"Disclaimer: This Story is all true to the best of my 
memories: It has nothing to do with other people names: It's 
just a reckon of my own experiences."

The Babying of William

	The first time that I can remember about wanting to 
wear diapers was when I was 4 or 5. The night started like 
any Friday night did. The only thing that was different was 
that my best friend and his parents were over until really 
late. Around eight or nine I was sent to bed. Just after I 
went to my room I heard my best friend's mom send his dad to 
the store to pick something up. I later found out when Aaron 
walked into my room to sleep in my bed until his parents 
went home, that his dad went and bought some diapers. That 
is when I found out that my friend was a bedwetter.
	The next day was just like any Saturday went for me. 
All I did was play outside with Aaron. Now on Sunday my 
family and I was at Kmart in Tacoma, WA. While we were there 
we headed to a section of the store that was by the baby 
area. The next thing I knew I asked my mom if she could by 
me some diapers. After I asked that question she told me to 
just to go to the toy area. I went ahead and did as I was 
told not thinking of what I just asked her. About 15 minutes 
later my brother came and got me and said we were leaving.
	We headed towards the cashier and found mom just 
finishing paying for everything we came to get. I did 
notice, however that there was a box of Luvs diapers in the 
shopping cart as we headed towards the car. After we arrived 
home I was told to go play as my mom and brother put the 
things away. About two hours later I was called in for 
dinner. I was told during dinner that I was to stay inside 
for the rest of the night. Just after dinner was done and 
the kitchen cleaned up I was called into the living room and 
was asked by my mom why I wanted to wear diapers.
	I told my mom I liked the way Aaron was cared for by 
his parents and said I would like to be cared for by you 
when I was younger. To my surprise my mother understood and 
said she would care for me the same way when I was two and 
half. So she went and got the box of diapers and brought 
them into the living room and pulled one out and came over 
to me and picked me up off the couch and laid me on the 
floor. My mom then proceeded to speak in a soft soothing 
voice as she pulled off my pants and shorts. The next thing 
I knew my mom started to unfold the diaper and than raised 
my legs and bottom and slid the diaper under my bottom and 
then powdered me and brought the diaper up between my legs 
and taped it closed. After she finished diapering me she 
picked me up and took me over to her chair and started to 
rock me.
	The next thing I knew I was awoken by my brother during 
the night. I was having a bad dream. Which turned out to be 
about being beat by my dad when I was three while we lived 
in Seattle, WA. The reason my dad was beating me with his 
belt was because I knocked his beer off the table while I 
was playing with my toys. Just after being awakened by my 
brother, whose name is Roy, my mom came in and I started to 
cry. She knew right away that the dream had scared me very 
much. While I was crying she sat down on my bed and started 
to hold me and sing to me to try and calm me down. Just as 
she started to rock me she asked Roy who was about twenty-
three at the time to get the supplies which turned out to be 
the changing supplies. About five minutes later he returned 
to my room carrying another diaper, a wash cloth, and a 
bottle of milk. My mom then laid me down on my back on my 
bed to change me. I had not even realized that during the 
dream that I used the diaper. After she changed me she 
continued to rock me and fed me the bottle of milk which 
helped calmed me down.
	The next thing I knew it was morning and woke up to a 
wet diaper from drinking the bottle of milk. Just after 
waking up and remembering the incident during the night I 
started to cry again. Out of nowhere my mother appeared and 
came to my bed and picked me up and started to sing and rock 
me again, and she said, "Don't worry, baby, mommy won't let 
daddy hurt you again." She than carried me into the living 
room and changed me into a fresh diaper. She then fed me 
breakfast and told me she was going to baby me for the whole 
week and was to use up the box of diapers. Years later she 
told me she did this for that week to make sure that I was 
over that terrible dream I had.
	During that week of being babied by my mother she 
played her part to the hilt. She fed me, bathed me, and 
evened played games with me. During one of the feeding 
sessions I refused to drink my bottle of milk. She tried to 
get me to drink the bottle for ten minutes and gave up. She 
then picked me up from the table and took me to the couch 
and sat me on her lap and told me that since I would not 
drink from my bottle that I would have to get my milk from 
the other source. The next thing I started to drink from her 
breast. I remember drinking for about ten minutes and fell 
asleep. I played my part of being the baby for that week and 
had no other ideas of wanting to wear diapers or a need to 
wear them until that plane crash that happened on my 15th 

Part 2.

	After that first experience of being babied by my 
mother for a week, I don't remember having any other 
thoughts about wanting to wear diapers, until the incident 
that occurred on my 15th birthday.
	It all stared on a warm sunny day in July around the 
25th which is my birthday. I wanted to go on a fishing trip 
to Idaho, where my brother went the year earlier. So three 
of my friends and I booked a charter flight to Cascade, 
Idaho to spend the week fishing at Cascade Lake. During the 
week we were planning on spending their I arranged it so 
that my friends and I could stay at my brothers dad's house. 
I really do not remember how long the flight was, but we 
were I would say approximately forty miles away from Cascade 
airport when the crash occurred. The crash I am referring to 
happened about the time we were flying over a forest or 
wooded area on are way to the week of fishing at Cascade 
Lake, when out of nowhere a flight of birds appeared in 
front of us. I remember very vividly that the pilot tried 
everything to avoid the flight of birds but we were to close 
to them when they appeared. The next thing I knew was that 
we were going down those birds destroyed the propellers and 
the pilot could not keep the plane in the air.

Part 3.

	The next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital, which I 
found out later was Harborview Trauma Hospital in Seattle, 
Wa. I was informed about the date and time. I was told it 
was September 20th and around 2:00 P.M.. I remember saying 
that I could not believe it and was thinking it was a dream. 
I was informed by the nurse that it was not a dream and that 
I was involved in a plane crash.
	I found out later just after the crash occurred, I was 
knocked unconscious and that I had pretty much destroyed my 
knees and that I also had some internal injuries as well. 
About a week after waking up in the hospital I was informed 
that during the crash the pilot and two of my friends who 
were good computer buddies of mine died in the crash. I was 
also informed a couple of days later that the only thing 
that saved my best friend and I was that at the time of the 
crash we were not that far from a town and that some 
eyewitnesses which turned out to be firefighters watched the 
crash happen, and rescued myself and Wade before the plane 
exploded into flames. The injuries that I suffered were my 
right knee was basically destroyed and that I had torn 
cartilage in my left knee, and the final injury was that I 
torn my bladder and nerves and bruised my kidney. While I 
was in a coma I had three surgery's to fix both knees and to 
fix the internal injuries I suffered in the crash. The 
reason I suffered so many injuries was just before the crash 
happened I took off my seat belt to get a better position in 
the seat and I was not able to get it back on before the 
crash so I went over the front seat during the crash that is 
how I suffered all the injuries I had.
	About two hours after the crash happened my family was 
informed of the crash. Just after my family was informed my 
brother and mom and the rest of the parents caught the next 
flight to Boise, Idaho and was met their by my brothers dad. 
The way all the parents found out about the crash was that 
Wade called them after being checked out at the local 
hospital and told them about the crash and that I was 
injured pretty seriously. I also found out about an hour 
before Wade called my brother's dad called and was concerned 
that if we left on time because we had not arrived yet. That 
call got all the parents worried that something was wrong. 
That is why they were ready to leave and catch the next 
plane because even before Wade called they had already made 
arrangements to fly to Boise on the next commercial airline 
to help find us because at the time of the flight the 
weather was fantastic so they immediately thought that we 
probably crashed.

Part 4

	After I was pulled out of the wreck the firefighters 
notice all my injuries and had me airlifted out of the crash 
site to the trauma hospital in Boise. During the time I was 
in the hospital in Boise my brother Roy who is an EMT 
(Emergency Medical Technician) worked out that I be flown to 
Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, WA which is about an 
hour from Olympia, WA where I live. When I learned about my 
knees I realized that my football career was over right 
their in the hospital. I had a promising career going, 
during my freshmen year I made the JV squad which is unheard 
of at that time. Just going into my sophomore year everyone 
expected me to make the Varsity Team and compete for the 
starting offensive tackle position which would have given me 
the chance to be seen be several scouts from several Ivy 
league Schools. This of course never happened because of 
that dam plane crash.
	Just after I awoke from my coma my brother and mother 
along with Wade's mother arrived to see how I was doing and 
to their surprise they found that I had awoken from my coma. 
Just after they arrived and I started realize what the nurse 
had told me that I was in a plane crash I started to cry 
because all the memories started to come back of the crash. 
Just then Michelle who is my best friends mother came over 
to me and started to comfort me because my mother has 
serious back problems which is caused by osteoprosious and 
could not hold me and comfort me like moms due when their 
child is hurt or shaken up. I just relaxed and cried because 
of this terrible experience while Michelle was holding me 
and trying to calm me down so they could tell me everything 
that had happened. Just as I started to relax, I noticed 
that I had a diaper on. I was still pretty upset so after 
realizing that I was wearing a diaper I started to cry again 
and I finally passed out in her arms.
	I woke up several hours later from passing out. All the 
parents were still in my room while I was sleeping and were 
all sad for me because of how terrible and frightening the 
experience was for me. I did however find it comforting to 
know that while I slept Michelle kept holding me in her arms 
to try and make me feel okay and nurtured which I was glad 
she was doing.
	After waking up I started to relax as my mother 
explained what happened and why I was wearing a diaper. I 
learned that when she explained I had damaged the nerves 
going to my bladder and had torn my bladder that I would 
have to wear diapers for a long time if not for the rest of 
my life. I spent the next week in the hospital to make sure 
that I regained some strength back and that their were not 
going to be any complications. While I spent the time in the 
hospital I found out that my school was informed and that I 
received several cards and that my room was decorated very 
much. One of the cards I read was the most touching of all 
of them when I found out that the football team was going to 
play the season for me which shocked me like you would never 
realize. This was because I was not the most popular student 
in school so I never expected such a honor being given to 

Part 5

	The week was over and I was heading home I found out 
when I left the hospital that I was not heading home that I 
was going to spend the next two weeks at Wade's house so 
that I could gain all my strength and that being around my 
friend might help me deal with the changes in my life which 
was depressing me very much. On the way home though I asked 
my mother where my friends were buried and she told me at 
the local cemetery so I asked to be driven there before 
being driven to my best friends house. So my brother drove 
us to the cemetery and I asked them to pick me up in an hour 
or so and they understood why I wanted to be alone, I wanted 
to give my respect to my fallen friends. In about an hour 
later they came back and found me paying my final respects 
to both of my friends which were buried by each other and 
then I got in the car in crutches and then said I am ready 
to go. About twenty minutes later I arrived at wade's house 
which looked the exact same way I remembered it before we 
left for the fishing trip with one slight change the room I 
was going to stay in was the den they had. The den had a bed 
and a dresser and some changing supplies which Michelle 
informed me that she was going to take care of for me while 
I was their. The den used to be where wade used to do his 
homework and looked like a small office.
	The first day was very easy Michelle kept checking up 
on me and making sure I was doing OK. I remember about three 
hours before wade was to arrive home from school that I was 
still pretty weak from all the things I did during the 
morning so I fell asleep on the couch and slept for a couple 
of hours. All of a sudden I was awoken to the feel of a 
blanket being put around me and I asked what are you doing 
Michelle she said I wanted you to keep warm. I replied I am 
warm enough and probably should get up. Then I realized that 
the diaper I was wearing was very wet. I must have used it 
during the nap I took. Michelle noticed that I was wet and 
said to come with her and so I grab my crutches and followed 
here into the den and told me to lay down on the bed and she 
would change me. So I let her change me and than I went into 
the living room and watched some TV until Wade arrived home.
	About 2:00 the front door opened and Wade came in and 
was glad to see me. For the following of the day we played 
some Super Nintendo and watched a movie until dinner. For 
dinner we had some chicken and rice which was very good to 
me since I was eating hospital food for the last week and a 
	For the next few days the routine was similar. On the 
Fourth day I was feeling pretty ill so I stayed in bed for 
the day and was cared for by Michelle like I was her own 
child. Now on the Fifth night was when I made the decision 
that I did not want to continue to live this life anymore. 
So just after dinner I was in the den while Wade was at 
School finishing some work on the play he was involved in. 
So about an hour of watching some TV, Michelle came in and 
ask me if everything was OK and I than asked her if she had 
some paper and envelops so I could write some letters and so 
she went and brought me four pieces of paper and four 
envelops and she than left me alone so I could write my 
letters in peace.
	So I wrote the letters one was to my mom and brother 
and the second was to my sister in Auburn, WA, and the third 
was to my other sister in California, and the last one was 
to Michelle. After writing all my letters I placed them next 
to my bed and grabbed the bottle of sleeping pills that was 
prescribed to me by my doctor. So I went ahead to took the 
whole bottle of sleeping pills and made a little prayer to 
thank for the life I have had. So I got back in bed and laid 
their until I fell asleep hopefully for the last time. Just 
after I started to fall asleep Michelle came in to say 
goodnight to me and noticed the way I had placed the 
Envelopes and saw the empty bottle of pills on the floor. So 
she immediately came to the bed and started shaking me to 
make me stay awake while she called 911 and got some help to 
come. She later told me in the hospital while I was having 
my stomach pumped out, that she refused to let me end my 
life that way and would help me through this.
	So after having my stomach pumped I was driven home and 
was led into the den and was told to lay down on the bed and 
she would be back in a minute. I heard her leave and come 
back in with Wade and was carrying some bags that I guessed 
she picked up on her way to pick up Wade from School. When 
Michelle came in the den to let me know she was back she 
found me crying and came over and knelt beside me and 
started to comfort me some more to let me know that it was 
OK and that she would make sure that I would adapt to my new 
life and learn to accept it.
	Then she left and brought in three bags that contained 
things she bought at the store. I found out at the time I 
was in the hospital having my stomach pumped that she called 
my mother and informed her of what happened and Michelle 
suggested that if she treated me like I was a little kid 
that I might adapt to my new life of having to wear diapers 
again. So after Michelle brought the bags in and emptied 
them and told me what she was going to do to help me deal 
with my new life. So she said that she bought some baby 
supplies and was going to treat me as a little kid to a 
certain point. So I started to cry again and was scared and 
frighten of the changes. So she went and filled up a bottle 
with milk and came back into the room and laid down on the 
bed with me next to her and started to sing to me while I 
was drinking the bottle of milk and helped me fall asleep 
that night.
	The next morning she woke me up and changed my diaper 
and helped me into the bathroom to give me a bath. After my 
bath she helped me back into my room and diapered me and 
than showed me a jammie with a zipper in the front and asked 
me to wear it so I stayed warm and then helped me into the 
living room and went to make breakfast while I watched TV. 
Since I was still pretty upset and feeling so depressed I 
started to cry again and than my sister from California 
who's name is Tammy called and talked to Michelle and 
suggested that she would come over and help her with trying 
to get me over the depressing feelings I was having. So 
after Michelle hung up the phone she came into the living 
room and started to rock me and sing to me and help me 
	The next thing I knew I felt a diaper being brought up 
between legs and looked up to see my sister Tammy changing 
me on the couch and I asked where did you come from and she 
said that I came up from California to help you and I than 
asked her how did I get on the couch. So Michelle told me 
that I fell asleep while crying in her arms and she than 
laid me down on the couch.
	So after finishing putting a new diaper on me and 
zipping up the sleeper I was wearing Tammy started to hold 
me and talk to me and I started to tell both of them why I 
was so depressed and wanted to end my life. I told them that 
since I would have to wear diapers and that I felt so guilty 
about the plane crash and that losing two of my friends that 
would still be alive if I did not want to go on the fishing 
trip so badly that I no longer wanted to live with the 
guilty feelings that I am living with, and that also losing 
the chance of playing football again that I did not deserve 
what happened to me and I asked them if they could help me 
with allowing me to end my life. This shocked my sister so 
much that she started to cry because we were always close 
and that wanting help to end my life was the last thing she 
thought that I would ask for.
	So after seeing my own sister break down with how close 
I was to her I grabbed my crutches and tried to leave and go 
outside and do some more thinking. So I went to the shed and 
grabbed the pocket knife from the drawer and went back 
inside and said that since you are not going to help me that 
I would have to take matters in my own hands and grabbed the 
knife from my pocket and tried to slit my wrists when I just 
dropped the knife. I just could not go through with the plan 
and I tried to take off and fell to the floor in extreme 
pain. I do not know why I tried to walk on my legs when I do 
not have enough strength in my knee yet to support any 
weight on it. So Michelle came over to me and helped me to 
the couch and brought me some pain medication and a bottle 
of juice and started to sink while my sister went to my room 
and brought a pillow and blanket and a diaper into the 
living room and started to help me feel comfortable while 
she made me something to eat, so Michelle put the pillow 
under my head and changed my diaper which when she untaped 
it she found out to her surprise and to me for that matter 
that I had messed myself, her reaction was to say a little 
surprised and just went ahead and cleaned me up and said not 
to worry about that it will happen. About ten minutes later 
Tammy brought me some soup and a sandwich and let me eat and 
soon fell asleep.

Part 6
The Revivify (To give New Life To)

	I slept for the rest of the day and night on the couch 
and woke up in the morning having a dream. I was awoken by 
Wade who saw me on the couch having a dream and woke me up. 
I was scared about being woke up so suddenly I started to 
cry and Tammy can rushing in to see what was wrong. I was 
able to tell her between sobs of tears of the dream I was 
having which was about the crash. So after calming down and 
drinking a bottle of juice that Michelle made for me while I 
was telling Tammy about my dream when I fell asleep and was 
informed later that day by Wade that Tammy tucked me in and 
was shaking her head and made the comment poor kid he still 
is having nightmares about what happened to him.
	Now after being informed of how sad my Sister was for 
me I made the decision to finally deal with my new life and 
I started to try and cope with the changes in my life. So I 
started to feel that having to wear diapers were not that 
bad their is a lot of other things in life that can be 
worse. So I went and ate dinner and talked with Wade that 
night. After talking with Wade and learned his opinions on 
how he felt with his own feelings of going through that 
crash I realized that during the time I was in the hospital 
that he also went through guilt feelings about how much I 
was injured and losing the two friends in the crash. While I 
was talking with Wade, Michelle came in and noticed that I 
was tired and looked pale so she came over to me and put her 
hand on my forehead to check my forehead and noticed that I 
seemed hot and went and got a thermometer and checked my 
temperature and it registered at 102 so she had me crawl in 
bed and went to get some medicine and a bottle of juice. As 
she came back and gave me the medicine and started to tuck 
me in she asked me in I needed to be changed.
	Well I said I did so she went and grabbed a diaper off 
the dresser and removed the covers and unzipped the sleeper 
and removed it so she could get to my diaper and change me. 
When Michelle untapped the diaper and pulled it down she 
noticed that I had messed in it as well. So after changing 
me and tucking me Michelle sat down and rub my back until I 
fell asleep. In the morning I was awoken of the sound of my 
bedroom door opening it was Tammy coming in to see how I was 
doing. I was still feeling hot so after asking me how I was 
feeling she went over and grabbed a diaper from the dresser 
and some wipes and proceeded to change me.
	After being changed I was hungry so I was helped into 
the kitchen and ate a small breakfast and the next thing I 
knew I fell asleep at the table and was being carried back 
to my bed by Tammy and was tucked in. The next thing I 
realized was that it was the next morning and the same 
routine was again done but this time by Michelle, now after 
changing me and checking my temp it had returned back to 
normal so I started to get up and watch some TV with the 
help of Michelle though. So after being sick for the past 
two days and got well I found out that in a couple of days 
that Tammy had to go back to California and get back to her 
own family. Just before she left I had a talk with her and 
told her how much I appreciated here coming and helping me 
dealing with what I was going through, she told me that she 
was glad to help and by helping me she felt that we became 
closer as a brother-sister relationship.

Part 7
The New Adventure of Visiting School

	Well about the middle of November just before the snow 
started to come I paid a surprise visit to my school. Just 
before the first rush of kids went to lunch I arrived still 
using crutches to pay a visit to some of my teachers and 
	So about 10:45 I was still trying to get to the front 
office when the rush of kids came out and some of my fellow 
football players saw me and came up to me. So I greeted them 
and went to the lunch room and I was mob by a group of kids 
who wanted to greet me and one of them was pushed from 
behind into my bad leg and I nearly fell to the ground in 
extreme pain.
	When one of the PE teachers came to break up the crowd 
and saw that my knee cap was out of alignment and wanted to 
call 911 and I told him not to and that it would pop back in 
place with a little help. So I told my fellow football 
player Steven to hold my leg straight and let me pop it back 
in place. When I did I screamed in extreme pain because that 
morning I had forgot to take my pain medication because I 
wanted to stop by school and I almost pasted out because of 
the pain. Well about five minutes later I was back to normal 
except for the pain I was going through. So I visited with 
my friends and after the first lunch I went to the office 
and talked to the receptionist and found out that Mr. Lehnis 
and Dan Clark were in their classrooms and were about to go 
to lunch so I went to their classrooms and visited with them 
and to say they were glad to see me was a understatement.
	I spent about two hours talking to both of them and 
decided I should go home. The pain was starting to get to me 
so I started to go home when out of nowhere I was knocked to 
the ground by someone hitting me with a door as I was 
passing by the door on the way to the office and went down 
and did not get up. I was brought to the nurses office and 
taken to the hospital where I had to have a second surgery 
on that knee. When I landed on the ground the artificial 
knee cap was shattered and had to have a new one put in 
place of that one. So my brother came and picked me up and 
drove me home after the surgery was over, I thought I would 
have to stay overnight but found out that it was just day 
surgery since just the cap had to be replaced and not having 
to rebuild the rest of the knee. So I went home and fell 
asleep because I was in so much pain from the day's event.

Part 8

	Well it was December and I was finally well enough that 
I wanted to go back to school. So it was arranged that I 
would go back at the beginning of the Second Semester and 
tried to learn what I could, I was well aware that I would 
have to repeat that year and graduate a year later than I 
was going to. So I found out that the football team made it 
to the playoffs so I wanted to go to the football rally that 
was being held in the gym on that Friday just before the 
first game of the playoffs. So when Friday came around I was 
brought to school by Michelle and went to the football rally 
still using crutches I was able to enter the gym just before 
everyone else entered and was standing against the wall wear 
the Hawk was painted on the wall which is the school Mascot. 
So as everyone came in and saw that I was their I got 
several welcomes that I was able to come and support the 
	Just as the rally was about halfway through I was asked 
by the principal if I was all right because I looked in so 
much pain and discomfort. I told her that I was still having 
problems with my knee and that was causing my discomfort. So 
she had one of the teachers help me over to the bleacher so 
I could raise my leg and help relive the pain. So as I went 
to get up as the rally was ending I tried to put some 
pressure on the leg so I could leave and fell to the ground 
screaming in pain and was helped up by the team and led to 
the car. I found out later after going to the doctor to help 
do exercises I was informed that my knee would never be a 
hundred percent and that I would have wear a brace to keep 
the knee in place. I will admit this help allow me to be 
able to put weight on the knee with the help of the 
	So as one of my final surprises before I went back to 
school I had to inform to nurse of my bladder injury and 
would have to wear diapers to school. I was informed that 
she already knew of my medical problems from my mother and 
that each of my teachers knew of the problem as well. So 
this helped relieved some of the tensions I was having to 
return to School.
	Now as the Final Surprise before returning to school 
was that the third week in December just before the Winter 
Break let out I walked into School without the crutches and 
walked around school surprising everyone because two weeks 
earlier I could not put any weight on the leg. The brace I 
was wearing allowed the knee to stay in proper alignment and 
put weight on the leg. So as the Football Team was heading 
out to play another playoff game which they lost 20 to 19 I 
walked to the bus and with some trouble got on the bus and 
wished them luck at the game.

Part 9
The New Semester.

	For the rest of the School year my knee grew stronger 
and stronger to wear by the end of the year I only had to 
wear the brace when the leg was sore so I did not take any 
chance of it becoming re-injured. Now when it came to 
accepting that I had to wear diapers because of the accident 
as well the kids would be very uncomfortable because they 
did not want to seem like they were not cool or something 
like that I don't remember now. The teachers just seem to 
accept it and I would be a regular visitor to the nurse so 
she could help me change.
	Now their was one person that would help me even more 
at being able to accept that this is now a part of my life. 
She was the girl that I liked all the time. One day I 
finally asked her out and after the date I was walking her 
to the car when she asked me to come over so she could talk 
to me. Well the conversation was not what I was thinking it 
was going to be about. The conversation turned out to be 
that she was willing to help me through with the idea of 
having to wear diapers and that when we were out on dates 
that she would help me and change me. So from that day on 
for the next couple of years we dated and she would always 
help change my diapers when they needed to be.

Part 10
The Final Adaptation to my new Life.

	Now since going out with her for two years and I 
started to become desperately in love with her I started to 
like the feelings of how she wanted to help me with my new 
life. Well one day we were on a walk at a park and I am not 
sure how it came about but I made a comment about wanting to 
start to wear baby clothes and act like a baby. So Amy told 
me she would help me with acting like a baby when I want to.
	Well two weeks went by and I did not want to try acting 
like a baby yet. Then one day I came home and she had 
already beat me home and I found her in the living room 
waiting for me with a big box by the couch and asked what is 
going on and she told me that she was able to find some baby 
clothes and other supplies for me. So I took a look at them 
and liked everyone of the clothes and than Amy asked if I 
wanted to try them on and so I did. Now after trying them on 
I asked if I could have a bottle and she made me some 
formula which was not bad at first and came in and showed me 
another surprise which turned out to be two bags of diapers 
and a diaper bag. So Amy pulled a diaper out and came over 
to me with the bottle and diaper and asked me to lay down 
and drink the bottle while she changed my diaper which was 
soaked. So I did and the next thing I knew I woke up in a 
onesie and pacifier on the couch and looked around to find 
that Amy started to treat me like a infant and I liked every 
minute of it.
	The next day was Friday and after School I took Amy to 
the movies and found out that she started to carry a diaper 
bag with her. I asked her what was she doing and she said 
don't worry mommy knows what to do and just ignored the idea 
of her carrying a diaper bag. So we watched the movie and at 
the end I needed to be changed and so she took me by the 
hand and carried the diaper bag and took me to the bathroom 
to be changed and to my surprise their was no one in the 
bathroom. When we came out their was a woman who was 
surprised to see me walking out of the bathroom in a diaper 
and shirt, on the way to the car I got a lot of looks and 
some laughs but just ignored them. While I was being changed 
I found out the diaper had leaked and I had no other pants 
with me so I had to walk out in just a diaper.
	This continued until I went to college at U.W. and Amy 
went to Oregon University. Now that I have graduated college 
with two degrees in Computer Networking and Electronic 
Engineering, Amy and I have moved in with each other and I 
now work as a Computer Technician and Amy as a Paralegal we 
try to play the mother baby role as often as we can. I feel 
that I will have to wear diapers for the rest of my life. So 
being treated as a infant at time does help relieve the 
stress of life not just for me but for Amy as well. So as 
you can see I have no problem with this and by playing this 
role it helps me feel comfortable with the idea of dealing 
with the changes in my life.
"Please feel free to e-mail me with comments at
"Feel free to copy and paste this story on your page with 
the exception that no changes be made to the story unless 
approved by myself."

Thanks. William

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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