Title: Before the Reaping Begins
Name: Pat Brown
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 40
Posting Date: 11/08/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 5 (25%)

This post is meant to find men of Earth who would like nothing more 
than to return to being a child, toddler, or baby.

In the year 2012 on the month of September the Niberians will be 
returning for a new crop of slaves from Earth. This happens before each 
cataclysm that occurs due to the Earth finishing its wobble. The year 
2012 is especially crucial as not only will the Earth finish its 
wobble, but on that date the planet Nibiru will pass close enough to 
Earth to possibly knock Earth from its axis. As some of you may know 
the planet Nibiru is a planet the size of Jupiter that has been caught 
in our solar system for the last 450,000 years. Said planet makes a 
pass around our sun every 3600 Earth years. This planet is where most 
life on Earth originated. Now, I am not going to go into great detail 
about this as you can find a great deal of information on this subject 
on your world wide web.

Let me just give you a little information before I begin my story. With 
the passing of this planet through our solar system every 3600 years 
many things happen. Of course the severity of those things depends on 
how close Nibiru passes to Earth. I can tell you this though, this 
passing will be very close, may even knock Earth out of its position as 
it did with Mars some 400,000 yrs ago. One does not need to be a 
scientist to realize what happened to the life on Mars could well 
happen to the life on your planet. I say your planet because while I 
was born on Earth, I have resided on Nibiru for the last 26,000 Earth 
years, which equals just over 7 years on Nibiru.

I can promise you that the Niberians will give no man quarter nor will 
they allow you to choose your place once the reaping begins. This post 
is merely meant to find individuals who, though they will still be 
slaves, can choose a better station in their life as a slave on Nibiru. 
As here on your planet Nibiru too has a large group of people who 
indulge in what is known as infantilism. Though it does differ on 
Nibiru as said infants are always men from Earth. You see, there are 
quite a lot of people on Nibiru who cannot have children, or who have 
lost children or who are simply what you call empty nesters. I cannot 
say they are all kind, as a great many of them are quite sadistic. With 
that being said it is still far greater to be a child, toddler, or baby 
slave than it is to be a working slave. As a CBT slave (child, toddler, 
or baby) you will likely receive 3 meals a day and if you are fortunate 
you will have a loving parent who will treat you just as they would 
their own child.

Now allow me to put this in perspective for you so you can have a bit 
better understanding. Niberian men are roughly 12-15 feet tall. Imagine 
yourself as a 3 yr old looking at the world through those eyes, 
remember how big everything was? Now imagine yourself as an adult once 
again living in that world, and you will almost be able to grasp what 
it will be like for you.

I am Ishua Let me tell you my story, though I do not expect your 
situation to be exactly like mine, I was very fortunate, though I did 
not choose to be a toddler, I was bought by a very kind man. Yes I said 
bought, you see to the Niberians we are merely slaves, we have no 
rights, nor do we compare to them in intelligence. We were after all 
created by them as slaves to work in the mines of Earth. I am sure this 
may find skepticism among some readers, but believe me I have seen 
documentaries on the planet Nibiru with original footage on this 
subject many times.

Now back to my story. I was an average man living on Earth, though back 
then we called it Tiamot. Why the name got changed to Earth is beyond 
me that would be like calling it dirt, after all what is Earth but 
dirt. Now the great minds of my day were fully aware of the impending 
danger due to the Earth finishing a wobble. Unlike now in your time all 
people of Tiamot were informed and most made preparations. The one 
thing they took for granted was the Niberians, they had assumed, as do 
the peoples of your time, that the stories of the giants living on 
Nibiru were merely myths told by less intelligent people many centuries 
before. Two months before the Earth finished its wobble they showed up. 
Many millions of humans were slain, many more millions were taken to 
holding cells on one of Nibirus moons to be later taken back to Earth 
to work in the mines. Many thousands like myself were taken to Nibirus 
slave market to be sold as indentured servants. This is where my story 
really begins.

I cannot even begin to describe to you the oddness of being on Nibiru. 
Everything is so huge, keep in mind that as a grown man I am no bigger 
than a typical 3-5 yr old niberan child. We were stripped of all 
clothing and bathed in some kind of oils. We were then chained together 
in groups of 120 and marched through the city streets. We passed many 
markets where Niberians would choose a group of slaves to sell in their 
cities. I was paired with men who were a bit younger or had a childish 
appearance. We were taken to a grand hall and put into cages one by 

That day was by far the strangest day of my life. As we sat in our 
cages we were instructed not to talk. As an example of what would 
happen to us one of the men had begun to protest. He was taken from his 
pen and led to the center of the room.

The man who seemed quite large even for a Niberian spoke very loudly 
and clearly in our language, this is what he said as best I can 

�men of Tiamot, you have been brought here to be slaves, you were all 
born into slavery, but did not know. We have left your planet alone for 
many centuries so you could multiply and be plentiful upon the face of 
Tiamot. We made you, forget all you have been taught through your 
religions, they were set up by us to keep you complacent. Your life is 
not now, nor has it ever been, yours. You are wretched in our eyes, you 
have no place in the natural order of things, you are an abomination to 
the gods. Now since we made you in our image, you can fill a small role 
in the lives of some of the far superior Niberian households. You can 
be a little joy to those who have no children, or who have lost their 
children. Now for those of you who believe that we have no right to do 
this to you and resist let this be a lesson to you.� With that he 
whistled shrilly and into the room ran a very ugly creature, one that 
resembled a dog in many ways but was much, much larger. Soon two others 
followed at a more cautious pace. They let out the most awful howl I 
had ever heard. The man who had led the human to the center of the room 
slung him by the arm towards the first creature, which lunged and 
grabbed the man by the throat and begun shaking him around like a rag 
doll. As soon as the blood started to spurt the other two dogs were 
upon the man ripping his arms and legs from him and feasting on him 
right there in front of us. Most of us were too shocked to move let 
alone speak.

�Does anyone else wish to lodge a complaint?� boomed the man as I 
watched in horror as the �dogs� lapped up the blood, leaving no trace 
of the man.

�You see, here you are no better than animal food, remember that and 
you will be fine.�

He turned and left the room.

Later that afternoon a crowd began pouring into the hall. I was so 
amazed at the size of them even the children were bigger than me. I had 
not felt this way since I was a child. A rather kind looking man kept 
coming back to my pen and giving me the once over. He seemed especially 
interested in my small genitals which made me uncomfortable. The first 
time he passed I looked in the stroller he was pushing and thought to 
myself �what an ugly child� it was not until he came back the second 
time that I realized that this was actually a very old human dressed as 
a child. The thing that really stood out in my mind was that the man 
seemed without a soul. He had blank staring eyes. It gave me the creeps 
to look at him.

Finally, after what seemed like many hours the man came back, this time 
with what I take was one of the slave traders. I was taken from my pen 
and placed in a large seat with a handle on it. I made no sound and 
allowed myself to be strapped in. the new man carried me out into the 
sunlight all the while pushing his human man child ahead of him in the 
stroller. I was carried over to what I assumed to be a vehicle of some 
sort, and was placed in the back, my seat firmly locked into a bracket 
that was presumably made to hold it.

The journey could not have taken long, though at the time I had not 
gotten accustomed to Niberian time, so it seemed like a great long 
time. By this time it had been many hours since I had been able to 
relieve my bladder and though I tried very hard to hold it, I had to 
relieve myself on my naked body. I was too filled with fear to ask the 
giant to allow me some way to relieve myself.

When we arrived at what I discovered later to be his dwelling he 
carried me and the old human man child into the dwelling. I again felt 
as a child as he carried me over to a table where he set my chair down. 
�Oh, poor boy, did you have an accident?� he asked me in a voice one 
would use for a child. �That�s okay, daddy is going to give you a bath 
and get you all cleaned up, then he will show you to your new room and 
lay you down for a nice nap.�

I was very stunned and did not say anything, what could I say? I was 
still remembering what happened to the last man who had spoken out.

�let me just go put Ogden down for his nap and draw a nice bath for 

He winked and with a smile left the room with the old man.

In what seemed like forever he once again returned smiling from ear to 
ear, he did seem quite happy.

�I had to pay nearly 3 months wages for you, but I think you will be 
worth it,� he cooed to me softly.

He reached down and undid the straps holding me in the chair, and 
gingerly lifted me up as one would a small child. I must admit I felt 
just like I did when I was three and my own father would lift me. He 
carried me into what I assumed was a bathroom, though it seemed to be 
done in a child motif. Though I did not recognize any of the creatures 
on the wallpaper, I could clearly see they were caricatures done in a 
juvenile fashion. He lowered me into the tub and with hand behind my 
head lowered me into the water. He laid me on the floor of the tub, the 
water coming just up to my ears, my body only half way under the water. 
He kept smiling at me I could see he was very pleased with his 

�I chose you,� he said, �because you look like a boy to me, especially 
with your small genitals. And the fact that you are circumcised really 
helps. You see, we are born without a foreskin so to me you look more 

He gave me wink as he took a wash cloth and poured a very sweet 
smelling liquid into it and sudsed it up. I could no more than just lay 
there feeling more than just a little silly. Putting two and two 
together in my mind. I was to be his child, and I must say I felt a 
child laying there with this giant man bathing me. He explained to me 
that he had lost his son to a terrible disease that had killed a large 
portion of the population on his planet. He had lost his wife as well, 
and though he had gotten over the loss of her, he had never gotten over 
the loss of his son. You see he had explained, Niberians were only 
allowed to have one child, and if that child died one could not have 
another. Many had done as he had and taken Earthlings to be their 
children. Though still slaves, many were treated as though they were 
blood children by the families who bought them. It is a station just 
above that of pet. If one became unhappy with their slave child they 
simply took them back to the slave quadrant and sold them, usually at a 
much reduced price.

�If you can accept your role, little man,� he said beaming, �you can 
have a very happy life here as my son. Ogden did not like his place, 
fancied himself a warrior, so I had his essence removed. He is like a 
newborn in many ways; all he does is eat, sleep, and poop.� He looked 
off into space for a moment and smiled, �that boy poops more than 
anyone I know.�

He began to wash me with the very soft slippery cloth. I relaxed and 
enjoyed it. I remember feeling a little ashamed of myself but I hate to 
admit, it felt absolutely wonderful to be bathed like a child. He even 
spent extra time on my genitals when he saw I was aroused. He took a 
bit of the soapy liquid and with it stroked my manhood until I had an 
orgasm. Never in my life had an orgasm seemed so powerful! He had 
stroked me with just his fingers, my penis so small in his fingers. Of 
course after the orgasm I felt very embarrassed.

�Oh, don�t be embarrassed,� he had said to me, �daddy likes to make his 
boy happy. All I really want is for you to be happy, and as long as you 
are happy I will be happy.� He winked at me once more.

I knew I could not escape, and I must admit I did not have much will to 
do so. The thought of being taken care of was rather appealing to me, I 
had worked so hard in my life on Tiamot.

After he gingerly washed my hair he stood me up in the tub and washed 
me even more thoroughly. Making sure I was clean from my head to my 

�Another reason I chose you,� he said, �was because you do not have 
much hair on your body. Of course tomorrow we shall take you to the 
salon to get you a proper boys� haircut, and have all those body hairs 
removed. But don�t worry, it only hurts a little and we only have to do 
it once, as it will not grow back.�

He lifted me out of the tub and stood me in front of what I took to be 
the toilet, which he sat on. When he noticed me looking at it he smiled 
again. �This is not for little boys, you do not have to worry about 
falling in.�

My eyes met his and he must have understood the question there in my 

�That�s right, you�re going to be daddy�s little boy. Daddy will take 
care of all your needs, and you will not have to worry about such 
things as the potty.�

He dried me off gently as I tried to digest this new information. Then 
once again lifted me and carried me into the adjoining room. There on 
one wall was Ogden sleeping in what looked like a cage. I realize you 
on Earth call them cribs. On Tiamot children sleep with their parents 
until the age of five when they get their own beds, so I was not 
familiar with this.

He laid me down on a soft padded table and finished drying me of. He 
then rubbed a very sweet smelling lotion onto my back and even into the 
crack of my ass. His strong hands kneading my muscles and relieving a 
large amount of my stress. All the way down to my toes all the while 
kneading my weary muscles.

He then turned me over and did my arms. Then placed the nipple of a 
bottle to my mouth.

�Go on, little one, drink it up for daddy.� I took the nipple in my 
mouth and took a tentative suck on the nipple. My taste buds were 
rewarded with a very sweet delicious mixture. I realized how hungry I 
was and greedily sucked on the nipple. He took my hands and placed them 
on the bottle, telling me to hold onto it. He then worked the lotion 
into my chest and legs. It felt so good I got aroused again. Seeing 
this he began to massage the lotion into my genitals, slowly and 
gingerly. But this time he did not take me to orgasm. I was a little 
disappointed but also relieved. I did not think I could handle another 
orgasm like the last one so soon.

�You sure do seem to be enjoying this, kiddo, � he cooed at me, looking 
me in the eye. I gave him a nod before I realized I had done it.

�Good boy,� he said, pouring powder onto my genitals. �I know you are 
just going to make me so happy, not like Ogden, he fought me every 
second of every day for 2 weeks before I had to have his essence taken 
from him. It is not much fun to care for a vegetable. I want a boy that 
is a real boy. And I think maybe you can learn to be that boy. Would 
you like that?� he asked giving me another smile. I was having a hard 
time keeping my eyes open as I finished the bottle. He grabbed my 
ankles and lifted my legs and slid what I later found to be a diaper 
under my bum and lowered my legs. He then pulled the diaper up between 
my legs and taped them shut. I feel asleep then.

I woke but at first I did not know where I was I looked around the room 
through the bars of my crib, it was a very childish room. I could see I 
was dressed in children�s pajamas and I knew by the bulk between my 
legs I was also diapered. He must have heard me for he came into the 
room and seeing me awake got a big smile on his face.

�Is my lil� baby boy awake?� he cooed.

I shook my head and realized I had a pacifier in my mouth.

�I see the good baby kept his pacifier while he slept. I just know you 
are going to be the best baby ever, not like Ogden.�

The next day I was taken to the salon and given a haircut. I was also 
stripped and all my hair was removed from my body. My nails were 
clipped and cured. I was given injections that made it so my penis 
would be limp at all times, the good thing about this was that I also 
lost all sexual urges. I was also given mind treatments to make me have 
no choice but to use the diaper for my toilet. I do not even know when 
I will have to go. I just go. Sometimes I mess myself while sleeping, 
but daddy always cleans me up and keeps me in fresh clean diapers. It 
has been seven years now and I have really gotten into my role as the 
baby of the house. I am treated as any other Niberian toddler and have 
no humility. My diapers are changed in public as they would be if I 
were a real baby. I am dressed just like any other 3-year-old Niberian 
child. And after 7 yrs I cannot think of my life any other way, nor 
would I want to. If I get tired of walking daddy carries me. If I fall 
asleep in his lap while he reads me a story he carries me to bed. I 
must say I have a far better life than I could have ever imagined on 

And you could, too. If you prefer to be a baby instead of a slave in 
the fields. Please respond to this post by sending an email to 
babymeonniberu@Nibiru.act and you will be contacted and told where to 
be on September of 2012, two months before the cataclysm.

Also, from time to time, Nibiru sends watchers to Earth. For special 
cases you may be contacted sooner and be abducted by what you refer to 
as aliens. These are the watchers. They are just droids who do tests on 
humans of Earth to test DNA and to look for defects or diseases that 
will make humans un suitable for work in the fields or mines. If you 
are chosen you may be contacted before the reaping and transported to 
Nibiru to begin your life as a real baby.

Thank you


Editing level: Moderate
Editing Notes:
  • A few spelling errors had to be corrected, some punctuation.
  • Referenecs to Nibiru, Tiamot, etc. should be capitalized as these are proper nouns.
  • Inconsistent form of reference to those from Nibiru (Niberian/Niberan)
  • First word in quoted speech is capitalized.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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