Title: The Big Bedwetter
Name: Tim
Email: manifesto67@yahoo.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 19
Posting Date: 03/22/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: The story on how I got diapered.                  
This is the story of how I was diapered. I was 13 and in the seventh 
grade when all of this began.

It was a school day and a Tuesday when I woke up and felt a little 
different from other mornings. When I lifted the sheet and saw that I 
had wet the bed. I got up went to the bathroom and took off my 
underwear and put a towel around my waist. Now I had a go to tell my 
mom what I�ve done. She would always be disappointed when I had an 
accident and would just tell me to clean it up and get ready for 
school. All day at school I would always think what my mom would say to 
me when I get home.

When I arrived home my mom would not get home for a while so I would 
just sit around and watch T.V. I knew my mom was home when I heard the 
garage was being open. I turned down the T.V. and was anticipating a 
nice lecture about how I need to grow up and realize that I need to 
stop wetting the bed and to stop drinking liquids and to use the 
bathroom before I go to bed. But it didn�t go that way. She came over 
and said she wanted to help me and had scheduled a doctor�s appointment 
for that afternoon.

As we sat in the Doctor�s office I didn�t know what the Doctor was 
going to say I was so nervous. The Lady called my name. I walked in the 
office and she told me to wait again sitting on the table on the 
crinkly paper. As the doctor walked in he asked me to dress down to my 
underwear and did the normal check up and then had to pee in a cup. He 
asked me questions about my sleep and how I feel when I wet the bed. He 
brought in my mom and we had a discussion about my bedwetting, he 
suggested that it was just a phase and not need to prescribe any sort 
of medicine but did recommend protection from plastic sheets to diapers 
until the bedwetting passed.

My mom and I went to the car and discussed what we would do about my 
situation. I really didn�t want to do anything but my mom said that 
diapers would be the best way to go. I disagreed and started fighting 
with my mom but she is my mom and she always has the last word. Why?

On Our way home we stopped at Target to see what kind of diapers they 
had. We walked down the baby and saw the Goodnites but after looking at 
the package we realized that they would not fit me since I was a little 
big. So we went to the pharmacy section and found Depends Fitted Briefs 
Maximum Protection and she decided they would fit. We also had to buy 
some wipes as well.

We got home and I took the Diapers and wipes upstairs to my room and 
placed them in my drawer. I ate dinner, did homework, and watched some 
T.V. for the rest of the night. My mom came over to me and said it is 
time for bed and we walked up to my room. She told me to go and sit on 
the toilet for ten minutes but nothing came out. I walked back over to 
my bed while my mom got a diaper out of my drawer. She told me to pull 
down my underwear and lay down on my bed. She unfolded the diaper and 
told me to hold my legs up while she slid the diaper under my butt. I 
put my legs down and she fastened the tapes on the diaper. Stood up and 
pulled my underwear over my diaper and went to bed.

I was awoken by my mom voice saying did you have an accident. I slowly 
woke up and stood up and pulled my underwear off and realized I had wet 
my diaper, it felt good to see dry sheets and the yellow diaper between 
my legs. My mom said well I guess I have to change you. I was really 
embarrassed because I had an erection when I woke up. But I just let my 
mom change me thinking it was natural for a young boy to have an 
erection in the morning. She took the wipes out and told me to lie down 
on the bed. She untapped me and wipe all around my crotch. The I got up 
and got ready for school. Put a new pair of underwear on and got 
dressed for the rest of the day knowing this would happen all over 
again that night.

And from that point on I was interested in wearing diapers. I wet the 
bed almost every night till my junior year in high school when I just 
stopped out of nowhere but mom still thinks I wet the bed and still 
wear a diaper every night and I am now a freshman in college.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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