©2001 smelly baby



Part one

I woke this morning to my usual wet bed, I was 9yrs old and had accidents, no.1 and sometimes no.2 on a night and had no.1 accidents sometimes during the day.

I got out of bed and started taking off my pyjamas that was soaked from my chest to my ankles. My pyjamas had a picture of the A team on them and I liked them best.

I went in the shower and when I came out my mother had stripped the bed and was wiping the rubber sheet that was on it. My mother handed me my clothes and I got dressed and went into the kitchen for my breakfast. In the kitchen was my little brother who was two, strapped in his highchair, he had a disposable nappy on and a blue romper suit with a teddy bear on the front. I ate my breakfast and my mother came in and asked me to go to the shop for some nappies for my brother and handed me ten pounds and told me to get a large pack. I objected but she told me to do as I was told. I got to the supermarket and went to the baby aisle and was amazed how many different nappies there were. I looked for a large pack and came across some for toddler’s form 50 lb. to 80 lb. I picked the bag up and paid for them and went home.

At home I gave my mum the change and bag of nappies, she looked at the nappies and told me that she meant large as in quantity not size and that they would be far too big for Jamie (my brother). My mum asked for the receipt so she could take them back but I had lost it so she could not take them back to exchange them. My mum put them down by the side of the rest of the nappies and pondered what she could do with them. She looked at the wet sheets in the washer and looked at the size of the nappies and said, "oh I know what I will do with them," I asked what but she said, " oh it doesn’t matter ". I went to play with my friends and stayed out all day just coming in for dinner.

I came in at teatime and after tea watched TV for a bit, it got to 7pm and my mum told me to have a bath and get my pyjamas on. I went in my bedroom after my bath and my mother had left me some pyjamas on the bed I hated these ones as they had pictures of cartoon characters on them and looked babyish. I went into the front room and Jamie was getting his nappy changed and a sleeper on for bed my mum put him down and he started playing with his toys while sucking his dummy. A moment later my mum told me to sit next to her and put her arm around me and talked to me.

My mum asked what I thought about wearing a nappy on a night to save the amount of laundry, I objected but was told to stop being selfish and this made me feel guilty so reluctantly agreed. She reached down and opened the pack off large nappies and pulled one out, it was very thick with baby prints on the front. My mum took my pyjama bottoms off and lifted me on her knee and laid me across her lap on my back. My head was hanging over her knee not far from the floor so I could not see what she was doing to me. She lifted my legs up in the air and powdered my groin and bum before putting lots of nappy rash cream on and slipping the nappy under me. As she done this I started to sob out of embarrassment and my baby brother came other and shoved a dummy in my mouth saying "baby need do do, baby crying ". I spat the dummy out and Jamie started crying and picked it up and tried to put it back in. My mother said "Richard, just let him put it in your mouth, don’t start him off or I will never get him to bed." I reluctantly let him put it in my mouth while my mother was pulling the nappy through my legs and fastening the Velcro fasteners. My mother stood me up and I looked down and saw the thick white nappy with nursery prints on and my pyjama top and thought what a baby I must look. My mother held the pyjama bottoms open and I stood in them and she pulled them up as far as they would go.

My mum produced another dummy for Jamie and told me that I could watch TV as long as I did not upset Jamie.

I was sat on the floor when my father walked in and kissed my mother hello and came and greeted us, he asked why I was sucking a dummy and my mum told him about the nappies and that the dummy was just to keep the baby quite. My father jokingly said "which baby Richard or Jamie they both look like babies to me". I ignored my dad as he had a terrible sense of humour.

My mother came in the front room and handed Jamie a baby bottle of warm milk, Jamie pointed at me and said "baby need bottle" and tried giving me his and I scowled at him. My mother told me off for scowling and went and got a bottle of warm milk for me and made me suck it. I could not get the knack of drinking from a baby bottle and some went on the carpet. My mother picked me up and sat on a chair cradling me in her arms and held the bottle in my mouth while rocking me and told me to squeeze the teat with my lips. I tried to object but could not say anything with a bottle in my mouth. I got the hang of drinking and enjoyed the warm baby milk flowing in my mouth. With the rocking of the chair and the warm baby milk I soon fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning I realised I was sucking a dummy without trying I just seamed to be sucking it in automatic. My mother walked in the room notice I was still sucking the dummy and asked if I liked it because I looked like I was enjoying it. I replied no and took the dummy out of my mouth and threw it across the room, my mother told me off for throwing things and as a punishment told me I would have to suck it all day. I got out of bed and objected but was told to shut up. My mother came over to me and looked down the back of my nappy and said I had pooed it. She told me to go to the front room, I said I was going to the bathroom to get changed but was told I was not as she was going to bath me. I went in the front room and as I was going noticed how slimy and squishy my nappy felt as I walked. Once in the front room my mother came back with the dummy and pushed it in my mouth and told me not to dare and take it out without her say so. I sucked on the dummy and quite enjoyed it, Jamie came over to me with his dummy in his mouth and sat next to me, we must have looked a cute picture both sat together with our dummies in our mouth.

My mother went and got a bottle of milk for Jamie and Jamie started sucking eagerly at it as I watched while sucking my dummy my mother noticed me watching and asked if I wanted one, I promptly refused and went bright red. My mother told me I seemed to enjoy the one last night and she could soon make one up for me, I refused again. My mother told me she would clean me up while Jamie was drinking his milk and took my pyjamas off and left me just in a soggy dirty nappy while she went into the kitchen. She returned with a large bowl of water, baby wipes nappy rash cream and a towel and then placed me on my back over her knee. I could not see what she was doing but felt her undo my nappy and lift my legs up, she used the nappy to clean the excess pooh of my bum before sliding it out and rolling it up. As she did this I could see my dad walk in carrying a bag of Huggies Pull-Ups for big kids, he put them down next to my mam and then walked out to the garage. My mother got a cloth and washed my nappy area thoroughly before wiping with baby wipes and applying nappy rash cream. I was then allowed to stand up and she told me as we were going to visit family so she wanted me to wear a pull up. She opened the bag of Pull-Ups and held one open and told me to stand in it, she then pulled it up firmly to my waist. I looked down at the pull up and it had baby prints on it, my mother then put a plain white T-shirt over my head and threaded my arms through the armholes. I was stood there with a pull up on and T-shirt. My mum told me she was not going to put any trousers on me until we go so she could see if I had a accident or not. I sat on the floor still with a dummy in my mouth and watched some cartoons with Jamie. After Jamie finished his bottle it was his turn to get ready, my mum put him on her knee and laid him on his back and undid the poppers on his cute blue romper suit and pulled it off over his head. She then untapped his very wet nappy and slid it from under him before giving his nappy area a good clean. She proceeded to put a clean nappy on him and dress him in a sailor suit, I felt the need to pee so got up to go to the bathroom. My mum asked where I was going so I told her to the toilet, she told me to stay where I was and produced a training potty and put it on the floor. She came over to me pulled my protective underwear down and picked me up and sat me on the potty and told me not to move until I had a wee. I was sat on the potty with a dummy in my mouth when eventually it flowed out, as it hit the potty the potty started playing a tune and my mum came over to me and told me I was a good boy. She took me off the potty and pulled the pull-up up to my waist and went out the room.

She returned with a pair of shorts and put them on me and pulled them up. My mum then prepared a nappy bag with some of Jamie’s nappies and some Pull-Ups for me as well as some nappies for me as well as nappy cream and baby wipes and baby powder. My mum also put 4 baby bottles of formula in the bag and some jars of baby food and bibs. She then told me to get in the car and she brought Jamie out and strapped him in the car seat before she got in the passenger side of the car followed by dad in the driver’s side. We set off and both Jamie and me were still sucking our dummies and enjoying them. We were not long into the journey when I felt my bladder empty into the Huggies Pull-Up, it felt slippery with the super absorbent of the Pull-Ips. I decided not to say anything because of the fear of been told off and just laid back and fell asleep sucking the dummy which I was beginning to like.


My mum woke me at a service station and helped me out of the car I had a big wet patch on my shorts. My mum got Jamie out of the car and the nappy bag and led us to the building. I took my dummy out of my mouth but was told to put it back in, once in the building we went into the baby change room and my mother lifted Jamie on to the baby changing. She proceeded to undo the bottoms of his sailor suit outfit before removing them to reveal his soggy nappy. My mum undid the tapes on his nappy and lifted his legs and slid it from under him before wiping his bum with baby wipes and powdering his bum before putting a nice clean nappy on him and dressing him.

My mum left him on the table and proceeded to take my shorts off. I protested but she insisted she helped me. She pulled my shorts down and told me to step out of them to reveal my very wet Pull-Ups. She then pulled the wet Pull-Ups down and made me step out of them leaving me stood there in a tee shirt and no pants. As I was stood there some ladies and their babies came into the changing room and gave me and my mum strange looks, my mum held a clean pair of nursery print Pull-Ups open and told me to stand in them before she pulled them up to my waist. One of the women commented that I looked too old to wear Pull-Ups and suck dummies but my mother told her I was a late developer and told her to stop being nosy. My mum picked my wet shorts up and put them in a plastic bag and searched about the bag for some clean ones but could not find any and told me I would have to go back to the car how I was. I started sobbing but was told to stop crying like a baby and she picked Jamie up and grabbed my hand and walked outside and headed for the car with me in a tee-shirt and Pull-Ups.

Jamie was strapped in the child seat and I got in the back, my mother produced a bottle of juice for Jamie and asked if I was thirsty I nodded and she produced a bottle for me. I spat the dummy out and asked why I had to drink out of a baby bottle and my dad spoke up and said it was because I was a baby. I spoke up and said I was not a baby but he said, "babies wear nappies and trainer pants and you are wearing Pull-Ups, therefore you must be a baby, a big baby." My mum told me to drink from the bottle so I put the teat in my mouth and started sucking the juice. Once the bottle was empty I put it on the seat next to me and watched the scenery out of the window. A short while later the juice had effect and I felt my bladder empty into the nursery print Pull-Ups and I told my mum I had a accident but she told me we were nearly there and I would have to wait. I asked my mum what I was going to wear but she told me She had forgot my clean clothes so she would buy some clothes but until then I had to wear just the pull up. We arrived at my grandmother’s house and I was told to get out the car and we all went into the house, I was embarrassed, as there was nothing to hide my pull up. My grandmother looked at me and asked my mum why I was wearing trainer pants and my mother told her I was still having accidents and was sick of the washing. My grandmother told my mum that she still had some terry nappies and plastic pants about the place and they should still fit me. My mum thought it was a good idea for me to wear them, as she would not have to buy disposable’s for me.

My mum got the nappy bag out of the car and pulled two disposable nappies out as well as nappy cream, baby talc and baby wipes and asked my dad if he would change me while she changed Jamie, my dad refused.

My grandmother offered to change me and told me to go to her and she sat on a rocking chair, she leant forward and pulled the trainer pants down and took them off my feet before picking me up and laying me across her knee. She pulled a baby wipe from the tub and started cleaning my bum, it hurt as I had a sore rash and I started to sob. My mother passed a dummy to my grandmother and told her to put it in my mouth to shut me up. I sucked on the dummy while my grandmother applied nappy cream and baby powder to my bum and groin before unfolding a nappy and lifting my legs and sliding it under me. She let my legs down and forced them open a bit and pulled the nappy through my legs and taped it securely to the front before letting me down on the floor. She told my mum that she would look for something for me to wear and went out of the room.

A while later she shouted to my dad to help her get a box out of the loft and brought it into the front room and opened it. Inside the box were nappies, rubber pants nappy covers and romper suits as well as other clothes and toys. She picked a cute blue sleeper suit with mitts and booties built in and asked my mum if she thinks it would fit me, my mum replied we will soon see.

My mum came over to me and took my tee shirt off leaving me in just my nappy and proceeded to put the sleeper on me, I objected and got a hard slap on the legs for my trouble. My mum opened the poppers on the sleeper suit and threaded my legs in as I was kicking and crying before forcing my arms in and fastening the poppers, she then put Jamie into a matching one, and let us both on the floor. I spat the dummy out and complained about being treated as a baby my mother told me I was not complaining back home when I drank warm baby formula from a baby bottle and told me to get the dummy back in my mouth or get a spanking. I put the dummy back in my mouth and sat and watched TV in a bad mood before falling asleep on the floor.

I woke the next morning to my mother coming into the room; I was still sucking my dummy. Mum told me to get out of bed and go to the front room for breakfast, I went into the front room and put my dummy on the sofa and sat at the table. I said to my mum that I was unable to eat with the sleeper on as it had built-in mitts. Mum came over to me and unfastened the sleeper and took it off me leaving me in just my nappy with nursery prints. I ate my breakfast and mum offered me a baby bottle of milk but I refused it, mum looked down at my nappy at the wetness indicator and was surprised to see I was dry. Mum said that maybe I was ready to become a big boy and stop wetting and messing, after breakfast she told me I could remove the nappy and get washed up and she gave me some clothes that were at my grandmothers and told me to put them on. After I got washed up I put the clothes on which consisted of a white tee shirt and a pair of grey trousers and went into the front room to watch television.

A short while later mum brought Jamie into the front room and took his sleeper off before laying him over her knee and untaping his wet and messy nappy as I watched. Mum noticed me watching and asked if I want to be put back in nappies but I said no and carried on watching television. As I watched television the sweet smell of baby powder filled the room and I glanced at Jamie and could see him getting powder rubbed into his bum and his nappy been put on before a little blue romper suit with matching baby shoes. Mum told me that we were all going to town and while we are out she will buy me some new clothes. She put Jamie in the pushchair and put a bottle of juice in his mouth and we all got our coats on ready to go out and mum put the nappy bag in the bottom of the pushchair. We went by car to the town but it was only a short trip, 5 miles.

Once at town dad got the pushchair out of the car and my grandmother put Jamie in, my mum locked the car and we headed towards the shopping centre. We looked around lots of shops, I got a warm feeling around my crotch and looked down and saw I had wet myself. Mum also noticed the very large wet patch on the grey trousers and commented that she knew she should have put a nappy on me. Mum grasped the nappy bag and dragged me to the baby changing area and I started crying. Once at the changing area my mum picked me up and put me on the changing table and my gran walked in. Mum got a dummy out of the bag and shoved it in my mouth and told me if I wet myself like a baby then I will be treated like one before unfastening my trousers. Mum pulled my trousers down over my ankles and throw them on the floor and then removed my soaking underpants and also throw them on the floor. Gran held me down as I was struggling and mum wiped my groin and bum with a baby wipe before rubbing lots of powder and nappy cream in. Mum then reached in the bag and pulled a thick white disposable nappy out and unfolded it and lifted my legs and placed it under me. Mum pulled the nappy firmly through my legs and fastened it, she then looked in the bag for something to wear and pulled out a freshly washed blue romper suit that gran got from the loft earlier. I panicked and screamed and got a good hard slap on the legs and told to shut up. Gran and mum unfolded the romper suit and placed it over my head and threaded my arms through the holes and laid me back down before lifting my legs and pulling the flap through my legs and fastening the poppers. Next a set of baby reins were put on me and I was carried outside totally embarrassed, mum told gran to get Jamie out of the pushchair as he was lighter to carry and put me in and strapped me in. It felt strange been put in a pushchair dressed in a baby romper suit on which was nearly identical to Jamie’s. I had stopped crying and was sucking my dummy and soon fell asleep with the motion of the pushchair.


End of part 1


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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