The Bedwetting Boy Who Committed Suicide

Summary: It's about a boy who wakes up wet and gets punished for it 
then commits suicide when things take a turn for the worst.

Hi, my name is Chad. This story is not true. I just made it up It's 
about a boy who wakes up wet in his bed one morning then goes to school 
but wets his pant's and gets punished for it but when things get bad 
for him he ends up committing suicide and ends his life. Read on, I 
hope you like it.

I was in bed one morning when suddenly I woke up to my bed being wet. 
It was the middle of the night. I didn't want to wake my mom up so I 
decided to clean it up and get back to bed. As I was going to the 
washing machine I was suddenly stopped by my mom, who asked what I was 
doing up this time of night.

�You should be in bed asleep.�

Then she looked at the blankets and questioned me.

�Where are you going with those blankets?�

�I, I, I...�

�You wet the bed, didn't you? And you are taking those blankets to the 
laundry. Tell me the truth. You know you can tell me anything.�

So after the conversation was over I put the blankets in the laundry, 
and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up again to a wet bed. The bed was soaked it 
looked like I peed the Hoover Dam. I got up and went to tell my mom it 
was 7:00 in the morning.

�Mom?� I said. �Mom, I wet the bed again.�

�Hu Hu',� she said, waking up.

�I wet the bed again!�

�Oh, honey, okay, just a minute. I'll be there in just a minute. Go 
back in your room and wait for me.�

�Okay,� I said as I was walking back to my room in my soaked PJs.

As I was in there I thought, �What's happening? I'm 12 years old! I 
shouldn't be wetting my pants! Only little kids do that and I'm not a 
little kid.�

Then mom came in and said, �Go get in the shower and get cleaned up. 
I'll change your sheets and wash then.�

�Okay,� I said. I took a shower and then went into the living room and 
watched television. I was watching �It's a Big, Big World� on PBS Kids, 
my favorite show, when I was interrupted by my mom asking me to come 
into the dining room and eat breakfast. It was my favorite, bacon, eggs 
and French toast. By the way, I like ketchup on my eggs.

So after I ate breakfast I got my backpack and went outside to the bus 
stop and waited for the bus. The bus came I got on and headed off to 

7:45 AM I was at school. I went to my locker and put my jacket and my 
backpack in it. Then I went to my classroom, sat down at my desk and 
got to work when suddenly I needed to pee. I raised my hand and asked 
my teacher if I could use the bathroom. She said, �No, the bell just 
rang! You can hold it until after this test."

�But I really need to go pee bad!�

�Tough, you should have used it before the bell rang! I don't want to 
hear any more! You�re just gonna have to wait until after this test.�

I sat there trying to concentrate on my test and trying to rush through 
it. But I didn't get done in time and I flooded my pants bad! There was 
a huge puddle in the chair. I tried to hide it but it didn't do any 
good! One of the students noticed and started laughing, calling me a 

�Hey, baby, you peed your pants and you need a diaper! Baby need a 
diaper! Hey, everybody, baby Johnny wet his pants! He's a big baby!�

�Everybody calm down!� said the teacher.

Then she came over to me and said, �Johnny, did you wet your pants?�


�Well, get up and go to the nurse! I'll let her know you are coming.�


I got up and went to the nurse with my shirt around my waist, trying to 
conceal it. I don't know why I did since they already know about it. 
When I got to the nurse�s office she told me to get up on the bed and 
lay down then she took my pants off. Then she went to a closet and 
pulled out a diaper.

�What?! No! I don't need a diaper! I'm not a baby!�

�Honey! It's school policy! If you wet your pants in school you have to 
wear a diaper!�

She got out the powder and diaper rash ointment.

�Don't want you to get diaper rash, do we?� she said in baby talk.

Then she proceeded to diaper me. She lifted my butt up, grabbing my 
legs and raising them in the air just like a baby. She slid the diaper 
under my bottom, set me down on it, pulled it up between my legs and 
taped it tight around my waist.

�Don't want any leaks!� she said, again in baby talk. She called my mom 
and told her to come pick me up. About 10 minutes later she was there.

�Honey, what happened?�

�I wet my pants because the teacher wouldn't let me use the bathroom 
when we were taking tests.�

�Well, what's done is done! Now let's go!�

�What about my pants?! I can't go out there like this in just a 

�You don't have anything else to wear! Would you rather go out there in 
the nude?�


�Well, then let's go!�

She led me out the nurse�s office down the hall where everybody was in 
just my diaper, socks and shoes. It was humiliating! Everybody laughed 
and mocked me. Finally, we were outside. I was thankful for that. I was 
really thankful when I got into the car. But to my surprise, my old car 
seat was in the car.

�Hop in,� my mom said.

�No way!�

�Then I'll put you in there myself.�

I then decided to just get in. I got in and got buckled up. Mom started 
the car and we were off. When we passed our house I asked where we were 

�You'll see.�

When we got there I read the words on the store, Baby's R' Us.

�Why are we here? I'm not a baby!�

�Well, it seems that way! You wet your pants, and only babies wet in 
there pants! So were going to buy you some diapers and other baby 
things and treat you like the baby you are.�

Mom came around unbuckled me and told me to get out. I refused.

�But mom, I can't go in there dressed only in a diaper!�

But she didn't say anything and just lifted me out of the car seat then 
led me by her hand into the store then she got a cart, one of those new 
ones with the television in them and put me in it. At least no one will 
see me in here. Mom put some money in and set it to Blues Clues to keep 
me occupied.

Then she went shopping, me not knowing what she was buying. She was 
picking out a crib, 40 boxes of Pampers Cruisers size 7 (the new size), 
also a crib, changing table, bottles, a stroller, some cute little 
toddler outfits a onesie, bibs, diaper pail, pacifiers, baby wipes, 
highchair and a playpen, also some baby toys. She was finally done and 
went to pay for the stuff. We went out to the car and she put the stuff 
in the trunk, but she got me out of the cart and put me in the car seat 

Then she and some workers helped load some stuff into the car. One of 
them said he would be off his floor shift in an hour and he would bring 
the crib, playpen, changing table and highchair in his truck since they 
wouldn't fit into the car.

�What's your address, ma�am?� One of the guys asked my mom.

�It's 127 North Martin Avenue.�

�Okay, when I'm off my floor shift I will deliver your items.�

�Let's get them loaded into my truck!� he told some other workers.

He went around and got his truck and loaded the items up.

See you after awhile.

Alright we'll see you there.

Then about an hour or so later I heard a pickup pull up into our 
driveway. He backed the truck up to our front door. Mom came out and 
said, �thank you for doing this.�

�You�re welcome, ma�am, it's on my way home anyways.�

They unloaded the stuff and left. My mom then began setting up the 
crib, but first she set up the playpen and put me in it.

"Now, I don't want you to move out of that playpen, do you hear me?�


Then she put the pacifier in my mouth. She proceeded to assemble the 
crib. She had it assembled in no time. Then she went on to assembling 
the highchair. She also had that assembled in no time. Then she went on 
to the changing table. She also had that assembled in no time. She was 
good with tools and didn't need instructions. She just threw the 
instruction booklets in the trash.

After she was finished assembling everything she came over to me and 
checked my diaper. It was wet, but not wet enough. So she just picked 
me up without saying anything and put me into my highchair and got out 
the baby food. It was green peas, they were gross! I didn't like it but 
I had to eat it anyway. When I was done eating my dinner she got a 
bottle and filled it with formula. It was terrible; how do babies drink 
this stuff down? I about barfed but I did get it down without throwing 

Then mom got me out of the highchair, took me to my nursery and put me 
in my crib. I didn't argue. I was too tired to argue so I just let her 
put me in it. I went right to sleep. I didn't even think anything about 
it. The next morning I awoke to mom changing my diaper.

�Time to eat breakfast, my little baby!�

She lifted me out of my crib took me to the changing table, changed my 
diaper, took me into the kitchen, put me into the highchair and fed me 
my soon-to-be usual baby food spinach. That was worse than the peas but 
I ate it anyway. Then she said it was time for school.

�Let me out of this highchair, then and I will go get changed.�

�Oh no you won't! You'll go to school the way you are. And don't argue 
with me!�

She got me out of the highchair, handed me my backpack and sent me out 
the door to the bus stop in nothing but a diaper. I was embarrassed. 
The other kids made fun of me. I wish I could just die and get it over 
with right now.

Finally, the bus came I got on and we headed off for school. I was glad 
when we got there. It seemed like forever. But we finally arrived. I 
went in, ashamed to be in just a diaper. I got in, did my test again 
and finally the school day ended. I got on the bus and headed home. I 
was definitely glad to be back home.

I went in threw my backpack down and mom said, �How was your day?�


I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut! And when I was in there 
I took off the diaper and threw it out the window. Actually, I threw 
all the diapers out the window.

I decided I would run away so when they were asleep I got out of my 
crib, took off the diaper, threw it in the trash bin, got on some pants 
and headed downstairs, wrote them a note left it on the coffee table 
and headed out the door. This is what the note said:

This is your son. I want you to know that you'll probably never see me 
again. I might even consider suicide. I hate the way you are treating 
me. Just because I wet my pants in school doesn't mean you should turn 
me into a baby. I shouldn't be punished. It's not my fault. You should 
be even more understanding. I thought you loved me, but I guess you 
don't, because loving parents would have just talked to me or took me 
to the doctor and try and find a solution to the problem. If you decide 
not to treat me like a baby I will come back home! But if you don't, 
remember I may commit suicide! Here's the address that you can reach me 
at by mail, but don't show up here, and don't get the law involved or I 
will definitely commit suicide for sure. The address is 3456 West Main 
Street. But remember, don't come here or I will commit suicide for 
sure. If you really truly love me you will do what I say and stay away.

I left the letter there on the table and headed off to my only friend�s 
house. It took me until morning, but I finally got there. I told him 
what happened and he told me to come on in.

�You can stay here as long as you like.�

I was tired so I went to sleep. The next morning I heard mom coming up 
to the door. I headed off to the railroad bridge behind the house. I 
got up there and my mom came over to catch up with me.

�I thought I told you to stay away!" I told my mom. I jumped off the 
bridge right in front of the train. That's when I ended my life on 

I don't know what happened, of course, except that I went to heaven and 
they buried my body in the cemetery.

The End.

Again, this story is not true. Let me know what you think email me at

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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