Synopsis: This story is another diaper story, but it's a
slightly different genre from my recent Chaos Warriors.
This one involves a vampire that has lived for over one
thousand years and desperately wants a child. In the
twenty-first century he adopts a thirteen-year-old boy,
whom he lavishes with love and money. The vampire promises
that when the boy turns eighteen he will be turned into a
vampire, but only if he remains a baby until that time
Again, my address is
The Baby Vampire


	My name is Anthony. My last name is meaningless until 
I am officially adopted. I have lived in the Morgan St. 
Christian hospital for most of my life, since I was five 
years old. Before I was taken from my home my mother abused 
me. My parents were divorced and in a vicious legal battle 
and somehow mom won me.
	For a year I was tortured in the worst ways. One time 
for instance, I was force-fed laxatives from a bottle, and 
then when I couldn't hold it any longer, I pooped all over 
the floor. My mother picked me up, sat me on the gas stove 
and turned it on. Because of this, I can never have 
children. It was after my aunt came to visit that I was 
taken away and my mom put into a mental institute.
	I have a problem with wetting the bed now, and they 
treat me like it's my fault sometimes. It depends on who's 
shift it is when I do it. If it's Angelique's shift, than 
it's a smooth ride. But if Hariet is on duty, I can count 
on being made to walk around in a diaper the whole day.
	Well, for the past two weeks this guy has been coming 
by and taking me out. He only comes around the time the sun 
sets and he brings me back before midnight. I think he may 
adopt me. He's really cool. His house is like this huge 
mansion, and I get a room to myself when I spend the night. 
We go to the carnival, we take trips to Canada, and Spain, 
and all sorts of places. Please God let him adopt me. His 
name is Marcus.


	I am the Vampire Marcus. I was created in the year one 
thousand A.D. I was about twenty years old and I had been 
born in Northern Ireland, during a time of myth and legend.
	When I was truly young, my parents expected much of 
me. I was only five when I was trained to keep watch over 
the sheep, and I was eight when I learned how to butcher.
	I never had the pleasures of most young children at 
that age, and since my creation, I wanted more than 
anything to raise a child on my own. But being a vampire, I 
lack the necessities to mate or reproduce. Over the last 
millennium I spent nights feeding on the blood of those who 
would do harm to children. Murderers, molesters, and 
	It was the year two thousand when I decided finally, 
that I would adopt a child of my very own. I would raise 
him into adult hood, and take care of his every need. He 
would be spared no expense, and not a night would go by 
when my arms would wrap around his fragile and vulnerable 
body and hold them tight.
	When he turned twenty years old, I would turn him into 
a vampire, like myself. I would leave my entire estate to 
him, and he would grow to be strong. I set my sights on a 
boy named Anthony when I came across a little city called 
Burlington. I purchased a mansion and hired several 
housekeepers whom I paid top dollar each day.
	I owned a black Dodge Viper and over three hundred 
miles of field, which I rented out to the agriculture 
departments and the schools. While driving through town one 
night, I came across a children's hospital on Morgan 
Street. As though the god Osirus himself were enticing me, 
I parked across the street and walked across the street to 
the building.
	I walked through the hospital like a ghost that no one 
seemed to notice. After a thousand years I have the ability 
to hide myself from plain sight and to read and influence 
people's thoughts. The first vampire I made would have my 
abilities, which was why I needed to find the right child. 
I passed the rooms of leukemia and spina bafida patients. 
Despite the efforts of modern medicine, some children had 
to suffer from disease. Finally I came across a section of 
the hospital meant for orphans. There I saw the most 
beautiful little boy, walking around with nothing but a 
diaper and a white shirt.
	His hair was short and blond, and his eyes were bright 
blue. Currently his skin was a bit red. I could sense the 
blood rushing through his face as the embarrassment of 
having to wear a diaper around his peers was settled in. "I 
didn't mean to wet the bed, I swear." He pleaded with a 
woman who was on duty.
	"You know the rules, babies wear diapers. When you can 
stop acting like a baby I'll take off the diaper."
	The young child sank into the back of the room. And 
sobbed. Bedtime came around, and all I could do was watch 
poor Anthony as he was picked up and taken to a changing 
table in the nursery. He didn't struggle at all as the 
nurse took his diaper off and wiped him clean with baby 
	I noticed burn scars all over his legs and waist, 
indicating that he had been burned at an early age. My keen 
sight could also see that his penis and testicles were 
partially damaged. That would explain his bed-wetting, and 
why was this nurse being so cruel. Didn't she know that he 
had no control over this?
	Later that week I enrolled into the hospital's 
mentoring program. I took Anthony out to the movies, I took 
him to the beach, and to my mansion. He had spent many 
nights at my home, and I took him around the world, with 
permission of the hospital.
	Finally the time came when I would take him home. It 
was seven o'clock on a Sunday when I drove there in my 
Viper. Anthony was waiting in the lobby with a suitcase of 
minor belongings.
	His beaming smile was bright enough to almost equal 
the power of the sunlight. I guided the thirteen-year-old 
to my car, which he adored, and we were off to my mansion.
	"Thank you for taking me with you Marcus," Anthony 
said to me on the way home. His hair blew in the wind and 
reflected the moonlight. From the edginess of his voice I 
could sense that he was worried.
	"I think I should level with you, I wet the bed, and 
sometimes I poop and pee in my pants. I don't mean it, but 
I have a hard time controlling myself."
	"That doesn't make a difference to me," I promised 
him. "I will care for you no matter what.
	" When we arrived at the mansion, my butler Craig took 
Anthony's case and we showed him to his new room. The night 
before I bought him a brand new bed with blue linens and 
comforters. I bought him a television with video games 
stacked along the back wall.
	"Oh god, this is awesome!" Anthony ran around the room 
twice and jumped up on the bed. I smiled with delight at 
his happiness. "Aren't you afraid of spoiling me?"
	"I could never spoil you my child," I told him 


	I was so psyched. Marcus was the greatest guy I had 
ever known. Now I would be living with him in his mansion 
forever. As I sat on the bed, Marcus sent the butler away 
and came over to the bed. I instinctively curled up next to 
	"There are some rules," he said.
	I shrunk back a bit at the thought of rules. I had 
already faced enough rules at the orphanage. I didn't need 
more. I was going to be good, that was for sure. I knew 
there were kids way worse than me who got more than any 
poor person deserved.
	"The first rule is, you must sleep during the day, 
which is when I sleep." Marcus began turning to look at me. 
"At night we will go wherever you want, and you will have 
hundreds of dollars to spend on anything, so long as it 
does not hurt you. And thirdly, every biological need you 
require, except for teeth brushing and eating, will be 
taken care of by me.
	"You must wear diapers and let me change them whenever 
you soil or wet them." 
	I cringed at that. I didn't like being forced to use 
diapers again. But I liked the thought of being given 
money, and being able to go out at night. At least for 
once, someone would be caring for me.
	"Okay Marcus, I'll where diapers," I agreed. Marcus 
smiled and hugged me close.
	"Lets get a bath first, then I'll diaper you, and 
we'll go to the mall." He took me to the largest bathroom I 
have ever seen in the world. There was a Jacuzzi next to 
the toilet, and fresh clothes lying next to it. I couldn't 
believe they were mine! They were Tommy Hilfiger, which was 
one of my favorite brands of clothes, but were always too 
	Marcus took my shirt off gently and had me sit down to 
take my shoes off. Then he unbuttoned my pants and pulled 
them down to my ankles. I stood up and pulled my legs out 
of them. I was standing in my underwear now. I felt my 
penis becoming hard as he peeled them from my waist.
	"There's no need to be embarrassed," he said calmly. 
"It happens to all boys at your age.
	" Marcus picked me up and held me with one hand on my 
butt as he carried me over to the tub. No other grown-up 
could ever pick me up at my age. I was just too heavy, but 
Marcus held me as though I really were as light as a baby!
	I was gently lowered into the warm water. It felt so 
good to sit there, and I felt strangely comfortable when 
Marcus cleaned my body. I was nervous at first, but for the 
first time in my life, someone's hands were touching me 
without intent on harming me. Marcus, who was ten times 
stronger than my mother was, would never put me on a 
stovetop, or beat me with a belt, or starve me to death. I 
was safe.
	The jet streams massaged my body as Marcus washed my 
hair with Suave shampoo. When the bath was over, I was 
lifted out and lied down on the linoleum floor. Marcus 
picked up a big diaper that looked like it would fit over 
me. He lifted my legs up with one hand and slipped it under 
my butt. Then he pulled the front over my waist and 
fastened the tapes.
	"Now, every bathroom need is taken care of," Marcus 
finished. "You may dress yourself. I wasn't sure what you 
liked, so I bought every garment of clothing the catalog 
	I put on my new clothes and combed my hair.
	"Where are we going tonight?" I asked excitedly.
	"Let's go to Lake Champlain tonight," Marcus suggested 
as they left the bathroom. "We'll have dinner down by the 
	My heart raced as I rode in the passenger seat through 
the bright city of Burlington. This Viper was one of the 
coolest cars in the world. The feel of my new clothes gave 
me a lift I would never have dared to feel a few years ago.
	At the beach Marcus bought me two hotdogs with 
everything on them, salt and vinegar chips, and a bottle of 
root beer. When I asked him why he wasn't going to eat, he 
told me something I didn't think I would ever believe.

	"Anthony my son," I began uneasily. "I can't eat the 
same food you do. The reason is because my body is not 
alive like yours is." There was a twist of uncertainty and 
disbelief in his face as Anthony tried to assimilate the 
information I had given him.
	"I am over one thousand years old, even though I look 
twenty," I continued. "I am a vampire.
	" "Yeah right," Anthony giggled. He quickly stopped 
laughing when I showed him my fangs. I put him at ease by 
explaining why I adopted him. I told him that I was not 
given a very good chance as a child, and now that I had 
one, I was going to care for him until the day when he 
would be made a vampire.
	"You must never tell anyone what I am," I explained. 
"In the daytime the sunlight can kill me, which is why it 
is better if you slept during then. Sometimes you can sleep 
with me, but if you were found without supervision, I would 
be hunted. And when you are twenty, I will make you 
immortal like me. You will be very powerful, and you will 
never die.
	" Anthony thought for a long time. He had no reason to 
think I was deceiving him, I had even shown him my thoughts 
and memories. Finally he agreed to keep my secret.
	"Can we go to Australia?" He asked indifferently.
	"We can go wherever you want to," I told him. "In the 
meantime, finish your dinner, because tonight, we are going 
to the theater."


	The play was "The Bells are Ringing." It was about 
some girl who worked in an answering service and fell in 
love with some play writer. In the middle of the play the 
hot dogs began to kick in. I felt pressure in my lower 
bowels. Even though I had the diapers, I knew they wouldn't 
protect the smell. Everyone in the theater would smell it 
and know that I wore diapers.
	Marcus noticed this and spoke to me with his mind. 
Don't worry about it. I will make it so that no one senses 
it. He assured me. Still I was reluctant. I wanted to hold 
it just a little longer. A few minutes before intermission 
I felt a pain in my stomach. I let go of my sphincter 
control and let the poop out. It slowly pushed past between 
my still closed butt cheeks. The poop was hard and I had to 
push a bit. But it all came out and when I sat it squished 
around all over the place. No one reacted or seemed to 
notice the smell. Marcus took me out into the parking lot 
where more diapers rested in the back seat.
	He laid me down in the front and took out a diaper, 
some baby wipes, and some baby powder. I was amazed that he 
was doing this outside where everyone could see me, but I 
was even more amazed at how no one else did see me. As 
Marcus undid the buttons on my dress pants and pulled them 
down to my ankles I asked him, "How are you doing this?"
	"I am over a thousand years old, Anthony," he 
explained. "As vampires live they become more and more 
powerful. I can do things that other vampires are too weak 
to attempt."
	"You mean there are more vampires like you?" I asked 
as Marcus undid the tapes around my diaper and pulled the 
front down.
	"Thousands more. Some right here in Burlington," 
Marcus replied. "Most of them keep to themselves. And they 
wouldn't dare attack you if they sense me nearby.
	" "Will I become more powerful when you make me a 
	Marcus lifted my legs up and wiped away the worst of 
the poop with the wipes. He gently ran another wipe between 
my cheeks causing an instant erection.
	"You will be the first one I turn into a vampire," he 
answered wiping around my testicles where the poop smeared. 
"So yes, you will have all of my powers. You will never 
need to wear diapers or use the bathroom, or even eat, but 
you will have to feed on others."
	"I can do that," I said as Marcus slipped another 
diaper under my butt and pulled it up around my waist.
	"Other vampires I make after you will be weaker. But 
their powers grow with time and soon they will be like me. 
You will have the same power."
	Marcus helped me up and I stepped back into the 
parking lot. We were on our way into the theater when he 
stopped and pointed at a couple leaving the building. The 
man was wearing a dress suit and the woman was wearing a 
white satin dress.
	"See them over there?" Marcus asked me pointing. The 
man looked over his date and briefly smiled at Marcus. For 
an instant I thought he was an old friend, but then it 
dawned on me, "He's a vampire!"
	"Shhh. We never give each other's secret away. And it 
looks like he's about to take that beautiful young woman to 
	" I laughed at Marcus's joke as we headed back to 
watch the rest of the play. That is how I became a 
vampire's son.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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