Title: Babysitter Donny
Name: Donny
Email: whitedog@columbus.rr.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 55
Posting Date: 10/12/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Older brother starts babysitting little brother and has tables turned on him.                  
It was the first day of summer school was out I just turned twelve 
years old with nothing to do but have fun. I lived out in the country 
ten miles from my nearest neighbor so there was no one my age to have 
fun with. Mom worked in town and always dropped my three-year-old 
brother Billy and I off at daycare in the summer. Now that I am twelve 
the daycare told mom they are not allowed to take care of me their 
license will not allow it she will have to do something else with me. 
Mom figured if I was too old for daycare I was old enough to be a 
babysitter for my brother.

Mom told me last week that I would be babysitting Billy for the summer 
making twenty-five dollars a week. I was so happy I like playing with 
Billy when there was no one else to play with. I asked mom what about 
his diapers? Mom told me I would need to keep him clean and dry or he 
would get a bad diaper rash. If he got a bad diaper rash I would be in 
trouble. She said that he was almost potty trained anyway with my help 
he wouldn�t need diapers but for about a week, if I was a good potty 

On this first day of summer vacation mom woke me at 8:00AM just before 
she left for work. I got up put my wet Pull-up in Billy�s diaper pail 
wiped myself off with a baby wipe. Before I dressed for the day then I 
fixed my breakfast. I sat at the table in my booster seat and ate while 
Billy slept in his crib. At 9:00AM I could wake Billy I just reached in 
the crib and checked his diaper to find it just a little damp. I 
thought to myself boy if he was only a bed soaker like me but his 
diaper was barely damp would not even rate as being wet. I was still 
wetting at night not every night only about four or five times a week. 
When I wet the bed I soaked my Pull-ups not just a little but really 
soaked them. I could still wear toddler Pull-ups sense I was so small 
for my age about four foot tall weighing fifty-five pounds. I was still 
too short to ride the big rides at the park that is why I don�t like to 
go there.

I had finished eating my breakfast so I needed to wake Billy so he 
could eat too. I let the side of the crib down so I could climb into 
Billy�s crib to change his diaper. When I removed his diaper he woke up 
giggling. He giggled as I wiped him off with a baby wipe. I put plenty 
of baby lotion and baby powder over his diaper area I did not want him 
to get diaper rash. I taped a fresh Huggies diaper on him. He climbed 
out of the crib when I finished his change leaving me alone in the 
crib. I thought for a minute sitting in the crib this is a cool place 
to be as I lay down putting his pacifier in my mouth and started to 
suck it. For some reason I felt so safe and secure in here.

I realized Billy was heading out the door so I climbed out of the crib 
sense it was so far off the ground for me it was not easy for me to do. 
I ran after him while I was still sucking the pacifier. I caught up 
with him climbing into his highchair then I realize, I was sucking his 
pacifier. I quickly removed it before he turned around to sit down. 
Billy sat down I put his tray in front of him then handed him his 
pacifier he started to suck it while fastened the seat belt holding him 
in his seat. I started fixing his breakfast.

I put a chair behind the highchair so I stand on it to could tie his 
bib around his neck then put his oatmeal bowl in front of him with a 
training cup of milk. I sat down and watched him eat while I drank my 
own training cup of milk. My cup of milk was twice the size of Billy�s 
I was a big boy. After Billy finished his breakfast I cleaned his face 
off removed his clean bib and let him get out of his highchair. I took 
him to the bathroom removed his dry diaper and sat him on the potty 
chair like mom told me to do for him.

Billy smiled as he peed and made a big fart sound and giggled then a 
small fart sound and giggled. He said all done and stood up I handed 
him a wipe and he wiped his own bottom. I looked in the potty and saw a 
very large load of poop and a flood of pee. Boy would that have been a 
messy diaper to clean up I am glad it was in the potty and not his 
diaper. I gave Billy high fives and hugged him Billy was jumping for 
joy with me.

I put Billy�s diaper back on it was playtime for us so out the door we 
went to our swings ride on toys and sandbox. I was ready to start to 
play when the need to pee hit I grabbed Billy�s hand and ran for the 
potty, I was not allowed to leave him alone. We made it just in time 
because I almost had an accident in my pants like I have done at 

We returned to our play we started to make a sand army base with our 
army men, trucks and car. After about an hour I need to pee again so I 
grabbed Billy�s hand saying potty time leading him to the potty. I 
removed his diaper and told him to sit on the potty chair while I stood 
in front of the big potty and let my pee out again before almost 
wetting my pants. Billy did nothing so I put his diaper back on and we 
went to the kitchen.

I asked Billy if he wanted something to drink he said yes put Kool-Aid 
into two training cups mine was always the bigger one than Billy�s. We 
ran out to continue our play it was only 10:00 still early morning for 
Billy. We played for what seamed to be an hour to me by 10:30 I need to 
pee again.

This time when grabbed Billy�s hand he refused to move saying me not 
have to go potty me can hold it. I tried to get him up or move but he 
was too heavy I begged him to come in the house to use the potty with 
me I needed to potty. Billy said he can hold it he is not a little baby 
that need use the potty all the time. Finely after ten minutes of 
begging he stood up giggling. He just started giggling all the way into 
the house he was so slow just giggle all the way into the house. I 
finely got him to the bathroom I removed his diaper and told him to sit 
on the potty again. This time he sat down just giggled and laugh doing 
nothing in the potty.

I turned towards the big potty then realized my need to go had 
disappeared but I had a wet feeling in my pants. I was so occupied with 
getting Billy to move to the bathroom I forgot to keep holding my own 
pee soaking my pants. I look down to see a very large wet spot on the 
front of my summer shorts I felt like a toddler and Billy was giggling 
at me. I had wet my pants big time in front of my baby brother Billy 
now he was giggling. Billy said Donny wet his pants I tell mommy. I 
begged him not to tell on me as I put his diaper back on. He told me if 
I would wear a diaper he would not tell.

I told him not to go outside until I do I walk to our bedroom removed 
my wet pants wiped myself off and went to find my clean underwear. I 
opened my underwear drawer to discover all my underwear was in the 
clothes hamper. My nighttime Pull-ups were next to where my underwear 
was in the drawer so I pulled on one of my night Pull-ups. These are 
not diapers at least these are big boy pants I can wear these. I found 
that all my summer shorts were in the hamper too. I could only find my 
long jeans to cover my Pull-up mom said for me NOT to play in my school 
clothes. I decided to wear just my Pull-ups and tee shirt no one would 
see me it would keep Billy quiet about my accident too. I could do the 
laundry while we play.

I found Billy playing with his toys in the playroom so I went to the 
kitchen to find the chicken noodle soup. I found the can of soup the 
bread, cheese and butter for toasted cheese sandwiches. Everything was 
ready for me to fix lunch in about and hour. So I returned to play with 
Billy in the playroom he was having fun playing with Lego�s so I joined 
him. He was building something but said NO when I tried to help him so 
I started my own thing. I started to build a bridge for my smaller 
Tonka truck. I was building away so busy forgetting what time it was. I 
had been holding my pee because I was so preoccupied with building my 

Then all the sudden a very small amount of pee squirted into my Pull-
up. I continued to play a few minutes later more pee came out soaking 
my Pull-up. Billy started to giggle again pointing at me saying Donny 
wet again. Donny lost his Piston Cups. I asked him what he meant he 
said when you loose your pictures on the front of you pants that means 
you went pee pee in your pants. I went into my bedroom instead of the 
bathroom to change my wet Pull-up for a dry one. I pulled of my wet 
Pull-up used a baby wipe to wipe off the pee smell put a clean Pull-up 
on it took only three minutes and I was ready to go back to what I was 
doing. I put my wet Pull-up in the diaper pail with all of Billy�s wet 
diapers I washed my hands looked in on Billy he was still playing. So I 
went to fix lunch it was 12:20PM.

Lunch was ready so I told Billy to come to the bathroom for potty time. 
I removed Billy�s dry diaper while he lay on the changing mat. Billy 
stood up turned to be in front of the training potty and peed just like 
I did this morning in the big potty copying me. Billy said look at me I 
am a big boy too just like you Donny. His diaper had gotten ripped when 
I removed it I could not put it back on him. I told Billy to go get a 
new diaper from his diaper pile and bring it to me in the kitchen. I 
could diaper baby Billy there before he eats lunch. Billy said he is a 
big boy not a baby, babies pee and poop their pants I not do that no 
more. Billy stomped off to our bedroom to get his diaper. 

Billy came running into the kitchen wearing one of my Pull-ups grinning 
saying see Donny me big boy not baby. I looked at him and said OK you 
can try to be a big boy too but if you wet it your back to wearing 
diapers that is the rules if you wet your Pull-up you have to wear 
diapers. If you are a big boy I will not have to deal with your 
diapers. I tied Billy�s bib on him then Billy climbed into his 
highchair I locked his tray in front of him placing his training cup of 
juice, bowl of soup and a toasted cheese sandwich cut into four pieces 
on his tray. Billy ate everything while I sat and ate next to him at 
the table in my booster seat.

After we ate lunch I released Billy removed his bib wiped his face and 
we were off to play until naptime at 1:00 twenty minutes from know. 
Billy asked me why I don�t have to wear diapers because I wet my Pull-
up why don�t I have to follow the rule. I told him because I am too old 
to wear diapers.

We played in the playroom until I looked at the clock it was 15 minutes 
after 1:00. I hurried Billy to our bedroom got him in his crib gave him 
a bottle of warm milk but he said you too Donny you too. I tried to 
tell him I don�t take naps he said he don�t either. Mom told me if he 
don�t take his nap he gets real hard to handle and if he is that way 
when she comes home I will get $10.00 taken off my pay. So I lay in my 
bed watching Billy suck his bottle soon I heard Billy calling me.

I woke up to Billy standing in his crib yelling wake up Donny I woke up 
went to his crib let the side down. Billy climbed out of his crib as he 
climbed out I saw his Piston Cups were still on his Pull-ups. He had 
not wet during his nap I told him mom is going to be proud of you being 
a big boy. I told him to look at his Pull-ups his Piston Cups were 
still there that means you are still a big boy. Then he said your 
Piston Cups are gone Donny you wet your Pull-us again Donny. I looked 
down to see yes my Pull-ups were wet I could not hide it I wet sometime 
during my nap.

I told Billy it was an accident as I pulled off my wet Pull-up wiped my 
self off with a baby wipe then reached in the drawer to grab a new 
Pull-up but the drawer was empty. There were only the diapers on top of 
the dresser for me to wear now. I thought there was no way I was going 
to were a diaper I looked everywhere for something else. I had my 
school jeans to wear mom told me NOT TO WEAR THEM TO PLAY IN.

Then I though of the dirty clothes in our hamper. I checked out all my 
clothes but all of our clothes were wet and smelled like pee. I could 
not wear anything except the diapers no matter where I looked. Mom 
would take all my $25.00 if she found me playing in the nude. So I lay 
down on the changing mat on the floor where I have changed many of 
Billy�s diapers I powdered my crotch area getting ready for the diaper. 
Billy watched as I put the Huggies size 5 under my bottom I pulled the 
front of the diaper as high as it would then tapped the sides in place, 
I was now wearing diapers for the first time that I ever knew. Billy 
just smiled as I stood up wearing nothing except diapers.

I ran to the clothes hamper pulled all the clothes out into a 
clothesbasket so I could wash my clothes and get out of this stupid 
diaper. I sorted out all the white clothes most were Billy�s I had only 
six pair of underwear and six summer shorts. I started the wash and 
went to play outside with Billy. I took us drinks so we would not need 
to come back in the house. We played for a half hour then I ran to the 
house to put my clothes in the drier and start the other load of 
colored clothes. I ran back out to play more with Billy I realized I 
need to pee so I figured why not use the diaper. I soaked the diaper 
and continued to play it was easier than running to the potty all the 
time. I heard the drier bell go off so I got up and ran to the house 
with Billy right behind me. Billy ran to the potty I ran to the drier I 
realize in my hast the drier settings was set to fluff not heat all 
that time I waited for nothing now it is getting time for mom to come 
home. I reset the drier and started it. I got worried where is Billy I 
ran to the bathroom, the playroom I could not find Billy then in our 
room I found Billy was getting dressed in some new underwear he found 
in his drawer. There was a dry Pull-up in the center of the room.

I quickly grabbed one of Billy�s new underwear from his drawer removed 
my wet diaper and tried to pull them up my legs they were two sizes too 
small. They would not go all the way up. Billy grabbed them away from 
me saying mine, mine these are mine Donny. Mommy said when I stopped 
wetting my diaper I would be a big boy they were mine to wear. I kept 
trying to wear his new underwear but they were too small I finely gave 
up throwing his underwear at him whimpering. I picked up a fresh 
Huggies size 5 diaper lay on the changing mat Billy started to put 
powder on me and started to help me get diapered. I let him pull my 
diaper up between my legs without thinking I let him tap it in place. I 
was so upset with my self what could I do now I stood up after he was 

Mom suddenly walked into the room seeing me dressed in just a diaper. 
Billy dressed like a potty-trained toddler should be smiling. Mom 
asked. What happened here? Billy said Donny is having potty accidents 
so I helped him put his diaper on you know the rules. I tried to tell 
her it was just one accident I didn�t mean to do it. Mom looked in the 
diaper pail and said she just emptied this pail this morning. She asked 
me why there were so many wet Pull-ups in it. Billy said that is when 
he wet his nap and wet when we played outside. Then she asked what 
happened to Donny�s underwear Billy. Billy said he wet them too.

I told her I was potty training Billy this morning like you told me to 
do after he went potty on his potty I gave him one of my Pull-ups. I 
was trying to get Billy potty trained like you told me to but I forgot 
about I needed to go too. We went out to play I tried to get Billy to 
come in with me to use the potty but I wet my underwear. I had no clean 
underwear to put on so I had to wear Pull-ups just like Billy. Billy 
liked wearing the same thing I was wearing. Everything was great until 
I forgot to take Billy to the potty to use it before his naptime. He 
made me take a nap with him or he would not take his nap. He did not 
wet his nap but he realized I had wet my Pull-up during my nap. He 
knows when the pictures go away on your Pull-up that means you are wet. 
You know I can�t help it when I sleep it happens. I needed to change my 
wet Pull-up I did not want to get a rash.

Mom was listening to me explain what happened Billy was adding some of 
his details I was whimpering during my explanation. Mom was not mad she 
was understandingly smiling checking how my diaper was put on counting 
the used wet things in the diaper pail. She counted three wet Pull-ups, 
one wet Pull-ups from my wet morning Pull-up, my wet playtime Pull-up, 
my wet nap Pull-up and a wet playtime diaper plus a torn dry diaper and 
a damp diaper from Billy�s morning.

I told her about not being able to find clothes to wear except these 
diapers so I tried them on they were tight but I was not naked either. 
I was doing the laundry while we played in the backyard the drier was 
not set right. If it was set right I would have my underwear back by 
now. I was playing with Billy while the clothes were being dried. I 
needed to pee so I used the diaper instead of running to the house all 
the time. Billy did not need to use the potty like me he would not come 
in with me, you said not to leave him in the yard alone. I tried but I 
could not get him to come inside so I just used the diaper instead. 
When I heard the drier bell I found the setting was wrong I reset it 
and found Billy in here dressed in big boy clothes I just wanted his 
underwear so I could get out of these diapers he would not let me have 

Mom told me his underwear is two sizes too small for me but until I can 
prove that I don�t need diapers I would not have to worry about having 
underwear to ruin. I asked what about babysitting Billy tomorrow? Mom 
said that I can still baby-sit Billy but she will give me only diapers 
for my underwear. If I can keep my diapers dry all day for a week then 
I get Pull-ups for a week if I keep them dry for a week then I get my 
regular big boy underwear. Billy will be watching you too he will tell 
if you have accidents he is your potty trainer.

It looks like Billy is potty trained now he don�t need Pull-ups he can 
be in charge of the potty. His old diapers were size 5 there are only 2 
left to use we can buy size 6 diapers for you tonight. That way you can 
wear them all the time they will fit you perfectly.

I asked for clothes to hide my diaper. Mom said diaper boys don�t need 
clothes to hide their diapers we need to know when you are wet. I said 
I would not wet my diaper I promise I will keep it dry. Mom said I have 
to wear diapers only that is the rule of the house you know that. If 
you are wearing diapers you are not allowed to hide them in this house. 
Billy was listening to everything giggling. Mom said that Billy was 
doing so good at potty training class at daycare. Daycare said Billy 
should wear underwear not diapers mom knew Billy was already potty 
trained he would not need diapers or Pull-ups. I said I don�t need 
diapers or Pull-ups either I am a big boy too.

Mom said tomorrow Billy is to be in charge of potty training you the 
underwear for you Donny is one night diaper one nap diaper and a day 
diaper Billy gets only one pair of underwear. If anyone wet their pants 
or diaper in your case they need to change to a clean dry diaper. Donny 
will have his diapers marked Night, Nap, Day. His day diapers will have 
numbers 1 through 6 on them so I will know how many was used. Donny 
gets to wear diapers and a tee shirt only. Billy gets only one pair of 
underwear under his big boy clothes. Donny if you use all six of your 
day diapers Billy will not need to potty train you for three weeks. You 
will stay diapered with no potty times you know how to change your own 
diaper anyway Billy will help you. Billy will let you use the potty 
when he uses it that is how he will potty train you. I will give him 
the key and show him how to keep the door locked.

You need to learn how to hold your pee like a big boy. That way your 
school health score will go up next year. The school says you use the 
bathroom way too much, that you�re worse than most kindergarten kids 
that still wear Pull-ups. I asked mom what if I need to go before Billy 
needs to go. Mom said if I could not hold my potty needs as long as a 
three-year-old I really do need diapers. 

Mom said lets go to the store and get your new diapers Billy will get 
more underwear. I asked mom for pants to hide my diaper. Mom told me 
TO WEAR PANTS. Mom did put a long tee shirt on me that did hide my 
diapers just a little. I started to whine and cry its not fair mom as 
lead us to the car me crying all the way there. Mom put a pacifier in 
my mouth telling me to keep this in your mouth or I will give you 
something to cry about. I knew she meant business she was always quick 
sucking my pacifier while she strapped me in Billy�s baby car seat with 
all the straps. I found that with all the straps fastened there was no 
way for me to release them. Mom fastened Billy into my one belt booster 

On the way to the store I told mom that I needed to potty. Mom told me 
that I was supposed to be a big boy why didn�t I tell her that I need 
to go before we left the house. I told her I did not need to go then. 
She told me if I did not hold it until we get to the store she will 
change my diaper in the back of the van. She told me to get my pacifier 
back in my mouth and be quiet. Mom was parking the car my need to pee 
was too great so I had no choice I flooded my diaper. Billy released 
his belt as mom started releasing my five belts.

Mom stuck her finger into the front of my diaper and said will Donny 
couldn�t hold it very long could you. I just whimpered sucking my 
pacifier as mom lay me on the changing mat she used for Billy. She pull 
the tapes free and pulled my wet diaper away. Carefully wiping my 
diaper area of all the wetness followed by a dusting of baby powder. 
She asked Billy for a fresh diaper Billy giggled as he handed one of 
the last two size 5 Huggies. Mom grabbed me by my ankles raised my 
bottom in the air placing the Huggies under my bottom lowering my 
bottom perfectly in the center of the diaper. Mom pulled the diaper up 
to far below my bellybutton fastened one side then the other side 
making it even tighter than the one I put on. Mom said lets go.

Mom put me in a shopping cart seat next to the car Billy was told to 
hold to the side of the cart. I was so glad I was not walking being in 
the seat gave me some cover. Mom walked straight to the baby isle mom 
picked up three packages of size 6 diapers with 88 in each pack. On the 
way to the checkout she picked up two large containers of baby powder 
and two baby lotion bottles. She also picked up four boxes of baby 

Mom asked me what kind of food I wanted looking at the baby food. I 
told her I would not eat that stuff that is sick. She told Billy to 
pick me out some food. Billy just started to pick out jar after jar he 
had picked out about fifty jars when mom told him that is enough for 
this week. I told mom I was not going to eat that sick stuff. Mom told 
me it is either that or nothing.

By the time we got back home I had wet my diaper again receiving a 
diaper change without even a word said mom just changed my diaper like 
she did for Billy last month. She used the last size 5 Huggies. Twenty 
minutes later mom called us to dinner I was starved eating only half of 
a toasted cheese sandwich and a half a can of chicken noodle soup. Mom 
picked me up put me in the highchair fastened the seatbelt so quickly I 
did not have time to say no. I found out that if you were the one 
sitting in the highchair you had no way of getting at the release. I 
started to kick and cry as mom put my compartmented tray in front of 
me. Mom told me I would not get out of the highchair until I ate 
everything on my tray. She said if I spilled it all over I would get a 
had bare bottom spanking and returned to the chair for more food.

My bib was tied securely around my neck and she handed me a spoon. I 
began eating one thing made me gag it back out of my mouth and on to my 
bib. Billy giggled as mom put more of the same thing in its place. I 
whimpered as I tried again this time I was able to swallow it down. By 
the time I finished my dinner I look like a two-year-old with a messy 
face and bib. Mom praised me for eating it all as she removed the 
compartmented tray insert.

Mom handed me a bottle and told me to drink up I had to finish my 
bottle before I could get out to play. When I finished mom handed me my 
pacifier I put in into my mouth a started to suck it. I was off to play 
with Billy in the playroom. We played until 8:00PM mom called out 
bedtime, Billy went running to the bedroom it was his bedtime NOT mine 
I am a big kid.

A few minutes after Billy left mom came to where I was playing and said 
to me little one when I call bedtime you come to bed. Mom picked me up 
carrying me like I was a toddler. Mom lay me in the crib with the sides 
raised up and the mattress at its lowest setting. Mom told me that when 
I can stay clean and dry during the day I can have my big boy bedtime 
and bed back.

I asked mom what about Billy he still wets the bed he needs a crib too. 
Mom said Billy has been almost dry for about six months now and Pull-
ups are good enough Billy don�t flood his bed like you Donny. Billy 
don�t even need a plastic sheet on his bed. Billy was wearing one of my 
old Pull-ups in my old bed without a plastic mattress protector. Mom 
then handed him his bedtime bottle. Then it was my turn mom removed my 
wet diaper me forgetting I was even wet. I was cleaned, oiled, and 
powdered. Then my new size 6 diaper was put on me. The new diapers felt 
so thick they felt like I had two or three diapers on not just one. Mom 
handed me a bottle too. I refused it so she lay it next to my pillow. 
Mom kissed me good night raised the crib side turned out the light and 
closed the door. There was just a dim nightlight that lit the room as I 
looked through the crib bars I did feel sort of safe and secure there 
sucking my bottle.

The next morning mom woke Billy first then she taught Billy how to work 
the crib sides letting it down then back up then down again. I was so 
sound asleep I did not know mom was doing that. Mom then told Billy to 
wake me up. Billy let the side down then climbed into the crib with me 
he woke me up with an empty bottle still in my mouth. My diaper was 
soaked and leaking a little. I sat up in the crib fully awake when mom 
said it was diaper check time as she put her finger into Billy�s Pull-
up she said good boy Billy, Billy was a big boy last night. Mom let 
Billy climb out of the crib remove his dry Pull-up so he could run to 
the potty-chair. I watched Billy sitting on the potty like a big boy. 
Mom did my diaper check only to find what she already knew I was 
soaked. Billy finished peeing and pooping he wiped his own behind then 
ask mom for clothes she handed him his clothes for the day. Billy was 
dressing him self like a big boy underwear first summer shorts next 
then his tee shirt.

Mom turned back to me lying in the crib and removed my leaky diaper. 
Mom told me to go sit on the potty like Billy did and see if I could go 
potty like a big boy. I slowly walked over to the little potty-chair I 
sat down I felt like a little toddler going through potty training 
again. I did not need to go but I did try doing something but nothing 
came out. I knew mom could not tell if I did or not because Billy�s pee 
and poop was in the pot too. I told her I used the potty thinking I 
would get at least Pull-up training pants not diapers.

Mom picked me up off the potty she put me on the changing table put 
Vaseline on me with a good dusting of baby powder. I knew then my fate 
was diapers and I was right. Mom put one of the size 6 Huggies on me 
they were so thick they felt so bulky a lot more padding than Billy�s 
size 5 diapers. I could feel that they were super thick even before I 
walked. Mom put a zip up the back onesie on me and let me off the 
table. Mom led me to the kitchen again I was in the highchair Billy was 
in the booster seat. Mom fastened my seat belt put my try in place with 
my bowl of oatmeal and bottle of warm milk. I started to eat my oatmeal 
when mom tied my bib around my neck. Billy was neatly eating his from 
the table like I use to do. I was too slow eating so mom started to 
help me. I could not eat that fast so some of the oatmeal went on my 
bib and tray. When I was done I grabbed my bottle without thinking and 
started to suck it. Mom then handed me a bottle with juice in it 
telling me finish this before I can get down. I felt the need to poop I 
told mom me need to poop. Mom told me to finish my bottle first real 
big boys can hold it. I tried to suck the bottle dry as fast as I could 
but the juice was not coming out very fast the harder I tried to empty 
the bottle the more I needed to poop.

I had the bottle half gone when poop started its way into my diaper 
followed by a flood of pee. It felt nice and warm by the time I was 
finished with my bottle I had forgot about what I had done in my 
diaper. Until mom released me from the highchair. I climbed down then 
the feeling of poop in my diaper was there, what should I do now. I 
tried to hide it from mom maybe she would not know what I did. I 
started to run to the playroom with Billy when mom grabbed my arm she 
asked me if I still needed to go potty. I said. No. Billy was standing 
beside me when mom patted the back of my full diaper. Mom said looks 
like someone has poopy in their pants to me.

Mom led me back to our room she put me on the changing table and 
changed my wet and messy diaper. Telling me how she has requested the 
daycare to make a concession to take me back to daycare sense I need 
potty training lessons. I told mom I was too old for baby school that 
Billy could train me. Mom said looks like you are acting the right age 
for baby school to me. Finishing my diaper change I was dressed in 
another onesie with Big Bird on the front. My diapers were so puffy 
there was no way to hide the fact I was wearing diapers.

Mom picked me up grabbed the diaper bag telling Billy to follow us to 
the car. I was in my car seat crying with a pacifier being put into my 
mouth. Mom led us into daycare mom signed the paper saying Billy was 
fully potty trained and ready for the big kid class. Then she signed 
the papers about me being un-potty trained so I would be place in the 
diapered only toddler class no potties for me just my diapers.

Miss. Conner led me to my playroom. I walked down the long hallway into 
a room labeled toddler babies. Miss. Conner opened the gate I stepped 
in the room and the gate clicked closed. There were cribs, highchairs 
and toddler toys all over. They had ride-on toys big enough for me I 
though maybe this would not be that bad I was the only one in the room 
and all these things were mine to play with. Miss. Conner removed my 
onesie leaving me dress in just a diaper.

I started to play on the big rocking horse when another kid smaller 
than Billy by a few inches he was dressed in just diapers like me. He 
wanted the horse too but he started to play with blocks then another 
kid then another diapered kid started to ride a tricycle. The room had 
eight little boys all dress in diapers playing in the room. All the 
boys were age 18 � 30 months old not one of them even said a word about 
me being a big or a baby. We all played together me needing twice as 
many diaper changes as the youngest boy.

When mom picked us put Billy was so happy he got to go down the big 
slide and play on the big swings not the stupid toddler swings you sit 
in like a walker for babies the thing between your legs and around your 
waist. I have not yet experienced being in a swing like that. What is 
Billy talking so fast and excited about what he did even want to tell 
mom I used so many diapers they put me at the bottom of the potty 
training readiness list. I was thinking of what Billy was talking about 
baby swings I did not see swings for the toddler babies class.

On the way home Billy talked about how he liked all the new toys he was 
allowed to play with the same toys I played with last year. I knew how 
fun they were I wish I could be in his class. I sat in the car seat all 
strapped in with no way out sucking on my pacifier trying to relax and 
forget where I was. When we got home mom changed my wet diaper when I 
wet it I don�t know but it was wet. After my change mom told me to go 
play with Billy.

As I played with Billy I thought about running away from home tonight 
that way I could be a big boy my way and get out of these diapers. We 
played for about two hours then we ate dinner I had my usual baby food 
three jars one meat yuk one veggie ok then one fruit yum. This is the 
third day of eating baby food only I started to eat the baby food 
veggie I think it was peas I pooped my diaper poop just slipped out 
into my diaper. It just sort of jumped out before I could react to 
holding it in. By the time I was eating my fruit my belly was full and 
so was my diaper.

Mom said. Billy it is time for Donny�s diaper change do you want to 
help. Billy giggled and said OK mommy. I started to kick and cry NO NO 
NO I don�t want to mommy please don�t. My pleas fell on def ears. I was 
on my back on the changing mat in our room. Mom told Billy to pull the 
tapes off my diaper and pull the front down between my legs then roll 
me over on my side. He easily followed her instructions she told him to 
wipe my butt with the front of the diaper and put the diaper on the 
paper she has beside me. She told him to use the baby wipes and clean 
the rest of the poop off my bottom. I was sucking my pacifier so hard 
to trying to forget where I was. Billy finished in minutes he was told 
to put baby lotion on my bottom. Mom told Billy to put a new diaper 
under my bottom and roll me on to it.

Mom told him to put baby powder on the front of my diaper and crotch 
before pulling the front in place. Billy without even being told then 
pulled the front of my diaper up between my legs very snuggly and taped 
it on. My baby brother has just changed my messy diaper I knew I had to 
runaway now. Mom told us to go play.

It took me a while to forget about being changed by Billy but soon I 
was having fun playing forgetting about diapers and potty needs. Time 
went by so fast it was bedtime before I knew it. Mom told Billy to 
change my diaper before I went to bed at 8:00PM. It took Billy 5 long 
minutes to change my wet diaper with mom standing over us Billy needed 
no assistance. Mom dressed me in a sleeper that zipped up the back and 
put me in my crib. Mom snapped the pacifier and keeper onto my sleeve 
then gave me a bottle. Mom raised the side. I lay there in shock at 
what mom was doing to me. I sucked my bottle as I watched Billy and mom 
leave closing the door and turning out the lights leaving me all alone 
just like I use to do with Billy, before mom put me back in diapers. I 
started to cry and kept crying I tried to climb out of the crib but the 
sleeper would not let me straighten my legs. I cried louder and louder 
until I fell sound asleep.

The next morning mom and Billy woke me just like the last three 
mornings with an empty bottle and wet diaper but this time I had an 
additional surprise in my diaper. Somehow poop got in there I knew that 
I did not put it there. I was not that much of a baby or was I. Mom 
said looks like Donny needs his diaper changed again. Billy said yep 
Donny is the baby me the big boy. I started to cry again so mom put my 
pacifier in my mouth quieting me. Mom removed my sleeper revealing a 
bloated diaper that looked like it belonged to a two-year-old baby NOT 
A TWELVE-YEAR-OLD. I had wet in it many times during the night Billy 
changed my wet messy diaper like a pro. This time it took him only 3 
minutes to clean the poop off my bottom put lotion and powder on me. He 
had my diaper taped on in less that 30 seconds later.

I was ready to eat my breakfast after Billy finished my diaper change. 
Billy hopped out of the crib but mom raised the side of the crib 
leaving me in my crib dress in nothing but my fresh diaper. I tried to 
climb out but I could not pull myself over the side. I had to wait on 
some one to let the side down for me. I know how Billy felt when I 
would leave him in this crib. I sucked my pacifier and waited 
whimpering while Billy and mom did something I could not see them it 
sounded like dishes and things.

Mom came in the bedroom lifted me out of the crib and carried me to my 
highchair I could hardly wait to be strapped in so I could start eating 
my breakfast. Mom fastened my seat belt while I did my squirm of 
eagerness my bib went on and I was ready. I ate my oatmeal with zeal 
making a mess of my bib, face, and highchair tray. I looked like a two-
year-old not a twelve-year-old. Some time during my meal pee and poop 
went into my diaper and I felt nothing coming out of me it just seamed 
to happen like magic. Billy said pew he smells like he did a poopy. Mom 
said yes Donny needs his diapee changed again you know how babies are 
when they eat something they poop and pee. That�s just the way babies 
are that�s why they need diapers.

I told mom I AM A BIG BOY NOT A BABY. I said I don�t need diapers you 
are making me pee and poop in my pants. You will not let go when I need 
to go that is why it happens. Mom told me that I need to learn to hold 
it until I can be taken to the potty. Then I can be potty trained but 
not until then so keep trying may be you can be a big boy like Billy. I 
said. �I am bigger than Billy.� Mom said yes you are bigger but only in 
size you need more than just size to be a big boy. They make baby 
things for kids twice your size so size don�t matter.

Mom told me that REAL big boys DON�T WET OR POOP in their pants they 
hold it no matter how bad it hurts. She told me that when I feel the 
need to pee or poop try as hard as I could to hold it and not let my 
pee out. Mom said the more I would try the more I would be holding soon 
I will be able to hold as much as Billy. I asked if I could just have 
underwear to go to daycare today so I can prove to them I am a big boy 
still. Mom said OK so mom let me put my old big boy underwear on than 
get dress in big boy clothes for the first time in a week. It felt so 
good to not have bulky underwear when I walked. I was allowed to sit 
next to the baby seat that was in the middle of the car not in it. 
Billy sat in the other booster seat on the other side of the car.

We pulled into the daycare Billy led me to the little kids room. The 
little kid�s room had much more ride on toys they were bigger too. They 
had a slide in the play yard that was very high and building toys like 
Lego�s. I ran to the huge rocking horse beating another kid by seconds 
he would have to wait now it is my turn. I felt the need to pee just as 
I sat down I would have to give up my horse or hold it I tried holding 
it. I was having fun rocking real big when my pants got warm. Oh no I 
wet my pants but I figured that I could stay on my horse until my pants 
dried out then no one will see. Half hour went by when the caretakers 
called out pants check time.

I was in trouble what can I do as she went to each boy checking every 
ones pants for being wet or messy. I never knew they had pants checking 
in big kid class too. She came to me last and called out WET ONE HERE. 
I was picked up off my horse dripping with pee led to the potty room 
where my wet pants were removed pee wiped off with a baby wipe. I was 
told to sit on the potty for ten minutes. When I was done sitting I was 
told to step into the Pull-up she was holding in front of me. I stepped 
into them she pulled them in place I was then told to go play. I asked 
her for pants but she told me my pants were too wet to wear just go 
play. Within a half hour of being in the big kid class I was wearing 
training pants like the toddlers do back in the toddler baby class. No 
one teased me about being in training pants it was like it was normal 
to wear training pants.

Then I wanted to play on the slide one of the Kids told me I was not 
allowed to play on it because I was wearing baby clothes. I said I was 
not a baby and started to climb the ladder when I reached the top Mrs. 
Wells grabbed me off the ladder and told me I was not allowed to play 
on any ride on toys or use the swings or slide while wearing training 
pants. I cried saying that�s not fair I am not a baby. I kept crying 
for 30 minutes then I was given a pacifier without thinking I started 
to suck it. Soon I forgot where is was and wet my training pants while 
playing with the wood blocks. The next pants check they found me soaked 
again NOW I was being led back to my toddler baby class where I felt so 
much better. I was more at home with the diapered toddlers than with 
the preschool kids. I did not have to worry about getting to the potty 
or anything now.

When mom picked me up that afternoon she told me I would have to try it 
again tomorrow, the next day, and the next until I can stay clean and 
dry like Billy. Then I will be a big boy not just another diaper 
toddler boy. I told mom I am a big boy I just need diapers I can take 
care of them by my self. That makes me a big boy don�t it? Mom said 
well if you can prove tonight you can take care of your diaper needs 
then you can stay home with Billy. Billy will be the boss of the potty 
training, you will fix the food but Billy will pick your food and you 
will fix his soup and sandwich and warm your baby food. If he wants to 
feed you he will you have to eat in the highchair and use your crib 
Billy�s bed is off limits to you. He will do pants checks and tell you 
to go change your diaper if it needs it. You are only in charge of 
being boss of being safe nothing else. You have to do what Billy tells 
you to do or what to wear if he tells you play baby toys while he plays 
with big boy toys you have to. If I hear that you are not doing what 
Billy wants it�s back to daycare but this time with the babies not the 
big boy baby toddlers. You will be with the crawlers that are learning 
to walk sitting in that walker they punished you with when you tried to 

I remember that walker it was horrible only my toes touched the ground 
I had to really work at moving around. When I messed my diaper the poop 
went up my back not down into my crotch. I could play with only the 
things that some one handed me if I dropped it I could not get it back. 
I was totally helpless. To sit in that walker for more than a hour was 
like torture to me. The whole day in it would kill me I know because 
the half day I spent in it was real bad.

I agreed to follow the rules mom set down for us. I was the baby sitter 
in charge of food safety. Billy was in charge of diaper changing, play, 
potty training, and naptime. The first day was great Billy was so nice 
he fed me my oatmeal sitting in my highchair then ate his Cheerios at 
the table in his booster seat while I sucked my bottle. He helped me 
change my wet and messy diaper after wet ate breakfast. He let me play 
with his baby toys in the playpen while he played with the older kid 
toys out in the playroom. About an hour later Billy said potty time he 
opened the playpen gate to let me out. Billy stuck his finger into the 
top of my diaper feeling wetness he said time for a diaper change.

Billy led me to our room he told me to lay on the mat for my change. 
Laying on the changing mat I watched Billy get a diaper and powder and 
wipes. I went to work to remove the one I had on but Billy said don�t 
touch your diapers. I stopped helping him I let Billy change my diaper 
I knew I was in trouble I had no clothes that fit me so I could not 
runaway like I wanted to. If I disobeyed Billy I would be in big 
trouble and go to daycare from now on and I did not want that. So I let 
Billy change my wet diaper just like I use to do him last week.

Billy said lets play so I followed him to the playroom where he told me 
to get in the playpen. He latched the gate behind me I was again 
playing with the baby toys whimpering sucking my pacifier wanting so 
much to join Billy playing with the big boy toys. Billy called potty 
time an hour he checked my diaper saying time to changed your diaper 
Donny. He led me to our room and changed my diaper like a pro he took 
three minutes from the time I was laying on my back until the time he 
said lets go play.

Every hour on the hour Billy checked my diaper never finding it dry I 
was all the time wetting my diaper. Billy kept giving me bottles to 
drink too that mom fixed for me to drink. She want me to try to hold my 
pee but all it done was to kept me peeing all the time. Billy said I 
need to try harder next time to hold it next time. Billy like to treat 
me like I treated him last week. I would tease him about his wet diaper 
I thought he liked it but he only wet one or two diapers a day. I was 
different I need to use the potty seven to twelve time a day I never 
tried to hold it sense mom potty trained me at fifteen months old. Now 
it was so easy to forget about needing to pee because it was easier to 
use my diaper than to run to the potty all the time. I would forget 
about holding it I would think about what I was playing with instead.

Lunchtime Billy picked my baby food chicken and pears he ate chicken 
noodle soup and cheese sandwich. I finished drinking my bottle and 
Billy finished eating now we need to change my wet and messy diaper, 
every time I eat now my diaper gets wet and messy. This time Billy 
would not let me help with very much during my diaper change HE WAS IN 
CHARGE. It was time for our nap I would be napping in my crib while 
Billy napped in his bed. I thought he would take a nap too but he went 
to play leaving to take a nap alone.

After my nap I had a surprise Billy had climbed in to my crib I was 
still sucking my pacifier in my sleep. He went to work changing my wet 
diaper without waking me first. I woke up before he finished changing 
me. I did not resist him he was so nice and forceful he had my wet 
diaper removed and wiped me off before I was awake. He woke me up 
putting my clean dry diaper under my bottom by trying to raising my 
legs in the air like he has seen mom do. He gave up doing that when he 
woke me and told me to raise my own legs I just rolled over on my side 
he put the diaper in place and I rolled back on to it. I watched him 
put powder in the crotch of my diaper and pull it up to my bellybutton 
taping both sides. It was playtime now.

Billy said I was a good baby today and can play with him out of the 
playpen if I want to. I was so excited I was going to play with my 
brother with big boy toys. I ran with Billy to the playroom I played 
without a care in the world I was having so much fun never realized I 
was wetting my diaper for the ninth time today.

When mom came home she found out how many diapers I used she told me I 
will not need potty trained until I can stay dry and use only three 
diapers during the day including my nap diaper but not counting my 
night diaper. Looks like you do rate about fifteen months old as for 
potty training like daycare told me. Billy has his work cut out for him 
getting you potty trained.

Three weeks later so many diaper changes Billy has learned how to give 
me my bath feed me in my highchair after mom tested him on each thing 
slowly I had to let Billy take total control of my life I was the baby 
now with Billy being the babysitter. Billy was getting $30.00 a week 
sense he was so good at making sure I was kept clean and dry. I had no 
clothes to runaway in so I had to let him take care of me or get a big 
spanking by mom then get sent to daycare with the real babies for 
disobeying Billy.

I would rather let Billy be my babysitter than someone else he is so 
understanding never teases me just lets me play and play. I am teaching 
Billy the alphabet and numbers he was very smart like me at the end of 
the three weeks he could read like a first grader and add and subtract 
like a third grader. I was doing tenth grade work my self. 

At the end of summer mom let us get home schooled having a teacher come 
by once a week and test us and make sure we were doing our work. I was 
doing eleventh and twelfth grade work by Christmas Billy was doing 
second grade work. The teacher thought Billy was a small seven-year-old 
she was very surprised when she learned he had just turned four.

Billy is now MY BABYSITTER sense I have been turned into they baby.

Next year what am I going to do I am getting to big for baby diapers?

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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