of me?” he thinks. “Especially with wetting my pants; 
usually she’d be teasing the heck out of me.” Adam puts his comments 
aside in his mind and finishes his packing. After a few minutes he too 
is walking lively to the kitchen. This day is starting out just fine 
for everyone here at Adam’s house.

Meanwhile, over at Danny’s house things are developing there too. The 
biggest difference is that Danny has wet his GoodNite and his mom lets 
him know that that is why he’s wearing them. Unbeknownst to Danny 
though, his mom knows that he most likely wet himself just before 
getting up because when she greeted him this morning she felt his pants 
and they were quite warm. She then suggested to Danny that he might 
wear one to school today…to be on the safe side. Danny did just 
that…peed himself after waking. He did it on purpose and thinks that 
his mom thinks he peed in his sleep. Linda smiles to herself as she 
prepares breakfast. She thinks, “Yes that boy wants diapers. He wet 
himself because he could; wearing that GoodNite. This sleepover is 
going to be so entertaining. I’ll have to let Barbara know how things 
went this morning.”

After the teens left both households, their moms were busy with their 
morning routines. Barbara goes to her son’s room to check things out 
there and finds his previously peed-in pants and underwear gone. “He 
must have taken them with him…for the sleepover. I must let Linda know 
this fact,” she says. Meanwhile, Linda finds the bag of GoodNites in 
her son’s room and notices that several of them missing. “He must be 
wearing one and taken some to school too. I must let Barbara know about 
this,” she says.

Later that morning Linda calls Barbara and the two moms share their 
stories of the past evening and morning, and the behavior of the boys; 
boys with such potty habits too. This exchange humors them both. They 
look forward to this split sleepover as much as their teens are.

At school, Adam and Danny find each other before class and share with 
each other their morning. “Gosh Adam,” says Danny, “My mom is being so 
cool with me; I can’t believe it. She bought me GoodNites to wear and 
saw me in my wet pants before dinner. She didn’t yell at me or 
anything. She says that she understands.”

“Yeah, my mom is being cool with me too,” says Adam. “I wet my pants 
too before dinner and changed out of them. My mom didn’t catch me in 
them. I did bring them with me today; they are in my backpack,” says 

“Well I wet my GoodNite when I woke up. My mom suggested I wear one to 
school; and I did! I wearing one right now!” says Danny.

“Oh wow Danny; that is soooo cool!” replies Adam.

“Yeah, I think so too. It feels really good and I can use it or not; I 
get to choose when I can pee. And…I brought one for you. Want to use 
it?” says Danny.

“Really, you did?” says Adam.

“Yeah, it’s right here,” replies Danny.

“Sure, I’ll try it,” says Adam.

Danny opens his backpack and gives the GoodNite to Adam. He quickly 
stuffs it into his pants. “I’ll go put it on right now,” says Adam.

“Okay, I’ll see you at break,” says Danny.

Adam leaves to change his underwear. Danny is excited for his friend. 
He’s forgotten his previous concern about his bedwetting problem and 
that Adam will find out about it tonight. He’s more than pleased with 
being able to wear diaper-type pants right now and sharing this with 
his friend.

The two boys go off to class, each one excited for the other and with 
themselves. Their thoughts are in their pants most of the morning with 
each one wanting to pee their pants.

Gail and Debbie also meet before class and talk about their plans for 
their sleepover tonight. They tell each other about how they both 
encouraged their brother to pee their pants. This bit of information 
causes both girls to giggle and to be watching them during the day for 
any tell-tale signs. They both hope they are not disappointed. They 
want their brothers to be put back into diapers and the best way for 
that to happen is for them to show everyone that they need diapers 
because they wet their pants!

When break finally arrives, Adam and Danny meet. They both decide that 
they better use the toilet and not their GoodNites in which to pee. 
They’ll be more opportunity later in the day for that to happen. They 
do both however pee a bit into their protective underwear just because 
they can and to know that they are wearing peed-in pants at school. 
This activity excites them as their penis’ come to life and stay semi- 
hard most of the day.

During the noon break Danny and Adam have lunch with some friends as do 
Gail and Debbie. The girls pay some attention to their brothers, from a 
distance of course, in an effort to check out their pants. They so want 
to see a wet mark on them. Little do the girls realize that there would 
be pee marks on their brothers’ pants had it not been for the GoodNites 
they are wearing. The girls’ wish is coming true but they don’t know 
this…yet. Adam and Danny have both peed their pants today as their 
sisters suggested; only they are wearing diaper-type underwear to keep 
them dry. Plans are progressing well for everyone even though it is not 
apparent. This most likely will change with time.

“Isn’t this just the best feeling,” says Danny to Adam quietly. “Being 
able to pee our pants and not have it show?”

“Oh yes,” replies Adam. “I feel so naughty and good at the same time.”

“Yeah, me too,” says Danny.

The school day progresses as does their occasional release of urine 
into their GoodNites. Both boys become more daring with each squirt of 
pee. Will they play it safe and also use the toilet too? Or will they 
pee themselves enough to cause a leak into their pants? These boys’ 
have such potty habits.

Finally the bell rang signaling that the school day was over. Adam 
sighed at his desk saying under his breath, “Finally the weekend is 
here. Now for the sleepover at Danny’s; I can’t wait.” As he stands up 
and begins exiting the classroom his bladder tells him that it needs to 
release some pee. Adam thinks for a moment about visiting the Boys’ 
toilets. He decides against that idea and thinks to himself, “Well 
Adam, you are wearing diaper pants; just pee them. That’s what they are 
for!” He smiles to himself as he walks down the corridor confident in 
his decision to pee his pants. After all, that is a favorite pastime of 
his. As he walks, he relaxes his muscles and is rewarded with warm 
urine entering his GoodNite. The feeling is just the best, he thinks.

Danny sees Adam walking toward him as he is already at the exit off the 
school. Danny is fidgeting a bit and occasionally holding himself. He 
needs to go pee too but is afraid that he might cause a leak into his 
pants if he does. You see, Danny has been wetting himself most of the 
day. He only used the Boys’ toilets once at lunchtime. Adam sees Danny 
as he gets closer. He can see that Danny is having a little struggle 
with his bladder too.

“Wow Danny,” says Adam as he walks up to him. “You look really 
desperate. What’s wrong?”

Danny quietly replies, “I have to go! I have to go really badly too.”

“Well let’s get walking home then. Maybe you’ll feel better as we walk. 
Anyway, as soon as we get a few blocks from school, you can pee some 
into your pants.”

“Yeah’ I guess so; I just hope I don’t leak into my pants,” says Danny 
as the two boys start walking to his house.

Unbeknownst to the boys, their sisters, Gail and Debbie see them 
talking and Danny’s desperation. Debbie says to Gail, “Oh look; there 
are our brothers. Let’s watch them and see what they do.”

“Okay,” replies Gail who continues, “It sure looks like your brother 
has to pee. You’d think he would have used the toilets after class.”

“Not Danny; he’d rather hold it till he gets home. I sure hope he 
doesn’t make it today and ends up wetting his pants. That would so 
funny,” says Debbie.

“Yeah, it sure would. Let’s sort of follow them from a distance and see 
what happens, okay?” says Gail.

The girls do just that; stay far enough behind their brothers but still 
in their sight to see what happens. Adam and Danny walk to Danny’s 
house and talk about their sleepover and all the fun they’ll have 
together. Danny, so far is able to keep from peeing. He’s feeling 
better about making it home even though he still feels the pain from 
his bladder. Then, it decides that it has had enough time and starts to 
allow pee to trickle down Danny’s penis and into his GoodNite.

“Oh gosh! I can’t hold it Adam; it’s coming out!” says a desperate 
Danny as he stops walking and stares down at his crotch. “Oh gosh, I 
just have to go! I hope I can stop it before I start leaking.” The flow 
of pee increases and Danny finds himself peeing and unable to slow or 
stop it.

“Oh gosh Adam, I feel so scared! I can’t stop peeing my pants!” say s a 
frightened Danny. The result of his peeing is soon event to him, Adam 
and their sisters. Being a few houses back and on the other side of the 
street, Gail and Debbie observe everything. They see Danny stop, look 
at himself and then see the wet mark on his butt grow with each second.

“Oh my gosh Gail, he’s doing it, Danny’s peeing his pants! You go boy!” 
says Debbie. Both girls watch as Danny stands there and pees his pants. 
Adam watches too and finally says to his friend, “Well guy, at least 
with GoodNite, the wet mark won’t be as big. Let’s keep walking.”

The boys again begin to walk. After staring at himself Danny looks to 
Adam and says, “Gosh Adam, it felt so good to pee like that. I couldn’t 
stop it and t just came and came into my pants. I am now finally able 
to stop it. But gosh that felt soooo good; oh wow!”

“Yeah Danny, I know what you mean. I guess that’s why we like behaving 
so naughty; it feels good.”

The girls continue their walk after seeing their brothers walk on. 
Debbie says, “Oh wow, Gail my brother did it again; he wet his pants. I 
know my mom will see him when he gets home. I wonder what she’s going 

“Well Debbie, we have been encouraging our brothers to pee their pants. 
We both know they like doing it and it worked. Just look at your 
brother’s pants; they’re soaked.

“Yeah, you’re right about that. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when 
he gets home today and hear what my mom says. I wonder if she’ll get 
mad or what. She’s been acting differently lately to Danny about his 
accidents. I wonder what’s going to happen.”

The two boys now approach the street on which Danny lives and they turn 
up it. Gail and Debbie walk on by on their way to Gail’s house. Danny 
and Adam reach Danny’s house. They pause a bit in front to discuss what 
Danny is going to say to his mom. “Well Adam, I sure hope this doesn’t 
cause a problem with our sleepover. I am not sure how my mom is going 
to act when she sees that I’ve again wet my pants. I sure hope she 
doesn’t punish me and cancel the sleepover. Here we go,” says Danny as 
they enter his house through the front door.

Linda has been watching the boys ever since they walked into the front 
yard. She sees that her son has wet his pants, even though he had a 
GoodNite on when he left this morning. She checks out Adam to see if he 
has one on too. It appears to her that he does; his pants are a bit 
fuller than normal. “Well here we go,” says Linda under her breathe. 
“Now the real entertainment from these two big babies is about to 
begin. Boy do they like to pee their pants or what?”

Danny is first to enter his house. He walks from the front room towards 
the kitchen area, followed by Adam. There he sees his mom. “Oh well, 
here we go,” says Danny to himself.

“Hi mom,” says Danny as he walks in and places his backpack on the 

Linda turns around to see her son and says, “Hi Honey, hi Adam. How was 
your day?”

Danny is surprised that his mom did not mention his obvious peed-in- 
pants. He replies, “Oh, it was really good until the walk home.”

Linda decided that she’d let Danny be the one to bring up the condition 
of his pants. She usually would have addressed their wet condition, but 
now she’s decided to change her reaction to him and his behavior of 
wetting his pants; it’s Danny who will bring up the subject. She wants 
to keep him off base and guessing what she’ll do. This change in 
attitude is all because she and Barbara have figured out what their 
boys’ really want; to wet their pants and wear diapers. Little do they 
know how close they are to getting their wish. She replies, “And what 
happened on the way home, Honey?”

Again Danny is confused by his mom’s response. “Why isn’t she saying 
anything out my wet pants? I don’t understand,” he thinks to himself. 
He says rather sheepishly, “Well…I sort of had …an accident walking 

“Oh really?” says his mom. “And what happened?”

Danny now is really frustrated. He doesn’t understand his mom. He says 
in a discussed voice, “I wet my pants.”

“Yes, I can see that Honey. Why isn’t that a good thing?” she says.

“What do you mean mom?” asked a confused Danny.

“Well you said that your day went well until you walked home from 
school; and while you walked home, you wet your pants. Isn’t that what 
you like to do in them…Honey?” says his mom.

“But I don’t want to be in trouble! I don’t want you mad at me! And I 
don’t want you to send Adam home and not have our sleepover!” replies a 
confused Danny.

Linda is really enjoying this conversation with Danny. She knows that 
her changed reaction to his wet pants has thoroughly confused him. She 
replies, “Well Honey, who said anything about cancelling your 
sleepover? Have I said anything that would indicate that you are in 
trouble? Do I sound mad at you?”

Danny can only stare at his mom. He doesn’t know what to say. Linda can 
tell that he’s really just a little boy in wet pants who needs his mom. 
She walks up to him and gives him a big hug, rubbing his back in an 
effort to comfort the boy. She smells his freshly peed-in-pants and 
then remembers that Adam most likely has his smelly pants in his 
backpack. She still wants Danny to do most of the talking here; about 
whatever he wants to talk, but realizes that she has him totally 
confused. She then sits down in a chair still holding her son.

“Honey,” she says, “Everything is just fine. You are not in trouble; I 
am not mad at you. The sleepover with Adam will happen just as planned. 
Does this help you?”

Danny does like what he’s hearing but is still confused. He pulls back 
to look at his mom and says, “But mom … I wet my pants?”

“Yes Honey I can see that; and smell them too. That’s why I bought you 
the GoodNites and suggested that you wear one to school today,” says 
Linda as she locks her eyes onto Danny’s. She then looks over to Adam, 
just to let him know that he’s not been forgotten. She returns to eyes 
to Danny with an expression of, “and what do you have to say now?”

Danny returns her look, pauses and says, “Thanks mom, can Adam and I go 
play now?”

Linda smiles at her son and replies, “You’re welcome honey; yes you may 
go play. But first, go and change that wet GoodNite you’re wearing; you 
too Adam. I’ll have some drinks for you when you return.”

“Okay mom, is that all?” asks Danny.

Linda smiles, knowing that her son is still confused, which is a good 
thing, she thinks, and says, “Yes Honey, that’s all, go change your 
GoodNites and have fun. And one more thing, try to keep your wet pants 
off of the furniture.”

She releases her hold on him and gently swats his wet bottom as he and 
Adam go off to his room.

“Wow Danny that was something else!” says Adam as they enter Danny’s 

“Yeah, tell me about; I am still confused. I wet my pants, which 
usually gets her really mad, and all I have to do is change my GoodNite 
and don’t get the furniture wet from my pants. Wow, something’s going 
on here,” says Danny.

“Well I think it’s really cool what your mom said. Let’s get some fresh 
GoodNites on and go outside and play,” says Adam.

“Okay,” replies Danny. They both proceed to take off their pants. Danny 
places his over his chair; Adam has his on the bed. All of a sudden, 
Danny’s mom appears at the doorway, looking at both of them and their 
wet diaper-pants. She smiles and says, “I just want to tell you that 
you should use these wipes on yourselves before putting on another 
GoodNite and to shake a little baby powder inside the GoodNite before 
pulling it up. This way, you can help keep from getting a nasty diaper 
rash. Also, there is a diaper pail over there for you to place your wet 
diaper pants in.” She points in the direction of the pail that was not 
there this morning and then hands Danny a box of baby wipes and a 
container of baby powder. “By the way, you both look very cute in 
those. Have fun boys,” she says and leaves the room.

“Your mom is soooo cool Danny! Wow this is going to be some sleepover!” 
says an excited Adam as he removes his wet GoodNite and places it in 
the pail.

“I sure hope so Adam. She is acting so weird though; but she’s not mad 
at me and I am not in trouble; so let’s go play!” says Danny as he 
removes his wet GoodNite. Both boys wipe themselves as told and then 
put on a fresh GoodNite with the baby powder. Adam decides to take his 
peed-in-pants from his backpack and wear them. Danny asks why he’s 
doing that. Adam tells him that they smell good to him, and besides 
he’ll probably get them wet too. Danny puts back on his wet pants over 
his GoodNite and they leave his bedroom for the kitchen.

When they enter it, they see Danny’s mom is sitting at the table with 
two big glasses of juice drink. “Hi boys,” she says to them. “Here are 
some drinks for you.”

“Ugh, thanks mom,” says Danny.

“Ugh, yeah, thanks for everything,” says Adam.

“Well you are both welcome. Did your changes go okay?” she asks.

“Oh yeah mom; we did what you said, everything!” says Danny.

“Well you are two good boys you know. Have fun and come see me if you 
need anything, okay?”

“We will mom, and thanks again,” says Danny as he and Adam take their 
drinks and go outside. Linda smiles as she watches two boys scamper out 
the door, both wearing a diaper pant, her son in wet pants and Adam in 
previously wet pants. She could clearly smell them as he picked up his 
drink, and they were different than what he wore home from school. 
“Those boys’ have such potty habits. I must call Barbara and fill her 
in,” she says.

When Gail and Debbie get to Gail’s house a few minutes after leaving 
the boys they find Barbara in the Family Room reading. “Mom, mom, you 
won’t believe what Debbie and I saw walking home!” says an excited Gail 
as she sits down next to her mom.

Her mom looks up at her and says, “And what might that be Gail?”

“Debbie’s brother Danny wet his pants! He was walking with Adam in 
front of us and we saw the whole thing! We saw Danny wet his pants!”

Barbara smiles to herself and says, “And do the boys know that you two 
saw this?”

“Of course not mom,” replies Gail. “We were across the street and a few 
houses behind them. They didn’t even look around to see if anyone saw 
them. They just stopped walking, Danny looked down at himself and then 
we saw his butt get all wet and his pants too. It was so weird.”

“And then what happened?” asked her mom.

“They started walking again and when they got to Danny’s street they 
turned and went up it. We walked here and are telling you what we saw. 
Can you believe it?”

“Well, yes I can; you two are witnesses to a boy having an accident in 
his pants,” replies a calm Barbara.

“But he knows that my mom said that she’ll get him diapers if he wet 
his pants again,” says Debbie trying to get Barbara excited over her 
brother’s naughtiness.

“Well, I guess then we’ll just have to see what she does when she is 
confronted with him. By now, I expect she knows the condition of 
Danny’s pants. And why do diapers and Danny interest you?” asks 

Neither girl expects this question. They look at each other not knowing 
how to respond. They definitely don’t want Gail’s mom to find out that 
they want their brothers back in diapers; and have encouraged them both 
to wet their pants. Debbie finally says, “Well it s just so babyish for 
boys that age to act the way they do, you know. And I just couldn’t 
imagine my brother back in diapers.”

“Well, I am sure your mom will handle the situation well. And if she 
does think that Danny needs diapers for his accidents, then you’ll have 
to accept that fact as well, Debbie. Some boys do have poor potty 
habits you know,” says Barbara.

“Well ours have no potty habits mom; you know the state of Adam’s 
underpants! And now Danny has wet his pants again,” says Gail.

“Yes Honey, we both know about Adam’s underpants. And yes, it seems 
that both Adam and Danny are two boys with very poor potty habits. 
Linda and I are aware of this little fact. Time will tell if they 
improve. They certainly can’t get much worse,” replies Barbara.

“Yeah, I guess so mom,” says Gail. “Anyway we just wanted you to know 
what we saw coming home. It was so weird,” says Gail.

“Well thank you both for the news. I will talk with Linda and let her 
know your side of what happened. She already knows Danny’s. And I am 
not sure that ‘weird’ best describes a boy wetting his pants. There 
must be another word to better describe the behavior,” says Barbara.

“Well when you find it mom, let me us know. We’re going to my room and 
relax,” says Gail.

“Okay honey; you two have a good time. Come and see me if you need 
anything. And don’t worry too much about your brothers. Your mom and I 
are parenting them just fine. We’ll let you know how things go, okay?” 
says Barbara.

“Okay mom, see you later,” says Gail as she and Debbie pick up their 
things and go off to Gail’s bedroom.

“Well that was very informative,” says Barbara under her breathe. 
“Those two have something going on about the boys and diapers. I must 
keep an eye on them for a clue as to what it is they want or expect to 
happen. I know that Gail thinks diapers are the answer for Adam. I 
wonder if Debbie thinks the same about her brother. Do they want them 
put back in diapers? I think they do! I shall call Linda and fill her 
in on this revelation and to hear what she has to say about Danny when 
he got home. This is so intriguing and funny, knowing all these bits of 
information about two boys with little or no potty habits. I think it 
is quite amusing myself.” As Barbara finishes her thoughts, the 
telephone rings and she answers it, “Hello.”

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 6 – The Split Sleepovers

Linda and Barbara have a very informative conversation of the day’s 
events leading up to their kids coming home from school, and share what 
each learned when they did. Both moms are giggling and laughing through 
most of what they share.

Linda tells Barbara that she’s watching the boys play in the backyard; 
she says, “I just can’t get over these two Barbara; looking at them 
play, you’d think they were 5-year olds. They are running and giggling 
and ticking each other, without a care in the world. They’ve even 
sniffed each other’s bottoms. Boys are something else.”

“Well yes they are Linda and what would we do without them? I think 
everything is going quiet well,” says Barbara.

“I agree with you Barbara. I don’t expect either of these two to go 
anywhere near a toilet this weekend. I am also interested to see how 
they handle a number 2 in their GoodNites,” says Linda. Both moms laugh 
out loud with this comment.

“Well, from what I gather,” says Barbara, “Once a boy has a diaper on, 
he’s probably going to use it for its purpose. I really can’t see them 
coming in and taking the time to remove the thing so they can do a poop 
in the toilet. I bet you’ll be changing poopy GoodNites Linda; lucky 
you.” Again, both moms laugh out loud.

“Well I think you’re right on that account Barbara. That’s why I think 
Danny wet his pants after school; he didn’t use the toilet I bet all 
day. He thinks a diaper will last longer than it did. Well at least a 
GoodNite that is.”

“So shall we go straight into full diapers for them now?” asks Barbara.

“Oh no,” replies Linda. “It will be very amusing observing these two 
for awhile; seeing if they can work out how often they can wet 
themselves; and how often they change themselves. And I do have two 
packages of GoodNites for them to use up.”

“Good point Linda; and with full diapers comes changing them. I can’t 
see my son being able to handle that little task with any sense of 
reliability. They’d leak terribly I fear,” replies Barbara.

“I agree with you there Barbara. I think we have a least a week before 
that happens, if in fact that’s where these two want to go. I will 
remind them that what happens to them depends entirely on what they do. 
In the meantime I’ll check out sources of diapers on the internet,” 
says Linda.

“Yes, that’s a good idea. We can meet early next week and share what 
we’ve found and what we think will work for our boys; if in fact that’s 
what they want,” says Barbara.

“Well time will tell us. I’ll let you know how things go here this 
weekend Barbara. I am as excited about this sleepover as the boys are! 
Talk with you soon,” says Linda.

“Yes, I am excited about it too. Take care Linda; I’ll be waiting to 
hear from you,” says Barbara.

Out in Danny’s backyard, he and Adam do have a good time together. 
After finishing their drinks, they begin to run around, chasing each 
other. Every so often, one boy would catch and tackle the other, 
laughing all the time. After about a half-hour of this play, both boys 
sit on the grass, across from each other, with their legs spread apart 
and leaning back on the hands.

“Boy this is such fun,” says Adam.

“Yeah, I can’t believe what we’ve done today. It’s so cool to play 
together and be wearing GoodNites too,” says Danny.

“And what’s even better is that you could still wear your wet pants. 
Your mom didn’t say anything to us about you having to change them,” 
says an excited Adam.

“Yeah, I was expecting a real yelling from her when we got home and she 
was so cool about everything. I hope she stays this way too. I like 
wearing my wet pants; they feel good and smell good too,” says Danny.

“And mine smell good too,” says Adam as he leans down to sniff them.

“I sure wish I knew what’s going on here,” says Danny. “My mom has 
never been this cool about me wetting my pants or my bed. Oh well, I’m 
going to enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Me too Danny. This sleepover is going to be the best. Do you think we 
can stay in GoodNites the whole time?” asks Adam.

“Well I hope so. My mom didn’t say not to wear them. I think we should 
just stay with the GoodNites and change ourselves when they’re full,” 
says Danny.

“Yeah, not like today when you flooded yours ‘cause you never used the 
toilet,” replies Adam.

“Well, gosh, Adam, it feels so good to me to pee myself. I’d much 
rather do that than use the toilet. It just feels so good,” says Danny.

“I agree with you Danny; it does feel soooo good. Anyway, we can always 
go to your room to change before we have any leaks,” says Adam.

“And I don’t want to give mom a chance to get mad at us, if we have 
leaks in our pants,” says Danny.

“Well all she told us was ‘don’t get the furniture wet from your 
pants’. She didn’t say anything about not wetting them, you know!” says 

“Yeah, but do you think she’d be okay with us doing that, I mean just 
sit here and pee our pants? Boys’ our age aren’t supposed to do that,” 
says Danny.

“I don’t know Danny. It all so strange; your mom not getting mad at you 
for wetting your pants and then letting you wear them now. All I can 
say is thank heavens for GoodNites; we can pee ourselves and not have 
wet pants. It’s the best way to play!” says Adam.

“Yeah it sure is,” replies Danny. “I am thirsty, want some more juice 

“Sure,” Adam replies.

Both boys stand up and walk towards the house, retrieving their empty 
glasses, for more drinks. Upon entering the house, they find Linda 
sitting in the Family Room. She turns to them and says, ‘Hi boys; 
what’s up?”

Danny replies, “We came in for some more drinks. Is that okay?”

Linda smiles to herself and stands up saying, “Sure, it’s okay for more 
drinks for you thirsty boys. Let me help you with it.”

Linda walks the two boys into the kitchen. She gently pats and rubs 
Danny’s bottom along the way. Feeling her hand, he looks up to her and 
sees that she has a big smile on her face. This makes him feel a bit 
more at ease; he smiles back. Nothing is said. Linda goes to the 
refrigerator and retrieves the bottle of juice. “Okay boys,” she says, 
“bring your glass over here and I’ll fill it for you. Then you can 
return to playing.”

Adam walks up first and hands her his glass. She smiles at him and 
fills it up. “Thank you,” says Adam as she hands him back his glass. 
“You’re welcome,” she replies. Danny does the same thing making sure to 
thank his mom too. As she replaces the juice bottle in the refrigerator 
she says, “I was wondering something boys.”

They look apprehensively at each other. Then Danny says, “Yeah mom, 
about what?”

“Well, are you two going to be able to tell when you need your 
diapers…I mean your GoodNites changed? Or will I need to check them for 

Linda smiles as she observes them looking at each other; trying to 
figure out what to say. To the boys’ time is standing still. They have 
a decision to make and don’t know what to do. Linda just smiles at 
them, looking as if she’s in no hurry. Danny finally replies, “Ugh, 
yeah we talked about that; and we think we can tell when to change 
them. “

“Well that’s good. I am glad you two are thinking about these things, 
you know,” says Linda.

“Yeah, we are too,” says Danny.

“Well just be aware of how wet your GoodNites are, boys; otherwise, 
you’ll have an accident like Danny had when he walked home from school 
today,” says Linda.

This comment gives the boys’ an opening to what they discussed earlier. 
Danny decides to broach the touchy subject with his mom. He says, “Ugh 

“Yes Honey,” replies Linda with a nice smile and reassurance on her 

Danny then says, “What would happen if…we…sort of …ended up 
with…another accident in our pants?”

“Well,” replies Linda, “then you’d surely need a change and I’d think 
you could take care of that yourselves. I guess having wet pants is 
what you’d prefer instead of changing your GoodNites before they became 
saturated. So to answer your question Honey, you two would end up 
wearing peed-in-pants. And that’s fine, as long as you don’t get the 
furniture wet from your pants.”

“Really mom?” says Danny with some excitement in his voice. Adam pays 
close attention to Linda and Danny as they talk.

“Yes Honey, really,” she replies.

“Wow…” says Danny just staring at his mom.

“Of course,” she continues, “I could always check your pants every now 
and then just to see how full they are so I could judge when you’d be 
in for a change.

“Ugh, yeah…I think that would be okay,” replies Danny as he looks over 
to Adam for agreement.

Adam finally has an opportunity to say something and says, “Ugh, yeah, 
that would work.”

“Good, I’ll do that then,” says Linda. She then follows with, “That 
would work fine as long as you were outside. I don’t see how it would 
work in the evening though, with you both wearing wet pants in the 
house. You’d probably have to take them off and get checked to make 
sure your GoodNites didn’t leak; and then change them more often than 
you were. Do you think you both could mange that?”

Danny replies, “Yeah I think we could do that mom.” He again looks at 

Adam chimes in, “Yeah that would be okay. We could change our wet 

“Well good. And if that doesn’t work out then I’d just end up changing 
your diapers…I mean your GoodNites for you when I think they’re full. I 
really don’t want any wet furniture.”

“And neither do we mom,” adds Danny.

“Well that’s settled. I feel that I have a better understanding now how 
things are going to work out,” replies Linda.

“That’s good mom,” says Danny. “I understand things a little better 

“Yeah me too,” adds Adam.

“Okay then, so off you go; I’ll see you in awhile. Have fun,” says 
Linda as she leaves the boys in the kitchen and returns to the Family 
Room. She really enjoyed that exchange of ideas with the boys. She 
thinks, “Well, they really seem to me that they’d prefer to stay wet 24 
hours a day if they could. Maybe those two packages of GoodNites won’t 
last as long as I thought. Well, I am not going to push them into 
diapers. I’ll let them work this out for themselves. Maybe they’ll end 
up using the toilet for some pee and poop this weekend. They are very 
fun to watch as we talk about them peeing their pants.”

Back in the kitchen, Danny and Adam stare at each other, trying to 
comprehend what just transpired. Danny goes to the door and Adam 
follows. They walk outside and sit down on the grass; legs crossed, 
facing each other.

“Wow Danny, your mom is soooo cool. She’s not mad at all about anything 
we do in our pants. Can you believe it? We can pee and pee them!” says 
Adam with a big smile.

“Yeah, I am still like in shock though…she’s never been this way with 
me and accidents in my pants. It’s a little scary, I think,” replies 
Danny as he sips his drink.

“Scary, how?” says Adam as he takes a drink.

“Well, I mean, I just don’t know what we’re getting into. I mean, we 
can do whatever, ‘just don’t get the furniture wet from our pants’ and 
it’s all okay with her. I can’t believe it. That’s what’s scary to me. 
We can wet our pants, our GoodNites all we want and it’s all okay with 

“Well that’s what she said Danny; I heard her. And she was smiling the 
whole time!” says Adam trying to cheer up his buddy.

“Yeah I heard her too. I just can’t believe that she’s going to let us 
pee our pants all we want,” says Danny.

“Well we can always use the toilet if we choose to, you know,” says 

“Yeah, we can do that. Maybe it will be okay. I am still going to do 
this a bit slower, ‘cause I am still a little scared,” says Danny.

“Scared? What’s the worst thing that could happen to us?” asks Adam.

Danny looks at Adam; he likes that question. “What could happen to us?” 
he thinks. After thinking this over, Danny finally says, “Yeah, what 
could happen? I am getting scared over nothing. We get to wet our 
pants, our GoodNites all we want! I just can’t believe our good luck! 
Is there a catch?”

“Not from what I heard, other than the furniture thing. Your mom is 
cool about letting us act this way Danny; she is,” says Adam.

“Yeah, I think she is. She’s so different than the past; that’s all,” 
replies Danny.

“Well let’s drink up and go shoot some hoops or something,” says Adam.

“Yeah let’s; I am tired of all this thinking stuff,” says Danny. Both 
boys drink down their juice and go off to play.

After about 30 minutes of playing, Adam’s bladder tells him it’s time 
to be emptied. He wonders if Danny feels the same. Adam sort of rubs 
himself a bit in an attempt to ease his discomfort. He squirms and 
crosses his legs. Danny of course notices these actions and smiles at 
his friend. He then says, “Need to pee do you Adam?”

Adam looks at his friend with a ‘caught’ look on his face. He smiles 
and replies, Yeah; all that juice wants to come out.”

Danny laughs and says, “Mine too. I can’t hold it much longer.”

Both boys then realize their situation and that they are wearing just 
the right underpants for such feelings. Adam returns Danny’s smile and 
says, “Then way are we holding it in, let’s pee our pants!”

With this acknowledgement of their situation both boys stand up, face 
each other looking at the other’s crotch and relax. Their bladders 
respond and immediately begin releasing their urine. Both boys sigh in 
relief as they pee their pants, or actually their GoodNites. Adam feels 
such relief and pleasure as his pee enters his GoodNite; it quickly 
warms him. Danny watches Adam as he’s doing the same thing. Their 
GoodNites do their job and contain all the pee they receive. Neither 
boy sees any wet mark appear on the other.

After a good minute or so of wetting, Danny says, “Oh wow that was just 
the best!”

“It sure was!” replies Adam. “We just peed our pants…and no one can 

The boys sit down on the grass and savor their feelings. They just 
behaved as toddler’s do; they were playing, had to pee and did so…in 
their pants. Satisfaction can be seen on both Adam and Danny’s face. 
They are very pleased with this behavior and especially their 
feelings…of being naughty boys who just wet their pants.

Not long after peeing, the boys go inside to Danny’s room where they 
change their diapers…GoodNites. As they do, both boys notice and smell 
the yellow stains left in them. “Goes these are good Danny,” says Adam. 
“Yeah, they are,” replies Danny. They decide to change their pants to 
shorts. Knowing that they could wear the previously peed-in pants when 
they choose gives them a sense of control. Since it is close to dinner 
time, the boys go watch some TV in the Family Room.

As Adam, Danny and his parents enjoy their dinner dad says, “How about 
we go out for some ice cream in awhile?”

“Yeah!” say the boys in unison. Linda smiles to herself as she observes 
the two ‘diaper-wearing’, she means ‘GoodNites-wearing’ boys. They are 
so happy together and appear to her that the last thing on their mind 
is their underpants. She reckons they couldn’t be happier even if they 
tried. “These boys like wearing diapers,” she thinks. This observation 
pleases her and she makes a mental note to share it with Barbara later.

As dinner finishes, Linda looks at her son and Adam and says, “How 
about you two doing the dishes? When they’re done, we’ll go out for 
that ice cream?” She wasn’t sure what to expect as a response from them 
and waited. She didn’t wait long as Danny responded, “Sure mom! Won’t 
we?” as he looks to Adam. He looks back at Danny and says, “Yeah, we 
can do them for you.”

“Well, thank you two,” says Danny’s dad.

“Anytime dad,” replies Danny.

His parents go to the Family Room as the boys do the dishes. “Well I 
sure expected a little fight from them with that request,” says Linda.

“Yeah, me too,” says dad. “This sleepover thing is turning out much 
better than I had figured.”

“Yes it is Honey, and I am not sure I know why but I have a strong 

“Yeah and what is that?” says dad.

She looks at him and smiles. “I think it’s their diapers. I mean 
GoodNites. I haven’t seen Danny this cheerful and outgoing in some 
time. I like him this way, even if he is wearing them and wetting his 
pants. Things could be much worse.”

“I agree with you there. So our 12-year old boy and his friend wear 
diapers; no big deal,” says dad. They chat more about family issues as 
Adam and Danny clean up the kitchen.

“We’re all done!” says an excited Danny as he and Adam walk up to his 

“Okay, now for that ice cream,” says his dad.

Linda looks at the boys and says, “Do either of you need a change 
before we go?”

Both boys blush hearing Linda’s question. The idea of taking openly 
about ‘changing’ and stuff still embarrasses them. They look at each 
other and then run to Danny’s bedroom.

“Such two cute babies,” says Linda. “I just wanted to make sure they 
were okay away from home with their underwear, you know,” she says to 

“I know Honey,” he replies, “I think they are quite humorous too.”

It doesn’t take the boys long to change their wet GoodNites. There was 
no time for any ‘checking ‘em out’; they were going out for ice cream. 
They return to find Danny’s parents waiting by the front door. As they 
leave the house Linda gently pats and rubs her son’s bottom, feeling 
his fresh GoodNite. She looks down at him and winks. He gives her a big 
smile and a hug. The foursome is now off for an ice cream adventure.

As dad drives, Danny and Adam start ticking one another in the back 
seat. “You two better watch out; you’ll be filling your fresh diapers, 
I mean GoodNites before we even get to the parlor,” says Linda. The 
boys do stop their horseplay and then Adam says, “Yeah Danny, you might 
have another accident ‘cause you haven’t peed that much.”

Danny looked at Adam surprised at his comment and says, “Yeah but I 
didn’t need to go. I am okay now anyway. I think the GoodNites will 
work just fine.”

Then as Linda turns to face the boys’ replies, “I am glad that you two 
are noticing these little things about your GoodNites. I am impressed. 
You are thinking of the consequences of what happens when you pee them. 
That’s good to know.” She smiles and then turns back around.

Adam and Danny look at each other, not fully understand what Linda 
said, but did pick up that she’s impressed with them. They both 
shrugged their shoulders and looked out the windows to check out the 
sights as they drive.

After they order their ice cream, the foursome sits at a table to enjoy 
it. Then a family walks in and one of them is a classmate of Danny. 
They see each other and the boy, Jeff walks up to the table and says, 
“Hi Danny, hi Adam.”

”Hi Jeff,” says Danny and Adam. “These are my parents,” adds Danny.

“Nice to meet you Jeff,” says Linda. Then Jeff’s parents walk over and 
more introductions are made. Jeff and his parents then go off and place 
their order.

The foursome chats about their ice cream and tomorrow’s plans; they 
then get up and leave. As they do so, they walk past Jeff and his 
parents. Back in their car Danny says with an excited tone in his 
voice, “Gosh that was soooo cool! We meet a friend and I was in 
diapers…I mean GoodNite and no one knew but us. Wow that was really 

“Yeah it was Danny. I was scared at first but since we didn’t stand up 
or anything, there’s no way he could tell.” Linda likes the fact that 
the boys’ are openly talking about their diaper-wearing. She wants the 
conversation to continue and turns around to face them saying, “Boys, 
your GoodNites are only a bit thicker than your regular underwear. I 
don’t think anyone would notice them even if you did stand and walk 
around. They didn’t notice at school did they?”

Danny replies, “Yeah you’re right mom, but when we were talking to 
Jeff…I had to go…and I did!”

“Yes Honey I could tell you were peeing your pants,” replies Linda with 
a smile.

Adam and Danny look at each other and then Danny says, “You did? You 

“Yes Honey,” replies Linda as she pats her son’s leg. “It’s one of 
those mommy things we do; and its okay. You just had an expression on 
your face that became more relaxed as you talked with Jeff, that’s all. 
I think it was quite cute too.”

“Why cute mom?” asks Danny.

Linda giggles a bit and then says, “Because my boy was doing something 
that he really likes, that most boys don’t do and he pulled it off with 
no one knowing; while eating ice cream on a Friday night at the local 
parlor. You guys are adapting quite well to your new underwear; you 
should be pleased.”

Adam and Danny look at each other again. Then his dad adds, “And 
besides that, you two showed us tonight that you are taking this 
’naughty boys’ behavior with responsibility.”

“Naughty boys?” replies a surprised Danny.

Both parents laugh a bit at this comment. They look at each other and 
then his dad says, “Yes; isn’t that how you two feel when you’re 
wearing and using your GoodNites?”

The boys look at each other, confused and surprised. Danny then says, 
“Well yeah, I guess so.”

“It’s okay son, it really is. Your mom and I have agreed to allow you 
and you too Adam to behave this way; to act like ‘naughty boys’ and 
wear diapers…I mean GoodNites. Life gets more challenging every day; 
you two want to stay young and that’s good. What you are doing isn’t 
hurting anyone and you both get a big thrill out of it. We do too 
watching you. So just relax and pee your pants. Your mom and I have 
your backside.”

Both boys are now really surprised; Danny especially, at his parent’s 
insight into he and Adam’s behavior. They know everything and it’s all 
okay. “Wow, that’s all so amazing; thanks dad, thanks mom,” says Danny.

“Yeah, thanks from me too,” adds Adam.

“You’re both quite welcome,” says Linda. “We know that you two are 
taking a big chance by choosing to wear GoodNites, and we are here for 
you both, to help you, guide you and change you along the way. “

“Wow, thanks mom,” replies Danny.

“Yeah, thanks,” adds Adam.

“You’re both welcome,” says Linda as she turns back around. She looks 
at her husband and they both smile. This sleepover is going along just 

Back at their house, the boy’ go off to Danny’s room while his parents 
go to the Family Room.

“Wow Danny,” says Adam as he sits down on Danny’s bed; the plastic 
mattress protector crinkling as he does. “You’re parents are soooo 
cool. They know everything about us, even your dad.”

“Yeah, I am just as surprised as you. I like the way things are going 
too. We can be ‘naughty boys’ and its okay!”

“Yeah, me too,” says Adam as he lies down, placing his hands under his 
head staring up at the ceiling. “I never thought that peeing my pants 
would be so much fun and that I could do it and wear diapers…I mean 
GoodNites too. I sure hope my folks feel the way yours do.”

“I think they will,” replies Danny as he sits at his desk looking over 
at Adam.

Time passes and the boys’ find themselves in Danny’s bed; each one 
thinking about the day’s events. Each boy also has his hand on his 
crotch feeling their GoodNite and penis beneath it. What will tomorrow 
bring? Can it be as good as today?

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 7 – The Next Day

Dawn finds Danny’s household quiet and peaceful. Birds can be heard 
chirping in the neighboring trees. Adam stirs and then opens his eyes. 
He processes his surroundings and realizes where he is. He finds his 
crotch and rubs it gently. To his surprise, it feels different and 
full. He rubs it more and then sticks a finger under the edge. He 
pushes it inside his GoodNite and then pulls it out. He brings it up to 
his nose and sniffs it. “Oh wow,” he says. “I wet myself during the 
night! This is soooo cool! I am a bedwetter in diapers!” He smells his 
finger again and sighs; he likes the way his day is beginning.

As he lies in Danny’s bed he hears one of Danny’s parents walk by the 
bedroom and go to the kitchen area. Adam decides to get up and go see 
who it is. He’s wearing a t-shirt and his wet GoodNite. When he walks 
into the kitchen he sees Danny’s mom preparing coffee. She turns around 
and says, “Good morning Adam. How did you sleep?”

“Oh I slept just fine. And I feel rested now too.”

“That’s good honey. You had a big day yesterday and it’s good to get 
your rest. How did your GoodNite work?”

He looks down at it and then back to Linda with a little redness in his 
face. “Oh it works just great. Danny’s bed is dry.”

“And your GoodNite is wet. I am glad you were wearing it,” says Linda.

“Yeah me too! I haven’t wet my bed for awhile. These GoodNites pants 
are really good.”

“I am glad you like them, Adam. I agree with you too. Boys’ that have 
wetting issues should wear them or something similar so they can keep 
from having those embarrassing accidents.”

‘Yeah, I think so, too,” replies Adam.

“Have a seat honey while I get this coffee on and start breakfast,” 
says Linda.

“Ugh, it’s okay to just wear what I have on?” asks Adam.

“Certainly honey; we’re all one family here; have a seat,” says Linda.

Adam does so and watches Linda as she finishes the coffee. She then 
turns to him and says, “Would you mind going out to the front yard and 
bring in the morning paper?”

Adam looks surprised and replies, “In just my diaper…I mean my 

“Sure, I doubt any neighbors are up. Besides, don’t you think it will 
be kind of…exciting…wearing a wet diaper outside?”

Adam smiles and nods; he gets up and does as asked. After opening the 
front door he peers out to check the neighborhood and locate the paper. 
The neighborhood is quiet and he can see no one. He can’t see the 
newspaper though. “Here goes,”’ he says to himself as he ventures out 
in search of the paper.

As Adam is out retrieving the paper, Danny appears in the kitchen 
dressed the same as Adam, including a wet GoodNite. He says, “Good 
morning mom; have you seen Adam?”

“Oh good morning honey. Yes I have; he’s out getting the paper. Have a 

Danny does so and then says, “Ugh… is he wearing pants mom?”

Without looking up from her work Linda replies with a smile on her face 
as she is enjoying this talk very much, “No honey, he’s dressed the 
same as you.”


“Yes, really!” replies Linda as she now looks at her son and smiles. 
“Go have a look for yourself, if you don’t believe me.”

“I will, I will,” says Danny as he gets up and goes off to find his 
friend. “Those two are just so cute and funny they way they carry on 
about wearing diapers. I know they like them; it’s just funny that they 
haven’t admitted it yet to themselves. I hope they both end up looking 
for the paper and are seen by all the neighbors. It will give them 
something to gossip over and we’ll be laughing the whole time. And 
besides, they probably can’t tell that the boys’ are wearing diaper- 
pants; they look like they are in their underpants getting the morning 
paper. What’s the big deal?” thinks Linda as she continues with 
preparing breakfast.

“Hi Hon,” says dad as he gives Linda’s butt a gentle squeeze and then a 
kiss on her neck.

“OH! You startled me!” says Linda as she turns to her husband. They 

“Good, I like to startle you,” replies dad as he hugs his wife. “By the 
way, where are the boys? I checked Danny’s room and its empty?”

“They’re out getting the morning paper. I expect them back any moment,” 
replies Linda.

“Oh good,” says dad as he sits down at the table.

Within a minute or so the diaper-clad boys come into the kitchen. Adam 
has the paper and hands it to Danny’s dad saying, “Good morning. Here’s 
your hand-delivered paper.”

“Thank you Adam.” Says dad as he stares at both boys, but says nothing. 
His son fills him in on the details.

“Gosh mom, that was soooo exciting! We we’re outside in our diapers…I 
mean GoodNites!”

“Well I thought it might give you a thrill. I bet none of the neighbors 
were outside anyway. I am glad you both enjoyed that little bit of 
fun,” says Linda.

“Oh yeah we did!” replies Adam. “I’ve never done anything like that 
before! It was exciting.”

“Well have a seat you two, breakfast is coming,” says Linda.

After breakfast, Linda has the boys take a morning shower before doing 
anything more. They gladly comply as they race back to Danny’s room.

“Those two are having such a good time together,” says dad.

“Yeah, isn’t it grand?” replies Linda.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want them any other way; diapers and all,” says dad.

“Me either. They act as if they’re six or seven, not in their early 
teens. They do make me laugh and smile, most of the time. I wonder how 
today will go?” says Linda.

“I am sure a lot like yesterday. I bet you there’ll even be an accident 
or two,” says dad.

“Well I am not taking that bet honey. Those two definitely like wearing 
GoodNites and using them too. Anyway, it is their pants,” replies 

Danny lets Adam have his shower first. He plays in his room until Adam 
appears wrapped in a towel. “Okay Danny, I am done. That shower sure 
felt refreshing,” says Adam as he sits on Danny’s bed.

“Yeah I bet; I hope you saved me some hot water,” replies Danny as he 
gets up.

“Yeah I did; I didn’t take too long,” says Adam.

“Good; I’ll be back soon and then we can plan out our day,” says Danny 
as he leaves his room.

Adam lies down on Danny’s bed and stares at the ceiling. He’s thinking 
about wetting the bed last night, something he hasn’t done in a long 
time. He’s not upset about it, he just wonders why; was it because he 
was wearing a GoodNite? Was it because Danny wets his bed? Was it 
because he and Danny had been in GoodNites most of yesterday and used 
them too? He doesn’t get any answers to his questions. He’s okay with 
this and decides to talk to his mom about it when he goes back home. 
“Maybe she can help me understand what’s going on,” he thinks. He then 
replays in his mind his morning outside…in a wet GoodNite getting the 
newspaper…with just at-shirt and his diaper on. “Wow that was scary and 
exciting! I was just like a little kid. I looked down at wet diaper and 
just got this feeling of excitement. I wanted to find the paper as 
quickly as I could and get back in the house. I kept looking and 
looking and just when I saw it, Danny can out…in his wet diaper! I 
started giggling at him and him at me. I picked up the paper and we 
both ran into the house. My heart was beating so fast. I told Danny 
that that was fun! I liked doing it, a lot.” As he remembers his trip 
outside, he realizes that his hand is on his towel-covered crotch and 
his penis is harder than usual. He likes this feeling and thinks that 
it is because of what he was just thinking. “I don’t mind acting like a 
little kid and wearing diapers. It is exciting and fun,” he thinks. He 
then realizes that he better get dressed. “Am I going to wear a 
GoodNite, now?” he asks himself.

As he sits up and before he can decide what to wear Danny’s mom appears 
at the bedroom door and says to him, “Everything okay Adam?”

He replies as he makes sure that his privates are covered, “Yeah, 
everything is just great. I am deciding what to wear, that’s all.”

“Oh that’s good to hear. I was a little worried,” Linda says.

“Worried, about what?” replies Adam.

Linda then walks into the bedroom and sits down on Danny’s bed. Adam 
still sits on it with his legs out in front of him. “Well,” says Linda, 
“I was worried that you might be upset…or something because I asked you 
to get the morning paper…dressed in just your wet diaper and t-shirt; 
and that you were worried ‘cause you wet the bed, I mean your diaper 
last night.”

Adam gets a big smile on his face hearing what Linda just said and 
replies, “Oh no! I wasn’t upset at all. It was really exciting doing 
it. I was scared and excited at the same time. It was great; thanks for 
suggesting it. I’d do it again too. And wetting the bed isn’t bothering 
me at all. I guess I am getting use to the GoodNites.”

“Oh that’s good to hear. I didn’t want to embarrass you or anything, 
but I thought you might find it exciting. I am glad that you’re okay 
with your wetting too,” says Linda.

“Oh I sure did find it exciting. It was so much fun; I told that to 
Danny too. I felt just like a little kid,” says Adam.

“And what I can gather Adam, that doesn’t bother you at all, feeling 
like a little kid who has potty problems,” says Linda.

“Oh no, not at all; I like the feeling,” says Adam.

“Oh that’s good to know honey. So what are you and Danny doing today? 
What will you wear?”

“We haven’t decided; we’re going to talk about it when he’s done with 
his shower,” says Adam.

“Well good. If you have any questions or need help with anything, don’t 
be afraid to ask me. I am here for you and Danny this whole weekend, 
okay?” says Linda.

“Okay. I will; thanks, thanks for everything. This sleepover is just 
the best,” says Adam.

“I agree with you Adam; I think it’s going just fine and will get 
better for everyone too,” says Linda as she stands up.

“I sure hope so,” says Adam.

Linda rubs Adam’s damp hair and then leaves the room. “Gosh that was so 
cool talking with Danny’s mom like that; about diapers and bedwetting 
and being a little kid,” thinks Adam. He then gets ups and walks over 
to Danny’s dresser, opens the top drawer and takes out a fresh 
GoodNite. He thinks as he starts to put it on, “Well if I like being a 
little kid then I am going to wear a diaper, just like one.” He gets it 
on and adjusts it around his legs and remembers the baby powder. “Oh 
yeah, I need some of that too: I don’t want any nasty diaper rash.” He 
finds the powder, pulls his GoodNite down a bit and sprinkles some 
inside it. He then pulls the GoodNite back up and gets it to fit just 
fine. He walks over to Danny’s mirror and looks at himself. “Wow, I 
look just like a little kid in diapers!” He then finds his shorts and 
pulls them up over his diaper. As he’s doing this, Danny appears and 
says, “So you ready to go yet?”

Adam looks at him and says, “Almost; just need a shirt and my shoes and 
I’ll be good to go.”

“So what do you feel like doing Danny?” asks Adam as he watches his 
friend follow the same routine of putting on a GoodNite, with baby 
powder too. Adam smiles to himself and thinks, “Yes, we’re going to be 
little kids no matter what we do or where we go!”

Danny too looks at himself in his diaper. He gets a pair of shorts and 
sits down on his bed, next to Adam. As he puts on his shorts he says, 
“Well how about we go to the park first and then maybe to the video 
games arcade. By then it’ll be lunchtime and we can get back here. I’ll 
probably need to change my diaper…I mean GoodNite by then.”

“Yeah, me too. That sounds like a great plan. Let’s do it!”

The boys finish dressing and run out to the Family Room to tell Danny’s 
parents their plans.

“Well have fun you two kids,” says his dad.

“Be sure that each of you takes a bottle of water, we don’t want you 
dehydrated. And we’ll see you back here for lunch,” adds his mom.

The boys nod and smile. Danny goes and gets two water bottles from the 
refrigerator and before you knew it, they are out the front door.

“Well, that went well,” says Linda.

“Yes, I do believe those two are having a grand time together,” says 

“Especially wearing their diapers too,” giggles Linda. “Could you tell 
they were wearing them?”

“Yeah, I could,” says dad.

“I must call Barbara and fill her in on what these two have been up to. 
I think she’ll like hearing the news; besides, I want to see how Debbie 
is doing,” says Linda who goes off to get the phone. Dad goes to the 

“Hi Barbara,” says Linda as Barbara answers her phone.

“Oh hi Linda, I was thinking about you and our boys’ this morning. How 
are things going with them?”

“Oh Barbara, they are just too funny,” says Linda. She then says, “How 
are the girls doing without their brothers to tease or to be pestering 

“Oh, they’re fine; girls can be so easy at times. They chat away about 
all kinds of things; mostly about boys though I feel,” says Barbara.

“Well our sons seem to be thinking a lot about their bodily fluids; and 
where to release them. And as you know, they prefer to use their pants 
for this purpose,” says Linda. She fills Barbara in on the fact that 
both boys have worn GoodNites the entire time and that they both woke 
up in them… wet. Linda expected this from her son but was surprised 
that Adam wet the bed too. She tells Barbara that they had a good talk 
about it and that Adam thinks it happened because he was wearing the 

“Well it’s a good thing then that they both had them on,” says Barbara.

“Yes it sure was,” replies Linda.

“They are now off to the park and then maybe the video arcade. I expect 
them back by lunchtime,” says Linda.

“Well I hope they enjoy themselves; and have fun in their new 
underpants,” says Barbara.

“I am sure they will Barbara. I only wonder if they’ll show up back 
here with wet shorts or not. We’ll just have to wait and see,” says 

“Yes, I don’t think we have much say what they’ll do now. Maybe just 
wearing the diapers will be enough of a thrill for them; and then again 
maybe wetting them…just a little…will excite them too,” says Barbara.

“It’s ‘just a little’ that I am not too sure of,” replies Linda.

“Yeah, they just might get carried away with themselves…and then we’ll 
have a better idea as to where they are going with this ‘naughty boy’ 
play of theirs,” says Barbara.

“Well you have a good day Barbara; I’ll fill you in later, when they 
get home. And say hi to my daughter for me, will you?” asks Linda.

“Will do Linda. Talk with you later. Have a good day yourself. Bye,” 
says Barbara.

“Bye Barbara,” says Linda.

As Adam and Danny walk to the park they talk about what they’ve done 
with their GoodNites and how Danny’s parents seem to be okay with it. 
Danny is most surprised by the change in their attitude towards him, 
especially from his mom. He tells Adam that he hopes she doesn’t change 
her mind and start punishing him for behaving ‘like a toddler’. Adam 
doesn’t think she will. After all, she had us both outside this 
morning, getting the paper…in our wet diapers! This makes Danny feel 
more at ease. They then talk about how they both wet the bed, or more 
precisely, in the bed last night. Adam tells Danny that he thinks he 
wet because he was wearing a GoodNite. Danny agrees with him. They both 
like the fact that they did wet and that they were diapered.

By now, they reach the park and check to see if they know anyone. At 
first glance, they don’t see any friend or classmates. There are some 
families though with little kids playing on the swings and jungle gym. 
They decide to hang out for awhile and see if any one shows up. In the 
meantime they observe the little kids.

“Hey Adam, do you think that boy over there (pointing to him) has a 
diaper on? His pants look kind of puffy to me,” says Danny.

Adam checks the boy out and turns to Danny smiling, “Yeah, I do believe 
he’s diapered; his pants are bulging in his butt.”

“Do you think he minds that?” asks Danny.

“He seems not to care at all; he’s having a good time playing,” says 

“Lucky kid to be diapered at his age, I think,” says Danny.

“Yeah, that would be cool to be diapered like that,” says Adam.

“Well Adam,” says Danny, “we’re sort of are diapered too; and I think 
it’s cool.”

“Yeah, I do too Danny; we can do whatever we need to in them and no one 
will know. I wonder if my mom would ever have me wear diapers, you know 
real disposable diapers,” says Adam.

“I don’t know Adam. I wonder what my mom would do too. Would I mind 
wearing diapers?” says Danny, “Just like a ‘little kid’.”

The boys look at each other, contemplating their latest revelation 
about being put back into ‘diapers’; real full-on baby-type diapers. 
Nothing more is said, however each boy wonders what it would be like to 
wear diapers. Adam’s penis gets a tingling feeling as he thinks about 
his mom making him wear diapers, because he keeps wetting his pants. 
“Do I want them? Would I have to ask for them? Who would change me? How 
would they feel?” thinks Adam.

They return their attention to the park and watch the ongoing activity. 
Both boys have a drink of water.

Meanwhile, Barbara is thinking about her son and the news from Linda 
that he wet himself last night in bed. “That boy does like to wet 
himself; that is becoming more and more evident to me. So, the first 
thing I’m going to do is to put the plastic mattress protector on his 
bed. Then I am going to check out the internet for ‘boys in diapers’ 
and see what I can learn.” Barbara does just that. She also decides to 
change his bed sheets.

When she lifts up the mattress to place the protector on it she sees 
something under it. “What do we have here?” she thinks as she retrieves 
the papers. She sits down on the mattress that is now covered in 
plastic and checks out her find. “Well, well, Adam, you do have an 
interest in diapers as well as peeing your pants.” In her hands are 
advertisements for disposable diapers, both adult and baby diapers. She 
looks at the ads and thinks, “Well, there’s no question now in my mind 
that Adam wants to wear diapers. He’s wet his pants and wet his 
GoodNite in bed last night for the first time in years. He’ll probably 
realize that I found these when he sits on his bed and hears this 
plastic protector. So what do I do?” She replaces the papers back where 
she found them and continues with making up Adam’s bed. She then gets 
herself another cup of coffee and goes to the computer. “Time to see 
what I can do for my boy, my ‘little boy’ who just loves to wet his 
pants,” she thinks.

Back at the park, some friends of Danny show up and the boys toss a 
football around. All the while, Adam is thinking of diapers, ‘baby- 
type’ diapers and how they’d feel, how he could wet them. He feels a 
tingling sensation in his GoodNite all the while he’s contemplating 
wearing diapers. He wonders what Danny is thinking; whether he wants 
‘baby’ diapers too.

After some good time playing, the boys take a rest, sitting around. 
Adam and Danny both finish their water and are glad that Linda had them 
take it. Both Adam and Danny are conscious of the fact they are wearing 
GoodNites as their underwear, but the other boys don’t seem to notice. 
“It’s not like they are very full anyway,” thinks Adam. “What am I 
worried about? I like them! I like wearing and using them!” He further 
thinks. He also checks out the crotch area of Danny’s friends and 
wonders what they have as their underwear. It does not appear as if 
they are wearing anything bulky.

As the boys chat, Adam feels the need to pee. He smiles to himself and 
thinks,” Yes! I can do this; I want to do this! I am going to pee my 
pants right now!” And with little effort, he relaxes and begins to 
urinate into his GoodNite. “This feels awesome,” he thinks. “I’m 
wetting myself and no one but me knows. Gosh I like this.”

The group decides that they’ll all go and check out the video arcade 
and proceed to walk there. Adam enjoys the feel of his partially full 
GoodNite as they walk and wonders if Danny has wet his too. He looks at 
his butt but can’t tell anything.

As they boys play their video games, Danny feels the need to pee and 
does so. He sighs in relief as he feels the warmth around his penis and 
balls as he wets himself. This is however his second wetting. He peed 
himself as the boys walked to the arcade. Danny is now getting a little 
worried and stops the flow of urine. He does not want another ‘wet 
pants’ accident as he had yesterday…at least not now…with his friends 
with him. He looks to find Adam and walks over to him.

He quietly says, “Hey Adam how’s your diaper?”

Adam looks at Danny and replies, “It’s wet, how about yours?”

“Yeah mine too,” says Danny. “In fact I just peed again. I don’t want 
to start leaking here. Do you think we should head back soon and 

Adam looks around and then back to Danny, “Yeah we could. Let me finish 
this one game. I am about done.”

“Okay,” says Danny. He watches Adam play and is surprised at how good 
Adam is with it. After about 5 minutes Adam wins the game and the two 
boys find Danny’s friends and tell them that they’re leaving. They say 
their good-byes and then Adam and Danny start walking home.

“Gosh, that was soooo cool Adam,” says Danny. “I really like being able 
to pee myself anytime and have the GoodNite hide it.”

“Yeah me too. I peed my pants when we were still at the park talking. 
It felt really neat. I just wish these GoodNites could hold more. That 
way we wouldn’t have to change them so often.”

“Yeah me too,” says Danny. “But our butts would be bigger don’t you 

“Yeah, I suppose so, but I think it would be better. I don’t know how 
we’d get bigger ones anyway,” says Adam.

The boys walk on and as they do Adam pees himself a bit as soon as the 
urge comes. He doesn’t hold it at all; he just pees his pants and feels 
like such the ‘naughty boy’ as the warmth spreads out into his 
GoodNite. So far their GoodNites have held everything they’ve placed 
into them. They feel nice and full to both of them.

They finally reach Danny’s house and go inside. They don’t see either 
parent and proceed to Danny’s room. There, they begin to change their 
wet diapers. Linda here’s them come in; she’s at the computer. She gets 
up and goes to Danny’s room where she sees the two with their shorts 
off and their wet diapers proudly visible.

“Well,” she says, “It looks as if you two had a good time out. Have any 

They both look at her and blush a bit. She sees this and smiles, “Such 
boys,” she thinks.

“No, we got back here with no leaks mom,” says Danny.

“Well that’s good. Are you going to change into more GoodNites now?” 
she asks, knowing the answer she expects to hear.

The boys look at each other and then Danny replies rather sheepishly, 
“Yeah…we thought we’d stay in the GoodNites…if that’s alright.”

Linda chuckles and says, “Of course you can; we don’t want any wet 
pants here now do we?”

The boys smile back and begin to eagerly change themselves.

“Now be sure to wipe yourselves and use the baby powder; you won’t want 
a diaper rash. When you’re done, I’ll have lunch ready in the kitchen. 
See you in a few minutes,” says Linda as she leaves the boys to their 

“Well that went well,” she thinks. “Those two are showing some 
responsibility and good judgment. I was sort of hoping they’d show up 
with wet pants though; they’d look so cute that way.”

“Wow Danny, your mom is so cool about us wearing these GoodNites…all 
the time! I sure hope my mom does too,” says Adam as he goes about 
removing his wet diaper.

“Yeah, I sure like being able to wear them all the time,” replies 
Danny. Both boys check out the inside of their GoodNite to see the 
extent of their wetting and to see how much if any space was left for 
more pee. They are learning how to use their new underwear in such a 
manner that they can enjoy without anyone knowing…that is if they can 
keep from peeing too often.

After the family finishes their lunch Linda tells the boys and dad that 
she needs to go out for some errands and offers Danny and Adam to 
accompany her. She wants to encourage them to lead normal lives, even 
though they wear diapers…ah…GoodNites. She also hopes that they agree 
to join her as she is interested in observing them out in public more. 
The boys look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Danny then says, 
“Yeah mom, we’ll go with you.” Linda says to herself, “YES, these two 
are so cute!”

As they are about to leave Linda turns to the boys and says, “Everyone 
ready? Need to check your pants before we go?”

The boys again blush a bit and shake their heads, no. “Okay, let’s go!” 
says Linda as she smiles at their reaction and leads them to the car.

Linda and the boys make several stops for various necessities for her 
household. Occasionally Linda observes the boys for any signs of 
discomfort or problems. So far nothing is out of the ordinary. They now 
find themselves in a pharmacy where Linda needs to purchase some goods. 
As she pushes the cart up and down the aisles, she again watches the 
boys. Now she directs them up a new aisle, one that has shelves of 
incontinence products, among other items too. There she sees if either 
of the boys’ pays any attention to these items. Too her surprise, Danny 
walks by and does not even look. Adam however does look at them and in 
particular a bag of small size briefs. There is a full-size diaper on 
the package that seems to draw Adam’s attention. Linda watches him as 
she pushes the cart past him. As she does, they make eye contact and 
Linda gives him a nice smile and a wink. She lets him know that what 
he’s doing is fine and that she understands him. Nothing is said and 
the threesome moves onto other aisles.

They now find themselves on the baby aisle that has shelf after shelf 
of baby diapers in numerous sizes and packages. Again she observes the 
boys. This time they both stop and look at the display of GoodNites. 
Danny slowly turns and looks at his mom. She smiles and says, “We have 
a full package at home boys. Do you think we should get more?” Danny 
blushes and says, “Do you have to say it so loud?”

“Honey, I am not speaking loud. There is no one but us in the aisle. 
Why are you so nervous?” asks his mom.

“‘Because it’s the baby diapers aisle, that’s why,” says Danny.

“But they have your size here too honey,” replies Linda. She purposely 
uses those words to see how Danny reacts.

“Oh mom,” says an exasperated Danny. He’s more embarrassed than 
anything and just wants to get away from them diapers without being 

“So…shall we get another package for you?” she asks again.

Adam watches this exchange and feels it is a little humorous. After 
all, he and Danny have been going through the GoodNites a t a pretty 
good rate. Linda looks at Adam and he nods yes. She then says, “I agree 
with Adam. Please grab a package of the XL’s and place it in the cart 
for me.”

“Sure thing,” Adam replies as he proceeds to pull a bag of the proper 
sized GoodNites off the shelf and places it in the cart.

“Thank you Adam. Now we can move on,” Linda says.

They travel through the remainder of the aisles and finally end up at 
the check stand area. Linda looks at the boys and says as she looks 
toward the incontinence aisle, “Is there anything we missed or you 
think we need?”

The boys look at each other and make no comment. Then Adam looks at 
Linda, with a look of wishful thoughts. She picks up on this and thinks 
about what she should do. “I believe he wants the diaper briefs,” she 
thinks. As they stare at each other, Adam gives a nod toward Danny and 
then rolls his eyes to indicate that Danny wouldn’t want them. At least 
this is what Linda perceives Adam to be saying with his body language. 
She’s now unsure of what to do. She doesn’t mind the fact that Adam is 
interested in them; she’s more concerned of what Danny will say or 
think. She then decides to take the bull by the horns.

She says to Danny, “So you are fine; you don’t need anything more?”

Danny looks rather quizzically and replies, “Yes mom, I am fine; don’t 
need anything more.”

“Good,” she says. Then she looks at Adam and says, “If there’s anything 
you think we missed or need you may go get it and we’ll be here. It’s 
okay Adam, it really is.” She smiles and gives him a wink.

Adam’s heart rate immediately rises. He knows that she knows that he 
wants the diapers. And it’s okay with her too. “What shall I do?” he 

Danny looks at his mom who is looking at Adam. Danny then looks at him 
too. He sees that he’s looking, staring at his mom. He thinks, “What’s 
going on?”

Time seems to stand still for Adam. He doesn’t know what to do; he 
knows what he’d like to do but is unsure if he should. “What will Danny 
think?” he thinks to himself.

Linda can tell that Adam is unsure of what to do. She then says, 
“Danny, you stay here with the cart. Adam, come with me,”

Linda does not wait for a response from her son; she gives him a quick 
glance and look, as if to say, “Just do it. We’ll be right back.” She 
then puts her hand on Adam’s shoulder and gently pushes him away from 
Danny and towards the appropriate aisle. As they turn up the aisle 
Linda says, “Adam it’s okay Honey. Show me what you’d like.”

Adam looks at her as they walk and tries to talk. He finally stumbles 
out, “I…don’t know…I mean…Danny and I…and I…have talked…and….”

Linda sees that he’s very nervous and takes his hand. She can feel his 
pulse rate and knows she’s doing the right thing. “This poor boy really 
wants diapers and doesn’t know how Danny or maybe his mom will react,” 
she thinks. With all the discussions she’s had with Adam’s mom about 
their boys and their poor potty habits and wettings, she doesn’t think 
Barbara would mind at all if Adam gets some real diapers. And as for 
Danny, he needs them too she thinks, “He’s just doesn’t know it yet.”

“Honey, please show me what you’d like,” says Linda as they continue 
down the aisle.

“Are you…sure?” asks Adam.

“Yes Honey I am very sure. Don’t worry about Danny, I’ll handle him,” 
she says.


Linda stops and so does Adam as she’s got his hand.

“Adam honey, please show me what you think you might like,” says Linda.

Adam looks at her with a scared little boy look. She smiles at him. 
“Please show me Adam,” she then says.

Adam, still looking at Linda turns toward the shelf of diapers and 
looks for the package he’d previously seen. He finds it and slowly 
points to it. Linda was ‘spot on’ he points to adult disposable briefs, 
size small. He looks back at Linda, with that same scared look.

“Well honey, I think you’re making the right choice,” says Linda. “From 
what I can tell, both of you could use these and be safe from 
embarrassing leaks for hours and hours.”

“But I don’t think Danny wants…”

Linda stops him and says, “Don’t worry about Danny honey; he’s my 
problem, not yours. You need to look after Adam; if you feel that you’d 
like these diapers, I’ll get them for you. We’ll let Danny use the 
GoodNites, okay?”

“Are you sure? What’s my mom going to say?” replies Adam.

“She’s going to say, “Wow my son knows what he wants and isn’t afraid 
to ask; that’s good,” so Adam, the choice is yours. Everything will be 
just fine,” says Linda.

Adam’s heart rate again increase and Linda feels it through his clasped 
hand. “Will he pick up the package of diapers?” Linda thinks.

Adam all of a sudden feels the urgent need to pee; as if it’s being 
scared out of him. He can’t stop it and begins to wet his GoodNite. 
Linda can sense something is going on and through his body language, 
looks down at his crotch. She sees him spread his legs a bit and flex 
his knees, as if to get comfortable.

She then says, “It’s okay Honey, just let it go. You’re wearing a 
diaper so don’t worry; you need to go so, just pee.”

Adam looks at her and almost starts crying. He’s so scared; he’s peeing 
his diaper pants and is about to get real diapers; something he’s 
thought of a lot. What Linda doesn’t know is that Adam has peed himself 
early in their travels and is about to over fill his GoodNite. He feels 
scared and excited. He pees and as he’s doing so grabs the package of 
diapers and says, “Let’s go…before I start to leak,”

“Yes, let’s,” says Linda as she turns around and pulls Adam down the 
aisle. He’s still peeing himself and trying to stem the flow. His heart 
rate is going faster and Linda thinks, “Well this boy knows what he 
needs. I am so glad we got him his real diapers; he’ll be much safer 
and happier in them. I hope he doesn’t leak…too much.”

Danny sees his mom and Adam approach. He notices that she’s got him by 
his hand, and that Adam is carrying…what…DIAPERS!!! They come up to 
Danny. Linda takes the package from Adam and places it in the cart. She 
then pushes the cart to a checkout aisle and waits her turn. She says 
nothing; and neither does anybody else. Danny and Adam are staring at 
each other, not sure of what to say. Adam is trying to stop himself 
from over-peeing his pants. Linda turns around to see the boys and to 
check on poor Adam. “Is he going to wet his pants?” she thinks.

“Danny will help me get these things out of the cart,” asks Linda in an 
effort to give Adam so time to deal with himself. She can tell that 
he’s’ still having issues with his bladder and controlling it.

Danny turns away from Adam and begins to unload the cart. Linda watches 
Adam as he looks down at himself and then she sees it too. Adam is 
wetting his pants. His GoodNite is flooded and his urine is now making 
its way down the inside of his shorts and forming a puddle on the 
floor. “Oh dear, she thinks. “The poor lad does need diapers.”

The saleslady who is now checking Linda’s purchases also notices Adam 
and his condition. She calls for assistance at aisle 5 over the loud 
speaker. Linda realizes what’s happening but Adam does not. He’s just 
staring down at his wet pants. Danny by now has emptied the cart. He 
looks up at his mom and sees that she’s looking at Adam. Danny then 
turns around and sees his friend…in wet pants…in the store. “Adam did 
it too, just like I did yesterday,” thinks Danny. “Oh wow!”

Linda now changes her attention to the saleslady who is almost done 
checking her purchases. Linda smiles at the saleslady who then says 
quietly, “Well we know who’s going to be wearing these diapers.”

“Yes, the poor lad has some control problems, but these will surely 
help him,” replies Linda.

By now the help has arrived with a mop and bucket and begin to clean up 
Adam’s pee puddle. He steps forward and says nothing; he’s just so 
scared and excited at his condition.

“Wow Adam. I can’t believe you had the same thing happen to you as I 
did yesterday; are you okay?”

Adam looks at Danny and says, “Not really; can you blame me? I feel so 
embarrassed; everyone is staring at me.”

“Yeah, I don’t blame you. I didn’t feel so good either yesterday,” 
replies Danny.

“Okay boys, we’re good to go; let’s get home,” says Linda as she pushes 
their cart out. Both boys follow her.

Once they get to their car Danny helps his mom unload the cart into the 
car. Adam just watches as he’s still stunned by his wet condition. 
Linda contemplates changing Adam’s wet pants right here but decides 
against it. He’s embarrassed enough and we’ll be home in a few minutes 
anyway. She does empty a bag though and has Adam sit on it to keep the 
car seats dry.

With everything and everyone in the car Linda starts driving home and 
says. “It’s okay Adam honey, these things happen and you’ll be fine in 
a few minutes. I’ll get you changed out of those wet pants and into a 
fresh dry diaper. You’ll be fine honey.”

Adam doesn’t answer as he’s processing what she just said, “Changed 
into a fresh dry diaper! By Danny’s mom! Oh wow, things are really 
moving fast.”

Danny can’t keep quiet; he‘s also processing what he heard and says, 
“You mean you’re going to change Adam, mom?”

“Yes honey I am and I’ll be happy to change you too, if you want to 
wear a diaper,” replies Linda. She knows that her comment to Danny will 
give him something on which to think. Her first concern is poor Adam 
and his emotional well-being. She knows he needs some comforting and 
understanding to help him deal with his embarrassing accident at the 
pharmacy just at the time he decided to get some real diapers. Her 
comment to Danny does the trick and he decides to stay quiet and think 
about what she just told him, that she’ll diaper him…if he wants.

When they pull into the garage, Linda turns off the engine and turns to 
look at both Danny in the front seat and Adam sitting behind him. “Now 
boys,” she starts, “things my seem a little confusing to you right now, 
but please believe me, it is not as bad as may feel. This will pass and 
you’ll both be laughing and carrying on and this incident will be 
asleep in your subconscious, okay?”

“Okay mom,” says Danny,

“Yes and thanks,” replies Adam.

“Good, now first things first. Adam I would like you to go straight to 
the bathroom and remove your wet shorts and GoodNite. I will be in 
shortly to get you all clean. Danny, I would like you to start 
unloading the car. Put everything on the kitchen table. When I am done 
with Adam, I’ll take care of you, if you want. Just let me know, okay?”

“Okay mom,” says Danny.

Adam and Danny get out of the car as does Linda.

She opens up the trunk and takes a few items into the house. She finds 
the package of GoodNites and Diapers and takes them to Danny’s room. As 
she walks by the bathroom, which has a closed door, she can hear Adam 
getting undressed. In Danny’s bedroom, Linda puts both packages on the 
bed and proceeds to open the diapers. She pulls out 2 of them and 
places them on the bed. She then goes to Danny’s dresser and pulls out 
2 GoodNites. That she also puts on the bed. She looks around and finds 
the baby powder. Then she goes to get Adam. She knocks on the bathroom 
door and says, “Adam, may I come in?”

There is no immediate response. Then she hears a meek voice say, 

She opens the door and walks in, leaving the door open. Adams stands 
there, naked from the waist down, holding his wet GoodNite. Linda 
smiles and takes the GoodNite from him saying, “I’ll take care of this 
later,” as she puts it on the counter. Adam’s shorts are on the side of 
the bathtub. Looking at Adam, Linda says, “Were you able to get cleaned 
up honey?”

Adam looks down at first and then brings his eyes to meet Linda’s. 
“Sort of,” he replies.

“That’s okay. Now where are those wipes?” she says.

Adam points to the cupboard under the sink. Linda walks over, opens it 
and pulls out the container. “Now let’s get you diapered, okay?” Adam 
nods and they both walk to Danny’s room. There, Adam goes toward the 
bed. Linda says to him with her hand on his back, “Just lie down on the 
bed and I’ll have this done quickly.”

Adam does as asked. Linda looks down at him and says, “Now Adam, you 
can have either a GoodNite or one of the diapers you picked out. I 
don’t want to pressure you into doing anything that makes you feel 

“Thanks, I know that. I’m not sure which one to wear,” he replies.

“Well honey, you did wet yourself pretty good this afternoon and that 
was less than a couple of hours from when you changed, right?”

“Yeah, I think so,” replies Adam.

“Well if it was me, I’d try the diaper. They are new and will hold a 
lot more pee than the GoodNites. Let’s try one, okay?”

“Okay,” says Adam.

Linda picks up both diapers saying, “Here Adam, you can check one of 
these out while I get you in one,” she hands him the diaper, which he 
accepts and begins to closely examine. Linda opens the other one and 
then picks up Adam’s feet by his ankles and slides the diaper under 
him. She then leans down a bit a smells pee so she gets a wipe and 
begins to clean his groin area. “This won’t take but a minute Honey, 
and then you’ll be set for this afternoon. Everything is going to be 
fine.” She tries to relax the boy with her talk. As she cleans up Adam, 
his body responds as would any boy having such attention paid to his 
private area. Linda chuckles to herself, “This boy is doing just fine.”

With his body nicely cleaned Linda applies the baby powder to him and 
gently spreads it around moving his legs apart in the process. Then she 
takes the diaper and brings it up between Adam’s legs. She fastens one 
side and pulls the other side tight to secure the diaper. She then 
fastens this side and sees that Adam’s body is small for this size 
diaper. “Well this diaper is big, that’s for sure. I hope it stays in 

Adam has been watching Linda as she diapers him and likes what she’s 
done. He looks down at himself and says, “Wow, it is big, even though 
it said small on the package.” Linda then helps him sit up.

“Well, these are adult sized diapers and you’re not quite an adult, 
yet. We’ll be able to see how they work for you. If it is too big, we 
can always go and get a smaller size,” says Linda.

“Okay, that sounds good. But don’t the smaller ones have baby stuff on 
them?” he asks.

“Well I am not sure it’s ‘baby stuff’, it may have some pictures of 
toys. We can check them all out and see what is best for you, if you 
like,” says Linda. She also knows that the internet can provide a much 
bigger selection of boys’ diapers. She doesn’t want to share this fact 
with Adam as it may overload the lad, she thinks.

“Oh thanks, I’d like that,” says Adam as he appears to relax and feel 

“Well good; now where are your pants?”

Adam points to them across the room. Linda goes and gets them. As she 
walks back to Adam she can smell them; these are the pants Adam wet at 
his house and brought with him. She brings them to her nose and 
confirms this. Adam watches her and blushes as he sees what she’s 
doing. She then smiles at Adam as she hands him the pants saying, “You 
boys do like peed-in pants. It’s okay Honey, I understand. You put 
these on and I’ll go see what Danny is up to. When you’re dressed, you 
can come out and do whatever, okay?” says Linda.

“Okay and thanks for everything,” says Adam with a smile now.

“No problem at all Honey, you’re a fine boy and I am glad Danny has you 
as a friend,” says Linda. She then leaves Adam to get dressed.

As Linda walks into the kitchen she sees Danny bringing in some bags. 
The kitchen is table is full as he places it there. “Thanks for all 
your help Danny,” she says.

“You’re welcome mom,” he replies. “How’s Adam.”

“Oh he’s fine.”

“Did you change him?” Danny asks.

“Yes I did Honey,” says Linda as she walks up to Danny and hugs him.

“Is he wearing a…diaper?”

“Yes he is Honey. Would you like to try one too?” asks Linda as she 
gently pats and rubs Danny’s bottom. She wants to see how full his 
GoodNite is.

Danny isn’t as quick with his answers now. He’s contemplating what to 
say. Linda looks at him and smiles. She’s still rubs his bottom. 
“You’re GoodNite feels rather full Honey. You need to change it anyway. 
Come on let’s go do that now,” she says as she pushes him from his 

“Okay…I guess,” replies Danny. They walk off to his room.

As they enter it Adam looks up from where he still sits on the bed.

“Hi Adam,” says Danny.

“Hi Danny,”

“How you doing?” asks Danny.

“Oh fine. Your mom helped me out,” replies Adam as he looks at her and 
then back to Danny.

“We’re here to get Danny changed. His GoodNite needs it,” says Linda.

“Are you going to wear…one…too?” asks Adam.

Danny just stares at his friend. He’s not sure what to say; he’s 
perplexed by all the events, and not sure if he’s ready for a …diaper.

Linda chimes in as she can tell that Danny is thinking, “I don’t think 
he’s decided yet; anyway, he still needs to change his GoodNite. Come 
Honey, hop onto your bed,” says Linda.

Danny does as he mom says as Adam stands up. Linda immediately starts 
to remove Danny’s shorts. Once that is done she gently rips the sides 
of the GoodNite and then lays it down flat on the bed exposing Danny’s 
privates to the room. “Just hang on Honey as I get some wipes and clean 
you up,” says Linda. She retrieves the wipes, takes one out and begins 
to clean her son. His penis too rises to the attention as did Adam’s. 
Adam watches as Linda wipes down the pee from Danny’s groin area. “All 
done cleaning you Honey. So what’s it going to be a diaper like Adam 
has on or another GoodNite?”

Danny looks at Adam and then up to his mom. He says, I think I want 
another GoodNite…please.”

“Okay, Honey, a GoodNite it is.” Linda picks up the GoodNite and 
threads it onto and up Danny’s legs. As she does, he lifts his bottom 
up and she scoots the diaper-pant up over Danny’s bottom and crotch. 
She adjusts it as he lays there watching her the whole time.

“There you go Honey, all ready for the afternoon and more playing with 
Adam.” Linda looks down at Danny and then to Adam. She smiles and winks 
at both of them. She wants them both to know that peeing their diapers 
is expected and for them to enjoy the feeling. After all, these boys’ 
have poor potty habits.

Danny gets up, slightly adjusts his GoodNite and then puts on his 
shorts. “Okay boys, you’re good to go. Let me know if you need anything 
including a change; go have fun.” She then exits the room and leaves 
the boys to themselves and their diapers.

“Wow Adam. You’re wearing a full-on diaper; how does it feel?” asks 
Danny once they were alone.

“It feels good Danny, it really does,” says Adam as he feels his 

“And you’ve got your peed-in pants on,” says Danny.

“Yeah I like them and your mom knows too,” adds Adam.

“She does?” replies a surprised Danny.

“Yeah, when she changed me and brought me the pants she smelled them.”

“Did she say anything?” asks Danny,

“Yeah,” blushes Adam. “She was cool about it and said that we sure like 
our peed-in pants and that it’s okay; she understands. I was 
embarrassed and I think she could tell,” says Adam.

“Oh wow, my mom sure has changed her attitude about all our wetting 
behavior. I hope she doesn’t go back to how she was. I like her this 
way,” says Danny.

“Yeah, me too. I hope my mom is as cool about it when I go back home. I 
do like being able to wear diapers and pee myself whenever and not 
worry about getting to a toilet. It feels so good Danny,” says Adam.

“Yeah, I agree with you. I like going it too. I feel naughty and being 
naughty feels good especially when you’re peeing your pants. ” replies 
Danny. Both boys giggle over his last comment. These two boys certainly 
have some different potty habits.

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 8 – The Evening

After the boys hung out in Danny’s room for awhile, they went to the 
Family room to join Danny’s dad to watch some TV. From the kitchen they 
all heard, “Dinner will be ready shortly. Are there any volunteers here 
to help out so that after dinner we can go to the movies?” The three 
males all look at each other and then dad says, “Yeah, there’s two 
right here with me; I am sure they’ll give you a hand.”

Danny says, “Oh dad!” He then gets up and turns to Adam, “Com ‘on let’s 
go help mom.”

“Yeah let’s,” says Adam as he follows Danny into the kitchen.

The boys set the table and help Linda get the dinner served. The 
foursome enjoys a nice family dinner. Afterwards the boys help clean up 
the dishes. When they are done, Linda turns to them and asks, “Do 
either of you need a change before we go to the movies?”

The boys blush a bit that amuses Linda and then Adam says, “Yeah, I 
could use one.”

“Okay,” says Linda as she turns to Danny saying, “And you?”

“Ugh, no I am alright,” replies Danny.

“Okay, let’s go Adam and take care of your diaper, shall we?” says 

Adam gives her a big smile as he lets her take his hand and lead him to 
Danny’s bedroom. Danny goes to join his dad in the Family Room. When 
Adam and Linda get to Danny’s room Linda says, “Okay Adam, hop on the 
bed; I’ll have you changed in no time.” Adam does so as Linda goes and 
retrieves the necessary supplies.

She returns and looks at the boy lying down looking innocent as a 
child. She begins to unfasten and remove his pants. With them off she 
examines Adam’s diaper and finds it fairly wet. “Well Adam you sure 
took to your diaper nicely. It’s all wet. You sure do need a change.”

“Yeah, I just sort of used it a few times,” replies Adam.

“Well that’s what it’s for Honey. You’re doing just fine using it,” 
says Linda. She then unfastens the tabs and pulls the diaper down. It’s 
nicely yellow and has the scent of Adam’s pee. Linda then gets the 
fresh diaper ready and then picks up Adam’s legs, pulls out the used 
diaper and replaces it with the fresh one. She then gets a wipe and 
begins to clean his groin area. His penis responds to the attention as 
she does the wiping. Adam spreads his legs for her and she cleans his 
bottom area too. Adam watches everything and Linda notices this.

Adam then says, “Gosh you sure do a good job changing me, thanks.”

“Well you’re quite welcome Adam. I don’t mind this at all. Moms’ have 
this caring and nurturing nature,” replies Linda as she wipes Adam’s 
diaper area.

“Yeah, it feels good too,” replies Adam.

“Yes I can tell and it’s okay. Boys’ usually react this way when their 
private area gets this kind of attention,” replies Linda as she wipes 
down Adam’s erect penis. She looks down at Adam and smiles.

“Now for some baby powder and you’ll be almost ready to go,” says 
Linda. She applies the powder and gently spreads it around. Adam moans 
a bit as she does this. Then she pulls the diaper up between his legs 
and fastens one side and then the other. Adam’s penis is pushed down 
and its outline can clearly be seen under the diaper. Linda then 
retrieves his pants, sniffs them again and threads them up his legs. 
Adam lifts up his bottom as she pulls his pants up and over his diaper. 
She fastens his pants and says, “Okay Honey, get your shoes on and 
you’ll be good to go.”

Adam smiles up at her and then says,” Thanks so much for doing this for 

“Oh Honey, you’re quite welcome,” replies Adam.

“Ugh can I ask you a question?” asks Adam.

Linda looks down at him and says, “Of course you can. I am all ears.”

“Why didn’t Danny get his GoodNite changed? I know he’s wet it,” he 

“I am not sure Adam. That’s interesting to know though. Maybe he thinks 
he can hold it or use the toilets at the movies?” says Linda.

“And miss some of the movie?” says Adam.

“Yeah, that probably won’t happen huh; maybe I should talk with him,” 
says Linda.

Adam sits up and goes to get his shoes. Linda leaves the bedroom 
presumably to see Danny. She finds him sitting in the Family Room on 
the couch with his dad. They make eye contact and she motions with her 
finger for him to come to her. He gets up and walks over to her. As he 
does this Linda turns and walks to the bedroom area. Danny follows. 
When she gets to her bedroom she turns around. Danny is right there and 
then she says, “Honey is everything okay with you?”

“Yeah mom I am fine. Why are you asking?” he replies.

“Well I am wondering why you’re not changing your wet GoodNite, that’s 
why,” says his mom as she reaches down and feels the front of this 
crotch confirming what Adam had told her.

Danny just stares at her, not sure of what to say. Linda patiently 
waits for a response. Danny finally says, “Cause I’ll be fine with it 
the way it is.”

“I see; and what will you do if you need to pee while at the movies? 
Will you go to the toilets? She asks.

“Ugh…maybe I won’t need to go at all mom,” replies Danny.

By now Linda is getting tired of the ‘cat ’n mouse’ game with her son. 
She knows that he knows he’s going to wet his GoodNite at the movies. 
He has been wetting them every few hours this weekend. Then it hits 
her, “He wants to wet his pants!” She looks at him and smiles. She then 
says, “And what if we go out for ice cream afterwards? Are you going to 
be okay?”

“Yes mom, I’ll be fine,” replies a confident Danny.

She tries one more time to make sure he knows what’s coming and says, 
“Are you sure?”

“Yes mom, I am sure,” he replies.

“Okay, I believe you. You know what you’re doing and now I do too,” she 

Danny blushes a little but still smiles ear-to-ear. He knows that she 
knows that he wants to wet his pants and she’s okay with it. He’s very 
pleased. Linda returns his smile and roughly rubs his hair. “Okay then, 
let’s get going,” she says. As they walk back to the front of the house 
Linda thinks, “That boy of mine is something else. I do love him dearly 
even though he has such potty habits.”

The foursome gets to the movies and is enjoying the feature. Linda is 
re-playing her talk with Danny over in her mind and comes to a 
revelation. “I think that Danny wants me to put him in a full diaper 
for wetting his pants as I did earlier with Adam. It’s as if he needs 
or wants a reason to be diapered. Adam wanted the diaper and that’s why 
I put him in one. I would have put one on Danny too, if only he would 
have asked. He said ‘no’ to wear one. But now, he’s going to end up 
here wetting himself, overflowing his GoodNite and soaking his pants. 
Everyone is going to see his ‘accident’; I think that that is what he 
wants! Okay, I can deal with that, a diaper it will be for my boy; and 
maybe some talk about him being a ‘naughty boy’ too.” Linda is 
comforted and relaxed with herself now that things about Danny are 
clear to her. She looks over at him and sees that he’s engrossed in the 
move. She turns her attention to it too.

As the movie nears the end, Linda looks over to the boys. They are 
watching intensely; “Good,” she thinks. “Maybe Danny is going to be 
alright after all. I know Adam is covered.” The movie finally ends. 
People start getting up, or stretching. The foursome begins to exit the 
theater. Linda checks her son’s bottom and not surprised, sees that it 
is wet. “Well, he did it; he wet his pants, just as I thought he would 
and as he wanted to, also,” she thinks. “Oh well, it is what it is and 
we’re just going to deal with it. He doesn’t appear nervous; that’s 

When they get into the lobby Adam says to Danny, “That was good; I 
liked it. How about you?”

“Yeah, I liked it too, especially those cool actions shots,” replies 
Danny. Linda observes the boys and thinks, “Well, they are quite 
comfortable, that’s good.”

Dad then says, “Who wants ice cream?”

The boys look to him and both respond, “I do!”

“Good, so do I,” he replies. “Let’s go get some then.”

They get to their car, get in and dad drives to the ice cream parlor. 
It doesn’t take but 5 minutes and they are there. The boys walk in 
first followed by dad and Linda. Both parents observe Danny’s wet butt 
and look to each other. Nothing is said. Orders are placed and dad pays 
the server. The foursome sits down and begins to enjoy their treats. 
They also discuss the movie. Nothing is said about Danny’s wet pants.

As they sit and chat, Debbie and Gail walk into the same parlor. Debbie 
sees her family and Adam sitting. She walks up to them smiling and 
says, “Hi! Fancy meeting you here.”

They all look to her and Gail, who stands beside her. Linda then 
replies, “Hi Honey. We just left the movies and came here for a treat. 
How are you two doing?”

“Fine mom; we went to the movies too,” says Debbie who is checking out 
her family and sees her brother’s wet pants. “Oh my gosh, you did it 
again Danny, You wet your pants! I can’t believe it!” She said this 
rather loudly and others in the parlor looked to see to whom she was 
talking. Danny’s condition was now much more public as others observed 

“Well, don’t worry yourself about Honey,” says Linda.

“Are you now going to put him in diapers?” asks Debbie.

“I said, ‘don’t worry yourself’; we’re fine and Danny doesn’t appear 
bothered by them,” says Linda.

“Yeah Debbie,” chimes in Danny.

“Oh you’re weird, you’re all weird,” says Debbie as she walks away to 
the counter. Gail smiles to everyone and follows her.

“Well,” says dad, “that went well, don’t you think?”

Everyone just exchanges looks and goes back to their ice cream. Nothing 
is said. Linda thinks, “Well, she could have been a bit quieter; but I 
suppose this situation was bound to happen sooner than later. Danny 
just likes to wet his pants and wear them. I do believe that diapers 
are next. I can’t have him out-n-about in wet pants all the time.”

The foursome finishes their desserts and gets up to leave. Linda and 
dad walk over to the girls’ and say good-bye. Danny and Adam walk to 
the car. ‘Wow,” says Adam, your sister sure is bothered by your pants.”

“Yeah, I don’t know why she gets so upset; they’re my pants and I am 
the one wearing them, not her,” replies Danny. Dad and Linda join them 
at the car and are soon home.

As they enter the house Linda says, “Danny honey, I’d like to see you 
in your room. Adam, give us a few minutes, will you?”

“Sure thing,” replies Adam who goes to the Family Room.

Linda takes Danny’s hand and they walk to his room. Danny does not 
object; he follows his mom. Once there, Linda turns to her son and 
smiles. “Well honey,” she says, “you are going to be diapered now and I 
don’t want any argument from you; understand?”

Danny looks at her and nods. “Good, now let’s get these smelly wet 
pants off my ‘naughty boy’.”

Linda begins to unfasten Danny’s pants and lowers them exposing his 
yellow pee-stained GoodNite. She then pulls it down and removes both 
articles from Danny’s legs. He stands half naked in front of his mom. 
Linda places the pants on the floor, being careful to keep the wet area 
off of the carpet. She places the wet GoodNite on top of it and goes to 
get the baby wipes and diaper for her son. She returns and begins to 
wipe Danny’s groin area of his pee.

As she does this Danny spreads his legs and soon his penis comes to 
life. Linda smiles and thinks, “Yes, my boy is enjoying this attention; 
good ‘cause he needs it.”

“Okay, lie down on your bed so I can you diapered,” says Linda. Danny 
does as he’s told. Linda slides the diaper under his raised bottom. She 
gets the baby powder and sprinkles some on him; and then rubs it 
around. Danny’s penis is now erect and bobbing around the close 
attention Linda gives his groin. Danny watches all of this and 
unconscientiously moans. Linda hears him and thinks, “Yes indeed this 
boy wants diapers.” She then fastens the diaper securely onto her son’s 
waist. She pats the front of it and says, “There you go honey, you’re 
all diapered up for the night. Go get Adam for me; I need to change his 
diaper now, okay?”

“Okay mom,” replies Danny as he sits up and then walks out of his room.

A few minutes later Adam appears at the entrance to Danny’s room. Linda 
is by the bed with another diaper and says, “Come in honey; let’s see 
how wet your diaper is.”

Adam blushes a bit and walks up to her. She unfastens his pants, pulls 
them down and sees a yellow pee-stained diaper. “Well, honey, you’re 
such a good boy; you did all your pee-pee in your diaper, just as you 
should. I am going to put you in a fresh one so you’ll be all set for 
bed, okay?”

“Okay, thanks,” replies a smiling Adam.

Meanwhile, Danny sits in the Family Room starring down at his diapered 
crotch. He rubs the front of it and thinks, “Wow! This is soooo cool; 
and it feels really good too. I am in a diaper ‘cause I wet my pants. 
Mommy said that I was a ‘naughty boy’.

Linda gets Adam all diapered and takes the wet garments from Danny’s 
room. When she walks by the Family Room she sees her son paying close 
attention to his diaper. “Good boy,” she thinks. “Okay Danny, off to 
bed now, we’ll see you in the morning. Be sure to brush your teeth 
first and have a good sleep.”

“Okay mom,” replies Danny. As he walks away he turns to his mom and 
says, “Thanks mom, thanks for everything.”

“You’re quite welcome honey; sleep well,” says Linda.

Danny goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He sees Adam in there 
doing the same. When they finish they walk to the bedroom, each in a 
diaper and t-shirt.

Once in Danny’s bed Adam says, “Gosh this is all so good Danny. We’re 
both in diapers and we can wet them and not your bed.”

“Yeah, it’s so good. I can’t believe how good my diaper feels. I was 
sort of scared of them, but now I like them.”

“And you haven’t even wet them yet,” says Adam. “Just wait till you 
feel how good that is.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait,” replies Danny. Both boys have their hands at 
their crotch, feeling their diaper. They fall asleep this way.

 Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 9 – The Next Morning

Linda is in the kitchen getting coffee on and breakfast started. Dad 
walks in from getting the paper and says, “Well honey, how do you think 
the boys’ slept last night?”

“Like two big babies,” says Linda. “And I am going to try and keep then 
that way all day.”

“And do think they’ll mind?” asks dad.

“I doubt it. They were so excited when diapered last night; their 
little penises were standing straight up. I’ll let you know how things 
go when I change them,” says Linda.

In Danny’s bedroom, Adam stirs as he awakens from a good night’s sleep. 
He finds his diaper and feels that it is wet. “Oh wow! I wet the bed 
again! This is soooo good!” He rubs himself and enjoys the feeling and 
the crinkling sound from his diaper. Danny soon awakens too. He finds 
that he wet himself too during the night.

“Hey Danny,” says Adam as he sees Danny eyes open, “Did you pee last 
night? I did!”

Danny looks over to Adam, smiles and says, “Oh yeah I did; my diaper is 

“Mine too!” says Adam.

The boys get up and check out their diapers in the mirror and on each 
other. They then go off to the kitchen.

“Good morning boys,” says dad as they walk in. Linda turns and says, 
“Good morning our two diaper-boys. How did you sleep?” She sees that 
they both have a wet diaper on too.

Danny blushes a bit as he sits down and says, “Oh just fine mom, just 

“Yeah,” says Adam, “I didn’t wake up at all.”

“Well that’s good; you two had a big day yesterday and you needed a 
good night’s sleep. I am glad you got one. Breakfast will be ready in a 
minute. When we’re done, I’ll change your diapers,” says Linda. Both 
boys look at each other and smile a little. Things are working out well 
for them.

During breakfast, the foursome chats about the movie last night and 
what they’ll be doing today. Nothing is said about Debbie and her 
comments last night at the ice cream parlor. Danny knows that he got 
his way; his mom diapered him for being a ‘naughty boy’ and wetting his 
pants. He has no intention of telling this to his sister. He hopes that 
his mom won’t tell her either. After all, she did get her wish…her mom 
diapered her brother! Adam too is getting what he wanted, to wear and 
use a diaper. He’s not sure how far this will go, but for now, he’s 
very happy.

After breakfast Linda asks the boys to help her with the dishes. They 
do so, still in the wet diapers. As they do, every so often they can 
smell themselves; their pee-pee from their diapers. Adam really likes 
this as the smell of his pee excites him. He remembers his peed-in 
jeans and looks forward to wearing them today. Linda too can smell the 
boys’ wetness. She’s sure that it’s not a bother to either of them.

The time has come for Linda to change the two ‘big babies’ from their 
nighttime diapers. She has Adam come into Danny’s room first.

“Now lie down on the bed honey so I can get you changed,” she says. 
Adam does so and watches Linda’s every move with interest. As she 
unfastens the sodden diaper and opens it up she says, “My Adam, you’re 
such a good diaper-boy. You filled your diaper just as you should. Can 
you smell the mess you did hear?”

Adam smiles and nods as he gets a good whiff of his pee scent. Linda 
then begins wiping down Adam’s groin area and getting all that stale 
pee off of it. She has him bring his knees towards his face so she can 
clean his bottom area too. All the while she tells him what a good 
‘diaper-boy’ he is. After she’s satisfied with her cleaning job, she 
pulls out the used diaper and replaces it with a fresh one. Next comes 
the ‘baby powder’ and that wonderful attention to his private parts. 
His penis again responds which causes Linda to smile. “Yes Adam. I do 
think you like being diapered, and that’s okay,” she says.

After Adam is diapered and has his smelly jeans on, Danny is given the 
same treatment by Linda. She then leaves the two ‘diaper-boys’ in 
Danny’s room. She takes the two well-used diapers with her for the 
garbage bin. She thinks to herself, “Gosh, neither boy put up any 
resistance to being put back into diapers. I wonder how far this goes 
with them.”

After a few hours the phone rings at Danny’s house. Dad answers it and 
after a brief talk, hands it to his wife. “Oh hi Barbara,” says Linda. 
They chat and discuss plans to exchange their kids. Barbara tells Linda 
that she’d like to pick up Adam shortly as she wants to take him 
shopping. “That will be interesting,” says Linda, “because he wearing a 
diaper as we speak.”

“Oh wow!” replies Barbara. “Can you give me one so that if needed I can 
change him?”

“Of course; I’ll pack a few in his backpack, plus some GoodNites too. 
However I must tell you, I think the boys’ use of the GoodNites is 
losing to the diapers. You should see how excited they get when I 
change them,” says Linda. This causes both moms to giggle.

Within the hour Barbara arrives with the girls. Debbie brings in her 
belongings as Adam takes his. Everyone says hello and good-bye. They’ll 
see one another tomorrow at school.

“Well honey, how was your sleepover with Danny?” asks his mom as she 
drives off.

“Oh it was good mom,” says Adam. We went to the movies and had fun.”

“Yeah we know all about the movies,” laughs Gail.

“Now don’t start Gail. We’ve had a pleasant few days and I don’t want 
any teasing going on; understand?” says their mom.

“Okay, okay; but it was funny seeing Danny with his wet pants at the 
ice cream parlor. I bet he had a good time at the movies. Did you wet 
your pants too Adam?” asks his sister.

“Gail! Enough! Adam, you don’t have to answer that question. Gail is 
not the parent here,” says their mom.

“By the way mom, where are we going anyway?” asks Adam as he sees them 
drive away from their house.

“Oh, we’re going shopping. Both of you could use a few new clothes,” 
replies their mom.

Adam’s heart sinks quickly. “I’m wearing a diaper!” he thinks. “What’s 
going to happen? Will Gail find out? Will mom find out?” Nothing more 
is said as Barbara drives to the mall.

When they arrive, everyone quietly walks inside. Barbara leads them to 
a store for Adam first. Gail asks if she can go ‘hang out’ while Adam 
gets his stuff. Barbara says, ‘No, you stay with us. Maybe next time 
you won’t be so noisy about what Adam does and stop teasing him. Now 
sit down.” Gail reluctantly does so. Barbara then proceeds to get some 
clothes for Adam. When they have several items, Barbara and Adam go to 
the changing rooms and both enter a stall.

“Why are you with me here?” asks Adam. “I can do this myself.”

“Well we will see about that. For now, let’s try these on,” says his 
mom as she gives him some pants.

Adam’s heart is racing. He says, “But mom, why?”

“Oh honey, it’s alright; I know you have on a diaper. Now let’s see how 
well these pants fit, okay?” says his mom as she begins to unfasten 
Adam’s belt.

“You do! How?” says Adam.

“Danny’s mom told me when I spoke with her earlier,” she says.

He takes over and removes his jeans, the smelly ones. Barbara takes 
them, sniffs them and looks at Adam. He blushes, but says nothing. She 
smiles and says, “It’s fine honey, that you like wearing these. After 
all you did work hard to get them this way.”

Adam didn’t want his mom to find out about those pants; that’s why he 
brought them with him to Danny’s. “Now she knows,” he thinks.

Barbara looks at Adam’s diaper and can see that it’s not been peed in 
yet. Adam tries on the pants and Barbara decides that another size is 
needed. She says to him, “You stay here and try on those pants; I’ll be 
right back.”

“Yes mom,” replies Adam. As he’s doing this his bladder signals him 
that it’s time to pee. Almost instinctively Adam relaxes himself and 
begins to wet his diaper. He then comes back to reality and thinks, 
“What am I doing? What will mom say when she sees my wet diaper?”

Just then in walks his mom. “Here honey, try these on,” she says.

As he does as asked, Barbara sees that he has wet himself a little in 
his diaper. She looks at him, smiles and whispers, “Good boy; you don’t 
need to hold it anymore now that you’re wearing a diaper.”

Adam blushes and replies quietly too, “Mooomm!”

She just smiles back and watches as he tries on the pants.

With trying on the new pants and shirts, Adam’s new wardrobe is now 
set. As he puts on his smelly pants to leave the stall Adam says, “Mom, 
I really don’t want Gail to know that I am wearing a diaper.”

“Well honey, I am not going to tell her anything,” replies his mom.

“Oh thank you,” says Adam.

“But honey, I am sure she will find out if you wear them a lot at home. 
You can’t keep it a secret forever. It all depends on you and how often 
you wear them. Does that make sense?” says his mom.

Adam looks at her as he finishes getting dressed as says, “Yeah, it 
does. So it will be okay if I wear diapers mom?”

She smiles at him, pats his bottom and says, “Yes honey it will be 
okay. I prefer you in them instead of wetting your pants and wearing 
them around the house. But you may do that too, if that’s what you 
feel. It all depends on you.”

Adam smiles, gives his mom a hug and says, “Oh thanks mom; I thought 
you would get real mad at me for doing that.”

“Well, I don’t completely understand why you behave this way, but it 
really isn’t hurtful or anything,” replies his mom. They gather up 
Adam’s new clothes and Barbara goes to pay for them. Adam goes up to 
his sister and says, “Now it’s your turn Gail.”

“Good, you two took for forever,” says Gail.

For the next hour or so Gail and her mom shop for her. Adam patiently 
watches and waits…and waits. Twice during this time Adam relieves 
himself in his diaper. He’s getting a little worried now because he 
doesn’t want a wet mark on his pants from a leaky diaper. He hopes that 
they finish soon. He needs a change. Still Gail and Barbara shop.

The time finally came; Gail and their mom were done shopping for her. 
Adam breathed easier now. As they walked the mall Barbara suggested 
something to drink or an ice cream treat. The group settled on some 
drinks. After Barbara purchased them they again walked the mall. 
Barbara watched her son; she saw that his bottom was much fuller than 
before. She recons he needs a change, soon. She really does not want to 
embarrass him so she leads her two towards the exit and their car. As 
they walk, Adam begins to feel another sensation in his body; his 
bottom is pressuring to release its contents. “Oh my gosh!” thinks 
Adam, “what am I going to do now! I really need the toilet. I’ve never 
thought about doing a… poop… in my pants. Oh gosh, I hope I can hold 

While driving home, Barbara senses that Adam is really tense. He’s 
fidgeting in his seat and is rather nervous. She doesn’t want to draw 
any attention to him by saying anything as Gail would start checking 
him out too, if she hasn’t already. Barbara just drives home as quickly 
as possible. She knows her ‘big baby boy’ needs a diaper change.

“Finally!” thinks Adam as Barbara pulls into their garage. Everyone 
helps with the parcels, getting them inside. Once that is done Adam 
excuses himself and goes to the bathroom. In there, he hurriedly 
unfastens his pants, pulls them down and then attacks his diaper. He 
has not pooped it but the pressure is intense. He’s doing all he can to 
keep his bottom hole closed. The diaper is now off as Adam sits on the 
toilet. He immediately begins to have a BM. “Oh yes, that was close; 
wow, I didn’t think I was going to make it,” thinks Adam as he empties 
his bowels and then his bladder. As he does so, he examines his peed-in 
diaper. He sees that there was a bit more area in it to absorb urine. 
He’s learning now, how much he can pee them and still have no leaks.

Adam folds up his diaper, cleans his bottom area and pulls up his 
jeans. He goes to his room and places the diaper in his closet, behind 
a few boxes. He then goes to his dresser and takes out a pair of 
underpants. He begins to remove his jeans so he can get them on.

He hears a ‘knock’ on his door. “Adam honey, may I come in?” asks his 

“Ugh, yeah mom,” replies Adam.

The door opens and in steps Barbara. She closes the door behind her. 
She observes her son with his pants at his feet and wearing no diaper 
or underpants. “Oh, honey I just wanted to see if you needed your 
diaper changed. Where is it?”

“Ugh, I put it in my closet mom. I had to go to the toilet when we got 
home and I took it off,” says Adam as he steps out of his pants.

“Oh, I see; no I don’t see Adam. I thought you wanted diapers as your 
toilet. Why didn’t just use it?” asks his mom as she walks over and 
sits on Adam’s bed.

Adam blushes as he too sits down. He does not notice the sound from the 
plastic mattress cover on his bed. His mom does though. He looks at his 
mom and replies, “Well I had to…do a…poop mom.”

“So,” says Barbara, “you were wearing a diaper honey. They’re made for 
those things you know.”

Adam continues blushing. “And I would have changed you into a nice 
fresh one. I knew you needed to go; I watched you in the car,” says 
Barbara as she strokes and rubs her son’s back.

“Ugh…I…just was in a hurry I guess. I’ve only wet in my diapers,” says 

“Oh, okay then. Well they can take more than just pee honey. Would you 
like me to diaper you now?” asks his mom.

“Ugh, I…am okay…; I think I’ll wear these now,” says Adam nervously as 
he picks up his underpants and shows them to his mom.

“Oh okay honey. I just thought you might want another diaper, that’s 
all,” replies Barbara. She hesitates about playing more of ‘her cards’ 
about Adam and his interest in diapers. “I just want you to know Adam 
that whenever you want to wear a diaper, I’ll gladly put it on you. We 
don’t want any leaking diapers around, now do we?” she says with a 
smile as she continues to rub Adam’s back.

“Ugh, thanks mom…. I’ll let you know, okay?” says Adam.

“Okay honey. And by the way, you can put your fresh diapers in with 
your underpants. That way I’ll know where to find them. Oh, let me take 
your dirty diaper with me, I’ll put it in the garbage for you,” says 
his mom. Adam gets up and retrieves the diaper from his closet and 
hands it to his mom. She then stands up and leaves his room.

“Wow! Mom certainly is full of surprises today,” thinks Adam. “I didn’t 
expect this kind of response from her, at all. It is nice to know 
though that she wants to diaper me. That might be okay. I haven’t put 
one on myself anyway, just Danny’s mom.” Adam then pulls up his 
underpants and gets out a pair of shorts to wear. He puts his peed-in 
pants in his closet. They may be needed later, he thinks. He then 
leaves his room and goes to watch some TV. It has been a busy day for 
the lad.

After Adam left, Danny pretty much stayed in his room. He wasn’t 
looking forward to hearing from his sister about her seeing him in wet 
pants last night at the ice cream parlor. He also doesn’t want her to 
know that he is wearing a diaper now, the situation of which she’s 
wanted and asked for of their mom. Linda does know what Danny is 
wearing and decides to give him a visit and see how he’s doing.

Danny hears a ‘knock’ on his door.

“Yes, who is it?” asks Danny.

“Danny honey, it’s mom; may I come in?” she asks.

“Yes, of course,” replies Danny.

Linda comes into his room and closes the door. She walks over to his 
bed and sits down. Danny is in a chair at his desk. “Hi honey,” she 
says, “I just came in to see how you’re doing.”

Danny, now facing her says, “I am okay mom, just hanging out here.”

“Okay, that’s fine. How’s your diaper; do you need a change?” she asks.

Danny sort of just stares at his mom before replying. “Ugh, it’s okay; 
I wet it only once.”

“Would you come over here and let me see,” his mom asks.

Danny rolls his eyes, says nothing, but walks over to his mom. She 
smiles at him saying, “Oh honey, it’s okay. Mom’s need to do this sort 
of thing when diapers are worn in the house.” She then places her hand 
up his shorts and under the diaper. She does feel some wetness but 
agrees with Danny. “Yep, you’re right. You have only done a little. 
There’s plenty of room left for more.”

“Thanks mom,” replies Danny as he sits down next to her.

She gives him a hug and says, “Is everything okay with you? You haven’t 
left your room since Adam left.”

“Oh I am okay, I guess. I just don’t feel like listening to Debbie. 
She’ll want to tease me about my wet pants last night,” he says as he 
leans onto his mom’s side.

“Well I’ll have a talk with her and remind her to just let it go. It is 
our business, not hers. I will do that for you honey, and I’ll change 
your diapers whenever you need one. Fair enough?” she says as she holds 
her son at her side.

“Thanks mom, that will help. And thanks for wanting to change me. I 
never thought diapers would be this interesting to wear, but…they are.

“And I think you like wearing and using them too. No more dirty 
underwear is another positive note too,” she says. With Danny being so 
close to her, at his doing, Linda feels he needs some attention and 
love. She happily provides him both. They sit for awhile, just holding 
onto one another. Linda can feel his heart rate and it is calm. “Good, 
he’s relaxed,” she thinks.

Danny then pulls away a bit so he can look at his mom. He asks, “Am I 
okay, ‘cause I sort of like wearing a diaper?”

Linda looks at him, smiles and says, “Yes Danny you are okay; you and 
Adam are not the only boys’ in this world that have rediscovered 
diapers. Why do you think they are made in larger sizes?”

“But most kids don’t wear them, mom,” he says.

“Yes you’re right there; but you and Adam do and you both don’t mind 
them. You two also like to pee in your pants. Most kids don’t do that 
either. This just makes the two of you a bit different than the others. 
I am sure they do things that you wouldn’t consider either,” she says.

“Like what mom?” asks Danny.

“Like putting on makeup, or having their hair done up, or learning all 
the newest dance steps, or having an interest in their sister’s 
clothes, or playing with dolls. There are all kinds of things that make 
us each different, and it doesn’t make us any less good or bad. We’re 
all different, one way or another,” she replies.

“Well diapers are kind of different,” Danny says.

“Yes they are honey. You and Adam seem to prefer them as your 
underpants. I think they’re a perfect fit for both of you because now 
they’ll be fewer accidents around and less for Debbie to see. Isn’t 
that good?” she asks.

“Yeah, if you look at that way,” says Danny.

“Well don’t worry yourself over them. You don’t have to wear them if 
you don’t want to. It’s all up to you honey,” she says.

“Yeah that’s right. I can decide,” says Danny with some enthusiasm in 
his voice.

“So don’t be a stranger, I miss seeing you around, okay?” she says.

“Okay mom, and thanks,” says Danny.

“You’re welcome honey; I love you, diapers and all,” says his mom as 
she gives him one more hug.

“And I love you too, mom,” says Danny.

Linda smiles and winks at her son and then leaves his room.

Danny comes to the Family Room within a few minutes of his mom’s visit. 
He finds everyone there, watching TV. He joins them, sitting next to 
his dad.

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 10 – That Evening

Adam and his sister watch TV after dinner. He is on the floor as usual 
with Gail observing him every so often. She’s been thinking about him 
and how his sleepover with went at Danny’s. She’s also curious to know 
why Adam wasn’t in wet pants too at the ice cream parlor. She finally 
says, “Hey Adam how was your sleepover with Danny. Did you have fun?”

Adam looks up at her and replies, “It was good and yeah, we had fun.” 
He wasn’t going to elaborate on anything they did, especially wearing 
GoodNites and diapers.

“That’s good. Did you do anything special?” she asks, not satisfied 
with his brief response.

Adam thinks and then says, “No, nothing much; just hung out. We had a 
good time though.”

“Oh that’s good. Debbie and I did too. By the ay Adam, how did Danny 
end up with wet pants at the movies and ice cream…and you didn’t? I bet 
you wanted to.”

“And how do you know he had wet pants at the movies,” asks Adam, seeing 
if he could steer the conversation away from him.

“Well, his peed-in pants looked as if they were wet for awhile. You 
know, they were kind of dried a bit and not all shinny, like when you 
first wet them. So I think he must have peed himself at the movies,” 
replies Gail.

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe he did it at the movies,” says Adam.

“Yeah that’s what Debbie and I thought too. So why didn’t you do it 
too?” asks Gail, wanting to get Adam to talk about himself.

“Debbie and you?” says a surprised Adam.

“Yes Adam; we talked about Danny’s wet pants after we left the parlor. 
We both wondered why your pants weren’t wet too. Did you pee them 
later?” asks Gail with a little glint in her eyes.

“NO, I did not!” says Adam defensively.

“Oh, well, I bet you wanted to. I know you always like to hold your 
pee-pee in. Maybe you can do it here,” says Gail.

“Do what Gail?” asks Adam defensively.

“Pee your pants, silly; that’s what. I bet you want to,” says Gail.

“Oh you’re so weird Gail,” says Adam as he looks away.

“Oh Adam, I am not weird. You and Danny are the weird ones; holding you 
pee and Danny peeing his pants and his bed. That’s it Adam, you can wet 
your bed! You can do it tonight too,” says Gail, glad that she came up 
with a scenario for Adam to pee his pants. She so wants him to ‘do it’ 
so that she can get their mom to put him back in diapers. Little does 
she know?

Adam looks back at his sister and does not respond. He just looks at 
her and then turns to the TV. “Gosh, she’s something else,” thinks 
Adam, “I wish she’d leave me alone. What’s going to happen when she 
finds out that I have diapers? And I’ve used them!”

Nothing more is said between the two siblings. Gail is satisfied with 
their talk; she planted the seed for Adam…to wet his bed; that will do 
for now, she thinks.

Adam too is happy that she’s stopped questioning him over his potty 
habits. He does however think about…when he can pee again…and where 
will he be…and what will he be wearing? “Should I ask mom to diaper me? 
Should I…wet my bed? Should I wet my pants?” so many decisions, thinks 
Adam as watches the TV.

Their parents soon join Adam and Gail to watch some TY. Barbara 
observes her son and says, “How you doing Adam; everything okay?”

He looks up at her and replies, “Yeah, I am okay.”

Barbara senses that he’s not; that things are on his mind and that he’s 
having issues with them. She also thinks that it involves his potty 
habits; something that he experimented with during his sleepover at 
Danny’s. ‘I think I should diaper Adam for bed tonight,” she thinks. “I 
think then he’ll at least get a good night’s sleep and not have to 
worry about going potty.” Satisfied with her resolve, she turns her 
attention to the TV program. The family quietly watches it.

As bedtime arrives and the program ends Gail says, “Well, I am going to 
bed; got school tomorrow.”

“Okay honey,” replies Barbara, “give me a kiss.”

Gail kisses both her parents and leaves for her bedroom. Adam stirs and 
stretches on the floor. Barbara looks at him. He then stands and says, 
“Me too, night you guys.
Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 11 – Sharing and Using

Over the next few days, Gail, his mom and his dad treat Adam as if 
nothing has changed. Adam doesn’t push anything; he’s still in diapers 
after school and at bed time, changed by his mom. He wears GoodNites to 
school and is doing fairly well with them and keeping his pants dry. He 
has been in contact with Danny and there isn’t anything new there, 
according to Danny. He wears GoodNites and diapers as does Adam. 
Neither boy has been out of diapers since their sleepover. This fact 
seems to have escaped them, but their families know what is happening. 
Both boys prefer diapers to the toilet for their peeing. They do 
however use the toilet for their pooping needs. Adam told Danny about 
his dream though and that he thinks about ‘doing it’ in his diapers…but 
not sure what will happen to him. Danny tells Adam that he too thinks 
about going poopy in his diaper/GoodNite too, but hasn’t for the same 
reason. However, both boys share their tales of peeing themselves and 
how good it feels. They both wonder how a poopy diaper would feel 

Gail by now wants to find out how her brother is doing with his diapers 
and what he’s feeling like wearing and using them. Nothing has been 
said by anyone in the family about them. It is driving Gail crazy. One 
day after school and with her homework done, she decides to have a chat 
with Adam and bring up the subject of ‘diapers’. She needs to know how 
he’s doing with them. Gail leaves her bedroom and walks toward the 
Family Room. On the way she passes Adam’s room and looks to see if he’s 
there. The room is empty. She scans it quickly to see if any ‘diapers’ 
or supplies are out in the open. Nothing is found; his room looks 
normal. She then proceeds to the TV room and there is Adam, on the 
couch, watching TV. She sits down at the other end and says, “Well bro, 
how’s it going? Anything new in school?”

Adam looks from the TV to his sister, smiles and replies, “I am doing 
fine, Gail. School is okay too. I am getting good grades in all my 
classes and mom and dad are quite happy with this. How about you?”

Gail sighs a little as he did not bring up his ‘diapers’. “I’ll just 
have to be more persistent,” she thinks. “Yeah, the same with me in 
school. I am doing well too. Debbie and are having a good time 
together. Anything new with you and Danny?”

Adam still looking at his sister says, “No…not really. I see him at 
lunch and we walk home together. That’s about it.”

Gail wants information and she’s not getting any from Adam. “Maybe if I 
try another approach,” she thinks, “he’ll start talking about 
‘diapers’. I really want to know how he’s doing with them.”

“I am glad that you’re doing well in school. That seems to make 
everything else much better; and mom and dad are happier with us too. I 
just want you to know that I am here if you every need any help or have 
some questions; I’ll be happy to help you,” says Gail.

This reply surprises Adam as his sister usually ignores him and his 
school work especially. “Thanks Gail. Maybe I will come to you for some 
help. “

“Oh good; I’d like that,” says Gail. “At least he’s talking with me,” 
she thinks.

Now she decides to broach the subject a bit more directly, with Adam 
being as talkative as he is. “And bro, I’d be happy to help you with 
anything else that you may need, too,” says Gail.

“Yeah?” replies Adam, looking a little surprised. He wonders where 
she’s going with this; but he has a pretty good idea, he thinks.

“Yes Adam, anything. You’re my brother and I do care about you and all, 
even though we tease each other a bit, now and then. After all, we are 
family; and on whom else can we count?” replies Gail.

“Wow, Gail, you’re being awfully accommodating to me. What gives?’ says 

“Well bro, mom confided in me the other day about…you and …that 
you’re…wearing …diapers now,” says Gail. She then scoots closer to Adam 
and places her hand on his knee.

“Ugh, yeah and I hope you mean what you just said about being family 
and all. I don’t need any teasing from you about them,” replies Adam.

“Well I can understand that very well Adam. It’s not every day that 
one’s teenage brother wears diapers but if they do something for you 
then that is what’s important. I will miss the opportunity though to 
see you…in wet pants,” says Gail as she squeezes his knee a bit and 

“Really? Well maybe I can do something about that. I am still working 
out the diapers and when to use them or not. I hope you’re just not 
looking for a chance to tease me,” says Adam.

“Oh, Adam,” replies Gail.

“Well you do have a pretty good track record along those lines, sis,” 
says Adam as he smiles back at Gail.

“Yeah, I can understand your point. But no, I am not looking to tease 
you. When you use to sit and watch TV and be holding your pee in, I was 
just waiting for the time when you’d pee your pants. Now you’re using 
diapers and it’s all covered up,” says Gail.

“Yeah it is,” replies Adam.

“Well bro, if and when you ever need a change, I’ll be happy to help 
you out,” says Gail with a reassuring look on her face.

“Well thanks; mom said that she would be asking you to do that for me. 
I just hope you won’t tease me…too much,” says Adam as he has a big 
smile on his face.

“Would I do that?” replies Gail.

“Yeah, I do believe you would,” replies Adam.

“Well, I may smile a lot and tell you what a good ‘baby’ you are to 
fill up your diaper, but it would be done with care and good 
intentions. I am still blown away that you wear…and use a diaper. How 
did all of this come up anyway?” asks Gail as she gently rubs her 
brother’s knee area.

Adam looks at his sister, not sure about how he should reply. And at 
this moment, his bladder signals him that’s it is time for a release. 
Adam sits and then replies, “Well I am not too sure how it came up with 
me; all I know is that peeing feels good to me and holding it in too. I 
just sort of…wanted to know what it would feel like to…you know pee my 
pants and…”

“You’ve peed your pants, Adam, really, when?” says Gail as she 
interrupts him.

Adam rolls his eyes, not sure of how much he wants to let out to his 
sister. He then says with an embarrassed look, “Yeah I have. Awhile ago 
and…I liked the feeling. It sort of just grew from that I guess.”

“Oh wow Adam, that’s just amazing. And how does it feel when you…you 
know use your diaper?” asks Gail.

By now Adam has to pee and he decides to try and do it now without 
giving it away to his sister as to what he’s doing. It’s like he’s 
playing a game or something. He begins to let out his urine and then 
says, “Well it feels good too. It was hard to do it at first but then 
it has become easier.”

“Wow that is just so amazing; that you do it. I mean that you like 
using a diaper,” says Gail.

“Yeah, it is sis and it just feels kind of good,” says Adam.

Gail does however notice a change in her brother’s facial expression as 
they chat. He looks as if he’s relaxing or something. She then thinks, 
“Is he doing it right now!? Is Adam peeing his pants!?” She looks at 
his crotch and sees it nice and dry. “That’s right, he’s wearing a 

Adam just smiles as he pees himself. Gail returns the smile and says, 
“Well bro, I don’t understand how it feels good to pee one’s self, but 
if that’s what you like then you should do it. And I’ll be more than 
happy to change you when needed. You don’t want any ‘diaper rash’ do 

Adam giggles a little and then replies, “Well no, I don’t want any 
‘diaper rash’ however, a wet diaper feels mighty good to me too.”

“You’re something else, Adam. My bro with the strange potty habits; 
that’s for sure,” says Gail.

“Yeah, I guess I am at that,” replies Adam.

>From the kitchen area they hear, “Dinner will be ready in a few 
minutes; why don’t you get cleaned up.” Adam and Gail look at each 
other and then go off to the bathroom. Gail makes sure that Adam leads 
the way. She wants to check out his diapered bottom. As they enter the 
bathroom, Gail puts her hand onto Adam’s bottom and gently rubs and 
feels it. She can tell that he’s wearing a diaper.

“Wow bro, I can feel your diaper,” she says.

Adam looks at her and says, “Yeah so can I and it feels good too.”

“So, how often do you wear a diaper?” asks Gail as she washes her 

“Well for now, I guess it is all the time. I’ve had one on since the 
sleepover with Danny,” replies Adam.

“Wow; at school and everywhere?” says Gail with a surprised tone in her 

‘Yeah, at school too, only they are not as big as the ones I wear at 
home,” says Adam.

Gail finishes washing her hands and moves over to dry them. Adam walks 
up to the sink and begins his cleaning.

“So, I guess there won’t be any ‘wet pants’ accidents from you since 
you’re in diapers,” says Gail.

Adam looks at her and smiles saying, “Would you like to see me have an 
‘accident’? Is that what you’re saying?”

Gail blushes a bit at his response. She smiles back and says, “Well…I 
did envision you that way eventually with all the times you were always 
‘holding it’ in and squirming around. I never dreamed you’d go right 
into diapers.”

“Yeah and what about wanting me to wet my pants, did you want that to 
happen?” asks Adam as he finishes washing up and walks over to dry his 

Gail looks at her brother, thinking that he really is a cool kid and 
that she did want him to do just that…wet his pants. Does she want to 
admit that now? “Well…yeah, I guess I did want that to happen. But now 
I wouldn’t tease you about it. I would just like to see you in them. I 
feel differently about you now …that you’ve told me that you like the 
feeling you get when you pee yourself.”

“Wow, you wouldn’t tease me; but you’d like me to …wet my pants, huh?” 
says Adam with a grin on his face.

Gail blushes again and grins, too. She nods ‘yes’ and then says, “Uh 
huh; and then I would scold you a little and tell you that you were a 
‘naughty boy’ and that you need to be diapered.”

“Wow, that’s cool Gail. I think I’d like that. And besides…, I wouldn’t 
mind having an ‘accident’ in my pants either. It is rather exciting.”

“Oh good! We can plan something or you could let me know when it might 
happen…” says Gail. Adam interrupts her and says, “Or maybe I could 
just surprise you sometime. I think it would be more exciting for both 
of us, if you weren’t sure when it might happen.”

Gail giggles and says, “Well I could always check to see if my brother 
was in diapers or not and then I would know that an ‘accident’ is 

Adam smiles and says, “Yeah, I suppose you could. But you wouldn’t know 
for sure or when it might happen. I like this game of sorts, with you. 
It would be fun to play in such a ’naughty’ way.”

“Yeah it would Adam; I agree with you. I like the idea too,” says Gail. 
She then realizes and is surprised that this latest chat with Adam has 
excited her. She feels moisture gathering in her crotch and it begins 
to tingle. She finds the feeling to be very good.

Now that they are both all cleaned and ready for dinner, they leave the 
bathroom. Gail let’s Adam go first so she may again check out his 
diapered bottom. She thinks to herself as they walk to the kitchen, 
“Wow, my brother is something else. He’s wearing diapers, peeing his 
pants, playing ‘naughty’ games with me; I like how this is turning out; 
and I can’t believe that it’s turning me on too. He’s a pretty cool 
bro, after all; even though he has poor potty habits.”

At the dinner table the family of four enjoys their meal. Barbara is 
pleased to see that her two teens are getting along so well; especially 
with Adam and his new underpants. She wants to talk about this and 
says, “Hey you two, I am glad see that you are getting along and even 
talking calmly to one another. I just want to share this with you.”

“Ugh, thanks mom,” says Gail.

“Yeah thanks mom. We did have a nice talk before dinner,” says Adam.

“Well it is really good that you are able to sit and have a nice chat; 
you two have each other on whom to lean and to support. It’s good to 
see you getting along so well,” replies Barbara.

“Gail was very nice to me mom, and even offered to help me out,” says 

“Yeah I did mom; my little bro could use some help,” says Gail as she 
looks at Adam and gives him a wink.

Adam smiles back at his sister and then his dad and then to his mom. He 
then turns his attention to Gail and says, “Gail even volunteered 
to…change me, when needed.”

Gail likes the fact that her brother opened up the conversation to the 
subject on which she would like to discuss now. She replies to Adam, 
“And what would I change on you bro?”

Adam likes the way Gail responds to his comment and blushes a little. 
It’s as if they are playing a game and now its Adam’s turn to reply. 
“My diaper; you would change my dirty diaper.”

“Well aren’t you the lucky one son,” says their dad.

“Yeah, I am dad,” replies Adam.

“And I hope that the first one isn’t really dirty,” says Gail with a 
little giggle.

“Well sis, that’s the chance you’ll have to take,” says Adam with his 
own giggle.

Barbara watches all of this and smiles at what she hears. She then 
says, “I hope your first diaper change of Adam is just a wet one. He 
does do that quite well and quite often, you know. And besides, his 
messy diapers are really not that bad; after all, a diaper boy just 
can’t help it. That’s why he’s in them.”

“Well I just want to help Adam anyway I can; he is a diaper boy and 
needs help,” says Gail.

“Thanks Gail and you too mom and dad for being so understanding of me. 
I am sure it isn’t easy,” says Adam.

“You’re quite welcome honey,” says his mom.

“Thanks son,” replies his dad.

“And just be the boy you want to be Adam; it’s okay,” says Gail.

Adam looks at his family and smiles. As he eats dinner, he feels the 
need to pee and does so. He relishes the fact that he able to pee 
himself whenever and wherever he is and that his pants stay dry. The 
feeling of his wet diaper pleases Adam too. The more he wets himself, 
the better he feels. And now with the support of his family, he’ll be 
able to continue his ‘childish and naughty’ behavior. After all, most 
thirteen year-old boys use the toilet and not diapers for their potty 
needs. Adam likes where he is now and thinks to himself, “Oh wow, I wet 
and wear diapers! I am a baby, a big diaper baby boy. This is soooo 

During dinner, Barbara notices Adam’s facial expression change a bit 
and she thinks to herself, “Well my diaper boy has again peed himself. 
I best get his diaper changed after dinner; I hope he hasn’t leaked 
into his pants. I am glad I got him those ‘special’ items off the 
internet for ‘diaper boys’. It does appear to me that my boy is going 
to be in a diaper for some time. He just really likes them. Anyway, it 
will be a good opportunity to show Gail how to change him too. He sure 
looks as if he’s thoroughly enjoying his diaper. Such a boy; he has 
such poor potty habits.”

The family sits and finishes their meal.

When everyone is finished, they begin to clear the table and clean up 
the kitchen. Barbara checks outs Adam’s bottom and sees that it is dry. 
“He didn’t leak…yet,” she thinks. As they finish the dishes, Barbara 
says, “Adam honey, come here. I think it’s time to check your diaper. I 
bet you need a change.” Adam blushes a little as he looks at Gail who 
is watching everything, very intently. When he gets over to his mom 
Barbara leans down and feels both the front and backside of his crotch. 
“Yes, you’re soaked; come with us Gail, I’ll show you how to change 
your brother.”

As she speaks, she looks at Adam first and smiles and then to Gail. She 
gives her a wink and then takes Adam’s hand and the three go off to 
Adam’s room. Gail walks behind them staring at Adam’s bottom. “Oh my 
gosh, I am going see my brother get his diaper changed!”

As the three-some walks past the bathroom, Barbara says, “Gail honey, 
will you please get a towel; we’re going to need a changing pad for 
your brother. We don’t want his bed getting wet from his diaper 
changes.” Gail, as she does as asked, thinks, “Oh wow! My mom is really 
getting into this!”

Barbara and Adam wait by his bed as Gail comes in with the requested 
towel. “Okay honey, spread the towel out on Adam’s bed and fold it in 
half. Gail looks at her mom and smiles. She does as asked.

Barbara looks at her son and says, “Honey, are you all done going pee-
pee? We don’t want you wetting your fresh diaper now as soon as it’s on 

Adam blushes a little and says, “Well…I could go more.”

“Then by all means, do so before we change you,” says Barbara as she 
gently rubs his bottom.

As Adam tries to relax and empty his bladder, Barbara says to Gail, 
“Honey, over here are Adam’s diaper supplies.” She looks at Gail as she 
walks over to Adam’s dresser. Gail follows her even though she really 
wants to watch her brother as he pees himself. Barbara opens the top 
drawer, showing Gail his diapers, GoodNites, and underpants. Gail is 
happy to see underpants in the drawer as she does so want to see her 
brother wet them too. Barbara takes out a diaper and closes the drawer. 
She then opens the next drawer and pickups the baby powder, diaper -
rash crème and a box of ‘baby-wipes’. She then closes the drawer. She 
looks at Gail and quietly says, “I know you want to see Adam go pee, 
but don’t worry, you’ll be able to see him do it more times than you’d 
imagine; be patient.” They then turn around and walk back to Adam, 
standing next to his bed. He appears to be done peeing.

“All done Honey?” asks his mom. Adam nods, ‘yes’.

“Okay honey, lie down now and we’ll get you changed into a fresh 
diaper,” says Barbara.

“Okay mom,” replies Adam as he lies down on the towel.

Barbara starts by removing Adam’s shoes. She then goes up to his pants 
and unfastens his belt and then the pants themselves. Both Gail and 
Adam watch her every move. With his pants unfastened and his zipper 
pulled down Barbara goes down to his feet, grabs hold of his pant legs 
and says, “Okay honey lift.” Adam raises his bottom off the towel and 
Barbara pulls down his pants. Gail watches intensely and sees her 
brother’s wet diaper for the first time. Barbara pulls Adam’s pants off 
of him and he then relaxes and lowers his bottom.

“My, my honey, just look at your diaper; you did a good pee-pee in it,” 
says his mom. Everyone looks at the diaper. The front is thoroughly 
stained yellow. Gail is feeling really excited with all of this 
activity. Her own crotch tingles and begins to moisten as she 
anticipates seeing her brother’s private area. Barbara then unfastens 
the tabs and slowly pulls the front of the diaper back. Gail stares 
with excitement as Adam’s semi-erect penis becomes free of its 
confinement. There are fresh pee driblets on it as well as Adam’s 
crotch area. Gail’s own crotch becomes moister as she sees her 
brother’s wet diaper area. She subconsciously rubs herself and moans a 
little at how she feels.

Barbara gets out a ‘baby-wipe’ and starts to wipe down Adam’s crotch. 
As she does this she says, “This cleaning is very important Gail. You 
want to make sure that he is thoroughly wiped down and all his urine is 
cleaned from his skin.” As she speaks, she pulls Adam’s legs toward his 
stomach thereby exposing his bottom. She wipes there too along with 
both cheeks. Gail watches and again feels her own crotch area tingle 
and become more and more moist.

Satisfied that her son is now clean of his urine she places the wipe 
onto the diaper and then pulls it out from under him. Adam lifts 
himself up a bit as he feeling the diaper being pulled from under him. 
Barbara looks at Gail and says, “Well his cleaning is all done. Do you 
have any questions?”

Gail replies, “No mom, I saw what you did and will do the same when I 
change Adam.”


Adam watches his mom and sister during all of this, enjoying the 
attention he’s getting. Barbara then picks up the diaper and opens it. 
She says to Adam, “Okay honey, lift up again. Here comes your diaper.” 
Adam responds and the diaper is placed under him. “Be sure to get his 
diaper centered under him and back far enough to properly cover him,” 
says Barbara. Gail watches this and nods as her mom places the diaper 
under Adam. “Okay honey,” says his mom and Adam lowers himself onto the 
diaper. He immediately feels it’s softness on his bottom. He 
subconsciously moans too.

“Okay honey, next comes the diaper-rash crème,” says Barbara as she 
places some crème oh her fingers. She then spreads it onto Adam’s groin 
area on either side of his penis and then down towards his bottom. She 
again pulls his legs forward as she applies the crème to his cheeks and 
bottom hole area. “This step will help keep him from getting a diaper-
rash,” says Barbara. Satisfied with her work, she lowers Adam’s legs 
and spreads them apart.

“Next comes the ‘baby-powder’, and we are about done,” says Barbara. 
She sprinkles some onto Adam’s groin area and then spreads it around 
with her fingers. She also gets some powder onto his bottom area. “Any 
questions, honey?” asks Barbara as she looks at Gail.

“No mom, I am watching everything you are doing and can see how it’s 
done,” says Gail.

“That’s good; we need to make sure that our baby here is properly 
diapered all the time. He’ll be much happier that way and especially 
without any diaper-rash,” says Barbara. Both Adam and Gail picked up on 
their mom’s use of the words, ‘our baby’. Gail’s crotch area tingled 
and Adam’s penis stiffened upon hearing these words. Adam thought, 
“Wow, I am a baby; I need diapers!” Gail’s thoughts were along the line 
of, “Oh yes! Adam is my baby brother again; and this time I get to 
change his diaper and that is going to such fun!”

“All that’s left honey is to fasten his diaper nice and tight so it 
stays put. Heaven knows how much pee he’ll place in it,” says Barbara. 
She then pulls the far side diaper up over Adam’s hip and fastens the 3 
tabs. She turns to Gail and says, “Honey, Why don’t you fasten the last 
three and I’ll watch to see how you do.”

A surprised Gail says, “Okay mom; here goes,”

She steps up to Adam’s side and gently picks up the diaper and brings 
it over the other hip and begins to fasten the first tab,

“Don’t worry about hurting him; he likes a firm fitting diaper. Pull it 
tighter; he’s not going bite you,” says Barbara as she observes the 
gentle treatment Gail provides.

Gail tightens her grip and the diaper as she fastens the first tab. She 
follows with the other two, each time making sure that the diaper is 

When she‘s done, Gail looks at her mom for a reaction. Barbara looks at 
her and smiles saying, “You did well honey; our baby is all done. He’s 
ready to play now.”

Adam sits up and looks down at his new diaper. “Thanks mom; thanks Gail 
for changing me. The diaper feels great.”

“We’re all done honey; you’re good to go. Oh, and since it is after 
dinner and bed time soon there’s no need for you to wear pants. You may 
wear your diaper and your T-shirt, okay?” says Barbara.

Adam nods that he understands.

“Now you two have fun; I’ll take this dirty diaper and throw it in the 
garbage. Be sure to keep that towel in here, probably on your chair for 
your next change. I’ll get you a changing pad soon,” says Barbara as 
she leaves her two teens. She’s sure they want some time to chat.

“Oh wow Adam; that was just so amazing!” says an excited Gail as she 
sits down on Adam’s bed. She hears the plastic protector crinkle under 
her and this causes more tingling in her panties. She rubs herself a 
bit as she stares at her brother’s diaper.

“Yeah Gail, that was something; having both you and mom change me,” 
says Adam as he pulls the towel from under him and turns to get his 
legs to hang over the edge of his bed, similar to Gail’s. They now sit 
sit-by-side and are looking into each other’s eyes.

“How does it feel,” asks Gail.

“Great Gail, like I said, it feels great. You both did a perfect job 
changing me; it feels nice and snug,” says Adam.

“Do you like diapers better than…you know…wetting your pants?” asks 

“Well…they’re the same in some ways and yet different. I like them 
both. With the diaper though, I can let go anywhere and pee without 
getting embarrassed ‘cause my pants are all wet. But having wet pants 
on is exciting too,” says Adam.

“Yeah, you said that you did wet your pants,” replies Gail.

“Yeah I did Gail; want to see them?” says Adam.

“See them; how can I see them?’ asks a surprised Gail.

“Wait here,” says Adam as he moves off his bed and walks over to his 
closet. Gail’s eyes are glued to his diapered-butt and the crinkling 
sound coming from it as he walks.

Adam goes into his closet and comes out a few seconds later holding a 
pair of jeans. He sits down next to his sister and says, “Here Gail, 
check these out. These are the pants I wet,” says a proud Adam.

Gail takes the jeans from Adam and studies them, especially the crotch 
area. She gets whiffs of their scent as she handles them. Their scent 
intrigues her and she brings them to her nose and sniffs them several 
times, inhaling Adam’s pee scent that they hold.

She looks over at her brother with his pants placed on over her nose 
and mouth as she smells them. Her body responds with more tingling 
sensations and the feel of more moisture in her panties. She lowers the 
jeans a little and says, “Wow bro, you surely did pee these pants; they 
really smell!”

“Yeah they do,” says Adam proudly, “And I like the smell…a lot.”

“Yeah, I can understand that,” says Gail as she feels the tingling in 
her panties and more dampness in them. She likes the scent of his peed-
in pants too and decides to share this little secret with Adam. “They 
do smell good Adam; I can’t believe it but they do. I like their smell 

“Oh good sis, I hoped you wouldn’t dislike them and says how ‘gross 
‘they are. You may like these too,” says Adam as he hands her his peed-
in underpants that he wore when he wet himself. Gail takes a double-
take of his briefs as he hands them to her. She immediately notices 
their yellow pee-pee stained condition. She takes them from Adam’s hand 
and stretches them out to get a look at their front. She examines them 
closely; checking out their pee stain and them brings them to nose to 
sniff. She looks at Adam as she smells them; over and over again. Her 
crotch area is now on fire and becoming damper and damper with each 
sniff of Adam’s peed- in briefs. The two stare at each other as Gail 
smells his briefs.

“I think you like them too,” says Adam.

Gail just nods ‘yes’ as she holds them to her nose and takes in their 
scent. “I do like them,” she thinks to herself. “This is so amazing.”

“And I’d like to see you…some time…repeat this performance in them. 
That would be soooo exciting, Adam,” says Gail as she finally pulls the 
briefs from her nose.

Adam giggles and then says, “Well sis, when you change me, just put 
these clothes on me and we’ll see what happens.

“Deal bro, I can do that,” replies Gail as she goes back to sniffing 
Adam’s briefs. When she finally gets her fill of their scent she lowers 
them to her lap. She then looks at Adam’s diaper. Seeing him in it 
really gets Gail excited. She doesn’t understand why, but really likes 
the feeling she is experiencing.

“So Adam, it looks as if you are my ‘baby’ brother again. I like the 
idea. How do you feel about it?” asks Gail.

“Ugh, I…don’t mind it sis; in fact I rather like the whole idea; after 
all, I wear a diaper and so do babies and toddlers too. I sort of think 
of myself more as a toddler than a baby, baby. Toddlers in diapers are 
kids that have too many wet pants accidents and their mom’s or sister’s 
just diaper them to keep the laundry down. And what they don’t know is 
that diapers are what the kids really want anyway.”

“Well you sure fill that category and you use it too. Toddlers and 
babies always use their diaper, especially good ones. I hope you’re a 
good one too Adam. I’ll make sure you’re always changed and cleaned up 
well so you can wear and wet your diaper with no nasty ‘diaper rash’,” 
says Gail. She gently rubs the front of Adam’s diaper as she finishes 

“Thanks sis; I think I am going to like being your diaper 
brother…again,” says Adam.

“You know Adam,” says Gail as she continues to rub him, “when you use 
to hold yourself and wiggle around on the floor as we watched TV, I 
just thought you had poor potty habits and didn’t like to go to the 
bathroom. Now I think that what you really wanted was to be able to wet 
your pants but not get in trouble with mom or dad. And now…you can wet 
yourself and they have no problem with it. I just can’t believe it. 
Does it really feel that good?”

Adam just smiles and nods, ‘yes’.

“Well it must be a boy-thing. I don’t know any girls that would think 
it was cool to wear a diaper and pee themselves. And I do know two 
boys…you and Danny that think it’s the only way to go,” says Gail.

“Well, I agree with you about me and Danny, but I am not so sure that 
only boys use a diaper. I bet you girls do it too; we just don’t know 
any…yet,” says Adam as he giggles a little.

“Don’t look to me to be one of them bro, I prefer to use the toilet for 
all my potty needs,” says Gail.

“Okay, I can live with that; and besides, mom would probably freak out 
if both her teens were back in diapers. I think I am enough for her to 
handle,” says Adam.

“Oh yeah, would she ever. So bro, how long have you wanted to be back 
in diapers anyway?”

“Oh I don’t know, a few years I guess,” replies Adam as he looks down 
at his diapered crouch, which his sister still rubs. He likes her doing 
this and how it feels. He also feels that she does not mind him in them 
and maybe wouldn’t tease him too much.

“Oh, really, that long huh? Well you finally got your wish. Now you 
have to learn to live with them. I’ll help you with this so that we can 
keep it between us and not let too many others know,” says Gail.

“Others, what do you mean, others” asked Adam.

“Well, Danny and Debbie for starters; they know you wear diapers,” says 

“You know that for sure, that Debbie knows?” asks a surprised Adam.

“Well no, I haven’t told her, but I bet Danny has since she knows about 
his diapers and the sleepover you had there where you wore them the 
whole time. Anyway, we are very close to them and I think that they 
will want to keep this little fact amongst us. We could even have a 
group sleepover; all four of us at one house. Debbie and I could be in 
charge of you two and do all of your diaper changes. I think that would 
be fun,” says Gail.

“I never thought of that but it would be fun, I think. Danny and I in 
diapers together all weekend,” says Adam.

“I’ll talk with mom about it and see what she says. I bet she’ll let us 
have one,” says Gail.

“Okay, that sounds like a good plan,” replies Adam.

“Cool, let’s go watch some TV before bedtime,” says Gail. They both get 
up, not before Gail takes her brother’s peed-in briefs and pants to her 
nose for one more good smell. “You did a good job wetting these bro; I 
can’t wait for you to have another ‘accident’ in them. You’re ‘so 
naughty’,” says Gail with a wink in her eye and a little giggle. They 
walk out of Adam’s room with him in the lead so that Gail can check out 
his diapered butt. “Gosh, he looks so cute in a diaper; I can’t believe 
that I like him this way,” thinks Gail as she admires her brother in a 

Boys’ Potty Habits: Chapter 12 – Getting To Use

“Danny! What did you do?” says an exasperated sounding Linda as she 
sets down from her arms, bags of food supplies on the kitchen counter. 
She has just seen her son standing in the family room wearing of all 
things, wet pants; pants that look as if he just peed them. She’s not 
really upset, just surprised. When she left Danny and Debbie an hour or 
so ago to go shopping, Danny was wearing a wet diaper. She had asked 
Debbie to help him change it. “I knew I should have changed him myself 
before I left,” she says to herself as she stares at her son, awaiting 
a response from the boy.

“Uh, nothing…” replies Danny as he nervously looks at his mom.

“Oh, I see; so you’re just standing in the Family Room, wearing wet 
pants, and …nothing happened huh?” says Linda.

“Ugh…well…you see…” says Danny, not sure of what he should say. You 
see, Debbie did change his wet diaper but she also talked him into 
wearing regular underpants instead of another diaper. She wanted to see 
him have an ‘accident’ in his pants; she wanted him to wet them. Danny 
was up for the game too as he likes acting in such a ‘naughty-boy’ 
manner. Linda just returned home too soon and caught him in his wet 
pants. Debbie then walks into the Family Room from her bedroom. She had 
just gone back there a few minutes earlier. She sees her brother and 
then her mother and gets a nervous look on her face. “Oh darn! Mom is 
home!” she thinks.

Linda walks over to her son looking into his eyes and then checks out 
his wet pants. She takes her hand and rubs the front of them. She then 
brings her hand to her nose to smell as she walks all around Danny. She 
ends up in front of him, still smelling her hand. She looks over at 
Debbie and then back to Danny. “Well, the wetness on your pants is 
urine. You wet your pants.” She then pulls back the front of them so 
she could see what underpants he wore. She sees that they are his 
briefs. He’s not wearing a diaper. “And you’re not wearing a diaper; 
why not?”

Danny starts, “Ugh…well…we…” Debbie sees that Danny is having trouble 
answering his mom. She decides to help him out; after all, it was her 
idea in the first place for him to wear his ‘big boy’ underpants.

“Mom,” starts Debbie; “I thought it would be okay for Danny to wear his 
regular underpants for a little while; to give his…you know…his…”

“His penis and bottom?” interjects their mom.

“Yeah,” says Debbie, “to have some fresh air so he doesn’t get a diaper 

“Well that seems reasonable,” says their mom. “So what happened?” By 
now, Linda figures out what’s going on with Danny and Debbie, but wants 
them to further explain it to her.

“Well, I got carried up with doing things and sort of…forgot about 
Danny,” says Debbie.

“And what about you Danny?” asks Linda.

“Ugh, well I was watching TV and then I had to go…and I…”

“Yes, you did what?” asks Linda being a little impatient with Danny’s 
drawn out response.

“I…wet my pants,” replies Danny as he looks at his mom and then to the 
ground. He’s nervous now and not sure what his mom is going to do to 
him. He doesn’t want to blame Debbie for this as he enjoys the little 
game they are playing.

“I see,” says Linda. “Okay then, will you please go to the car and 
bring in the rest of the groceries for me? I want to talk with your 
sister,” says Linda.

“Yes ma’am,” says Danny as he quickly walks out. As he does, he gives 
Debbie a scared look. She smiles at him and gives him a wink. As he 
walks to the garage he thinks, “Wow, sis is rather calm with all of 
this. I wonder what she’ll tell mom.”

Linda motions for Debbie to sit down next to her on the couch. Debbie 

“So, tell me what’s going on with you two,” says Linda.

“Well, we’re sort of…playing…I guess...” starts Debbie.

“You guess? It looks more deliberate to me,” says her mom.

Debbie shifts a bit trying to figure out what to tell her mom. Linda 
notices her anxiety.

Linda then says, “Well, it appears that you like the fact that your 
brother has poor or no potty habits. I even heard you say, ‘playing’.”

“Well it is rather funny having my brother back wearing diapers,” says 
Debbie, feeling a little less anxious now.

“And…wetting his pants and his bed too?” adds Linda.

“Yeah that too mom,” says Debbie.

“So what’s next? You have other plans for Danny?” asks her mom.

“Not really; I…we…wanted Danny to…pee his pants again,” says Debbie.

“Does that please you; to see him behave in such a juvenile way?” asks 
her mom.

Debbie, looking at her mom and just nods ‘yes’. She then adds, “He 
likes doing it too!”

“Yes, I am well aware of his likes about his potty habits. It’s you and 
your likes that I am more interested in now,” says her mom.

“I…just can’t explain it mom, other than when Danny pees his pants, 
that I can’t keep from watching him and seeing him do it,” replies 

“Did you watch him wet his pants this time too?’ asks her mom.

Debbie again just nods ‘yes’.

“So that’s the game you two are ‘playing’ is it?” asks her mom.

“Yes mom, we both like it; me watching and Danny peeing his pants. It’s 
so ‘naughty’ and so exciting…for both of us,” admits Debbie.

Linda takes in Debbie’s admission and just looks at her. “Wow, my two 
teens are really into this ‘juvenile’ behavior of Danny’s. I guess it 
doesn’t really surprise me though. They’re both young and discovering 
themselves,” she thinks.

“Okay, I can live with this; however, I DO NOT want any of Danny’s 
urine finding its way onto any furniture or carpet. Is that clear?”

Debbie gets a big smile on her face and says, “Yes mom, crystal clear.”

“Good; I better get you two some plastic on which Danny can sit when 
you’re ‘playing’ this way. That, with a towel will protect the 
furniture,” says her mom.

Debbie leans forward a gives her mom a hug. Her mom returns it. Debbie 
then says, “Thanks mom, I’ll make sure Danny doesn’t get anything 
wet…except his pants, when we’re ‘playing’.”

“Good girl,” replies her mom. “You do know that having him diapered 
would be much easier.”

“But not nearly as much fun,” says Debbie as she sits back up, looking 
at her mom.

“Yeah, I suppose so; just be careful and have fun too,” says her mom.

“We will mom, we surely will,” says Debbie.

Meanwhile, Danny enters the garage to get the groceries and sees the 
car trunk open as well as the garage door. “Oh great. Mom sure has a 
sense of humor sending me out here this way. I sure hope the neighbors 
don’t see me…in my wet pants.” He walks over to the trunk, also 
checking out the neighborhood, and begins to retrieve the groceries. He 
tries to carry as much as he can in just one trip but realizes he’ll 
need to make another one. He goes back into the house with his arms 
full. He sees his mom and sister still talking. He puts the groceries 
down and then goes to finish his task. In a few minutes he returns to 
the kitchen and puts this load down. He sees his mom and Debbie 
starting to stand up. They both turn and look at him. He smiles and 
says, “Everything is in the house mom.”

“Good boy, thank you. Now will you and Debbie help put this away,” says 
their mom as she and Debbie walk into the kitchen.

“Ugh, sure mom,” says Danny, surprised at the calmness of her voice.

The three proceed to put the food away, not discussing Danny’s 
condition. He’s relieved at this as he’s sure that he does not want his 
wet pants discussed anymore. He does however enjoy being able to 
continue wearing them. Every so often he gets a whiff of their pee-
scent that excites him. He’s unaware that Debbie is excited too by his 
scent as she smells them putting things away. Linda also is aware of 
this little fact and discreetly observes both of them.

With all the groceries put away, Linda turns to her two teens and says, 
“Thank you so much for your help you two; care for something to drink?”

“Sure mom,” says Debbie.

“Yeah, that would be great; I am thirsty; thanks mom,” replies Danny.

“No problem you two,” says Linda as she retrieves some soda from the 
refrigerator. She hands each of them a can and says, “Now go off and 

They both reply, “Thanks mom.”

“Oh I almost forgot.” She goes to a cupboard and pulls out a plastic 
trash bag. Handing it to Danny she says, “If you choose to stay in your 
wet pants, please see that you sit on this with a towel too. I 
explained the rules to Debbie earlier. I am sure she’ll gladly fill you 
in on them. I also suggest that your next change be back into a diaper. 
Now off with you two; go have some fun!”

As Debbie and Danny smile and quickly leave the kitchen Linda thinks, 
“These two are something else. Ever since I put Danny back into diapers 
they get along so much better. I guess there is some magical power with 
a twelve year-old in diapers; or in wet pants. Well I can live with 
this as these two certainly are. Boys’ and their potty habits; what a 
parent has to endure.”

Debbie leads Danny back toward the bedrooms and stops outside the 
bathroom. She then says, “Go get a towel and bring it to my room; oh 
and I’ll take this plastic, hurry.”

Debbie takes the plastic from Danny’s hand and goes to her room. She 
then places the plastic bag on her bed. Danny appears shortly with the 
towel. He walks over to Debbie who takes the towel from him and places 
it over the plastic. She looks up at her brother, not too quickly 
though as she wants to take in another look at his wet pants. She leans 
down toward them and inhales several times to pick up their pee-scent. 
Getting a good fill, she stands up and says,

“Okay, my smelly-pants brother, have a seat.” She then sits herself 
down on her bed at the head and positions herself into a comfortable 
position, with her legs crossed in front of her. Danny sits down on the 
towel and plastic in much the same fashion. They are now facing each 

“Your pants really smell Danny,” says Debbie.

“Yeah they do and I think you really like their smell too. Do you?” 
asks Danny.

Debbie smiles at Danny and says, “Well, I shouldn’t, it is pee you 
know; but there is something about it on your pants that does make it 
rather exciting to smell. I trust this little secret will stay between 
us,” says Debbie.

“Yeah sure, sis. I can’t believe it…you use to tease me so much about 
my wet bed and now you like my pee-pee smelling pants; and that you 
want me to wet them too. I never would have believed that one,” says 

“Well, I can’t either, but it is exciting,” says Debbie.

“So what are the rules mom talked about?” asks Danny.

“Oh those; well, mom wanted to know why I didn’t have you in a diaper. 
I sort of told her that we…were playing…having you in regular 
underpants…so you could…wet your pants.

“You told mom that?” asks a surprised Danny.

“Well yeah and then she told me that when we ‘play’ this way that you 
are not to get any of your pee on the furniture or carpet. She was 
crystal clear with this rule. She said that she’s going to buy some 
plastic for you to sit on…when you have wet pants on,” says Debbie.

“Okay, what else?” asks Danny.

Debbie looks at her brother and realizes there are no other rules, just 
that one. “Wow Danny, I just realized that that is the only rule mom 
gave. Can you believe that? She’s going to let you pee your pants and 
wear diapers too, whichever we… I mean you chose.”

“Just one rule, don’t get the furniture wet? Oh wow, that is amazing,” 
says Danny. He thinks about what his sister just said a bit more and 
keys in on her use of the word ‘we’.

“And just what did you mean ‘we’ sis?” asks Danny with a little smile.

Debbie returns the smile and shifts around a bit. She then says, 
“Well…I sort of was responsible for you wearing underpants and getting 
caught by mom in your wet pants…”

“Yeah, cause you wanted me to do it…in my pants. I guess I did too. We 
are sort of ‘playing’ aren’t we?” says Danny.

“Yeah bro we are; and I think it’s just perfect. We either can choose 
when you’ll wet your pants or…wear a diaper. Either way, it is 
‘playing’. The only time you really need a diaper is at bedtime so you 
don’t get your sheets all wet with pee-pee in the middle of the night. 
Mom seems to have given up on your poor potty habits; she’s going to 
let you do with them as you…and we please,” says Debbie with a big 
smile and a wink to her brother.

“Yeah you’re right about that. I never thought she’d just let me play 
this way. I like this change in her attitude,” says Danny.

“Me too bro, me too,” adds Debbie.

“So what are we going to do now sis?” asks Danny.

“Well, I’d like to …to…smell your pee-peed pants more; may I?” asks 

“Sure; knock yourself out,” replies Danny as he leans back onto his 
hands exposing is crotch to Debbie.

“Oh wow, bro, you do look so ‘naughty’ in your wet pants. I just can’t 
believe how much they excite me; and how much I like you in them,” says 
Debbie. She smiles and winks at Danny and then leans forward bringing 
her face to Danny’s wet and smelly crotch. She sniffs it several times 
as she gets closer to him. Danny watches her and feels good that she is 
so interested in him and his pee-peed-in pants. Such games these two 

Debbie takes in all she can see and smell of Danny’s wet pants. The 
scent of his pee in them excites her more and more. She can feel her 
own crotch getting moist as her level of excitement rises with each 
sniff she takes in. Danny likes what he sees and decides to try and 
surprise his sister with more pee, if he can wet some more. He relaxes 
first and waits; nothing happens. He then decides to push a bit. When 
he does, he feels only a slight movement from his bladder, but no pee 
in his pants. He pushes again and this time he farts. Debbie is at 
first startled by this but quickly realizes what Danny is doing; he’s 
trying to wet his pants for her. She stays down at his crotch, smelling 
it and now his fart.

“Oh yes Danny, this is soooo good; keep trying. I want you to pee your 
pants, right now, if you can,” says Debbie.

“I’m trying sis, I am,” says Danny. Danny again tries to pee. He 
relaxes and concentrates. His bladder, this time responds and he can 
feel his urine working its way down into his penis. “It’s coming sis, 
be patient,” says Danny.

“Oh good,” replies Debbie.

She smells him and waits for the wetness to appear. Her eyes are but a 
few inches from Danny’s pants. Danny continues trying to urinate right 
now, into his pants, for his sister. They are rewarded. Danny’s pee is 
now leaving his penis and making its mark on his pants.

“Oh yes! I see it Danny! It’s soooo exciting!” says Debbie who now 
finds herself rubbing her crotch as it tingles and moistens with 
Danny’s actions. This game of theirs excites them both. Danny continues 
to slowly pee his pants. Debbie watches the ever expanding wet mark 
grow and takes in its fresh pee scent. She is really playing with 
herself now as she becomes more excited with each ounce of Danny’s pee 
that she sees and smells.

Danny now looks at his sister’s crotch and sees her hand there as she 
rubs it. “Oh wow,” thinks Danny. “Debbie is really into this too. I am 
glad I can make her feel good.”

Danny now no longer needs to wet himself; he’s emptied as much of his 
bladder as he can. Debbie also sees that the glistening wetness of 
Danny’s pants is turning dull. She still watches what she can of the 
spreading wetness of Danny’s wet pants. Their scent is taken in by 
Debbie as she watches.

Finally with no more action Debbie leans back and looks at her brother 
who is smiling. “Well, bro, you certainly are a ’naughty boy’; you 
can’t keep from wetting your pants!”

Danny can only nod in agreement with his sister’s assessment of him.

“You know bro,” continues Debbie, “Mom is right…you need to be back in 
a diaper; you just cannot keep your pants dry. You wet them all the 
time!” She ends this statement with a big smile. Both teens know 
exactly the game they are playing and how good it feels.

“Yeah sis?” replies Danny.

“Yeah bro, you need diapers, now,” says Debbie.

“Okay, I am ready; go for it!” says Danny as he stays leaning back.

“You got it, ‘naughty boy’,” replies Debbie. As she stands up she says, 
“You stay put ‘diaper boy’; I’ll be right back with a diaper for you. 
She then happily leaves her room with Danny on her bed, sitting on 
plastic and a towel, in very wet pants.

Debbie is not gone long; she appears with a diaper, baby powder and 

“Okay ‘diaper boy’ let’s get you out of your thoroughly wet pants and 
into a nice soft and fresh diaper,” says Debbie as she unfastens 
Danny’s pants and undress his lower half. With his pants now off both 
of them can check out his yellow pee-stained underpants. Debbie leans 
forward and smells them. She looks at her brother and says, “Boy you 
sure do good artistry in your briefs.”

“Yeah I do don’t I?” replies a very happy ‘diaper boy’.

As he watches Debbie remove his wet underpants he asks, “Well sis, 
which is it; am I a ‘naughty boy’ or a ‘diaper boy’?”

Debbie smiles at his question as she begins to wipe him of his urine. 
“Well…, I think you’re both. You’re naughty when you pee your pants and 
you are a diaper boy ‘cause they are your normal underpants. I like 
both names on you.”

“Cool sis, I can live with that,” replies Danny.

Debbie continues cleaning up her brother and then lifts his legs by his 
ankles to place the diaper under his bottom. She adjusts it and then 
applies the baby powder to his groin area. She gently rubs it in and 
into every skin area. She then cleans her hands a bit and brings the 
front of the diaper up, between Danny’s legs and fastens it securely 
onto him.

She stands up straight admiring her work and says, “Well that’s it 
‘diaper boy’; you’re good to go in your fresh diaper.”

“Thanks sis, I appreciate all you do for me. I am glad you liked me 
surprising you and doing a little pee-pee in my pants,” says Danny.

“You’re welcome bro and I do thank you for that little present. I 
really enjoyed it,” replies Debbie.

“Yeah, I could tell,” says Danny.

The following day at school, Adam and Danny hook up at recess and have 
a chat about what’s been going on in their lives. Each boy is wearing a 
GoodNite for protection against an embarrassing ‘accident’ at school. 
Both their mom’s helped them get changed into them before going to 
school. Barbara and Linda are making a conscientious effort to pay 
close attention to their sons because of their poor potty habits and 
their desires to be diapered, especially Adam.

“Hey Danny,” says Adam, “What’s new with you?”

“Oh wow Adam, a lot replies Danny. My sister and I had this really good 
talk and she’s all into me wearing GoodNites and diapers. She also 
wants me to even wet my pants sometimes. She’s not teasing me about any 
of this or anything. It’s really great!”

“Good; Gail and I have talked about me in diapers too and she’s cool 
with it. I just can’t believe that she’s not teasing me either. Our 
sisters seem to have changed their attitudes about us. I like it,” says 

“Yeah, me too Adam. Debbie even suggested to me that we have a joint 
sleepover; all four of us. That way our sisters can change us and we 
can play and play in our diapers,” says Danny.

“Wow that sounds cool. I might mention it to Gail too,” says Adam.

Recess is soon over and the boys go off to their respective classes. 
Each one of them thinks about what they just shared and the joint 
sleepover. Neither boy uses the boys’ room during recess, and they both 
end up peeing a bit into their GoodNites before lunch. When the lunch 
hour arrives they both head to the toilets to empty their bladders and 
save their GoodNites for later use.

During lunch Adam and Danny eat with friends and enjoy themselves 
privately; knowing they have a diaper pant on and it is wet with pee, 
their pee. This makes them feel ‘naughty-like’. Their friends have no 
clue as to the game these two boys play.

In an afternoon class, Adam feels his bottom with some pressure on it 
and just let’s go as if he’ll fart himself and that will be that. 
However, when he does this, a bit more than just gas escapes his anus. 
This startles Adam at first as he realizes the pressure is gone, but 
there’s a feeling in his pants; he feels some poop in it. “Oh my gosh!” 
he thinks to himself. I…did a little BM in my GoodNite! I hope it 
doesn’t smell; I hope I don’t leak. Oh wow, I did it; I did some poopy 
in my pants!” As Adam assesses his situation he finds that everything 
is contained and he can’t even smell anything. He slowly relaxes and 
begins to breathe easier. This little accident does however excite him. 
He feels the little bit of poop in his pants and how it sticks to his 
bottom cheeks. He likes the feeling. As the class ends and he prepares 
for the next one, he walks to it and can really appreciate the feeling 
from his bottom. “This is just so cool. I finally did it and I wasn’t 
even trying,” he thinks. He checks out to see if anyone is staring at 
him and finds his classmates lost in their own world. This gives him a 
sense of control and accomplishment over his actions. As he walks to 
his next class, he pees himself some and revels with this ‘naughty-
like’ behavior. “Yes, I do like diapers and how they feel and what I 
can do in them. I know they are for babies, but I like wearing and 
using them,” he thinks to himself.

And as boys’ in diapers usual feel when they have wet and messed 
themselves….a little…they want more. Adam is there and can only think 
of doing more poop and more pee-pee in his GoodNite. He gets himself so 
distracted that his teacher notices him and tells him to “pay attention 
and quit daydreaming!” This comment brings him back to reality and he 
does as asked. He thinks to himself though, “Wow, that was close. I 
better cool it and wait for school to be over before I get in trouble 
and caught…in a diaper pant!” Adam’s school day continues and he 
behaves himself. He does however relish the feeling from his diaper 

A bell now rings, telling everyone that the school day is over. Only 
one more day and the weekend is here for Adam and Danny, and Gail and 
Debbie. Will they be together?

Everyone quickly gathers their belongings and heads to their lockers 
and then their way home. Adam his now feeling very excited at what he 
plans to do…in his pants. Danny walks up to him and says, “Hey dude, 
you look to be daydreaming; everything okay?”

Adam again is brought back to reality by someone talking to him. This 
time it’s not his teacher, but his friend.

“Oh…hi Danny. Yeah everything is fine, just fine,” replies Adam.

“Cool, let’s go then,” says Danny.

They leave the school and begin their walk home. Adam thinks to himself 
now, “Oh wow! What am I going to do? I do so want to pee and poop 
myself more. I don’t know if mom will get mad at me for doing a little 
poop in my pants. Can I do more? What will happen if I do?” Adam gets 
no answers to his questions. They walk on.

“So Adam, how was class this afternoon for you?” asks Danny.

“Oh it was good. I even did more…peeing,” giggles Adam.

Danny laughs a bit and says, “Yeah me too, I want to do more and get 
home. Playing in diaper pants is so exciting, isn’t it?”

“Oh yeah Danny, I know they are really for babies, but wow, I really 
like playing…so …’naughty-like’ in them too.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” adds Danny. The two walk on and chat more 
about how the wet themselves in school today and no one found out.

“Well, I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” says Danny as they reach the 
street on which he lives.

“Bye Danny, have fun at home,” says Adam.

“Yeah, you too, bye,” replies Danny.

As Adam walks the two blocks to his house he feels the need to urinate. 
This makes him smile and he says to himself, “Yeah, do it. Wet your 
pants, baby!’ He relaxes and begins peeing. The feeling of warmth 
entering his ‘diaper pants’ pleases and excites him. “Oh yeah. This 
feels so good. I am a baby; I’m wetting my pants, just like one.” As he 
walks home, he pees and pees. The ‘diaper pants’ limit to contain his 
fluid is finally exceeded and it begins to show itself on Adam’s pants. 
Adam’s pee now flows out onto and down his pant legs from his crotch. 
He’s still peeing himself when he realizes what is happening. He stops 
walks and looks down at his pants. “Uh oh, I wet my pants!” The flow of 
pee continues as he looks at himself. He says quietly, “I better get 
home; I need my diaper changed. I hope mommy doesn’t get mad at me.”

He begins walking, more briskly this time. His bladder finally empties 
itself but his pants are very wet. There’s no guessing as to what 
happened to him. Adam wet his pants.

He walks into his house and puts his backpack down as he walks into the 
kitchen. He sees his mom at the counter. She turns to see who is home 
and looks at her son and his very wet pants. She walks up to him and 
says, “Oh Adam honey, are you alright?”

“Yes…mommy, I am okay.”

“What happened honey?” she asks with a concerned voice.

“I…I...had a…accident,” replies an embarrassed Adam.

“And what might that be honey?” asks his mom.

“I…I…wet my pants,” says Adam.

“Yes I can see that. Let’s go and get my baby into a nice fresh diaper. 
Baby Adam needs a nice big diaper ‘cause he just wet his pants. Come 
honey, mommy will change you,” says Barbara as she takes his hand and 
leads him to his room.

“Am I in trouble….mommy?” asks Adam.

“Why no baby; you just couldn’t hold your pee-pee. The diaper panty 
mommy had you wear to school today just wasn’t big enough to hold all 
that you peed. Mommy will fix that now so my baby may continue to play 
and play…just like a baby,” says Barbara with a smile and wink in her 
eye. Adam sees this and begins to smile.

“Thanks mommy,” he says.

Once in his room, Barbara gets a changing pad out and puts it on his 
bed. She has him sit down and then she removes his shoes. She then 
unfastens his pants and lowers them down his legs. Adam is fussing with 
his hands at his face and his mom notices this behavior.

“Okay honey, lie down now so I can change you,” she says.

Adam does so and then his mom leans over him saying, “Is my baby a 
little nervous and scared?”

Adam just nods, yes. Barbara takes his hand and folds his fingers into 
his palm and then guides his thumb to the lips of his mouth.

“I think my baby wants this, don’t you?” she says as she pushes his 
thumb into his mouth. Adam slowly accepts it. “Now you go and suck your 
thumb honey while mommy changes you. You’ll feel much better,” she 

Adam begins sucking on his thumb. His mom can see a smile from him and 
his eyes change to contentment.

“Yes my baby, suck your thumb; mommy needs to get baby a pacifier; 
would you like that?” she asks.

Adam again nods as he lays there waiting for a fresh diaper, sucking 
his thumb. It does relax him and he feels more like a baby now.

His mom pulls the sides of the GoodNite apart, and then lowers the pee 
stained and drenched front. With his crotch area now exposed his mom my 
looks at it and then to Adam and says, “It looks like my baby had a 
little poopie accident today too.” Adam nods again as she sucks his 
thumb. “Well that’s okay honey; that’s what babies do in their diapers. 
Mommy is going to get you nicely diapered so you may continue. Stay 
right here honey, I need to get your changing supplies.”

Barbara goes to Adam’s dresser and retrieves the necessary items; 
wipes, baby powder, a disposable diaper and a pair of light blue 
plastic baby-pants with images of toys on them. She also gets a booster 
pad so Adam has plenty of material in which to pee….and to poop. She 
returns to Adam’s bed where she sees her son rubbing his penis.

“You’re such a boy Adam, always touching and playing with your penis; 
it’s okay honey. I know that it feels good to you.”

Adam nods and then moves his hand way. Barbara then proceeds to wipe 
Adam’s crotch of his pee and little poop. Barbara knows he has more to 
expel and she wants him to be comfortable doing it in his diaper. “Now 
honey,” says his mom as she pulls out the used GoodNite from under him 
and replaces it with a fresh diaper, “I know baby did a little poopie 
today in his pants. Mommy also knows that he needs to finish going and 
that I expect your diaper to be thoroughly filled with smelly and 
stinky poop by your next diaper change. Is that understood baby?”

Adam pulls his thumb from his mouth and says, “Really mommy, I can do 
poopie in my pants?”

“Yes honey, in your diaper pants, all of it. That’s what babies do in 
their diapers and you’re my baby, right?” she says. Adam smiles and 
says, “Oh yes mommy; I am your baby!”

“And you like being my baby, don’t you Adam?” asks his mom.

“Oh yes mommy, yes!” replies Adam. He then returns his thumb to his 
mouth and sucks on it.

Barbara then places the booster at Adam’s crotch. She then sprinkles 
baby powder on him and gently rubs it in. After she cleans her hands on 
the diaper she brings the front up between his legs and securely 
fastens it. She then picks up the plastic baby-pants, which Adam has 
never seen before, shakes them and then lowers them to Adam’s face and 
says, “‘These are for you honey; don’t they smell good? These baby-
pants will keep you from having any leaks from your diaper.”

Adam’s eyes open wide as he sees the pants and then smells them. He 
takes his other hand and touches and runs the pant. He likes everything 
about them and says, “Oh mommy, they’re perfect! Where did you get 

“Oh, mommy found them and a few other things for her baby from a nice 
baby store. I knew you would need them and I hoped you liked them too,” 
she says.

“Oh I do mommy! I am a baby ‘cause I wet my pants and I wear diapers. 
Babies need plastic pants for their diapers,” says Adam.

“Yes they do honey; then they wouldn’t have any leaks from their wet 
and messy diapers,” she says as she threads them over his feet, up his 
legs and over his diaper. “Lift up a little honey so mommy can get your 
baby-pants on just right,” she adds. Adam lifts his bottom up and his 
mom gets the baby-pants up and over the diaper.

“Okay honey, now stand up so mommy can see that your diaper is all 
covered up,” she says.

Adam does as asked. Barbara straightens and adjusts the baby-pants over 
Adams diaper. Once she’s happy with the results she looks at her 
diapered baby boy smiles and gently pats his bottom saying, “Okay 
tiger, you’re good to go.”

“Oh thanks mommy! They look and feel soooo good!” replies a very 
excited Adam.

Barbara goes about cleaning up the diaper supplies, changing pad and 
very used GoodNite. All the while Adam looks at himself in his mirror 
as he still sucks his thumb.

He turns to his mom and asks, “Mommy, what about my pants?”

“Oh, you mean your jeans? You don’t need them at home honey, when 
you’re in diapers. This way mommy can check you and see when you need 
to be changed. You don’t want any leaky diapers do you?” she says with 
a smile and a wink.

Adam returns her smile and replies, “No mommy, no leaky diapers for 

“Yes, that’s my ‘baby boy’. You have fun honey and don’t forget our 
homework,’ she says.

“Oh mommy, what about….Gail, when she gets home?” asks Adam.

“Gail will be just fine. She knows her brother needs diapers; she’ll 
not tease you honey,” replies his mom.

“Okay mommy, thanks for everything, I really like it when you diaper me 
and the baby-pants are just the best,” says Adam.

Barbara walks up to hug her son and says, “Well I like diapering you 
too Adam; and I am so glad you like your baby-pants. I am sure you’ll 
like my other surprises for you too.”

“What are they? When can I see them?” asks an excited diaper boy.

“In all good time honey, just be patient; mommy knows when you need 
them and you’ll get them then.”

“Okay mommy,” replies Adam.

Barbara then leaves his room with his dirty GoodNite and Adam goes and 
sits down at his desk. He then realizes that his backpack with his 
school books is in the Family Room. He gets up and walks to go retrieve 

“Well look at my ‘baby’ brother!” hears Adam as he picks up his 
backpack. He turns to the voice and sees Gail standing in the kitchen. 
He sees that she is looking him over and then stares at his diapers. 
Adam doesn’t know what to say; he smiles at Gail, hoping she doesn’t 
tease him.

“It’s okay Adam, like I told you earlier; I am not going to tease you 
for wearing a diaper. I think you look really cute in them and those 
baby-pants too. You’re adorable Adam.”

“Ugh, thanks Gail,” replies Adam. “I appreciate that too,”

“You’re welcome bro; my ‘baby ‘bro,” says Adam.

Adam walks over to the kitchen. His mom is there too. “Can I have a 
drink mom…my?” he asks.

Barbara looks at him and smiles saying, “Yes you may honey. I’ll get it 
for you.” She goes to the refrigerator and gets a baby bottle. She 
hands it to him saying, “And this will make sure little Adam does not 
spill his drink in his room and get the carpet all wet, okay?”

Adam takes the bottle from her stretched out hand and replies, “Yes 
mommy, thanks.”

Gail looks on, a bit startled at her brother’s babyish behavior and his 
baby bottle. She thinks, “Wow, this guy is really getting into being a 
baby and mom is right there helping him too.”

“Good boy Adam,” says his mom. Adam leaves them and goes back to his 
room. On the way, he looks at the baby bottle and then brings it to his 
mouth and begins sucking it. Unbeknownst to him, his mom has added a 
laxative and a diuretic to the drink. His diaper will find out soon 

“Wow mom, Adam sure is taking to being a ‘baby’ again,” says Gail as 
they sit down in the kitchen.

“Yes his is honey and I think it’s just fine. He’s very happy and 
excited acting this way. We will let him be our ‘baby’, won’t we?” she 

“Yes mom, we will,” says Gail.

Barbara fills her daughter in on Adam’s ‘accidents’ both wet and messy 
and they both giggle over them. Barbara tells Gail what she saw when he 
can home; a little boy in thoroughly wet pants that had a little stinky 
smell to them too. She tells Gail that he’ll be wet and messy again 
soon, but does not tell her about what’s in his baby bottle; too much 
information is unnecessary she thinks.

“And what about him calling you ’mommy’?” asks Gail. “That is really 

“Well it’s not weird Gail; it’s Adam’s way of expressing himself to me 
when he’s playing ‘baby’. I don’t mind it at all. I rather like hearing 
him say it. It reminds me of how he was when was younger,” replies 

“And what ‘other’ babyish behavior is he doing of which I should be 
aware?” asks Gail after realizing that her mom is as excited about her 
‘baby boy’ as is the ‘baby’ himself.

Barbara thinks for a minute and then replies, “Well, he started to suck 
his thumb while I changed his diaper. We’ll need to get him some 
pacifiers to use.”

“Wow, Adam is really getting into this ‘baby act’ stuff; it’s just not 
wearing diapers,” Gail says.

“Well they are a big part of it honey, but I see no harm in allowing 
Adam to act in this manner. He is so excited and so alive; you’ll see,” 
says Barbara.

While Adam studies, he sucks on his baby bottle and his body takes in 
all that it is given. After about a ½ hour or so, he feels rumblings in 
his stomach and gut. “Oh wow,” he thinks, “I’m going to finally finish 
doing my BM that I started in school. This is going to be really 
interesting. I now will know the feeling, the one I had in my dream 
when I pooped my pants and got caught.” He continues with his studies 
awhile longer until his bottom gives him the feeling that it is close 
to the time. Adam is about to poop his diaper.

His ability to concentrate quickly diminishes as his body prepares to 
expel itself of its waste. Adam looks down at his diaper and says under 
his breath, “Well, I am diapered and this is what I really want; so 
here goes.” He shifts to one side, freeing his bottom a little, relaxes 
himself and pushes his bowels. They respond in kind and he feels a 
soft, warm mass leave his bottom and spread out onto his bottom cheeks. 
“Oh wow! I am doing it; I am pooping my pants!” he says.

He then decides to stand up, bend his knees a bit and push more as his 
poop needs some help. His bottom opens more as he pushes and then a 
large amount of poop quickly fills his diaper. He feels its warmth and 
softness against his bottom and the fullness it creates in his diaper. 
The diaper expands enough to allow his poop to enter it. It contains it 
all just as diapers are supposed to. “Oh yes!” he says. “This is better 
than my dream; this feels soooo good.”

Adam pushes more and he poops more. He’s filling his diaper with it. 
Then, with his bowels about empty, his bladder is able to release its 
contents. Adam just let’s it go. He now begins peeing himself and moans 
with delight. “Oh yes, this is just the best feeling!” he says.

“I am a big baby! I peed and pooped my diaper!” I am a baby!” says Adam 
as he stands enjoying his babyish behavior.

Debbie is really taken by Adam’s baby behavior; she can’t get images of 
him in a diaper and peeing it, out of her mind. It is a distraction for 
her as much as it is for Adam. She decides to go and get a drink. As 
she walks by his bedroom, she checks it out. There’s Adam at his desk. 
She decides to observe him. All of a sudden, he stands up and to Gail; 
he appears to be….pooping himself! “Oh my gosh,” she thinks as she 
stares at him, “he’s doing it right now; he’s doing poop in his 

She stands quietly and watches him. She sees that he’s quite pleased 
with himself and this babyish of ‘baby’ behaviors. “‘Wow, my brother 
really does like acting as a baby; I can’t believe it; mom is right,” 
she thinks. Then she hears Adam speak quietly. She does however hear 
his words; “I am a big baby! I peed and pooped my diaper!” She sees 
Adam’s pee now change the color of his diaper and she can see the bulge 
at his butt. She then realizes that her body is responding to what 
she’s seeing. Her panties are getting moist and her crotch tingles; it 
feels good and she places her hand between her legs and gently begins 
to rub herself. The tingling sensation continues and begins to grow. 
“Oh my gosh, I don’t understand any of this but I sure feel good 
watching my big ‘baby’ brother use his diaper. I best get going before 
I am caught,” she thinks and quietly walks away, still rubbing herself.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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