Wetting, wetting ev’ry night,
That’s the way a little boy
Lost the most important fight
And yet knew the greatest joy.

The first nights he got new sheets,
Whilst mom’s smile turned to a fume:
"Don’t know what your control beats,
But old means we shall resume!"

‘O, those words were so... obscure!’
Restless brooded the whole day,
Till he saw the mother’s cure
And shriek’d loud "No way! No way!"

Stacks of diapers everywhere,
Plastic pants of every kind,
Powder, oil and... teddy bear!
"I’m no baby, mom!" he whined.

"O, yes, yes, I think you are!
Normal boys don’t wet the bed,
Only babies go that far!"
Almost teasingly she said.

"No, mom, please! I’ll wet no more!
Promise you!" so pled the boy.
But that promise did she ignore,
Laying down his brand new ‘toy’.

"I won’t wear that!" yelled he wild.
Quite a slap it’s what she gave:
"You’re a naughty wetting child:
Only diapered you’ll behave!

Come on, now! Take off your pants.
Diaper’s waiting here for you!
And so are... these plastic pants!
Look how soft and white and new!"

And the boy obeyed, resigned.
Having dropped his underwear,
One last time he tried and whined:
"O please, mom! No, that’s not fair!"

But the harsh and cruel head shook.
The most helpless of the things
gave a frightened, angry look
at the diaper’s threat’ning wings!

Himself throwing on the bed,
Didn’t want to show that much,
But his face turned promptly red
At the diaper’s thrilling touch!

"Keep your legs well high and wide!"
Baby powder snowed a lot,
Every where, from side to side.
Did he like it? Did he not?

"Down the legs, but keep’em wide!"
And the diaper proudly arose,
‘bout to engulf him all inside
Like an elephant’s big nose!

A huge eagle... uncle Sam!
‘bout to hurl himself upon
The boy’s little uncut lamb!
O help! No! All hopes are gone!

Avalanche of snow so white,
Sank the diaper burying his
Boyhood. ‘Lost! I’ve lost the fight!
I’m a baby! So it is!’

He lied now completely wrapped,
On each side on guard a pin.
Dominated, tamed and trapped,
‘No more, please! You win! You win!’

As he dreamed, he did not see
The pants crawling up his legs:
"To protect the bed from pee,
That is what the diaper begs!"

Everything the pants so sealed
With a merry rustling din!
Diaper’s cloth got so concealed,
Plastic pants were second skin.

"I can’t close my legs, no lie!
Why’s this diaper all that thick?"
"So my baby will be dry.
Keep it on, and play no trick!"

As the mother left the room,
The boy stared at the bulk,
Damning angry his new doom,
Vengeful thinking ‘I shall sulk!’

Yet he felt a strange new drive:
He got up and walked around.
Rustle, rustle... "It’s alive!"
Said he hearing all that sound.

‘Yes, my boy, indeed I am.
You’re my newly fallen prey
And it’s useless me to damn,
As I’ve come to you to stay!’

"O my God, what do I hear?"
Said he toddling like a duck
‘You hear right, and have no fear:
Being my slave will be your luck!’

By the mirror the boy stopped:
As a baby stared back
All his hopes to grow were dropped
And the future seemed so black.

Whining, whimpering, went to bed
"I don’t like you! Go away!"
But the stubborn diaper said:
‘O, my baby, what you say?

Let me hug you, you’ll be fine.
Diapered babies sleep so well.
Don’t forget that you are mine!
I’m your heaven not your hell!’

"I won’t wet! Do YOU hear me?
Not a drop I shall let fall
And tomorrow mom shall see
There’s no need of you at all!"

‘Baby, baby, it’s time to sleep.
Close your eyes and suck your thumb.
Soon you’ll sleep so deep and deep,
All your body will be numb’.

"Don’t wike diapes..." mumbled he
Slowly sucking his right thumb,
Feeling cozy as one can be,
Diaper cuddling belly and bum.

‘That’s my baby, I know for sure!
He knows too, more than he should,
That bedwetting is the cure
For unwanted adulthood.

As you sleep, I shall you kiss.
Sleep you well, but don’t forget:
You must make a lot of piss,
I want be all soaked and wet!’

‘I will, Master, You shall see!
Let me serve You, let me burst,
I’ll devote myself to Thee,
May my pee well quench Your thirst!’

‘That’s my boy, I’m glad to hear!
I’m your lord, and you my slave.
Go on, love me, have no fear:
Golden water is all I crave!

But don’t take my word so neat!
You can also make a poo,
Should that be for you a treat,
I am willing to please you!’

‘Can I really? Is that true?
No more toilet? Never more?
Could I fill You with my poo?
Won’t that be for You a bore?’

‘I’ll be glad to take your stool,
As this means you’ll be more mine.
But remember also at school
Only diapered you’ll be fine!’

‘I don’t care, do You know?
I’m a baby, always been,
Ever will be: I won’t grow!
I like diapers, that I mean!’

And the dreaming, sleeping boy
Gave relief t’his bladder’s itch.
Lots of pee spilt out with joy!
Never was a pee so rich!

After tick(e)ling the balls,
Dove the pee ‘n the cloth and sank,
Reaching Diaper’s plastic walls,
Spreading warmth and making dank!

Still the boy was unaware
As brown stuff got out of him
Smearing Diaper in the rear.
Unexpected! Not by whim!

In the morning there was smell
As he open flung his eyes:
"O my God, this must be hell!
It went even on my thighs!"

"O my son, what do you think?
Smell I right or smell I wrong?
Who’s the source of this bad stink?
You’ll be diapered all day long!"

"O, but mom, it’s not my fault!
Do not worry, ‘ll do my best,
I shall bring this to a halt!"
Cheek’d the dirty little pest.

"No, you won’t, no baby can,
You’ll be diapered all your life!
Should you ever be a man
A new mom will be your wife!"

Then she promplty changed her boy,
Cute and whining shit machine,
Wiping up his pee-pee toy,
Cooing like the Fairy Queen!

Soon he got a baby balm
And a diaper new and smooth.
After that he got so calm,
Docile, good a baby youth.

As mom drove him to the school,
He got frightened and exclaimed:
"They will say I am a fool!
Drive me back! I’m so ashamed!"

"Baby mine, what did you think?
They will tease you for a while
And they’ll tell you that you stink:
You are now a wetting chil’!"

"No, mom, please, don’t leave me here!"
"Go on, dear, don’t make me upset!"
"Drive me back! You mom, you dear!"
"It’s not me, but you who wet!"

He got off and ran a race
‘midst a morbid wond’ring flock,
Getting promptly a red face
As they all began to mock:

"Little baby, where you go?
Kindergarten is not here!"
"He’s a wetter, don’t you know?
He wears diapers out of fear!"

‘Do not care! Go ahead!
Some of them I do know well,
’cause they too still wet the bed!
Ask the people who me sell!’

Due to such unfair tease
Was the diaper ‘lready drenched
Wondered he: ‘How long will these
Plastic pants keep all entrenched?

Will they have a diaper stock
In case I should need a change?
Who will change me and not mock?
Won’t that be too much and strange?’

‘There’s a nurse in every school,
She’s got diapers, pants and wipes,
She’ so kind and good and cool,
That’s the way she got her stripes!’

And indeed there went the boy
To be diapered yet again,
Appreciating now the joy
Of the wetting at age ten!

‘Diaper, Diaper, I’m so glad,
Happiest ever than before!
I’m a wetting little lad!
Who won’t like me is a bore!

Diaper, Diaper, like You so!
I just love the way You hold,
Always there and won’t let go,
Stubborn, thick and manyfold!

Yet I know You’re kind to me,
Big white puppy You are too,
Snuggly lapping all my pee,
Gently clenching my big poo!

Plastic Pants I like as well!
Through their merry crinkly rustle,
I’m a little lamb with bell:
Spotting me... is no more hustle!

They’re so white and soft like snow
When I touch ‘em with my hand
I’m reminded and I know:

‘Yes, my child, but don’t forget:
You shall drink and drink and drink!
I’ll must be the soonest wet,
No new diaper till I sink!

Want your bladder get so weak
That you’ll never cease to pee!
Soon you won’t feel that you leak,
This is how you’ll worship me!

No more toilet, no more pot,
No more shorts nor underwear
But the plastic pants you’ve got!
Are you ready? Do you dare?’

‘Yes, my Master, I am Yours,
I was once and I’m again.
I’ll be wetting like it pours,
Wetting all beyond my ken.

Never more I shall be dry,
I’m a toddler, not a man!
Know they’ll try to make me cry!
Loving diapers is a ban!

Don’t they know it’s such a bliss?
Or they know and won’t allow?
Is it wrong to dwell in piss?
Is it wacky? Why? And how?’

‘No, my boy, of course it’s not!
I know that and you know too.
It’s a sad, unhappy lot:
They just envy what you do!

You’re the luckiest, they all know.
You’re the one who won’t get old,
You’re the one who told ‘em NO!
You’re not weak, but rather bold!

Wet yourself and have no fear:
I’m your diaper, your best friend,
I’m your loving, fondling gear,
Who’ll protect you till the end!’



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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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