Big Brothers Know
Summary: When high-school senior Tim has an accident after a night of drinking his big brothers decide that maybe they liked him better as a sweet little kid. Fluffy and filled with brotherly love.
Let me start off with my name: I'm Tim. I'm a high school
senior and I have two older brothers: Austin and Jake.
Part 1:
"Hey Timmy!" A voice yelled over the several dozen writhing bodies at the latest high school pre-graduation post-spring break party.
"Yeah?" I yelled back, already recognizing the owner of the voice as my older brother Austin.
"Should you really be drinking?" He said as he
walked up to me.
"Soda? Soda doesn't smell like
"Look, I'm a senior alright?
"You’re a 17 year old senior. Hand it over."
"But-" I pleaded.
"Now." Uh-oh.
"Fine." I handed him the
booze and proceeded to pout. After a few minutes
"Well...." he began hesitantly.
"Well what?" I had to restrain myself from smiling.
"If you just drink a little and only for tonight........and don't tell Jake!"
I answered in the affirmative, took the drink, and walked off.
He could never resist my pout.
The party was in full swing and I was actually starting to have a little fun. I glanced over the room and spotted Timmy, dancing on a table.
Wait...dancing on a table?!
"Oh man..." I muttered to myself realizing already that Jake was gonna chew me out for exposing our brother to the evils of the world. Namely: hard liqour.
As I started sifting my way over Timmy slipped, and fell.
All the way down.
"Christ!" I yelled as I ran over to help him up.
"Kiddo, you have got to learn to take it easy on the drinks." As I was saying this I scanned his body for injury, a habit long practiced. "Maybe we should head home."
"No wait, the conga line isn't over." he managed weakly while rubbing his head. Was he serious? I wrapped an arm around his waist and together we made it as far as the parking lot before he passed out. Although to my credit I managed to scoop him up before he hit the pavement. Mostly.
"You have got to lay off the sweets Timmy." Geez the kid was heavier than when he was 11. Go figure.
Laying him out in the back of my pickup I noticed a stain in the most unusual place....
I hate it when Jake, my older brother, rants.
"Look, he was wasted off his ass. Let's not give him a hard time...ok?"
He turned to me with a vicious grin:
"Ok, not alot of teasing."
Jake may be the most protective SOB on the planet when it came to me and Timmy, especially Timmy, but sometimes he made me wonder....
Suddenly he turned to me:
This is the 3rd time he's peed his pants in a month."
"So...." I didn't get it.
"I've got a plan".
Part 2:
Ok, memo to self: hangovers suck.
Like hell. So does table dancing, vomiting, singing off key and whatever the hell else I did last night at the party...
Wait a minute?
I'm not at the party! Where am I? How'd I get here? Why is it so damned bright?!
"Hey sleepyhead."
"Hey Jake" I groaned. Now I remember: Walking to
the parking lot with
Oh no.
When my eyes finally adjusted to the light the first thing I noticed was that Jake was in my bedroom, seemingly not wearing any clothes. Scratch that, he was wearing those A&F tighty-whities that he loves so much. He hates it when I call his "briefs" tighty-whities. Hehe.
The second thing I noticed was that I was in my bed, stripped down to my boxer-briefs which means........
"Actually..." he said, turning so that the sun light from my window hit his 5'10 frame perfectly, "I did."
That was when I noticed the strange feeling between my legs....
"Tell me I'm not wearing a diaper."
"Timmy, you're wearing a diaper."
I always knew Jake was slightly sadistic but I didn't think he'd ever torture me. Me, the beloved little brother. As he came closer though I noticed a certain spark of uncertainty in his eyes. Weird, Jake was never uncertain.
"Look man, don't get mad, okay? You know I always try and do what's best for you and last night when you came home passed out and soaking in pee I thought that..." he trailed off.
"What?!!" I snapped. Ok, so I wasn't taking the whole diaper thing well. "What did the all-knowing Jake think?".
"I thought that maybe if my little brother was gonna act like a baby we should treat him like one!" Jake snapped back testily. Woops, now I made him mad. Probably not good when he's older and stronger than me.
"I thought that we should put you back in diapers, change your room back to a nursery, feed you ourselves, and just generally treat you like the sweet little kid you used to be. I thought - and still think - that this would be the perfect way to show you limits, impose structure."
"What does
"He thinks I'm right. He thinks that you've been
stepping out of line lately and he thinks this is a good solution. I hope that
"Why though? Why baby me? Why not ground me, you've done it before."
"It hasn't seemed to work."
"Why aren't you wearing pants?" I shot off.
Jake smirked, a little.
"It's like
"Well your tighty-whities are bothering me."
"Why you little..." He leaped on me and startling tickling me.
The bastard.
Part 3:
After Jake told me his plan I was shocked. He'd had to convince me but after awhile....he had it planned out really well. Plus, the whole "regression" theory seems to have real potential in reigning in our brown eyed, brown haired, gangly little brother.
Plus he does this wierd thing with his eyes, damn his blue eyes. Timmy's pout has nothing on this.
Anyways, I changed Timmy into a clean pair of underwear and
tucked him into bed. Jake sent me off to buy supplies for the new nursery of
Timmy's (diapers, toys, blankets, crib, bottles, milk, etc.) and I figured I
should go anyway. I never could work myself up to making Timmy do anything, that was always Jakes job.
When I got back I gave Jake the stuff and let him handle it. I went off to make a sandwich. When I finally peered in the room I saw the last thing I expected:
Jake, clad only in his briefs, was tickling Timmy, who was laughing uncontrollably.
"Hey Jake, lay off the kid." I laughed. It was good to see that Timmy had taken it well.
"Yeah Jake, stop, I'm gonna piss myself."
Jake only go more ferocious in his attacks after that and Timmy only giggled more. He was so much like a little kid, maybe that was why it was so easy to imagine us taking care of him like we did just a few years ago. Suddenly though, Timmy went still.
"Uh guys." He stuttered.
"Yeah Timbo?" Jake gasped out.
I figured it out a second before he got it out.
"I think I just umm....."
"Jake, can you let me talk to Timmy alone for a second?" Big brother to the rescue.
"Sure." he said and as his well-toned body brushed past me I felt his question, barely contained.
As soon as he was gone I grabbed a diaper and some powder.
"Thanks man." Timmy smiled, relief clearly evident.
"No problem, now just lay still so I can clean you up." He stiffened at that.
"Look, Jake told you the new rules, so lie still." He looked at me with a slight mixture of pain and betrayal.
"Ok..." and he did exactly that: he didn't move a muscle the whole time I removed the soil garment and taped a fresh diaper over him.
As I was turning to leave he muttered under his breath, something that sounded scarily close to "asshole".
"Timmy, look at me" I grabbed his chin and gently pushed it up.
"You are my little brother, you're my best friend. I love you and no matter what happens I'll do anything for you. You know that right?"
I was shaking on the inside, waiting for the answer.
"I guess...." he shrugged.
I smiled, anxiety now gone. " let's get you set up in your new nursery."
"You'll have to carry me there." He laughed, his eyes alight with a mischievous twinkle.
I guess he thought I wouldn't.
I did.
Reading bedtime stories is hard.
"Pwease Jake?" His big brown eyes looked at me, already full of tears.
I sighed. "Fine." What
can I say? Ever since we put him "back to basics" as
I selected his favorite, Polar Express, and began reading. Flash forward 15 minutes and I find myself gazing down at my 18-year old baby brother who is lying rather contentedly asleep in his crib. Before I can stop myself I've smoothed the hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead, what I said next though was completely intentional:
"I love you Timmy."
From the hallway
Feedback and future story ideas are greatly appreciated.
Email me with your comments at