Bobby’s Horrible Experience

By: Bobby Evans


BOBBY – 9 – Bobby is one of those kids who seem to want to get into trouble a lot more than his brother. No matter what trouble happens at school or at home, Bobby is the one to blame. Bobby is the one who starts all the trouble and the also gets his brother in trouble, too. Bobby is the one who got him and his brother diaper disciplined in the first place.

COREY – 8 – Corey is the more quiet one. Corey hardly ever gets in trouble by himself, its always his brother that gets him in trouble for him. Corey is Bobby’s brother. Unlike his brother, he just wets the bed and that’s it. But he also gets the blame for what his brother does to.

MOM – 30 – Mom is Bobby’s and Corey mother. She is very stern and will stick to what she says. She and Dad are the ones who enforced the diaper punishment.

DAD – 29 – Dad is bobby’s and Corey’s father. He is also one who very strict and stern and he also sticks to what he says to. He and Mom are the ones who enforced the diaper punishment.

WIL – 9 – Wil is Bobby’s and Corey’s friend from school. They met him close to the end of the school year when he and his brother Cody transferred to their school. He is also a diaper wearer.

CODY -9 – Cody is Wil’s little brother. Cody is also Bobby’s and Corey’s friend from school. They met him close to the end of the school year when he and his brother Wil transferred to their school. He is also a diaper wearer.

JEREMIAH – 9 – Jeremiah is another one of Bobby’s friends from school. Bobby and Corey met him at the beginning of the school year, but never invited him over to stay the night because where Mom and Dad were strict on us so much. He is the shy one out of the whole bunch. He is also a diaper wearer.

CHAPTER 1: And So It All Begins:

            It all started when I was 9 years old and I lived on Golf View Drive in Richmond at the time. It was May and school was getting close to letting out for the summer. It all happened on May 16, 2000. I was in bed and my little brother Corey was with me that night. We had stayed up until 1 o’clock that morning watching Dragon Ball Z. I had been having problems for the past couple of days, but nothing as bad as this. We had fallen asleep and we had waked up when my mom came to wake us up. I had taken off the cover, and long and behold, I had felt something wet. I felt the bed, then I felt my pants, they were both wet. Then I moved, and I felt something squish against my butt. Well I felt my butt and it was there. Yes, I had wet the bed and pooped in my underwear in the middle of the night. My mom was mad at what she saw. She then told me and Corey to go change and take a shower. So I did. But I knew we were in trouble, but I didn’t know what was coming next.



            While I was in the shower, mom had told dad what I had done, and he was also mad. Then they both hollered that they was leaving and be back in a little while. Long and behold they’d know my brother also wets the bed. So after about a half an hour, they came back and told us to go to our room. They came in there with a sack of diapers and wet wipes. The diaper pack read “Huggies Supreme Diapers Size 6” and the wet wipes package read “Huggies Baby Wipes.” I knew we were in trouble now. They told me and Corey to pull our underwear down and to come to where they were. Mom grabbed me and dad grabbed Corey. They bent us over their knees and gave us a good six spanks on our butt. After that, they made us both lay down on the bed and to lift our legs up, and they both diapered us.

            So, there we were, Corey and me in diapers. Our punishment was that we had to wear and use our diapers for two weeks. So here its, the first day May 17, 2000. So I and Corey pondered for a while as to why we had to wear diapers and at the same time, liking the sensation of the diaper. Rubbing back and forth. Basically, jerking off in the diaper. Then Corey popped off that he had to pee. I said well, were grounded from the toilet for two weeks, so just go in your diaper. So Corey just laid there for a minute, then he let his pee flow into his diaper and fell asleep. And I did the same.


            That next morning, we woke up and mom and dad were gone. And they said that they would be gone for several hours. So that morning, I had to poop, but couldn’t. I was constipated. So, I remembered we had some enemas in closet with the diapers. So I said, “Corey, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to get into the closet and get an enema out. I haven’t been able to poop, and all I is just a wet diaper, so it won’t matter much. OK, what I’m going to do is this: I’m going to lie down and un-strap my diaper and I will roll over on my side. You will stick the enema in my butt, squeeze it and then hold my butt cheeks for 20 seconds and then I want you to put my diaper on quickly. I will then be able to poop in my diaper. And then I will need you to change my diaper. Ok?” “OK.” So we did just that.

I laid down, unstrapped my diaper. He then administered the enema. He then put my diaper back on. After that, I got up, and I squatted. I then felt a quick gush of warm poop rush into my diaper. Once I was done, I told Corey I needed him to change my diaper. So he got out another diaper, laid me down on the floor, unstrapped my diaper and changed it. After that, I felt a whole lot better. Corey then had indicated that he had also pooped in his diaper. So I changed his diaper after he changed mine. So, now this went on for at least a week.

Then finally, school was out on May 24, 2000. Then we got some relief. Corey and me had been going to school in diapers for the last week of school. So now, we have some relief from our grounding. We were allowed to play video games and have friends over now. Of course the reason why that it was lifted is because that we had made some friends that also wear diapers. So mom allowed us to have friends over. In my opinion, I think she lifted the punishment some is because after she saw all of my poopy diapers.



            The next day we invited two friends we met at school who also wear diapers. Their names were Cody and Wil. So they asked their mom and she said yes. They will be over the next day. That night, we both had been getting sensations of what it’s like having sex in diapers. So it was like 2 o’clock in the morning and my parents were in bed. So I got off my top bunk and got onto the bottom bunk where Corey was at.  We got over on top of each other and started rubbing up and down on each other. We did it enough to where we felt something wet come out and we thought that we peed and when we looked in our diapers it was white. We had cummed in our diapers.

We were done and I finally got back in up in my and tried to go to sleep. I finally peed and went to sleep. The next morning I got up and had to poop really badly, so I got down off the top bunk, stood up and squatted. Then a warm gush of poop flowed into my diaper. I woke Corey up and got him to change my diaper. Then around 6:00 pm, Wil and Cody showed up, with their bags and a pack of diapers and wipes. When they got in, we went upstairs to my room. I told Wil and Cody to go ahead and kick back and relax. Wil asked if he could take off his pants and of course I said yes. I told Cody he could do the same, but he was a little shy, but he took off his pants anyway. So here we were, three 9 year olds and an 8 year old sitting around in my room in just a tee-shirt and diapers.

We each discussed why we had to wear diapers. Wil started first. “The main reason I have to wear diapers is because of a 4-wheeler wreck. See, what happened was that I was going about 60-70 MPH and then I hit a major bump and the 4-wheeler flipped. When it did, I went flying forward and my abdomen where my kidneys are hit the bars and damaged my kidneys. So now I wet myself a lot. Mom gave up because I wet my pants everyday so she bought me diapers. The type of diapers I’m wearing is Huggies Supreme. I mainly use my diapers for pooping and peeing in. The reason why we chose Huggies is because it is easier to take off when we poop in our diapers. But my brother Cody however, has a different story.” Wil then looks at Cody, and Cody starts.

“The reason why I wear diapers is because I have a wetting problem. My body hasn’t grown as fast as everybody else’s. But I’m the same age as Wil, just smaller. My mom gave up for the same reason. So she’s making me and Wil wear the same type of diapers. I also poop in mine every once in a while.” Then Cody looks at Corey, and Corey starts.

“The reason I wear diapers is from being in diaper punishment. See, Bobby and I both wet the bed. So we got into trouble a couple of weeks ago and are now forced to wear diapers. The type of diaper I’m wearing right now is Huggies Supreme Size 6. We wear them 24/7 for bedwetting, pooping, and peeing in. My brother Bobby is the same situation.” Then Corey looks at me, and then I start.

“There are several reasons as to why I’m wearing diapers. One, yes I did wet the bed. And I also pooped in my underwear that night too. So I got double trouble. We both did get spanked and punished. I too wear the same diaper and use them for the same reasons. I guess that about wraps it up.” Then all of the sudden we started smell poop and I looked over at Cody and his diaper started bulging. He was pooping. So Wil changed his diaper, and we went downstairs to eat dinner.


            Tonight was the first night we’ve had friends over in a while. After we ate dinner, we went back up to my room to play video games. We played video games and card games for a while till it was time to go to bed. When that time came, the four of us jumped into our sleeping bags and went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night because I had pooped in my diaper, and I went to go clean myself up. Then I went to Wil while he was sleeping and I touched the front of his diaper and it was very wet and I touched the back as well and it was full of poop. So I took his diaper off and changed him. Then I went to Cody and touched his diaper and it was only wet, so I changed his diaper. Then I went to Corey and I touched his diaper and it was the same as Wil’s, so I changed his diaper as well. After I changed everybody’s diaper, I got back into bed and went back to sleep.

            The next morning we woke up and we played video games for a while, until it was time for Wil and Cody to leave. So they packed up their bags and left. “Thanks Bobby for having us over.”

“You’re very welcome. I’m very glad I have friends who wear diapers as well.” So they left.


            That same day around 2:00 pm, another one of my friends showed up. His name is Jeremiah. So we let him in and we go up to my room to play video games. I introduced Jeremiah to mom and dad and my brother Corey. So we get to playing videogames for a while and then we ordered pizza. The door bell rang and came back with a large cheese pizza. “Man, this is good,” I said as we engulfed in a pizza eating contest. “The end result, I win,” said Jeremiah very triumphant over me and Corey. “I’m only 8 and you guys are 9,” said Corey in a very angry tone.

Then the smell came and Jeremiah looked like he had seen a ghost. “Jeremiah, did you poop on yourself?” Then Jeremiah ran to the bathroom crying. Then I came in there and asked him what was wrong, I asked in a very understanding voice because I had just wet my diaper. Jeremiah showed his face to me and said, “Bobby, we’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember, so I’ll tell you what happened.” With those words, Jeremiah stood up and took off his blue jeans to reveal a very wet and messy diaper. At the sight of this, I immediately told him it was alright. “What?” he said rubbing his eyes. “Look,” I said as I pulled off my blue jeans to reveal a very wet and heavy diaper as well. Jeremiah stood there shocked. “Alright, how about we change our diapers and go back in there to finish playing games and then get ready for bed.” “OK,” he said proudly. With this news, Jeremiah and me hugged each other and changed our dirty diapers and into fresh new ones and didn’t even bother putting our pants back on. So we went back to my room and finished playing games with my little brother until time for bed.

That night after eating a bunch of pizza and drinking a bunch of pop, we decided to have one last final contest for the night. All three of us had to use the bathroom really bad, so we made a contest out of it. Who’s ever diaper weighs more in the end wins and gets a clean diaper on. The two losers must wear their dirty diapers for two hours before being changed. So we all agreed. Me, Jeremiah, and Corey stood up and squatted. The three of us peed and pooped in our diapers and filled them up. After we got done, we went into the bathroom to weigh the diapers.

I was first up. So I laid down on the floor and Jeremiah took my diaper off, folded it and put it on the scale. It weighed 5.3 LBS. Jeremiah was up next. So he laid down on the floor and I took off his diaper, folded it, and put it on the scale. It weighed 7.5 LBS. Then Corey was last. He laid on the floor while I took his diaper off, folded it, and put it on the scale. It weighed 7.1 LBS. So it was decided, Jeremiah won. So he grabbed our wet and poopy diapers and put them back on us. It felt weird at first, feeling my poop and pee again, but it was only for two hours. Then Jeremiah laid down on the floor while I put a clean diaper on him.

So, for the remainder of the two hours, we went back into my room and laid down in the bed and played video games. Then finally, the two hours was up. I grabbed two clean diapers for Corey and me. I laid down Corey first and changed his poopy diaper. When I took his diaper off, there was poop smeared all over his butt and penis. It took four baby wipes to clean him up. Then I slipped the new diaper under his butt and pulled it up to his penis and taped it shut. After he was changed, I laid down and Jeremiah changed my wet and poopy diaper. My diaper area was the same as Corey’s and it took Jeremiah 5 baby wipes to clean me up. Then he lifted my legs up, slid the diaper under me and taped it shut. “It feels so good to be in a new diaper!” I said.

That night before we went to bed, Corey and I listened to Jeremiah’s story as to why he wears diapers. “The reason as to why I have to wear diapers is because I have a bowel problem. See, when I have to poop, I don’t know when it’s coming, it just hits me and then I poop on myself. I also use my diaper for wetting too. The type of diaper I’m wearing right now is Huggies Ultratrim Size 6 diapers.” After that, we said out goodnights and went to bed.


            The next morning, we woke up as usual. Changed our diapers and ate breakfast, and played video games. Then around 11:00AM, I asked Jeremiah if he would take survey for me before he left and he said, “Yeah, sure.” Then after we done that, it was time for him to go. So we took one final picture together of us in diapers to remember a new friend by. I guess it goes to show ya that wearing diapers is not all bad. You gain as many friends who wear diapers as you do who don’t wear them. Every once in a while if you have a friend over who don’t wear them or is scared to show off their diaper, just explain to them your reason for being in diapers. They’ll understand. They may want to try it out, and they may like it.



Title: Bobby’s Horrible Experience
Name: Bobby Evans
Gender: Male
Current Age: 18
Posting Date: 12/14/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: The summary of the story is two brothers get into trouble after pooping and peeing in their pants in the middle of the night. They get diaper disciplined for two weeks. Once the two weeks is up, part of their punishment is lifted. They discover they are not the only kids who wear diapers. Their friends also wear diapers as well.              

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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