Title: Baby Transformation
Name: Dan
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 17
Posting Date: 09/13/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: A woman wants a baby, and that baby will turn out to be her husband.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 12 (60%)
My name is Dan, and up until a few days ago, I was a normal 32 year old 
man, happily married to Betty, the love of my life. She'd been wanting 
a baby for a while, and we've been trying to conceive a child, with no 
success, until one day, she got exactly what she wanted.......

Betty asked me if I wanted to go for a nice drive, but she had 
something else in mind. I figured a car ride would be fun, so I went 
along with her. It was great, sitting in the car, with the top down, 
hearing the wind rush, seeing the trees and the road stretching out 
before the my eyes. After a while, I started getting kind of tired, a 
few minutes later I was out like a rock. I woke up and two men were 
holding me by the shoulders and dragging me down a long hallway. 
Everything was fuzzy and my ears were ringing. I tried yelling, but all 
that came out was a bunch of gurgling and groaning. I looked behind me, 
and Betty was walking behind us, with a smug look on her face.

I started squirming around in the big guys' arms, but they just gripped 
me tighter and kept dragging me. I looked back at Betty with a 
questioning face, but she just smugly grinned and kept walking. The 
guys pulled me through a door and put me up on a table. I immediately 
tried to get up from the table, but the guys just pushed me back down. 
They continued to hold me down while Betty grabbed some leather straps 
and tied me down. I started yelling at nobody in particular "What the 
f*** are you doing to me, let me go you ***holes!" I looked at Betty 
and said somewhat more quietly "Why are you doing this to me?"

 She said calmly "I want a baby, and you haven't been able to provide 
me with one, until now. You see, this place is a company that is able 
to turn people back into babies, or rather, a child, but with the 
strength and body functions of a 1 year old infant. Unfortunately, the 
process can only make your body as small as an 8 year old's, without 
risking harm to you" "wait, wha-" And then it hit me, she was going to 
have me turned into a baby! I immediately started thrashing about and 
screaming "Help, Help! They're going to turn me into a baby!" A woman 
dressed up in a nurse's outfit came in with a syringe, instructed the 
guards to grab my arm, and stuck the syringe in it. "There, there, calm 
down, it'll all be over soon." she mockingly reassured me. I felt my 
body go limp and I saw everybody leave the room. "I'll see you soon, 
baby." Betty said to me and blew a kiss at me as she walked out.

I tried to move, but found my body wouldn't do what I told it to. I saw 
a weird upside down coffin looking thing sliding over the table, and it 
made a hiss as it made a seal against the table. I heard a hum and a 
ray-gun looking thing started to glow. I was staring at it, as it 
discharged and a beam of light shot right at me. I started feeling a 
strange tingling feeling, and the table started separating from the 

Everything seemed to be getting bigger, and then I thought "what if I�m 
shrinking?" Which made perfect sense, and I started to freak out and 
for no real reason, started crying. Not just crying, but almost 
screaming. All of a sudden, some robot hands appeared out of nowhere 
and picked me up. Another hand shoved a pacifier into my mouth, and for 
some reason, I just sucked it, like a baby would. A door slid open and 
the hands carried me over to the other room through the door. As it 
turned out, the other room was a nursery. I was plopped down in the 
bathtub, and water started flowing out of the faucet. Soon enough the 
tub was almost full, and the robot-hands started meticulously scrubbing 
me clean. As soon as I was clean, the hands lifted me up and wrapped me 
in a big fluffy towel. Once I was dry, I was sat down on a padded 
table, and one of the arms gently pushed me down, and pulled a strap 
over my stomach. I tried to wiggle away, but I felt very weak and 
wasn't able to move very much. After a moment, I realized the strap and 
the padding on the table meant it was a changing table. They were going 
to diaper me! I started wriggling around even more, but to no avail. 
One of the arms grabbed both of my ankles and lifted them far into the 
air. I spit out the pacifier and started crying bawling my head off. 
One of the hands reappeared holding 3 cloth diapers, and slid them 
under my bottom. Baby powder was sprinkled onto my butt and rubbed in. 
My legs were set down, and more baby powder was put on my genitals and 
rubbed in. The robot hands pulled the diaper up over my crotch and 
pinned the corners together. The hands grabbed a pair of blue plastic 
pants and put my legs through the leg holes, and brought them up past 
the diapers. A plain white t-shirt was brought down over my head and my 
arms were put through the holes.

The arms lifted me up and set me down in a playpen. I saw there was a 
window in the room, and behind the window was Betty! I just kept 
sobbing while she watched me. I heard her voice, there must have been 
an intercom system between the nursery and the viewing room. She said 
"I wish I could come in there and just snuggle the heck out of you, but 
the residual radiation from the youth process needs about 10 hours to 
wear off." This only made me more sad and angry, so I decided to act on 
my anger. I grabbed at the plastic pants and tried to get them off. I 
had them about halfway off when the hands grabbed me and pulled them 
and the diapers all the way down, exposing my butt. Then the spanking 
started, the hands struck with a enough force to make my start 
screaming. It continued for at least 5 minutes, but it felt like way 
longer. Betty was standing in the window, laughing, she said "Look at 
you, a 32 year old man, turned into a big baby, getting a bare butt 
spanking." Once the hands were done administering my punishment, they 
set me back down in the play pen, and pulled my diapers and plastic 
pants back up. The hands stuck something in my mouth, and without 
realizing it I sucked on it, it was a bottle of juice. I tasted the 
sweet apple juice, and couldn't resist continuing to nurse it. After 
finishing the bottle, I was kind of tired, so I laid down and curled 
up, crying at my predicament. The hands picked me up and carried me 
over to a crib and set me down it. They got a blanket, and covered me 
with it. Betty said "Goodnight sweetie, tomorrow we'll begin your new 
life as a cute little baby." I tried to talk back, tell her what I 
thought of her, but I wasn't able to talk for some reason.

I woke up with a start, and was scared because I didn't know where I 
was, so I did what any baby would do, I started crying again. A 
pacifier was pushed gently into my mouth and I accepted it, because it 
was strangely comforting. One of the hands pulled on the back of my 
diaper and the other one stuck a finger inside the legs of my plastic 
pants. They pulled away and I realized my diaper was soaked, I just 
sobbed into my pacifier. The hands lifted me up and laid me down on the 
changing table. I closed my eyes and sucked harder on the pacifier as I 
felt the strap go across my chest. The plastic pants were pulled down 
and the diapers unpinned. I felt my ankles being lifted up and I felt 
the diapers being pulled away, then a cold wet sensation on my butt. I 
had my bottom wiped clean, and then my genitals were wiped too. 3 more 
diapers were slid under my bum, and I got powdered, and rediapered.

The arms pulled the new plastic pants up, and a blue shirt down over my 
head. Then Betty came in and picked me up and gave me a big bear hug, I 
tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but I was weak, and she was much 
bigger than me. "You make such a cute 8 year old baby, I just wanna 
keep hugging you forever." She pulled up my shirt and blew a raspberry 
onto my stomach, I couldn't help giggling because it kinda tickled. I 
stopped giggling and I shouted at her "I hate you, why did you do this 
to me, you bit**, I never wanna see you again." I tried to run away, 
but I couldn't really walk, I just waddled, slowly like a baby learning 
to walk. I fell over and started to crawl, I new I wouldn't get far, 
but I still wanted to get away from the woman that did this to me.

She walked over and picked me up again, "Silly baby Danny, you must be 
cranky, I�ll have to remember to put you down for a nap later." She 
patted my butt a bit, and smiled "Aw, you're so darn cute, you're in 
your diapers, and you smell like baby powder. Let's get you home, and 
you can see your new nursery, and all your fun new toys." She carried 
me over her shoulder, and I started crying when I realized I was going 
to be carried outside in just my diapers and a t-shirt. She grabbed a 
pacifier and shoved it in my mouth. "leave that in there, or you'll 
regret it later." she threatened, I didn't want to find out what would 
happen if I didn't obey her, so I just kept sobbing into it.

She opened the door and carried me out, a big baby in his diapers, 
sucking on a pacifier. When we got to the car, she opened the door and 
set me down into a car seat. She tried to strap me in, but I wouldn't 
stop fidgeting. She gave my thigh a little smack and said "that's only 
a preview of what's coming if you don't sit still." I whimpered behind 
my pacifier and stopped squirming, due to the fact that I didn't want a 
spanking. She grabbed all the straps and fastened me in tightly. She 
went around to the front of the car, and got in. She started it up and 
we went off to the house. Once we got there, she unbuckled me and 
picked me up and carried me into the house. She set me down inside the 
nursery and put up the safety gate. "I'll be back in a little while, I 
just need to get your playpen set up." I spit out the pacifier and I 
crawled over to the safety gate and gave it a tug, but it wouldn't 
budge. I decided if she wanted to be a mommy, I wouldn't make it be 
easy on her.

I started screaming like a baby banshee, she came running to check on 
me, and ran over to me and picked me up and put me over her shoulder 
and hugged me. "Aw, what's the matter? I just kept bawling, she 
couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she poked and prodded me to see 
if anything was broken. She pulled out a pacifier and stuck it in my 
mouth. I got tired of yelling, so I stopped screaming and just went 
with the tears. "Maybe you're hungry, or your diapers are wet, let me 
check." She stuck a finger into the leg of my diapers and said "Hmm, 
not wet, must be hungry." She carried me off to the living room and set 
me in the playpen, then went off to get something.

She came back with a bottle and lifted me out of the playpen and went 
over to the couch, she set me down on across her lap on my back, and 
poked the teat of the bottle around my mouth. I was hungry, but I 
wanted to show her that I wouldn't be pushed around, so I refused to 
open up for my drink. She grabbed my nose, and waited for me to open my 
mouth to breathe. I couldn't hold my breath very long, and when I 
opened my mouth to breathe, she stuck the nipple of the bottle in my 

I realized when I was beaten, so I just gave up and drank the formula. 
It was pretty good, so when it was gone, I was almost sad. She put me 
over her lap and started patting my back, I didn't know what she was 
doing until I burped. She brought me back over to the playpen and set 
me down and put in some baby toys, and a blankie. I suddenly felt a 
slight urge to poop, I wanted to hold it, but it felt like it was well 
on the way. I waited until I thought Betty was gone and I squatted 
down, grunted, and let it all out. She walked back into the room right 
as I was doing it, and she just sat there giggling. "That's just 
adorable the way you squatted down and went, you're just as cute as a 
real baby, even if you're a little big. I guess I'd better change you."

She bent over to pick me up, but I backed away from her reach, wanting 
to avoid her treating me even more like an infant. "Unless of course 
you want to sit in your poopy for a while." I thought about it and 
started to cry as I realized that I'd have to let her do it sometime, 
she picked me up and carried me over to the changing table. She set me 
down and gave my chest a gentle push and I laid down on the soft vinyl 
pad. She pulled the strap over my stomach, lifted my shirt, and blew a 
raspberry onto my exposed tummy. I laughed a little, but it was short 
lived, she pulled down the plastic pants and I smelled the terrible 
odor of my own poop. I continued to cry so she stuck my pacifier into 
my mouth.

She unfastened the diaper pins, lifted up my ankles, and started 
gagging. I guess she wasn't quite prepared for a big baby's mess when 
she got me turned into a large baby. This made me a little happy, but 
then I remembered what was making her gag. She grabbed a baby wipe and 
started the task of cleaning my behind, I shivered as the cold wipe hit 
my backside. She pulled the old diapers away and dropped them into a 
waiting diaper pail, once my butt was entirely clean she set my legs 
back down, and started wiping my crotch. Once I was clean there, she 
grabbed 3 more cloth diapers, lifted my ankles again, and slid the new 
diapers under my butt. She grabbed the Vaseline and rubbed in all over 
my entire diaper area, then poofed some powder on and rubbed it in.

I was glad to be clean, but I didn't want to go into more diapers, so I 
tried to get of the table, but the strap prevented my moving. She just 
laughed "Ha, you poor little thing, you can't even get off of the 
changing table by yourself." She set my legs down and brought the front 
of the diapers up and pinned them in place, then got the plastic pants 
and brought them up over my diapers. "Well, since you were so cranky 
today, let's get you a nice nap, then you'll feel all better." She 
grabbed something out of the dresser and brought it over for me to look 
at, it was one of those footed sleepers for babies. She grabbed it and 
lifted me off of the changing table, and put it on me, which was no 
easy task with me fighting and squirming around. Once she finally got 
it on me, she lifted me up and set me in the crib. She went and got a 
bottle for me and put it in my mouth, I didn't even try to fight it, I 
was so tired, I drifted off to sleep while nursing it.

And now I'm awake and in serious need of a diaper change.............

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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